Modbus Manual V.1.01 - E154715

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Nexus 1500+

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Nexus® 1500+ High Performance Meter Modbus Protocol User Manual V.1.01

Published by:

Electro Industries/GaugeTech

1800 Shames Drive

Westbury, NY 11590

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in

any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, record-
ing, or information storage or retrieval systems or any future forms of duplication, for
any purpose other than the purchaser's use, without the expressed written permission
of Electro Industries/GaugeTech.

© 2015 Electro Industries/GaugeTech

Nexus® is a registered trademark of Electro Industries/GaugeTech. The distinctive

shape, style and overall appearance of the Nexus® 1500+ meter is a trademark of
Electro Industries/GaugeTech. Communicator EXTTM is a trademark of Electro Indus-

Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States

and/or other countries.

Modbus® is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric, licensed to the Modbus

Organization, Inc.

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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Customer Service and Support
Customer support is available 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, Eastern Standard Time, Monday
through Friday. Please have the model, serial number and a detailed problem descrip-
tion available. If the problem concerns a particular reading, please have all meter
readings available. When returning any merchandise to EIG, a return materials
authorization number is required. For customer or technical assistance, repair or
calibration, phone 516-334-0870 or fax 516-338-4741.

About Electro Industries/GaugeTech (EIG)

Founded in 1975 by engineer and inventor Dr. Samuel Kagan, Electro Industries/
GaugeTech changed the face of power monitoring forever with its first breakthrough
innovation: an affordable, easy-to-use AC power meter.

More than forty years since its founding, Electro Industries/GaugeTech, the leader in
power monitoring and control, continues to revolutionize the industry with the highest
quality, cutting edge power monitoring and control technology on the market today.
An ISO 9001:2000 certified company, EIG sets the industry standard for advanced
power quality and reporting, revenue metering and substation data acquisition and
control. EIG products can be found on site at mainly all of today's leading manufactur-
ers, industrial giants and utilities.

EIG products are primarily designed, manufactured, tested and calibrated at our facil-
ity in Westbury, New York.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Customer Service and Support iii

About Electro Industries/GaugeTech (EIG) iii

1: Modbus Protocol Overview 1-1

1.1: Introduction 1-1

1.2: Communication Packets 1-1

1.3: Slave Address and Broadcast Request 1-1

1.4: Function Codes 1-2

1.4.1: Function Code 03H - Read Holding Registers 1-2

1.4.2: Function Code 04H - Read Input Registers 1-3

1.4.3: Function Code 06H - Preset Single Register 1-4

1.4.4: Function Code 10H - Preset Multiple Registers 1-5

1.5: CRC (Error Checksum) Algorithm 1-6

1.6: Dead Time 1-7

1.7: Exception Response (Error Codes) 1-7

1.8: Modbus Extensions 1-8

1.8.1: Function Code 23H/43H - Read Holding Registers Multiple

Times 1-9

2: Modbus Register Map 2-1

2.1: Introduction 2-1

2.2: Modbus Map Holding Registers MM-1

2.3: Modbus Map Input Registers MM-232

3: Communication Data Formats 3-1

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3.1: Introduction 3-1

3.2: Type F1 - Null Terminated ASCII String 3-1

3.3: Type F2 - Fixed Length ASCII String 3-2

3.4: Type F3 - Time Stamp 3-2

3.5: Type F4 - Day of Week 3-3

3.6: Type F6 - High Speed Inputs, Delta and Current State 3-3

3.7: Type F7- Secondary Voltage, Current, VA, VAR, Watts, Hz or

Flicker 3-4

3.8: Type F8 - Power Factor 3-5

3.9: Type F9 - Angle 3-6

3.10: Type F10 - Percentage 3-7

3.11: Type F11 - Energy Counter (Packed BCD / Secondary) 3-8

3.12: Type F12 - Energy Counter (Binary / Secondary) 3-9

3.13: Type F13 - Phase Sequence 3-9

3.14: Type F14 - Block/Rolling Window Average Status 3-9

3.15: Type F15 - Limit States 3-11

3.16: Type F17 - Digital Input States in Digital Input

Option Board 3-12

3.17: Type F18 - Digital Input Option Board Input Accumulation /

Cumulative Demand 3-13

3.18: Type F33 - Temperature 3-14

3.19: Type F34 - Limit and Relay Logic States 3-15

3.21: Type F35 - Relay Delays 3-16

3.22: Type F36 - Desired Relay States 3-16

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3.23: Type F37 - Relays Pending Update 3-17

3.24: Type F38 Shadowed Relay States 3-18

3.25: Type F39 - Confirmed Polled Relay States 3-19

3.26: Type F40 - Valid Flags for Confirmed Relay States 3-20

3.27: Type F41 - Locked Relays, Relays 1-16 3-21

3.28: Type F44 - Digital Input Option Board Data States 3-22

3.29: Type F46 - High Byte of Modbus Register (Signed) 3-23

3.30: Type F47 - High Byte of Modbus Register (Unsigned) 3-23

3.31: Type F49 - Low Byte of Modbus Register (Unsigned) 3-23

3.32: Type F51 - Two-Byte (Unsigned) 3-23

3.33: Type F52 - Four-Byte (Signed) 3-23

3.34: Type F53 - Four-Byte (Unsigned) 3-23

3.35: Type F55 - Eight-Byte (Unsigned) 3-24

3.36: Type F56 - Flicker Countdown 3-24

3.37: Type F57 - Accumulation in the Interval 3-25

3.38: Type F58 - 12-bit RTU Sanity Register 3-25

3.39: Type F59 - 12-bit RTU Current, Voltage, W, VAR 3-26

3.40: Type F60 - Energy Counter 3-27

3.41: Type F61 - 12-bit RTU Frequency 3-28

3.42: Type F62 - Scaled Pulse Accumulation, Aggregation or

Average 3-28

3.43: Type F64 - Scaled Energy 3-30

3.44: Type F65 - Scaled Energy Setting 3-31

3.45: Type F67 - K-Factor 3-32

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3.46: Type F68 - Secondary 1 Cycle RMS Voltage and Current 3-33

3.47: Type F69 - Angle 3-33

3.48: Type F70 - Harmonic Over Threshold Flag 3-34

3.49: Type F71 - Out of Range Status 3-35

3.50: Type F72 - Time Stamp (Packed BCD) 3-35

3.51: Type F73 - Magnitude 3-35

3.52: Type F74 - Number 4 Bytes - Unsigned Integer 3-36

3.53: F75 - Flagging 3-36

3.54: Type F76 - Valid Status 3-36

3.55: Type F77 - Voltage Flag 3-37

3.56: Type F78 - Current Flag 3-38

3.57: Type F79 - General Readings (RMS, Ratio…) 3-38

3.58: Type F80 - High Speed Inputs, Delta Change 3-39

3.59: Type F81 - High Speed Inputs, States 3-39

3.59: Type F82 - Point Update Flag 3-40

3.60: Type F83 - Phase Sequence 3-40

3.61: Type F84 - Positive Transient Peak 3-40

3.62: Type F85 - Negative Transient Peak 3-40

3.63: Type F86 - 20.09 nsec Counter (Used to measure

transient duration.) 3-41

3.64: Type F90 - 16.7 usec Counter (Used for duration time
stamping.) 3-41

3.65: Type F93 - Over Voltage Between P-E Flags 3-41

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3.66: Type F94 - Real Time Clock (RTC) Timestamp,

Microseconds 3-41

3.67: Type F95 - RTC Timestamp, Seconds Counter 3-41

3.68: Type F96 - RTC Timestamp, in Hundreds of Microseconds 3-42

3.69: Type F97 - Hookup Configuration 3-42

3.70: Type F98 - Transient Type 3-43

3.71: Type F99 - Frequency Type 3-43

3.72: Type F100 - Waveform Sample Rate 3-44

3.73: Type F101 - High Resolution RTC Timestamp 3-44

3.75: Type F102 - Calibration Gain 3-45

3.76: Type F103 - Alternate Format Power Factor 3-45

3.77: Type F104 - Transient Gain 3-45

3.78: Type F105 - RTC Status 3-46

3.79: Type F106 - Line Synch Mode 3-46

3.80: Type F107 - Daylight Savings Time Mode 3-47

3.81: Type F108 - Threshold Enable Channel 3-49

3.82: Type F112 - 16 Bits, General Purpose (Used for status

information, including statuses of EN 50160 and TOU.) 3-49

3.83: Type F113 - 32 Bits, General Purpose (Used for status

information, including status of EN 50160.) 3-50

3.84: Type F115 - 4 Byte Counter 3-50

3.85: Type F116 - Milliseconds 3-50

3.86: Type F117 - Energy Counter 3-50

3.87: Type F118 - Power Factor 3-51

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3.88: Type F119 - Byte Array 3-51

3.89: Type F120 - IEEE 32 bit Single Precision Floating Point 3-51

3.90: Type F122 - Timestamp (packed S-Format) 3-52

3.91: Type F123 - Time-of-Use (TOU) Calendar Entry 3-52

3.92: Type F124 - Time-of-Use (TOU) Rate Change 3-56

3.93: Type F125 - Time-of-Use (TOU) Monitored Data Set

Options 3-56

3.94: Type F126 - Time-of-Use (TOU) Monitor Time Timestamp 3-57

4: Modbus Register Map Notes 4-1

5: Information for Downloading Logs 5-1

5.1: Downloading Logs - Overview 5-1

5.1.1 Log Download Using Non-increment Index Method 5-3 Steps for Downloading a Log 5-5 Downloading Time Stamps with Examples 5-6 Downloading Records with Examples 5-9

5.1.2: Log Download Using Auto-Increment Index Method 5-12 Download using Auto Increment Window Sequence 5-13 Download Using Auto Increment Window Sequence and

Function Code 35 5-14

5.1.3: Log Download Using File System Access 5-15

6: Large Data Access (LDA) and Downloading Logs 6-1

6.1: Overview 6-1

6.1.1. Reference Documents 6-1

6.2: LDA Overview 6-2

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6.2.1: Modbus Interface for LDA 6-2 Field Descriptions 6-3

6.3: LDA Programming Examples 6-7

6.3.1: Example 1 - Update Firmware 6-7

6.3.2: Example 2 - Read a Log File from the Nexus® 1500+

Meter's File System 6-9

6.4: Notes on User Security Implementation 6-12

6.5: File Access Command Details 6-12

6.6: Data Input and Output Transfer Window Size 6-19

6.7: Access Timeout 6-21

6.8: Downloading Logs using LDA 6-21

6.8.1: Log Interface Files 6-21

6.8.2: Additional Data Types 6-34

6.8.3: Log Retrieval Procedure 6-35 Overview 6-35 Procedure 6-35

6.8.4: EN 50160 Information 6-39 EN 50160 Week Filename 6-40 EN 50160 Year Filename 6-42 List Week and Year Files 6-43

6.8.5: Log Interpretation 6-43 System Events Log 6-43 Interval Logs 1-8, Event Triggered 6-44 Limit Log 6-46

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Table of Contents Digital Input Log 6-48 Digital Output Log 6-50 Waveform Log 6-54 PQ Log 6-77 Transient Log 6-80 EN 50160 6-86

7: Meter Programmable Settings Block 7-1

7.1: Communication Settings Block (45057-45074) 7-1

7.2: Limit Settings Block (45077-45204) 7-2

7.3 Historical Log Settings Block (45205-45464) 7-4

7.4: High Speed Inputs Settings Block (45501-45723) 7-5

7.5: External Digital Output Module Settings Block

(45729-45808) 7-5

7.7: External KYZ Output Module Settings Block

(45893-45907) 7-7

7.8: CT & PT Ratio Settings Block (45909-45924) 7-8

7.9: Hookup and Time Settings Block (45925-45944) 7-8

7.10: Average Settings Block (45949-45952) 7-11

7.11: Exception Profile Block (45953-45968) 7-11

7.12: Device Label Settings Block (45969-45992) 7-11

7.13: Network Card Settings Blocks

(30153-30208, 51197-51198 - Network Cards 1 and 2;
30209-30720 - Network Card 2;
45993-46016, 50785-51154, 52297-52300 - Network Card 1) 7-12

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7.14: Block Window Average External Synchronization Block

(46017) 7-17

7.15: Display Configuration Block (46018) 7-17

7.16: Energy Direction Block (46019) 7-18

7.17: Test Mode Configuration Block (46020) 7-18

7.18: Full Scale Block (46021-46036) 7-18

7.19: External Module Software Interface Block (46053-46196) 7-18

7.20: External Module Port Assignment Block (46197-46206) 7-19

7.21: Manual Control Relay Block (46207-46208) 7-19

7.22: Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Scale Factor Block

(46209-46325) 7-20

7.23: I2t and V2t Threshold Block (46326-46329) 7-20

7.24: Internal KYZ Settings Block (46330-46372) 7-21

7.25: Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Unit Label Block

(46373-46420) 7-22

7:26: ElectroLogic Block (46421-46804) 7-23

7.27: Limit Profile Label Block (46805-47060) 7-23

7.28: External Analog Output Module Channel Update Block

(47061-47062) 7-23

7.29: Miscellaneous DNP Settings Block (47063-47104) 7-24

7.30: Custom DNP Definition Block for Analog Input (Object 30)
(47105-47360) 7-27

7.31: Custom DNP Definition Block for Binary Counter (Object 20)
(47361-47424) 7-28

7.32: Custom DNP Definition Block for Binary Input (Object 1)

(47425-47456) 7-30

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7.33: Custom DNP Definition Block for Binary Output (Object 10)
(47457-47458) 7-31

7.34: Custom DNP Definition Block for Global Values

(47459-47463) 7-32

7.35: External Digital Output Module Labels Block

(49793-50176) 7-32

7.36: Customizable Modbus Map Settings Block (50273-50784) 7-32

7.37: Auto TFTP Download Settings (50785-50860) 7-33

7.38: Customizable Modbus Map Format Block (51201-51712) 7-33

7.39: Energy Scale Settings (51713-51746) 7-34

7.40: Master RTU Block (51862-52245) 7-36

7.41: Accumulators/Aggregators Average Full Scale

(52249-52296) 7-36

7.25: Update Settings Block (52977-53248) 7-37

7.43: 12-Bit RTU Block (53249-53348) 7-38

7.44: NVRAM Block (55296-57344) 7-39

7.45: Waveform, Transient, and PQ Settings 7-39

8: Register Block Titles 8-1

8.1: Device Identification Block (00001-00080) 8-1

8.2: Real Time Block (00081-00089) 8-1

8.3: 1 Cycle Block (00090-00118) 8-3

8.4: Tenth Second Block (00119-00175) 8-3

8.5: One Second Block (00176-00235) 8-4

8.6: Thermal Average Block (00236-00295) 8-4

8.7: Maximum Block (00296-00396) 8-4

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8.8: Minimum Block (00397-00497) 8-4

8.9: Maximum Time Stamp Block (00498-00737) 8-4

8.10: Minimum Time Stamp Block (00738-00977) 8-5

8.11: Energy Block (Secondary) (00978-01021) 8-5

8.12: Harmonic Magnitude Block (01022-01789) 8-5

8.13: Harmonic Phase Block (01790-02557) 8-5

8.14: THD/K-Factor Block (02558-02566) 8-5

8.15: Harmonic Time Stamp Block (02567-02590) 8-5

8.16: Phase Angle Block (02591-02604) 8-6

8.17: Block Window Average Block (02605-02683) 8-6

8.18: Rolling Window/Predictive Rolling Window Block

(02684-02768) 8-6

8.19: Limit Block (02769-02773) 8-6

8.20: Digital Input Option Board Block (02774-02841) 8-6

8.21: Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Block (05745-05796) 8-7

8.22: Pulse Accumulation Block Window Average /

Maximum Block (05797-05945) 8-7

8.23: Temperature (05946) 8-7

8.24: Analog Input Block (05947-05978) 8-7

8.25: Limit Combination Block (05979-05980) 8-7

8.26: Relay Logic Block (05981-06014) 8-7

8.27: Reset Time Block (06015-06038) 8-7

8.28: Miscellaneous Flags Block (06039) 8-8

8.29: Test Mode Block (06040-06076) 8-8

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8.30: KYZ Output Accumulation Block (06097-06110) 8-8

8.31: Input Option Board Data Status Block (06111-06112) 8-9

8.32: Flicker Status Block (06114-06126) 8-9

8.33: Instantaneous Flicker Block (06127-06136) 8-9

8.34: Short Term Flicker Block (06137-06186) 8-9

8.35: Long Term Flicker Block (06187-06236) 8-9

8.36: Additional Energy Block (06237-06392) 8-9

8.37: Energy and Pulses in the Interval Block

(06393-006488) 8-10

8.38: Flicker Countdown Block (06489-006490) 8-10

8.39: Cumulative Demand Block (06491-006502) 8-10

8.40: Uncompensated and Q Block (06665-06907) 8-11

8.41: Scaled Energy Block (06908-07829) 8-11

8.42: Total Average Power Factor Block (07830-07859) 8-11

8.43: Negative Maximum Pulse Aggregation Average Block

(07864-07895) 8-11

8.44: Additional Total Average Power Factor Block

(07896-07910) 8-12

8.45: New Demand Block (Either Block Window Average or

Sliding Window Average (07928-08039) 8-12

8.46: Scratchpad Block (08193 - 08320) 8-12

8.47: Master Device Data Block (08449-08704) 8-12

8.48: EN 50160/IEC 61000-4-30 Power Quality Test

(08705-11054) 8-12

8.49: Frozen Energy Blocks (11265-11650) 8-12

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8.50: Previous Block Window Average Block (11651-11742) 8-13

8.51: Previous Rolling Window Average Block (11743-11834) 8-13

8.52: Previous Scaled Energy Block (11835-11894) 8-13

8.53: One Second Three Phase Mean RMS Block

(11895-11900) 8-13

8.54: Block Window Max/Min and 10 Minute Mean THD Block

(11901-12138) 8-13

8.55: Coincident Power Factor (12141-12156) 8-13

8.56: Customized Modbus Block (12289-14336) 8-13

8.57: Nexus Master Polling Data Block (14337-14604) 8-13

8.58: Additional and Vpe Block (14849-14942) 8-13

8.59: Block Window, Max/Min Block, P-E 8-14

8.60: Enhanced Factory Settings Block (16385-24576) 8-14

8.61: Enhanced Programmable Settings Block (24577-32768) 8-14

8.62: TOU Status Section Block (34817-34826) 8-14

8.63: TOU Profile Section Block (34833-36608) 8-14

8.64: Dual Port Reading Block (36737-36800) 8-14

8.65: Historical Log 1 Snapshot Header (36865-36883) 8-14

8.66: Historical Log 2 Snapshot Header (36929-36947) 8-16

8.67: Limit Trigger Log Header (36993-37016) 8-16

8.68: Limit Snapshot Log Header (37057-37079) 8-16

8.69: Digital Input Log Header (37121-37144) 8-16

8.70: Digital Input Snapshot Log Header (37185-37207) 8-16

8.71: Digital Output Log Header (37249-37272) 8-16

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8.72: Digital Output Snapshot Log Header (37313-37335) 8-17

8.73: Flicker Log Header (37377-37400) 8-17

8.74: Waveform Trigger Log Header (37441-37465) 8-17

8.75: System Event Log Header (37505-37526) 8-17

8.76: Transient Log Header (37569-37593) 8-18

8.77: PQ (CBEMA) Log Header (37633-37656) 8-18

8.78: External Device Information Block Header

(37761-37778) 8-19

8.79: External Device Programming Block Header

(37825-37842) 8-20

8.80: Device History Block Header (37889-37906) 8-21

8.81: Direct Memory Access Header (37953-37970) 8-21

8.82: Window Index Block (38145-38162) 8-21

8.83: Window Mode Block (38209-38226) 8-24

8.84: Window Block (38273-39424) 8-26

8.85: Auto Increment Window Block (39423-39488) 8-28

8.86: Alarm Block (40961-41105) 8-30

8.87: TOU Action Log Header (41217-41240) 8-33

8.88: TOU Month/Season Log Header (41281-41304) 8-33

8.89: Port Control Block (41729-42496) 8-33

8.90: Test Mode: Preset Energy Update Block (44545-44578) 8-36

8.91: Programmable Settings Block 1 (45057-57344) 8-36

8.92: Action Block - Resetting Meter Registers (57345-57517) 8-36

8.93: Factory Calibration Block (60929-61026) 8-40

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8.94: CTPT Compensation Calibration Block (61027-61122) 8-40

8.95: Calibration Modification Block (61171-63488) 8-40

8.96: Device Identification Block 2 (65088-65280) 8-41

8.97: Password Block (65316-65344) 8-42

9:Alternative Method for Downloading Logs 9-1

9.1: Overview 9-1

9.2: Historical Log 1 Format 9-1

9.3: Historical Log 2 Format 9-3

9.4: System Event Log Format 9-5

10: Additional Procedures 10-1

10.1: Overview 10-1

10.2: Port Locking - Overview 10-1

10.2.1: Sequence for Port Locking 10-1

10.2.2: Transmission 10-2

10.2.3: Reception 10-2

10.2.4: Port Unlocking Sequence 10-2

10.3: Updating Programmable Settings 10-3

10.4: Time of Use Information 10-11

10.5: Calibration Interface: Direct Adjustment Interface 10-15

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1: Modbus Protocol Overview

1: Modbus Protocol Overview

1.1: Introduction
The Nexus® 1500+ meter can communicate with other devices using the RTU
transmission mode of the AEG Modicon Modbus protocol.

• RS485 communication supports multiple Nexus® meters connected on a network.

It is a two-wire connection operating up to 115200 baud, available on the optional
RS485 ports.

• See the Nexus® 1500+ Meter Installation and Operation Manual for wiring details.

1.2: Communication Packets

Communication takes place between a Modbus master and one or more Nexus® slave
devices. The master device initiates all communication by transmitting an information
packet, called the "request," to a specific slave device. The slave replies with its own
packet, called the "response." A packet is a serial string of 8-bit bytes consisting of
the following:

Slave Address 1 byte

Function Code 1 byte

Data N bytes: high-ordered byte first, low-order

byte second

CRC (RTU Error Checksum) 2 bytes

Dead Time 3.5 bytes transmission time

A single packet can transmit a maximum of 127 registers.

1.3: Slave Address and Broadcast Request

Each slave device on a communication bus has its own unique address. Only the slave
addressed by a master will respond. The response packet returned to the master will
have the same value in the slave address field as the request packet. Addresses are
programmable and range from 1 to 247.

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1: Modbus Protocol Overview

A slave address of 0 is a broadcast command that allows the master to send the same
packet to all devices at once. All slaves will obey the packet's instructions, but none
will respond. The broadcast request feature is available only with function codes 6 and
10, preset single registers, and preset multiple registers, respectively. See Tables 1.3
and 1.4.

1.4: Function Codes

A packet's function code tells the addressed slave what action to perform. The
Nexus® 1500+ meter supports the following Modbus function codes:

Table 1.1: Function Codes

Hex Dec Description

03H 3 Read Holding


04H 4 Read Input


06H 6 Preset Single


10H 16 Preset Multiple


1.4.1: Function Code 03H - Read Holding Registers

This function allows a master station to read one or more parameter values (data
registers) from a Nexus® meter slave. The data registers are 16-bit (two byte) values
transmitted in "Big Indian" format: high-ordered byte first, low-ordered byte second.

The master device sends a packet defining a start register for the slave and the
number of registers to read. The slave responds with a packet containing the
requested parameter values within the range specified in the request.

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
1: Modbus Protocol Overview

In the following example, a master device requests a Nexus® meter slave at address
01H to transmit two values beginning at register 00001. The slave replies with values
3031H and 3037H from registers 00001 and 00002.

Table 1.2: Function Code 03H Example

Master Packet Slave Packet

Slave Address 01H Slave Address 01H

Function Code 03H Function Code 03H

Data Starting Address - Hi 00H Byte Count 04H

Data Starting Address - Lo 00H Data 1-Hi 30H

Number of Registers - Hi 00H Data 1-Lo 31H

Number of Registers - Lo 02H Data 2-Hi 30H

CRC-Lo C4H Data 2-Lo 37H



1.4.2: Function Code 04H - Read Input Registers

This function allows a master station to read one or more parameter values (data
registers) from a Nexus® meter slave. The data registers are 16-bit (two byte) values
transmitted in "Big Indian" format: high-ordered byte first, low-ordered byte second.

The master device sends a packet defining a start register for the slave and the
number of registers to read. The slave responds with a packet containing the
requested parameter values within the range specified in the request.

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In the following example, a master device requests a Nexus® meter slave at address
01H to transmit two values beginning at register 00001. The slave replies with values
3031H and 3037H from registers 00001 and 00002.

Table 1.3: Function Code 04H Example

Master Packet Slave Packet

Slave Address 01H Slave Address 01H

Function Code 04H Function Code 04H

Data Starting Address - Hi 00H Byte Count 04H

Data Starting Address - Lo 00H Data 1-Hi 30H

Number of Registers - Hi 00H Data 1-Lo 31H

Number of Registers - Lo 02H Data 2-Hi 30H

CRC-Lo C4H Data 2-Lo 37H



1.4.3: Function Code 06H - Preset Single Register

This function allows a master station to modify a single register in a Nexus® meter
slave. The data registers are 16-bit (two byte) values transmitted high-ordered byte
first, low-ordered byte second.

In the following example, a master device stores the value 0001H at register 57346 in
a Nexus® meter slave at address 01H.

Table 1.4: Function Code 6H Example

Master Packet Slave Packet

Slave Address 01H Slave Address 01H

Function Code 06H Function Code 06H

Data Starting Address- Hi E0H Data Starting Address - Hi E0H

Data starting Address-Lo 01H Data Starting Address-Lo 01H

Data-Hi 00H Data-Hi 00H

Data-Lo 01H Data-Lo 01H



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1: Modbus Protocol Overview

1.4.4: Function Code 10H - Preset Multiple Registers

This function allows a master station to modify a group of consecutive registers in a
Nexus® meter slave. Registers are 16-bit (two byte) values transmitted high-ordered
byte first, low-ordered byte second.

In the following example, a master device stores the value 0001H at register 57345,
0001H at register 57346, and 0001H at register 57347 in a Nexus® meter slave at
address 01H.

Table 1.5: Function Code 10H Example

Master Packet Slave Packet

Slave Address 01H Slave Address 01H

Function Code 10H Function Code 10H

Data Starting Address- Hi E0H Data Starting Address - E0H


Data starting Address-Lo 01H Data Starting Address- 01H


Number of Setpoints-Hi 00H Number of Setpoints-Hi 00H

Number of Setpoints-Lo 03H Number of Setpoints- 03H


Byte Count 06H CRC-Lo E6H

Data #1-Hi 00H CRC-Hi 08H

Data #1-Lo 01H

Data #2-Lo 00H

Data #2-Hi 01H

Data #3-Lo 00H

Data #3-Hi 01H


CRC-Hi 46H

NOTE: The Modbus map address range in hexadecimal is 0000H - FFFFH; and in
decimal is 00001 - 65536. The addresses given in the Nexus® 1500+ Meter Modbus
Register Map in Chapter 2 are in decimal.

For some SCADA software, to read holding registers (see Section 1.4.1), the address
format should be: 4(XXXXX), with the XXXXX being the decimal address.

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1: Modbus Protocol Overview

1.5: CRC (Error Checksum) Algorithm

The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) field is an error checksum calculation that
enables a slave device to determine if a request packet has been corrupted during

Every request packet transmitted from master to slave includes a special 16-bit value
derived from a CRC-16 algorithm performed on the packet's contents. When a
Nexus® meter slave receives a packet, it performs a CRC-16 calculation and
compares the value with the one included in the request packet. If the two values do
not match, the slave will ignore the packet.

Following is the pseudocode for calculating the 16-bit CRC:

Initialize a 16-bit register to FFFFH.

Initialize the generator polynomial to A001H.

FOR n=1 to # of bytes in packet

XOR nth data byte with the 16-bit register

FOR bits_shifted = 1 to 8

SHIFT 1 bit to the right

IF (bit shifted out EQUAL 1)

XOR generator polynomial with the 16-bit register

and store result in the 16-bit register




The resulting 16-bit register contains the CRC-16 checksum.

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1: Modbus Protocol Overview

1.6: Dead Time

A Nexus® meter slave considers a transmission from a master complete when it has
received no data for a period of 3.5 byte transmission times - approximately 7 ms at
4800 baud and 300 microseconds at 115200 baud. If the master transmits, with any
gaps between bytes that are longer than this time period, the slaves will perceive it as
dead time. At the conclusion of the dead time, all unaddressed slaves begin listening
for a new packet from the master.

1.7: Exception Response (Error Codes)

A Nexus® meter slave will send its master an exception response packet if it has
encountered an invalid command or other problem while carrying out the master's
instructions. The function code of the response will have the most significant bit set.
The data field of the exception Response contains an error code specific to the type of

Table 1.5 lists the different error codes supported by the Nexus® 1500+ meter.

Table 1.5: Exception Response (Error Codes)

Error Code Name Description

01 Illegal Function The slave does not support the function code of
the transmitted request packet.

02 Illegal Data Address The slave does not recognize the address in the
data field of the transmitted request packet.

03 Illegal Data Value The value referenced in the transmitted request

packet is not supported by the register on the
Nexus® meter slave.

06 Busy, Rejected Packet The slave is busy performing a long operation

and cannot receive the request packet.

0Ah Gateway Paths Not Used for Modbus TCP when the 2nd RS485 port
Available is configured as a Ethernet Gateway.

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In the following example, a master Device requests a Nexus® meter slave at address
01H to transmit the value at register 00256. The slave replies with an error, indicating
that it is busy.

Table 1.6: Exception Response Example

Master Packet Slave Packet

Address 01H Address 01H

Function Code 03H Function 83H


Data Starting Address- Hi 01H Error Code 06H

Data starting Address-Lo 00H CRC-Lo C1H

Number of Registers-Hi 00H CRC-Hi 32H

Number of Registers-Lo 01H

CRC-Lo 85H


1.8: Modbus Extensions

Modbus read requests have a maximum size when using standard Modbus function.
EIG developed Enhanced (Non-Standard) Modbus read requests to allow larger than
standard responses. This requires fewer requests and, is therefore, more efficient.
Also, total download time is reduced.

This function is also more efficient with log retrieval. It allows the network card(s) to
communicate with the main unit using DNP protocol, utilizing a Modbus connection.

As part of the non-standard extensions to the Modbus protocol, the Nexus® 1500+
meter supports the following additional Modbus function codes:

Modbus Extensions

Function Code Description

Hex Dec

23H/43H 35/67 Read Holding Registers Multiple Times

45H 69 Used with Modbus LDA - see Chapter

6: Large Data Access (LDA) and
Downloading Logs on page 6-1.

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1.8.1: Function Code 23H/43H - Read Holding Registers Multiple

This function allows a master station to read the binary contents of holding registers
(4X references) in the slave multiple times. Broadcast is not supported.

The master device sends a packet defining the starting register, quantity of registers
to be read, and the repeat count. Registers are addressed starting at zero, i.e., regis-
ters 1-16 are addressed as 0-15.

Here is an example of a request to read registers 40108-40110 twice from slave

device 17:

Function Code

Field Name

Slave Address 11

Function Code 23

Data Starting Address-Hi 00

Data Starting Address-Lo 6B

Number of Registers-Hi 00

Number of Registers-Lo 03

Repeat Count 02

Error Check (LRC or CRC)

The register data in the response message is packed as two bytes per register, with
the binary contents right justified within each byte. For each register, the first byte
contains the high order bits and the second contains the low order bits.

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Data is scanned at the following maximum rates, depending on the repeat count:

Repeat Count RTU Framing ASCII Framing

1 509 Registers 253 Registers

2 254 Registers 126 Registers

3 169 Registers 84 Registers

4 127 Registers 63 Registers

5 101 Registers 50 Registers

6 84 Registers 42 Registers

7 72 Registers 36 Registers

The response is returned when the data is completely assembled. Here is an example
of a response to the data given earlier:

Function Code 23H/43H Example (Response)

Field Name

Slave Address 11

Function Code 23

Byte Count Hi 00

Byte Count Lo 0C

Data Hi (Register 40108, First Read) 02

Data Lo (Register 40108, First Read) 2B

Data Hi (Register 40109, First Read) 00

Data Lo (Register 40109, First Read) 00

Data Hi (Register 40110, First Read) 00

Data Lo (Register 40110, First Read) 64

Data Hi (Register 40108, Second Read) 02

Data Lo (Register 40108, Second Read) 2B

Data Hi (Register 40109, Second Read) 00

Data Lo (Register 40109, Second Read) 00

Data Hi (Register 40110, Second Read) 00

Data Lo (Register 40110, Second Read) 64

Error Check (LRC or CRC) --

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The contents of register 40108 are shown as the two-byte values of 02 2B hexadeci-
mal or 555 decimal. The contents of registers 40109 - 40110 is 00 00 and 00 64
hexadecimal or 0 and 100 decimal.

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1: Modbus Protocol Overview

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
2: Modbus Register Map

2: Modbus Register Map

2.1: Introduction
The Nexus® 1500+ meter’s Modbus register map begins on the following page. First
the Holding Registers section is shown, then the Input Registers section is shown.

• One second readings use the One Second block, registers 00176-00235, described
in Section 8.5.

• Resetting maximums, minimums, energy readings and/or logs use the Action block,
registers 57345-57393, described in Section 8.71.

• Time may be set in the Nexus® meter using the Real Time block, registers 00081-
00089, described in Section 8.2.

The remainder of this manual elaborates on aspects of the Modbus register map.

• Chapter 3 gives a detailed description of communication formats referred to in the

register map's "Type" column. See the Table of Contents for a list of the register
map's "Types" and the pages on which they are explained.

• Chapter 4 gives an explanation of the register map's "Notes" column.

• Chapter 5 gives explanation on, and instructions for downloading logs.

• Chapter 6 gives instructions on Large Data Access (LDA) and downloading logs.

• Chapter 7 gives an explanation of the Programmable Settings blocks.

• Chapter 8 gives descriptions of all the Nexus® 1500+ meter Modbus register map's
register Block titles and the registers included in each block.

• Chapter 9 gives instructions on an alternative method of downloading logs.

• Chapter 10 gives instructions on additional procedures: port control, updating pro-

grammable settings, TOU modifications, and calibration.

• The Glossary gives an explanation of terminology.

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2: Modbus Register Map

• Note that depending on the meter’s security settings, some readings may be
unavailable until the user provides the proper authentication information (user-
name and password).

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

2.2: Modbus Map Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
A48 Device Identification Block
0000H-0007H 00001-00008 0 0 Device Name F1 R
0008H-000FH 00009-00016 1 0 Firmware Variation String 1 F1 R
0010H-0017H 00017-00024 1 1 Firmware Variation String 2 F1 R
0018H-001FH 00025-00032 1 2 Firmware Variation String 3 F1 R
0020H-0027H 00033-00040 1 3 Firmware Variation String 4 F1 R
0028H-002FH 00041-00048 1 4 Firmware Variation String 5 F1 R
0030H-0037H 00049-00056 1 5 Firmware Variation String 6 F1 R
0038H-003FH 00057-00064 1 6 Firmware Variation String 7 F1 R
0040H-0047H 00065-00072 1 7 Firmware Variation String 8 F1 R
Nexus Comm Boot Version Number (Major). See also register
0048H-0049H 00073-00074 2 0 0xFD00-0xFD01 for Minor "9999 "/" 0" 1 version F2 R
Nexus Comm Run-Time Version Number (Major). See also
004AH-004BH 00075-00076 3 0 register 0xFD07-0xFD08 for Minor "9999 "/" 0" 1 version F2 R
004CH-004FH 00077-00080 Reserved
Real Time Block
0050H-0053H 00081-00084 6 0 On Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0054H-0057H 00085-00088 7 0 50 Current Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R/W 1, 2
0058H 00089 8 0 Current Day of the Week Sunday - Saturday F4 R/W 1, 2
One Cycle Block
0059H-005CH 00090-0093 9 0 One cycle Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
005DH-005EH 00094-0095 10 0 One cycle Phase A-N Voltage F7 R
005FH-0060H 00096-0097 10 1 One cycle Phase B-N Voltage F7 R
0061H-0062H 00098-0099 10 2 One cycle Phase C-N Voltage F7 R
0063H-0064H 00100-0101 11 0 One cycle Vaux Voltage F7 R
0065H-0066H 00102-0103 12 0 One cycle Phase A Current F7 R
0067H-0068H 00104-0105 12 1 One cycle Phase B Current F7 R
0069H-006AH 00106-0107 12 2 One cycle Phase C Current F7 R
006BH-006CH 00108-0109 13 0 One cycle Measured Neutral Current (Iaux) F7 R
006DH-006EH 00110-0111 15 0 One cycle Calculated Neutral Current (Ires) F7 R
006FH-0070H 00112-0113 14 0 One cycle Phase A-B Voltage F7 R
0071H-0072H 00114-0115 14 1 One cycle Phase B-C Voltage F7 R
0073H-0074H 00116-0117 14 2 One cycle Phase A-C Voltage F7 R
0075H 00118 16 0-16 1 One cycle High Speed Input Delta and Current State F6 R
High Speed
0076H-0079H 00119-00122 17 0 High Speed Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
007AH-007BH 00123-00124 18 0 30 High Speed Phase A-N Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
007CH-007DH 00125-00126 18 1 30 High Speed Phase B-N Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
007EH-007FH 00127-00128 18 2 30 High Speed Phase C-N Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0080H-0081H 00129-00130 19 0 30 High Speed Vaux Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0082H-0083H 00131-00132 20 0 30 High Speed Phase A Current +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
0084H-0085H 00133-00134 20 1 30 High Speed Phase B Current +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
0086H-0087H 00135-00136 20 2 30 High Speed Phase C Current +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
0088H-0089H 00137-00138 21 0 30 High Speed Measured Neutral Current +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R
008AH-008BH 00139-00140 22 0 30 High Speed Phase A-B Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
008CH-008DH 00141-00142 22 1 30 High Speed Phase B-C Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
008EH-008FH 00143-00144 22 2 30 High Speed Phase A-C Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0090H-0091H 00145-00146 23 0 30 High Speed Phase A VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
0092H-0093H 00147-00148 23 1 30 High Speed Phase B VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
0094H-0095H 00149-00150 23 2 30 High Speed Phase C VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
0096H-0097H 00151-00152 24 0 30 High Speed Three Phase VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
0098H-0099H 00153-00154 25 0 30 High Speed Phase A VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
009AH-009BH 00155-00156 25 1 30 High Speed Phase B VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
009CH-009DH 00157-00158 25 2 30 High SpeedPhase C VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
009EH-009FH 00159-00160 26 0 30 High Speed Three Phase VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
00A0H-00A1H 00161-00162 27 0 30 High Speed Phase A Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
00A2H-00A3H 00163-00164 27 1 30 High Speed Phase B Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
00A4H-00A5H 00165-00166 27 2 30 High Speed Phase C Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
00A6H-00A7H 00167-00168 28 0 30 High Speed Three Phase Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
00A8H-00A9H 00169-00170 29 0 30 High Speed Frequency +32767 Hz / 0 Hz 1/ 65536 Hz F7 R
00AAH 00171 30 0 30 High Speed Phase A Power Factor 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
00ABH 00172 30 1 30 High Speed Phase B Power Factor 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
00ACH 00173 30 2 30 High Speed Phase C Power Factor 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
00ADH 00174 31 0 30 High Speed Three Phase Power Factor 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
00AEH 00175 32 0 30 High Speed Phase A-N Voltage to Auxiliary Voltage Phase Angle + 180 / - 180 0.01 degree F9 R
One Second Block
00AFH-00B2H 00176-00179 33 0 One second Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
00B3H-00B4H 00180-00181 34 0 30 One second Phase A-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
00B5H-00B6H 00182-00183 34 1 30 One second Phase B-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
00B7H-00B8H 00184-00185 34 2 30 One second Phase C-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
00B9H-00BAH 00186-00187 35 0 30 One second Vaux Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
00BBH-00BCH 00188-00189 36 0 30 One second Phase A Current +32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
00BDH-00BEH 00190-00191 36 1 30 One second Phase B Current +32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
00BFH-00C0H 00192-00193 36 2 30 One second Phase C Current +32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
00C1H-00C2H 00194-00195 37 0 30 One second Measured Neutral Current +32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R
00C3H-00C4H 00196-00197 38 0 30 One second Calculated Neutral Current +32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
00C5H-00C6H 00198-00199 39 0 30 One second Phase A-B Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
00C7H-00C8H 00200-00201 39 1 30 One second Phase B-C Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
00C9H-00CAH 00202-00203 39 2 30 One second Phase C-A Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
00CBH-00CCH 00204-00205 40 0 30 One second Phase A VA + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
00CDH-00CEH 00206-00207 40 1 30 One second Phase B VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
00CFH-00D0H 00208-00209 40 2 30 One second Phase C VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
00D1H-00D2H 00210-00211 41 0 30 One second VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
00D3H-00D4H 00212-00213 42 0 30 One second Phase A VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
00D5H-00D6H 00214-00215 42 1 30 One second Phase B VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
00D7H-00D8H 00216-00217 42 2 30 One second Phase C VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
00D9H-00DAH 00218-00219 43 0 30 One second Three VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
00DBH-00DCH 00220-00221 44 0 30 One second Phase A Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
00DDH-00DEH 00222-00223 44 1 30 One second Phase B Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
00DFH-00E0H 00224-00225 44 2 30 One second Phase C Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
00E1H-00E2H 00226-00227 45 0 30 One second Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
00E3H-00E4H 00228-00229 46 0 30 One second Frequency + 32767 Hz / 0 Hz 1/ 65536 Hz F7 R
00E5H 00230 47 0 30 One second Phase A Power Factor 3.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
00E6H 00231 47 1 30 One second Phase B Power Factor 3.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
00E7H 00232 47 2 30 One second Phase C Power Factor 3.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
00E8H 00233 48 0 30 One second Three Phase Power Factor 3.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
00E9H 00234 49 0 30 One second Voltage Imbalance +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
00EAH 00235 49 1 30 One second Current Imbalance +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
Thermal Average Block
00EBH-00EEH 00236-00239 50 0 Thermal Average Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
00EFH-00F0H 00240-00241 51 0 30 Thermal Average Phase A-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
00F1H-00F2H 00242-00243 51 1 30 Thermal Average Phase B-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
00F3H-00F4H 00244-00245 51 2 30 Thermal Average Phase C-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
00F5H-00F6H 00246-00247 52 0 30 Thermal Average Vaux Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
00F7H-00F8H 00248-00249 53 0 30 Thermal Average Phase A Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
00F9H-00FAH 00250-00251 53 1 30 Thermal Average Phase B Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
00FBH-00FCH 00252-00253 53 2 30 Thermal Average Phase C Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
00FDH-00FEH 00254-00255 54 0 30 Thermal Average Measured Neutral Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
00FFH-0100H 00256-00257 55 0 30 Thermal Average Calculated Neutral Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
0101H-0102H 00258-00259 56 0 30 Thermal Average Phase A-B Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0103H-0104H 00260-00261 56 1 30 Thermal Average Phase B-C Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0105H-0106H 00262-00263 56 2 30 Thermal Average Phase C-A Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0107H-0108H 00264-00265 57 0 30 Thermal Average Phase A VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
0109H-010AH 00266-00267 57 1 30 Thermal Average Phase B VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
010BH-010CH 00268-00269 57 2 30 Thermal Average Phase C VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
010DH-010EH 00270-00271 58 0 30 Thermal Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
010FH-0110H 00272-00273 59 0 30 Thermal Average Phase A VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
0111H-0112H 00274-00275 59 1 30 Thermal Average Phase B VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
0113H-0114H 00276-00277 58 2 30 Thermal Average Phase C VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
0115H-0116H 00278-00279 60 0 30 Thermal Average VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
0117H-0118H 00280-00281 61 0 30 Thermal Average Phase A Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0119H-011AH 00282-00283 61 1 30 Thermal Average Phase B Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
011BH-011CH 00284-00285 61 2 30 Thermal Average Phase C Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
011DH-011EH 00286-00287 62 0 30 Thermal Average Watts +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
011FH-0120H 00288-00289 63 0 30 Thermal Average Frequency + 32767 Hz / 0 Hz 1/ 65536 Hz F7 R
0121H 00290 64 0 30 Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor 3.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
0122H 00291 64 1 30 Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor 3.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
0123H 00292 64 2 30 Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor 3.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
0124H 00293 65 0 30 Thermal Average Power Factor 3.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
0125H 00294 66 0 30 Thermal Average Voltage Imbalance +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
0126H 00295 66 1 30 Thermal Average Current Imbalance +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
Maximum Block
0127H-012AH 00296-00299 67 0 Maximum Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
012BH-012CH 00300-00301 68 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
012DH-012EH 00302-00303 68 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
012FH-0130H 00304-00305 68 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0131H-0132H 00306-00307 69 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Vaux Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0133H-0134H 00308-00309 70 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
0135H-0136H 00310-00311 70 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
0137H-0138H 00312-00313 70 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
0139H-013AH 00314-00315 71 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Measured Neutral Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R
013BH-013CH 00316-00317 72 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Calculated Neutral Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
013DH-013EH 00318-00319 73 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A-B Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
013FH-0140H 00320-00321 73 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B-C Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0141H-0142H 00322-00323 73 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C-A Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0143H-0144H 00324-00325 74 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
0145H-0146H 00326-00327 74 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
0147H-0148H 00328-00329 74 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
0149H-014AH 00330-00331 75 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
014BH-014CH 00332-00333 76 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
014DH-014EH 00334-00335 76 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
014FH-0150H 00336-00337 76 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
0151H-0152H 00338-00339 77 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
0153H-0154H 00340-00341 78 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
0155H-0156H 00342-00343 78 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
0157H-0158H 00344-00345 78 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
0159H-015AH 00346-00347 79 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
015BH-015CH 00348-00349 80 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Watts Positive +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
015DH-015EH 00350-00351 80 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Watts Positive +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
015FH-0160H 00352-00353 80 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Watts Positive +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0161H-0162H 00354-00355 81 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Positive Watts +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0163H-0164H 00356-00357 82 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Watts Negative 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0165H-0166H 00358-00359 82 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Watts Negative 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0167H-0168H 00360-00361 82 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Watts Negative 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0169H-016AH 00362-00363 83 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Negative Watts 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
016BH-016CH 00364-00365 84 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Frequency + 32767 Hz / 0 Hz 1/ 65536 Hz F7 R
016DH 00366 85 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 1 0.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
016EH 00367 85 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 1 0.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
016FH 00368 85 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 1 0.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
0170H 00369 86 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 1 0.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
0171H 00370 87 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 2 3.999 / 3.000 0.001 PF F8 R
0172H 00371 87 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 2 3.999 / 3.000 0.001 PF F8 R
0173H 00372 87 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 2 3.999 / 3.000 0.001 PF F8 R
0174H 00373 88 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 2 3.999 / 3.000 0.001 PF F8 R
0175H 00374 89 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 3 2.999 / 2.000 0.001 PF F8 R
0176H 00375 89 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 3 2.999 / 2.000 0.001 PF F8 R
0177H 00376 89 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 3 2.999 / 2.000 0.001 PF F8 R
0178H 00377 90 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 3 2.999 / 2.000 0.001 PF F8 R
0179H 00378 91 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 4 1.999 / 1.000 0.001 PF F8 R
017AH 00379 91 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 4 1.999 / 1.000 0.001 PF F8 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
017BH 00380 91 2 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 4 1.999 / 1.000 0.001 PF F8 R
017CH 00381 92 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 4 1.999 / 1.000 0.001 PF F8 R
017DH 00382 93 0 30 Maximum Thermal Average Voltage Imbalance +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
017EH 00383 93 1 30 Maximum Thermal Average Current Imbalance +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
017FH 00384 94 0 30 Maximum THD Phase A-N / A-B Voltage +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0180H 00385 94 1 30 Maximum THD Phase B-N / B-C Voltage +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0181H 00386 94 2 30 Maximum THD Phase C-N / C-A Voltage +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0182H 00387 95 0 30 Maximum THD Phase A Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0183H 00388 95 1 30 Maximum THD Phase B Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0184H 00389 95 2 30 Maximum THD Phase C Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0185H 00390 96 0 30 Maximum K-Factor Phase A Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0186H 00391 96 1 30 Maximum K-Factor Phase B Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0187H 00392 96 2 30 Maximum K-Factor Phase C Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

0188H-0189H 00393-00394 97 0 30 Coincident Thermal Average VAR for Maximum Positive Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
018AH-018BH 00395-00396 97 1 30 Coincident Thermal Average VAR for Maximum Negative Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
Minimum Block
018CH-018FH 00397-00400 98 0 Minimum Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0190H-0191H 00401-00402 99 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0192H-0193H 00403-00404 99 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0194H-0195H 00405-00406 99 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C-N Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0196H-0197H 00406-00407 100 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Vaux Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
0198H-0199H 00409-00410 101 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
019AH-019BH 00411-00412 101 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
019CH-019DH 00413-00414 101 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
019EH-019FH 00415-00416 102 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Measured Neutral Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R
01A0H-01A1H 00417-00418 103 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Calculated Neutral Current + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
01A2H-01A3H 00419-00420 104 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A-B Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
01A4H-01A5H 00421-00422 104 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B-C Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
01A6H-01A7H 00423-00424 104 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C-A Voltage + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
01A8H-01A9H 00425-00426 105 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
01AAH-01ABH 00427-00428 105 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
01ACH-01ADH 00429-00430 105 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
01AEH-01AFH 00431-00432 106 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
01B0H-01B1H 00433-00434 107 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
01B2H-01B3H 00435-00436 107 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
01B4H-01B5H 00437-00438 107 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
01B6H-01B7H 00439-00440 108 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
01B8H-01B9H 00441-00442 109 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
01BAH-01BBH 00443-00444 109 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
01BCH-01BDH 00445-00446 109 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
01BEH-01BFH 00447-00448 110 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
01C0H-01C1H 00449-00450 111 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Positive Watts +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
01C2H-01C3H 00451-00452 111 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Positive Watts +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
01C4H-01C5H 00453-00454 111 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Positive Watts +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
01C6H-01C7H 00455-00456 112 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Positive Watts +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
01C8H-01C9H 00457-00458 113 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Negative Watts 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
01CAH-01CBH 00459-00460 113 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Negative Watts 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
01CCH-01CDH 00461-00462 113 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Negative Watts 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
01CEH-01CFH 00463-00464 114 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Negative Watts 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
01D0H-01D1H 00465-00466 115 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Frequency + 32767 Hz / 0 Hz 1/ 65536 Hz F7 R

01D2H 00467 116 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 1 0.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
01D3H 00468 116 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 1 0.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
01D4H 00469 116 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 1 0.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
01D5H 00470 117 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 1 0.999 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
01D6H 00471 118 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 2 3.999 / 3.000 0.001 PF F8 R
01D7H 00472 118 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 2 3.999 / 3.000 0.001 PF F8 R
01D8H 00473 118 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 2 3.999 / 3.000 0.001 PF F8 R
01D9H 00474 119 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 2 3.999 / 3.000 0.001 PF F8 R

01DAH 00475 120 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 3 2.999 / 2.000 0.001 PF F8 R
01DBH 00476 120 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 3 2.999 / 2.000 0.001 PF F8 R
01DCH 00477 120 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 3 2.999 / 2.000 0.001 PF F8 R
01DDH 00478 121 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 3 2.999 / 2.000 0.001 PF F8 R

01DEH 00479 122 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 4 1.999 / 1.000 0.001 PF F8 R
01DFH 00480 122 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 4 1.999 / 1.000 0.001 PF F8 R
01E0H 00481 122 2 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 4 1.999 / 1.000 0.001 PF F8 R
01E1H 00482 123 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 4 1.999 / 1.000 0.001 PF F8 R
01E2H 00483 124 0 30 Minimum Thermal Average Voltage Imbalance +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
01E3H 00484 124 1 30 Minimum Thermal Average Current Imbalance +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

El I d i /G T h D # E1 4 03 MM

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
01E4H 00485 125 0 30 Minimum THD Phase A-N Voltage / Phase A-B Voltage +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
01E5H 00486 125 1 30 Minimum THD Phase B-N Voltage / Phase B-C Voltage +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
01E6H 00487 125 2 30 Minimum THD Phase C-N Voltage / Phase C-A Voltage +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
01E7H 00488 126 0 30 Minimum THD Phase A Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
01E8H 00489 126 1 30 Minimum THD Phase B Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
01E9H 00490 126 2 30 Minimum THD Phase C Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
01EAH 00491 127 0 30 Minimum K-Factor Phase A Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
01EBH 00492 127 1 30 Minimum K-Factor Phase B Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
01ECH 00493 127 2 30 Minimum K-Factor Phase C Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

01EDH-01EEH 00494-00495 128 0 30 Coincident Thermal Average VAR for Minimum Positive Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
01EFH-01F0H 00496-00497 128 1 30 Coincident Thermal Average VAR for Minimum Negative Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
Maximum Time Stamp Block
01F1H-01F4H 00498-00501 129 0 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A-N Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
01F5H-01F8H 00502-00505 129 1 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B-N Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
01F9H-01FCH 00506-00509 129 2 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C-N Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
01FDH-0200H 00510-00513 129 3 Maximum Thermal Average Vaux Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0201H-0204H 00514-00517 129 4 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0205H-0208H 00518-00521 129 5 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0209H-020CH 00522-00525 129 6 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Measured Neutral Current Time
020DH-0210H 00526-00529 129 7 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Calculated Neutral Current Time
0211H-0214H 00530-00533 129 8 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0215H-0218H 00534-00537 129 9 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A-B Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0219H-021CH 00538-00541 129 10 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B-C Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
021DH-0220H 00542-00545 129 11 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C-A Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0221H-0224H 00546-00549 129 12 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0225H-0228H 00550-00553 129 13 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0229H-022CH 00554-00557 129 14 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
022DH-0230H 00558-00561 129 15 Maximum Thermal Average VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0231H-0234H 00562-00565 129 16 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0235H-0238H 00566-00569 129 17 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0239H-023CH 00570-00573 129 18 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
023DH-0240H 00574-00577 129 19 Maximum Thermal Average Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0241H-0244H 00578-00581 129 20 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0245H-0248H 00582-00585 129 21 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0249H-024CH 00586-00589 129 22 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
024DH-0250H 00590-00593 129 23 Maximum Thermal Average Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0251H-0254H 00594-00597 129 24 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Watts Positive Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0255H-0258H 00598-00601 129 25 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Watts Positive Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0259H-025CH 00602-00605 129 26 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Watts Positive Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
025DH-0260H 00606-00609 129 27 Maximum Thermal Average Positive Watts Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

0261H-0264H 00610-00613 129 28 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Watts Negative Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

0265H-0268H 00614-00617 129 29 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Watts Negative Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

0269H-026CH 00618-00621 129 30 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Watts Negative Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
026DH-0270H 00622-00625 129 31 Maximum Thermal Average Negative Watts Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0271H-0274H 00626-00629 129 32 Maximum Thermal Average Frequency Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 1
0275H-0278H 00630-00633 129 33 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

0279H-027CH 00634-00637 129 34 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 1 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 1
027DH-0280H 00638-00641 129 35 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0281H-0284H 00642-00645 129 36 Maximum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 1 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 2
0285H-0288H 00646-00649 129 37 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 2
0289H-028CH 00650-00653 129 38 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 2
028DH-0290H 00654-00657 129 39 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

0291H-0294H 00658-00661 129 40 Maximum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 2 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 3
0295H-0298H 00662-00665 129 41 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 3
0299H-029CH 00666-00669 129 42 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 3
029DH-02A0H 00670-00673 129 43 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

02A1H-02A4H 00674-00677 129 44 Maximum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 3 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 4
02A5H-02A8H 00678-00681 129 45 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 4
02A9H-02ACH 00682-00685 129 46 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Maximum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 4
02ADH-02B0H 00686-00689 129 47 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

