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SPE 114700 Use of Impregnated Bits With Turbine To Increase ROP in Hard / Abrasive Carboniferous Formation - Bolivia South HPHT Wells

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SPE 114700

Use of Impregnated Bits with Turbine to Increase ROP in Hard / Abrasive

Carboniferous Formation – Bolivia South HPHT Wells
Ricardo Vásquez, Repsol YPF S.A., SPE

Copyright 2008, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2008 SPE Russian Oil & Gas Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Moscow, Russia, 28–30 October 2008.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce
in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Abstract Carboniferous Formations Description

Finding appropriate amounts and types of hydrocarbons Taiguati Fm. The main lithology of this formation is
and the proper and economic way to extract them to diamictite, moderate reddish brown, massive, blocky,
surface will be a formidable challenge over the next irregularly fractured and non calcareous. Thin beds of
decades. The use of new technology & resources to claystone, moderate reddish brown, firm, sub blocky and
brought economic life to oil fields will be a key too in the non calcareous occur in the middle part of the section.
intent to recover hydrocarbons out. About ten meters of white sandstone composed of fine to
medium grains of quartz are present at the base of this
In order to reach these objectives, different types of formation.
tools and operations that years ago were impossible to do
have been planned and executed. Geological uncertainties Tarija Fm. This formation in MRG-4 has been divided in
and wells proposed to reach deeper targets on high three minor members based mainly on the lithologic
pressure and high temperature (HPHT) environments give variation:
drilling engineers the challenge to work with new
technologies in order to reach an economic way to do it. A diamictite Member 1 at the top (about a quarter of the
formation thickness), comprises almost 100 % of typical
The Huacaya structure comprises part of the Bolivian medium gray colored diamictite, composed of quartz
Sub Andean. The structure lies at north of Margarita grains, silt and clay and also pebbles of granite, rhyolite,
structural trend, discovered in 1998 by the MGR-X1 well. quartz, etc. all these mixed and extremely indurate by
Three additional wells, MGR-X2, MGR-X3 and MGR-4, compaction.
had been drilled and completed during 1999, 2000 and
2004. Then comes a sandy Member 2 (about a half of the
formation thickness), that consists of a thick sandy interval
The HCY-X1 well is located 350 km south of Santa with thin sandy siltstone interbedded. Sandstones are
Cruz de la Sierra and 12.4 Km North of MGR-4, the white, very light gray, occasionally grayish red purple
closest well of Margarita Field. The target location is colored, fine; medium to coarse quartz grained, sub
placed 750 m to the North of the Margarita Exploitation rounded to rounded, well to fairly sorted, firm, mostly
area boundary (Figures 1 & 2) friable with fair to good visual porosity. The silty fraction
consists of silty claystone and sandy siltstone, very light
A detailed prognosis with formation tops and the gray to greenish gray in color, blocky, non calcareous,
casing program are described in Table 1 & 2. containing fine and widespread pyrite crystals.

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the difficulties A mainly silty Member 3 at the bottom (about a quarter of
to drill the Carboniferous formations (Taiguati, Tarija, the formation thickness), that consists of a very light gray
Itacuami and Tupambi) in previous wells, the experienced sandy siltstone at the top, underlain below by a thicker bed
obtained with the use of impregnated bits with turbine of sandstone, white, very light gray or pale brown in color,
compared with traditional drilling systems and the results fine to medium quartz grained, well to fairly sorted,
of the trial. rounded to subrounded, firm where there is a calcareous
cement presence and clean and loose where the cement is
absent. The lowermost interval is more than a 100 m thick
2 SPE 114700

conglomeratic sandstone, a varicolored assembly of 17½” IADC 515 bit that drilled 103 m at 1.2 mph and was
pebbles of quartzite, granite, quartz, chert and other old pulled 4-5-WT-A-E-I-BT-PR. A 9.6 ppg WBM and a RSS
rocks, poorly sorted and mostly friable. BHA were used this time.

