Conditions of Bai at
Conditions of Bai at
Conditions of Bai at
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Conditions of Bai‘at
responsibilities of an ahmadi
ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s
f r o n t m at t e r
Transliteration ..................................................................xi
Glossary........................................................................ xiii
Foreword ....................................................................... xxi
The Promised Messiahas ..................................................... xxi
The Author..................................................................xxvii
The Conditions of Bai‘at ................................................. xxix
pa r t i
te n conditions
i nt roduc t i on, 3
What is Bai‘at?......................................................................... 3
Bai‘at Means Handing Over One’s Life to
Almighty Allah .................................................................... 4
Divine Commandment to Take Bai‘at ..................................... 8
Aims and Objectives of Bai‘at ................................................ 10
Beginning of the System of Bai‘at .......................................... 11 Page iv Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
condition i, 15
Almighty Allah Will Not Forgive Shirk ..................................15
Diverse Forms of Shirk...........................................................17
condition ii, 21
Falsehood—the Greatest of Evils............................................21
Keep Away From Adultery ....................................................28
Keep Away From the Trespasses of the Eye ...........................29
Keep Away From Wickedness and Immorality.......................33
Keep Away From Cruelty......................................................36
Keep Away From Dishonesty ................................................40
Keep Away From Mischief ....................................................41
Keep Away From the Ways of Rebellion...............................43
Do Not be Carried Away by Passion .....................................45
condition iii, 51
Observe Five Daily Prayers ....................................................51
Be Regular in Tahajjud..........................................................57
Be Very Regular in Sending Durud Upon
the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa..........................................60
Be Regular in Istighfar...........................................................64
Istighfar and Repentance .......................................................68
Always Express Gratitude to Allah..........................................69
iv Page v Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Table of Contents
c o n d i t i o n i v, 7 7
Adopt Forgiveness and Forbearance....................................... 79
Do Not Cause Harm to Anyone ........................................... 81
Adopt Meekness and Humility .............................................. 87
c o n d i t i o n v, 9 1
Sufferings of a Muslim are an Expiation for Sins .................... 93
Real Time to Show Patience is When Tragedy Strikes .......... 95
You Are the Last Jama‘at Established by Allah ....................... 97
Those Who Belong to the Promised Messiahas
Cannot be Separated From Him ........................................ 99
Steadfastness ........................................................................ 100
v Page vi Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
condition x, 169
Definition of ‘Ma‘ruf’ and ‘Ghair Ma‘ruf’............................173
Superior Example of Obedience ..........................................179
Whatever Promised Messiahas Attained was by
Following the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa .......................181
Submission Under All Circumstances...................................186
Who Enters the Jama‘at .......................................................188
Develop Brotherhood and Love Among Yourselves and a
True Relationship With Allah the Almighty.....................190
Two Benefits of Bai‘at at the Hand of
Promised Messiahas ...........................................................192
The Promised Messiahas—the Strong Fort of Protection
for Our Times..................................................................193
vi Page vii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Table of Contents
pa r t i i
the spiritual revolution
sermon i, 199
Rejoice That Henceforth You Shall Forever Remain Under
‘Ma‘ruf’ Decisions............................................................ 199
Explanation of Obedience to the Directives Based on
Goodness ......................................................................... 200
Spiritual Changes in Those Who Took Bai‘at...................... 207
Shunning Shirk .................................................................... 207
Safeguarding Against Sinful Passions .................................... 209
Zest for Prayers and Tahajjud .............................................. 211
Suppressing the Impulses of Passion ..................................... 218
vii Page viii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
b ac k m at t e r
Index of Names ........................................................... 2 7 7
Verses of the Holy Qur’an, (chapter index) .......................... 2 8 1
Subject Index .............................................................. 2 8 3
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a b b r e v i at i o n s
The following abbreviations have been used. Readers are
urged to recite the full salutations:
t ra n s l i t e rat i o n
This book uses the following system of transliteration adopted
by the Royal Asiatic Society.
at the beginning of a word, pronounced as a, i, u
preceded by a very slight aspiration, like h in the
English word honour.
s, strongly articulated s.
z, strongly articulated z.
xii Page xiii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
g lo s sary
Allah—Allah is the personal name of God in Islam. To show
proper reverence to Him, Muslims often add Ta‘ala, ‘the
Most High’, when saying His Holy name.
Adhan—The formal call for Islamic daily Prayers.
Ahadith—Plural of hadith, See Hadith.
Ahmadi Muslim or an Ahmadi—A member of the
Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at.
Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at—(Also Ahmadiyyah) The
Community of Muslims who accept the claims of Hadrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian as being the Promised
Messiah and Mahdi; the Jama‘at was established by Hadrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas in 1889, and is now under the
leadership of his fifth Khalifah, Hadrat Mirza Masroor
Al-Imam al-Mahdi—The title given to the Promised
Reformer by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa; it means
guided leader.
Amin—May Allah make it so.
Asfal-us-Safilin—The lowest of the low.
Assalamo ‘Alaikum—Peace be unto you. An Islamic
salutation. Page xiv Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
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By the immense grace and mercy of Allah, we have been
blessed to accept the Promised Messiah and Mahdi Hadrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, whose advent was proph-
esied by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. Alhamdolillah. When
the Promised Messiahas was granted permission by Allah to
take bai‘at, he published an announcement called Ishtihar
Takmil-e-Tabligh on January 12, 1889, which mentions the
Ten Conditions of Bai‘at. Anyone who joins the Jama‘at of
the Promised Messiahas pledges to abide by these Conditions.
It is essential for all followers of the Promised Messiahas to
understand the details of these Conditions and to strive to
follow them.
For our guidance and benefit, Hadrat Mirza Masroor
Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaba, has eloquently explained these
conditions of bai‘at in light of the Holy Qur’an, Ahadith of the
Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and sayings and writings of the
Promised Messiahas. Huduraba discussed the first three condi- Page xxii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
xxii Page xxiii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Munir-ud-Din Shams
Additional Vakil-ut-Tasnif
March 2006
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t h e au t h o r
Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaba, is
currently the supreme head of the worldwide Ahmadiyyah
Muslim Community. He is the fifth successor and great
grandson of the Promised Messiah and Reformer, Hadrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian. He was elected to this
position in London, England by an electoral college on April
22, 2003, a few days after the death of his predecessor, Hadrat
Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrta.
Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba did his primary educa-
tion at Ta‘lim-ul-Islam High School Rabwah, and obtained
his BA from Ta‘lim-ul-Islam (TI) College Rabwah,
Pakistan. In 1976 he earned his Masters of Science degree in
Agricultural Economics from the Agriculture University
Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Prior to his being elected as Khalifah, Hadrat Mirza
Masroor Ahmadaba accumulated an impressive record of
humanitarian services that underscore his commitment to
education and philanthropy. His altruistic endeavours took
him to Ghana in 1977 where, for several years, he served as a
principal of various Ahmadiyyah Muslim schools. He helped
to inaugurate the Ahmadiyyah Secondary School Salaga,
where he served as principal for the school’s first two years.
Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba was able to make use of
the knowledge of his studied discipline, agricultural
economics, to carry out research about wheat production in Page xxviii Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
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t e n c o n d i t i o n s o f b a i ‘ at
Initiation Into the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at
The initiate shall solemnly promise that he/she
shall abstain from shirk [associating any partner
with God] right up to the day of his/her death.
That he/she shall keep away from falsehood,
fornication/adultery, trespasses of the eye,
debauchery, dissipation, cruelty, dishonesty,
mischief and rebellion; and that he/she will not
permit himself/herself to be carried away by
passions, however strong they might be.
That he/she shall regularly offer the five daily
Prayers in accordance with the commandments of
God and the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and shall
try his/her best to be regular in offering the
tahajjud and invoking durud on the Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa. That he/she shall make it his/her
daily routine to ask forgiveness for his/her sins, to
remember the bounties of God and to praise and
glorify Him. Page xxx Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
That under the impulse of any passions, he/she
shall cause no harm whatsoever to the creatures of
God in general and Muslims in particular, neither
by his/her tongue, hands, nor any other means.
That he/she shall remain faithful to God in all
circumstances of life, in sorrow and in happiness,
in adversity and in prosperity, in felicity and in
trial; and that he/she shall in all conditions remain
resigned to the decree of God and keep himself/
herself ready to face all kinds of indignities and
sufferings in His way and shall never turn away
from Him at the onslaught of any misfortune; on
the contrary, he/she shall march forward.
That he/she shall refrain from following un-
Islamic customs and lustful inclinations and shall
completely submit himself/herself to the authority
of the Holy Qur’an; and that he/she shall make the
Word of God and the sayings of the Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa his/her guiding principles in every
walk of his/her life.
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That he/she shall entirely give up pride and vanity
and shall pass all his/her life in humbleness,
cheerfulness, forbearance and meekness.
That he/she shall hold faith, the honour of faith
and the cause of Islam dearer than his/her life,
wealth, honour, children, and all loved ones.
That he/she shall keep himself/herself occupied in
the service of God’s creatures for His sake only and
shall endeavour towards the beneficence of
mankind to the best of his/her God-given abilities
and powers.
That he/she shall enter into a bond of brotherhood
with this humble servant of God, pledging
obedience to me in everything good for the sake
of God, and remain faithful to it until the day of
his/her death. That he/she shall exert such a high
devotion in the observance of this bond as is not to
be found in any other worldly relationship and
connection that demand devoted dutifulness.
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pa r t i
of an ahmadi Page 2 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM Page 3 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
[From the concluding address delivered at the Annual
Convention of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at, United
Kingdom, on July 27, 2003, in which first three conditions
of bai‘at were explained in detail.]
What is Bai‘at?
The first question is: What is bai‘at? To explain it, I will quote
some ahadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and sayings of
the Promised Messiahas.
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judges, Who will enquire of him, ‘Why did you not honour
Me?’ Therefore, it is essential for all the believers to believe in
Allah, Who is the King of the heavens and earth and to make
a true repentance. (Malfuzat, vol. 7, pp. 29–30)
that you will not associate anything with Allah, nor will you
steal, nor will you commit adultery2, nor will you kill your
children, nor will you slander, nor will you disobey me in
anything good I ask you to do. So anyone of you who will
prove true to this pledge of bai‘at, his reward is with Almighty
5 Page 6 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
3. (al-Mumtahinah, 60:13)
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Divine Commandment
to Take Bai‘at
After six to seven years, in the first quarter of year 1888,
Almighty Allah commanded the Promised Messiahas to take
bai‘at. The divine commandment was conveyed in the
following words:
That is:
And when you made up your mind, then trust Allah. And,
make an ark before Our eyes and according to Our revelation.
Those who take a pledge at your hand take a pledge with
Allah. Allah’s hand is above their hands.
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He also said:
All of you who have taken bai‘at and have made a commit-
ment, listen! To utter these words is easy, but to do justice to
them is hard because Satan is always busy trying to make man
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careless about his faith. Satan shows the world and its benefits
to be within reach, and faith to be distant. In this way, the
heart is hardened and each subsequent condition is worse than
the previous one. If you want to please Allah, put your entire
strength and effort to abide faithfully to this commitment of
freeing yourself from sins.
