Conditions of Bai at

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Shara’t-e-Bai‘at aur Ahmadi ki Dhimmidariyan

Conditions of Bai‘at
responsibilities of an ahmadi

Mirza Masroor Ahmad Page ii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Conditions of Bai‘at and Responsibilities of an Ahmadi

(According to the Holy Qur’an, Ahadith of the Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa and sayings of the Promised Messiahas)
English translation of:
Shara’it-e-Bai‘at aur Ahmadi ki Dhimmidariyan Az ru’i Qur’an,
Ahadith aur Irshadat-e-Hadrat Aqdas Masih-e-Mau‘ud ‘alaihis-Salam
Explained by: (Hadrat) Mirza Masroor Ahmad (Khalifatul Masih V aba )
Translated by: Translation Team, Jama‘at-e-Ahmadiyyah USA.
First published in Urdu in the UK in 2004 as:
Shara’it-e-Bai‘at aur Ahmadi ki Dhimmidariyan
First published in English in UK in 2005 (ISBN: 1 85372 769 5).
Present English translation (including three additional sermons)
published in the UK in 2006.
Islam International Publications Ltd.
Published by:
Islam International Publications Ltd.
Sheephatch Lane
Tilford, Surrey GU10 2AQ
Printed in the UK at:
Raqeem Press
Tilford, Surrey GU10 2AQ, UK
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any infor-
mation storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the
For more information, please visit
ISBN: 1 85372 768 7 Page iii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s
f r o n t m at t e r
Transliteration ..................................................................xi
Glossary........................................................................ xiii
Foreword ....................................................................... xxi
The Promised Messiahas ..................................................... xxi
The Author..................................................................xxvii
The Conditions of Bai‘at ................................................. xxix

pa r t i
te n conditions
i nt roduc t i on, 3
What is Bai‘at?......................................................................... 3
Bai‘at Means Handing Over One’s Life to
Almighty Allah .................................................................... 4
Divine Commandment to Take Bai‘at ..................................... 8
Aims and Objectives of Bai‘at ................................................ 10
Beginning of the System of Bai‘at .......................................... 11 Page iv Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


condition i, 15
Almighty Allah Will Not Forgive Shirk ..................................15
Diverse Forms of Shirk...........................................................17

condition ii, 21
Falsehood—the Greatest of Evils............................................21
Keep Away From Adultery ....................................................28
Keep Away From the Trespasses of the Eye ...........................29
Keep Away From Wickedness and Immorality.......................33
Keep Away From Cruelty......................................................36
Keep Away From Dishonesty ................................................40
Keep Away From Mischief ....................................................41
Keep Away From the Ways of Rebellion...............................43
Do Not be Carried Away by Passion .....................................45

condition iii, 51
Observe Five Daily Prayers ....................................................51
Be Regular in Tahajjud..........................................................57
Be Very Regular in Sending Durud Upon
the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa..........................................60
Be Regular in Istighfar...........................................................64
Istighfar and Repentance .......................................................68
Always Express Gratitude to Allah..........................................69

iv Page v Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Table of Contents

c o n d i t i o n i v, 7 7
Adopt Forgiveness and Forbearance....................................... 79
Do Not Cause Harm to Anyone ........................................... 81
Adopt Meekness and Humility .............................................. 87

c o n d i t i o n v, 9 1
Sufferings of a Muslim are an Expiation for Sins .................... 93
Real Time to Show Patience is When Tragedy Strikes .......... 95
You Are the Last Jama‘at Established by Allah ....................... 97
Those Who Belong to the Promised Messiahas
Cannot be Separated From Him ........................................ 99
Steadfastness ........................................................................ 100

condition vi, 103

Evolving Innovations and Rituals Deserve
to be Rejected ................................................................. 107
The Holy Qur’an is Our Guide to Islamic Teachings........... 110
Your Life Lies in the Holy Qur’an....................................... 112

condition vii, 121

Next to Shirk, There is no Affliction Like Arrogance ........... 121
Arrogant Shall Never Enter Paradise .................................... 127
Deep Connection Between Arrogance and Satan................. 129
Arrogance is Most Displeasing in the Sight of Allah ............ 132
Status of the Meek in the Eyes of the
Holy Prophet Muhammadsa ................................................. 136

v Page vi Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


condition viii, 139

Essence of Islamic Teachings................................................141
Revival of Islam Demands a Ransom from Us .....................143
Means of Obtaining Salvation From Sin—
Certainty of Faith.............................................................145

condition ix, 149

Kind Treatment to All .........................................................150
The Promised Messiahas and His Concern for Humanity......164

condition x, 169
Definition of ‘Ma‘ruf’ and ‘Ghair Ma‘ruf’............................173
Superior Example of Obedience ..........................................179
Whatever Promised Messiahas Attained was by
Following the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa .......................181
Submission Under All Circumstances...................................186
Who Enters the Jama‘at .......................................................188
Develop Brotherhood and Love Among Yourselves and a
True Relationship With Allah the Almighty.....................190
Two Benefits of Bai‘at at the Hand of
Promised Messiahas ...........................................................192
The Promised Messiahas—the Strong Fort of Protection
for Our Times..................................................................193

vi Page vii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Table of Contents

pa r t i i
the spiritual revolution
sermon i, 199
Rejoice That Henceforth You Shall Forever Remain Under
‘Ma‘ruf’ Decisions............................................................ 199
Explanation of Obedience to the Directives Based on
Goodness ......................................................................... 200
Spiritual Changes in Those Who Took Bai‘at...................... 207
Shunning Shirk .................................................................... 207
Safeguarding Against Sinful Passions .................................... 209
Zest for Prayers and Tahajjud .............................................. 211
Suppressing the Impulses of Passion ..................................... 218

sermon ii, 223

Always Remain Pleased With the Will of
Allah the Almighty .......................................................... 223
Model of Hadrat Maulavi Burhan-ud-Dinra ......................... 226
Dislike of Bad Customs ....................................................... 229
Evil Effects of Smoking ....................................................... 231
Lottery is Not Permissible.................................................... 232
Prohibition of Alcohol......................................................... 233
Love of the Holy Qur’an..................................................... 234
Humbleness and Cheerfulness.............................................. 238
Staying Away from Arrogance ............................................. 241
High Standards of Offering Sacrifices ................................... 243

vii Page viii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


sermon iii, 253

Matchless Examples of Devotion, Loyalty and
Service of Humanity ........................................................253
Ahmadi Doctors Should Devote ..........................................255
Devotion to the Messiah of Latter Days ...............................266
Obligations of the Progeny of the Sincere Elders..................273
Admission by the Non-Ahmadis ..........................................274

b ac k m at t e r
Index of Names ........................................................... 2 7 7
Verses of the Holy Qur’an, (chapter index) .......................... 2 8 1
Subject Index .............................................................. 2 8 3

viii Page ix Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

a b b r e v i at i o n s
The following abbreviations have been used. Readers are
urged to recite the full salutations:

sa sal-lallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, meaning ‘may the

peace and blessings of Allah be upon him’ is
written after the name of the Holy Prophet

as ‘alaihis salam, meaning ‘may peace be upon

him’ is written after the names of Prophets
other than the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.

ra radi-Allahu ‘anhu/‘anha/‘anhum, meaning ‘may

Allah be pleased with him/her/them’ is written
after the names of the Companions of the Holy
Prophet Muhammadsa or of the Promised

rta rahmatullah ‘alaih, meaning ‘may Allah shower

His mercy upon him’ is written after the names
of deceased pious Muslims who are not
Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
or of the Promised Messiahas.

aba ayyadahullahu ta‘ala bi nasrihil ‘aziz, meaning

‘may Allah support him with His Mighty Help’
is written after the name of the current Khalifah
of the Promised Messiahas. Page x Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM Page xi Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

t ra n s l i t e rat i o n
This book uses the following system of transliteration adopted
by the Royal Asiatic Society.
at the beginning of a word, pronounced as a, i, u
preceded by a very slight aspiration, like h in the
English word honour.

th, pronounced like th in the English word thing.

h, a guttural aspirate, stronger than h.

kh, pronounced like the Scotch ch in loch.

dh, pronounced like the English th in that.

s, strongly articulated s.

d, similar to the English th in this.

t, strongly articulated palatal t.

z, strongly articulated z.

‘, a strong guttural sound, the pronunciation of

which must be learnt by the ear.

gh, a sound approached very nearly by r in the

French grasseye and also the German r. It requires
the muscles of the throat to be in the gargling
position whilst pronouncing it. Page xii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


q, a deep guttural k sound.

’ , a sort of catch in the voice.

Short vowels are represented by ‘a’ for (like ‘u’ in

‘bud’); ‘i’ for (like ‘i’ in ‘bid’); ‘u’ for (like ‘oo’ in
‘wood’); the long vowels by ‘a’ for or (like ‘a’ in
‘father’); ‘i’ for or (like ‘ee’ in ‘deep’); ‘ai’ for
(like ‘i’ in ‘site’); ‘u’ for (like ‘oo’ in ‘root’): ‘au’
for, (resembling ‘ou’ in ‘sound’).
Please note that in transliterated words the letter ‘e’ is to be
pronounced as in ‘prey’ which rhymes with ‘day’; however
the pronunciation is flat without the element of English
diphthong. If in Urdu and Persian words, letter ‘e’ is length-
ened a bit more it is transliterated as ‘ei’, to be pronounced
as ‘ei’ in ‘feign’ without the element of diphthong; thus
is transliterated as ‘Kei’. For the nasal sound of ‘n’ we have
used the symbol ‘n’. Thus Urdu word would be trans-
literated as ‘mein’. 1

The consonants not included in the above list have the

same phonetic value as in the principal languages of Europe.

1. These transliterations are not included in the system of

transliteration by Royal Asiatic Society.

xii Page xiii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

g lo s sary
Allah—Allah is the personal name of God in Islam. To show
proper reverence to Him, Muslims often add Ta‘ala, ‘the
Most High’, when saying His Holy name.
Adhan—The formal call for Islamic daily Prayers.
Ahadith—Plural of hadith, See Hadith.
Ahmadi Muslim or an Ahmadi—A member of the
Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at.
Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at—(Also Ahmadiyyah) The
Community of Muslims who accept the claims of Hadrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian as being the Promised
Messiah and Mahdi; the Jama‘at was established by Hadrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas in 1889, and is now under the
leadership of his fifth Khalifah, Hadrat Mirza Masroor
Al-Imam al-Mahdi—The title given to the Promised
Reformer by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa; it means
guided leader.
Amin—May Allah make it so.
Asfal-us-Safilin—The lowest of the low.
Assalamo ‘Alaikum—Peace be unto you. An Islamic
salutation. Page xiv Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


Bai‘at—Oath of allegiance to a religious leader; initiation at

the hands of a Prophet or his Khalifah.
Bukhari—A book of ahadith (the sayings) of the Holy
Prophet Muhammadsa compiled by Hadrat Imam
Muhammad Bin Isma‘il Bukhari rta (194H-256H). This
book of ahadith is believed to be the most authentic book
after the Holy Qur’an.
Chandah—Monetary contributions or donations.
Dajjal—A term in Arabic that literally means, ‘the great
deceiver.’ In Islamic terminology ‘Dajjal’ refers to those
satanic forces that would be unleashed in the Latter Days to
oppose the Promised Messiahas and al-Imam al-Mahdi. A
similar prophecy in the Christian faith about the appearance
of the Antichrist refers to the same phenomenon, and we
have therefore translated the term ‘Dajjal’ as ‘Antichrist’.
Durud—Invocation of blessings upon the Holy Prophet
Du‘a’—Prayer or supplication.
Eid—A Muslim feast day; Islamic celebrations at the end of
Ramadan and at the conclusion of Pilgrimage.
Ghadd-e-Basar—A term in the Holy Qur’an that literally
means ‘keeping the eyes cast down’.
Ghafara—A term in the Holy Qur’an that literally means
‘covering and suppressing’.
Hadith—A saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. The
plural is ahadith.

xiv Page xv Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


Hadrat—A term of respect used for a person of established

righteousness and piety.
Hajj—Pilgrimage to the House of Allah in Mecca, Arabia;
also known as the fifth pillar of Islam.
Halal—Lawful, permissible or pure.
Haram—Unlawful, forbidden or impure.
Haq-Mehr—The money [or gift] a husband either gives or
promises to give to his wife; it is announced at the time of
Holy Prophetsa—A term used exclusively for Hadrat
Muhammadsa, the Prophet of Islam.
Holy Qur’an—The Book sent by Allah for the guidance of
mankind. It was revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
over a period of twenty-three years.
Hudur—Your Holiness; His Holiness.
Ijtima‘—Gathering of members of an organisation. Plural is
Imam—The Arabic word for a leader. The head of the
Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at is also referred to as the Imam.
Insha’Allah—An Arabic term meaning ‘God-willing’.
Istighfar—Seeking Allah’s forgiveness.
Istikharah—A special Prayer made to seek guidance from
Allah before making an important decision.
Jalsah Salanah—Annual convention or gathering.

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Jama‘at—Jama‘at means community. Although the word

Jama‘at itself may refer to any community, in this book,
Jama‘at specifically refers to the Ahmadiyyah Muslim
Jizyah—A tax paid in lieu of military service by non-
Muslims living in a Muslim State.
Kalimah Shahadah—The declaration of the Islamic faith: to
bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except
Allah, He is One, without any associate, and to bear witness
that the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa is His servant and His
Messenger; also known as the first pillar of Islam.
Khalifah—Caliph is derived from the Arabic word Khalifah,
which herein means the successor. Khulafa’ is the plural of
Khalifah. In Islamic terminology, the title ‘Khalifa-e-
Rashid’ [righteous Khalifah’] is applied to one of the first
four khulafa’ who continued the mission of the Holy
Prophet Muhammadsa. Ahmadi Muslims refer to each
successor of the Promised Messiahas as Khalifatul Masih.
Khalifatul Masih I—Hadrat Khalifatul Masih I, Hakim
Maulana Nur-ud-Dinra (1841–1914), the first person to do
the bai‘at at the hand of the Promised Messiahas, was elected
as the first Khalifah after the demise of the Promised
Messiahas. The Promised Messiahas has highly appreciated
his faith, sincerity and sacrifices and has regarded him as a
model for everybody in the ummah.
Khalifatul Masih II—Hadrat Khalifatul Masih II, Mirza
Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra (1889–1965), was the

xvi Page xvii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


second successor of the Promised Messiahas. He is also

called Musleh-e-Mau‘ud (Promised Son) because he was
born in accordance with the prophecy made by the
Promised Messiahas in 1886 concerning the birth of a righ-
teous son who would be endowed with unique abilities and
Khalifatul Masih III—Hadrat Khalifatul Masih III, Hafiz
Mirza Nasir Ahmadrta (1909–1982), was the grandson of the
Promised Messiahas and his third successor. Before being
elected as Khalifah, he served in many key positions in the
Khalifatul Masih IV—Hadrat Khalifatul Masih IV, Mirza
Tahir Ahmadrta (1928–2003), was the fourth successor of
the Promised Messiahas. He was the grandson of the
Founder of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at, Hadrat Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiahas.
Khalifatul Masih V—Hadrat Khalifatul Masih V, Mirza
Masroor Ahmadaba, is the fifth successor of the Promised
Messiahas and the current Imam of Jama‘at-e-Ahmadiyyah.
He is the great grandson of the Promised Messiahas.
Khilafat—The institution of successorship in Islam.
Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyyah—An organisation of Ahmadis
between the ages of fifteen and forty years.
Kufr—A term in Arabic that literally means ‘disbelief ’.
Lajnah Ima’illah—An organisation of Ahmadi women
above the age of fifteen years.

xvii Page xviii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


Mahdi—‘The guided one.’ This is the title given by the Holy

Prophet Muhammadsa to the awaited Reformer of the
Latter Days.
Maulana or Maulavi—A Muslim religious cleric.
Nikah—The announcement of marriage in Islam.
Mullah—A Muslim religious cleric.
Muttaqi—A term in Arabic that literally means ‘righteous
Nafs—A term in Arabic that literally means ‘self ’.
Nafs-e-’Ammarah—A term in the Holy Qur’an that liter-
ally means ‘the self that incites to evil’.
Nawafil—Optional or supererogatory Prayers.
(The) Promised Messiah—This term refers to the Founder
of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam
Ahmadas of Qadian. He claimed that he had been sent by
Allah in accordance with the prophecies of the Holy
Prophet Muhammadsa concerning the coming of al-Imam
al-Mahdi and Messiah from among the Muslims.
Purdah—From the Hindi term parda, which literally means
‘veil’; a state of seclusion or concealment.
Rak‘at—One unit of formal worship prescribed in Islam.
Plural of rak‘at is rak‘at.
Ruku‘—The bowing down position in the Prayer.

xviii Page xix Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


Sahib—A term of respect for a man, similar to the diversity

of English terms like mister or sir.
Sadaqah—Charity or alms. The plural is Sadaqat.
Salam—An Islamic salutation of peace.
Salat—Five daily Prayers that are obligatory for Muslims.
Salat-ul-Witr—Three rak‘at of Prayer offered either at the
end of ‘Isha’ Prayer or Tahajjud Prayer.
Shari‘ah—Islamic religious law.
Shirk—Associating partners with Allah.
Sufi—An Islamic mystic.
Sunnah—Traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa of
Surah—A term in Arabic referring to a chapter of the Holy
Tabl igh—Preaching or propagating the message of Islam and
Ahmadiyyat. Literally means conveying (the message).
Tahajjud Prayer—Optional Prayer of great merit offered in
the latter part of the night; pre-dawn formal Islamic
Taqwa—A term in Arabic that literally means ‘righteous-
Tauhid—The fundamental Islamic belief that there is none
worthy of being worshipped except Allah.

xix Page xx Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


‘Ulema—A class of Muslim scholars.

Ummah—The larger community of Muslims.
Walimah—Reception given by the husband after the
marriage has been consummated.
Wasilah—Intermediation, intercession.
Zakat—A term in Arabic that literally means ‘increase’ or
‘purification’; technically signifies the obligatory alms
prescribed in Islam.

xx Page xxi Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

We praise Him and invoke His blessings upon His Noble Messenger

By the immense grace and mercy of Allah, we have been
blessed to accept the Promised Messiah and Mahdi Hadrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, whose advent was proph-
esied by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. Alhamdolillah. When
the Promised Messiahas was granted permission by Allah to
take bai‘at, he published an announcement called Ishtihar
Takmil-e-Tabligh on January 12, 1889, which mentions the
Ten Conditions of Bai‘at. Anyone who joins the Jama‘at of
the Promised Messiahas pledges to abide by these Conditions.
It is essential for all followers of the Promised Messiahas to
understand the details of these Conditions and to strive to
follow them.
For our guidance and benefit, Hadrat Mirza Masroor
Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaba, has eloquently explained these
conditions of bai‘at in light of the Holy Qur’an, Ahadith of the
Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and sayings and writings of the
Promised Messiahas. Huduraba discussed the first three condi- Page xxii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


tions of bai‘at in his concluding address at the Annual

Convention of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at UK, on July
27, 2003. In his concluding address at the Annual Convention
of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at Germany, on August 24,
2003, Huduraba explained the fourth, fifth and sixth condi-
tions of bai‘at. On August 29, 2003 in his Friday Sermon,
Huduraba explained the seventh and eighth conditions of bai‘at
in Frankfurt, Germany. The ninth condition was addressed in his
Friday sermon on September 12, 2003 at the Fadl Mosque in
London. Finally, the tenth condition of bai‘at was addressed in his
Friday sermon on September 19, 2003 at the Fadl Mosque in
London. These were followed by three Friday sermons on
September 26, October 10, and October 17, 2003 in which
Huduraba narrated the marvelous spiritual changes which took
place among the Ahmadis after taking the pledge.
These speeches and sermons were delivered by Huduraba in
Urdu. After his additional revisions, the sermons on the
conditions of bai‘it were published in book form in July 2004
and the English translation was published in July 2005. We are
now pleased to bring out the present edition which includes
the three sermons on the spiritual changes resulting from
In translating the verses of the Holy Qur’an, we have
followed the translation given by the revered speaker in Urdu.
When he did not translate any verse we have adopted the
translation made by Hadrat Khalifatul Masih IVrta (if available)
or by Maulavi Sher ‘Alira. It should also be noted that the
‘new edition’ of Malfuzat refers to the edition published
recently in five volumes from Qadian. References to Malfuzat
that do not specify ‘new edition’ refer to the edition published

xxii Page xxiii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


in the United Kingdom in 1984; and references to the books

of the Promised Messiahas are all based on the United
Kingdom edition.
The translation was prepared by the Translation Team of
Jama‘at-e-Ahmadiyyah USA working under the direction of
Vakalat-e-Tasnif London. The translators are: Dr. Fadl
Ahmad, Dr. Khalil Malik, Mubashar Ahmad and Munawar
Ahmed Sa‘eed. Important contributions in finalizing the
document were made by ‘Abdul-Wahab Mirza, Ahmad Tariq,
Amjad Mahmood Khan, Bilal Rana, Dawood Khokhar,
Fouzan Pal, Dr. Karimullah Zirvi, Usman Choudhary, and
Usman Khan. Several Lajnah members worked on the initial
drafts and the final editing of the translation. May Allah the
Almighty reward all of them abundantly, (Amin).
May Allah the Almighty enable us to understand truly and to
abide by these Conditions faithfully, and may He enable us to
become true Ahmadis as the Promised Messiahas desired. (Amin).

Munir-ud-Din Shams
Additional Vakil-ut-Tasnif
March 2006

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the promise d me ssiah

The worldwide Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at was founded in
1889. Its Founder, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad [may peace
be on him] of Qadian, India, claimed to be the Promised
Reformer whose advent was awaited under different names
and titles by the adherents of various religions. Under Divine
guidance, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas revealed that only
one such reformer was to appear and that his mission was to
bring mankind into the fold of a single universal religion,
Islam. He also maintained that the Promised Reformer was to
appear as a subordinate and follower of the Holy Prophet of
Islam, Hadrat Muhammad [may peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him]—in accordance with the prophecies by him
about the second coming of Messiah and the appearance of al-
Imam, al-Mahdi. He claimed to be the person in whom these
prophecies were fulfiled. Page xxvi Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM Page xxvii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

t h e au t h o r
Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaba, is
currently the supreme head of the worldwide Ahmadiyyah
Muslim Community. He is the fifth successor and great
grandson of the Promised Messiah and Reformer, Hadrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian. He was elected to this
position in London, England by an electoral college on April
22, 2003, a few days after the death of his predecessor, Hadrat
Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrta.
Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba did his primary educa-
tion at Ta‘lim-ul-Islam High School Rabwah, and obtained
his BA from Ta‘lim-ul-Islam (TI) College Rabwah,
Pakistan. In 1976 he earned his Masters of Science degree in
Agricultural Economics from the Agriculture University
Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Prior to his being elected as Khalifah, Hadrat Mirza
Masroor Ahmadaba accumulated an impressive record of
humanitarian services that underscore his commitment to
education and philanthropy. His altruistic endeavours took
him to Ghana in 1977 where, for several years, he served as a
principal of various Ahmadiyyah Muslim schools. He helped
to inaugurate the Ahmadiyyah Secondary School Salaga,
where he served as principal for the school’s first two years.
Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba was able to make use of
the knowledge of his studied discipline, agricultural
economics, to carry out research about wheat production in Page xxviii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


Ghana. The first successful experiment of planting, growing

and nurturing wheat as an economic crop in Ghana was
exhibited at an international trade fair and the results were
submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of Ghana.
In December of 1997, Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba was
appointed to the office of Nazir-e-A‘la (chief executive
director) of the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyyah Pakistan. In 1999,
Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba was falsely charged with
blasphemy and wrongly accused of defaming verses of the
Holy Qur’an. He was arrested and imprisoned for eleven days
in his hometown of Rabwah until it was shown that the
charges brought against him were entirely unfounded.
Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba currently resides in
London, England. As spiritual leader of Ahmadi Muslims all
over the world, he vigorously champions the cause of Islam
through a refreshing message of peace and compassion.

xxviii Page xxix Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

t e n c o n d i t i o n s o f b a i ‘ at
Initiation Into the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at

The initiate shall solemnly promise that he/she
shall abstain from shirk [associating any partner
with God] right up to the day of his/her death.

That he/she shall keep away from falsehood,
fornication/adultery, trespasses of the eye,
debauchery, dissipation, cruelty, dishonesty,
mischief and rebellion; and that he/she will not
permit himself/herself to be carried away by
passions, however strong they might be.

That he/she shall regularly offer the five daily
Prayers in accordance with the commandments of
God and the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and shall
try his/her best to be regular in offering the
tahajjud and invoking durud on the Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa. That he/she shall make it his/her
daily routine to ask forgiveness for his/her sins, to
remember the bounties of God and to praise and
glorify Him. Page xxx Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


That under the impulse of any passions, he/she
shall cause no harm whatsoever to the creatures of
God in general and Muslims in particular, neither
by his/her tongue, hands, nor any other means.

That he/she shall remain faithful to God in all
circumstances of life, in sorrow and in happiness,
in adversity and in prosperity, in felicity and in
trial; and that he/she shall in all conditions remain
resigned to the decree of God and keep himself/
herself ready to face all kinds of indignities and
sufferings in His way and shall never turn away
from Him at the onslaught of any misfortune; on
the contrary, he/she shall march forward.

That he/she shall refrain from following un-
Islamic customs and lustful inclinations and shall
completely submit himself/herself to the authority
of the Holy Qur’an; and that he/she shall make the
Word of God and the sayings of the Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa his/her guiding principles in every
walk of his/her life.

xxx Page xxxi Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Ten Conditions of Bai‘at

That he/she shall entirely give up pride and vanity
and shall pass all his/her life in humbleness,
cheerfulness, forbearance and meekness.

That he/she shall hold faith, the honour of faith
and the cause of Islam dearer than his/her life,
wealth, honour, children, and all loved ones.

That he/she shall keep himself/herself occupied in
the service of God’s creatures for His sake only and
shall endeavour towards the beneficence of
mankind to the best of his/her God-given abilities
and powers.

That he/she shall enter into a bond of brotherhood
with this humble servant of God, pledging
obedience to me in everything good for the sake
of God, and remain faithful to it until the day of
his/her death. That he/she shall exert such a high
devotion in the observance of this bond as is not to
be found in any other worldly relationship and
connection that demand devoted dutifulness.

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pa r t i
of an ahmadi Page 2 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM Page 3 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

[From the concluding address delivered at the Annual
Convention of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at, United
Kingdom, on July 27, 2003, in which first three conditions
of bai‘at were explained in detail.]

Some members of the Jama‘at have written to me

saying that: ‘We have renewed our bai‘at [pledge of initiation]
at your hand and have pledged to abide by the conditions of
bai‘at, but we do not have full awareness and knowledge of
those ten Conditions.’
I thought that I should address this subject on the occasion
of the Annual Convention1 today. Since the subject is long I
cannot cover all conditions now but I will only cover a few. I
will insha’Allah continue this subject in a subsequent Friday
sermon or some other occasion.

What is Bai‘at?
The first question is: What is bai‘at? To explain it, I will quote
some ahadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and sayings of
the Promised Messiahas.

1. Reference is to the concluding address delivered at the

Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at,
United Kingdom on July 27, 2003, in which first three con-
ditions of bai‘at were explained in detail. Page 4 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


The Promised Messiahas says:

Bai‘at truly means to sell oneself; its blessings and impact are
based on that condition. Just as a seed is sown into the
ground, its original condition is that the hand of the farmer
has sown it, but it is not known what will happen to it. If the
seed is of a good quality and possesses the capacity to grow,
then with the grace of Allah the Almighty, and as a conse-
quence of the work done by the farmer, it grows until one
grain turns into a thousand grains. Similarly, the person
taking bai‘at has to first adopt lowliness and humility and has
to distance himself from his ego and selfishness. Then that
person becomes fit for growth. But he who continues to
hold on to his ego, along with taking bai‘at, will never
receive any grace. (Malfuzat, vol. 6, p. 173)

Bai‘at Means Handing Over

One’s Life to Almighty Allah
The Promised Messiahas further says:
To take bai‘at means handing over your life to Almighty Allah.
It means, ‘Today we have sold our life to Almighty Allah.’ It is
wrong to say that by treading in the path of Allah anybody
would ultimately suffer a loss. The truthful can never be in a
state of loss. Only he who is false—i.e., who, for worldly gain,
breaks the pledge that he has made with Almighty Allah—
suffers loss. One who commits such an action because of the
fear of the world should remember that at the time of his
death no ruler or king of this world would come to procure
his release. He has to present himself to the Judge of all the

4 Page 5 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


judges, Who will enquire of him, ‘Why did you not honour
Me?’ Therefore, it is essential for all the believers to believe in
Allah, Who is the King of the heavens and earth and to make
a true repentance. (Malfuzat, vol. 7, pp. 29–30)

These sayings of the Promised Messiahas make it very obvious

what bai‘at is. If each one of us recognises that, ‘My person
does not now belong to me; I now have to abide by all
injunctions of Almighty Allah under all circumstances and
have to follow them faithfully, and make all acts of mine
subservient to the pleasure of Allah,’ that would be a summary
of the ten conditions of bai‘at.
I will now present a few ahadith in which the subject of
bai‘at is treated in different ways.
‘A’idhullah Bin ‘Abdullahra narrates that: ‘Ubadah Bin As-
Samitra was among the Companionsra who joined the battle of
Badr and also took part in bai‘at at ‘Aqabah. ‘Ubadah Bin As-
Samitra told ‘A’idhullah Bin ‘Abdullahra that the Holy
Prophetsa said at the time when a group of his Companionsra
were around him: Come and take a bai‘at upon the condition:

that you will not associate anything with Allah, nor will you
steal, nor will you commit adultery2, nor will you kill your
children, nor will you slander, nor will you disobey me in
anything good I ask you to do. So anyone of you who will
prove true to this pledge of bai‘at, his reward is with Almighty

2. The word adultery as used in this booklet covers all sexual

relations outside the system of legitimate marriage.

5 Page 6 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


Allah. Whoever falls short of fulfiling this pledge and suffers a

loss in this world, his loss will become expiation for him. And
he who falls short of fulfiling this pledge of bai‘at, and
Almighty Allah covers his faults, his affair is with Almighty
Allah; if He wills, He may punish him, and if He wills, He
may forgive him.’ (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabu Manaqibil Ansari,
Babu Wufudil Ansari Ilan-Nabiyyi Bi Makkata Wa Bai‘atil

Then there are other ahadith

Hadrat ‘Ubadah Bin As-Samitra narrates that, ‘We pledged at
the hand of the Holy Prophetsa on the condition that we will
listen and obey during the times of comfort and also during
the times of hardship, during periods of joy and also during
periods of pain, and that we will not argue with those in
authority, and wherever we might be, we will hold fast to
truth and will not be afraid of the objections of any critics.’
(Sunan Al-Nasa’i, Kitab-ul-Bai‘ati, Babul Bai‘ati ‘Alas Sam‘i
Wat Ta‘ah)
Mother of the faithful, Hadrat ‘Aishahra relates that, ‘The
Holy Prophetsa used to take the pledge from the women in
accordance with the verse of the Holy Qur’an:3

3. (al-Mumtahinah, 60:13)

6 Page 7 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


‘O Prophet! when believing women come to thee, taking the

oath of allegiance at thy hands that they will not associate
anything with Allah, and that they will not steal, and will not
commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor bring forth a
scandalous charge which they themselves have deliberately
forged, nor disobey thee in what is right, then accept their
allegiance and ask Allah to forgive them. Verily, Allah is Most
Forgiving, Merciful.’

Hadrat ‘Aishahra continues that:

At the time of taking the pledge, the hand of the Holy
Prophetsa never touched the hand of any woman except those
who belonged to his household. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-
Ahkami, Babu Bai‘atin Nisa’i)

Even before the Promised Messiahas started taking bai‘at, some

pious Muslims were troubled by the conditions which had
fallen upon Islam and felt that the only person who could save
the ark of Islam from drowning and who had true sympathy
for Islam was Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias, and
that he was the al-Imam and al-Mahdi. Therefore, people used
to request of him to take their pledge, but he always

‘I have not been commissioned.’ He once wrote to Maulavi

‘Abdul Qadir Sahibra, care of Mir ‘Abbas ‘Ali Sahib, that:
The nature of this humble one is overpowered with the
Unity of God and committing all affairs to Allah, and…
since Almighty Allah has not conveyed anything to me in the

7 Page 8 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


matter of bai‘at, it is not proper that I should do so on my

own initiative.4

Maulavi Sahib should continue to strive to foster the brother-

hood in faith and nurture this tree with the pure water of
sincerity and love. This method will God-willing prove bene-
ficial. (Hayat-e-Ahmad, vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 12–13)

Divine Commandment
to Take Bai‘at
After six to seven years, in the first quarter of year 1888,
Almighty Allah commanded the Promised Messiahas to take
bai‘at. The divine commandment was conveyed in the
following words:

(Ishtihar, December 01, 1888, p. 2)

That is:
And when you made up your mind, then trust Allah. And,
make an ark before Our eyes and according to Our revelation.
Those who take a pledge at your hand take a pledge with
Allah. Allah’s hand is above their hands.

4. It is possible that the Almighty Allah may reveal something


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The Promised Messiahas, because of his nature, disliked that all

types of people should join in his bai‘at. His heart-felt desire
was that only such blessed people whose nature was firmly
established on fidelity should join this blessed Jama‘at. There-
fore, he waited for an occasion that should distinguish
between those who were faithful and those who were hypo-
crites. Allah the Most Glorious, through His perfect wisdom
and mercy, created that occasion in the same year in
November 1888 by the death of Bashir I (who was the son of
the Promised Messiahas). As a consequence, there was a huge
commotion raised against him. Many people of weak faith
separated themselves from him. The Promised Messiahas
considered this an appropriate occasion to start the
Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at. On December 1st 1888, he
made a general announcement for bai‘at. The Promised
Messiahas also directed that those who come for bai‘at should
first perform istikharah5, according to the traditions of the
Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. (Ishtihar Takmil-e-Tabligh, Jan 12,
That is to say, they should first pray, then perform istikharah,
and then take bai‘at.
After publishing this announcement, the Promised
Messiahas moved from Qadian to Ludhiana and stayed at the
house of Hadrat Sufi Ahmad Jan in Mahalla Jadid. (Hayat-e-
Ahmad, vol. 3, Part I, p. 15)

5. A special Prayer made to seek guidance from Allah before

making an important decision.

9 Page 10 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


Aims and Objectives of Bai‘at

From Ludhiana, the Promised Messiahas published another
announcement, on March 4th 1889, explaining the aims and
objectives of bai‘at. He said:
This system of bai‘at has been established solely to gather
together a group of the righteous people in a Jama‘at so that a
weighty group of the righteous people should make a holy
impact on the world. The unity of these righteous people
should be a source of blessings, grandeur, and positive results
for Islam. The blessings of being united on one creed may
enable them to perform noble and righteous services for the
sake of Islam. They may not be lazy, stingy, and useless
Muslims; nor should they be like the unworthy ones who have
done great damage to Islam because of their discord and
disunity; nor such as have vitiated Islam’s beautiful counte-
nance with their unholy conditions; nor should they be like
those heedless dervishes and hermits who have no awareness
of what Islam needs, nor have any sympathy for their brothers,
nor have any enthusiasm to do good deeds for humanity.
Rather, they should be such sympathisers of the nation that
they should become a refuge for the poor and fathers for the
orphans. In the service of Islam, they should be willing to
sacrifice themselves like one overpowered with love. All their
efforts should be devoted to spread Islam’s blessings
throughout the world so that a pure fountain of the love of
Allah and sympathy for humanity may flow from every heart
and, being combined in one place, should look like a flowing
river…. Almighty Allah desires to manifest His Glory and

10 Page 11 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


demonstrate His Omnipotence through this group, and then

He desires to grant it further progress so that the world may be
filled with the love of Allah, true repentance, purity, true
goodness, peace, reconciliation, and sympathy for mankind.
This group will be a special group of Allah, and He will grant
them power through His Own Spirit, and He will safeguard
them from unholy life, and He will bring about a pure change
in their life. As He has promised in His holy glad tidings, He
will increase this group tremendously and thousands of the
truthful will join it. He Himself will irrigate it and make it
prosper until its numbers and blessings will be a source of
marvel for all who see. Like a lamp placed high, they will
spread their light on all sides of the world, and they will be
considered an example of the blessings of Islam. Allah will
grant all kinds of blessings to the perfect followers of this
Movement, and He will grant them victory over all others.
Upto the Day of Judgement, there will be people among them
who will be granted divine acceptance and succour. This is
what the Glorious God has desired; He is All-Powerful and
does what He desires. All strength and power belong to Him.
(Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, vol. 1, pp. 196-198)

In the same announcement, the Promised Messiahas said that

those who wish to make bai‘at should arrive in Ludhiana after
March 20, 1889.

Beginning of the System of Bai‘at

In accordance with the above announcement, the Promised
Messiahas took the pledge of allegiance on March 23, 1889 at

11 Page 12 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


the house of Hadrat Sufi Ahmad Jan Sahib located in Mahalla

Jadid. As narrated by Hadrat Munshi ‘Abdullahra of Sanour, a
register was prepared to record this historical event. It was called
bai‘at for repentance, seeking righteousness and purification.
In those days, the Promised Messiahas used to invite people
one by one to take bai‘at in a room and then he took bai‘at
from each person individually. The first person whose bai‘at
was accepted was Hadrat Maulana Nur-ud-Dinra. Admon-
ishing those who took this bai‘at, the Promised Messiahas said:
By joining this Jama‘at, you should bring about a complete
transformation in your former life so that you have true faith
in Allah, and He becomes your Helper in all calamities. You
should not take His ordinances lightly, but should rather
honour every one of His commandments and prove such
honour in your actions.
To turn towards worldly means for various reasons and to
place your trust in them instead of trusting Allah amount to
making partners with Allah, as if you were denying the exist-
ence of God. You should consider worldly means only to the
extent that they do not amount to associating partners with
Allah. My way is that I do not forbid you from using the
worldly means, but I do forbid you from placing your trust in
them. Your hand should be engaged in work, but your heart
should be attached to the True Beloved.

He also said:
All of you who have taken bai‘at and have made a commit-
ment, listen! To utter these words is easy, but to do justice to
them is hard because Satan is always busy trying to make man

12 Page 13 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


careless about his faith. Satan shows the world and its benefits
to be within reach, and faith to be distant. In this way, the
heart is hardened and each subsequent condition is worse than
the previous one. If you want to please Allah, put your entire
strength and effort to abide faithfully to this commitment of
freeing yourself from sins.

He also said:
Utter no words of mischief, spread no evil, bear the rebukes
with patience, do not confront anyone, even if someone
confronts you, and deal with him with kindness and goodness.
Demonstrate a good example of sweetness of conversation.
Abide by all commandments with a true heart so that Allah be
pleased with you and even the enemy may recognise the
change in you after bai‘at. Give true evidence in court cases.
All those who join this Movement should establish themselves
on truthfulness with full heart, full endeavour, and the entirety
of life. (Dhikr-e-Habib, pp. 436–438)

In March 1903, on the day of ‘Eid, some Companionsra were

sitting together and the Promised Messiahas said:
Listen all of you who have taken bai‘at today6 and those who have
taken bai‘at before, I would like to say a few words by way of
advice. Listen to them carefully. Bai‘at that you have taken today
is bai‘at of repentance. Repentance is of two types. One from
the previous sins. That is, to reform oneself from the mistakes
committed before and to make recompense as far as possible to

6. It seems that at that time people had gathered together to take


13 Page 14 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


set right the damage done by them. The second is to safeguard

oneself from sins thereafter and to save oneself from the fire.
Almighty Allah has promised that with repentance all
prior sins are forgiven provided that the repentance is made
with a true heart and pure intent and does not contain any
secret mischief in any corner of the heart. Allah knows the
hidden secrets of the hearts; He cannot be misled by
anyone. Do not try to mislead Him. Make repentance in
His presence with truthfulness, not hypocrisy. The repen-
tance is not something extra or useless for man. Its impact is
not limited to the Day of Judgement; rather, it straightens
both worldly affairs and the faith. The repentant achieves
peace and prosperity, both in this life and in the life to
come. (Malfuzat, vol. 5. pp. 187–188)

14 Page 15 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

The initiate shall solemnly promise that
he/she shall abstain from shirk [associ-
ating any partner with God] right up to
the day of his/her death.

Almighty Allah Will Not Forgive Shirk
Allah the Almighty says in surah al-Nisa’, verse forty-nine:

‘Surely, Allah will not forgive that any partner be associated

with Him; but He will forgive whatever is short of that to
whomsoever He pleases. And whoso associates partners with
Allah has indeed devised a very great sin.’

The Promised Messiahas says in this respect that:

Similarly, Allah has said in the Holy Qur’an: Page 16 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


This means that every sin is forgivable except shirk. Therefore,

do not go near shirk and consider it to be a forbidden tree.
(Damimah Tohfah-e-Golarhviyyah, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 17, pp.
323–324, footnote)

Then the Promised Messiahas says:

Shirk here does not merely mean bowing before stones, etc.;
rather, it is also shirk that you should depend entirely on
worldly means and emphasise worldly idols. This is what shirk
is. (Al-Hakam, vol. 7, No. 24, June 30, 1903, p. 11)

Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:7

And remember when Luqman said to his son while exhorting

him, ‘O my dear son! associate not partners with Allah. Surely,
associating partners with God is a grievous wrong.’

The Holy Prophetsa feared the spread of shirk in his ummah

[followers]. One hadith states:
‘Ubadah Bin Nasi told us about Shaddad Bin ’Aus that he was
crying. He was asked, ‘Why do you cry?’ He replied, ‘I have
remembered something that I heard from the Holy Prophetsa
and it has made me cry. I heard the Holy Prophetsa say that, “I
fear about shirk and their secret desires in my ummah.” I asked,
“O Prophet of Allah, will your people be involved in shirk
after you?” The Holy Prophetsa responded, “Yes, even though

7. (Luqman, 31:14)

16 Page 17 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Condition I

my people will not worship the sun and the moon, the idol
and the stone, they will suffer from ostentations in their
actions and they will be prey to their hidden desires. One of
them will start the day fasting but then he will come across a
desire and he will break the fast and indulge in his desire.”’
(Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 4. p. 124, printed in Beirut)

Diverse Forms of Shirk

It is clear from this hadith that even if one does not indulge in
manifest shirk of worshipping idols or the moon, resorting to
ostentation and following one’s desires are also forms of shirk.
If an employee exceeds the limits of due obedience to his
employer, and by way of flattery praises him and believes that
his sustenance depends on him, that too is a form of shirk. If
someone is proud of his sons and believes that he has so many
sons who are growing up and would gain employment, make
earnings and take care of him, or that none of his collaterals
would be able to compete with him because of his grown
sons, that too is shirk. (In the Indian subcontinent, rather in
the entire third world, such competition with collaterals is a
loathsome habit.) Such people rely entirely upon their sons
who turn out to be disobedient, or die in accidents, or
become disabled; the entire support of such people thereby
falls to the ground.
The Promised Messiahas says:
Tauhid [Unity of God] does not simply mean that you say la
ilaha illAllah8 with your tongue but then hide hundreds of

8. There is none worthy of worship except Allah.

17 Page 18 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


idols in your heart. Anyone who gives reverence to his own

plans, mischief or clever designs as he should revere God, or
depends upon another person as one should depend upon
God alone, or reveres his own ego as he should revere God
alone, in all such conditions he is an idol-worshipper in the
sight of Allah. Idols are not merely those that are made of
gold, silver, copper or stones. Rather, every thing, every state-
ment, or every deed, which is revered in a manner that befits
Almighty Allah alone, is an idol in the sight of Allah….
Remember that the true Unity of God, which God requires
us to affirm and upon which salvation depends, is to believe
that God in His Being is free from every associate, whether it
be an idol or a human being, or the Sun or Moon, or one’s
ego, or one’s cunning or deceit; it is also to conceive of no one
as possessing power in opposition to Him, nor to accept
anyone as Sustainer, nor to hold anyone as bestowing honour
or disgrace, nor to consider anyone as Helper or Supporter;
and it is also to confine one’s love to Him and one’s worship,
and one’s humility, and one’s hopes, and one’s fear to Him. No
Unity can be complete without the following three types of
particularisations. First, there is the Unity of Being—that is, to
conceive the whole universe as nonexistent in contrast with
Him and to consider it mortal and lacking reality. Secondly,
the Unity of Attributes—that is that Rabubiyyat [Lordship] and
Uluhiyyat [Godhead] are confined to His Being and that all
others who appear as sustainers or benefactors are only a part
of the system set up by His hand. Thirdly, the Unity of love,
sincerity and devotion—that is, not to consider anyone as an
associate of God in the matter of love and worship and to be

18 Page 19 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Condition I

entirely lost in Him. (Siraj-ud-Din ‘Isa’i ke Char Swalon ka

Jawab, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 12, pp. 349–350)

I have briefly explained this before. In this respect, Hadrat

Khalifatul Masih Ira says:
To associate anyone in the name, action, or worship of Allah
constitutes shirk, and to carry out all good deeds solely for the
pleasure of Allah is called worship. People believe that there is
no Creator except Allah, and they also believe that life and
death are in the hands of Allah Who has complete control and
power over them. Even though they believe in this, they pros-
tate in front of others, tell lies, and perform circuits before
others. Instead of worshipping Allah, they worship others;
instead of fasting for Allah, they fast for others; and instead of
praying to Allah, they pray to others and give alms for them.
To uproot these false notions, Almighty Allah raised the Holy
Prophet Muhammadsa. (Khutabat-e-Nur, pp. 7–8)

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That he/she shall keep away from false-
hood, fornication/adultery, trespasses of
the eye, debauchery, dissipation, cruelty,
dishonesty, mischief and rebellion; and
that he/she will not permit himself/
herself to be carried away by passions,
however strong they might be.

Nine kinds of sins are mentioned in this condition,
and the initiate, everyone who claims to belong to the Jama‘at
of the Promised Messiahas, should eschew those sins.

Falsehood—the Greatest of Evils

Indeed, falsehood is the greatest of all evils. Once someone
asked the Holy Prophetsa for advice because that person was
suffering from many weaknesses and did not think that he
could leave all of them at once. The Holy Prophetsa told him,
‘Promise that you will always speak the truth and will never
tell a lie.’ Just by adopting the path of truthfulness, he was Page 22 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


freed from all of his sins one by one. Whenever he thought of

committing a sin, he thought that if he were caught he would
be presented before the Holy Prophetsa. He had promised not
to tell a lie. If he were to speak the truth [about the act], he
might be humiliated or punished. Gradually, he was freed
from all his sins. Indeed, falsehood is the root of all evils.
I will now elaborate upon this further. Almighty Allah says
in the Holy Qur’an:9

That is God’s commandment. And whose honours the sacred

things of Allah, it will be good for him with his Lord. And
cattle are made lawful to you but not that which has been
announced to you. Shun therefore the abomination of idols,
and shun false speech.

