Von Mises' Yield Criterion and Nonlinearly Hardening Rotating Shafts

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Acta Mechanica 168, 129–144 (2004)

Acta Mechanica
DOI 10.1007/s00707-004-0088-z Printed in Austria

Von Mises’ yield criterion and nonlinearly

hardening rotating shafts
A. N. Eraslan, Ankara, Turkey

Received June 24, 2003; revised January 12, 2004

Published online: March 31, 2004 Ó Springer-Verlag 2004

Summary. A computational model is developed to estimate the stress distributions in rotating elastic-
plastic solid and hollow shafts by the use of von Mises’ yield criterion, deformation theory of plasticity and
a Swift-type hardening law. An efficient numerical solution procedure based on the shooting method and
Newton iterations is designed and used throughout this work to treat shafts with fixed and free ends. The
results of the computations are verified by comparison with analytical solutions in the elastic range as well
as with analytical elastic-plastic solutions employing Tresca’s yield criterion available in the literature. The
stresses, displacement and plastic strains are computed for nonlinearly hardening elastic-plastic solid and
hollow shafts rotating at different speeds, and the results are presented in graphical form.

1 Introduction

Elastoplastic analysis of stresses and deformations in rotating solid and hollow shafts has been
performed comprehensively in the past by the use of Tresca’s yield criterion and its associated
flow rule for ideally-plastic and linearly hardening materials. Gamer and Lance [1] obtained an
analytical solution for a linearly hardening rotating hollow shaft with fixed ends. Later, Mack
[2] obtained the closed form solution of a rotating hollow shaft with free ends. In that work, the
shaft was assumed to behave ideally-plastic. The solution for a rotating ideally-plastic solid
shaft with free ends was obtained by Mack [3]. In a later work, Gamer et al. [4] studied the
stresses in an elastic-plastic rotating solid shaft with fixed ends considering ideally-plastic shaft
material. Recently, Eraslan [5] extended the works of Mack [3] and Gamer et al. [4] to shafts
made of linearly hardening materials.
The objective of this work is to study elastic-plastic deformations of rotating solid and hollow
shafts with fixed as well as with free ends using von Mises’ yield criterion and Prandtl-Reuss’
equation. Shafts, exhibiting ideally-plastic, linear and nonlinear isotropic strain hardening in the
form of Swift’s hardening law are considered. The present study extends all of the works listed
above to include (i) von Mises’ yield criterion, (ii) nonlinear isotropic hardening, (iii) small and
large values of the hardening parameter.
An efficient and stable numerical algorithm possessing high order accuracy is designed and
used throughout to handle the nonlinearities associated with von Mises’ yield criterion. This
algorithm is based on a nonlinear shooting method using Newton iterations with numerically
approximated tangents. The results of the computations are compared with the existing ana-
lytical solutions based on Tresca’s criterion [1]–[5] for two purposes: to verify the present
130 A. N. Eraslan

computational model and to allow a comparison between the predictions of two commonly used
yield criteria. These comparisons show that there exists fairly good agreement in the predictions
of stress and displacement distributions and relatively poor agreement in plastic strain predic-
tions for shafts made of ideally-plastic and linearly hardening materials. It is also shown that for
such shafts the elastic-plastic interface predicted by Tresca’s criterion advances further than that
of von Mises’ and hence, lower fully plastic limits are predicted by Tresca’s criterion.

2 Model development

2.1 Basic equations

The following dimensionless and normalized variables are introduced. Radial coordinate:
r ¼ r=b, normal stress: rj ¼ rj =r0 , normal strain: j ¼ j E=r0 , radial displacement:
u ¼ uE=r0 b, angular velocity: X ¼ xbðq=r0 Þ1=2 , hardening parameter: H ¼ gr0 =E, with b
being the outer radius of the shaft, r0 the yield limit of the material, E the modulus of elasticity,
x the angular velocity, q the mass density and g the hardening parameter. The equations given
below are written in terms of these variables. For convenience, the over-bars are dropped in the
rest of the paper.
A state of generalized plane strain and small deformations are presumed. The equation of
equilibrium in radial direction,
rh ¼ ðrrr Þ0 þ X2 r2 ; ð1Þ
the geometric relations: r ¼ u ; h ¼ u=r, the compatibility relation
r ¼ ðrh Þ0 ; ð2Þ
and the generalized Hooke’s law
r ¼ pr þ rr  mðrh þ rz Þ; ð3Þ

h ¼ ph þ rh  mðrr þ rz Þ; ð4Þ

z ¼ pz þ rz  mðrr þ rh Þ; ð5Þ

are valid both in elastic (with plastic strain pi
¼ 0) and in plastic regions. In the equations
above, a prime denotes differentiation with respect to the nondimensional radial coordinate r.