He also said:
Utter no words of mischief, spread no evil, bear the rebukes
with patience, do not confront anyone, even if someone
confronts you, and deal with him with kindness and goodness.
Demonstrate a good example of sweetness of conversation.
Abide by all commandments with a true heart so that Allah be
pleased with you and even the enemy may recognise the
change in you after bai‘at. Give true evidence in court cases.
All those who join this Movement should establish themselves
on truthfulness with full heart, full endeavour, and the entirety
of life. (Dhikr-e-Habib, pp. 436–438)
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The initiate shall solemnly promise that
he/she shall abstain from shirk [associ-
ating any partner with God] right up to
the day of his/her death.
Almighty Allah Will Not Forgive Shirk
Allah the Almighty says in surah al-Nisa’, verse forty-nine:
7. (Luqman, 31:14)
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Condition I
my people will not worship the sun and the moon, the idol
and the stone, they will suffer from ostentations in their
actions and they will be prey to their hidden desires. One of
them will start the day fasting but then he will come across a
desire and he will break the fast and indulge in his desire.”’
(Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 4. p. 124, printed in Beirut)
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Condition I
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That he/she shall keep away from false-
hood, fornication/adultery, trespasses of
the eye, debauchery, dissipation, cruelty,
dishonesty, mischief and rebellion; and
that he/she will not permit himself/
herself to be carried away by passions,
however strong they might be.
Nine kinds of sins are mentioned in this condition,
and the initiate, everyone who claims to belong to the Jama‘at
of the Promised Messiahas, should eschew those sins.
9. (al-Hajj, 22:31)
10. (al-Zumar, 39:4)
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Condition II
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Condition II
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Condition II
Keep away from idol worship and lying because falsehood too
is an idol; one who relies upon it ceases to rely upon God.
Hence, by telling lies, one loses God. 18 19 20
When you are summoned to testify to the truth, do not refuse
to do so.
Do not conceal true testimony; and he who conceals it, his
heart is certainly sinful.
And when you speak, speak only what is absolutely true and
fair, even when you testify against a close relative.
Hold fast to truth and justice, and bear witness only for the
sake of Allah; never utter a lie even if telling the truth may
endanger your lives or your parents’ lives or other loved ones
like your children.
Let not hostility towards a people prevent you from giving
true testimony.
Truthful men and truthful women will earn great reward.
They are accustomed to counselling truth…
They do not keep company with the untruthful.
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And come not near unto adultery; surely, it is a foul thing and
an evil way.
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Condition II
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Condition II
Furuj does not refer merely to the private parts. It refers to all
parts of the entry in the body including the ears. It has been
prohibited to hear the song of an unrelated woman.
Remember, it is proven by hundreds of experiments, that if
God prohibits something, man has to leave it sooner or later.
(Malfuzat, vol. 7, p. 135)
This should make it clear for men that they should keep their
eyes down. Modesty is not just for women, it is also for men.
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Condition II
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Condition II
Then he says:
When wickedness and immorality exceeded their limits, and
people started disrespecting the commandments and signs of
Allah, and were lost into the affairs of the world and its adorn-
ment, God caused their ruin at the hands of Halaku and
Changez Khan. It is written that at that time a cry was heard
from heaven:25
In short, the wicked and the immoral are lower and more
despicable than disbelievers in the eyes of Allah. (Malfuzat,
new ed., vol. 3, p. 108)
Then he says:
The prayer of the wicked tyrant is not accepted because he is
unmindful of Allah, and thus Allah cares not for him. If a son
is unmindful of his obligations to his father, the father does
not care about him, because of his disobedience. Why should
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Condition II
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Condition II
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According to a hadith:
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘If someone gives you something for safekeeping, return it to
him. Do not be dishonest with anyone, even if he has been
dishonest with you.’ (Sunano Abi Dawud, Kitab-ul-Buyu‘,
Babu fir-Rajuli ya’khudhu Haqqahu…)
40 Page 41 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Condition II
because of young age, has not yet acquired any bad habits,
dislikes what belongs to others so much so that it is with
great difficulty that [he] allows a strange woman to breast-
feed [him]. (Islami Usul ki Philosophy, Ruhani Khaza’in,
vol. 10, p. 344)
‘And seek, in that which Allah has given thee, the Home of
the Hereafter; and neglect not thy lot in this world; and do
good to others as Allah has done good to thee; and seek not to
make mischief in the earth, verily Allah loves not those who
make mischiefRaided
Hadrat Mu‘adh Bin Jabalra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Combat is of two types: One that is waged for the pleasure of
Allah under the leadership of an Imam [divinely guided
leader]. A person engaged in such combat spends his best
property in the way of Allah, is comforting his companions,
and avoids mischief. For such a person, everything—his
sleeping and waking time—earns merit in the sight of Allah.
And there is another who engages in combat for pride, osten-
tation, and to talk about his valour. He disobeys the Imam and
41 Page 42 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
creates mischief in the earth. Such a one can never equal the
first one in rank.’ (Sunano Abi Dawud, Kitab-ul-Jihad, Babu fi
man yaghzu wa yaltamis-ud-Dunya)
Hadrat Asma’ Bint Yazidra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa
said, ‘Should I inform you about the best of people?’ The
Companionsra said, ‘Certainly, tell us O Prophet of Allah.’ He
said, ‘When they witness a desirable scene, they start remem-
bering Allah.’ Then he said, ‘Should I tell you about the worst
of people? The worst people are those who go about back-
biting and creating discord between people. Their wish is that
the obedient servants of Allah get involved in sin.’ (Musnadu
Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 6, p. 459, printed in Beirut)
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Condition II
That is:
And fight them until the rebellion is removed, and religion is
professed only for Allah.
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That is:
Fighting (in the Holy city of Mecca) is a heinous thing, but to
hinder men from the ways of Allah and to be ungrateful to
Him, and to expel the righteous men from the Sacred Mosque
is more heinous in the sight of Allah. And rebellion, that is,
interfering in the peaceful living, is worse than killing…
( Jang-e-Muqaddas, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 6, p. 255)
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Condition II
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That is, higher in status than the believers of the third rank are
those who guard themselves against the carnal passions and
unlawful lust. This rank is higher than the third rank because
at the third rank one only sacrifices wealth that is dear to him.
But a believer at the fourth rank sacrifices something that is
dearer to him than wealth—the carnal passions. Man is so
enamored with his carnal passions that he spends large sums to
satisfy his lust. He gives no importance to wealth when
pursuing such desires. It has been observed that there are many
stingy people who do not give a penny to the needy, but
destroy their households by spending large amounts on visiting
women of ill repute. It is thus established that the carnal
passions are a fierce flood that carries with it a filthy habit like
stinginess. It is therefore obvious, that in comparison with the
strength of faith that cures stinginess and prepares one to part
with his beloved property for the sake of Allah, a much
stronger and long-lasting faith in combating Satan is required
to safeguard oneself from the deluge of carnal passions,
because such faith tramples under its foot the old serpent
called Nafs-e-’Ammarah [the self that incites to evil]. As far as
stinginess is concerned, it can be avoided during times of satis-
fying the carnal passions or for ostentation and show, but this
deluge that is raised by the upsurge of carnal passions is a very
severe and long-lasting deluge that cannot be averted except
with the mercy of Allah. Just as the bone is the hardest part
and longest living in the components of the body, so too the
strength of faith needed for safeguarding from this deluge is
hardest and longest lasting so that it may persist in combating
this enemy for a long time. And that too with the mercy of
Allah, because the deluge of carnal passions is such a devastating
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Condition II
flood that nobody can safeguard himself from it except with the
mercy of Allah. That is why Hadrat Yusufas had to say33:
That is:
‘And I do not absolve myself of weakness; for the soul is surely
prone to enjoin evil. It is not possible to safeguard oneself
from its attack except that Allah the Almighty should have
The phrase mentioned in this verse is:34
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Condition II
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Observe Five Daily Prayers
The first point mentioned in this condition is that the initiate
will observe five daily Prayers in accordance with the
commandment of Allah and His Messengersa. The command-
ment of Allah is that men and women as well as children who
have reached the age of ten should offer Prayers at their
appointed times. Men have been commanded to establish five Page 52 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
And observe Prayer and give the Zakat, and obey the
Messenger, that you may be shown mercy.
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Condition III
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He also says:
The essence and spirit of Prayer lie in supplications. (Ayyam-
us-Sulh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 14, p. 241)
He also says:
So all ye people who count yourselves as members of my
Jama‘at, in heaven you shall be counted members of my
following only when you truly begin to advance on the
paths of righteousness. Offer your five daily Obligatory
Prayers with such concentration and awe of mind as though
you were seeing God in front of you. Observe the days of
fasting for the sake of God in full sincerity. All among you
who are liable for Zakat should never fail to discharge this
important obligation. And those upon whom the pilgrimage
to Mecca has become obligatory, without any obstacles
standing in the way, should duly undertake that blessed
journey. Do all good deeds with the proper care they
deserve, forsaking evil from a real repulsion arising from the
heart. Be very sure that no action, whatsoever, can take you
to God if it is devoid of righteousness. The root of every-
thing good is taqwa [righteousness]; in whatever action this
root is not lost, that action will never be devoid or futile.
(Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, p. 15)
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Condition III
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Condition III
Be Regular in Tahajjud
The third condition stipulates that one should offer tahajjud
Prayers. Almighty Allah says:39
57 Page 58 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
In another hadith:
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra has related that the Holy Prophetsa
said, ‘Our Lord descends every night to the lowest heaven.
When one-third of the night remains, Allah says, “Who will
call upon Me, so I should respond to him? Who will beg of
Me, so I should grant him? And Who will ask my forgiveness,
so I should forgive him?” Allah the Almighty keeps saying so
until dawn breaks.’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 2, p. 521,
printed in Beirut)
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Condition III
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who wakes up, obviously there is a pain that is waking him up.
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 2, p. 182)
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Condition III
41. Bless O Allah, Muhammad and his progeny as You did bless
Abraham and his progeny. Certainly You are Praiseworthy and
Glorious. Prosper O Allah, Muhammad and his progeny, as
You did prosper Abraham and his progeny. Certainly You are
Praiseworthy and Glorious.
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Condition III
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Be Regular in Istighfar
The third condition also enjoins istighfar. Almighty Allah says
in the Holy Qur’an:45
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Condition III
Glorify thy Lord with His praise and seek forgiveness of Him.
Surely He is Oft-returning with compassion.46
But Allah would not punish them while thou wast among them,
and Allah would not punish them while they sought forgiveness.
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Condition III
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This prayer has already been accepted. Do not spend your life
in heedlessness. Anyone who eschews heedless life will hope-
fully never be afflicted with any great misfortune because such
misfortune does not befall without divine permission. I was
revealed the following prayer in this regard:49
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Condition III
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Condition III
of Allah! I do love you and counsel you that you should not
miss supplicating after every Salat.
