User Guide: Powermaxcomplete
User Guide: Powermaxcomplete
User Guide: Powermaxcomplete
Fully supervised wireless alarm control system
PowerMaxComplete User Guide
Table of Contents
Compatibility of this Manual .............................. 2 Looking after People Left at Home ................ 18
Quick Guide To Primary Alarm Control Emergency Calls for Help ............................... 18
Operations ........................................................... 2 Remote Control by Telephone ....................... 18
Contact list form .................................................. 2 Reporting to Private Telephone ..................... 20
Luminous Indicator Signals ............................... 2 Remote Control by SMS ................................. 20
Siren Signals ....................................................... 3 Reporting by SMS............................................ 21
Useful Hints For PowerMaxComplete Users . 3 Conducting a Walk Test .................................. 21
1. Introduction ...................................................... 4 7. User Settings ................................................. 23
Overview .............................................................. 4 What are the Settings You Need? ................. 23
System Features ................................................ 5 Entering the User Settings Menu ................... 23
Terms of the Trade ............................................. 6 Bypassing Zones ............................................. 24
Control Pushbuttons........................................... 6 Reviewing the Bypassed Zone List ............... 25
Multi-Function Transmitter................................. 7 Recalling the Last Bypass Scheme ............... 25
Voice Announcements ....................................... 7 Programming Private Report .......................... 25
Proximity Tags .................................................... 8 Setting the User Codes ................................... 26
Screen Saver Option .......................................... 8 Enrolling Keyfob Transmitters ........................ 29
2. Securing The Protected Site ........................... 9 Deleting Keyfob Transmitters ......................... 29
Security-Related Pushbuttons .......................... 9 Enrolling Proximity Tags (optional)................ 29
Partition selection process ................................ 9 Deleting Proximity Tags .................................. 30
Preparing to Arm ................................................ 9 Setting the Voice Options ............................... 30
Arming ‘AWAY’ ................................................... 9 Automatic Arming Option ................................ 30
Arming ‘HOME’ ................................................... 9 Setting Arming Time ........................................ 31
Switching from ‘HOME’ to ‘AWAY’ ................. 10 Enabling the Squawk Option .......................... 31
Switching from ‘AWAY’ to ‘HOME’ ................. 10 Setting Time and Time Format ...................... 31
Arming ‘Instant’ ................................................. 10 Setting the Date and Date Format ................. 32
Forced Arming .................................................. 10 Scheduler Function.......................................... 32
Arming in the Latchkey Mode ......................... 11 Installer Mode ................................................... 32
Initiating a Panic Alarm .................................... 11 8. Reading The Event Log ................................ 33
Initiating Fire Alarm .......................................... 11 Event Log Description ..................................... 33
Initiating Emergency Alarm ............................. 11 Reading Procedure.......................................... 33
Disarming and Stopping Alarms ..................... 11 9. Maintenance .................................................. 34
Siren Behavior .................................................. 12 Replacing the Backup Battery ........................ 34
3. Speech And Sound Control .......................... 13 Replacing Wireless Devices Batteries .......... 34
Speech & Sound Cont. Push-buttons ............ 13 Periodic Testing ............................................... 35
Adjusting the Speech Volume......................... 13 Cleaning the Control Panel ............................ 35
Voice ON/OFF .................................................. 13 10. Performance Limits .................................... 36
Message Exchange .......................................... 13 APPENDIX A. PARTITIONING .......................... 37
Message Playback ........................................... 14 Selecting a Partition......................................... 37
Chime ON/OFF ................................................. 14 Arming / Disarming the System ..................... 37
4. Electrical Appliance Control ......................... 15 The Show Function.......................................... 37
Control Options and Pushbuttons .................. 15 Siren .................................................................. 38
Automatic ON/OFF Control ............................. 15 Partition Status display ................................... 38
5. Reading Alarm Memory And Trouble Data . 16 MCT-237 ........................................................... 38
Reviewing Alarm/Tamper Memory ................. 16 MCM-140+ ........................................................ 39
Reviewing Trouble Information ....................... 16 MKP-150/151/152 ............................................ 39
Reviewing Memory & Troubles at the Same MKP-160 ........................................................... 39
Time ................................................................... 17 APPENDIX B. GLOSSARY ................................ 40
Correcting Trouble Situations ......................... 17 APPENDIX C. HOME FIRE ESCAPE PLANNING
6. Special Functions .......................................... 18 ......................................................................... 42
Stopping an alarm: When the alarm sounds - Gaining access to 24-hour zones: If you wish
press the DISARM ( ) button on your key-ring to access a sensor defined as a 24-hour zone without
transmitter or press on the keypad and then causing an alarm:
enter your access code (1 1 1 1 by default). Click - the display will read:
Stopping trouble beeps: When trouble occurs in
the system, the TROUBLE indicator on the front panel Click again - the display will read:
will light, and a sequence of 3 beeps will sound once USER SETTINGS.
per minute. If you do not wish to eliminate the trouble Click - the display will read: ENTER
immediately and the beeps are bothersome, press the CODE ___.