2.2 The elastic equation

For purely elastic deformations pi ¼ 0. In a state of generalized plane strain z ¼ 0 ¼ constant
and from Eq. (5) the axial stress is determined as
rz ¼ 0 þ mðrr þ rh Þ: ð6Þ
At this point, it is convenient to define the stress function Y ðrÞ in terms of the radial stress as
Y ¼ rrr . From the equation of equilibrium (1) we obtain rh ¼ Y 0 þ X2 r2 . Hence, the total
elastic strains become
r ¼ ð1  m2 ÞY  mð1 þ mÞY 0  mr2 X2 ð1 þ mÞ  m0 ; ð7Þ
h ¼  ð1 þ mÞY þ ð1  m2 ÞY 0 þ r2 X2 ð1  m2 Þ  m0 : ð8Þ
Nonlinearly hardening rotating shafts 131

The elastic equation is obtained by the substitution of r and h in the compatibility relation (2).
The result is

d2 Y dY ð3  2mÞX2 r3
r2 þ r  Y ¼  : ð9Þ
dr2 dr 1m
This is a Cauchy-Euler nonhomogeneous differential equation, and its analytical solution will
be presented later.

2.3 The plastic equation

In the plastic region the axial stress takes the form

rz ¼ 0  pz þ mðrr þ rh Þ: ð10Þ
Eliminating the axial stress from the total strain expressions (3 ) and (4) and substituting the
results in the compatibility relation (2) leads to the governing differential equation for the
plastic region,
d2 Y dY ð3  2mÞr3 X2 r p dph dpz
r2 2 þ r Y ¼     p
r þ r þ rm : ð11Þ
dr dr 1m 1  m2 h dr dr
Note that in the elastic region the plastic strains pj and hence their derivatives ðpj Þ0 vanish and
this equation reduces to the elastic equation given by Eq. (9). Therefore, Eq. (11) governs the
behavior of a shaft in both plastic and, for pj ¼ 0 and ðpj Þ0 ¼ 0, elastic regions. Since the
distribution of plastic strains is not known a priori, the numerical solution of this equation is
not possible unless explicit expressions for the plastic strains are substituted. This is achieved
next, using the deformation theory of plasticity.
For plane strain, the deviatoric stress tensor takes the form [6]:
2 3
rr  r
^ 0 0
6 7
½Sij  ¼ 4 0 rh  r
^ 0 5; ð12Þ
0 0 rz  r
where r ^ ¼ ðrr þ rh þ rz Þ=3. In terms of Sij , the von Mises’
^ is the hydrostatic stress given by r
yield criterion can be expressed in compact form as [6]
ry ¼ Sij Sij : ð13Þ
Substituting the components of Sij in Eq. (13) and carrying out the summations one obtains
von Mises’ yield criterion for the present problem as
1h 2 2 2
ry ¼ ðrr  rh Þ þ ðrr  rz Þ þ ðrh  rz Þ : ð14Þ
Using the Prandtl-Reuss equation [6], dpij ¼ Sij dk, where dk is a nonnegative scalar multiplier,
the increments of plastic strain components are evaluated as
p 2 1
dr ¼ dk rr  ðrh þ rz Þ ; ð15Þ
3 2
2 1
dph ¼ dk rh  ðrr þ rz Þ ; ð16Þ
3 2
132 A. N. Eraslan

2 1
dpz ¼ dk rz  ðrr þ rh Þ : ð17Þ
3 2
In terms of increments of plastic strain components, the equivalent plastic strain increment
dEQ is given by
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 p p 2h p 2 i
dEQ ¼ dij dij ¼ ðdr Þ þ ðdph Þ2 þ ðdpz Þ2 : ð18Þ
3 3
Using plastic incompressibility dpr þ dph þ dpz ¼ 0 together with Eqs. (13) and (18), one

