Supplies: J J J J J
Supplies: J J J J J
Supplies: J J J J J
J Voltages: 220/380 V / 380/660 V (frames 63 to 200L) excellent anticorrosive protection for steel plates.
220/380/440 V (frames 225S/M to 355M/L) (Certified by DNV).
J LACKPOXI 76 Wet Surface - Solvent-free epoxy paint for
processes resulting in compact and outstanding formulated with anticorrosion pigments for application on
performace machines. edges, corners, welding materials and similar materials, not
H Line - High Efficiency requiring adoçamento on corners.
J LACKPOXI Wet Surface 88 HT - Epoxy finishing primer, high
J Applications: Bow Thrusters, Stern Thrusters,
Azimuthal Thrusters solid content per volume and tolerant to wet surface, it can
J Output ratings: 100 to 3,150 kW be applied on residual humidity such as after the
J Voltages: up to 11,000 V hydroblasting. It offers excellent anticorrosive protection on
J Speed: 600 to 3600 rpm aggressive environments.
J WEG TAR Free 712 - First anticorrosive high performance
J Totally enclosed fan cooled, finned motor (cooling
method IC411 or IC416) Epoxy for use above and under the water line, applicable in
J Advantages: Low noise level, reduced maintenance and Dry Transformers high thickness and free of tar.
Soft-Starters J WEG Ecolofl ex SPC - High polishing anti-crusting paint,
no heat exchanger required (HGF) J Applications: Main and lighting transformer,
WEG soft-Starters are intended to protect
motor power supply and frequency drives. tin-free. It prevents from incrustrating on the ship wall for
M Line and limit starting current of electric motors
J Output ratings: 300 to 15,000 kVA better ship performance.
J Applications: Bow Thrusters, Stern Thrusters, that do not require speed variation.
J Thermal class of the insulating materials: F (155°C)
Azimuthal Thrusters The HMI allows easy parameter set up
J Epoxy resin used: CW22 (Huntsman) with UL
J Output ratings: up to 50,000 kW turning the commissioning and operation
J Voltages: up to 13,800 V
certification for 200ºC easier.
J Speed: 300 to 3600 rpm
J Standards: NBR 10295/1988, NBR 13297/1995,
J Applications: propulsion motors with Supplies
J Open self-ventilated cooling system, designed with
IEC 60076-11/2004, IEC 905/1987 & IEEE C57.96-1999 variable pitch propeller, compressors,
pumps, fans Plattaform Supply Vessel - PSV
ait-to-air or air-to-water heat exchanger, forced Electrical Panels J Advantages: low cost Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel - AHTS
ventilation, whenever required. J Applications: Main electric boards, distribution and
IP54W, IP55 and IP55W J Plug & Play Complete line of switch and controlgear J Forward and aft consoles
J Poles: 4, 6 and 8 pole Motor connection for electric motors and electric penels J Energy box
Power Unit J Complete diagnostic and monitoring functions Motors | Automation | Energy | Coatings
495.01/102008 - The values shown are subject to change without prior notice. The information is for reference only.
Passage console another in everyone’s day-to-day life.
Taking responsibility for the preservation of our planet and
Monitoring machine console people, WEG continually invests in the technology wich is
required to develop more efficient and environmentally
friendly electric solutions.
Main Panel
E/S remote
Dry transformer
Azimuthal Thrusters
Emergency generator
Fieldbus network
Ehernet network Emergency board Automation diagram for diesel-electric ships
Marine Certifications
WEG motors, generators, electric boards, starting switches
and automation systems are designed to meet all marine
WEG Solutions for Marine Industry
application requirements. Upon request, all these products
can be supplied with certifications from Certification Institutes
such as Lloyds, Bureau Veritas, ABS, Germanischer Lloyd,
DNV and others. Factories
Commercial Branches