Here, uttering falsehood has been mentioned together with

shirk. Allah also says:10

Hearken, it is to Allah alone that sincere obedience is due. And

those who take for protectors others beside Him say, ‘We serve
them only that they may bring us near to Allah in station.’
Surely, Allah will judge between them concerning that

9. (al-Hajj, 22:31)
10. (al-Zumar, 39:4)

22 Page 23 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Condition II

wherein they differ. Surely, Allah guides not him who is an

ungrateful liar.

There is another hadith in Sahih Muslim:

Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Amr Bin al-‘Asra relates that the Holy
Prophetsa said, ‘Whoever has the following four characteristics
is a real hypocrite, and whoever has one of these characteris-
tics has an element of hypocrisy until he leaves that habit:
• When he speaks, he tells a lie. [His speech is mingled with
falsehood, and he utters falsehood.]
• When he makes a contract, he breaks it.
• When he makes a promise, he breaks it. [This is also a form
of faslehood.]
• When he argues, he starts using foul language.’

All of these characteristics are related to the telling of lies.

Then there is another hadith.
Hadrat Imam Malikra relates that, ‘I have heard that Hadrat
‘Abdullah Bin Mas‘udra used to say, ‘‘Adopt truthfulness
because truthfulness leads towards virtue, and virtue leads to
Paradise. Avoid falsehood because falsehood leads to disobedi-
ence, and disobedience conveys one to Hell. Do you not
know that it is said that such and such spoke the truth and
obeyed; or that he lied and was involved in sin?’’’ (Al-Mu’atta
Lil Imam Malik, Kitab-ul-Jami‘, Babu ma ja’a fis-sidqi wal-

Then there is a hadith in Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal:

Hadrat Abu Hurairahra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Whoever invited a young child to give him something and

23 Page 24 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


did not do so, it would be counted as a lie.’ (Musnadu Ahmad-

abni Hanbal, vol. 2, p. 452, printed in Beirut)

This point is very important for moral training. Keep in mind

that for the moral training of children you should not say such
things even by way of jest. Otherwise, children will pick up
the habit of telling lies in daily conversation, and lying would
become a firm habit later in their lives. Gradually they will
lose all feelings and inhibitions against telling lies.
Hadrat Ibn-e-Mas‘udra has related that the Holy Prophetsa
said, ‘Truth guides to virtue, and virtue guides to Paradise. A
person keeps telling the truth till in the sight of Allah he is
named truthful. Lying leads to vice, and vice leads to the Fire;
and a person keeps lying till in the sight of Allah he is named a
liar.’ (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul-Adabi, Babu Qaulillahe
Ittaqullaha wa kunu ma‘as Sadiqin)
Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Amr Bin al-‘Asra narrates that, ‘A man
came to the Holy Prophetsa and said, ‘O Prophet of Allah,
what are the deeds that lead to Paradise?’ The Holy Prophetsa
replied, ‘Speaking the truth. When a servant of Allah speaks
the truth, he becomes an obedient servant, and when he
becomes an obedient servant, he becomes a true believer, and
a true believer finally enters Paradise.’ The man asked again,
‘O Prophet of Allah, what is the action that leads to Hell?’
The Holy Prophetsa replied, ‘Falsehood. When someone tells
a lie, he becomes disobedient, and disobedience is kufr [disbe-
lief], and someone who is established on disbelief finally enters
Hell.’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 2, p. 176, printed in

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Condition II

The Promised Messiahas says:

The Holy Qur’an has regarded the uttering of falsehood to be
an abomination as Allah says:11

Here the words falsehood and idolatry have been used in

conjunction. Indeed, falsehood is an idol because otherwise
no one would leave the truth. Just as an idol has nothing but
artificial polish, so too, falsehood has no reality behind it.
Those who tell lies lose their credibility so much that even
when they speak the truth one thinks that perhaps there is an
element of falsehood in it. If those who are given to telling lies
want to cut down their habits, they will not find it easy; they
have to struggle for a long time before they get used to
speaking the truth. (Malfuzat, vol. 3, p. 350)

The Promised Messiahas also says:

Of all the natural conditions of man, one that is an essential
part of his nature is truthfulness. Normally, unless a person is
moved by some selfish motive, he does not wish to tell a lie.
He is naturally averse to falsehood and is reluctant to have
recourse to it. That is why he dislikes a person whom he
knows to be a liar and looks upon him with disdain. But this
natural condition by itself cannot be considered moral. Even
children and the insane exhibit this quality. The fact is that so
long as a person does not renounce the selfish motives which
prevent him from telling the truth, he cannot be considered

11. Shun therefore the abomination of idols, and shun false

speech. (al-Hajj, 22:31)

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truthful. If a person tells the truth only when he stands to lose

nothing, but tells a lie when his honour, property or life are
threatened, how can he be considered better than children and
the insane? Do minors and the insane not speak this kind of
truth? There is hardly anyone in the world who would tell a
lie without any motive. Therefore, the truth that is forsaken
when faced with possible loss can never form part of true
morals. The real occasion of telling the truth is when one
apprehends loss of life or property or honour. In this context,
the divine teaching is:12 13 14 15 16 17






12. (al-Hajj, 22:31)

13. (al-Baqarah, 2:283)
14. (al-Baqarah, 2:284)
15. (al-An‘am, 6:153)
16. (al-Nisa’, 4:136)
17. (al-Ma’idah, 5:9)

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Keep away from idol worship and lying because falsehood too
is an idol; one who relies upon it ceases to rely upon God.
Hence, by telling lies, one loses God. 18 19 20
When you are summoned to testify to the truth, do not refuse
to do so.
Do not conceal true testimony; and he who conceals it, his
heart is certainly sinful.
And when you speak, speak only what is absolutely true and
fair, even when you testify against a close relative.
Hold fast to truth and justice, and bear witness only for the
sake of Allah; never utter a lie even if telling the truth may
endanger your lives or your parents’ lives or other loved ones
like your children.
Let not hostility towards a people prevent you from giving
true testimony.
Truthful men and truthful women will earn great reward.
They are accustomed to counselling truth…
They do not keep company with the untruthful.

18. (al-Ahzab, 33:36)

19. (al-‘Asr, 103:4)
20. (al-Furqan, 25:73)

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(Islami Usul ki Philosophy, Ruhani Khaza’ in, vol. 10,

pp. 360–361)

Keep Away From Adultery

The second condition of bai‘at also includes a commitment to
avoid adultery. In this respect, Almighty Allah says in the Holy

And come not near unto adultery; surely, it is a foul thing and
an evil way.

In a hadith, Muhammad Bin Sirin narrates that the Holy

Prophetsa admonished to do the following. Then he narrates a
long hadith that includes the admonition that chastity and
truthfulness are better and everlasting in contrast to adultery
and falsehood (Sunanud-Darimiyyi, Kitab-ul-Wasaya, Babu ma
yustahabbu bil-wasiyyati minat-tashahhudi wal kalam)

Here adultery and falsehood have been mentioned together.

This also illustrates how major a sin lying is.

The Promised Messiahas says:

Do not go near adultery. That is to say, avoid all occasions
that create that thought in your mind. Avoid all ways that
carry a risk of getting involved in this sin. Whoever commits
adultery goes to the limit of the evil. Adultery is a very evil
way. It stops you from reaching your true objective and

21. (Bani Isra’il, 17:33)

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carries major risks in it. He who is unable to get married

should try to maintain his chastity in other ways; for
instance, he should keep fasts or reduce his food intake, or
should do hard physical work. (Islami Usul ki Philosophy,
Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 10, p. 342)

The Promised Messiahas has admonished to stay away from

things that lead to adultery. Sometimes the youth ignore this
matter. They get used to watching films that are not fit to be
seen. They are beneath good moral standards. Avoid them
because that is also a form of adultery.

Keep Away From the Trespasses of the Eye

The second condition also refers to a third kind of evil, which
is the trespasses of the eye. Avoiding it is known as ghadd-e-
basar 22.
Hadrat Abu Raihanahra narrates that he was with the Holy
Prophetsa in an expedition and one night heard the Holy
Prophetsa say, ‘Fire is forbidden to touch the eye that remains
awake for the sake of Allah, and fire is forbidden on the eye
that sheds tears for the fear of Allah.’
Hadrat Abu Shuraihra narrates that he heard one narrator say
that the Holy Prophetsa also said that, ‘Fire is forbidden on that
eye which, instead of watching, is cast down when confronted
with something that Allah has forbidden to see, and fire is also
forbidden to touch the eye that has been taken out in the way

22. A term in the Holy Qur’an, which literally means: keeping

the eyes cast down.

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of Allah the Glorious.’ (Sunanud-Darimiyyi, Kitab-ul-Jihadi,

Babu filladhi yas-haru fi sabilillahi Harisan)

Then there is another hadith.

‘Ubadah Bin As-Samitra narrates that the Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa said, ‘Assure me of six things concerning you,
and I will assure your entry into Paradise:
• When you speak, say the truth.
• When you make a promise, fulfil it.
• When you are given a trust, convey it when demanded. [There
should be no excuses.]
• Safeguard your private parts.
• Keep your eyes cast down.
• Hold your hands from cruelty.’
(Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 5, p. 323, printed in Beirut)
Hadrat Abu Sa‘id Khudrira relates that the Holy Prophetsa
directed, ‘Refrain from sitting in the streets.’ It was said to
him, ‘Messenger of Allah, we cannot help sitting in the
streets.’ He said, ‘In that case fulfil the obligations due to the
street.’ He was asked, ‘What is due to the street?’ He replied,
‘Reciprocation of greetings, restraining of looks, guiding those
who ask for directions, enjoining good and forbidding evil.’
(Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 3. p. 61, printed in Beirut)

The Promised Messiahas writes that:

The Holy Qur’an, which lays down appropriate directions
with reference to the natural desires and weaknesses of man,
has adopted an excellent course in this regard23:

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Direct the believing men to restrain their looks and to guard

their furuj. That is the act through which they will attain puri-

Furuj does not refer merely to the private parts. It refers to all
parts of the entry in the body including the ears. It has been
prohibited to hear the song of an unrelated woman.
Remember, it is proven by hundreds of experiments, that if
God prohibits something, man has to leave it sooner or later.
(Malfuzat, vol. 7, p. 135)

The Promised Messiahas also says:

Islam has enjoined men and women equally on the observa-
tions of these conditions. As women are prescribed to wear
the veil, so too are men commanded to keep their eyes down.
Salat [obligatory Prayer], fasting, Zakat [obligatory alms], Hajj
[Pilgrimage to the House of God in Mecca], the distinction
between halal [lawful] and haram [unlawful], avoiding un-
Islamic customs to honour God’s commandment, are all
injunctions that make the door of Islam very narrow and that
is why everyone cannot enter this door. (Malfuzat, new ed.,
vol. 5. p. 614)

This should make it clear for men that they should keep their
eyes down. Modesty is not just for women, it is also for men.

23. (al-Nur, 24:31)

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Then the Promised Messiahas says:

God Almighty has not only set forth excellent teachings for
acquiring the quality of chastity, but has furnished man with
five remedies against unchaste behaviour. These are [1] to
restrain one’s eyes from gazing upon women who are outside
the prohibited degrees, [2] to safeguard the ears from listening
to their voices, [3] to refrain from listening to the stories about
them, [4] to avoid occasions that might furnish incitement
towards this vice, and [5] to control oneself during the period
of celibacy through fasting, dieting, etc…
We can confidently claim that this excellent teaching with
all its devices that is set forth in the Holy Qur’an is peculiar
to Islam. It should be kept in mind that as the natural condi-
tion of man, which is the source of his passions, is such that
he cannot depart from it without a complete change in
himself; his passions are bound to be roused when they are
confronted with the occasion and opportunity for indulging
in this vice; therefore, God Almighty has not instructed us
that we might freely gaze at women outside the prohibited
degrees and might contemplate their beauty and observe all
their movements in dancing, etc., but that we should do so
with pure looks. Nor have we been instructed to listen to the
singing of these women and to lend an ear to the tales of
their beauty, but that we should do so with a pure intent. We
have been positively commanded not to look at their beauty
whether with pure intent or otherwise, nor to listen to their
musical voices or to descriptions of their good looks,
whether with pure intent or otherwise. We have been
directed to eschew all this as we eschew carrion, so that we

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Condition II

should not stumble. It is almost certain that our free glances

would cause us to stumble some time or another.
As God Almighty desires that our eyes and our hearts
and all our limbs and organs should continue to be in a state
of purity, He has furnished us with this excellent teaching.
There can be no doubt that unrestrained looks become a
source of danger. If we place soft bread before a hungry
dog, it would be vain to hope that the dog should pay no
attention to it. Thus, God Almighty desired that human
faculties not be provided with any occasion for secret func-
tioning and not be confronted with anything that might
incite dangerous tendencies. (Islami Usul ki Philosophy,
Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 10, pp. 343–344)

Keep Away From Wickedness

and Immorality
The second condition also enjoins saving oneself from wick-
edness and immorality.
Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:24

And know that among you is the Messenger of Allah; if he

were to comply with your wishes in most of the matters, you
would surely come to trouble; but Allah has endeared the faith

24. (al-Hujurat, 49:8)

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to you and has made it look beautiful to your hearts, and He

has made disbelief, wickedness and disobedience hateful to
you. Such indeed are those who follow the right course.

In a hadith pertaining to this subject, Hadrat Aswadra narrates

from Hadrat Abu Hurairahra that:
When someone is fasting, he should not indulge in foul talk,
nor talk of wickedness or ignorance. If someone deals with
him in ways of ignorance, he should simply respond, ‘I am
fasting.’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 2, p. 356, printed in
The Holy Prophetsa has also said, ‘To rebuke a believer is
wickedness and to fight him is disbelief.’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni
Hanbal, vol. 1, p. 439, printed in Beirut)
‘Abdur-Rahman Bin Shibl narrates the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘The merchants are wicked.’ The narrator adds that he was
asked, ‘Does Allah not make trade lawful?’ The Holy
Prophetsa said, ‘Why not? But when they make a deal, they tell
lies and raise the price making statements under oath.’

The narrator adds that:

The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘The wicked will be in hell.’ He was
asked, ‘Who are the wicked?’ He answered, ‘Some women are
wicked.’ A man asked, ‘Prophet of Allah, are they not our
mothers, sisters, and wives?’ He answered, ‘Why not? But
when something is given to them, they are not grateful; and
when a hardship befalls them, they do not show patience.’
(Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 3, p. 428, printed in Beirut)

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The businessmen need to ponder over this. Clean dealings are

a condition of bai‘at.
The Promised Messiahas says:
It is established from hadith that the wicked should be
punished before the disbelievers…. This is the way of
Allah, that when a nation becomes wicked and immoral,
another nation is made to rule over it. (Malfuzat, new ed.,
vol. 2, p. 653)

Then he says:
When wickedness and immorality exceeded their limits, and
people started disrespecting the commandments and signs of
Allah, and were lost into the affairs of the world and its adorn-
ment, God caused their ruin at the hands of Halaku and
Changez Khan. It is written that at that time a cry was heard
from heaven:25

In short, the wicked and the immoral are lower and more
despicable than disbelievers in the eyes of Allah. (Malfuzat,
new ed., vol. 3, p. 108)

Then he says:
The prayer of the wicked tyrant is not accepted because he is
unmindful of Allah, and thus Allah cares not for him. If a son
is unmindful of his obligations to his father, the father does
not care about him, because of his disobedience. Why should

25. O disbelievers kill the transgressors.

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Allah care for such people? (Al-Badr, vol. 2, February 13,

1903, p. 28, col. 2)

Keep Away From Cruelty

The second condition also enjoins avoiding cruelty. The Holy
Qur’an says:26

But the parties differed among themselves. So woe to those

who were cruel by way of the punishment of a grievous day.

Hadrat Jabirra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Beware of

cruelty because cruelty will appear as darkness on the Day of
Judgement. Beware of greed, stinginess and envy because
greed, stinginess and envy caused the destruction of the earlier
nations. It incited them to bloodshed and to dishonour that
which was sacred.’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 3,
p. 323, printed in Beirut)

To usurp the rightful belonging of others is also cruelty.

Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin Mas‘udra narrates that, ‘I asked the Holy
Prophetsa, “What is the greatest cruelty?” He said, “The
greatest cruelty is that a brother should unlawfully occupy one
arm’s length of land from his brother. On the Day of Judge-
ment, even a pebble from the land he has usurped will be
placed as a chain around his neck; and no one knows the
depth of the earth except Allah Who has created it.’”
(Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 1, p. 396, printed in Beirut)

26. (al-Zukhruf, 43:66)

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Some people fail to discharge the obligations to their sisters,

brothers and neighbours, or illegally occupy their properties
and land. Please ponder over this. As Ahmadis, the conditions
upon which we have taken the pledge require us not to usurp
the rights of anyone, nor to be cruel. We need to fear Allah
greatly about this matter.

There is a hadith that:

Hadrat Abu Hurairahra has related that the Holy Prophetsa
said, ‘Do you know who a pauper is?’ We answered, ‘Among
us a pauper is one who has no cash or property.’ He said, ‘A
pauper from among my people would be one who faces the
Day of Judgement with a record of Salat and fasting and Zakat,
but who will have abused one, falsely calumniated someone
else, devoured the substance of a third, shed the blood of a
fourth and beaten a fifth. Then each of them will be allotted a
portion of his good deeds. Should they not suffice, their sins
and defaults will be transferred from them to him and he will
be thrown into the Fire.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Birri was-
Silah, Babu Tahrimiz-Zulmi)

Please ponder over this matter. All of us who are guilty of

such misdeeds need to be fearful. May Allah safeguard every
one of us from appearing in His presence in the condition of
such a pauper.
The Promised Messiahas says:
The members of my Jama‘at, wherever they might be, should
listen with attention. The purpose of their joining this Move-
ment and establishing the mutual relationship of spiritual
preceptor and disciple with me is that they should achieve a

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high degree of good conduct, good behaviour and righteous-

ness. No wrongdoing, mischief, or misconduct should even
approach them. They should perform the five daily Prayers
regularly, should not utter falsehood and should not hurt
anyone by their tongues. They should be guilty of no vice and
should not let even a thought of any mischief, wrong, disor-
derliness, or turmoil pass through their minds. They should
shun every type of sin, offence, undesirable action, passion,
and unmannerly behaviour. They should become pure-
hearted and meek servants of God Almighty, and no
poisonous germ should flourish in their beings…. Sympathy
with mankind should be their principle and, they should fear
God Almighty. They should safeguard their tongues and their
hands and their thoughts against every kind of impurity, disor-
derliness and dishonesty. They should join the five daily Prayer
services without fail. They should refrain from every kind of
wrong, transgression, dishonesty, bribery, trespass, and
partiality. They should not participate in any evil company. If
it should be proved that one who frequents their company
does not obey God’s commandments… or is not mindful of
the rights of people, or is cruel or mischievous, or is ill-
behaved, or is seeking to deceive the servants of God
Almighty by speaking ill or abusively of him, or is guilty of
imposture towards the persons with whom they have entered
into a covenant of bai‘at, it should be their duty to repel him
and to keep away from such a dangerous one. They should not
design harm against the followers of any religion or the
members of any tribe or group. Be true well-wishers of every
one, and take care that no mischievous or vicious person, or
disorderly one or ill-behaved one, should ever be of your

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Condition II

company, or should dwell among you; for such a person could

at any time be the cause of your stumbling.
These are matters and conditions that I have been urging
from the beginning, and it is the duty of every member of
my Jama‘at to act upon them. You should indulge in no
impurity, mockery or derision. Walk upon the earth with
good hearts, pure tempers, and pure thoughts. Not every evil
is worth fighting, so cultivate the habit of forgiveness and
overlooking defaults, and behave with steadfastness and
meekness. Do not attack anyone improperly, and keep your
passions under complete control. If you take part in a discus-
sion, or in an exchange of views on a religious subject,
express yourself gently and be courteous. If anyone misbe-
haves towards you, withdraw from such company with a
greeting of peace. If you are persecuted or reviled, be
mindful that you should not meet stupidity with stupidity, for
otherwise you will be counted in the same category as your
opponents. God Almighty desires that you should become a
jama‘at that should set an example of goodness and truthful-
ness for the whole world. Hasten to exclude everyone from
your company who sets an example of evil, mischief, provo-
cation and ill-behaviour. He who cannot dwell among us in
meekness, goodness and piety, using gentle words and
comporting himself in ways of good conduct, should depart
from us quickly, for God does not desire that such a one
should dwell among us. He will die miserably, for he did not
adopt the way of goodness. Therefore, be alert, and be truly
good-hearted, gentle and righteous. You will be known by
your regular attendance at Prayer services and your high
moral qualities. He who has the seed of evil embedded in

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him will not be able to conform to this admonition. (Tabligh-

e-Risalat, vol. 7, pp. 42–44. Ishtihar (The Announcement), May
29, 1898, p. 2)

Keep Away From Dishonesty

Almighty Allah says about dishonesty in the Holy Qur’an:27

And plead not on behalf of those who are dishonest to them-

selves. Surely, Allah loves not one who is perfidious and a great

According to a hadith:
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘If someone gives you something for safekeeping, return it to
him. Do not be dishonest with anyone, even if he has been
dishonest with you.’ (Sunano Abi Dawud, Kitab-ul-Buyu‘,
Babu fir-Rajuli ya’khudhu Haqqahu…)

The Promised Messiahas says:

Of the various forms of discarding evil, the second is the
virtue known as honesty and integrity, which is the indispo-
sition to harm anyone by taking possession of his property
mischievously and dishonestly. It should be clear that honesty
and integrity constitute a natural human condition. That is
why an infant, which is by nature simple and naïve, and,

27. (al-Nisa’, 4:108)

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because of young age, has not yet acquired any bad habits,
dislikes what belongs to others so much so that it is with
great difficulty that [he] allows a strange woman to breast-
feed [him]. (Islami Usul ki Philosophy, Ruhani Khaza’in,
vol. 10, p. 344)

Keep Away From Mischief

Almighty Allah says about mischief in the Holy Qur’an:28

‘And seek, in that which Allah has given thee, the Home of
the Hereafter; and neglect not thy lot in this world; and do
good to others as Allah has done good to thee; and seek not to
make mischief in the earth, verily Allah loves not those who
make mischiefRaided

Hadrat Mu‘adh Bin Jabalra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Combat is of two types: One that is waged for the pleasure of
Allah under the leadership of an Imam [divinely guided
leader]. A person engaged in such combat spends his best
property in the way of Allah, is comforting his companions,
and avoids mischief. For such a person, everything—his
sleeping and waking time—earns merit in the sight of Allah.
And there is another who engages in combat for pride, osten-
tation, and to talk about his valour. He disobeys the Imam and

28. (al-Qasas, 28:78)

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creates mischief in the earth. Such a one can never equal the
first one in rank.’ (Sunano Abi Dawud, Kitab-ul-Jihad, Babu fi
man yaghzu wa yaltamis-ud-Dunya)
Hadrat Asma’ Bint Yazidra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa
said, ‘Should I inform you about the best of people?’ The
Companionsra said, ‘Certainly, tell us O Prophet of Allah.’ He
said, ‘When they witness a desirable scene, they start remem-
bering Allah.’ Then he said, ‘Should I tell you about the worst
of people? The worst people are those who go about back-
biting and creating discord between people. Their wish is that
the obedient servants of Allah get involved in sin.’ (Musnadu
Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 6, p. 459, printed in Beirut)

The Promised Messiahas says:

Do not engage in fighting or discord with those who leave
you because you have joined a Movement established by
Almighty Allah; instead, pray for them in secret that
Almighty Allah may grant them the insight and cognition
that He has granted you. With your pious example and good
behaviour, prove that you have adopted the right path.
Listen! I am appointed to admonish you repeatedly to avoid
all occasions of discord and disturbance. Have patience even
if you hear abuse. Respond to evil with goodness. If you
encounter discord, slip away from that situation or respond
with kind words…. I do not like when I learn that someone
has quarrelled despite being a member of my Jama‘at.
Almighty Allah does not like that the jama‘at that is destined
to become a model for mankind should adopt such ways,
which are not the ways of righteousness. Indeed, I tell you

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that Almighty Allah has emphasised this matter so much that

if someone—declaring his membership of the Jama‘at—does
not show patience and perseverance, he does not belong to
this Jama‘at. The utmost cause of your provocation might be
that you hear people abusing me. Leave that matter for God
to decide. You cannot judge it. Leave my affair to God; you
should show patience even in the face of such abuse.
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 4, p. 157)

Keep Away From the Ways of Rebellion

The second condition of bai‘at also requires that the initiate
shall safeguard himself from the ways of rebellion. In
explaining two verses of surah al-Baqarah, the Promised
Messiahas says:29

That is:
And fight them until the rebellion is removed, and religion is
professed only for Allah.


29. (al-Baqarah, 2:194)

30. (al-Baqarah, 2:218)

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That is:
Fighting (in the Holy city of Mecca) is a heinous thing, but to
hinder men from the ways of Allah and to be ungrateful to
Him, and to expel the righteous men from the Sacred Mosque
is more heinous in the sight of Allah. And rebellion, that is,
interfering in the peaceful living, is worse than killing…
( Jang-e-Muqaddas, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 6, p. 255)

The Promised Messiahas also said:

I see that many ignorant and mischievous people from among
the Hindus and Muslims demonstrate such activities against
the government that smell of rebellion. I suspect that a time
will come when the ways of rebellion will be established in
their hearts. Therefore, I admonish the members of my
Jama‘at who are settled in Punjab and [the subcontinent of]
India who, by the Grace of God, number in hundreds of
thousands, that they should remember this teaching of mine
that I have been impressing upon them in my speeches as well
as in my writings for the last twenty-six years, that they should
be truly loyal to this government that has done us favours….
Remember it well that a person who entertains any rebellious
thoughts against the government cannot continue to be a
member of my Jama‘at. I consider it a great impertinence that
we be ungrateful to a government that delivered us from the
clutches of tyrants and under which we are making progress.
Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an31:

31. (al-Rahman, 55:61)

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Condition II

That is: The reward for goodness is nothing but goodness.

In a hadith, the Holy Prophetsa says that, ‘Anyone who is
ungrateful to people cannot be grateful to Allah.’ Just imagine,
if you move outside the protective shade of this government,
where will you find refuge? Name one government that will
grant you protection. Every Islamic government is grinding its
teeth to kill you because according to them you are disbe-
lievers and apostates. Be then grateful for this favour of
Allah…. To spread the doctrines that a bloody Mahdi will
come and will apprehend all the Christian monarchs is a
concocted approach that has blackened and hardened the
hearts of our opposing Muslims. Such doctrines can, and defi-
nitely will, incite the ignorant to rise in rebellion at some
time. Therefore, we are striving that Muslims may get rid of
such doctrines. Remember, a faith that lacks human sympathy,
is not from God. God has taught us, ‘Be merciful on earth so
that you may be shown mercy in Heaven.’ (Majmu‘ah Ishti-
harat, vol. 3, pp. 582–585)

Do Not be Carried Away by Passion

The second condition also draws the initiate’s attention to not
being carried away by passion. The Promised Messiahas says:
The fourth stage of spiritual progress is that which is
mentioned by Almighty Allah in the noble verse of the Holy

32. And who guard their chastity— (al-Mu’minun, 23:6)

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That is, higher in status than the believers of the third rank are
those who guard themselves against the carnal passions and
unlawful lust. This rank is higher than the third rank because
at the third rank one only sacrifices wealth that is dear to him.
But a believer at the fourth rank sacrifices something that is
dearer to him than wealth—the carnal passions. Man is so
enamored with his carnal passions that he spends large sums to
satisfy his lust. He gives no importance to wealth when
pursuing such desires. It has been observed that there are many
stingy people who do not give a penny to the needy, but
destroy their households by spending large amounts on visiting
women of ill repute. It is thus established that the carnal
passions are a fierce flood that carries with it a filthy habit like
stinginess. It is therefore obvious, that in comparison with the
strength of faith that cures stinginess and prepares one to part
with his beloved property for the sake of Allah, a much
stronger and long-lasting faith in combating Satan is required
to safeguard oneself from the deluge of carnal passions,
because such faith tramples under its foot the old serpent
called Nafs-e-’Ammarah [the self that incites to evil]. As far as
stinginess is concerned, it can be avoided during times of satis-
fying the carnal passions or for ostentation and show, but this
deluge that is raised by the upsurge of carnal passions is a very
severe and long-lasting deluge that cannot be averted except
with the mercy of Allah. Just as the bone is the hardest part
and longest living in the components of the body, so too the
strength of faith needed for safeguarding from this deluge is
hardest and longest lasting so that it may persist in combating
this enemy for a long time. And that too with the mercy of
Allah, because the deluge of carnal passions is such a devastating

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Condition II

flood that nobody can safeguard himself from it except with the
mercy of Allah. That is why Hadrat Yusufas had to say33:

That is:
‘And I do not absolve myself of weakness; for the soul is surely
prone to enjoin evil. It is not possible to safeguard oneself
from its attack except that Allah the Almighty should have
The phrase mentioned in this verse is:34

Similar words were used at the time of Noah’s deluge:35

This points out that the deluge of carnal passions is similar to

the deluge of Noah in its severity and danger. (Barahin-e-
Ahmadiyyah, vol. 5, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 21, pp. 205–206)

In summary, the carnal passions will always try to vanquish

you. Avoid them, ever seeking the mercy of Allah. In these
days, many other paths to it have been opened. Therefore, we
need to pray and turn to Allah seeking His mercy more than
ever before.36

33. (Yusuf, 12:54)

34. …Save that whereon my Lord has mercy. (Ibid.)
35. There is no shelter for anyone this day, from the decree of
Allah, excepting those to whom He shows mercy.
(Hud, 11:44)

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Hearken, it is to Allah alone that sincere obedience is due. And

those who take for protectors others beside Him say, ‘We serve
them only that they may bring us near to Allah in station.’
Surely, Allah will judge between them concerning that
wherein they differ. Surely, Allah guides not him who is an
ungrateful liar.

The Promised Messiahas says:

Believe in the God, Whose existence is confirmed unani-
mously by the Torah, the Gospels and the Holy Qur’an. Do
not fashion a god whose existence is not proven by the unani-
mous testimony of these three books. Accept that which is
testified by intellect and human conscience and is testified by
the books of God. Do not believe in God in a manner that
creates discord between the books of God. Do not commit
adultery. Do not tell lies. Avoid the evil look. Safeguard your-
selves from wickedness, immorality, cruelty, dishonesty, and
ways of rebellion. Do not be overpowered by carnal desires.
Establish the five daily Prayers because human natures undergo
five kinds of trials. Be grateful to your noble Messenger and
invoke blessings upon him, for he is the one who showed you
the way of recognising God in the age of darkness. These are
the principles that are the distinguishing features of my
Community. The way this Community establishes human

36. (al-Zumar, 39:4)

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Condition II

sympathy, avoiding to do harm to human beings, and

forsaking the opposition of the official in charge, are not
found in other Muslims. Because of their own mistakes, their
principles are of a different type, which do not need explana-
tion at this time. (Damimah Tiryaq-ul-Qulub, Ruhani Khaza’in,
vol. 15, pp. 524–526)

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That he/she shall regularly offer the five

daily Prayers in accordance with the
commandments of God and the Holy
Prophet Muhammadsa and shall try his/
her best to be regular in offering the
tahajjud and invoking durud on the Holy
Prophet Muhammadsa. That he/she
shall make it his/her daily routine to ask
forgiveness for his/her sins, to remember
the bounties of God and to praise and
glorify Him.

Observe Five Daily Prayers
The first point mentioned in this condition is that the initiate
will observe five daily Prayers in accordance with the
commandment of Allah and His Messengersa. The command-
ment of Allah is that men and women as well as children who
have reached the age of ten should offer Prayers at their
appointed times. Men have been commanded to establish five Page 52 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


daily Prayers in congregation, to visit the mosques and inhabit

them, and to search for the Grace of Allah. There is no
concession in the matter of five daily Prayers. In cases of travel
or sickness, some of the requirements have been made lenient,
for instance combining Prayers or reducing the number of
rak‘at. The fact that only during sickness one is permitted not
to go to mosque to join Prayers shows the importance of
Prayer in congregation.
I will read some excerpts, but I wish to stress that everyone
who takes the pledge should ponder that whereas we are
making a pledge to sell ourselves, are we obeying this explicit
commandment of the Holy Qur’an? Every Ahmadi has the
duty to remind himself. You should examine yourself, and
watch your own actions. If we all start examining ourselves, a
great revolution can be achieved.
In the Holy Qur’an Allah says:37

And observe Prayer and give the Zakat, and obey the
Messenger, that you may be shown mercy.

In surah Ta Ha, verse fifteen it is commanded:38

‘Verily, I am Allah; there is no God beside Me. So serve Me,

and observe Prayer for My remembrance.’

37. (al-Nur, 24:57)

38. (Ta Ha, 20:15)

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Condition III

There are numerous other verses in the Holy Qur’an about

establishing Prayer. I will now present one hadith.
Hadrat Jabir ra relates that he heard the Holy Prophetsa say that,
‘Neglecting to offer Prayer brings a man closer to apostasy and
disbelief.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Iman, Babu Bayanit-laq-
ismil-Kufri ‘Ala man Tarkas-Salah)

The Holy Prophetsa has said, ‘The comfort of my eye is in the

Prayer.’ (Sunan Al-Nasa’i, Kitabu ‘Ishratin-Nisa’i, Babu Hubbin-
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘The first thing for which a person would be called to account
is the Prayer. If he succeeds in this account, he would be
successful and will attain salvation. If that account is deficient,
he will be ruined and will be a loser. If there is a shortfall in
the obligatory Prayers, Allah will make it up from his nawafil.
Similarly, all his other deeds will be accounted for.’ (Sunan-ut-
Tirmadhi, Kitab-us-Salati, Babu Inna Awwala ma Yuhasabu
bihil ‘Abdu…)

Then it is said in a hadith:

Hadrat Abu Hurairahra has related that he heard the Holy
Prophetsa saying, ‘Tell me if one of you had a stream running
at his door and he should take a bath in it five times every day,
would any dirt be left upon him?’ He was answered, ‘No dirt
would be left on him.’ The Holy Prophetsa observed, ‘This is
the case of the five Prayers. Allah wipes out all faults in conse-
quence of them.’ (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabu Mawaqitis-Salati,
Babus-Salatil Khamsi Kaffaratun Lil Khata’i)

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The Promised Messiahas says:

Offer the Prayer. Offer the Prayer. That is the key to all good
fortune. (Izala-e-‘Auham, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 549/First
edn., p. 829)

He also says:
The essence and spirit of Prayer lie in supplications. (Ayyam-
us-Sulh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 14, p. 241)

He also says:
So all ye people who count yourselves as members of my
Jama‘at, in heaven you shall be counted members of my
following only when you truly begin to advance on the
paths of righteousness. Offer your five daily Obligatory
Prayers with such concentration and awe of mind as though
you were seeing God in front of you. Observe the days of
fasting for the sake of God in full sincerity. All among you
who are liable for Zakat should never fail to discharge this
important obligation. And those upon whom the pilgrimage
to Mecca has become obligatory, without any obstacles
standing in the way, should duly undertake that blessed
journey. Do all good deeds with the proper care they
deserve, forsaking evil from a real repulsion arising from the
heart. Be very sure that no action, whatsoever, can take you
to God if it is devoid of righteousness. The root of every-
thing good is taqwa [righteousness]; in whatever action this
root is not lost, that action will never be devoid or futile.
(Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, p. 15)

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Condition III

The Promised Messiahas says:

What is the Prayer? It is the supplication made humbly in the
form of tasbih [glorification] and tahmid [praise of God],
taqdis [proclaiming His holiness], istighfar [seeking His
forgiveness] and durud [calling down His blessings on the
Holy Prophetsa]. When you are occupied with the Prayer, do
not confine yourselves only to the prescribed Prayers like
heedless people whose Prayer is all formality and has no
reality behind it. When you observe the Prayer, besides the
prescribed supplications taught by the Holy Qur’an and the
Holy Prophetsa, you should set forth your supplications in
your respective vernaculars so that your hearts may be moved
by your humility and your earnestness. (Kashti-e-Nuh,
Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 68–69)

The Promised Messiahas further says:

The Prayer is so powerful that the heavens incline towards the
human with it. The one who does full justice to Prayers feels
that he has died; his soul has melted and fallen at the threshold
of Allah… A house in which Prayer is offered in this manner
will never face destruction. It is said in hadith that if Prayer had
been ordained to the people of Noah, they would not have
been ruined. Hajj is obligatory but with certain prerequisites;
so is fasting and Zakat. But the obligation to offer Prayer has
no prerequisites. All other obligations are discharged once a
year, but the Prayer is ordained five times a day. As long as
the Prayer is not performed in accordance with all its
requirements, it does not earn the blessings that it carries.

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Such allegiance [without discharging these obligations] in not

of any benefit. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 3, p. 627)

The Promised Messiahas says:

Prayer is obligatory on every Muslim. It is narrated in hadith
that some people accepted Islam and submitted, ‘O Prophet of
Allah, please release us from the obligation of Prayer because
we are traders. Because we tend to cattle, sometimes we are
not sure about the cleanliness of our clothes. Moreover, we do
not have the time.’ The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Take heed, if
there is no Prayer, there is nothing. Faith without worship is
no faith at all.’
What is Prayer? To submit your weaknesses before God
and to seek their solutions from Him. At times, to stand
straight before him in awe of His Grandeur—ready to carry
out His commands. At times, to prostrate before Him in
complete submission. To beg from him all that you need.
That is Prayer. To praise Him like a beggar, to move His
Mercy by narrating His Greatness and Grandeur, and then
asking. A ‘faith’ that does not have this [type of Prayer] is no
faith at all.
A man is needy at all times to seek Allah’s pleasure and beg
for His Grace. Only through His Grace can we accomplish
anything. O Allah, grant us the ability to belong entirely to
You to stay firmly upon the path of Your pleasure and thereby
earn Your pleasure. Prayer means love of God, fear of God, to
always keep Him in mind—and that is what faith is.
So anyone who wants to be freed from the obligation of
Prayer cannot accomplish anything more than the animals—
eating, drinking, and sleeping. This certainly is not faith.

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Condition III

This is the way of the disbelievers. The popular saying, ‘The

moment of heedlessness is the moment of disbelief ’ is
undoubtedly true and correct.’ (Al-Hakam, vol. 7, March 31,
1903, p. 8)

How to achieve concentration in Prayer? The Promised

Messiahas says [that a person who derives no pleasure from
Prayer should beg before Allah]:
Allah the Almighty! Thou knowest how blind and sightless I
am, and at the moment I am like the dead. I know that in a
little while I shall be called and shall present myself before
Thee and no one will be able to stop me. But my heart is
blind and unenlightened. Do Thou cause to descend upon it
such a flame of light that thereby it may be inspired with Thy
love and devotion. Do Thou bestow upon me such grace that
I shall not be raised up sightless and blind.
When he supplicates in this manner and persists in the
supplication, he will see that a time will arrive when some-
thing will descend upon him while he is engaged in such a
Prayer that will melt his heart. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 2,
p. 616)

Be Regular in Tahajjud
The third condition stipulates that one should offer tahajjud
Prayers. Almighty Allah says:39

39. (Bani Isra’il, 17:80)

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And offer tahajjud with the recitation of the Qur’an in a part

of the night as a supererogatory service for thee. Very soon thy
Lord will raise thee to an exalted station.

Hadrat Bilalra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘You

should be very regular in tahajjud. That has been the practice
of the righteous ones in the past and is a means of attaining
nearness to God. This is a habit that safeguards against sin,
removes blemishes and safeguards from physical illness.’
(Sunan-ut-Tirmadhi, Kitab-ud-Da‘wat, Babu Fi Du‘a’in

In another hadith:
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra has related that the Holy Prophetsa
said, ‘Our Lord descends every night to the lowest heaven.
When one-third of the night remains, Allah says, “Who will
call upon Me, so I should respond to him? Who will beg of
Me, so I should grant him? And Who will ask my forgiveness,
so I should forgive him?” Allah the Almighty keeps saying so
until dawn breaks.’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 2, p. 521,
printed in Beirut)

Many members of the Community write letters for prayers. If

they practice this method of prayer themselves, they will see
the blessings of Allah pouring upon them.
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Allah the Almighty says that whoever is an enemy of My
friend, I declare war on him. My servant can be close to Me
through things that I love and that I have made obligatory
upon him. By offering nawafil My servant gets so close to Me

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Condition III

that I start loving him. When I make him a friend of Mine, I

become the ears with which he hears, the eyes with which he
sees, the hands with which he holds, and the feet with which
he walks. That is, I fulfil all that he desires. If he begs of Me, I
provide for him; if he seeks My protection, I grant him
protection.’ (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ur-Riqaqi, Babut-
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra has related that the Holy Prophetsa
said, ‘Allah will have mercy on a man who gets up at night for
his [voluntary] Prayer and awakens his wife for the same
purpose, and if she hesitates he sprinkles water over her face to
wake her up. And, Allah will have mercy on a woman who
gets up at night to offer [voluntary] Prayer and awakens her
husband for the same purpose, and if he hesitates she sprinkles
water over his face to wake him up.’ (Sunano Abi Dawud,
Kitab-ut-Tatawwu‘i, Babu Qayamil-Laili)

The Promised Messiahas says:

Our Jama‘at should make it incumbent upon itself to offer
tahajjud. Anyone who cannot do more should make at a
minimum two rak‘at because he will get an opportunity to
make some supplications. Supplications made at this time have
a very special characteristic because they are offered with true
pain and eagerness. Until there is a special pain and heartfelt
agony, how can one wake up from comfortable sleep? To wake
up at this time creates a heartfelt pain, which creates a condi-
tion of devotion and distress, which in turn become the means
of acceptance of supplication. But someone who is lax in
waking up is obviously lacking in pain and anguish. But one

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who wakes up, obviously there is a pain that is waking him up.
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 2, p. 182)

The Promised Messiahas also says:

Get up at night and supplicate that Allah the Almighty may
guide you to His path. The companions of the Holy Prophetsa
also received their training step by step. What were they
before? They were like the a seed sown by a farmer. The Holy
Prophetsa in turn watered and prayed for it. The seed was
healthy, and the soil was fertile. With watering, it yielded
excellent fruit. They walked the path of the Holy Prophetsa
without hesitation. They did not wait for day or night. You
should repent with a true heart. Wake up for tahajjud.
Straighten your hearts. Leave your weaknesses, and make your
words and deeds correspond to the will of Allah the Almighty.
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 1, p. 28)

Be Very Regular in Sending Durud

Upon the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
The third condition also requires that the initiate shall be ever
eager to send durud upon the Holy Prophetsa. In this connec-
tion Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:40

40. (al-Ahzab, 33:57)

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Condition III

Allah and His angels send mercy on the Prophet. O ye who

believe! You also should invoke blessings on him and salute him
with abundant salutations of peace.

Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Amr Bin al-‘Asra narrates that he heard

the Holy Prophetsa saying:
When you hear the caller of adhan, repeat the words that he is
saying. Then invoke Allah’s blessings upon me. He who
invokes Allah’s blessing upon me, Allah will grant him His
mercy ten-fold.’ Then he said, ‘Whoever begs Allah that He
may grant me wasilah—which is one grade in Paradise, which
Allah will grant to one of His servants, and I hope that I am
that one—my intercession for such a one will become permis-
sible. (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-us-Salati, Babul-Qauli mithli
Qaulil Mua’dhdhini liman Sami‘ahu Thumma Yusalli ‘Alan

Everyone should keep in mind that in order to win the plea-

sure of Allah, to attain His love, and to have our prayers find
acceptance with Allah, we need the intermediation of the
Holy Prophetsa. The best way to do that—as we are told in
the hadith—is to invoke Allah’s blessings upon him. The
Promised Messiahas has also admonished that durud should be
recited abundantly.41

41. Bless O Allah, Muhammad and his progeny as You did bless
Abraham and his progeny. Certainly You are Praiseworthy and
Glorious. Prosper O Allah, Muhammad and his progeny, as
You did prosper Abraham and his progeny. Certainly You are
Praiseworthy and Glorious.

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Hadrat ‘Amir Bin Rabi‘ahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa

said, ‘A Muslim who invokes Allah’s blessings upon me will
continue to receive the blessings from the angels as long as
he continues. Let him, if he wishes, shorten the time or
prolong it.’
Hadrat ‘Umar Bin al-Khattabra says, ‘The supplication
remains suspended between heaven and earth. Until
someone invokes blessings upon the Holy Prophetsa, no part
of it goes up to be presented before Allah the Almighty.’
(Sunan-ut-Tirmadhi, Kitab-ul-Witri, Babu ma ja’a fi Fadlis-
Salati ‘Alan Nabiyyi)
Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin Mas‘udra narrates that the Holy
Prophetsa said, ‘On the Day of Judgement, the closest to me
will be those who invoke Allah’s blessings upon me most
frequently.’ (Sunan-ut-Tirmadhi, Kitab-ul-Witri, Babu ma ja’a
fi Fadlis-Salati ‘Alan Nabiyyi)

The Promised Messiahas narrates his personal experience as

Once it so happened that I was completely absorbed in
invoking Allah’s blessing upon the Holy Prophetsa for a long
period of time because I was certain that the paths of reaching

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Condition III

Allah the Almighty are very narrow and cannot be found

except through the intermediation of the Holy Prophetsa. As
Allah also says:42

After a period of time I saw a vision that two water-men enter

my house, one from the interior side and the other from the
exterior. On their shoulders they were carrying waterskins
filled with the light Divine. They said:43

(Haqiqat-ul-Wahyi, p. 128, footnote, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 22,

p. 131, footnote)
Through invoking blessings upon the Holy Prophetsa… it is
my personal experience that, divine grace in the shape of
wonderful light proceeds in the direction of the Holy
Prophetsa and is absorbed into his bosom and then issuing
therefrom numberless streams of it reach everyone deserving
them according to his capacity. Certainly, no grace can reach
anyone without the agency of the Holy Prophetsa. Invoking
blessings on the Holy Prophetsa brings into movement his
throne from which these streams of light issue. He who desires
to obtain the grace of God Almighty should invoke blessings
on him persistently, so that divine grace might be brought into
motion. (Al-Hakam, February 28, 1903, p. 7)

42. …and seek the way of approach unto Him…

(al-Ma’idah, 5:36)
43. This is a consequence of the blessings you invoked upon

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The Promised Messiahas says:

Man is a servant or slave. A slave is one who carries out all
commandments of the master. Similarly, if you want to achieve
grace through the Holy Prophetsa it is essential that you become
his slave. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:44

Here, slave means an obedient servant and not a creation. To

become a slave of the Holy Prophetsa, it is essential to invoke
Allah’s blessings upon him, not to disobey any of his
commandments and to carry out all his injunctions. (Al-Badr,
vol. 2, No. 14, April 24, 1903, p. 109)

The Promised Messiahas says:

(Barakatud-Du‘a’, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 6, p. 11)

Translation: O Allah send down blessings and peace on him

and on his people proportionate to the amount of his
suffering and sorrow for the sake of the ummah and send
down upon him the light of Thy mercy forever.