3 dEQ
dk ¼ : ð19Þ
2 ry
In the absence of plastic predeformation, according to deformation theory of plasticity, the
above equations for the plastic strains become
EQ 1
pr ¼ rr  ðrh þ rz Þ ; ð20Þ
ry 2
EQ 1
ph ¼ rh  ðrr þ rz Þ ; ð21Þ
ry 2
EQ 1
pz ¼ rz  ðrr þ rh Þ : ð22Þ
ry 2
On the other hand, according to Swift’s hardening law, the relation between the yield stress and
the equivalent plastic strain can be expressed as

ry ¼ ð1 þ HEQ Þ1=m ; ð23Þ

and the inverse relation is
EQ ¼ ðrm
y  1Þ ; ð24Þ
where m is the material parameter. Note that m ¼ 1 corresponds to a linear hardening
material. The total strain components in terms of the stresses are obtained by superposition of
plastic and elastic parts as
y  1Þ 1
r ¼ rr  ðrh þ rz Þ þ ½rr  mðrh þ rz Þ; ð25Þ
Hry 2
y  1Þ 1
h ¼ rh  ðrr þ rz Þ þ ½rh  mðrr þ rz Þ; ð26Þ
Hry 2
y  1Þ 1
z ¼ 0 ¼ rz  ðrr þ rh Þ þ ½rz  mðrr þ rh Þ: ð27Þ
Hry 2
In order to obtain the governing differential equation in a convenient form, some algebraic
manipulations have to be performed. First, the derivative of the yield stress ry is written in the

dry drz drh

¼ N1 þ N2 þ N3 ; ð28Þ
dr dr dr
Nonlinearly hardening rotating shafts 133

2rr  rh  rz drr
N1 ¼ ; ð29Þ
2ry dr

2rz  rr  rh
N2 ¼ ; ð30Þ

2rh  rr  rz
N3 ¼ : ð31Þ
Then, Eq. (27) is differentiated with respect to the radial coordinate r and combined with
Eq. (28) to obtain
drz 1 drr drh
¼ N1 N4 N5 þ N6 ry þ ðN3 N4 N5 þ N6 ry Þ ; ð32Þ
dr N8 dr dr
in which the following variables have been defined:
N4 ¼ rm
y ðm  1Þ þ 1; ð33Þ

N5 ¼ rr þ rh  2rz ; ð34Þ
N6 ¼ rm
y þ 2Hmry  1; ð35Þ

N7 ¼ rm
y þ Hry  1; ð36Þ

N8 ¼ 2N7 ry  N2 N4 N5 : ð37Þ

Finally, the total strains from Eqs. (25) and (26) are placed in the compatibility relation (18)
making use of the relations (28) and (32) to give
rN1 N4 ðN8 N9 þ N5 N10 Þ ½2Hð1 þ mÞry þ 3ðrm
y  1Þðrh  rr Þ
 2r2 N11 X2  þ
2HN8 r2y 2Hry
rN6 ðN8 þ N10 Þ drr d2 Y
  rN11 2 ¼ 0;
2HN8 ry dr dr
N9 ¼ rr þ rz  2rh ; ð39Þ

N10 ¼ N2 N4 N9 þ N6 ry ; ð40Þ

N3 N4 ðN8 N9 þ N5 N10 Þ  ry ð2N7 N8  N6 N10 Þ

N11 ¼ : ð41Þ
2HN8 r2y
Equation (38) is the differential equation that governs the plastic region. The elastic-plastic
border rep is determined by ry ðrep Þ ¼ 1 and in the adjacent elastic region the differential
equation (11) with pi ¼ 0 and ðpi Þ0 ¼ 0 is solved to assure the continuity of the stress function
Y and its first-order derivative Y 0 . As a result, the continuity of the stresses and displacement at
the elastic-plastic interface is satisfied. Care must be exercised in the solution of Eq. (38) because
of its highly nonlinear character. The details of the numerical solution procedure are given next.

2.4 Solution procedure

If all the stresses rr , rh , ry and drr =dr in Eq. (38) are expressed in terms of Y and dY =dr by
using rr ¼ Y =r and rh ¼ Y 0 þ X2 r2 , Eq. (38) can be cast into the general form:
134 A. N. Eraslan

d2 Y dY
¼ Gðr; Y ; Þ: ð42Þ
dr2 dr
Equation (42) is a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem and may be solved numeri-
cally, subject to the following boundary conditions:
Y ðaÞ ¼ 0 and Y ð1Þ ¼ 0 for 0  a < 1: ð43Þ
It is noted that, while Y ðaÞ ¼ 0 holds for both a  0, in case of a solid shaft rr ð0Þ ¼ Y 0 ð0Þ
whereas for hollow shafts rr ðaÞ ¼ Y ðaÞ=a. Letting /1 ðrÞ ¼ Y and /2 ðrÞ ¼ dY =dr one may

¼ /2 ; ð44Þ
¼ Gðr; /1 ; /2 Þ: ð45Þ
Equations (44) and (45) form a system of initial value problems (IVP) and are integrated
numerically, starting with the initial conditions /1 ðaÞ ¼ 0 and /2 ðaÞ ¼ dY =drjr¼a . Since the
gradient of Y at r ¼ a is not known, a Newton iteration scheme is designed to obtain the
correct value of this gradient by requiring Y ð1Þ ¼ 0. Iterations begin with the initial estimate
/02 ðaÞ, and at the k-th iteration cycle the IVP-system is solved three times with