This succession is a typical fining upward fluvial channel HCY-X1D well

fill deposit. The main objective in the design of HCY-X1D was the
ability to cope with uncertainties and probe a test design in
Itacuamí Fm. Consist of claystone, dark gray, medium the next development of Margarita wells. The selected
dark gray colored, blocky, sub platy and non calcareous option was supposed to allow reaching the Huamampampa
grading to siltstone in part; it is slightly micromicaceous sand objective in 8 ½” hole.
and has sparse presence of crystals of pyrite. This
formation comprises one of the main marine transgression Set a production casing at the top of Huamampampa
occurred during Early Carboniferous time. Surface studies Formation in order to achieve the well objectives:
based on its extensive area distribution support this
interpretation, consequently it is considered an excellent • Perform an open hole DST to Huamampampa.
cap rock based on its good sealing capacity.
• Gather good quality logging data.
Tupambi Fm. The upper part of this formation consist of • Minimise formation damage.
very dusky red, grayish brown and brownish gray
sandstone, composed of very fine to medium grained Set an intermediate casing string at Los Monos in order
quartz grains, well sorted, angular to subangular siliceous to achieve a fracture gradient about 15.5 ppg to drill
cement, poor visual porosity. Regularly interbedded are Los Monos.
very dusky red sandy diamictites and siltstones. At the Set the surface casing string at +/- 900m, in San Telmo
base of this interval there is white loose sandstone, in order to cover the Shallow Low Fracture Gradient
medium, coarse and very coarse grained and clean. No zone, if hole conditions allow to drill to Taiguati set
apparent sequence boundary is observed at the base of this the surface casing at 1600 m.
The well was drilled with 26” insert bits to 1070 m, a
The lower interval is composed of predominant sands, 20” 147 ppf, K-55, BTC casing was ran and cemented at
sandstone beds are light brownish gray near the top and 1066 m without problems at the middle of Escarpment
very light gray below, occasionally red mottled, grading to formation.
siltstone and occasionally very micaceous.
Drilling was reassumed with 17½” phase and
The base of this interval constitutes the base of the Escarpment, Taiguati, Tarija, Itacuami and Tupambi
Carboniferous sequence. formation were drilled to 3386m using 37 bits (IADC
M433-435-445-527 & 517) with directional BHA’s
Previous Experiences including RSS, PDM using MWD.
Early wells used conventional directional BHA’s with
insert bits (usually IADC 437, 517 to 627) to drill the WBM were selected to drill this section and several
harder abrasive diamictite levels from Tupambi, Itacuami corrosion problems were detected during drilling.
and Iquiri formations.
Surface 13 3/8” 72 ppf, P-110, ANJO was run and
On MGR-X1 the record were a 12¼” IADC 637 bit cemented at 3382 m without problems. Casing was hung
that drills 120 m in 70 hours at 1.7 mph and was pulled 5- up with a Cameron SB 3 -5A casing hanger following
5-WT-A-E-1-BT-PR. A 9.6 ppg WBM HT Polymer mud running procedures, 8 hours later and just after the rough
and conventional BHA were used cut was done the casing fall off 4 m down from the casing
hanger. Two attempts were done using casing patches to
On MGR-X2, still with insert bits (IADC 437, 447 & bring back the casing to position without success, The
515) the best one was a 12¼” IADC 515 with a record of casing was logged and restriction was found at 2400 m,
68 m at 1.5 mph and was pulled 6-8-BT-M/G-E-I-OC-PR. USIT log was ran and shown signs of casing collapse from
A 14.5 ppg WBM Glydril mud and conventional 30’–60’ ±2380 m. 8 ½” bit was ran and while reaming from 2393.5
stabilizers BHA were used. m to 2400 m a HWDP result broken. Bit, bit sub and 5
meters of HWDP were left in hole. Two fishing runs were
MGR-X3 were still drilled with insert bits (IADC performed, fishing only part of HWDP. Overshot showed
445X & M432) and the best run were a 12¼” IADC 445X sign of casing collapse.
that drilled 68 m at 2 mph and were pulled 8-7-WT-A-E-
2/16”-RG-HR. A 10.8 ppg WBM (Bentonite Extended) An USIT log was ran from 2375 m & to surface,
and a rigid 0’-30-60’ stabilizers BHA were used. perforations were done on 2380 – 2380.6 m interval for
cement plug, installed cement retainer at 2370 m and set a
On MGR-4 the decision was again to fight with insert cement plug to ±2200 m.
bits (IADC 435 & 515) and the best performance was a
SPE 114772 3

EZ DRILL SVB plug was set at 2343 m, ran free point Description of formation was difficult due burned
indicator tool and cut window on 13 3/8” casing at ±1149 cuttings and modified texture & structure of samples
m, recovered casing patch & 13 3/8” casing to surface, set caused by excessive heat induced by bit and turbine at
balanced cement plug from 1150 – 1106 m and started high rpm’s focused on the intervals with high presence of
side track from 1087 m with 17½” bit. clays / shale (Figure 4).

Due new hole configuration, lateral forces of more As geologist was expecting a formation change
than 8000 lb were detected at the side track section and (Tupambi to Iquiri) this was the root cause to use again an
Non Rotating Drill Pipe Protectors (NRDPP) were used insert bit after first trial and then try again the impregnated
both to reduce the torque and protect the casing. Rotation bit designed for PDM.
was restricted to absolutely necessary and drilling
parameters were affected to avoid casing damage. A complete detail of the run is in Figure 8

17½” hole was drilled to 2786 m using IADC 435, 517 Impregnated bit & turbine run # 2
& 535 insert bits with directional BHA, 13 3/8”-13 5/8” The objective of this run was to drill as much as possible
combined casing was ran and cemented at 2782.5 m of the Tupambi formation to the top of Los Monos
without problems. formation (mainly shale) passing through Iquiri formation
(mainly sandstone & claystone), building inclination from
12¼” hole was drilled using IADC 517 & 527 23.09° to ±29° and maintaining the tangent with ±126°
combined with impregnated bits. Usually, the tricone azimuth with same 9 ½” turbine used in Run # 1 and a
insert bits were good for only 60 m or 50 hours. (Figure 3) new IADC M842 12 ¼” bit.

