The content of the lab report should be typed in 11 pt Times New Roman, justified with margins all four
sides of 2.54 cm on US Letter (29.59cm x 27.94cm). However, the section headings are in 12-point Times
New Roman, bold. The abstract should be concise and provide the basic findings of the study. No
abbreviations, author citations or reference citations should be included. Abstract should contain
Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion. Keywords consist of three to five words, arranged
alphabetically. Single spacing.
Survivorship Curve
Survivorship rate
Mortality rate / mortality
I. Introduction
II. Methods
III. Results
IV. Conclusion
Multiple studies are conducted to find out the survivorship rate of a population. This research aims to
identify the survivorship rate of the Filipinos residing in Nueva Ecija.
A total of 65 respondent
Studying the demography of a population makes researchers aware of the possible changes that may
occur in a certain population by identifying its vital statistics. The objective of this research is to
construct a survivorship curve and to identify the common causes of death of individuals living in Nueva
Ecija. Through the snowball sampling method, Google forms was used to obtain the data needed from
the respondents: birth date, death date, age at death, cause of death, contributing factors. A total of 65
deceased individuals from Nueva Ecija born from 1930-1950 were recorded; 35 of them were males and
30 were females.