I. /2 ðaÞ ¼ /k2 ðaÞ to give f1 ¼ /1 ð1Þ;

II. /2 ðaÞ ¼ /k2 ðaÞ þ D/ to give f2 ¼ /1 ð1Þ;

III. /2 ðaÞ ¼ /k2 ðaÞ  D/ to give f3 ¼ /1 ð1Þ;

where D/ is a small increment of the order of /k2 ðaÞ=100. A better approximation for /2 ðaÞ is
obtained from

ð2D/ Þf1
/kþ1 k
2 ðaÞ ¼ /2 ðaÞ  : ð46Þ
f2  f3
Iterations are repeated until j/2kþ1 ðaÞ  /k2 ðaÞj < eT with eT being the specified error tolerance.
In the following calculations, eT is taken as 108 in double precision computing environment.
The main advantages of using this procedure are stability, rate of convergence and availability
of state-of-the-art ODE solvers for accurate integrations.
The initial value system defined by Eqs. (44) and (45) is stiff at early stages of the integration.
The robust stiff ordinary differential equation solver LSODE [7] is used to overcome the
stiffness problem. For shafts with free ends, an outer iteration loop is performed to estimate the
unknown axial strain 0 . Newton iterations similar to those explained above start with the
initial estimate 0 and are repeated until the net axial force Fz vanishes, that is
Z Z 1
Fz ¼ rz dA ¼ 2p rz rdr ¼ 0: ð47Þ

The axial stress rz in the integrand is determined either from Eq. (27) or from Eq. (6)
depending on whether the region is plastic or elastic. Of course, in a numerical calculation it is
not possible to make the axial force exactly equal to zero. Thus, the main iterations to calculate
0 are terminated when Fz  1010 . The analytical value of 0 calculated at the elastic limit
usually provides a reasonable initial estimate to begin. A typical elastoplastic computation with
this procedure executes less than 1 second on a Pentium-IV based PC running at 1.8 GHz.
Nonlinearly hardening rotating shafts 135

3 Preliminary calculations

The general solution of Eq. (9) is

C1 ð3  2mÞX2 r3
Y ðrÞ ¼ þ C2 r  : ð48Þ
r 8ð1  mÞ
Hence, the stress components and radial displacement are obtained as
C1 ð3  2mÞX2 r2
rr ¼ 2
þ C2  ; ð49Þ
r 8ð1  mÞ

C1 ð1 þ 2mÞX2 r2
rh ¼  2
þ C2  ; ð50Þ
r 8ð1  mÞ

mX2 r2
rz ¼ 2mC2 þ 0  ; ð51Þ
2ð1  mÞ
C1 rm0 1  2m 2 3
u ¼ ð1 þ mÞ  þ ð1  2mÞrC2   X r : ð52Þ
r 1 þ m 8ð1  mÞ
For shafts with free ends, the net force Fz in axial direction vanishes, hence, the constant axial
strain is determined from Eq. (47) as
ð1 þ a2 ÞmX2
0 ¼ 2mC2 þ : ð53Þ
4ð1  mÞ
The elastic solution is completed by the application of boundary conditions. For a solid shaft,
the stress components must be finite at the axis of the shaft, therefore C1 ¼ 0. The surface of the
shaft is free of any traction and hence rr ð1Þ ¼ 0. This condition gives
ð3  2mÞX2
C2 ¼ : ð54Þ
8ð1  mÞ
Equations (49) and (50) reveal that at the axis of a solid shaft
ð3  2mÞX2
rr ð0Þ ¼ rh ð0Þ ¼ C2 ¼ : ð55Þ
8ð1  mÞ
On the other hand, in the case of a hollow shaft with traction free surfaces, the boundary
conditions read rr ðaÞ ¼ rr ð1Þ ¼ 0 which result in
a2 ð3  2mÞX2
C1 ¼  ; ð56Þ
8ð1  mÞ

ð1 þ a2 Þð3  2mÞX2
C2 ¼ : ð57Þ
8ð1  mÞ
The stresses for a solid shaft with fixed ends are obtained as
X2 ð3  2mÞð1  r2 Þ
rr ¼ ; ð58Þ
8ð1  mÞ
X2 3  2m  ð1 þ 2mÞr2
rh ¼ ; ð59Þ
8ð1  mÞ
mX2 3  2m  2r2
rz ¼ : ð60Þ
4ð1  mÞ
136 A. N. Eraslan