DISARM ( ) button on your key-ring transmitter, or Key your secret 4-digit <User Code> - the buzzer will
press on the keypad and then enter your play the “happy tune” (- - - ––––).
access code (1 1 1 1 by default). This will silence the You have 4 minutes during which the 24-hour sensor
buzzer for 4 hours, after which the trouble beeps will can be opened and accessed. When the 4 minutes
resume sounding. Be advised, however, that in any are up, the system will automatically revert to the
case the trouble beeps are silenced during night normal mode.
Canceling accidental alarms: Upon alarm, the
Perimeter and interior zones versus 24-hour internal sounder is activated first for a limited period of
zones: Most of the protection sensors in your system time (set by the installer). Then the external siren
are linked to perimeter and interior zones. These starts and the event is reported to the central
zones trigger alarms while the system is in the armed monitoring station. If you accidentally cause an alarm,
state and do not trigger alarms while the system is in you may simply disarm the system before the external
the disarmed state. Other sensors are linked to 24- siren starts - the alarm will not be reported.
hour zones which trigger alarms irrespective of If you cause an alarm accidentally and the external
arming/disarming. siren has already started - you can still disarm the
Arming while perimeter zones are not system within a time limit set by the installer (1 to 15
secured (doors and/or windows are open): minutes, as desired). If you manage to disarm on time,
a CANCEL ALARM message will be automatically
Your display will read “NOT READY” if a protected
sent to the central monitoring station.
door or window is open. You can find out which zone
is “not ready” by clicking the button. You Failing to exit before the exit delay expires:
can eliminate the problem by closing the door/window If you exit the protected site after the exit delay expires
or by performing "Forced arming" (zone deactivation) (the exit delay beeps stop), the system will interpret
if this option was enabled by the system installer. In this as if you just entered. The entry delay countdown
case you intentionally choose to bypass a zone, leave will begin and the entry delay beeps will sound. To
the door or window open and arm the system (a voice prevent an alarm, you must disarm the system before
message will announce that ”Forced Arming” is under the entry delay expires.
way - not applicable in PowerMaxComplete that does Unauthorized entry took place while you
not have VOICE option). were away: If you hear alarm sirens when you are
Bypassed zones will not be protected during one about to re-enter the premises, and lights which
arming period. should be off are on - an intruder may still be inside or
another event may have occurred. Do not confront the
intruder - remain outside and call the emergency
1. Introduction
The PowerMaxComplete is a wireless alarm control Proximity tags enable authorized people to enter
system that provides protection against burglary, fire restricted areas. Presenting valid proximity tag, while
and tampering. In addition, it can be used to control a the system is armed (and when partitioning is set to
light or an electrical appliance within your household disabled), causes the system to disarm. Presenting
and/or to monitor the activity of disabled or elderly valid proximity tag, while the system is disarmed,
people left at home. Status information is presented causes the system to be armed in AWAY (optional
visually and verbally, and in most cases a recorded HOME) mode.
voice prompts you to take correct action - not The system identifies a wide range of events -
applicable in PowerMaxComplete that does not have alarms, attempts to tamper with sensors and several
VOICE option. types of trouble. Events are automatically reported
The PowerMaxComplete includes an optional via the public telephone network, GSM network (in
partition feature. Partitioning allows you to have up to digital form), or GPRS network to central monitoring
stations and to private telephones (in plain language
three independently controllable areas with different
and/or SMS messages). The person receiving such a
user codes assigned to each partition. A partition can
message is expected to investigate the event and act
be armed or disarmed regardless of the status of the
other partitions within the system.
The PowerMaxComplete is governed by a control DISPLAY COVER
panel (Figure 1) designed to collect data from various (CLOSED)
sensors that are strategically located within and along
the perimeter of the protected site (Figure 2).
In the disarmed state, the system provides you with
visual and verbal status information, and initiates an
alarm if smoke is detected or upon disturbance in a
24-hour zone (a zone which is active 24-hours a day). CONTROL
In the armed state, the system will initiate an alarm
upon detection of disturbance in any one of the Figure 1. Control Panel with Covers Closed
armed zones.
IMPORTANT! All you need to know to secure your
You will need a 4-digit security code to master the premises can be found in Chapter 2 of this manual.
system (code 0000 is disallowed), and you can
If you are not familiar with some of the terms used
authorize 7 other persons to use the system by
here, refer to APPENDIX B at the end of this guide.
providing them with their own security codes.
Moreover, you can obtain up to 8 multi-function key-
ring transmitters and proximity tags that will allow
you and other users to easily control major functions.
Press both
EMERGENCY for panic FIRE (Hold
(Hold for 2 sec.) alarm
for 2 sec.)
MCT-234 MCT-237 D. Skip Exit Delay: Pressing the AUX button will
DISARM immediately cause the system to arm "instant".
AWAY Disarming by a keyfob whose battery voltage is
HOME low (if enabled by the installer)
If you try to disarm the system with a keyfob whose
AWAY STATUS battery voltage is low, a protest beep will be heard for
HOME 15 seconds. During this period you should press again
AUX A the disarm button of the keyfob or control panel (for
the control panel, user code is required) to disarm the
MKP-160 system. If you perform this action during the 15
MKP-150 /151
seconds period, the Low Bat message will be stored in
the event log.