02B1H-02B4H 00690-00693 129 48 Maximum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 4 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02B5H-02B8H 00694-00697 129 49 Maximum Thermal Average Voltage Imbalance Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02B9H-02BCH 00698-00701 129 50 Maximum Thermal Average Current Imbalance Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02BDH-02C0H 00702-00705 129 51 Maximum THD Phase A-N / A-B Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02C1H-02C4H 00706-00709 129 52 Maximum THD Phase B-N / B-C Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02C5H-02C8H 00710-00713 129 53 Maximum THD Phase C-N / C-A Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02C9H-02CCH 00714-00717 129 54 Maximum THD Phase A Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02CDH-02D0H 00718-00721 129 55 Maximum THD Phase B Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02D1H-02D4H 00722-00725 129 56 Maximum THD Phase C Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02D5H-02D8H 00726-00729 129 57 Maximum K-Factor Phase A Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02D9H-02DCH 00730-00733 129 58 Maximum K-Factor Phase B Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02DDH-02E0H 00734-00737 129 59 Maximum K-Factor Phase C Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Time Stamp Block
02E1H-02E4H 00738-00741 130 0 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A-N Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02E5H-02E8H 00742-00745 130 1 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B-N Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02E9H-02ECH 00746-00749 130 2 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C-N Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02EDH-02F0H 00750-00753 130 3 Minimum Thermal Average Vaux Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02F1H-02F4H 00754-00757 130 4 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02F5H-02F8H 00758-00761 130 5 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
02F9H-02FCH 00762-00765 130 6 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Measured Neutral Current Time
02FDH-0300H 00766-00769 130 7 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Calculated Neutral Current Time
0301H-0304H 00770-00773 130 8 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0305H-0308H 00774-00777 130 9 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A-B Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0309H-030CH 00778-00781 130 10 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B-C Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
030DH-0310H 00782-00785 130 11 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C-A Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0311H-0314H 00786-00789 130 12 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0315H-0318H 00790-00793 130 13 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0319H-031CH 00794-00797 130 14 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
031DH-0320H 00798-00801 130 15 Minimum Thermal Average VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0321H-0324H 00802-00805 130 16 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0325H-0328H 00806-00809 130 17 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0329H-032CH 00810-00813 130 18 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
032DH-0330H 00814-00817 130 19 Minimum Thermal Average Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0331H-0334H 00818-00821 130 20 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0335H-0338H 00822-00825 130 21 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0339H-033CH 00826-00829 130 22 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
033DH-0340H 00830-00833 130 23 Minimum Thermal Average Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0341H-0344H 00834-00837 130 24 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Positive Watts Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0345H-0348H 00838-00841 130 25 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Positive Watts Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0349H-034CH 00842-00845 130 26 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Positive Watts Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
034DH-0350H 00846-00849 130 27 Minimum Thermal Average Positive Watts Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

0351H-0354H 00850-00853 130 28 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Negative Watts Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0355H-0358H 00854-00857 130 29 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Negative Watts Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0359H-035CH 00858-00861 130 30 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Negative Watts Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
035DH-0360H 00862-00865 130 31 Minimum Thermal Average Negative Watts Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0361H-0364H 00866-00869 130 32 Minimum Thermal Average Frequency Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 1
0365H-0368H 00870-00873 130 33 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 1
0369H-036CH 00874-00877 130 34 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 1
036DH-0370H 00878-00881 130 35 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

0371H-0374H 00882-00885 130 36 Minimum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 1 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 2
0375H-0378H 00886-00889 130 37 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 2
0379H-037CH 00890-00893 130 38 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 2
037DH-0380H 00894-00897 130 39 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0381H-0384H 00898-00901 130 40 Minimum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 2 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 3
0385H-0388H 00902-00905 130 41 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 3
0389H-038CH 00906-00909 130 42 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 3
038DH-0390H 00910-00913 130 43 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

0391H-0394H 00914-00917 130 44 Minimum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 3 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase A Power Factor Quadrant 4
0395H-0398H 00918-00921 130 45 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase B Power Factor Quadrant 4
0399H-039CH 00922-00925 130 46 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum Thermal Average Phase C Power Factor Quadrant 4
039DH-03A0H 00926-00929 130 47 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

03A1H-03A4H 00930-00933 130 48 Minimum Thermal Average Power Factor Quadrant 4 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
03A5H-03A8H 00934-00937 130 49 Minimum Thermal Average Voltage Imbalance Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
03A9H-03ACH 00938-00941 130 50 Minimum Thermal Average Current Imbalance Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum THD Phase A-N Voltage / Phase A-B Voltage Time
03ADH-03B0H 00942-00945 130 51 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum THD Phase B-N Voltage / Phase B-C Voltage Time
03B1H-01B4H 00946-00949 130 52 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Minimum THD Phase C-N Voltage / Phase C-A Voltage Time
03B5H-03B8H 00950-00953 130 53 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
03B9H-03BCH 00954-00957 130 54 Minimum THD Phase A Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
03BDH-03C0H 00958-00961 130 55 Minimum THD Phase B Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
03C1H-03C4H 00962-00965 130 56 Minimum THD Phase C Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
03C5H-03C8H 00966-00969 130 57 Minimum K-Factor Phase A Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
03C9H-03CCH 00970-00973 130 58 Minimum K-Factor Phase B Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
03CDH-03D0H 00974-00977 130 59 Minimum K-Factor Phase C Current Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Energy Block (Secondary)
03D1H-03D4H 00978-00981 131 0 Energy Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
03D5H-03D8H 00982-00985 132 0 20 VAhour (BCD) VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F11 R
03D9H-03DCH 00986-00989 132 1 20 Positive VARhour (BCD) VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F11 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0 VARh / -
03DDH-03E0H 00990-00993 132 2 20 Negative VARhour (BCD) VARh 1 VARH F11 R
03E1H-03E4H 00994-00997 132 3 20 Positive Watthour (BCD) Wh / 0 Wh 1 WH F11 R
03E5H-03E8H 00998-01001 132 4 20 Negative Watthour (BCD) 0 Wh / - 1 WH F11 R
03E9H-03ECH 01002-01005 133 0 20 VAhour (Binary) VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F12 R
03EDH-03F0H 01006-01009 133 1 20 Positive VARhour (Binary) VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F12 R
03F1H-03F4H 01010-01013 133 2 20 Negative VARhour (Binary) 9,999,999,999,999,999 1 VARH F12 R
03F5H-03F8H 01014-01017 133 3 20 Positive Watthour (Binary) Wh / 0 Wh 1 WH F12 R

0 Wh / -
03F9H-03FCH 01018-01021 133 4 20 Negative Watthour (Binary) 9,999,999,999,999,999 Wh 1 WH F12 R
Harmonic Magnitude Block (IEC 61000-4-30 1.6 sec Update)
03FDH 01022 134 0 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 0th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
03FEH 01023 134 1 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 1 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
03FFH 01024 134 2 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 2 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0400H 01025 134 3 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 3 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0401H 01026 134 4 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 4 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0402H 01027 134 5 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 5 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0403H 01028 134 6 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 6 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0404H 01029 134 7 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 7 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0405H 01030 135 0 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 8 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0406H 01031 135 1 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 9 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0407H 01032 135 2 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 10 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0408H 01033 135 3 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 11 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0409H 01034 135 4 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 12 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
040AH 01035 135 5 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 13 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
040BH 01036 135 6 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 14 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
040CH 01037 135 7 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 15 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
040DH 01038 136 0 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 16 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
040EH 01039 136 1 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 17 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
040FH 01040 136 2 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 18 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0410H 01041 136 3 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 19th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0411H 01042 136 4 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 20 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0412H 01043 136 5 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 21 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0413H 01044 136 6 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 22 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0414H 01045 136 7 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 23 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0415H 01046 136 8 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 24 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0416H 01047 136 9 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 25 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0417H 01048 136 10 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 26 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0418H 01049 136 11 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 27 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0419H 01050 136 12 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 28 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
041AH 01051 136 13 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 29 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
041BH 01052 136 14 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 30 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
041CH 01053 136 15 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 31 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
041DH 01054 137 0 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 32 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
041EH 01055 137 1 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 33 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
041FH 01056 137 2 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 34 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0420H 01057 137 3 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 35 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0421H 01058 137 4 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 36 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0422H 01059 137 5 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 37 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0423H 01060 137 6 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 38 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0424H 01061 137 7 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 39 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0425H 01062 137 8 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 40 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0426H 01063 137 9 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 41 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0427H 01064 137 10 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 42 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0428H 01065 137 11 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 43 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0429H 01066 137 12 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 44 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
042AH 01067 137 13 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 45 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
042BH 01068 137 14 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 46 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
042CH 01069 137 15 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 47 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
042DH 01070 137 16 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 48 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
042EH 01071 137 17 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 49 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
042FH 01072 137 18 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 50 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0430H 01073 137 19 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 51st Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0431H 01074 137 20 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 52 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0432H 01075 137 21 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 53 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0433H 01076 137 22 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 54 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0434H 01077 137 23 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 55 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0435H 01078 137 24 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 56 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0436H 01079 137 25 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 57 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0437H 01080 137 26 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 58 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0438H 01081 137 27 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 59 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0439H 01082 137 28 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 60 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
043AH 01083 137 29 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 61 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
043BH 01084 137 30 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 62 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
043CH 01085 137 31 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 63 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
043DH 01086 138 0 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 64 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
043EH 01087 138 1 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 65 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
043FH 01088 138 2 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 66 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0440H 01089 138 3 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 67 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0441H 01090 138 4 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 68 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0442H 01091 138 5 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 69 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0443H 01092 138 6 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 70 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0444H 01093 138 7 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 71 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0445H 01094 138 8 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 72 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0446H 01095 138 9 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 73 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0447H 01096 138 10 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 74 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0448H 01097 138 11 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 75 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0449H 01098 138 12 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 76 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
044AH 01099 138 13 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 77 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
044BH 01100 138 14 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 78 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
044CH 01101 138 15 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 79 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
044DH 01102 138 16 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 80 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
044EH 01103 138 17 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 81 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
044FH 01104 138 18 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 82 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0450H 01105 138 19 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 83rd Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0451H 01106 138 20 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 84 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0452H 01107 138 21 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 85 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0453H 01108 138 22 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 86 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0454H 01109 138 23 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 87 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0455H 01110 138 24 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 88 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0456H 01111 138 25 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 89 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0457H 01112 138 26 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 90 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0458H 01113 138 27 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 91 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0459H 01114 138 28 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 92 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
045AH 01115 138 29 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 93 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
045BH 01116 138 30 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 94 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
045CH 01117 138 31 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 95 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
045DH 01118 138 32 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 96 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
045EH 01119 138 33 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 97 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
045FH 01120 138 34 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 98 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0460H 01121 138 35 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 99 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0461H 01122 138 36 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 100 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0462H 01123 138 37 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 101 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0463H 01124 138 38 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 102nd Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0464H 01125 138 39 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 103rd Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0465H 01126 138 40 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 104th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0466H 01127 138 41 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 105th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0467H 01128 138 42 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 106th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0468H 01129 138 43 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 107 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0469H 01130 138 44 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 108 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
046AH 01131 138 45 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 109 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
046BH 01132 138 46 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 110 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
046CH 01133 138 47 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 111 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
046DH 01134 138 48 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 112 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
046EH 01135 138 49 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 113 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
046FH 01136 138 50 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 114 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0470H 01137 138 51 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 115 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-16
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0471H 01138 138 52 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 116th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0472H 01139 138 53 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 117 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0473H 01140 138 54 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 118 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0474H 01141 138 55 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 119 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0475H 01142 138 56 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 120 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0476H 01143 138 57 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 121 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0477H 01144 138 58 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 122 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0478H 01145 138 59 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 123 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0479H 01146 138 60 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 124 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
047AH 01147 138 61 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 125 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
047BH 01148 138 62 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 126 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
047CH 01149 138 63 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 127 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
047DH 01150 139 0 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 0 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
047EH 01151 139 1 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 1 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
047FH 01152 139 2 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 2 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0480H 01153 139 3 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 3 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0481H 01154 139 4 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 4 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0482H 01155 139 5 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 5 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0483H 01156 139 6 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 6 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0484H 01157 139 7 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 7 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0485H 01158 140 0 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 8 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0486H 01159 140 1 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 9 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0487H 01160 140 2 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 10 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0488H 01161 140 3 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 11 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0489H 01162 140 4 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 12 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
048AH 01163 140 5 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 13 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
048BH 01164 140 6 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 14 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
048CH 01165 140 7 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 15 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
048DH 01166 141 0 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 16 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
048EH 01167 141 1 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 17 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
048FH 01168 141 2 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 18 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0490H 01169 141 3 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 19 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

El I d i /G T h D # E1 4 03 MM 1

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-17
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0491H 01170 141 4 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 20th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0492H 01171 141 5 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 21 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0493H 01172 141 6 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 22 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0494H 01173 141 7 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 23 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0495H 01174 141 8 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 24 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0496H 01175 141 9 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 25 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0497H 01176 141 10 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 26 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0498H 01177 141 11 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 27 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0499H 01178 141 12 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 28 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
049AH 01179 141 13 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 29 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
049BH 01180 141 14 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 30 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
049CH 01181 141 15 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 31 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
049DH 01182 142 0 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 32 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
049EH 01183 142 1 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 33 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
049FH 01184 142 2 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 34 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04A0H 01185 142 3 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 35 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04A1H 01186 142 4 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 36 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04A2H 01187 142 5 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 37 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04A3H 01188 142 6 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 38 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04A4H 01189 142 7 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 39 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04A5H 01190 142 8 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 40 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04A6H 01191 142 9 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 41 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04A7H 01192 142 10 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 42 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04A8H 01193 142 11 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 43 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04A9H 01194 142 12 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 44 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04AAH 01195 142 13 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 45 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04ABH 01196 142 14 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 46 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04ACH 01197 142 15 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 47 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04ADH 01198 142 16 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 48 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04AEH 01199 142 17 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 49 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04AFH 01200 142 18 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 50 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04B0H 01201 142 19 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 51 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-18
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

04B1H 01202 142 20 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 52nd Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04B2H 01203 142 21 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 53 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04B3H 01204 142 22 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 54 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04B4H 01205 142 23 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 55 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04B5H 01206 142 24 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 56 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04B6H 01207 142 25 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 57 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04B7H 01208 142 26 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 58 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04B8H 01209 142 27 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 59 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04B9H 01210 142 28 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 60 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04BAH 01211 142 29 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 61 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04BBH 01212 142 30 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 62 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04BCH 01213 142 31 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 63 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04BDH 01214 143 0 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 64 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04BEH 01215 143 1 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 65 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04BFH 01216 143 2 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 66 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04C0H 01217 143 3 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 67 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04C1H 01218 143 4 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 68 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04C2H 01219 143 5 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 69 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04C3H 01220 143 6 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 70 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04C4H 01221 143 7 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 71 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04C5H 01222 143 8 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 72 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04C6H 01223 143 9 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 73 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04C7H 01224 143 10 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 74 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04C8H 01225 143 11 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 75 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04C9H 01226 143 12 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 76 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04CAH 01227 143 13 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 77 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04CBH 01228 143 14 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 78 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04CCH 01229 143 15 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 79 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04CDH 01230 143 16 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 80 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04CEH 01231 143 17 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 81 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04CFH 01232 143 18 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 82 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04D0H 01233 143 19 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 83 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-19
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

04D1H 01234 143 20 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 84th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04D2H 01235 143 21 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 85 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04D3H 01236 143 22 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 86 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04D4H 01237 143 23 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 87 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04D5H 01238 143 24 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 88 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04D6H 01239 143 25 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 89 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04D7H 01240 143 26 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 90 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04D8H 01241 143 27 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 91 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04D9H 01242 143 28 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 92 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04DAH 01243 143 29 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 93 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04DBH 01244 143 30 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 94 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04DCH 01245 143 31 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 95 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04DDH 01246 143 32 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 96 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04DEH 01247 143 33 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 97 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04DFH 01248 143 34 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 98 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04E0H 01249 143 35 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 99 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04E1H 01250 143 36 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 100 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04E2H 01251 143 37 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 101 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04E3H 01252 143 38 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 102 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04E4H 01253 143 39 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 103 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04E5H 01254 143 40 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 104 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04E6H 01255 143 41 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 105 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04E7H 01256 143 42 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 106 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04E8H 01257 143 43 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 107 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04E9H 01258 143 44 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 108 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04EAH 01259 143 45 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 109 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04EBH 01260 143 46 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 110 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04ECH 01261 143 47 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 111 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04EDH 01262 143 48 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 112 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04EEH 01263 143 49 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 113 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04EFH 01264 143 50 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 114 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04F0H 01265 143 51 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 115 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

04F1H 01266 143 52 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 116th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04F2H 01267 143 53 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 117 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04F3H 01268 143 54 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 118 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04F4H 01269 143 55 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 119 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04F5H 01270 143 56 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 120 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04F6H 01271 143 57 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 121 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04F7H 01272 143 58 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 122 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04F8H 01273 143 59 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 123 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04F9H 01274 143 60 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 124 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04FAH 01275 143 61 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 125 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04FBH 01276 143 62 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 126 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04FCH 01277 143 63 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 127 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04FDH 01278 144 0 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 0 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04FEH 01279 144 1 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 1 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
04FFH 01280 144 2 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 2 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0500H 01281 144 3 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 3 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0501H 01282 144 4 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 4 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0502H 01283 144 5 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 5 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0503H 01284 144 6 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 6 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0504H 01285 144 7 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 7 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0505H 01286 145 0 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 8 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0506H 01287 145 1 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 9 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0507H 01288 145 2 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 10 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0508H 01289 145 3 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 11 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0509H 01290 145 4 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 12 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
050AH 01291 145 5 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 13 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
050BH 01292 145 6 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 14 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
050CH 01293 145 7 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 15 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
050DH 01294 146 0 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 16 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
050EH 01295 146 1 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 17 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
050FH 01296 146 2 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 18 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0510H 01297 146 3 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 19 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-21
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0511H 01298 146 4 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 20 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0512H 01299 146 5 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 21 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0513H 01300 146 6 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 22 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0514H 01301 146 7 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 23 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0515H 01302 146 8 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 24 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0516H 01303 146 9 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 25 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0517H 01304 146 10 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 26 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0518H 01305 146 11 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 27 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0519H 01306 146 12 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 28 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
051AH 01307 146 13 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 29 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
051BH 01308 146 14 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 30 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
051CH 01309 146 15 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 31 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
051DH 01310 147 0 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 32 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
051EH 01311 147 1 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 33 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
051FH 01312 147 2 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 34 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0520H 01313 147 3 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 35 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0521H 01314 147 4 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 36 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0522H 01315 147 5 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 37 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0523H 01316 147 6 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 38 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0524H 01317 147 7 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 39 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0525H 01318 147 8 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 40 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0526H 01319 147 9 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 41 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0527H 01320 147 10 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 42 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0528H 01321 147 11 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 43 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0529H 01322 147 12 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 44 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
052AH 01323 147 13 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 45 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
052BH 01324 147 14 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 46 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
052CH 01325 147 15 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 47 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
052DH 01326 147 16 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 48 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
052EH 01327 147 17 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 49 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
052FH 01328 147 18 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 50 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0530H 01329 147 19 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 51 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-22
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0531H 01330 147 20 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 52nd Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0532H 01331 147 21 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 53 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0533H 01332 147 22 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 54 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0534H 01333 147 23 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 55 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0535H 01334 147 24 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 56 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0536H 01335 147 25 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 57 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0537H 01336 147 26 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 58 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0538H 01337 147 27 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 59 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0539H 01338 147 28 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 60 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
053AH 01339 147 29 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 61 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
053BH 01340 147 30 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 62 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
053CH 01341 147 31 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 63 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
053DH 01342 148 0 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 64 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
053EH 01343 148 1 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 65 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
053FH 01344 148 2 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 66 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0540H 01345 148 3 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 67 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0541H 01346 148 4 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 68 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0542H 01347 148 5 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 69 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0543H 01348 148 6 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 70 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0544H 01349 148 7 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 71 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0545H 01350 148 8 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 72 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0546H 01351 148 9 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 73 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0547H 01352 148 10 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 74 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0548H 01353 148 11 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 75 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0549H 01354 148 12 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 76 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
054AH 01355 148 13 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 77 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
054BH 01356 148 14 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 78 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
054CH 01357 148 15 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 79 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
054DH 01358 148 16 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 80 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
054EH 01359 148 17 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 81 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
054FH 01360 148 18 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 82 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0550H 01361 148 19 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 83 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-23
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0551H 01362 148 20 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 84th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0552H 01363 148 21 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 85 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0553H 01364 148 22 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 86 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0554H 01365 148 23 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 87 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0555H 01366 148 24 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 88 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0556H 01367 148 25 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 89 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0557H 01368 148 26 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 90 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0558H 01369 148 27 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 91 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0559H 01370 148 28 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 92 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
055AH 01371 148 29 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 93 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
055BH 01372 148 30 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 94 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
055CH 01373 148 31 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 95 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
055DH 01374 148 32 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 96 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
055EH 01375 148 33 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 97 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
055FH 01376 148 34 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 98 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0560H 01377 148 35 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 99 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0561H 01378 148 36 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 100 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0562H 01379 148 37 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 101 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0563H 01380 148 38 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 102 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0564H 01381 148 39 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 103 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0565H 01382 148 40 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 104 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0566H 01383 148 41 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 105 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0567H 01384 148 42 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 106 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0568H 01385 148 43 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 107 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0569H 01386 148 44 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 108 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
056AH 01387 148 45 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 109 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
056BH 01388 148 46 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 110 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
056CH 01389 148 47 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 111 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
056DH 01390 148 48 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 112 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
056EH 01391 148 49 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 113 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
056FH 01392 148 50 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 114 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0570H 01393 148 51 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 115 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-24
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0571H 01394 148 52 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 116th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0572H 01395 148 53 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 117 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0573H 01396 148 54 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 118 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0574H 01397 148 55 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 119 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0575H 01398 148 56 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 120 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0576H 01399 148 57 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 121 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0577H 01400 148 58 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 122 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0578H 01401 148 59 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 123 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0579H 01402 148 60 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 124 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
057AH 01403 148 61 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 125 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
057BH 01404 148 62 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 126 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
057CH 01405 148 63 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 127 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
057DH 01406 149 0 30 Phase A Current 0 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
057EH 01407 149 1 30 Phase A Current 1 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
057FH 01408 149 2 30 Phase A Current 2 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0580H 01409 149 3 30 Phase A Current 3 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0581H 01410 149 4 30 Phase A Current 4 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0582H 01411 149 5 30 Phase A Current 5 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0583H 01412 149 6 30 Phase A Current 6 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0584H 01413 149 7 30 Phase A Current 7 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0585H 01414 150 0 30 Phase A Current 8 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0586H 01415 150 1 30 Phase A Current 9 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0587H 01416 150 2 30 Phase A Current 10 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0588H 01417 150 3 30 Phase A Current 11 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0589H 01418 150 4 30 Phase A Current 12 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
058AH 01419 150 5 30 Phase A Current 13 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
058BH 01420 150 6 30 Phase A Current 14 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
058CH 01421 150 7 30 Phase A Current 15 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
058DH 01422 151 0 30 Phase A Current 16 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
058EH 01423 151 1 30 Phase A Current 17 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
058FH 01424 151 2 30 Phase A Current 18 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0590H 01425 151 3 30 Phase A Current 19 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-25
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0591H 01426 151 4 30 Phase A Current 20 th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

0592H 01427 151 5 30 Phase A Current 21 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0593H 01428 151 6 30 Phase A Current 22 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0594H 01429 151 7 30 Phase A Current 23 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0595H 01430 151 8 30 Phase A Current 24 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0596H 01431 151 9 30 Phase A Current 25 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0597H 01432 151 10 30 Phase A Current 26 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0598H 01433 151 11 30 Phase A Current 27 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0599H 01434 151 12 30 Phase A Current 28 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
059AH 01435 151 13 30 Phase A Current 29 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
059BH 01436 151 14 30 Phase A Current 30 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
059CH 01437 151 15 30 Phase A Current 31 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
059DH 01438 152 0 30 Phase A Current 32 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
059EH 01439 152 1 30 Phase A Current 33 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
059FH 01440 152 2 30 Phase A Current 34 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05A0H 01441 152 3 30 Phase A Current 35 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05A1H 01442 152 4 30 Phase A Current 36 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05A2H 01443 152 5 30 Phase A Current 37 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05A3H 01444 152 6 30 Phase A Current 38 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05A4H 01445 152 7 30 Phase A Current 39 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05A5H 01446 152 8 30 Phase A Current 40 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05A6H 01447 152 9 30 Phase A Current 41 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05A7H 01448 152 10 30 Phase A Current 42 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05A8H 01449 152 11 30 Phase A Current43 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05A9H 01450 152 12 30 Phase A Current 44 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05AAH 01451 152 13 30 Phase A Current 45 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05ABH 01452 152 14 30 Phase A Current 46 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05ACH 01453 152 15 30 Phase A Current 47 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05ADH 01454 152 16 30 Phase A Current 48 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05AEH 01455 152 17 30 Phase A Current 49 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05AFH 01456 152 18 30 Phase A Current 50 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05B0H 01457 152 19 30 Phase A Current 51 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

El I d i /G T h D # E1 4 03 MM 26

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-26
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

05B1H 01458 152 20 30 Phase A Current 52 nd Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

05B2H 01459 152 21 30 Phase A Current 53 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05B3H 01460 152 22 30 Phase A Current 54 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05B4H 01461 152 23 30 Phase A Current 55 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05B5H 01462 152 24 30 Phase A Current 56 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05B6H 01463 152 25 30 Phase A Current 57 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05B7H 01464 152 26 30 Phase A Current 58 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05B8H 01465 152 27 30 Phase A Current 59 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05B9H 01466 152 28 30 Phase A Current 60 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05BAH 01467 152 29 30 Phase A Current 61 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05BBH 01468 152 30 30 Phase A Current 62 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05BCH 01469 152 31 30 Phase A Current 63 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05BDH 01470 153 0 30 Phase A Current 64 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05BEH 01471 153 1 30 Phase A Current 65 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05BFH 01472 153 2 30 Phase A Current 66 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05C0H 01473 153 3 30 Phase A Current 67 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05C1H 01474 153 4 30 Phase A Current 68 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05C2H 01475 153 5 30 Phase A Current 69 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05C3H 01476 153 6 30 Phase A Current 70 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05C4H 01477 153 7 30 Phase A Current 71 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05C5H 01478 153 8 30 Phase A Current 72 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05C6H 01479 153 9 30 Phase A Current 73 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05C7H 01480 153 10 30 Phase A Current 74 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05C8H 01481 153 11 30 Phase A Current 75 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05C9H 01482 153 12 30 Phase A Current 76 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05CAH 01483 153 13 30 Phase A Current 77 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05CBH 01484 153 14 30 Phase A Current 78 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05CCH 01485 153 15 30 Phase A Current 79 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05CDH 01486 153 16 30 Phase A Current 80 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05CEH 01487 153 17 30 Phase A Current 81 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05CFH 01488 153 18 30 Phase A Current 82 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05D0H 01489 153 19 30 Phase A Current 83 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-27
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

05D1H 01490 153 20 30 Phase A Current 84 th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

05D2H 01491 153 21 30 Phase A Current 85 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05D3H 01492 153 22 30 Phase A Current 86 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05D4H 01493 153 23 30 Phase A Current 87 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05D5H 01494 153 24 30 Phase A Current 88 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05D6H 01495 153 25 30 Phase A Current 89 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05D7H 01496 153 26 30 Phase A Current 90 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05D8H 01497 153 27 30 Phase A Current 91 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05D9H 01498 153 28 30 Phase A Current 92 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05DAH 01499 153 29 30 Phase A Current 93 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05DBH 01500 153 30 30 Phase A Current 94 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05DCH 01501 153 31 30 Phase A Current 95 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05DDH 01502 153 32 30 Phase A Current 96 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05DEH 01503 153 33 30 Phase A Current 97 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05DFH 01504 153 34 30 Phase A Current 98 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05E0H 01505 153 35 30 Phase A Current 99 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05E1H 01506 153 36 30 Phase A Current 100 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05E2H 01507 153 37 30 Phase A Current 101 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05E3H 01508 153 38 30 Phase A Current 102 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05E4H 01509 153 39 30 Phase A Current 103 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05E5H 01510 153 40 30 Phase A Current 104 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05E6H 01511 153 41 30 Phase A Current 105 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05E7H 01512 153 42 30 Phase A Current 106 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05E8H 01513 153 43 30 Phase A Current 107 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05E9H 01514 153 44 30 Phase A Current 108 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05EAH 01515 153 45 30 Phase A Current 109 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05EBH 01516 153 46 30 Phase A Current 110 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05ECH 01517 153 47 30 Phase A Current 111 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05EDH 01518 153 48 30 Phase A Current 112 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05EEH 01519 153 49 30 Phase A Current 113 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05EFH 01520 153 50 30 Phase A Current 114 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05F0H 01521 153 51 30 Phase A Current 115 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-28
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

05F1H 01522 153 52 30 Phase A Current 116 th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05F2H 01523 153 53 30 Phase A Current 117 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05F3H 01524 153 54 30 Phase A Current 118 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05F4H 01525 153 55 30 Phase A Current 119 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05F5H 01526 153 56 30 Phase A Current 120 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05F6H 01527 153 57 30 Phase A Current 121 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05F7H 01528 153 58 30 Phase A Current 122 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05F8H 01529 153 59 30 Phase A Current 123 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05F9H 01530 153 60 30 Phase A Current 124 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05FAH 01531 153 61 30 Phase A Current 125 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05FBH 01532 153 62 30 Phase A Current 126 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05FCH 01533 153 63 30 Phase A Current 127 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05FDH 01534 154 0 30 Phase B Current 0 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05FEH 01535 154 1 30 Phase B Current 1 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
05FFH 01536 154 2 30 Phase B Current 2 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0600H 01537 154 3 30 Phase B Current 3 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0601H 01538 154 4 30 Phase B Current 4 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0602H 01539 154 5 30 Phase B Current 5 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0603H 01540 154 6 30 Phase B Current 6 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0604H 01541 154 7 30 Phase B Current 7 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0605H 01542 155 0 30 Phase B Current 8 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0606H 01543 155 1 30 Phase B Current 9 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0607H 01544 155 2 30 Phase B Current 10 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0608H 01545 155 3 30 Phase B Current 11 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0609H 01546 155 4 30 Phase B Current 12 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
060AH 01547 155 5 30 Phase B Current 13 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
060BH 01548 155 6 30 Phase B Current 14 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
060CH 01549 155 7 30 Phase B Current 15 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
060DH 01550 156 0 30 Phase B Current 16 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
060EH 01551 156 1 30 Phase B Current 17 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
060FH 01552 156 2 30 Phase B Current 18 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0610H 01553 156 3 30 Phase B Current 19 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-29
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0611H 01554 156 4 30 Phase B Current 20 th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

0612H 01555 156 5 30 Phase B Current 21 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0613H 01556 156 6 30 Phase B Current 22 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0614H 01557 156 7 30 Phase B Current 23 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0615H 01558 156 8 30 Phase B Current 24 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0616H 01559 156 9 30 Phase B Current 25 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0617H 01560 156 10 30 Phase B Current 26 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0618H 01561 156 11 30 Phase B Current 27 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0619H 01562 156 12 30 Phase B Current 28 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
061AH 01563 156 13 30 Phase B Current 29 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
061BH 01564 156 14 30 Phase B Current 30 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
061CH 01565 156 15 30 Phase B Current 31 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
061DH 01566 157 0 30 Phase B Current 32 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
061EH 01567 157 1 30 Phase B Current 33 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
061FH 01568 157 2 30 Phase B Current 34 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0620H 01569 157 3 30 Phase B Current 35 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0621H 01570 157 4 30 Phase B Current 36 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0622H 01571 157 5 30 Phase B Current 37 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0623H 01572 157 6 30 Phase B Current 38 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0624H 01573 157 7 30 Phase B Current 39 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0625H 01574 157 8 30 Phase B Current 40 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0626H 01575 157 9 30 Phase B Current 41 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0627H 01576 157 10 30 Phase B Current 42 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0628H 01577 157 11 30 Phase B Current43 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0629H 01578 157 12 30 Phase B Current 44 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
062AH 01579 157 13 30 Phase B Current 45 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
062BH 01580 157 14 30 Phase B Current 46 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
062CH 01581 157 15 30 Phase B Current 47 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
062DH 01582 157 16 30 Phase B Current 48 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
062EH 01583 157 17 30 Phase B Current 49 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
062FH 01584 157 18 30 Phase B Current 50 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0630H 01585 157 19 30 Phase B Current 51 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-30
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0631H 01586 157 20 30 Phase B Current 52 nd Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

0632H 01587 157 21 30 Phase B Current 53 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0633H 01588 157 22 30 Phase B Current 54 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0634H 01589 157 23 30 Phase B Current 55 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0635H 01590 157 24 30 Phase B Current 56 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0636H 01591 157 25 30 Phase B Current 57 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0637H 01592 157 26 30 Phase B Current 58 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0638H 01593 157 27 30 Phase B Current 59 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0639H 01594 157 28 30 Phase B Current 60 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
063AH 01595 157 29 30 Phase B Current 61 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
063BH 01596 157 30 30 Phase B Current 62 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
063CH 01597 157 31 30 Phase B Current 63 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
063DH 01598 158 0 30 Phase B Current 64 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
063EH 01599 158 1 30 Phase B Current 65 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
063FH 01600 158 2 30 Phase B Current 66 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0640H 01601 158 3 30 Phase B Current 67 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0641H 01602 158 4 30 Phase B Current 68 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0642H 01603 158 5 30 Phase B Current 69 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0643H 01604 158 6 30 Phase B Current 70 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0644H 01605 158 7 30 Phase B Current 71 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0645H 01606 158 8 30 Phase B Current 72 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0646H 01607 158 9 30 Phase B Current 73 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0647H 01608 158 10 30 Phase B Current 74 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0648H 01609 158 11 30 Phase B Current 75 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0649H 01610 158 12 30 Phase B Current 76 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
064AH 01611 158 13 30 Phase B Current 77 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
064BH 01612 158 14 30 Phase B Current 78 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
064CH 01613 158 15 30 Phase B Current 79 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
064DH 01614 158 16 30 Phase B Current 80 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
064EH 01615 158 17 30 Phase B Current 81 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
064FH 01616 158 18 30 Phase B Current 82 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0650H 01617 158 19 30 Phase B Current 83 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-31
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0651H 01618 158 20 30 Phase B Current 84 th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

0652H 01619 158 21 30 Phase B Current 85 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0653H 01620 158 22 30 Phase B Current 86 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0654H 01621 158 23 30 Phase B Current 87 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0655H 01622 158 24 30 Phase B Current 88 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0656H 01623 158 25 30 Phase B Current 89 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0657H 01624 158 26 30 Phase B Current 90 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0658H 01625 158 27 30 Phase B Current 91 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0659H 01626 158 28 30 Phase B Current 92 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
065AH 01627 158 29 30 Phase B Current 93 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
065BH 01628 158 30 30 Phase B Current 94 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
065CH 01629 158 31 30 Phase B Current 95 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
065DH 01630 158 32 30 Phase B Current 96 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
065EH 01631 158 33 30 Phase B Current 97 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
065FH 01632 158 34 30 Phase B Current 98 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0660H 01633 158 35 30 Phase B Current 99 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0661H 01634 158 36 30 Phase B Current 100 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0662H 01635 158 37 30 Phase B Current 101 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0663H 01636 158 38 30 Phase B Current 102 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0664H 01637 158 39 30 Phase B Current 103 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0665H 01638 158 40 30 Phase B Current 104 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0666H 01639 158 41 30 Phase B Current 105 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0667H 01640 158 42 30 Phase B Current 106 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0668H 01641 158 43 30 Phase B Current 107 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0669H 01642 158 44 30 Phase B Current 108 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
066AH 01643 158 45 30 Phase B Current 109 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
066BH 01644 158 46 30 Phase B Current 110 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
066CH 01645 158 47 30 Phase B Current 111 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
066DH 01646 158 48 30 Phase B Current 112 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
066EH 01647 158 49 30 Phase B Current 113 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
066FH 01648 158 50 30 Phase B Current 114 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0670H 01649 158 51 30 Phase B Current 115 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-32
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0671H 01650 158 52 30 Phase B Current 116 th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0672H 01651 158 53 30 Phase B Current 117 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0673H 01652 158 54 30 Phase B Current 118 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0674H 01653 158 55 30 Phase B Current 119 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0675H 01654 158 56 30 Phase B Current 120 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0676H 01655 158 57 30 Phase B Current 121 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0677H 01656 158 58 30 Phase B Current 122 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0678H 01657 158 59 30 Phase B Current 123 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0679H 01658 158 60 30 Phase B Current 124 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
067AH 01659 158 61 30 Phase B Current 125 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
067BH 01660 158 62 30 Phase B Current 126 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
067CH 01661 158 63 30 Phase B Current 127 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
067DH 01662 159 0 30 Phase C Current 0 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
067EH 01663 159 1 30 Phase C Current 1 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
067FH 01664 159 2 30 Phase C Current 2 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0680H 01665 159 3 30 Phase C Current 3 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0681H 01666 159 4 30 Phase C Current 4 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0682H 01667 159 5 30 Phase C Current 5 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0683H 01668 159 6 30 Phase C Current 6 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0684H 01669 159 7 30 Phase C Current 7 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0685H 01670 160 0 30 Phase C Current 8 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0686H 01671 160 1 30 Phase C Current 9 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0687H 01672 160 2 30 Phase C Current 10 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0688H 01673 160 3 30 Phase C Current 11 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0689H 01674 160 4 30 Phase C Current 12 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
068AH 01675 160 5 30 Phase C Current 13 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
068BH 01676 160 6 30 Phase C Current 14 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
068CH 01677 160 7 30 Phase C Current 15 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
068DH 01678 161 0 30 Phase C Current 16 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
068EH 01679 1 30 Phase C Current 17 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
068FH 01680 161 2 30 Phase C Current 18 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0690H 01681 161 3 30 Phase C Current 19 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-33
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0691H 01682 161 4 30 Phase C Current 20 th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

0692H 01683 161 5 30 Phase C Current 21 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0693H 01684 161 6 30 Phase C Current 22 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0694H 01685 161 7 30 Phase C Current 23 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0695H 01686 161 8 30 Phase C Current 24 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0696H 01687 161 9 30 Phase C Current 25 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0697H 01688 161 10 30 Phase C Current 26 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0698H 01689 161 11 30 Phase C Current 27 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0699H 01690 161 12 30 Phase C Current 28 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
069AH 01691 161 13 30 Phase C Current 29 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
069BH 01692 161 14 30 Phase C Current 30 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
069CH 01693 161 15 30 Phase C Current 31 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
069DH 01694 162 0 30 Phase C Current 32 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
069EH 01695 162 1 30 Phase C Current 33 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
069FH 01696 162 2 30 Phase C Current 34 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06A0H 01697 162 3 30 Phase C Current 35 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06A1H 01698 162 4 30 Phase C Current 36 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06A2H 01699 162 5 30 Phase C Current 37 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06A3H 01700 162 6 30 Phase C Current 38 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06A4H 01701 162 7 30 Phase C Current 39 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06A5H 01702 162 8 30 Phase C Current 40 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06A6H 01703 162 9 30 Phase C Current 41 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06A7H 01704 162 10 30 Phase C Current 42 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06A8H 01705 162 11 30 Phase C Current43 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06A9H 01706 162 12 30 Phase C Current 44 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06AAH 01707 162 13 30 Phase C Current 45 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06ABH 01708 162 14 30 Phase C Current 46 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06ACH 01709 162 15 30 Phase C Current 47 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06ADH 01710 162 16 30 Phase C Current 48 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06AEH 01711 162 17 30 Phase C Current 49 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06AFH 01712 162 18 30 Phase C Current 50 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06B0H 01713 162 19 30 Phase C Current 51 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-34
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

06B1H 01714 162 20 30 Phase C Current 52 nd Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

06B2H 01715 162 21 30 Phase C Current 53 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06B3H 01716 162 22 30 Phase C Current 54 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06B4H 01717 162 23 30 Phase C Current 55 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06B5H 01718 162 24 30 Phase C Current 56 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06B6H 01719 162 25 30 Phase C Current 57 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06B7H 01720 162 26 30 Phase C Current 58 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06B8H 01721 162 27 30 Phase C Current 59 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06B9H 01722 162 28 30 Phase C Current 60 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06BAH 01723 162 29 30 Phase C Current 61 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06BBH 01724 162 30 30 Phase C Current 62 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06BCH 01725 162 31 30 Phase C Current 63 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06BDH 01726 163 0 30 Phase C Current 64 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06BEH 01727 163 1 30 Phase C Current 65 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06BFH 01728 163 2 30 Phase C Current 66 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06C0H 01729 163 3 30 Phase C Current 67 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06C1H 01730 163 4 30 Phase C Current 68 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06C2H 01731 163 5 30 Phase C Current 69 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06C3H 01732 163 6 30 Phase C Current 70 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06C4H 01733 163 7 30 Phase C Current 71 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06C5H 01734 163 8 30 Phase C Current 72 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06C6H 01735 163 9 30 Phase C Current 73 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06C7H 01736 163 10 30 Phase C Current 74 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06C8H 01737 163 11 30 Phase C Current 75 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06C9H 01738 163 12 30 Phase C Current 76 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06CAH 01739 163 13 30 Phase C Current 77 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06CBH 01740 163 14 30 Phase C Current 78 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06CCH 01741 163 15 30 Phase C Current 79 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06CDH 01742 163 16 30 Phase C Current 80 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06CEH 01743 163 17 30 Phase C Current 81 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06CFH 01744 163 18 30 Phase C Current 82 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06D0H 01745 163 19 30 Phase C Current 83 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-35
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

06D1H 01746 163 20 30 Phase C Current 84 th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

06D2H 01747 163 21 30 Phase C Current 85 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06D3H 01748 163 22 30 Phase C Current 86 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06D4H 01749 163 23 30 Phase C Current 87 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06D5H 01750 163 24 30 Phase C Current 88 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06D6H 01751 163 25 30 Phase C Current 89 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06D7H 01752 163 26 30 Phase C Current 90 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06D8H 01753 163 27 30 Phase C Current 91 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06D9H 01754 163 28 30 Phase C Current 92 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06DAH 01755 163 29 30 Phase C Current 93 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06DBH 01756 163 30 30 Phase C Current 94 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06DCH 01757 163 31 30 Phase C Current 95 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06DDH 01758 163 32 30 Phase C Current 96 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06DEH 01759 163 33 30 Phase C Current 97 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06DFH 01760 163 34 30 Phase C Current 98 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06E0H 01761 163 35 30 Phase C Current 99 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06E1H 01762 163 36 30 Phase C Current 100 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06E2H 01763 163 37 30 Phase C Current 101 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06E3H 01764 163 38 30 Phase C Current 102 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06E4H 01765 163 39 30 Phase C Current 103 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06E5H 01766 163 40 30 Phase C Current 104 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06E6H 01767 163 41 30 Phase C Current 105 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06E7H 01768 163 42 30 Phase C Current 106 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06E8H 01769 163 43 30 Phase C Current 107 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06E9H 01770 163 44 30 Phase C Current 108 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06EAH 01771 163 45 30 Phase C Current 109 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06EBH 01772 163 46 30 Phase C Current 110 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06ECH 01773 163 47 30 Phase C Current 111 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06EDH 01774 163 48 30 Phase C Current 112 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06EEH 01775 163 49 30 Phase C Current 113 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06EFH 01776 163 50 30 Phase C Current 114 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06F0H 01777 163 51 30 Phase C Current 115 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

06F1H 01778 163 52 30 Phase C Current 116 th Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06F2H 01779 163 53 30 Phase C Current 117 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06F3H 01780 163 54 30 Phase C Current 118 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06F4H 01781 163 55 30 Phase C Current 119 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06F5H 01782 163 56 30 Phase C Current 120 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06F6H 01783 163 57 30 Phase C Current 121 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06F7H 01784 163 58 30 Phase C Current 122 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06F8H 01785 163 59 30 Phase C Current 123 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06F9H 01786 163 60 30 Phase C Current 124 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06FAH 01787 163 61 30 Phase C Current 125 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06FBH 01788 163 62 30 Phase C Current 126 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
06FCH 01789 163 63 30 Phase C Current 127 Harmonic Magnitude +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
Harmonic Phase Block
06FDH 01790 164 0 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 0th Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
06FEH 01791 164 1 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 1 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
06FFH 01792 164 2 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 2 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0700H 01793 164 3 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 3 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0701H 01794 164 4 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 4 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0702H 01795 164 5 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 5 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0703H 01796 164 6 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 6 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0704H 01797 164 7 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 7 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0705H 01798 165 0 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 8 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0706H 01799 165 1 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 9 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0707H 01800 165 2 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 10 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0708H 01801 165 3 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 11 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0709H 01802 165 4 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 12 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
070AH 01803 165 5 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 13 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
070BH 01804 165 6 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 14 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
070CH 01805 165 7 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 15 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
070DH 01806 166 0 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 16 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
070EH 01807 166 1 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 17 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
070FH 01808 166 2 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 18 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0710H 01809 166 3 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 19 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0711H 01810 166 4 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 20th Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0712H 01811 166 5 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 21 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0713H 01812 166 6 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 22 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0714H 01813 166 7 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 23 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0715H 01814 166 8 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 24 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0716H 01815 166 9 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 25 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0717H 01816 166 10 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 26 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0718H 01817 166 11 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 27 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0719H 01818 166 12 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 28 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
071AH 01819 166 13 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 29 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
071BH 01820 166 14 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 30 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
071CH 01821 166 15 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 31 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
071DH 01822 167 0 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 32 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
071EH 01823 167 1 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 33 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
071FH 01824 167 2 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 34 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0720H 01825 167 3 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 35 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0721H 01826 167 4 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 36 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0722H 01827 167 5 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 37 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0723H 01828 167 6 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 38 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0724H 01829 167 7 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 39 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0725H 01830 167 8 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 40 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0726H 01831 167 9 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 41 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0727H 01832 167 10 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 42 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0728H 01833 167 11 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 43 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0729H 01834 167 12 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 44 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
072AH 01835 167 13 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 45 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
072BH 01836 167 14 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 46 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
072CH 01837 167 15 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 47 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
072DH 01838 167 16 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 48 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
072EH 01839 167 17 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 49 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
072FH 01840 167 18 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 50 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0730H 01841 167 19 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 51 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0731H 01842 167 20 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 52nd Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0732H 01843 167 21 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 53 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0733H 01844 167 22 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 54 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0734H 01845 167 23 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 55 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0735H 01846 167 24 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 56 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0736H 01847 167 25 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 57 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0737H 01848 167 26 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 58 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0738H 01849 167 27 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 59 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0739H 01850 167 28 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 60 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
073AH 01851 167 29 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 61 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
073BH 01852 167 30 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 62 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
073CH 01853 167 31 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 63 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
073DH 01854 168 0 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 64 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
073EH 01855 168 1 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 65 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
073FH 01856 168 2 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 66 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0740H 01857 168 3 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 67 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0741H 01858 168 4 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 68 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0742H 01859 168 5 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 69 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0743H 01860 168 6 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 70 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0744H 01861 168 7 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 71 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0745H 01862 168 8 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 72 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0746H 01863 168 9 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 73 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0747H 01864 168 10 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 74 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0748H 01865 168 11 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 75 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0749H 01866 168 12 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 76 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
074AH 01867 168 13 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 77 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
074BH 01868 168 14 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 78 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
074CH 01869 168 15 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 79 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
074DH 01870 168 16 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 80 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
074EH 01871 168 17 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 81 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
074FH 01872 168 18 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 82 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0750H 01873 168 19 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 83 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0751H 01874 168 20 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 84th Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0752H 01875 168 21 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 85 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0753H 01876 168 22 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 86 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0754H 01877 168 23 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 87 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0755H 01878 168 24 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 88 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0756H 01879 168 25 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 89 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0757H 01880 168 26 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 90 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0758H 01881 168 27 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 91 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0759H 01882 168 28 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 92 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
075AH 01883 168 29 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 93 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
075BH 01884 168 30 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 94 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
075CH 01885 168 31 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 95 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
075DH 01886 168 32 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 96 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
075EH 01887 168 33 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 97 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
075FH 01888 168 34 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 98 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0760H 01889 168 35 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 99 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0761H 01890 168 36 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 100 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0762H 01891 168 37 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 101 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0763H 01892 168 38 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 102 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0764H 01893 168 39 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 103 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0765H 01894 168 40 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 104 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0766H 01895 168 41 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 105 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0767H 01896 168 42 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 106 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0768H 01897 168 43 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 107 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0769H 01898 168 44 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 108 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
076AH 01899 168 45 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 109 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
076BH 01900 168 46 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 110 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
076CH 01901 168 47 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 111 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
076DH 01902 168 48 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 112 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
076EH 01903 168 49 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 113 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
076FH 01904 168 50 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 114 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0770H 01905 168 51 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 115 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0771H 01906 168 52 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 116 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0772H 01907 168 53 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 117 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0773H 01908 168 54 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 118 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0774H 01909 168 55 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 119 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0775H 01910 168 56 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 120 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0776H 01911 168 57 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 121 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0777H 01912 168 58 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 122 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0778H 01913 168 59 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 123 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0779H 01914 168 60 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 124 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
077AH 01915 168 61 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 125 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
077BH 01916 168 62 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 126 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
077CH 01917 168 63 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage 127 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
077DH 01918 169 0 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 0 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
077EH 01919 169 1 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 1 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
077FH 01920 169 2 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 2 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0780H 01921 169 3 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 3 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0781H 01922 169 4 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 4 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0782H 01923 169 5 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 5 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0783H 01924 169 6 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 6 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0784H 01925 169 7 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 7 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0785H 01926 170 0 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 8 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0786H 01927 170 1 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 9 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0787H 01928 170 2 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 10 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0788H 01929 170 3 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 11 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0789H 01930 170 4 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 12 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
078AH 01931 170 5 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 13 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
078BH 01932 170 6 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 14 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
078CH 01933 170 7 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 15 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
078DH 01934 171 0 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 16 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
078EH 01935 171 1 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 17 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
078FH 01936 171 2 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 18 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0790H 01937 171 3 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 19 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0791H 01938 171 4 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 20 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0792H 01939 171 5 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 21 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0793H 01940 171 6 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 22 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0794H 01941 171 7 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 23 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0795H 01942 171 8 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 24 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0796H 01943 171 9 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 25 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0797H 01944 171 10 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 26 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0798H 01945 171 11 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 27 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0799H 01946 171 12 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 28 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
079AH 01947 171 13 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 29 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
079BH 01948 171 14 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 30 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
079CH 01949 171 15 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 31 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
079DH 01950 172 0 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 32 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
079EH 01951 172 1 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 33 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
079FH 01952 172 2 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 34 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07A0H 01953 172 3 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 35 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07A1H 01954 172 4 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 36 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07A2H 01955 172 5 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 37 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07A3H 01956 172 6 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 38 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07A4H 01957 172 7 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 39 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07A5H 01958 172 8 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 40 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07A6H 01959 172 9 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 41 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07A7H 01960 172 10 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 42 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07A8H 01961 172 11 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 43 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07A9H 01962 172 12 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 44 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07AAH 01963 172 13 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 45 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07ABH 01964 172 14 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 46 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07ACH 01965 172 15 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 47 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07ADH 01966 172 16 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 48 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07AEH 01967 172 17 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 49 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07AFH 01968 172 18 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 50 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07B0H 01969 172 19 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 51 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
07B1H 01970 172 20 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 52 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07B2H 01971 172 21 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 53 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07B3H 01972 172 22 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 54 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07B4H 01973 172 23 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 55 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07B5H 01974 172 24 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 56 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07B6H 01975 172 25 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 57 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07B7H 01976 172 26 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 58 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07B8H 01977 172 27 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 59 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07B9H 01978 172 28 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 60 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07BAH 01979 172 29 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 61 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07BBH 01980 172 30 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 62 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07BCH 01981 172 31 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 63 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07BDH 01982 173 0 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 64 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07BEH 01983 173 1 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 65 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07BFH 01984 173 2 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 66 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07C0H 01985 173 3 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 67 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07C1H 01986 173 4 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 68 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07C2H 01987 173 5 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 69 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07C3H 01988 173 6 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 70 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07C4H 01989 173 7 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 71 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07C5H 01990 173 8 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 72 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07C6H 01991 173 9 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 73 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07C7H 01992 173 10 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 74 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07C8H 01993 173 11 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 75 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07C9H 01994 173 12 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 76 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07CAH 01995 173 13 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 77 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07CBH 01996 173 14 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 78 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07CCH 01997 173 15 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 79 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07CDH 01998 173 16 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 80 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07CEH 01999 173 17 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 81 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07CFH 02000 173 18 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 82 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07D0H 02001 173 19 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 83 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

07D1H 02002 173 20 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 84th Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07D2H 02003 173 21 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 85 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07D3H 02004 173 22 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 86 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07D4H 02005 173 23 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 87 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07D5H 02006 173 24 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 88 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07D6H 02007 173 25 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 89 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07D7H 02008 173 26 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 90 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07D8H 02009 173 27 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 91 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07D9H 02010 173 28 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 92 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07DAH 02011 173 29 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 93 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07DBH 02012 173 30 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 94 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07DCH 02013 173 31 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 95 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07DDH 02014 173 32 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 96 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07DEH 02015 173 33 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 97 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07DFH 02016 173 34 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 98 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07E0H 02017 173 35 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 99 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07E1H 02018 173 36 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 100 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07E2H 02019 173 37 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 101 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07E3H 02020 173 38 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 102 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07E4H 02021 173 39 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 103 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07E5H 02022 173 40 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 104 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07E6H 02023 173 41 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 105 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07E7H 02024 173 42 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 106 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07E8H 02025 173 43 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 107 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07E9H 02026 173 44 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 108 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07EAH 02027 173 45 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 109 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07EBH 02028 173 46 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 110 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07ECH 02029 173 47 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 111 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07EDH 02030 173 48 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 112 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07EEH 02031 173 49 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 113 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07EFH 02032 173 50 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 114 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07F0H 02033 173 51 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 115 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