Yielding commences at the axis of the shaft where stresses satisfy the inequality rr ¼ rh > rz . If
the yield stress (14) is written at this location, it becomes
1n o
ry ¼ ½rr ð0Þ  rz ð0Þ2 þ 0 þ ½rz ð0Þ  rr ð0Þ2 ¼ rr ð0Þ  rz ð0Þ; ð61Þ
which is the yield stress according to Tresca’s yield criterion. Hence, for a solid shaft both von
Mises and Tresca criteria predict the same elastic limit angular velocity. Plastic deformation
takes place as soon as ry ¼ 1. Substituting the stresses (58) and (60) in rr ð0Þ  rz ð0Þ ¼ 1, the
elastic limit angular velocity X ¼ X1 is determined as
8ð1  mÞ
X1 ¼ : ð62Þ
ð1  2mÞð3  2mÞ

For a solid shaft with free ends, the axial strain is obtained as 0 ¼ mX2 =2 by using Eq. (53).
The axial stress, which depends on 0 , becomes
mX2 ð1  2r2 Þ
rz ¼ : ð63Þ
4ð1  mÞ
Yielding begins at the axis of the shaft where the stress state satisfies rr ¼ rh > rz . Placing the
stresses in rr ð0Þ  rz ð0Þ ¼ 1, the elastic limit angular velocity is determined as
8ð1  mÞ
X1 ¼ : ð64Þ
3  4m
In the case of a hollow shaft of inner radius a with fixed ends, using Eqs. (56) and (57), the
stresses are determined as
X2 ð3  2mÞ ða2  r2 Þðr2  1Þ
rr ¼ ; ð65Þ
8r2 ð1  mÞ

X2 a2 ð1 þ r2 Þð3  2mÞ þ r2 ½3  2m  ð1 þ 2mÞr2 
rh ¼ ; ð66Þ
8r2 ð1  mÞ
mX2 ð3  2mÞð1 þ a2 Þ  2r2
rz ¼ : ð67Þ
4ð1  mÞ
Yielding begins at the inner surface of the shaft where rh > rz > rr ¼ 0. The elastic limit
angular velocity is obtained as
4ð1  mÞ
X1 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi: ð68Þ
½3  2m þ a ð1  2mÞ ½1  mð1  mÞ
If the ends of the hollow shaft are free, the axial strain is found to be
0 ¼  mX2 ð1 þ a2 Þ: ð69Þ
Hence, the axial stress takes the form
mX2 ð1 þ a2  2r2 Þ
rz ¼ ; ð70Þ
4ð1  mÞ
accordingly, the elastic limit angular velocity is determined as
4ð1  mÞ
X1 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi: ð71Þ
ð3 þ a2 Þ½3  5m þ a2 ð1  3mÞ þ m2 ð7 þ 6a2 þ 3a4 Þ
Nonlinearly hardening rotating shafts 137

Note that, based on Tresca’s yield criterion, yielding begins at the inner surface as soon as
rh ðaÞ ¼ 1, irrespective of the end condition. This condition leads to the limit for hollow shafts
4ð1  mÞ
X1 ¼ : ð72Þ
3  2m þ a2 ð1  2mÞ

Taking Poisson’s ratio as m ¼ 0:3, elastic limit angular velocities for solid and hollow shafts of
different inner radii are calculated and the results are presented in Table 1.
As can be seen in Table 1, Tresca’s yield criterion predicts lower elastic limit angular
velocities than von Mises’ for hollow shafts.
In this section, the results of the computations will be compared with analytical solutions in
the elastic range. Throughout these calculations Poisson’s ratio is taken as m ¼ 0:3. First, the
stresses and displacement are calculated for a solid shaft with free ends at the elastic limit
angular velocity X1 ¼ 1:76383. A numerical solution is performed for this problem starting
with 0 ¼ 0:4. Computations are converged to 0 ¼ 0:466667 after 11 main iterations. At
each main iteration 3, 4 sub iterations are performed to get the converged value of /2 ð0Þ. At the
end of the 11-th iteration, /2 ð0Þ ¼ 1:33333. On the other hand, the nonzero integration con-
stant is calculated from Eq. (54) as C2 ¼ 1:33333 and the normalized axial strain is calculated
from Eq. (53) as 0 ¼ 0:466667. Numerical and analytical solutions for the stresses and
displacement are compared in Fig. 1a. Both solutions agree perfectly. In this figure, dots
represent the analytical solution, and the stress variable / is calculated from
/¼ ðrr  rh Þ2 þ ðrr  rz Þ2 þ ðrh  rz Þ2 ; ð73Þ
which corresponds to the yield stress ry in the plastic core. Note that / ¼ 1 at the elastic-plastic
border and / < 1 in the elastic region.
Next, an elastic hollow shaft with free ends having an inner radius of a ¼ 0:2 is considered.
The elastic limit angular velocity, as predicted by von Mises’ yield criterion, is X1 ¼ 1:10681
(see Table 1), and with the help of Eq. (69), the analytical solution gives 0 ¼ 0:191105. The
numerical result for the axial strain is exactly the same as that of the analytical value, and it is
obtained after 3 main iterations. Figure 1b presents numerical and analytical stress distribu-
tions. Again, dots represent the analytical solution and like in elastic solid shaft calculation,
perfect agreement between numerical and analytical solutions is obtained. These sample
calculations show that the numerical solution algorithm performs well and the computer code
that implements this algorithm functions properly.