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Now, ponder and you will recognise that all the praise-
worthy attributes belong to Allah alone because He alone
possesses all these attributes in perfection; and nobody else
does…. In short, only Allah the Almighty is perfect in His
being and worthy of praise in an excellent manner. In
comparison to Him, no one deserves praise by virtue of its
own being. If someone else deserves praise, it is only
secondary in nature. This, too, is a Mercy of Allah the
Almighty because even though He is One, without any
partner, He has included others in those praises in a
secondary sense. (Ro’idad-e-Jalsah Du‘a’, Ruhani Khaza’in,
vol. 15, pp. 598–602)
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Condition III
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[From the concluding address delivered at the Annual
Convention of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at, Germany,
on August 24, 2003, in which fourth, fifth and sixth condi-
tions of bai‘at were explained in detail.]
76 Page 77 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
As is clear from this condition, one should not
cause harm whether by one’s hands or by one’s tongue in a fit
of anger, under the pretext of one’s self-respect or honour.
Clearly, it is mandatory that one should not harm any
Muslim. This has been made obligatory upon us. We have to
especially abide by this condition because Muslims associate
themselves with our dearly Beloved Master the Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa. We cannot even imagine harming them. In
seeking the help of Allah, the Most Powerful and the
Almighty God, Who is the Lord of All Powers, against those
self-appointed ‘ulema’ who are a blemish on the fair name of
Islam—who have exceeded all bounds in their enmity of the
Messiah and the Mahdi as of the age—we prostrate at His
threshold imploring Him to seize them. We do so because the Page 78 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
78 Page 79 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Condition IV
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That is, the virtuous are those who suppress their anger when
it is appropriate and forgive when it is appropriate to forgive
A bad deed should be requited with an equal amount and
in situations where forgiveness of sin is corrective without
causing any harm—that is, forgiveness is granted when the
occasion warrants and not otherwise—then it merits reward.
(Islami Usul ki Philosophy, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 10, p. 351)
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Condition IV
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Condition IV
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Condition IV
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Condition IV
He further said:
A man should not be conceited, nor indecent, nor ill-
mannered towards the fellow beings. He should act with love
and goodness and should not bear ill-will towards anyone for
personal reasons. He should behave firmly or gently in accor-
dance with the occasions or conditions. (Malfuzat, new ed.,
vol. 5, p. 609)
87 Page 88 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Which means that for seeking the pleasure of God you feed
the poor, the orphans, and the needy, and you say that you
perform these acts only for the pleasure of the Almighty Allah,
and you fear that extremely terrible Day.
In brief, pray, ask forgiveness and keep giving charity, so
that the Almighty Allah may deal with you with His Grace
and Mercy. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 1, pp. 134–135)
Then he says:
Friends! Hold fast to this rule: deal with all people with
kindness. Kindness increases intelligence, and forbearance
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Condition IV
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That he/she shall remain faithful to God
in all circumstances of life, in sorrow and
in happiness, in adversity and in pros-
perity, in felicity and in trial; and that
he/she shall in all conditions remain
resigned to the decree of God and keep
himself/herself ready to face all kinds of
indignities and sufferings in His way and
shall never turn away from Him at the
onslaught of any misfortune; on the
contrary, he/she shall march forward.
Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:61
Then he says:
A loved one of God sells his being in the way of God. In
return, he earns the pleasure of God. Such are the ones upon
whom the special mercy of God descends. (Report Jalsah
A‘zam Madhahib, p. 188)
Then he says:
There are some people who sell their beings hoping that He
would be pleased… (Paighami Sulh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 23,
p. 473)
For such people, Allah the Almighty has given the glad
92 Page 93 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Condition V
People who are reconciled to the will of Allah, and suffer all
hardships and tribulations for His sake, are never left unre-
warded by Allah the Almighty. There are many among us
who are embodiments of shortcomings and defects. We
commit many errors and sins. But if we are in the habit of
reconciling to the will of Allah, and are ever-prepared to, and
do, suffer all indignities for Him, if we are not like the wailing
woman who put up a big clamour on any small suffering, for
such patient ones there is a glad tiding from the Holy
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Condition V
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Nothing that the Holy Prophetsa did was against the pleasure
of Allah; yet, he prayed fervently, he prayed for the pleasure of
Hadrat Muhammad Bin Ibrahimra narrates a hadith from
Hadrat ‘Aishahra, ‘Once I was sleeping by the side of the Holy
Prophetsa. During a time at night I did not find him there.
While searching around, my hand touched his feet while he
was prostrating. He was praying, “Allah, I seek the protection
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Condition V
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Then he says:
Every true believer passes through such circumstances. If he
becomes His with sincerity and fidelity, Allah becomes his
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Condition V
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One hundred years ago, two elders of the Jama‘at demon-
strated perfect fidelity and steadfastness. They were true to
their pledge, very true. They were enticed with different
kinds of attractions to break the pledge, but these princes of
steadfastness paid no attention to them and remained true to
their pledge. The Promised Messiahas has paid excellent
tribute to them. They are Sahibzadah Sayyed ‘Abdul Latif
Shahidra and ‘Abdur-Rahman Khanra. I present an excerpt
from the Promised Messiahas:
Ponder with faith and fairness that if a Jama‘at were based
entirely on deceit, falsehood, and trickery, could its members
demonstrate such steadfastness and valour that they should not
forsake this path, accept being trampled under stones and—
not worrying about their wives and children—offer their lives
despite the repeated promises of release on condition of
renouncing bai‘at? Sheikh ‘Abdur-Rahmanra was slaughtered
in Kabul in the same manner. He made no protest nor begged
for release by renouncing bai‘at.
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Condition V
O my Lord, You are my Paradise, and Your Mercy is my
protection, and Your signs are my nourishment and Your
Grace is my mantle.
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The Promised Messiahas admonishes us not to
follow the un-Islamic customs that people have added to their
faith because of the influence of the society in which they
live. These customs have been adopted from other religions.
For example, there are some frivolous customs during cele-
brations of marriage—like showing off the dowery given to
the bride by her groom’s family, or the gifts brought by them,
or publicly displaying the dowery given to the bride by her
own family. There is quite a show. Islam only enjoins haq mehr
[bride’s due right] to be publicly announced as a part of the Page 104 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
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Condition VI
In this verse Allah has given a very clear verdict that should
make us fearful: those who follow their vain desires will never
be rightly guided.
We claim that we have recognised and accepted the Imam of
the Age but despite taking a pledge with the Imam to forsake
all vain customs we are clinging to them. Everyone should
examine himself: Are we taking retrograde steps? If we are
true to the pledge and—fearing our Lord and eschewing
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But as for him who fears the station of his Lord, and restrains
his soul from evil desires, the Paradise shall surely be his home.
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Condition VI
Evolving Innovations
and Rituals Deserve to be Rejected
In short, the Holy Prophetsa told us in the above-quoted
ahadith that those innovations that have nothing to do with
faith, which take one away from faith, which disrespect the
commandments of Allah and His Apostle, are all worthy of
rejection. They are all useless and ought to be shunned. Stay
away from them because they will gradually corrupt faith.
You can see that innovations have taken a firm foothold in
other religions and have corrupted them. This, indeed, was
bound to happen because it was destined that Islam should
remain the only living faith. But if you make a close examina-
tion you will find that other religions such as Christianity—
despite being one religion—have made many local customs in
different countries as a part of faith in that country. We
observe the same phenomenon in Africa. When the path of
innovations is opened, new innovations continue to creep up.
The Holy Prophetsa has expressed grave concern and has
given severe warnings to those who create innovations in
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Condition VI
bar thinking that: ‘he would drink alcohol but I will drink
coffee or some other beverage.’ Great caution is required. One
day, you may be influenced by him to try just one sip and
then God forbid, it becomes your habit to drink. Keep the
following hadith of the Holy Prophetsa in mind:
Hadrat Abu Barzahra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘I
fear that you may be tempted by the lusts of the flesh and
sexual cravings, and I am afraid of the evil consequences of
sensual temptations.’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 4.
p. 423, printed in Beirut)
66. But as for him who fears to stand before his Lord, and
restrains his soul from evil desires, the Garden shall surely be
his home. (al-Nazi‘at, 79:41–42)
109 Page 110 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Then he says:
One who is fearful of standing before God and secures himself
against the selfish desires attains the station of Paradise. To
secure oneself against the carnal desires is the death of the ego.
By doing so, one can please God in this very world and
thereby attain Paradise. (Al-Badr, vol. 1, August 3, 1905, p. 2)
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Condition VI
There is a hadith:
Hadrat Abu Musa al-Ash‘arira relates that the Holy Prophetsa
said, ‘The example of a believer who recites the Qur’an and
acts accordingly is like that of a citron that tastes good and
smells good. And a believer who does not recite the Qur’an
but acts upon it is like a date, which is good in taste but has no
smell. And the example of a hypocrite who recites the Qur’an
is like the basil, which smells good, but tastes bitter. And the
example of a hypocrite who neither recites the Qur’an nor
acts upon it is like the colocynth, which tastes bitter and has
bad smell.’ (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabu Fada’ilil-Qur’an, Babu
Ithmi man ra’a bi-Qira’atil-Qur’ani au ta’akkala bihi au
fakhura bih)
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Condition VI
Then he says:
Beware! Do not take a single step in contravention of Allah’s
teaching and the Guidance contained in the Qur’an. Verily, I
tell you truly that whosoever evades even the least of the seven
hundred commandments embodied in the Holy Qur’an, he
slams the door of salvation upon himself. Only the Holy
Qur’an has opened the real and perfect paths of salvation; all
others were only its shadows. Therefore, you should study this
Holy Scripture with the utmost attention and deepest
thought; and you should love it as you have never loved
anything else. For indeed, as God has conveyed to me:
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Condition VI
Again, He says:70
And obey Allah and the Messenger that you may be shown
Again, He says:71
They ask thee concerning the spoils of wars. Say, ‘The spoils
belong to Allah and the Messenger. So fear Allah, and set
things right among yourselves, and obey Allah and His
Messenger, if you are believers.
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Condition VI
72. Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you…
(Al-e-‘Imran, 3:32)
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73. Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you…
(Al-e-‘Imran, 3:32)
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Condition VI
Then he says:
This temporary life will come to an end—whether spent in
constrained circumstances or times of ease. But the matter of
the Hereafter is very hard. It is an everlasting abode that has no
end in time. If one goes to that life in a condition that one’s
affairs with Allah are straight, and the fear of Allah had over-
powered one’s heart, and with repentance from sins, he had
secured himself from everything that Allah has designated as
sin, the Grace of Allah will guide him. He will be pleased with
his Lord, and his Lord will be pleased with him. But if one
does not do so and spends this life in heedlessness, his end is
dangerous. Therefore, at the time of bai‘at, make a firm deter-
mination of what bai‘at is and what benefits it provides. If it is
done merely for worldly objectives, it is useless. But if it is for
the sake of faith and pleasure of Allah, then it is blessed and
carries its real aims and objectives. It can be hoped that it will
provide all the benefits that the true bai‘at provides. (Malfuzat,
vol. 6, p. 142)
119 Page 120 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Today, with the grace of Allah the Almighty, after du‘a ’ this
Convention74 will reach its end. May we for the entire year,
indeed for the entire life, be the recipients of the blessings and
spiritual benefits of this Convention. May Allah cultivate and
maintain the bond of love in our coming generations for
Allah, His Messenger, the Promised Messiahas and khilafat.