Be Regular in Istighfar
The third condition also enjoins istighfar. Almighty Allah says
in the Holy Qur’an:45

44. Say, ‘O My servants who have committed excesses against

their own souls!…’ (al-Zumar, 39:54)

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Condition III

‘And I said, ‘Seek forgiveness of your Lord; for He is the

Exceedingly Forgiving. He will send down clouds pouring
rain for you in abundance, and He will strengthen you with
wealth and with children, and He will give you gardens and He
will give you rivers.’

Glorify thy Lord with His praise and seek forgiveness of Him.
Surely He is Oft-returning with compassion.46

There is a hadith on this subject.

Hadrat Abu Burdah Bin Abi Musara narrates from his father
that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Allah the Almighty has entrusted
me with two trusts that I must convey to my ummah in the
following verses of the Holy Qur’an:47

But Allah would not punish them while thou wast among them,
and Allah would not punish them while they sought forgiveness.

Therefore, when I leave them, I will leave istighfar with them

up until the Day of Judgement.’ (Sunan-ut-Tirmadhi, Kitabu
Tafsiril-Qur’an. Tafsiru Suratil-Anfal)

45. (al-Nuh, 71:11-13)

46. (al-Nasr, 110:4)
47. (al-Anfal, 8:34)

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Hadrat Ibn-e-‘Abbasra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said,

‘Whoever clings to istighfar (i.e., performs it regularly and
often) Allah the Almighty grants him a way out of all difficul-
ties, and grants him ease under all difficulties, and grants him
provisions from ways that he could not imagine.’ (Sunano Abi
Dawud, Kitab-ul-Witri, Babun fil-Istighfar)

The Promised Messiahas says:

…istighfar, which brings strength upon the roots of faith, is
mentioned in two ways in the Holy Qur’an. One: to
strengthen the love of Allah in one’s heart, and through the
relationship with Allah, stop the emergence of sins that arise
in privacy—to be engrossed completely in God and to thereby
seek His help. This is the istighfar of the elect, who consider it
a ruin to be separated from Allah even for the briefest of the
moments. They recite istighfar so that the mercy of Allah may
keep sustaining them.
The second type of istighfar is to emerge from the bondage
of sin and to flee towards Allah; to try that, as a tree is firmly
planted in the soil, your hearts should become completely
devoted to Allah. Your hearts should thereby be captivated by
the love of Allah and, by attaining pure nourishment, be
saved from the dryness and decline of sin.
These two types of istighfar have been called as such
because ghafara, from which [the word] istighfar has been
derived, means ‘covering’ or ‘suppressing.’ In other words,
istighfar means that Allah may suppress the sins of someone
who has immersed himself in His love and may not permit
the roots of humanness from being exposed. Rather, He
should grant him a place under the mantle of His Holiness;

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Condition III

and if a root has been exposed because of any sin, He should

cover it up again and save it from the ill-consequences of
Since Allah is the Source of all Grace, and His Light is
ever-ready to remove all kinds of darkness, the only way of
discovering the straight path is that we spread both arms
towards this Fountain of Purity in fear of this dreadful
condition so that the Fountain may move towards us with
great force and should carry away all impurities. There is
no greater sacrifice for pleasing Allah than to accept death
for His sake and present ourselves before Him. (Siraj-ud-
Din ‘Isa’i ke Char Swalon ka Jawab, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol.
12, pp. 346–347)

The Promised Messiahas also says:

…When one seeks strength from Allah—that is, does
istighfar—[one’s] weaknesses can be removed with the help of
the Holy Spirit and [one] can be safeguarded from sin like the
Prophets and Messengers. And if there be someone who has
already become a sinner, istighfar saves him from the conse-
quences of his evil deeds, i.e., from punishment. For no dark-
ness can stay in the face of light. But the wrong-doers who do
not do istighfar suffer the consequences of their misdeeds.
(Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, p. 34)

The Promised Messiahas also says:

Some people have an awareness of sin, others do not. Therefore,
Allah the Almighty has made istighfar incumbent for all times, so
that one should continue to seek Allah’s protection from all
sins—obvious or hidden, known or unknown, whether

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committed by hand, legs, tongue, nose, or eyes. These days the

prayer of Hadrat Adamas should especially be recited:48

This prayer has already been accepted. Do not spend your life
in heedlessness. Anyone who eschews heedless life will hope-
fully never be afflicted with any great misfortune because such
misfortune does not befall without divine permission. I was
revealed the following prayer in this regard:49

(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 2. p. 577)

Istighfar and Repentance

The Promised Messiahas says:50

Remember, the Muslims have been bestowed two thing—one

for obtaining strength and the other for the practical demon-
stration of the strength that has been obtained. Istighfar is for
obtaining strength. It is also called seeking help. The sufis have
said that as physical strength and power are fostered through

48. …‘Our Lord we have wronged ourselves; and if Thou forgive

us not and have not mercy on us, we shall surely be of the
lost.’ (al-A‘raf, 7:24)
49. O my Lord, everything is in your service. O My Lord, protect
me, and help me, and have mercy on me.
50. And that you seek forgiveness of your Lord, and then turn to
Him.… (Hud, 11:4)

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Condition III

exercise, in the same way istighfar is spiritual exercise. Through

it, the soul obtains strength and the heart achieves steadfast-
ness. He who desires strength should do istighfar.
Ghafara literally means covering and suppressing. With
istighfar, man tries to suppress and cover [those] emotions that
keep him away from God. Thus, the only meaning of istighfar
is that the poisonous elements that may well-nigh destroy a
man may be overpowered, and one should give practical shape
to the commandment of God by avoiding all obstructions.
Remember that Almighty Allah has created two types of
elements within human beings. One: the poisonous element,
which is activated by Satan. Second: the remedial element.
When someone is proud and considers himself to be worth
something, and does not seek help from the remedial foun-
tain, the poisonous element gains the upper hand. But when
he considers himself unworthy and insignificant and feels
within him the need for divine help, Allah creates a fountain
for him that makes his soul flow. This is the meaning of
istighfar, namely, to find this strength to overpower the
poisonous element. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 1, pp. 348–349)

Always Express Gratitude to Allah

The third condition also includes an injunction to remain
ever-thankful to Allah. In this respect Allah the Almighty says
in the Holy Qur’an:51

All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.

51. (al-Fatihah, 1:2)

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Then Allah says:52

All praise is due to Allah, to Whom belongs whatever is in the

heavens and whatever is in the earth. And His is all praise in
the Hereafter; and He is the Wise, the All-Aware.

Hadrat Abu Hurairahra has related that the Holy Prophetsa

said, ‘Every matter of importance that is not begun with the
praise of Allah remains defective.’ Another version is: ‘Every
speech that is not begun with the praise of Allah is devoid of
blessings.’ (Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, Abwab-un-Nikah, Babu
Khutbatin-Nikah, Hadith no. 1894. Also Sunano Abi Dawud,
Kitab-ul-Adab, Bab-ul-Hadyi fil Kalam, Hadith no. 4832)

There is another hadith:

Hadrat No‘man Bin Bashirra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa
said from his pulpit, ‘He who is not grateful for small favours
cannot be grateful for the bigger ones. He who cannot be
thankful to men cannot render thanks for the favours of Allah.
To talk about the blessings of Allah the Almighty is thankful-
ness; to not mention them is ingratitude.’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni
Hanbal, vol. 4, p. 278, printed in Beirut)
Hadrat Mu‘adh Bin Jabalra has related that the Holy Prophetsa
held him by his hand and said, ‘Mu‘adh, I swear in the name

52. (Saba’, 34:2)

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Condition III

of Allah! I do love you and counsel you that you should not
miss supplicating after every Salat.

Allah, help me in remembering You, and being grateful to

You and worshipping You in the best manner.’ (Sunano Abi
Dawud, Kitab-ul-Witri, Babun fil-Istighfar)

The Promised Messiahas says:

If someone ponders deeply, he would realise that all praises
and good attributes belong to Allah the Almighty alone. No
human or other creature deserves true praise and appreciation.
If one were to reflect without any tinge of selfishness, one
would obviously discover that one who creates something, at a
time when it did not exist nor was there any information
about its existence, such a one should be worthy of praise.
And [such a one should also be worthy of praise] who created
necessary means at a time when nothing existed, nor was there
any information available about the basic requirement for
creation, sustenance, good health, and maintenance of exist-
ence. And [such a one should also be worthy of praise] who
had mercy on a creature that suffered great misfortune and
who had relieved it from that misfortune. And [such a one
should also be worthy of praise] who does not let the efforts of
a hard worker go to waste and gives full reward to those who
make the effort. Even though payment of due wages is a right
of the labourer, someone who makes due payment can also be
a benefactor. All of these are excellent traits that can make one
worthy of praise and appreciation.

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Now, ponder and you will recognise that all the praise-
worthy attributes belong to Allah alone because He alone
possesses all these attributes in perfection; and nobody else
does…. In short, only Allah the Almighty is perfect in His
being and worthy of praise in an excellent manner. In
comparison to Him, no one deserves praise by virtue of its
own being. If someone else deserves praise, it is only
secondary in nature. This, too, is a Mercy of Allah the
Almighty because even though He is One, without any
partner, He has included others in those praises in a
secondary sense. (Ro’idad-e-Jalsah Du‘a’, Ruhani Khaza’in,
vol. 15, pp. 598–602)

Giving a general admonition to the Jama‘at, the Promised

Messiahas says:
If you desire that the angels should praise you in heaven, then
endure beating and be joyful, hear abuse and be grateful,
experience failure and do not cut asunder your relationship
with God. You are the last Jama‘at of God, so practice virtue
at its highest level. Anyone from among you who becomes
slothful will be cast out of the Jama‘at like a foul thing and will
die in sorrow without having caused any harm to God. I give
you the good news that your God truly exists. All are His
creatures, but He chooses the one who chooses Him. He
comes to the one who goes to Him. He bestows honour upon
the one who honours Him. So approach Him with straight
hearts and pure tongues, eyes and ears so that He may accept
you. (Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, p. 15)

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Condition III

The Promised Messiahas also says:

Don’t think that God will let you go to waste. You are a seed
of the Hand of God which was sown in the earth. God says
that this seed will grow and flower and its branches will spread
in all directions and it will become a huge tree. So blessed is
he who believes in what God says and does not fear the trials
that he suffers on his way to God. For the coming of trials is
essential so that God may try you to see who is true in his
declaration of bai‘at and who is false. Whoever slips at a trial,
he would do no harm to God whatsoever and ill-luck would
take him to hell. Were he not born, it would have been better
for him. But all those who remain steadfast till the end—they
will be shaken with quakes of calamities, and storms of misfor-
tune will batter them, people will jeer and mock them, and
the world will treat them with extreme hatred—shall at last
come out victorious. And doors of blessings shall be opened
to them. God addressed me and said that I should inform my
Jama‘at that those who believe and their belief is not adulter-
ated with worldly considerations and is free from hypocrisy
and cowardice and is such as it does not fall short of any stage
of obedience, these are the people who are favourites of
God. And God says that these are the very people who have
a sure footing with their Lord. (Al-Wasiyyat, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 20, p. 309)

May Allah the Almighty enable all of us to hold fast to these

admonitions. May He make us true Ahmadis and grant us the
ability to be always true to our pledge of allegiance. May He
make us truly obedient to Allah the Almighty and His

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Apostle. May we never commit anything that blemishes the

lovely Jama‘at of the Promised Messiahas.
O Allah! Forgive our mistakes, conceal our shortcomings,
count us always among those who are obedient and faithful to
You. Make us hold fast to the pledge of allegiance. Include us
among those whom You love. Enable our future generations
also to remain true to the pledge. May we never distance
ourselves from You. Grant us Your true recognition. O Most
Merciful of all mercifuls, have mercy upon us. Accept all our
supplications. Make us the inheritors of all the prayers that the
Promised Messiahas made for those who join his Jama‘at.

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[From the concluding address delivered at the Annual
Convention of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at, Germany,
on August 24, 2003, in which fourth, fifth and sixth condi-
tions of bai‘at were explained in detail.]

…This is a very important subject and its need is felt in this

age even more. As we move away from the period of the
Promised Messiahas, we are prone to feel proud of belonging
to the lineage of a particular Companionra of the Promised
Messiahas, yet we are often not as conscious of the sacrifices
rendered by our forefathers as we should be. And, though we
have inherited their genes, the standards of spirituality have
declined. While it is a natural phenomenon that as we move
away from the period of Prophethood, some shortcomings
and weaknesses may occur, it is important to note that
progressive communities do not rest assured by simply
blaming the new conditions of changed times as the root of
this ill. On the contrary, they keep striving, trusting in the
glad tidings and prophecies as members of the Jama‘at of the
Promised Messiah and the Mahdi as. It is they who will
educate the world in the teachings of the Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa. The condition set forth for us to achieve this Page 76 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


goal is that we should stand firm in the belief of the Oneness

of God, not only for ourselves but that we should strive to
make our next generations stand firm in this belief as well.
Now I will present to you an excerpt from the writings of the
Promised Messiahas to clarify what he expected of those who
took his covenant of bai‘at…
The Promised Messiahas say:
Seeking forgiveness at my hands demands a type of a death so
that you may be given birth to a new life. It is purposeless to
take the pledge of bai‘at without sincerity of heart. When you
take my pledge of bai‘at, God expects an undertaking from
your heart. So the one who accepts me with a true heart and
truly seeks forgiveness of his sins, the Forgiving and Merciful
God surely forgives his sins. Thus he becomes like a person
just born of his mother; then the angels protect him.
(Malfuzat, vol. 3, p. 262)

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That under the impulse of any passions,

he/she shall cause no harm whatsoever to
the creatures of God in general and
Muslims in particular, neither by his/her
tongue, hands, nor any other means.

As is clear from this condition, one should not
cause harm whether by one’s hands or by one’s tongue in a fit
of anger, under the pretext of one’s self-respect or honour.
Clearly, it is mandatory that one should not harm any
Muslim. This has been made obligatory upon us. We have to
especially abide by this condition because Muslims associate
themselves with our dearly Beloved Master the Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa. We cannot even imagine harming them. In
seeking the help of Allah, the Most Powerful and the
Almighty God, Who is the Lord of All Powers, against those
self-appointed ‘ulema’ who are a blemish on the fair name of
Islam—who have exceeded all bounds in their enmity of the
Messiah and the Mahdi as of the age—we prostrate at His
threshold imploring Him to seize them. We do so because the Page 78 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


Prophet of Allah had declared them to be the worst of the

creation; otherwise, we neither nurse unnecessary grudges
against them nor are we angry with anyone. We act upon the
commandments of the Almighty Allah. In exhorting us to
suppress our anger the Almighty Allah says:53

Those who spend in prosperity and in adversity, and those

who suppress anger and pardon men; and Allah loves those
who do good.

It was by virtue of this verse that a slave of Hadrat Imam

Husainra, won his freedom. It is said that the slave erroneously
dropped something hot (it could have been water) on Hadrat
Husainra. He looked at him angrily. The slave was intelligent
and knew the Holy Qur’an as well. He promptly quoted the
part of the verse about the suppression of anger.54

Hadrat Husainra said, ‘You are right; I suppress my anger.’

Now the servant thought that though the anger had been
brought under control, it would still remain in his heart. It
was possible that he would be chastised for some other
mistake later. So he quoted the second part of the verse:55

53. (Al-e-‘Imran, 3:135)

54. …and those who suppress anger… (Al-e-‘Imran, 3:135)
55. …and pardon men… (Al-e-‘Imran, 3:135)

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Hadrat Husain said, ‘I have forgiven you.’ The slave’s knowl-

edge and promptness gave him immediate benefits. Now he
quoted the third part of the verse:56

Hadrat Husain responded, ‘I hereby grant you freedom.’ In

those days, slaves used to be bought. It was not possible to
gain one’s freedom so easily. The slave’s quick-wittedness and
knowledge got him freedom from his master who was God-
fearing. This is the teaching of Islam.

Adopt Forgiveness and Forbearance

With regard to moral qualities that relate to the attainment of
virtue, the Promised Messiahas says:
Of these, the first moral quality is forgiveness, that is, to
forgive someone’s sins. The virtue in this is that the person
who commits a sin causes harm to someone else and, there-
fore, becomes liable to be punished or to be put in jail or to be
fined or be chastised with direct action. Thus, to forgive him,
if forgiveness is appropriate, would be a good deed. In this
connection the teaching of the Holy Qur’an is: 57,58

56. …and Allah loves those who do good. (Al-e-‘Imran, 3:135)

57. (Al-e-‘Imran, 3:135)

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That is, the virtuous are those who suppress their anger when
it is appropriate and forgive when it is appropriate to forgive
A bad deed should be requited with an equal amount and
in situations where forgiveness of sin is corrective without
causing any harm—that is, forgiveness is granted when the
occasion warrants and not otherwise—then it merits reward.
(Islami Usul ki Philosophy, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 10, p. 351)

There is a famous tradition of the Holy Prophetsa that many

have heard. Pointing towards his chest, the Holy Prophetsa
said: ‘Taqwa lies in here.’ That is to say, that pure and matchless
taqwa, if it were to be found anywhere, lived only in the heart
of the Holy Prophetsa. Besides taqwa there is nothing else in
his heart.
So, O people, O community of believers, for you the ever-
lasting instruction is that the example you have to emulate is
the model of the Holy Prophetsa. So, search your hearts. Are
you making efforts at imbuing yourselves with taqwa by
emulating the example of the Holy Prophetsa? Do you also
have the fear of Allah, and is His love in yourselves? As a
result, do you have sympathy for and do you do good towards
His creation?
Now I place before you the tradition in full:
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said:
‘Do not be jealous of one another. Do not quarrel among
yourselves. Do not entertain malice against each other. Do not
have enmities against one another. None of you should

58. (al-Shura, 42:41)

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Condition IV

overbid on a contract that has been settled by the other. O

servants of Allah, be brothers to one another. A Muslim is a
brother to another Muslim. He does not oppress his brother.
He does not derogate him nor thinks low of him.’ Then
pointing towards his chest the Holy Prophetsa said three times,
‘Taqwa is in here. It is enough evil for a man to think low of
his brother. The blood, property and honour of every Muslim
are unlawful for another Muslim.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-
Birri was-Silah, Babu Tahrimi-Zulmil Muslimi Wa Khadhlih)

Do Not Cause Harm to Anyone

It has been stated in the fourth condition that one should not
cause harm to another person whether by one’s hand or one’s
tongue or through any other means. I will now explain this
condition of bai‘at. From the saying of the Holy Prophetsa that
I have presented before, you should focus on the words ‘do
not be jealous.’ Jealousy ultimately develops into enmity. A
person who has jealousy in his heart always wants to harm the
person of whom he is jealous. Jealousy is a type of disease that
while it causes harm to the other person, it also consumes the
person who is jealous. It gives rise to many other petty feel-
ings of spite, such as: why the other person has a better busi-
ness, or more wealth or more talented children. In the case of
women, jealousy may arise because of someone’s better jewel-
lery. Even in religious matters—where good deeds must be
appreciated and where people should try to move forward in
rendering service to the religion—efforts are made to place
obstacles in the way of those who are rendering religious

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service by making accusations against them so that they, too,

are deprived of performing service to the religion.
Then the Holy Prophetsa admonishes us not to quarrel with
each other. Quarrels take place over petty matters. To give an
example, sometimes an officer on duty warns a child who has
been mischievous in a gathering that if he were to do it again
he would be dealt with firmly or be corrected. The parents,
sitting nearby, immediately roll up their sleeves for a fight, and
the person performing the duty is put down in a terrible way.
Through this action of theirs, they not only broke a condition
of bai‘at and spoiled their good manners, they also banished
from the minds of their next generation the respect for the
organisation of the Jama‘at and the distinction between good
and bad.
Then we are directed not to have enmity towards each
other. Enmities start from petty matters. Hearts are filled
with spite and malice. Some people are always on the
lookout for an opportunity to avenge them, while the
instruction is not to have enmity with, nor malice for,
anyone. Once a Companionra humbly asked the Holy
Prophetsa to give him simple, but unforgettable advice in a
few words. The Holy Prophetsa advised him to ‘shun anger’
and then again he said, ‘shun anger.’ When you keep in your
mind that you should shun anger, then malice and spite will
go away automatically.
Another habit of ‘injuring or harming someone, or making
another person’s deal go sour’ is to overbid on a contract
concluded by the other. In this saying, we have been asked to
desist from such actions. A higher price is offered to acquire a
thing only to bring the other person’s business down while no

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Condition IV

personal gain is achieved from such a bid. This also applies to

proposals for marriage. Ahmadis should keep that prohibition
in mind.
Then the admonishment is not to oppress anyone, not to
think low of anyone, nor to derogate anyone. An oppressor
never achieves nearness to Allah. Then, how is it possible that
on the one hand one would enter into a pledge of allegiance
with the one appointed by Allah to win His favour and on the
other one would oppress people by snatching their rights. It is
a common practice in our villages not to give brothers their
rights, not to give sisters their share of inheritance simply
because they have been married to a different family, lest the
property move out of the family, There are those that oppress
their wives, those that do not respect their rights, and there
are wives who do not respect the rights of their husbands.
There are many such matters that fall under this category.
Many such actions are indicative of the low treatment of
others. While you claim to have taken bai‘at and you claim to
give up these evil deeds, how can you commit these actions?
The clear-cut commandment is that it is not permissible for a
Muslim to think poorly of another Muslim under any
circumstances. Similarly, the blood, property and honour of a
Muslim are made unlawful for another Muslim. So, having
accepted the Appointed One of this age, you who act upon
Islamic teachings the most, how can these deeds be tolerated
on your part, and how can you still be considered a member
of the Jama‘at of the Promised Messiahas?
I would now present to you some ahadith that illustrate
what the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa did in not

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taking these matters lightly and what changes they made in

themselves after they had accepted Islam.
Hadrat Abu Dhar al-Ghaffarira used to provide drinking water
from his tank. Some members of a family came by. One of
them asked the others as to which of them would go to Abu
Dharra to hold him by his hair and ask him to render an
account of himself. One of them said that he would do it. He
went over to Abu Dharra when he was standing near the tank.
He started questioning him. Abu Dharra, who was standing at
this time, sat down and then he lay down. One of them asked
him, ‘Abu Dharra, why did you sit down and then why did
you lie down?’ He replied that, ‘the Holy Prophetsa told us,
“When anger overcomes one of you while he is standing he
should sit down so that this anger would subside; failing that,
he should lie down.’” (Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 5,
p. 152, printed in Beirut)

In another hadith the narrator states that:

We were sitting in the company of ‘Urwah Bin Muhammad
when a man came by. He started talking in a manner that
angered ‘Urwah Bin Muhammad. The narrator states that
when his anger boiled he got up. After performing ablution,
he came back to them. He told us that he had heard of a
narration passed down by his father through his grandfather,
‘Atiyyah, who was a Companion of the Holy Prophetsa, that
the Holy Prophetsa had said: Anger comes from Satan. Satan
was made from the fire, and fire is put out by water; so when
one of you gets angry, he should perform the ablution.
(Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 4, p. 226, printed in Beirut)

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Condition IV

Hadrat Ziyad Bin ‘Alaqahra, on the basis of a narration

provided by his uncle Hadrat Qatbah Bin Malikra that the
Holy Prophetsa used to supplicate, ‘O my Allah, I seek thy
refuge from bad morals, evil deeds and evil desires.’ (Sunan-ut-
Tirmadhi, Abwabud-Da‘wat, Babu Jami‘id-Da‘wat)

I now present before you what the Promised Messiahas said in

this regard and what he expects of the members of the
The Promised Messiahas says:
The members of my Jama‘at, wherever they might be, should
listen with attention. The purpose of their joining this Move-
ment and establishing the mutual relationship of spiritual
preceptor and disciple with me is that they should achieve a
high degree of good conduct, good behaviour and righteous-
ness. No wrongdoing, mischief, or misconduct should even
approach them. They should perform the five daily Prayers
regularly, should not utter a falsehood and should not hurt
anyone with their speech. They should be guilty of no vice
and should not let even a thought of any mischief, or wrong,
or disorderliness, or turmoil pass through their minds. They
should shun every type of sin, offence, undesirable action,
passion, and unmannerly behaviour. They should become
pure-hearted and meek servants of God Almighty, and no
poisonous germ should flourish in their beings…. Sympathy
with mankind should be their principle and, they should fear
God Almighty. They should safeguard their tongues and their
hands and their thoughts against every kind of impurity, disor-
derliness and dishonesty. They should join the five daily Prayer
services without fail. They should refrain from every kind of

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wrong, transgression, dishonesty, bribery, trespass, and

partiality. They should not participate in any evil company. If
it should be proved that one who frequents their company
does not obey God’s commandments… or is not mindful of
the rights of people, or is cruel or mischievous, or is ill-
behaved, or is seeking to deceive the servants of God
Almighty by speaking ill or abusively of them, or is guilty of
imposture towards the persons with whom they have entered
into a covenant of bai‘at, it should be their duty to repel him
and to keep away from such a dangerous one. They should not
design harm against the followers of any religion or the
members of any tribe or group. Be true well-wishers of
everyone, and take care that no mischievous, vicious, disor-
derly, or ill-behaved person, should be ever of your company,
or should dwell among you; for such a person could at any
time be the cause of your stumbling.…
These are matters and conditions that I have been urging
from the beginning, and it is the duty of every member of
my Jama‘at to act upon them. You should indulge in no
impurity, mockery or derision. Walk upon the earth with
good hearts, pure tempers, and pure thoughts. Not every evil
is worth fighting, so cultivate the habit of forgiveness and
overlooking defaults, and behave with steadfastness and
meekness. Do not attack anyone improperly, and keep your
passions under complete control. If you take part in a discus-
sion, or in an exchange of views on a religious subject,
express yourself gently and be courteous. If anyone misbe-
haves towards you, withdraw from such company with a
greeting of peace. If you are persecuted or reviled, be
mindful that you should not meet stupidity with stupidity, for

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Condition IV

otherwise you will be counted in the same category as your

opponents. God Almighty desires that you should become a
jama‘at that should set an example of goodness and truthful-
ness for the whole world. Hasten to exclude everyone from
your company who sets an example of evil, mischief, provo-
cation and ill-behaviour. He who cannot dwell among us in
meekness, goodness and piety, using gentle words and
comporting himself in ways of good conduct, should depart
from us quickly, for God does not desire that such a one
should dwell among us. He will die miserably, for he did not
adopt the way of goodness. Therefore, be alert, and be truly
good-hearted, gentle and righteous. You will be recognised
by your regular attendance at Prayer services and your high
moral qualities. He who has the seed of evil embedded in
him will not be able to conform to this admonition.
(Ishtihar (The Announcement), May 29, 1898. Majmu‘ah Ishti-
harat, vol. 3, pp. 46–48)

He further said:
A man should not be conceited, nor indecent, nor ill-
mannered towards the fellow beings. He should act with love
and goodness and should not bear ill-will towards anyone for
personal reasons. He should behave firmly or gently in accor-
dance with the occasions or conditions. (Malfuzat, new ed.,
vol. 5, p. 609)

Adopt Meekness and Humility

With respect to meekness and humility the Promised
Messiahas says:

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…Seek forgiveness of Allah before the punishment of God

comes to close the door of forgiveness. While the laws of this
world are feared, why is it the laws of God are not? When
calamities have occurred one has to go through them.
Everyone should try to get up for tahajjud and to include
qunut59 in the five daily Prayers as well. Repent from every-
thing that would incur the wrath of Allah. Repentance means
giving up all evil deeds and everything that goes against the
pleasure of God and undergoing a true change and making
progress and adopting the way of righteousness. In this, too,
lies the mercy of Allah. Make your habits decent. Shun anger,
replacing it with gentleness and meekness. Along with
adopting good morals you should give charity as well.60

Which means that for seeking the pleasure of God you feed
the poor, the orphans, and the needy, and you say that you
perform these acts only for the pleasure of the Almighty Allah,
and you fear that extremely terrible Day.
In brief, pray, ask forgiveness and keep giving charity, so
that the Almighty Allah may deal with you with His Grace
and Mercy. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 1, pp. 134–135)

Then he says:
Friends! Hold fast to this rule: deal with all people with
kindness. Kindness increases intelligence, and forbearance

59. A supplication for help and forgiveness of Allah made in witr

60. (al-Dahr, 76:9)

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Condition IV

promotes deeper thinking. Anyone who does not adopt this

way is not of us. Anyone from our Jama‘at who cannot
tolerate the abuse and harshness of our opponents is
permitted to have recourse to the courts, but it is not appro-
priate that he should counter harshness with harshness and
create a dispute. This is the admonishment we have given
our Jama‘at, and we express our displeasure and declare that
the one who does not act upon it is not of our Jama‘at.
(Tabligh-e-Risalat, vol. 6. p. 170)

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That he/she shall remain faithful to God
in all circumstances of life, in sorrow and
in happiness, in adversity and in pros-
perity, in felicity and in trial; and that
he/she shall in all conditions remain
resigned to the decree of God and keep
himself/herself ready to face all kinds of
indignities and sufferings in His way and
shall never turn away from Him at the
onslaught of any misfortune; on the
contrary, he/she shall march forward.

Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:61

And of men there is he who would sell himself to seek the

pleasure of Allah; and Allah is Compassionate to His servants.

61. (al-Baqarah, 2:208) Page 92 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


In explaining this verse of the Holy Qur’an, the Promised

Messiahas says:
The people of the highest grade among the people—that is,
people who are completely lost in the pleasure of Allah, and
sell their selves to earn the pleasure of God—are the people
upon whom the mercy of Allah descends.… In this verse
Allah the Almighty says, ‘Only he is delivered from all tribu-
lations who sells his self in My way and for My pleasure. He
proves with his utmost endeavours that he belongs to God
and considers his entire being as something that has been
fashioned for obedience of the Creator and service to the
creation…’ (Report Jalsah A‘zam Madhahib, pp. 131–132)

Then he says:
A loved one of God sells his being in the way of God. In
return, he earns the pleasure of God. Such are the ones upon
whom the special mercy of God descends. (Report Jalsah
A‘zam Madhahib, p. 188)

Then he says:
There are some people who sell their beings hoping that He
would be pleased… (Paighami Sulh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 23,
p. 473)

For such people, Allah the Almighty has given the glad

62. (al-Fajr, 89:28–31)

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Condition V

And thou, O soul at peace! Return to thy Lord well pleased

with Him and He well pleased with thee. So enter thou among
My servants. And enter thou My Garden.

People who are reconciled to the will of Allah, and suffer all
hardships and tribulations for His sake, are never left unre-
warded by Allah the Almighty. There are many among us
who are embodiments of shortcomings and defects. We
commit many errors and sins. But if we are in the habit of
reconciling to the will of Allah, and are ever-prepared to, and
do, suffer all indignities for Him, if we are not like the wailing
woman who put up a big clamour on any small suffering, for
such patient ones there is a glad tiding from the Holy

Sufferings of a Muslim are

an Expiation for Sins
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘No Muslim suffers any calamity, suffering, pain, discomfort,
or anxiety, even as small as the prick of a thorn, but Allah
wipes out instead some of his defaults and his sins.’ (Sahih
Muslim, Kitab-ul-Birri was-Silah, Babu Thawabil-Mo’mini fi
ma yusibuhu min Maradin au Huznin)

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In another hadith Hadrat Suhaib Bin Sinanra has related that:

The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Wondrous is the case of a believer;
there is good for him in everything, and it is so for him alone.
If he experiences something agreeable, he is grateful to God
and that is good for him; and if he experiences adversity, he is
steadfast and that is good for him because he earns merit for
his steadfastness.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-uz-Zuhdi, Babul
Mo’mini Amruhu kulluhu Khair)

Sometimes Allah makes His servants go through sufferings

related to his children. There is excessive wailing and crying at
the death of children, especially among the women. Thanks
to Allah, He has granted to the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at
mothers who are very patient and reconciled to His will. But
sometimes there are instances of complaining, especially
among the illiterates or those with meagre education. In fact,
I have also observed some cases among those with good
education that they utter words of ingratitude.
There is a hadith that the Holy Prophetsa used to take a
pledge from women-Companionsra in this respect. The hadith
runs as follows:
Hadrat Usaidra relates that he heard from a woman-
Companionra who had taken a pledge at the hand of the Holy
Prophetsa that the pledge included the following: ‘We will not
disobey the Holy Prophetsa, will not tear our faces in wailing,
will not raise a hue and cry during mourning, and will not
tear our clothes or keep our hair ruffled.’ (Sunano Abi Dawud,
Kitab-ul-Jana’iz, Babun fin-Nauh)

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Condition V

Real Time to Show Patience

is When Tragedy Strikes
Hadrat Anasra relates that the Holy Prophetsa passed by a
woman who was crying by the side of a grave. He said to her,
‘Be mindful of thy duty to Allah and be steadfast.’ She
retorted, ‘Leave me alone; you have not been afflicted as I
have been.’ She had not known who he was. Someone told
her, ‘That was the Holy Prophetsa.’ She proceeded to the door
of the Holy Prophetsa and not finding any doorman went in
and said to him, ‘I had not recognised you.’ He said, ‘Steadfast-
ness means to be resigned at the time of the first shock of grief.’
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Jana’iz, Babu Ziyaratil-Qubur)

Another important point that has been emphasised in the fifth

condition is [to remain steadfast] no matter how hard the
circumstances, how long the period of hardship, how apparent
the worldly attractions, how likely the benefits from diverse
worldly activities, and how luring the attractions offered by
the worldly powers that tells you not to worry because: ‘as an
Ahmadi, even as you maintain ties to the Jama‘at, you can still
conduct your professional affairs, serve the Jama‘at, and sacri-
fice financially.’ All of these are caused by Dajjal [Antichrist] to
move you away from Allah and the Jama‘at. Therefore, the
Promised Messiahas says that if you have taken the pledge, stay
away from these snares. Do not be misled by these attractions.
Remain faithful to Allah. If you turn to Him, you belong to
the Promised Messiahas and will receive everything. The
following is a beautiful admonition of the Holy Prophetsa in
this respect.

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Hadrat Ibn-e-‘Abbasra has related that: I was once riding with

the Holy Prophetsa. He said, ‘My dear child, I am going to
teach you a few things: Keep Allah in mind, He will safeguard
you; keep Allah in mind, you will find Him nearby. When in
need, ask only of Allah; if you need help, ask Him alone for
help. Remember, if the whole world joins together to benefit
you, it can do nothing to benefit you, except if Allah wishes
and decrees it for you. And if they all join to hurt you, they
can do nothing to hurt you, except if Allah decrees the harm
for you. The pens have been stored away and the ink has
dried.” (Sunan-ut-Tirmadhi, Abwabu Sifatil Qiyamah)

Another version is:

Keep Allah in mind, you will find Him before you. Recognise
Allah in times of ease, He will recognise you in times of hard-
ship. Remember, what escaped you was not decreed for you;
and what is decreed for you will definitely come to you.
Remember, the help of Allah comes as a result of steadfastness,
and times of ease and times of hardship are commingled, and
every hardship is followed by times of ease. (Riad-us-Salihin Lil
Imam An-Nawawi, Bab-ul-Muraqabah, Hadith no. 62)

Nothing that the Holy Prophetsa did was against the pleasure
of Allah; yet, he prayed fervently, he prayed for the pleasure of
Hadrat Muhammad Bin Ibrahimra narrates a hadith from
Hadrat ‘Aishahra, ‘Once I was sleeping by the side of the Holy
Prophetsa. During a time at night I did not find him there.
While searching around, my hand touched his feet while he
was prostrating. He was praying, “Allah, I seek the protection

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Condition V

of Thy pleasure against Thy displeasure; and I seek the protec-

tion of Thy forgiveness against Thy punishment. I cannot
count the ways of praising Thee. You are as You have
described Your Holy Self.”’ (Sunan-ut-Tirmadhi, Kitab-ud-
Da‘wat, Babu Ma Ja’a fi ‘Aqdit-Tasbihi Bil-yad)

Another tradition says that:

Someone from Medina heard from Hadrat ‘Abdul Wahhab
Bin al-Wardra that Hadrat Mu‘awiyahra wrote to Hadrat
‘Aishahra requesting some advice. She replied, ‘Assalamo
‘Alaikum. I have heard the Holy Prophetsa say, “One who
seeks the pleasure of Allah, even at the cost of displeasing
some people, Allah is Sufficient for him against them. But he
who displeases Allah for the sake of pleasing some people,
Allah hands him over to those people.”’ (Sunan-ut-Tirmadhi,
Kitab-uz-Zuhd, Babu Ma Ja’a fi Hifzil-Lisan, Hadith no.

You Are the Last Jama‘at

Established by Allah
The Promised Messiahas writes:
It is inevitable that you should be tried with diverse types of
pain and misfortune as the faithful before you were tried. Be
mindful, lest you should stumble. So long as you have a firm
relationship with heaven, the earth can do you no harm.
Whenever harm befalls you, it will be through yourself and
not through your enemy. Even if you lose all honour on earth,
Allah will bestow eternal honour upon you from heaven. So

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do not let go of Him. It is inevitable that you be persecuted

and suffer many disappointments, but do not lose heart, for it
is Allah Who tests you whether you are steadfast in His cause
or not. If you desire that angels should praise you in heaven,
then endure beating and be joyful, hear abuse and be grateful,
experience failure and do not cut your relationship with Allah.
You are the last Jama‘at of Allah, so practice virtue at its
highest level. Anyone from among you who becomes slothful
will be cast out of the Jama‘at like a foul thing and will die in
sorrow and will be able to do no harm to Allah. I give you the
good news that your God truly exists. All are His creatures,
but He chooses the one who chooses Him. He comes to the
one who goes to Him. He bestows honour upon him who
honours Him. (Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, p. 15)

Then the Promised Messiahas says:

What we need to do is to please Allah. That requires sincerity,
truthfulness, and fidelity, not that the efforts of our Jama‘at be
limited to mere verbiage. When Allah is pleased with us, He
puts blessings in our affairs and opens the doors of His grace
and blessings.… This narrow gate—the gate of truthfulness
and fidelity—is not easy to cross. We can never be boastful
that we start receiving dreams or revelations and thus we sit
idly and refrain from utmost striving. Allah the Almighty does
not like that…. (Al-Badr, vol., 3, No. 18–19, May 8–16, 1904,
p. 10)

Then he says:
Every true believer passes through such circumstances. If he
becomes His with sincerity and fidelity, Allah becomes his

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Condition V

friend. But if the structure of faith is weak, there are dangers.

We have no knowledge of the secrets of anybody’s heart… but
anyone who totally belong to God receives His protection.
Although He is the God of everyone, He manifests especially
to those who hand themselves over to God. To hand oneself
over to God means that the self be totally demolished and
nothing should remain of it. That is why I tell my Jama‘at
again and again that they should take no pride in taking the
pledge. If the heart is not purified, there is no merit in placing
their hands in my hand.… But anyone who makes a true
pledge attains forgiveness of even major sins and receives a
new life. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 3, p. 65)

Those Who Belong to the Promised

Messiahas Cannot be Separated From Him
Then the Promised Messiahas says:
He who does not wish to follow me can depart from me. I do
not know how many terrible and thorny forests I may have to
cross. Why do those who are tender-footed put themselves to
trouble with me? Those who are mine will not depart from
me, neither on account of misfortune, nor in consequence of
the vilification of people, nor through heavenly trials and trib-
ulations. Those who are not mine, vain are their affirmations
of friendship, for they will soon be separated from me and
their last state will be worse than their first. Shall we be afraid
of earthquakes; shall we become frightened by trials in the
cause of Allah? Can we be separated by any trial that comes
from our Beloved Allah? Certainly not, but only through His

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grace and mercy. Those who wish to depart may do so; we

bid them farewell. But they should remember that after
thinking ill and cutting asunder, if they should again incline
towards me, such inclination would not receive the honour
from God as is bestowed upon the faithful, for the stain of ill-
thinking and treachery is a big stain. (Anwar-ul-Islam, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 9, pp. 23–24)

One hundred years ago, two elders of the Jama‘at demon-
strated perfect fidelity and steadfastness. They were true to
their pledge, very true. They were enticed with different
kinds of attractions to break the pledge, but these princes of
steadfastness paid no attention to them and remained true to
their pledge. The Promised Messiahas has paid excellent
tribute to them. They are Sahibzadah Sayyed ‘Abdul Latif
Shahidra and ‘Abdur-Rahman Khanra. I present an excerpt
from the Promised Messiahas:
Ponder with faith and fairness that if a Jama‘at were based
entirely on deceit, falsehood, and trickery, could its members
demonstrate such steadfastness and valour that they should not
forsake this path, accept being trampled under stones and—
not worrying about their wives and children—offer their lives
despite the repeated promises of release on condition of
renouncing bai‘at? Sheikh ‘Abdur-Rahmanra was slaughtered
in Kabul in the same manner. He made no protest nor begged
for release by renouncing bai‘at.

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Condition V

This alone is the sign of a true faith and a true Imam.

When someone attains a true understanding and the heart is
permeated with spiritual sweetness, such a person does not
fear being killed in this path. Of course, those whose faith is
skin-deep, and faith has not permeated their limbs and veins,
can turn apostate like Judas Iscariot. There are examples of
such apostates in the life of every Prophet. Thanks to Allah
that a large party of the faithful is with me; every one of
them is a sign for me. This is the Grace of my Lord.

O my Lord, You are my Paradise, and Your Mercy is my
protection, and Your signs are my nourishment and Your
Grace is my mantle.

(Haqiqat-ul-Wahyi, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 22, pp. 360–361)

The history of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at over the last
one hundred years bears witness that such examples of faith-
fulness and fidelity have been repeatedly demonstrated.
There were losses of lives and property. There were martyr-
doms. Children were killed in the presence of fathers, and
fathers were killed in the presence of children. Then did
Allah—Who is the Greatest in rewarding faithfulness—
permit this blood to be spilled in vain? No. He showered
His Mercy upon their progenies in an unprecedented way.
Many of you who are present here or are spread in many
countries are personal witnesses to this. Indeed, many of you

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are the recipients of these blessings. This is a consequence of

the fidelity that you have shown towards Allah and the way
you remained true to the pledge of allegiance. When the
time of ease comes, do not forget this pledge of bai‘at nor let
your future generations forget it. Always remain faithful to
the dear Allah, so that His blessings may continue to pour on
your future generations; transfer this relationship of fidelity
to the coming generations.

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That he/she shall refrain from following

un-Islamic customs and lustful inclina-
tions and shall completely submit
himself/herself to the authority of the
Holy Qur’an; and that he/she shall
make the Word of God and the sayings
of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa his/
her guiding principles in every walk of
his/her life.

The Promised Messiahas admonishes us not to
follow the un-Islamic customs that people have added to their
faith because of the influence of the society in which they
live. These customs have been adopted from other religions.
For example, there are some frivolous customs during cele-
brations of marriage—like showing off the dowery given to
the bride by her groom’s family, or the gifts brought by them,
or publicly displaying the dowery given to the bride by her
own family. There is quite a show. Islam only enjoins haq mehr
[bride’s due right] to be publicly announced as a part of the Page 104 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


religious marriage ceremony. All other customs are frivolous.

First, when showing off the dowery from either side, those
who are well-off want to show that they are giving more than
their counterparts did in their marriage. All of this is worldly
competition and show.
These days, there are many among you whom Allah the
Almighty has blessed greatly after migration63. This is one of
the blessings of joining the Jama‘at of the Promised Messiahas.
It is a consequence of the sacrifices made by your forefathers
and a blessing resulting from the supplications offered by
them. But there are some who, instead of being thankful by
bowing before Allah the Almighty and spending in His way,
become a prey to self-exultation and demonstration by exces-
sive spending in marriages.
A lot of food is wasted in marriage celebrations and wali-
mahs [reception given by husband after the marriage has been
consummated]. Many dishes are prepared for public display.
As a consequence, those who are not so well-off go into debt
in order to have bridal dowery to display publicly. Some
parents have to go into debt for fear of criticisms from their
in-laws that their daughter has not brought much dowery
with her. The groom’s family should fear Allah. Do not
permit your poor in-laws to go into debt in order to maintain
your own false sense of self-esteem because the claim you
make is that you are Ahmadis and are committed to abide by
the ten conditions of bai‘at.

63. The reference is to members of the Jama‘at who have

migrated from the rule of oppressive Islamic governments to
western countries for religious freedom.

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Condition VI

I have thus far briefly mentioned one custom during

marriage. If I elaborate upon the subject further, I can cite
many other prevailing customs during marriage ceremonies.
When the customs take root, their victim is blinded and
gradually comes fully into the grip of carnal desires, whereas
the pledge during bai‘at is that he/she will safeguard
completely from the carnal desires and will be completely
subservient to the sovereignty of Allah and the Holy
Prophetsa. What do Allah and His Apostle expect from us?
Only that we forsake frivolous customs and abide by the
commandments of Allah.
Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:64

But if they do not accept this invitation of yours, then know

that they only follow their own evil inclinations. And who is
more erring than he who follows his evil inclinations without
any guidance from Allah? Verily Allah guides not the unjust

In this verse Allah has given a very clear verdict that should
make us fearful: those who follow their vain desires will never
be rightly guided.
We claim that we have recognised and accepted the Imam of
the Age but despite taking a pledge with the Imam to forsake
all vain customs we are clinging to them. Everyone should
examine himself: Are we taking retrograde steps? If we are
true to the pledge and—fearing our Lord and eschewing

64. (al-Qasas, 28:51)

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carnal desires—we turn to our Beloved Allah and praise Him,

He gives us the glad tiding of Paradise.
As Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:65

But as for him who fears the station of his Lord, and restrains
his soul from evil desires, the Paradise shall surely be his home.