Impregnated bit & turbine run # 1 The result was a run with the major quantity of meters
The first impregnated used were designed for motor and drilled in this section than the previous runs of tricones
medium rpm’s and the record improve to 151 m in 173.5 and impregnated bit with PDM. The bit was pulled earlier
hours at 0.87 mph. to control total losses with a tricone bit after entering 45m
inside Iquiri formation.
Decision were done to try a 12¼” IADC M842
impregnated bit with turbine instead of the large amount of A record of 344m at 1.8 mph was reached.
open hole and the risk to ream all the section due bit active
calliper and strong shape (Figure 5). Benefits
Second run was the best one, increase ROP from 0.8
The main objective of this run was to test the (previous best ROP from tricone bits used after first trial)
technology of the Turbodrill System in Tupambi formation to 1.8 mph but the most important benefit was the interval
(mainly Sandstone and Diamictite layers) for the first time drilled of 344 m!!! (3587 – 3931 m).
ever. To perform this job, a 9 ½” turbine and a IADC
M842 12 ¼” bit were used Again, directional control was easier and slides to
match the plan were done on several intervals with
The work started reaming 452 m in 17 hours and optimum results.
drilled 112m at 2.04 mph and was pulled out of the hole
with a bit dull grade 4-8-RO-T-X-I-WT-PR. Improved the Actual vs. Planned in the Time vs. Depth
& Cost curve again. (Figure 7)
Performed directional job building to from 10.48° to Bit came out of the hole in very good conditions (dull
13.31° inclination and turned from 123.08° to 126.45° grade was 2-2-WT-A-X-I-SS-BHA) and can be reused.

Was a success considering the increase in the ROP As formation samples description was the main
from 0.94 (best ROP from previous impregnated bits). difficulty due burned samples in the first trial, a GR was
included in the MWD tool to monitor formation and look
Using the turbine and the impregnated bit was easy to for formation changes. Top of Iquiri formation was
slide and made the directional corrections than before and detected at 3886 m and no major problem was reported by
DD’s were able to compare the planning with the real geologist this time.
work as results of larger runs.
The Actual vs. Planned in the Time vs. Depth & Cost Again, description of formation samples was difficult due
curve improve and Actual came back to the low side. burned cuttings and modified texture & structure of
(Figure 7) samples caused by excessive heat induced by bit and
Disadvantages: turbine at high rpm’s.
The bit was “soft” for the formation and the record of 112
m was not good enough for the initial purpose, it suffered Los Monos formation was no detected and severe mud
a rounded mark and was not more usable. losses were found at the base of Iquiri formation.
4 SPE 114700

A complete detail of the run is in Figure 9. the 7” production liner at top of pay zone (Huamampampa
sands) a 6” hole was drilled first trying to use impregnated
Impregnated bit & turbine run # 3 bits with PDM (3 runs totalizing 62.3 m drilled in 84.6
After 3 intermediate runs with tricone insert bits (83 m and hours at 0.73 mph average).
106.5 hours at average ROP of 0.78 mph) trying to find
the top of Los Monos formation and to cure the mud With the results of the 3 trials on 12¼” hole decision
losses, decision was done to run again the same bit used was done to run turbine again and a 4¾” turbine with a
on run number 2 with a new 9½” turbine with the used IADC M842 6” impregnated bit was run to the hole,
objective to drill completely the Iquiri formation to set drilled 85.5 m in 58.9 hours at an average ROP of 1.5 mph
production casing ASAP due continuous mud losses. finishing the section reaching well TD at 4800m..

The directional objective was to maintain inclination at As run started already at the pay zone, no directional
30.5° and break the tendency to walk to the left objective was set, however, the turbine was prepared with
maintaining the azimuth at ±127°. an AKO of 0.75°.

The bit drilled the base of Iquiri formation on this run, Benefits
with delays due partial mud losses and the bit was pulled The bit was with a IR 1 / OR-1 condition due 7 GHI’s
earlier due string blockage with high concentration in a loosed but were able to drill without problems to reach
LCM pill pumped to control total losses. well TD.

A record of 227m at 1.4 mph was reached. Bit came out of the hole with a dull grade of 1-3-WT-
N-X-I-LT-TD and can be reused.
The run reach all the objectives planned, found the top of Disadvantages
Los Monos formation at 4219 m and instead of difficulties Bit lost 2 PDC cutters at the active caliper.
due severe and total losses observed finished the run with
the second more productive run in this phase. A complete detail of the run is in Figure 11.

Directional control was a little more difficult than Economics

before and slides to match the plan were done on several For an economic evaluation of the test, a spreadsheet was
intervals with optimum results to break the tendency of the developed to compare the drilling cost considering the
well to go to the left during rotation periods. following parameters for a tricone bit with DHM:

Improved the Actual vs. Planned in the Time vs. Depth • ROP : 0.8 mph
& Cost curve again. (Figure 7) • Bit run : 60 m

Bit came out of the hole with a dull grade of 5-5-WT- For an impregnated bit with turbine, the assumptions were:
A-X-I-SS-PN and can not be reused.
• ROP : 2 mph
As formation samples description was the still a • Bit run : 150 m
problem due burned samples, a GR was included in the
MWD tool to monitor and look for formation changes. As explained before in the first trip, a total of 17 hours
Top of Los Monos formation was detected at 4219m and were used to ream due bit shape and this time was
no major problem was reported by geologist this time. considered on the final result.

