Division Principle For Two Resistors in Parallel
Division Principle For Two Resistors in Parallel
Division Principle For Two Resistors in Parallel
1. State the voltage division principle for two resistors in series and the current
division principle for two resistors in parallel.
2. State Thevenin’s theorem.
3. State Norton’s theorem.
4. Define the term ‘Time constant’ of a circuit, in general.
5. Define quality factor in the resonant circuit
6. A coil having a resistance of 10 kΩ and inductance of 50 mH is connected to a
10 volts, 10 kHz power supply. Calculate the impedance.
7. What are the advantages of three phase system
8. Write the equations for the phasor difference between the potentials of the delta
connected networks.
9. What is transient time
10. Give the expressions of time constants of (a) series RL circuit, and (b) series RC
PART-B (16*5=80)
11.A) Determine the current supplied by each battery in the circuit shown in figure using mesh
B) Determine the power dissipation in the 4 ohm resistor of the circuit shown in figure.
12. A) Using superposition theorem find the current ILand the power consumed by 23 ohm
resistor in the circuit shown in figure.
B) Derive the expression for Star to delta conversion.
13.A) Explain the two wattmeter method of measurement of three phase power with neat phasor
B)A balanced three phase load consists of a 6 ohm resistor and a 8 ohm reactor in each phase.
The supply is 400 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz. Find (a) the phase current (b) line current (c) the total
power. Assume the load to be connected in star.
1. Define OhmsLaw.
2. Mention the disadvantages of Ohm’sLaw
3. Write the formula for finding the Thevenin’sresistance
4. What is the formula for load current in Norton’sTheorem?
5. Draw the DC response of R-L circuit and the response curve.
6. Compare steady state and transient state
7. What is phase sequence of a three phase system?
8. Define line current and phase current.
9. A Series resonance circuit has a bandwidth of 20 KHz and a quality factor of 40. The resistor value
is 10Kohm. Find the value of L of this circuit.
10. What is Bandwidth and selectivity?
PART-B (16*5=80)
11 A)
B) Use mesh analysis to determine the three mesh currents in the circuit figure shown in figure.
12. A) For the circuit shown in figure, determine the equivalent resistance by using Star –delta
B) Determine theThevenin’s equivalent circuit of the network given. Also find the current
through a 100 ohm galvanometer connected across AB.
13. A) Explain in detail about RC transients for applying DC input.
B) Determine the current when the switch is closed at a time corresponding to Φ=0 in the circuit
shown in figure. The initial charge on the capacitor is 2 coulombs with polarity as shown.
14.A) A symmetrical three phase three wire 440 V supply to a star connected load. The
impedance in each branch are ZR=(2+j3), ZY=(1-j2), ZZ=(3+j4) ohm. Find its equivalent delta
connected load.
B) Give the relation between Vph& VL, Iph& IL for a delta circuit.
15.A)A series RLC circuit with R=20 ohms, L=2.5 mH, & C=1 micro farad has an
applied voltage of 200 V at resonant frequency. Calculate the resonant frequency, the current in
the circuit and voltages across the elements at resonance. Find also the quality factor and the
B) A series RLC circuit with R=10 ohms, L=80 m H, & C=1 micro farad. Find the Q of the
circuit, the separation between half power frequencies, the resonant frequency and the half power
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B) What is the voltage across X & Y in the circuit shown in figure
12. A) In the circuit of figure six resistors are connected to form delta and a star. Find the
effective resistance between (a) A and B (b) A and N.
B)Find the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit across the terminals A and B for the network shown in
13 A) A series RLC circuit with R=100 ohm, L=0.1 H, C=100 micro farad has a DC voltage of
200 volts applied to it at t=0 through a switch. Find the expression for the transient current.
Assume initially relaxed circuit conditions.
B) Explain in detail about RLC transients for applying AC input.
14.A) The power input to a load was measured by two wattmeter method. The readings were 600
W and 400 W, the later readings having been obtained by reversing the potential coil
connections. Find active and reactive power and power factor of load
B) A delta connected balanced load is supplied from a three phase 400 V supply. The line current
is 20 A, total power taken by load is 10,000 W. Calculate the impedance in each branch, line
current, PF and total power consumed if the same load is connected in star.
15.A) Compute Q of the series RLC circuit with R=10 ohms, L=0.04 H, & C=1 micro farad.
Find bandwith, resonant frequency, and half power frequencies.
B) Find the value of L at which the circuit resonates at a frequency of 1000 rad/sec in the circuit
shown in figure.
B) Derive the expression for RLC parallel Circuit & Magnification.
15.A) Obtain the expression for the resonant frequency for the circuit shown in figure.
B) For the circuit shown in figure, determine the value of C at which it resonates when f=100 Hz.
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