I will present a few ahadith pertaining to the topic of rituals

and customs.
Hadrat ‘Aishahra has related that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘An
innovation in religion which has nothing to do with matters
of faith is to be rejected and is unacceptable.’ (Sahih Al-
Bukhari, Kitab-us-Sulhi, Babu Izastalahu ‘ala sulhin jaurin)
Hadrat Jabirra relates that the Holy Prophetsa addressed us and
his eyes were showing redness, his voice became louder, and
he was very excited as if he was warning us of an invading
army. He said, ‘The enemy is about to attack you any time
during the day or night.’ He also said, ‘I and the Hour have
been sent in close proximity.’ (He joined his two fingers to
demonstrate the closeness while he said this.) Then he added,
‘Now I tell you that the best discourse is the Book of Allah
and the best guidance is the guidance given by Muhammadsa.
The most evil thing is to introduce innovations in religion;
and every innovation leads to error.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-
Jumu‘ati, Babu Takhfifis-Salati wal-Khutbah)

65. (al-Nazi‘at, 79:41–42)

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Condition VI

Hadrat ‘Amr Bin al-‘Aufra has narrated that the Holy

Prophetsa said, ‘The person who revives any one of my sunnah
so that others start practicing it, he will reap the reward equal
to all those persons’ rewards who act upon that sunnah, and
their reward shall remain with them as well. The person who
introduces an innovation and others adopt it, he shall share in
the sins of all those who act on it, and their sins will remain
with them as well.’ (Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, Al-Muqaddimah, Babu
man Ahya Sunnatan qad umitat)

Evolving Innovations
and Rituals Deserve to be Rejected
In short, the Holy Prophetsa told us in the above-quoted
ahadith that those innovations that have nothing to do with
faith, which take one away from faith, which disrespect the
commandments of Allah and His Apostle, are all worthy of
rejection. They are all useless and ought to be shunned. Stay
away from them because they will gradually corrupt faith.
You can see that innovations have taken a firm foothold in
other religions and have corrupted them. This, indeed, was
bound to happen because it was destined that Islam should
remain the only living faith. But if you make a close examina-
tion you will find that other religions such as Christianity—
despite being one religion—have made many local customs in
different countries as a part of faith in that country. We
observe the same phenomenon in Africa. When the path of
innovations is opened, new innovations continue to creep up.
The Holy Prophetsa has expressed grave concern and has
given severe warnings to those who create innovations in

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matters of religion. He was very concerned about it. A hadith

relates that he said, ‘I am terrified at the thought of you falling
prey to these innovations and lustful inclinations. I am afraid
that this may cause great harm to the religion and may lead
you astray!’
These days, you are living in Western societies that have
many customs and rituals of their own which can create
distance between you and your religion and that can diminish
the beauty of Islamic teachings for you. The lustre of worldli-
ness is far more attractive; therefore, there is need for great
caution at every step. Instead of adopting their wrong
customs, we must present the beautiful teachings of Islam.
Each Ahmadi should possess such a strong character that
Western culture should have no effect on him/her whatso-
ever. For instance, women are enjoined to observe purdah [the
veil] according to Islamic teachings. It is in the interest of a
woman’s integrity that she attains a prominent status in society
due to the fact that she observes Islamic purdah. When a
woman observes purdah willingly and she herself tells others
the benefits of this Islamic injunction, it will have a far greater
impact on others as compared to men who propagate the
advantage of purdah in this society. Those women who
observe purdah acquire many more chances to perform tabligh
due to their unique prominence in society. This matter
requires great attention.
There exist many other social evils in Western society. To
adopt them merely because we live in this society and we feel
compelled to do so is, indeed, a worrisome situation. For
instance, it is wrong on your part to befriend someone who
consumes alcohol and to accompany him to a restaurant or a

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Condition VI

bar thinking that: ‘he would drink alcohol but I will drink
coffee or some other beverage.’ Great caution is required. One
day, you may be influenced by him to try just one sip and
then God forbid, it becomes your habit to drink. Keep the
following hadith of the Holy Prophetsa in mind:
Hadrat Abu Barzahra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘I
fear that you may be tempted by the lusts of the flesh and
sexual cravings, and I am afraid of the evil consequences of
sensual temptations.’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 4.
p. 423, printed in Beirut)

The Promised Messiahas says:

Until a man truly endeavours and works hard, he cannot attain
the treasure of divine understanding which Islam contains and
which brings a death upon the life tainted by sin. Allah the
Almighty says very clearly:66

It is easy for someone to boast that he believes in God, and

despite this claim, to lack altogether the impact caused by real
belief. Such a claim would be utter nonsense. Such people
have no regard for God, and God cares for them not. (Al-
Hakam, vol. 9, No. 29, August 17, 1905, p. 6)

66. But as for him who fears to stand before his Lord, and
restrains his soul from evil desires, the Garden shall surely be
his home. (al-Nazi‘at, 79:41–42)

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Then he says:
One who is fearful of standing before God and secures himself
against the selfish desires attains the station of Paradise. To
secure oneself against the carnal desires is the death of the ego.
By doing so, one can please God in this very world and
thereby attain Paradise. (Al-Badr, vol. 1, August 3, 1905, p. 2)

The Holy Qur’an is Our Guide

to Islamic Teachings
Refraining from unwanted customs and rituals, and
restraining oneself from lustful inclinations, are indeed part of
Islamic teachings. To comprehend this teaching, we turn
towards the Holy Qur’an as our Guide. The truth of the
matter is that if a believer adopts the Holy Qur’an as the
source of guidance in his daily life, all his evils will start
vanishing automatically. His heart shall contain no lustful
desires because this is the pure Book which completes the
shari‘ah as a way of life. Keeping in view all facets of human
life, Allah the Almighty revealed this Book to the pure heart
of the Holy Prophetsa. And then whenever it was required,
the Holy Prophetsa expounded upon the teachings through
his practices, actions, and sayings. That is the reason why the
Promised Messiahas has instructed us to accept the Book as
fully binding upon us. I would, therefore, like to present
references from the Qur’an, the hadith and some writings of
the Promised Messiahas with respect to this topic.

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Condition VI

Allah the Almighty says:67

And indeed We have made the Holy Qur’an easy to understand

and to remember. But is there anyone who would receive

There is a hadith:
Hadrat Abu Musa al-Ash‘arira relates that the Holy Prophetsa
said, ‘The example of a believer who recites the Qur’an and
acts accordingly is like that of a citron that tastes good and
smells good. And a believer who does not recite the Qur’an
but acts upon it is like a date, which is good in taste but has no
smell. And the example of a hypocrite who recites the Qur’an
is like the basil, which smells good, but tastes bitter. And the
example of a hypocrite who neither recites the Qur’an nor
acts upon it is like the colocynth, which tastes bitter and has
bad smell.’ (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabu Fada’ilil-Qur’an, Babu
Ithmi man ra’a bi-Qira’atil-Qur’ani au ta’akkala bihi au
fakhura bih)

The Promised Messiahas says:

…the Holy Qur’an is filled with deep points of wisdom. It
excels the Bible in every way in teaching true goodness. In
particular, the lamp that shows the Real and Unchangeable
Allah is held by none other than the Qur’an. Allah knows how
many would have fallen victim to the worship of creatures if
Qur’an had not been revealed. Thanks to Allah that the Unity

67. (al-Qamar, 54:18)

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that had disappeared from the world has been re-established.

(Tohfah-e-Qaisariyyah, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 12, p. 282)

Your Life Lies in the Holy Qur’an

Then the Promised Messiahas says:
Do not leave the Holy Qur’an as a forsaken thing because
therein lies your life. Those who honour the Holy Qur’an will
be the honoured ones in Heaven. Those who gives precedence
to the Qur’an over every hadith and saying will be granted
precedence in heaven. There is no book for humanity on the
face of the earth except the Qur’an; and there is no Messenger
and Intercessor for the children of Adam except Muhammad,
the Chosen one, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
(Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, p. 13)

The Promised Messiahas also says:

The Holy Qur’an attracts its true followers with its spiritual
qualities and inherent light. It illumines their hearts and then
manifests mighty signs to establish such a strong bond with
God as cannot be broken by a cutting sword. It opens the eye
of the heart and closes the dirty pond of sin. It grants the
blessing of delicious converse with Allah and grants knowl-
edge of the Unseen. It informs the supplicant of the accep-
tance of prayers. Anyone who opposes a true follower of the
Holy Qur’an, is shown by the mighty signs of Allah the
Almighty that Allah is with His servant who follows His
Book. (Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 23, pp.

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Condition VI

Then he says:
Beware! Do not take a single step in contravention of Allah’s
teaching and the Guidance contained in the Qur’an. Verily, I
tell you truly that whosoever evades even the least of the seven
hundred commandments embodied in the Holy Qur’an, he
slams the door of salvation upon himself. Only the Holy
Qur’an has opened the real and perfect paths of salvation; all
others were only its shadows. Therefore, you should study this
Holy Scripture with the utmost attention and deepest
thought; and you should love it as you have never loved
anything else. For indeed, as God has conveyed to me:

All kinds of goodness in contained in the Qur’an—and this is

the truth. Unfortunate, indeed, are those who give preference
to other things over it. The Holy Qur’an is the fountainhead
for all your success and salvation. There is not even a single
religious need that has not been provided for you in this Holy
Book. On the Day of Judgement, the Holy Qur’an will attest
to or falsify your faith; and apart from the Qur’an there is no
other book under heavens that can provide you with guidance
without a reference to the Qur’an. It is, indeed, a great
blessing of God that He has bestowed a book like this upon
you. Verily, I tell you truly that the book that has been read to
you, had it been read to the Christians, they would not have
perished; and the blessing and guidance that have been vouch-
safed upon you, had they been extended to the Jews in place
of the Torah, some of their sects would not have ended up
denying the Day of Judgement. Realise, therefore, the value of
the blessing bestowed upon you. It is a precious blessing, and a

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great treasure. Without the Holy Qur’an, the whole world

would have been no better than a dirty clot of half-formed
flesh. Indeed, it is a book compared to which all other sources
of guidance amount to nothing at all. (Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 26–27)

Everyone of us should analyse as to what extent he loves the

Holy Qur’an and obeys its commandments and tries to prac-
tice them in his life. There are ways of manifesting love. The
most important thing for an Ahmadi is to make it obligatory
upon him to recite a minimum of two or three ruku‘ 68 of the
Holy Qur’an regularly. Then, taking the next step, he should
read it with translation. By reciting the Holy Qur’an daily
along with reading the translation, its beautiful teachings
subconsciously filter into the deep layers of the mind.
Another matter enjoined by the Promised Messiahas
in the sixth condition is to adopt the ordinances of
Allah and His Apostle as a code of life in every
matter and to refer to them whenever the need
arises. This is not mere lip-service. If you ponder
over this directive, it will cause great concern. Allah
the Almighty says:69

68. The Holy Qur’an is divided, for the convenience of recitation

into 30 parahs (parts), and each parah is divided into ruku‘.
69. (al-Nisa’, 4:60)

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Condition VI

O ye who believe! obey Allah, and obey His Messenger and

those who are in authority over you. And if you differ in
anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger
if you are believers in Allah and the Last Day. That is best and
most commendable in the end.

Again, He says:70

And obey Allah and the Messenger that you may be shown

Again, He says:71

They ask thee concerning the spoils of wars. Say, ‘The spoils
belong to Allah and the Messenger. So fear Allah, and set
things right among yourselves, and obey Allah and His
Messenger, if you are believers.

In these verses, Allah the Almighty directs us to earnestly

obey His commandments and to practise them sincerely. We
are also instructed to act according to the explanation of these
commandments provided by the Holy Prophetsa. Exhibit full
obedience to the appointed leaders and the organisation of
the Community; only then it can be said that you have truth-
fully fulfiled your dues to your bai‘at.

70. (Al-e-‘Imran, 3:133)

71. (al-Anfal, 8:2)

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I will now present some ahadith on this subject.

Hadrat ‘Ubadah Bin As-Samitra narrates, ‘We made a solemn
pledge at the hand of the Messenger of Allah on the condition
that we will pay heed to and obey all his directives whether we
like them or not.’ (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul-Ahkam, Babu
Kaifa Yubayi‘ul-Imamun-Nas)
‘Abdur-Rahman Bin ‘Amr As-Salami and Hadrat Hujr Bin
Hujr said, ‘We went to ‘Irbad Bin Sariyahra who said, “One
day the Apostle of Allah led us in the morning Prayer, then
gave us a very effective and eloquent exhortation at which the
eyes shed tears and the hearts became fearful. A man among
the audience said, ‘O Apostle of Allah! It seems as if it were a
farewell exhortation! So, what injunction do you give us?’ He
then said, ‘I enjoin you to fear Allah, hear and obey even if
your Amir [Leader] be an Abyssinian slave, for a time is
coming that those of you who live after me will see great
disagreement. You must then follow my rightly guided
Khulafa’ [caliphs] and me. Stick to it and hold fast to it. You
have to avoid innovations in the religion, for every innovations
introduced in the name of religion is an undesirable one, and
every innovation is a manifest error.’” (Sunan-ut-Tirmadhi,
Kitabul ‘Ilmi Babu ma Ja’a Fil-Akhdhi Bis Sunnah. Also
Sunano Abi Dawud, Kitab-us-Sunnati, Babu Luzumis Sunnah)

We, the Ahmadis who claim complete obedience to the Holy

Prophetsa and declare our absolute faith, should always keep
this advice and the hadith in our minds.
Hadrat Anasra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Whoever
possesses the following three qualities will taste the sweet

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Condition VI

delight of faith: first, Allah and His Apostle become dearer to

him than anything else. Second, he loves a person only for the
sake of Allah’s love! Third, he hates to revert to disbelief as he
hates to be thrown into the fire!’ (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul-
Iman, Babu Halawatil Iman)

The Promised Messiahas says:

Look, Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:72

The only way to please Allah the Almighty is to be fully

obedient to the Holy Prophetsa; and there is no other way that
will lead you to the communion with God. The final objec-
tive of man should always be to find the One God who is
without any partner. He should shun associating anyone with
God and indulging in innovations! He should be obeying the
Messengersa and not following his personal lusts and base
desires. Listen, I say it again: Man cannot succeed in any other
way but by treading the true path of the Messengersa of Allah.
We have only one Messengersa; and only one Holy Qur’an
was revealed to that Messengersa—obeying whom we can find
God. The innovations introduced by the present day fuqara’
[hermits] and the methods of durud and waza’if [prayer incan-
tations] invented by the leaders of the hermitages are all a tool
that leads a man astray. Stay away from them. These people
have tried to break the Seal of the Prophets and in a way have
made a different shari‘ah. You should remember that the key

72. Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you…
(Al-e-‘Imran, 3:32)

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for opening the door of Allah’s blessings and grace is only to

adhere to the injunctions of the Holy Qur’an and to follow
the Holy Prophetsa and to establish Prayer and keep fasting in
the established manner. That person is lost who adopts any
new path instead of following those established ways. That
person shall end up dying in failure who does not comply
with the dictates of Allah and His Messenger and walks diver-
gent paths. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 3, pp. 102–103)

The Promised Messiahas again says:

Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:73

The only way to please Allah the Almighty is to be fully

obedient to the Holy Prophetsa. It is a common observation
that people have become a slave to and are entangled in
various kinds of customs. When someone dies, instead of
praying for the deceased, as they should, they perform
various rituals that are innovations. These customs are
contrary to the teachings of the Holy Prophetsa. Carrying
them out is disrespectful to him in the sense that his
teachings are not considered to be sufficient and final.
Otherwise, there was no need to introduce these customs.
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 3, p. 316)

73. Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you…
(Al-e-‘Imran, 3:32)

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Condition VI

Then he says:
This temporary life will come to an end—whether spent in
constrained circumstances or times of ease. But the matter of
the Hereafter is very hard. It is an everlasting abode that has no
end in time. If one goes to that life in a condition that one’s
affairs with Allah are straight, and the fear of Allah had over-
powered one’s heart, and with repentance from sins, he had
secured himself from everything that Allah has designated as
sin, the Grace of Allah will guide him. He will be pleased with
his Lord, and his Lord will be pleased with him. But if one
does not do so and spends this life in heedlessness, his end is
dangerous. Therefore, at the time of bai‘at, make a firm deter-
mination of what bai‘at is and what benefits it provides. If it is
done merely for worldly objectives, it is useless. But if it is for
the sake of faith and pleasure of Allah, then it is blessed and
carries its real aims and objectives. It can be hoped that it will
provide all the benefits that the true bai‘at provides. (Malfuzat,
vol. 6, p. 142)

May Allah enable us to accept the Promised Messiahas as the

Imam of this Age from the core of our heart! With great pain
and care he wanted to prepare a Jama‘at for establishing the
Kingdom of God and His Messenger, and advised us with
anguish in his heart. May Allah make us deserving of what he
wanted us to be, and may we fully comply with all the condi-
tions of the pledge of bai‘at. May we act upon them, and
always keep them before our eyes. No action of ours should
make us guilty of contradicting the teachings of the Promised
Messiahas, and we should always be examining our deeds.
May Allah the Almighty help us.

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Today, with the grace of Allah the Almighty, after du‘a ’ this
Convention74 will reach its end. May we for the entire year,
indeed for the entire life, be the recipients of the blessings and
spiritual benefits of this Convention. May Allah cultivate and
maintain the bond of love in our coming generations for
Allah, His Messenger, the Promised Messiahas and khilafat.
May Allah expose not our past shortcomings and sins, and
may He forgive us, and may He, out of His sheer Grace, keep
us among the Jama‘at of His dear ones. Our Allah! You are
Forgiving and Merciful. Forgive our sins. Take mercy on us.
Take us under the cover of Your forgiveness and mercy. Never
allow us to depart from You. Amin, ya Rabbal ‘Alamin75!

74. Reference is to the Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyyah

Muslim Jama‘at, Germany, on August 24, 2003.
75. Accept our supplication, O Lord of All the Worlds.

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That he/she shall entirely give up pride

and vanity and shall pass all his/her life
in humbleness, cheerfulness, forbearance
and meekness.

[From the Friday sermon delivered at Frankfurt, Germany,
on August 29, 2003, in which seventh and eighth conditions
of bai‘at were discussed in detail.]

Next to Shirk, There is no Affliction

Like Arrogance
After exhibiting his pride, Satan had decided from the very
beginning that he would try his utmost to hinder men from
becoming true servants of Allah. He had made up his mind to
entrap mankind through various ways. Even when man
would perform a virtuous act, Satan would make him self-
conceited, and thus through his personal vanity and egotism,
he could be led to be proud and arrogant. This sense of pride
would, in the end, make man lose the reward of his virtuous Page 122 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


act. Satan himself disobeyed Allah’s command due to his

personal vanity. Therefore, from day one, through the use of
this very tool in its various forms, he resolved to lead man
astray from the right path. Only the servants of the Gracious
God, who are His special servants and are engaged in His
worship, generally remain unharmed of Satan’s attack. Other-
wise, it is through the trap of pride that Satan usually succeeds
in holding mankind in his captivity.
One must not take it lightly that we accepted the condition
at the time of making bai‘at that we would not indulge in
pride and vanity. Give up arrogance in its entirety. It is not
easy. Arrogance has many diverse forms. Satan attacks
mankind utilising different methods. It is an extremely terri-
fying state! Actually, it is only through the Grace of Allah that
one can be saved from it. Therefore, in the seventh condition,
the Promised Messiahas also introduced a way to obtain Allah’s
Graces. He said if we try to break away from the habit of arro-
gance, but do not fill in the emptiness with humility and
meekness, then arrogance would attack us again. Therefore,
adopt humbleness! Allah the Almighty loves the way of
humility. The Promised Messiahas himself demonstrated
humbleness to such an extent that it has no parallel. That is
the reason that Allah the Almighty was so pleased with him
that He said to him in a revelation: (Urdu) ‘He liked your
humble ways!’ We claim to have made bai‘at with the
Promised Messiahas, and we have accepted him as the Imam of
the Age. Therefore, it is all the more important for us to adopt
this moral quality.

122 Page 123 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Condition VII

Man has no reason to show arrogance and haughtiness. In

the Holy Qur’an Allah the Almighty says:76

And walk not in the earth haughtily, for thou canst not rend
the earth, nor canst thou reach the mountains in height.

This verse makes it clear that man has no position at all to

strut about. What is it that he is so proud of? Some people
think they are the kings of the time. They do not wish to
come out of their limited circle. Remaining within their
limited circles, they think of themselves as something grand. I
am going to give the example of the smallest circle—that of
domestic circumstances. It is truly alarming to see how
savagely some men mistreat their wives and children. Some
girls write to me telling me they have now become adults, but
since their childhood they have been witnessing the oppres-
sive treatment of their fathers towards their mothers and
themselves, but now they cannot tolerate it any more. They
used to hide in their rooms as soon as their father entered the
house. If their mother or anyone of them happened to say
anything against his likings, the father was so cruel that he
would beat them. It is only arrogance that has turned fathers
like this to commit such extremities. Most of them keep a
nice posture outside their homes and people think no one is
as noble as those persons. Thus, the outsiders have a favour-
able opinion about them. But there are some who keep an

76. (Bani Isra’il, 17:38)

123 Page 124 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


arrogant attitude both inside and outside of their homes, and

their condition is obviously well known to all. Consequently,
on coming of age, the children of such ill-mannered and arro-
gant men, especially their sons, show a reaction to their
father’s cruelty to their mothers, sisters or themselves. They
start confronting their father, and when the time comes when
the father becomes weak in his old age, they take their
revenge. There are several circles in society, and the circle of
domestic affairs is only one of them. There is also a social
circle outside the home. If you take a survey, you will contin-
uously discover such examples of arrogance in all these circles.
The extreme form of arrogance is found in the wider circle:
due to arrogance some nations, countries, and governments
look down upon the rest. They despise poor nations and
countries. Today, this is a major cause of disorder and trouble
in the world. If the arrogance is eliminated, disorder shall
disappear, but the arrogant nations and governments do not
realise that when Allah decides to break the disdainful attitude
of the haughty, they disappear forever from the face of the
Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:77

And do not puff up your cheek before men in pride nor walk
in the earth haughtily; surely, Allah loves not any arrogant

77. (Luqman, 31:19)

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Condition VII

As is evident from this verse, Allah says that we should not

walk around displaying pride and arrogance. The proud
people have a special style of their own. Allah does not like a
stiff-necked person walking around. Some people habitually
stand proudly in front of their subordinates, but they show
humbleness in front of their superiors. The evil of hypocrisy is
evident in such persons. Thus, the trait of arrogance breeds
many other evils; slowly and gradually all paths of virtue are
fully closed. Such persons drift away from religion and also
from the Nizam-e-Jama‘at [Organisation of the Jama‘at]. As
their arrogance increases, they move further away from the
nearness and blessings of Allah and His Messenger.
It is mentioned in one hadith:
Hadrat Jabirra narrated that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘On the
Day of Judgement the dearest to me, the closest to me, shall be
those who are the best in good morals. And those among you
shall be most severely under the wrath and farthest from me
who are tharthar, those who are foul-mouthed and vain
babblers; mutashaddiq, those who talk making wry faces and
distend their cheeks; and mutfaihiq.’ The Companionsra asked,
‘O Messengersa of Allah! We know the meaning of tharthar,
and matashaddiq, but who are the mutfaihiq? He replied,
‘Mutfaihiq are those who speak haughtily, arrogantly.’ (Sunan-
ut-Tirmadhi, Abwab-ul-Birri was-Silah, Babu fi Ma‘alil
Hadrat Ibn-e-Mas‘udra narrated that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Three things are the roots of every sin. One should avoid
them. Refrain from arrogance because it was due to arrogance
that Satan was instigated not to prostrate to Adam. Second,

125 Page 126 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


stay away from greed because it was greed that made Adam eat
the fruit of the forbidden tree. Third, avoid jealousy because it
was out of jealously that one of Adam’s sons killed his brother.’
(Ar-Risalah Al-Qushairiyyah, Bab-ul-Hasadi, p. 79)
Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin Mas‘udra narrated that the Holy
Prophetsa said, ‘One whose heart has arrogance as little as a
small grain will not be allowed to enter Paradise.’ One man
said, ‘O Prophet of Allah! Man wishes to be well-dressed, to
have good shoes on, and to look good.’ The Holy Prophetsa
replied, ‘This is not arrogance,’ adding, ‘Allah the Almighty is
Elegant and likes elegance, that is, He likes beauty. Real arro-
gance is when man rejects what is true, considers people
lowly, holds them in contempt and treats them badly.’ (Sahih
Muslim, Kitab-ul-Iman, Babu Tahrimil-kibri wa Bayanihi)

Another tradition relates that:

Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrated that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Heaven and Hell had a discussion and argument. Hell said
that great oppressors and haughty people entered in it; Heaven
said that weak and meek people entered in it. On this Allah
the Almighty said to Hell, “You are the manifestation of My
punishment. Through you I punish whomsoever I wish.” And
He said to Heaven, “You are the manifestation of My mercy. I
grant mercy on whomsoever I please through you; and both
of you shall have your full share that may belong to you.’”
(Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Jannati wa Sifati Ni‘amiha wa Ahliha,
Babun-Nari yadkhuluhal-Jabbaruna wal-Jannatu yadkhu-

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Condition VII

May Allah make it so that each Ahmadi seeks mercy from

Allah the Almighty by treading on the path of humility,
meekness and civility, and becomes worthy of Allah’s Paradise,
and may each home be free from the sin of arrogance.
A hadith recounts that:
Hadrat Abu Sa‘id Khudri ra and Hadrat Abu Hurairahra related
that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Honour is the garment of Allah
the Almighty and grandeur is His mantle. Allah the Almighty
says, “Therefore, I shall punish him who attempts to snatch
them from Me.’” (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Birri was-Silah,
Babu Tahrimil-Kibr)

Arrogant Shall Never Enter Paradise

So, in the long run, arrogance incites man to confront Allah.
When Allah the Almighty has decreed that He shall not
forgive one who associates partners with Him, then how can
one who claims to be god-like be pardoned? It was indeed
arrogance that created people in the mold of the Pharaoh.
You have read about the end that these Pharaoh-like people
met and have also witnessed some in this age. It is indeed a
cause for fear; each Ahmadi should try and avoid even the
slightest particle of arrogance because it tends to spread and
completely engulf man. Allah the Almighty has given us this
warning, ‘This is My mantle; I am Lord of all the worlds,
Grandeur belongs to Me; accept it and show humility. If you
try to cross these lines, you shall be punished. Even if you
have arrogance only equal to a grain, punishment is in your
fate.’ In conjunction with this warning, however, a glad tiding

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is also given. Allah says, ‘I shall save you from the torment of
Fire if you have the slightest degree of faith,’ as is mentioned
in a hadith:
Hadrat ‘Abdullahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘One whose heart has arrogance only equal to a grain will
not enter Paradise and one whose heart has faith only equal
to a grain will not enter Fire.’ (Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, Al-
Muqaddimah, Babu Fil-Iman, Hadith no. 59)

The Promised Messiahas says:

I tell you truly that on the Day of Judgement after ‘shirk’—
associating partners with Allah—there will be no evil like
arrogance. It is an evil that disgraces man in both the worlds.
Divine mercy redresses everyone who believes in the Unity of
God, but not the arrogant. Satan, too, claimed to believe in
One God; however, he was arrogant and contemptuous
towards Adam whom God loved. Satan criticised him and was
ruined, and the yoke of curse hung around his neck. So, the
first sin for which a person was eternally ruined was indeed
arrogance. (A’inah-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 5,
p. 598)

He goes on to say:
If you have any element of arrogance, hypocrisy, conceit, or
indolence, then you are not worthy of acceptance. Do not
deceive yourselves over a few things, in that you have achieved
what you could, because God wishes that your entire being
should go through a complete revolution. He demands a death

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Condition VII

from you, after which He shall give you life. (Kashti-e-Nuh,

Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, p. 12)

Deep Connection
Between Arrogance and Satan
The Promised Messiahas then says:
Indeed, there are people who, although hundreds of thousands
of ranks below those of Prophets of God (peace be on them
all) grow arrogant when they have offered the Salat for a
couple of days. Similarly, rather than be purified by fasting and
performing Hajj, they develop conceit and arrogance.
Remember, arrogance comes from Satan and makes one
satanic. Until man keeps away from it, it becomes an impedi-
ment in the acceptance of truth and beneficence of the
Divine. Arrogance should not be adopted in any way at all,
not with regard to knowledge, not with regard to wealth, not
with regard to high rank, not due to caste, ancestry and
lineage; for it is mostly due to these things that arrogance
develops. Unless one purifies oneself from these conceits one
cannot be esteemed in the sight of Allah the Almighty. One
cannot be granted the cognizance of God that burns the
worthless emotional elements, for this [conceit] belongs to
Satan, and Allah the Almighty does not like it…

The Promised Messiahas is stating that there are a few basic

activities that should be avoided. Some people consider them-
selves most virtuous after saying the Salat for a few days; they
adopt a strange serious facial expression exuding pride. You
must have come across certain long-robed individuals with

129 Page 130 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


tasbih [rosary] in hand coming out of mosques. Their

demeanour exhibits pride and haughtiness. Thank God, the
Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at is free from such long-robed
individuals. On their return from Hajj, there is tremendous
propaganda. Such people fast for appearances. Their visits to
perform Hajj are also for show. It is all done to feign superi-
ority so that people may say that such a person is virtuous,
fasts a lot, is a hajji, and is most pious. All these ostentations
stem out of arrogance, or arrogance develops from these
The Promised Messiahas also says that some people are arro-
gant because of their caste or lineage: ‘so and so is lower
status; how could he be equal to them?’ The Promised
Messiahas stated that arrogance is of many kinds that take you
away from the cognizance of Allah the Almighty, away from
His nearness, and thereby in the trap of Satan.
Again, the Promised Messiahas says:
Thus, in my opinion, this is a fine way to be purified. It is
impossible to find a better way than to discard arrogance and
pride of any sort—about learning, family or wealth. When a
person is granted insight by God, he can see that every light
descends from heavens and helps remove all forms of darkness.
Man is always in need of heavenly light. Even the eye cannot
see without the heavenly light of the sun. Similarly, the
internal light that removes every kind of darkness and in its
place generates the light of taqwa and purity also comes down
from the heavens. I tell you truly that a man’s righteousness,
faith, and purity all descend from the heavens. It all depends

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Condition VII

on the special grace of Allah. If He wills He bestows it; and if

He wills He takes it away.
Thus, real cognizance is indeed that man should consider
his ‘self ’ deeply humble and most insignificant and should
seek Allah’s grace with humility and meekness by falling
prostrate at the Divine threshold. He begs for that light of
cognizance, which destroys passions of the ‘self ’ and develops
a light within and bestows a power and enthusiasm for
virtues. Then, if with Allah’s Grace he finds this share and at
some time acquires a clearer insight or strong conviction, he
must not feel pride and conceit. Rather, he should further
develop in his humility and submission, for the more insig-
nificant he deems himself, the greater will be the experiences
and divine light from Allah that will provide him with [spiri-
tual] light and power.
If a man holds fast to this belief, then it is hoped that with
the grace of Allah, his moral condition shall be good. To
think high of oneself in the world is also arrogance and
brings about the same consequences. It grows to a point that
man curses others and holds them in contempt. (Malfuzat,
new ed., vol. 4, pp. 212–213)

He then states:
Arrogance is a most dangerous disease. Whoever develops this
meets spiritual death. I know most certainly that this disease is
worse than murder. An arrogant person turns into Satan’s
brother because it was arrogance alone that disgraced Satan.
Therefore, it is a prerequisite for a believer that he should not
have arrogance; rather, he is required to have humility and
meekness. Those who are divinely appointed have humility of

131 Page 132 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


the highest order. The Holy Prophetsa had this quality more
than anyone else. One of his servants was asked as to how he
was treated. He replied that the truth was that he was served
by the Holy Prophetsa more than he served him.78

( )
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 4, pp. 437–438)

Arrogance is Most Displeasing

in the Sight of Allah
Again, the Promised Messiahas says:
…I admonish my Jama‘at to shun arrogance because arrogance
is most loathsome to Allah, the Lord of Glory. You may not
perhaps fully realise what arrogance is. So learn it from me
because I speak with the spirit of Allah.
Everyone who looks down upon his brother because he
considers himself to be more learned, wise, or more accom-
plished is arrogant. He is arrogant because, instead of consid-
ering God to be the Fountainhead of all wisdom and
knowledge, he considers himself to be something. Does God
not have the power to derange him mentally and instead
grant superior knowledge, wisdom, and dexterity to his
brother whom he considers inferior? Likewise he too is arro-
gant who thinks of his wealth or high status and looks down
upon his brother. He is arrogant because he has ignored the
fact that it is God who has bestowed this status and grandeur

78. Bless O Allah Muhammad and his people and grant them
Thy bounties and peace.

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Condition VII

on him. He is blind and does not realise that God has power
to afflict him with such misfortune as would all of a sudden
cast him to the lowest of the low; and again, He has the
power to bestow greater wealth and prosperity upon that
brother of his whom he considers small. Yet again, that
person is arrogant who is proud of his superior bodily health,
or of his handsomeness, or good looks, or strength, or
prowess, and scornfully makes fun of his brother and teases
him and addresses him with derisive names, not satisfied with
this he advertises his physical defects. It is so because he is
unaware of the existence of a God Who possesses power to
suddenly afflict him with such bodily defects as may leave
him much worse than his brother.
Similarly, the person who relies on his own strength, and
neglects to supplicate to God, is arrogant. This is because he
has not recognised divine strengths and powers and instead
considers himself to be something. Therefore, O dear ones,
remember all this lest you are deemed arrogant in the sight of
Allah in some manner and you are unaware of it. A person
who corrects a wrong word of his brother with arrogance has
also partaken in arrogance. A person who does not wish to
listen to what his brother has to say with civility and turns his
face away has also partaken of arrogance. He who feels
disgust for a poor and needy brother who sits next to him has
also partaken of arrogance. A person who looks with derision
and ridicule at one who prays has also partaken from arro-
gance. One who does not wish to be completely obedient to
God’s appointee and Prophet also partakes of arrogance. One
who does not listen attentively to God’s appointee and
Prophet and does not read his writings with care also partakes

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of arrogance. Therefore, try to rid yourselves of any portion

of arrogance in you lest you be destroyed and so that you,
along with your family, attain salvation. Turn to God, love
Him as much as it is possible to love someone in this life and
fear your God as much as one may fear someone in this
world. Be of pure heart and pure intention and meek,
submissive and harmless so that you may be shown mercy.
(Nazul-ul-Masih, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 18, pp. 402–403)

The other part that has been stated in this condition is that
one shall spend his life in lowliness, humbleness, cheerfulness,
forbearance and meekness. As I mentioned earlier, if you try
to free your heart and mind of arrogance, manage to free it,
then most necessarily you would have to inculcate a higher
quality, a higher characteristic, a higher attribute in you or
else Satan would repeat his onslaught, for it is his task not to
leave you alone. That quality is of humility and meekness. It is
not possible for arrogance and meekness to co-exist. Arrogant
people are always deriding and mocking humble people who
are servants of the Gracious God. When confronted with such
people you are not to adopt their attitude; rather, you are to
abide by this commandment of Allah the Almighty:79

And the servants of the Gracious God are those who walk on
the earth in a dignified manner, and when the ignorant address
them, they say, ‘Peace!’

79. (al-Furqan, 25:64)

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Condition VII

Hadrat Abu Sa‘id Khudrira narrates that the Holy Prophetsa

said, ‘Anyone who adopts a degree of humility, Allah will
elevate his status to a degree so much so that he will be
granted a place in ‘Iliyyin [i.e., the highest of the high]. And the
one who shows arrogance in front of Allah and adopts a
degree of vanity, Allah will lower his spiritual status to such a
degree so much so that He will make him reach Asfal-us-
Safilin [the lowest of the low].’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal,
Baqi Musnadil Mukthirina minas-Sahabah)

Your safety is to leave the company of such persons by saying

‘salam’ to them. It is better for you because your spiritual
levels will be raised, and the opponents will be falling among
the lowest of the low.
Again, it is narrated in hadith:
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrated that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Your wealth does not decrease by giving sadaqah [charity].
And the more a person forgives others, the more Allah grants
him honour; the more a person adopts humility and humble-
ness, the more Allah raises his status.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-
Birri was-Silah, Babu Istihbabil ‘Afwi Wat-Tawadu‘i)
‘Iyad Bin Himar al-Mujashi‘ira narrated that the Holy
Prophetsa said, ‘Allah has revealed to me that you should adopt
humbleness to the extent that no one shows his pride to the
others and no one commits any act of aggression against
another.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Jannati wa Sifati Na‘imiha
Wa Ahliha, Babus-Sifatillati yo‘arafu biha fid-Dunya Ahlul-
Jannati Wa Ahlun-Nar, Hadith no. 7210)

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There is another tradition we should also keep in mind as

with respect to mutual matters and dealings.
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Wealth does not decrease when it is spent in the way of Allah,
and the extent to which a servant of God forgives another,
Allah the Almighty increases his honour likewise. The more
humility and humbleness one adopts, the greater is the status
one is granted by Allah the Almighty.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-
ul-Birri was-Silah, Babu Istihbabil ‘Afwi Wat-Tawadu‘i)

So each Ahmadi should adopt the habit of forgiving each

other. This would elevate one’s status in the Hereafter, and
Allah the Almighty shall continue to increase one’s honour in
this world as well. Allah the Almighty does not leave anything
that is done for His cause without a reward.

Status of the Meek in the Eyes

of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
How great was the status of the meek in the eyes of the Holy
Prophetsa might be determined by this hadith:
Hadrat Abu Sa‘id Khudri ra narrates with reference to the
Holy Prophetsa that he loved the meek. Hadrat Abu Sa‘id
Khudri ra said that he heard the Holy Prophetsa praying:

O Allah keep me alive in a state of meekness, give me death in

a state of meekness, and raise me from among the group of the

136 Page 137 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Condition VII

(Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, Kitabuz-Zuhd, Babu Mujalasatil-


Thus, each Ahmadi should adopt the same path and should
tread the ways on which our master the Holy Prophetsa was.
Each Ahmadi should try and be counted among the meek,
for the pledge of bai‘at states that, ‘I shall spend my life in
It is narrated in one tradition:
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that, ‘Hadrat Ja‘far ra Bin Abi
Talib used to love the meek and needy. He would sit in their
gatherings and would talk to them, and the meek and needy
would talk to him. Therefore, the Holy Prophetsa would call
Hadrat Ja‘farra with the title of ‘Abul Masakin [i.e., the father
of the meek].’ (Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, Kitabuz-Zuhd, Babu

The Promised Messiahas says:

If you wish to find Allah the Almighty, seek Him near the
hearts of the meek. This is the reason Prophets of God
adopted meekness. Similarly, it is required that people of
bigger nations do not deride smaller nations; none should say
their ancestry is higher. Allah the Almighty states that when
you come before Me I shall not enquire of you about your
nation; rather, the question would be, what are your deeds?
Likewise, the Prophetsa of God said to his daughter that ‘O
Fatimah, Allah the Almighty shall not enquire into one’s
lineage. If you commit a wrong Allah the Almighty shall not
condone you because you are the daughter of the Prophet.

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Thus, you should watch what you do at all times. (Malfuzat,

new ed., vol. 3, p. 370)

He also states:
It was an essential requirement for ahl-e-taqwa [righteous
people] that they spend their life in poverty and meekness.
This is a branch of taqwa by which we are to ward off the
unjustified anger. The last and most crucial stage for great
pious and honest people is indeed to shun anger. Haughtiness
and conceit are borne out of anger, and similarly, anger is at
times a consequence of haughtiness and conceit. Anger is
aroused only when man gives preference to one’s nafs [self]
over the other. (Report Jalsah Salanah, 1897, p. 49)

He states:
If you wish that God in heaven is pleased with you, then be
as if you are two brothers from one womb. The more
esteemed among you is one who forgives the sins of his
brother, and wretched is one who is obstinate and does not
forgive. Such a person is not from me. (Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 12–13)

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That he/she shall hold faith, the honour

of faith and the cause of Islam dearer
than his/her life, wealth, honour, chil-
dren, and all loved ones.

The pledge to prefer faith over the world is a
pledge that everyone who is constantly linked with the
Jama‘at and attends meetings and ijtima‘at repeats over and
over again. Banners are set up at every ijtima‘, jalsah, etc.
Often, one of these banners displays the idea of giving prefer-
ence to faith over the world. Why has this matter been given
so much importance? Without it, faith cannot survive. It is
not an easy task to act upon this requirement. To achieve it,
one should constantly ask for Allah’s help. This high standard
can only be established with His grace. For us who are (with
the grace of Allah) in bai‘at of the Promised Messiahas, Allah
the Almighty has given the instruction in the Holy Qur’an:80 Page 140 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


And they were not commanded but to serve Allah, being

sincere to Him in obedience, and being upright, and to
observe Prayer, and pay the Zakat. And that is the religion of
the people of the right path…

By offering Salat on time and in congregation, and by

spending in the cause of Allah and helping the needy, we can
establish ourselves upon the correct religion. Thus, we can
incorporate the teachings into our lives and enforce them in
our conduct; and when we worship Allah and act upon His
teachings, Allah the Almighty will give us the ability to do so.
He will strengthen our faith to such an extent that ourselves,
our ambitions, and our children will all appear insignificant in
comparison to our faith. So, when everything will be purely
for Allah the Almighty, and nothing will be considered our
own possession, then Allah will not let us go to waste. He
guards the honour, protects the children, and puts His bless-
ings on such people. He enlarges their possessions, always
keeps them wrapped in His Mercy and Favour, and removes
all their fears. As Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:81

Nay, whoever submits himself completely to Allah, while he is

excellent in conduct, shall have his reward with his Lord. No
fear shall come upon such, neither shall they grieve.

80. (al-Bayyinah, 98:6)

81. (al-Baqarah, 2:113)

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Condition VIII

Essence of Islamic Teachings

Then Allah says:82

And who is better in faith than he who submits himself to

Allah, and he is a doer of good, and follows the religion of
Abraham, the upright? And Allah took Abraham for a special

In this verse, the essence of teachings of Islam is recorded.

One should be completely obedient and should follow the
commands of Allah with all his strengths. He should dedicate
himself to faith and be gracious. One should not fear that his
wealth or children would be wasted. Allah, Who is better than
anyone else in returning favours and in rewarding efforts, will
reward these actions Himself. As has been explained earlier,
He Himself will protect his life, wealth, and honour. Allah the
Almighty does not let such people or their future generations
go to waste.
Referencing the Qur’an, the Promised Messiahas says:83

Whoever submits before God, dedicates his life in His path,

and is eager to do righteous deeds shall get his rewards from

82. (al-Nisa’, 4:126)

83. (al-Baqarah, 2:113)

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the fountainhead of nearness to God. There is neither fear

nor grief on such people. Whoever devotes all his faculties to
the path of God, and whoever is active doing truly righteous
deeds with his words, conduct, movements, standing, and his
entire life is purely for the sake of God, will have a special
reward. God will deliver him from fear and grief. (Siraj-ud-
Din ‘Isa’i ke Char Swalon ka Jawab, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 12,
p. 344)

It is narrated in a tradition:
Hadrat Mu‘awiyah Bin Haidah al-Qushairira says while
narrating the story of his acceptance of Islam, ‘I reached the
Holy Prophetsa and I asked him, “What message has our Lord
given you for us, and what religion have you brought?” He
said, “God has sent me with the religion of Islam.” I asked,
“What is the religion of Islam?” Hudursa replied, “Islam is that
you surrender your entire being to Allah, abandon all other
deities, establish Salat, and give Zakat.”’ (1: Kanzul-‘Ummal Li
‘Alaiddin al-Muttaqi al-Hindi,Kitab-ul-Imani wal-Islami min
Qismil-Af‘al. Wa fihi Arba‘atu Abwabin, Albabul awwalu,
alfasluth-thani fi Haqiqatil-Islam. 2: Shu‘aabul-Imani Lil-
Baihaqi, As-Sadis was-Sittuna min shu‘aabil-Imani wa huwa
Babun fi Muba‘adatil-kuffari wal-Mufsidina wal-ghilzati

There is another tradition:

Hadrat Sufyanra says that once I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah,
tell me something of Islam after which I will not have to ask
anyone else and I should be fully satisfied.’ Hudursa replied,
‘You should say: “I believe in Allah the Almighty, then

142 Page 143 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Condition VIII

become firm on it, and stay on it with fortitude.’” (Sahih

Muslim, Kitab-ul-Iman, Babu Jami‘i Ausafil-Islam)

What was the conduct of the Companionsra? The following

incident is recorded in hadith. In the beginning, alcohol was
not forbidden in Islam. Companionsra would drink and
sometimes get intoxicated. But even in this state, faith and its
honour were dominant in their minds. They placed faith as
more important than all other things. When the command-
ment prohibiting alcohol came, some people were sitting
together drinking and some were intoxicated. When they
heard of the prohibition, they acted upon it immediately.
Hadrat Anas Bin Malikra narrates, ‘I was serving wine prepared
from dates to Abu Talhah Ansarira, Abu ‘Ubaidah Bin Jarrahra
and Ubayy Bin Ka‘abra. Someone came and said alcohol has
been forbidden, and when Abu Talhahra heard this he said to
Anasra, “Get up and break the containers of wine.” Anasra adds
that he got up and hit the containers with the bottom of the
stone vase and it broke them.’ (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabu
Akhbaril-Ahadi, Babu ma Ja’a fi Ijazatil-Wahidis-Suduq)

Revival of Islam
Demands a Ransom from Us
The Promised Messiahas says:
Revival of Islam demands a ransom from us. What is it? It is us
dying in this very path. This is the death upon which the life
of Islam, the life of Muslims, and the manifestation of the
Living God depend. This is exactly what is called Islam, and

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God now wants to revive this very Islam. To bring about this
great undertaking, it is essential that a grand enterprise that
would be effective in every aspect should be established by His
own initiative. So, the Wise and Powerful God did exactly that
by sending this humble one for the reformation of mankind.
(Fat-he-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, pp. 10–12)

Then he says:

Until man becomes a servant of Allah with sincerity and

purity, it is hard to attain any rank. Allah the Almighty testifies
about Ibrahim:84

That Ibrahim is a man who lived up to his word. To cleanse

one’s heart in this manner, to fill it up with the love of Allah,
to live according to the wishes of Allah, and to be an obedient
servant whose desires are in perfect harmony with the desires
of Allah, like a shadow. All of these things are achieved with
prayer. Salat is for praying indeed, and one should pray at
every stage. But if one offers the Salat as if he were asleep, and
does not know [the nature and importance of] Salat, then it is
not Salat at all…. Therefore, it is required that man should not
be lazy in offering the Salat, nor should he be inattentive. If
our Community wishes to become a Jama‘at, it should adopt a
type of death. It should avoid selfish matters and selfish
motives, and it should give Allah the Almighty priority over
everything. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 3, pp. 457–458)

84. And of Abraham who fulfiled the commandments.

(al-Najm, 53:38)

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Condition VIII

Means of Obtaining Salvation From Sin—

Certainty of Faith
Then the Promised Messiahas says:
O ye, the seekers of God: pay attention and listen. There is
nothing like certainty of faith. Certainty rescues one from sin.
Certainty gives one strength to do good. Certainty makes one
a true lover of Allah. Can one give up sin without certainty?
Can one desist from the desires of the flesh without
convincing manifestation? Can one find any satisfaction
without certainty? Can one bring about a true change
without certainty? Can one achieve true happiness without
certainty? Is there any such penance or ransom that can make
one give up sin?… One should remember that without
certainty, one cannot come out of a dark life, nor can one be
able to attain the Holy Spirit. Blessed are those who have been
delivered from doubts and misgivings because they alone will
be delivered from sin. Blessed are those who have escaped
uncertainty and doubt because they will get rid of sin. Blessed
are you when you are given the treasure of certainty because
after that your sin will disappear. Sin and certainty cannot co-
exist. Would one put his hand in a hole in which he could see
a poisonous snake? Can one stand at the place where stones
rain from a volcano, or where lightening strikes, or at the
place of attack of a vicious lion, or at a place where a deadly
plague is wiping out the human race? If you have this much
certainty about God as about the snake, or the lightening, or
the lion, or the plague, then it is not possible for you to defy

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Him nor to break the ties of sincerity and loyalty with Him.
(Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 66–67)

The Promised Messiahas also said:

Perfect understanding is the root of fear, love and appreciation.
Whoever is given the prefect knowledge is given the perfec-
tion of fear and love as well. Whoever is given perfect fear and
love is given freedom from every sin that originates from reck-
lessness. For this salvation, we are not dependent on any
blood, we are not in need of any cross, and we do not need
any penance. Instead, we only need one sacrifice, the sacrifice
of the ‘self ’. Its need is felt by our conscience, and this sacri-
fice is named Islam. Islam entails putting out your own neck
for sacrifice. It means to put your soul on the threshold of
God with total willingness. This charming name is the soul of
all revealed laws and the crux of all commandments. To put
out one’s neck to be sacrificed with real pleasure and content-
ment requires perfect love and perfect devotion. Perfect love
requires perfect understanding. Thus, the word Islam points to
the fact that true sacrifice needs perfect understanding and
perfect love. And it needs nothing else. (Lecture Lahore, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 20, pp. 151–152)

May Allah the Almighty grant us the ability to act upon all
these exhortations.