If the disarm button is not pressed again during the 15
seconds period, perform either of the following actions:
A. Press AWAY twice to arm the system, otherwise
the system will not be armed and an
acknowledgement (from the user that he knows
about the Low Bat) will not be stored in the event
B. Press AWAY and then press disarm button, to
Figure 4. Keyfob Transmitters and Keypad/Keyprox acknowledge, otherwise the acknowledgement
will not be stored in the event log.
A PANIC alarm can be initiated: through the MCT-
234 keyfob, by pressing AWAY and HOME together
for 2 sec.; through the MCT-237 keyfob, by pressing
Voice Announcements
the AUX1 and AUX2 buttons for 2 sec.; through the (Not applicable in PowerMaxComplete that does not
MKP-150/151 keypad by pressing the # and * have VOICE option).
buttons for 2 sec., and through the MKP-160 keypad The pre-recorded voice announcements respond to
your commands by announcing what the system is
by pressing the and buttons for 2 sec. doing and by prompting you to perform certain
Pressing AWAY twice within 2 seconds initiates actions. They also announce alarms, troubles and
Latchkey arming, if enabled by the installer. The identify the source of each event.
devices can be used for: The sounds you will hear while using the control panel
A. Controlling a gate or another electrical are:
device: Pressing the AUX button opens/closes
Single beep, heard whenever a key is
an electrically-controlled gate, or controls a
chosen electrical device.
B. Arming the system in the INSTANT mode Double beep, indicates automatic return to
(without an entry delay): Pressing the AUX the normal operating mode (by timeout).
button immediately after arming, during exit Three beeps, indicates a trouble event
delay, causes the system to be armed without
an entry delay. This means that entering the
protected premises via any zone will trigger an Happy Tune (- - - –––), indicates
successful completion of an operation.
immediate alarm. You and other holders of
keyfob transmitters will have no problem,
because you can disarm the system before
Sad Tune (–––––), indicates a wrong
move or rejection
Preparing to Arm
Arming ‘HOME’
Before arming, make sure that READY (*) / P# RDY
(**) is displayed. This means that all zones (*) / If all perimeter zones are READY, and quick arming
partitions (**) are secured and you may arm the is allowed, proceed as shown:
system (*) / partition (**) any way you choose.
* In non-partitioned system
** In partitioned system ARMING HOME
Move to interior (Exit delay)
ARM indicator flashes during the armed state.
Switching from ‘AWAY’ to ‘HOME’ (alternating)
Do not disarm the system - just press . Since ARMING HOME
this operation reduces the security level, the Go to an (Exit delay)
PowerMaxComplete will ask you to key in your internal zone ARM HOME HH:HH
master user code or user code, thus making sure
that you are an authorized user.
ARM indicator flashes during the armed state.
Forced Arming
Forced arming allows you to arm any system
[Enter code] ARMING HOME partition even though one zone or several zones are
Move to (Exit delay) disturbed, and the NOT READY message is
interior zone ARM HOME HH:HH displayed.
Automatic forced arming only works if the installer
ARM indicator flashes during the armed state. allowed this option while programming your system.
If an alarm occurred while the system was armed in Disturbed zones will be bypassed - they will not be
the AWAY mode, the display will respond differently: armed. The protected site will not have maximum
PRESS RESULTANT DISPLAY Note: When forced arming is carried out, the buzzer
ENTER CODE ___ “protests” by emitting a continuous tone during the exit
delay until the last 10 seconds of the delay. You can
[Enter code] ARMING HOME silence this signal by pressing the arming button again.
When NOT READY is displayed, Forced arming
Move to (Exit delay)
“AWAY” is performed as follows:
interior zone HOME HH:HH
ARM indicator flashes during the armed state.
(to mute (Exit delay)
Arming ‘Instant’ the buzzer) AWAY
ARM indicator extinguishes and Siren Behavior
sounds once per minute, Continuously ON when initiated by a burglar zone
To find out what kind of trouble is being sensed, or a 24-hour zone, and when a user initiates a “panic
see Chapter 5. The TRBL display will disappear, alarm”.
the TROUBLE indicator will extinguish and the When initiated by a fire zone (smoke is detected) ON -
trouble beeps will stop upon eliminating the cause ON - ON - pause - ON - ON - ON - pause - ........
for trouble. and so on.
If there is nobody around to disarm the system upon
alarm and a zone remains "open", the siren will
sound for the time duration set by the installer - then
will stop. The strobe light keeps flashing until the
system is disarmed.
Speech & Sound Cont. Push-buttons VOLUME–
The sound and speech-related functions offered by
the PowerMaxComplete are controlled with the VOLUME–
keypad, as detailed in the following list.
For PowerMaxComplete that includes the
partition feature: Voice ON/OFF
Sound and speech-related features only apply to the
partition(s) where the control panel is present. An You can switch spoken announcements on and off
activity performed via the control panel from another by alternate clicking of the <7> key, as shown below.
partition will be displayed and the LED will light. The PRESS RESULTANT DISPLAY
operation will be added to the log file but will not be VOICE ON
heard over the control panel speaker.
Key Function VOICE OFF
Increasing the loudness of spoken
Decreasing the loudness of spoken
Note: The system will maintain the “Voice OFF” state
until subsequent selection of “Voice ON’.