May Allah expose not our past shortcomings and sins, and
may He forgive us, and may He, out of His sheer Grace, keep
us among the Jama‘at of His dear ones. Our Allah! You are
Forgiving and Merciful. Forgive our sins. Take mercy on us.
Take us under the cover of Your forgiveness and mercy. Never
allow us to depart from You. Amin, ya Rabbal ‘Alamin75!
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[From the Friday sermon delivered at Frankfurt, Germany,
on August 29, 2003, in which seventh and eighth conditions
of bai‘at were discussed in detail.]
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Condition VII
And walk not in the earth haughtily, for thou canst not rend
the earth, nor canst thou reach the mountains in height.
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And do not puff up your cheek before men in pride nor walk
in the earth haughtily; surely, Allah loves not any arrogant
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Condition VII
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stay away from greed because it was greed that made Adam eat
the fruit of the forbidden tree. Third, avoid jealousy because it
was out of jealously that one of Adam’s sons killed his brother.’
(Ar-Risalah Al-Qushairiyyah, Bab-ul-Hasadi, p. 79)
Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin Mas‘udra narrated that the Holy
Prophetsa said, ‘One whose heart has arrogance as little as a
small grain will not be allowed to enter Paradise.’ One man
said, ‘O Prophet of Allah! Man wishes to be well-dressed, to
have good shoes on, and to look good.’ The Holy Prophetsa
replied, ‘This is not arrogance,’ adding, ‘Allah the Almighty is
Elegant and likes elegance, that is, He likes beauty. Real arro-
gance is when man rejects what is true, considers people
lowly, holds them in contempt and treats them badly.’ (Sahih
Muslim, Kitab-ul-Iman, Babu Tahrimil-kibri wa Bayanihi)
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Condition VII
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is also given. Allah says, ‘I shall save you from the torment of
Fire if you have the slightest degree of faith,’ as is mentioned
in a hadith:
Hadrat ‘Abdullahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘One whose heart has arrogance only equal to a grain will
not enter Paradise and one whose heart has faith only equal
to a grain will not enter Fire.’ (Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, Al-
Muqaddimah, Babu Fil-Iman, Hadith no. 59)
He goes on to say:
If you have any element of arrogance, hypocrisy, conceit, or
indolence, then you are not worthy of acceptance. Do not
deceive yourselves over a few things, in that you have achieved
what you could, because God wishes that your entire being
should go through a complete revolution. He demands a death
128 Page 129 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Condition VII
Deep Connection
Between Arrogance and Satan
The Promised Messiahas then says:
Indeed, there are people who, although hundreds of thousands
of ranks below those of Prophets of God (peace be on them
all) grow arrogant when they have offered the Salat for a
couple of days. Similarly, rather than be purified by fasting and
performing Hajj, they develop conceit and arrogance.
Remember, arrogance comes from Satan and makes one
satanic. Until man keeps away from it, it becomes an impedi-
ment in the acceptance of truth and beneficence of the
Divine. Arrogance should not be adopted in any way at all,
not with regard to knowledge, not with regard to wealth, not
with regard to high rank, not due to caste, ancestry and
lineage; for it is mostly due to these things that arrogance
develops. Unless one purifies oneself from these conceits one
cannot be esteemed in the sight of Allah the Almighty. One
cannot be granted the cognizance of God that burns the
worthless emotional elements, for this [conceit] belongs to
Satan, and Allah the Almighty does not like it…
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Condition VII
He then states:
Arrogance is a most dangerous disease. Whoever develops this
meets spiritual death. I know most certainly that this disease is
worse than murder. An arrogant person turns into Satan’s
brother because it was arrogance alone that disgraced Satan.
Therefore, it is a prerequisite for a believer that he should not
have arrogance; rather, he is required to have humility and
meekness. Those who are divinely appointed have humility of
131 Page 132 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
the highest order. The Holy Prophetsa had this quality more
than anyone else. One of his servants was asked as to how he
was treated. He replied that the truth was that he was served
by the Holy Prophetsa more than he served him.78
( )
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 4, pp. 437–438)
78. Bless O Allah Muhammad and his people and grant them
Thy bounties and peace.
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Condition VII
on him. He is blind and does not realise that God has power
to afflict him with such misfortune as would all of a sudden
cast him to the lowest of the low; and again, He has the
power to bestow greater wealth and prosperity upon that
brother of his whom he considers small. Yet again, that
person is arrogant who is proud of his superior bodily health,
or of his handsomeness, or good looks, or strength, or
prowess, and scornfully makes fun of his brother and teases
him and addresses him with derisive names, not satisfied with
this he advertises his physical defects. It is so because he is
unaware of the existence of a God Who possesses power to
suddenly afflict him with such bodily defects as may leave
him much worse than his brother.
Similarly, the person who relies on his own strength, and
neglects to supplicate to God, is arrogant. This is because he
has not recognised divine strengths and powers and instead
considers himself to be something. Therefore, O dear ones,
remember all this lest you are deemed arrogant in the sight of
Allah in some manner and you are unaware of it. A person
who corrects a wrong word of his brother with arrogance has
also partaken in arrogance. A person who does not wish to
listen to what his brother has to say with civility and turns his
face away has also partaken of arrogance. He who feels
disgust for a poor and needy brother who sits next to him has
also partaken of arrogance. A person who looks with derision
and ridicule at one who prays has also partaken from arro-
gance. One who does not wish to be completely obedient to
God’s appointee and Prophet also partakes of arrogance. One
who does not listen attentively to God’s appointee and
Prophet and does not read his writings with care also partakes
133 Page 134 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
The other part that has been stated in this condition is that
one shall spend his life in lowliness, humbleness, cheerfulness,
forbearance and meekness. As I mentioned earlier, if you try
to free your heart and mind of arrogance, manage to free it,
then most necessarily you would have to inculcate a higher
quality, a higher characteristic, a higher attribute in you or
else Satan would repeat his onslaught, for it is his task not to
leave you alone. That quality is of humility and meekness. It is
not possible for arrogance and meekness to co-exist. Arrogant
people are always deriding and mocking humble people who
are servants of the Gracious God. When confronted with such
people you are not to adopt their attitude; rather, you are to
abide by this commandment of Allah the Almighty:79
And the servants of the Gracious God are those who walk on
the earth in a dignified manner, and when the ignorant address
them, they say, ‘Peace!’
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Condition VII
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Condition VII
Thus, each Ahmadi should adopt the same path and should
tread the ways on which our master the Holy Prophetsa was.
Each Ahmadi should try and be counted among the meek,
for the pledge of bai‘at states that, ‘I shall spend my life in
It is narrated in one tradition:
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that, ‘Hadrat Ja‘far ra Bin Abi
Talib used to love the meek and needy. He would sit in their
gatherings and would talk to them, and the meek and needy
would talk to him. Therefore, the Holy Prophetsa would call
Hadrat Ja‘farra with the title of ‘Abul Masakin [i.e., the father
of the meek].’ (Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, Kitabuz-Zuhd, Babu
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He also states:
It was an essential requirement for ahl-e-taqwa [righteous
people] that they spend their life in poverty and meekness.
This is a branch of taqwa by which we are to ward off the
unjustified anger. The last and most crucial stage for great
pious and honest people is indeed to shun anger. Haughtiness
and conceit are borne out of anger, and similarly, anger is at
times a consequence of haughtiness and conceit. Anger is
aroused only when man gives preference to one’s nafs [self]
over the other. (Report Jalsah Salanah, 1897, p. 49)
He states:
If you wish that God in heaven is pleased with you, then be
as if you are two brothers from one womb. The more
esteemed among you is one who forgives the sins of his
brother, and wretched is one who is obstinate and does not
forgive. Such a person is not from me. (Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 12–13)
138 Page 139 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
The pledge to prefer faith over the world is a
pledge that everyone who is constantly linked with the
Jama‘at and attends meetings and ijtima‘at repeats over and
over again. Banners are set up at every ijtima‘, jalsah, etc.
Often, one of these banners displays the idea of giving prefer-
ence to faith over the world. Why has this matter been given
so much importance? Without it, faith cannot survive. It is
not an easy task to act upon this requirement. To achieve it,
one should constantly ask for Allah’s help. This high standard
can only be established with His grace. For us who are (with
the grace of Allah) in bai‘at of the Promised Messiahas, Allah
the Almighty has given the instruction in the Holy Qur’an:80 Page 140 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
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Condition VIII
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It is narrated in a tradition:
Hadrat Mu‘awiyah Bin Haidah al-Qushairira says while
narrating the story of his acceptance of Islam, ‘I reached the
Holy Prophetsa and I asked him, “What message has our Lord
given you for us, and what religion have you brought?” He
said, “God has sent me with the religion of Islam.” I asked,
“What is the religion of Islam?” Hudursa replied, “Islam is that
you surrender your entire being to Allah, abandon all other
deities, establish Salat, and give Zakat.”’ (1: Kanzul-‘Ummal Li
‘Alaiddin al-Muttaqi al-Hindi,Kitab-ul-Imani wal-Islami min
Qismil-Af‘al. Wa fihi Arba‘atu Abwabin, Albabul awwalu,
alfasluth-thani fi Haqiqatil-Islam. 2: Shu‘aabul-Imani Lil-
Baihaqi, As-Sadis was-Sittuna min shu‘aabil-Imani wa huwa
Babun fi Muba‘adatil-kuffari wal-Mufsidina wal-ghilzati
142 Page 143 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Condition VIII
Revival of Islam
Demands a Ransom from Us
The Promised Messiahas says:
Revival of Islam demands a ransom from us. What is it? It is us
dying in this very path. This is the death upon which the life
of Islam, the life of Muslims, and the manifestation of the
Living God depend. This is exactly what is called Islam, and
143 Page 144 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
God now wants to revive this very Islam. To bring about this
great undertaking, it is essential that a grand enterprise that
would be effective in every aspect should be established by His
own initiative. So, the Wise and Powerful God did exactly that
by sending this humble one for the reformation of mankind.
(Fat-he-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, pp. 10–12)
Then he says:
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Condition VIII
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Him nor to break the ties of sincerity and loyalty with Him.
(Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 66–67)
May Allah the Almighty grant us the ability to act upon all
these exhortations.
146 Page 147 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
[From the Friday sermon delivered at the Fadl Mosque,
London, United Kingdom, on September 12, 2003, in
which ninth condition of bai‘at was discussed in detail.]