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[From the Friday sermon delivered at the Fadl Mosque,
London, United Kingdom, on September 12, 2003, in
which ninth condition of bai‘at was discussed in detail.]

The teachings of Islam are so beautiful that they have not left
any aspect of human life untouched. All of these favours of
Allah the Almighty demand that this teaching, which
descended on His dear Prophetsa, be adopted as part of our
lives. We bear even greater responsibility as we have joined
and claimed to have joined the Jama‘at of the true lover and
servant of the Holy Prophetsa, and the Imam of this Age.
Thus, whereas Allah the Almighty has drawn attention
towards His worship and the discharge of one’s obligations
toward Him, He has also drawn the attention toward the
discharge of our obligations to humans. He has also
commanded us regarding the rights of different relatives and
relationships that need to be discharged. It is due to this
importance that the Promised Messiahas mentioned in the
ninth condition of bai‘at kindness towards the creation of
Allah the Almighty and the obligations owed to them. Page 148 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM Page 149 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


That he/she shall keep himself/herself

occupied in the service of God’s creatures
for His sake only and shall endeavour
towards the beneficence of mankind to the
best of his/her God-given abilities and

Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:85

And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show
kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the
needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neigh-
bour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the

85. (al-Nisa’, 4:37) Page 150 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess. Surely,

Allah loves not the proud and the boastful.

Kind Treatment to All

In this verse, Allah the Almighty commands not only to treat
your brothers, your near ones, your relatives, your acquain-
tances, and your neighbors kindly, but also be compassionate
to them, help them if they are in need, and be beneficent to
the best of your ability to even those people whom you do
not know and have no relationship or association with. And
be beneficent to those whom you have only met temporarily.
If they are in need of your sympathy or your help and can
benefit from you, then you must help them. By doing so, a
beautiful culture of Islam will be established. Develop
compassion for God’s creatures, with the understanding that it
is something more than a good deed, it falls into the category
of benevolence. Benevolence means not expecting the return
of your favours; benevolence is exercised by man purely for
the sake of Allah the Almighty. In this way, such a beautiful
society will be established where there will be no dispute
between husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-
law, brothers, and neighbors. Everyone will try to be benevo-
lent to the other. Each person will try to give others their
rights with love and care, and will do so purely to win the
love of Allah. In today’s society, this is even more urgent than
ever before. Allah says that if you do not follow this path,
then you will be counted as arrogant. And Allah does not
like arrogance.

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Condition IX

Arrogance is such an affliction that all mischief originates

from it…. In the seventh condition, I have mentioned the
subject in depth already; therefore, it is not necessary to go
into another detailed discussion about it. Briefly, this condi-
tion of bai‘at requires you to be kind to God’s creation so that
you may become favourable in the sight of Allah the
Almighty and get the rewards in both the worlds. The kind-
ness you show towards others should be motivated by heart-
felt love and not to seek acknowledgement from people for
the favour. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:86

And they feed, for love of Him, the poor, the orphan, and the

One interpretation of this is that despite their own needs,

those who love Allah take care of the needs of others in order
to attain the love of Allah the Almighty. They themselves stay
hungry, yet they feed others. They do not show miserliness by
suggesting that what they are giving is also required to meet
their own needs. Instead, they help as much as they can. They
do this to be virtuous and to get the approval of Allah, and
not to get any acknowledgement from others. They give what
they could enjoy or utilise themselves, always keeping in mind
the instruction of Allah that you should only give for the sake
of Allah, what you like for yourself. They are not like those
who help the needy and boast about it. Some people are in
the habit of giving only their used items or worn clothing as

86. (al-Dahr, 76:9)

151 Page 152 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


gifts. These people should respect the dignity of their brothers

and sisters. It is better for them not to give a gift at all if they
cannot afford it. At a minimum, they should tell the recipient
that the items are used and then ask the recipient if they are
willing to accept them.
Some people write to me saying that they want to give—
for the weddings of poor girls—good clothes that have only
been worn for a day or two and were not used again because
they were too small or for some other reason. In this regard, it
must be clear that even if these items are being given through
the auxiliary organisations of Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at,
like Lajnah Ima’illah or Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyyah, or even if
they are being given individually, they should respect the
dignity of the poor. They should give away items in a condi-
tion that they are still worth giving. The items should not be
completely worn out with stains, stench of sweat, etc. If such
clothes are given, they should be washed, cleaned, and
mended first. As I have said, our auxiliary organisations like
Lajnah Ima’illah also distribute such clothes. They should
make it clear to the recipients that these clothes are used and
that they should only accept them if they choose to. Everyone
has a sense of honour, and as I have said earlier, this sense of
honour should be respected.
The Promised Messiahas says in explaining the verse:87

…Remember that God the Almighty likes good deeds very

much, and He desires that sympathy be shown for His

87. (al-Dahr, 76:9)

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creation. If He desired harm, He would have directed us to be

bad; but the Majesty of God is free from this. (Holy is Allah
and Great is His station)…
Therefore, all of you who have established a relationship
with me should remember that you should show compassion
for everyone regardless of their religion; and be good to all
without any discrimination because this is the teaching of
Holy Qur’an:88

Those captives and prisoners [at the time of the Prophetsa]

were mostly non-believers. Now, you can see the scope of
kindness in Islam. In my opinion, perfect moral teaching is
not found anywhere except in Islam. Once I regain my health,
I will insha’Allah write a comprehensive treatise on moral
teachings because I want to make my expectations clear to the
Jama‘at. It will be a comprehensive guide for my Jama‘at, and
it should show how to seek God’s pleasure. I am deeply
grieved when I see or hear that someone did something that
does not fully conform to Islamic teachings. I am not happy
about these incidents. I still view my Jama‘at like a child who
takes two steps and falls four times. But I do believe that Allah
the Almighty will make it perfect. Therefore, you should
make an effort, plan, strive, and pray continuously that Allah
may show His grace, because nothing is possible without His
grace. When He favours, He opens up all ways. (Malfuzat,
new ed., vol. 4, pp. 218–219)

88. (al-Dahr, 76:9)

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With the Grace of Allah, due to the pious influence of the

Promised Messiahas, and by acting on his teachings, many of
the ills that the Promised Messiahas was concerned about
[regarding the Jama‘at] at that time disappeared from the
Jama‘at. With the Grace of Allah, a very large segment was
totally freed from them, and it still is. As we are moving away
from that stage, Satan continues to attack with the ills of
society. Therefore, in accordance with the concerns of the
Promised Messiahas, we should continue to strive to avoid
those ills with effort and prayer. We should ask for the Grace
of Allah in accordance with his teaching, so that Allah the
Almighty may always keep the Jama‘at of Promised Messiahas
perfect. I will now present a few traditions.
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that the Messenger of Allah
said, ‘Allah the Almighty and the Glorious will say on the Day
of Judgement, “O son of Adam, I was sick but you did not
attend to Me.” Man will say, “O Lord. How could I attend to
You? You are the Lord of all the worlds.” Allah the Almighty
will say, “Did you not know that so and so of My servants was
sick? You did not attend to him. Did you not know that if you
had done so, you would have found Me near him? O son of
Adam, I asked you for food but you did not give Me any
food.” Upon this the son of Adam will say, “O my Lord. How
could I feed You whereas You are the Lord of all the worlds?”
Allah the Almighty will say, “Do you not remember when a
servant of Mine asked you for food? You did not feed him.
Did you not know that if you had fed him, you would have
had a reward with Me? O son of Adam! I asked you for water,
but you did not give Me any water.” Son of Adam will say, “O

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my Lord. How could I serve you water, whereas You are the
Lord of all the worlds?” Upon this, Allah the Almighty will
say, “Such and such person asked you for some water, but you
did not offer him any. If you had given him water, you would
have had its reward with Me.’” (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Birri
was-Silah, Babu Fadli ‘Iyadatil-Marid)

Then, there is this narration:

Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin Mas‘udra states that the Messenger of
Allah said, ‘All creatures are God’s family. So, Allah likes the
person, from among all humans, who treats His family (crea-
tures) well and looks after their needs.’ (Mishkat-ul-Masabih,
Kitab-ul-Adab, Babush-Shafaqati war-Rahmati ‘alal-Khalq)

There is another hadith in which Hadrat ‘Alira narrates that the

Messenger of Allah said:
‘Every Muslim has six obligations with regard to other
1. When he meets him, he should say ‘Assalamo
2. When one sneezes, he should say, ‘Yarhamukumul-
lah’ [may Allah have mercy on you].
3. When he is sick, he should visit him. (Some peo-
ple have, with the grace of Allah, this good habit,
and they go to hospitals to visit sick ones
whether they know them or not. They take
fruits and flowers for them. This form of social
service is very good.)
4. When one calls him for help, he responds to him.
5. When one dies, he comes to his funeral.

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6. And he desires for them what he desires for him-

self, and even in his absence he wishes him well.’
(Sunanud-Darimiyyi, Kitab-ul-Istidhan, Babun fi Haqqil-
Muslimi ‘alal-Muslim)

It is reported that:
Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Umarra narrates that the Messenger of
Allah said, ‘Do not be jealous of one another. Do not raise
prices to harm each other. Do not hold grudges against each
other. Do not turn your backs on each other, and do not be
indifferent to each other. And do not bid on deals that are
closed. Instead, you should live like servants of God and be
brotherly to each other. A Muslim does not wrong his
brother. He does not insult him, and he does not embarrass or
humiliate him.” He pointed to his chest and said, “Piety is
here.” He repeated these words three times, then he said, “It is
enough misfortune for a man that he should look at his
Muslim brother with disdain. Every Muslim’s blood, wealth,
honour and respect are sacred and sanctified for the other
Muslim.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Birri was-Silah, Babu
Tahrimi-Zulmil Muslimi Wa Khadhlih)

Then it is reported that:

Hadrat Abu Hurairahra states that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Whosoever helps remove the worldly anguish and suffering of
a Muslim will have his anguish and suffering removed by Allah
the Almighty on the Day of Judgement. Whosoever brings
relief to a poor person and brings ease to him will have ease
created for him by Allah the Almighty in the hereafter.

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Whosoever covers up the faults of a Muslim will have his

faults covered up by Allah the Almighty in the hereafter. Allah
the Almighty is keen to help him who is keen to help his
brother. Whosoever goes in search of knowledge will have the
ways to Paradise facilitated to him by Allah the Almighty.
Those who sit in any of the houses of Allah the Almighty and
read the Book of Allah the Almighty and are engaged in
teaching and learning will attain peace and tranquillity from
Allah the Almighty; Allah the Almighty’s mercy covers them,
angels keep them in their circle, and Allah the Almighty
mentions them to His near ones. One who slackens in actions
will not succeed with only his name and his family, and he
will not go to Paradise by virtue of his family ties.’ (Sahih
Muslim, Kitab-udh-Dhikr, Babu Fadlil Ijtima‘i ‘ala Tilawatil-
Qur’ani wa ‘aladh-Dhikr)

What is mentioned in the beginning is to be mindful of the

rights of other people and help to remove the worries and
difficulties of your brethren. If you do so, on the Day of
Judgement, Allah the Almighty will deal with you with the
same kindness and will remove your worries and hardships. It
is the favour of the Holy Prophetsa upon us. He said that if
you wish that Allah should cover you with His forgiveness,
then you should help and comfort the distressed, the afflicted,
and the destitute as much as you can. Then, Allah will deal
with you with kindness. Try to cover the weaknesses of your
brethren. Do not try to find their faults or make them public.
You do not know how many weaknesses and faults you have
that you will have to account for on the Day of Judgement.
Thus, if you had overlooked the faults of your brethren, if you

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had tried to counsel them with sympathy instead of making

their weaknesses public, Allah will overlook your faults as
well. These are the rights of people. If you discharge them,
you will inherit the blessings of Allah the Almighty.

Then it is reported in a tradition that:

Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Charity does not reduce your wealth. The person who
forgives the transgressions of others will be given even greater
honour by Allah the Almighty. No one is dishonoured by
forgiving the faults of others.’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal,
vol. 2. p. 235, printed in Beirut)

Then it is reported that:

Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Umarra states that the Holy Prophetsa
said, ‘The Gracious God will be Merciful to those who show
mercy to others. You show mercy to the dwellers of the earth,
and the One in the heavens will have mercy on you.’ (Sunano
Abi Dawud, Kitab-ul-Adab, Babun fir-Rahmah)

The Promised Messiahas says:

Remember that there are two commandments of Allah the
Almighty. First, associate no partner with Him, neither in His
being and attributes, nor in His worship. Second, be compas-
sionate to the others. Benevolence does not imply that it
should be only for your brothers and relations, but it should be
for anyone, any human, and any of God’s creation. Do not
consider whether someone is a Hindu or a Christian. I tell
you truthfully that Allah the Almighty has taken the responsi-
bility of ensuring justice to you; He does not want you to take

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it upon yourselves. The more congeniality you adopt, the

more humble and serving you are, the more Allah the
Almighty will be pleased with you. Leave your enemies to
Allah the Almighty. The Day of Judgement is near. You
should not be confounded by the opposition. I perceive that
you will suffer a lot more at their hands because those who fall
short of decency become ferocious as if a dam is broken and a
flood bursts out. A pious person needs to control his tongue.
(Malfuzat, vol. 9, pp. 164–165)

Then he says:
Beware there are two categories of rights. One is Allah’s right
and the second is the human right. Even in connection with
the right of Allah, the affluent encounter difficulty, and arro-
gance and conceit keep them deprived. For example, they
dislike standing next to a poor person in Prayer. They cannot
have him sit next to them, and thus they remain deficient in
matters of Allah’s right. Mosques are indeed the houses for the
poor, and these people consider it below their stature to go
there. Similarly, they cannot take part in special activities in
connection with the rights of man. A poor man is prepared
for any service. He can massage your feet, bring water, wash
clothes and does not hesitate if he has to help remove the
human refuse. But the rich consider such tasks to be insulting
and disgraceful and are thus deprived of these blessings as well.
Thus, prosperity can also stop you from doing a number of
virtuous deeds. This is why it is reported in traditions that the
poor will enter Paradise five hundred years earlier. (Malfuzat
new ed., vol. 3, p. 368)

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He also says:
Compassion for God’s creation is such a thing that if man gives
it up and moves away from it, he gradually becomes a beast.
This is what the humanity of man demands, and one is human
only as long as one treats one’s brother with kindness, tender-
ness, and benevolence. There should be no discrimination in
this matter. Just as Sa‘di said, ‘human beings are like parts of a
body.’ Remember, in my estimation the scope of sympathy is
very wide. One should not exclude any group or individual. I
do not say––like the ignorant people of this age––that you
should limit your kindness to only Muslims. I say that you
should have sympathy for all of God’s creation no matter who
they are, whether a Hindu, or a Muslim, or something else. I
never approve the words of such people who wish to limit
sympathy only to their own people. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 4,
pp. 216–217)

He also says:
Thus, to be kind to the human race and have compassion for
it is a very great type of worship and it is a great way to win
the pleasure of Allah the Almighty; but I see a great defi-
ciency is shown in this regard. Others are considered infe-
rior. They are mocked at instead of being looked after and
helped in a time of calamity and distress. Those who do not
treat the poor well, even consider them inferior, I fear they
may get afflicted by the same calamity. Those whom Allah
has blessed should express their gratitude and should deal
with His creation kindly and humanely. They should not be
proud of God-given abundance, and they should not

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viciously trample the poor. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 4, pp.


He also says:
The great details about the rights of parents, children, other
relatives, and the destitute as described in the Qur’an are not,
in my estimation, written in any other book.
As Allah the Almighty says:89

And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show
kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the
needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neigh-
bour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and
the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess.
Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful.
(Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 23, pp. 208–209)

Hadrat Khalifatul Masih Ira says in this regard:

The intention should be in accord with the verse:90

89. (al-Nisa’, 4:37)

90. (al-Dahr, 76:11)

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…Verily, we fear our Lord, and the day that is: ‘Abus and

‘Abus is hardship, constraint, and straitness. And Qamtarir is

prolonged. It states that day of Day of Judgement will be hard
and long.
By virtue of feeding the hungry, Allah the Almighty will
also safeguard one from the intensity and duration of
suffering during a famine. As a result:91

God Almighty protects one from the evil of this day, and this
protection is due to one’s cheerfulness and happiness.
I say once again: remember helping the poor and the needy in
this day and age and it will save you from the difficulties of the
Judgement Day. May God Almighty grant you and me the
opportunity to strive for attaining the respect and pleasure of
the Everlasting, Amin.
(Haqa’iq-ul-Furqan, vol. 4, pp. 290–291)

This is a distinction for Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at that it

takes part in social welfare activities as much as it has the
capacity for with the resources available to it. It does as much
as it possibly can for the in service of people and \humanity,
staying within its means, both as individuals and as the
Jama‘at. The members of the Jama‘at help to fight hunger,
treat the poor, help in education and in the marriages of the

91. So Allah will save them from the evil of that day, and will
grant them cheerfulness and happiness. (al-Dahr, 76:12)

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poor by joining in aid programs under the auspices of the

Jama‘at. This fulfils their pledge of bai‘at as they should.
May we never become like those nations and countries,
which destroy their excess crops rather than help the suffering
humanity because they see no political purpose or advantage
in helping them. They think that poor people do not accept
all their directives and dictates. Such people are kept starved
and deprived as a punishment. May Allah enable Ahmadiyyah
Muslim Jama‘at to serve humanity even more then ever
At this time, I want to say that this service to humanity is
being performed at the Jama‘at level according to its capacity.
The sincere members of the Jama‘at are given the ability by
Allah the Almighty to serve humanity. They give large sums
of money with which service to humanity is provided. With
the grace of Allah, there are doctors and teachers who have
dedicated their lives and are serving in Africa, Rabwah, and in
Qadian as well. I appeal to every Ahmadi doctor, every
Ahmadi teacher, every Ahmadi lawyer, and every Ahmadi
who by virtue of his profession can serve humanity in any
way, to try to help the poor and the needy. As a reward, Allah
the Almighty will increase your wealth and your lives even
more. Insha’Allah, if all of you will provide this service with
the intention of fulfiling a pledge to the Imam of the Age,
then you will see, insha’Allah, there will be such a rain of
God’s blessings and favours that you will not be able to
contain them.

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The Promised Messiahas

and His Concern for Humanity
The Promised Messiah’sas advice on kindness to humanity,
particularly the kindness and help for your brethren, was
explained on one occasion:
My condition is that if someone is in pain and his cry reaches
me, even if I am in Prayer I feel like breaking my Prayer so
that I may help him if he can benefit from it. I should show
compassion to him as much I am capable. This is against good
morals that one should not assist his brother in distress or hard-
ship. If you cannot do anything for him, you should at least
pray for him. You should apply the same morals towards
strangers and Hindus, not just your brethren, and you should
show compassion to them all. One should never be careless
and unconcerned.
Once I was out walking and someone named ‘Abdul
Karim was with me. He was a little ahead of me. Along the
way, we met an old lady of seventy or seventy-five years. She
gave him a letter to read for her, but he scolded her and
pushed her aside, and it grieved me. She gave me the letter. I
stopped and read it, and I explained it to her thoroughly.
This embarrassed him, because he had to stop and wait
anyway even though he was deprived of the reward.
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 4, pp. 82–83)

The Promised Messiahas also says:

Be kind and merciful to humanity, for all are His creatures.
Do not oppress them with your tongue, your hands, or in

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any other way. Always work for the good of mankind. Never
unduly assert yourself with pride over others, even those
who are placed under you. Never use abusive language for
anyone, even if he abuses you. Be humble in spirit, kind,
gentle, and forgiving, sympathetic towards all, and wish
them well, so that you may be accepted…. If you are big,
have mercy on those who are small and not contempt. If you
are wise and well-versed in learning, serve the ignorant with
words of wisdom. Never desire to bring disgrace on their
lack of knowledge by trying to show off your own learning.
If you are rich, instead of treating them with self-centred,
disdainful pride, you should serve the poor. (Kashti-e-Nuh,
Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 11–12)

Then he said:
People will mistreat you and will hurt you in every way, but
members of my Jama‘at should not be provoked. Do not use
hurtful words in the heat of emotions. Allah the Almighty
does not like such people. Allah the Almighty wants to make
our Jama‘at exemplary.

He further says:
Allah the Almighty loves the muttaqi [righteous]. You should
always remain in awe of God’s Majesty and be mindful that all
are God’s creatures. Do not persecute anyone, and do not have
a quick temper or look at anyone with disdain. If there is one
bad person in a Jama‘at, he can spoil others also. If your
temper is inclined towards anger, then carefully examine the
source of its fury. This aspect is very critical. (Malfuzat, vol. 1,
pp. 8–9)

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He also says:
Be such that your sincerity, loyalty, tenderness, and sensitivity
should reach heaven. God protects such a person and gives
him blessings when he sees that his heart is full of sincerity and
loyalty. He sees your hearts and looks into them, not at your
words and speech. If He finds the heart of a person to be pure
and clean, He descends upon it and makes it His home.
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 3, p. 181)

He also said:
I repeat that those who are beneficial to mankind and are
perfect in faith, sincerity, and loyalty will most certainly be
saved. Therefore, you should try to develop these qualities in
you. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 4, p. 184)

He also says:
You cannot be accepted in the presence of the Lord unless you
are pure, both on the outside and inside. If you are big, then
have mercy on those who are small and not contempt. If you
are wise and well-versed in learning, serve the ignorant with
words of wisdom. Never desire to bring disgrace on their lack
of knowledge by trying to show off your own learning. If you
are rich, instead of treating them with self-centred, disdainful
pride, you should serve the poor. Beware of the ways of
destruction. Fear the Lord, and be righteous…. How unfortu-
nate is the man who fails to believe in things coming from the
Mouth of God, which I have stated to you. If at all you desire
that God in heaven be pleased with you, hasten to become
one among yourselves as though you were brothers born of

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the same mother. Only he is the most honoured among you

who most forgives the transgressions of his brother…. Unfor-
tunate is he who remains obdurate and does not forgive.
(Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, p. 12–13)

He also said:
To be compassionate towards God’s creation is indeed a highly
meritorious act, and Allah the Almighty likes it very much.
What can be more valuable than showing compassion for such
a person? Do you think that a master would be pleased with a
friend if one of his servants went to his friend, but the friend
did not take care of his servant? Never, even though the friend
did not directly hurt the master. The kind treatment of his
servant and hospitality shown to him amount to respecting the
master. Similarly, God dislikes when someone ignores His
creation, because He holds His creation dear. Thus, a person
who shows kindness to His creation indeed pleases God.
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 4, pp. 215–216)

May Allah the Almighty give us the ability to act upon these
admonishments of the Promised Messiahas and May he enable
us to be true to the pledge that we have made with Him.

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That he/she shall enter into a bond of
brotherhood with this humble servant of
God, pledging obedience to me in every-
thing good for the sake of God, and
remain faithful to it until the day of his/
her death. That he/she shall exert such a
high devotion in the observance of this
bond as is not to be found in any other
worldly relationship and connection that
demand devoted dutifulness.

[From the Friday sermon delivered at the Fadl Mosque,
London, United Kingdom, on September 19, 2003, in
which tenth condition of bai‘at was discussed in detail.]

In this condition, the Promised Messiahas is taking

a pledge from us that by joining this organisation we are
establishing a bond of brotherhood with him. Every Muslim
is a brother of the other Muslim. But the relationship of love
and brotherhood that is being established means much more Page 170 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


than that. You are not merely establishing a bond of equals;

instead, you are acknowledging that it is a command of Allah
and His Messengersa to accept the Messiah that was promised.
Therefore, you are establishing this bond for the sake of Allah
the Almighty. You are making this contract to uphold the reli-
gion of Allah the Almighty and to convey and spread the reli-
gion of Islam to all corners of the world. This bond can only
be successful and long-lasting if you pledge to be obedient in
everything good and keep this pledge until death. You should
be mindful that this bond does not remain inactive, but should
become stronger every day. It should be so strong and its stan-
dard should be so high that, in comparison, all other relations,
bonds, and friendships should prove weaker. The bond should
be so matchless and strong that in its comparison all other
bonds and relations should seem meaningless.
Then he says that the thought can cross one’s mind that in
family relationships sometimes the rule of give and take—to
compromise, to accept, and to have one’s decisions accepted
occasionally—is applicable. Here it must be understood that
this, instead, is the bond of a slave and servant. Indeed, it
should be even more than that. You have to be obedient
without any grumbling. You never have the right to say that
such and such cannot be done or that you cannot do such and
such at this time. When you have taken the bai‘at and have
entered the organisation of the Jama‘at of the Promised
Messiahas, you have given everything of your’s to the
Promised Messiahas. You have to obey his decisions; you have
to act upon his teachings. Since the system of khilafat exists
after him, you have to follow the decisions and the instruc-
tions of the Khalifah of the time. Here you should not think

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that the servant or the subordinate has to obey because he is

helpless and is obligated to serve. Servants sometimes grumble
too. Always keep in mind that although your condition is that
of a servant, it is really much higher because it is a bond of
brotherhood and acknowledgement of obedience for the sake
of Allah the Almighty that comes with the pledge of sacrifice.
The reward for sacrifice is received only if the sacrifice is
offered with pleasure. This condition is such that the more
one thinks about it, the deeper one submerges oneself in the
love of the Promised Messiahas and the more one will find
oneself bound by the organisation of the Jama‘at.
In the Noble Qur’an, Allah the Almighty says:92

O Prophet! When believing women come to thee, taking the

oath of allegiance at thy hands that they will not associate
anything with Allah, and that they will not steal, and will not
commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor bring forth a
scandalous charge which they themselves have deliberately
forged, nor disobey thee in what is right, then accept their
allegiance and ask Allah to forgive them. Verily, Allah is Most
Forgiving, Merciful.

92. (al-Mumtahinah, 60:13)

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This verse emphasizes that the pledge of bai‘at should be taken

from women so that they will not perform shirk, nor steal, nor
commit adultery, nor kill their children (i.e. they will be
mindful of proper upbringing of their children), nor accuse
anyone falsely, and nor disobey in anything good. Here, the
question arises whether a Prophet, who is appointed by Allah,
can ever give a command that is not good. If a Prophet can do
so, then can a Khalifah also give commands that are not good?
In this regard, it must be clearly understood that a Prophet can
never give any such command. A Prophet will only say what
is right; he will not say anything otherwise. That is why at
many places in the Holy Qur’an it is mentioned that one must
obey the commands of Allah and His Prophetsa, and one must
carry them out. Nowhere is it specified that you are to obey
only the good commands. The question then arises, why are
there two different instructions? As a matter of fact, these are
not differing instructions. Some people have made an error in
understanding them. So, as I said earlier, all commandments
coming from a Prophet are good. A Prophet can never give a
command that is against the command of Allah or the
commands of the shari‘ah. He is appointed by Allah to carry
out those commands so how can he go against them? It is
good news for you that by accepting the Prophet—the one
commissioned by God—and by entering into his fold, you
have become secure because no command given to you is
wrong. Every command given to you is favoured by Allah.

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Condition X

Definition of ‘Ma‘ruf’ and ‘Ghair Ma‘ruf ’

Sometimes people move away from the organisation, mislead
others, and create problems in their circle by getting caught
the tangle of obedience only in ‘ma‘ruf’ decisions and good
commands. They should understand not to delve into the
definition of ‘ma‘ruf ’ and ‘ghair ma‘ruf ’ decisions on their own
accord. Hadrat Khalifatul Masih Ira explaining this states:
There is one more error and that is in understanding of the
‘obedience in good things’ that we will not obey in those
matters that we think are not ‘good’. This word has also come
with reference to the Holy Prophetsa.93

Have these people made a list of faults of the Holy

Prophetsa also? Similarly, Hadrat Sahib has written ‘obedi-
ence in good things’ in his conditions of bai‘at. There is
wisdom in it. I do not doubt anyone of you at all. I have
explained these things lest anyone of you be deceived
subtly. (Khutabat-e-Nur, pp. 420–421)

The Promised Messiahas expounding on the subject of

‘enjoins them to do good’ writes:
This Prophet directs you in matters that are not opposed to
sane reason. And he prohibits you from things that common
sense also prohibits you from. And he makes pure things
lawful and impure things unlawful. And he removes the
burdens from the nations that they were buried under. And he

93. (al-Mumtahinah, 60:13)

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frees them from shackles that were preventing their necks from
being straightened. Therefore, these people who will believe
in him and will strengthen him by joining him and will help
him and will follow the light that has been brought down with
him, they will escape the hardships of this world and the here-
after. (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah, vol. 5, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 21,
p. 420)

Thus, just as a Prophet does not deviate from the command-

ments of Allah the Almighty, his Khalifah—who is appointed
by Allah the Almighty through a party of believers—also
perpetuates the same teaching, the same commandments that
Allah the Almighty has conveyed to us through the Holy
Prophetsa. In this age, they have been explained to us by the
Promised Messiahas in accordance with the prophecies of the
Holy Prophetsa. So now, this system of khilafat has been estab-
lished in the Jama‘at through the Promised Messiahas in accor-
dance with the prophecies of the Holy Prophetsa, and it will
last, insha’Allah, till the end of time. Through it, decisions
have been made according to shari‘ah and wisdom and will
continue to be this way, insha’Allah. These are the ‘good deci-
sions’. If, at any time, the Khalifah of the time makes such a
decision because of a mistake or misunderstanding, that
carries the risk of causing some harm, then Allah the
Almighty will bring about such means that will prevent bad
consequences. In this regard, Hadrat Musleh-e-Mau‘udra
It is possible that the Khalifah of the time makes a mistake in
personal matters. But in such matters on which depends the
physical and spiritual progress, even if he commits an error,

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Allah the Almighty safeguards His Jama‘at and somehow

makes him aware of the error. In the terminology of sages, it
is called ‘lesser sanctity’. That means, the Prophets enjoy a
‘greater sanctity’ but the Khulafa’ have ‘lesser sanctity’ and
Allah the Almighty does not permit any such major mistakes
by them that may cause disaster for the Jama‘at. Their deci-
sions may have partial and minor mistakes, but in the end,
the result will be victory for Islam and defeat for its enemies.
Thus, because the Khulafa’ enjoy ‘lesser sanctity’, their
policy will emanate from Allah’s. While it is true that they
will be the one speaking, their tongues will be in motion,
their hands will move, their minds will work, yet behind all
of this will be the hand of Allah. They can make minor
errors in finer details. Sometimes their advisors can give
them wrong advice. But crossing these intermediary obsta-
cles, they will be the one who will be victorious. And
when all the links are put together, the resulting chain will
be good and it will be so strong that no power will be able
to break it. (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din
Mahmud Ahmadra, vol. 6, pp. 376–377)

From this, it is evident that ‘not good’ is that which is a

blatant violation of commandments of Allah the Almighty
and the instructions of the shari‘ah. Hadrat ‘Alira narrates that
the Holy Prophetsa sent away an expedition and appointed a
leader for it so people should listen to him and obey him. This
leader had a fire set up and commanded his companions to
jump into it. Some people did not obey him and said, ‘We
have become Muslims to escape the fire.’ But some people
were prepared to jump into the fire. When the Holy Prophetsa

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heard of this, he observed that, ‘If they had jumped into the
fire, they would have stayed in it forever.’ He also said, ‘No
obedience is obligatory if it involves disobedience to Allah.
Obedience is necessary only in ‘good decisions’. (Sunano Abi
Dawud, Kitab-ul-Jihad, Babun fit-Ta‘ati)

Further explanation of this hadith is found in the narration of

Hadrat Abu Sa‘id Khudrira who narrates that:
The Holy Prophetsa sent Hadrat ‘Alqamah Bin Mujazzizra on a
battle. When he reached there or was on the way, a contingent
of his army asked for permission to proceed separately. He
gave them permission and appointed Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin
Hudhafahra Bin Qais al-Sahmi as their leader. I was among
those who went with him. While they were in journey, they
set up fire for keeping warm or for cooking. ‘Abdullah Bin
Hudhafahra (who had a humorous nature) said, ‘Is it not oblig-
atory on you to obey what I say?’ They said, ‘Why not?’
Upon this ‘Abdullah Bin Hudhafahra said, ‘Will you obey any
command I give you?’ They said, ‘Yes we will obey it.’
‘Abdullah Bin Hudhafahra said, ‘I do tell you to jump into this
fire.’ On this, some people stood up and started preparing to
jump into the fire. When ‘Abdullah Bin Hudhafahra saw that
they were actually going to jump into the fire, he asked them
to stop themselves from doing so. Upon our return, the
Companions reported it to the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy
Prophetsa said, ‘If any one of your leaders tells you to disobey
Allah the Almighty, you should not obey him.’ (Sunano Ibn-e-
Majah, Kitab-ul-Jihad, Babu La Ta‘ata fi Ma‘siyatillah)

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One thing is quite evident from this hadith—the decision not

to obey was not of one individual. Some people were
prepared to jump into the fire on account of the order to obey
their leader under all circumstances. They had heard and
thought that it was the Islamic teaching to obey the leader in
every way, in every condition, and in every form. But some
Companionsra who had better understanding of the
commandments of Allah, and had benefited more from the
company of the Holy Prophetsa, refused. They did not act
upon it because it was suicidal, and suicide is expressly prohib-
ited in Islam. Secondly, when ‘Abdullah Bin Hudhafahra, who
was their leader, saw the seriousness of a few, he too grew
worried and stopped them because it was only a joke. After
this, the Holy Prophetsa, by his explanation, defined the prin-
ciple of ‘goodness’ as to what is ‘good’ and what is ‘not good’.
It should be clear that a Prophet or the Khalifah of the time
can never say such a thing even as a joke. That is why Allah
the Almighty has said that if you see a violation of a clear
command by a leader, you should have recourse to Allah and
the Prophetsa. Now in this age, righteous khilafat has been
established after the Promised Messiahas. You should turn to
the Khalifah. His decision will always be the ‘good decision’.
His decision will be in accordance with the commandment
of Allah and the Prophetsa. Therefore, as I said earlier, you
have the good news that now you are always under ‘good
These days, one might hear criticism that a worker who was
doing a good job was replaced, and therefore the Khalifah of
the time or the organisation of the Jama‘at had not made a
‘good decision’. (Such critics have made their own definition

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of good decisions). Therefore, they think that they have the

right to speak against the decision wherever and whenever.
First of all, no one has the right to speak against the Jama‘at
anywhere. I have already explained this topic in depth. Your
duty is only to obey. What is the standard of obedience? Allah
the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:94

And they swear by Allah their strongest oaths that, if thou

command them, they will surely go forth. Say, ‘Swear not;
what is required is actual obedience in what is right. Surely, Allah
is well aware of what you do.’

The subject of obedience is being discussed in the preceding

verses. Believers always say that we heard and accepted.
Because of their piety, they are granted nearness [to Allah] and
become triumphant. In this verse, we are enjoined to adopt
the ‘hear and obey’ attitude like true believers. Do not swear
that we will do this and that. Hadrat Musleh-e-Mau‘udra has
written in its commentary that the hypocrites also make a lot
of claims. But the good way is to practice obedience. Allah
the Almighty is commanding that such people should adopt
the good way to practice obedience according to the proper
standard. Be obedient according to the proper customs. The
Prophet is not going to give you a command that is against
the shari‘ah and against common sense. For example, the
Promised Messiahas says that when you have accepted me, you

94. (al-Nur, 24:54)

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should get used to five daily Prayers, give up falsehood, give

up arrogance, stop usurping the rights of others, and live
together in love and affection. All this comes under the
command of ‘obey in all good matters’. There are people that
do not follow any of this, but instead go around saying that
they swear they would do whatever is commanded to them.
Similarly, there are different initiatives from Khulafa’ at
different times for the spiritual growth such as about popu-
lating the mosques, proper upbringing of children, having
more tolerance, courage, and calling people towards Allah, or
about different financial sacrifices. These are the matters that
one need to obey. In other words, these come under the clas-
sification of obedience in ‘good matters’. A Prophet or a
Khalifah is not going to ask anything that is against the divine
commandments or common sense; he is not going to
command one to jump into fire or plunge into an ocean.
Prophets or Khulafa’ are always going to lead one along the

Superior Example of Obedience

We find a great example of obedience with the Muslims of
the early era when Hadrat ‘Umarra took the command away
from Hadrat Khalidra Bin al-Walid and gave it to Hadrat Abu
‘Ubaidahra in the course of a battle. Thinking that Khalidra
Bin al-Walid was performing well, Hadrat Abu ‘Ubaidahra did
not take over the charge from him right away. When Hadrat
Khalidra Bin al-Walid learnt that this command had come
from Hadrat ‘Umarra, he went to Hadrat Abu ‘Ubaidahra and
said, ‘Since it is the instruction from the Khalifah of the time,

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you should implement it without any delay. I have no reserva-

tion in serving under your command, and I will continue to
work as hard under you as I did when I was the commander.’
This is the high standard of obedience. Some foolish person
can say that it was ‘not a good decision’ of Hadrat ‘Umarra.
This is also a wrong notion. We do not know the circum-
stances as to why Hadrat ‘Umarra made that decision. He
knew it better. There was nothing obvious in this decision
that would be against the shari‘ah. Note that Allah the
Almighty upheld the honour of this decision of Hadrat
‘Umarra and the battle was won. During the battle, some
occasions were such that there were a hundred enemy soldiers
against a single Muslim soldier, yet the battle was won.
The Promised Messiahas also received the distinction to be
an arbitrator and a judge in the service of his Master—a
service that is unparalleled. Therefore, in this age, the claim of
obedience and love for the Holy Prophetsa and the claim for
love for Allah can be justified by true obedience to the
Promised Messiahas, just as Allah the Almighty says:95

Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you and
forgive you your faults. And Allah is most Forgiving, Merciful.’

95. (Al-e-‘Imran, 3:32)

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Whatever Promised Messiahas

Attained was by Following
the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
The Promised Messiahas states:
I have received a full measure of the blessing that were given
to the Prophets and honoured ones of God before me purely
as a result of the Grace of Allah and not due to any merit of
my own. And it was not possible for me to get this blessing if I
did not follow the ways of my Master and Lord, the honour of
the Prophets and the best of them all, the Holy Prophetsa. So,
whatever I achieved, resulted from following the path of the
Holy Prophetsa. I understand—based on my true and
complete knowledge—that no one can reach God without
following His Prophetsa, nor can he have a share of the perfect
understanding. And here I am going to tell you about the first
thing that develops in the heart as a result of the honest and
perfect following of the Holy Prophetsa; so know it that it is
the righteous heart. The love of the world departs from the
heart, and it desires an eternal and unending pleasure. Then, as
a consequence of this righteous heart, a pure and perfect
divine love is acquired. And all these blessings are received as
inheritance from following the Holy Prophetsa. As Allah the
Almighty Himself states:96

96. (Al-e-‘Imran, 3:32)

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That is:
Tell them if you love God, come follow me so that God
may love you too.
Indeed, a one-sided claim of love is totally false and absurd.
When man honestly loves God, then God also loves him.
Then an acceptance for him is spread in the world. A sincere
love for him is produced in the hearts of thousands; a force of
attraction is granted to him, and a light is given to him that
always stays with him. When a person loves Allah with a
sincere heart and adopts Him over the whole world and to
him nothing is left of the majesty and dignity of anything
besides Allah—instead he considers all these others to be
worse than a dead worm—then Allah Who sees his heart
descends upon it with a weighty manifestation. Just as a
refined mirror put in front of the sun provides such a perfect
reflection of the sun that it can be said, figuratively and meta-
phorically, that the same sun that is in the sky is also present in
the mirror, likewise Allah descends on such a heart and makes
it His throne. This is the purpose for which man was created.
(Haqiqat-ul-Wahyi, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 22, pp. 64–65)

As a result of the love and the affection the Promised

Messiahas had for the Holy Prophetsa, Allah the Almighty
made the heart of the Promised Messiahas a part of His throne.
Allah will continue to descend upon the hearts in the future
also according to their respective statures. But now the claim
of the love for the Holy Prophetsa, the claim of his perfect
obedience, will prove true only when the bond of love and
obedience with his spiritual son is established. That is why
the Promised Messiahas says, ‘Establish a bond of love and

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obedience with me above all other relations. This is how one

will follow the Holy Prophetsa and subsequently attain Allah’s
love.’ He is not saying this lightly. The Holy Prophetsa himself
has told us this as he said, ‘If you see the time of Messiah and
Mahdi, you should go and convey my salam to him even if
you have to crawl on your knees.’ What is the message in this
emphasis in taking so much pain to convey this salam? What is
the wisdom behind it? The Holy Prophetsa is pointing out
that the Promised Messiah is dear to him and he is dear to the
Promised Messiah. This is matter of principle that you reach
the ones you love through their loved ones. Therefore, he
says, ‘If you want to become my follower, follow the
Promised Messiah, accept him as the Imam, and enter his
Jama‘at.’ That is why it is said in a hadith:
‘Beware! There will be no Prophet or Messenger between
Jesus the son of Mary (the Promised Messiah) and me. Listen
carefully that he will be my Khalifah from among my followers
after me. He will certainly kill Dajjal, he will shatter the cross,
meaning he will destroy the Christian doctrine, and he will
abolish jizyah [poll tax]. (In the period of the Promised
Messiahas, its practice will be abandoned because there will be
no religious wars.) Remember, anyone who gets the honour
of meeting him, he must convey my salam to him. (Al-Mo‘jam
Al-ausat Lit-tabarani, Manismuhu ‘Isa. Al-Mo‘jam-us- Saghir
Lit-tabarani, Manismuhu ‘Isa)

Instead of reflecting on this hadith and instead of listening to

those who have reflected on it and have unlocked its depth,
the scholars of this day have gone after its literal meaning and
have misled simple-minded Muslims and have created such a

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havoc that is beyond belief. We seek the protection of Allah

from them, and He is dealing with them and will deal with
them in the future, insha’Allah. It is evident from this hadith
that the Promised Messiahas will be a just ruler; he will not do
anything against justice, and he is such an Imam who will
establish equity in the world. Therefore, establish contact with
him, follow his commands, and act on his teachings because
he will only teach justice and equity, and this is nothing but
Qur’anic teachings. People of this age expect that the Messiah
will come with hammers and will literally shatter the cross.
This is absurdity. It is quite obvious that the Promised
Messiah, following his master and patron, will convince others
through arguments, and through arguments he will annihilate
and expose the Christian doctrine. What is meant by the
killing of the Dajjal is only that the Promised Messiah will
save the ummah from the mischief of the Dajjal. Moreover,
since there will be no religious wars, the practice of a poll tax
will also cease. Then, there is the instruction to convey the
salam to the Promised Messiah, but the Muslims, instead of
conveying the salam, are bent upon opposing the Promised
Messiahas. May Allah grant them sense.
There is another tradition from which we learn the status of
the Promised Messiahas and the reason it is essential for us to
maintain a bond of obedience with him.
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Until Jesus, son of Mary, who is a Just Ruler and Equitable
Imam, appears, the end of days will not come. [When he is
sent], he will break the cross, kill the swine, abolish jizyah and
will distribute such treasures that people will not be ready to

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accept.’ (Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, Kitabul-Fitan, Babu Fitnatid-

Dajjali wa Khuruji ‘Isabni Maryama wa Khuruji Yajuja wa

Since this hadith also required interpretation, it was not under-

stood by the people of coarse intellect and they went after its
literal meaning giving it an odd and ridiculous explanation. It
is quite obvious that ‘killing the swine’ pertains to eliminating
those people who have swine-like characters. The faults of
swine compared to other animals are now well-known. When
the same faults appear in humans, obviously their cleansing is
very much needed. Another point not understood by such
[people of coarse intellect] is that he will give and distribute
wealth. Just a few days ago, some ‘scholars’ held a gathering in
Pakistan, and using extremely vulgar language against the
Promised Messiahas and the Jama‘at, they raised this question
that the Messiah was to come and distribute wealth and not to
ask people for it. Yet, Ahmadis (they instead say Qadianis)
collect chandah [donations], which proves that they are
imposters. No sane person can make them understand that
these are the spiritual treasures that the Messiahas is distrib-
uting that they refuse to accept. The fact of the matter is that
they only have the eye for this world and they cannot go
beyond it. This is their role. Let them continue. Pakistani
Ahmadis need not be too apprehensive. In the face of these
scholars’ filth and absurdities, we should walk away displaying
patience and fortitude. In the face of these scholars’ filth and
absurdities, we do admit that we accept our defeat; we cannot
compete with their filth and absurdities. I must make one
point very clear that when man does not say anything, Allah

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speaks for him, and when Allah speaks, we have seen the
pieces of the enemy scattered all over, and we shall see that in
the future also, insha’Allah. Therefore, Ahmadis should have a
loyal relationship with the Promised Messiahas and place
emphasis upon prayers. Continue to pray all the time.
These traditions also prove that the Messiah to come will
also be the Imam. He will also be the Hakam [Authority]. He
will be the prince of justice and equity. You must establish a
bond with him, and it is incumbent on you to obey him as
the Hakam and the Imam. These teachings are for your better-
ment and training. You should act upon them so that you join
those who are dear to the Holy Prophetsa and who have
achieved nearness to Allah the Almighty.