Table 1. Elastic limit angular velocities

a Fixed end Free end

von Mises Tresca von Mises Tresca

0 2.41523 2.41523 1.76383 1.76383

0.1 1.14474 1.07922 1.11059 1.07922
0.2 1.14189 1.07654 1.10681 1.07654
0.3 1.13719 1.07211 1.10058 1.07211
0.4 1.13071 1.06600 1.09198 1.06600
0.5 1.12254 1.05830 1.08115 1.05830
0.6 1.11279 1.04911 1.06825 1.04911
0.7 1.10159 1.03855 1.05347 1.03855
0.8 1.08908 1.02675 1.03702 1.02675
0.9 1.07540 1.01385 1.01911 1.01385
138 A. N. Eraslan

1.6 1.2
f sq
stresses and displacement


stresses and displacement

0.6 f

0.4 u 0.4

0.2 u
sz 0.2
0.0 sz

–0.4 –0.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
a radial coordinate b radial coordinate

Fig. 1. Comparison of analytical (dots) and numerical solutions for a rotating (a) solid shaft with free
ends at X1 ¼ 1:76383, (b) hollow shaft with free ends at X1 ¼ 1:10681

4 Results of elastoplastic calculations

4.1 Linearly hardening and ideally-plastic shafts

In this section, the results of the computations will be compared with analytical solutions for
linearly hardening and ideally-plastic shafts available in the literature by taking the material
parameter in Eq. (23) as m ¼ 1. In his earlier work [5], the author obtained analytical solutions
for elastic-plastic deformations of a linearly hardening rotating solid shaft with fixed ends and
with free ends. In that work, all stages of elastic-plastic deformations from purely elastic to
beyond fully plastic were studied using Tresca’s yield criterion and its associated flow rule. It
was shown that for a shaft with fixed ends the first stage of elastic-plastic deformation even-
tuates at X ¼ 2:63658 if the hardening parameter is taken as H ¼ 0:5. In this work, compu-
tation is performed for a solid shaft with fixed ends (0 ¼ 0) to obtain the distributions of stress,
radial displacement and plastic strain at the speed of X ¼ 2:63658 using the same hardening
parameter, H ¼ 0:5. The results of this partially plastic shaft are compared with the analytical
solution in Fig. 2. Figure 2a shows the stresses and the displacement. Dots represent the
analytical solution. As can be seen in this figure, both solutions agree well, and perfect
agreement is obtained for the radial displacement. The distributions of plastic strain are
compared in Fig. 2b. In this figure, analytical strains are drawn by dashed lines. Plastic strains
smaller in magnitude are predicted by von Mises’ criterion. Furthermore, Tresca’s criterion
advances the plastic-elastic border further than von Mises’. Since the results of partially plastic
linearly hardening solid shafts with free ends were not presented in [5], comparisons with such
shafts could not be made. However, Mack [3] presented the results of partially plastic solid
shafts made of ideally-plastic material. With the present model, ideally-plastic materials can be
simulated by taking H ¼ 106 . In Fig. 3a, calculated stresses and displacement in the elastic-
Nonlinearly hardening rotating shafts 139

3.5 0.15

3.0 0.10
0.05 eqp
stresses and displacement

sq erp
sr 0.00

plastic strains
1.5 ezp
1.0 rep rep
0.5 –0.20

0.0 –0.25
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
a radial coordinate b radial coordinate

Fig. 2a. Stresses and displacement, (b) plastic strains in a linearly hardening rotating elastic-plastic
solid shaft with fixed ends at X ¼ 2:63658. Dots (a) and dashed lines (b) represent the analytical
solution of Eraslan [5]


1.25 0.05
1.00 eqp
stresses and displacement

0.75 erp
plastic strains

0.50 u

sz ezp
–0.05 rep
0.00 rep


–0.50 –0.10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
a b
radial coordinate radial coordinate