Disadvantages The economic balance due better performance on the

Description of formation samples was difficult due burned first trial was calculated in a revenue of around 176.000
cuttings and modified texture & structure of samples U$ and it was not a totally success. (Table 3)
caused by excessive heat induced by bit and turbine at
high rpm’s. For the second run, the considerations for tricone bits +
PDM were:
Turbodrill resulted blocked after a high LCM pill was • ROP : 0.89 mph
pumped to control severe losses • Bit run : 60 m
A complete detail of the run is in Figure 10. For an impregnated bit with turbine, the assumptions were:
• ROP : 2 mph
• Bit run : 250 m
Impregnated bit & turbine run # 4
The economic balance this time was calculated in a
8½” hole was drilled with PDC bits (mainly shale from
revenue of around 1’038.594 U$ in savings. The main
Los Monos formation, very easy to drill) and just after set
difference comparing with the first run was the amount of
SPE 114772 5

meters drilled (344 m) and the replacement of 6 tricone A trial need to be done using impregnated bits with
bits that save the operation to do 5 round trips. It was a high rpm’s PDM to compare the performance against the
totally success this time. (Table 4). turbine.

For the third run, the considerations for tricone bits + Test were done with insert bits trying to find the way
PDM were: to improve its performance identifying the main damage
• ROP : 0.78 mph suffered and looking for the correct measures to extend bit
• Bit run : 50 m life and ROP too. A special bit laboratory in Houston
made 2 tests with rock samples sent from Bolivia and
For an impregnated bit with turbine, the assumptions were: maybe 2 more tests will be done in the future.
• ROP : 1.4 mph
• Bit run : 227 m Conclusions

The economic balance this time was calculated in a 1. Tricone bits are still in the way to find the correct
revenue of around 400.000 U$ in savings. The shape, insert configuration, gage protection and bit
replacement of 5 tricone bits saved the operation to do 5 stability to drill the Carboniferous formations in an
round trips. (Table 5). economic way.

For the run in the 6” hole, the considerations for 2. Proper design and tests need to be done with PDC bits
impregnated bits + PDM were: to try to use them at the top portion of Carboniferous
• ROP : 0.80 mph to improve ROP.
• Bit run : 85.5 m
• Bit cost : 188 U$/m 3. Impregnated bit combined with turbine prove to be
the key to drill these kind of formations at the
For an impregnated bit with turbine, the assumptions were: moment.
• ROP : 1.5 mph
4. After 2nd trial decision was done to continue using the
• Bit run : 85.5 m
same configuration after cure the losses observed in
• Bit cost : 59.000 U$
the second attempt. The objective was to drill as much
as possible of Iquiri formation (sandstone and
The economic balance this time was calculated in a
claystone) to top of Los Monos formation using the
revenue of around 170.000 U$ in savings. (Table 6).
same 9½” turbine and the 12 ¼” IADC M842 bit used
in previous run. The result was a run through the
Future developments Iquiri formation drilling the complete section in one
Considering the complicated structures on the South
run. Accumulated meters drilled with this bit were the
Subandean and the amount of wells that need to be drilled
longest in this bit size: 571m and there were not issues
to meet the gas exportations compromises from
reported in directional behavior. (Figure 10)
government to neighbor countries we can see that well
configurations are wide different from one well pad to
another 6 km far.
The author would like to thank the management of Repsol
YPF Bolivia S.A. for permission to publish this paper.
As Carboniferous can be reached earlier at depths
between 1000 to 2000 m a plan to design and made 17½”
I also express my appreciation to Marcelo Mendoza at
impregnated bits is already on the run and first results are
Repsol YPF Bolivia S.A. Drilling Engineering Team for
under evaluation at bit & turbines contractor’s shops.
the support on economic evaluations and Gustavo Asin
(Smith Bits & Smith Neyrfor representative) for providing
A 17½” IADC M842 impregnated bit with 8 jet
overall job supervision and field support.
nozzles and a 9½” turbine will be proposed to drill 3 runs
of ± 500m at an average of 1.7 mph.

A minimum OD on 5 7/8” drill pipe need to be used,

and pump rate no lower than 800 gpm will be required to
have an adequate hole cleaning using a water base mud of
10 ppg. Simulated surface pressure is expecting to be
around 4200 psi and LCM materials for mud losses
contingency was evaluated.

The bit shape is under design yet as bigger

impregnated bit used in this region is a 14¾” and based on
the experience a 17½” bit will be made.
6 SPE 114700


km = kilometers
m = meters
mph = meters per hour
ppf = Pound Per Foot
gpm = gallons per minute
ppg = pounds per gallon
psi = pound square inches


HPHT = High Pressure High Temperature

IADC = International Association of Drilling
WBM = Water Base Mud
BHA = Bottom Hole Assembly
RSS = Rotary Steerable System
DST = Drill Steam Test
PDM = Positive Displacement Motor
MWD = Measure While Drilling
HWDP = Heavy Weigh Drill Pipe
USIT = Ultra Sonic Imager Tool
NRDPP = Non Rotating Drill Pipe Protector
ROP = Rate Of Penetration
rpm = revolutions per minute
GR = Gamma Ray
LCM = Loss Control Material
TD = Total Depth
PDC = Polycrystalline Diamond Compact
OD = Outside Diameter

G. Olivieri, T. Zapata, A. Ansa, E. Rocha, M. Di
Benedetto, “Exploration Wel Proposal Huacaya-X1”,
January 2006
C. Balda, M. Mendoza, “Drilling Programme HCY-X1
Side Track Rev. 1”, June 2007
Smith Bits “Technical Spreadsheet for 12¼” K-705T & K-
503 bits”, June 2007
Smith Neyrfor “Technical Spreadsheet for 9½” T1HMK2
Steerable Turbodrill”, 2006

