Writing A Research Introduction

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4/3/2020 Writing a research introduction - Dr Taha Alhazmi

Writing a research introduction - Dr Taha

35 responses

Overall evaluation

Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent



Overall evaluation of the session

Contribution to learning

15 Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent


Level of skill/knowledge at start Level of skill/knowledge at end Contribution of session to your
of session of session skill/knowledge

Level of effort

Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent




Level of effort you put into the session

Skill and responsiveness of the instructor

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree



Instructor was an effective Presentations were clear Instructor stimulated Instructor effectiv
lecturer/demonstrator and organized student interest time during class


Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree



Learning objectives were clear Session content was organized Session workload was
and well planned appropriate

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What aspects of this session How would you improve this
were most useful or valuable? session?

Is the explanation away from the text of the slides This lecture is very important. The session must be at
and the use of blank page to describe least 2 hours instead of only 1with more Examples and
Using different methods for teaching such as I didn’t type my name because your session was
websites , notes for more explanations. incredible amazing this was amazing
The practical sessions where the instructor interact By giving more examples and should prepare different
with the student. real examples
Diabetes aspect To be honest Your advices were
Practicing To be honest your advices were amazing
They way of explaining through demonstrating a More examples, possibly writing an introduction while
model and relate it to the slides was amazing explaining the content.

The general idea it provides, in addition to some This session is very important it must be at least 2
important key factors that must be considered when hours instead of only 1 with more examples and
writing an introduction exercises


Also regarding previous practical sessions, i would

give them possibly a full mark, because they were
effective and well organised and executed in an
efficient and interactive way
The practical session where the instructor Homework rather than in-session assignment.
encouraged the students to participate
The way Dr. Taha gave a great overview of the More preparation of the tool used : wifi,ipad.. etc
lecture in the beginning, which helped me be aware
of each step throughout the practical session.
Drawing to explain more 1-Give more examples
2-giving a bad example then Try to make better better
Research introduction hierarchy explanation, If there like pre session preparation
appreciated the lecturers preparedness and effort
put into summarizing from reputable sources such as
Engaging with the doctor with paper Insuring lecture’s continuity and smoothness, but these
are general IT matters… thank you very much doctor
Our wishes and prayers for everyone’s safety and their
loved ones.
They way of explaining through demonstrating a Nothing more its perfect
model and relate it to the slides was amazing

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