Enabling / disabling the loudspeaker
Recording a spoken message for other
users of the alarm system Message Exchange
Listening to a recorded message left by For message exchange you can record a verbal
another user of the alarm system message for other users of the alarm system. Face
Enabling / disabling the chime function in the panel, press <2> and keep it pressed. When the
chime zones display reads TALK NOW, start talking. The 5 dark
boxes will slowly disappear one by one, from right to
left, as shown in the diagram below.
Adjusting the Speech Volume
The following diagram shows how to increase the
loudness by clicking the <1> key (assuming that the RECORD A MESSAGE
volume was at minimum to begin with).
(max) VOLUME+
The following diagram shows how to decrease the
loudness with the <4> key (assuming that the volume Stop talking RECORDING ENDED
was at maximum to begin with). Once the last of the boxes disappears, RECORDING
ENDED will be displayed.
D-303984 PowerMaxComplete User's Guide 13
When you release the button, the display will revert Chime ON/OFF
to the normal status-displaying mode, but will also
indicate that a message is waiting. For example: You can disable / enable the chime zones by
alternate clicking of the <8> key, as shown below:
To check your own message, listen to it within one
minute from the end of recording (see Chapter 3 - CHIME OFF
Message Playback). This way the MSG indication
will not be erased.
CHIME indicator lights steadily when “chime on”
Message Playback is selected.
To listen to a message left by another user of the
Click and listen. PLAY will be displayed and
the message will be played back over the built-in
loudspeaker. When the playback ends, the display
will revert to the normal status-displaying mode. If
more than 1 minute elapsed after recording, the
MSG indication will disappear.
6. Special Functions
Looking after People Left at Home To make this possible, ask your installer to define
An important characteristic of the one of the 28 zones of the PowerMaxComplete as an
PowerMaxComplete is its ability to function in a emergency zone.
mode contrary to the usual behavior of an alarm Then, obtain one of the transmitters listed below and
system. When the system is in the disarmed state (or link this transmitter’s ID code to the emergency zone.
even when armed “HOME” with perimeter protection Compatible distress transmitters are (see Fig. 5):
only), it can keep track of in-house activity and will MCT-201 - pendant-type
report lack of motion in interior zones if there is no
detection of motion within predetermined time limits. MCT-211 - wristwatch-type
To use this characteristic, you must ask your installer MCT-101 - pocket-type
to program a specific time limit beyond which lack of
motion will be reported as a “not active” alert.
To make things clear, let us assume that an elderly,
sick or handicapped person is left unattended in a
protected site. This person, disabled or sick as he MCT-201 MCT-211 MCT-101
may be, will not stay entirely still for hours. It is only
Figure 5. Single-button Emergency Transmitters
natural that even while being asleep he will turn over
in his bed from time to time. He might also wander
into the kitchen to eat or drink, or to the bathroom for Remote Control by Telephone
other necessities. Upon doing so, the bedroom,
bathroom and kitchen motion detectors will detect his control
If, for example, the “lack of motion” time limit is set by A. Establishing Telephone Communication
your installer to 6 hours, a virtual 6-hour clock will You can access the PowerMaxComplete system
carry out a 6-hour “countdown”. from a remote telephone and perform arming and
If motion is detected within the 6-hour time frame, the disarming, activation and deactivation of electrical
countdown will restart from the beginning (the virtual devices and the auxiliary output (PGM), record,
6-hour clock will be “reset”) and no alert message will playback and erase a voice message, and
be sent out. investigate the system status. The process is shown
If no motion is detected within the 6-hour time frame in the next illustration.
in any interior zone, the control panel will send a 1. Dial the PowerMaxComplete tel. No.
“not-active” alert message to the central monitoring 2. Wait for 2-4 rings then hang Not applicable
station or to private telephones designated by the up. when dialing to the
installer. 3. Wait 12-30 sec. GSM number of
IMPORTANT! In addition, you may provide the 4. Redial the
person confined to interiors with a single-button PowerMaxComplete tel. PowerMaxComple
transmitter for distress situations, see next No. (Sound will be heard te. Proceed to
paragraph. for 10 sec.). step 5.
7. User Settings
What are the Settings You Need? Setting voice options* (not applicable in
PowerMaxComplete that does not have VOICE
The installer provides you a ready-to-use alarm feature) - Enabling or disabling verbal
system, but a few settings and adjustments will still
announcements (prompts).
be needed.
Auto arm option* - enabling or disabling
Note: Although the user settings are your automatic arming (at a predefined time).
responsibility, you may request your installer to Setting auto arm time - selecting automatic
perform them for you (except for the user codes, arming time.
which you would like to keep secret). Using squawk option* - enabling/disabling
The user settings include (if enabled by the installer): LOW/MID/HI squawk (short siren sound) upon
Bypassing zones - determining which zones arming and disarming. All the options are
will be bypassed (disabled) during the present applicable for wireless siren. For wired siren, refer
disarm period and the next armed period. to LOW, MID and HI options as "squawk enable".
Reviewing the bypass list - "show bypass" - Setting the time and time format* - adjusting
displaying the numbers and names of bypassed the built-in clock to show the correct time and
zone one by one. time format.