The teachings of Islam are so beautiful that they have not left
any aspect of human life untouched. All of these favours of
Allah the Almighty demand that this teaching, which
descended on His dear Prophetsa, be adopted as part of our
lives. We bear even greater responsibility as we have joined
and claimed to have joined the Jama‘at of the true lover and
servant of the Holy Prophetsa, and the Imam of this Age.
Thus, whereas Allah the Almighty has drawn attention
towards His worship and the discharge of one’s obligations
toward Him, He has also drawn the attention toward the
discharge of our obligations to humans. He has also
commanded us regarding the rights of different relatives and
relationships that need to be discharged. It is due to this
importance that the Promised Messiahas mentioned in the
ninth condition of bai‘at kindness towards the creation of
Allah the Almighty and the obligations owed to them. Page 148 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM Page 149 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:85
And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show
kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the
needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neigh-
bour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the
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And they feed, for love of Him, the poor, the orphan, and the
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my Lord. How could I serve you water, whereas You are the
Lord of all the worlds?” Upon this, Allah the Almighty will
say, “Such and such person asked you for some water, but you
did not offer him any. If you had given him water, you would
have had its reward with Me.’” (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Birri
was-Silah, Babu Fadli ‘Iyadatil-Marid)
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It is reported that:
Hadrat ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Umarra narrates that the Messenger of
Allah said, ‘Do not be jealous of one another. Do not raise
prices to harm each other. Do not hold grudges against each
other. Do not turn your backs on each other, and do not be
indifferent to each other. And do not bid on deals that are
closed. Instead, you should live like servants of God and be
brotherly to each other. A Muslim does not wrong his
brother. He does not insult him, and he does not embarrass or
humiliate him.” He pointed to his chest and said, “Piety is
here.” He repeated these words three times, then he said, “It is
enough misfortune for a man that he should look at his
Muslim brother with disdain. Every Muslim’s blood, wealth,
honour and respect are sacred and sanctified for the other
Muslim.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Birri was-Silah, Babu
Tahrimi-Zulmil Muslimi Wa Khadhlih)
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Then he says:
Beware there are two categories of rights. One is Allah’s right
and the second is the human right. Even in connection with
the right of Allah, the affluent encounter difficulty, and arro-
gance and conceit keep them deprived. For example, they
dislike standing next to a poor person in Prayer. They cannot
have him sit next to them, and thus they remain deficient in
matters of Allah’s right. Mosques are indeed the houses for the
poor, and these people consider it below their stature to go
there. Similarly, they cannot take part in special activities in
connection with the rights of man. A poor man is prepared
for any service. He can massage your feet, bring water, wash
clothes and does not hesitate if he has to help remove the
human refuse. But the rich consider such tasks to be insulting
and disgraceful and are thus deprived of these blessings as well.
Thus, prosperity can also stop you from doing a number of
virtuous deeds. This is why it is reported in traditions that the
poor will enter Paradise five hundred years earlier. (Malfuzat
new ed., vol. 3, p. 368)
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He also says:
Compassion for God’s creation is such a thing that if man gives
it up and moves away from it, he gradually becomes a beast.
This is what the humanity of man demands, and one is human
only as long as one treats one’s brother with kindness, tender-
ness, and benevolence. There should be no discrimination in
this matter. Just as Sa‘di said, ‘human beings are like parts of a
body.’ Remember, in my estimation the scope of sympathy is
very wide. One should not exclude any group or individual. I
do not say––like the ignorant people of this age––that you
should limit your kindness to only Muslims. I say that you
should have sympathy for all of God’s creation no matter who
they are, whether a Hindu, or a Muslim, or something else. I
never approve the words of such people who wish to limit
sympathy only to their own people. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 4,
pp. 216–217)
He also says:
Thus, to be kind to the human race and have compassion for
it is a very great type of worship and it is a great way to win
the pleasure of Allah the Almighty; but I see a great defi-
ciency is shown in this regard. Others are considered infe-
rior. They are mocked at instead of being looked after and
helped in a time of calamity and distress. Those who do not
treat the poor well, even consider them inferior, I fear they
may get afflicted by the same calamity. Those whom Allah
has blessed should express their gratitude and should deal
with His creation kindly and humanely. They should not be
proud of God-given abundance, and they should not
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He also says:
The great details about the rights of parents, children, other
relatives, and the destitute as described in the Qur’an are not,
in my estimation, written in any other book.
As Allah the Almighty says:89
And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show
kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the
needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neigh-
bour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and
the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess.
Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful.
(Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 23, pp. 208–209)
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…Verily, we fear our Lord, and the day that is: ‘Abus and
God Almighty protects one from the evil of this day, and this
protection is due to one’s cheerfulness and happiness.
I say once again: remember helping the poor and the needy in
this day and age and it will save you from the difficulties of the
Judgement Day. May God Almighty grant you and me the
opportunity to strive for attaining the respect and pleasure of
the Everlasting, Amin.
(Haqa’iq-ul-Furqan, vol. 4, pp. 290–291)
91. So Allah will save them from the evil of that day, and will
grant them cheerfulness and happiness. (al-Dahr, 76:12)
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any other way. Always work for the good of mankind. Never
unduly assert yourself with pride over others, even those
who are placed under you. Never use abusive language for
anyone, even if he abuses you. Be humble in spirit, kind,
gentle, and forgiving, sympathetic towards all, and wish
them well, so that you may be accepted…. If you are big,
have mercy on those who are small and not contempt. If you
are wise and well-versed in learning, serve the ignorant with
words of wisdom. Never desire to bring disgrace on their
lack of knowledge by trying to show off your own learning.
If you are rich, instead of treating them with self-centred,
disdainful pride, you should serve the poor. (Kashti-e-Nuh,
Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 11–12)
Then he said:
People will mistreat you and will hurt you in every way, but
members of my Jama‘at should not be provoked. Do not use
hurtful words in the heat of emotions. Allah the Almighty
does not like such people. Allah the Almighty wants to make
our Jama‘at exemplary.
He further says:
Allah the Almighty loves the muttaqi [righteous]. You should
always remain in awe of God’s Majesty and be mindful that all
are God’s creatures. Do not persecute anyone, and do not have
a quick temper or look at anyone with disdain. If there is one
bad person in a Jama‘at, he can spoil others also. If your
temper is inclined towards anger, then carefully examine the
source of its fury. This aspect is very critical. (Malfuzat, vol. 1,
pp. 8–9)
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He also says:
Be such that your sincerity, loyalty, tenderness, and sensitivity
should reach heaven. God protects such a person and gives
him blessings when he sees that his heart is full of sincerity and
loyalty. He sees your hearts and looks into them, not at your
words and speech. If He finds the heart of a person to be pure
and clean, He descends upon it and makes it His home.
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 3, p. 181)
He also said:
I repeat that those who are beneficial to mankind and are
perfect in faith, sincerity, and loyalty will most certainly be
saved. Therefore, you should try to develop these qualities in
you. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 4, p. 184)
He also says:
You cannot be accepted in the presence of the Lord unless you
are pure, both on the outside and inside. If you are big, then
have mercy on those who are small and not contempt. If you
are wise and well-versed in learning, serve the ignorant with
words of wisdom. Never desire to bring disgrace on their lack
of knowledge by trying to show off your own learning. If you
are rich, instead of treating them with self-centred, disdainful
pride, you should serve the poor. Beware of the ways of
destruction. Fear the Lord, and be righteous…. How unfortu-
nate is the man who fails to believe in things coming from the
Mouth of God, which I have stated to you. If at all you desire
that God in heaven be pleased with you, hasten to become
one among yourselves as though you were brothers born of
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He also said:
To be compassionate towards God’s creation is indeed a highly
meritorious act, and Allah the Almighty likes it very much.
What can be more valuable than showing compassion for such
a person? Do you think that a master would be pleased with a
friend if one of his servants went to his friend, but the friend
did not take care of his servant? Never, even though the friend
did not directly hurt the master. The kind treatment of his
servant and hospitality shown to him amount to respecting the
master. Similarly, God dislikes when someone ignores His
creation, because He holds His creation dear. Thus, a person
who shows kindness to His creation indeed pleases God.
(Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 4, pp. 215–216)
May Allah the Almighty give us the ability to act upon these
admonishments of the Promised Messiahas and May he enable
us to be true to the pledge that we have made with Him.
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That he/she shall enter into a bond of
brotherhood with this humble servant of
God, pledging obedience to me in every-
thing good for the sake of God, and
remain faithful to it until the day of his/
her death. That he/she shall exert such a
high devotion in the observance of this
bond as is not to be found in any other
worldly relationship and connection that
demand devoted dutifulness.
[From the Friday sermon delivered at the Fadl Mosque,
London, United Kingdom, on September 19, 2003, in
which tenth condition of bai‘at was discussed in detail.]
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frees them from shackles that were preventing their necks from
being straightened. Therefore, these people who will believe
in him and will strengthen him by joining him and will help
him and will follow the light that has been brought down with
him, they will escape the hardships of this world and the here-
after. (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah, vol. 5, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 21,
p. 420)
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heard of this, he observed that, ‘If they had jumped into the
fire, they would have stayed in it forever.’ He also said, ‘No
obedience is obligatory if it involves disobedience to Allah.
Obedience is necessary only in ‘good decisions’. (Sunano Abi
Dawud, Kitab-ul-Jihad, Babun fit-Ta‘ati)
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Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you and
forgive you your faults. And Allah is most Forgiving, Merciful.’
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That is:
Tell them if you love God, come follow me so that God
may love you too.
Indeed, a one-sided claim of love is totally false and absurd.
When man honestly loves God, then God also loves him.
Then an acceptance for him is spread in the world. A sincere
love for him is produced in the hearts of thousands; a force of
attraction is granted to him, and a light is given to him that
always stays with him. When a person loves Allah with a
sincere heart and adopts Him over the whole world and to
him nothing is left of the majesty and dignity of anything
besides Allah—instead he considers all these others to be
worse than a dead worm—then Allah Who sees his heart
descends upon it with a weighty manifestation. Just as a
refined mirror put in front of the sun provides such a perfect
reflection of the sun that it can be said, figuratively and meta-
phorically, that the same sun that is in the sky is also present in
the mirror, likewise Allah descends on such a heart and makes
it His throne. This is the purpose for which man was created.
(Haqiqat-ul-Wahyi, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 22, pp. 64–65)
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speaks for him, and when Allah speaks, we have seen the
pieces of the enemy scattered all over, and we shall see that in
the future also, insha’Allah. Therefore, Ahmadis should have a
loyal relationship with the Promised Messiahas and place
emphasis upon prayers. Continue to pray all the time.
These traditions also prove that the Messiah to come will
also be the Imam. He will also be the Hakam [Authority]. He
will be the prince of justice and equity. You must establish a
bond with him, and it is incumbent on you to obey him as
the Hakam and the Imam. These teachings are for your better-
ment and training. You should act upon them so that you join
those who are dear to the Holy Prophetsa and who have
achieved nearness to Allah the Almighty.