07F1H 02034 173 52 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 116th Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07F2H 02035 173 53 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 117 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07F3H 02036 173 54 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 118 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07F4H 02037 173 55 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 119 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07F5H 02038 173 56 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 120 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07F6H 02039 173 57 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 121 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07F7H 02040 173 58 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 122 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07F8H 02041 173 59 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 123 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07F9H 02042 173 60 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 124 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07FAH 02043 173 61 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 125 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07FBH 02044 173 62 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 126 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07FCH 02045 173 63 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage 127 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07FDH 02046 174 0 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 0 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07FEH 02047 174 1 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 1 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
07FFH 02048 174 2 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 2 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0800H 02049 174 3 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 3 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0801H 02050 174 4 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 4 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0802H 02051 174 5 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 5 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0803H 02052 174 6 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 6 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0804H 02053 174 7 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 7 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0805H 02054 175 0 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 8 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0806H 02055 175 1 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 9 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0807H 02056 175 2 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 10 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0808H 02057 175 3 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 11 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0809H 02058 175 4 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 12 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
080AH 02059 175 5 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 13 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
080BH 02060 175 6 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 14 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
080CH 02061 175 7 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 15 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
080DH 02062 176 0 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 16 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
080EH 02063 176 1 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 17 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
080FH 02064 176 2 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 18 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0810H 02065 176 3 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 19 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0811H 02066 176 4 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 20 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0812H 02067 176 5 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 21 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0813H 02068 176 6 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 22 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0814H 02069 176 7 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 23 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0815H 02070 176 8 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 24 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0816H 02071 176 9 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 25 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0817H 02072 176 10 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 26 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0818H 02073 176 11 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 27 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0819H 02074 176 12 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 28 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
081AH 02075 176 13 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 29 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
081BH 02076 176 14 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 30 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
081CH 02077 176 15 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 31 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
081DH 02078 177 0 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 32 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
081EH 02079 177 1 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 33 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
081FH 02080 177 2 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 34 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0820H 02081 177 3 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 35 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0821H 02082 177 4 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 36 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0822H 02083 177 5 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 37 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0823H 02084 177 6 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 38 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0824H 02085 177 7 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 39 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0825H 02086 177 8 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 40 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0826H 02087 177 9 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 41 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0827H 02088 177 10 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 42 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0828H 02089 177 11 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 43 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0829H 02090 177 12 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 44 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
082AH 02091 177 13 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 45 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
082BH 02092 177 14 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 46 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
082CH 02093 177 15 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 47 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
082DH 02094 177 16 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 48 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
082EH 02095 177 17 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 49 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
082FH 02096 177 18 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 50 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0830H 02097 177 19 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 51 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0831H 02098 177 20 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 52 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0832H 02099 177 21 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 53 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0833H 02100 177 22 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 54 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0834H 02101 177 23 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 55 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0835H 02102 177 24 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 56 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0836H 02103 177 25 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 57 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0837H 02104 177 26 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 58 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0838H 02105 177 27 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 59 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0839H 02106 177 28 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 60 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
083AH 02107 177 29 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 61 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
083BH 02108 177 30 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 62 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
083CH 02109 177 31 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 63 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
083DH 02110 178 0 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 64 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
083EH 02111 178 1 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 65 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
083FH 02112 178 2 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 66 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0840H 02113 178 3 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 67 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0841H 02114 178 4 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 68 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0842H 02115 178 5 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 69 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0843H 02116 178 6 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 70 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0844H 02117 178 7 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 71 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0845H 02118 178 8 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 72 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0846H 02119 178 9 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 73 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0847H 02120 178 10 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 74 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0848H 02121 178 11 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 75 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0849H 02122 178 12 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 76 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
084AH 02123 178 13 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 77 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
084BH 02124 178 14 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 78 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
084CH 02125 178 15 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 79 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
084DH 02126 178 16 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 80 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
084EH 02127 178 17 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 81 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
084FH 02128 178 18 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 82 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0850H 02129 178 19 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 83 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0851H 02130 178 20 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 84 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0852H 02131 178 21 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 85 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0853H 02132 178 22 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 86 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0854H 02133 178 23 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 87 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0855H 02134 178 24 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 88 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0856H 02135 178 25 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 89 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0857H 02136 178 26 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 90 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0858H 02137 178 27 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 91 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0859H 02138 178 28 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 92 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
085AH 02139 178 29 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 93 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
085BH 02140 178 30 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 94 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
085CH 02141 178 31 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 95 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
085DH 02142 178 32 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 96 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
085EH 02143 178 33 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 97 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
085FH 02144 178 34 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 98 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0860H 02145 178 35 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 99 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0861H 02146 178 36 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 100 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0862H 02147 178 37 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 101 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0863H 02148 178 38 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 102 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0864H 02149 178 39 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 103 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0865H 02150 178 40 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 104 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0866H 02151 178 41 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 105 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0867H 02152 178 42 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 106 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0868H 02153 178 43 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 107 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0869H 02154 178 44 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 108 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
086AH 02155 178 45 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 109 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
086BH 02156 178 46 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 110 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
086CH 02157 178 47 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 111 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
086DH 02158 178 48 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 112 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
086EH 02159 178 49 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 113 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
086FH 02160 178 50 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 114 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0870H 02161 178 51 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 115 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

0871H 02162 178 52 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 116th Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0872H 02163 178 53 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 117 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0873H 02164 178 54 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 118 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0874H 02165 178 55 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 119 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0875H 02166 178 56 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 120 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0876H 02167 178 57 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 121 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0877H 02168 178 58 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 122 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0878H 02169 178 59 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 123 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0879H 02170 178 60 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 124 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
087AH 02171 178 61 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 125 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
087BH 02172 178 62 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 126 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
087CH 02173 178 63 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage 127 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
087DH 02174 179 0 30 Phase A Current 0 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
087EH 02175 179 1 30 Phase A Current 1 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
087FH 02176 179 2 30 Phase A Current 2 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0880H 02177 179 3 30 Phase A Current 3 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0881H 02178 179 4 30 Phase A Current 4 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0882H 02179 179 5 30 Phase A Current 5 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0883H 02180 179 6 30 Phase A Current 6 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0884H 02181 179 7 30 Phase A Current 7 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0885H 02182 180 0 30 Phase A Current 8 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0886H 02183 180 1 30 Phase A Current 9 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0887H 02184 180 2 30 Phase A Current 10 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0888H 02185 180 3 30 Phase A Current 11 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0889H 02186 180 4 30 Phase A Current 12 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
088AH 02187 180 5 30 Phase A Current 13 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
088BH 02188 180 6 30 Phase A Current 14 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
088CH 02189 180 7 30 Phase A Current 15 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
088DH 02190 181 0 30 Phase A Current 16 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
088EH 02191 181 1 30 Phase A Current 17 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
088FH 02192 181 2 30 Phase A Current 18 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0890H 02193 181 3 30 Phase A Current 19 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0891H 02194 181 4 30 Phase A Current 20 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0892H 02195 181 5 30 Phase A Current 21 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0893H 02196 181 6 30 Phase A Current 22 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0894H 02197 181 7 30 Phase A Current 23 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0895H 02198 181 8 30 Phase A Current 24 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0896H 02199 181 9 30 Phase A Current 25 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0897H 02200 181 10 30 Phase A Current 26 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0898H 02201 181 11 30 Phase A Current 27 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0899H 02202 181 12 30 Phase A Current 28 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
089AH 02203 181 13 30 Phase A Current 29 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
089BH 02204 181 14 30 Phase A Current 30 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
089CH 02205 181 15 30 Phase A Current 31 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
089DH 02206 182 0 30 Phase A Current 32 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
089EH 02207 182 1 30 Phase A Current 33 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
089FH 02208 182 2 30 Phase A Current 34 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08A0H 02209 182 3 30 Phase A Current 35 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08A1H 02210 182 4 30 Phase A Current 36 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08A2H 02211 182 5 30 Phase A Current 37 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08A3H 02212 182 6 30 Phase A Current 38 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08A4H 02213 182 7 30 Phase A Current 39 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08A5H 02214 182 8 30 Phase A Current 40 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08A6H 02215 182 9 30 Phase A Current 41 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08A7H 02216 182 10 30 Phase A Current 42 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08A8H 02217 182 11 30 Phase A Current43 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08A9H 02218 182 12 30 Phase A Current 44 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08AAH 02219 182 13 30 Phase A Current 45 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08ABH 02220 182 14 30 Phase A Current 46 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08ACH 02221 182 15 30 Phase A Current 47 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08ADH 02222 182 16 30 Phase A Current 48 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08AEH 02223 182 17 30 Phase A Current 49 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08AFH 02224 182 18 30 Phase A Current 50 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08B0H 02225 182 19 30 Phase A Current 51 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
08B1H 02226 182 20 30 Phase A Current 52 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08B2H 02227 182 21 30 Phase A Current 53 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08B3H 02228 182 22 30 Phase A Current 54 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08B4H 02229 182 23 30 Phase A Current 55 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08B5H 02230 182 24 30 Phase A Current 56 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08B6H 02231 182 25 30 Phase A Current 57 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08B7H 02232 182 26 30 Phase A Current 58 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08B8H 02233 182 27 30 Phase A Current 59 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08B9H 02234 182 28 30 Phase A Current 60 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08BAH 02235 182 29 30 Phase A Current 61 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08BBH 02236 182 30 30 Phase A Current 62 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08BCH 02237 182 31 30 Phase A Current 63 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08BDH 02238 183 0 30 Phase A Current 64 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08BEH 02239 183 1 30 Phase A Current 65 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08BFH 02240 183 2 30 Phase A Current 66 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08C0H 02241 183 3 30 Phase A Current 67 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08C1H 02242 183 4 30 Phase A Current 68 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08C2H 02243 183 5 30 Phase A Current 69 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08C3H 02244 183 6 30 Phase A Current 70 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08C4H 02245 183 7 30 Phase A Current 71 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08C5H 02246 183 8 30 Phase A Current 72 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08C6H 02247 183 9 30 Phase A Current 73 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08C7H 02248 183 10 30 Phase A Current 74 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08C8H 02249 183 11 30 Phase A Current 75 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08C9H 02250 183 12 30 Phase A Current 76 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08CAH 02251 183 13 30 Phase A Current 77 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08CBH 02252 183 14 30 Phase A Current 78 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08CCH 02253 183 15 30 Phase A Current 79 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08CDH 02254 183 16 30 Phase A Current 80 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08CEH 02255 183 17 30 Phase A Current 81 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08CFH 02256 183 18 30 Phase A Current 82 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08D0H 02257 183 19 30 Phase A Current 83 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
08D1H 02258 183 20 30 Phase A Current 84 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08D2H 02259 183 21 30 Phase A Current 85 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08D3H 02260 183 22 30 Phase A Current 86 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08D4H 02261 183 23 30 Phase A Current 87 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08D5H 02262 183 24 30 Phase A Current 88 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08D6H 02263 183 25 30 Phase A Current 89 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08D7H 02264 183 26 30 Phase A Current 90 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08D8H 02265 183 27 30 Phase A Current 91 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08D9H 02266 183 28 30 Phase A Current 92 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08DAH 02267 183 29 30 Phase A Current 93 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08DBH 02268 183 30 30 Phase A Current 94 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08DCH 02269 183 31 30 Phase A Current 95 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08DDH 02270 183 32 30 Phase A Current 96 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08DEH 02271 183 33 30 Phase A Current 97 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08DFH 02272 183 34 30 Phase A Current 98 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08E0H 02273 183 35 30 Phase A Current 99 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08E1H 02274 183 36 30 Phase A Current 100 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08E2H 02275 183 37 30 Phase A Current 101 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08E3H 02276 183 38 30 Phase A Current 102 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08E4H 02277 183 39 30 Phase A Current 103 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08E5H 02278 183 40 30 Phase A Current 104 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08E6H 02279 183 41 30 Phase A Current 105 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08E7H 02280 183 42 30 Phase A Current 106 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08E8H 02281 183 43 30 Phase A Current 107 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08E9H 02282 183 44 30 Phase A Current 108 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08EAH 02283 183 45 30 Phase A Current 109 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08EBH 02284 183 46 30 Phase A Current 110 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08ECH 02285 183 47 30 Phase A Current 111 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08EDH 02286 183 48 30 Phase A Current 112 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08EEH 02287 183 49 30 Phase A Current 113 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08EFH 02288 183 50 30 Phase A Current 114 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08F0H 02289 183 51 30 Phase A Current 115 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
08F1H 02290 183 52 30 Phase A Current 116 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08F2H 02291 183 53 30 Phase A Current 117 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08F3H 02292 183 54 30 Phase A Current 118 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08F4H 02293 183 55 30 Phase A Current 119 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08F5H 02294 183 56 30 Phase A Current 120 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08F6H 02295 183 57 30 Phase A Current 121 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08F7H 02296 183 58 30 Phase A Current 122 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08F8H 02297 183 59 30 Phase A Current 123 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08F9H 02298 183 60 30 Phase A Current 124 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08FAH 02299 183 61 30 Phase A Current 125 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08FBH 02300 183 62 30 Phase A Current 126 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08FCH 02301 183 63 30 Phase A Current 127 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08FDH 02302 184 0 30 Phase B Current 0 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08FEH 02303 184 1 30 Phase B Current 1 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
08FFH 02304 184 2 30 Phase B Current 2 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0900H 02305 184 3 30 Phase B Current 3 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0901H 02306 184 4 30 Phase B Current 4 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0902H 02307 184 5 30 Phase B Current 5 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0903H 02308 184 6 30 Phase B Current 6 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0904H 02309 184 7 30 Phase B Current 7 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0905H 02310 185 0 30 Phase B Current 8 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0906H 02311 185 1 30 Phase B Current 9 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0907H 02312 185 2 30 Phase B Current 10 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0908H 02313 185 3 30 Phase B Current 11 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0909H 02314 185 4 30 Phase B Current 12 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
090AH 02315 185 5 30 Phase B Current 13 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
090BH 02316 185 6 30 Phase B Current 14 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
090CH 02317 185 7 30 Phase B Current 15 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
090DH 02318 186 0 30 Phase B Current 16 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
090EH 02319 186 1 30 Phase B Current 17 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
090FH 02320 186 2 30 Phase B Current 18 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0910H 02321 186 3 30 Phase B Current 19 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0911H 02322 186 4 30 Phase B Current 20 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0912H 02323 186 5 30 Phase B Current 21 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0913H 02324 186 6 30 Phase B Current 22 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0914H 02325 186 7 30 Phase B Current 23 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0915H 02326 186 8 30 Phase B Current 24 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0916H 02327 186 9 30 Phase B Current 25 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0917H 02328 186 10 30 Phase B Current 26 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0918H 02329 186 11 30 Phase B Current 27 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0919H 02330 186 12 30 Phase B Current 28 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
091AH 02331 186 13 30 Phase B Current 29 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
091BH 02332 186 14 30 Phase B Current 30 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
091CH 02333 186 15 30 Phase B Current 31 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
091DH 02334 187 0 30 Phase B Current 32 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
091EH 02335 187 1 30 Phase B Current 33 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
091FH 02336 187 2 30 Phase B Current 34 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0920H 02337 187 3 30 Phase B Current 35 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0921H 02338 187 4 30 Phase B Current 36 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0922H 02339 187 5 30 Phase B Current 37 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0923H 02340 187 6 30 Phase B Current 38 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0924H 02341 187 7 30 Phase B Current 39 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0925H 02342 187 8 30 Phase B Current 40 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0926H 02343 187 9 30 Phase B Current 41 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0927H 02344 187 10 30 Phase B Current 42 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0928H 02345 187 11 30 Phase B Current43 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0929H 02346 187 12 30 Phase B Current 44 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
092AH 02347 187 13 30 Phase B Current 45 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
092BH 02348 187 14 30 Phase B Current 46 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
092CH 02349 187 15 30 Phase B Current 47 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
092DH 02350 187 16 30 Phase B Current 48 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
092EH 02351 187 17 30 Phase B Current 49 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
092FH 02352 187 18 30 Phase B Current 50 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0930H 02353 187 19 30 Phase B Current 51 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0931H 02354 187 20 30 Phase B Current 52 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0932H 02355 187 21 30 Phase B Current 53 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0933H 02356 187 22 30 Phase B Current 54 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0934H 02357 187 23 30 Phase B Current 55 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0935H 02358 187 24 30 Phase B Current 56 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0936H 02359 187 25 30 Phase B Current 57 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0937H 02360 187 26 30 Phase B Current 58 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0938H 02361 187 27 30 Phase B Current 59 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0939H 02362 187 28 30 Phase B Current 60 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
093AH 02363 187 29 30 Phase B Current 61 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
093BH 02364 187 30 30 Phase B Current 62 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
093CH 02365 187 31 30 Phase B Current 63 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
093DH 02366 188 0 30 Phase B Current 64 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
093EH 02367 188 1 30 Phase B Current 65 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
093FH 02368 188 2 30 Phase B Current 66 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0940H 02369 188 3 30 Phase B Current 67 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0941H 02370 188 4 30 Phase B Current 68 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0942H 02371 188 5 30 Phase B Current 69 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0943H 02372 188 6 30 Phase B Current 70 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0944H 02373 188 7 30 Phase B Current 71 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0945H 02374 188 8 30 Phase B Current 72 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0946H 02375 188 9 30 Phase B Current 73 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0947H 02376 188 10 30 Phase B Current 74 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0948H 02377 188 11 30 Phase B Current 75 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0949H 02378 188 12 30 Phase B Current 76 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
094AH 02379 188 13 30 Phase B Current 77 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
094BH 02380 188 14 30 Phase B Current 78 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
094CH 02381 188 15 30 Phase B Current 79 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
094DH 02382 188 16 30 Phase B Current 80 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
094EH 02383 188 17 30 Phase B Current 81 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
094FH 02384 188 18 30 Phase B Current 82 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0950H 02385 188 19 30 Phase B Current 83 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0951H 02386 188 20 30 Phase B Current 84 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0952H 02387 188 21 30 Phase B Current 85 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0953H 02388 188 22 30 Phase B Current 86 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0954H 02389 188 23 30 Phase B Current 87 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0955H 02390 188 24 30 Phase B Current 88 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0956H 02391 188 25 30 Phase B Current 89 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0957H 02392 188 26 30 Phase B Current 90 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0958H 02393 188 27 30 Phase B Current 91 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0959H 02394 188 28 30 Phase B Current 92 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
095AH 02395 188 29 30 Phase B Current 93 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
095BH 02396 188 30 30 Phase B Current 94 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
095CH 02397 188 31 30 Phase B Current 95 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
095DH 02398 188 32 30 Phase B Current 96 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
095EH 02399 188 33 30 Phase B Current 97 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
095FH 02400 188 34 30 Phase B Current 98 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0960H 02401 188 35 30 Phase B Current 99 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0961H 02402 188 36 30 Phase B Current 100 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0962H 02403 188 37 30 Phase B Current 101 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0963H 02404 188 38 30 Phase B Current 102 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0964H 02405 188 39 30 Phase B Current 103 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0965H 02406 188 40 30 Phase B Current 104 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0966H 02407 188 41 30 Phase B Current 105 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0967H 02408 188 42 30 Phase B Current 106 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0968H 02409 188 43 30 Phase B Current 107 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0969H 02410 188 44 30 Phase B Current 108 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
096AH 02411 188 45 30 Phase B Current 109 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
096BH 02412 188 46 30 Phase B Current 110 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
096CH 02413 188 47 30 Phase B Current 111 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
096DH 02414 188 48 30 Phase B Current 112 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
096EH 02415 188 49 30 Phase B Current 113 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
096FH 02416 188 50 30 Phase B Current 114 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0970H 02417 188 51 30 Phase B Current 115 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0971H 02418 188 52 30 Phase B Current 116 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0972H 02419 188 53 30 Phase B Current 117 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0973H 02420 188 54 30 Phase B Current 118 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0974H 02421 188 55 30 Phase B Current 119 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0975H 02422 188 56 30 Phase B Current 120 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0976H 02423 188 57 30 Phase B Current 121 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0977H 02424 188 58 30 Phase B Current 122 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0978H 02425 188 59 30 Phase B Current 123 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0979H 02426 188 60 30 Phase B Current 124 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
097AH 02427 188 61 30 Phase B Current 125 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
097BH 02428 188 62 30 Phase B Current 126 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
097CH 02429 188 63 30 Phase B Current 127 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
097DH 02430 189 0 30 Phase C Current 0 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
097EH 02431 189 1 30 Phase C Current 1 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
097FH 02432 189 2 30 Phase C Current 2 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0980H 02433 189 3 30 Phase C Current 3 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0981H 02434 189 4 30 Phase C Current 4 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0982H 02435 189 5 30 Phase C Current 5 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0983H 02436 189 6 30 Phase C Current 6 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0984H 02437 189 7 30 Phase C Current 7 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0985H 02438 190 0 30 Phase C Current 8 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0986H 02439 190 1 30 Phase C Current 9 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0987H 02440 190 2 30 Phase C Current 10 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0988H 02441 190 3 30 Phase C Current 11 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0989H 02442 190 4 30 Phase C Current 12 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
098AH 02443 190 5 30 Phase C Current 13 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
098BH 02444 190 6 30 Phase C Current 14 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
098CH 02445 190 7 30 Phase C Current 15 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
098DH 02446 191 0 30 Phase C Current 16 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
098EH 02447 191 1 30 Phase C Current 17 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
098FH 02448 191 2 30 Phase C Current 18 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0990H 02449 191 3 30 Phase C Current 19 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0991H 02450 191 4 30 Phase C Current 20 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0992H 02451 191 5 30 Phase C Current 21 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0993H 02452 191 6 30 Phase C Current 22 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0994H 02453 191 7 30 Phase C Current 23 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0995H 02454 191 8 30 Phase C Current 24 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0996H 02455 191 9 30 Phase C Current 25 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0997H 02456 191 10 30 Phase C Current 26 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0998H 02457 191 11 30 Phase C Current 27 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0999H 02458 191 12 30 Phase C Current 28 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
099AH 02459 191 13 30 Phase C Current 29 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
099BH 02460 191 14 30 Phase C Current 30 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
099CH 02461 191 15 30 Phase C Current 31 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
099DH 02462 192 0 30 Phase C Current 32 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
099EH 02463 192 1 30 Phase C Current 33 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
099FH 02464 192 2 30 Phase C Current 34 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09A0H 02465 192 3 30 Phase C Current 35 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09A1H 02466 192 4 30 Phase C Current 36 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09A2H 02467 192 5 30 Phase C Current 37 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09A3H 02468 192 6 30 Phase C Current 38 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09A4H 02469 192 7 30 Phase C Current 39 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09A5H 02470 192 8 30 Phase C Current 40 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09A6H 02471 192 9 30 Phase C Current 41 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09A7H 02472 192 10 30 Phase C Current 42 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09A8H 02473 192 11 30 Phase C Current43 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09A9H 02474 192 12 30 Phase C Current 44 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09AAH 02475 192 13 30 Phase C Current 45 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09ABH 02476 192 14 30 Phase C Current 46 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09ACH 02477 192 15 30 Phase C Current 47 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09ADH 02478 192 16 30 Phase C Current 48 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09AEH 02479 192 17 30 Phase C Current 49 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09AFH 02480 192 18 30 Phase C Current 50 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09B0H 02481 192 19 30 Phase C Current 51 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
09B1H 02482 192 20 30 Phase C Current 52 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09B2H 02483 192 21 30 Phase C Current 53 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09B3H 02484 192 22 30 Phase C Current 54 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09B4H 02485 192 23 30 Phase C Current 55 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09B5H 02486 192 24 30 Phase C Current 56 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09B6H 02487 192 25 30 Phase C Current 57 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09B7H 02488 192 26 30 Phase C Current 58 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09B8H 02489 192 27 30 Phase C Current 59 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09B9H 02490 192 28 30 Phase C Current 60 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09BAH 02491 192 29 30 Phase C Current 61 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09BBH 02492 192 30 30 Phase C Current 62 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09BCH 02493 192 31 30 Phase C Current 63 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09BDH 02494 193 0 30 Phase C Current 64 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09BEH 02495 193 1 30 Phase C Current 65 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09BFH 02496 193 2 30 Phase C Current 66 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09C0H 02497 193 3 30 Phase C Current 67 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09C1H 02498 193 4 30 Phase C Current 68 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09C2H 02499 193 5 30 Phase C Current 69 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09C3H 02500 193 6 30 Phase C Current 70 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09C4H 02501 193 7 30 Phase C Current 71 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09C5H 02502 193 8 30 Phase C Current 72 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09C6H 02503 193 9 30 Phase C Current 73 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09C7H 02504 193 10 30 Phase C Current 74 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09C8H 02505 193 11 30 Phase C Current 75 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09C9H 02506 193 12 30 Phase C Current 76 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09CAH 02507 193 13 30 Phase C Current 77 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09CBH 02508 193 14 30 Phase C Current 78 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09CCH 02509 193 15 30 Phase C Current 79 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09CDH 02510 193 16 30 Phase C Current 80 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09CEH 02511 193 17 30 Phase C Current 81 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09CFH 02512 193 18 30 Phase C Current 82 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09D0H 02513 193 19 30 Phase C Current 83 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
09D1H 02514 193 20 30 Phase C Current 84 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09D2H 02515 193 21 30 Phase C Current 85 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09D3H 02516 193 22 30 Phase C Current 86 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09D4H 02517 193 23 30 Phase C Current 87 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09D5H 02518 193 24 30 Phase C Current 88 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09D6H 02519 193 25 30 Phase C Current 89 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09D7H 02520 193 26 30 Phase C Current 90 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09D8H 02521 193 27 30 Phase C Current 91 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09D9H 02522 193 28 30 Phase C Current 92 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09DAH 02523 193 29 30 Phase C Current 93 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09DBH 02524 193 30 30 Phase C Current 94 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09DCH 02525 193 31 30 Phase C Current 95 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09DDH 02526 193 32 30 Phase C Current 96 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09DEH 02527 193 33 30 Phase C Current 97 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09DFH 02528 193 34 30 Phase C Current 98 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09E0H 02529 193 35 30 Phase C Current 99 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09E1H 02530 193 36 30 Phase C Current 100 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09E2H 02531 193 37 30 Phase C Current 101 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09E3H 02532 193 38 30 Phase C Current 102 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09E4H 02533 193 39 30 Phase C Current 103 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09E5H 02534 193 40 30 Phase C Current 104 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09E6H 02535 193 41 30 Phase C Current 105 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09E7H 02536 193 42 30 Phase C Current 106 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09E8H 02537 193 43 30 Phase C Current 107 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09E9H 02538 193 44 30 Phase C Current 108 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09EAH 02539 193 45 30 Phase C Current 109 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09EBH 02540 193 46 30 Phase C Current 110 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09ECH 02541 193 47 30 Phase C Current 111 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09EDH 02542 193 48 30 Phase C Current 112 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09EEH 02543 193 49 30 Phase C Current 113 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09EFH 02544 193 50 30 Phase C Current 114 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09F0H 02545 193 51 30 Phase C Current 115 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

09F1H 02546 193 52 30 Phase C Current 116 th Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09F2H 02547 193 53 30 Phase C Current 117 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09F3H 02548 193 54 30 Phase C Current 118 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09F4H 02549 193 55 30 Phase C Current 119 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09F5H 02550 193 56 30 Phase C Current 120 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09F6H 02551 193 57 30 Phase C Current 121 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09F7H 02552 193 58 30 Phase C Current 122 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09F8H 02553 193 59 30 Phase C Current 123 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09F9H 02554 193 60 30 Phase C Current 124 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09FAH 02555 193 61 30 Phase C Current 125 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09FBH 02556 193 62 30 Phase C Current 126 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
09FCH 02557 193 63 30 Phase C Current 127 Harmonic Phase +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
THD/K-Factor Block
09FDH 02558 194 0 30 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage THD +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
09FEH 02559 195 0 30 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage THD +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
09FFH 02560 196 0 30 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage THD +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0A00H 02561 197 0 30 Phase A Current THD +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0A01H 02562 198 0 30 Phase B Current THD +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0A02H 02563 199 0 30 Phase C Current THD +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0A03H 02564 200 0 30 Phase A Current K-Factor +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0A04H 02565 201 0 30 Phase B Current K-Factor +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
0A05H 02566 202 0 30 Phase C Current K-Factor +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
Harmonic Time Stamp Block
0A06H-0A09H 02567-02570 203 0 Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage Harmonic Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A0AH-0A0DH 02571-02574 204 0 Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage Harmonic Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A0EH-0A11H 02575-02578 205 0 Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage Harmonic Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A12H-0A15H 02579-02582 206 0 Phase A Current Harmonic Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A16H-0A19H 02583-02586 207 0 Phase B Current Harmonic Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A1AH-0A1DH 02587-02590 208 0 Phase C Current Harmonic Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Phase Angle Block
0A1EH-0A21H 02591-02594 209 0 Phase Angle Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A22H 02595 210 0 30 Phase Angle Phase A-N Voltage +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0A23H 02596 210 1 30 Phase Angle Phase B-N Voltage +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0A24H 02597 210 2 30 Phase Angle Phase C-N Voltage +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0A25H 02598 211 0 30 Phase Angle Phase A Current +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0A26H 02599 211 1 30 Phase Angle Phase B Current +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0A27H 02600 211 2 30 Phase Angle Phase C Current +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0A28H 02601 212 0 30 Phase Angle Phase A-B Voltage +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0A29H 02602 212 1 30 Phase Angle Phase B-C Voltage +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0A2AH 02603 212 2 30 Phase Angle Phase C-A Voltage +180 degree / -180 degree 0.01 degree F9 R
0A2BH 02604 213 0 30 Voltage Phase Sequence F13 R
Block Window Average Block
0A2CH-0A2FH 02605-02608 214 0 Block Window Average Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A30H 02609 215 0 30 Block Window Average Status F14 R
0A31H-0A32H 02610-02611 216 0 30 Block Window Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
0A33H-0A34H 02612-02613 216 1 30 Block Window Average VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
0A35H-0A36H 02614-02615 216 2 30 Block Window Average Watt +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0A37H-0A38H 02616-02617 217 0 30 Maximum Block Window Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
0A39H-0A3AH 02618-02619 217 1 30 Maximum Block Window Average Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R 9
0A32BH-0A3CH 02620-02621 217 2 30 Maximum Block Window Average Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
0A3DH-0A3EH 02622-02623 217 3 30 Maximum Block Window Average Positive Watt +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0A3FH-0A40H 02624-02625 217 4 30 Maximum Block Window Average Negative Watt 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0A41H-0A42H 02626-02627 218 0 30 Minimum Block Window Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
0A43H-0A44H 02628-02629 218 1 30 Minimum Block Window Average Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R 9
0A45H-0A46H 02630-02631 218 2 30 Minimum Block Window Average Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
0A47H-0A48H 02632-02633 218 3 30 Minimum Block Window Average Positive Watt +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0A49H-0A4AH 02634-02635 218 4 30 Minimum Block Window Average Negative Watt 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
Coincident Block Window Average VAR for Maximum Positive 1/ 65536 VAR
0A4BH-0A4CH 02636-02637 219 0 30 Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coincident Block Window Average VAR for Maximum Negative 1/ 65536 VAR
0A4DH-0A4EH 02638-02639 219 1 30 Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coincident Block Window Average VAR for Minimum Positive 1/ 65536 VAR
0A4FH-0A50H 02640-02641 219 2 30 Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coincident Block Window Average VAR for Minimum Negative 1/ 65536 VAR
0A51H-0A52H 02642-02643 219 3 30 Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
0A53H-0A56H 02644-02647 220 0 Maximum Block Window Average VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A57H-0A5AH 02648-02651 220 1 Maximum Block Window Average Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

0A5BH-0A5EH 02652-02655 220 2 Maximum Block Window Average Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A5FH-0A62H 02656-02659 220 3 Maximum Block Window Average Positive Watt Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A63H-0A66H 02660-02663 220 4 Maximum Block Window Average Negative Watt Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0A67H-0A6AH 02664-02667 221 0 Minimum Block Window Average VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A6BH-0A6EH 02668-02671 221 1 Minimum Block Window Average Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A6FH-0A72H 02672-02675 221 2 Minimum Block Window Average Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A73H-0A76H 02676-02679 221 3 Minimum Block Window Average Positive Watt Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A77H-0A7AH 02680-02683 221 4 Minimum Block Window Average Negative Watt Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Rolling Window Block
0A7BH-0A7EH 02684-02687 222 0 Rolling Window Average Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0A7FH 02688 223 0 30 Rolling Window Average Status F14 R
0A80H-0A85H 02689-02694 224 0-2 30 Reserved

0A86H-0A87H 02695-02696 225 0 30 Rolling Window Average VA =B1987+32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9

1/ 65536 VAR
0A88H-0A89H 02697-02698 225 1 30 Rolling Window Average VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
0A8AH-0A8BH 02699-02700 225 2 30 Rolling Window Average W +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0A8CH-0A8DH 02701-02702 226 0 30 Maximum Rolling Window Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
0A8EH-0A8FH 02703-02704 226 1 30 Maximum Rolling Window Average Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
0A910H-0A91H 02705-02706 226 2 30 Maximum Rolling Window Average Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
0A92H-0A93H 02707-02708 226 3 30 Maximum Rolling Window Average Positive Watt +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0A94H-0A95H 02709-02710 226 4 30 Maximum Rolling Window Average Negative Watt 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0A96H-0A97H 02711-02712 227 0 30 Minimum Rolling Window Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
0A98H-0A99H 02713-02714 227 1 30 Minimum Rolling Window Average Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
0A9AH-0A9BH 02715-02716 227 2 30 Minimum Rolling Window Average Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
0A9CH-0A9DH 02717-02718 227 3 30 Minimum Rolling Window Average Positive Watt +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
0A9EH-0A9FH 02719-02720 227 4 30 Minimum Rolling Window Average Negative Watt 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
Coincident Rolling Window Average VAR for Maximum Positive 1/ 65536 VAR
0AA0H-0AA1H 02721-02722 228 0 30 Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coincident Rolling Window Average VAR for Maximum Negative 1/ 65536 VAR
0AA2H-0AA3H 02723-02724 228 1 30 Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coincident Rolling Window Average VAR for Minimum Positive 1/ 65536 VAR
0AA4H-0AA5H 02725-02726 228 2 30 Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coincident Rolling Window Average VAR for Minimum Negative 1/ 65536 VAR
0AA6H-0AA7H 02727-02728 228 3 30 Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0AA8H-0AABH 02729-02732 229 0 Maximum Rolling Window Average VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

0AACH-0AAFH 02733-02736 229 1 Maximum Rolling Window Average Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0AB0H-0AB3H 02737-02740 229 2 Maximum Rolling Window Average Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0AB4H-0AB7H 02741-02744 229 3 Maximum Rolling Window Average Positive Watt Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0AB8H-0ABBH 02745-02748 229 4 Maximum Rolling Window Average Negative Watt Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0ABCH-0ABFH 02749-02752 230 0 Minimum Rolling Window Average VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0AC0H-0AC3H 02753-02756 230 1 Minimum Rolling Window Average Positive VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0AC4H-0AC7H 02757-02760 230 2 Minimum Rolling Window Average Negative VAR Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0AC8H-0ACBH 02761-02764 230 3 Minimum Rolling Window Average Positive Watt Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
0ACCH-0ACFH 02765-02768 230 4 Minimum Rolling Window Average Negative Watt Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Limit Block
0AD0H 02769 231 0-15 1 Limit States, Value 1 Comparisons, 1-16 F15 R
0AD1H 02770 231 16-31 1 Limit States, Value 1 Comparisons, 17-32 F15 R
0AD2H 02771 232 0-15 1 Limit States, Value 2 Comparisons, 1-16 F15 R
0AD3H 02772 232 16-31 1 Limit States, Value 2 Comparisons, 17-32 F15 R
0AD4H 02773 233 0-7 1 Low Speed (Internal) Inputs F16 R
Digital Input Option Board Block
Bits in the most significant byte are associated with channel 1 to 8
from 1st option board (slot 3): LSB=channel 1, MSB=channel 8.
0AD5H 2774 234 0-7 1 Least significant byte is undefined. F17 R
0AD6H-0AD7H 2775-2776 235 0 20 Accumulator channel 01 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AD8H-0AD9H 2777-2778 235 1 20 Accumulator channel 02 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0ADAH-0ADBH 2779-2780 235 2 20 Accumulator channel 03 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0ADCH-0ADDH 2781-2782 235 3 20 Accumulator channel 04 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0ADEH-0ADFH 2783-2784 235 4 20 Accumulator channel 05 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AE0H-0AE1H 2785-2786 235 5 20 Accumulator channel 06 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AE2H-0AE3H 2787-2788 235 6 20 Accumulator channel 07 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AE4H-0AE5H 2789-2790 235 7 20 Accumulator channel 08 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
Bits in the most significant byte are associated with channel 9 to 16
from 1st option board (slot 3): LSB=channel 9, MSB=channel 16.
0AE6H 2791 236 0-7 1 Least significant byte is undefined. F17 R
0AE7H-0AE8H 2792-2793 237 0 20 Accumulator channel 09 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AE9H-0AEAH 2794-2795 237 1 20 Accumulator channel 10 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AEBH-0AECH 2796-2797 237 2 20 Accumulator channel 11 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AEDH-0AEEH 2798-2799 237 3 20 Accumulator channel 12 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0AEFH-0AF0H 2800-2801 237 4 20 Accumulator channel 13 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AF1H-0AF2H 2802-2803 237 5 20 Accumulator channel 14 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AF3H-0AF4H 2804-2805 237 6 20 Accumulator channel 15 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AF5H-0AF6H 2806-2807 237 7 20 Accumulator channel 16 from 1st option board (slot 3). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
Bits in the most significant byte are associated with channel 17 to
24 from 2nd option board (slot 4): LSB=channel 17, MSB=channel
0AF7H 2808 238 0-7 1 24. Least significant byte is undefined. F17 R
0AF8H-0AF9H 2809-2810 239 0 20 Accumulator channel 17 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AFAH-0AFBH 2811-2812 239 1 20 Accumulator channel 18 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AFCH-0AFDH 2813-2814 239 2 20 Accumulator channel 19 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0AFEH-0AFFH 2815-2816 239 3 20 Accumulator channel 20 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0B00H-0B01H 2817-2818 239 4 20 Accumulator channel 21 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0B02H-0B03H 2819-2820 239 5 20 Accumulator channel 22 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0B04H-0B05H 2821-2822 239 6 20 Accumulator channel 23 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0B06H-0B07H 2823-2824 239 7 20 Accumulator channel 24 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
Bits in the most significant byte are associated with channel 25 to
32 from 2nd option board (slot 4): LSB=channel 25, MSB=channel
0B08H 2825 240 0-7 1 32. Least significant byte is undefined. F17 R
0B09H-0B0AH 2826-2827 241 0 20 Accumulator channel 25 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0B0BH-0B0CH 2828-2829 241 1 20 Accumulator channel 26 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0B0DH-0B0EH 2830-2831 241 2 20 Accumulator channel 27 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0B0FH-0B10H 2832-2833 241 3 20 Accumulator channel 28 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0B11H-0B12H 2834-2835 241 4 20 Accumulator channel 29 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0B13H-0B14H 2836-2837 241 5 20 Accumulator channel 30 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0B15H-0B16H 2838-2839 241 6 20 Accumulator channel 31 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
0B17H-0B18H 2840-2841 241 7 20 Accumulator channel 32 from 2nd option board (slot 4). 4,294,967,295/0 F18 R
Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Block
1670H-1673H 05745-05748 399 0 Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

1674H-1677H 05749-05752 400 0 20 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 1 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1678H-167BH 05753-05756 400 1 20 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 2 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

167CH-167FH 05757-05760 400 2 20 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 3 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

1680H-1683H 05761-05764 400 3 20 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 4 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1684H-1687H 05765-05768 400 4 20 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 5 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1688H-168BH 05769-05772 400 5 20 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 6 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

168CH-168FH 05773-05776 400 6 20 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 7 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1690H-1693H 05777-05780 400 7 20 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 8 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1694H-1697H 05781-05784 401 0 20 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 1 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1698H-169BH 05785-05788 401 1 20 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 2 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

169CH-169FH 05789-05792 401 2 20 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 3 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16A0H-16A3H 05793-05796 401 3 20 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 4 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R
Pulse Accumulation Block Window Average / Maximum Block
Pulse Accumulation Block Window Average / Maximum Block
16A4H-16A7H 05797-05800 402 0 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Pulse Accumulation Block Window Average / Maximum Block
16A8H 05801 403 0 30 Status F14 R

16A9H-16ACH 05802-05805 404 0 20 Block Window Average Internal Input 1 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

16ADH-16B0H 05806-05809 404 1 20 Block Window Average Internal Input 2 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16B1H-16B4H 05810-05813 404 2 20 Block Window Average Internal Input 3 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16B5H-16B8H 05814-05817 404 3 20 Block Window Average Internal Input 4 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16B9H-16BCH 05818-05821 404 4 20 Block Window Average Internal Input 5 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16BDH-16C0H 05822-05825 404 5 20 Block Window Average Internal Input 6 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16C1H-16C4H 05826-05829 404 6 20 Block Window Average Internal Input 7 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16C5H-16C8H 05830-05833 404 7 20 Block Window Average Internal Input 8 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16C9H-16CCH 05834-05837 405 0 20 Block Window Average Aggregation 1 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16CDH-16D0H 05838-05841 405 1 20 Block Window Average Aggregation 2 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16D1H-16D4H 05842-05845 405 2 20 Block Window Average Aggregation 3 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16D5H-16D8H 05846-05849 405 3 20 Block Window Average Aggregation 4 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16D9H-16DCH 05850-05853 406 0 20 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 1 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

16DDH-16E0H 05854-05857 406 1 20 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 2 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16E1H-16E4H 05858-05861 406 2 20 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 3 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16E5H-16E8H 05862-05865 406 3 20 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 4 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16E9H-16ECH 05866-05869 406 4 20 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 5 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16EDH-16F0H 05870-05873 406 5 20 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 6 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16F1H-16F4H 05874-05877 406 6 20 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 7 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16F5H-16F8H 05878-05881 406 7 20 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 8 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16F9H-16FCH 05882-05885 407 0 20 Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 1 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

16FDH-1700H 05886-05889 407 1 20 Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 2 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1701H-1704H 05890-05893 407 2 20 Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 3 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1705H-1708H 05894-05897 407 3 20 Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 4 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R
1709H-170CH 05898-05901 408 0 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 1 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
170DH-1710H 05902-05905 408 1 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 2 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
1711H-1714H 05906-05909 408 2 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 3 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
1715H-1718H 05910-05913 408 3 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 4 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
1719H-171CH 05914-05917 408 4 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 5 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
171DH-1720H 05918-05921 408 5 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 6 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
1721H-1724H 05922-05925 408 6 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 7 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
1725H-1728H 05926-05929 408 7 Maximum Block Window Average Internal Input 8 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
1729H-172CH 05930-05933 409 0 Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 1 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
172DH-1730H 05934-05937 409 1 Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 2 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
1731H-1734H 05938-05941 409 2 Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 3 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
1735H-1738H 05942-05945 409 3 Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 4 Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
1739H 05946 410 0 30 Nexus Internal Temperature +3276.7 C / -3276.8 C 0.1 degree C F33
Analog Input Block
173AH 05947 411 0 30 Analog Input 1, Module 1 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
173BH 05948 411 1 30 Analog Input 2, Module 1 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
173CH 05949 411 2 30 Analog Input 3, Module 1 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
173DH 05950 411 3 30 Analog Input 4, Module 1 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
173EH 05951 411 4 30 Analog Input 5, Module 1 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
173FH 05952 411 5 30 Analog Input 6, Module 1 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1740H 05953 411 6 30 Analog Input 7, Module 1 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1741H 05954 411 7 30 Analog Input 8, Module 1 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1742H 05955 412 0 30 Analog Input 1, Module 2 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1743H 05956 412 1 30 Analog Input 2, Module 2 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1744H 05957 412 2 30 Analog Input 3, Module 2 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1745H 05958 412 3 30 Analog Input 4, Module 2 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1746H 05959 412 4 30 Analog Input 5, Module 2 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1747H 05960 412 5 30 Analog Input 6, Module 2 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1748H 05961 412 6 30 Analog Input 7, Module 2 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1749H 05962 412 7 30 Analog Input 8, Module 2 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
174AH 05963 413 0 30 Analog Input 1, Module 3 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
174BH 05964 413 1 30 Analog Input 2, Module 3 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
174CH 05965 413 2 30 Analog Input 3, Module 3 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
174DH 05966 413 3 30 Analog Input 4, Module 3 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
174EH 05967 413 4 30 Analog Input 5, Module 3 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
174FH 05968 413 5 30 Analog Input 6, Module 3 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1750H 05969 413 6 30 Analog Input 7, Module 3 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1751H 05970 413 7 30 Analog Input 8, Module 3 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1752H 05971 414 0 30 Analog Input 1, Module 4 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
1753H 05972 414 1 30 Analog Input 2, Module 4 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1754H 05973 414 2 30 Analog Input 3, Module 4 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1755H 05974 414 3 30 Analog Input 4, Module 4 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1756H 05975 414 4 30 Analog Input 5, Module 4 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1757H 05976 414 5 30 Analog Input 6, Module 4 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1758H 05977 414 6 30 Analog Input 7, Module 4 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
1759H 05978 414 7 30 Analog Input 8, Module 4 +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% F10 R
Limit Combination Block
175AH 05979 415 0-15 1 Limit States, Combinations, 1-16 F34 R
175BH 05980 415 16-31 1 Limit States, Combinations, 17-32 F34 R
Relay Logic Block

175CH-175FH 05981-05984 416 0 Relay Logic block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 12:00:00 AM 10 msec F3 R
1760H 5985 417 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Input 1, Relays 1-16 F34 R
1761H 5986 418 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Input 2, Relays 1-16 F34 R
1762H 5987 419 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Input 3, Relays 1-16 F34 R
1763H 5988 420 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Input 4, Relays 1-16 F34 R
1764H 5989 421 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Input 5, Relays 1-16 F34 R
1765H 5990 422 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Input 6, Relays 1-16 F34 R
1766H 5991 423 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Input 7, Relays 1-16 F34 R
1767H 5992 424 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Input 8, Relays 1-16 F34 R
1768H 5993 425 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Gate A, Relays 1-16 F34 R
1769H 5994 426 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Gate B, Relays 1-16 F34 R
176AH 5995 427 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Gate C, Relays 1-16 F34 R
176BH 5996 428 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Gate D, Relays 1-16 F34 R
176CH 5997 429 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Gate E, Relays 1-16 F34 R
176DH 5998 430 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Gate F, Relays 1-16 F34 R
176EH 5999 431 0-15 1 Relay Logic States, Gate G, Relays 1-16 F34 R
176FH 6000 432 0-1 30 Delay Timer, Relay 1/Relay 2 F35 R
1770H 6001 432 2-3 30 Delay Timer, Relay 3/Relay 4 F35 R
1771H 6002 432 4-5 30 Delay Timer, Relay 5/Relay 6 F35 R
1772H 6003 432 6-7 30 Delay Timer, Relay 7/Relay 8 F35 R
1773H 6004 432 8-9 30 Delay Timer, Relay 9/Relay 10 F35 R
1774H 6005 432 10-11 30 Delay Timer, Relay 11/Relay 12 F35 R
1775H 6006 432 12-13 30 Delay Timer, Relay 13/Relay 14 F35 R
1776H 6007 432 14-15 30 Delay Timer, Relay 15/Relay 16 F35 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
1777H 6008 433 0-15 1 Desired Relay States, Relays 1-16 F36 R
1778H 6009 434 0-15 1 Relays Pending Updates, Relays 1-16 F37 R
1779H 6010 435 0-15 1 Shadowed Relay States, Relays 1-16 F38 R
177AH 6011 436 0-15 10 Confirmed Polled Relay States, Relays 1-16 F39 R
177BH 6012 437 0-15 1 Valid Flags for Confirmed Relay States, Relays 1-16 F40 R
177CH 6013 438 0-15 1 Locked Relays, Relays 1-16 F41 R
177DH 6014 439 0-15 1 Locked Relays States, Relays 1-16 F42 R
Reset Time Block
177EH-1781H 06015-06018 440 0 Reset Time Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
1782H-1785H 06019-06022 440 1 Reset Maximum Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
1786H-1789H 06023-06026 440 2 Reset Minimum Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
178AH-178DH 06027-06030 440 3 Reset Energy Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
178EH-1791H 06031-06034 440 4 Reserved F3 R 1
1792H-1795H 06035-06038 440 5 Reset Pulse Accumulations/Aggregations Time Stamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Miscellaneous Flags

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

MSB first, Bit[15] = Battery Status (if it is lower than 2.55v)

Bit[14] = user current threshold
Bit[13] = Internal failure
Bit[12] = Profile change
Bit[11] = Test Mode
Bit[10] = Time change
Bit[09] = IRIG year available
Bit[08] = Not Defined, reserved for debugging
(with FW B.0053, 1= IRIG-B Time
Continue Forwarding)
Bit[07] = Active IRIG-B
1796H 06039 441 0-15 1 Bit[06] = Active DST
Bit[05] = Active Line Synch
Bit[04] = Active Cold Load
Bit[03] = DST Spring Date, it means current
date/time is before DST period
starting moment of current calender year
Bit[02] = DST Fall Date, it means current date/time
is after DST period ending moment of
current calender year
Bit[01] = Active SNTP
Bit[00] = Not defined, reserved for debugging
(with FW B.0053, 1 = Battery low flag)
Test Mode
1797H-179AH 06040-06043 442 0 Test Mode Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3
179BH-179EH 06044-06047 443 0 Test Mode Start Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3
179FH-17A2H 06048-06051 443 1 Test Mode Current Test Start Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3
17A3H 06052 444 0 30 Test Mode Block Average Status / Rolling Average Status F14
17A4H-17A7H 06053-06056 Reserved

99999999999999.9999999 1/ 4294967296
17A8H-17AFH 06057-06060 446 0 20 Test Mode Total VAh (Q1234) VAh Wh sec R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

99999999999999.9999999 1/ 4294967296
17B0H-17B7H 06061-06064 446 1 20 Test Mode Received VARh (Q34) VARh Wh sec R

99999999999999.9999999 1/ 4294967296
17B8H-17BFH 06065-06068 446 2 20 Test Mode Delivered VARh (Q12) VARh Wh sec R

99999999999999.9999999 1/ 4294967296
17C0H-17C7H 06069-06072 446 3 20 Test Mode Received Wh (Q14) Wh Wh sec R

99999999999999.9999999 1/ 4294967296
17C8H-17CFH 06073-06076 446 4 20 Test Mode Delivered Wh (Q23) Wh Wh sec R
KYZ Output Accumulation Block
17D0H-17D3H 06097-06100 447 0 KYZ Output Accumulation Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
17D4H-17D5H 06101-06102 448 0 20 KYZ Output Accumulation, Relay 1/Pulse 1 LED 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
17D6H-17D7H 06103-06104 448 1 20 KYZ Output Accumulation, Relay 2/Pulse 2 LED 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
17D8H-17D9H 06105-06106 448 2 20 KYZ Output Accumulation, Relay 3 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
17DAH-17DBH 06107-06108 448 3 20 KYZ Output Accumulation, Relay 4 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
17DCH-17DDH 06109-06110 448 4 20 Reserved 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Input Option Board Data Status Block
MSB first, Bit[15] = 1st Option board (Slot 3) status valid
17DEH 06111 449 0-1 1 F44 R
Bit[14] = 2nd Option board (Slot 4) status valid
MSB first, Bit[31] = Analog Input Module 1 chn 01 valid
Bit[30] = Analog Input Module 1 chn 02 valid
Bit[29] = Analog Input Module 1 chn 03 valid
Bit[28] = Analog Input Module 1 chn 04 valid
Bit[27] = Analog Input Module 1 chn 05 valid
Bit[26] = Analog Input Module 1 chn 06 valid
Bit[25] = Analog Input Module 1 chn 07 valid
Bit[24] = Analog Input Module 1 chn 08 valid
Bit[23] = Analog Input Module 2 chn 01 valid
Bit[22] = Analog Input Module 2 chn 02 valid
Bit[21] = Analog Input Module 2 chn 03 valid
Bit[20] = Analog Input Module 2 chn 04 valid
Bit[19] = Analog Input Module 2 chn 05 valid
Bit[18] = Analog Input Module 2 chn 06 valid
Bit[17] = Analog Input Module 2 chn 07 valid
Bit[16] = Analog Input Module 2 chn 08 valid
17DFH 06112 450 0-15 1 F45 R
Bit[15] = Analog Input Module 3 chn 01 valid
Bit[14] = Analog Input Module 3 chn 02 valid
Bit[13] = Analog Input Module 3 chn 03 valid
Bit[12] = Analog Input Module 3 chn 04 valid
Bit[11] = Analog Input Module 3 chn 05 valid
Bit[10] = Analog Input Module 3 chn 06 valid
Bit[09] = Analog Input Module 3 chn 07 valid
Bit[08] = Analog Input Module 3 chn 08 valid
Bit[07] = Analog Input Module 4 chn 01 valid
Bit[06] = Analog Input Module 4 chn 02 valid
Bit[05] = Analog Input Module 4 chn 03 valid
Bit[04] = Analog Input Module 4 chn 04 valid
Bit[03] = Analog Input Module 4 chn 05 valid
Bit[02] = Analog Input Module 4 chn 06 valid
Bit[01] = Analog Input Module 4 chn 07 valid
Bit[00] = Analog Input Module 4 chn 08 valid
17E0H 06113 Reserved

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Flicker Status Block
17E1H-17E4H 06114-06117 451 0 Flicker Status Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
17E5H-17E8H 06118-06121 452 0 Flicker Start Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
17E9H-17ECH 06122-06125 452 1 Flicker End Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Flicker Status: value = 0000 means not available or stopped
17EDH 06126 453 0 30 value = 0100 means available or running R
value = 0200 means not available or initializing
Instantaneous Flicker Block
17EEH-17F1H 06127-06130 454 0 Instantaneous Flicker Block Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
17F2H-17F3H 06131-06132 455 0 30 Instantaneous Flicker VAN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
17F4H-17F5H 06133-06134 455 1 30 Instantaneous Flicker VBN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
17F6H-17F7H 06135-06136 455 2 30 Instantaneous Flicker VCN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
Short Term Flicker Block
17F8H-17FBH 06137-06140 456 0 Short Term Flicker Block Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
17FCH-17FDH 06141-06142 457 0 30 Short Term Flicker VAN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
17FEH-17FFH 06143-06144 457 1 30 Short Term Flicker VBN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
1800H-1801H 06145-06146 457 2 30 Short Term Flicker VCN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
1802H-1803H 06147-06148 458 0 30 Maximum Short Term Flicker VAN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
1804H-1805H 06149-06150 458 1 30 Maximum Short Term Flicker VBN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
1806H-1807H 06151-06152 458 2 30 Maximum Short Term Flicker VCN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
1808H-1809H 06153-06154 459 0 30 Minimum Short Term Flicker V AN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
180AH-180BH 06155-06156 459 1 30 Minimum Short Term Flicker V BN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
180CH-180DH 06157-06158 459 2 30 Minimum Short Term Flicker V CN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
180EH-1811H 06159-06162 460 0 Short Term Flicker Interval End Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1812H-1815H 06163-06166 461 0 Maximum Short Term Flicker VAN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1816H-1819H 06167-06170 461 1 Maximum Short Term Flicker VBN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
181AH-181DH 06171-06174 461 2 Maximum Short Term Flicker VCN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
181EH-1821H 06175-06178 462 0 Minimum Short Term Flicker V AN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1822H-1825H 06179-06182 462 1 Minimum Short Term Flicker V BN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1826H-1829H 06183-06186 462 2 Minimum Short Term Flicker V CN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Long Term Flicker Block
182AH-182DH 06187-06190 463 0 Long Term Flicker Block Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
182EH-182FH 06191-06192 464 0 30 Long Term Flicker VAN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
1830H-1831H 06193-06194 464 1 30 Long Term Flicker VBN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
1832H-1833H 06195-06196 464 2 30 Long Term Flicker VCN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
1834H-1835H 06197-06198 465 0 30 Maximum Long Term Flicker VAN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
1836H-1837H 06199-06200 465 1 30 Maximum Long Term Flicker VBN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
1838H-1839H 06201-06202 465 2 30 Maximum Long Term Flicker VCN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
183AH-183BH 06203-06204 466 0 30 Minimum Long Term Flicker VAN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
183CH-183DH 06205-06206 466 1 30 Minimum Long Term Flicker VBN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
183EH-183FH 06207-06208 466 2 30 Minimum Long Term Flicker VCN +32767 / 0 1/ 65536 F7 R
1840H-1843H 06209-06212 467 0 Long Term Flicker Interval End Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1844H-1847H 06213-06216 468 0 Maximum Long Term Flicker VAN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1848H-184BH 06217-06220 468 1 Maximum Long Term Flicker VBN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
184CH-184FH 06221-06224 468 2 Maximum Long Term Flicker VCN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1850H-1853H 06225-06228 469 0 Minimum Long Term Flicker VAN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1854H-1857H 06229-06232 469 1 Minimum Long Term Flicker VBN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1858H-185BH 06233-06236 469 2 Minimum Long Term Flicker VCN Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Additional Energy Block
185CH-185FH 06237-06240 470 0 Additional Energy Block Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1860H-1863H 06241-06244 471 0 Quadrant 1 Watthour, Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F11 R
1864H-1867H 06245-06248 471 1 Quadrant 4 Watthour, Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F11 R
1868H-186BH 06249-06252 471 2 Quadrant 2 Watthour, Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F11 R
186CH-186FH 06253-06256 471 3 Quadrant 3 Watthour, Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F11 R
1870H-1873H 06257-06260 472 0 Quadrant 1 VAhour, Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F11 R
1874H-1877H 06261-06264 472 1 Quadrant 1 VARhour, Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F11 R
1878H-187BH 06265-06268 472 2 Quadrant 4 VAhour, Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F11 R
187CH-187FH 06269-06272 472 3 Quadrant 4 VARhour, Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F11 R
1880H-1883H 06273-06276 472 4 Quadrant 2 VAhour, Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F11 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
1884H-1887H 06277-06280 472 5 Quadrant 2 VARhour, Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F11 R
1888H-188BH 06281-06284 472 6 Quadrant 3 VAhour, Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F11 R
188CH-188FH 06285-06288 472 7 Quadrant 3 VARhour, Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F11 R
1890H-18ABH 06289-06316 Reserved R
18ACH-18AFH 06317-06320 475 0 20 Quadrant 1 Watthour, Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F12 R
18B0H-18B3H 06321-06324 475 1 20 Quadrant 4 Watthour, Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F12 R
18B4H-18B7H 06325-06328 475 2 20 Quadrant 2 Watthour, Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F12 R
18B8H-18BBH 06329-06332 475 3 20 Quadrant 3 Watthour, Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F12 R
18BCH-18BFH 06333-06336 476 0 20 Quadrant 1 VAhour, Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F12 R
18C0H-18C3H 06337-06340 476 1 20 Quadrant 1 VARhour, Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F12 R
18C4H-18C7H 06341-06344 476 2 20 Quadrant 4 VAhour, Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F12 R
18C8H-18CBH 06345-06348 476 3 20 Quadrant 4 VARhour, Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F12 R
18CCH-18CFH 06349-06352 476 4 20 Quadrant 2 VAhour, Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F12 R
18D0H-18D3H 06353-06356 476 5 20 Quadrant 2 VARhour, Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F12 R
18D4H-18D7H 06357-06360 476 6 20 Quadrant 3 VAhour, Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F12 R
18D8H-18DBH 06361-06364 476 7 20 Quadrant 3 VARhour, Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F12 R
18DCH-18F7H 06365-06392 Reserved R
Energy and Pulses in the Interval
18F8H-18FBH 06393-06396 479 0 Energy and Pulses in the Interval Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