Fig. 3a. Stresses and displacement, (b) plastic strains in an ideally-plastic rotating elastic-plastic solid
shaft with free ends at X ¼ 1:81659. Dots (a), and dashed lines (b) represent the analytical solution of
Mack [3]

plastic solid shaft with free ends corresponding to X ¼ 1:81659 are compared with the ana-
lytical solution of Mack [3] (dots). Good agreement is obtained. As can be seen in Fig. 3a, the
stress variable throughout the plastic core is calculated as / ¼ 1, which indicates ideally-plastic
140 A. N. Eraslan

1.2 1.40

sq 1.35
stresses and displacement


angular velocity
sr 1.10

0.0 1.05

–0.2 1.00
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
a radial coordinate b elastic-plastic border radius

Fig. 4a. Stresses and displacement in an ideally-plastic rotating elastic-plastic hollow shaft with free
ends at X ¼ 1:24916, (b) propagation of elastic-plastic border radius. Dots represent the analytical
solution of Mack [2]

material behavior. The plastic strains are presented in Fig. 3b in comparison with the analytical
strains (dashed lines).
Final comparisons are made with the results of Mack [2] for an ideally-plastic hollow shaft
with free ends. The stresses and displacement in a partially plastic hollow shaft of inner radius
a ¼ 0:5 rotating at X ¼ 1:24916 are given in Fig. 4a, together with the analytical solution
(dots). In Fig. 4b, the propagation of the elastic-plastic interface for this shaft with increasing
rotation speeds is presented. In this figure, dots represent the solution obtained by using
Tresca’s yield criterion given in [2]. As can be seen in Fig. 4b, the elastic-plastic border radius
predicted by Tresca’s criterion advances further than that of von Mises’, and as a consequence,
a lower plastic limit angular velocity is predicted by Tresca’s criterion. This comparison and the
ones discussed above verify the present elastoplastic model on different classes of problems and
for a wide range of values of parameters.

4.2 Nonlinearly hardening shafts

In the following calculations Poisson’s ratio is m ¼ 0:3. To give an example on nonlinearly

hardening rotating shafts, a solid shaft with free ends is considered. The material and
hardening parameters are taken as m ¼ 0:5 and H ¼ 0:5. Assigning X ¼ 1:9 > X1 , the dis-
tributions of stress and displacement are calculated. The results are shown in Fig. 5a. The
plastic-elastic border for this partially plastic shaft is calculated as rep ¼ 0:6093. The effect
of using different material parameters m on the calculated plastic strains for a solid shaft
with free ends using the hardening parameter H ¼ 0:5 is shown in Fig. 5b and 5c. Figure 5b
presents the circumferential and axial plastic strains and Fig. 5c the radial plastic strain. As
is shown in these figures, the plastic strains increase in magnitude as the material parameter
m increases.
Nonlinearly hardening rotating shafts 141

1.6 0.10
m = 1.0
1.4 m = 2.0
1.2 0.05
f sq
m = 0.5
stresses and displacement


plastic strains
u –0.05 ezp
m = 0.5
sz –0.10
m = 1.0
m = 2.0
–0.2 –0.15
–0.6 –0.20
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
a radial coordinate b radial coordinate


0.07 m = 2.0


0.05 m = 1.0
plastic strain


m = 0.5

Fig. 5a. Stresses and displacement in a nonlin-
0.01 early hardening rotating elastic-plastic solid
shaft with free ends at X ¼ 1:9 using m ¼ 0:5
0.00 and H ¼ 0:5, (b) circumferential and axial
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 plastic strains for different m values, (c) radial
c radial coordinate plastic strain for different m values

The propagation of the elastic-plastic border radius with increasing angular velocity for a
linearly hardening (m ¼ 1) solid shaft with free ends is depicted in Fig. 6a using
different hardening parameters. The effect of H on the propagation of the plastic core can
easily be evaluated on this figure. Similar calculations are performed for different material
parameters using the hardening parameter H ¼ 0:5. Figure 6b presents the results of these
The increase in magnitude of the axial strain 0 with increasing angular velocities for
linear hardening is computed using different hardening parameters, and the results of
these calculations are presented in Fig. 7a. As can be seen in this figure, the magnitude of
142 A. N. Eraslan

2.05 2.05

2.00 m = 0.5
H = 0.6
0.3 1.95
1.95 m=2

angular velocity
angular velocity

H = 0.1
1.90 1.90
rep rep

1.85 1.85

1.80 1.80

1.75 1.75
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
a b elastic-plastic border radius
elastic-plastic border radius