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Thus, you are fortunate that you have accepted the Imam of
the time and you have entered into a covenant of bai‘at with
him. Now, you have to obey him purely for the sake of Allah.
You have to carry out all his commandments. Otherwise, you
will be going out of the circle of obedience to Allah the
Almighty. May Allah establish every Ahmadi on the superior
standard of obedience. And how do you establish such high
standards? These standards can be achieved only by acting on
the teachings of the Promised Messiahas.
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so that God may be pleased with you, and the enemy should
realise that after taking the covenant, you are no longer the
same person that you were. Testify honestly in litigation.
Everyone who enters this Jama‘at should adopt righteousness
with all his heart, determination, and strength. The world is
nearing its end. (Malfuzat, new ed., vol. 3, pp. 620–621)
Here, he has said that you should not say anything that will
create disorder. Some people are in the habit of spreading
rumours for fun. That carries the risk of creating disorder.
People have different temperaments. If something unpleasant
is stated in the presence of the one who was the subject of that
comment, that person will naturally develop a resentment
against the person to whom the statement is attributed.
Though I feel that it should not produce any ill feeling, there
is a way to stop such mischief, and that is that one should
directly approach the person to whom the comment was
attributed and ask him, ‘Have you heard these comments;
have you said anything like this?’ That will clarify the matter
and will also help reform the mischief-makers. Sometimes
such mischief-makers pit families against families. Stay away
from such mischief and from such mischief-makers. And if
possible, try to reform such people.
Evil also develops from direct confrontations, fights and
abuses. That also creates discord. The Promised Messiahas tells
us: if you are connected to me and you claim submission to
me, then shun everything of mischief and evil. You should
have such patience and tolerance that even if someone abuses
you, you should show restraint. The door of salvation will
open for you when you act upon this teaching. You will join
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Then he says:
Our Jama‘at should have a sincere relationship with Allah the
Almighty, and the Jama‘at members should be grateful that
Allah the Almighty has not rejected them. Instead, he has
shown hundreds of signs of His power to elevate their faith to
the level of conviction. Is there anyone among you who can
say that he has not seen any sign? I do claim that there is not
even one who has had the occasion to stay in my company
and yet not seen a fresh sign from Allah with his own eyes.
This is what our Jama‘at needs—that their faith be
enhanced, that they should develop true conviction and
understanding of Allah, that there should be no laziness or
indifference about the righteous deeds. If one is lazy, and it is
a hardship even to perform ablution, how would he offer
tahajjud [supererogatory Prayers]. If the strength to perform
the righteous deeds and the passion to excel in goodness do
not develop, it is useless to establish a link with us. (Malfuzat,
new ed., vol. 2. pp. 710–711)
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proceed out of your own free will. Who is my friend and who
is dear to me? Only he who recognises me. Only he who
believes that I have been sent and accepts me as those are
accepted who are sent. The world cannot accept me because I
am not of the world, but those whose natures have been
invested with a portion of the other world accept me and will
accept me. He who turns away from me, turns aside from
Him Who has sent me. And he who establishes a relationship
with me establishes a relationship with Him from Whom I
have come. I hold a lamp in my hand. He who comes to me
will surely partake of its light, but he who, out of ill-thinking,
runs away will be cast into the darkness. I am the citadel of
security for this age. He who enters therein will be secure
against thieves and robbers and wild beasts. He who seeks to
remain away from my walls will be confronted with death
from every direction, and even his dead body will not be
saved. Who is it who enters my citadel? Only he who discards
vice and adopts goodness, and gives up crookedness and treads
along the path of truth, and frees himself from the bondage of
Satan and becomes an obedient servant of Allah the Almighty.
Everyone who does that is in me, and I am in him. But only
he has the power to attain to this upon whom Allah the
Almighty bestows a pure soul. Then He places His Foot in the
hell of such a one’s inner self, and it becomes cool as if there
had never been any fire in it. Then he marches forward till the
spirit of Allah the Almighty dwells in him, and, with a special
manifestation, the Lord of the world establishes Himself in his
heart. Then his old humanity is consumed and a new and
pure humanity is bestowed on him. For him Allah the
Almighty becomes a new Allah and establishes a special rela-
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May Allah the Almighty enable us all to fulfil all our pledges
made with the Promised Messiahas; may we remain firmly
established upon all the conditions of his bai‘at; may we, by
acting upon his teachings, make our lives like paradise, and
may we be judged to be the inheritors of the paradises of the
next world. May Allah the Almighty help us. Amin.
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pa r t i i
the spiritual
as a result of the bai‘at Page 198 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM Page 199 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
[From the Friday sermon delivered at the Fadl Mosque,
London, United Kingdom, on September 26, 2003]
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The previous verses of the surah also talk about the subject of
obedience and the believers always proclaim: We hear and we
obey. It is their righteousness that enables them to attain near-
ness to Allah and brings success to them. So, this verse also
asks for hearing and obeying and showing compliance in
practical terms, not just to swear that one would do this or do
Hadrat Musleh-e-Mau‘udra has written in Tafsir-e-Kabir that
even hypocrites make big claims, but the real test is to show
obedience in action and not, like hypocrites, through brag-
ging about it. Here Allah the Almighty is instructing such
persons to adopt obedience in goodness—obedience in accor-
dance with the well-established tradition. The Prophet shall
not ask you to do anything which would be against the
shari‘ah or against wisdom. Then why are you raising any
question in this regards?
Let me give you an example: The Promised Messiahas says
that you have made a pledge of allegiance with me; you have
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Shunning Shirk
One of the conditions (of bai‘at) is that one should stay away
from shirk [associating anyone with Allah]. Not only our men,
but women also have set such high standards of being role-
models in observance of this condition that our hearts are
filled with Allah’s praise on looking at the revolutionary
change in them, and one feels impelled to pray for the
Promised Messiahas. For example, there is an incident in the
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child alive, only then you can say that I was lying!’ She
replied: ‘Whatever shall happen, that shall be the will of God!’
Jay Devi turned to leave and she was still in the porch, when
during the bath right there and then Zafar vomited blood and
also discharged blood from his bowels, and within moments
his condition became extremely critical. Subsequently, within
hours, he passed away. The mother entreated to Allah the
Almighty in these words: ‘O, My Lord! You are the One who
gave him to me and You are the One who have taken Him
away! I am content with Your will! Please grant me resolve to
remain patient!’ Then, she returned to Daskah [her home
town] with an empty lap. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 2, pp. 15–16)
Now it is evident how Allah the Almighty comforted her
with tremendous amounts of favours, so much so that He
blessed her with a son of the calibre of Chaudhry Zafrullah
Khanra who lived a very long life, and earned extraordinary
eminence and distinction in the world.
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Messiahas would come out for the morning walk. All of his
companionsra remained in his company. These activities would
go on till eleven or twelve midday. Then, the adhan for Zuhr
Prayer was called and the Zuhr Prayer was done before one in
the afternoon. The ‘Asr Prayer was also made at the earliest.
Thus the only spare time was between ‘Asr and Maghrib. After
Maghrib Prayer and taking of the evening meal, the ‘Isha Prayer
was done by eight or half-past eight. Afterwards there was
dead silence as if no one lived there. Yet, again by 2 AM,
everyone was up and the place was bustling once again.
(Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 2, p. 77)
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would be the first to come in and wait for the other worship-
pers. To allow all kinds of persons in one’s house for five times
every day in not an ordinary virtue. This virtue becomes all
the more significant when the owner of the house has a high
standard of living and the circle of his social contacts is vast.
(Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 12, pp. 152–153)
The Promised Messiahas says about the assiduousness of
Sheikh Hamid ‘Alira with regards to the five daily Prayers:
Sheikh Hamid ‘Ali (whom I love for Allah the Almighty’s
sake) is a pious young man belonging to a pious family. He has
been in my service for seven or eight years approximately. I
know full well that he is sincere and loves me. To grasp the
subtleties of righteousness is a task for those endowed with
deeper knowledge and piety, but as far as he can make it out,
he tries his best to follow the sunnah and remain busy in
following the path of righteousness. I have seen him when he
was very sick, almost dying, debilitated like a dead body and
yet he remained very regular in observing the five daily
Prayers. He would offer his Prayer even in the most critical
condition. I know that it is enough to see how one is so dili-
gent in observing his Prayers to judge one’s uprightness and
fear of God. I am certain that a person who observes his
prayers most conscientiously—and the state of fear, or illness,
or disturbance does not stop him—he without any doubt has
true faith in God. But this faith is granted only to the poor;
there are only a few rich who receive this blessing. (Izala-e-
‘Auham, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 540)
About the condition that one shall regularly offer the five
daily prayers in accordance with the commandments of God
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would obey him, but only in matters that were his official
duties, and he was not obliged to obey him in other matters.
Therefore, he could not stop offering his Prayers. If any acci-
dent happened due to his negligence or a train was delayed
then he should not hesitate to deal with him harshly. After
saying that, he opened up the window and the door. The
British officer was awe-stricken by this experience. After that,
whenever Babu Faqir ‘Ali was ready to make his ablution, he
used to tell him, Maulavi Sahib, take your time and make your
Prayer; I will take care of your work. On another occasion,
the officer was much surprised to see how meagerly he ate
and was much affected by that as well. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 3,
p. 61, revised edition published in Qadian)
Here in England, when an old Ahmadi Bilal Daniel
Hawker Nuttal accepted Ahmadiyyat, he chose for himself
the name Bilal. Then, following in the footsteps of Hadrat
Bilalra, he became famous for calling adhan. He really had a
great desire to call others to Prayer. (Monthly Ansarullah, June
1965, p. 36)
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Again, he says:
If I had not advised my community to show patience, and had
not prepared my community in a way that they could always
show patience in response to abuse, then the grounds of the
meeting would have been filled with blood! But it was the
teaching of patience that held their tempers in check.
(Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 23, p. 8.)
Another instance of suppression of the passions is that of
Hadrat Sayyed ‘Abdus Sattar Shahra. What a phenomenal
example this is. It is stated:
One day Hadrat Shah Sahibra went to a nearby mosque for
prayers. At the same time there was a bitter enemy of
Ahmadiyyat—Chaudhry Rahim Bakhsh—getting ready for
ablution with a pitcher in his hand. Upon seeing Hadrat
Doctor Sahib (who was a government doctor and was
stationed at a government hospital), he started engaging him
in religious discussion. Annoyed with the argument that
Hadrat Shah Sahibra presented, Rahim Bakhsh hit him in the
forehead with the pitcher. The pitcher shattered into pieces as
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So, these are a few examples I have presented to you that are
related to the first three or four conditions of bai‘at.