Submission Under All Circumstances

I shall present some traditions that illustrate the importance of
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra states that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘It is
incumbent on you to listen to and obey the directives of the
ruler of the time in austerity or prosperity, happiness or grief,
inequity or favouritism—in any and all situations.’ (Sahih
Muslim, Kitab-ul-Imarah, Babu Wujubi Ta‘atil-Umara’i fi
Ma‘siyatin wa Tahrimuha fil-Ma‘siyah)
Hadrat Ibn-e-‘Abbasra states that the Prophet of Allah said, ‘If
anyone sees something undesirable in his leader and ruler, he
should exercise patience because, if anyone is even slightly
distant from the Jama‘at, he will die in ignorance.’ (Sahih Al-

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Bukhari, Kitabul-Fitan, Babu Qaulin-Nabiyyi Sa-tarauna Ba‘di

Hadrat ‘Arfajahra states that, ‘I heard the Holy Prophetsa saying
that when you are gathered together on one hand and have
one leader, if someone comes and tries to break your unity so
that he may create divisions among you, you ought to kill
him. That is, you should cut your ties with him and not listen
to him, (i.e., totally ignore his instructions). (Sahih Muslim,
Kitab-ul-Imarah, Babu Hukmi man Farraqa Amral-Muslimina
wa huwa Mujtami‘un)
It is reported from Hadrat ‘Ubadahra Bin As-Samit that we
took the covenant with the Holy Prophetsa on the point that
we will listen and we will obey whether we like it or dislike it.
And that wherever we are, we will not dispute with the
incumbent of rightful authority, we will stay firm on the truth
or that we will only speak the truth and that we will not be
afraid of the rebuke of anyone in matters concerning Allah the
Almighty. (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Imarah, Babu wujubi
Hadrat Ibn-e-‘Umarra states that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Whoever holds back from obedience to Allah will meet Allah
the Almighty on the Day of Judgement in a condition that he
would have no valid argument or excuse. And he who dies in
a condition that he has not taken a pledge of allegiance with
the Imam of the time would die the death of ignorance and
apostasy.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Imarah, Babu wujubi Mula-
zimati Jama‘atil-Muslimina ‘Inda Zuhuril-Fitan)

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Thus, you are fortunate that you have accepted the Imam of
the time and you have entered into a covenant of bai‘at with
him. Now, you have to obey him purely for the sake of Allah.
You have to carry out all his commandments. Otherwise, you
will be going out of the circle of obedience to Allah the
Almighty. May Allah establish every Ahmadi on the superior
standard of obedience. And how do you establish such high
standards? These standards can be achieved only by acting on
the teachings of the Promised Messiahas.

Who Enters the Jama‘at

The Promised Messiahas says:
Only he enters my Jama‘at who adopts my teachings as the
code of his life and acts upon them according to his capacity
and capability. The one who just gets his name registered but
does not act according to the teachings should be mindful that
Allah has decreed to make this Jama‘at a special Jama‘at, and
anyone who does not truly belong to this Jama‘at will not be
counted among it just because he has registered. A time will
come upon him that he would dissociate himself. Therefore,
as far as possible, make your deeds subservient to the teaching
that is given.

What is that teaching? He says:

Do not say anything that will create disorder, do no evil, show
patience in the face of abuse, and do not confront anyone. If
someone confronts you, treat him kindly and gently. Set a
good example of soft speech. Honestly obey every command

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so that God may be pleased with you, and the enemy should
realise that after taking the covenant, you are no longer the
same person that you were. Testify honestly in litigation.
Everyone who enters this Jama‘at should adopt righteousness
with all his heart, determination, and strength. The world is
nearing its end. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 3, pp. 620–621)

Here, he has said that you should not say anything that will
create disorder. Some people are in the habit of spreading
rumours for fun. That carries the risk of creating disorder.
People have different temperaments. If something unpleasant
is stated in the presence of the one who was the subject of that
comment, that person will naturally develop a resentment
against the person to whom the statement is attributed.
Though I feel that it should not produce any ill feeling, there
is a way to stop such mischief, and that is that one should
directly approach the person to whom the comment was
attributed and ask him, ‘Have you heard these comments;
have you said anything like this?’ That will clarify the matter
and will also help reform the mischief-makers. Sometimes
such mischief-makers pit families against families. Stay away
from such mischief and from such mischief-makers. And if
possible, try to reform such people.
Evil also develops from direct confrontations, fights and
abuses. That also creates discord. The Promised Messiahas tells
us: if you are connected to me and you claim submission to
me, then shun everything of mischief and evil. You should
have such patience and tolerance that even if someone abuses
you, you should show restraint. The door of salvation will
open for you when you act upon this teaching. You will join

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those who have achieved nearness to Allah. There should be

no confrontation in any matter. Even being in the right, be
humble like one who is in the wrong. No matter what the
other person has said, deal with that person with love, affec-
tion and sincerity. Your tongue should be so pure, your
language so sweet, and good morals so overflowing that
people should be attracted towards you. Everyone should
realise that you are an Ahmadi. Nothing less than the highest
moral values can be expected of you. In short, your high
morals will attract others and will become a source for
drawing their attention.
Some people give false testaments for personal gain in liti-
gation. They present their case falsely. The Promised Messiahas
says that even your vested interests should not prevent you
from truthful testimony. Some people here and in other coun-
tries make false statements in their efforts to migrate. Stay
away from all these things. Submit your [migration] case based
on the facts, and if it is granted as such, then you should stay;
otherwise you should go back. Sometimes cases are rejected
even if they are fabricated; you should try sticking to the
truth. Insha’Allah, it will only benefit you. Even if your case is
rejected, you will at least not earn the displeasure of Allah.

Develop Brotherhood and Love

Among Yourselves and a True
Relationship With Allah the Almighty
Advising about mutual love and brotherhood, the Promised
Messiahas says:

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Develop brotherhood and love among yourselves and give up

viciousness and dissension. Totally abstain from any kind of
insult and ridicule because they distance you from truth and
lead you far away. Treat each other with respect. Everyone
should give priority to the comfort of his brother. Create a
sincere reconciliation with Allah the Almighty and come back
into His obedience.… Get rid of every kind of dispute,
hostility and animosity from among yourselves because the
time has come that we should abstain from petty matters and
become preoccupied with important and magnificent goals.
(Malfuzat, vol. 1. pp. 266–268)

Then he says:
Our Jama‘at should have a sincere relationship with Allah the
Almighty, and the Jama‘at members should be grateful that
Allah the Almighty has not rejected them. Instead, he has
shown hundreds of signs of His power to elevate their faith to
the level of conviction. Is there anyone among you who can
say that he has not seen any sign? I do claim that there is not
even one who has had the occasion to stay in my company
and yet not seen a fresh sign from Allah with his own eyes.
This is what our Jama‘at needs—that their faith be
enhanced, that they should develop true conviction and
understanding of Allah, that there should be no laziness or
indifference about the righteous deeds. If one is lazy, and it is
a hardship even to perform ablution, how would he offer
tahajjud [supererogatory Prayers]. If the strength to perform
the righteous deeds and the passion to excel in goodness do
not develop, it is useless to establish a link with us. (Malfuzat,
new ed., vol. 2. pp. 710–711)

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In this tenth condition of bai‘at, the Promised Messiahas has

placed great emphasis on having such a strong bond with him
that there should be nothing like it in any other relationship
of this world. The only reason for this emphasis is, strictly
speaking, his sympathy for us. Because the true Islam can be
found only and only by accepting him, if we want to save
ourselves from drowning, then we have to get on the ark of
the Promised Messiahas.
He says:
Now rush towards me because this is the time that he who
runs toward me now is like the one who gets on board the
ship right at the time of a storm. But if someone does not
accept me, I see that he is throwing himself into a storm and
has no means of saving himself. I am a true intercessor as a
shadow and reflection of that Exalted intercessor, who was not
accepted by the ignorant people of that age and who was
gravely insulted, that is Hadrat Muhammad the Chosen one,
may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. (Dafi‘ul-Bala’.
Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 18, p. 233)

He said this because the claim of the Promised Messiahas is in

accordance with the prophecies of the Holy Prophetsa.

Two Benefits of Bai‘at

at the Hand of Promised Messiahas
Then he says:
Thus, there are two benefits of this bai‘at that is done at my
hand. One is that the sins are forgiven and one is entitled to

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Condition X

clemency in accordance with the promise of Allah. The other

is that by repenting in the presence of the Apostle, strength is
granted and man is saved from the attacks of Satan. Be mindful
that the world should not be your objective when you enter
this Movement, but your objective should be the pleasure of
Allah, because this world is only a passing phase and will pass
by one way or the other.97

Keep this world and its objectives and purposes entirely

aside. Do not mix them with faith because this world is
doomed to end, but the faith and its rewards are unending.
(Malfuzat, vol. 6, p. 145)

The Promised Messiahas—the Strong Fort

of Protection for Our Times
The Promised Messiahas says:
O ye dear ones, O ye the flourishing branches of the tree of
my being, who, by the mercy of God Almighty, which you
enjoy because of having entered into the covenant of bai‘at
with me! you are devoting your lives, comfort, and properties
to this cause. I am aware that you will deem it your good
fortune to carry out whatever I might impose upon you to the
full extent of your capacity. But I do not desire to lay down
anything by myself as an obligation upon you, so that your
service should not be the result of my directive, but should

97. A night of hardship or a night of luxury; the night will pass

either way.

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proceed out of your own free will. Who is my friend and who
is dear to me? Only he who recognises me. Only he who
believes that I have been sent and accepts me as those are
accepted who are sent. The world cannot accept me because I
am not of the world, but those whose natures have been
invested with a portion of the other world accept me and will
accept me. He who turns away from me, turns aside from
Him Who has sent me. And he who establishes a relationship
with me establishes a relationship with Him from Whom I
have come. I hold a lamp in my hand. He who comes to me
will surely partake of its light, but he who, out of ill-thinking,
runs away will be cast into the darkness. I am the citadel of
security for this age. He who enters therein will be secure
against thieves and robbers and wild beasts. He who seeks to
remain away from my walls will be confronted with death
from every direction, and even his dead body will not be
saved. Who is it who enters my citadel? Only he who discards
vice and adopts goodness, and gives up crookedness and treads
along the path of truth, and frees himself from the bondage of
Satan and becomes an obedient servant of Allah the Almighty.
Everyone who does that is in me, and I am in him. But only
he has the power to attain to this upon whom Allah the
Almighty bestows a pure soul. Then He places His Foot in the
hell of such a one’s inner self, and it becomes cool as if there
had never been any fire in it. Then he marches forward till the
spirit of Allah the Almighty dwells in him, and, with a special
manifestation, the Lord of the world establishes Himself in his
heart. Then his old humanity is consumed and a new and
pure humanity is bestowed on him. For him Allah the
Almighty becomes a new Allah and establishes a special rela-

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Condition X

tionship with him and he is equipped in this very life with

the pure fittings of a heavenly life. (Fat-he-Islam, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 3, pp. 34–35)

May Allah the Almighty enable us all to fulfil all our pledges
made with the Promised Messiahas; may we remain firmly
established upon all the conditions of his bai‘at; may we, by
acting upon his teachings, make our lives like paradise, and
may we be judged to be the inheritors of the paradises of the
next world. May Allah the Almighty help us. Amin.

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pa r t i i
the spiritual
as a result of the bai‘at Page 198 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM Page 199 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

[From the Friday sermon delivered at the Fadl Mosque,
London, United Kingdom, on September 26, 2003]

Rejoice That Henceforth You Shall Forever

Remain Under ‘Ma‘ruf’ Decisions98

In my previous Friday sermon, I explained the tenth and the

last condition of bai‘at.

98. O, Prophet! when believing women come to thee, taking

oaths of allegiance, at thy hands that they will not associate
anything with Allah, and that they will not steal, and will not
commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor bring forth a
scandalous charge which they themselves have deliberately
forged, nor disobey thee in what is right, then accept their
allegiance and ask Allah to forgive them. Verily, Allah is Most
Forgiving, Merciful. (al-Mumtahinah, 60:13) Page 200 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


I would like to further elaborate on the concept of obedi-

ence to ‘ma‘ruf ’ [right] directives.

Explanation of Obedience to the

Directives Based on Goodness
The verse of the Holy Qur’an that I have recited stresses upon
women who take bai‘at, that they should pledge not to asso-
ciate anyone with Allah, not to steal, not to commit adultery,
not to kill their children, not to neglect moral upbringing of
their children, not to accuse anyone falsely, and not to disobey
in matters which are ‘ma‘ruf ’.
Here a question may arise: Can a Prophet, who is
appointed by Allah the Almighty give directives that might be
‘ghair ma‘ruf ’ [not right]? If a Prophet can do so, then
evidently it is possible for his Khulafa’ to issue directives that
are not right. It should be clear that a Prophet can never give
such directives. Whatever a Prophet would say has to be
‘ma‘ruf ’. It is out of the question that he can say anything else.
Therefore, it is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an at several
places that the commandments of Allah and the Prophet
should be obeyed. Nowhere is it stated that those command-
ments which are good should be obeyed. The question arises:
Why are there two separate directives? In reality, there is no
contradiction in the directives; it is just a matter of misunder-
As I have said earlier, whatever directive is given by a
Prophet, it has to be ‘ma‘ruf ’. A Prophet cannot issue an
injunction against the commandments of Allah the Almighty
in contradiction to the laws of shari‘ah. He is appointed to

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The Spiritual Revolution

enforce the commandments of God. How can he go against

his assigned mission? This is a glad tiding to you that by
accepting a Prophet, by accepting the one who is appointed
by God, and by joining his Community, you have safeguarded
yourselves. You are saved because you will not receive any
commandment which is not based on goodness. All directives
given to you are pleasing to God. Hadrat Khalifatul Masih Ira
elaborates this point saying:
There is one more error and that is in understanding of the
‘obedience in good things’, that we will not obey in those
matters that we think are not ‘good’. This word has also come
with reference to the Holy Prophetsa.99

Have these people made a list of faults of the Holy

Prophetsa also? Similarly, Hadrat Sahib has written, ‘obedi-
ence in good things’ in his conditions of bai‘at. There is
wisdom in it. I do not doubt anyone of you at all. I have
explained these things lest anyone of you be deceived
subtly. (Khutabat-e-Nur, Khutbah Eid-ul-Fitr, October 15,
1909, pp. 420–421)

The Promised Messiahas writes expounding on the subject


This Prophet directs you in matters that are not opposed to

sane reason. And he prohibits you from things that common

99. Nor disobey thee in what is right. (al-Mumtahinah, 60:13)

100. Enjoins them to do good.

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sense also prohibits you from. And he makes pure things

lawful and impure things unlawful. And he removes the
burdens from the nations that they were buried under. And he
frees them from shackles that were preventing their necks from
being straightened. Therefore, those people who will believe
in him and will strengthen him by joining him and will help
him and will follow the light that has been brought down with
him, they will escape the hardships of this world and the here-
after. (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah, vol. 5, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 21,
p. 420)

As the Prophet complies with the commandments of Allah

the Almighty, he only issues commands that are acceptable to
sane reason. He forbids evil and enjoins goodness. He can
never deviate from this objective. Similarly, a Khalifah who
succeeds a Prophet through a divinely guided election
conducted by a group of believers to continue the mission
also furthers the injunctions of the same teachings laid down
by a Prophet of God. In this time and age, the Promised
Messiahas explained these teachings as had been prophesied by
the Holy Prophetsa. The institution of khilafat has been estab-
lished in the Community through the Promised Messiahas in
accordance with the prophecies of the Holy Prophetsa. Now,
therefore, all the decisions shall be made in accordance with
the shari‘ah and the dictates of wisdom; and insha’Allah, those
decisions would be always based on goodness. If at some point
in time due to a miscalculation or misunderstanding on the
part of a Khalifah, a decision is made which could possibly be
harmful to the community, then Allah the Almighty Himself
provides such measures that the ill-effects of such a decision

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The Spiritual Revolution

are prevented, and insha’Allah shall never be experienced in

the future.

In this regard, Hadrat Musleh-e-Mau‘udra states:

It is possible that the Khalifah of the time makes a mistake in
personal matters. But in such matters on which depends the
physical and spiritual progress, even if he commits an error,
Allah the Almighty safeguards His Jama‘at and somehow
makes him aware of the error. In the terminology of sages, it
is called ‘lesser sanctity’. That means, the Prophets enjoy a
‘greater sanctity’ but the Khulafa’ have ‘lesser sanctity’ and
Allah the Almighty does not permit any such major mistakes
by them that may cause disaster for the Jama‘at. Their deci-
sions may have partial and minor mistakes, but in the end,
the result will be victory for Islam and defeat for its enemies.
Thus, because the Khulafa’ enjoy ‘lesser sanctity’, their
policy will emanate from Allah’s policy. While it is true that
they will be the one speaking, their tongues will be in
motion, their hands will move, their minds will work, yet
behind all of this will be the Hand of Allah. They can make
minor errors in finer details. Sometimes their advisors can
give them wrong advice. But crossing these intermediary
obstacles, they will be the one who will be victorious. And
when all the links are put together, the resulting chain will
be good and it will be so strong that no power will be able
to break it. (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din
Mahmud Ahmadra, vol. 6, pp. 376–377)

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Again, the Holy Qur’an sets forward a challenge. Allah the

Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:101

And they swear by Allah their strongest oaths that, if thou

command them, they will surely go forth. Say, ‘Swear not;
what is required is actual obedience in what is right. Surely, Allah
is well aware of what you do.’

The previous verses of the surah also talk about the subject of
obedience and the believers always proclaim: We hear and we
obey. It is their righteousness that enables them to attain near-
ness to Allah and brings success to them. So, this verse also
asks for hearing and obeying and showing compliance in
practical terms, not just to swear that one would do this or do
Hadrat Musleh-e-Mau‘udra has written in Tafsir-e-Kabir that
even hypocrites make big claims, but the real test is to show
obedience in action and not, like hypocrites, through brag-
ging about it. Here Allah the Almighty is instructing such
persons to adopt obedience in goodness—obedience in accor-
dance with the well-established tradition. The Prophet shall
not ask you to do anything which would be against the
shari‘ah or against wisdom. Then why are you raising any
question in this regards?
Let me give you an example: The Promised Messiahas says
that you have made a pledge of allegiance with me; you have

101. (al-Nur, 24:54)

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become a member of my Community, thus you should make

the habit of saying your five daily Prayers, eschew lying, give
up arrogance, stop usurping the rights of others, start loving
each other. Now all this comes under obedience in matters of
goodness. If one does not perform these actions then what is
the use of one repeating the pledge and swearing that he
would obey and act according to your directives.
In the same manner, the Khulafa’ launch various schemes at
different times. They give instructions in spiritual matters
asking to populate the mosques, to establish Prayers, to give
proper training to the children, to strengthen moral values, to
foster courage and perseverance. They also make appeals for
inviting others towards Allah and making financial sacrifices.
All these need to be followed unfailingly. In other words, they
fall in the category of obedience to the good. No Prophet or
Khalifah shall ever ask you to do anything against the
commandments of God or against the dictates of wisdom.
They will not ask you to jump into fire or drown yourselves
in the ocean. In the last Friday sermon, I narrated a hadith
where one Amir had asked his subordinates to jump into the
fire. There is another reference and it explains it further:

Hadrat ‘Abu Sa‘id Khudrira narrates that:

The Holy Prophetsa sent Hadrat ‘Alqamah Bin Mujazzizra for a
battle. When he reached there or was on the way, a contingent
of his army asked for permission to proceed separately. He
gave them permission and appointed Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin
Hudhafah Bin Qais as-Sahmira as their leader. I was among
those who went with him. While they were in journey, they
set up fire for keeping warm or for cooking. Abdullah Bin

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Hudhafahra (who had a humorous nature) said, ‘Is it not oblig-

atory on you to obey what I say?’ They said, ‘Why not?’
Upon this ‘Abdullah Bin Hudhafahra said, ‘Will you obey any
command I give you?’ They said, ‘Yes we will obey it.’
‘Abdullah Bin Hudhafahra said, ‘I do tell you to jump into this
fire.’ On this, some people stood up and started preparing to
jump into the fire. When ‘Abdullah Bin Hudhafahra saw that
they were actually going to jump into the fire, he asked them
to stop themselves (from jumping into the fire). Upon our
return, the Companionsra reported it to the Holy Prophetsa.
The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘If any one of your leaders tells you
to disobey Allah the Almighty, you should not obey him.’
(Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, Kitab-ul-Jihad, Babu La Ta‘ata fi

It must be made clear that a Prophet or a Khalifah cannot

speak so even in jest. That is why Allah the Almighty says if
you see disobedience committed by an Amir, then the matter
should be referred to Allah and His Messengersa. Now, in this
time and age, Khilafat-e-Rashidah [Righteous Khilafat] has
been established after the passing away of the Promised
Messiahas. Therefore, go to the Khalifah and his decision will
always be good, insha’Allah, and will be in accordance with
the commandments of Allah and His Messengersa. As I have
said earlier: Rejoice! Now you shall always remain under
directives that are based on goodness. Insha’Allah, there will
not be any decision which is not based on goodness.

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The Spiritual Revolution

Spiritual Changes in Those

Who Took Bai‘at
After this, I would like to discuss whether those who, after
joining the community of the Promised Messiahas, pledging
allegiance at his hands, and vowing to these ten conditions of
bai‘at, acted on these conditions and set an example of obedi-
ence, or merely gave lip service to the pledge of allegiance to
these conditions. For this, I have taken some examples that
illustrate the changes and the spiritual revolution brought
about in those who performed the bai‘at. And the examples of
such change can be seen in the time of the Promised Messiahas
as well as in this day and age.
The Promised Messiahas says:
I declare it on oath that there are at least one hundred thou-
sand people in my Community who have believed in me with
utmost sincerity of their hearts. They live righteously, and
after having listened to me they are moved to tears most
profusely. (Sirat-ul-Mahdi, vol. 1, p. 146)

Shunning Shirk
One of the conditions (of bai‘at) is that one should stay away
from shirk [associating anyone with Allah]. Not only our men,
but women also have set such high standards of being role-
models in observance of this condition that our hearts are
filled with Allah’s praise on looking at the revolutionary
change in them, and one feels impelled to pray for the
Promised Messiahas. For example, there is an incident in the

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life of Hadrat Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan’s mother that shows

how much she detested shirk.
It is said that many of her children died in their infancy.
Once, a child fell ill and was being treated for his illness.
Someone came to visit her and left an amulet as a curative
charm for him. A woman attempted to put that charm around
the child’s neck. The mother snatched it and threw it into fire,
saying: ‘My full trust is in my Creator and the Master; these
amulets hold no significance for me.’ Later, when the child
was of two months, the same woman—Jay Devi—visited her
once again. She kissed the boy and asked the mother for some
garments and grains suggesting that they would ward off some
evil from the child. In response, the mother said: ‘You are a
poor widow; if you want something as charity, I will be happy
to give it to you as much as I can afford, but I am not among
those who believe in evil spirits. To me Allah the Almighty
alone is the Master of life and death. I do not accept anything
else as having any hand in these matters. For me, such
thoughts are equal to faithlessness in to God. I hate them very
much. For this very reason I am not willing to give you
anything at all.’ Jay Devi responded: ‘Think it over; if you
wish to save the life of your child, you must give me what I
have asked for.’
After a few days, as the mother was giving a bath to [the
same baby boy], Jay Devi visited once again and pointing to
the child, making a gesture, said: ‘So is he the same prince?’
The mother replied in the affirmative saying: ‘Yes, this is the
one!’ Jay Devi asked for the same articles once again, but she
firmly refused to give her anything. At this, Jay Devi got
annoyed and said: ‘All right! If you return home with your

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The Spiritual Revolution

child alive, only then you can say that I was lying!’ She
replied: ‘Whatever shall happen, that shall be the will of God!’
Jay Devi turned to leave and she was still in the porch, when
during the bath right there and then Zafar vomited blood and
also discharged blood from his bowels, and within moments
his condition became extremely critical. Subsequently, within
hours, he passed away. The mother entreated to Allah the
Almighty in these words: ‘O, My Lord! You are the One who
gave him to me and You are the One who have taken Him
away! I am content with Your will! Please grant me resolve to
remain patient!’ Then, she returned to Daskah [her home
town] with an empty lap. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 2, pp. 15–16)
Now it is evident how Allah the Almighty comforted her
with tremendous amounts of favours, so much so that He
blessed her with a son of the calibre of Chaudhry Zafrullah
Khanra who lived a very long life, and earned extraordinary
eminence and distinction in the world.

Safeguarding Against Sinful Passions

I give you an example of present time, not of the days past,
and that too from African people of how people are being
safeguarded against the sinful temptations of human passions
after taking the bai‘at. Among the pagans of Africa, there are
many dirty customs and habits. But as soon as they enter into
the fold of Ahmadiyyat, they completely wipe clean all those
customs and bring a pure change within themselves as if those
habits had never existed. We receive reports that habitual
drunkards immediately started hating alcohol and this left a
deep impression on others too. When they talk about such

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changes, their religious leaders say that Ahmadiyyat has put a

magic spell upon them, and that is why they have quit
drinking alcohol.
I am reminded of an incident. One missionary informed
me that a man in Ghana who became an Ahmadi used to have
all sorts of bad habits such as drinking and adultery, etc. But
then he underwent a marvellous change. As the people are
poor, and there is a housing shortage, people rent rooms in
larger houses. Renting a room is a common practice, and this
man used to live in that kind of surroundings and had many
associations with women. As soon as he became an Ahmadi,
he told all of them not to come to him with evil intent. But
one woman persisted in chasing him. To get rid of her he
devised the method that upon seeing her coming, he would
bolt the door from inside and started offering nawafil prayers
or reciting the Holy Qur’an. Thus, he safeguarded himself
against the temptation. Now, these are the revolutionary
changes brought by Ahmadiyyat. Again, one of our mission-
aries Maulana Bashir Ahmad Qamar narrated the following:
After ‘Eid prayer, this humble one, along with some other
members of the Ghana Jama‘at, went to visit the Paramount
Chief. He was waiting for us with other chiefs. On our
entrance to his court, all the Ahmadi brothers started singing
enthusiastically in front of the chiefs and their companions.
One old Ahmadi man, standing right in front of the chief was
waving his stick in the air and singing most passionately.
Others in the audience, more than three hundred, were
repeating the words of the song! On my asking the interpreter,
I was told that they were singing the favours of Allah the

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Almighty and the blessings of Islam. They were saying that

prior to Ahmadiyyat they were pagans and idol worshipers.
They had no knowledge of the difference between halal
[permissible] and haram [forbidden], virtue and evil. They
were living entirely like animals; they were thoroughly wild.
They used to drink alcohol like water. Ahmadiyyat showed
them the straight path, and they got rid of their evils, and
turned into humans. These people were narrating all this as
the truth of Ahmadiyyat with full confidence in front of their
own Paramount Chief who knew their previous habits very
well. (Monthly Ansarullah, January 1984, pp. 30–31)

Zest for Prayers and Tahajjud

The conditions of bai‘at include an injunction to be punctual
in observing daily Prayers and offering tahajjud. The Promised
Messiahas says:
I am observing that my followers who have made a pledge of
allegiance at my hand are rapidly enhancing their righteous-
ness and their capacities to do well. After the days of Muba-
hala, our Jama‘at has taken a new colour. They are in a new
world. Often I find many of them crying in prostration and
earnestly supplicating in all humility in the tahajjud Prayers.
People with impure hearts call them disbelievers, but they are
the heart and life of Islam. (Anjam-e-Atham, Ruhani Khaza’in,
vol. 11, p. 315, Footnote)

Here again I will give you an example of Ghana where people

have brought a great change that I have myself observed.
Some people travelled a very long distance and arrived very

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late at night. It was almost midnight when they got a chance

to go to bed. On awakening at about 2 AM, I saw them in the
mosque in prostrations.
One more narration comes to mind. Hadrat Munshi
Muhammad Isma‘ilra says that he remembers missing only one
prayer that he could not make in congregation, and that was
only because he had to leave the mosque for some urgent
task. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 1, p. 196)
There is also another account about Hadrat Munshi
Muhammad Isma‘ilra. After taking the oath of allegiance at
the hand of the Promised Messiahas—on his return to his
hometown, Sialkot—people noticed that he had given up all
his previous meaningless habits, such as playing cards,
engaging in idle talk, and sitting in the market place. Instead,
he became very regular in offering the tahajjud Prayer. People
were amazed to see this extraordinary change in his character.
(Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 1, p. 200)

Concerning establishment of daily Prayers and tahajjud,

Hadrat Nawab Muhammad ‘Alira narrates:
I was in Qadian at the time of Prayer on the occasion of the
Solar Eclipse. Maulavi Muhammad Ahsan Amrohi led the
prayer, and all those who were Praying were crying profusely.
In the month of that particular Ramadan, there used to be
quite a hustle and bustle at the Ahmadiyyah Square starting at
two in the morning. Most of the people were up in the
homes, and many came to the Mubarak Mosque where
tahajjud Prayer was performed, meal was taken and Fajr Prayer
was made in the early hours of the morning. Then the Holy
Qur’an was recited for some time, and by eight the Promised

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Messiahas would come out for the morning walk. All of his
companionsra remained in his company. These activities would
go on till eleven or twelve midday. Then, the adhan for Zuhr
Prayer was called and the Zuhr Prayer was done before one in
the afternoon. The ‘Asr Prayer was also made at the earliest.
Thus the only spare time was between ‘Asr and Maghrib. After
Maghrib Prayer and taking of the evening meal, the ‘Isha Prayer
was done by eight or half-past eight. Afterwards there was
dead silence as if no one lived there. Yet, again by 2 AM,
everyone was up and the place was bustling once again.
(Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 2, p. 77)

Hadrat Khalifatul Masih IVrta has written that Hadrat Nawab

Muhammad ‘Abdullah Khanra was in love with five daily
Prayers. Especially his enthusiasm and striving for congrega-
tional Prayers were of utmost prominence. He was very punc-
tual in going to the mosque for five daily Prayers. Even when
bed-ridden with heart-condition, he used to listen to the
adhan most lovingly as someone in love hears the voice of his
beloved. When he regained some strength, he used to make
some younger person lead the Prayer, so that he could fulfil
his heart’s desire to make Prayer in congregation. Sometimes
he would drag his chair near the Prayer Room in the Ratan
Bagh House to join in the congregational Prayer. When he
shifted to his house in Model Town, he made special arrange-
ments for five daily Prayers and in a way transformed the
house into a mosque. He had asked for the adhan to be called
five times daily. Depending upon the weather, he would make
arrangement for the prayer sheets to be spread either outside
on the grassy lawn, or inside the house. Most of the time, he

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would be the first to come in and wait for the other worship-
pers. To allow all kinds of persons in one’s house for five times
every day in not an ordinary virtue. This virtue becomes all
the more significant when the owner of the house has a high
standard of living and the circle of his social contacts is vast.
(Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 12, pp. 152–153)
The Promised Messiahas says about the assiduousness of
Sheikh Hamid ‘Alira with regards to the five daily Prayers:
Sheikh Hamid ‘Ali (whom I love for Allah the Almighty’s
sake) is a pious young man belonging to a pious family. He has
been in my service for seven or eight years approximately. I
know full well that he is sincere and loves me. To grasp the
subtleties of righteousness is a task for those endowed with
deeper knowledge and piety, but as far as he can make it out,
he tries his best to follow the sunnah and remain busy in
following the path of righteousness. I have seen him when he
was very sick, almost dying, debilitated like a dead body and
yet he remained very regular in observing the five daily
Prayers. He would offer his Prayer even in the most critical
condition. I know that it is enough to see how one is so dili-
gent in observing his Prayers to judge one’s uprightness and
fear of God. I am certain that a person who observes his
prayers most conscientiously—and the state of fear, or illness,
or disturbance does not stop him—he without any doubt has
true faith in God. But this faith is granted only to the poor;
there are only a few rich who receive this blessing. (Izala-e-
‘Auham, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 540)

About the condition that one shall regularly offer the five
daily prayers in accordance with the commandments of God

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and His Messengersa, one revered elder, Maulavi Fadl Ilahi

narrates the example of Hadrat Mirza Ayyub Beig. The
Promised Messiahas had great love for Hadrat Mirza Ayyub
Beigra. One day I performed my Maghrib Prayer at Mirza
Ayyub Beig’sra house. Hadrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra was
also there. Hadrat Mirza Ayyub Beig’sra Prayer was a true
exemplification of:

Prayer is a believer’s ascension to Heaven.

When he prayed, he was completely cut off from worldly

thoughts and his eyes shed tears. On that day, he made the
prayer exceptionally long. After the prayer, when all sat
together, Mirza Sahib was asked the reason for making the
prayer so long. Initially he was reluctant to say anything, but
when asked persistently, he explained that whilst saying durud
[invoking blessing upon the Holy Prophetsa] he saw a vision
that the Holy Prophet was walking to and fro on a platform,
making supplication to God. Mirza Sahib even explained the
Arabic words and their translation. The meaning was that
God may save his ummah from abasement and provide them
safety and success. Mirza Sahib said that he kept saying amin
on hearing the supplication. Then he saw the Promised
Messiahas, supplicating that O God, accept all the prayers of
the Holy Prophetsa and save His ummah from the abyss of
disgrace! Thus, when the Promised Messiahas completed his
supplication, Mirza Sahib finished his prayer as well. (Ashab-e-
Ahmad, vol. 1, pp. 194–195)

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This is the revolution. He had a vision [of the Holy Prophetsa]

while fully awake.
What was the effect of bai‘at on Hadrat Mirza Ya‘qub Beigra
and Mirza Ayyub Beigra? They themselves narrate that their
father told one of his friends: ‘When those two sons of mine
came home to spend their summer vacations in 1892 and
1893, I was amazed at finding such a tremendous change in
their personalities. I used to say in utter amazement to God
what had transpired, what factors He bestowed on them to
bring such a change that they had become light upon light!
They offer all their Prayers on time in complete humility,
with enthusiasm and love. During their prayers, their hearts
melt and they weep and at times cry out loud. Most often I
would find their faces wet with tears showing the signs of fear
of God. Both the boys were very young at that time. Their
beards had just started growing. Looking at the transforma-
tion, I used to express my unceasing gratitude to Allah the
Almighty. All the previous worries that I had concerning their
spiritual weaknesses were gone.’ They further state that their
father told his friend: ‘The secret of that great transformation
was not known to me. I was not sure where they got that kind
of grace and spiritual blessing being so young.’ Later, after
some time had elapsed, it was discovered that they had
received this righteousness by entering into the bai‘at of the
Promised Messiahas. That discovery became one of the major
reasons for him to also enter into the bai‘at of the Promised
Messiahas. (That is, the spiritual change in the children led the
father to become Ahmadi.) This gave him a good opportunity
to recognise the purity and elevated soul of the Promised
Messiahas. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 1, p. 186)

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The model of Hadrat Chaudhry Nasrullah Khanra, father of

Chaudhry Zafrullah Khanra, is presented by one of his sons as
From the very childhood I had the impression that my father
(Hadrat Chaudhry Nasrullah Khanra) was very regular in
offering his Prayers and he did so with great care. He was
also assiduous in making tahajjud. I often envision my father
either offering Prayers or reciting the Holy Qur’an. After
entering into bai‘at, he used to offer the Fajr Prayer in
congregation at a mosque that was at a distance from our
house. So we used to leave home when it was very dark.
(Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 11, p. 163)

Again, concerning the observation of prayers without fail, I

give you the example of Babu Faqir ‘Alira. He always acted
upon the proverb: Heart be with the friend, hand be in work.
M. Bashir Ahmad narrates that at the time when people were
much intimidated by the British rulers, the British officers of
Babu Faqir ‘Alira used to tell him, Maulavi Sahib, one day you
will cause an accident. You are always busy in offering your
Prayers. He got very annoyed with these remarks. One day he
closed the door and the window (of the office) and went up
to the British officer who was alarmed, perhaps thinking he
was going to be attacked. He assured the officer that he had
no such intentions, that he only wanted to speak with him in
private. Babu Sahib told the officer that he himself took his
time going to the bathroom, smoking cigarettes or drinking
tea, why did he object to him making his Prayers? The officer
replied that the things that he did were natural urges. He
responded by saying that he was subordinate to him and

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would obey him, but only in matters that were his official
duties, and he was not obliged to obey him in other matters.
Therefore, he could not stop offering his Prayers. If any acci-
dent happened due to his negligence or a train was delayed
then he should not hesitate to deal with him harshly. After
saying that, he opened up the window and the door. The
British officer was awe-stricken by this experience. After that,
whenever Babu Faqir ‘Ali was ready to make his ablution, he
used to tell him, Maulavi Sahib, take your time and make your
Prayer; I will take care of your work. On another occasion,
the officer was much surprised to see how meagerly he ate
and was much affected by that as well. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 3,
p. 61, revised edition published in Qadian)
Here in England, when an old Ahmadi Bilal Daniel
Hawker Nuttal accepted Ahmadiyyat, he chose for himself
the name Bilal. Then, following in the footsteps of Hadrat
Bilalra, he became famous for calling adhan. He really had a
great desire to call others to Prayer. (Monthly Ansarullah, June
1965, p. 36)

Suppressing the Impulses of Passion

Another condition is to suppress the impulses of passion. Here
are some instances. In a meeting with Hindus a dispute
erupted and the Jama‘at showed a great sense of restraint.
Appreciating this good quality of his community, the
Promised Messiahas says:
If the good-natured Muslims were not mindful of their high
moral standards, and had they not shown patience and

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suppressed their anger in accordance with the Qur’anic

teachings, there would have been great bloodshed at the
meeting because of the trouble instigated by the people who
had come with evil intentions. Our Community deserves a
thousand praises because they demonstrated an excellent
example of patience and restraint. They remained silent on
hearing the abusive words which were worse than the bullets
of the enemy. (Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 23,
p. 10)

Again, he says:
If I had not advised my community to show patience, and had
not prepared my community in a way that they could always
show patience in response to abuse, then the grounds of the
meeting would have been filled with blood! But it was the
teaching of patience that held their tempers in check.
(Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 23, p. 8.)
Another instance of suppression of the passions is that of
Hadrat Sayyed ‘Abdus Sattar Shahra. What a phenomenal
example this is. It is stated:
One day Hadrat Shah Sahibra went to a nearby mosque for
prayers. At the same time there was a bitter enemy of
Ahmadiyyat—Chaudhry Rahim Bakhsh—getting ready for
ablution with a pitcher in his hand. Upon seeing Hadrat
Doctor Sahib (who was a government doctor and was
stationed at a government hospital), he started engaging him
in religious discussion. Annoyed with the argument that
Hadrat Shah Sahibra presented, Rahim Bakhsh hit him in the
forehead with the pitcher. The pitcher shattered into pieces as

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it hit the forehead. The bone in the forehead was fractured

and blood started oozing out. Doctor Sahib’s clothes were
drenched in blood. He covered the wound with his hand and
immediately went to the hospital for treatment. Chaudhry
Rahim Bakhsh was concerned, wondering what would
happen to him. Knowing that Hadrat Sattar Shahra was a
government doctor, he thought that the officials would prob-
ably lend credence to Doctor Sahib and he would be in
trouble. He did not know what to do and where to hide!
With these fearful thoughts, he stayed hidden (in the mosque).
On the other hand, Doctor Sahib treated his wounded fore-
head, applied the medication, changed his blood-soaked
clothes, and came back to the same mosque to observe his
prayer. On entering the mosque, Doctor ‘Abdus Sattar Shahra
saw Chaudhry Rahim Bakhsh Sahib, and asked him with a
simile: ‘Chaudhry Rahim Bakhsh, have you cooled down or
not?’ On hearing this, Chaudhry Rahim Bakhsh was greatly
affected and grasping his hands, begged his forgiveness, and
said: ‘Shah Sahib, please write a letter for my bai‘at.’ This kind
of high moral standard of patience, kindness and forgive-
ness cannot be shown by anyone other than members of a
godly community. Thus, Chaudhry Sahib became an
Ahmadi, and after a few days other members of his family
also joined the Community. (Hadrat Doctor ‘Abdus Sattar
Shah Sahib, Compiled by Ahmad Tahir Mirza, p. 63, Majlis
Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyyah, Pakistan)

So, these are a few examples I have presented to you that are
related to the first three or four conditions of bai‘at.
Insha’Allah, I will try to present a few more instances showing

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the revolutionary changes people went through after making

bai‘at, so that the members and the new generations may also
know and, try to bring similar pure changes within them, and
may they never be in fear of Dajjal, the great deceiver. Amin!

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[From the Friday sermon delivered at the Bait-ul-Futuh
Mosque, Morden, United Kingdom, on October 10, 2003]

Always Remain Pleased

With the Will of Allah the Almighty
In the Friday sermon before last I was speaking on the
changes that transpired among Ahmadis once they joined the
Community of the Promised Messiahas having promised to act
upon the ten conditions of bai‘at. I had presented some inci-
dents and now I shall take the subject further.
In the fifth condition, the Promised Messiahas took the
pledge that: Even if you are faced with hardship, adversity,
trouble, problems, ignominy and humiliation, never find fault
with Allah the Almighty. Indeed, continue to seek His grace
with the undertaking that you would always remain pleased
with the will of Allah the Almighty. I shall present some prac-
tical examples of this.
First and foremost is the example of Hadrat Khalifatul
Masih Ira. In August 1905 his son ‘Abdul Qayyum passed
away after suffering from measles for a few days. He was about Page 224 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


two years old. The model of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih Ira was
in accordance with the sunnah of the Prophetsa. He first kissed
the child at which his eyes were filled with tears, and then he
I uncovered the child’s face not because I was anxious, but to
follow the sunnah. When the Holy Prophet’ssa son Ibrahimra
passed away, the Holy Prophetsa had kissed his face and he was
tearful. He glorified Allah the Almighty and said: ‘Though
separation is hard to bear even for a short while, nevertheless, I
am content at the will of Allah the Almighty.’ To fulfill this
sunnah I uncovered his face and kissed him. It is Allah the
Almighty’s grace and a reason to be happy that a chance to
fulfill a sunnah was granted to me.

This is the action of the person about whom the Promised

Messiahas said:

How wonderful it would be if everyone in my

Community was Nur-ud-Din
However, this can only happen if each heart is filled
with the light of faith.

Another example is of Hadrat Chaudhry Nasrullah Khanra.

Chaudhry Zafrullah Khanra writes:
We had a brother whose name was Hamidullah Khan, who
was younger than dear Chaudhry Shukrullah Khan (deceased)
and older than Chaudhry ‘Abdullah Khan (deceased). He
passed away at the age of about nine years after a few day’s

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illness. His death took place at the time of Fajr. My father had
been up all night looking after him. After his death, he made
arrangements for his burial and other related matters. After
having finished with these, he went to work as usual at the
time of the courts opening. Neither his clients nor the court
officers and his colleagues came to know that he had come to
work after having buried his beloved child, content and
pleased with the will of his Lord. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 11, p.

Hadrat Qadi Dia’-ud-Dinra writes:

On the death of my wife and three children, the uproar of
the opponents increased. They left no stone un-turned to
humiliate me and to hurt me financially in every way. I had
also suffered a burglary at home. Considering all these trou-
bles gives a good picture of the extent of anguish and distress
I was going through. All these divinely destined trials and
tribulations came to pass about which the Promised
Messiahas had already foretold. During this testing time the
Promised Messiahas graciously wrote a comforting letter of
condolence. This too consisted of a prophecy which was
fulfiled and is being fulfiled. He wrote that: ‘Indeed you are
going through a severe tribulation. It is the way of Allah the
Almighty by which he brings to light the steadfastness of His
faithful servants to people, and grants great rewards for being
patient. Allah the Almighty would release you of all those
troubles and the enemy would be humiliated. Just as Allah
the Almighty saved the sinking vessel of the Companionsra of
the Holy Prophetsa, the same will happen now. Their
mischief will backfire.’ All praise belongs to Allah the

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Almighty, with Hudur’s prayer that is exactly how it came to

pass. This humble person continued to grow in patience and
steadfastness under all circumstances. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 6,
p. 12–13)

Model of Hadrat Maulavi Burhan-ud-Dinra

[as narrated by his son]
When the Promised Messiahas arrived Sialkot in the early days,
he was traveling with some friends to deliver his lecture.
While he was passing through a street someone threw a
basketful of ashes from a roof top. With the grace of Allah the
Almighty, Huduras was saved as he had passed through. The
ashes fell on the head of my father. As a consequence, the old,
grey haired man became a spectacle for people. As he passion-
ately loved Hadrat Sahib, he stood right there in ecstasy and
most cheerfully started saying, ‘Come on woman, throw some
more!’ He used to say that it was a favour of Allah the
Almighty that because of Hadrat Sahibas he had received the

There is another incident.

After Hadrat Sahib’sas departure from Sialkot, the khuddam
were returning to their homes after seeing him off at the train
station. Somehow he (Maulavi Burhan-ud-Dinra) was left
behind and the opponents caught him and deeply humiliated
him, so much so that they stuffed cow-dung in his mouth.
However, he felt honour in this humiliation, and pleasure in
this pain and would repeatedly say, ‘O Burhan, how did you
deserve these blessings!’ That is to say, these blessings do not

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easily come by; rarely is one victimised for the sake of faith,
that it is good fortune to suffer in that manner! (Monthly
Ansarullah, Rabwah, September 1977, p. 14–15)

Hadrat Maulavi ‘Abdul Mughni writes further about his

father Hadrat Maulavi Burhan-ud-Dinra:
After accepting Ahmadiyyat the financial situation was such
that for months during this lean period the family did not
even set eyes on ghee [clarified butter]. Instead of buying fuel,
dry tree leaves were used to lit a fire. However, dry leaves do
not cook a meal, so the dal [pulses] was first dry roasted in the
house and then ground. Water was put in a pot with salt and
chilies and the leaves burnt underneath. When the water
boiled the dry-roasted and ground dal was added. This would
be our meal eaten with bread. Usually it would be millet or
corn bread and occasionally wheat bread. Instead of ghee,
sesame oil was used. In place of spinach, young shoots of tree
were cooked. His clothes would be of the old time farmers,
and not of the maulavis.

He adds:
On meeting with the Promised Messiahra he developed a
passionate love, affection, enthusiasm and fervour for him
and it was due to this passionate love and obsession that he
absolutely did not care for his own food and comfort. He
was obsessed to pass on the spark of the passionate love that
he felt in his heart for God, the Holy Prophetsa and the
Promised Messiahas, to others. At all times he would be
thinking with enthusiasm, passion, concern and anxiety on
how to spread the message of Ahmadiyyat. He did not care

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for food, water or clothes! Allah the Almighty alone knows

how my mother and I survived those days. Despite the severe
hardship, adversity and deprivation, he was a rock of self-
respect, patience and resolve. His sense of honour in matters
of religion was such that no enticement, friendship or rela-
tion could come in his way. All praise belongs to Allah the
Almighty! We were thus brought up in an environment that
this world means nothing to us. Seeing this content and self-
sufficiency, people eventually started saying that Mirza Sahib
gives Maulavi Sahib a stipend. (Monthly Ansarullah, Rabwah,
September 1977, pp. 11–12)

The exemplary patience of Hadrat Umm-ul-Mo’mininra

[wife of the Promised Messiahas] is matchless: During the last
moments of the life of the Promised Messiahas, unlike worldly
women who scream, lament and utter words of impatience,
Hadrat Umm-ul-Mo’mininra demonstrated a pure example of
supplicating to Allah the Almighty alone and prostrating
before Him with absolute humility. When during the last
moments surah Yasin was recited and the pure and blessed
spirit of the Promised Messiahas departed from this world and
met its Beloved Maker, Hadrat Umm-ul-Mo’mininra simply

and was silent without crying or wailing. Indoors, some ladies

started crying. She told them off firmly that the deceased was
her husband and she did not cry, then who were they to cry!

102. To Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.

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This pure model of patience and resolve of a lady, who was

nurtured in elegance and had just lost a husband who was a
spiritual king and who cared deeply for her, was a tremendous
miracle. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, vol. 6, p. 547)
She also counseled her children not to think that their
father had not left them anything, rather he had left them a
great treasure of prayers which would continue to benefit
them at the right time.

