Northern Rock Provisional Restructuring Plan March 31 2008
Northern Rock Provisional Restructuring Plan March 31 2008
Northern Rock Provisional Restructuring Plan March 31 2008
Strengthen the risk and control 1. Repay facilities provided by the Bank
environment throughout the Bank by of England and contract to a smaller,
means of improved risk organisation, sustainable business
capabilities and processes
Northern Rock’s planned commercial strategy
The overall effect of the Plan, under a base has as its priority the repayment of the Bank
case scenario, would be an improvement in of England debt through the contraction of
profit before tax from a substantial loss in 2008 the balance sheet from £107 billion in 2007 to
to break-even in 2011 followed by progressive around £50 billion by 2011. Under the Plan,
profit improvement. In 2008 the business repayment will come primarily from accelerating
is expected to be significantly loss-making, the pace of consumer mortgage repayment
as a consequence of both the anticipated (redemptions) and proposed withdrawal from
one-off restructuring costs, which are likely to non-core lending activities. In parallel, modest
be substantial, and higher funding costs. In the development of the Bank’s retail savings base
years following this, and reflecting a lower cost will create a more balanced funding platform for
base, the Plan anticipates that Northern Rock future growth.
will achieve sustainable profitability and
a financial structure sufficient to obtain a Accelerate mortgage redemptions
stand-alone credit rating of at least A- and In order to reduce the size of its balance
a return to the private sector. sheet to a sustainable level, Northern
Rock will work to achieve a considerably
Section C provides details of Northern Rock’s higher level of mortgage redemptions than
strategic priorities and the actions the Bank has historically been the Bank’s practice.
proposes to deliver these. Management expects that, by ceasing the
Bank’s proactive retention programme
The Plan also recognises that Northern and encouraging and helping existing
Rock cannot take advantage of the support it customers to transfer their mortgages to
receives from Government during the period of other lenders shortly after the customer’s
Temporary Public Ownership to compete on a fixed or discounted period expires,
basis that is unfair or that introduces competitive redemption levels of some 60% can be
distortions into the markets in which it operates. achieved.
The basis on which the Bank intends to
compete over this period will therefore be The redemption programme will involve
constrained by adherence to a set of self- contacting those customers with mortgage
imposed competitive restrictions. These are products approaching the end of their
set out in Section D. fixed or discounted period and helping
them find a new mortgage product
elsewhere. Customers will be directed
Northern Rock will aim to recapture many New lending will be originated mostly
of its recently lost customers, develop a through intermediaries, maintaining
better mix of high value and low balance this distribution channel and especially
depositors, and encourage a higher Northern Rock’s panel representation
percentage of accounts under £35,000. with key intermediary organisations.
Northern Rock plans to offer a broad The intermediary channel is strategically
product range and utilise all of its existing important to Northern Rock: historically,
channels (postal, branch, online and it has represented approximately
telephone) to attract savings. In particular, 90% of lending volumes. The planned
Northern Rock’s branch network has intermediary channel lending envisaged
an important role to play in attracting, under the Plan represents approximately
servicing and retaining savings accounts. 15% of Northern Rock’s historic volumes
The Bank’s branch network will be through this channel.
maintained at its present size throughout
the Plan period, although, having regard Re-establish the Northern Rock brand
to the requirement to moderate its and revitalise marketing
competitive impact, the network will not The “Northern Rock” branding will
be extended. be retained. Although retail customer
confidence has eroded, recent research
The Irish and Guernsey savings on behalf of the Bank indicates continuing
businesses will be retained, providing loyalty to the brand (in particular in the
important funding diversity. Northern north-east of England and among IFAs).
Rock’s share of the Irish market has A continuing research programme will
always been small and will remain below confirm the validity of this strategy and
0.8% until 2011. assist the development of appropriate
marketing activity to support the Plan.
Under the Plan, it is proposed that normal
non-retail funding activities will very Discontinue non-core business lines
gradually recommence from 2008 to Northern Rock has already announced
2012 as Northern Rock’s financial profile the run-off and closure of its Danish
improves, investor appetite returns and savings operations in 2008. In addition
available terms become more attractive. the Bank will discontinue unsecured
lending (2007: £4.0 billion closing
Retain a reduced core lending
balances) and allow these loan books to
business run down over the period of the Plan.
In order to facilitate its return to the
private sector as a mortgage and Subject to consultation with
savings bank, Northern Rock plans to representatives of Unite and other
retain a footprint in the new mortgage employee representatives over the
coming weeks, Northern Rock proposes to Temporary Public Ownership. Together
to discontinue commercial lending (2007: these changes have significantly adjusted
£1.3 billion closing balances including the composition of the Board, bringing
commercial buy-to-let) and to allow this new leadership and additional valuable
loan book to run down over the period to experience and expertise.
Within Northern Rock, the executive team
Earlier sale or other options to liquidate will take steps to further strengthen the
these portfolios will be considered organisation’s capabilities, in particular in
alongside any proposals put forward risk, internal audit, finance, treasury and
by Unite or the other employee human resources.
Restructure the organisation
and reduce operating costs
2. Reconfigure Northern Rock’s organisation Under the Plan, Northern Rock will
and operations to reflect the new become a more focused and smaller
commercial strategy business in order to facilitate a return to
the private sector as rapidly as possible.
In order to achieve its objectives, Northern The achievement of a viable and efficient
Rock’s organisation and operations must business in the future will require a lower
change as follows: cost base and reconfigured operations.
The stress-testing has included consideration
competitive differentiation through service and
of key execution challenges to the Plan as innovation; (e) treats all customers fairly; (f)
well as the impact of hypothetical market regularly monitors and reviews adherence to the
risks (for example, a mild downturn or a framework.
severe recession).
Specific commitments within the framework
Under all scenarios the Bank remains
include the provisions that Northern Rock will
compliant with the current FSA capital limit its share of retail deposit balances to 1.5%
requirements set for the Bank. in the UK and 0.8% in Ireland, and its share
of gross new mortgage origination to no more
The Board is taking measures to manage
than 2.5%, and accept constraints on its ability
the risks to timely execution of the Plan to compete among the top 3 rankings in major
while managing business risks and ensuring retail savings market categories. Details of
regulatory compliance. the Competitive Framework are contained in
Appendix I.
Regular stress-testing is planned to be
performed in the future.
Appendix: Northern Rock
Competitive Framework
We are aware that during the period of temporary public ownership, Government support could
enable us to compete, or be seen to compete, on an unfair basis.
We are determined to ensure that we will not take unfair advantage of Government support during
this interim period as it is not in our long term interests to do so.
We are committing to this framework of principles and commitments while in receipt of State
aid. These will be kept under review and remain subject to the requirements of the European
Our Principles
We will maintain market shares below historical levels while in receipt of State aid.
We will regularly review our competitive offering and performance to ensure adherence
to the framework.
Our Commitments
We will not allow our share of retail deposit balances to exceed 1.5% in the UK and 0.8%
in Ireland (well below our historic levels of 1.9% in the UK and 1.3% in Ireland).
We will limit our share of gross new mortgage origination to no more than 2.5% in any
calendar year.
We will not rank within the top 3 in any one of the defined 15 Moneyfacts retail deposit
categories for the remainder of 2008.