Conversion Factors

ppg x 0.119947 = SG
gpm x 3.78541 = lt/min
in x 2.54 = cm
psi x 6.8947 = kPa
ppf x 7.2333727 = kg/m
SPE 114772 7

Figure 1. Huacaya – X1 target location on the Caipipendi block. Satellite Figure 2. Huacaya – X1 target location on the Caipipendi Exploration
image. Caipipendi Exploration Block on red color and Margarita block. Satellite image including MRG-3 & 4 wells, and distances to
Development area in blue color. MRG-4 and to the limit between the Exploration and the Margarita
(Development) blocks. Caipipendi Exploration Block on red color and
Margarita Development area in blue color.

Table 1. HCY-X1 Geological prognosis & formation tops

8 SPE 114700

Drift Dia. Minimum Safety Factor

String OD / Weight / Grade Connection
(in) Burst Collapse Axial Triaxial

Conductor Casing 30", 196.100 ppf, X-60 N/A 28,563 4,36 14,2 8,37 4,62

30", 196.100 ppf, X-60 N/A 28,563 4,35 5,04 8,67 4,62

Surface Casing 20", 133.000 ppf, J-55 BTC, J-55 18,543 1.28 L 6,53 2.93 F 1,77

20", 147.000 ppf, K-55 BTC, K-55 18,395 1.40 L 1,25 3,42 2,11

Intermediate Casing 13 3/8", 72.000 ppf, Q-125 TB 12.250 A 2,37 6,72 2,86 2,32

13 3/8", 72.000 ppf, P-110 SLX HYD 12.250 A 2,11 1,33 2,21 C 2,09

13 3/8", 72.000 ppf, P-110 ANJO (IJ) 12.250 A 2,16 1,29 3,75 C 2,37

13 5/8", 88.200 ppf, Q-125 NJO (IJ) 12.250 A 2,79 2,02 4.94 C 2,98

Production Casing 10 3/4", 65.700 ppf, T-140 ANJO 9.500 A 1,58 28,07 2,23 C 1,72

9 5/8", 53.500 ppf, T-140 TB 8.500 A 1.52 C 2,68 2.58 C 1,81

9 5/8", 53.500 ppf, T-140 ANJO 8.500 A 1.50 C 3,04 (4,27) C 1,7

Production Liner 7", 32.000 ppf, P 110 HC ANJO 6.000 A 1,55 1,25 (3.29) C 1,35

L Conn Leak Minimun Design Factors

F Conn Fracture According to RYPF Casing Design Manual
C Conn Critical 1,10 1,00 1,60 1,25
( ) Compression

Table 2. HCY-X1 Casing Program

Figure 3. Masterlog of HCY-X1D, note the amount of bits used to drill Itacuami formation (5 insert bits)
SPE 114772 9

Figure 4. Masterlog of HCY-X1D ST, note the intervals with burned cuttings samples caused by excessive heat induced by bit and turbine at high rpm’s

Figure 5. HCY-X1D STI K-705 IADC M-842 (3259-3371m) Tupambi Figure 6. HCY–X1D ST K-503 IADC M-842 (3587-3931m) Tupambi
10 SPE 114700

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625
0 65
200 63
400 60
600 58
800 56
1000 54
1200 51
1400 49
1600 47
1800 44


2200 40

2400 38
2600 35
2800 33
3000 31
3200 28
3400 26
Trepano impregnado y turbina 25
3600 24
3800 22
Pérdida de circulacion 21
4000 19
4200 Cambia Lodo 17
4400 15
Time Prognosis Side Track (Days) Corona 6" 14
4600 Problem TD 13
DFS (days) 12
4800 10
Real Cost 9
5000 8
Est. Acum. Cost ($) 7
5200 6
Trepano impregnado y turbina 5
5400 3
5600 1

Figure 7. Actual vs. Planned in the Time vs. Depth & Cost curve

ROP promedio
12¼ Hughes MXL-1 117 5090369 0,92 2 3,10 0,65
12¼ Hughes GX-C20DX 517 5107298 0,78 42 39,90 1,05 2 4 RG G F 1 BT PR
12¼ Hughes HHS158G1G5U4 M842 7303005 1,20 144 167,25 0,86 6 5 SS A X I WT/RO DMF
12¼ Smith GFS20BODVCPS 517-X MX-7375 0,78 39 41,35 0,94 2 4 RG H E I TR/WT PN
12¼ Smith GS20HBDVCPS 517-X MY-8633 0,78 45 49,44 0,91 2 3 TR A E I RG/SS HR
12¼ Hughes HHS158G1G5U4 M842 7303062 1,20 151 173,30 0,87 2 1 WT A X I NO PR
12¼ Smith GF20BDVPS 517-X MY-5378 0,78 50 65,91 0,76 4 4 TR A E I RG HR
12¼ Smith K705TPBXC M842 JX-2081 3,00 112 55,00 2,04 4 8 RO T X I WT PR
12¼ Smith GF20BDVPS 517-X MY-5377 0,78 36 51,44 0,70 3 4 WT A E I RG HR
12¼ Hughes GX-C20DX 517 5106999 0,78 45 57,70 0,78 2 4 WT A F(1/2 I FC/RG HR
12¼ Hughes HHS158G1G5U4 M842 7303062 1,20 63 82,20 0,77 3 2 WT A X I CR/FC BC
12¼ Hughes MX-CS20GDX 517 6038895 0,78 72 69,37 1,0 3 5 WT A E 1 BT/TR HR