Insha’Allah, I will try to present a few more instances showing
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[From the Friday sermon delivered at the Bait-ul-Futuh
Mosque, Morden, United Kingdom, on October 10, 2003]
two years old. The model of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih Ira was
in accordance with the sunnah of the Prophetsa. He first kissed
the child at which his eyes were filled with tears, and then he
I uncovered the child’s face not because I was anxious, but to
follow the sunnah. When the Holy Prophet’ssa son Ibrahimra
passed away, the Holy Prophetsa had kissed his face and he was
tearful. He glorified Allah the Almighty and said: ‘Though
separation is hard to bear even for a short while, nevertheless, I
am content at the will of Allah the Almighty.’ To fulfill this
sunnah I uncovered his face and kissed him. It is Allah the
Almighty’s grace and a reason to be happy that a chance to
fulfill a sunnah was granted to me.
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illness. His death took place at the time of Fajr. My father had
been up all night looking after him. After his death, he made
arrangements for his burial and other related matters. After
having finished with these, he went to work as usual at the
time of the courts opening. Neither his clients nor the court
officers and his colleagues came to know that he had come to
work after having buried his beloved child, content and
pleased with the will of his Lord. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 11, p.
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easily come by; rarely is one victimised for the sake of faith,
that it is good fortune to suffer in that manner! (Monthly
Ansarullah, Rabwah, September 1977, p. 14–15)
He adds:
On meeting with the Promised Messiahra he developed a
passionate love, affection, enthusiasm and fervour for him
and it was due to this passionate love and obsession that he
absolutely did not care for his own food and comfort. He
was obsessed to pass on the spark of the passionate love that
he felt in his heart for God, the Holy Prophetsa and the
Promised Messiahas, to others. At all times he would be
thinking with enthusiasm, passion, concern and anxiety on
how to spread the message of Ahmadiyyat. He did not care
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Prohibition of Alcohol
Until a few years ago, some Ahamdis in UK, Germany and
other countries had businesses (for example, restaurants and
hotels) where alcohol was sold. According to the hadith, one
who brews alcohol, serves it, sells it, or stores it are all hell-
bound. This is the reason Hadrat Khalifatul Masih IVrta
demanded that Ahmadis involved in such businesses should
promptly discontinue it, otherwise strict action would be
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taken against them. Hudur himself said that with Allah the
Almighty’s grace a huge number gave this trade up. Allah the
Almighty granted some of these much better businesses very
soon. Some were put through difficulty and were unable to
do any business for a long period, yet they were strong in
their resolve and did not again get involved in this immoral
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There is a will that Dr. ‘Abdus Sattar Shahra left for his chil-
dren. He said:
Make the Holy Qur’an your modus operandi. Be ever engaged
in obediently following the sunnah of the Prophetsa, and
remain ever-ready to help promote the Ahmadiyyah Move-
ment and to propagate Islam. Prepare your next generations to
abide by for these matters as well. (Hadrat Doctor Sayyed ‘Abdus
Sattar Shah Sahib, p. 193)
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My dear Hakim Fadl Din of Bhera (whom I love for the sake
of Allah the Almighty) is from among the friends of brother
Maulavi Hakim Nur-ud-Din and is imbued in similar moral
qualities. He is a very sincere person. I know that he truly
loves God and His Prophetsa. For this very reason, having
observed this humble one serving the faith, he is honouring
the condition of love for the sake of Allah the Almighty. It
seems he too has the same enormous portion of the enthu-
siasm to spread the truth of Islam as my dear brother Maulavi
Hakim Nur-ud-Dinra is demonstrating from the very begin-
ning. He gives serious considerations to the expenses of the
Movement incurred for religious matters. He is ever
concerned that he could make a good arrangement for finan-
cial support by way of monetary contributions. (Izala-e-
‘Auham, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 522)
247 Page 248 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
he neither cared for music nor craved for the wealth he could
have gained through his profession. He promptly gave it all up,
and started living an undemanding simple life, being very
regular in tahajjud, and remembering the Holy Prophetsa with
tear-filled eyes. (Monthly Khalid, January 1988)
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Woe! This Amir has come under the wrath of God according
to the verse:106
This Amir did not have an iota of fear of God. The strength
of his belief of the man he martyred was such that if the
entire land of Kabul is searched for his like, the search would
be in vain. Such people are the utmost elixir. They sacrifice
their lives with the sincerity of heart and do not have any
care for the kith and kin. O ‘Abdul-Latif! A thousand bless-
ings on you that you displayed the model of your utmost
sincerity in my lifetime! As for those who will be in my
Community after my death, I do not know what deeds they
will demonstrate. (Tadhkiratush-Shahadatain, p. 58, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 20, p. 60)
Further he states:
When I observe the steadfastness and devotion that came to
pass through Sahibzadah Maulavi Muhammad ‘Abdul-Latifra
deceased, my hope for my Community increases greatly. God
Who so enabled some people of the Community that let
alone property, they even sacrificed their lives in its cause, it
seems that the evident Will of that God is that He will create
many people in this Community who will have the spirit of
Sahibzadah Maulavi ‘Abdul-Latifra and will be new saplings of
his spirituality. (Tadhkiratush-Shahadatain, p. 73, Ruhani
Khaza’in, vol. 20, p. 75)
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[From the Friday sermon delivered at the Fadl Mosque,
London, United Kingdom, on October 17, 2003]
their own lives in the surging waves of a flood but led the
drowning to safety.
When the Khalifah of the time announced that he needed a
specific amount of donations to establish schools and hospitals
in Africa for the education of the poor children, and to
provide medical aid to the suffering humanity, the Jama‘at
welcomed this and presented the Khalifah an amount many
times larger than he asked for. The money was donated by the
members of the Jama‘at because of their sympathy for the
suffering humanity. When the Khalifah declared that the
required amount was received, and he needed manpower to
establish schools and hospitals, Ahmadi doctors and teachers
volunteered themselves with equal zeal.
The situation in Africa has now improved greatly but in the
seventies when the Nusrat Jahan Scheme was launched, the
conditions were very unfavourable. These devotees managed
to live in such adverse circumstances. Many of those doctors
and teachers had good jobs before they devoted their services
for this purpose. In Africa, they had to live in villages. The
majority of the hospitals and schools were in the villages
where there was no electricity or running water. But they had
to fulfil their promise to serve the suffering humanity; they
did not care for any obstruction or lack of comfort. In the
beginning they had to lay the patient on a wooden table and
use the light of kerosene or gas lamps to operate upon him
using knives, scissors and whatever instruments were available.
Then they prayed, ‘O God I have treated him with whatever
was available to me. My Khalifah had said to me, treat with
prayer and Allah the Almighty shall grant bestow cure to your
treatment! Grant him cure, O Allah the Almighty.’ Allah the
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At one time, it has been related that she was preparing some
dresses. She was asked for whom she was preparing these
clothes? She replied that they were for the children of a
certain person. She was told: ‘You are strange, that person
belongs to the Ahrar and is a strong opponent of our Jama‘at
and you are preparing these clothes for him?’ She replied: ‘If
these people commit mischief, Allah the Almighty will
protect us. As long as Allah the Almighty is with us the
hostility of the opponents cannot harm us. But this man is
poor and he has no means to provide dresses for his children
and grandchildren. I am preparing these clothes for him,
considering him a needy person. As you are raising objection
about it, your punishment is that when I have finished these
clothes, you yourself shall take these to his house.’ She also
said: ‘This person is one of the Ahrar and other Ahrar may be
watching him, you should go to him during the night, so that
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Then he writes:
Our most dear brother whose death has caused great grief to
us was Mirza ‘Azim Beigra. The deceased belonged to the
Samanah part of Patiala State. He passed away on 2 Rabi-al-
Thani, 1308 Hijrah.
[The eyes shed tears, the hearts are sorrowful, and we are
grieving due to his death.]
I do not find words to express the love which the late Mirza
Sahib had for me solely for the sake of God, and how much he
was devoted to me. On his untimely death, I was grieved as I
have never experienced before. He was our joy and leader. He
departed from us after a very short time. As long as we live, we
shall not forget our grief that we suffered at his death. On
remembering his friendship, we feel very sad, and there is an
agony of grief in our heart, and our eyes are tearful. He was
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full of love and devotion, and was bold enough to express it.
(Fat-he-Islam, pp. 65–66, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 39)
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the dream literally may avert this outcome. Let us, therefore,
get Mubarak Ahmad married.’
Though that child was too young to know anything about
marriage, the Promised Messiahas took the thought in
consideration. When Hudur was saying the above, by chance
(Sayyedah Sa‘idatun-Nisa’) the wife of Doctor Sayyed
‘Abdus Sattar,ra who was a guest, happened to be in the
courtyard of the house. The Promised Messiahas saw her, and
calling her over told her that he wished to arrange marriage
for Mubarak Ahmad and said, You have your daughter
Maryam. If you like we can marry her to Mubarak Ahmad.
She replied that she had no objection but if Hudur would
permit, she wanted to consult her husband.
During those days late Doctor Sahibra and his family were
staying in the Round Room of the house. She went down-
stairs… but he was not there. When he returned, she talked
to him is the following words: ‘When someone enters the
religion of Allah the Almighty, his faith is tested. Should
Allah the Almighty test your faith by a trial, will you be
She had two things on her mind causing her to think that
her husband might hesitate to make a decision in that matter.
One was that till then no girl of his family was ever married
to a non-Sayyed, and secondly Mubarak Ahmad was criti-
cally ill and he himself was treating him. He might think that
that marriage was risky as it had ninety-nine percent chance
of failure; and soon their daughter might have the stigma of
widowhood. For these reasons she was afraid that her
husband might show weakness and thus lose his faith. When
she asked him: ‘If Allah the Almighty should test you with a
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Then he says:
I see that my Jama‘at’s progress in virtue and good morals is a
miracle. Thousands of our members are fully devoted. If I call
upon them today to relinquish all their possessions, they are
ready to do so. Even then I admonish them for further
growth. I do not talk about their virtues, but I feel very happy
in my heart. (Siratul Mehdi, Part I, p. 165)
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107. This was translated from Urdu and should be taken as a para-
phrase and not an exact quotation of the original English text.
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i nde x of nam e s
A ‘Alqamah Bin Mujazziz ..........176
‘Amir Bin Rabi‘ah ...................62
‘Abdul Karim................. 164, 245
‘Amr Bin al-‘Auf....................107
‘Ali ................................ 155, 175
‘Arfajah ..................................187
‘A’idhullah Bin ‘Abdullah .......... 5
Abraham ................................141
‘Abdul Mughni...................... 227
Abu ‘Ubaidah ........................179
‘Abdul Qayyum..................... 223
Abu ‘Ubaidah Bin Jarrah ........143
‘Abdul Sattar Shah ................. 235
Abu Barzah ............................109
‘Abdul Wahhab Bin al-Ward ... 97
Abu Burdah Bin Abi Musa.......65
‘Abdullah............................... 128
Abu Dhar al-Ghaffari ...............84
‘Abdullah Bin ‘Amr Bin al-‘As
Abu Hurairah........ 23, 34, 37, 40,
................................ 23, 24, 61
53, 58, 59, 70, 80, 93, 126, 127,
‘Abdullah Bin ‘Umar ..... 156, 158
135, 136, 137, 154, 156, 158,
‘Abdullah Bin Hudhafah Bin Qais
.................................. 184, 186
al-Sahmi .................... 176, 177
Abu Musa al-Ash‘ari ..............111
‘Abdullah Bin Hudhafah Bin Qais
Abu Raihanah..........................29
as-Sahmi .................... 205, 206
Abu Sa‘id Khudri .... 30, 127, 135,
‘Abdullah Bin Mas‘ud ..................