Fig. 6. Propagation of the elastic-plastic interface in a rotating solid shaft with free ends (a) for
different H values using m ¼ 1, (b) for different m values using H ¼ 0:5

2.1 2.1
m = 0.5
H = 0.6
2.0 0.3 2.0 2
angular velocity

angular velocity

1.9 1.9

e–0 e–0
1.8 1.8

1.7 1.7

1.6 1.6
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
a axial strain b axial strain

Fig. 7. Magnitude of total axial strain with increasing values of the angular velocity in a rotating solid
shaft with free ends (a) for different H values using m ¼ 1, (b) for different m values using H ¼ 0:5

the total axial strain decreases with increasing values of the hardening parameter H, however,
this effect is insignificant at low values of the angular speed X. The effect of the material
parameter m for H ¼ 0:5 on the magnitude of the total axial strain for the same shaft is shown
in Fig. 7b.
Nonlinearly hardening rotating shafts 143

2.965 2.045


plastic limit angular velocity

plastic limit angular velocity

H = 0.6
H = 0.6
2.955 H = 0.4
H = 0.4

H = 0.2
H = 0.2

2.945 1.975
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
a material parameter m b material parameter m
1.66 1.465

1.64 1.455

1.62 H = 0.6 1.445

plastic limit angular velocity

plastic limit angular velocity

H = 0.6
H = 0.4
1.58 H = 0.4
H = 0.2
H = 0.2
1.52 1.385

1.50 1.375
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
c material parameter m d material parameter m

Fig. 8. Variation of fully plastic limit angular velocity with m using H as a parameter for a (a) solid
shaft with fixed ends, (b) solid shaft with free ends, (c) hollow shaft with fixed ends having an inner
radius of a ¼ 0:5, and (d) hollow shaft with free ends for a ¼ 0:5

Finally, the dependence of the fully plastic limit angular speed on the material parameters H
and m in rotating solid and hollow shafts is determined computationally, and the results are
depicted in Fig. 8. Figure 8a shows the variation of the fully plastic limit angular velocity with
m using H as a parameter for a rotating solid shaft with fixed ends. The plastic limit angular
velocity increases as m decreases and/or H increases. Similar variations are obtained for a
rotating solid shaft with free ends as shown in Fig. 8b, for a rotating hollow shaft with fixed
ends having an inner radius of a ¼ 0:5 in Fig. 8c, and for a rotating hollow shaft with free ends
(a ¼ 0:5) in Fig. 8d.
144 A. N. Eraslan: Nonlinearly hardening rotating shafts

5 Concluding remarks

A computational model based on von Mises’ criterion, deformation theory and Swift’s hard-
ening law is developed to study the elastic-plastic response of rotating solid and hollow shafts
using different end conditions. Swift’s hardening law is used for its simple form, however the
model is designed in such a way that any other hardening law or polynomial strain-yield stress
relations can easily be incorporated. This paper represents an extension of the previous studies
in the theoretical analysis of elastic-plastic rotating shafts to include von Mises’ yield criterion
and nonlinear hardening material behavior. The distributions of stress and displacement for
linearly hardening or perfectly-plastic rotating shafts obtained by the present model agree well
with those obtained by Tresca’s criterion. However, plastic strains much smaller in magnitude
are predicted by the use of von Mises’ criterion. Computations for nonlinearly hardening
rotating solid and hollow shafts indicate that the stresses, displacements and strains in those are
affected significantly by the material and hardening parameters.


The author takes this opportunity to thank Prof. W. Mack at Technische Universität Wien for many
helpful discussions on the subject. Mr. T. Akiş, a PhD student in the Department of Engineering
Sciences at Middle East Technical University, has been helpful during the course of this work. His help
is appreciated. As usual, the manuscript was checked by Ms. F. Asya with great care and patience for its
style and language. The author is deeply indebted to her.


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[2] Mack, W.: Rotating elastic-plastic tube with free ends. Int. J. Solids Struct. 27, 1461–1476 (1991).
[3] Mack, W.: The rotating elastic-plastic solid shaft with free ends. Techn. Mech. 12, 119–124 (1991).
[4] Gamer, U., Mack, W., Varga, I.: Rotating elastic-plastic solid shaft with fixed ends. Int. J. Engng
Sci. 35, 253–267 (1997).
[5] Eraslan, A. N.: On the linearly hardening rotating solid shaft. Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids 22, 295–307
[6] Mase, G. E.: Continuum mechanics. Schaum’s Outline Series. New York: McGraw-Hill 1970.
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Author’s address: A. N. Eraslan, Department of Engineering Sciences, Middle East Technical

University, Ankara 06531, Turkey
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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