Recalling the last bypassing scheme** - Setting the date and date format* - adjusting
"recall bypass" - re-using the previous bypassing the built-in calendar date and date format.
scheme, which becomes suspended after Setting the scheduler* - setting schedule for
disarming but is still saved in the devices start/stop activation.
PowerMaxComplete memory.
* This option can be accessed only if master user
Note: RECALL BYPASS is applicable when code has been entered.
partition is disabled.
Private report* - determining the event groups ** This menu is not available when Partition is
to be reported to private telephone subscribers. enabled.
Determining the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th telephone
numbers to which the system will report event
messages that were defined by the system Entering the User Settings Menu
installer. Determining the number of times the
called party's private telephone number is Figure 7 describes how to enter User Settings menu
dialed. Determining whether or not 2-way voice (when all zones/partitions are secured).
communication with private telephones will be Click the keys that you are instructed to press. The
allowed. Determining whether to use a single resultant display is shown below each instruction
acknowledge signal, or, an acknowledge signal
from each telephone before the current event is
considered reported. Determining the 1st, 2nd, 3rd
and 4th SMS telephone numbers to which pre-
selected event types will be reported.
Setting user codes* - programming a security
code for yourself and additional 7 codes for
other system users. Codes 5 through 8 are
“Latchkey” user codes (see Chapter 2 - Arming
in the Latchkey Mode for additional details).
Enrolling keyfob transmitters* - teaching the
PowerMaxComplete system to recognize the ID
code of each keyfob transmitter (multi-button,
Code-Secure™ type, wireless transmitter), so
that the PowerMaxComplete can respond to
commands transmitted by them.
Enrolling proximity tags - Teaching the
PowerMaxComplete to recognize the ID of each
proximity tag so that the PowerMaxComplete
can respond to proximity tags presentation.
Figure 7 - Entering User Settings Menu
The next paragraphs include User Settings Z01: BYPASSED
instructions, step-by-step. However, if you want to
get an overall view of the entire User Settings menu, (alternating)
refer to figure 8 - User Setting flow-chart. You can KITCHEN
use the flow chart as your only guide along the user
settings process, instead of going through the step- Z02: FUNCTIONAL
by-step instructions. (If you wish (alternating)
to check the
state of the FRONT DOOR
next zone)
Bypassing Zones
A. General Guidance
You can select any other item on the USER SETTINGS
You can program the PowerMaxComplete to exclude
(bypass) selected zones, regardless of whether menu or quit programming by clicking . When
these zones are "functional" (undisturbed) or "open" <OK> TO EXIT is displayed - click .
(disturbed). Bypassing permits free movement of
people within certain zones although the system is After end of bypassing operation, BYPASS blinks:
armed. It is also used to temporarily remove from READY BYPASS or NOT READY BYPASS
service faulty zones that require repair work. Fire and This indication will persist as long as the system
temperature zones can not be bypassed. remains disarmed, and will disappear once the
Remember – zone bypassing compromises security! system is armed.
Note: Zones will be bypassed throughout one Note: BYPASS will alternate in the display with other
disarm-arm period only. Disarming the system after messages, like: Trouble, Memory and Message.
arming will suspend the entire bypassing scheme, C. "Unbypass" Procedure
which can be recalled later, if so desired. Suppose you wish to restore a zone to service after
B. Bypassing Procedure having completed the bypassing scheme. Simply re-
When partition is enabled, you may set the bypass enter the SET BYPASS menu (see Bypassing
option according to the type of partition access
Procedure above), and click or until
the zone you wish to "unbypass" is on display. Refer
to the following steps.
<OFF> TO CLEAR You may now select any other item on the USER
SETTINGS menu or quit programming by clicking
Z22: FUNCTIONAL . When <OK> TO EXIT is displayed - click
(alternating) .
You may now click and then select any other
Programming Private Report
item on the USER SETTINGS menu, or click
to quit programming. When <OK> TO EXIT appears Having entered your Master User Code successfully
- click . (see above - Entering the User Settings Menu), click
button repeatedly (if necessary) until the
display will read:
Reviewing the Bypassed Zone List REPORT TO PRVT
Report to Private
Having entered your user code successfully (see
above - Entering to the User Settings Menu), the Here you determine the event groups to be reported –
display will read: "disable report", "all", "all (-op/cl)" (all messages,
except open/close), all (–alerts) (all messages, except
SET BYPASS alerts), "alarms", "alerts", "op/cl" (open/close).
Click to change the display into: Private Telephone Numbers
SHOW BYPASS Here you determine the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
telephone numbers to which the system will report
Click to change the display into: event messages that were defined by the system
Redial Attempts
If at this point you click , the number, Determining the number of times the called party's
state and name of the first bypassed zone will be private telephone number is dialed (1, 2, 3, or 4
displayed. attempts).
You can now click repeatedly to review Voice Private
all bypassed zones, in ascending numerical order. Here you determine whether or not 2-way voice
When done, clicking will get you back to communication with private telephones will be allowed.
SHOW BYPASS and clicking will get you back Telephone Acknowledgement
to <OK> TO EXIT. Here you determine whether to use a single
acknowledge signal, or, an acknowledge signal from
each telephone before the current event is
Recalling the Last Bypass Scheme considered reported.