Dull Grade
ROP promedio 4-8-RO-T-X-I-WT-PR
30 min/m

ROP promedio
87 min/m
SPE 114772 11

Figure 8. HCY-X1D ST 12¼” K705TPBXC IADC M842 (3259-3371m) first run results


12¼ Hughes GX-C20DX 517 5107298 0,78 2788 39,90 1,05 2 4 RG G F 1 BT PR
ROP promedio 12¼ Hughes HHS158G1G5U4 M842 7303005 1,20 2830 167,25 0,86 6 5 SS A X I WT/RO DMF
65 min/m 12¼ Smith GFS20BODVCPS 517-X MX-7375 0,78 2974 41,35 0,94 2 4 RG H E I TR/WT PN
12¼ Smith GS20HBDVCPS 517-X MY-8633 0,78 3013 49,44 0,91 2 3 TR A E I RG/SS HR
12¼ Hughes HHS158G1G5U4 M842 7303062 1,20 3058 173,30 0,87 2 1 WT A X I NO PR
12¼ Smith GF20BDVPS 517-X MY-5378 0,78 3209 65,91 0,76 4 4 TR A E I RG HR
12¼ Smith K705TPBXC M842 JX-2081 3,00 3259 55,00 2,04 4 8 RO T X I WT PR
12¼ Smith GF20BDVPS 517-X MY-5377 0,78 3371 51,44 0,70 3 4 WT A E I RG HR
12¼ Hughes GX-C20DX 517 5106999 0,78 3407 57,70 0,78 2 4 WT A F(1/2 I FC/RG HR
12¼ Hughes HHS158G1G5U4 M842 7303062 1,20 3452 82,20 0,77 3 2 WT A X I CR/FC BC
12¼ Hughes MX-CS20GDX 517 6038895 0,78 3515 69,37 1,0 3 5 WT A E 1 BT/TR HR
ROP promedio 12¼ Smith K503TBPXC M842 JX2026 3,00 3587 187,00 1,8 2 2 WT A X I SS BHA
30 min/m 12¼ Hughes MXL-DS28DX 527 6040313 0,92 3931 51,80 0,9 2 3 WT A E 1 FC/RG HP

Dull Grade

Tope formación Iquiri

3886 m

ROP promedio
65 min/m

Figure 9. HCY-X1D ST 12¼” K503TBPXC (3587-3931m) second run results

ROP promedio
70 min/m
12¼ Hughes MX-CS20GDX 517 6038895 0,78 72 69,37 1,0 3 5 WT A E 1 BT/TR HR
12¼ Smith K503TBPXC M842 JX2026 3,00 344 187,00 1,8 2 2 WT A X I SS BHA
12¼ Hughes MXL-DS28DX 527 6040313 0,92 46 51,80 0,9 2 3 WT A E 1 FC/RG HP
12¼ Hughes MX-CS28DX 527 6027733 3,14 5,5 14,50 0,4 1 1 WT A E I TR PR
12¼ Hughes MX-CS28DX 527 6027733 1,17 31,5 40,12 0,8 2 3 WT A E 1 TR/RG HR
12¼ Smith K503TBPXC M842 JX2026 3,00 227 161,90 1,40 5 5 WT A X I SS PJ
12¼ Hughes HCM507ZX M423 7302877 1,20 58 27,21 2,1 0 0 NO A X I NO HP

ROP promedio
35 min/m
Dull Grade

Tope formación Los Monos

4219 m
ROP promedio
50 min/m

Figure 10. HCY-X1D ST 12¼” K503TBPXC (4014-4241m) third run results

12 SPE 114700


6 Hughes HH172 M842 7300828 1,10 12 16,10 0,7 3 3 WT A X I NO CP
6 INTEQ C-201 314408 0,30 2,2 10,34 0,2 1 1 WT A X I NO PR
6 Hughes DP409XZ M333 7012546 0,56 32,8 39,80 0,8 2 8 WT A X I CT TQ
6 Hughes HH372G1G5G8U4 M842 7107813 0,82 17,5 28,70 0,6 8 8 WT A X I NO PR
6 Hughes STX-1 117 5113769 0,75
6 Smith KGR50ABCETPX M842 JT6643 1,20 85,5 58,90 1,5 1 3 WT N X I LT TD