Dislike of Bad Customs

The Promised Messiahas wished that everyone who joined his
Community should act upon the commandments of the Holy
Qur’an or at least tried to act upon them. His follower was
one who fully believed in the Qur’an. The Promised
Messiahas said that if one disobeyed even one commandment,
such a person had no connection with him. It was his wish
that those who believe in him should rise above the worldly
customs and thus guard themselves from the greed and frivo-
lous customs of this world; that they would strive only to do
what Allah the Almighty and His Prophetsa have enjoined.
Indeed, the Prophet of God has only commanded what is
God’s commandment in the Holy Qur’an. This is the reason
when someone asked Hadrat ‘Aishahra about the noble char-
acter of the Holy Prophetsa, she had replied, ‘Do you not read
the Qur’an? The characteristics that are mentioned in the
Qur’an are the very character of the Holy Prophetsa.’ This is
why the Promised Messiahas said that he followed his master
and patron and declared each commandment of the Holy

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Qur’an to be his way of life. If others too complied with this,

only then they would be counted in his Community.
Once they made the bai‘at, the members of his Community
too demonstrated such models.
First of all I wish to present the model of an Ahmadi lady,
the mother of Hadrat Chaudhry Zafrullah Khanra. This inci-
dent demonstrates how much she disliked innovative customs.
The incident took place at the time of the wedding of
Chaudhry Bashir Ahmad, her nephew. Chaudhry Bashir
Ahmad states that after the nikah ceremony he was called into
the ladies quarters. He noticed that two seats had been
arranged facing each other, as is the custom in villages and he
was expected to sit on one seat and the bride was to be seated
on the other, and certain customs were to be carried out. He
I felt nervous but then decided that it would not be proper at
this time to argue with ladies at the time. So I sat on the seat
designated for me and stretched my hand towards the things
arranged for the customs. Immediately, my aunt, that is
Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan Sahib’sra mother, held my wrist
with force and pushed my hand away and said, ‘Son, this is
shirk (associating partners with Allah the Almighty).’ This gave
me courage as well and I pushed those things away with my
hand, stood up and said: ‘I will not participate in those
customs.’ That is how I freed myself.

Today also our ladies should be mindful of these things. They

should not blindly follow the regional or national customs. If
they notice that a custom contains even a hint of shirk, they
should eschew it. May Allah the Almighty grant all Ahmadi

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women this zeal in morally training themselves as well as their

children! In our countries, Pakistan and India, Muslims follow
the custom of not giving their daughters their due inherit-
ance. Let alone what is due, they give nothing at all to their
daughters, in particular in villages and among the farmers. An
example to follow is that of Hadrat Chaudhry Nasrullah
Khanra. His son writes, Our father gave our sister a lot of
dowry at the time of her wedding as it was the custom. In his
will he stated that his estate be distributed according to the
Islamic shari‘ah among the sons and the daughters both. At
the time of his death, his daughter got her inheritance
according to shari‘ah.

Evil Effects of Smoking

This is an incident I like to relate: When the Promised
Messiahas went to Jalandhar in 1892, he resided on the upper
floor of a house. A maid placed a huqqah [hubble bubble] in
the house and left. Accidentally the huqqah fell and some
things caught fire. At this Hudur expressed his displeasure at
those who smoked the huqqah and his dislike for huqqah. The
Ahmadis who were downstairs came to know about this.
Many of them smoked the huqqah and their huqqahs were in
the building at the time. When they heard about Hudur’s
displeasure they all broke their huqqahs immediately and gave
up smoking. When the Community in general came to know
that Hudur disliked the huqqah, many courageous Ahmadis
gave it up. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 10, p. 157)
Mirza Ahmad Beig of Sahiwal narrates that Hadrat Musleh-
e-Mau‘udra once said to my uncle Mirza Ghulamullah, ‘Mirza

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Sahib, encourage your friends to give up huqqah.’ Uncle, who

himself used to smoke huqqah, said ‘Very well, Hudur.’ He
went home and broke his huqqah that stood by the wall. My
aunt thought that he was upset because the huqqah had been
left in the sun, but when my uncle did not say anything to
anyone, and then my aunt asked him why had he taken his
anger out on the huqqah? He replied: ‘Hadrat Sahib had asked
me to discourage others from smoking huqqah; but as I myself
smoked it, therefore I had first broken my own huqqah.’ As
long as he lived he did not smoke huqqah again; and kept on
dissuading others from smoking it. (Sawaneh-e-Fadl-e-‘Umar,
vol. 2, p. 34)
These days the same bad habit of huqqah is prevalent in the
form of cigarette smoking. Cigarette smokers should try and
give up this habit. At young age the malady of cigarette
smoking leads on to many other forms of smoking in which
narcotics are used. This is a step towards ruining young lives.
It is web weaned by Dajjal. Unfortunately Muslims countries
are also involved in the drug abuse. Anyway, our young men
should try to give up cigarette smoking.

Lottery is Not Permissible

Hadrat Munshi Barkat ‘Ali Khanra, a Companion of the
Promised Messiahas, was employed at Simla. Before becoming
an Ahmadi, he had bought a lottery ticket which later won
him a sum of rupees seven and a half thousand. When he
asked Hudur about it Hudur deemed it gambling and said:
‘Do not spend a penny of it on yourself.’ Munshi Sahib gave

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away all the money to the needy and the disadvantaged.

(Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 3, p. 33)
These days it is customary in Europe and the West to play
the lottery. The prize money for those who play and win is
certainly not permissible, in fact it is haram in the same sense
as the money from gambling is haram. In the first place it
should not be played, and if by mistake it is done, then the
prize money should never be spent on oneself.
An incident relates to your own country England regarding
Bashir Orchard who accepted Ahmadiyyat and brought on
many changes in himself and later devoted his life. He
accepted Ahmadiyyat in 1944 and took some religious educa-
tion in Qadian for a while and as I said, devoted his life. After
that a most magnificent revolution came in his life. His
worship and prayer got extremely fervent. His first visit to
Qadian bore the first fruit for him in quitting alcohol.
Though he was a heavy drinker, he promptly gave up
drinking. He repented from alcohol and from gambling and
gave them up forever. (Al-Fadl, January 10, 1978, ‘Azim
Zindagi, p. 8–9)

Prohibition of Alcohol
Until a few years ago, some Ahamdis in UK, Germany and
other countries had businesses (for example, restaurants and
hotels) where alcohol was sold. According to the hadith, one
who brews alcohol, serves it, sells it, or stores it are all hell-
bound. This is the reason Hadrat Khalifatul Masih IVrta
demanded that Ahmadis involved in such businesses should
promptly discontinue it, otherwise strict action would be

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taken against them. Hudur himself said that with Allah the
Almighty’s grace a huge number gave this trade up. Allah the
Almighty granted some of these much better businesses very
soon. Some were put through difficulty and were unable to
do any business for a long period, yet they were strong in
their resolve and did not again get involved in this immoral

Love of the Holy Qur’an

Mian Muhammad Aslam from Amritsar, a non-Ahmadi,
came to Qadian in 1913. He writes about Hadrat Khalifatul
Masih Ira:
Maulavi Nur-ud-Dinra is currently the sole leader of the
Ahmadi Community being the Khalifah of Mirza Sahib. I have
the experience of sitting for two days in his instructional
meetings where he preached and gave lessons of the Holy
Qur’an. Reflecting over his work, I have found him of
extremely pure nature who works solely and sincerely for the
sake of Allah the Almighty. This is because Maulavi Sahib’s
conduct is totally free of pretence and hypocrisy, and his heart
is filled with a great love for the truth of Islam. This exudes
from his sincere heart like crystal clear bubbling spring water,
the source being his full cognizance of the Unity of God. This
manifests itself through the commentary of the verses of the
Holy Qur’an that he makes for the beneficence of those who
are intensely eager for spiritual discernment. If the true Islam
is the Holy Qur’an, then I have not seen the kind of love for
the Holy Qur’an in any other person as I have seen it in the

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Maulavi Sahib. It is not as if he is compelled to do so by way

of keeping up tradition. No, not at all! He is rather a tremen-
dously philosophical person who has fallen in love with the
Holy Qur’an through incredible rational critique. I listened to
his lessons of the Qur’an, and the amazing philosophical
commentary of the Holy Qur’an that he makes; there are
hardly a handful of people in the world today who would have
the ability to match it. (Badr, 31st March, 1913, Hayat-e-Nur,
pp. 611–612)

There is a will that Dr. ‘Abdus Sattar Shahra left for his chil-
dren. He said:
Make the Holy Qur’an your modus operandi. Be ever engaged
in obediently following the sunnah of the Prophetsa, and
remain ever-ready to help promote the Ahmadiyyah Move-
ment and to propagate Islam. Prepare your next generations to
abide by for these matters as well. (Hadrat Doctor Sayyed ‘Abdus
Sattar Shah Sahib, p. 193)

Each Ahmadi should keep this counsel in mind at all times.

Hadrat Mirza ‘Abdul Haq writes about Hadrat Maulana
He had a special passion for the Holy Qur’an. Despite ill
health and weakness, he was always determined to listen to the
discourses of the knowledge and the verities of the Holy
Qur’an, so that he could gain the knowledge and the truths.
During one period, for many months during the winter he
would come from Dar-ul-Fadl neighborhood to Dar-ur-
Rahmat for the morning Salat only because Maulana Ghulam
Rasul Rajekira gave lesson of the Holy Qur’an in that mosque.

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During Ramadan-ul-Mubarak he would be assiduous in

attending the lessons in Aqsa Mosque. He would read the
Holy Qur’an profusely and thoughtfully. Wherever he derived
benefit from it he would share it with others. It is said that in
his last years he would read the Qur’an several times a day
with a notebook and pen besides him. Each time he deci-
phered the finer points of a verse, he would note it and would
read it to his family later on.

Mirza Sahib adds:

When he would be reading to his family, it seemed from his
facial expressions that it was his heartfelt wish that his children
should passionately love the Holy Qur’an. (Ashab-e-Ahmad,
vol. 1, p. 124–125)

When a young Gambian Christian accepted Ahmadiyyat, his

mother opposed him vigorously. At first he tolerated it but
when she started insulting the Holy Qur’an he left home and
did not return. (Damimah, Monthly Ansarullah, September
1987, p. 6)
In the distant countries of Africa, such miracles are taking
place to this day as well.
Islam permits four marriages, which some take as a
commandment. Anyway, the permission is there. It is a tradi-
tion in Africa in certain tribes where a man has high standing
or wealth or is a chief that he marries more than four and up
to nine to ten women. When ‘Ali Roger of Sierra Leone
accepted Ahmadiyyat he was a young man and had twelve
wives. The missionary of the Community, Maulana Nazir
Ahmad ‘Ali, told him that now that he was an Ahmadi,

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according to Qur’anic teaching he could keep only four

wives. He would have to divorce and send off the rest with
livelihood maintenance. Not only did he promptly act on this
instruction, but on his suggestion he kept the first four wives
and let the younger ones go. This change was revolutionary.
Another missionary, Yunus Khalid, writes:
V. V. Kahlo accepted Ahmadiyyat as a result of a vision at the
time of Maulana Muhammad Siddiq Amritsari. Later he also
served as the Amir of Ahmadiyyah Community in Sierra
Leone. Before accepting Ahmadiyyat he had a totally liberal
lifestyle, so liberal that by profession he was a dancer.
However, soon after bai‘at he brought about changes in
himself and made a reputation in taqwa (righteousness) and
purity, worship, fear of Allah the Almighty and honesty. Allah
the Almighty conferred great successes on him. He was also
the paramount Chief of his area—an area where large
diamond mines were located. The Chiefs in those area wield
great power. If he wanted he could have taken advantage
making huge amounts of money. However, due to the beau-
tiful and pure teachings of Ahmadiyyat, he considered such
wealth haram (forbidden) for himself and lived a simple life. It
was also well known in the higher ranks that Mr. Kahlo was an
extremely honest paramount Chief; neither would he take
bribe nor he would permit his staff to do so.
When he fell ill I went to visit him one day. He called
me and said: ‘Yunus, I constantly see kalimah written in
green letters in front of me, what is the reason for this?’ I
replied: ‘Chief, this is the outcome of your fervent love of
Allah the Almighty and for the Holy Prophetsa.’ I continued

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to visit him for two months and he repeatedly said that he

constantly had the kalimah in green letters in front of his
eyes. When he was admitted to the hospital and was
breathing his last, an Ahmadi friend Mr. Koji held him by
the arm and said Chief, say:103

which he repeated. Next Mr. Koji said:104

which he also repeated and right then he breathed his last.

Humbleness and Cheerfulness

The seventh condition of bai‘at also entails that one would
adopt humbleness, cheerfulness and meekness, etc. Those
who believe in the Prophets are predominantly those who are
mild-mannered. Even if they are not so well-off financially,
they possess greater capacity than the affluent to spend their
wealth. In fact they do not shy away even if they have to sacri-
fice their lives. They never boast or convey arrogance and
haughtiness. They are most humble and meek to one and all
and establish high standards of humility and modesty. The
essence of success of the divinely raised communities is that
the more the humble and meek people demonstrate excellent
examples of submission, the greater is the pace of their
progress. As I said earlier such are the people who believe in

103. There is none worthy of worship except Allah.

104. Muhammadsa is His messenger.

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When such hearts come in contact with Prophets they are

polished even more. If those who are humble have to give up
their place for others, and to sit in an inferior place, they
would prefer it. However, the ones who are divinely
appointed have the insight to identify them. To reward such
humbleness and in order to educate their community that
among them the meek and the humble have the greatest
status, they remove such people from the lowly place and give
them the honour to sit next to them and at meal times they
ask them over and offer them food from their own plates.
Prophets value them in this way because it is due to their
humbleness that they come into faith quickly and completely
adhere to the religious teachings.
The Promised Messiahas said, the poor are not arrogant and
accept the truth with complete humility. He said, I tell you
the truth there are very few among the wealthy who could
acquire even a little of the grace that the poor acquire
This is the reason why he declared humility a condition to
join the Community, so that one could properly understand
religion and act on it. How did these changes come about, I
shall now present some examples.
Hadrat Sayyed Sarwar Shahra was an excellent scholar who
belonged to a well-to-do family. In spite of this, his purity,
humility and simplicity were exemplary. As soon as he associ-
ated with the Promised Messiahas and took on his obedience,
he eradicated all worldly desires from his heart. During his
employment at Madrassah Ahmadiyyah he spent the entire
tenure in a small house which in fact was not even worthy of
a peon to live. Once he had forsaken the entire world in

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submission to the cause of the Promised Messiahas, the ques-

tion of material comforts simply did not arise. (Ashab-e-
Ahmad, vol. 5, part III, p. 9)
Here is another example of humility, and it is that of Hadrat
Maulavi Burhan-ud-Dinra.
Once he came to see Hudur and God knows what thoughts
came to his mind that he started weeping. Hudur asked him
most affectionately if all was well. He replied (detailing the
various saints and holy men he had been to in his search): ‘I
first became a Kothi (belonged to Kothay Wala Pir), then a
Baoli (associated with Baoli Sahib), then a Ghazni (becoming
a follower of Maulavi ‘Abdullah Ghaznavi), and now a Mirzai.
However, the pity is that I have reached his old-age, but still I
feel that I am an ignoramus.’ (This was his humility). On
hearing this, Hudur was most affectionate, and consoling
Maulavi Sahib, said: ‘Maulavi Sahib do not be so perturbed;
you have reached your destiny. Now there is no need to
worry.’ This eventually calmed him down. (Monthly
Ansarullah, Rabwah, September 1977, p. 14)

The Promised Messiahas writes:

Sayyed Fadl Shah of Lahore (whom I love for the sake of
Allah the Almighty) originally from the state of Jammu, is
extremely pure-hearted and is full of love and sincerity. He
possesses the light of perfect faith and is ever-ready to offer
his life and wealth. This is so because he is respectful and
trusting in good faith in a wonderfully humble way. From
the depth of his heart he has a true, pure and perfect faith in
this humble one and maintains association and love with me
for the sake of Allah the Almighty to a high degree.

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Attribute of sincerity and loyalty is most clearly prominent in

him. His brother Nasir Shah also has a connection through
bai‘at with this humble one, and his uncle Munshi Karam
Ilahi too is a sincere friend of my humble being. (Izala-e-
‘Auham, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 798)

The Promised Messiahas also writes:

Munshi Rustam ‘Ali, Deputy Inspector Railway Police
(whom I love for the sake of Allah the Almighty) is a righ-
teous young man who is most sincere and is my friend of the
first order. [In our countries the police department is most
notorious, and this is appreciated when viewed with this
background.] His very face exhibits signs of humility, selfless-
ness and sincerity. I have never seen this friend shaken at the
time of any tribulation. From the day that he has been
inclined to me with sincerity, there has been no decline and
reserve in this sincerity, rather it is growing day by day. [That
is, its growth is towards advancement.] (Izala-e-‘Auham,
Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 806–807)

Staying Away from Arrogance

The condition of bai‘at also include that one would stay away
from arrogance. I shall give the example of Sayyed Sarwar
Shahra in this regard: Despite having a very high status in reli-
gious scholarship and academia, unlike the so-called ‘ulema of
this day and age, his temperament was so simple and humble
that if at any time a small child wished to talk to him, he
could do so without any hesitation. He would listen most
affectionately and would respond in a very pleasing manner.

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Maulavi Muhammad Hafiz Baqapuri relates an incident from

his childhood: One of his close relatives had a newborn baby.
When the news came through letter he decided to ask
Maulavi Sahib for a name for the baby. He was perhaps going
to or coming back from Aqsa Mosque for dars of the Holy
Qur’an. He went towards him; he stopped as he saw him
coming towards him and was most affectionate and courteous,
and on his request suggested a name for the newborn and
prayed for the baby. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 5, part III, p. 35)
I shall now relate an incident of Hadrat Maulavi Burhan-
ud-Dinra in this regard. It is already clear from earlier exam-
ples that he had no ostentation, charade, formality, or
pretense. Furthermore he had absolutely no scholarly airs and
vanity, despite the fact that he was an unequalled scholar.
During his stay in Qadian if someone addressed him as
Maulavi Sahib he would promptly ask them not to call him
Maulavi, saying: ‘I only just started learning the ABC from
Mirza Sahib’ [the Promised Messiahas]. (Monthly Ansarullah,
Rabwah, September 1977, p. 12)
A model of meekness and humility that is greater than all
other models. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)
writes about Hadrat Sahibzadah Sayyed ‘Abdul-Latif Shahidra:
[He] had reached a degree of humility and selflessness that
cannot be reached until one is totally absorbed in Allah the
Almighty. Each person is somehow or the other affected by
fame and knowledge and begins to indulge in self-conceit and
that very knowledge and fame prevents him from attaining the
truth. However, this person was so selfless that inspite of being
a paragon of merits and excellences, his knowledge, and

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lineage could never prevent him from accepting the truth.

Eventually he sacrificed his life for truth, and left such a model
for our Community, conformity to which is the real objective
of God. (Tadhkiratush-Shahadatain, p. 45, Ruhani Khaza’in,
vol. 20, p. 47)

High Standards of Offering Sacrifices

The eighth condition, concerning giving preference to reli-
gion over worldly affairs requires, that one shall sacrifice
everything—life, wealth, honour. With the grace of Allah the
Almighty we see scenes of giving preference to faith over the
world, in the Ahmadiyyah Community. Mothers are offering
their children. Following in the footsteps of Hadrat Ibrahimas,
fathers bring their children saying that now they belong to the
Jama‘at and the Jama‘at appoint them anywhere it wishes.
Children are offering themselves on their own saying that
they too are ready like Hadrat Isma‘ilas to offer their lives!
Such marvelous displays existed in the past and they still exist
today. I will give you an example: In 1923 when the Hindus
started the Shudhi campaign (to win the Muslim converts
back to Hinduism), to counter it the Ahmadi children did not
remain behind the elders in offering their services. Even five
years old children were ready to go to Malkana and vicinity. A
twelve years old boy wrote to his father that to serve the true
religion was not only for the grown-ups, it was also for the
young ones! He asked his father to take him along when he
was going for preaching, and even if he was not going, he
must send him! (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, vol. 5, p. 336)

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These incidents are not merely stories of the past. As I said,

even now we see such displays of sacrifices. When the
Waqfin-e-Nau children come to see me and I ask them what
they would like to become on growing up, their response is
that they would become whatever I tell them and let the
Jama‘at tell them what it wants them to become! This is the
enthusiasm of Ahmadi child. As long as this passion remains,
(and insha’Allah it shall remain to the Last Day), no one can
hurt the Jama‘at in the least!
The Promised Messiahas says:
Now I have a large number in my Jama‘at who have given
preference to the religion over the world by themselves and
have become dervishes [hermits]. They have left their home-
towns, relatives and old friends and have settled in my neigh-
borhood forever! (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 5, p. 130)

Concerning Hadrat Maulavi Hakim Nur-ud-Dinra of Bhera,

the Promised Messiahas says:
There is no one else that I could compare with the colossal
amount of financial help that he has accorded me. I have
found him having a natural tendency, with a deep convic-
tion of the heart, to serve most devotedly the cause of faith.
Although his daily life is fully dedicated in all aspects to be
a true servant of Islam and to serve the Muslims, but from
among the helpers of this Movement he has proved to be of
the first order. (Izala-e-‘Auham, p. 777, Ruhani Khaza’in.
vol. 3, p. 520)

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He states about Hadrat Maulavi ‘Abdul Karimra Sialkoti:

His life was spent coloured in innocence, and he did not adopt
any of the worldly luxuries. He left his employment because it
caused humiliation to the faith. A short while ago he had a job
offer paying Rupees two hundred monthly, but he flatly
declined. He spent his life with humility. He only liked to read
Arabic books. He spent his life defending the external and
internal attacks on Islam. Despite extreme illness and weakness
he continued to write. (Sirat Hadrat Maulavi ‘Abdul Karimra
Sahib Sialkoti, p. 108)

Hadrat Nawab Muhammad ‘Ali Khanra, Chief of Maler

Kotlah, wrote in a letter to his brother:
I say openly that the reason for which I have taken residence
in Qadian is that it has been twelve years that I did bai‘at of the
Promised Messiahas, but unfortunately for eleven years I lived
at home and was cut off from Qadian. I used to come here for
only a few days at a time. I wasted my life remaining
embroiled in worldly affairs. When at last I paused to think, I
realised that my life had flown away and I had not achieved
anything either of faith or of this material world.
I came here [that is Qadian] with intention to stay for six
months. However, when I reflected over all my affairs, even-
tually my heart decreed that worldly matters can be met by
following faith, but when man follows the world, he does
not attain the world, and the faith is also destroyed. I deeply
reflected and realised that in eleven years I did not make
anything of myself and neither did my brothers. With every
passing day, despite realising this hopeless situation, we are

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ruining our faith. Eventually, having realised that there is no

end to worldly pursuits, I said farewell to Kotlah making a
firm resolve to emigrate from there. All praise belongs to
Allah the Almighty! I am pleased to say that I have emigrated
from Kotlah. As such, according to shari‘ah, a migrant cannot
return to his own country by choice, that is, he cannot make
it home. He can only pay a visit while traveling. Therefore in
this situation it is difficult for me to return. I am very happy
and very well. How can we separate from the focus of our
love and devotion?…
My dear esteemed brother! I have come here for God’s
sake and my friendship and love is also for God. I am away
from Kotlah but the wretched state of Kotlah, deeply saddens
me. May God bestow wisdom upon you, our entire family
and all people of Kotlah to understand that all should get
engaged in the service of Islam! Our life and our death may
only be for God. We become completely obedient Muslims
of God. It is in our conditions of bai‘at that we should put
our faith before our worldly affairs, and remain grateful and
fully obedient to our benevolent government. This is what is
keeping me here, and just as my faith increases, likewise this
world appears insignificant to me and faith gathers promi-
nence in my sight. The sense of gratefulness to God and to
man also increases. Similarly, obedience and gratefulness to
the government also impresses upon my heart. (Ashab-e-
Ahmad, vol. 2, pp. 126–129)

The Promised Messiahas, writing about Hakim Fadl Dinra as

regards empathy with Islam, states:

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My dear Hakim Fadl Din of Bhera (whom I love for the sake
of Allah the Almighty) is from among the friends of brother
Maulavi Hakim Nur-ud-Din and is imbued in similar moral
qualities. He is a very sincere person. I know that he truly
loves God and His Prophetsa. For this very reason, having
observed this humble one serving the faith, he is honouring
the condition of love for the sake of Allah the Almighty. It
seems he too has the same enormous portion of the enthu-
siasm to spread the truth of Islam as my dear brother Maulavi
Hakim Nur-ud-Dinra is demonstrating from the very begin-
ning. He gives serious considerations to the expenses of the
Movement incurred for religious matters. He is ever
concerned that he could make a good arrangement for finan-
cial support by way of monetary contributions. (Izala-e-
‘Auham, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 522)

In 1923 when the Shudhi campaign was instigated, the Ahmadi

murrabbis would daily travel on foot for several miles in fierce
heat. At times, let alone food they even did not have water to
drink. Often they subsisted on leftovers or dry roasted chick-
peas and plain water. At times they had some barley grains and
they would survive on those. Sufi ‘Abdul Qadir says that they
would travel daily at the average of 16 miles between forty
villages. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, vol. 5, p. 343)
A gentleman who was a great musician in USA accepted
Ahmadiyyat. At that time he was fast progressing in music and
becoming well-known in the entire country rather quickly.
The experts could see that he was on his way to become a
magnificent musician, that he would be remembered as a great
musician of his time. However, when he accepted Ahmadiyyat,

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he neither cared for music nor craved for the wealth he could
have gained through his profession. He promptly gave it all up,
and started living an undemanding simple life, being very
regular in tahajjud, and remembering the Holy Prophetsa with
tear-filled eyes. (Monthly Khalid, January 1988)

Hadrat Khalifatul Masih Ira writes of his pre-khilafat days:

Why have I come here? See, in Bhera I had a brick-house
and here I have made mud-huts. I can find all manner of
comfort there rather than here. However, I noticed that I
was ailing—was desperately ailing—was dependent—very
dependent, and was helpless—extremely helpless. So I have
come here to remove these afflictions. If a person comes to
Qadian to see my example by coming here or to stay here for
a while and complain about the local people, then he is
mistaken in that he considers the ailing to be healthy and
thus tests them. The friendship and connection here, the
coming here and leaving here, the living and residing here,
all should be for La ilaha illAllah (There is none worthy of
worship except Allah). Otherwise if you come for bread and
bedding, listen! most of you have similar bread at home,
what is the point of coming here? You can do justice to your
pledge only if you come here solely for the sake of God.
(Friday Sermon, 22nd January, 1904)

The Promised Messiahas writes about Hadrat Sahibzadah

Sayyed ‘Abdul-Latif Shahidra:
One most enviable quality that this esteemed departed soul
had was that he really gave precedence to faith over worldly
matters. He was in fact among the righteous who, with fear of

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God, take their taqwa and obedience to Allah the Almighty to

its pinnacle. To please God and to seek His pleasure they are
prepared to give up their life, honour and wealth as if these
were all worthless. His strength of faith was so developed that
if I compare him with a great big mountain, I am afraid my
similitude might remain flawed. Most people despite making
bai‘at and attesting to my claim still cannot completely get rid
of the toxic seed of giving precedence to this world over faith,
rather some residue remains in them. A latent stinginess—be
it about life, be it about honour, be it about wealth, be it
about moral conditions—is found in their deficient souls. This
is the reason why I am always concerned about them. At the
time of asking for any service for faith, I am afraid lest they
face a tribulation, that they might find the service a burden
and may exit from their bai‘at.
However, what words should I use to praise the esteemed
departed soul who threw away his wealth, honour and life in
following me as one throws away the rubbish. I notice that
most people lack the faculty of persistence and they cannot
adhere to truth to the end. They stumble at small tribula-
tions, satanic temptation or under the influence of bad
company. However, what words should I use to state the
steadfastness of this esteemed departed soul, for he progressed
in the light of faith with every breath! (Tadhkiratush-Shaha-
datain, p. 8, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 20, p. 10)

The Promised Messiahas also stated:

This martyr has set a model for my Community with his life
and the fact of the matter is my Community was in need of a
great model. There are still some among them who when they

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render a small service think as if they have done a huge task.

Small wonder if they start considering it as a personal favour
to me; whereas, it is God’s favour on them that He enabled
them to serve. There are some without full zeal and sincerity,
and though they claim to have firm faith and sincerity, but still
they are unable to maintain it to the end. Love of this world
makes them lose their faith, and cannot stand even a minor
trial. Even after joining the Community established by God,
their love of materialism does not go away. However, a thou-
sand-fold thanks to Allah the Almighty that there are also
those who believe with the sincerity of heart, and truthfully
adopted this way. They are ready to bear any trouble for the
cause. However, the strengths of the model that this gallant
man [Sahibzadah ‘Abdul-Latifra] made so manifest, are still
lying hidden in the Community. May God inculcate such faith
in everyone and grant them the steadfastness of the sort as
shown by this martyr. This worldly life is combined with
satanic temptations and it prevents men from attaining perfec-
tion. Many will join this Movement but alas, only a few will
demonstrate such an example. (Tadhkiratush-Shahadatain, pp.
55–56, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 20, pp. 57–58)

The Promised Messiahas states:

The martyrdom that was in the fate of Shahzadah ‘Abdul-Latif
has come to pass. Now the retribution of the oppressor

105. Verily, he who comes to his Lord a sinner—for him is Hell;

he shall neither die therein nor live. (Ta Ha, 20:75)

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Woe! This Amir has come under the wrath of God according
to the verse:106

This Amir did not have an iota of fear of God. The strength
of his belief of the man he martyred was such that if the
entire land of Kabul is searched for his like, the search would
be in vain. Such people are the utmost elixir. They sacrifice
their lives with the sincerity of heart and do not have any
care for the kith and kin. O ‘Abdul-Latif! A thousand bless-
ings on you that you displayed the model of your utmost
sincerity in my lifetime! As for those who will be in my
Community after my death, I do not know what deeds they
will demonstrate. (Tadhkiratush-Shahadatain, p. 58, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 20, p. 60)

Further he states:
When I observe the steadfastness and devotion that came to
pass through Sahibzadah Maulavi Muhammad ‘Abdul-Latifra
deceased, my hope for my Community increases greatly. God
Who so enabled some people of the Community that let
alone property, they even sacrificed their lives in its cause, it
seems that the evident Will of that God is that He will create
many people in this Community who will have the spirit of
Sahibzadah Maulavi ‘Abdul-Latifra and will be new saplings of
his spirituality. (Tadhkiratush-Shahadatain, p. 73, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 20, p. 75)

106. Whoso kills a believer intentionally. (al-Nisa’, 4:94)

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Exactly a hundred years ago, Hadrat Sahibzadah ‘Abdul-Latif

Shahidra was martyred.
O Messiah of the Latter-days! Felicitations to you that yours
dear Community has fulfiled your aspirations for them;
fulfiled the expectations you had of them! They did not ever
shrink from sacrificing with their property, time and life. We
can see the same happening even today. Such people were
born in the Community after you!
The Promised Messiahas was concerned what would happen
after him. We bear witness that after he passed away, such
people were born and are being born who did not care for
worldly temptations and did not flinch from sacrificing their
lives away. Fathers witnessed sons being martyred, and sons
were eye-witnesses to fathers being martyred but they
remained unflinchingly resolute to lay down their own lives.
O Holy Messiah! Felicitations to you! One from among
your own progeny, your own blood, too sacrificed his life to
save the Community from a great tribulation.
May Allah the Almighty continue to grant higher stations
in Paradise to all these martyrs! May Allah the Almighty also
enable us to be among those who give precedence to faith
over worldly matters! May we be ever-ready for any sacrifice
and keep this passion alive in our next generations as well!
May Allah the Almighty ever enable us for this!

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[From the Friday sermon delivered at the Fadl Mosque,
London, United Kingdom, on October 17, 2003]

Matchless Examples of Devotion, Loyalty

and Service of Humanity
In our Jama‘at, social service and service of the humanity is
greatly stressed. Everyone, rich or poor, according to his/her
capacity, seeks an occasion to perform some service to
humanity for the pleasure of Allah the Almighty.
Why every Ahmadi so zealous for service to humanity? The
reason is the beautiful teachings of Islam that had been
forgotten, that if we seek the pleasure of Allah the Almighty,
we should treat humanity with beneficence and take care of
its needs. This is also how we will be rewarded with the near-
ness of Allah the Almighty. The Promised Messiahas has made
this teaching a fundamental condition among his Ten Condi-
tions of Bai‘at. After establishing a bond with him you should
utilise all your powers and means for the sympathy and
welfare of humanity. If need arises to help the victims of an
earthquake or flood, the Ahmadi should come forward to
help. On occasions the Ahmadi young men have sacrificed Page 254 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


their own lives in the surging waves of a flood but led the
drowning to safety.
When the Khalifah of the time announced that he needed a
specific amount of donations to establish schools and hospitals
in Africa for the education of the poor children, and to
provide medical aid to the suffering humanity, the Jama‘at
welcomed this and presented the Khalifah an amount many
times larger than he asked for. The money was donated by the
members of the Jama‘at because of their sympathy for the
suffering humanity. When the Khalifah declared that the
required amount was received, and he needed manpower to
establish schools and hospitals, Ahmadi doctors and teachers
volunteered themselves with equal zeal.
The situation in Africa has now improved greatly but in the
seventies when the Nusrat Jahan Scheme was launched, the
conditions were very unfavourable. These devotees managed
to live in such adverse circumstances. Many of those doctors
and teachers had good jobs before they devoted their services
for this purpose. In Africa, they had to live in villages. The
majority of the hospitals and schools were in the villages
where there was no electricity or running water. But they had
to fulfil their promise to serve the suffering humanity; they
did not care for any obstruction or lack of comfort. In the
beginning they had to lay the patient on a wooden table and
use the light of kerosene or gas lamps to operate upon him
using knives, scissors and whatever instruments were available.
Then they prayed, ‘O God I have treated him with whatever
was available to me. My Khalifah had said to me, treat with
prayer and Allah the Almighty shall grant bestow cure to your
treatment! Grant him cure, O Allah the Almighty.’ Allah the

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Almighty appreciated these doctors who had sacrificed and

the world was amazed that many patients with incurable
diseases got cured. God Almighty fulfiled their financial needs
in this way that many rich persons preferred our small rural
hospitals for treatment to the bigger hospitals in the cities.
Similarly our teachers taught the children, being full of zeal to
serve humanity. This tradition of service by the doctors and
teachers continues even today. May Allah the Almighty grant
continuity to these traditions. May He grant rewards to all
those who are serving.

Ahmadi Doctors Should Devote

During the recent U.K. Annual Convention I appealed to the
doctors to devote their services for the hospitals in Africa on
temporary or permanent basis. Now with the grace of Allah
the Almighty, the circumstances are much better there. The
difficulties and hardships, which the earlier devotees had to
face, exists no more. The things are much better in most
places and all the facilities are available. If there be still some
hardships, you should remember the covenant of bai‘at that:
‘merely for the sake of Allah the Almighty, I shall benefit
humanity with my God given powers and faculties.’ Come
forward and fulfil this promise you made with the Messiah of
this time and benefit from his prayers. Similarly doctors are
needed for Fadl-e-‘Umar Hospital at Rabwah and they
should present their services for it.
Members of our Jama‘at in accordance with our organisa-
tion give financial aid on permanent basis for the education of
children and the treatment of patients in Pakistan and also in

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other countries. In countries like Pakistan and India, there are

many poor people; those who offer financial aid to them,
benefit from the prayers of their patients. Members of our
Jama‘at should continue this virtuous deed with greater zeal,
as the suffering is also increasing rapidly. Now I want to
present to you some incidents of our past elders who had
great zeal for the service of fellow men.
People who knew Hadrat Mirza Ayyub Beigra relate that he
was a living example of the hadith that says: ‘Like for your
brother the same as you would like for yourself and do not
treat your brother in a way that you would not like to be
treated.’ He always sought an occasion to serve and help any
brother or friend. It is related that during his college studies,
he used to attend the lecture given by a member of our
Jama‘at and he used to meet every Ahmadi there. If any
brother was sick, he used to visit him in the home and inquire
about his health. Sometimes he used to visit these sick
persons daily. Once when Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra fell sick
and his condition was critical, he stayed at Mufti Sahibsra
house for many days and looked after him day and night,
and even took part in cleaning up his place. (Ashab-e-Ahmad,
vol. 1, pp. 199–200)
Hadrat Chaudhry Zafrullah Khanra has written about his
mother who used to say, If Allah the Almighty is not the
enemy, what harm can any enemy do? This way, I do not
consider anyone as my enemy. She used to treat every adver-
sary very well, and used to say: ‘The one who pleases us, we
wish to treat him well. It is not something that you should
seek a reward for. To please Allah the Almighty, we should

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treat people with whom we are displeased with favour and

He writes:
She used to reside at Daskah and treated all the people there
with great beneficence and the people also respected her
greatly. When the conflict with the Ahrar started, its effect was
noticed in that town also. The people, whom she used to help,
now became hostile. But this had no effect upon my mother.
If any relative reminded her that she was helping a person who
had become our opponent and had joined the Ahrar, she
would not like it and would say: ‘Why are you stopping me
from service to humanity?’

At one time, it has been related that she was preparing some
dresses. She was asked for whom she was preparing these
clothes? She replied that they were for the children of a
certain person. She was told: ‘You are strange, that person
belongs to the Ahrar and is a strong opponent of our Jama‘at
and you are preparing these clothes for him?’ She replied: ‘If
these people commit mischief, Allah the Almighty will
protect us. As long as Allah the Almighty is with us the
hostility of the opponents cannot harm us. But this man is
poor and he has no means to provide dresses for his children
and grandchildren. I am preparing these clothes for him,
considering him a needy person. As you are raising objection
about it, your punishment is that when I have finished these
clothes, you yourself shall take these to his house.’ She also
said: ‘This person is one of the Ahrar and other Ahrar may be
watching him, you should go to him during the night, so that

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he may not be punished for receiving clothes from the

Ahmadis.’ (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 11, pp. 175–176)
Caring for the widows and the orphans was her favourite
pastime. People who wrote about it say that when she was
engaged in preparing dowry for the girls, she used to prepare
the dresses with her own hands with great joy and enthusiasm.
(Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 11, p. 186)
Hadrat Mir Muhammad Ishaqra used to take pains for the
welfare of the orphans. There were orphans residing in the
Orphan House which used to be called Dar-ush-Shuyukh.
One incident narrated about him is that once he was resting
due to high fever and was very weak. A worker came and
informed him that there was no provision for feeding the
orphans and no arrangements had been made for it. No
breakfast had been served that morning. He called for a horse
drawn buggy and rode on it to the houses of some affluent
persons and collected provisions, thus managing to feed those
children. This is an example of the sentiments of our elders;
even during illness he sacrificed his comfort and set out of his
house for the sake of orphans. Why would he not act this
way? He had the good example of his master, the Holy
Prophetsa, before him where he had said: ‘I and the person
who took care of the orphans will be together in the Paradise,
like these two fingers’, and he pointed to his ring finger and
middle finger. These were the examples of our elders and
Then there is an incident narrated about Hadrat Hafiz
Mu‘in-ud-Dinra who was blind. Someone narrates that on
one cold night there was lot of mud on the dirt roads of
Qadian, he noticed that Hafiz Sahib was walking with great

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difficulty. He inquired as to where he was going. He replied:

‘Brother, a female dog has given birth to puppies. I have one
piece of bread left. It is raining, so I wanted to feed it to her.’
What Hafiz Sahib did was the following of the sunnah, to take
pity on the animals. Remember that incident when someone
descended into a well and took water in his shoe and offered
it to a thirsty dog to drink! The Holy Prophetsa said that Allah
the Almighty shall grant him forgiveness due to this virtuous
deed. His Companionsra were amazed and asked him if they
would be rewarded for providing for animals also. He replied:
‘Yes, every good deed and favour to any living soul and
animal shall be rewarded.’

There is an incident narrated about an Ahmadi named Hadrat

Nur Muhammadra:
It was a harsh cold winter and he had neither a coat nor a
blanket. He was only wearing two shirts, one upon the other
and was traveling in a train. He saw an old disabled person,
who was naked and trembling with cold. He took off one of
his shirts and made the old man wear it. A Sikh was also trav-
eling with them. When he saw this, he said in Punjab: ‘Dear
Brother, you shall attain salvation; I do not know what will
happen to me.’ Thus a good example was set. A few days later
it so happened that this Nur Muhammad came into the
Mosque at Mughal Purah for dawn Prayer and he wore a new
woolen wrap. He saw a person named Fateh Din shivering
with cold; he was once a rich person, but was now a victim of
poverty. Nur Muhammad took off his new wrap hurriedly
and put it around the other person. (Ruh Perver Yadein, p. 687)

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At the time of the establishment of Pakistan in 1947, hundreds

of thousands of refugees, after being robbed and beaten, trav-
eled to Qadian in the form of caravans. The circumstances at
that time were extremely hard. There was no guarantee of
protection of the honour of the Muslim women. All Muslims
thought that they shall be secure once they reached Qadian.
At that time Hadrat Musleh-e-Mau‘udra made Mirza Nasir
Ahmad (who later on became Khalifatul Masih IIIrta) in-
charge of the refugees who had reached Qadian in helpless
condition and many lacked clothing. Hudurra first of all
distributed precious clothing from his own family among the
refugees. Then under proper arrangement, all left Qadian in
an orderly fashion in the form of caravans and with the grace
of Allah the Almighty reached their destination safely. The
Ahmadis fulfilled their responsibility for the protection of all
the people, by sacrificing their own lives for it.
In the Ten Conditions of Bai‘at as established by the
Promised Messiahas, there is one condition that after joining
the Jama‘at with the covenant of bai‘at, we own nothing for
ourself. Now all our affiliations and relations shall be through
our association with the Promised Messiahas and the organisa-
tion of the Jama‘at. No relationship can take us away from the
Promised Messiahas. We become beggars at his door. This
remains our priority. This covenant has been fulfiled very
well. I now present a few examples. Many of them have been
praised and paid homage by the Imam of the Age himself.

The Promised Messiahas writes:

Similarly our dear friend Maulavi Muhammad Ahsanra of
Amrohah is very active with fine and good writings in support

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of our Movement. Sahibzadah Pir Siraj-ul-Haqra broke his

relationship with thousands of his followers and accepted life
here like a dervish. Mian ‘Abdullahra of Sanaur, Maulavi
Burhan-ud-Dinra of Jhelum, Maulavi Mubarak ‘Alira of
Sialkot, Qadi Dia’-ud-Dinra of Qadi Koti, Munshi Chaudhry
Nabi Bakhshra of Batalah (District Gurdaspurah), and Munshi
Jalal-ud-Din Yalanira etc., are engaged in services in accor-
dance with their capacity. I am amazed at the love and
sincerity shown by our Jama‘at. Even persons with meager
income like Mian Jamal-ud-Dinra, Khair-ud-Dinra, and
Imam-ud-Dinra of Kashmir who live near our village. Even
these three brothers of meager means who work as laborers
and perhaps earn twelve or sixteen pennies a day, take part in
monthly donations with great zeal. I am also astonished at the
sincerity of their friend Mian ‘Abdul Aziz Patwari (a village
land official). In spite of poor means of livelihood, one day he
gave me a donation of one hundred rupees, saying that he
wished this amount to be spent in the way of Allah the
Almighty. That poor man probably saved that one hundred
rupees over many years, but his zeal to spend in the way of
Allah the Almighty and to win His pleasure made him do so.
(Damimah, Anjam-e-Atham, pp. 29–30, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol.
11, pp. 313–314, footnote)

The Promised Messiahas wrote about Hadrat Khalifatul

Masih Ira as following:
I have seen many people with great wealth who give a small
amount in the way of God. To remain hungry and thirsty
and to spend ones dear wealth in the way of Allah the
Almighty’s pleasure and, make nothing in the world for

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himself is the quality perfectly seen only in Hadrat Maulavi

Nur-ud-Dinra. I have no other example of the extent to
which I have been helped by his wealth. (Nishan-e-Asmani,
Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 4, p. 407)

Hadrat Khalifatul Masih I, Maulana Nur-ud-Dinra wrote to

Promised Messiahas in the following words:
I sacrifice myself for your sake. Whatever I own is not mine
but is yours. Hudur is my spiritual guide. I say truly that if all
my wealth is spent for religious propagation and publication,
then I shall attain my success. (Fat-he-Islam, p. 61, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 36)

The Promised Messiahas writes about Hadrat Munshi Zafar

Our dear friend Munshi Zafar Ahmadra is a young, righteous
and reserved person. His wisdom is deep and penetrating. His
character shows signs of patience, perseverance and faithful-
ness. He fully understands the proven truths and derives plea-
sure from them. He truly loves Allah the Almighty and His
Messengersa. He possesses qualities of showing respect, on
which wholly depends the attainment of the beneficence, and
having good faith which is required in this path. May Allah
the Almighty grant him the best reward! (Izala-e-‘Auham, pp.
800–801, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, pp. 532–533)

The Promised Messiahas writes about Hadrat Mian ‘Abdullahra

of Sanaur:
Our dear friend Mian ‘Abdullah Sanauri is a young man who
has been attracted to me due to his natural affiliation with me.

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I am certain that he is among those faithful friends who

cannot be shaken by any trial. He has stayed in my company,
at times for two or three months or longer. I have been
observing him very closely to judge his inner faith. By intu-
ition I have learned his inner condition, that this young man
has truly great surge of love of Allah the Almighty and His
Messengersa. The only reason for his relationship of love with
me is his certainty that I am a person among the lovers of God
and His Messengersa. (Izala-e-‘Auham, p. 796, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 531)

The Promised Messiahas writes about Munshi Muhammad

Our dear friend Munshi Muhammad Arurhara works as a
draftsman for a magistrate. He is fully endowed with the qual-
ities of love, sincerity and devotion. He loves the truth and
recognises it immediately. He performs all the Jama‘at services
with great joy. Each day and night he seeks any occasion to
serve me. His sincerity and devotion is marvelous. I feel that
he loves me passionately. Perhaps he is never happier than the
times when he is able to do some service for me with all his
powers, his wealth and his life. He is a faithful person, sincere,
righteous and brave. May God Almighty reward him! Amin.

Then he has said:

Our dear friend Mian Muhammad Khanra is employed in
Kapurthalah State. He is humble, pious, and has deep under-
standing of and likes the truth. I cannot estimate the degree of
his devotion and his good faith in me. I do not have any worry
that there may be any loss in his devotion for me, but I do

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worry that it may get too extreme. He is truly faithful,

devoted and a righteous person. May God be with him! His
younger brother, Sardar ‘Ali Khanra has also joined our Move-
ment with his pledge of allegiance to me. Like his brother he
is very noble and righteous. May God the Almighty protect
them both! (Izala-e-‘Auham, pp. 798–800, Ruhani Khaza’in,
vol. 3, p. 532)

Then he writes:
Our most dear brother whose death has caused great grief to
us was Mirza ‘Azim Beigra. The deceased belonged to the
Samanah part of Patiala State. He passed away on 2 Rabi-al-
Thani, 1308 Hijrah.