SMS Messages
Arming the alarm system with several zones in the
bypassed state is in fact "partial arming". An Here you determine the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th SMS
identical partial arming may be repeated by recalling telephone numbers to which pre-selected event
the last bypassing scheme (that was suspended and types will be reported.
memorized upon disarming the system). Perform the above mentioned settings according to
Having entered your user code successfully (see Figure 8 (Private Report) menu. These settings may
above - Entering to the User Settings Menu), the be performed by the installer, if desired.
display will read: You may now switch to any other item on the USER
SETTINGS menu or quit programming by clicking
until <OK> TO EXIT is displayed and
Click twice to change the display into:
then clicking .
U02: 1 2 3
U02: 1 2 3
numbers (eg.
for partition
1&3 enter 13)
Notes: (1) Functions inside black rectangles are accessible only if master user code was entered.
(2) For the year, enter the two last digits only.
(3) Press to display the number, state and name of first bypassed zone. Press repeatedly to view all the
bypassed zones.
(4) To enter "A" (AM) press (or one of the 3 keys above it), to enter "P" (PM) press (or one of the 3 keys above it).
(5) SET/SHOW/RECALL BYPASS menus are accessible only if "manual bypass has been selected by the installer.
(6) Applicable in PowerMaxComplete that has VOICE feature - In the SET VOICE OPTION, if you select "enable prompts", the
Control Panel mute speaker button is active.
Figure 8 - Users Settings Flow Chart
TIME __:__A
Notes: (time
digits] (e.g. TIME 12:55A
1. For 12h/24h time format selection, refer to 12:55A)
Setting Time and Time Format below.
2. Press "" to enter A (AM), or press "#" to enter P
Note: To enter “A” - press [] or to enter “P” - press [#].
Enabling the Squawk Option B. If 24h format is desired, continue as follows:
You can determine that the system will activate (or PRESS RESULTANT DISPLAY
not activate) high/mid/low wireless siren sound, for a
short time, upon arming (1 beep) and disarming (2 US FORMAT - 12H
beeps), by keyfob only.
Having entered your Master User Code successfully EU FORMAT - 24H
(see above - Entering the User Settings Menu), click
the button (repeatedly, if necessary) TIME __:__
until the display will read:
From here, proceed as follows: digits] (e.g. TIME 19:55
Installer Mode
If not satisfied If the feature USER PERMIT was enabled by the
press system installer, the installer will be able to access
DATE DD/MM/YYYY the INSTALLER MODE only by using this menu,
meaning that the INSTALLER MODE (described in
the installer guide) can be accessed only with user
permission (by using the user code).
DATE _ _ / _ _ /_ _ _ _
DATE 01/01/2002
9. Maintenance
Replacing the Backup Battery With correctly inserted fresh batteries and tight
The PowerMaxComplete uses regular electrical closure of the lid, the TROUBLE indicator should
supply, but incorporates backup 9.6V battery pack extinguish. The “MEMORY” message will continue
(see sticker on battery cover). It is important to blinking in the display (caused by the “tamper” alarm
replace it immediately upon receiving the following you triggered). Clear it by arming the system and
trouble message when reviewing system troubles disarming it as soon as the exit delay starts.
(see Chapter 5 - Reviewing Trouble Information):
Replacing Wireless Devices
The wireless sensors supplied with your system are
powered by high-capacity lithium batteries that last
several years, depending on the number of times the
sensor is triggered into transmission.
However, if and when a battery becomes weak, the
sensor itself sends a “low battery” message to the
control panel, and a low battery trouble message is
displayed together with the zone information (see
Chapter 5 - Reviewing Trouble Information).
The keyfob transmitters used to control the system
are powered by an alkaline battery that lasts about
one year if you do not press a button more than 10
times a day. Battery exhaustion is clearly evident by
flashing of the transmitter’s red indicator while the
button is pressed (instead of lighting steadily).
When a low battery indication appears for the first
time, it may be considered as a pre-warning. It
normally gives you ample time (about 30 days) to
obtain a new battery and replace the old one, and
the detector or keyfob unit will be fully operational
throughout this period. However, to be on the safe
side, it is advisable not to wait that long.
Use the battery specified in the detector’s own
installation instructions. If you do not have the
instructions, seek the advice of your installer or ask
him to replace the battery in the specific device that
sent the low battery message.
Figure 10. Battery Replacement The Wireless Commander is powered by a long life
Open battery compartment cover. Insert 6-battery 3 V Lithium battery. If the battery is weak when
pack or 8-battery pack and connect its connector to reading the PowerMaxComplete event log the
the PowerMaxComplete receptacle. display will read, for example, "C01 Low Battery"
Note: Dispose of used backup batteries according to (meaning there is a low battery condition in the
the manufacturer's instructions. wireless commander #01), and the message "remote
Note: Removal of the cover will start a “tamper” alarm - commander" will be heard.
the trouble indicator will light and both “memory” and For replacing the wireless commander battery, refer
“trouble” will flash in the display window. If you to the MCM-140+ Wireless Commander user guide.
interrogate the system at this stage by clicking the After battery replacement, the detector unit will send
button, “CPU TAMPER ALARM” and a “battery restored” signal to the control panel, and
“CPU TAMPER OPEN” will be displayed, in addition to the “low battery” message will be cleared.