18FCH 06397 480 0 30 Total VAhour (Quadrants 1+2+3+4) in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 VAH F57 R
18FDH 06398 480 1 30 Positive VARhour (Quadrants 1+2) in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 VARH F57 R

18FEH 06399 480 2 30 Negative VARhour (Quadrants 3+4) in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 VARH F57 R
18FFH 06400 480 3 30 Positive Watthour (Quadrants 1+4) in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 WH F57 R
1900H 06401 480 4 30 Negative Watthour (Quadrants 2+3) in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 WH F57 R
1901H-1920H 06402-06433 Reserved R
1921H-1922H 06434-06435 483 0 30 Pulse Accumulation, Internal Input 1 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
1923H-1924H 09436-06437 483 1 30 Pulse Accumulation, Internal Input 2 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
1925H-1926H 06438-06439 483 2 30 Pulse Accumulation, Internal Input 3 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
1927H-1928H 06440-06441 483 3 30 Pulse Accumulation, Internal Input 4 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
1929H-192AH 06442-06443 483 4 30 Pulse Accumulation, Internal Input 5 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
192BH-192CH 06444-06445 483 5 30 Pulse Accumulation, Internal Input 6 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
192DH-192EH 06446-06447 483 6 30 Pulse Accumulation, Internal Input 7 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
192FH-1930H 06448-06449 483 7 30 Pulse Accumulation, Internal Input 8 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
1931H-1932H 06450-06451 484 0 30 Pulse Aggregation 1 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
1933H-1934H 06452-06453 484 1 30 Pulse Aggregation 2 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
1935H-1936H 06454-06455 484 2 30 Pulse Aggregation 3 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
1937H-1938H 06456-06457 484 3 30 Pulse Aggregation 4 in the Interval, Scaled 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 Unit F18 R
1939H 06458 485 0 30 Quadrant 1 Watthour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 WH F57 R
193AH 06459 485 1 30 Quadrant 4 Watthour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 WH F57 R
193BH 06460 485 2 30 Quadrant 2 Watthour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 WH F57 R
193CH 06461 485 3 30 Quadrant 3 Watthour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 WH F57 R
193DH 06462 486 0 30 Quadrant 1 VAhour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 VAH F57 R
193EH 06463 486 1 30 Quadrant 1 VARhour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 VARH F57 R
193FH 06464 486 2 30 Quadrant 4 VAhour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 VAH F57 R
1940H 06465 486 3 30 Quadrant 4 VARhour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 VARH F57 R
1941H 06466 486 4 30 Quadrant 2 VAhour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 VAH F57 R
1942H 06467 486 5 30 Quadrant 2 VARhour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 VARH F57 R
1943H 06468 486 6 30 Quadrant 3 VAhour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 VAH F57 R
1944H 06469 486 7 30 Quadrant 3 VARhour in the Interval, Secondary 65,535 / 0 1 VARH F57 R
1945H-1952H 06470-06483 Reserved R
1953H 06484 489 0 30 KYZ Pulse Output in the Interval, Relay 1 - Pulse 1 65,535 / 0 1 pulse F57 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
1954H 06485 489 1 30 KYZ Pulse Output in the Interval, Relay 2 - Pulse 2 65,535 / 0 1 pulse F57 R
1955H 06486 489 2 30 KYZ Pulse Output in the Interval, Relay 3 65,535 / 0 1 pulse F57 R
1956H 06487 489 3 30 KYZ Pulse Output in the Interval, Relay 4 65,535 / 0 1 pulse F57 R
1957H 06488 489 4 30 Reserved 65,535 / 0 1 pulse F57 R
Flicker Countdown Block
1958H 06489 490 0 30 Short Term Flicker Countdown 65,535 / 0 1 second F56 R
1959H 06490 490 1 30 Long Term Flicker Countdown 65,535 / 0 1 second F56 R
Cumulative Demand Block
195AH-195DH 06491-06494 491 0 Cumulative Demand Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3 R
195EH-195FH 06495-06496 492 0 30 Positive Watt (Quadrants 1+4) Cumulative Demand 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
1960H-1961H 06497-06498 492 1 30 Negative Watt (Quadrants 2+3) Cumulative Demand 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
1962H-1963H 06499-06500 493 0 30 Positive Watt (Quadrants 1+4) Continuous Cumulative Demand 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
1964H-1965H 06501-06502 493 1 30 Negative Watt (Quadrants 2+3) Continuous Cumulative Demand 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
Uncompensated and Q Block
1A08H-1A0DH 06665-06670 500 0-2 30 Uncompensated One second Phase A-C VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/65536 VA sec F7
1A0EH-1A0FH 06671-06672 501 0 30 Uncompensated One second VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/65536 VA sec F7
+32767 VAR / - 32768
1A10H-1A15H 06673-06678 502 0-2 30 Uncompensated One second Phase A-C VAR VAR 1/65536 VAR sec F7
+32767 VAR / - 32768
1A16H-1A17H 06679-06680 503 0 30 Uncompensated One second VAR VAR 1/65536 VAR sec F7
1A18H-1A1DH 06681-06686 504 0-2 30 Uncompensated One second Phase A-C W +32767 W / - 32768 W 1/65536 W sec F7
1A1EH-1A1FH 06687-06688 505 0 30 Uncompensated One second W +32767 W / - 32768 W 1/65536 W sec F7
1A20H-1A23H 06689-06692 506 0 20 Uncompensated VAh, secondary BCD VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAh F11
1A24H-1A2BH 06693-06700 506 1-2 20 Uncompensated +/- VARh, secondary BCD VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARh F11
9,999,999,999,999,999 Wh
1A2CH-1A33H 06701-06708 506 3-4 20 Uncompensated +/- Wh, seconary BCD / 0 Wh 1 Wh F11

1A34H-1A47H 06709-06728 507 0-4 20 Uncompensated Energy, secondary, binary 9,999,999,999,999,999 / 0 1 F12
1A48H-1A6FH 06729-06768 Reserved
1A70H-1A74H 06769-06773 510 0-4 30 Uncompensated Energy in the Interval, secondary 65,535 / 0 1 F47
1A75H-1A7EH 06774-06783 Reserved
1A7FH-1A84H 06784-06789 512 0-2 30 One second Phase A-C Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
1A85H-1A86H 06790-06791 513 0 30 One second Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
1A87H-1A88H 06792-06793 514 0 30 Thermal Average Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
1A89H-1A8CH 06794-06797 515 0-1 30 Maximum Thermal Average +/- Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
1A8DH-1A90H 06798-06801 516 0-1 30 Minimum Thermal Average +/- Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
1A91H-1A98H 06802-06809 517 0-1 Maximum Thermal Average +/- Q Time Stamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1A99H-1AA0H 06810-06817 518 0-1 Minimum Thermal Average +/- Q Time Stamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
9,999,999,999,999,999 Qh /
1AA1H-1AA8H 06818-06825 519 0-1 20 +/- Qh, secondary BCD 0 Qh 1 Qh F11
9,999,999,999,999,999 Qh /
1AA9H-1AB0H 06826-06833 520 0-1 20 +/- Qh, secondary binary 0 Qh 1 Qh F12
1AB1H-1AC0H 06834-06849 Reserved
1AC1H-1AC2H 06850-06851 523 0-1 30 +/- Qh in the Interval, secondary 65,535 / 0 1 F47
1AC3H-1AC6H 06852-06855 Reserved
1AC7H-1AC8H 06856-06857 525 0 30 Block Window Average Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
1AC9H-1ACCH 06858-06861 526 0-1 30 Maximum Block Window Average +/- Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
1ACDH-1AD0H 06862-06865 527 0-1 30 Minimum Block Window Average +/- Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
1AD1H-1AD8H 06866-06873 528 0-1 Maximum Block Window Average +/- Q Time Stamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1AD9H-1AE0H 06874-06881 529 0-1 Minimum Block Window Average +/- Q Time Stamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1AE1H-1AE2H 06882-06883 530 0 30 Rolling Window Average Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
1AE3H-1AE6H 06884-06887 531 0-1 30 Maximum Rolling Window Average +/- Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
1AE7H-1AEAH 06888-06891 532 0-1 30 Minimum Rolling Window Average +/- Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
1AEBH-1AF2H 06892-06899 533 0-1 Maximum Rolling Window Average +/- Q Time Stamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1AF3H-1AFAH 06900-06907 534 0-1 Minimum Rolling Window Average +/- Q Time Stamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Scaled Energy Block
1AFBH-1AFEH 06908-06911 535 0 Scaled Energy Block Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
variable (9999 through
6 -7
1AFFH-1B00H 06912-06913 536 0 20 Total VAh (Quadrant 1+2+3+4) Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 10 - 10 F64
variable (9999 through
1B01H-1B02H 06914-06915 536 1 20 Positive VARh (Quadrant 1+2) Scaled Priamry 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B03H-1B04H 06916-06917 536 2 20 Negative VARh (Quadrant 3+4) Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B05H-1B06H 06918-06919 537 0 20 Positive Wh (Quadrant 1+4) Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B07H-1B08H 06920-06921 537 1 20 Quadrant 1 VAh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B09H-1B0AH 06922-06923 537 2 20 Quadrant 1 VARh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

variable (9999 through

6 -7
1B0BH-1B0CH 06924-06925 537 3 20 Quadrant 4 VAh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 10 - 10 F64
variable (9999 through
1B0DH-1B0EH 06926-06927 537 4 20 Quadrant 4 VARh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B0FH-1B10H 06928-06929 537 5 20 Negative Wh (Quadrant 2+3) Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B11H-1B12H 06930-06931 537 6 20 Quadrant 2 VAh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B13H-1B14H 06932-06933 537 7 20 Quadrant 2 VARh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B15H-1B16H 06934-06935 537 8 20 Quadrant 3 VAh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B17H-1B18H 06936-06937 537 9 20 Quadrant 3 VARh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B19H-1B1AH 06938-06939 538 0 20 I2t Phase A Scaled Priamry 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B1BH-1B1CH 06940-06941 538 1 20 I2t Phase B Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B1DH-1B1EH 06942-06943 538 2 20 I2t Phase C Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B1FH-1B20H 06944-06945 538 3 20 V2t Phase A Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B21H-1B22H 06946-06947 538 4 20 V2t Phase B Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B23H-1B24H 06948-06949 538 5 20 V2t Phase C Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B25H-1B26H 06950-06951 539 0 20 Quadrant 1 Wh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B27H-1B28H 06952-06953 539 1 20 Quadrant 4 Wh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B29H-1B2AH 06954-06955 539 2 20 Quadrant 2 Wh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

variable (9999 through

1B2BH-1B2CH 06956-06957 539 3 20 Quadrant 3 Wh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B2DH-1B2EH 06958-06959 450 0 20 Uncompensated Total VAh, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B2FH-1B32H 06960-06963 540 1-2 20 Uncompensated +/- VARh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B33H-1B36H 06964-06967 540 3-4 20 Uncompensated +/- Wh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1B37H-1B3AH 06968-06971 541 0-1 20 +/- Qh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
Test Mode Demand
1B3BH-1B3CH 06972-06973 542 0 20 Test Mode Block Window Average VA +32767.9999 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec R
1B3DH-1B3EH 06974-06975 542 1 20 Test Mode Block Window Average +VAR +32767.9999 VAR / 0 VAR sec R
1B3FH-1B40H 06976-06977 542 2 20 Test Mode Block Window Average -VAR 0 VAR / -32767.9999 VAR sec R
1B41H-1B42H 06978-06979 542 3 20 Test Mode Block Window Average +W +32767.9999 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec R
1B43H-1B44H 06980-06981 542 4 20 Test Mode Block Window Average -W 0 W / -32767.9999 W 1/ 65536 W sec R
1B45H-1B46H 06982-06983 542 5 20 Test Mode Sliding Window Average VA +32767.9999 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec R
1B47H-1B48H 06984-06985 542 6 20 Test Mode Sliding Window Average +VAR +32767.9999 VAR / 0 VAR sec R
1B49H-1B4AH 06986-06987 542 7 20 Test Mode Sliding Window Average -VAR 0 VAR / -32767.9999 VAR sec R
1B4BH-1B4CH 06988-06989 542 8 20 Test Mode Sliding Window Average +W +32767.9999 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec R
1B4DH-1B4EH 06990-06991 542 9 20 Test Mode Sliding Window Average -W 0 W / -32767.9999 W 1/ 65536 W sec R
Scaled Energy Block – Cont.
variable (9999 through
6 -7
1B4FH-1B5EH 06992-07007 543 0-7 20 Pulse Accumulation Inputs 1-8, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 10 - 10 F64
variable (9999 through
1B5FH-1B66H 07008-07015 544 0-3 20 Pulse Aggregations 1-4, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E41H-1E42H 07746-07747 583 0 30 Total VAh (Quadrant 1+2+3+4) in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E43H-1E44H 07748-07749 583 1 30 Positive VARh (Quadrant 1+2) in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

variable (9999 through

1E45H-1E46H 07750-07751 583 2 30 Negative VARh (Quadrant 3+4) in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E47H-1E48H 07752-07753 584 0 30 Positive Wh (Quadrant 1+4) in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E49H-1E4AH 07754-07755 584 1 30 Quadrant 1 VAh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E4BH-1E4CH 07756-07757 584 2 30 Quadrant 1 VARh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E4DH-1E4EH 07758-07759 584 3 30 Quadrant 4 VAh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E4FH-1E50H 07760-07761 584 4 30 Quadrant 4 VARh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E51H-1E52H 07762-07763 584 5 30 Negative Wh (Quadrant 2+3) in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E53H-1E54H 07764-07765 584 6 30 Quadrant 2 VAh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E55H-1E56H 07766-07767 584 7 30 Quadrant 2 VARh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E57H-1E58H 07768-07769 584 8 30 Quadrant 3 VAh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E59H-1E5AH 07770-07771 584 9 30 Quadrant 3 VARh in the Interval, Sclaed Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E5BH-1E5CH 07772-07773 585 0 30 I2t Phase A in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E5DH-1E5EH 07774-07775 585 1 30 I2t Phase B in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E5FH-1E60H 07776-07777 585 2 30 I2t Phase C in the Interval, Sclaed Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E61H-1E62H 07778-07779 585 3 30 V2t Phase A in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E63H-1E64H 07780-07781 585 4 30 V2t Phase B in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

variable (9999 through

1E65H-1E66H 07782-07783 585 5 30 V2t Phase C in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E67H-1E68H 07784-07785 586 0 30 Quadrant 1 Wh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E69H-1E6AH 07786-07787 586 1 30 Quadrant 4 Wh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E6BH-1E6CH 07788-07789 586 2 30 Quadrant 2 Wh in the Interval, Sclaed Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E6DH-1E6EH 07790-07791 586 3 30 Quadrant 3 Wh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
Uncompensated Total VAh (Q 1+2+3+4) in the Interval, Scaled variable (9999 through
1E6FH-1E70H 07792-07793 587 0 30 Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E71H-1E74H 07794-07797 587 1-2 30 Uncompensated +/- VARh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E75H-1E78H 07798-07801 587 3-4 30 Uncompensated +/- Wh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E79H-1E7CH 07802-07805 588 0-1 30 +/- Qh in the Interval, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E7DH-1E8CH 07806-07821 589 0-7 30 Pulse Accumulation Inputs 1-8 in the Interval, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
1E8DH-1E94H 07822-07829 590 0-3 30 Pulse Aggregations 1-4 in the Interval, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
Total Average Power Factor Block
1E95H-1E98H 07830-07833 591 0 Total Average Power Factor Block Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3 R
1E99H 07834 592 0 30 Total Average Power Factor Q14 1.000 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
1E9AH 07835 592 1 30 Total Average Power Factor Q23 1.000 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
1E9BH 07836 593 0 30 Maximum Total Average Power Factor Q14 1.000 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
1E9CH 07837 593 1 30 Maximum Total Average Power Factor Q23 1.000 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
1E9DH 07838 594 0 30 Minimum Total Average Power Factor Q14 1.000 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
1E9EH 07839 594 1 30 Minimum Total Average Power Factor Q23 1.000 / 0 0.001 PF F8 R
1E9FH-1EA2H 07840-07843 595 0 Maximum Total Average Power Factor Q14 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3 R
1EA3H-1EA6H 07844-07847 595 1 Maximum Total Average Power Factor Q23 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3 R
1EA7H-1EAAH 07848-07851 596 0 Minimum Total Average Power Factor Q14 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3 R
1EABH-1EAEH 07852-07855 596 1 Minimum Total Average Power Factor Q23 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
1EAFH-1EB2H 07856-07859 597 0 Total Average Power Factor Reset Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3 R
Negative Maximum Pulse Aggregation Average Block

0 /-
1EB7H-1EBAH 07864-07867 599 0 30 Negative Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 1 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

0 /-
1EBBH-1EC6H 07868-07879 599 1-3 30 Negative Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 2-4 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R
Negative Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 1 Time
1EC7H-1ECAH 07880-07883 600 0 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
Negative Maximum Block Window Average Aggregation 2-4 Time
1ECBH-1ED6H 07884-07895 600 1-3 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
Additional Total Average Power Factor Block
variable (9999 through
1ED7H-1ED8H 07896-07897 601 0 20 Initial Wh Q14 Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64 R
variable (9999 through
1ED9H-1EDAH 07898-07899 601 1 20 Initial Wh Q23 Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64 R
variable (9999 through
1EDBH-1EDCH 07900-07901 601 2 20 Initial VAh Q14 Scaled Primary (scale setting from VAh Q1234) 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64 R
variable (9999 through
1EDDH-1EDEH 07902-07903 601 3 20 Initial VAh Q23 Scaled Primary (scale setting from VAh Q1234) 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64 R
variable (9999 through
1EDFH-1EE0H 07904-07905 602 0 20 Accumulated Wh Q14 Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64 R
variable (9999 through
1EE1H-1EE2H 07906-07907 602 1 20 Accumulated Wh Q23 Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64 R
Accumulated VAh Q14 Scaled Primary (scale setting from VAh variable (9999 through
1EE3H-1EE4H 07908-07909 602 2 20 Q1234) 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64 R
Accumulated VAh Q23 Scaled Primary (scale setting from VAh variable (9999 through
1EE5H-1EE6H 07910-07911 602 3 20 Q1234) 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64 R
1EE7H-1EF6H 07912-07927 Reserved
New Demand Block(Either Block window average or Sliding Window Average)
1EF7H-1EF8H 07928-07929 1227 0 VAQ1234 +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R
1EF9H-1EFAH 07930-07931 1227 1 WQ14 +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R
1EFBH-1EFCH 07932-07933 1227 2 WQ23 +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R
1EFDH-1EFEH 07934-07935 1227 3 VARQ12 +32767 VAR / 0 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
1/ 65536 VAR
1EFFH-1F00H 07936-07937 1227 4 VARQ34 +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R
1F01H-1F02H 07938-07939 1227 5 pQ +32767 Q / 0 Q 1/ 65536 Q sec F7 R
1F03H-1F04H 07940-07941 1227 6 nQ +32767 Q / 0 Q 1/ 65536 Q sec F7 R
1F05H-1F06H 07942-07943 1227 7 WQ1 +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R
1F07H-1F08H 07944-07945 1227 8 WQ2 +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R
1F09H-1F0AH 07946-07947 1227 9 WQ3 +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R
1F0BH-1F0CH 07948-07949 1227 10 WQ4 +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R
1F0DH-1F0EH 07950-07951 1227 11 VARQ1 +32767 VAR / 0 VAR 1/ 65536 VAR F7 R
1/ 65536 VAR
1F0FH-1F10H 07952-07953 1227 12 VARQ2 +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R
1/ 65536 VAR
1F11H-1F12H 07954-07955 1227 13 VARQ3 +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R
1/ 65536 VAR
1F13H-1F14H 07956-07957 1227 14 VARQ4 +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R
1F15H-1F16H 07958-07959 1227 15 VAQ1 +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R
1F17H-1F18H 07960-07961 1227 16 VAQ2 +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R
1F19H-1F1AH 07962-07963 1227 17 VAQ3 +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R
1F1BH-1F1CH 07964-07965 1227 18 VAQ4 +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R

1F1DH-1F1EH 07966-07967 1227 19 I2T Phase A +32767 I2T / 0 I2T 1/ 65536 I2T sec F7 R

1F1FH-1F20H 07968-07969 1227 20 I2T Phase B +32767 I2T / 0 I2T 1/ 65536 I2T sec F7 R

1F21H-1F22H 07970-07971 1227 21 I2T Phase C +32767 I2T / 0 I2T 1/ 65536 I2T sec F7 R

1F23H-1F24H 07972-07973 1227 22 V2T Phase A +32767 V2T / 0 V2T 1/ 65536 V2T sec F7 R

1F25H-1F26H 07974-07975 1227 23 V2T Phase B +32767 V2T / 0 V2T 1/ 65536 V2T sec F7 R

1F27H-1F28H 07976-07977 1227 24 V2T Phase C +32767 V2T / 0 V2T 1/ 65536 V2T sec F7 R
1F29H-1F2AH 07978-07979 1227 25 Uncompensated VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R
1/ 65536 VAR
1F2BH-1F2CH 07980-07981 1227 26 Uncompensated +VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R
1/ 65536 VAR
1F2DH-1F2EH 07982-07983 1227 27 Uncompensated -VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
1F2FH-1F30H 07984-07985 1227 28 Uncompensated +W +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R
1F31H-1F32H 07986-07987 1227 29 Uncompensated -W +32767 W / 0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R

1F33H-1F36H 07988-07991 1228 0 Internal Input 1 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1F37H-1F3AH 07992-07995 1228 1 Internal Input 2 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1F3BH-1F3EH 07996-07999 1228 2 Internal Input 3 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1F3FH-1F42H 08000-08003 1228 3 Internal Input 4 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1F43H-1F46H 08004-08007 1228 4 Internal Input 5 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1F47H-1F4AH 08008-08011 1228 5 Internal Input 6 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1F4BH-1F4EH 08012-08015 1228 6 Internal Input 7 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1F4FH-1F52H 08016-08019 1228 7 Internal Input 8 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1F53H-1F56H 08020-08023 1229 0 Aggregation 1 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1F57H-1F5AH 08024-08027 1229 1 Aggregation 2 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

1F5BH-1F5EH 08028-08031 1229 2 Aggregation 3 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

1F5FH-1F62H 08032-08035 1229 3 Aggregation 4 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R
1F63H 8036 1230 0 PF -1.0 / 1.0 0.001 PF F103 R
1F64H 8037 1230 1 +PF 0 / 1.0 0.001 PF F103 R
1F65H 8038 1230 2 -PF 0 / 1.0 0.001 PF F103 R
1F66H 8039 1231 0 Uncomp PF -1.0 / 1.0 0.001 PF F103 R
1F67H-1F9DH 08040-08088 Reserved
2000H-207FH 08193-08320 Scratchpad Registers
Master Device Data Block
2100H-21FFH 08449-08704
Power Quality Test (EN-50160/IEC61000-4-30) Dynamic Readings Block
2200H-2203H 08705-08708 603 0 Dynamic Readings Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
2204H-2205H 08709-08710 604 0 Sym Comp Voltage Magnitude 3 Sec - zero sequence +32767 / -32768 1/65536 V F7 R
2206H-2207H 08711-08712 604 1 Sym Comp Voltage Magnitude 3 Sec - positive sequence +32767 / -32768 1/65536 V F7 R
2208H-2209H 08713-08714 604 2 Sym Comp Voltage Magnitude 3 Sec - negative sequence +32767 / -32768 1/65536 V F7 R
220AH 08715 605 0 Sym Comp Voltage Phase 3 Sec - zero sequence +327.67 / -327.68 0.01 degree F9 R
220BH 08716 605 1 Sym Comp Voltage Phase 3 Sec - positive sequence +327.67 / -327.68 0.01 degree F9 R
220CH 08717 605 2 Sym Comp Voltage Phase 3 Sec - negative sequence +327.67 / -327.68 0.01 degree F9 R
220DH-220EH 08718-08719 606 0 10 sec Ave Freq +32767Hz / 0Hz 1/65536Hz F7 R
220FH-2210H 08720-08721 607 0 10 min Ave RMS Van/ab +32767 Vsec / 0 Vsec 1/65536 Vsec F7 R
2211H-2212H 08722-08723 607 1 10 min Ave RMS Vbn/bc +32767 Vsec / 0 Vsec 1/65536 Vsec F7 R
2213H-2214H 08724-08725 607 2 10 min Ave RMS Vcn/ca +32767 Vsec / 0 Vsec 1/65536 Vsec F7 R
2215H-2216H 08726-08727 608 0 Sym Comp Voltage Magnitude 10 Min - zero sequence +32767 / -32768 1/65536 V F7 R
2217H-2218H 08728-08729 608 1 Sym Comp Voltage Magnitude 10 Min - positive sequence +32767 / -32768 1/65536 V F7 R
2219H-221AH 08730-08731 608 2 Sym Comp Voltage Magnitude 10 Min - negative sequence +32767 / -32768 1/65536 V F7 R

221BH 08732 609 0 Sym Comp 10 Min negative sequence ratio (Neg/Pos, PN or PP) +327.67% / 0% 0.01% F10 R
221CH 08733 610 0 Status (OK 1/ Error 0) / reserved R
Power Quality Test (EN-50160/IEC61000-4-30) Harmonic Data Block
221DH-2220H 08734-08737 611 0 Harmonic Data Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
2221H 08738 612 0 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 2nd order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2222H 08739 612 1 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 3rd order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2223H 08740 612 2 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 4th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2224H 08741 612 3 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 5th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
2225H 08742 612 4 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 6th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2226H 08743 612 5 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 7th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2227H 08744 612 6 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 8th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2228H 08745 612 7 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 9th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2229H 08746 612 8 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 10th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
222AH 08747 612 9 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 11th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
222BH 08748 612 10 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 12th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
222CH 08749 612 11 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 13th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
222DH 08750 612 12 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 14th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
222EH 08751 612 13 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 15th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
222FH 08752 612 14 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 16th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2230H 08753 612 15 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 17th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2231H 08754 612 16 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 18th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2232H 08755 612 17 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 19th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2233H 08756 612 18 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 20th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2234H 08757 612 19 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 21st order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2235H 08758 612 20 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 22nd order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2236H 08759 612 21 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 23th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2237H 08760 612 22 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 24th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2238H 08761 612 23 10 min Ave Van/ab Harmonic %, 25th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2239H 08762 613 0 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 2nd order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
223AH 08763 613 1 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 3rd order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
223BH 08764 613 2 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 4th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
223CH 08765 613 3 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 5th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
223DH 08766 613 4 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 6th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
223EH 08767 613 5 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 7th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
223FH 08768 613 6 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 8th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2240H 08769 613 7 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 9th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2241H 08770 613 8 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 10th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2242H 08771 613 9 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 11th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2243H 08772 613 10 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 12th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2244H 08773 613 11 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 13th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2245H 08774 613 12 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 14th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2246H 08775 613 13 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 15th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2247H 08776 613 14 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 16th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2248H 08777 613 15 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 17th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
2249H 08778 613 16 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 18th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
224AH 08779 613 17 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 19th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
224BH 08780 613 18 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 20th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
224CH 08781 613 19 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 21st order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
224DH 08782 613 20 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 22nd order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
224EH 08783 613 21 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 23th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
224FH 08784 613 22 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 24th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2250H 08785 613 23 10 min Ave Vbn/bc Harmonic %, 25th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2251H 08786 614 0 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 2nd order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2252H 08787 614 1 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 3rd order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2253H 08788 614 2 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 4th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2254H 08789 614 3 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 5th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2255H 08790 614 4 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 6th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2256H 08791 614 5 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 7th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2257H 08792 614 6 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 8th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2258H 08793 614 7 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 9th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2259H 08794 614 8 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 10th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
225AH 08795 614 9 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 11th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
225BH 08796 614 10 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 12th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
225CH 08797 614 11 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 13th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
225DH 08798 614 12 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 14th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
225EH 08799 614 13 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 15th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
225FH 08800 614 14 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 16th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2260H 08801 614 15 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 17th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2261H 08802 614 16 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 18th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2262H 08803 614 17 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 19th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2263H 08804 614 18 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 20th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2264H 08805 614 19 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 21st order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2265H 08806 614 20 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 22nd order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2266H 08807 614 21 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 23th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2267H 08808 614 22 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 24th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2268H 08809 614 23 10 min Ave Vcn/ca Harmonic %, 25th order +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2269H 08810 615 0 10 min Ave Van/ab THD % +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
226AH 08811 615 1 10 min Ave Vbn/bc THD % +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
226BH 08812 615 2 10 min Ave Vcn/ca THD % +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
Power Quality Test (EN-50160/IEC61000-4-30) Current Week Test Block

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
226CH-226FH 08813-08816 616 0 Current Week Test Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
2270H-2273H 08817-08820 616 1 Current Week Test Start Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
2274H-2277H 08821-08824 616 2 Current Week Test End Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
2278H-2279H 08825-08826 617 0 Fast Voltage Fluctuation Count 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
227AH 08827 618 0 Mains Frequency Count 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
227BH 08828 618 1 10 min Ave Count 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
227CH 08829 618 2 Flicker PLT Count 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
227DH 08830 619 0 10 sec Ave Freq Bin0, Freq < 42.5(51.0) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
227EH 08831 619 1 10 sec Ave Freq Bin1, 42.5(51.0) Hz <= Freq < 47(56.4) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
227FH 08832 619 2 10 sec Ave Freq Bin2, 47(56.4) Hz <= Freq < 49(58.8) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2280H 08833 619 3 10 sec Ave Freq Bin3, 49(58.8) Hz <= Freq < 49.5(59.4) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2281H 08834 619 4 10 sec Ave Freq Bin4, 49.5(59.4) Hz <= Freq < 50(60.0) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2282H 08835 619 5 10 sec Ave Freq Bin5, 50(60.0) Hz <= Freq < 50.5(60.6) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2283H 08836 619 6 10 sec Ave Freq Bin6, 50.5(60.6) Hz <= Freq < 51(61.2) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2284H 08837 619 7 10 sec Ave Freq Bin7, 51(61.2) Hz <= Freq < 52(62.4) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2285H 08838 619 8 10 sec Ave Freq Bin8, 52(62.4) Hz <= Freq < 57.5(69.0) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2286H 08839 619 9 10 sec Ave Freq Bin9, 57.5(69.0) <= Freq 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2287H 08840 620 0 10 min Ave Van/ab RMS Bin0, V < 85% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2288H 08841 620 1 10 min Ave Van/ab RMS Bin1, 85% <= V < 90% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2289H 08842 620 2 10 min Ave Van/ab RMS Bin2, 90% <= V < 100% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
228AH 08843 620 3 10 min Ave Van/ab RMS Bin3, 100% <= V < 110% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
228BH 08844 620 4 10 min Ave Van/ab RMS Bin4, 110% <= V 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
228CH 08845 621 0 10 min Ave Vbn/bc RMS Bin0, V < 85% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
228DH 08846 621 1 10 min Ave Vbn/bc RMS Bin1, 85% <= V < 90% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
228EH 08847 621 2 10 min Ave Vbn/bc RMS Bin2, 90% <= V < 100% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
228FH 08848 621 3 10 min Ave Vbn/bc RMS Bin3, 100% <= V < 110% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2290H 08849 621 4 10 min Ave Vbn/bc RMS Bin4, 110% <= V 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2291H 08850 622 0 10 min Ave Vcn/ca RMS Bin0, V < 85% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2292H 08851 622 1 10 min Ave Vcn/ca RMS Bin1, 85% <= V < 90% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2293H 08852 622 2 10 min Ave Vcn/ca RMS Bin2, 90% <= V < 100% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2294H 08853 622 3 10 min Ave Vcn/ca RMS Bin3, 100% <= V < 110% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2295H 08854 622 4 10 min Ave Vcn/ca RMS Bin4, 110% <= V 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2296H-2297H 08855-08856 623 0 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin0, V < 90 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
2298H-2299H 08857-08858 623 1 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin1, 90% <= V < 95 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
229AH-229BH 08859-08860 623 2 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin2, 95% <= V < 100 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
229CH-229DH 08861-08862 623 3 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin3, 100% <= V < 105 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
229EH-229FH 08863-08864 623 4 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin4, 105% <= V < 110 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22A0H-22A1H 08865-08866 623 5 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin5, 110% <= V 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22A2H-22A3H 08867-08868 624 0 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin0, V < 90 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22A4H-22A5H 08869-08870 624 1 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin1, 90% <= V < 95 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22A6H-22A7H 08871-08872 624 2 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin2, 95% <= V < 100 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22A8H-22A9H 08873-08874 624 3 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin3, 100% <= V < 105 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22AAH-22ABH 08875-08876 624 4 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin4, 105% <= V < 110 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22ACH-22ADH 08877-08878 624 5 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin5, 110% <= V 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22AEH-22AFH 08879-08880 625 0 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin0, V < 90 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22B0H-22B1H 08881-08882 625 1 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin1, 90% <= V < 95 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22B2H-22B3H 08883-08884 625 2 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin2, 95% <= V < 100 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22B4H-22B5H 08885-08886 625 3 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin3, 100% <= V < 105 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22B6H-22B7H 08887-08888 625 4 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin4, 105% <= V < 110 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22B8H-22B9H 08889-08890 625 5 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin5, 110% <= V 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
22BAH 08891 626 0 Flicker PLT Van/ab Bin0, PLT <1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22BBH 08892 626 1 Flicker PLT Van/ab Bin1, PLT >=1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22BCH 08893 626 2 Flicker PLT Vbn/bc Bin0, PLT <1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22BDH 08894 626 3 Flicker PLT Vbn/bc Bin1, PLT >=1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22BEH 08895 626 4 Flicker PLT Vcn/ca Bin0, PLT <1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22BFH 08896 626 5 Flicker PLT Vcn/ca Bin1, PLT >=1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22C0H 08897 627 0 Fund. Sym. Comp. Bin0 (- Seq. Mag < 2% of +Seq. Mag.) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R

22C1H 08898 627 1 Fund. Sym. Comp. Bin1 (2% <= -Seq.Mag. < 3% of +Seq. Mag.) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22C2H 08899 627 2 Fund. Sym. Comp. Bin2 (-Seq. Mag. >= 3% of +Seq. Mag.) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22C3H 08900 628 0 10 min Ave Van/ab 2nd Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22C4H 08901 628 1 10 min Ave Van/ab 3nd Harm bin, >= 5.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22C5H 08902 628 2 10 min Ave Van/ab 4th Harm bin, >= 1.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22C6H 08903 628 3 10 min Ave Van/ab 5th Harm bin, >= 6.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22C7H 08904 628 4 10 min Ave Van/ab 6th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22C8H 08905 628 5 10 min Ave Van/ab 7th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22C9H 08906 628 6 10 min Ave Van/ab 8th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22CAH 08907 628 7 10 min Ave Van/ab 9th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22CBH 08908 628 8 10 min Ave Van/ab 10th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22CCH 08909 628 9 10 min Ave Van/ab 11th Harm bin, >= 3.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22CDH 08910 628 10 10 min Ave Van/ab 12th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22CEH 08911 628 11 10 min Ave Van/ab 13th Harm bin, >= 3.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
22CFH 08912 628 12 10 min Ave Van/ab 14th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22D0H 08913 628 13 10 min Ave Van/ab 15th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22D1H 08914 628 14 10 min Ave Van/ab 16th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22D2H 08915 628 15 10 min Ave Van/ab 17th Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22D3H 08916 628 16 10 min Ave Van/ab 18th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22D4H 08917 628 17 10 min Ave Van/ab 19th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22D5H 08918 628 18 10 min Ave Van/ab 20th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22D6H 08919 628 19 10 min Ave Van/ab 21st Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22D7H 08920 628 20 10 min Ave Van/ab 22nd Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22D8H 08921 628 21 10 min Ave Van/ab 23rd Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22D9H 08922 628 22 10 min Ave Van/ab 24th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22DAH 08923 628 23 10 min Ave Van/ab 25th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22DBH 08924 629 0 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 2nd Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22DCH 08925 629 1 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 3nd Harm bin, >= 5.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22DDH 08926 629 2 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 4th Harm bin, >= 1.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22DEH 08927 629 3 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 5th Harm bin, >= 6.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22DFH 08928 629 4 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 6th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22E0H 08929 629 5 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 7th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22E1H 08930 629 6 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 8th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22E2H 08931 629 7 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 9th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22E3H 08932 629 8 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 10th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22E4H 08933 629 9 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 11th Harm bin, >= 3.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22E5H 08934 629 10 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22E6H 08935 629 11 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 13th Harm bin, >= 3.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22E7H 08936 629 12 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 14th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22E8H 08937 629 13 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 15th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22E9H 08938 629 14 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 16th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22EAH 08939 629 15 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 17th Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22EBH 08940 629 16 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 18th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22ECH 08941 629 17 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 19th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22EDH 08942 629 18 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 20th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22EEH 08943 629 19 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 21st Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22EFH 08944 629 20 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 22nd Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22F0H 08945 629 21 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 23rd Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22F1H 08946 629 22 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 24th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22F2H 08947 629 23 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 25th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
22F3H 08948 630 0 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 2nd Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22F4H 08949 630 1 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 3nd Harm bin, >= 5.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22F5H 08950 630 2 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 4th Harm bin, >= 1.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22F6H 08951 630 3 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 5th Harm bin, >= 6.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22F7H 08952 630 4 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 6th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22F8H 08953 630 5 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 7th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22F9H 08954 630 6 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 8th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22FAH 08955 630 7 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 9th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22FBH 08956 630 8 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 10th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22FCH 08957 630 9 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 11th Harm bin, >= 3.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22FDH 08958 630 10 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22FEH 08959 630 11 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 13th Harm bin, >= 3.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
22FFH 08960 630 12 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 14th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2300H 08961 630 13 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 15th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2301H 08962 630 14 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 16th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2302H 08963 630 15 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 17th Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2303H 08964 630 16 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 18th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2304H 08965 630 17 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 19th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2305H 08966 630 18 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 20th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2306H 08967 630 19 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 21st Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2307H 08968 630 20 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 22nd Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2308H 08969 630 21 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 23rd Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2309H 08970 630 22 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 24th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
230AH 08971 630 23 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 25th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
230BH 08972 631 0 10 min Ave Van/ab THD % bin, > 8% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
230CH 08973 631 1 10 min Ave Vbn/bc THD % bin, > 8% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
230DH 08974 631 2 10 min Ave Vcn/ca THD % bin, > 8% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
230EH 08975 632 0 Freq % for Sync System bin (-1% < f < +1%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
230FH 08976 632 1 Freq % for Sync System bin (-6% < f < +4%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2310H 08977 632 2 Freq % for No Sync System bin (-2% < f < +2%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2311H 08978 632 3 Freq % for No Sync System bin (-15% < f < +15%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2312H 08979 633 0 FVF % for Van/ab bins (-5% < fvf < +5%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2313H 08980 633 1 FVF % for Vbn/bc bins (-5% < fvf < +5%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2314H 08981 633 2 FVF % for Vcn/ca bins (-5% < fvf < +5%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2315H 08982 633 3 FVF % for Van/ab bins (-10% < fvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2316H 08983 633 4 FVF % for Vbn/bc bins (-10% < fvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
2317H 08984 633 5 FVF % for Vcn/ca bins (-10% < fvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2318H 08985 634 0 LSVF % for Van/ab bins (-10% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2319H 08986 634 1 LSVF % for Vbn/bc bins (-10% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
231AH 08987 634 2 LSVF % for Vcn/ca bins (-10% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
231BH 08988 634 3 LSVF % for Van/ab bins (-15% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
231CH 08989 634 4 LSVF % for Vbn/bc bins (-15% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
231DH 08990 634 5 LSVF % for Vcn/ca bins (-15% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
231EH 08991 635 0,1 Status Byte 0 / Status Byte 1 R
231FH 08992 635 2,3 Status Byte 2 / Status Byte 3 R
2320H 08993 635 4,5 Status Byte 4 / Status Byte 5 R
Power Quality Test (EN-50160/IEC61000-4-30) Previous Week Block
2321H-2324H 08994-08997 636 0 Previous Week Test Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
2325H-2328H 08998-09001 636 1 Previous Week Test Start Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
2329H-232CH 09002-09005 636 2 Previous Week Test End Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
232DH-232EH 09006-09007 637 0 Fast Voltage Fluctuation Count 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
232FH 09008 638 0 Mains Frequency Count 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2330H 09009 638 1 10 min Ave Count 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2331H 09010 638 2 Flicker PLT Count 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2332H 09011 639 0 10 sec Ave Freq Bin0, Freq < 42.5(51.0) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2333H 09012 639 1 10 sec Ave Freq Bin1, 42.5(51.0) Hz <= Freq < 47(56.4) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2334H 09013 639 2 10 sec Ave Freq Bin2, 47(56.4) Hz <= Freq < 49(58.8) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2335H 09014 639 3 10 sec Ave Freq Bin3, 49(58.8) Hz <= Freq < 49.5(59.4) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2336H 09015 639 4 10 sec Ave Freq Bin4, 49.5(59.4) Hz <= Freq < 50(60.0) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2337H 09016 639 5 10 sec Ave Freq Bin5, 50(60.0) Hz <= Freq < 50.5(60.6) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2338H 09017 639 6 10 sec Ave Freq Bin6, 50.5(60.6) Hz <= Freq < 51(61.2) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2339H 09018 639 7 10 sec Ave Freq Bin7, 51(61.2) Hz <= Freq < 52(62.4) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
233AH 09019 639 8 10 sec Ave Freq Bin8, 52(62.4) Hz <= Freq < 57.5(69.0) Hz 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
233BH 09020 639 9 10 sec Ave Freq Bin9, 57.5(69.0) <= Freq 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
233CH 09021 640 0 10 min Ave Van/ab RMS Bin0, V < 85% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
233DH 09022 640 1 10 min Ave Van/ab RMS Bin1, 85% <= V < 90% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
233EH 09023 640 2 10 min Ave Van/ab RMS Bin2, 90% <= V < 100% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
233FH 09024 640 3 10 min Ave Van/ab RMS Bin3, 100% <= V < 110% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2340H 09025 640 4 10 min Ave Van/ab RMS Bin4, 110% <= V 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2341H 09026 641 0 10 min Ave Vbn/bc RMS Bin0, V < 85% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2342H 09027 641 1 10 min Ave Vbn/bc RMS Bin1, 85% <= V < 90% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2343H 09028 641 2 10 min Ave Vbn/bc RMS Bin2, 90% <= V < 100% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
2344H 09029 641 3 10 min Ave Vbn/bc RMS Bin3, 100% <= V < 110% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2345H 09030 641 4 10 min Ave Vbn/bc RMS Bin4, 110% <= V 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2346H 09031 642 0 10 minAve Vcn/ca RMS Bin0, V < 85% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2347H 09032 642 1 10 minAve Vcn/ca RMS Bin1, 85% <= V < 90% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2348H 09033 642 2 10 minAve Vcn/ca RMS Bin2, 90% <= V < 100% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2349H 09034 642 3 10 minAve Vcn/ca RMS Bin3, 100% <= V < 110% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
234AH 09035 642 4 10 minAve Vcn/ca RMS Bin4, 110% <= V 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
234BH-234CH 06036-09037 643 0 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin0, V < 90 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
234DH-234EH 09038-09039 643 1 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin1, 90% <= V < 95 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
234FH-2350H 09040-09041 643 2 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin2, 95% <= V < 100 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
2351H-2352H 09042-09043 643 3 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin3, 100% <= V < 105 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
2353H-2354H 09044-09045 643 4 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin4, 105% <= V < 110 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
2355H-2356H 09046-09047 643 5 Fast Voltage Van/an Bin5, 110% <= V 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
2357H-2358H 09048-09049 644 0 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin0, V < 90 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
2359H-235AH 09050-09051 644 1 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin1, 90% <= V < 95 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
235BH-235CH 09052-09053 644 2 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin2, 95% <= V < 100 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
235DH-235EH 09054-09055 644 3 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin3, 100% <= V < 105 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
235FH-2360H 09056-09057 644 4 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin4, 105% <= V < 110 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
2361H-2362H 09058-09059 644 5 Fast Voltage Vbn/bc Bin5, 110% <= V 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
2363H-2364H 09060-09061 645 0 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin0, V < 90 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
2365H-2366H 09062-09063 645 1 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin1, 90% <= V < 95 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
2367H-2368H 09064-09065 645 2 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin2, 95% <= V < 100 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
2369H-236AH 09066-09067 645 3 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin3, 100% <= V < 105 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
236BH-236CH 09068-09069 645 4 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin4, 105% <= V < 110 % 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
236DH-236EH 09070-09071 645 5 Fast Voltage Vcn/ca Bin5, 110% <= V 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 unit F53 R
236FH 09072 646 0 Flicker PLT Van/ab Bin0, PLT <1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2370H 09073 646 1 Flicker PLT Van/ab Bin1, PLT >=1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2371H 09074 646 2 Flicker PLT Vbn/bc Bin0, PLT <1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2372H 09075 646 3 Flicker PLT Vbn/bc Bin1, PLT >=1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2373H 09076 646 4 Flicker PLT Vcn/ca Bin0, PLT <1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2374H 09077 646 5 Flicker PLT Vcn/ca Bin1, PLT >=1 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2375H 09078 647 0 Fund. Sym. Comp. Bin0 (- Seq. Mag < 2% of +Seq. Mag.) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R

2376H 09079 647 1 Fund. Sym. Comp. Bin1 (2% <= -Seq.Mag. < 3% of +Seq. Mag.) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2377H 09080 647 2 Fund. Sym. Comp. Bin2 (-Seq. Mag. >= 3% of +Seq. Mag.) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2378H 09081 648 0 10 min Ave Van/ab 2nd Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R

El I d i /G T h

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
2379H 09082 648 1 10 min Ave Van/ab 3nd Harm bin, >= 5.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
237AH 09083 648 2 10 min Ave Van/ab 4th Harm bin, >= 1.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
237BH 09084 648 3 10 min Ave Van/ab 5th Harm bin, >= 6.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
237CH 09085 648 4 10 min Ave Van/ab 6th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
237DH 09086 648 5 10 min Ave Van/ab 7th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
237EH 09087 648 6 10 min Ave Van/ab 8th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
237FH 09088 648 7 10 min Ave Van/ab 9th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2380H 09089 648 8 10 min Ave Van/ab 10th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2381H 09090 648 9 10 min Ave Van/ab 11th Harm bin, >= 3.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2382H 09091 648 10 10 min Ave Van/ab 12th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2383H 09092 648 11 10 min Ave Van/ab 13th Harm bin, >= 3.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2384H 09093 648 12 10 min Ave Van/ab 14th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2385H 09094 648 13 10 min Ave Van/ab 15th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2386H 09095 648 14 10 min Ave Van/ab 16th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2387H 09096 648 15 10 min Ave Van/ab 17th Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2388H 09097 648 16 10 min Ave Van/ab 18th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2389H 09098 648 17 10 min Ave Van/ab 19th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
238AH 09099 648 18 10 min Ave Van/ab 20th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
238BH 09100 648 19 10 min Ave Van/ab 21st Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
238CH 09101 648 20 10 min Ave Van/ab 22nd Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
238DH 09102 648 21 10 min Ave Van/ab 23rd Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
238EH 09103 648 22 10 min Ave Van/ab 24th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
238FH 09104 648 23 10 min Ave Van/ab 25th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2390H 09105 649 0 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 2nd Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2391H 09106 649 1 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 3nd Harm bin, >= 5.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2392H 09107 649 2 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 4th Harm bin, >= 1.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2393H 09108 649 3 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 5th Harm bin, >= 6.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2394H 09109 649 4 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 6th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2395H 09110 649 5 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 7th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2396H 09111 649 6 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 8th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2397H 09112 649 7 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 9th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2398H 09113 649 8 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 10th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
2399H 09114 649 9 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 11th Harm bin, >= 3.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
239AH 09115 649 10 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
239BH 09116 649 11 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 13th Harm bin, >= 3.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
239CH 09117 649 12 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 14th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
239DH 09118 649 13 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 15th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
239EH 09119 649 14 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 16th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
239FH 09120 649 15 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 17th Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23A0H 09121 649 16 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 18th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23A1H 09122 649 17 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 19th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23A2H 09123 649 18 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 20th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23A3H 09124 649 19 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 21st Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23A4H 09125 649 20 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 22nd Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23A5H 09126 649 21 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 23rd Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23A6H 09127 649 22 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 24th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23A7H 09128 649 23 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 25th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23A8H 09129 650 0 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 2nd Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23A9H 09130 650 1 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 3nd Harm bin, >= 5.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23AAH 09131 650 2 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 4th Harm bin, >= 1.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23ABH 09132 650 3 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 5th Harm bin, >= 6.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23ACH 09133 650 4 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 6th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23ADH 09134 650 5 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 7th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23AEH 09135 650 6 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 8th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23AFH 09136 650 7 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 9th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23B0H 09137 650 8 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 10th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23B1H 09138 650 9 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 11th Harm bin, >= 3.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23B2H 09139 650 10 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23B3H 09140 650 11 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 13th Harm bin, >= 3.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23B4H 09141 650 12 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 14th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23B5H 09142 650 13 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 15th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23B6H 09143 650 14 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 16th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23B7H 09144 650 15 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 17th Harm bin, >= 2.0% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23B8H 09145 650 16 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 18th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23B9H 09146 650 17 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 19th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23BAH 09147 650 18 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 20th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23BBH 09148 650 19 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 21st Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23BCH 09149 650 20 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 22nd Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23BDH 09150 650 21 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 23rd Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23BEH 09151 650 22 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 24th Harm bin, >= 0.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23BFH 09152 650 23 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 25th Harm bin, >= 1.5% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23C0H 09153 651 0 10 min Ave Van/ab THD % bin, > 8% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
23C1H 09154 651 1 10 min Ave Vbn/bc THD % bin, > 8% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23C2H 09155 651 2 10 min Ave Vcn/ca THD % bin, > 8% 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23C3H 09156 652 0 Freq % for Sync System bin (-1% < f < +1%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23C4H 09157 652 1 Freq % for Sync System bin (-6% < f < +4%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23C5H 09158 652 2 Freq % for No Sync System bin (-2% < f < +2%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23C6H 09159 652 3 Freq % for No Sync System bin (-15% < f < +15%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23C7H 09160 653 0 FVF % for Van/ab bins (-5% < fvf < +5%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23C8H 09161 653 1 FVF % for Vbn/bc bins (-5% < fvf < +5%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23C9H 09162 653 2 FVF % for Vcn/ca bins (-5% < fvf < +5%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23CAH 09163 653 3 FVF % for Van/ab bins (-10% < fvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23CBH 09164 653 4 FVF % for Vbn/bc bins (-10% < fvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23CCH 09165 653 5 FVF % for Vcn/ca bins (-10% < fvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23CDH 09166 654 0 LSVF % for Van/ab bins (-10% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23CEH 09167 654 1 LSVF % for Vbn/bc bins (-10% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23CFH 09168 654 2 LSVF % for Vcn/ca bins (-10% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23D0H 09169 654 3 LSVF % for Van/ab bins (-15% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23D1H 09170 654 4 LSVF % for Vbn/bc bins (-15% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23D2H 09171 654 5 LSVF % for Vcn/ca bins (-15% < lsvf < +10%) 65,535 / 0 1 unit F51 R
23D3H 09172 655 0,1 Status Byte 0 / Status Byte 1 R
23D4H 09173 655 2,3 Status Byte 2 / Status Byte 3 R
23D5H 09174 655 4,5 Status Byte 4 / Status Byte 5 R
Total Demand Distortion (TDD)
23D6H 09175 656 0 TDD Phase A-N / Phase A-B Voltage +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
23D7H 09176 657 0 TDD Phase B-N / Phase B-C Voltage +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
23D8H 09177 658 0 TDD Phase C-N / Phase C-A Voltage +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
23D9H 09178 659 0 TDD Phaes A Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
23DAH 09179 660 0 TDD Phaes B Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
23DBH 09180 661 0 TDD Phase C Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
23DCH-23DEH 09181-09183 662 0-2 Maximum TDD Voltage +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
23DFH-23E1H 09184-09186 663 0-2 Maximum TDD Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
23E2H-23E4H 09187-09189 664 0-2 Minimum TDD Voltage +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
23E5H-23E7H 09190-09192 665 0-2 Minimum TDD Current +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
23E8H-23FFH 09193-09216 666 0-5 Maximum TDD Timestamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2400H-2417H 09217-09240 667 0-5 Minimum TDD Timestamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Power Quality Test (EN-50160/IEC61000-4-30) Extended Block