ROP promedio
75 min/m
Dull Grade
ROP promedio
100 min/m

Tope formación Icla

4737 m

ROP promedio
40 min/m

Figure 11. HCY-X1D ST 6” KGR50ABCETPX (4714.5-4800m) third run results


Drill Days Drill Days
Depth in (m) 3259 Depth in (m) 3259
Depth out (m) 3369 Depth out (m) 3369
Footage (m) 110 Footage (m) 110
ROP: (m/hr) 2,12 51,9 2,16 ROP: (m/hr) 0,8 137,5 5,73
Trip Time (hr/trip) 30 Trip Time (hr/trip) 60
Trip Factor (hr/mt) 0,27 30,0 1,25 Trip Factor (hr/mt) 0,55 60,0 2,50
Reaming (hrs/m) 0,286 31,50 31,5 1,31 Reaming (hrs/m) 0,12 12,83 12,8 0,53
Total Time (Days) 4,72 Total Time (Days) 8,76
Operation Operation
Personnel day $/day $ Personnel day $/day $
Turbine Operator (2) 2 5 2000 10.000 Directional Operator (2) 2 9 1400 12.600
MWD operator (2) 2 5 1000 5.000 MWD operator (2) 2 9 1000 9.000
Directional operator (2) 2 5 1400 7.000 MWD Office (1) 1 9 50 450
MWD Office (1) 1 5 50 250
4450 22.250 2450 22.050
Operation Operation
$/day $/day
Tools Tools
9½" Turbine 1 5,00 10.700 53.500 8½" DHM 1 8,76 5.160 45.222
Turbine Redress 1 4000 4.000 4.000 DHM Redress 1 3000 3.000 3.000
Power Pulse 8.1/2" 1 4,72 5.280 24.945 Power Pulse 8½" 1 8,76 5.280 46.273
Redress 1 2400 2.400 2.400 Redress 1 2400 2.400 2.400
No Stand By charges No Stand By charges
15.980 84.845 10.440 96.895
Total Personnel + Tools 107.095 Total Personnel + Tools 118.945
Bit Cost (Impregnated) 1 150.000 150.000 Bit Cost (Tricone) 2 37.000 74.000
Drilling Cost ($US/day) 60.000 300.000 Drilling Cost ($US/day) 60.000 540.000
Total Drilling Metric Cost ($US/mt) 5.064,5 Total Drilling Metric Cost ($US/mt) 6.663,1
Total Drilling Cost ($US) 557.095 Total Drilling Cost ($US) 732.945

Table 3. HCY-X1D First Impregnated bit + Turbine economics

SPE 114772 13


Drill Days Drill Days
Depth in (m) 3587 Depth in (m) 3587
Depth out (m) 3931 Depth out (m) 3931
Footage (m) 344 Footage (m) 344
ROP: (m/hr) 1,84 187,0 7,79 ROP: (m/hr) 0,89 386,5168539 16,10
Trip Time (hr/trip) 30 Trip Time (hr/trip) 180
Trip Factor (hr/mt) 0,09 30,0 1,25 Trip Factor (hr/mt) 0,52 180,0 7,50
Reaming (hrs/m) 0,131 45,00 45,0 1,88 Reaming (hrs/m) 0,12 40,13 40,1 1,67
Total Time (Days) 10,91 Total Time (Days) 25,28
Operation Operation
Personnel day $/day $ Personnel day $/day $
Turbine Operator (2) 2 11 2000 22.000 Directional Operator (2) 2 26 1400 36.400
MWD operator (2) 2 11 1000 11.000 MWD operator (2) 2 26 1000 26.000
Directional operator (2) 2 11 1400 15.400 MWD Office (1) 1 26 50 1.300
MWD Office (1) 1 11 50 550
4450 48.950 2450 63.700
Operation Operation
$/day $/day
Tools Tools
9½" Turbine 1 11,00 16.000 176.000 8½" DHM 1 25,28 5.160 130.430
Turbine Redress 1 4000 4.000 4.000 DHM Redress 2 3000 6.000 6.000
Power Pulse 8½" 1 10,91 5.780 63.088 Power Pulse 8½" 1 25,28 5.780 146.102
Redress 1 2400 2.400 2.400 Redress 2 2400 4.800 4.800
No Stand By charges No Stand By charges
21.780 245.488 10.940 287.331
Total Personnel + Tools 294.438 Total Personnel + Tools 351.031
Bit Cost (Impregnated) 1 140.000 140.000 Bit Cost (Tricone) 6 37.000 222.000
Drilling Cost ($US/day) 60.000 660.000 Drilling Cost ($US/day) 60.000 1.560.000
Total Drilling Metric Cost ($US/mt) 3.181,5 Total Drilling Metric Cost ($US/mt) 6.200,7
Total Drilling Cost ($US) 1.094.438 Total Drilling Cost ($US) 2.133.031

