A Methodology For Estimating The Radiation Pattern of A Violin During The Performance
A Methodology For Estimating The Radiation Pattern of A Violin During The Performance
A Methodology For Estimating The Radiation Pattern of A Violin During The Performance
Antonio Canclini, Luca Mucci, Fabio Antonacci, Augusto Sarti, and Stefano Tubaro
978-0-9928626-3-3/15/$31.00 ©2015
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2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
discrete-time index and v is the frame index. In order to dis- estimated through delay-and-sum beamforming [13]. More
card frames not associated to a violin sound, or with a poor specifically, we estimate the energy radiated along direction
signal-to-noise-ratio, we perform a frame selection. At this x i − sv
purpose, for each frame we compute the short-time energy ui = (7)
xi − sv
K−1 through the pseudo-spectrum ψv (xi , ui , ω), computed as in
ev = sv (n)2 (6) [14]. The magnitude of the plenacoustic function is given by
K n=0
|Lv (xi , ui , ω)| = ψv (xi , ui , ω). (8)
and the harmonic ratio HRv , computed using Eq.(2.33) in
[11]. The value HRv = 1 is reached for purely harmonic 3.4. Data integration
frames. The vth frame is selected if and only if ev ≥ Te and
HRv ≥ THR , where Te and THR are prescribed acceptance Once we have processed the frame v, we obtain a set of sam-
thresholds. For acceptable frames, we compute the energy of ples of the radiance pattern |D(φ, θ, ω)|. More specifically,
the signal at the frequency bins ωk , to obtain Sv (ωk ). we obtain the following samples:
Dv (φi , θi , ωk ) = xi − sv |Lv (xi , ui , ωk )| , (9)
3.2. Tracking system |Sv (ωk )|
for i = 1, . . . N . In order to be robust against measurement
In this paragraph we describe the two components of the
noise, we consider only the frequency bins ωk corresponding
tracking system, namely an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
to the harmonic peaks in the spectrum whose energy is not be-
and a depth map camera. Both the devices are synchronized
low 20 dB that of the main peak. We conclude the measuring
with the audio recording device. Therefore, all the measure-
session when the violinist moved and rotated in such a way
ments can be related to the current audio frame v.
that the radiance pattern has been estimated on the whole 3D
3.2.1. IMU angular domain. The gathered data is finally averaged and in-
terpolated to obtain the full 3D pattern, sampled on a regular
A 9-degrees-of-freedom IMU device is used to determine the
grid of Nφ × Nθ = 72 × 36 angular positions.
orientation of the instrument. The device is attached to the
chin-rest and positioned such that its local reference frame is
oriented as in Fig. 1. The orientation of the violin at frame 4. RESULTS
v is retrieved through the Euler angles, i.e. yaw αv , pitch βv ,
In order to assess the accuracy of the estimation, we mea-
and roll γv , as in [12]. From the Euler angles it is possible to
sured the radiation pattern of two different types of acoustic
retrieve the rotation matrix Rv at frame v.
sources. First the pattern of a commercial loudspeaker has
3.2.2. Depth map camera been measured in order to validate the methodology. Then
we estimated the radiation pattern of a standard full-size stu-
In order to track the violin position with respect to the global
dent violin.
coordinate system, we employ a Microsoft Kinect. The
Kinect produces a depth map that is used to fit the skeleton
model of the violin player. We estimate the back edge of 4.1. Acquisition setup
the chin rest as the middle point between the head and neck Experiments were conducted in a low-reverberation chamber,
joints of the skeleton model. The bridge location is then esti- with reverberation time T60 ≈ 50 ms. We used a T-Bone
mated as the middle point along a segment starting from the Ovid CC 100 super-cardiod condenser transducer to measure
chin-rest, of length 34 cm and oriented as the y axis of the |S(ω)|. The plenacoustic camera has been realized using 32
violin. Beyerdynamics MM1 measurement microphones, character-
ized by a flat frequency response and by a omnidirectional
3.3. Plenacoustic camera polar pattern. The microphones are arranged on a 4 × 8 grid,
thus N = 2 × 6 = 12 sub-arrays are available. The mi-
The ideal plenacoustic camera is implemented by Nr × Nc = crophone spacing is 7 cm in both the horizontal and vertical
Nm omnidirectional microphones placed on a regular grid, directions, corresponding to a spatial aliasing frequency of
all synchronized with the reference one located on the violin. about 2.5 kHz. The Kinect was placed in a calibrated posi-
We group the microphones in subarrays of M = 3×3 sensors tion below the plenacoustic camera. The recording sampling
each. Sub-arrays are maximally overlapped, i.e. N = (Nr − frequency was set to 48 kHz. Audio frames were extracted
2) × (Nc − 2) sub-arrays are available. Let xi be the center using a Hann window of K = 8192 samples, with 50% over-
of the ith subarray, and mij , j = 1, . . . M , the positions of lap. The acceptance thresholds defined in Sec. 3.1 were set to
the sensors within the subarray. The plenacoustic function is THR = 0.8 and Te = 0.25.
0° 0°
scenario we tested the whole system. We left the musician
free to move, assuming the positions needed for covering the
° °
30 330 30° 330°
-10dB -10dB
60° 300° 60° 300° positions of interest, holding the instrument in a standard and
-20dB -20dB
fixed location with respect to his head. We asked him to keep
90° 270° 90° 270°
each position for about 2 s, while playing the open D string.