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
-2147483648 /
2A00H-2A01H 10753-10754 Rapid Voltage Change Count +/-4% Van/ab Bin 0 +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A02H-2A03H 10755-10756 Rapid Voltage Change Count +/-4% Vbn/bc Bin 1 +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A04H-2A05H 10757-10758 Rapid Voltage Change Count +/-4% Vcn/ca Bin 2 +2147483647 1 F53
Rapid Voltage Change Count Between +/-4% and +/-6% Van/ab -2147483648 /
2A06H-2A07H 10759-10760 Bin 0 +2147483647 1 F53
Rapid Voltage Change Count Between +/-4% and +/-6% Vbn/bc -2147483648 /
2A08H-2A09H 10761-10762 Bin 1 +2147483647 1 F53
Rapid Voltage Change Count Between +/-4% and +/-6% Vcn/ca -2147483648 /
2A0AH-2A0BH 10763-10764 Bin 2 +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A0CH-2A0DH 10765-10766 Supply Voltage Unbalance, Bin 0, 0%<=n<=2% +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A0EH-2A0FH 10767-10768 Supply Voltage Unbalance, Bin 1, 2%<n<=3% +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A10H-2A11H 10769-10770 Supply Voltage Unbalance, Bin 2, 3%<n +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A12H-2A13H 10771-10772 3sec Mains Signaling Voltage, Van/Vab, Bin 0, <=Threshold +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A14H-2A15H 10773-10774 3sec Mains Signaling Voltage, Van/Vab, Bin 1, >Threshold +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A16H-2A17H 10775-10776 3sec Mains Signaling Voltage, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 0, <=Threshold +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A18H-2A19H 10777-10778 3sec Mains Signaling Voltage, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 1, >Threshold +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A1AH-2A1BH 10779-10780 3sec Mains Signaling Voltage, Vcn/Vca, Bin 0, <=Threshold +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A1CH-2A1DH 10781-10782 3sec Mains Signaling Voltage, Vcn/Vca, Bin 1, >Threshold +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A1EH-2A1FH 10783-10784 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 0, >=85% and <90%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A20H-2A21H 10785-10786 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 1, >=70% and <85%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A22H-2A23H 10787-10788 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 2, >=60% and <70%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
-2147483648 /
2A24H-2A25H 10789-10790 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 3 >=50% and <60%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A26H-2A27H 10791-10792 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 4, >=40% and <50%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A28H-2A29H 10793-10794 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 5, >=30% and <40%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A2AH-2A2BH 10795-10796 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 6, >=20% and <30%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A2CH-2A2DH 10797-10798 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 7, >=15% and <20%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A2EH-2A2FH 10799-10800 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 8, >=10% and <15%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A30H-2A31H 10801-10802 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 9, >=1% and <10%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A32H-2A33H 10803-10804 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 10, <1%, 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 0, >=85% and <90%, -2147483648 /
2A34H-2A35H 10805-10806 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 1, >=70% and <85%, -2147483648 /
2A36H-2A37H 10807-10808 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 2, >=60% and <70%, -2147483648 /
2A38H-2A39H 10809-10810 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 3, >=50% and <60%, -2147483648 /
2A3AH-2A3BH 10811-10812 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 4, >=40% and <50%, -2147483648 /
2A3CH-2A3DH 10813-10814 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 5, >=30% and <40%, -2147483648 /
2A3EH-2A3FH 10815-10816 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 6, >=20% and <30%, -2147483648 /
2A40H-2A41H 10817-10818 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 7, >=15% and <20%, -2147483648 /
2A42H-2A43H 10819-10820 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 8, >=10% and <15%, -2147483648 /
2A44H-2A45H 10821-10822 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 9, >=1% and <10%, -2147483648 /
2A46H-2A47H 10823-10824 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
-2147483648 /
2A48H-2A49H 10825-10826 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 10, <1%, 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 0, >=85% and <=90%, -2147483648 /
2A4AH-2A4BH 10827-10828 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 1, >=70% and <85%, -2147483648 /
2A4CH-2A4DH 10829-10830 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 2, >=60% and <70%, -2147483648 /
2A4EH-2A4FH 10831-10832 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 3, >=50% and <60%, -2147483648 /
2A50H-2A51H 10833-10834 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 4, >=40% and <50%, -2147483648 /
2A52H-2A53H 10835-10836 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 5, >=30% and <40%, -2147483648 /
2A54H-2A55H 10837-10838 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 6, >=20% and <30%, -2147483648 /
2A56H-2A57H 10839-10840 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 7, >=15% and <20%, -2147483648 /
2A58H-2A58H 10841-10842 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 8, >=10% and <15%, -2147483648 /
2A5AH-2A5BH 10843-10844 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A5CH-2A5DH 10845-10846 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 9, >=1% and <10%, >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A5EH-2A5FH 10847-10848 Dips and Interruptions, Van/Vab, Bin 10,<1%, >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A60H-2A61H 10849-10850 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 0, >=85% and <90%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A62H-2A63H 10851-10852 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 1, >=70% and <85%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A64H-2A65H 10853-10854 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 2, >=60% and <70%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A66H-2A67H 10855-10856 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 3 >=50% and <60%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A68H-2A69H 10857-10858 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 4, >=40% and <50%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A6AH-2A6BH 10859-10860 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 5, >=30% and <40%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
-2147483648 /
2A6CH-2A6DH 10861-10862 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 6, >=20% and <30%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A6EH-2A6FH 10863-10864 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 7, >=15% and <20%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A70H-2A71H 10865-10866 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 8, >=10% and <15%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A72H-2A73H 10867-10868 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 9, >=1% and <10%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A74H-2A75H 10869-10870 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 10, <1%, 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 0, >=85% and <90%, -2147483648 /
2A76H-2A77H 10871-10872 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 1, >=70% and <85%, -2147483648 /
2A78H-2A79H 10873-10874 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 2, >=60% and <70%, -2147483648 /
2A7AH-2A7BH 10875-10876 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 3, >=50% and <60%, -2147483648 /
2A7CH-2A7DH 10877-10878 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 4, >=40% and <50%, -2147483648 /
2A7EH-2A7FH 10879-10880 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 5, >=30% and <40%, -2147483648 /
2A80H-2A81H 10881-10882 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 6, >=20% and <30%, -2147483648 /
2A82H-2A83H 10883-10884 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 7, >=15% and <20%, -2147483648 /
2A84H-2A85H 10885-10886 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 8, >=10% and <15%, -2147483648 /
2A86H-2A87H 10887-10888 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 9, >=1% and <10%, -2147483648 /
2A88H-2A89H 10889-10890 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A8AH-2A8BH 10891-10892 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 10, <1%, 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 0, >=85% and <=90%, -2147483648 /
2A8CH-2A8DH 10893-10894 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 1, >=70% and <85%, -2147483648 /
2A8EH-2A8FH 10895-10896 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 2, >=60% and <70%, -2147483648 /
2A90H-2A91H 10897-10898 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 3, >=50% and <60%, -2147483648 /
2A92H-2A93H 10899-10900 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 4, >=40% and <50%, -2147483648 /
2A94H-2A95H 10901-10902 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 5, >=30% and <40%, -2147483648 /
2A96H-2A97H 10903-10904 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 6, >=20% and <30%, -2147483648 /
2A98H-2A99H 10905-10906 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 7, >=15% and <20%, -2147483648 /
2A9AH-2A9BH 10907-10908 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 8, >=10% and <15%, -2147483648 /
2A9CH-2A9DH 10909-10910 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2A9EH-2A9FH 10911-10912 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 9, >=1% and <10%, >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AA0H-2AA1H 10913-10914 Dips and Interruptions, Vbn/Vbc, Bin 10,<1%, >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AA2H-2AA3H 10915-10916 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 0, >=85% and <90%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AA4H-2AA5H 10917-10918 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 1, >=70% and <85%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AA6H-2AA7H 10919-10920 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 2, >=60% and <70%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AA8H-2AA9H 10921-10922 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 3 >=50% and <60%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AAAH-2AABH 10923-10924 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 4, >=40% and <50%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AACH-2AADH 10925-10926 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 5, >=30% and <40%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AAEH-2AAFH 10927-10928 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 6, >=20% and <30%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AB0H-2AB1H 10929-10930 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 7, >=15% and <20%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AB2H-2AB3H 10931-10932 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 8, >=10% and <15%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
-2147483648 /
2AB4H-2AB5H 10933-10934 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 9, >=1% and <10%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AB6H-2AB7H 10935-10936 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 10, <1%, 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 0, >=85% and <90%, -2147483648 /
2AB8H-2AB9H 10937-10938 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 1, >=70% and <85%, -2147483648 /
2ABAH-2ABBH 10939-10940 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 2, >=60% and <70%, -2147483648 /
2ABCH-2ABDH 10941-10942 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 3, >=50% and <60%, -2147483648 /
2ABEH-2ABFH 10943-10944 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 4, >=40% and <50%, -2147483648 /
2AC0H-2AC1H 10945-10946 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 5, >=30% and <40%, -2147483648 /
2AC2H-2AC3H 10947-10948 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 6, >=20% and <30%, -2147483648 /
2AC4H-2AC5H 10949-10950 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 7, >=15% and <20%, -2147483648 /
2AC6H-2AC7H 10951-10952 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 8, >=10% and <15%, -2147483648 /
2AC8H-2AC9H 10953-10954 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 9, >=1% and <10%, -2147483648 /
2ACAH-2ACBH 10955-10956 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2ACCH-2ACDH 10957-10958 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 10, <1%, 1sec<=180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 0, >=85% and <=90%, -2147483648 /
2ACEH-2ACFH 10959-10960 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 1, >=70% and <85%, -2147483648 /
2AD0H-2AD1H 10961-10962 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 2, >=60% and <70%, -2147483648 /
2AD2H-2AD3H 10963-10964 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 3, >=50% and <60%, -2147483648 /
2AD04-2AD5H 10965-10966 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 4, >=40% and <50%, -2147483648 /
2AD6H-2AD7H 10967-10968 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 5, >=30% and <40%, -2147483648 /
2AD8H-2AD9H 10969-10970 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 6, >=20% and <30%, -2147483648 /
2ADAH-2ADBH 10971-10972 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 7, >=15% and <20%, -2147483648 /
2ADCH-2ADDH 10973-10974 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 8, >=10% and <15%, -2147483648 /
2ADEH-2ADFH 10975-10976 >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AE0H-2AE1H 10977-10978 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 9, >=1% and <10%, >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AE2H-2AE3H 10979-10980 Dips and Interruptions, Vcn/Vca, Bin 10,<1%, >180sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AE4H-2AE5H 10981-10982 Overvoltage Vne, Bin 0, >set%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AE6H-2AE7H 10983-10984 Overvoltage Vne, Bin 1, >set%, 1sec<=5sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AE8H-2AE9H 10985-10986 Overvoltage Vne, Bin 2, >set%, >5sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AEAH-2AEBH 10987-10988 Overvoltage Vae, Bin 0, >set%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AECH-2AEDH 10989-10990 Overvoltage Vae, Bin 1, >set%, 1sec<=5sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AEEH-2AEFH 10991-10992 Overvoltage Vae, Bin 2, >set%, >5sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AF0H-2AF1H 10993-10994 Overvoltage Vbe, Bin 0, >set%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AF2H-2AF3H 10995-10996 Overvoltage Vbe, Bin 1, >set%, 1sec<=5sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AF4H-2AF5H 10997-10998 Overvoltage Vbe, Bin 2, >set%, >5sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AF6H-2AF7H 10999-11000 Overvoltage Vce, Bin 0, >set%, <=1sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AF8H-2AF9H 11001-11002 Overvoltage Vce, Bin 1, >set%, 1sec<=5sec +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AFAH-2AFBH 11003-11004 Overvoltage Vce, Bin 2, >set%, >5sec +2147483647 1 F53

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
-2147483648 /
2AFCH-2AFDH 11005-11006 Total Voltage Unbalance Count +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2AFEH-2AFFH 11007-11008 Total THD/Harmonics Count +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B00H-2B01H 11009-11010 Total Mains Signaling Voltage Count +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B02H-2B03H 11011-11012 Rapid Voltage Change Beyond +/-10% Van/ab Bin 1 +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B04H-2B05H 11013-11014 Rapid Voltage Change Beyond +/-10% Vbn/bc Bin 2 +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B06H-2B07H 11015-11016 Rapid Voltage Change Beyond +/-10% Vcn/ca Bin 3 +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B08H-2B09H 11017-11018 Rapid Voltage Change Beyond +/-6% Van/ab Bin 1 +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B0AH-2B0BH 11019-11020 Rapid Voltage Change Beyond +/-6% Vbn/bc Bin 2 +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B0CH-2B0DH 11021-11022 Rapid Voltage Change Beyond +/-6% Vcn/ca Bin 3 +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B0EH-2B0FH 11023-11024 Freq Bin 0, Sync, -1%<=f<=+1%, Counts +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B10H-2B11H 11025-11026 Freq Bin 1, Sync, -6%<=f<=+4%, Counts +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B12H-2B13H 11027-11028 Freq Bin 2, Sync, -2%<=f<=+2%, Counts +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B14H-2B15H 11029-11030 Freq Bin 3, Sync, -15%<=f<=+15%, Counts +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B16H-2B17H 11031-11032 Rapid Voltage Change +/-5% Van/ab Bin 0, Counts +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B18H-2B19H 11033-11034 Rapid Voltage Change +/-5% Vbn/bc Bin 1, Counts +2147483647 1 F53
-2147483648 /
2B1AH-2B1BH 11035-11036 Rapid Voltage Change +/-5% Vcn/ca Bin 2, Counts +2147483647 1 F53
Rapid Voltage Change Between +/-5% and +/-10% Van/ab Bin 0, -2147483648 /
2B1CH-2B1DH 11037-11038 Counts +2147483647 1 F53
Rapid Voltage Change Between +/-5% and +/-10% Vbn/bc Bin 1, -2147483648 /
2B1EH-2B1FH 11039-11040 Counts +2147483647 1 F53

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-107
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Rapid Voltage Change Between +/-5% and +/-10% Vcn/ca Bin 2, -2147483648 /
2B20H-2B21H 11041-11042 Counts +2147483647 1 F53
Supply Voltage Variation (10min Mean) +/-10% Van/ab Bin 0, -2147483648 /
2B22H-2B23H 11043-11044 Counts +2147483647 1 F53
Supply Voltage Variation (10min Mean) +/-10% Vbn/bc Bin 1, -2147483648 /
2B24H-2B25H 11045-11046 Counts +2147483647 1 F53
Supply Voltage Variation (10min Mean) +/-10% Vcn/ca Bin 2, -2147483648 /
2B26H-2B27H 11047-11048 Counts +2147483647 1 F53
Supply Voltage Variation (10min Mean) +/-10% Van/ab Bin 0, -2147483648 /
2B28H-2B29H 11049-11050 Counts +2147483647 1 F53
Supply Voltage Variation (10min Mean) +/-10% Vbn/bc Bin 1, -2147483648 /
2B2AH-2B2BH 11051-11052 Counts +2147483647 1 F53
Supply Voltage Variation (10min Mean) +/-10% Vcn/ca Bin 2, -2147483648 /
2B2CH-2B2DH 11053-11054 Counts +2147483647 1 F53
Frozen Energy Block
2C00H-2C03H 11265-11268 900 0 Frozen Energy Block Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
Frozen Energy - Secondary Energy Readings
2C04H-2C07H 11269-11272 901 0 VA hour (Quadrant 1+2+3+4), Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F12 R
2C08H-2C0BH 11273-11276 901 1 VAR hour (Quadrant 1+2), Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F12 R
0 VARh / -
2C0CH-2C0FH 11277-11280 901 2 VAR hour (Quadrant 2+3), Secondary VARh 1 VARH F12 R
2C10H-2C13H 11281-11284 901 3 Watt hour (Quadrant 1+4) , Secondary Wh / 0 Wh 1 WH F12 R

0 Wh / -
2C14H-2C17H 11285-11288 901 4 Watt hour (Quadrant 2+3), Secondary 9,999,999,999,999,999 Wh 1 WH F12 R
2C18H-2C1BH 11289-11292 901 5 VA hour (Quadrant 1), Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F12 R
2C1CH-2C1FH 11293-11296 901 6 VAR hour (Quadrant 1), Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F12 R
2C20H-2C23H 11297-11300 901 7 VA hour (Quadrant 4), Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F12 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-108
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
2C24H-2C27H 11301-11304 901 8 VAR hour (Quadrant 4), Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F12 R
2C28H-2C2BH 11305-11308 901 9 VA hour (Quadrant 2), Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F12 R
2C2CH-2C2FH 11309-11312 901 10 VAR hour (Quadrant 2), Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F12 R
2C30H-2C33H 11313-11316 901 11 VA hour (Quadrant 3), Secondary VAh / 0 VAh 1 VAH F12 R
2C34H-2C37H 11317-11320 901 12 VAR hour (Quadrant 3), Secondary VARh / 0 VARh 1 VARH F12 R
+9,999,999,999,999,999 I t
2C38H-2C3BH 11321-11324 901 13 I2t Phase A, Secondary /0 1It
F12 R
+9,999,999,999,999,999 I2t
2C3CH-2C3FH 11325-11328 901 14 I2t Phase B, Secondary /0 1It
F12 R
+9,999,999,999,999,999 I2t
2C40H-2C43H 11329-11332 901 15 I2t Phase C, Secondary /0 1It
F12 R
2C44H-2C47H 11333-11336 901 16 V2t Phase A, Secondary 2
Vt/0 1Vt
F12 R
2C48H-2C4BH 11337-11340 901 17 V2t Phase B, Secondary V2t / 0 1 V2t F12 R
2C4CH-2C4FH 11341-11344 901 18 V2t Phase C, Secondary V2t / 0 1 V2t F12 R
2C50H-2C53H 11345-11348 901 19 Watt hour (Quadrant 1), Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F12 R
2C54H-2C57H 11349-11352 901 20 Watt hour (Quadrant 4), Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F12 R
2C58H-2C5BH 11353-11356 901 21 Watt hour (Quadrant 2), Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F12 R
2C5CH-2C5FH 11357-11360 901 22 Watt hour (Quadrant 3), Secondary WH / 0 WH 1 WH F12 R

2C60H-2C63H 11361-11364 901 23 VA hour (Quadrant 1+2+3+4), Uncompensated, Secondary 9,999,999,999,999,999 / 0 1 F12

2C64H-2C67H 11365-11368 901 24 VAR hour (Quadrant 1+2), Uncompensated, Secondary 9,999,999,999,999,999 / 0 1 F12

El t I d t i /G T h D # E154703 MM 109

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-109
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

2C68H-2C6BH 11369-11372 901 25 VAR hour (Quadrant 3+4), Uncompensated , Secondary 9,999,999,999,999,999 / 0 1 F12

2C6CH-2C6FH 11373-11376 901 26 Watt hour (Quadrant 1+4), Uncompensated, Secondary 9,999,999,999,999,999 / 0 1 F12

2C70H-2C73H 11377-11380 901 27 Watt hour (Quadrant 2+3), Uncompensated , Secondary 9,999,999,999,999,999 / 0 1 F12
9,999,999,999,999,999 Qh /
2C74H-2C77H 11381-11384 901 28 Q hour, positive, Secondary 0 Qh 1 Qh F12
9,999,999,999,999,999 Qh /
2C78H-2C7BH 11385-11388 901 29 Q hour, negative, Secondary 0 Qh 1 Qh F12
Frozen Energy - Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Readings

2CF4H-2CF7H 11509-11512 903 0 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 1 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

2CF8H-2CFBH 11513-11516 903 1 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 2 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

2CFCH-2CFFH 11517-11520 903 2 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 3 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

2D00H-2D03H 11521-11524 903 3 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 4 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

2D04H-2D07H 11525-11528 903 4 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 5 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

2D08H-2D0BH 11529-11532 903 5 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 6 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

2D0CH-2D0FH 11533-11536 903 6 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 7 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

2D10H-2D13H 11537-11540 903 7 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 8 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

2D14H-2D17H 11541-11544 903 8 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 1 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

2D18H-2D1BH 11545-11548 903 9 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 2 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

2D1CH-2D1FH 11549-11552 903 10 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 3 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R

2D20H-2D23H 11553-11556 903 11 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 4 9,223,372,036,854,776,808 1 Unit F62 R
Frozen Energy - KYZ Output Accumulation Readings
2D24H-2D25H 11557-11558 904 0 KYZ Output Accumulation, Relay 1 - Pulse 1 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
2D26H-2D27H 11559-11560 904 1 KYZ Output Accumulation, Relay 2 - Pulse 2 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
2D28H-2D29H 11561-11562 904 2 KYZ Output Accumulation, Relay 3 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
2D2AH-2D2BH 11563-11564 904 3 KYZ Output Accumulation, Relay 4 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
2D2CH-2D2DH 11565-11566 904 4 Reserved 4,294,967,295 / 0 F18 R
Frozen Energy - Scaled Energy Readings
variable (9999 through
2D2EH-2D2FH 11567-11568 905 0 VA hour (Quadrant 1+2+3+4), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D30H-2D31H 11569-11570 905 1 VAR hour (Quadrant 1+2), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D32H-2D33H 11571-11572 905 2 VAR hour (Quadrant 2+3), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D34H-2D35H 11573-11574 905 3 Watt hour (Quadrant 1+4) , Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D36H-2D37H 11575-11576 905 4 VA hour (Quadrant 1), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D38H-2D39H 11577-11578 905 5 VAR hour (Quadrant 1), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D3AH-2D3BH 11579-11580 905 6 VA hour (Quadrant 4), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D3CH-2D3DH 11581-11582 905 7 VAR hour (Quadrant 4), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

variable (9999 through

2D3EH-2D3FH 11583-11584 905 8 Watt hour (Quadrant 2+3), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D40H-2D41H 11585-11586 905 9 VA hour (Quadrant 2), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D42H-2D43H 11597-11588 905 10 VAR hour (Quadrant 2), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D44H-2D45H 11589-11590 905 11 VA hour (Quadrant 3), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D46H-2D47H 11591-11592 905 12 VAR hour (Quadrant 3), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D48H-2D49H 11593-11594 905 13 I2t Phase A, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D4AH-2D4BH 11595-11596 905 14 I2t Phase B, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D4CH-2D4DH 11597-11598 905 15 I2t Phase C, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D4EH-2D4FH 11599-11600 905 16 V2t Phase A, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D50H-2D51H 11601-11602 905 17 V2t Phase B, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D52H-2D53H 11603-11604 905 18 V2t Phase C, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D54H-2D55H 11605-11606 905 19 Watt hour (Quadrant 1), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D56H-2D57H 11607-11608 905 20 Watt hour (Quadrant 4), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D58H-2D59H 11609-11610 905 21 Watt hour (Quadrant 2), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D5AH-2D5BH 11611-11612 905 22 Watt hour (Quadrant 3), Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D5CH-2D5DH 11613-11614 905 23 VA hour (Quadrant 1+2+3+4), Uncompensated, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

variable (9999 through

2D5EH-2D5FH 11615-11616 905 24 VAR hour (Quadrant 1+2), Uncompensated, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D60H-2D61H 11617-11618 905 25 VAR hour (Quadrant 3+4), Uncompensated , Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D62H-2D63H 11619-11620 905 26 Watt hour (Quadrant 1+4), Uncompensated, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D64H-2D65H 11621-11622 905 27 Watt hour (Quadrant 2+3), Uncompensated , Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D66H-2D67H 11623-11624 905 28 Q hour, positive, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D68H-2D69H 11625-11626 905 29 Q hour, negative, Scaled Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
Frozen Energy - Scaled Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Readings
variable (9999 through
2D6AH-2D6BH 11627-11628 906 0 Pulse Accumulation Inputs 1, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D6CH-2D6DH 11629-11630 906 1 Pulse Accumulation Inputs 2, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D6EH-2D6FH 11631-11632 906 2 Pulse Accumulation Inputs 3, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D70H-2D71H 11633-11634 906 3 Pulse Accumulation Inputs 4, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D72H-2D73H 11635-11636 906 4 Pulse Accumulation Inputs 5, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D74H-2D75H 11637-11638 906 5 Pulse Accumulation Inputs 6, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D76H-2D77H 11639-11640 906 6 Pulse Accumulation Inputs 7, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D78H-2D79H 11641-11642 906 7 Pulse Accumulation Inputs 8, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D7AH-2D7BH 11643-11644 906 8 Pulse Aggregations 1, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D7CH-2D7DH 11645-11646 906 9 Pulse Aggregations 2, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

variable (9999 through

2D7EH-2D7FH 11647-11648 906 10 Pulse Aggregations 3, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2D80H-2D81H 11649-11650 906 11 Pulse Aggregations 4, Scaled 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
Previous Block Window Average Block
2D82H-2D83H 11651-11652 907 0 30 Previous Maximum Block Window Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2D84H-2D85H 11653-11654 907 1 30 Previous Maximum Block Window Average Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2D86H-2D87H 11655-11656 907 2 30 Previous Maximum Block Window Average Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2D88H-2D89H 11657-11658 907 3 30 Previous Maximum Block Window Average Positive Watt +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2D8AH-2D8BH 11659-11660 907 4 30 Previous Maximum Block Window Average Negative Watt 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2D8CH-2D8DH 11661-11662 908 0 30 Previous Minimum Block Window Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2D8EH-2D8FH 11663-11664 908 1 30 Previous Minimum Block Window Average Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2D90H-2D91H 11665-11666 908 2 30 Previous Minimum Block Window Average Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2D92H-2D93H 11667-11668 908 3 30 Previous Minimum Block Window Average Positive Watt +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2D94H-2D95H 11669-11670 908 4 30 Previous Minimum Block Window Average Negative Watt 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
Coin. Block Window Average VAR for Previous Maximum 1/ 65536 VAR
2D96H-2D97H 11671-11672 909 0 30 Positive Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coin. Block Window Average VAR for Previous Maximum 1/ 65536 VAR
2D98H-2D99H 11673-11674 909 1 30 Negative Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coin. Block Window Average VAR for Previous Minimum Positive 1/ 65536 VAR
2D9AH-2D9BH 11675-11676 909 2 30 Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coin. Block Window Average VAR for Previous Minimum 1/ 65536 VAR
2D9CH-2D9DH 11677-11678 909 3 30 Negative Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2D9EH-2DA1H 11679-11682 910 0 Previous Maximum Block Window Average VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2DA2H-2DA5H 11683-11686 910 1 Previous Maximum Block Window Average Positive VAR Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2DA6H-2DA9H 11687-11690 910 2 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Previous Maximum Block Window Average Positive Watt Time
2DAAH-2DADH 11691-11694 910 3 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2DAEH-2DB1H 11695-11698 910 4 Previous Maximum Block Window Average Negative Watt Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2DB2H-2DB5H 11699-11702 911 0 Previous Minimum Block Window Average VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Previous Minimum Block Window Average Positive VAR Time
2DB6H-2DB9H 11703-11706 911 1 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
2DBAH-2DBDH 11707-11710 911 2 Previous Minimum Block Window Average Negative VAR Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
Previous Minimum Block Window Average Positive Watt Time
2DBEH-2DC1H 11711-11714 911 3 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2DC2H-2DC5H 11715-11718 911 4 Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2DC6H-2DC9H 11719-11722 912 0-1 Previous Maximum Block Window Average +/- Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
2DCAH-2DCDH 11723-11726 913 0-1 Previous Minimum Thermal Average +/- Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
2DCEH-2DD5H 11727-11734 914 0-1 Previous Maximum Thermal Average +/- Q Time Stamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2DD6H-2DDDH 11735-11742 915 0-1 Previous Minimum Thermal Average +/- Q Time Stamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Previous Rolling Window Block
2DDEH-2DDFH 11743-11744 916 0 30 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2DE0H-2DE1H 11745-11746 916 1 30 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2DE2H-2DE3H 11747-11748 916 2 30 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2DE4H-2DE5H 11749-11750 916 3 30 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average Positive Watt +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2DE6H-2DE7H 11751-11752 916 4 30 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average Negative Watt 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2DE8H-2DE9H 11753-11754 917 0 30 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average VA +32767 VA / 0 VA 1/ 65536 VA sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2DEAH-2DEBH 11755-11756 917 1 30 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average Positive VAR +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2DECH-2DEDH 11757-11758 917 2 30 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average Negative VAR 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2DEEH-2DEFH 11759-11760 917 3 30 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average Positive Watt +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2DF0H-2DF1H 11761-11762 917 4 30 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average Negative Watt 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
Coin. Rolling Window Average VAR for Previous Maximum 1/ 65536 VAR
2DF2H-2DF3H 11763-11764 918 0 30 Positive Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coin. Rolling Window Average VAR for Previous Maximum 1/ 65536 VAR
2DF4H-2DF5H 11765-11766 918 1 30 Negative Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coin. Rolling Window Average VAR for Previous Minimum 1/ 65536 VAR
2DF6H-2DF7H 11767-11768 918 2 30 Positive Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
Coin. Rolling Window Average VAR for Previous Minimum 1/ 65536 VAR
2DF8H-2DF9H 11769-11770 918 3 30 Negative Watt +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2DFAH-2DFDH 11771-11774 919 0 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2DFEH-2E01H 11775-11778 919 1 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average Positive VAR Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2E02H-2E05H 11779-11782 919 2 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average Negative VAR Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2E06H-2E09H 11783-11786 919 3 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average Positive Watt Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2E0AH-2E0DH 11787-11790 919 4 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average Negative Watt Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
2E0EH-2E11H 11791-11794 920 0 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average VA Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2E12H-2E15H 11795-11798 920 1 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average Positive VAR Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2E16H-2E19H 11799-11802 920 2 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average Negative VAR Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2E1AH-2E1DH 11803-11806 920 3 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average Positive Watt Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2E1EH-2E21H 11807-11810 920 4 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average Negative Watt Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
2E22H-2E25H 11811-11814 921 0-1 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average +/- Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
2E26H-2E29H 11815-11818 922 0-1 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average +/- Q +32767 Q / -32768 Q 1/65536 Q sec F7
2E2AH-2E31H 11819-11826 923 0-1 Previous Maximum Rolling Window Average +/- Q Time Stamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2E32H-2E39H 11827-11834 924 0-1 Previous Minimum Rolling Window Average +/- Q Time Stamps 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Previous Scaled Energy Block
variable (9999 through
6 -7
2E3AH-2E3BH 11835-11836 925 0 20 Previous Total VAh (Quadrant 1+2+3+4) Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 10 - 10 F64
variable (9999 through
2E3CH-2E3DH 11837-11838 925 1 20 Previous Positive VARh (Quadrant 1+2) Scaled Priamry 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E3EH-2E3FH 11839-11840 925 2 20 Prevoius Negative VARh (Quadrant 3+4) Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E40H-2E41H 11841-11842 926 0 20 Previous Positive Wh (Quadrant 1+4) Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E42H-2E43H 11843-11844 926 1 20 Previous Quadrant 1 VAh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E44H-2E45H 11845-11846 926 2 20 Previous Quadrant 1 VARh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E46H-2E47H 11847-11848 926 3 20 Previous Quadrant 4 VAh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E48H-2E49H 11849-11850 926 4 20 Previous Quadrant 4 VARh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E4AH-2E4BH 11851-11852 926 5 20 Previous Negative Wh (Quadrant 2+3) Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E4CH-2E4DH 11853-11854 926 6 20 Previous Quadrant 2 VAh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E4EH-2E4FH 11855-11856 926 7 20 Previous Quadrant 2 VARh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E50H-2E51H 11857-11858 926 8 20 Previous Quadrant 3 VAh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64

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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

variable (9999 through

2E52H-2E53H 11859-11860 926 9 20 Previous Quadrant 3 VARh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E54H-2E55H 11861-11862 927 0 20 Prevoius I2t Phase A Scaled Priamry 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E56H-2E57H 11863-11864 927 1 20 Previous I2t Phase B Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E58H-2E59H 11865-11866 927 2 20 Previous I2t Phase C Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E5AH-2E5BH 11867-11868 927 3 20 Previous V2t Phase A Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E5CH-2E5DH 11869-11870 927 4 20 Previous V2t Phase B Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E5EH-2E5FH 11871-11872 927 5 20 Previous V2t Phase C Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E60H-2E61H 11873-11874 928 0 20 Previous Quadrant 1 Wh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E62H-2E63H 11875-11876 928 1 20 Previous Quadrant 4 Wh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E64H-2E65H 11877-11878 928 2 20 Previous Quadrant 2 Wh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E66H-2E67H 11879-11880 928 3 20 Prevoius Quadrant 3 Wh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E68H-2E69H 11881-11882 929 0 20 Prevoius Uncompensated Total VAh, Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E6AH-2E6DH 11883-11886 929 1-2 20 Previous Uncompensated +/- VARh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E6EH-2E71H 11887-11890 929 3-4 20 Previous Uncompensated +/- Wh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
variable (9999 through
2E72H-2E75H 11891-11894 930 0-1 20 Previous +/- Qh Scaled Primary 999999999 / 0) variable 106 - 10-7 F64
One Second Three Phase Mean RMS Block
2E76H-2E77H 11895-11896 931 0 30 One Second Three Phase Mean RMS Vpn + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R
2E78H-2E79H 11897-11898 932 0 30 One Second Three Phase Mean RMS Amp + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
2E7AH-2E7BH 11899-11900 933 0 30 One Second Three Phase Mean RMS Vpp + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R
Block Window Max/Min and 10 Minute Mean THD Block
Block Window Max/Min and 10 Minute Mean THD Block
2E7CH-2E7FH 11901-11904 934 0 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2E80H-2E83H 11905-11908 934 1 Block Window Max./Min Interval 1 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2E84H-2E87H 11909-11912 934 2 Block Window Max/Min Interval 2 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Block Window Max Interval 1 Three Phase Mean RMS Vpn
2E88H-2E8BH 11913-11916 934 3 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Block Window Max Interval 1 Three Phase Mean RMS Amp
2E8CH-2E8FH 11917-11920 934 4 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Block Window Max Interval 1 Three Phase Mean RMS Vpp
2E90H-2E93H 11921-11924 934 5 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2E94H-2E97H 11925-11928 934 6 Block Window Max Interval 1 VAR Q1+2 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2E98H-2E9BH 11929-11932 934 7 Block Window Max Interval 1 VAR Q3+4 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2E9CH-2E9FH 11933-11936 934 8 Block Window Max Interval 1 W Q1+4 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2EA0H-2EA3H 11937-11940 934 9 Block Window Max Interval 1 W Q2+3 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Block Window Max Interval 2 Three Phase Mean RMS Vpn
2EA4H-2EA7H 11941-11944 934 10 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Block Window Max Interval 2 Three Phase Mean RMS Amp
2EA8H-2EABH 11945-11948 934 11 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Block Window Max Interval 2 Three Phase Mean RMS Vpp
2EACH-2EAFH 11949-11952 934 12 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2EB0H-2EB3H 11953-11956 934 13 Block Window Max Interval 2 VAR Q1+2 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2EB4H-2EB7H 11957-11960 934 14 Block Window Max Interval 2 VAR Q3+4 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2EB8H-2EBBH 11961-11964 934 15 Block Window Max Interval 2 W Q1+4 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2EBCH-2EBFH 11965-11968 934 16 Block Window Max Interval 2 W Q2+3 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Block Window Min Interval 1 Three Phase Mean RMS Vpn
2EC0H-2EC3H 11969-11972 934 17 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Block Window Min Interval 1 Three Phase Mean RMS Amp
2EC4H-2EC7H 11973-11976 934 18 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Block Window Min Interval 1 Three Phase Mean RMS Vpp
2EC8H-2ECBH 11977-11980 934 19 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2ECCH-2ECFH 11981-11984 934 20 Block Window Min Interval 1 VAR Q1+2 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2ED0H-2ED3H 11985-11988 934 21 Block Window Min Interval 1 VAR Q3+4 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2ED4H-2ED7H 11989-11992 934 22 Block Window Min Interval 1 W Q1+4 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2ED8H-2EDBH 11993-11996 934 23 Block Window Min Interval 1 W Q2+3 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Block Window Min Interval 2 Three Phase Mean RMS Vpn
2EDCH-2EDFH 11997-12000 934 24 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Block Window Min Interval 2 Three Phase Mean RMS Amp
2EE0H-2EE3H 12001-12004 934 25 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
Block Window Min Interval 2 Three Phase Mean RMS Vpp
2EE4H-2EE7H 12005-12008 934 26 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2EE8H-2EEBH 12009-12012 934 27 Block Window Min Interval 2 VAR Q1+2 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2EECH-2EEFH 12013-12016 934 28 Block Window Min Interval 2 VAR Q3+4 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2EF0H-2EF3H 12017-12020 934 29 Block Window Min Interval 2 W Q1+4 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2EF4H-2EF7H 12021-12024 934 30 Block Window Min Interval 2 W Q2+3 Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2EF8H-2EFBH 12025-12028 934 31 10 Minute Mean THD Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2EFCH 12029 935 0 30 10 Minute Mean THD Van/Vab +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2EFDH 12030 935 1 30 10 Minute Mean THD Vbn/Vbc +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2EFEH 12031 935 2 30 10 Minute Mean THD Vcn/Vca +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2EFFH 12032 936 0 30 10 Minute Mean THD Ia +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2F00H 12033 936 1 30 10 Minute Mean THD Ib +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2F01H 12034 936 2 30 10 Minute Mean THD Ic +655.35% / 0% 0.01% R
2F02H-2F03H 12035-12036 937 0 30 Block Window Max Interval 1 Mean Vpn + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 5
2F04H-2F05H 12037-12038 938 0 30 Block Window Max Interval 1 Mean Amp + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
2F06H-2F07H 12039-12040 939 0 30 Block Window Max Interval 1 Mean Vpp + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 5
1/ 65536 VAR
2F08H-2F09H 12041-12042 940 0 30 Block Window Max Interval 1 VAR Q1+2 +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2F0AH-2F0BH 12043-12044 940 1 30 Block Window Max Interval 1 VAR Q3+4 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2F0CH-2F0DH 12045-12046 940 2 30 Block Window Max Interval 1 W Q1+4 +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2F0EH-2F0FH 12047-12048 940 3 30 Block Window Max Interval 1 W Q2+3 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2F10H-2F11H 12049-12050 941 0 30 Block Window Max Interval 2 Mean Vpn + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 5
2F12H-2F13H 12051-12052 942 0 30 Block Window Max Interval 2 Mean Amp + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
2F14H-2F15H 12053-12054 943 0 30 Block Window Max Interval 2 Mean Vpp + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 5
1/ 65536 VAR
2F16H-2F17H 12055-12056 944 0 30 Block Window Max Interval 2 VAR Q1+2 +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2F18H-2F19H 12057-12058 944 1 30 Block Window Max Interval 2 VAR Q3+4 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2F1AH-2F1BH 12059-12060 944 2 30 Block Window Max Interval 2 W Q1+4 +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2F1CH-2F1DH 12061-12062 944 3 30 Block Window Max Interval 2 W Q2+3 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2F1EH-2F1FH 12063-12064 945 0 30 Block Window Min Interval 1 Mean Vpn + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 5

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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-119
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
2F20H-2F21H 12065-12066 946 0 30 Block Window Min Interval 1 Mean Amp + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
2F22H-2F23H 12067-12068 947 0 30 Block Window Min Interval 1 Mean Vpp + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 5
1/ 65536 VAR
2F24H-2F25H 12069-12070 948 0 30 Block Window Min Interval 1 VAR Q1+2 +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2F26H-2F27H 12071-12072 948 1 30 Block Window Min Interval 1 VAR Q3+4 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2F28H-2F29H 12073-12074 948 2 30 Block Window Min Interval 1 W Q1+4 +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2F2AH-2F2BH 12075-12076 948 3 30 Block Window Min Interval 1 W Q2+3 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2F2CH-2F2DH 12077-12078 949 0 30 Block Window Min Interval 2 Mean Vpn + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 5
2F2EH-2F2FH 12079-12080 950 0 30 Block Window Min Interval 2 Mean Amp + 32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R 6
2F30H-2F31H 12081-12082 951 0 30 Block Window Min Interval 2 Mean Vpp + 32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 5
1/ 65536 VAR
2F32H-2F33H 12083-12084 952 0 30 Block Window Min Interval 2 VAR Q1+2 +32767 VAR / 0 VAR sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2F34H-2F35H 12085-12086 952 1 30 Block Window Min Interval 2 VAR Q3+4 0 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2F36H-2F37H 12087-12088 952 2 30 Block Window Min Interval 2 W Q1+4 +32767 W /0 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2F38H-2F39H 12089-12090 952 3 30 Block Window Min Interval 2 W Q2+3 0 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
2F3AH-2F3DH 12091-12094 953 0 Block Window Max Interval 1 Overall VAR Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2F3EH-2F41H 12095-12098 953 1 Block Window Max Interval 1 Overall W Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2F42H-2F45H 12099-12102 953 2 Block Window Max Interval 2 Overall VAR Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2F46H-2F49H 12103-12106 953 3 Block Window Max Interval 2 Overall W Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2F4AH-2F4DH 12107-12110 953 4 Block Window Min Interval 1 Overall VAR Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2F4EH-2F51H 12111-12114 953 5 Block Window Min Interval 1 Overall W Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2F52H-2F55H 12115-12118 953 6 Block Window Min Interval 2 Overall VAR Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
2F56H-2F59H 12119-12122 953 7 Block Window Min Interval 2 Overall W Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3
1/ 65536 VAR
2F5AH-2F5BH 12123-12124 954 0 30 Block Window Max Interval 1 Overall VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2F5CH-2F5DH 12125-12126 954 1 30 Block Window Max Interval 1 Overall W +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2F5EH-2F5FH 12127-12128 954 2 30 Block Window Max Interval 2 Overall VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2F60H-2F61H 12129-12130 954 3 30 Block Window Max Interval 2 Overall W +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2F62H-2F63H 12131-12132 954 4 30 Block Window Min Interval 1 Overall VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9
2F64H-2F65H 12133-12134 954 5 30 Block Window Min Interval 1 Overall W +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
1/ 65536 VAR
2F66H-2F67H 12135-12136 954 6 30 Block Window Min Interval 2 Overall VAR +32767 VAR / -32768 VAR sec F7 R 9

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
2F68H-2F69H 12137-12138 954 7 30 Block Window Min Interval 2 Overall W +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R 9
Coincident Power Factor
2F6CH 12141 1232 0 Coincident Block Window Average PF for Maximum +W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F6DH 12142 1232 1 Coincident Block Window Average PF for Maximum -W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F6EH 12143 1232 2 Coincident Block Window Average PF for Minimum +W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F6FH 12144 1232 3 Coincident Block Window Average PF for Minimum -W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F70H 12145 1233 0 Coincident Sliding Window Average PF for Maximum +W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F71H 12146 1233 1 Coincident Sliding Window Average PF for Maximum -W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F72H 12147 1233 2 Coincident Sliding Window Average PF for Minimum +W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F73H 12148 1233 3 Coincident Sliding Window Average PF for Minimum -W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F74H 12149 1234 0 Previous Coinc. Block Window Average PF for Maximum +W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F75H 12150 1234 1 Previous Coinc. Block Window Average PF for Maximum -W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F76H 12151 1234 2 Previous Coinc. Block Window Average PF for Minimum +W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F77H 12152 1234 3 Previous Coinc. Block Window Average PF for Minimum -W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R

2F78H 12153 1235 0 Previous Coinc. Sliding Window Average PF for Maximum +W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R

2F79H 12154 1235 1 Previous Coinc. Sliding Window Average PF for Maximum -W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R

2F7AH 12155 1235 2 Previous Coinc. Sliding Window Average PF for Minimum +W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
2F7BH 12156 1235 3 Previous Coinc. Sliding Window Average PF for Minimum -W 3.999 / 0.000 0.001 PF F8 R
Customized Modbus Block
3000H-37FFH 12289-14336 Customized Modbus Readings R
Nexus Master Polling Data Block
3800H-387FH 14337-14464 1216 0-127 Nexus master database 65535 / 0 F51 R
3800H-387FH 14337-14464 1217 0-63 Nexus master database 4,294,967,295 / 0 F53 R
3801H-387EH 14338-14463 1218 0-62 Nexus master database 4,294,967,295 / 0 F53 R
3800H-387FH 14337-14464 1219 0-31 Nexus master database 5/0 F55 R
3801H-387CH 14338-14461 1220 0-30 Nexus master database 5/0 F55 R
3802H-387DH 14339-14462 1221 0-30 Nexus master database 5/0 F55 R
3803H-387EH 14340-14463 1222 0-30 Nexus master database 5/0 F55 R
3880H-3883H 14465-14468 Nexus master poll time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 F3 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

3884H-388BH 14469-14476 1223 0-127 Nexus master data polling status Bits, bit value 1=data valid F51 R 2
388CH-390BH 14477-14604 1224 0-127 Nexus master data polling failed count 65535 / 0 1 F51 R 2
Additional and Vpe Block
3A00H-3A01H 14849-14850 1200 0 High Speed Phase A-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A02H-3A03H 14851-14852 1200 1 High Speed Phase B-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A04H-3A05H 14853-14854 1200 2 High Speed Phase C-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A06H-3A07H 14855-14856 1200 3 High Speed Phase N-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A08H-3A09H 14857-14858 1201 0 One sec Phase A-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A0AH-3A0BH 14859-14860 1201 1 One sec Phase B-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A0CH-3A0DH 14861-14862 1201 2 One sec Phase C-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A0EH-3A0FH 14863-14864 1201 3 One sec Phase N-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A10H-3A11H 14865-14866 1202 0 Thermal Average Phase A-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A12H-3A13H 14867-14868 1202 1 Thermal Average Phase B-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A14H-3A15H 14869-14870 1202 2 Thermal Average Phase C-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A16H-3A17H 14871-14872 1202 3 Thermal Average Phase N-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A18H-3A19H 14873-14874 1203 0 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A1AH-3A1BH 14875-14876 1203 1 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A1CH-3A1DH 14877-14878 1203 2 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A1EH-3A1FH 14879-14880 1203 3 Maximum Thermal Average Phase N-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A20H-3A21H 14881-14882 1204 0 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A22H-3A23H 14883-14884 1204 1 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A24H-3A25H 14885-14886 1204 2 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A26H-3A27H 14887-14888 1204 3 Minimum Thermal Average Phase N-E Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A28H-3A2BH 14889-14892 1205 0 Maximum Thermal Average Phase A-E Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
3A2CH-3A2FH 14893-14896 1205 1 Maximum Thermal Average Phase B-E Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
3A30H-3A33H 14897-14900 1205 2 Maximum Thermal Average Phase C-E Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
3A34H-3A37H 14901-14904 1205 3 Maximum Thermal Average Phase N-E Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
3A38H-3A3BH 14905-14908 1206 0 Minimum Thermal Average Phase A-E Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
3A3CH-3A3FH 14909-14912 1206 1 Minimum Thermal Average Phase B-E Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
3A40H-3A43H 14913-14916 1206 2 Minimum Thermal Average Phase C-E Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
3A44H-3A47H 14917-14920 1206 3 Minimum Thermal Average Phase N-E Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
3A48H-3A49H 14921-14922 1207 0 High Speed Calculated Neutral Current +65536 A / 0 A 1/65536 A sec F7 R 3, 6, 8
3A4AH-3A4BH 14923-14924 1208 0 High Speed residual Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A4CH-3A4DH 14925-14926 1209 0 One sec residual Voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A4EH-3A4FH 14927-14928 1210 0 Thermal average residual voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
3A50H-3A51H 14929-14930 1211 0 Maximum Thermal Average residual voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A52H-3A53H 14931-14932 1212 0 Minimum Thermal Average residual voltage +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R 4
3A54H-3A57H 14933-14936 1213 0 Maximum Thermal Average residual Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
3A58H-3A5BH 14937-14940 1214 0 Minimum Thermal Average residual Voltage Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R 1
3A5CH-3A5DH 14941-14942 1215 0 10 seconds Vaux Frequency +32767 Hz / 0 Hz 1/ 65536 Hz F7 R
Block Window Max/Min Block, P-E
3A5EH-3A5FH 14943-14944 1225 0 Block Window Max Interval 1 Voltage P-E +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R
3A60H-3A61H 14945-14946 1225 1 Block Window Max Interval 2 Voltage P-E +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R
3A62H-3A63H 14947-14948 1225 2 Block Window Min Interval 1 Voltage P-E +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R
3A64H-3A65H 14949-14950 1225 3 Block Window Min Interval 2 Voltage P-E +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R
3A66H-3A69H 14951-14954 1226 0 Block Window Max Interval 1 Voltage P-E Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
3A6AH-3A6DH 14955-14958 1226 1 Block Window Max Interval 2 Voltage P-E Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
3A6EH-3A71H 14959-14962 1226 2 Block Window Min Interval 1 Voltage P-E Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
3A72H-3A75H 14963-14966 1226 3 Block Window Min Interval 2 Voltage P-E Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
Enhanced Factory Settings Block
4000H-4007H 16385-16392 Hardware Options (16 bytes) R
4008H-400BH 16393-16396 Serial Numbers (8 bytes, binary numbers) R
400CH-400FH 16397-16400 Reserved R
4010H-4017H 16401-16408 OEM Model String R
4018H-403FH 16408-16448 Reserved R
4040H-5FFFH 16449-24576 Undefined R
Enhanced Programmable Settings Block 2 (Range: 6000H-7FFFH)
Nexus 15xx Master RTU (Function Code 0x03 Only) Group Labels
Group Label[0]
Group Label[1]
6000H-61FFH 24577-25088
Group Label[127]
Item Label[0]
Item Label[1]
6200H-63FFH 25089-25600
Item Label[127]
Item Descriptor[0]
Item Descriptor[1]
6400H-64FFH 25601-25856
Item Descriptor[127]

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Item Limit[0] Setpoint 1
Item Limit[0] Setpoint 2
Item Limit[1] Setpoint 1
6500H-65FFH 25857-26112 Item Limit[1] Setpoint 2
Item Limit[31] Setpoint 1
Item Limit[31] Setpoint 2
6600H-67FFH 26111-26624 Undefined
6800H-689FH 26625-26784 Reserved

68A0H-68A1H 26785-26786 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 01 rollover settings

68A2H-68A3H 26787-26788 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 02 rollover settings

68A4H-68A5H 26789-26790 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 03 rollover settings

68A6H-68A7H 26791-26792 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 04 rollover settings

68A8H-68A9H 26793-26794 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 05 rollover settings

68AAH-68ABH 26795-26796 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 06 rollover settings

68ACH-68ADH 26797-26798 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 07 rollover settings

68AEH-68AFH 26799-26800 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 08 rollover settings

68B0H-68B1H 26801-26802 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 09 rollover settings

68B2H-68B3H 26803-26804 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 10 rollover settings

68B4H-68B5H 26805-26806 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 11 rollover settings

68B6H-68B7H 26807-26808 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 12 rollover settings

68B8H-68B9H 26809-26810 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 13 rollover settings

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

68BAH-68BBH 26811-26812 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 14 rollover settings

68BCH-68BDH 26813-26814 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 15 rollover settings

68BEH-68BFH 26815-26816 1st Digital Input Option board (Slot 3) chn 16 rollover settings
68C0H-68C1H 26817-26818 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 01 rollover settings
68C2H-68C3H 26819-26820 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 02 rollover settings
68C4H-68C5H 26821-26822 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 03 rollover settings
68C6H-68C7H 26823-26824 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 04 rollover settings
68C8H-68C9H 26825-26826 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 05 rollover settings
68CAH-68CBH 26827-26828 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 06 rollover settings
68CCH-68CDH 26829-26830 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 07 rollover settings
68CEH-68CFH 26831-26832 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 08 rollover settings
68D0H-68D1H 26833-26834 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 09 rollover settings
68D2H-68D3H 26835-26836 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 10 rollover settings
68D4H-68D5H 26837-26838 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 11 rollover settings
68D6H-68D7H 26839-26840 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 12 rollover settings
68D8H-68D9H 26841-26842 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 13 rollover settings
68DAH-68DBH 26843-26844 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 14 rollover settings
68DCH-68DDH 26845-26846 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 15 rollover settings
68DEH-68DFH 26847-26848 2nd Digital Input Option board (Slot 4) chn 16 rollover settings
68E0H-6FFFH 26849-28672 Reserved
Nexus 15xx Interval Log Settings Block
Interval Log 3 Item[0]: Line, Pointer
Interval Log 3 Item[1]: Line, Pointer
7000H-707FH 28673-28800
Interval Log 3 Item[63]: Line, Pointer
Interval Log 4 Item[0]: Line, Pointer
Interval Log 4 Item[1]: Line, Pointer
7080H-70FFH 28801-28928
Interval Log 4 Item[63]: Line, Pointer
Interval Log 5 Item[0]: Line, Pointer
Interval Log 5 Item[1]: Line, Pointer
7100H-717FH 28929-29056
Interval Log 5 Item[63]: Line, Pointer

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Interval Log 6 Item[0]: Line, Pointer
Interval Log 6 Item[1]: Line, Pointer
7180H-71FFH 29057-29184
Interval Log 6 Item[63]: Line, Pointer
Interval Log 7 Item[0]: Line, Pointer
Interval Log 7 Item[1]: Line, Pointer
7200H-727FH 29185-29312
Interval Log 7 Item[63]: Line, Pointer
Interval Log 8 Item[0]: Line, Pointer
Interval Log 8 Item[1]: Line, Pointer
7280H-72FFH 29313-29440
Interval Log 8 Item[63]: Line, Pointer
7300HH 29441 Interval Log 3 Interval
7301HH 29442 Interval Log 4 Interval
7302HH 29443 Interval Log 3 Record Size
7303HH 29444 Interval Log 4 Record Size
7304HH 29445 Interval Log 5 Interval
7305HH 29446 Interval Log 6 Interval
7306HH 29447 Interval Log 5 Record Size
7307HH 29448 Interval Log 6 Record Size
7308HH 29449 Interval Log 7 Interval
7309HH 29450 Interval Log 8 Interval
730AHH 29451 Interval Log 7 Record Size
730BHH 29452 Interval Log 8 Record Size
730CH-748BH 29453-29836 Reserved
Event Triggered Log Item[0]: Line, Pointer
Event Triggered Log Item[1]: Line, Pointer
748CH-750BH 29837-29964
Event Triggered Log Item[63]: Line, Pointer
750CH-754BH 29965-30028 Reserved
754CH 30029 Byte[1]: Event Triggered Log Internal Input ID
Byte[0]: Reserved
Byte[1]: Reserved
754DH 30030 Byte[0]: Event Triggered Log Enabled
754EH 30031 Event Triggered Log Recording Speed

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
754FH 30032 Event Triggered Log Recoding Duration
7550H 30033 Event Triggered Log Record Size
7551H 30034 Event Triggered Log Multiple Sequence
MSB first
Byte[1]: undefined
Byte[0]: bit 7 - 2 - reserved
bit 1 - 0 - disable TLC when all current are zero
7552H 30035
= 00 = NO
= 01 = YES
= 10 = YES
= 11 = NO
7553H 30036 Reserved
Waveform Voltage Envolope Wave Shape Threshold
7554H-756BH 3003730060 Reserved
Waveform Current Change of Rate Threshold
756CH-756FH 30061-30064 Reserved
Waveform Capture Rules
Waveform Capture Window Amount
0 = 1 capture
1 = 2 capture
7570H-7571H 30065-30066
65535 = 65536 capture
>65535 = 1 capture
7572H-7573H 30067-30068 Reserved
Waveform samples/cycles @60Hz
0 = 16
1 = 32
2 = 64
7574H 30069 3 = 128
4 = 256
5 = 512
6 = 1024
>6= 1024
Byte[1]: Waveform Pre Trigger (>=1 <=179)
7575H 30070 Byte[0]: Waveform Post Trigger (>=1 <=179

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Waveform Digital Input Triggers (MSB)
Byte[1]: Undefined
Byte[0]: Bit [7] = Input 8
Bit [6] = Input 7
Bit [5] = Input 6
7576H 30071
Bit [4] = Input 5
Bit [3] = Input 4
Bit [2] = Input 3
Bit [1] = Input 2
Bit [0 ]= Input 1
7577H 30072 Reserved
Waveform Transient
7578H 30073 Voltage A Threshold % of full scale +6553.5% / -6553.5% 0.1%
7579H 30074 Voltage B Threshold % of full scale +6553.5% / -6553.5% 0.1%
757AH 30075 Voltage C Threshold % of full scale +6553.5% / -6553.5% 0.1%
Bit[15]-Bit[11]: Reserved
Bit[10]: Transien Enable - Channel Vc
Bit[9]: Transien Enable - Channel Vb
757BH 30076
Bit[8]: Transien Enable - Channel Va
Bit[7]-Bit[2]: Reserved
Bit[1]: Transient Mode: 0=PH-N, 1=PH-PH
Bit[0]: Transient Mode: 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
Waveform Transient Settings
757CH 30077 Number Maximum of Channel
757DH 30078 Channel 1 Number
757EH 30079 Channel 2 Number
757FH 30080 Channel 3 Number
7580H 30081 Channel 4 Number
7581H 30082 Channel 5 Number
7582H 30083 Channel 6 Number
7583H 30084 Channel 7 Number
7584H 30085 Channel 8 Number
7585H 30086 Channel 9 Number
7586H 30087 Channel 10 Number
7587H 30088 Channel 11 Number