PowerMaxComplete includes an optional partition PowerMaxComplete also supports a situation
feature. Partitioning is available only if your installer where an area is used by two or more partitions.
has enabled the feature. Once partitioning is For example, a reception area which is common to
enabled Partitioning menus are added to the two offices, each of which is assigned to a separate
system which can be viewed on the control panel's partition, will be armed only after both offices
LCD display. Partitioning allows you to divide the (partitions) are armed. In the armed state the
system into three independently controllable areas reception area will be disarmed after either office
with different users assigned to each partition (partitions) has been disarmed to allow the user of
whereby each user can arm the partition to which that office to use the reception area without
they are assigned. generating an alarm. Such an area is termed a
"common area".
Each user code can be assigned to a combination
of up to 3 partitions and each partition can be
armed or disarmed regardless of the status of the
other partitions within the system. For example, you
can define the garage as partition 1, the basement
as partition 2, and the house as partition 3. Since
each partition is independent of other partitions,
you can arm or disarm each partition as desired
without altering the states of the other partitions.
Selecting a Partition
Before continuing, make sure that Partitioning has Arming/Disarming a Single Partition
been enabled via the Installer Mode.
To arm/disarm a single partition, press the
Arming/Disarming All Partitions button on the control panel and then press the
To arm/disarm all partitions in READY mode, press
Partition number: 1; 2; or 3. Then, press the /
the / or button.
or button.
A partition is alarmed when receiving an event from When the siren sounds, it will not stop until all
an alarmed device assigned to that partition. alarmed partitions are disarmed. However if the
Alarmed devices do not affect partitions to which siren is active due to an alarm from a common
they are not assigned. A siren is common to all area zone, and one of the partitions assigned to
partitions; therefore, an alarm from one or more this area disarms the system, the siren will also
partitions will activate the siren. stop. In case that the alarm is initiated from a
common area but continues with zones that are
Siren Activity not assigned to a common area, the siren will
The siren will be activated when receiving an not stop until all partitions assigned to the
event from an alarmed device. alarmed zones are disarmed.
Overlapping siren activations from different In case that there is a fire in partition 1 and a
partitions will not cause the duration of the siren burglary in partition 2, the siren will sound FIRE.
to be extended. When partition 1 is disarmed the siren will
sound BURGLAR for the remainder of the siren
timeout period.
The MCT-237 two-way wireless keyfob is used to MCT-237
control single or all partitions.
Arming/Disarming All Partitions DISPLAY
To arm/disarm all partitions, press the HOME /
AWAY / DISARM button on the keyfob. DISARM
Arming/Disarming a Single Partition
To arm/disarm a single partition, press the SELECTION
PARTITION SELECTION button on the keyfob once. AUX 2
In this state repeated pressing of the PARTITION HOME
SELECTION button will toggle between the enabled AUX 1
partitions and Partition All. To arm/disarm the desired
partition(s), press the HOME/AWAY/DISARM button.
The wireless remote commander is used to control
single or all partitions.
Arming/Disarming All Partitions Buzzer LED
To arm all partitions, press the HOME / AWAY /
DISARM button followed by the user code.
Arming/Disarming a Single Partition Away Light
To arm/disarm a single partition, press the "LIGHT"
button followed by the desired partition number (1, 2 Home Off
or 3). When the red LED turns OFF, press the 5
The two-way wireless keypad is used to control single or all partitions and functions in the same way as the
PowerMaxComplete control panel. See the section on "The Show Function" above (substitute the
button with the button).
The touch screen keyprox can be used with any combination of partitions.
Arming / Disarming Partition(s)
Press the desired partitions buttons. When the selected keys blink, press the HOME / AWAY / DISARM button
and then present your proximity tag.
This list of terms is arranged in alphabetical order. Control Panel: The control panel is a cabinet that
Any term indicated by cursive (italic) letters within the incorporates the electronic circuitry and
explanatory text can be looked up separately. microprocessor that control the alarm system. It
Abort Period: When an alarm is initiated, the collects information from various sensors, processes
internal sounder is activated first for a limited period it and responds in various ways. It also includes the
of time which is the abort period set by the installer. If user-interface - control keys, numerical keypad,
you cause an alarm accidentally, you can disarm the display, sounder and loudspeaker.
system within the abort period before the real sirens Disarming: The opposite of arming - an action that
start and before the alarm is reported to the remote restores the control panel to the normal standby
responders. state. In this state, only fire and 24-hour zones will
Alarm: There are 2 kinds of alarm: sound an alarm if violated, but a “panic alarm” may
Loud alarm - both internal and external sirens blare also be initiated.
out constantly and the control panel reports the event Disturbed Zone: A zone in a state of alarm (this
by telephone. may be caused by an open window or door or by
Silent alarm - the sirens remain silent, but the control motion in the field of view of a motion detector). A
panel reports the event by telephone. disturbed zone is considered “not secured”.