[Surely, to Allah we belong, and to Him shall we return.]

[The eyes shed tears, the hearts are sorrowful, and we are
grieving due to his death.]

I do not find words to express the love which the late Mirza
Sahib had for me solely for the sake of God, and how much he
was devoted to me. On his untimely death, I was grieved as I
have never experienced before. He was our joy and leader. He
departed from us after a very short time. As long as we live, we
shall not forget our grief that we suffered at his death. On
remembering his friendship, we feel very sad, and there is an
agony of grief in our heart, and our eyes are tearful. He was

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full of love and devotion, and was bold enough to express it.
(Fat-he-Islam, pp. 65–66, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 39)

Hadrat Qadi Dia’-ud-Dinra wrote that once he said the

following to the Promised Messiahas:
O my master, I find opposing wishes surging in my heart. On
the one hand, I sincerely wish that the world may soon know
the truth and the spiritual light of Hudur and people of all
nations and faiths should come and be irrigated by this spiri-
tual fountain which Allah the Almighty has started. But on the
other hand, along with this desire, I become worried thinking
that when other people may come to know you and they
begin to come here in large numbers, and Hudur would visit
their homes as well, then I might lose the nearness of your
company and the great pleasure it gives me. Hudur, then I
shall lose the opportunity and honour to sit in your company
and talk with you as I do now. Such opposing wishes arise in
my mind. Qadi Sahib says that the Promised Messiahas smiled
on hearing these words. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 6, p. 10)

Then there is another example of Qadi Dia’-ud-Dinra. His

son Qadi Abdur Rahim used to say that once his father
mentioned an incident with relish. He said, Once I was
performing the ablution (wudu) before Prayer when Hadrat
Hafiz Hamid ‘Alira, an employee of the Promised Messiahas,
asked the Promised Messiahas who I was. Huduras replied
giving my name and address and then said this person loves
me! Qadi Sahib used to mention this incident with great joy
and used to wonder how Huduras got to know the condition
of his heart. Such was the force of his love that at the time of

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his death, he advised his children in the following words:

‘With great difficulty I have brought you to the door of the
Promised Messiahas, now after I am gone, never leave this
door.’ His children fully acted upon his wish. (Ashab-e-Ahmad,
vol. 6, pp. 8–9)
Hadrat Maulavi Ni‘matullahra was martyred in Kabul in
1924. Before his martyrdom, he wrote a letter from his prison
to an Ahmadi friend, stating:
I always pray to God in the prison asking Him to make this
unworthy person successful in the service of the faith. I do not
wish for release from the prison. I supplicate that may Allah let
each particle of this unworthy person be sacrificed for the sake
of Ahmadiyyat. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, vol. 5)

Devotion to the Messiah of Latter Days

There is an incident about Sayyed ‘Abdus Sattar Shahra exem-
plifying the tenth condition of bai‘at that the bond of love
with the Promised Messiahas shall be unprecedented. In 1907,
the youngest son of the Promised Messiahas, Sahibzadah Mirza
Mubarak Ahmad fell ill with severe typhoid fever.
Someone during those days had a dream that Mubarak Ahmad
was getting married. The people skilled in interpreting dreams
have written that if the marriage seen in a dream is with an
unknown woman, it means death. Some of them think that if
such a dream is carried out literally, the death may be averted.
The person who had seen the dream mentioned it and its
possible interpretation to the Promised Messiahas. He agreed
and said: ‘The interpretation is death, but sometimes to fulfil

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the dream literally may avert this outcome. Let us, therefore,
get Mubarak Ahmad married.’
Though that child was too young to know anything about
marriage, the Promised Messiahas took the thought in
consideration. When Hudur was saying the above, by chance
(Sayyedah Sa‘idatun-Nisa’) the wife of Doctor Sayyed
‘Abdus Sattar,ra who was a guest, happened to be in the
courtyard of the house. The Promised Messiahas saw her, and
calling her over told her that he wished to arrange marriage
for Mubarak Ahmad and said, You have your daughter
Maryam. If you like we can marry her to Mubarak Ahmad.
She replied that she had no objection but if Hudur would
permit, she wanted to consult her husband.
During those days late Doctor Sahibra and his family were
staying in the Round Room of the house. She went down-
stairs… but he was not there. When he returned, she talked
to him is the following words: ‘When someone enters the
religion of Allah the Almighty, his faith is tested. Should
Allah the Almighty test your faith by a trial, will you be
She had two things on her mind causing her to think that
her husband might hesitate to make a decision in that matter.
One was that till then no girl of his family was ever married
to a non-Sayyed, and secondly Mubarak Ahmad was criti-
cally ill and he himself was treating him. He might think that
that marriage was risky as it had ninety-nine percent chance
of failure; and soon their daughter might have the stigma of
widowhood. For these reasons she was afraid that her
husband might show weakness and thus lose his faith. When
she asked him: ‘If Allah the Almighty should test you with a

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trial, will you be steadfast?’ He replied: ‘I hope that Allah the

Almighty shall grant me steadfastness.’ On hearing this, she
told him the whole story that the Promised Messiahas had
suggested that they may agree to marry Maryam with
Mubarak. On hearing this he said: ‘Well, if the Promised
Messiahas likes it, why should we have any objection?’ On
hearing this, she started to cry and involuntarily tears started
to flow from her eyes. ‘What is the matter? Do you not like
this relationship?’ asked the late Doctor Sahib. The wife
replied, ‘I like the arrangement. The thing is when the
Promised Messiahas asked about this marriage (nikah), my
heart was beating fast with anxiety and I was afraid that you
may lose your faith [by refusing the proposal]. Now on
hearing your answer, I cannot stop my tears due to happi-
ness.’ So this marriage (nikah) was performed and after a few
days, as the illness of Mubarak Ahmad was terminal, that girl
became a widow. Now observe how Allah the Almighty
blessed the devotion of Doctor Sahib. This girl later got
married to Hadrat Musleh-e-Mau‘udra and is known as
Hadrat Umm-e-Tahir ra. May Allah the Almighty be pleased
with her. (Daily Al-Fadl, August 1, 1944, pp. 1–2, taken from
Hadrat Doctor Sayyed ‘Abdus Sattar Shah Sahib, pp. 122–124)

The Promised Messiahas has written about Hadrat Sahibzadah

‘Abdul-Latif Shahidra in the following words:
In those days I was receiving Divine revelations persistently
and many strong signs were shown for me and my claim of
being the Promised Messiah, along with the supporting argu-
ments, had been published in the world. In the region of
Khost, adjoining Kabul (Afghanistan), there was a saintly

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person named Akhund Zadah Maulavi ‘Abdul-Latif. By

chance my books reached him and he read all the argu-
ments—the traditional and the intellectual—and the incidents
of Divine Support, which I had written in my books with the
help of Allah the Almighty. That saintly person was extremely
pious, a man of knowledge, discernment and intuition, God
fearing and righteous. His heart was greatly affected and he
had no difficulty in recognising the truth of my claim. His
pure conscience accepted without any hesitation that I was
sent by Allah the Almighty and my claim was true. He began
to regard my books with great love, and his soul being pure
and ready was attracted to me, so much so that it became diffi-
cult for him to remain away from me and anted to meet me.
As a consequence of this great attraction, love and devotion,
he made a firm determination to perform Hajj. To seek
permission of the State of Kabul, he requested the Amir of
Afghanistan to allow him to go on this journey. As the Amir of
Kabul regarded him a saintly scholar and chief of all the
‘ulema, he was not only given permission but also was some
financial support. On obtaining this permission, he reached
Qadian. When we met, I state in the name of God, in whose
hand is my life, that I found him so much devoted to me and
fully convinced of the truthfulness of my claim, that it is
impossible for any other person to exceed it. Just like a bottle
filled with perfume, I found him full of love for me. Like his
face, I found his heart to be fully illuminated. (Tadhkiratush-
Shahadatain, p. 7, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 20, pp. 9–10)

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Again, the Promised Messiahas writes about Hadrat Khalifatul

Masih Ira, as follows:
Now I cannot but express my gratitude that God Almighty
with His mercy and grace, has not left me alone. Those who
have brotherly relationship with me and have joined my
Movement, which God Almighty has established Himself,
have developed wonderful virtues of love and devotion for me.
It is not due to my hard work but God Almighty with his
special beneficence has granted me these truthful souls.
First of all, I want to mention with great pleasure in my
heart one spiritual brother whose name, like the light of his
devotion, is Nur Din. I always see with great respect some
of his services rendered for the sake of propagation and
publication of Islam by spending his lawfully earned wealth. I
wish that I too might have been able to perform such
services. In his heart there is such a passion to support the
religion [of Islam] that when I think of it, it brings to my
mind the Power and Glory of God. I marvel how Allah the
Almighty attracts His servants towards Himself, and they
always stand ready to spend all their wealth, [everything he
owns] all their faculties and all their means in obedience to
Him and His Messengersa. I know this as a matter of fact by
personal experience, and not just by having a good opinion,
that he is not only ready to spend all his wealth in my path,
but is ready also to sacrifice his life and honour. Had I
permitted him, like his spiritual fellowship he would have
spent all his time in my company after giving away every-
thing in this path. As a sample, I write below a few lines from
his letters, for the readers, so that they may know as to how

270 Page 271 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

The Spiritual Revolution

much my brother Maulavi Hakim Nur-ud-Din of Bhera,

the physician of the State of Jammu, has progressed in his
status of love and devotion. Here are some samples from his
My master, my Imam, my spiritual guide, peace be on you
and also mercy and blessings of Allah the Almighty.
Revered Sir, it is my prayer that I may always remain in
your company so that I may attain from the Imam of this
Age all the objectives for which he has been appointed as
the Mujaddid [Reformer]. If you permit, I may resign
from my employment and spend all my time in your
company. If you command me so I may renounce all my
worldly relations and travel through the world inviting
people to the true religion and may give my life for this
purpose. I am fully devoted to you. Whatever I have is
yours and not mine. Hudur, my mentor, my guide, I
truly request that if all my wealth and possessions are
spent in the propagation of the religion [of Islam], I will
consider myself to have achieved my aim in life…. I have
a very close relationship with you as [Hadrat ‘Umar]
Faruq had [with the Holy Prophetsa], and I am ready to
sacrifice all that I have for your sake. Pray for me that my
death be that of the truthful ones.
The truth, the courage, the sympathy and the devotion of
Maulavi Sahib (Nur-ud-Din) is apparent from his words; but
more so is apparent from his sincere services and actions. In
full sincerity and love, he wishes to sacrifice even the basic
necessities of his family life. His spirit, out of the surge of love
and ecstasy is inducing him to do more than what is in his

271 Page 272 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


power. He is engaged in service all the time, every moment.

(Fat-he-Islam, p. 59–63, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, pp. 35–37)

In response to a critic, the Promised Messiahas has written the

You say that in our Community only Hakim Nur-ud-Din
Sahib is a man of action, and others are not. I do not know
how you could produce such a fabrication. I can state on oath
that in our Community there are at least one hundred thou-
sand persons who have believed in me truly, and they perform
righteous acts. Sometimes when they listen to me talk, they
are so overwhelmed that their clothes are soaked in tears. I see
such a great change in thousands of my followers that I
consider them thousand times better than the followers who
believed in Moses during his lifetime. On their faces I perceive
the light of belief and righteousness like that of the
Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa. There may be a few
who may lack good qualities due to some inherent defects, but
that would be only an exception.

Then he says:
I see that my Jama‘at’s progress in virtue and good morals is a
miracle. Thousands of our members are fully devoted. If I call
upon them today to relinquish all their possessions, they are
ready to do so. Even then I admonish them for further
growth. I do not talk about their virtues, but I feel very happy
in my heart. (Siratul Mehdi, Part I, p. 165)

272 Page 273 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

The Spiritual Revolution

Obligations of the Progeny of the

Sincere Elders
These were just a few examples which I have presented.
Hundreds of thousand of similar examples can be found
among the members of this beloved Community of the
Promised Messiahas. He talked about hundreds of thousands in
his time, and now the numbers of members who have estab-
lished high standard of devotion and sacrifices has further
increased. There are many whose incidents of faithfulness,
sincerity, love and obedience have not come to surface. These
people remained silent throughout while giving of their love,
affinity, obedience and loyalty. The progeny of such devoted
persons should write down the events of their lives and give
them to the Jama‘at for records. They should carry on such
traditions in their families and should narrate to their children
the examples of their elders urging them to continue the
good works. While we envy our elders and how their sacri-
fices made them beneficiaries of the prayers of the Imam of
the Age, we should also remember that even today we have
opportunities to benefit from such prayers. Come forward and
establish new examples of such faithfulness, devotion, obedi-
ence, affiliation and love and become recipient of the grace of
Allah the Almighty. Remember that as long we continue to
set such examples, the worldly opposition cannot harm us at
all. Always remember these words of the Promised Messiahas,
‘If your relation with the heaven is secure, the earth
cannot harm you at all.’

273 Page 274 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


Admission by the Non-Ahmadis

Non-Ahmadis also observe these changes and have admitted
to noticing these. Such changes were so clear and apparent
that they were forced to admit that by accepting the Imam of
the Age, the Ahmadis have undergone many positive changes.
Nevertheless, they have persisted in their own denial. I shall
now present some samples of their admission.

‘Allamah Iqbal wrote:

In the Punjab the essentially Muslim type of character has
found a powerful expression in the so-called Qadiani-sect.
(The Muslim Community—A Sociological Study by Allamah Dr.
Mohammad Iqbal. Edited with Introduction, Dr. Muzaffar
‘Abbas, Maktabah-e-‘Aliyah, Urdu Bazar, Lahore, p. 23)

‘Allamah Niaz Fateh Puri wrote about the Promised

We cannot deny that he certainly rejuvenated Islamic
character and established such a community whose life can be
called a true reflection of the noble morals of the Holy
Prophetsa. (Mulahazat-e-Niaz Fateh Puri, p. 29)

The editor of the newspaper The Statesman of Delhi wrote

that in the holy city of Qadian was born an Indian Prophet
who impregnated his surroundings with his piety and char-
acter. These qualities are reflected in the lives of lakhs of his
followers.107 (The Statesman, February 12, 1949, Dr. Shanker

107. This was translated from Urdu and should be taken as a para-
phrase and not an exact quotation of the original English text.

274 Page 275 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

The Spiritual Revolution

Das Mehra, M.B.B.S; Delhi. pp. 27–28. From Ahmadiyyah

Movement in India by Barakat Rajeki, B.A. published by Mirza
Wasim Ahmad, 5th edition 1958. p. 2)

‘Abdur Rahim Ashraf Azad writes about the revolution

created by the Ahmadiyyah Jama‘at:
There are thousands who renounced their families for sake of
this new faith. They tolerated worldly losses and offered sacri-
ficed of their wealth and lives. We readily admit that a signifi-
cant number of the Qadiani people are such who sincerely
believe it to be true and present sacrifices of their wealth, life,
worldly means and relations. Some of their members
welcomed the death penalty in Kabul. Many of them accepted
poverty in the far away regions of foreign countries. (Weekly
Al-Minber, Lyallpur, March 2, 1952, p. 10)

In spite of all this praise, it is their misfortune that they have

not accepted the Promised Messiahas. All praise be to Allah
the Almighty that our faith has been strengthened by their
words of admission. May Allah the Almighty further increase
our faith and conviction! May we fulfil every condition of the
covenant of the bai‘at happily by considering it to be our
duty! May Allah the Almighty be pleased with us! Amin!

275 Page 276 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM Page 277 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

i nde x of nam e s
A ‘Alqamah Bin Mujazziz ..........176
‘Amir Bin Rabi‘ah ...................62
‘Abdul Karim................. 164, 245
‘Amr Bin al-‘Auf....................107
‘Ali ................................ 155, 175
‘Arfajah ..................................187
‘A’idhullah Bin ‘Abdullah .......... 5
Abraham ................................141
‘Abdul Mughni...................... 227
Abu ‘Ubaidah ........................179
‘Abdul Qayyum..................... 223
Abu ‘Ubaidah Bin Jarrah ........143
‘Abdul Sattar Shah ................. 235
Abu Barzah ............................109
‘Abdul Wahhab Bin al-Ward ... 97
Abu Burdah Bin Abi Musa.......65
‘Abdullah............................... 128
Abu Dhar al-Ghaffari ...............84
‘Abdullah Bin ‘Amr Bin al-‘As
Abu Hurairah........ 23, 34, 37, 40,
................................ 23, 24, 61
53, 58, 59, 70, 80, 93, 126, 127,
‘Abdullah Bin ‘Umar ..... 156, 158
135, 136, 137, 154, 156, 158,
‘Abdullah Bin Hudhafah Bin Qais
.................................. 184, 186
al-Sahmi .................... 176, 177
Abu Musa al-Ash‘ari ..............111
‘Abdullah Bin Hudhafah Bin Qais
Abu Raihanah..........................29
as-Sahmi .................... 205, 206
Abu Sa‘id Khudri .... 30, 127, 135,
‘Abdullah Bin Mas‘ud ..................
136, 205
.......................36, 62, 126, 155
Abu Shuraih.............................29
‘Abdullah Ghaznavi ............... 240
Abu Talhah Ansari .................143
‘Abdullah Khan...................... 224
Abu Ubaidah .........................179
‘Abdur Rahim Ashraf Azad.... 275
‘Abdur Rahman Bin ‘Amr
As-Salami .......................... 116
Alqamah Bin Mujazziz ...........205
‘Abdus Sattar Shah ......... 220, 267
‘Aishah ...............6, 7, 96, 97, 106
Anas Bin Malik ......................143
‘Ali Roger ............................. 236
Asma’ Bint Yazid .....................42
‘Allamah Iqbal ....................... 274
‘Allamah Niaz Fateh Puri....... 274

277 Page 278 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


B Hujr Bin Hujr........................116

Babu Faqir ‘Ali .............. 217, 218 I
Bakhsh................................... 235
Bashir Ahmad Qamar ............ 210 ‘Irbad Bin Sariyah ..................116
Bashir Orchard ...................... 233 Ibn-e-‘Abbas.............. 66, 96, 186
Bilal................................. 58, 218 Ibn-e-‘Umar ..........................187
Bilal Daniel Hawker Nuttal ... 218 Ibn-e-Mas‘ud.........................125
Burhan-ud-Din ............ 226, 227, Imam Husain ..................... 78, 79
...........................240, 242, 261 Imam Malik .............................23
Imam-ud-Din ........................261
Chaudhry Bashir Ahmad ....... 230
Chaudhry Nasrullah Khan ........... Ja‘far Bin Abi Talib ................137
...........................217, 224, 231 Jabir ................... 36, 53, 106, 125
Chaudhry Rahim Bakhsh ...........
.................................. 219, 220
Chaudhry Shukrullah Khan ... 224 Khair-ud-Din.........................261
Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan ............ Khalid Bin al-Walid ...............179
................... 209, 217, 224, 256
D M. Bashir Ahmad...................217
Dia’-ud-Din .......................... 265 Mian ‘Abdul Aziz Patwari ......261
Mian ‘Abdullah .............. 261, 262
F Mian Jamal-ud-Din................261
Fadl Din ................................ 246 Mian Muhammad Aslam........234
Fadl Ilahi ............................... 215 Mian Muhammad Khan .........263
Fatimah ................................. 137 Mir Muhammad Ishaq ...........258
Mirza ‘Abdul Haq ..................235
G Mirza ‘Azim Beig...................264
Ghulam Rasul Rajeki ............ 235 Mirza Ayyub Beig.......................
.......................... 215, 216, 256
H Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud
Ahmad........203, 204, 231, 260
Hafiz Hamid ‘Ali ................... 265
Mirza Ghulamullah ................231
Hafiz Mu‘in-ud-Din ...... 258, 259
Mirza Mubarak Ahmad ..........266
Hamidullah Khan .................. 224
Mirza Nasir Ahmad................260

278 Page 279 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

index of names

Mirza Tahir Ahmad ....... 213, 233 Ni‘matullah............................266

Mirza Ya‘qub Beig................. 216 No‘man Bin Bashir ..................70
Muhammad Hafiz Baqapuri Nur Muhammad....................259
.......................................... 242 Nur-ud-Din.................... 12, 201,
Mother of Chaudhry Zafrullah ..................223, 224, 234, 244,
Khan ......................... 208, 230 ........... 261, 262, 270, 271, 272
Mu‘adh Bin Jabal ............... 41, 70
Mu‘awiyah .............................. 97 P
Mu‘awiyah Bin Haidah al- Pir Siraj-ul-Haq .....................261
Qushairi............................. 142
Mubarak ‘Ali ......................... 261 Q
Mufti Muhammad Sadiq .............. Qadi Abdur Rahim................265
.................................. 215, 256 Qadi Dia’-ud-Din ......... 225, 261,
Muhammad ‘Abdullah Khan........ ..........................................265
.......................................... 213 Qatbah Bin Malik ....................85
Muhammad ‘Ali Khan .................
.................................. 212, 245 R
Muhammad Ahsan Amrohi.......... Rustam ‘Ali ...........................241
.................................. 212, 260
Muhammad Bin Ibrahim ......... 96 S
Muhammad Bin Sirin .............. 28 Sayyed ‘Abdul Latif Shahid...........
Muhammad Siddiq Amritsari ...... ......................... 100, 242, 248,
.......................................... 237 ........... 250, 251, 252, 268, 269
Munshi Barkat ‘Ali Khan ....... 232 Sayyed ‘Abdus Sattar Shah............
Munshi Chaudhry Nabi Bakhsh .................................... 19, 266
.......................................... 261 Sayyed Fadl Shah ...................240
Munshi Jalal-ud-Din Yalani ... 261 Sayyed Sarwar Shah .....................
Munshi Karam Ilahi ............... 241 .................................. 239, 241
Munshi Muhammad Arurah .. 263 Sayyedah Sa‘idatun-Nisa’ .......267
Munshi Muhammad Isma‘il ... 212 Sheikh ‘Abdur-Rahman Khan
Munshi Zafar Ahmad............. 262 ..........................................100
Sheikh Hamid ‘Ali .................214
N Sufi Ahmad Jan ....................9, 12
Nasir Shah ............................. 241 Sufyan....................................142
Nazir Ahmad ‘Ali .................. 236 Suhaib Bin Sinan......................94

279 Page 280 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


‘Ubadah Bin As-Samit ................ V. V. Kahlo ...........................237
.......................... 5, 6, 116, 187
‘Umar............................ 179, 180 Y
‘Umar Bin al-Khattab .............. 62 Yunus Khalid .........................237
‘Urwah Bin Muhammad.......... 84 Yusuf .......................................47
Ubayy Bin Ka‘ab ................... 143
Umm-ul-Mo’minin ............... 228 Z
Usaid ....................................... 94 Zafar ......................................209
Ziyad Bin ‘Alaqah ....................85

280 Page 281 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

verses of
t h e h o ly q u r ’ a n
Chapter Verse Page
al-‘Asr, ........................... 103:4 ............................. 27
al-A‘raf,.......................... 7:24 ............................... 68
al-Ahzab,........................ 33:36 ............................. 27
al-Ahzab,........................ 33:57 ............................. 60
al-An‘am, ....................... 6:153 ............................. 26
al-Anfal, ......................... 8:2 ................................115
al-Anfal, ......................... 8:34 ............................... 65
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:113 ............................140
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:194 ............................. 43
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:208 ............................. 91
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:218 ............................. 43
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:283 ............................. 26
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:284 ............................. 26
al-Bayyinah, ................... 98:6 ..............................140
al-Dahr, ......................... 76:11 ............................161
al-Dahr, ......................... 76:12 ............................162
al-Dahr, ......................... 76:9 .............. 151, 152, 153
Al-e-‘Imran,................... 3:133 ............................115
Al-e-‘Imran,................... 3:135 ........................78, 79
Al-e-‘Imran,................... 3:32 ...... 117, 118, 180, 181
al-Fajr, ........................... 89:28–31........................ 92
al-Furqan, ...................... 25:64 ............................134
al-Furqan, ...................... 25:73 ............................. 27
al-Hajj,........................... 22:31 ..................22, 25, 26
al-Hujurat, ..................... 49:8 ............................... 33
al-Ma’idah,..................... 5:36 ............................... 63
al-Ma’idah,..................... 5:9 ................................. 26 Page 282 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


al-Mu’minun, .................23:6................................ 45
al-Mumtahinah,..............60:13............................ 171
al-Mumtahinah,..............60:13................................ 6
al-Mumtahinah,..............60:13.............173, 199, 201
al-Najm, .........................53:38............................ 144
al-Nasr, ..........................110:4.............................. 65
al-Nazi‘at, ......................79:41–42 ...................... 106
al-Nazi‘at, ......................79:41............................ 109
al-Nisa,...........................4:94.............................. 251
al-Nisa’,..........................108................................. 40
al-Nisa’,..........................4:126............................ 141
al-Nisa’,..........................4:136.............................. 26
al-Nisa’,..........................4:37.......................149, 161
al-Nisa’,..........................4:49................................ 15
al-Nisa’,..........................4:60.............................. 114
al-Nuh, ..........................71:11–13 ........................ 65
al-Nur, ...........................24:31.............................. 31
al-Nur, ...........................24:45.....................178, 204
al-Nur, ...........................24:54............................ 204
al-Nur, ...........................24:57.............................. 52
al-Qamar, .......................54:18............................ 111
al-Qasas, .........................28:51............................ 105
al-Qasas, .........................28:78.............................. 41
al-Zukhruf,.....................43:66.............................. 36
al-Zumar, .......................39:4.......................... 22, 48
al-Zumar, .......................39:54.............................. 64
Bani Isra’il, .....................17:33.............................. 28
Bani Isra’il, .....................17:38............................ 123
Bani Isra’il, .....................17:80.............................. 57
Hud,...............................11:44.............................. 47
Hud, .............................11:4 ............................... 68
Luqman, .........................31:14.............................. 16
Luqman, .........................31:19............................ 124
Saba’,..............................34:2................................ 70
Ta Ha,............................20:15.............................. 52
Ta Ha,............................20:75............................ 250

282 Page 283 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

subject index

A fortunate to have accepted

Imam of the time ...........188
leave the company of bad
Abraham people............................135
faithfulness of,.................... 144 obligatory to recite Holy
friendship with Allah of, .... 141 Qur’an regularly.............114
persecution of, ...................101
adhan reason for zealous for serving
Bilal Daniel Hawker Nuttal’s humanity .......................253
love for calling, .............. 218 showing patience ...............101
merit of reciting durud
after, ................................ 61 Ahmadiyyat
examples of transformation
adultery in Africans after
prohibition of, ..................... 28 accepting,.......................209
Africa transformation brought about
example of Ahmadis in, ..... 209 by accepting,..................211
marvelous sacrifices of new alcohol
Ahmadis in, ................... 236 eschewing, after accepting
Nusrat Jahan Scheme in, .... 254 Ahmadiyyat....................210
social conditions in the prohibition of,............ 143, 233
seventies ........................ 254 wrong to befriend someone
Ahmadis who consumes, ..............108
adopt the habit of Allah
forgiveness ..................... 136 asking forgiveness of, at time of
appeal to, ........................... 163 bai‘at ..................................7
avoid arrogance.................. 127 associating partners with, ......12

283 Page 284 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM


attaining the love of, .......... 151 bai‘at by, ............................8

bai‘at is a contract made solely Promised Messiahas granted
for the sake of, ............... 170 the permission to take
bai‘at of Promised Messiahas is bai‘at by, .........................xxi
taking bai‘at with, .............. 8 Prophet’s command cannot
being true to bai‘at will have contradict commadments
reward with, ...................... 6 of, ..................................172
bounties on Ahmadis ......... 101 protects Prophets and Khulafa’
certainty of faith in,............ 145 from committing detrimental
develop a true relationship mistakes .........................203
with,.............................. 190 raises status of one who adopts
essential for all believers to humility and humbleness
believe in, .......................... 5 ......................................135
faith that lacks human sympathy remain ever-thankful to,.......69
not from, ......................... 45 remain faithful to, ................95
granting of high and low status remembrance of, ..................42
to men by, ..................... 135 safeguards from possible ill
has power over everything ....... effects of a decision made by
...................................... 133 Khalifah ..........................203
honour is a garment of, ...... 127 secrets of hearts known by,...14
keen to help him who is keen to service to humanity for the
help his brother.............. 157 pleasure of,.....................253
kind treatment to all is sincere obedience is due only
commandment of,.......... 150 to,....................................22
last Jama‘at established by, .... 97 surrending oneself to, .........141
likes one who treats His teachings for acquiring chastity
creatures well ................. 155 ........................................32
manifesting His glory through to be ever pleased with the
Jama‘at............................. 10 will of, ...........................223
mischief not loved by,.......... 41 Unity of,..............................18
praise of, .............................. 70 unjust people not guided by, ...
prohibition of assocaiting ......................................105
partners with,................... 16 wealth does not decrease when
Promised Messiahas spent in the way of,........136
commanded to take will not forgive shirk ............15

284 Page 285 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

amir bai‘at
subservient to the account of first, by Munshi
commandment of Allah and ‘Abdullah of Sanour .........12
His Messengers .............. 206 admonishment of Promised
Messiahas on first, .............12
ahadith on the subject of, ....5, 6
comes from Satan................. 84
benefits of, at the hand of
commandment to shun, ....... 88
Promised Messiahas.........192
consequence of haughtines and
condition prohibiting shirk .207
conceit........................... 138
condition regarding observing
arrogance Prayers ...........................211
all mischief orginates from,....... condition regarding suppression
...................................... 151 of passion .......................218
breeds other evils ............... 125 conditions of, at time of Holy
dangerous disease ............... 131 Prophet Muhammadsa ........5
deep connection with Satan divine permission given to
.............................. 121, 129 Promised Messiahas.............8
exhibited by nations........... 124 effect of, on youg men .......216
first sin that led to eternal expectations of Promised
ruin ............................... 128 Messiahas from those who
hadith on staying away from, ... perform,............... 13, 38, 86
...................................... 125 first bai’at taken by
meekness and,.................... 134 Promised Messiahas...........12
Promised Messiahas advice to fulfiling the pledge of, ........163
Jama‘at regarding, .......... 132 giving up pride as a
second only to shirk in its evil... condition of ...................122
...................................... 128 Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
staying away from, ............. 241 taking, from women
Companionsra ..................94
performing istikharah before

B purposeless without sincerity 76

safeguard completely from
carnal desires ..................105
backbiting seed in earth...........................4
evil of, ................................. 42

285 Page 286 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

source to stay away from evil of performing physical work to

society ........................... 172 attain,...............................29
spending life with
meekness ....................... 137
characteristic of a true
spiritual changes in
believer ..........................238
members of Community
brought by,.................... 207 children
summary of ten moral training of, .................24
conditions of,..................... 5 reacting to the cruelty of
what it means to join, ........ 170 their fathers ....................124
women who take............... 200
believers issued by Allah and Prophet
guarding against carnal ......................................200
passions............................ 46
obedience of ...................... 204 compassion
ranks of,............................... 46 for Allah’s creation ..... 153, 160
recitation of Holy Qur’an .. 111 creation
speak the truth ..................... 24 kindness towards Allah’s, ....147
sympathy be shown for, .....153
not needed for salvation .....146
C customs
different types of frivolous, .103
caste dislike of bad,.....................229
prohibition of arrogance take one away from
resulting from, ............... 130 religion ..........................108
wealth not reduced by
giving, ........................... 158
advice for unmarried............ 29
fasting to attain, ................... 29 Dajjal
five remedies against unchaste creating hardships in the path of
behaviour ........................ 32 Ahmadis...........................95

286 Page 287 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

killing by the Promised enemies

Messiahas of, .................. 184 treatment of, by Chaudhry
Zafrullah Khan’sra
falsehood and Hell ............... 24
prohibition of, towards
created by evil ................... 189
each other ........................82
Promised Messiah’sas advice on
avoiding,.......................... 42 errors
minor, can be committed
by Khulafa’.....................203
eschew,................................ 40
hadith about, ........................ 40 evil
adultery lies at limit of,.........28
creates discord....................189
call by Hudur to devote
eschew company of,....... 39, 87
services .......................... 255
falsehood lies at root of,........22
dedicated their lives for the
from direct confrontations,
service of humanity........ 163
fights and abuses.............189
durud hadith about,.........................85
Mirza Ayyub Beig’sra self that incites to, ................46
invocation of, ................ 215
sending upon Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa ................... 60

E Fadl-e-‘Umar Hospital
need for doctors .................255
certainty of,........................145
protecting, from listening to
importance of,............ 139, 140
prohibited voices ............. 32
innovations that have nothing
eclipse to do with,.....................106
condition at the time of preference over worldly
solar,.............................. 212 matters ................... 139, 143

287 Page 288 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

Satan making men careless forbearance

about his, ......................... 13 adopt, ..................................79
sign of true, ....................... 101
falsehood Ahmadis must adopt,.... 79, 136
adultery and,........................ 28 Allah’s reward for those who
greatest of all faults............... 21 practice, .........................136
Hell and,........................ 23, 24 hadith on, ...........................136
idolatry and,................... 25, 27 seeking Allah’s, ....................88
lies at root of evil ................. 22
natural aversion to,............... 25
shirk and, ............................. 22
uttering of,........................... 25
fasting G
behaviour during, ................ 34
breaking of, to induldge in ghafara
desires.............................. 17 meaning of,..........................69
hadith about, ........................ 34 ghair ma‘ruf
means of attaining and ma‘ruf directives ...........200
chastity ...................... 29, 32 see also ma‘ruf
obligatory with certain
prerequisites..................... 55 Ghana
example of Ahmadi from,
father .............................. 210, 211
mistreating children ........... 123
fear see Allah
perfect understanding is
root of, .......................... 146 good and not good
definition of, ......................173
shown by ‘Abdur-Rahman goodness
Khanra ........................... 100 reward of, ............................45
shown by Sahibzadah Sayyed government
‘Abdul Latif Shahidra ...... 100 loyalty to just, ......................44
opposition of Ahmadis
by Muslim,.......................45

288 Page 289 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

H person dearest to, on Day of

prayed fervently for pleasure of
hajj Allah ................................96
commandment of, ............... 31 prayer and, ...........................53
obligatory with certain Promised Messiahas attained his
prerequisities.................... 55 status due to, ..................181
should not be performed for raised to uproot false
appearance ..................... 130 notions.............................19
status of meek in the
haughtiness eyes of,...........................136
borne out of anger ............. 138 taking bai‘at makes one
heaven subservient to, ................105
be merciful on earth so that you taqwa in his heart .................80
may be shown mercy in, .. 45 warned his ummah
meek people fill, ................ 126 about shirk........................16
women taking pledge from, ..6
disbelief and,........................ 24 Holy Qur’an
falsehood and,................ 23, 24 easy to understand..............111
haughty people fill, ............ 126 love of Hadrat Khalifatul
lying and,............................. 24 Masih Ira for,..................234
people who abuse the rights of obedience in what is right ..204
others will be in, .............. 37 on adopting the ordinances of
Allah, .............................114
Holy Prophet Muhammadsa on attaining purification
achieving grace through,...... 64 through restraining looks and
concerned about corruption of guarding private parts .......30
faith ............................... 107 on glad tidings of
conditions of bai‘at at Paradise.................. 106, 109
time of,.............................. 5 on great rewards for truthful.27
humility of,........................ 132 on holding fast to justice ......27
no one can reach Allah without on how to please Allah.......118
following, ...................... 181 on keeping away from idol
noble example during death of worship............................27
son Ibrahimra ................. 224 on keeping away from lying
on telling the truth............... 21 ........................................27

289 Page 290 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

on mischief, ......................... 41 service by Jama‘at of,..........253

on obedience in what is right
...................................... 178
characteristic of a true
on obeying Allah and His
believer ..........................238
Messenger...................... 115
on observing prayer ............. 52 humility
on offering tahajjud.............. 57 commandment to adopt, ......87
on people following evil hadith on, ..........................135
inclinations, ................... 105 of Promised Messiahas ........122
on people who guard their
chastity, ........................... 45 hungry
on pride,............................ 124 feeding of the,....................162
on saving oneself from huqqah
wickedness and immorality evil effects of, .....................231
........................................ 33
on shunning the abomination hypocrites
of idols and all words behaviour regarding
of untruth .................. 22, 25 obedience ......................204
on speaking the truth ........... 27 characteristics of, ................125
on surrending oneself to Allah, four characteristics of,...........23
.............................. 140, 141 recitation of Holy Qur’an by,
on taking bai‘at from women ......................................111
...................................... 171
on true testimony ................ 27
on worshipping Allah,........ 139
protects one from evil ........ 162
uttering falsehood mentioned
together with shirk in, .... 22
honesty sacrifices of,........................243
natural human condition...... 40 see also Abraham
human beings idolatry
incidents of past elders in falsehood and, ................ 25, 27
serving, .......................... 256 types of, ...............................18
like parts of a body............. 160
nature of, ............................. 25 imam
sign of true,........................101

290 Page 291 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

saving oneself from, ............. 33
honesty and integrity of, ...... 40 Jama‘at
advice to, .............................80
innovations distinction of,............... 10, 162
and rituals deserve to be duty of members ............ 39, 86
rejected.......................... 107 established by Allah ........ 42, 97
integrity helping the poor ................162
natural human condition...... 40 obedience fully mandatory .......
intermediation people who do not
by the Holy Prophet show patience do not
Muhammadsa, .................. 61 belong to, ........................43
prayer to serve humanity ..........
Promised Messiahas as
purpose of joining, ......... 37, 85
defender of, ....................... 7
responsibilities of joining, .........
on wearing the veil .............. 31
on fighting passions.............. 32
treatment of poor by, .........162
combines discharging
who enters, ........................188
obligations to Allah and
humanity, ...................... 147 jealousy
essence of,.......................... 141 evil of, .................................81
establishing a beautiful staying away from, ...................
culture of, ...................... 150 .............................. 126, 156
Isma‘ilas jizyah
readiness to sacrifice life, .... 243 abolishment of, ..................183
istighfar Judgement Day
need of regularity in,............ 64 hardship of .........................162
to obtain strength................. 68 person dearest to Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa on, .................
................................ 62, 125
performing, before taking
bai‘at .................................. 9

291 Page 292 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

K khilafat
righteous, established after the
passing of the Promised
Khalifah Messiahas ........................206
Allah safeguards the system established by Allah
consequences of the ......................................174
decisions of, ................... 202 will last till the end
asks nothing against the Divine of time, ..........................174
commandments or common kindness
sense .............................. 202 to animals...........................258
lesser sanctity of in comparison to poor...............................259
to Prophets .................... 203 towards creation of Allah
obedience to, in schemes and .............................. 147, 150
programs........................ 205
possibility of minor knowledge
errors by ........................ 203 search of,............................157
sacrifices at the call of,........ 254
will not instruct against
divine comandments or
common sense ............... 179
Khalifatul Masih Ira
first person to take bai‘at with lottery
Promised Messiahas .......... 12 prohibition of,....................232
love of the Holy Qur‘an .... 234
on feeding the hungry........ 161 love
on understanding of perfect understanding is
obedience ...................... 173 root of, ..........................146
Promised Messiahs’as accounts
of sacrifices of, ....... 244,262
characteristic of a hypocrite
shirk described by, ................ 19
Khalifatul Masih IIra children’s upbringing and,
help to refugees during ........................................24
partition,........................ 260 hell and, ...............................24
writings about khilafat 174, 203 in trades ...............................34
results in loss of credibility....25

292 Page 293 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

M moral training
of children ...........................24
ma‘ruf truthfulness and, ...................25
and ghair ma‘ruf directives ... 200
Mahdi attending,.............................52
doctrine of bloody, .............. 45
Mother of Chaudhry
man Zafrullah Khanra
has no reason to be proud .. 123 abhorence of shirk by,.........208
modesty for,......................... 30 treatment of enemies by, ....256
must seek Allah with
humility......................... 131 Muslim
need for heavently light ..... 130 covering faults of,...............157
does not wrong his brother
Maulavi Burhan-ud-Dinra ......................................156
gratitude to Allah on being Prayer obligatory on.............56
mistreated in his path ..... 226 prohibition of thinking poorly
meek of another, .......................83
commandment adopt, .......... 87 six obligations with
Holy Prophet Muhammadsa regards to other, .............155
love for,......................... 136 sufferings an expiation
for sins of, ........................93
meekness sympathy for, .....................160
arrogance and, ................... 134
Messiah Allah loves .........................165
command of Allah to
accept, ........................... 170
seek not, in the earth ........... 41
characteristic of a true nawafil
believer.......................... 238 offering of, ...........................58
men and women.................. 31

293 Page 294 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

non-Ahmadis poor will enter earlier than

addmissions of marvelous others.............................159
changes among Ahmadis six things assure entry into,...30
...................................... 274 tied to truthfulness ...............23
Nusrat Jahan Scheme passions
launch of, .......................... 254 condition of bai‘at regarding
controlling, ....................218
Islamic teachings to fight, .....32
sacrificing of,........................46

O Satan and, ............................46

suppression of, by Sayyed
‘Abdus Sattar Shahra .......219
obedience patience
Muslims of the early era as example of, by community
examples of great, .......... 179 members ........................219
necessary only in ma‘ruf people who do not show, do
decisions ........................ 176 not belong to Jama‘at .......43
of believers ........................ 204 real time to show when
superior example of, .......... 179 tragedy strikes ..................95
truly due to Allah alone ....... 22 under all circumstances.......223
orphans persecution
Hadrat Mir Muhammad worst than killing .................44
Ishaq’sra treatment of,..... 258
helping of, .........................162
qualities which will make them

P Prayers
enter Paradise.................159

alertness and promptness of,

Pakistan ......................................144
sacrifices by Ahmadis during the arrogance and,....................129
establishement of,........... 260 becomes obligatory at age
paradise of ten ...............................51
deeds leading to, .................. 24 being freed from
glad tidings of, ................... 106 obligation of,....................56

294 Page 295 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

Chaudhry Nasrullah Khan’sra expectations from community

regularity in, .................. 217 members ........................204
comfort of eyes in, ............... 53 first announcement regarding
concentration in,............ 54, 57 bai‘at by, ............................9
condition of bai‘at first bai‘at taken by, ..............12
regarding, ...................... 211 humbleness of, ...................122
essence lies in supplications marvellous example on
........................................ 54 death of son .......................9
establishment of, .......... 51, 142 mullahs’ use of vulgar
example of regularity in, .... 212 language against, ............185
importance of, ............. 55, 140 on directives given by the Holy
love of Nawab ‘Abdullah Prophet Muhammadsa ..........
Khanra for, ..................... 213 ......................................201
Mirza Ayyub Beig’sra purpose of taking bai‘at
regularity in, .................. 214 at hand of,........................10
neglecting brings closer to status of,..................... 182, 184
apostasy and disbelief........ 53 taking first bai‘at at house of
observance of,.......... 52, 55, 56 Hadrat Sufi Ahmad Janra
passionate devotion of ........................................12
Babu Faqir ‘Alira in, ....... 217 Ten Conditions of Bai‘at
Prologation in, by Mirza published by,...................xxi
Ayyub Beigra ................. 215
pride can never give directive that is
characteristic of Satan......... 121 not ma‘ruf........................200
greater sanctity enjoyed by
Promised Messiahas
advice at the first bai‘at ......... 12
never against the command
advice to Jama‘at to shun
of Allah..........................172
arrogance ....................... 132
safeguarding oneself by
as defender of Islam................ 7
commanded by Allah to take
bai‘at .................................. 8 purdah
disliking that all types of people women enjoined to
take his bai‘at ..................... 9 observe, .............................108

295 Page 296 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

R use of, ................................155

human blood not
Rabubiyyat needed for,.....................146
attributes of Allah................. 18 meaning of,........................146
rebellion Unity of Allah and, ..............18
government and,.................. 44 Satan
safeguarding from, ............... 43 Allah protects the Jama‘at
repentance against attacks of,............154
two types of,........................ 13 anger comes from,................84
arrogance of, ......................128
rights carnal passions and,...............46
two categories of,............... 159 leading man astray ..............122
usurping of, ......................... 37 making men careless about
their faith .........................12
pride and arrogance............121
S decisions of Prophet and
Khalifah according to,.....202
sacrifice Holy Qur’an completes,...........
high standards of, ............... 243 .............................. 110, 231
in response Khalifah’s call ... 254 shirk
of self,................................ 146 and secret desires..................16
sadaqah condition of bai‘at prohibiting,
wealth does not decrease ......................................207
by giving, ...................... 135 described by Hadrat
Khalifatul Masih Ira ..........19
Sahibzadah Sayyed ‘Abdul falsehood and, ......................22
Latif Shahidra forms of, ..............................17
humility and selflessness ..... 242 great sin ...............................15
status and sacrifices of,........ 248 Holy Prophetsa warning
concerning, ......................16
not forgiven by Allah ...........15
Holy Prophetsa to Messiah
wide connotation of,............16
and Mahdi ..................... 183

296 Page 297 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

Shudhi campaign regading, ........................211

response of Ahmadis to, ..... 247 getting up for, ......................59
incumbent for members
sick to offer,............................59
obligation to visit, .............. 155 offering of, ...........................88
sins taqwa
all forgiven except shirk........ 16 light of, ..............................130
forgiven with repentance ..... 14 people of,...........................138
nine kinds of,....................... 21
salvation from, ................... 145 Tauhid
sufferings of a Muslim are meaning of,..........................17
an expiation for,............... 93
three roots of, .................... 125
believer speaks, ....................24
smoking hadith about,.................. 23, 30
evil effects of,..................... 231 justice and,...........................27
leads to Paradise ............. 23, 24
social service means to free from all sins ....21
good habit ......................... 155 morality and,........................25
steadfastness natural condition of man ......25
of ‘Abdur-Rahman Khanra . 100
shown by Sahibzadah Sayyed
‘Abdul Latif Shahidra ...... 100
Sufi Ahmad Janra
first bai‘at taken at house of, . 12
supplications ‘ulema’
essence of Prayer lies in........ 54 condition in latter days .........78
Messiah will save,...............184

T Umm-ul-Mo’minin
patience of, ........................228
United States
tahajjud examples of marvellous
condition of bai‘at sacrifices in,....................247

297 Page 298 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM

Subject Index

Unity waking up for prayer............59

three types of
particularisation,............... 18
modesty for,.........................31
prohibition against
gazing at,..........................32
taking of bai‘at by ..............200
V taking pledge from Holy
Prophet Muhammadsa ........6
wearing the veil ........... 31, 108
Islamic teachings on, ............ 31 world
give faith preference over, ..139
refraining from,.................... 32 worship
definition of, ........................19
of Mirza Ayyub Beigra about
Holy Prophetsa and
Promised Messiahas ........ 215
W transformation in, after taking
bai‘at ..............................216
charity does not reduce, ..... 158
spend in the way of Allah... 136
Hell and,.............................. 34
prayer of the, ....................... 35 zakat
saving oneself from commandment of,................31
becoming,........................ 33 giving of, ..................... 52, 142
importance of,....................140
wife obligatory with certain
mistreatment of, by prerequisites .....................55
husbands ........................ 123


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