120° 240°
To avoid unnatural poses, we restricted the analysis to the top
° ° ° °
half sphere of the radiation pattern (z ≥ 0), corresponding to
150 210 150 210
180° the front side of the violin.
(a) 250 Hz (b) 630 Hz Results are reported in Fig. 4, where the first row refers to
0 °
the horizontal plane and the last one shows the full 3D pattern
30° 330° 30° 330°
as a function of azimuth φ and elevation θ. We show the radi-
-10dB -10dB
300° 60°
300° ation diagrams of the 5 highest harmonic components of the
D note, from 294 Hz (the fundamental frequency) to 2058 Hz
90° 270° 90° 270°
(seventh harm.). Diagrams are normalized at each frequency
120° 240° 120° 240° with respect to the maximum energy radiated in all the sensed
150° 210° 150° 210°
directions. The dashed line in the first row of Fig. 4 is the
180° 180°
pattern obtained in the controlled scenario described before.
(c) 1250 Hz (d) 2000 Hz The very good matching between the measured pattern and
the reference one reveals the accuracy of the tracking system.
Fig. 3: Genelec 1029A: measured pattern (continuous line) vs
We observe that, at 294 Hz and 588 Hz, the radiation
reference pattern (dashed line).
pattern is mostly omnidirectional, except for a slight energy
damping in correspondence of the violinist’s head and neck.
4.2. Radiation of a commercial loudspeaker As the frequency increases, the pattern becomes more direc-
tive and exhibits more irregular shapes. This behavior agrees
We measured the horizontal radiation pattern of a Genelec with the predictions and results provided by Weinreich in
1029A speaker. Its location is known and it is at a distance [2], where the transition from an isotropic to an anisotropic
of 1.5 m from the plenacoustic camera. The speaker is po- radiation is found to occur approximately at 800 Hz. Indeed,
sitioned on a Outline ET250-3D electronic turntable. The at 1176 Hz there is a clear preferred direction of emission,
acoustic center of the loudspeaker (i.e., the midpoint between while at 2058 Hz the pattern presents three main radiation
the woofer and the tweeter) was at the same height of the cam- lobes.
era center. The speaker moved on 36 orientations on the full Results similar to Fig. 4 are shown in Figs. 4.17-19 of
circle. For each location, it emitted 2 s of white noise. Since [15]. For instance, the energy damping at 588 Hz in the range
orientation of the speaker and energy of the emitted signal are 30◦ − 60◦ , in the horizontal plane, is similar to that in Fig.
known, we bypassed the frame selection and tracking stages. 4.18 of [15] at 550, Hz. Moreover the main direction of emis-
Comparing the measured pattern with the ground-truth pro- sion at 1176 Hz is around 300◦ in the horizontal plane, which
vided by the manufacturer, the resulting average error is be- corresponds to that reported in [15]. A similar behavior is
low 3 dB in the frequency range 100 Hz - 2.5 kHz. Examples also described in [6]. A direct comparison is not possible,
are reported in Fig. 3 at four frequency values. as the results in [15] and [6] are relative to different violins.
Finally, it is worth noticing that the effect of the body of the
musician is visible at all frequencies. However, its impact on
4.3. Radiation of the violin the radiation becomes relevant from 882 Hz. This frequency
We estimated the radiation pattern of a full-size student violin corresponds to a wavelength of 39 cm, which starts to be com-
in two different scenarios. First, we instructed the musician parable with the head size.
to play holding the instrument in predefined positions. Since
pose and rotation of the violin were known, we neglected the 5. CONCLUSIONS
data coming from the tracking system. Due to the intrinsic
limitations in accurately positioning the instrument held by a We have presented a novel methodology to measure the radi-
person, we limited this analysis to the plane xy. The musi- ation pattern of a violin during the performance, by means of
cian stood about 1 m away from the camera, holding the vio- plenacoustic analysis of the radiated soundfield. The radiation
lin with the plate parallel to the floor. We asked him to rotate pattern is estimated incrementally as the violinist moves and
in 18 angular prescribed positions, pivoting on the bridge. In rotates. The directional energy of the soundfield is measured
each position, the violinist played the open D string for ap- by means of a plenacoustic camera, while the violin position
proximately 2 s. This way, we obtained a reference measure and rotation is tracked through a Kinect and a IMU device.
of the radiation pattern on the horizontal plane. In the second The proposed method presents the advantage of allowing the
150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°
-10dB -10dB -10dB -10dB -10dB
--20dB --20dB --20dB --20dB --20dB
180° ° °
0180 ° °
0180 ° °
0180 ° °
0180 0°
210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270° 270° 270°
Horiz. plane Horiz. plane Horiz. plane Horiz. plane Horiz. plane
(294 Hz) (588 Hz) (882 Hz) (1176 Hz) (2058 Hz)
90 90 90 90 90 0
elevation θ [deg]
60 60 60 60 60 -10
30 30 30 30 30 -20
0 0 0 0 0 -30
-180 -90 0 90 180 -180 -90 0 90 180 -180 -90 0 90 180 -180 -90 0 90 180
0 -180 -90 0 90 180
azimuth φ [deg] azimuth φ [deg] azimuth φ [deg] azimuth φ [deg] azimuth φ [deg]
Full pattern Full pattern Full pattern Full pattern Full pattern
(294 Hz) (588 Hz) (882 Hz) (1176 Hz) (2058 Hz)
Fig. 4: 3D radiation pattern of the violin under analysis. Results in the horizontal plane are compared with the reference data
(dashed line) obtained in a controlled scenario.
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