A state of alarm is caused by: Forced Arming: When any one of the system zones
is disturbed (open), the alarm system cannot be
Motion detected by a motion detector armed. One way to solve this problem is to find and
Change of state detected by a magnetic contact eliminate the cause for zone disturbance (closing
detector - a closed window or door is opened doors and windows). Another way to deal with this is
Detection of smoke by a smoke detector to impose forced arming - automatic de-activation of
Tampering with any one of the detectors zones that are still disturbed upon termination of the
exit delay. Bypassed zones will not be protected
Pressing the two emergency buttons simultaneously
throughout the arming period. Even if restored to
(panic) normal (closed), bypassed zones will remain
Arming: Arming the alarm system is an action that unprotected until the system is disarmed.
prepares it to sound an alarm if a zone is “violated”
Permission to “force arm” is given or denied by the
by motion or by opening a door or window, as the
installer while programming the system.
case may be. The control panel may be armed in
various modes (see AWAY, HOME, INSTANT and HOME: This type of arming is used when people are
LATCHKEY). present within the protected site. A classic example
is night-time at home, when the family is about to
AWAY: This type of arming is used when the
retire to bed. With HOME arming, perimeter zones
protected site is vacated entirely. All zones, interior are protected but interior zones are not.
and perimeter alike, are protected.
Consequently, motion within interior zones will be
Chime Zones: Allow you to keep track of activity in ignored by the control panel, but disturbance of a
the protected area while the alarm system is in the perimeter zone will cause an alarm.
disarmed state. Whenever a chime zone is "opened", Instant: You can arm the system AWAY-INSTANT
the buzzer beeps twice. The buzzer doesn't beep,
or HOME-INSTANT, thereby canceling the entry
however, upon closing the zone (return to normal).
delay for all delay zones for the duration of one
Residences can use this feature to annunciate arming period.
visitors or look after children. Businesses can use it
to signal when customers enter the premises or For example, you may arm the control panel in the
when personnel enter restricted areas. HOME-INSTANT mode and remain within the
protected area. Only perimeter protection is active,
Note: Your installer will never designate a 24-hour
and if you do not expect somebody to drop in while
zone or a fire zone as a chime zone, because both the system is armed, alarm upon entry via the main
zone types actuate an alarm if disturbed while the
door is an advantage.
system is in the disarmed state.
To disarm the system without causing an alarm, use
Although one zone or more are designated as chime your control keypad (which is normally accessible
zones, you can still enable or disable the chime without disturbing a perimeter zone) or use a keyfob
Latchkey: The Latchkey mode is a special arming Remote Responder: A responder can be either a
mode in which designated "latchkey users" will professional service provider to which the home or
trigger a "latchkey message" to be sent to a business owner subscribes (a central monitoring
telephone when they disarm the system. station) or a family relation/friend who agrees to look
Note: This applies to latchkey users 5 to 8 only after the protected site during absence of its
For example, if a parent wants to be sure that their occupants. The control panel reports events by
child has returned from school and disarmed the telephone to both kinds of responders.
system. Latchkey arming is only possible when the Restore: When a detector reverts from the state of
system is armed in the AWAY mode. alarm to the normal standby state, it is said to have
Magnetic Contact Detector, Wireless: A Magnet- been “restored”.
controlled switch and a wireless PowerCode A motion detector restores automatically after
transmitter in a shared housing. The detector is detection of movement, and becomes ready to detect
mounted on doors and windows to detect changes in again. This kind of “restore” is not reported to the
state (from closed to open and vice versa). Upon remote responders.
sensing that a door or window is open, the detector A magnetic contact detector restores only upon
transmits its unique identification code accompanied closure of the protected door or window. This kind of
by an “alarm” signal and various other status signals “restore” is reported to the remote responders.
to the control panel. The control panel, if not armed Smoke Detector, Wireless: A regular smoke detector
at that time, will consider the alarm system as “not and a wireless PowerCode transmitter in a shared
ready for arming” until it receives a “restored” signal housing. Upon detection of smoke, the detector
from the same detector. transmits its unique identification code accompanied by
Motion Detector, Wireless: A passive Infrared an alarm signal and various status signals to the control
motion sensor and a wireless PowerCode transmitter panel. Since the smoke detector is linked to a special
in a shared housing. Upon sensing motion, the fire zone, a fire alarm is initiated.
detector transmits its unique identification code, User Codes: The PowerMaxComplete is designed
accompanied by an alarm signal and various other to obey your commands, provided that they are
status signals to the control panel. After transmission, preceded by a valid security access code.
it stands by to sense further motion. Unauthorized people do not know this code, so any
Non-Alarm Zone: Your installer can designate a attempt on their part to disarm or defeat the system
zone for roles other than alarm. For instance, a is bound to fail. Some operations, however, can be
motion detector installed in a dark stairway may be carried out without a user code as they do not
used to switch on lights automatically when someone degrade the security level of the alarm system.
crosses the dark area. Another example is a Zone: A zone is an area within the protected site
miniature wireless transmitter linked to a zone that under supervision of a specific detector. During
controls a gate opening mechanism. programming, the installer allows the control panel
Quick Arming: Arming without a user code. The to learn the detector’s identity code and links it to
control panel does not request your user code when the desired zone. Since the zone is distinguished
you press one of the arming buttons. Permission to by number and name, the control panel can report
use this arming method is given or denied by the the zone status to the user and register in its
installer while programming the system. memory all the events reported by the zone
detector. Instant and delay zones are “on watch”
only when the control panel is armed, and other
(24-hour) zones are “on watch” regardless of
whether the system is armed or not.
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