136, 205
.......................36, 62, 126, 155
Abu Shuraih.............................29
‘Abdullah Ghaznavi ............... 240
Abu Talhah Ansari .................143
‘Abdullah Khan...................... 224
Abu Ubaidah .........................179
‘Abdur Rahim Ashraf Azad.... 275
‘Abdur Rahman Bin ‘Amr
As-Salami .......................... 116
Alqamah Bin Mujazziz ...........205
‘Abdus Sattar Shah ......... 220, 267
‘Aishah ...............6, 7, 96, 97, 106
Anas Bin Malik ......................143
‘Ali Roger ............................. 236
Asma’ Bint Yazid .....................42
‘Allamah Iqbal ....................... 274
‘Allamah Niaz Fateh Puri....... 274
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index of names
279 Page 280 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
‘Ubadah Bin As-Samit ................ V. V. Kahlo ...........................237
.......................... 5, 6, 116, 187
‘Umar............................ 179, 180 Y
‘Umar Bin al-Khattab .............. 62 Yunus Khalid .........................237
‘Urwah Bin Muhammad.......... 84 Yusuf .......................................47
Ubayy Bin Ka‘ab ................... 143
Umm-ul-Mo’minin ............... 228 Z
Usaid ....................................... 94 Zafar ......................................209
Ziyad Bin ‘Alaqah ....................85
280 Page 281 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
verses of
t h e h o ly q u r ’ a n
Chapter Verse Page
al-‘Asr, ........................... 103:4 ............................. 27
al-A‘raf,.......................... 7:24 ............................... 68
al-Ahzab,........................ 33:36 ............................. 27
al-Ahzab,........................ 33:57 ............................. 60
al-An‘am, ....................... 6:153 ............................. 26
al-Anfal, ......................... 8:2 ................................115
al-Anfal, ......................... 8:34 ............................... 65
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:113 ............................140
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:194 ............................. 43
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:208 ............................. 91
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:218 ............................. 43
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:283 ............................. 26
al-Baqarah, ..................... 2:284 ............................. 26
al-Bayyinah, ................... 98:6 ..............................140
al-Dahr, ......................... 76:11 ............................161
al-Dahr, ......................... 76:12 ............................162
al-Dahr, ......................... 76:9 .............. 151, 152, 153
Al-e-‘Imran,................... 3:133 ............................115
Al-e-‘Imran,................... 3:135 ........................78, 79
Al-e-‘Imran,................... 3:32 ...... 117, 118, 180, 181
al-Fajr, ........................... 89:28–31........................ 92
al-Furqan, ...................... 25:64 ............................134
al-Furqan, ...................... 25:73 ............................. 27
al-Hajj,........................... 22:31 ..................22, 25, 26
al-Hujurat, ..................... 49:8 ............................... 33
al-Ma’idah,..................... 5:36 ............................... 63
al-Ma’idah,..................... 5:9 ................................. 26 Page 282 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
al-Mu’minun, .................23:6................................ 45
al-Mumtahinah,..............60:13............................ 171
al-Mumtahinah,..............60:13................................ 6
al-Mumtahinah,..............60:13.............173, 199, 201
al-Najm, .........................53:38............................ 144
al-Nasr, ..........................110:4.............................. 65
al-Nazi‘at, ......................79:41–42 ...................... 106
al-Nazi‘at, ......................79:41............................ 109
al-Nisa,...........................4:94.............................. 251
al-Nisa’,..........................108................................. 40
al-Nisa’,..........................4:126............................ 141
al-Nisa’,..........................4:136.............................. 26
al-Nisa’,..........................4:37.......................149, 161
al-Nisa’,..........................4:49................................ 15
al-Nisa’,..........................4:60.............................. 114
al-Nuh, ..........................71:11–13 ........................ 65
al-Nur, ...........................24:31.............................. 31
al-Nur, ...........................24:45.....................178, 204
al-Nur, ...........................24:54............................ 204
al-Nur, ...........................24:57.............................. 52
al-Qamar, .......................54:18............................ 111
al-Qasas, .........................28:51............................ 105
al-Qasas, .........................28:78.............................. 41
al-Zukhruf,.....................43:66.............................. 36
al-Zumar, .......................39:4.......................... 22, 48
al-Zumar, .......................39:54.............................. 64
Bani Isra’il, .....................17:33.............................. 28
Bani Isra’il, .....................17:38............................ 123
Bani Isra’il, .....................17:80.............................. 57
Hud,...............................11:44.............................. 47
Hud, .............................11:4 ............................... 68
Luqman, .........................31:14.............................. 16
Luqman, .........................31:19............................ 124
Saba’,..............................34:2................................ 70
Ta Ha,............................20:15.............................. 52
Ta Ha,............................20:75............................ 250
282 Page 283 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
subject index
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Subject Index
amir bai‘at
subservient to the account of first, by Munshi
commandment of Allah and ‘Abdullah of Sanour .........12
His Messengers .............. 206 admonishment of Promised
Messiahas on first, .............12
ahadith on the subject of, ....5, 6
comes from Satan................. 84
benefits of, at the hand of
commandment to shun, ....... 88
Promised Messiahas.........192
consequence of haughtines and
condition prohibiting shirk .207
conceit........................... 138
condition regarding observing
arrogance Prayers ...........................211
all mischief orginates from,....... condition regarding suppression
...................................... 151 of passion .......................218
breeds other evils ............... 125 conditions of, at time of Holy
dangerous disease ............... 131 Prophet Muhammadsa ........5
deep connection with Satan divine permission given to
.............................. 121, 129 Promised Messiahas.............8
exhibited by nations........... 124 effect of, on youg men .......216
first sin that led to eternal expectations of Promised
ruin ............................... 128 Messiahas from those who
hadith on staying away from, ... perform,............... 13, 38, 86
...................................... 125 first bai’at taken by
meekness and,.................... 134 Promised Messiahas...........12
Promised Messiahas advice to fulfiling the pledge of, ........163
Jama‘at regarding, .......... 132 giving up pride as a
second only to shirk in its evil... condition of ...................122
...................................... 128 Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
staying away from, ............. 241 taking, from women
Companionsra ..................94
performing istikharah before
285 Page 286 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject Index
286 Page 287 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject Index
E Fadl-e-‘Umar Hospital
need for doctors .................255
certainty of,........................145
protecting, from listening to
importance of,............ 139, 140
prohibited voices ............. 32
innovations that have nothing
eclipse to do with,.....................106
condition at the time of preference over worldly
solar,.............................. 212 matters ................... 139, 143
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Subject Index
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Subject Index
289 Page 290 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject Index
290 Page 291 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject Index
saving oneself from, ............. 33
honesty and integrity of, ...... 40 Jama‘at
advice to, .............................80
innovations distinction of,............... 10, 162
and rituals deserve to be duty of members ............ 39, 86
rejected.......................... 107 established by Allah ........ 42, 97
integrity helping the poor ................162
natural human condition...... 40 obedience fully mandatory .......
intermediation people who do not
by the Holy Prophet show patience do not
Muhammadsa, .................. 61 belong to, ........................43
prayer to serve humanity ..........
Promised Messiahas as
purpose of joining, ......... 37, 85
defender of, ....................... 7
responsibilities of joining, .........
on wearing the veil .............. 31
on fighting passions.............. 32
treatment of poor by, .........162
combines discharging
who enters, ........................188
obligations to Allah and
humanity, ...................... 147 jealousy
essence of,.......................... 141 evil of, .................................81
establishing a beautiful staying away from, ...................
culture of, ...................... 150 .............................. 126, 156
Isma‘ilas jizyah
readiness to sacrifice life, .... 243 abolishment of, ..................183
istighfar Judgement Day
need of regularity in,............ 64 hardship of .........................162
to obtain strength................. 68 person dearest to Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa on, .................
................................ 62, 125
performing, before taking
bai‘at .................................. 9
291 Page 292 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject Index
K khilafat
righteous, established after the
passing of the Promised
Khalifah Messiahas ........................206
Allah safeguards the system established by Allah
consequences of the ......................................174
decisions of, ................... 202 will last till the end
asks nothing against the Divine of time, ..........................174
commandments or common kindness
sense .............................. 202 to animals...........................258
lesser sanctity of in comparison to poor...............................259
to Prophets .................... 203 towards creation of Allah
obedience to, in schemes and .............................. 147, 150
programs........................ 205
possibility of minor knowledge
errors by ........................ 203 search of,............................157
sacrifices at the call of,........ 254
will not instruct against
divine comandments or
common sense ............... 179
Khalifatul Masih Ira
first person to take bai‘at with lottery
Promised Messiahas .......... 12 prohibition of,....................232
love of the Holy Qur‘an .... 234
on feeding the hungry........ 161 love
on understanding of perfect understanding is
obedience ...................... 173 root of, ..........................146
Promised Messiahs’as accounts
of sacrifices of, ....... 244,262
characteristic of a hypocrite
shirk described by, ................ 19
Khalifatul Masih IIra children’s upbringing and,
help to refugees during ........................................24
partition,........................ 260 hell and, ...............................24
writings about khilafat 174, 203 in trades ...............................34
results in loss of credibility....25
292 Page 293 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject Index
M moral training
of children ...........................24
ma‘ruf truthfulness and, ...................25
and ghair ma‘ruf directives ... 200
Mahdi attending,.............................52
doctrine of bloody, .............. 45
Mother of Chaudhry
man Zafrullah Khanra
has no reason to be proud .. 123 abhorence of shirk by,.........208
modesty for,......................... 30 treatment of enemies by, ....256
must seek Allah with
humility......................... 131 Muslim
need for heavently light ..... 130 covering faults of,...............157
does not wrong his brother
Maulavi Burhan-ud-Dinra ......................................156
gratitude to Allah on being Prayer obligatory on.............56
mistreated in his path ..... 226 prohibition of thinking poorly
meek of another, .......................83
commandment adopt, .......... 87 six obligations with
Holy Prophet Muhammadsa regards to other, .............155
love for,......................... 136 sufferings an expiation
for sins of, ........................93
meekness sympathy for, .....................160
arrogance and, ................... 134
Messiah Allah loves .........................165
command of Allah to
accept, ........................... 170
seek not, in the earth ........... 41
characteristic of a true nawafil
believer.......................... 238 offering of, ...........................58
men and women.................. 31
293 Page 294 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
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P Prayers
enter Paradise.................159
294 Page 295 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
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295 Page 296 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject Index
296 Page 297 Monday, March 20, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject Index
T Umm-ul-Mo’minin
patience of, ........................228
United States
tahajjud examples of marvellous
condition of bai‘at sacrifices in,....................247
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