Table 4. HCY-X1D Second Impregnated bit + Turbine economics


Drill Days Drill Days
DEPTH IN (m) 4014 DEPTH IN (m) 4014
DEPTH OUT (m) 4241 DEPTH OUT (m) 4241
FOOTAGE (m) 227 FOOTAGE (m) 227
ROP: (m/hr) 1,04 218,3 9,09 ROP: (m/hr) 0,78 291,025641 12,13
TRIP TIME (hr/trip) 30 TRIP TIME (hr/ trips) 150
TRIP FACTOR (hr/mt) 0,13 30,0 1,25 TRIP FACTOR (hr/mt) 0,66 150,0 6,25
REAMING (hrs/m) 0,198 45,00 45,0 1,88 REAMING (hrs/mt) consi 60m/run 0,12 26,48 26,5 1,10
TOTAL TIME (Days) 12,22 TOTAL TIME (Days) 19,48
Operation Operation
Personnel day $/day $ Personnel day $/day $
Turbine Operator (2) 2 13 2000 26.000 Directional Operator (2) 2 20 1400 28.000
MWD operator (2) 2 13 1000 13.000 MWD operator (2) 2 20 1000 20.000
Directional operator (2) 2 13 1400 18.200 Caseta (1) 1 20 50 1.000
Caseta (1) 1 13 50 650
4450 57.850 2450 49.000
Operation Operation
$/day $/day
Tools Tools
9.1/2" Turbina 1 13,00 16.000 208.000 8.1/2" DHM 1 19,48 5.160 100.514
Turbine Redress 1 4000 4.000 4.000 DHM Redress 2 3000 6.000 6.000
Power Pulse 8.1/2" 1 12,22 5.780 70.629 Power Pulse 8.1/2" 1 19,48 5.780 112.592
Redress 1 2400 2.400 2.400 Redress 2 2400 4.800 4.800
No Stand By rates considered No Stand By rates considered
21.780 285.029 10.940 223.906
Total Personnel + Tools 342.879 Total Personnel + Tools 272.906
Bit Cost (Impregnated) 1 140.000 140.000 Bit Cost (Tricone) 5 37.000 185.000
Drilling Cost ($US/day) 60.000 780.000 Drilling Cost ($US/day) 60.000 1.200.000
Total Drilling Metric Cost ($US/mt) 5.563,3 Total Drilling Metric Cost ($US/mt) 7.303,6
Total Drilling Cost ($US) 1.262.879 Total Drilling Cost ($US) 1.657.906

Table 5. HCY-X1D Third Impregnated bit + Turbine economics

14 SPE 114700


Drill Days Drill Days
DEPTH IN (m) 4715 DEPTH IN (m) 4714,5
DEPTH OUT (m) 4800 DEPTH OUT (m) 4800
FOOTAGE (m) 85,5 FOOTAGE (m) 85,5
ROP: (m/hr) 1,5 57,0 2,38 ROP: (m/hr) 0,8 106,875 4,45
TRIP TIME (hr) 30 TRIP TIME (hr) 90
TRIP FACTOR (hr/mt) 0,35 30,0 1,25 TRIP FACTOR (hr/mt) 1,05 90,0 3,75
REAMING (hrs/m) 0,211 18,00 18,0 0,75 REAMING (hrs/mt) consi 60m/run 0,22 19,00 19,0 0,79
TOTAL TIME (Days) 4,38 TOTAL TIME (Days) 8,99
Operation Operation
Personnel day $/day $ Personnel day $/day $
Turbine Operator (2) 2 5 2000 10.000 Directional Operator (2) 2 9 1400 12.600
MWD operator (2) 2 5 1000 5.000 MWD operator (2) 2 9 1000 9.000
Directional operator (2) 2 5 1400 7.000 Caseta (1) 1 9 50 450
Caseta (1) 1 5 50 250
4450 22.250 2450 22.050
Operation Operation
$/day $/day
Tools Tools
4.3/4" Turbina Oper. 1 5,00 18.500 92.500 4.3/4" DHM 1 8,99 4.560 41.016
Turbine Redress 1 4000 4.000 4.000 DHM Redress 1 125,875 20 2.518
Slim Pulse 4.1/2" Oper. 1 4,38 4.560 19.950 Slim Pulse 4.1/2" 1 8,99 4.560 41.016
Slim Pulse Redress 1 75,0 16,66 1.250 Slim Pulse Redress 1 125,875 16,66 2.097
Slim Pulse Stby 1 4,0 1800 7.200 Slim Pulse Stby 1 4,0 1800 7.200
GR Oper. 1 4,38 575 2.515,6 GR Oper. 1 8,99 575 5.172,0
Float Sub Oper. 1 4,38 50 218,8 Float Sub Oper. 1 8,99 50 449,7
Monel 4,3/4" Oper. 1 4,38 120 525,0 Monel 4,3/4" Oper. 1 8,99 120 1.079,4

No existe Stby p/Turbina

128.159 100.548
Total Personnel + Tools 150.409 Total Personnel + Tools 122.598
Bit Cost (Impregnated) 1 59.000 59.000 Bit Cost (Tricone) 188 16.074 16.074
Drilling Cost ($US/day) 60.000 300.000 Drilling Cost ($US/day) 60.000 540.000
Total Drilling Metric Cost ($US/mt) 5.958,0 Total Drilling Metric Cost ($US/mt) 7.937,7
Total Drilling Cost ($US) 509.409 Total Drilling Cost ($US) 678.672

Table 6. HCY-X1D Fourth Impregnated bit + Turbine economics

Bit Type
F2 8G P

F2 BO 5

0 DV 5

0 20 5

X- 28 X
G 15 VC
H 0 H DV


H C20 PS
G 20 1G

K7 0B 1G

K5 CS 1G

H 50 XC



G 15 X

M 15 X


X- 8G



X- 2

0 28
F2 P

C 7
H C20



2,700 2.6
2,800 2.4
3,000 2.2
3,100 2.0
3,200 1.8
ROP (m/hr)
Depth (m)

3,400 1.6
3,500 1.4
3,600 1.2
3,700 1.0
3,900 0.8
4,000 Meters Drilled
4,100 Depth In 0.4
4,200 Pen Rate
4,300 0.2
4,400 0.0

Figure 10. HCY-X1D ST 12¼” bit performance comparison

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