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
7588H 30089 Channel 12 Number
7589H 30090 Channel 13 Number
758AH 30091 Channel 14 Number
758BH 30092 Channel 15 Number
758CH 30093 Channel 16 Number
758DH-758EH 30094-30095 Power Quality Enable
Transient Waveform Trigger (MSB)
Bit[15]-Bit[6]: Reserved
Bit[5]: Transient Waveform Trigger Enable - Channel Vca
Bit[4]: Transient Waveform Trigger Enable - Channel Vbc
758FH 30096 Bit[3]: Transient Waveform Trigger Enable - Channel Vab
Bit[2]: Transient Waveform Trigger Enable - Channel Vcn
Bit[1]: Transient Waveform Trigger Enable - Channel Vbn
Bit[0]: Transient Waveform Trigger Enable - Channel Van
0=Enable, 1=Disable
Log Configuration Settings
Log Mode
7590H-7591H 30097-30098 0 = Maximum Number of 1Mbyte files allowed
>0 Not defined
7592H-7593H 30099-30100 System Events Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
7594H-7595H 30101-30102 Interval Log 1 Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
7596H-7597H 30103-30104 Interval Log 2 Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
7598H-7599H 30105-30106 Interval Log 3 Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
759AH-759BH 30107-30108 Interval Log 4 Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
759CH-759DH 30109-30110 Interval Log 5 Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
759EH-759FH 30111-30112 Interval Log 6 Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75A0H-75A1H 30113-30114 Interval Log 7 Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75A2H-75A3H 30115-30116 Interval Log 8 Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75A4H-75A5H 30117-30118 Event Triggered Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75A6H-75A7H 30119-30120 Sequence of Event (Limits) Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75A8H-75A9H 30121-30122 Digital Input Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75AAH-75ABH 30123-30124 Digital Output Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75ACH-75ADH 30125-13126 Flicker Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75AEH-75AFH 30127-30128 Waveform Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75B0H-75B1H 30129-30130 Power Quality Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75B2H-75B3H 30131-30132 Transients Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
75B4H-75B5H 30133-30134 Reserved 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75B6H-75B7H 30135-30136 Tou Action Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75B8H-75B9H 30137-30138 Tou Month-Season Log Size 4,294,967,295 / 0 1 F53 R/W
75BAH-75C7H 30139-30152 Reserved
Network Card #1/#2 - Settings (Part 1 of 2)
Network Generic Settings Block
IEC 61850 Goose message Configuration
MSB first,
Bit[31-16]: reserved
75C8H-75C9H 30153-30154
Bit[15-00]: when set, enable 16th-1st positon of the mmeory for
received goose message for input boolean data type to trigger
75CAH-75FBH 30155-30204 Reserved
Port use
MSB first,
Byte[7-4]: reserved
75FCH-75FFH 30205-30208 Byte[3]: GE EGD (Data Producer)
Byte[2]: Modbus TCP Client
Byte[1]: Alarm/Email
Byte[0]: SNTP
Network Card #2 Settings
Network Generic Settings Block
7600H-7601H 30209-30210 IP Address
7602H-7603H 30211-30212 Subnet Mask
7604H-7605H 30213-30214 Default Gateway
7606H 30215 Byte[1]: Port 2 Baud Rate
Byte[0]: Gateway Delay
7607H 30216 Byte[1]: Mode
Byte[0]: Mode 2
7608H-760FH 30217-30224 Computer Name
7610H-7611H 30225-30226 DNS Server 1 IP Address
7612H-7613H 30227-30228 DNS Server 2 IP Address
7614H-7615H 30229-30230 Server / Service Enable Bits
7616H 30231 Email Port Number
7617H 30232 FTP Port Number

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
7618H-7621H 30233-30242 Reserved
Email Mode (MSB)
7622H 30243 Bit[15]: 0=authenicantion on; 1=authentication off
Bit[14]~Bit[0] = Not defined
7623H-7663H 30244-30308 Reserved
Email Client Settings
7664H-7683H 30309-30340 Email Server IP Address/name
7684H-76A3H 30341-30372 Administrator Email Address
76A4H-76C3H 30373-30404 Email Replay Address
76C4H-76E3H 30405-30436 Email Subject Text
76E4H-76F3H 30437-30452 Email username
76F4H-7703H 30453-30468 Email Password
FTP Client Settings
7704H-7713H 30469-30484 Username
7714H-7723H 30485-30500 Password
7724H-7763H 30501-30567 Startup Path/Directory
7764H-7783H 30565-30596 Server IP Address/Name
GE Protocol (EGD)
7784H-7785H 30597-30598 IP Address
7786H 30599 Update Interval(1=100msec to 65000=6500 seconds)
Byte[1]: Connection Type (0=broadsact, 1=multicast, 2=unicast)
7787H 30600
Byte[0]: Options (Bit[0]: 1=Use IP as Producer ID, 0=Use User
7788H-7789H 30601-30602 User Producer ID
778AH-778BH 30603-30604 Reserved
Byte[3]: Mode(0=disabled, 1=standard settings, 2=user settings,
3>= disabled)
778CH-778DH 30605-30606 Byte[2]: Bitmap (Bit[7]: TCP Enable, Bit[6]=UDP enable, Bit[5]:
Validate Ports, Bit[4]: UDP Defined Port)
Byte[1]: UDP Address
Byte[0]: Validate IP
778EH 30607 TCP Listen Port
778FH 30608 UDP Listen Port

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
7790H-7791H 30609-30610 Valid IP Address #1
7792H-7793H 30611-30612 Valid IP Address #2
7794H-7795H 30613-30614 Valid IP Address #3
7796H-7797H 30615-30616 Valid IP Address #4
7798H-7799H 30617-30618 Valid IP Subnet Mask #1
779AH-779BH 30619-30620 Valid IP Subnet Mask #2
779CH-779DH 30621-30622 Valid IP Subnet Mask #3
779EH-779FH 30623-30624 Valid IP Subnet Mask #4
77A0H-77A3H 30625-30628 Valid TCP Start Ports
77A4H-77A7H 30629-30632 Valid TCP End Ports
77A8H-77ABH 30633-30636 Valid UDP Start Ports
77ACH-77AFH 30637-30640 Valid UDP End Ports
77B0H-77B1H 30641-30642 Valid Multicast Group Address
77B2H 30643 Valid UDP Respond Port
77B3H 30644 Device Address
77B4H-77B7H 30645-30648 Reserved
SNTP Settings

Synch Source
MSB first,
77B8H 30649 Byte[1] - Synch Source: 0 = IRIG-B(default); 1 = SNTP; 2 = Line
synch; 3 = PTP (IEEE 1588); 255 = No synch; others = undefined.
Byte[0] - Mode: 0 = Unicast; 1 = Broadcast (not implemented)

77B9H 30651 Port Default to 123 if equal to 0x000 or 0xFFFF

77BAH 30652 Synch Rate in minute: >=1(default) and <= 1440 (24Hours)
77BBH 30652 Timeout in seconds: >=10(default) and <= 60
77BCH-77DBH 30653-30684 Server 1 Name or IP Address is ASCII character
77DCH-77FBH 30685-30716 Server 2 Name or IP Address is ASCII character
Port numbers
77FCH 30717 Web server listen port number, valid numbers > 0 and < 65536
77FDH 30718 FTP server control port number, valid numbers > 0 and < 65536
77FEH 30719 FTP server data port number, valid numbers > 0 and < 65536
77FFH 30720 GE EGD data port number, valid numbers > 0 and < 65536
IEC 61000-4-30: Block Settings
Voltage Boundary Hysteresis

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
7800H 30721 Phase A-N Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7801H 30722 Phase B-N Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7802H 30723 Phase C-N Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7803H 30724 Phase A-B Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7804H 30725 Phase B-C Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7805H 30726 Phase C-A Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7806H 30727 Phase X-N Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7807H 30728 Phase N-E Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7808H 30729 Phase A-E Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7809H 30730 Phase B-E Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
780AH 30731 Phase C-E Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
780BH 30732 Phase X-E Voltage Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
780CH 30733 Phase A-N Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
780DH 30734 Phase B-N Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
780EH 30735 Phase C-N Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
780FH 30736 Phase A-B Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7810H 30737 Phase B-C Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7811H 30738 Phase C-A Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7812H 30739 Phase X-N Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7813H 30740 Phase N-E Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7814H 30741 Phase A-E Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7815H 30742 Phase B-E Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7816H 30743 Phase C-E Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7817H 30744 Phase X-E Voltage Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
Current Boundary Hysteresis
7818H 30745 Phase A Current Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7819H 30746 Phase B Current Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
781AH 30747 Phase C Current Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
781BH 30748 Phase X Current Sag Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
781CH 30749 Phase A Current Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
781DH 30750 Phase B Current Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
781EH 30751 Phase C Current Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
781FH 30752 Phase X Current Swell Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
Voltage Boundary Interruptions
7820H 30753 Phase A-N Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7821H 30754 Phase B-N Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7822H 30755 Phase C-N Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
7823H 30756 Phase A-B Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7824H 30757 Phase B-C Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7825H 30758 Phase C-A Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7826H 30759 Phase X-N Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7827H 30760 Phase N-E Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7828H 30761 Phase A-E Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7829H 30762 Phase B-E Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7829H 30763 Phase C-E Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
782BH 30764 Phase X-E Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
Voltage Boundary Interruptions Hysteresis
782CH 30765 Phase A-N Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
782DH 30766 Phase B-N Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
782EH 30767 Phase C-N Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
782FH 30768 Phase A-B Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7830H 30769 Phase B-C Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7831H 30770 Phase C-A Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7832H 30771 Phase X-N Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7833H 30772 Phase N-E Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7834H 30773 Phase A-E Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7835H 30774 Phase B-E Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7836H 30775 Phase C-E Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7837H 30776 Phase X-E Voltage Setpoint 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
Voltage Nominal
7838H 30777 Phase A-N Voltage 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7839H 30778 Phase B-N Voltage 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
783AH 30779 Phase C-N Voltage 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
783BH 30780 Phase A-B Voltage 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
783CH 30781 Phase B-C Voltage 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
783DH 30782 Phase C-A Voltage 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
783EH-783FH 30783-30784 Reserved 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
Harmonic Subgroup Magnitude Threshould
7840H 30785 Order #0 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7841H 30786 Order #1 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7842H 30787 Order #2 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7843H 30788 Order #3 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7844H 30789 Order #4 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
7845H 30790 Order #5 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7846H 30791 Order #6 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7847H 30792 Order #7 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7848H 30793 Order #8 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7849H 30794 Order #9 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
784AH 30795 Order #10 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
784BH 30796 Order #11 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
784CH 30797 Order #12 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
784DH 30798 Order #13 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
784EH 30799 Order #14 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
784FH 30800 Order #15 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7850H 30801 Order #16 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7851H 30802 Order #17 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7852H 30803 Order #18 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7853H 30804 Order #19 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7854H 30805 Order #20 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7855H 30806 Order #21 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7856H 30807 Order #22 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7857H 30808 Order #23 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7858H 30809 Order #24 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7859H 30810 Order #25 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
785AH 30811 Order #26 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
785BH 30812 Order #27 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
785CH 30813 Order #28 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
785DH 30814 Order #29 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
785EH 30815 Order #30 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
785FH 30816 Order #31 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7860H 30817 Order #32 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7861H 30818 Order #33 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7862H 30819 Order #34 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7863H 30820 Order #35 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7864H 30821 Order #36 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7865H 30822 Order #37 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7866H 30823 Order #38 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7867H 30824 Order #39 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7868H 30825 Order #40 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
7869H 30826 Order #41 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
786AH 30827 Order #42 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
786BH 30828 Order #43 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
786CH 30829 Order #44 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
786DH 30830 Order #45 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
786EH 30831 Order #46 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
786FH 30832 Order #47 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7870H 30833 Order #48 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7871H 30834 Order #49 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7872H 30835 Order #50 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7873H 30836 Order #51 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
Interharmonic Subgroup Magnitude Threshould
7874H 30837 Order #0 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7875H 30838 Order #1 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7876H 30839 Order #2 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7877H 30840 Order #3 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7878H 30841 Order #4 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7879H 30842 Order #5 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
787AH 30843 Order #6 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
787BH 30844 Order #7 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
787CH 30845 Order #8 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
787DH 30846 Order #9 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
787EH 30847 Order #10 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
787FH 30848 Order #11 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7880H 30849 Order #12 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7881H 30850 Order #13 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7882H 30851 Order #14 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7883H 30852 Order #15 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7884H 30853 Order #16 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7885H 30854 Order #17 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7886H 30855 Order #18 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7887H 30856 Order #19 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7888H 30857 Order #20 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7889H 30858 Order #21 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
788AH 30859 Order #22 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
788BH 30860 Order #23 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
788CH 30861 Order #24 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
788DH 30862 Order #25 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
788EH 30863 Order #26 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
788FH 30864 Order #27 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7890H 30865 Order #28 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7891H 30866 Order #29 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7892H 30867 Order #30 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7893H 30868 Order #31 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7894H 30869 Order #32 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7895H 30870 Order #33 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7896H 30871 Order #34 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7897H 30872 Order #35 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7898H 30873 Order #36 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7899H 30874 Order #37 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
789AH 30875 Order #38 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
789BH 30876 Order #39 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
789CH 30877 Order #40 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
789DH 30878 Order #41 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
789EH 30879 Order #42 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
789FH 30880 Order #43 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78A0H 30881 Order #44 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78A1H 30882 Order #45 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78A2H 30883 Order #46 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78A3H 30884 Order #47 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78A4H 30885 Order #48 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78A5H 30886 Order #49 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78A6H 30887 Order #50 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78A7H 30888 Order #51 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
Harmonic Group Magnitude Threshold (Factory Use Only)
78A8H 30889 Order #0 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78A9H 30890 Order #1 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78AAH 30891 Order #2 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78ABH 30892 Order #3 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78ACH 30893 Order #4 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78ADH 30894 Order #5 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78AEH 30895 Order #6 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
78AFH 30896 Order #7 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78B0H 30897 Order #8 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78B1H 30898 Order #9 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78B2H 30899 Order #10 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78B3H 30900 Order #11 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78B4H 30901 Order #12 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78B5H 30902 Order #13 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78B6H 30903 Order #14 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78B7H 30904 Order #15 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78B8H 30905 Order #16 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78B9H 30906 Order #17 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78BAH 30907 Order #18 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78BBH 30908 Order #19 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78BCH 30909 Order #20 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78BDH 30910 Order #21 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78BEH 30911 Order #22 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78BFH 30912 Order #23 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78C0H 30913 Order #24 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78C1H 30914 Order #25 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78C2H 30915 Order #26 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78C3H 30916 Order #27 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78C4H 30917 Order #28 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78C5H 30918 Order #29 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78C6H 30919 Order #30 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78C7H 30920 Order #31 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78C8H 30921 Order #32 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78C9H 30922 Order #33 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78CAH 30923 Order #34 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78CBH 30924 Order #35 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78CCH 30925 Order #36 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78CDH 30926 Order #37 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78CEH 30927 Order #38 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78CFH 30928 Order #39 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78D0H 30929 Order #40 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78D1H 30930 Order #41 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78D2H 30931 Order #42 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
78D3H 30932 Order #43 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78D4H 30933 Order #44 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78D5H 30934 Order #45 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78D6H 30935 Order #46 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78D7H 30936 Order #47 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78D8H 30937 Order #48 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78D9H 30938 Order #49 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78DAH 30939 Order #50 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78DBH 30940 Order #51 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
Interharmonic Group Magnitude Threshold (Factory Use Only)
78DCH 30941 Order #0 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78DDH 30942 Order #1 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78DEH 30943 Order #2 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78DFH 30944 Order #3 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78E0H 30945 Order #4 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78E1H 30946 Order #5 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78E2H 30947 Order #6 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78E3H 30948 Order #7 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78E4H 30949 Order #8 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78E5H 30950 Order #9 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78E6H 30951 Order #10 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78E7H 30952 Order #11 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78E8H 30953 Order #12 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78E9H 30954 Order #13 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78EAH 30955 Order #14 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78EBH 30956 Order #15 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78ECH 30957 Order #16 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78EDH 30958 Order #17 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78EEH 30959 Order #18 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78EFH 30960 Order #19 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78F0H 30961 Order #20 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78F1H 30962 Order #21 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78F2H 30963 Order #22 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78F3H 30964 Order #23 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78F4H 30965 Order #24 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78F5H 30966 Order #25 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
78F6H 30967 Order #26 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78F7H 30968 Order #27 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78F8H 30969 Order #28 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78F9H 30970 Order #29 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78FAH 30971 Order #30 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78FBH 30972 Order #31 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78FCH 30973 Order #32 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78FDH 30974 Order #33 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78FEH 30975 Order #34 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
78FFH 30976 Order #35 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7900H 30977 Order #36 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7901H 30978 Order #37 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7902H 30979 Order #38 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7903H 30980 Order #39 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7904H 30981 Order #40 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7905H 30982 Order #41 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7906H 30983 Order #42 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7907H 30984 Order #43 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7908H 30985 Order #44 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7909H 30986 Order #45 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
790AH 30987 Order #46 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
790BH 30988 Order #47 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
790CH 30989 Order #48 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
790DH 30990 Order #49 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
790EH 30991 Order #50 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
790FH 30992 Order #51 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R

7910H 30993 Threshold Enable Channel # F108 R

7911H 30994 Mains Signalling Threshold 0% / +65535% 0.01% F10 R
7912H 30995 Mains Signalling Interharmonics Bin Start Number F51
7913H-791FH 30996-31008 Mains Signalling Interharmonics Bin Start Number F51
Overvoltage (Phase to Earth) Threshold
7920H 31009 Phase N-E Voltage Setpoint 0.00 / +655.35 Volts R
7921H 31010 Phase A-E Voltage Setpoint 0.00 / +655.35 Volts R
7922H 31011 Phase B-E Voltage Setpoint 0.00 / +655.35 Volts R
7923H 31012 Phase C-E Voltage Setpoint 0.00 / +655.35 Volts R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Byte[1]: Allowed Long Interruption in a Year.
Range from 0 to 100. Values>100 are equal to 100.
7924H 31013 Byte[0]: Rapid Voltage Change Data Source F112 R
0 = 10/12 Cycles Update RMS
1 = 1 Cycles Update RMS
2~255 = 10/12 Cycles Update RMS
Byte[1]: Supply Voltage Unbalance Upper Limit.
0 = Less than or equal to 2%
7925H 31014 1 = Less than or equal to 3% F112 R
2~255 = Less than or equal to 2%
Byte[0]: Voltage Dip Concern Threshold Phase A
see detail on modbus register below
Byte[1]: Voltage Dip Concern Threshold Phase B
Byte[0]: Voltage Dip Concern Threshold Phase C
0 = Greater than or equal to 10%
1 = Greater than or equal to 15%
2 = Greater than or equal to 20%
7926H 31015 3 = Greater than or equal to 30% F112 R
4 = Greater than or equal to 40%
5 = Greater than or equal to 50%
6 = Greater than or equal to 60%
7 = Greater than or equal to 70%
8 = Greater than or equal to 85%
9~255 = Greater than or equal to 85%
Byte[1]: First Day of Week
0 = Sunday
7927H 31016 F112 R
1 = Monday
2~255 = Sunday
Byte[0]: Not Defined
7928H 31017 Sliding Reference Usr Sag/Swell Enable for Voltage F77 R
7929H 31018 Sliding Reference Usr Sag/Swell Enable for Current F78 R
Interval Maximum/Minimum/Average

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Byte[1]: Interval
0 = Interval from Interval log 3
1 = Interval from Interval log 4
2 = Interval from Interval log 5
3 = Interval from Interval log 6
792AH 31019 4 = Interval from Interval log 7 F112 R
5 = Interval from Interval log 8
byte[0]: Readings
0 = 1 cycle (DSP2 channel 142)
1 = 10/12 cycle (DSP2 channel 130)
2 = 3 seconds (DSP2 channel 131)
3 = 10 minute (DSP2 channel 131)
792BH-7FFF 31021-32768 Not Defined R
TOU Status Section
8800H 34817 TOU Status F112 R
bits: -aaa ttts ssdd mmmm
aaa=active schedule(0-7), ttt=current rate(1-4), sss=current
season(1-4),week(1),day(1), dd=current daytype(0-3),
mmmm=current month(1-12)

8801H 34818 TOU profile update count since meter startup F51 R
8802H-8805H 34819-34822 Last TOU profile update time since meter startup F3 R
8806H 34823 reserved F51 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
8807H 34824 Detailed TOU status, when bit is set in the bit mask F51 R
0x8000=TOU is ready and running
0x4000=TOU is initializing
0x2000=TOU is in self-read mode
0x1000=TOU is in manual read mode
0x0800=Season block is customized as Weekly self-read
0x0400=Season block is customized as Daily self-read
0x0200=TOU profile update and re-initialization of TOU
0x0008=Error, block window average not triggered on time internal
in meter profile
0x0004=Meter profile has errors
0x0002=TOU profile validation found errors
0x0001=TOU profile has errors
8808H 34825 TOU Profile validation errors, when bit is set in the bit mask F51 R
0x0800=no schedule specified
0x0400=bad schedule in annual profile
0x0200=day type too big
0x0100=number used exceeded
0x0080=unsupported calendar format
0x0040=repeat is zero
0x0020=unsupported built-in day
0x0010=bad day of week
0x0008=week too big
0x0004=bad day in every month
0x0002=bad day of month
0x0001=month too big
8809H 34826 TOU profile update status code F51 R
0=No error/Update Idle
0xFFFF=Meter is checking the TOU profile, set by meter
after meter received all data
1=TOU update profile length error
2=TOU update profile header error
3=TOU update profile invalid device type
4=TOU update profile checksum error
5=TOU update profile validation failed
880AH-880FH 34827-34832 reserved F51 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
TOU Profile Section
8810H-8817H 34833-34840 TOU profile header F2 R/W
8818H 34841 TOU profile version F51 R/W
8819H 34842 reserved F51 R/W
881AH-881BH 34843-34844 TOU profile length F53 R/W
881CH-881FH 34845-34848 TOU profile modified date/time F3 R/W
8820H-8823H 34849-34852 reserved F51 R/W
8824H-882BH 34853-34860 TOU target device ID string F2 R/W
882CH 34861 TOU demand type F51 R/W
0=Sliding Window, 1=Block Window
882DH 34862 TOU demand interval, seconds F51 R/W
882EH-8835H 34863-34870 Scaled energy format IDs, byte array 0 to 15, for TOU energy F47/F R/W
accumulators in data sets 1 to 16. Value 0=no scaled energy format 49
used. Valid scaled energy formats are 1-52
8836H-883DH 34871-34878 Data Set Coincident Demand Type IDs, byte array 0 to 15, for F47/F R/W
coincident demand in data set 1 to 16. Value of 0=no type is 49
assigned, and thus meter will not apply PTCT multiplying factors.
Valid settings are from 1-30
883EH-884FH 34879-34896 reserved F51 R/W
8850H-8A11H 34897-35346 Calendar entries F123 R/W
3 registers (6 bytes) each, 150 entries total
8A12H-8A43H 35347-35396 Rate Change List F124 R/W
50 entries total
8A44H-8A4BH 35397-35404 Schedule Indexs F119 R/W
array 0-49
8A4CH-8A52H 35405-35411 Day type assignments F51 R/W
7 entries, 1st= Sun type…7th=Sat type
value 0-3

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
8A53H-8A62H 35412-35427 Annual Profile F51 R/W
4x4 table of seasons vs. day types. Data specifies the schedule to
use for all days of that type in a given season. First 4 registers are
Season 0, next 4 are Season 1, etc. Registers 1 to 4 within a season
block are for Holiday, Day Type 1, Day Type 2 and Day Type 3.
Assigning 16 to unused cells is recommended. For week and day,
only 1x4 is available.

8A63H 35428 Accumulator #1 Register Identifier F51 R/W

(Data's Modbus register address)
8A64H 35429 Peak Demand Register #1 Identifier F51 R/W
(Data's Modbus register address)
8A65H 35430 Coincident Demand Register #1 Identifier R51 R/W
(Data's Modbus register address)
8A66H 35431 Monitored Data Set #1 Options F125 R/W
8A67H-8A6EH 35432-35438 Label for Data Set #1 F2 R/W
8A6FH-8A76H 35439-35446 Label for Accumulator of set #1 F2 R/W
8A77H-8A7EH 35447-35454 Label for Peak Demand of set #1 F2 R/W
8A7FH-8A86H 35455-35462 Label for Coincident Demand of set #1 F2 R/W
8A87H-8A8EH 35463-35470 Label for Cumulative Demand of set #1 F2 R/W
8A8FH-8D22H 35471-36130 Definition of Monitored Data Sets #2 - #16 R/W
8D23H-8D2AH 36131-36138 reserved F51 R/W
8D2BH-8D42H 36139-36162 Label for day types 1, 2, 3 F2 R/W
8D43H-8D4AH 36163-36170 Label for total rate F2 R/W
8D4BH-8D6AH 36171-36202 Labels for rates 1 - 4 F2 R/W
8D6BH-8E62H 36203-36450 Labels for holidays 1 - 31 F2 R/W
8E63H-8EC2H 36451-36546 Labels for months 1 - 12 F2 R/W
8EC3H-8EE2H 36547-36578 Labels for seasons 1 - 4, or week 1, or day 1 F2 R/W
8EE3H 36579 Month Self Read Time of Day F112 R/W
high byte is hour (0-23), low byte is minute (5, 15, 30, 60); must be
aligned with the demand interval
8EE4H 36580 Season/week/day Self Read Time of Day F112 R/W
high byte is hour (0-23), low byte is minute (5, 15, 30, 60); must be
aligned with the demand interval

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
8EE5H 36581 Number of months F51 R/W
If number of months = 0, all month data will be month 1; similarly
if number of seasons = 0, all season data will be season 1.

8EE6H 36582 Number of seasons F51 R/W

If number of months = 0, all month data will be month 1; similarly
if number of seasons = 0, all season data will be season 1.

8EE7H 36583 Number of day types F51 R/W

8EE8H 36584 TOU Option bits F51 R/W
0x0001= for customized weekly and daily self-read setup (breaks
the linke between season and month data)
8EE9H-8EEFH 36585-36592 reserved F51 R/W
8EF0H-8EFEH 36593-36607 TOU profile footer F51 R/W
8EFFH 36608 TOU profile checksum F51 R/W
CRC16, MSB first
8F00H-8F7FH 36609-36736 reserved F51 R
Dual Port Reading Block

8F80H-8FBFH 36737-36800 128 bytes of Dual Port Readings are available at these registers 128 bytes R
Historical Log 1 Snapshot Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9000H-9001H 36865-36866 Historical Log 1 Snapshot Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9002H 36867 Historical Log 1 Snapshot Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9003H 36868 Historical Log 1 Snapshot First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9004H 36869 Historical Log 1 Snapshot Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9005H-9008H 36870-36873 Historical Log 1 Snapshot First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9009H-900CH 36874-36877 Historical Log 1 Snapshot Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
900DH-9010H 36878-36881 Historical Log 1 Snapshot Valid Bitmap R
9011H 36882 Historical Log 1 Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9012H 36883 Historical Log 1 Reset Status
Historical Log 2 Snapshot Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9040H-9041H 36929-36930 Historical Log 2 Snapshot Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9042H 36931 Historical Log 2 Snapshot Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9043H 36932 Historical Log 2 Snapshot First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
9044H 36933 Historical Log 2 Snapshot Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9045H-9048H 36934-36937 Historical Log 2 Snapshot First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9049H-904CH 36938-36941 Historical Log 2 Snapshot Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
904DH-9050H 36942-36945 Historical Log 2 Snapshot Valid Bitmap R
9051H 36946 Historical Log 2 Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9052H 36947 Historical Log 2 Reset Status
Limit Trigger Log Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9080H-9081H 36993-36994 Limit Trigger Log Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9082H 36995 Limit Trigger Log Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9083H-9084H 36996-36997 Limit Trigger Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9085H-9086H 36998-36999 Limit Trigger Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9087H-908AH 37000-37003 Limit Trigger Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
908BH-908EH 37004-37007 Limit Trigger Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
908FH-9092H 37008-37011 Limit Trigger Log Valid Bitmap R
9093H-9094H 37012-37013 Limit Trigger Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9095H-9096H 37014-37015 Limit Trigger Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9097H 37016 Limit Trigger Reset Status
Limit Snapshot Log Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
90C0H-90C1H 37057-37058 Limit Snapshot Log Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
90C2H 37059 Limit Snapshot Log Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
90C3H-90C4H 37060-37061 Limit Snapshot Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
90C5H-90C1H 37062-37063 Limit Snapshot Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
90C7H-90CAH 37064-37067 Limit Snapshot Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
90CBH-90CEH 37068-37071 Limit Snapshot Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
90CFH-90D2H 37072-37075 Limit Snapshot Log Valid Bitmap R
90D3H-90D4H 37076-37077 Limit Snapshot Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
90D5H-90D6H 37078-37079 Limit Snapshot Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
Digital Input Log Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9100H-9101H 37121-37122 Digital Input Log Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9102H 37123 Digital Input Log Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9103H-9104H 37124-37125 Digital Input Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9105H-9106H 37126-37127 Digital Input Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9107H-910AH 37128-37131 Digital Input Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
910BH-910EH 37132-37135 Digital Input Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
910FH-9112H 37136-37139 Digital Input Log Valid Bitmap R
9113H-9114H 37140-37141 Digital Input Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9115H-9116H 37142-37143 Digital Input Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9117H 37144 Digital Input Log Reset Status
Digital Input Snapshot Log Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9140H-9141H 37185-37186 Digital Input Snapshot Log Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9142H 37187 Digital Input Snapshot Log Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9143H-9144H 37188-37289 Digital Input Snapshot Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9145H-9146H 37190-37191 Digital Input Snapshot Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9147H-914AH 37192-37195 Digital Input Snapshot Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
914BH-914EH 37196-37199 Digital Input Snapshot Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
914FH-9152H 37200-37203 Digital Input Snapshot Log Valid Bitmap R
9153H-9154H 37204-37205 Digital Input Snapshot Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9155H-9156H 37206-37207 Digital Input Snapshot Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
Digital Output Log Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9180H-9181H 37249-37250 Digital Output Log Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9182H 37251 Digital Output Log Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9183H-9184H 37252-37253 Digital Output Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9185H-9186H 37254-37255 Digital Output Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9187H-918AH 37256-37259 Digital Output Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
918BH-918EH 37260-37263 Digital Output Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
918FH-9192H 37264-37267 Digital Output Log Valid Bitmap R
9193H-9194H 37268-37269 Digital Output Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9195H-9196H 37270-37271 Digital Output Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9197H 37272 Digital Output Log Reset Status
Digital Output Snapshot Log Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
91C0H-91C1H 37313-37314 Digital Output Snapshot Log Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
91C2H 37315 Digital Output Snapshot Log Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
91C3H-91C4H 37316-37317 Digital Output Snapshot Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
91C5H-91C6H 37318-37319 Digital Output Snapshot Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
91C7H-91CAH 37320-37323 Digital Output Snapshot Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
91CBH-91CEH 37324-37327 Digital Output Snapshot Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
91CFH-91D2H 37328-37331 Digital Output Snapshot Log Valid Bitmap R
91D3H-91D4H 37332-37333 Digital Output Snapshot Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
91D5H-91D6H 37334-37335 Digital Output Snapshot Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
Flicker Log Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9200H-9201H 37377-37378 Flicker Log Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9202H 37379 Flicker Log Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9203H-9204H 37380-37381 Flicker Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9205H-9206H 37382-37383 Flicker Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9207H-920AH 37384-37387 Flicker Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
920BH-920EH 37388-37391 Flicker Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
920FH-9212H 37392-37395 Flicker Log Valid Bitmap R
9213H-9214H 37396-37397 Flicker Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9215H-9216H 37398-37399 Flicker Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9217H 37400 Flicker Log Reset Status
Waveform Trigger Log Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9240H-9241H 37441-37442 Waveform Trigger Log Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9242H 37443 Waveform Trigger Log Reset Status
9243H-9244H 37444-37445 Waveform Trigger Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9245H-9246H 37446-37447 Waveform Trigger Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9247H-924AH 37448-37451 Waveform Trigger Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
924BH-924EH 37452-37455 Waveform Trigger Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
924FH-9252H 37456-37459 Waveform Trigger Log Valid Bitmap R
9253H-9254H 37460-37461 Waveform Trigger Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9255H-9256H 37462-37463 Waveform Trigger Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9257H-9258H 37464-37465 Waveform Trigger Log Record Size 65535 records / 0 bytes 1 record R
System Event Log Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9280H-9281H 37505-37506 System Event Log Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9282H 37507 System Event Log Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9283H 37508 System Event Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9284H 37509 System Event Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9285H-9288H 37510-37513 System Event Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9289H-928CH 37514-37517 System Event Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
928DH-9290H 37518-37521 System Event Log Valid Bitmap R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
9291H-9292H 37522-37523 System Event Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9293H-9294H 37524-37525 System Event Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9295H 37526 System Event Log Reset Status
Transient Log Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
92C0H-92C1H 37569-37570 Transient Log Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
92C2H 37571 Transient Log Reset Status
92C3H-92C4H 37572-37573 Transient Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
92C5H-92C6H 37574-37575 Transient Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
92C7H-92CAH 37576-37579 Transient Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
92CBH-92CEH 37580-37583 Transient Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
92CFH-92D2H 37584-37587 Transient Log Valid Bitmap R
92D3H-92D4H 37588-37589 Transient Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
92D5H-92D6H 37590-37591 Transient Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
92D7H-92D8H 37592-37593 Transient Log Record Size 65535 records / 0 bytes 1 record R
PQ (CBEMA) Log Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9300H-9301H 37633-37634 PQ (CBEMA) Log Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9302H 37635 PQ (CBEMA) Log Record Size 65535 records / 0 bytes 1 record R
9303H-9304H 37636-37637 PQ (CBEMA) Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9305H-9306H 37638-37639 PQ (CBEMA) Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9307H-930AH 37640-37643 PQ (CBEMA) Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
930BH-930EH 37644-37647 PQ (CBEMA) Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
93CFH-93D2H 37648-37651 PQ (CBEMA) Log Valid Bitmap R
93D3H-93D4H 37652-37653 PQ (CBEMA) Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
93D5H-93D6H 37654-37655 PQ (CBEMA) Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
93D7H 37656 PQ (CBEMA) Log Reset Status
External Device Info Block Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9380H-9381H 37761-37762 External Device Info Block Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9382H 37763 External Device Info Block Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9383H 37764 External Device Info Block First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9384H 37765 External Device Info Block Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9385H-9388H 37766-37769 External Device Info Block First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9389H-938CH 37770-37773 External Device Info Block Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
938DH-9390H 37774-37777 External Device Info Block Valid Bitmap R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
9391H 37778 External Device Info Block Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
External Device Programming Block Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
93C0H-93C1H 37825-37826 External Device Programming Block Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
93C2H 37827 External Device Programming Block Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
93C3H 37828 External Device Programming Block First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
93C4H 37829 External Device Programming Block Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
93C5H-93C8H 37830-37833 External Device Programming Block First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
93C9H-93CCH 37834-37837 External Device Programming Block Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
93CDH-93D0H 37838-37841 External Device Programming Block Valid Bitmap R
93D1H 37842 External Device Programming Block Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
Device History Block Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9400H-9401H 37889-37890 Device History Block Memory Size - oBsolet bytes 1 byte R
9402H 37891 Device History Block Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9403H 37892 Device History Block First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9404H 37893 Device History Block Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9405H-9408H 37894-37897 Device History Block First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9409H-940CH 37898-37901 Device History Block Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
940DH-9410H 37902-37905 Device History Block Valid Bitmap R
9411H 37906 Device History Block Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
Direct Memory Access Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9440H-9441H 37953-37954 Direct Memory Access Memory Size Obsolete bytes 1 byte R
9442H 37955 Direct Memory Access Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9443H 37956 Direct Memory Access First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9444H 37957 Direct Memory Access Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9445H-9448H 37958-37961 Direct Memory Access First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9449H-944CH 37962-37965 Direct Memory Access Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
944DH-9450H 37966-37969 Direct Memory Access Valid Bitmap R
9451H 37970 Direct Memory Access Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
Debug Update Buffer Register
Bit 0[LSB] – 0= disable update/save buffer into the file, 1= enable
update/save buffer into the file
Bit 1 – update buffer (this bit is read 0 all time)
9452H 37971 Bit 2-15 - undefined R/W

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

Debug Information Selection Register (non-increment)

0x00000 – Time of the last update; 0x00001 - General SIU, window 1 / Touch
screen description window 1; 0x00002 – General SIU, window 2 / Touch
screen last data/index window 1; 0x00003 - Memory Controller, window 1 /
Touch screen raw data window 1; 0x00004 – Memory Controller, window 2 /
Touch screen raw data window 2; 0x00005 - Memory Controller, window 3 /
Touch screen scaled data window 1; 0x00006 - Memory Controller, window 4
Touch screen scaled data window 2; 0x00007 – Interrupt Controller, window 1
/ Touch screen serial input buffer window 1; 0x00008 – Interrupt Controller,
window 2 / Touch screen serial input buffer window 2; 0x00009 –
Input/Output Port, window 1 / Touch screen serial input buffer window 3;
0x0000A – Input/Output Port, window 2 / Touch screen serial input buffer
window 4; 0x0000B – Input/Output Port, window 3 / Touch screen serial input
buffer window 5; 0x0000C – SCC1 / Touch screen serial input buffer window
6; 0x0000D – SCC3 / Touch screen undefined; 0x0000E – SCC4 / Touch
screen undefined; 0x0000F – SMC1 / Touch screen undefined; 0x00010 -
SMC2 / Touch screen undefined; 0x00011- DSP2 channel 132, window 1 /
Touch screen undefined; 0x00012 – DSP2 channel 132, window 2 / Touch
screen undefined; 0x00013 – DSP2 channel 132, window 3 / Touch screen
undefined; 0x00014 - DSP2 channel 133, window 1 / Touch screen undefined;
0x00015 – DSP2 channel 133, window 2 / Touch screen undefined; 0x00016 –
DSP2 channel 133, window 3 / Touch screen undefined;
0x00017- DSP2 channel 134, window 1 / Touch screen undefined; 0x00018 –
DSP2 channel 134, window 2 / Touch screen undefined; 0x00019 – DSP2
channel 134, window 3 / Touch screen undefined; 0x0001A- DSP2 channel
135, window 1 / Touch screen undefined; 0x0001B– DSP2 channel 135,
window 2 / Touch screen undefined; 0x0001C – DSP2 channel 135, window 3
/ Touch screen undefined; 0x0001D-0x0004F – Task status, this cover 10200
bytes / Touch screen undefined; 0x00050-0x000AA - Semaphore status, this
cover 18200 bytes / Touch screen undefined;
9453H 37972 0x000AB-0x000CC - Undefined R/W

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Debug Information Window Register
Returns up to 100 registers (200 bytes) of debug information,
where the meaning and formats of each byte in the window
depends on the selection in debug information selection
9454-94B7H 37973-38072 register (0x9453) R
Debug Information Selection Register (increment)
This register is related to debug information selection
register (0x9453). It is read only, and when read,
returns the same value that reading 0x9553 would
return. However, reading this register increments
the debug information selection value after the value
has been reported, effecting subsequent reads of 0x9453,
the window 0x9454-0x94B7, and 0x94B8 itself.
94B8H 38073 R
SRAM block number: Set the SRAM block number that it is going
94B9H 38074 to be retrieved. W
Debug enabled and mode :It can be set writing into this register.
The lower byte set the enabled (when it is xx00 the debug is
disabled and when it is xxx01 the debug is enabled). The higher
byte set the debug mode, which kind of data is going to
reported/updated (when it is set to 00xx NX1500_1.dbg file is
reported/update when it is set to 01xx NX1500_2.dbg file is
94BAH 38075 reported or updated. W

Indicates the path where in our system the pause/running dummy

files, which are used during the log download proccess, are saved.
2 = \vf\RUNNING\
94FFH 38144 R
Window Index Block
9500H 38145 Window Index for Historical Log 1 record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
9501H 38146 Window Index for Historical Log 2 record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
9502H 38147 Window Index for Limit Trigger Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
9503H 38148 Window Index for Limit Snapshot Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
9504H 38149 Window Index for Digital Input Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
9505H 38150 Window Index for Digital Input Snapshot Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
9506H 38151 Window Index for Digital Output Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
9507H 38152 Window Index for Digital Output Snapshot Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
9508H 38153 Window Index for Flicker Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
9509H 38154 Window Index for Waveform Trigger Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
950AH 38155 Window Index for System Event Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
950BH 38156 Window Index for Waveform Sample Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
950CH 38157 Window Index for PQ (CBEMA) Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
950DH 38158 Window Index for Reset Log record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
950EH 38159 Window Index for External Device Info Block record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
950FH 38160 Window Index for External Device Programming Blocks record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
9510H 38161 Window Index for Device History Block record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
9511H 38162 Window Index for Direct Memory Access record 65535 / record 0 1 record R/W
Window Mode Block
9540H 38209 Window Mode for Historical Log 1 R/W Ch.5
9541H 38210 Window Mode for Historical Log 2 R/W Ch.5
9542H 38211 Window Mode for Limit Trigger Log R/W Ch.5
9543H 38212 Window Mode for Limit Snapshot Log R/W Ch.5
9544H 38213 Window Mode for Digital Input Log R/W Ch.5
9545H 38214 Window Mode for Digital Input Snapshot Log R/W Ch.5
9546H 38215 Window Mode for Digital Output Log R/W Ch.5
9547H 38216 Window Mode for Digital Output Snapshot Log R/W Ch.5
9548H 38217 Window Mode for Flicker Log R/W Ch.5
9549H 38218 Window Mode for Waveform Trigger Log R/W Ch.5
954AH 38219 Window Mode for System Event Log R/W Ch.5
954BH 38220 Window Mode for Waveform Samples Log R/W Ch.5
954CH 38221 Window Mode for PQ (CBEMA) Log R/W Ch.5
954DH 38222 Window Mode for Reset Log R/W Ch.5
954EH 38223 Window Mode for External Device Info Block R/W Ch.5
954FH 38224 Window Mode for External Device Programming Blocks R/W Ch.5
9550H 38225 Window Mode for Device History Block R/W Ch.5
9551H 38226 Window Mode for Direct Memory Access R/W Ch.5
Window Block
9580H-95BFH 38273-38336 Historical Log 1 Window R Ch.5

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
95C0H-95FFH 38337-38400 Historical Log 2 Window R Ch.5
9600H-963FH 38401-38464 Limit Trigger Log Window R Ch.5
9640H-967FH 38465-38528 Limit Snapshot Log Window R Ch.5
9680H-96BFH 38529-38592 Digital Input Log Window R Ch.5
96C0H-96FFH 38593-38656 Digital Input Snapshot Log Window R Ch.5
9700H-973FH 38657-38720 Digital Output Log Window R Ch.5
9740H-977FH 38721-38784 Digital Output Snapshot Log Window R Ch.5
9780H-97BFH 38785-38848 Flicker Log Window R Ch.5
97C0H-97FFH 38849-38912 Waveform Trigger Log Window R Ch.5
9800H-983FH 38913-38976 System Event Log Window R Ch.5
9840H-987FH 38977-39040 Waveform Samples Log Window R Ch.5
9880H-98BFH 39041-39104 PQ (CBEMA) Log Window R Ch.5
98C0H-98FFH 39105-39168 Reset Log Window R Ch.5
9900H-993FH 39169-39232 External Device Info Block Window R Ch.5
9940H-997FH 39233-39296 External Device Programming Block Window R Ch.5
9980H-99BFH 39297-39360 Device History Block Window R Ch.5
Auto Increment Window Block
99FEH 39423 Auto Increment Configuration R Ch.5
99FFH 39424 Auto Increment Window Index R Ch.5
9A00H-9A3FH 39425-39488 Auto Increment Log Window R Ch.5
Historical Log 3 Snapshot Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9E00H-9E01H 40449-40450 Historical Log 3 Snapshot Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9E02H 40451 Historical Log 3 Snapshot Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9E03H-9E04H 40452-40453 Historical Log 3 Snapshot First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9E05H-9E06H 40454-40455 Historical Log 3 Snapshot Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9E07H-9E0AH 40456-40459 Historical Log 3 Snapshot First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9E0BH-9E0EH 40460-40463 Historical Log 3 Snapshot Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9E0FH-9E12H 40464-40467 Historical Log 3 Snapshot Valid Bitmap R
9E13H-9E14H 40468-40469 Historical Log 3 Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9E15H-9E16H 40470-40471 Historical Log 3 Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9E17H 40472 Historical Log 3 Reset Status
Historical Log 4 Snapshot Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9E40H-9E41H 40513-40514 Historical Log 4 Snapshot Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9E42H 40515 Historical Log 4 Snapshot Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
9E43H-9E44H 40516-40517 Historical Log 4 Snapshot First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9E45H-9E46H 40518-40519 Historical Log 4 Snapshot Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9E47H-9E4AH 40520-40523 Historical Log 4 Snapshot First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9E4BH-9E4EH 40524-40527 Historical Log 4 Snapshot Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9E4FH-9E52H 40528-40531 Historical Log 4 Snapshot Valid Bitmap R
9E53H-9E54H 40532-40533 Historical Log 4 Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9E55H-9E56H 40534-40535 Historical Log 4 Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9E57H 40536 Historical Log 4 Reset Status
Historical Log 5 Snapshot Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9E80H-9E81H 40577-40578 Historical Log 5 Snapshot Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9E82H 40579 Historical Log 5 Snapshot Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9E83H-9E84H 40580-40581 Historical Log 5 Snapshot First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9E85H-9E86H 40582-40583 Historical Log 5 Snapshot Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9E87H-9E8AH 40584-40587 Historical Log 5 Snapshot First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9E8BH-9E8EH 40588-40591 Historical Log 5 Snapshot Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9E8FH-9E92H 40592-40595 Historical Log 5 Snapshot Valid Bitmap R
9E93H-9E94H 40596-40597 Historical Log 5 Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9E95H-9E96H 40598-40599 Historical Log 5 Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9E97H 40600 Historical Log 5 Reset Status
Historical Log 6 Snapshot Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9EC0H-9EC1H 40641-40642 Historical Log 6 Snapshot Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9EC2H 40643 Historical Log 6 Snapshot Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9EC3H-9EC4H 40644-40645 Historical Log 6 Snapshot First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9EC5H-9EC6H 40646-40647 Historical Log 6 Snapshot Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9EC7H-9ECAH 40648-40651 Historical Log 6 Snapshot First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9ECBH-9ECEH 40652-40655 Historical Log 6 Snapshot Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9ECFH-9ED2H 40656-40659 Historical Log 6 Snapshot Valid Bitmap R
9ED3H-9ED4H 40660-40661 Historical Log 6 Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9ED5H-9ED6H 40662-40663 Historical Log 6 Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9ED7H 40664 Historical Log 6 Reset Status
Historical Log 7 Snapshot Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9F00H-9F01H 40705-40706 Historical Log 7 Snapshot Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9F02H 40707 Historical Log 7 Snapshot Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
9F03H-9F04H 40708-40709 Historical Log 7 Snapshot First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9F05H-9F06H 40710-40711 Historical Log 7 Snapshot Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9F07H-9F0AH 40712-40715 Historical Log 7 Snapshot First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9F0BH-9F0EH 40716-40719 Historical Log 7 Snapshot Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9F0FH-9F12H 40720-40723 Historical Log 7 Snapshot Valid Bitmap R
9F13H-9F14H 40724-40725 Historical Log 7 Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9F15H-9F16H 40726-40726 Historical Log 7 Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9F17H 40728 Historical Log 7 Reset Status
Historical Log 8 Snapshot Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9F40H-9F41H 40769-40770 Historical Log 8 Snapshot Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9F42H 40771 Historical Log 8 Snapshot Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9F43H-9F44H 40772-40773 Historical Log 8 Snapshot First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9F45H-9F46H 40774-40775 Historical Log 8 Snapshot Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9F47H-9F4AH 40776-40779 Historical Log 8 Snapshot First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9F4BH-9F4EH 40780-40783 Historical Log 8 Snapshot Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9F4FH-9F52H 40784-40787 Historical Log 8 Snapshot Valid Bitmap R
9F53H-9F54H 40788-40789 Historical Log 8 Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9F55H-9F56H 40790-40791 Historical Log 8 Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9F57H 40792 Historical Log 8 Reset Status
Event Triggered Log Snapshot Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9F80H-9F81H 40833-40834 Event Triggered Log Snapshot Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9F82H 40835 Event Triggered Log Snapshot Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
9F83H-9F84H 40836-40837 Event Triggered Log Snapshot First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9F85H-9F86H 40838-40839 Event Triggered Log Snapshot Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9F87H-9F8AH 40840-40843 Event Triggered Log Snapshot First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9F8BH-9F8EH 40844-40847 Event Triggered Log Snapshot Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9F8FH-9F92H 40848-40851 Event Triggered Log Snapshot Valid Bitmap R
9F93H-9F94H 40852-40853 Event Triggered Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9F95H-9F96H 40854-40855 Event Triggered Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9F97H 40856 Event Triggered Log Reset Status
EN50160 Log Snapshot Header
4,294,967,295 bytes / 0
9FC0H-9FC1H 40897-40898 EN50160 Log Snapshot Memory Size bytes 1 byte R
9FC2H 40899 EN50160 Log Snapshot Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
9FC3H-9FC4H 40900-40901 EN50160 Log Snapshot First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9FC5H-9FC6H 40902-40903 EN50160 Log Snapshot Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
9FC7H-9FCAH 40904-40907 EN50160 Log Snapshot First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9FCBH-9FCEH 40908-40911 EN50160 Log Snapshot Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
9FCFH-9FD2H 40912-40915 EN50160 Log Snapshot Valid Bitmap R
9FD3H-9FD4H 40916-40917 EN50160 Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9FD5H-9FD6H 40918-40919 EN50160 Log Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
9FD7H 40920 EN50160 Log Reset Status
TOU Action Log Header
A100H-A101H 41217-41218 TOU action Log Memory Size 4,294,967,295 bytes / 0 1 byte R
A102H 41219 TOU action Log Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
A103H-A104H 41220-41221 TOU action Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
A105H-A106H 41222-41223 TOU action Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
A107H-A10AH 41224-41227 TOU action Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
A10BH-A10EH 41228-41229 TOU action Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
A10FH-A112H 41230-41233 TOU action Log Valid Bitmap R
A113H-A114H 41234-41237 TOU action Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
A115H-A116H 41238-41239 TOU action Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
A117H 41240 TOU action Log Reset Status
TOU Month Season Log Header
A140H-A141H 41281-41282 TOU Month Season Log Memory Size 4,294,967,295 bytes / 0 1 byte R
A142H 41283 TOU Month Season Log Record Size 65535 bytes / 0 bytes 1 byte R
A143H-A144H 41284-41285 TOU Month Season Log First Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
A145H-A146H 41286-41287 TOU Month Season Log Last Index record 65535 / record 0 1 record R
A147H-A14AH 41288-41291 TOU Month Season Log First Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
A14BH-A14EH 41292-41295 TOU Month Season Log Last Time Stamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec R
A14FH-A152H 41296-41299 TOU Month Season Log Valid Bitmap R
A153H-A154H 41300-41301 TOU Month Season Log Max Records 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
A155H-A156H 41302-41303 TOU Month Season Records in Log 65535 records / 0 records 1 record R
A157H 41304 TOU Month Season Log Reset Status
Port Control Block
A300H 41729 Port Control Command W Ch.5
A301H-A303H 41730-41732 Port Control Lock States R Ch.5
A304H 41733 Port Control Pointer RecIn Comm 4 (I/O) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A305H 41734 Port Control Pointer RecOut Comm 4 (I/O) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A306H 41735 Port Control Pointer TrmIn Comm 4 (I/O) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
A307H 41736 Port Control Pointer TrmOut Comm 4 (I/O) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A308H 41737 Port Control Pointer RecIn Comm 3 byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A309H 41738 Port Control Pointer RecOut Comm 3 byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A30AH 41739 Port Control Pointer TrmIn Comm 3 byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A30BH 41740 Port Control Pointer TrmOut Comm 3 byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A30CH 41741 Port Control Pointer RecIn Comm 2 byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A30DH 41742 Port Control Pointer RecOut Comm 2 byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A30EH 41743 Port Control Pointer TrmIn Comm 2 byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A30FH 41744 Port Control Pointer TrmOut Comm 2 byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A310H 41745 Port Control Pointer RecIn Comm 1 (232/485) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A311H 41746 Port Control Pointer RecOut Comm 1 (232/485) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A312H 41747 Port Control Pointer TrmIn Comm 1 (232/485) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A313H 41748 Port Control Pointer TrmOut Comm 1 (232/485) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A314H 41749 Port Control Pointer RecIn Comm 5 (DIAG) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A315H 41750 Port Control Pointer RecOut Comm 5 (DIAG) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A316H 41751 Port Control Pointer TrmIn Comm 5 (DIAG) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A317H 41752 Port Control Pointer TrmOut Comm 5 (DIAG) byte 511 / byte 0 1 byte R/W Ch.5
A318H 41753 Port and Buffer Selection R/W Ch.5
A400H-A5FFH 41985-42496 Communication Buffer R/W Ch.5
DSP2 Channel Block
A600H-AA69H 42497-43626 Channel 132, 133, 134,135,136 R
Ethernet Speed and Link Status
AA6A 43627 F51 R
Ethernet 1, bit mask 0x0008, 1=Auto-Negotiation(should always be
1), 0=manual. bit maxk 0x0002, 1=100Mb, 0=10Mb. bit mask
0x0001, 1=full duplex, 0=half duplex. 0xFFFF is invalid value.
AA6B 43628 Ethernet 1, bit mask 0x0004, 1=link is up, 0=link is down. F51 R
0xFFFF is invalid value.
AA6C 43629 F51 R
Ethernet 2, bit mask 0x0008, 1=Auto-Negotiation(should always be
1), 0=manual. bit maxk 0x0002, 1=100Mb, 0=10Mb. bit mask
0x0001, 1=full duplex, 0=half duplex. 0xFFFF is invalid value.
AA6D 43630 Ethernet 2, bit mask 0x0004, 1=link is up, 0=link is down. F51 R
0xFFFF is invalid value.
PPC - DSP2 generic channel access protocol block
AA6EH 43631 Status/Channel selection R/W REF[9]

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
AA6FH-AB6EH 43632-44143 Read/Write from/to channel R/W REF[9]
DSP2 Channel Block - Cont.
AB6FH-AC6EH 43888-43887 Channel 129 R
Reserved Block
ADC0H-ADFFH 44481-44544 Reserved R
Test Mode: Preset Energy Update
AE00H 44545 Preset Energy File Block Index W
AE01H-AE20H 44546-44577 Preset Energy File Block W
R: Preset Energy File Update Status:
0x0000 - Update file not allowed
0x0001 - Update file start
0x0002 - Update file progress
0x0003 - Update file sucess
AE21H 44578 R/W
0x0004 - Update file fail(bad format)
0x0005 - Update file fail(bad crc)
0x0006 - Update file fail(timeout)
0xFFFF - Update file allow
W: Preset Energy File checksum
DSP2 Channel Block - Cont.
AF00H-AFFFH 44801-45056 Channel 142 R
Programmable Settings Block 1 (Range: B000H - CFFFH)
Communication Settings Block
B000H 45057 Address, Port 4 (I/O) R
B001H 45058 Protocol & Baud Rate, Port 4 (I/O) R
B002H 45059 Parity & Stop Bits, Port 4 (I/O) R
B003H 45060 Data Bits & Response Delay, Port 4(I/O) R
B004H 45061 Address, Port 3 R
B005H 45062 Protocol & Baud Rate, Port 3 R
B006H 45063 Parity & Stop Bits, Port 3 R
B007H 45064 Data Bits & Response Delay, Port 3 R
B008H 45065 Address, Port 2 R
B009H 45066 Protocol & Baud Rate, Port 2 R
B00AH 45067 Parity & Stop Bits, Port 2 R
B00BH 45068 Data Bits & Response Delay, Port 2 R
B00CH 45069 Address, Port 1 (232/485) R
B00DH 45070 Protocol & Baud Rate, Port 1 (232/485) R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B00EH 45071 Parity & Stop Bits, Port 1 (232/485) R
B00FH 45072 Data Bits & Response Delay, Port 1 (232/485) R
B010H 45073 Port 4 (I/O) Mode / Port 3 Mode R
B011H 45074 Port 2 Mode / Port 1 Mode R
B012H 45075 Reserved
B013H 45076 Reserved
Limit Settings Block
B014H 45077 Line Number, Limit 1 R
B015H 45078 Point Number and SAB, Limit 1 R
B016H 45079 Value 1, Limit 1 R
B017H 45080 Value 2, Limit 1 R
B018H 45081 Line Number, Limit 2 R
B019H 45082 Point Number and SAB, Limit 2 R
B01AH 45083 Value 1, Limit 2 R
B01BH 45084 Value 2, Limit 2 R
B01CH 45085 Line Number, Limit 3 R
B01DH 45086 Point Number and SAB, Limit 3 R
B01EH 45087 Value 1, Limit 3 R
B01FH 45088 Value 2, Limit 3 R
B020H 45089 Line Number, Limit 4 R
B021H 45090 Point Number and SAB, Limit 4 R
B022H 45091 Value 1, Limit 4 R
B023H 45092 Value 2, Limit 4 R
B024H 45093 Line Number, Limit 5 R
B025H 45094 Point Number and SAB, Limit 5 R
B026H 45095 Value 1, Limit 5 R
B027H 45096 Value 2, Limit 5 R
B028H 45097 Line Number, Limit 6 R
B029H 45098 Point Number and SAB, Limit 6 R
B02AH 45099 Value 1, Limit 6 R
B02BH 45100 Value 2, Limit 6 R
B02CH 45101 Line Number, Limit 7 R
B02DH 45102 Point Number and SAB, Limit 7 R
B02EH 45103 Value 1, Limit 7 R
B02FH 45104 Value 2, Limit 7 R
B030H 45105 Line Number, Limit 8 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B031H 45106 Point Number and SAB, Limit 8 R
B032H 45107 Value 1, Limit 8 R
B033H 45108 Value 2, Limit 8 R
B034H 45109 Line Number, Limit 9 R
B035H 45110 Point Number and SAB, Limit 9 R
B036H 45111 Value 1, Limit 9 R
B037H 45112 Value 2, Limit 9 R
B038H 45113 Line Number, Limit 10 R
B039H 45114 Point Number and SAB, Limit 10 R
B03AH 45115 Value 1, Limit 10 R
B03BH 45116 Value 2, Limit 10 R
B03CH 45117 Line Number, Limit 11 R
B03DH 45118 Point Number and SAB, Limit 11 R
B03EH 45119 Value 1, Limit 11 R
B03FH 45120 Value 2, Limit 11 R
B040H 45121 Line Number, Limit 12 R
B041H 45122 Point Number and SAB, Limit 12 R
B042H 45123 Value 1, Limit 12 R
B043H 45124 Value 2, Limit 12 R
B044H 45125 Line Number, Limit 13 R
B045H 45126 Point Number and SAB, Limit 13 R
B046H 45127 Value 1, Limit 13 R
B047H 45128 Value 2, Limit 13 R
B048H 45129 Line Number, Limit 14 R
B049H 45130 Point Number and SAB, Limit 14 R
B04AH 45131 Value 1, Limit 14 R
B04BH 45132 Value 2, Limit 14 R
B04CH 45133 Line Number, Limit 15 R
B04DH 45134 Point Number and SAB, Limit 15 R
B04EH 45135 Value 1, Limit 15 R
B04FH 45136 Value 2, Limit 15 R
B050H 45137 Line Number, Limit 16 R
B051H 45138 Point Number and SAB, Limit 16 R
B052H 45139 Value 1, Limit 16 R
B053H 45140 Value 2, Limit 16 R
B054H 45141 Line Number, Limit 17 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B055H 45142 Point Number and SAB, Limit 17 R
B056H 45143 Value 1, Limit 17 R
B057H 45144 Value 2, Limit 17 R
B058H 45145 Line Number, Limit 18 R
B059H 45146 Point Number and SAB, Limit 18 R
B05AH 45147 Value 1, Limit 18 R
B05BH 45148 Value 2, Limit 18 R
B05CH 45149 Line Number, Limit 19 R
B05DH 45150 Point Number and SAB, Limit 19 R
B05EH 45151 Value 1, Limit 19 R
B05FH 45152 Value 2, Limit 19 R
B060H 45153 Line Number, Limit 20 R
B061H 45154 Point Number and SAB, Limit 20 R
B062H 45155 Value 1, Limit 20 R
B063H 45156 Value 2, Limit 20 R
B064H 45157 Line Number, Limit 21 R
B065H 45158 Point Number and SAB, Limit 21 R
B066H 45159 Value 1, Limit 21 R
B067H 45160 Value 2, Limit 21 R
B068H 45161 Line Number, Limit 22 R
B069H 45162 Point Number and SAB, Limit 22 R
B06AH 45163 Value 1, Limit 22 R
B06BH 45164 Value 2, Limit 22 R
B06CH 45165 Line Number, Limit 23 R
B06DH 45166 Point Number and SAB, Limit 23 R
B06EH 45167 Value 1, Limit 23 R
B06FH 45168 Value 2, Limit 23 R
B070H 45169 Line Number, Limit 24 R
B071H 45170 Point Number and SAB, Limit 24 R
B072H 45171 Value 1, Limit 24 R
B073H 45172 Value 2, Limit 24 R
B074H 45173 Line Number, Limit 25 R
B075H 45174 Point Number and SAB, Limit 25 R
B076H 45175 Value 1, Limit 25 R
B077H 45176 Value 2, Limit 25 R
B078H 45177 Line Number, Limit 26 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B079H 45178 Point Number and SAB, Limit 26 R
B07AH 45179 Value 1, Limit 26 R
B07BH 45180 Value 2, Limit 26 R
B07CH 45181 Line Number, Limit 27 R
B07DH 45182 Point Number and SAB, Limit 27 R
B07EH 45183 Value 1, Limit 27 R
B07FH 45184 Value 2, Limit 27 R
B080H 45185 Line Number, Limit 28 R
B081H 45186 Point Number and SAB, Limit 28 R
B082H 45187 Value 1, Limit 28 R
B083H 45188 Value 2, Limit 28 R
B084H 45189 Line Number, Limit 29 R
B085H 45190 Point Number and SAB, Limit 29 R
B086H 45191 Value 1, Limit 29 R
B087H 45192 Value 2, Limit 29 R
B088H 45193 Line Number, Limit 30 R
B089H 45194 Point Number and SAB, Limit 30 R
B08AH 45195 Value 1, Limit 30 R
B08BH 45196 Value 2, Limit 30 R
B08CH 45197 Line Number, Limit 31 R
B08DH 45198 Point Number and SAB, Limit 31 R
B08EH 45199 Value 1, Limit 31 R
B08FH 45200 Value 2, Limit 31 R
B090H 45201 Line Number, Limit 32 R
B091H 45202 Point Number and SAB, Limit 32 R
B092H 45203 Value 1, Limit 32 R
B093H 45204 Value 2, Limit 32 R
Historical Log Settings Block
B094H 45205 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 1 R
B095H 45206 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 1 R
B096H 45207 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 2 R
B097H 45208 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 2 R
B098H 45209 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 3 R
B099H 45210 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 3 R
B09AH 45211 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 4 R
B09BH 45212 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 4 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B09CH 45213 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 5 R
B09DH 45214 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 5 R
B09EH 45215 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 6 R
B09FH 45216 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 6 R
B0A0H 45217 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 7 R
B0A1H 45218 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 7 R
B0A2H 45219 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 8 R
B0A3H 45220 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 8 R
B0A4H 45221 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 9 R
B0A5H 45222 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 9 R
B0A6H 45223 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 10 R
B0A7H 45224 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 10 R
B0A8H 45225 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 11 R
B0A9H 45226 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 11 R
B0AAH 45227 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 12 R
B0ABH 45228 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 12 R
B0ACH 45229 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 13 R
B0ADH 45230 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 13 R
B0AEH 45231 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 14 R
B0AFH 45232 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 14 R
B0B0H 45233 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 15 R
B0B1H 45234 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 15 R
B0B2H 45235 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 16 R
B0B3H 45236 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 16 R
B0B4H 45237 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 17 R
B0B5H 45238 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 17 R
B0B6H 45239 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 18 R
B0B7H 45240 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 18 R
B0B8H 45241 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 19 R
B0B9H 45242 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 19 R
B0BAH 45243 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 20 R
B0BBH 45244 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 20 R
B0BCH 45245 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 21 R
B0BDH 45246 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 21 R
B0BEH 45247 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 22 R
B0BFH 45248 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 22 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B0C0H 45249 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 23 R
B0C1H 45250 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 23 R
B0C2H 45251 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 24 R
B0C3H 45252 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 24 R
B0C4H 45253 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 25 R
B0C5H 45254 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 25 R
B0C6H 45255 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 26 R
B0C7H 45256 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 26 R
B0C8H 45257 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 27 R
B0C9H 45258 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 27 R
B0CAH 45259 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 28 R
B0CBH 45260 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 28 R
B0CCH 45261 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 29 R
B0CDH 45262 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 29 R
B0CEH 45263 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 30 R
B0CFH 45264 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 30 R
B0D0H 45265 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 31 R
B0D1H 45266 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 31 R
B0D2H 45267 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 32 R
B0D3H 45268 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 32 R
B0D4H 45269 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 33 R
B0D5H 45270 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 33 R
B0D6H 45271 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 34 R
B0D7H 45272 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 34 R
B0D8H 45273 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 35 R
B0D9H 45274 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 35 R
B0DAH 45275 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 36 R
B0DBH 45276 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 36 R
B0DCH 45277 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 37 R
B0DDH 45278 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 37 R
B0DEH 45279 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 38 R
B0DFH 45280 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 38 R
B0E0H 45281 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 39 R
B0E1H 45282 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 39 R
B0E2H 45283 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 40 R
B0E3H 45284 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 40 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B0E4H 45285 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 41 R
B0E5H 45286 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 41 R
B0E6H 45287 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 42 R
B0E7H 45288 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 42 R
B0E8H 45289 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 43 R
B0E9H 45290 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 43 R
B0EAH 45291 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 44 R
B0EBH 45292 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 44 R
B0ECH 45293 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 45 R
B0EDH 45294 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 45 R
B0EEH 45295 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 46 R
B0EFH 45296 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 46 R
B0F0H 45297 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 47 R
B0F1H 45298 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 47 R
B0F2H 45299 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 48 R
B0F3H 45300 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 48 R
B0F4H 45301 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 49 R
B0F5H 45302 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 49 R
B0F6H 45303 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 50 R
B0F7H 45304 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 50 R
B0F8H 45305 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 51 R
B0F9H 45306 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 51 R
B0FAH 45307 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 52 R
B0FBH 45308 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 52 R
B0FCH 45309 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 53 R
B0FDH 45310 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 53 R
B0FEH 45311 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 54 R
B0FFH 45312 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 54 R
B100H 45313 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 55 R
B101H 45314 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 55 R
B102H 45315 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 56 R
B103H 45316 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 56 R
B104H 45317 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 57 R
B105H 45318 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 57 R
B106H 45319 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 58 R
B107H 45320 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 58 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B108H 45321 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 59 R
B109H 45322 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 59 R
B10AH 45323 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 60 R
B10BH 45324 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 60 R
B10CH 45325 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 61 R
B10DH 45326 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 61 R
B10EH 45327 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 62 R
B10FH 45328 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 62 R
B110H 45329 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 63 R
B111H 45330 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 63 R
B112H 45331 Line Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 64 R
B113H 45332 Point Number, Historical Log 1, Parameter 64 R
B114H 45333 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 1 R
B115H 45334 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 1 R
B116H 45335 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 2 R
B117H 45336 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 2 R
B118H 45337 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 3 R
B119H 45338 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 3 R
B11AH 45339 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 4 R
B11BH 45340 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 4 R
B11CH 45341 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 5 R
B11DH 45342 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 5 R
B11EH 45343 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 6 R
B11FH 45344 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 6 R
B120H 45345 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 7 R
B121H 45346 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 7 R
B122H 45347 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 8 R
B123H 45348 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 8 R
B124H 45349 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 9 R
B125H 45350 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 9 R
B126H 45351 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 10 R
B127H 45352 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 10 R
B128H 45353 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 11 R
B129H 45354 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 11 R
B12AH 45355 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 12 R
B12BH 45356 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 12 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B12CH 45357 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 13 R
B12DH 45358 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 13 R
B12EH 45359 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 14 R
B12FH 45360 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 14 R
B130H 45361 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 15 R
B131H 45362 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 15 R
B132H 45363 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 16 R
B133H 45364 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 16 R
B134H 45365 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 17 R
B135H 45366 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 17 R
B136H 45367 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 18 R
B137H 45368 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 18 R
B138H 45369 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 19 R
B139H 45370 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 19 R
B13AH 45371 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 20 R
B13BH 45372 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 20 R
B13CH 45373 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 21 R
B13DH 45374 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 21 R
B13EH 45375 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 22 R
B13FH 45376 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 22 R
B140H 45377 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 23 R
B141H 45378 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 23 R
B142H 45379 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 24 R
B143H 45380 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 24 R
B144H 45381 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 25 R
B145H 45382 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 25 R
B146H 45383 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 26 R
B147H 45384 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 26 R
B148H 45385 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 27 R
B149H 45386 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 27 R
B14AH 45387 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 28 R
B14BH 45388 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 28 R
B14CH 45389 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 29 R
B14DH 45390 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 29 R
B14EH 45391 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 30 R
B14FH 45392 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 30 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B150H 45393 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 31 R
B151H 45394 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 31 R
B152H 45395 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 32 R
B153H 45396 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 32 R
B154H 45397 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 33 R
B155H 45398 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 33 R
B156H 45399 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 34 R
B157H 45400 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 34 R
B158H 45401 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 35 R
B159H 45402 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 35 R
B15AH 45403 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 36 R
B15BH 45404 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 36 R
B15CH 45405 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 37 R
B15DH 45406 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 37 R
B15EH 45407 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 38 R
B15FH 45408 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 38 R
B160H 45409 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 39 R
B161H 45410 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 39 R
B162H 45411 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 40 R
B163H 45412 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 40 R
B164H 45413 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 41 R
B165H 45414 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 41 R
B166H 45415 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 42 R
B167H 45416 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 42 R
B168H 45417 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 43 R
B169H 45418 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 43 R
B16AH 45419 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 44 R
B16BH 45420 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 44 R
B16CH 45421 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 45 R
B16DH 45422 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 45 R
B16EH 45423 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 46 R
B16FH 45424 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 46 R
B170H 45425 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 47 R
B171H 45426 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 47 R
B172H 45427 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 48 R
B173H 45428 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 48 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B174H 45429 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 49 R
B175H 45430 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 49 R
B176H 45431 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 50 R
B177H 45432 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 50 R
B178H 45433 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 51 R
B179H 45434 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 51 R
B17AH 45435 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 52 R
B17BH 45436 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 52 R
B17CH 45437 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 53 R
B17DH 45438 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 53 R
B17EH 45439 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 54 R
B17FH 45440 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 54 R
B180H 45441 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 55 R
B181H 45442 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 55 R
B182H 45443 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 56 R
B183H 45444 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 56 R
B184H 45445 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 57 R
B185H 45446 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 57 R
B186H 45447 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 58 R
B187H 45448 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 58 R
B188H 45449 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 59 R
B189H 45450 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 59 R
B18AH 45451 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 60 R
B18BH 45452 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 60 R
B18CH 45453 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 61 R
B18DH 45454 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 61 R
B18EH 45455 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 62 R
B18FH 45456 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 62 R
B190H 45457 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 63 R
B191H 45458 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 63 R
B192H 45459 Line Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 64 R
B193H 45460 Point Number, Historical Log 2, Parameter 64 R
B194H 45461 Snapshot Interval, Historical Log 1 3600/0 1 second R
B195H 45462 Snapshot Interval, Historical Log 2 3600/0 1 second R
B196H 45463 Record Size, Historical Log 1 R
B197H 45464 Record Size, Historical Log 2 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Waveform/CBEMA Settings Block
B198H 45465 Phase A-N Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B199H 45466 Phase B-N Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B19AH 45467 Phase C-N Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B19BH 45468 Phase A-B Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B19CH 45469 Phase B-C Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B19DH 45470 Phase C-A Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B19EH 45471 Phase X-N Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B19FH 45472 Phase N-E Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1A0H 45473 Phase A-E Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1A1H 45474 Phase B-E Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1A2H 45475 Phase C-E Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1A3H 45476 Phase X-E Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1A4H 45477 Phase A-N Voltage Below Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1A5H 45478 Phase B-N Voltage Above Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1A6H 45479 Phase C-N Voltage Above Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1A7H 45480 Phase A-B Voltage Above Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1A8H 45481 Phase B-C Voltage Above Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1A9H 45482 Phase C-A Voltage Above Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1AAH 45483 Phase X-N Voltage Above Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1ABH 45484 Phase N-E Voltage Above Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1ACH 45485 Phase A-E Voltage Above Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1ADH 45486 Phase B-E Voltage Above Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1AEH 45487 Phase C-E Voltage Above Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1AFH 45488 Phase X-E Voltage Above Setpoint +327.67% / -327.68% 0.01% R
B1B0H 45489 Phase A Current Below Setpoint
B1B1H 45490 Phase B Current Below Setpoint
B1B2H 45491 Phase C Current Below Setpoint
B1B3H 45492 Phase X Current Below Setpoint
B1B4H 45493 Phase A Current Above Setpoint
B1B5H 45494 Phase B Current Above Setpoint
B1B6H 45495 Phase C Current Above Setpoint
B1B7H 45496 Phase X Current Above Setpoint
B1B8H 45497 Voltage RMS Sag/Swell
B1B9H 45498 Voltage Wave shape
B1BAH 45499 Current RMS Sag/Swell

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B1BBH 45500 Current RMS Chng ROR
High Speed Input Settings Block
B1BCH-B1C3H 45501-45508 Input 1 Name R
B1C4H-B1CBH 45509-45516 Input 1 Open Label R
B1CCH-B1D3H 45517-45524 Input 1 Close Label R
B1D4H-B1D5H 45525-45526 Input 1 Value R
B1D6H 45527 Input 1 Mode R
B1D7H 45528 Reserved
B1D8H-B1DFH 45529-45536 Input 2 Name R
B1E0H-B1E7H 45537-45544 Input 2 Open Label R
B1E8H-B1EFH 45545-45552 Input 2 Close Label R
B1F0H-B1F1H 45553-45554 Input 2 Value R
B1F2H 45555 Input 2 Mode R
B1F3H 45556 Reserved
B1F4H-B1FBH 45557-45564 Input 3 Name R
B1FCH-B203H 45565-45572 Input 3 Open Label R
B204H-B20BH 45573-45580 Input 3 Close Label R
B20CH-B20DH 45581-45582 Input 3 Value R
B20EH 45583 Input 3 Mode R
B20FH 45584 Reserved
B210H-B217H 45585-45592 Input 4 Name R
B218H-B21FH 45593-45600 Input 4 Open Label R
B220H-B227H 45601-45608 Input 4 Close Label R
B228H-B229H 45609-45610 Input 4 Value R
B22AH 45611 Input 4 Mode R
B22BH 45612 Reserved
B22CH-B233H 45613-45620 Input 5 Name R
B234H-B23BH 45621-45628 Input 5 Open Label R
B23CH-B243H 45629-45636 Input 5 Close Label R
B244H-B245H 45637-45638 Input 5 Value R
B246H 45639 Input 5 Mode R
B247H 45640 Reserved
B248H-B24FH 45641-45648 Input 6 Name R
B250H-B257H 45649-45656 Input 6 Open Label R
B258H-B25FH 45657-45664 Input 6 Close Label R
B260H-B261H 45665-45666 Input 6 Value R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B262H 45667 Input 6 Mode R
B263H 45668 Reserved
B264H-B26BH 45669-45676 Input 7 Name R
B26CH-B273H 45677-45684 Input 7 Open Label R
B274H-B27BH 45685-45692 Input 7 Close Label R
B27CH-B27DH 45693-45694 Input 7 Value R
B27EH 45695 Input 7 Mode R
B27FH 45696 Reserved
B280H-B287H 45697-45704 Input 8 Name R
B288H-B28FH 45705-45712 Input 8 Open Label R
B290H-B297H 45713-45720 Input 8 Close Label R
B298H-B299H 45721-45722 Input 8 Value R
B29AH 45723 Input 8 Mode R
B29BH 45724 Reserved R
B29CH-B29FH 45725-45728 Reserved R
External Digital Output Module Settings Block
B2A0H 45729 Address, External Digital Output Module 1 R
B2A1H-B2A3H 45730-45732 Reserved
B2A4H 45733 Line Number, Relay 1, External Digital Output Module 1 R
B2A5H 45734 Point Number, Relay 1, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B2A6H 45735 Line Number, Relay 2, External Digital Output Module 1 R
B2A7H 45736 Point Number, Relay 2, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B2A8H 45737 Line Number, Relay 3, External Digital Output Module 1 R
B2A9H 45738 Point Number, Relay 3, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B2AAH 45739 Line Number, Relay 4, External Digital Output Module 1 R
B2ABH 45740 Point Number, Relay 4, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B2ACH 45741 Line Number, Relay 5, External Digital Output Module 1 R
B2ADH 45742 Point Number, Relay 5, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B2AEH 45743 Line Number, Relay 6, External Digital Output Module 1 R
B2AFH 45744 Point Number, Relay 6, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B2B0H 45745 Line Number, Relay 7, External Digital Output Module 1 R
B2B1H 45746 Point Number, Relay 7, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B2B2H 45747 Line Number, Relay 8, External Digital Output Module 1 R
B2B3H 45748 Point Number, Relay 8, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B2B4H 45749 Address, External Digital Output Module 2 R
B2B5H-B2B7H 45750-45752 Reserved

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B2B8H 45753 Line Number, Relay 1, External Digital Output Module 2 R
B2B9H 45754 Point Number, Relay 1, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B2BAH 45755 Line Number, Relay 2, External Digital Output Module 2 R
B2BBH 45756 Point Number, Relay 2, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B2BCH 45757 Line Number, Relay 3, External Digital Output Module 2 R
B2BDH 45758 Point Number, Relay 3, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B2BEH 45759 Line Number, Relay 4, External Digital Output Module 2 R
B2BFH 45760 Point Number, Relay 4, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B2C0H 45761 Line Number, Relay 5, External Digital Output Module 2 R
B2C1H 45762 Point Number, Relay 5, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B2C2H 45763 Line Number, Relay 6, External Digital Output Module 2 R
B2C3H 45764 Point Number, Relay 6, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B2C4H 45765 Line Number, Relay 7, External Digital Output Module 2 R
B2C5H 45766 Point Number, Relay 7, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B2C6H 45767 Line Number, Relay 8, External Digital Output Module 2 R
B2C7H 45768 Point Number, Relay 8, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B2C8H 45769 Address, External Digital Output Module 3 R
B2C9H-B2CBH 45770-45772 Reserved
B2CCH 45773 Line Number, Relay 1, External Digital Output Module 3 R
B2CDH 45774 Point Number, Relay 1, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B2CEH 45775 Line Number, Relay 2, External Digital Output Module 3 R
B2CFH 45776 Point Number, Relay 2, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B2D0H 45777 Line Number, Relay 3, External Digital Output Module 3 R
B2D1H 45778 Point Number, Relay 3, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B2D2H 45779 Line Number, Relay 4, External Digital Output Module 3 R
B2D3H 45780 Point Number, Relay 4, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B2D4H 45781 Line Number, Relay 5, External Digital Output Module 3 R
B2D5H 45782 Point Number, Relay 5, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B2D6H 45783 Line Number, Relay 6, External Digital Output Module 3 R
B2D7H 45784 Point Number, Relay 6, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B2D8H 45785 Line Number, Relay 7, External Digital Output Module 3 R
B2D9H 45786 Point Number, Relay 7, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B2DAH 45787 Line Number, Relay 8, External Digital Output Module 3 R
B2DBH 45788 Point Number, Relay 8, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B2DCH 45789 Address, External Digital Output Module 4 R
B2DDH-B2DFH 45790-45792 Reserved

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B2E0H 45793 Line Number, Relay 1, External Digital Output Module 4 R
B2E1H 45794 Point Number, Relay 1, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B2E2H 45795 Line Number, Relay 2, External Digital Output Module 4 R
B2E3H 45796 Point Number, Relay 2, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B2E4H 45797 Line Number, Relay 3, External Digital Output Module 4 R
B2E5H 45798 Point Number, Relay 3, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B2E6H 45799 Line Number, Relay 4, External Digital Output Module 4 R
B2E7H 45800 Point Number, Relay 4, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B2E8H 45801 Line Number, Relay 5, External Digital Output Module 4 R
B2E9H 45802 Point Number, Relay 5, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B2EAH 45803 Line Number, Relay 6, External Digital Output Module 4 R
B2EBH 45804 Point Number, Relay 6, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B2ECH 45805 Line Number, Relay 7, External Digital Output Module 4 R
B2EDH 45806 Point Number, Relay 7, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B2EEH 45807 Line Number, Relay 8, External Digital Output Module 4 R
B2EFH 45808 Point Number, Relay 8, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B2F0H-B2F3H 45809-45812 Reserved R
External Analog Output Module Settings Block
B2F4H 45813 Address, External Analog Output Module 1 R
B2F5H-B2F7H 45814-45816 Reserved
B2F8H 45817 Line Number, Relay 1, External Analog Output Module 1 R
B2F9H 45818 Point Number, Relay 1, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B2FAH 45819 Line Number, Relay 2, External Analog Output Module 1 R
B2FBH 45820 Point Number, Relay 2, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B2FCH 45821 Line Number, Relay 3, External Analog Output Module 1 R
B2FDH 45822 Point Number, Relay 3, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B2FEH 45823 Line Number, Relay 4, External Analog Output Module 1 R
B2FFH 45824 Point Number, Relay 4, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B300H 45825 Line Number, Relay 5, External Analog Output Module 1 R
B301H 45826 Point Number, Relay 5, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B302H 45827 Line Number, Relay 6, External Analog Output Module 1 R
B303H 45828 Point Number, Relay 6, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B304H 45829 Line Number, Relay 7, External Analog Output Module 1 R
B305H 45830 Point Number, Relay 7, External Digtial Output Module 1 R
B306H 45831 Line Number, Relay 8, External Analog Output Module 1 R
B307H 45832 Point Number, Relay 8, External Digtial Output Module 1 R

El I d i /G T h

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B308H 45833 Address, External Analog Output Module 2 R
B309H-B30BH 45834-45836 Reserved
B30CH 45837 Line Number, Relay 1, External Analog Output Module 2 R
B32DH 45870 Point Number, Relay 1, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B30EH 45839 Line Number, Relay 2, External Analog Output Module 2 R
B30FH 45840 Point Number, Relay 2, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B310H 45841 Line Number, Relay 3, External Analog Output Module 2 R
B311H 45842 Point Number, Relay 3, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B312H 45843 Line Number, Relay 4, External Analog Output Module 2 R
B313H 45844 Point Number, Relay 4, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B314H 45845 Line Number, Relay 5, External Analog Output Module 2 R
B315H 45846 Point Number, Relay 5, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B316H 45847 Line Number, Relay 6, External Analog Output Module 2 R
B317H 45848 Point Number, Relay 6, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B318H 45849 Line Number, Relay 7, External Analog Output Module 2 R
B319H 45850 Point Number, Relay 7, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B31AH 45851 Line Number, Relay 8, External Analog Output Module 2 R
B31BH 45852 Point Number, Relay 8, External Digtial Output Module 2 R
B31CH 45853 Address, External Analog Output Module 3 R
B31DH-B31FH 45854-45856 Reserved
B320H 45857 Line Number, Relay 1, External Analog Output Module 3 R
B321H 45858 Point Number, Relay 1, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B322H 45859 Line Number, Relay 2, External Analog Output Module 3 R
B323H 45860 Point Number, Relay 2, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B324H 45861 Line Number, Relay 3, External Analog Output Module 3 R
B325H 45862 Point Number, Relay 3, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B326H 45863 Line Number, Relay 4, External Analog Output Module 3 R
B327H 45864 Point Number, Relay 4, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B328H 45865 Line Number, Relay 5, External Analog Output Module 3 R
B329H 45866 Point Number, Relay 5, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B32AH 45867 Line Number, Relay 6, External Analog Output Module 3 R
B32BH 45868 Point Number, Relay 6, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B32CH 45869 Line Number, Relay 7, External Analog Output Module 3 R
B32DH 45870 Point Number, Relay 7, External Digtial Output Module 3 R
B32EH 45871 Line Number, Relay 8, External Analog Output Module 3 R
B32FH 45872 Point Number, Relay 8, External Digtial Output Module 3 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B330H 45873 Address, External Analog Output Module 4 R
B331H-B333H 45874-45876 Reserved
B334H 45877 Line Number, Relay 1, External Analog Output Module 4 R
B335H 45878 Point Number, Relay 1, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B336H 45879 Line Number, Relay 2, External Analog Output Module 4 R
B337H 45880 Point Number, Relay 2, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B338H 45881 Line Number, Relay 3, External Analog Output Module 4 R
B339H 45882 Point Number, Relay 3, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B33AH 45883 Line Number, Relay 4, External Analog Output Module 4 R
B33BH 45884 Point Number, Relay 4, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B33CH 45885 Line Number, Relay 5, External Analog Output Module 4 R
B33DH 45886 Point Number, Relay 5, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B33EH 45887 Line Number, Relay 6, External Analog Output Module 4 R
B33FH 45888 Point Number, Relay 6, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B340H 45889 Line Number, Relay 7, External Analog Output Module 4 R
B341H 45890 Point Number, Relay 7, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
B342H 45891 Line Number, Relay 8, External Analog Output Module 4 R
B343H 45892 Point Number, Relay 8, External Digtial Output Module 4 R
External KYZ Output Module Settings Block
B344H 45893 Address, External KYZ Output Module 1 R
B345H 45894 Energy Assignement, Relay 1-2, External KYZ Output Module 1 R
B346H 45895 Energy Assignement, Relay 3-4, External KYZ Output Module 1 R
B347H 45896 Reserved
B348H 45897 Address, External KYZ Output Module 2 R
B349H 45898 Energy Assignement, Relay 1-2, External KYZ Output Module 2 R
B34AH 45899 Energy Assignement, Relay 3-4, External KYZ Output Module 2 R
B34BH 45900 Reserved
B34CH 45901 Address, External KYZ Output Module 3 R
B34DH 45902 Energy Assignement, Relay 1-2, External KYZ Output Module 3 R
B34EH 45903 Energy Assignement, Relay 3-4, External KYZ Output Module 3 R
B34FH 45904 Reserved
B350H 45905 Address, External KYZ Output Module 4 R
B351H 45906 Energy Assignement, Relay 1-2, External KYZ Output Module 4 R
B352H 45907 Energy Assignement, Relay 3-4, External KYZ Output Module 4 R
B353H 45908 Reserved
CT & PT Ratio Settings Block

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B354H-B355H 45909-45910 Phase Current CT Ratio Numerator +999,999.99 / +0.01 1/100 A pri R
B356H-B357H 45911-45912 Phase Current CT Ratio Denominator +999,999.99 / +0.01 1/100 A sec R
B358H-B359H 45913-45914 Measured Neutral Current CT Ratio Numerator +999,999.99 / +0.01 1/100 A pri R
B35AH-B35BH 45915-45916 Measured Neutral Current CT Ratio Denominator +999,999.99 / +0.01 1/100 A sec R
B35CH-B35DH 45917-45918 Phase Voltage PT Ratio Numerator +999,999.99 / +0.01 1/100 V pri R
B35EH-B35FH 45919-45920 Phase Voltage PT Ratio Denominator +999,999.99 / +0.01 1/100 V sec R
B360H-B361H 45921-45922 Auxiliary Voltage PT Ratio Numerator +999,999.99 / +0.01 1/100 V pri R
B362H-B363H 45923-45924 Auxiliary Voltage PT Ratio Denominator +999,999.99 / +0.01 1/100 V sec R
Hookup and Time Settings Block
B364H 45925 Hookup R
B365H 45926 Frequency & Time Zone Hour Selection R
MSB First,
Byte[1]: Time Zone Half Hour
Byte[0]: Daylight Savings Time Enable
B366H 45927 0 = DST Enabled R
1 = Auto DST
2 = User defined
3 = Auto DST/US EPA 2005

B367H 45928 Transformer Loss Compensation (TLC) & Internal KYZ Form R
B368H-B36BH 45930-45932 Daylight Savings Time Start R
B36CH-B36FH 45934-45936 Daylight Savings Time End R
B370H-B371H 45937-45938 % Loss of Watts due to Iron (TLC) R
B372H-B373H 45939-45940 % Loss of Watts due to Copper (TLC) R
B374H-B375H 45941-45942 % Loss of VAR due to Iron (TLC) R
B376H-B377H 45943-45944 % Loss of VAR due to Copper (TLC) R
B378H-B37BH 45945-45948 Reserved
Average Settings Block
B37CH 45949 Thermal and Block Averaging Time Interval 65535 / 0 1 second R
B37DH 45950 Rolling Averaging Sub-Interval 65535 / 0 1 second R
B37EH 45951 Reserved
B37FH 45952 Rolling Sub-Intervals / Time of Use Log Enable 1~255/not used R
Exception Profile Block
B380H-B38FH 45953-45968 Reserved
Device Label Settings Block
B390H-B397H 45969-45976 Meter Designation R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B398H-B39FH 45977-45984 Auxiliary Voltage Label (1250 only) R
B3A0H-B3A7H 45985-45992 Measured Neutral Current Label R
Network Card #1 - Settings (Part 1 of 3)
Network Generic Settings Block
B3A8H-B3A9H 45993-45994 IP Address R
B3AAH-B3ABH 45995-45996 Subnet Mask R
B3ACH-B3ADH 45997-45998 Default Gateway R
B3AEH 45999 Port 2 Baud Rate / Gateway Delay R
B3AFH 46000 Mode/ Mode 2 R
B3B0H-B3B7H 46001-46008 Computer Name R
B3B8H-B3B9H 46009-46010 DNS Server 1 IP Address R
B3BAH-B3BBH 46011-46012 DNS Server 2 IP Address
Server / Service Enable Bits.
MSB first,
Bit[31-30] = Reserved
Bit[29] = GE-EGD Data Port Enabled
Bit[28] = WEB Server Enabled
Bit[27] = SMTP Client Enabled
B3BCH-B3BDH 46013-46014 Bit[26] = FTP Server Enabled
Bit[25] = FTP Client Enabled
Bit[24-21] = Reserved
Bit[20] = SNTP Enabled
Bit[19] = IEC 61850 Server Enabled
Bit[18] = IEC 61850 Goose Enabled
Bit[17-0] = Unused
B3BEH 46015 Email Port Number
B3BFH 46016 FTP Port Number
Block Window Average External Synchronization Block
B3C0H 46017 BWA Synch Enable / BWA Synch Mask R
Display Configuration Block
B3C1H 46018 Display Configuration R
Energy Direction Block
B3C2H 46019 Received Energy Direction/Power Factor labeling R
Test Mode Configuration Block

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Test Mode Exit Delay Time
MSB First:
MSB: 0 - 60 = 0 - 60 minutes
61 - 255 = undefined
B3C3H 46020 LSB: undefined
Full Scale Block
B3C4H-B3C5H 46021-46022 Full Scale Phase Current 65535 / 0 1 / 65536 R
B3C6H-B3C7H 46023-46024 Full Scale Measured Neutral Current 65535 / 0 1 / 65536 R
B3C8H-B3C9H 46025-46026 Full Scale Phase-to-Neutral Voltage 65535 / 0 1 / 65536 R
B3CAH-B3CBH 46027-46028 Full Scale Auxiliary Voltage 65535 / 0 1 / 65536 R
B3CCH-B3CDH 46029-46030 Full Scale Phase-To-Phase Voltage 65535 / 0 1 / 65536 R
B3CEH-B3CFH 46031-46032 Full Scale Phase Power 65535 / 0 1 / 65536 R
B3D0H-B3D1H 46033-46034 Full Scale Total Power 65535 / 0 1 / 65536 R
B3D2H-B3D3H 46035-46036 Full Scale Frequency 65535 / 0 1 / 65536 R
B3D4H-B3D5H 46037-46038 Full Scale Phase-To-Earth Voltage
B3D6H-B3D7H 46039-46040 Full Scale XE Voltage
B3D8H-B3D9H 46041-46042 Full Scale NE Voltage
B3DAH-B3E3H 46043-46052 Reserved
External Module Software Interface Block
B3E4H 46053 External Module 1 & 2 Type R
B3E5H 46054 External Module 3 & 4 Type R
B3E6H 46055 External Module 5 & 6 Type R
B3E7H 46056 External Module 7 & 8 Type R
B3E8H 46057 External Module 9 & 10 Type R
B3E9H 46058 External Module 11 & 12 Type R
B3EAH 46059 External Module 13 & 14 Type R
B3EBH 46060 External Module 15 & 16 Type R
B3ECH 46061 External Module 1 & 2 Slot R
B3EDH 46062 External Module 3 & 4 Slot R
B3EEH 46063 External Module 5 & 6 Slot R
B3EFH 46064 External Module 7 & 8 Slot R
B3F0H 46065 External Module 9 & 10 Slot R
B3F1H 46066 External Module 11 & 12 Slot R
B3F2H 46067 External Module 13 & 14 Slot R
B3F3H 46068 External Module 15 & 16 Slot R
B3F4H-B3FBH 46069-46076 External Module 1 Label R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B3FCH-B403H 46077-46084 External Module 2 Label R
B404H-B40BH 46085-46092 External Module 3 Label R
B40CH-B413H 46093-46100 External Module 4 Label R
B414H-B41BH 46101-46108 External Module 5 Label R
B41CH-B423H 46109-46116 External Module 6 Label R
B424H-B24BH 46117-46124 External Module 7 Label R
B24CH-B433H 46125-46132 External Module 8 Label R
B434H-B43BH 46133-46140 External Module 9 Label R
B43CH-B443H 46141-46148 External Module 10 Label R
B444H-B44BH 46149-46156 External Module 11 Label R
B44CH-B453H 46157-46164 External Module 12 Label R
B454H-B45BH 46165-46172 External Module 13 Label R
B45CH-B463H 46173-46180 External Module 14 Label R
B464H-B46BH 46181-46188 External Module 15 Label R
B46CH-B473H 46189-46196 External Module 16 Label R
External Module Port Assignment Block
B474H-B475H 46197 Reserved R
B476H 46199 Digital Output Module 1 & 2 Port Assignment R
B477H 46200 Digital Output Module 3 & 4 Port Assignment R
B478H-B479H 46201 Reserved R
B47AH 46203 Analog Output Module 1 & 2 Port Assignment R
B47BH 46204 Analog Output Module 3 & 4 Port Assignment R
B47CH 46205 KYZ Output Module 1 & 2 Port Assignment R
B47DH 46206 KYZ Output Module 3 & 4 Port Assignment R
Manual Control Relay Block
B47EH 46207 Manual Control Relay Settings R
B47FH 46208 Reserved R
Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Scale Factor Block
B480H-B481H 46209-46210 Internal Input 1 Pulse Accumulation Scale Factor 4294967295 / 0 R
B482H-B483H 46211-46212 Internal Input 2 Pulse Accumulation Scale Factor 4294967295 / 0 R
B484H-B485H 46213-46214 Internal Input 3 Pulse Accumulation Scale Factor 4294967295 / 0 R
B486H-B487H 46215-46216 Internal Input 4 Pulse Accumulation Scale Factor 4294967295 / 0 R
B488H-B489H 46217-46218 Internal Input 5 Pulse Accumulation Scale Factor 4294967295 / 0 R
B48AH-B48BH 46219-46220 Internal Input 6 Pulse Accumulation Scale Factor 4294967295 / 0 R
B48CH-B48DH 46221-46222 Internal Input 7 Pulse Accumulation Scale Factor 4294967295 / 0 R
B48EH-B48FH 46223-46224 Internal Input 8 Pulse Accumulation Scale Factor 4294967295 / 0 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B490H 46225 Internal Input 1 & 2 Pulse Accumulation Aggregator Assignment R
B491H 46226 Internal Input 3 & 4 Pulse Accumulation Aggregator Assignment R
B492H 46227 Internal Input 5 & 6 Pulse Accumulation Aggregator Assignment R
B493H 46228 Internal Input 7 & 8 Pulse Accumulation Aggregator Assignment R
B494H-B49BH 46229-46236 Internal Input 1 Pulse Accumulation Label F2 R
B49CH-B4A3H 46237-46244 Internal Input 2 Pulse Accumulation Label F2 R
B4A4H-B4ABH 46245-46252 Internal Input 3 Pulse Accumulation Label F2 R
B4ACH-B4B3H 46253-46260 Internal Input 4 Pulse Accumulation Label F2 R
B4B4H-B4BBH 46261-46268 Internal Input 5 Pulse Accumulation Label F2 R
B4BCH-B4C3H 46269-46276 Internal Input 6 Pulse Accumulation Label F2 R
B4C4H-B4CBH 46277-46284 Internal Input 7 Pulse Accumulation Label F2 R
B4CCH-B4D3H 46285-46292 Internal Input 8 Pulse Accumulation Label F2 R
B4D4H-B4DBH 46293-46300 Internal Input Pulse Aggregation 1 Label F2 R
B4DCH-B4E3H 46301-46308 Internal Input Pulse Aggregation 2 Label F2 R
B4E4H-B4EBH 46309-46316 Internal Input Pulse Aggregation 3 Label F2 R
B4ECH-B4F3H 46317-46324 Internal Input Pulse Aggregation 4 Label F2 R
B4F4H 46325 Nexus Watthour Selection / Aggregation Assignment R
2 2
I t and V t Threshold Block
B4F5H-B4F6H 46326-46327 I t Threshold R
B4F7H-B4F8H 46328-46329 V t Threshold R
Internal KYZ Settings Block
B4F9H 46330 Internal KYZ Pulse Width (Relay 1-Pulse 1/ Relay 2-Pulse 2) R
B4FAH 46331 Internal KYZ Pulse Width (Relay 3/ Relay 4) R
B4FBH 46332 Reserved / Internal KYZ Channel Select (Relay 1-Pulse 1) R
B4FCH 46333 Internal KYZ Channel Select (Relay 2-Pulse 2/ Relay 3) R
B4FDH 46334 Internal KHZ Channel Select (Relay 4/ Reserved) R
B4FEH-B4FFH 46335-46336 Internal KYZ Watthour Per Pulse (Relay 1-Pulse 1) R
B500H-B501H 46337-46338 Internal KYZ Watthour Per Pulse (Relay 2-Pulse 2) R
B502H-B503H 46339-46340 Internal KYZ Watthour Per Pulse (Relay 3) R
B504H-B505H 46341-46342 Internal KYZ Watthour Per Pulse (Relay 4) R
B506H-B507H 46343-46344 Reserved R
B508H 46345 Internal KYZ enable/ End of Interval Pulse enable R
B509H 46346 End of Interval Pulse (Relay, Width) R
B50AH 46347 Cold Load Delay / Cumulative Demand Settings R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Short Term Flicker Interval / Long Term Flicker Interval
valid PSTs are 1min, 2min, 5min and 10min.
valid PLTs are 10min, 20min, 1hr and 2hr.
B50BH 46348 R
if meter does not see these valid settings in profile, then default
values will be used, which are PST=10min and PLT=2hour
B50CH 46349 Flicker Voltage Adaptor Level R
B50DH 46350 Flicker Base Frequency/Min power off R
B50EH 46351 Block Average Cont.
B50FH 46352 Accum Mode/Reserved
B510H 46353 Block Window Max/Min Interval 1 R
B511H 46354 Block Window Max/Min Interval 2 R
B512H-B523H 46355-46372 Reserved R
Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Unit Label Block
B524H-B527H 46373-46376 Internal Input 1 Pulse Accumulation Unit Label F2 R
B528H-B52BH 46377-46380 Internal Input 2 Pulse Accumulation Unit Label F2 R
B52CH-B52FH 46381-46384 Internal Input 3 Pulse Accumulation Unit Label F2 R
B530H-B533H 46385-46388 Internal Input 4 Pulse Accumulation Unit Label F2 R
B534H-B537H 46389-46392 Internal Input 5 Pulse Accumulation Unit Label F2 R
B538H-B53BH 46393-46396 Internal Input 6 Pulse Accumulation Unit Label F2 R
B53CH-B53FH 46397-46400 Internal Input 7 Pulse Accumulation Unit Label F2 R
B540H-B543H 46401-46404 Internal Input 8 Pulse Accumulation Unit Label F2 R
B544H-B547H 46405-46408 Internal Input Pulse Aggregation 1 Unit Label F2 R
B548H-B54BH 46409-46412 Internal Input Pulse Aggregation 2 Unit Label F2 R
B54CH-B54FH 46413-46416 Internal Input Pulse Aggregation 3 Unit Label F2 R
B550H-B553H 46417-46420 Internal Input Pulse Aggregation 4 Unit Label F2 R
ElectroLogic Block
B554H-B555H 46421-46422 Relay 1 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B556H-B557H 46423-46424 Relay 1 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B558H-B559H 46425-46426 Relay 1 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B55AH-B55BH 46427-46428 Relay 1 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B55CH-B55DH 46429-46430 Relay 1 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B55EH-B55FH 46431-46432 Relay 1 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B560H-B561H 46433-46434 Relay 1 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

B562H-B563H 46435-46436 Relay 1 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R

B564H 46437 Relay 1 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B565H 46438 Relay 1 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B566H 46439 Relay 1 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B567H 46440 Relay 1 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B568H 46441 Relay 1 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B569H-B56BH 46442-46444 Reserved R
B56CH-B56DH 46445-46446 Relay 2 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B56EH-B56FH 46447-46448 Relay 2 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B570H-B571H 46449-46450 Relay 2 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B572H-B573H 46451-46452 Relay 2 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B574H-B575H 46453-46454 Relay 2 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B576H-B577H 46455-46456 Relay 2 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B578H-B579H 46457-46458 Relay 2 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B57AH-B57BH 46459-46460 Relay 2 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B57CH 46461 Relay 2 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B57DH 46462 Relay 2 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B57EH 46463 Relay 2 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B57FH 46464 Relay 2 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B580H 46465 Relay 2 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B581H-B583H 46466-46468 Reserved R
B584H-B585H 46469-46470 Relay 3 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B586H-B587H 46471-46472 Relay 3 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B588H-B589H 46473-46474 Relay 3 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B58AH-B58BH 46475-46476 Relay 3 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B58CH-B58DH 46477-46478 Relay 3 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B58EH-B58FH 46479-46480 Relay 3 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B590H-B591H 46481-46482 Relay 3 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B592H-B593H 46483-46484 Relay 3 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

B594H 46485 Relay 3 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R

B595H 46486 Relay 3 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B596H 46487 Relay 3 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B597H 46488 Relay 3 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B598H 46489 Relay 3 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B599H-B59BH 46490-46492 Reserved R
B59CH-B59DH 46493-46494 Relay 4 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B59EH-B59FH 46495-46496 Relay 4 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B5A0H-B5A1H 46497-46498 Relay 4 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B5A2H-B5A3H 46499-46500 Relay 4 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B5A4H-B5A5H 46501-46502 Relay 4 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B5A6H-B5A7H 46503-46504 Relay 4 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B5A8H-B5A9H 46505-46506 Relay 4 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B5AAH-B5ABH 46507-46508 Relay 4 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B5ACH 46509 Relay 4 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B5ADH 46510 Relay 4 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B5AEH 46511 Relay 4 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B5AFH 46512 Relay 4 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B5B0H 46513 Relay 4 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B5B1H-B5B3H 46514-46516 Reserved R
B5B4H-B5B5H 46517-46518 Relay 5 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B5B6H-B5B7H 46519-46520 Relay 5 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B5B8H-B5B9H 46521-46522 Relay 5 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B5BAH-B5BBH 46523-46524 Relay 5 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B5BCH-B5BDH 46525-46526 Relay 5 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B5BEH-B5BFH 46527-46528 Relay 5 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B5C0H-B5C1H 46529-46530 Relay 5 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B5C2H-B5C3H 46531-46532 Relay 5 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B5C4H 46533 Relay 5 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

B5C5H 46534 Relay 5 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R

B5C6H 46535 Relay 5 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B5C7H 46536 Relay 5 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B5C8H 46537 Relay 5 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B5C9H-B5CBH 46538-46540 Reserved R
B5CCH-B5CDH 46541-46542 Relay 6 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B5CEH-B5CFH 46543-46544 Relay 6 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B5D0H-B5D1H 46545-46546 Relay 6 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B5D2H-B5D3H 46547-46548 Relay 6 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B5D4H-B5D5H 46549-46550 Relay 6 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B5D6H-B5D7H 46551-46552 Relay 6 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B5D8H-B5D9H 46553-46554 Relay 6 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B5DAH-B5DBH 46555-46556 Relay 6 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B5DCH 46557 Relay 6 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B5DDH 46558 Relay 6 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B5DEH 46559 Relay 6 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B5DFH 46560 Relay 6 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B5E0H 46561 Relay 6 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B5E1H-B5E3H 46562-46564 Reserved R
B5E4H-B5E5H 46565-46566 Relay 7 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B5E6H-B5E7H 46567-46568 Relay 7 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B5E8H-B5E9H 46569-46570 Relay 7 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B5EAH-B5EBH 46571-46572 Relay 7 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B5ECH-B5EDH 46573-46574 Relay 7 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B5EEH-B5EFH 46575-46576 Relay 7 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B5F0H-B5F1H 46577-46578 Relay 7 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B5F2H-B5F3H 46579-46580 Relay 7 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B5F4H 46581 Relay 7 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B5F5H 46582 Relay 7 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

B5F6H 46583 Relay 7 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R

B5F7H 46584 Relay 7 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B5F8H 46585 Relay 7 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B5F9H-B5FBH 46586-46588 Reserved R
B5FCH-B5FDH 46589-46590 Relay 8 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B5FEH-B5FFH 46591-46592 Relay 8 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B600H-B601H 46593-46594 Relay 8 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B602H-B603H 46595-46596 Relay 8 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B604H-B605H 46597-46598 Relay 8 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B606H-B607H 46599-46600 Relay 8 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B608H-B609H 46601-46602 Relay 8 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B60AH-B60BH 46603-46604 Relay 8 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B60CH 46605 Relay 8 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B60DH 46606 Relay 8 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B60EH 46607 Relay 8 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B60FH 46608 Relay 8 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B610H 46609 Relay 8 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B611H-B613H 46610-46612 Reserved R
B614H-B615H 46613-46614 Relay 9 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B616H-B617H 46615-46616 Relay 9 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B618H-B619H 46617-46618 Relay 9 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B61AH-B61BH 46619-46620 Relay 9 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B61CH-B61DH 46621-46622 Relay 9 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B61EH-B61FH 46623-46624 Relay 9 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B620H-B621H 46625-46626 Relay 9 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B622H-B623H 46627-46628 Relay 9 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B624H 46629 Relay 9 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B625H 46630 Relay 9 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B626H 46631 Relay 9 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

B627H 46632 Relay 9 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R

B628H 46633 Relay 9 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B629H-B62BH 46634-46636 Reserved R
B62CH-B62DH 46637-46638 Relay 10 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B62EH-B62FH 46639-46640 Relay 10 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B630H-B631H 46641-46642 Relay 10 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B632H-B633H 46643-46644 Relay 10 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B634H-B635H 46645-46646 Relay 10 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B636H-B637H 46647-46648 Relay 10 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B638H-B639H 46649-46650 Relay 10 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B63AH-B63BH 46651-46652 Relay 10 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B63CH 46653 Relay 10 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B63DH 46654 Relay 10 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B63EH 46655 Relay 10 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B63FH 46656 Relay 10 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B640H 46657 Relay 10 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B641H-B643H 46658-46660 Reserved R
B644H-B645H 46661-46662 Relay 11 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B646H-B647H 46663-46664 Relay 11 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B648H-B649H 46665-46666 Relay 11 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B64AH-B64BH 46667-46668 Relay 11 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B64CH-B64DH 46669-46670 Relay 11 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B64EH-B64FH 46671-46672 Relay 11 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B650H-B651H 46673-46674 Relay 11 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B652H-B653H 46675-46676 Relay 11 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B654H 46677 Relay 11 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B655H 46678 Relay 11 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B656H 46679 Relay 11 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B657H 46680 Relay 11 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

B658H 46681 Relay 11 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R

B659H-B65BH 46682-46684 Reserved R
B65CH-B65DH 46685-46686 Relay 12 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B65EH-B65FH 46687-46688 Relay 12 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B660H-B661H 46689-46690 Relay 12 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B662H-B663H 46691-46692 Relay 12 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B664H-B665H 46693-46694 Relay 12 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B666H-B667H 46695-46696 Relay 12 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B668H-B669H 46697-46698 Relay 12 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B66AH-B66BH 46699-46700 Relay 12 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B66CH 46701 Relay 12 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B66DH 46702 Relay 12 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B66EH 46703 Relay 12 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B66FH 46704 Relay 12 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B670H 46705 Relay 12 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B671H-B673H 46706-46708 Reserved R
B674H-B675H 46709-46710 Relay 13 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B676H-B677H 46711-46712 Relay 13 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B678H-B679H 46713-46714 Relay 13 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B67AH-B67BH 46715-46716 Relay 13 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B67CH-B67DH 46717-46718 Relay 13 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B67EH-B67FH 46719-46720 Relay 13 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B680H-B681H 46721-46722 Relay 13 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B682H-B683H 46723-46724 Relay 13 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B684H 46725 Relay 13 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B685H 46726 Relay 13 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B686H 46727 Relay 13 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B687H 46728 Relay 13 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B688H 46729 Relay 13 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

B689H-B68BH 46730-46732 Reserved R

B68CH-B68DH 46733-46734 Relay 14 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B68EH-B68FH 46735-46736 Relay 14 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B690H-B691H 46737-46738 Relay 14 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B692H-B693H 46739-46740 Relay 14 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B694H-B695H 46741-46742 Relay 14 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B696H-B697H 46743-46744 Relay 14 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B698H-B699H 46745-46746 Relay 14 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B69AH-B69BH 46747-46748 Relay 14 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B69CH 46749 Relay 14 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B69DH 46750 Relay 14 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B69EH 46751 Relay 14 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B69FH 46752 Relay 14 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B6A0H 46753 Relay 14 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B6A1H-B6A3H 46754-46756 Reserved R
B6A4H-B6A5H 46757-46758 Relay 15 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R
B6A6H-B6A7H 46759-46760 Relay 15 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B6A8H-B6A9H 46761-46762 Relay 15 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B6AAH-B6ABH 46763-46764 Relay 15 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B6ACH-B6ADH 46765-46766 Relay 15 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B6AEH-B6AFH 46767-46768 Relay 15 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B6B0H-B6B1H 46769-46770 Relay 15 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B6B2H-B6B3H 46771-46772 Relay 15 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B6B4H 46773 Relay 15 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B6B5H 46774 Relay 15 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B6B6H 46775 Relay 15 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B6B7H 46776 Relay 15 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B6B8H 46777 Relay 15 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B6B9H-B6BBH 46778-46780 Reserved R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

B6BCH-B6BDH 46781-46782 Relay 16 Combination Tree Input Line 1, Point 1 R

B6BEG-B6BFH 46783-46784 Relay 16 Combination Tree Input Line 2, Point 2 R
B6C0H-B6C1H 46785-46786 Relay 16 Combination Tree Input Line 3, Point 3 R
B6C2H-B6C3H 46787-46788 Relay 16 Combination Tree Input Line 4, Point 4 R
B6C4H-B6C5H 46789-46790 Relay 16 Combination Tree Input Line 5, Point 5 R
B6C6H-B6C7H 46791-46792 Relay 16 Combination Tree Input Line 6, Point 6 R
B6C8H-B6C9H 46793-46794 Relay 16 Combination Tree Input Line 7, Point 7 R
B6CAH-B6CBH 46795-46796 Relay 16 Combination Tree Input Line 8, Point 8 R
B6CCH 46797 Relay 16 Combination Logic (Combination A/ Combination B) R
B6CDH 46798 Relay 16 Combination Logic (Combination C/ Combination D) R
B6CEH 46799 Relay 16 Combination Logic (Combination E/ Combination F) R
B6CFH 46800 Relay 16 Combination Logic (Combination G/ Reserved) R
B6D0H 46801 Relay 16 Set Delay/ Reset Delay R
B6D1H-B6D3H 46802-46804 Reserved R
Limit Profile Label Block
B6D4H-B6DBH 46805-46812 Limit 1 Label F2 R ch.7
B6DCH-B6E3H 46813-46820 Limit 2 Label F2 R ch.7
B6E4H-B6EBH 46821-46828 Limit 3 Label F2 R ch.7
B6ECH-B6F3H 46829-46836 Limit 4 Label F2 R ch.7
B6F4H-B6FBH 46837-46844 Limit 5 Label F2 R ch.7
B6FCH-B703H 46845-46852 Limit 6 Label F2 R ch.7
B704H-B70BH 46853-46860 Limit 7 Label F2 R ch.7
B70CH-B713H 46861-46868 Limit 8 Label F2 R ch.7
B714H-B71BH 46869-46876 Limit 9 Label F2 R ch.7
B71CH-B723H 46877-46884 Limit 10 Label F2 R ch.7
B724H-B72BH 46885-46892 Limit 11 Label F2 R ch.7
B72CH-B733H 46893-46900 Limit 12 Label F2 R ch.7
B734H-B73BH 46901-46908 Limit 13 Label F2 R ch.7
B73CH-B743H 46909-46916 Limit 14 Label F2 R ch.7
B744H-B74BH 46917-46924 Limit 15 Label F2 R ch.7
B74CH-B753H 46925-46932 Limit 16 Label F2 R ch.7
B754H-B75BH 46933-46940 Limit 17 Label F2 R ch.7
B75CH-B763H 46941-46948 Limit 18 Label F2 R ch.7

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B764H-B76BH 46949-46956 Limit 19 Label F2 R ch.7
B76CH-B773H 46957-46964 Limit 20 Label F2 R ch.7
B774H-B77BH 46965-46972 Limit 21 Label F2 R ch.7
B77CH-B783H 46973-46980 Limit 22 Label F2 R ch.7
B784H-B78BH 46981-46988 Limit 23 Label F2 R ch.7
B78CH-B793H 46989-46996 Limit 24 Label F2 R ch.7
B794H-B79BH 46997-47004 Limit 25 Label F2 R ch.7
B79CH-B7A3H 47005-47012 Limit 26 Label F2 R ch.7
B7A4H-B7ABH 47213-47020 Limit 27 Label F2 R ch.7
B7ACH-B7B3H 47021-47028 Limit 28 Label F2 R ch.7
B7B4H-B7BBH 47029-47036 Limit 29 Label F2 R ch.7
B7BCH-B7C3H 47037-47044 Limit 30 Label F2 R ch.7
B7C4H-B7CBH 47045-47052 Limit 31 Label F2 R ch.7
B7CCH-B7D3H 47053-47060 Limit 32 Label F2 R ch.7
External Analog Output Module Channel Update Block
B7D4H 47061 Module 1/ Module 2 R
B7D5H 47062 Module 3/ Module 4 R
DNP Block
Miscellaneous DNP Settings Block
MSB: Scale for Analog Output of Average Pulse Accumulation
B7D6H 47063 R
LSB: Compressed DNP Mapping
MSB: Energy in the interval
B7D7H 47064 R
LSB: DNP Time synchronization
B7D8H 47065 DNP Time Synchronization Time Interval R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Bit[15-14]: DNP Configuration
00: DNP Level 1
01: DNP Level 2
10: Reserved
11: DNP Level 1
Bit 13: Class 0 Counter Object
0: Object 20
1: Object 21
Bit 12: DNP Freeze Schedule
0: Disable
1: Enable
Bit 11: DNP Unsolicited Response Mode
0: Off
B7D9H 47066 1: On R
Bit 10: DNP Disable Unsolicited Response On Startup
0: No
1: Yes
Bit 9: DNP Enable Unsolicited Response for Class 1
0: No
1: Yes
Bit 8: DNP Enable Unsolicited Response for Class 1
0: No
1: Yes
Bit 7: DNP Enable Unsolicited Response for Class 3
0: No
1: Yes
Bits[0-6]: Reserved
B7DAH-B7DDH 47067-47070 DNP Freeze Date & Time 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
DNP Freeze Interval
B7DEH 47071 MSB: Hour R
LSB: Minute
DNP Unsolicited Response: Destination Address
B7DFH 47072
MSB first: from 1 to 65519
DNP Unsolicited Response:
B7E0H 47073 High Byte: Confirmation Timoeut - from 1 sec to 60 sec
Low Byte: Number of Retry - from 1 to 16, but 16 retry forever

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B7E1H-B7FFH 47074-47104 Reserved
Custom DNP Definition Block for Analog Input (Object 30)
Point 0: Line Number
B800H 47105 Line Number from an analog input readings, such as 34 (One R
second Phase-Neutron Voltage Update)
Point 0:
MSB: Point Number
B801H 47106 Point Number from an analog input readings, such as 0 (Phase A-N R
Voltage from One secod phase-neutron voltage)
LSB: Reserved
B802H 47107 Point 0: Deadband -328% / +328% 0.01% R
Point 0:
B803H 47108 MSB: Class Assignment (8 bit bitmap) R
LSB: Reserved
B804H-B8FFH 47109-47360 Point 1 - Point 63
Custom DNP Definition Block for Binary Counter (Object 20)
Point 0: Line Number Line
B900H 47361 Number from an accumulation readings, such as 537 (Energy R
Point 0:
MSB: Point Number
B901H 47362 Point Number from an accumulation readings, such as 0 (Positive R
Wh (Quadrant 1+4) from Energy Scaled)
LSB: Scaling
B902H-B903H 47363-47364 Point 0: Delta values for Event to occur R
Point 0:
B904H 47365 MSB: Class Assignment (8 bit bitmap) R
LSB: Reserved
B905H-B907H 47366-47368 Point 0, reserved
B908H-B93FH 47369-47424 Point 1 - Point 8
Custom DNP Definition Block for Binary Input (Object 1)
Point 0-7: Line Number Line
B940H 47425 Number from a binary input readings, such as 233 (Low Speed R
(Internal) Inputs)

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Point 0-7:
MSB: Point Number Point
B941H 47426 Number from a binary input readings, such as 0 (Input 1 from Low R
Speed (Internal) Inputs)
LSB: Class Assignment (8 bit bitmap)
B942H-B943H 47427-47428 Point 0-7: Reserved
B944H-B95FH 47429-47456 Point 8-15 - Point 57-64
Custom DNP Definition Block for Binary Output (Object 10)
B960H 47457 Relay: Enable/Disable R
B961H 47458 Reset: Enable/Disable R
Custom DNP Definition Block for Global Values
Choice Of Variation 0:
B962H 47459 MSB: For Binary Input (Object 1) R
LSB: For Binary Input Change (Object 2)
Choice Of Variation 0:
B963H 47460 MSB: For Binary Counter (Object 20) R
LSB: For Frozen Counter (Object 21)
Choice Of Variation 0:
B964H 47461 MSB: For Counter Change Event (Object 22) R
LSB: For Frozen Counter Event (Object 23)
Choice Of Variation 0:
B965H 47462 MSB: For Analog Input (Object 30) R
LSB: For Frozen Analog Input (Object 31)
Choice Of Variation 0:
B966H 47463 MSB: For Analog Change Event (Object 32) R
LSB: For Frozen Analog Event (Object 33)
MSB: Custom 16-bit Scaling Enable
B967H 47464 R
LSB: Reserved
B968H-B969H 47465 Scale for Ia, b, c, n +32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R
B96AH-B96BH 47466 Scale for Iaux +32767 A / 0 A 1/ 65536 A sec F7 R
B96CH-B96DH 47467 Scale for Van, bn, cn +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R
B96EH-B96FH\ 47468 Scale for Vaux +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R
B970H-B971H 47469 Scale for Vab, bc, ca +32767 V / 0 V 1/ 65536 V sec F7 R
B972H-B973H 47470 Scale for Power a, b, c +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R
B974H-B975H 47471 Scale for Total Power +32767 W / -32768 W 1/ 65536 W sec F7 R
B976H-B977H 47472 Scale for Frequency (High End) +32767 Hz / -32768 Hz 1/ 65536 Hz F7 R
B978H-B979H 47473 Scale for Frequency (Low End) +32767 Hz / -32768 Hz 1/ 65536 Hz F7 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
B97AH-BDFFH 47474-48640 Reserved
BE00H-C27FH 48641-49792 Reserved
External Digital Output Module Labels Block
C280H-C287H 49793-49800 Module 1 Relay Label 1 R
C288H-C28FH 49801-49808 Module 1 Relay Label 2 R
C290H-C297H 49809-49816 Module 1 Relay Label 3 R
C298H-C29FH 49817-49824 Module 1 Relay Label 4 R
C2A0H-C2A7H 49825-49832 Module 2 Relay Label 1 R
C2A8H-C2AFH 49833-49840 Module 2 Relay Label 2 R
C2B0H-C2B7H 49841-49848 Module 2 Relay Label 3 R
C2B8H-C2BFH 49849-49856 Module 2 Relay Label 4 R
C2C0H-C2C7H 49857-49864 Module 3 Relay Label 1 R
C2C8H-C2CFH 49865-49872 Module 3 Relay Label 2 R
C2D0H-C2D7H 49873-49880 Module 3 Relay Label 3 R
C2D8H-C2DFH 49881-49888 Module 3 Relay Label 4 R
C2E0H-C2E7H 49889-49896 Module 4 Relay Label 1 R
C2E8H-C2EFH 49897-49904 Module 4 Relay Label 2 R
C2F0H-C2F7H 49905-49912 Module 4 Relay Label 3 R
C2F8H-C2FFH 49913-49920 Module 4 Relay Label 4 R

C300H-C307H 49921-49928 Module 1 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 1 R

C308H-C30FH 49929-49936 Module 1 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 2 R

C310H-C317H 49937-49944 Module 1 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 3 R

C318H-C31FH 49945-49952 Module 1 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 4 R

C320H-C327H 49953-49960 Module 2 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 1 R

C328H-C32FH 49961-49968 Module 2 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 2 R

C330H-C337H 49969-49976 Module 2 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 3 R

C338H-C33FH 49977-49984 Module 2 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 4 R

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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

C340H-C347H 49985-49992 Module 3 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 1 R

C348H-C34FH 49993-50000 Module 3 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 2 R

C350H-C357H 50001-50008 Module 3 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 3 R

C358H-C35FH 50009-50016 Module 3 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 4 R

C360H-C367H 50017-50024 Module 4 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 1 R

C368H-C36FH 50025-50032 Module 4 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 2 R

C370H-C377H 50033-50040 Module 4 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 3 R

C378H-C37FH 50041-50048 Module 4 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Closed Label 4 R

C380H-C387H 50049-50056 Module 1 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 1 R
C388H-C38FH 50057-50064 Module 1 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 2 R
C390H-C397H 50065-50072 Module 1 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 3 R
C398H-C39FH 50073-50080 Module 1 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 4 R
C3A0H-C3A7H 50081-50088 Module 2 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 1 R
C3Q8H-C3AFH 50089-50096 Module 2 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 2 R
C3B0H-C3B7H 50097-50104 Module 2 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 3 R
C3B8H-C3BFH 50105-50112 Module 2 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 4 R
C3C0H-C3C7H 50113-50120 Module 3 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 1 R
C3C8H-C3CFH 50121-50128 Module 3 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 2 R
C3D0H-C3D7H 50129-50136 Module 3 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 3 R
C3D8H-C3DFH 50137-50144 Module 3 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 4 R
C3E0H-C3E7H 50145-50152 Module 4 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 1 R
C3E8H-C3EFH 50153-50160 Module 4 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 2 R
C3F0H-C3F7H 50161-50168 Module 4 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 3 R
C3F8H-C3FFH 50169-50176 Module 4 Relay Common Shorted to Normally Opened Label 4 R
Reserved Block
C400H-C45FH 50177-50272 Reserved
Customizable Modbus Map Settings Block
C460H-C461H 50273-50274 Line 1, Point 1 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
C462H-C65FH 50275-50784 Line 2, Point 2 - Line 256, Point 256 R
Network Card #1 - Settings (Part 2 of 3)
Auto TFTP Download Settings
C660H 50785 Enable/ Disable
C661H 50786 TFTP Port
C662H-C663H 50787-50788 Client IP
C664H-C665H 50789-50790 Server IP
C666H-C667H 50791-50792 Default Gateway
C668H-C669H 50793-50794 Subnet Mask
Email Mode (MSB)
C66AH 50795 Bit[15]: 0=authenicantion on; 1=authentication off
Bit[14]~Bit[0] = Not defined
C66BH 50796 FTP Download
C66CH-C6ABH 50797-50860 Download Filename (128 Bytes)
Email Client settings
C6ACH-C6CBH 50861-50892 Email Server IP Addres / Name (64 bytes)

C6CCH-C6EBH 50893-50924 Nxs Comm Email Processing Service IP Address / Name (64 bytes)
C6ECH-C70BH 50925-50956 Return / Reply Address (64 bytes)
C70CH-C72BH 50957-50988 Email Subject Text (64 Bytes)
C72CH-C73BH 50989-51004 Email Username (32 Bytes)
C73CH-C74BH 51005-51020 Email Password (32 Bytes)
FTP Client Settings
C74CH-C75BH 51021-51036 Username
C75CH-C76BH 51037-51052 Password
C76CH-C7ABH 51053-51116 Startup Path/Directory
C7ACH-C7CBH 51117-51148 Server IP Address/Name
GE Protocol (EGD)
C7CCH-C7CDH 51149-51150 IP Address
C7CEH 51151 Update Interval(1=100msec to 65000=6500 seconds)
Byte[1]: Connection Type (0=broadsact, 1=multicast, 2=unicast)
C7CFH 51152
Byte[0]: Options (Bit[0]: 1=Use IP as Producer ID, 0=Use User
C7D0H-C7D1H 51153-51154 User Producer ID

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
C7D2H-C7D3H 51155-51156 Reserved
MSB: Mode
C7D4H 51157 R
LSB: Bitmap Set
C7D5H 51158 MSB: UDP Addressing R
C7D6H 51159 TCP Listen Port R
C7D7H 51160 UDP Listen Port R
C7D8H-C7D9H 51161-51162 Valid IP Address 1 R
C7DAH-C7DBH 51163-51164 Valid IP Address 2 R
C7DCH-C7DDH 51165-61166 Valid IP Address 3 R
C7DEH-C7DFH 51167-51168 Valid IP Address 4 R
C7E0H-C7E1H 51169-51170 Valid IP Subnet Mask 1 R
C7E2H-C7E3H 51171-51172 Valid IP Subnet Mask 2 R
C7E4H-C7E5H 51173-51174 Valid IP Subnet Mask 3 R
C7E6H-C7E7H 51175-51176 Valid IP Subnet Mask 4 R
C7E8H-C7EBH 51177-51180 TCP Starting Valid Client Ports R
C7ECH-C7EFH 51181-51184 TCP Ending Valid Client Ports R
C7F0H-C7F3H 51185-51188 UDP Starting Valid Client Ports R
C7F4H-C7F7H 51189-51192 UDP Ending Valid Client Ports R
C7F8H-C7F9H 51193-51194 Reserved
C7FAH 51195 UDP Respond Port R
C7FBH 51196 Device Address R
Network Card #1/#2 - Settings (Part 2 of 2)
Email Client settings - Cont.
MSB First, send e-mail on
Bit [31-10]: undefined
Bit [09]: Transient capture
Bit [08]: reserved
Bit [07]: reserved
Bit [06]: reserved
C7FCH-C7FDH 51197-51198
Bit [05]: N/A
Bit [04]: Relay output change
Bit [03]: PQ (CBEMA) event
Bit [02]: Waveform capture
Bit [01]: Digital input status change
Bit [00]: Limit status change

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
C7FEH-C7FFH 51199-51200 Reserved
Customizable Modbus Map Format Block
C800H 51201 Custom Modbus Point 1 Style / Format R
C801H 51202 Custom Modbus Point 1 Unit / Special
C802H-C9FFH 51203-51712 Custom Modbus Points 2-256 Style / Format and Unit / Special R
Energy Scale Settings
CA00H 51713 Q1234 VAh/ Q12 VARh F65
CA01H 51714 Q34 VARh/ Q14 Wh F65
CA02H 51715 Q1 VAh/ Q1 VARh F65
CA03H 51716 Q4 VAh/ Q4 VARh F65
CA04H 51717 Q23 Wh/ Q2 VAh F65
CA05H 51718 Q2 VARh/ Q3 VAh F65
CA06H 51719 Q3 VARh/ I t Phase A F65
2 2
CA07H 51720 I t Phase B/ I t Phase C F65
2 2
CA08H 51721 V t Phase A/ V t Phase B F65
CA09H 51722 V t Phase C/ Q1 Wh F65
CA0AH 51723 Q4 Wh/ Q2 Wh F65
CA0BH 51724 Q3 Wh/ Q1234 VAh, Uncompensated F65
CA0CH 51725 Q12 VARh, Uncompensated/ Q34 VARh, Uncompensated F65
CA0DH 51726 Q14 Wh, Uncompensated/ Q23 Wh, Uncompensated F65
CA0EH 51727 +Qh/ -Qh F65
CA0FH-CA13H 51728-51732 Reserved
CA14H 51733 Pulse Accumulation, Input 1/ Pulse Accumulation Input 2 F65
CA15H 51734 Pulse Accumulation, Input 3/ Pulse Accumulation Input 4 F65
CA16H 51735 Pulse Accumulation, Input 5/ Pulse Accumulation Input 6 F65
CA17H 51736 Pulse Accumulation, Input 7/ Pulse Accumulation Input 8 F65
CA18H 51737 Pulse Aggregation 1/ Pulse Aggregation 2 F65
CA19H 51738 Pulse Aggregation 3/ Pulse Aggregation 4 F65
CA1AH 51739 SYNCH connection (Yes/No 1-255/0) / FVF change per day (1-50)
CA1BH 51740 MSB: KYZ Operation Status Enable
CA1CH-CA1DH 51741-51742 TDD Reference Voltage F7
CA1EH-CA1FH 51743-51744 TDD Reference Current F7
CA20H-CA21H 51745-51746 EN50160 Nominal Voltage
CA22H-CA94H 51747-51861 Reserved
Nexus 15xx Master RTU Block (Modbus RTU only Func Code 0x03 Only)

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
CA95H 51862 Polling Order 1/ Device address
CA96H 51863 Starting Modbus address
CA97H 51864 Number of Register
CA98H-CC14H 51865-52245 Repeat 127 times
Pulse Accumulation/Aggregators Average Full Scale
CC18H-CC1BH 52249-52252 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 1 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
CC1CH-CC1FH 52253-52256 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 2 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
CC20H-CC23H 52257-52260 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 3 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
CC24H-CC27H 52261-52264 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 4 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
CC28H-CC2BH 52265-52268 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 5 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
CC2CH-CC2FH 52269-52272 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 6 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
CC30H-CC33H 52273-52276 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 7 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
CC34H-CC37H 52277-52280 Pulse Accumulation Internal Input 8 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
CC38H-CC3BH 52281-52284 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 1 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
CC3CH-CC3FH 52285-52288 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 2 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
CC40H-CC43H 52289-52292 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 3 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
CC44H-CC47H 52293-52296 Pulse Accumulation Aggregation 4 999999999999999/0 1 Unit
Network Card #1 Settings (Part 3 of 3)
Port numbers
CC48H 52297 Web server listen port number, valid numbers > 0 and < 65536
CC49H 52298 FTP server control port number, valid numbers > 0 and < 65536
CC4AH 52299 FTP server data port number, valid numbers > 0 and < 65536
CC4BH 52300 GE EGD data port number, valid numbers > 0 and < 65536
Update Settings Block
CEF0H-CF6FH 52977-53104 User Memo Field (256 bytes)
CF70H-CFEFH 53105-53232 Name of User Who Last Updated the Profile (256 bytes)
CFF0H 53233 Device Profile Version (Year)
CFF1H 53234 Device Profile Version (Month/ Day)
CFF2H 53235 Device Profile Version (Build)
CFF3H 53236 Pro Software ID
CFF4H-CFF5H 53237-53238 Electro Industries Device Type (Base Unit)
CFF6H 53239 Electro Industries Device Type (Option 1/ Option 2)
CFF7H 53240 Electro Industries Device Type (Option 3/ Option 4)

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
CFF8H 53241 Update Programming Software Version Number (Major)
CFF9H 53242 Update Programming Software Version Number (Minor)
CFFAH 53243 Update Programming Software Version Number (Revision)
CFFBH-CFFEH 53244-53247 Update Time R
CFFFH 53248 Programmable Settings Block Checksum R
12-Bit RTU Block
D000H 53249 Sanity Rregister F58 R
D001H 53250 Phase A Current +5 A / 0 A 5 / 2048 A sec F59 R
D002H 53251 Phase B Current +5 A / 0 A 5 / 2048 A sec F59 R
D003H 53252 Phase C Current +5 A / 0 A 5 / 2048 A sec F59 R
D004H 53253 Phase A-N Voltage +150 V / 0 V 150 / 2048 V sec F59 R
D005H 53254 Phase B-N Voltage +150 V / 0 V 150 / 2048 V sec F59 R
D006H 53255 Phase C-N Voltage +150 V / 0 V 150 / 2048 V sec F59 R
1500 / 2048 W
D007H 53256 Total Watt +1500 W / -1500 W sec F59 R
1500 / 2048 VAR
D008H 53257 Total VAR +1500 VAR / -1500 VAR sec F59 R
1500 / 2048 W
D009H 53258 Phase A Watt +1500 W / -1500 W sec F59 R
1500 / 2048 W
D00AH 53259 Phase B Watt +1500 W / -1500 W sec F59 R
1500 / 2048 W
D00BH 53260 Phase C Watt +1500 W / -1500 W sec F59 R
1500 / 2048 VAR
D00CH 53261 Phase A VAR +1500 VAR / -1500 VAR sec F59 R
1500 / 2048 VAR
D00DH 53262 Phase B VAR +1500 VAR / -1500 VAR sec F59 R
1500 / 2048 VAR
D00EH 53263 Phase C VAR +1500 VAR / -1500 VAR sec F59 R
D00FH-D010H 53264-53265 Reserved
D011H 53266 Computed Neutral Current +5 A / 0 A 5 / 2048 A sec F59 R

D012H-D013H 53267-53268 Positive Watthour +99,999,999 kWh / 0 kWh 1 kWh pri F60 R

D014H-D015H 53269-53270 Negative Watthour 0 kWh / +99,999,999 kWh 1 kWh pri F60 R

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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-203
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
+99,999,999 kVARh / 0
D016H-D017H 53271-53272 Positive VARhour kVARh 1 kVARh pri F60 R
0 kVARh / +99,999,999
D018H-D019H 53273-53274 Negative VARhour kVARh 1 kVARh pri F60 R
D01AH 53275 Frequency 45 Hz / 75 Hz 30 / 4096 Hz F61 R
D01BH-D062H 53276-53347 Reserved
D063H 53348 Energy Reset W
NVRAM Window
D800H-DFFFH 55296-57344 NVRAM readings (Diagnostic Purpose only)
Action Block
E000H 57345 Log Reset W Ch.5
E001H 57346 Maximum Reset W
E002H 57347 Minimum Reset W
E003H 57348 Energy Reset W
E004H-E022H 57349-57379 Reserved
E023H 57380 Internal KYZ Enable R/W
E024H 57381 Flicker Enable R/W
E025H 57382 Undefined R/W
E026H 57383 Calibrate Waveform 120 V R/W
E027H 57384 Calibrate Waveform - 5 A R/W
E028H 57385 Calibrate Waveform - DC Offset R/W
E029H 57386 Reset Time Of Use Current Month R/W
E02AH 57387 Manual Waveform Capture W
E02BH 57388 Reset Internal Input Accumulations and Aggregations R/W
E02CH 57389 Override Data not yet Valid Block W
E02DH 57390 Refresh External IO Header Information R/W
E02EH 57391 Refresh External IO Programming Information W
E02FH 57392 Relay Locking Relay Selection R/W

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
E030H 57393 Relay Locking Action Selection R/W

Test Mode command:

R: XX00H, It is not in Test Mode;
0001H, It is entering to Test Mode;
0002H, It is exiting from Test Mode;
XX03H - XX12H, It is in Test Mode
XX03H: NO comp. + WHQ14/VARHQ12 KYZ1/2 source;
XX04H: NO comp. + WHQ14/VARHQ34 KYZ1/2 source;
XX05H: NO comp. + WHQ23/VARHQ12 KYZ1/2 source;
XX06H: NO comp. + WHQ23/VARHQ34 KYZ1/2 source;
XX07H: TLC + WHQ14/VARHQ12 KYZ1/2 source;
XX08H: TLC + WHQ14/VARHQ34 KYZ1/2 source;
XX09H, TLC + WHQ23/VARHQ12 KYZ1/2 source;
XX0AH, TLC + WHQ23/VARHQ34 KYZ1/2 source;
XX0BH, CTPT + WHQ14/VARHQ12 KYZ1/2 source;
XX0CH, CTPT + WHQ14/VARHQ34 KYZ1/2 source;
E031H 57394 XX0DH, CTPT + WHQ23/VARHQ12 KYZ1/2 source; W
XX0EH, CTPT + WHQ23/VARHQ34 KYZ1/2 source;
XX0FH, BOTH comp. + WHQ14/VARHQ12 KYZ1/2 source;
XX10H, BOTH comp. + WHQ14/VARHQ34 KYZ1/2 source;
XX11H, BOTH comp. + WHQ23/VARHQ12 KYZ1/2 source;
XX12H, BOTH comp. + WHQ23/VARHQ34 KYZ1/2 source;
others, undefined
where, XX is the active port
W: 00XXH, Exit Test Mode;
A500H - A503H, Select energy source
A500H: WHQ14/VARHQ12 KYZ1/2 source;
A501H: WHQ14/VARHQ34 KYZ1/2 source;
A502H: WHQ23/VARHQ12 KYZ1/2 source;
A503H: WHQ23/VARHQ34 KYZ1/2 source;
FF00H - FF03H, Select compensation; FF00H: NO comp.

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
E032H 57395 Reset Test Mode Data W
E033H 57396 Reset KYZ Output Accumulations W
E034H 57397 Reset Cumulative Demand W
E035H 57398 Reset Historical Log 1 W
E036H 57399 Reset Historical Log 2 W
E037H 57400 Reset Sequence of Events Log W
E038H 57401 Reset Digital Input Log W
E039H 57402 Reset Digital Output Log W
E03AH 57403 Reset Flicker Log W
E03BH 57404 Reset Waveform Log W
E03CH 57405 Reset PQ Log W
E03DH 57406 Reset System Event Log W
E03EH 57407 Reset Total Average Power Factor W
E03FH 57408 Reserved W
Power Quality Test (EN-50160/IEC61000-4-30) Re-Start/ Reset
E044H 57413 Flag W
0x434C in
Power Quality Test (EN-50160/IEC61000-4-30) Delete All XML to the
E045H 57414 report files W register
0x434C in
to the
E046H 57415 Reset Power Quality Test (EN-50160/IEC61000-4-30) Log W register
E047H 57416 Copy Dual Port readings to Dual Port Reading Block W
E048H 57417 Calibrate Phase at 150 mA
E049H 57418 Calibrate Phase at 250 mA R/W
E04AH 57398 Reset Historical Log 3 W
E04BH 57399 Reset Historical Log 4
E04CH 57400 Reset Historical Log 5
E04DH 57401 Reset Historical Log 6
E04EH 57402 Reset Historical Log 7
E04FH 57403 Reset Historical Log 8
E050H 57404 Reset Event Triggered Log
E051H 57405 Reset Transient Log
E052H 57406 Lock Log, write some value different 0x0000 lock all logs to log

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
E080H 57473 Reserved R/W
E081H 57474 Reserved R/W
E082H 57475 Reserved R/W
E083H 57476 Reset DI Option Board All Channels R/W
E084H 57477 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 1 R/W
E085H 57478 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 2 R/W
E086H 57479 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 3 R/W
E087H 57480 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 4 R/W
E088H 57481 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 5 R/W
E089H 57482 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 6 R/W
E08AH 57482 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 7 R/W
E08BH 57484 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 8 R/W
E08CH 57485 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 9 R/W
E08DH 57486 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 10 R/W
E08EH 57487 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 11 R/W
E08FH 57488 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 12 R/W
E090H 57489 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 13 R/W
E091H 57490 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 14 R/W
E092H 57491 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 15 R/W
E093H 57492 Reset DI Option Board 1 Channel 16 R/W
E094H 57493 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 1 R/W
E095H 57494 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 2 R/W
E096H 57495 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 3 R/W
E097H 57496 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 4 R/W
E098H 57497 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 5 R/W
E099H 57498 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 6 R/W
E09AH 57499 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 7 R/W
E09BH 57500 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 8 R/W
E09CH 57501 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 9 R/W
E09DH 57502 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 10 R/W
E09EH 57503 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 11 R/W
E09FH 57504 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 12 R/W
E0A0H 57505 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 13 R/W
E0A1H 57506 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 14 R/W
E0A2H 57507 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 15 R/W
E0A3H 57508 Reset DI Option Board 2 Channel 16 R/W

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
E0A4H 57509 Reset Time of Use Current Season/week/day R/W
E0A5H 57510 Reset Time of Use Action Log R/W
E0A6H 57511 Reset Time of Use Demands R/W
E0A7H 57512 Reset Time of Use Month Season Log R/W
E0A8H 57513 Reset Time of Use Accumulators R/W
Clear the initial Time of Use Cumulative Demands used for current
E0A9H 57514 season/week/day and month R/W
E0AAH 57515 Time of Use Manual Read Season/week/day Block Data R/W
E0ABH 57516 Time of Use Manual Read Month Block Data R/W
E0ACH 57517 Meter Time of User Master Reset W Write
Factory Calibration Block
EE00H-EE03H 60929-60932 Factory Calibration Block Timestamp R REF[10]
EE04H-EE07H 60933-60936 Factory Calibration Timestamp R REF[10]
EE08H-EE09H 60937-60938 Gain factor for Vae R REF[10]
EE0AH-EE0FH 60939-60944 Gain factors for Vbe, Vce, Vne R REF[10]
EE10H-EE11H 60945-60946 Gain Factor for Ia 25 mA R REF[10]
EE12H-EE13H 60947-60948 Gain Factor for Ia 150 mA R REF[10]
EE14H-EE15H 60949-60950 Gain Factor for Ia 250 mA R REF[10]
EE16H-EE17H 60951-60952 Gain Factor for Ia 500 mA R REF[10]
EE18H-EE19H 50953-60954 Gain Factor for Ia 1 A R REF[10]
EE1AH-EE1BH 60955-60956 Gain Factor for Ia 2.5 A R REF[10]
EE1CH-EE1DH 60957-60958 Gain Factor for Ia 5 A R REF[10]
EE1EH-EE2BH 60959-60972 Gain factors for Ib R REF[10]
EE2CH-EE47H 60973-61000 Gain factors for Ic, Ix R REF[10]
EE48H 61001 Unused R REF[10]
EE49H 61002 Phase Compensation for Phase A 150 mA R REF[10]
EE4AH 61003 Phase Compensation for Phase A 250 mA R REF[10]
EE4BH 61004 Phase Compensation for Phase A 500 mA R REF[10]
EE4CH 61005 Phase Compensation for Phase A 1 A R REF[10]
EE4DH 61006 Phase Compensation for Phase A 2.5 A R REF[10]
EE4EH 61007 Phase Compensation for Phase A 5 A R REF[10]
EE4FH 61008 Phase Compensation for Phase A 10 A R REF[10]
EE50H-EE56H 61009-61015 Phase Compensation for Phase B R REF[10]
EE57H-EE5DH 61016-61022 Phase Compensation for Phase C R REF[10]
EE5EH-EE5FH 61023-61024 Current Threshold R REF[10]
EE60H 61025 Table version R REF[10]

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
EE61H 61026 Calibration Checksum R REF[10]
CTPT Compensation Calibration Block
EE62H-EE65H 61027-61030 CTPT Compensation Calibration Block Timestamp R REF[10]
EE66H-EE69H 61031-61034 CTPT Compensation Calibration Timestamp R REF[10]
EE6AH-EE6BH 61035-61036 Gain factor for Vae R REF[10]
EE6CH-EE71H 61037-61042 Gain factors for Vbe, Vce, Vne R REF[10]
EE72H-EE73H 61043-61044 Gain Factor for Ia 25 mA R REF[10]
EE74H-EE75H 61045-61046 Gain Factor for Ia 150 mA R REF[10]
EE76H-EE77H 61047-61048 Gain Factor for Ia 250 mA R REF[10]
EE78H-EE79H 61049-61050 Gain Factor for Ia 500 mA R REF[10]
EE7AH-EE7BH 61051-61052 Gain Factor for Ia 1 A R REF[10]
EE7CH-EE7DH 61053-61054 Gain Factor for Ia 2.5 A R REF[10]
EE7EH-EE7FH 61055-61056 Gain Factor for Ia 5 A R REF[10]
EE80H-EE8DH 61057-61070 Gain factors for Ib R REF[10]
EE8EH-EEA9H 61071-61098 Gain factors for Ic, In R REF[10]
EEAAH 61099 Unused R REF[10]
EEABH 61100 Phase Compensation for Phase A 150 mA R REF[10]
EEACH 61101 Phase Compensation for Phase A 250 mA R REF[10]
EEADH 61102 Phase Compensation for Phase A 500 mA R REF[10]
EEAEH 61103 Phase Compensation for Phase A 1 A R REF[10]
EEAFH 61104 Phase Compensation for Phase A 2.5 A R REF[10]
EEB0H 61105 Phase Compensation for Phase A 5 A R REF[10]
EEB1H 61106 Phase Compensation for Phase A 10 A R REF[10]
EEB2H-EEB8H 61107-61113 Phase Compensation for Phase B R REF[10]
EEB9H-EEBFH 61114-61120 Phase Compensation for Phase C R REF[10]
EEC0H-EEC1H 61021-61022 Current Threshold R REF[10]
EEC2H 61023 Table version R REF[10]
EEC3H 61124 Calibration Checksum R REF[10]
Calibration Modification Cont. Block
EEF2H-EEF3H 61171-61172 CTPT Ext. Cal. PT Gain Factor Phase A-N Voltage R/W REF[10]
EEF4H-EEF5H 61173-61174 CTPT Ext. Cal. PT Gain Factor Phase B-N Voltage R/W REF[10]
EEF6H-EEF7H 61175-61176 CTPT Ext. Cal. PT Gain Factor Phase C-N Voltage R/W REF[10]
EEF8H-EEF9H 61177-61178 CTPT Ext. Cal. PT Gain Factor Phase A-B Voltage R/W REF[10]
EEFAH-EEFBH 61179-61180 CTPT Ext. Cal. PT Gain Factor Phase B-C Voltage R/W REF[10]
EEFCH-EEFDH 61181-61182 CTPT Ext. Cal. PT Gain Factor Phase C-A Voltage R/W REF[10]
EEFEH 61183 Unused R/W REF[10]

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
EEFFH 61184 Block Checksum R/W REF[10]
Calibration Modification Block
EF00H 61185 Calibration Modification Selection R/W REF[10]
EF01H-EF04H 61186-61189 Calibration Timestamp R/W REF[10]
EF05H-EF06H 61190-61191 Gain factor for Vae R/W REF[10]
EF07H-EF0CH 61192-61197 Gain factors for Vbe, Vce, Vne R/W REF[10]
EF0DH-EF0EH 61198-61199 Gain Factor for Ia 25 mA R/W REF[10]
EF0FH-EF10H 61200-61201 Gain Factor for Ia 150 mA R/W REF[10]
EF11H-EF12H 61202-61203 Gain Factor for Ia 250 mA R/W REF[10]
EF13H-EF14H 61204-61205 Gain Factor for Ia 500 mA R/W REF[10]
EF15H-EF16H 61206-61207 Gain Factor for Ia 1 A R/W REF[10]
EF17H-EF18H 61208-61209 Gain Factor for Ia 2.5 A R/W REF[10]
EF19H-EF1AH 61210-61211 Gain Factor for Ia 5 A R/W REF[10]
EF1BH-EF28H 61212-61225 Gain factors for Ib R/W REF[10]
EF29H-EF44H 61226-61253 Gain factors for Ic, Ix R/W REF[10]
EF45H 61254 Unused R/W REF[10]
EF46H 61255 Phase Compensation for Phase A 150 mA R/W REF[10]
EF47H 61256 Phase Compensation for Phase A 250 mA R/W REF[10]
EF48H 61257 Phase Compensation for Phase A 500 mA R/W REF[10]
EF49H 61258 Phase Compensation for Phase A 1 A R/W REF[10]
EF4AH 61259 Phase Compensation for Phase A 2.5 A R/W REF[10]
EF4BH 61260 Phase Compensation for Phase A 5 A R/W REF[10]
EF4CH 61261 Phase Compensation for Phase A 10 A R/W REF[10]
EF4DH-EF53H 61262-61268 Phase Compensation for Phase B R/W REF[10]
EF54H-EF5AH 61269-61275 Phase Compensation for Phase C R/W REF[10]
EF5BH-EF5CH 61276-61277 Current Threshold R/W REF[10]
EF5DH 61278 Table version R/W REF[10]
EF5EH 61279 Calibration Checksum R/W REF[10]
EF5FH 61280 Calibration Modification Checksum R/W REF[10]
Display Parameter Block
EF60H 61281 contrast, low byte, AND with 0x00FF
EF61H 61282 volume, low byte, AND with 0x00FF
EF62H 61283 backlight
EF63H 61284 calibration, upper left corner X
EF64H 61285 calibration, upper left corner Y
EF65H 61286 calibration, upper right corner X

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
EF66H 61287 calibration, upper right corner Y
EF67H 61288 calibration, lower left corner X
EF68H 61289 calibration, lower left corner Y
EF69H 61290 calibration, lower right corner X
EF6AH 61291 calibration, lower right corner Y

LCD staus/command Register

MSB first
Bit[0] - Front panel push button: not pressed = 0, pressed = 1
Bit[1] - Set to 1 cause the screen jump to calibration screen.
Bit[3] - Set to 1 cause the meter send a command to the touch
EF6BH 61292
screen controller to read firmware version and vendor ID.
Bit[4] - Set to 1 cause Screen file access lock. VT/HT Screen file
access is unlock when software rename the temporary folder
Bit[5] - Set to 1 cause webpage file access lock
Bit[6] - Set to 1 cause webpage file access unlock

EF6CH-EF6D 61293-61294 Touch screen controller version. / version F2 R
EF6EH 61295 Touch screen last raw x
EF6FH 61296 Touch screen last raw y
EF70H 61297 Touch screen last scaled x
EF71H 61298 Touch screen last scaled y
EF72H 61299 Touch screen controller verndor ID
EF73H 61300 Display Rotation, MSB first:
File update lock command
EF74H 61301 Bit 0[LSB] - Lock access to IEC-61850 SCL folder for update
FPGA Transient Block
EF7CH-EF7EH 61309-61311 Threshold
EF7FH 61312 Mode
DSP2 Info Block

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

Variation string
MSB first:
Byte [127-124]: Build ID = "9161" = NX1500+
"9061" = NX1500
EF80H-EFFFH 61313-61440 [123-122]: "RE", RE = Release F2
"DT", D = Debugging, T = Test (would also
have DF,DR)
[121-113]: Version number: "MMMM.mmmm", M - Major,
m - minor

F000H-F269H 61441-62058 Reserved

Reserved Block
F3F0H-F3F3H 62449-62452
Reserved Block
F400H-F5FFH 62449-62452
Reserved Block
F3F4H-F3FFH 62453-62464
DSP2 Data Export
F600H 62977 Request Group ID
F601H 62978 Request Item ID
F602H 62979-62980 IP Address
F604H 62981 Port ID
F605H 62982-62983 Count down time
F607H 62984 Command
F608H 62985-62989 Start time
F60DH 62990-62991 Sequence number
F60FH 62992 Frame version
F610H-F61FH 62993-63008 Request list
Reserved Block
F620H 63009 Reserved
Date/Time Format Settings
MSB = Date format (Default = 0)
F678H 63097 LSB = Time format (Default = 0) W
MSB = Date separator (Default = '-')
F679H 63098 LSB = Time separator (Default = ':') W

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-212
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
F67AH 63099 MSB = Date Year separator (Fixed at SP) W
Current Class
MSB first:
0 = Class 20 (20 Amp)
F68FH 63120 R
1 = Class 2 (1 Amp)
others = Class 20 (20 Amp)
Installed Board Status provided by Meter
F690H 63121 Count R
F691H-F692H 63122-63123 Board index 1 hardware ID R
F693H 63124 Board index 1 status R
F694H-F6F0H 63125-63217 Board index 2-32 hardware ID and status R
Meter I2C Interface
F700H 63233 I2C Status
F701H 63234 I2C Command
F702H-F703H 63235-63236 I2C Hardware ID
F704H 63237 I2C Device Address
F705H 63238 I2C Windows Index
F706H 63239 I2C Data Length
F707H 63240 I2C Data Checksum
F708H-F747H 63241-63304 I2C Window

F7FFH 63488 The least significant byte of this register indicates the jump setting R
DSP2 Channel Block 2
Multicycle RMS Result Frame 10cycles for 50Hz sytem, 12cycles for 60HZ sytem
F800H-F803H 63489-63492 Multicycle Update RTC Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
F804H-F805H 63493-63494 Multicycle RMS Phase A-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F806H-F807H 63495-63496 Multicycle RMS Phase B-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F808H-F809H 63497-63498 Multicycle RMS Phase C-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F80AH-F80BH 63499-63500 Multicycle RMS Phase A-B Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F80CH-F80DH 63501-63502 Multicycle RMS Phase B-C Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F80EH-F80FH 63503-63504 Multicycle RMS Phase C-A Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F810H-F811H 63505-63506 Multicycle RMS Phase X-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F812H-F813H 63507-63508 Multicycle RMS Vres Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F814H-F815H 63509-63510 Multicycle RMS Ires Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F816H-F817H 63511-63512 Multicycle RMS Phase A-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F818H-F819H 63513-63514 Multicycle RMS Phase B-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-213
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
F81AH-F81BH 63515-63516 Multicycle RMS Phase C-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F81CH-F81DH 63517-63518 Multicycle RMS Phase X-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F81EH-F81FH 63519-63520 Multicycle RMS Phase N-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F820H-F821H 63521-63522 Multicycle RMS Phase A Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F822H-F823H 63523-63524 Multicycle RMS Phase B Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F824H-F825H 63525-63526 Multicycle RMS Phase C Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F826H-F827H 63527-63528 Multicycle RMS Phase X Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F828H-F829H 63529-63530 Multicycle MEAN Phase A-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F82AH-F82BH 63531-63532 Multicycle MEAN Phase B-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F82CH-F82DH 63533-63534 Multicycle MEAN Phase C-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F82EH-F82FH 63535-63536 Multicycle MEAN Phase A-B Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F830H-F831H 63537-63538 Multicycle MEAN Phase B-C Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F832H-F833H 63539-63540 Multicycle MEAN Phase C-A Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F834H-F835H 63541-63542 Multicycle MEAN Phase X-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F836H-F837H 63543-63544 Multicycle MEAN Vres Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F838H-F839H 63545-63546 Multicycle MEAN Ires Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F83AH-F83BH 63547-63548 Multicycle MEAN Phase A-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F83CH-F83DH 63549-63550 Multicycle MEAN Phase B-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F83EH-F83FH 63551-63552 Multicycle MEAN Phase C-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F840H-F841H 63553-63554 Multicycle MEAN Phase X-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F842H-F843H 63555-63556 Multicycle MEAN Phase N-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F844H-F845H 63557-63558 Multicycle MEAN Phase A Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F846H-F847H 63559-63560 Multicycle MEAN Phase B Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F848H-F849H 63561-63562 Multicycle MEAN Phase C Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F84AH-F84BH 63563-63564 Multicycle MEAN Phase X Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F84CH-F84DH 63565-63566 1st reference chanel 0.2sec frequency 0/+32767.999 Hz F73 R
F84EH-F84FH 63567-63568 2nd reference chanel 0.2sec frequency 0/+32767.999 Hz F73 R
F850H-F851H 63569-63570 3rd reference chanel 0.2sec frequency 0/+32767.999 Hz F73 R
F852H-F853H 63571-63572 4th reference chanel 0.2sec frequency 0/+32767.999 Hz F73 R
F854H-F855H 63573-63574 5th reference chanel 0.2sec frequency 0/+32767.999 Hz F73 R
1st frequency reference channel, multicycle completed point
F856H 63575 timeframe number 0/+65535 F51 R
2nd frequency reference channel, multicycle completed point
F857H 63576 timeframe number 0/+65535 F51 R
3rd frequency reference channel, multicycle completed point
F858H 63577 timeframe number 0/+65535 F51 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
4th frequency reference channel, multicycle completed point
F859H 63578 timeframe number 0/+65535 F51 R
5th frequency reference channel, multicycle completed point
F85AH 63579 timeframe number 0/+65535 F51 R
1st frequency reference channel, multicycle completed point index
F85BH 63580 number 0/+65535 F51 R
2nd frequency reference channel, multicycle completed point index
F85CH 63581 number 0/+65535 F51 R
3rd frequency reference channel, multicyclecompleted point index
F85DH 63582 number 0/+65535 F51 R
4th frequency reference channel, multicycle completed point index
F85EH 63583 number 0/+65535 F51 R
5th frequency reference channel, multicycle completed point index
F85FH 63584 number 0/+65535 F51 R
F860H-F861H 63585-63586 Fundamental phase angle Phase A-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F862H-F863H 63587-63588 Fundamental phase angle Phase B-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F864H-F865H 63589-63590 Fundamental phase angle Phase C-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F866H-F867H 63591-63592 Fundamental phase angle Phase A-B Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F868H-F869H 63593-63594 Fundamental phase angle Phase B-C Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F86AH-F86BH 63595-63596 Fundamental phase angle Phase C-A Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F86CH-F86DH 63597-63598 Fundamental phase angle Phase X-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F86EH-F86FH 63599-63600 Fundamental phase angle Vres Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F870H-F871H 63601-63602 Fundamental phase angle Ires Current -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F872H-F873H 63603-63604 Fundamental phase angle Phase A-E Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F874H-F875H 63605-63606 Fundamental phase angle Phase B-E Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F876H-F877H 63607-63608 Fundamental phase angle Phase C-E Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F878H-F879H 63609-63610 Fundamental phase angle Phase X-E Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F87AH-F87BH 63611-63612 Fundamental phase angle Phase N-E Voltage -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F87CH-F87DH 63613-63614 Fundamental phase angle Phase A Current -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F87EH-F87FH 63615-63616 Fundamental phase angle Phase B Current -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F880H-F881H 63617-63618 Fundamental phase angle Phase C Current -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F882H-F883H 63619-63620 Fundamental phase angle Phase X Current -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F884H-F885H 63621-63622 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase A-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F886H-F887H 63623-63624 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase B-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F888H-F889H 63625-63626 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase C-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F88AH-F88BH 63627-63628 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase A-B Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
F88CH-F88DH 63629-63630 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase B-C Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F88EH-F88FH 63631-63632 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase C-A Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F890H-F891H 63633-63634 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase X-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F892H-F893H 63635-63636 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Vres Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F894H-F895H 63637-63638 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Ires Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F896H-F897H 63639-63640 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase A-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F898H-F899H 63641-63642 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase B-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F89AH-F89BH 63643-63644 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase C-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F89CH-F89DH 63645-63646 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase X-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F89EH-F89FH 63647-63648 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase N-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F8A0H-F8A1H 63649-63650 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase A Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F8A2H-F8A3H 63651-63652 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase B Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F8A4H-F8A5H 63653-63654 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase C Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F8A6H-F8A7H 63655-63656 Multicycle Fundamental RMS Phase X Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F8A8H 63657 Symm Comp Phase (Voltage PN) - Zero Sequence -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8A9H 63658 Symm Comp Phase (Voltage PN) - Pos Sequence -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8AAH 63659 Symm Comp Phase (Voltage PN) - Neg Sequence -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8ABH 63660 ref channel update timestamp 0/4294967295 F115 R
F8ACH-F8ADH 63661-63662 0.2sec Symm Comp Mag (Voltage PN) - Zero Sequence -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F8AEH-F8AFH 63663-63664 0.2sec Symm Comp Mag (Voltage PN) - Pos Sequence -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F8B0H-F8B1H 63665-63666 0.2sec Symm Comp Mag (Voltage PN) - Neg Sequence -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F8B2H-F8B3H 63667-63668 0.2sec Symm Comp Phase (Voltage PN) - Zero Sequence -32767.999/+32767.999 degree F73 R
F8B4H-F8B5H 63669-63670 0.2sec Symm Comp Phase (Voltage PN) - Pos Sequence -32767.999/+32767.999 degree F73 R
F8B6H-F8B7H 63671-63672 0.2sec Symm Comp Phase (Voltage PN) - Neg Sequence -32767.999/+32767.999 degree F73 R
F8B8H-F8B9H 63673-63674 Zero-Crossing Angle channel V1 -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8BAH-F8BBH 63675-63676 Zero-Crossing Angle channel V2 -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8BCH-F8BDH 63677-63678 Zero-Crossing Angle channel V3 -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8BEH-F8BFH 63679-63680 Zero-Crossing Angle channel V4 -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8C0H-F8C1H 63681-63682 Zero-Crossing Angle channel V5 -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8C2H 63683 Zero-Crossing Delay channel V1 -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8C3H 63684 Zero-Crossing Delay channel V2 -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8C4H 63685 Zero-Crossing Delay channel V3 -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8C5H 63686 Zero-Crossing Delay channel V4 -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8C6H 63687 Zero-Crossing Delay channel V5 -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8C7H 63688 Default Zero-Crossing Delay -327.67/+327.67 degree 0.01 degree F9 E
F8C8H 63689 Underdeviation Phase A-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
F8C9H 63690 Underdeviation Phase B-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8CAH 63691 Underdeviation Phase C-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8CBH 63692 Underdeviation Phase A-B Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8CCH 63693 Underdeviation Phase B-C Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8CDH 63694 Underdeviation Phase C-A Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8CEH 63695 Overdeviation Phase A-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8CFH 63696 Overdeviation Phase B-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8D0H 63697 Overdeviation Phase C-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8D1H 63698 Overdeviation Phase A-B Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8D2H 63699 Overdeviation Phase B-C Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8D3H 63700 Overdeviation Phase C-A Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8D4H-F8D5H 63701-63702 Multicycle update timestamp 0/4294967295 F115 R
F8D6H 63703 Flagging Multicycle RMS Phase A-N Voltage F75 R
F8D7H 63704 Flagging Multicycle RMS Phase B-N Voltage F75 R
F8D8H 63705 Flagging Multicycle RMS Phase C-N Voltage F75 R
F8D9H 63706 Flagging Multicycle RMS Phase A-B Voltage F75 R
F8DAH 63707 Flagging Multicycle RMS Phase B-C Voltage F75 R
F8DBH 63708 Flagging Multicycle RMS Phase C-A Voltage F75 R
F8DCH-F8E1H 63709-63714 Reserved
F8E2H 63715 Underdeviation 3sec Phase A-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8E3H 63716 Underdeviation 3sec Phase B-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8E4H 63717 Underdeviation 3sec Phase C-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8E5H 63718 Underdeviation 3sec Phase A-B Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8E6H 63719 Underdeviation 3sec Phase B-C Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8E7H 63720 Underdeviation 3sec Phase C-A Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8E8H 63721 Overdeviation 3sec Phase A-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8E9H 63722 Overdeviation 3sec Phase B-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8EAH 63723 Overdeviation 3sec Phase C-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8EBH 63724 Overdeviation 3sec Phase A-B Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8ECH 63725 Overdeviation 3sec Phase B-C Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10
F8EDH 63726 Overdeviation 3sec Phase C-A Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8EEH 63727 3sec Unbalance Counter 0/65536 F51
F8EFH 63728 3sec Deviation Counter 0/65537 F51
F8F0H 63729 Phase Sequence F13
0.2 sec RMS Phase A-N Voltage (Change comparing to previous
F8F1H 63730 value) -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-217
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
0.2 sec RMS Phase B-N Voltage (Change comparing to previous
F8F2H 63731 value) -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
0.2 sec RMS Phase C-N Voltage (Change comparing to previous
F8F3H 63732 value) -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
0.2 sec RMS Phase A-B Voltage (Change comparing to previous
F8F4H 63733 value) -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
0.2 sec RMS Phase B-C Voltage (Change comparing to previous
F8F5H 63734 value) -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
0.2 sec RMS Phase C-A Voltage (Change comparing to previous
F8F6H 63735 value) -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
0.2 sec RMS Phase A Current (Change comparing to previous
F8F7H 63736 value) -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
0.2 sec RMS Phase B Current (Change comparing to previous
F8F8H 63737 value) -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
0.2 sec RMS Phase C Current (Change comparing to previous
F8F9H 63738 value) -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F8FAH-F8FBH 63739-63740 Reserved
F8FCH-F8FFH 63741-63744 Multicycle Update RTC Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
3second RMS Result Frame 150cycles for 50Hz sytem, 180cycles for 60HZ sytem
F900H-F903H 63745-63748 3 sec Update RTC Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
F904H-F905H 63749-63750 3 sec RMS Phase A-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F906H-F907H 63751-63752 3 sec RMS Phase B-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F908H-F909H 63753-63754 3 sec RMS Phase C-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F90AH-F90BH 63755-63756 3 sec RMS Phase A-B Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F90CH-F90DH 63757-63758 3 sec RMS Phase B-C Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F90EH-F90FH 63759-63760 3 sec RMS Phase C-A Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F910H-F911H 63761-63762 3 sec RMS Phase X-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F912H-F913H 63763-63764 3 sec RMS Vres Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F914H-F915H 63765-63766 3 sec RMS Ires Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F916H-F917H 63767-63768 3 sec RMS Phase A-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F918H-F919H 63769-63770 3 sec RMS Phase B-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F91AH-F91BH 63771-63772 3 sec RMS Phase C-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F91CH-F91DH 63773-63774 3 sec RMS Phase X-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F91EH-F91FH 63775-63776 3 sec RMS Phase N-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F920H-F921H 63777-63778 3 sec RMS Phase A Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F922H-F923H 63779-63780 3 sec RMS Phase B Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-218
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
F924H-F925H 63781-63782 3 sec RMS Phase C Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F926H-F927H 63783-63784 3 sec RMS Phase X Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F928H-F929H 63785-63786 3 sec MEAN Phase A-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F92AH-F92BH 63787-63788 3 sec MEAN Phase B-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F92CH-F92DH 63789-63790 3 sec MEAN Phase C-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F92EH-F92FH 63791-63792 3 sec MEAN Phase A-B Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F930H-F931H 63793-63794 3 sec MEAN Phase B-C Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F932H-F933H 63795-63796 3 sec MEAN Phase C-A Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F934H-F935H 63797-63798 3 sec MEAN Phase X-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F936H-F937H 63799-63800 3 sec MEAN Vres Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F938H-F939H 63801-63802 3 sec MEAN Ires Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F93AH-F93BH 63803-63804 3 sec MEAN Phase A-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F93CH-F93DH 63805-63806 3 sec MEAN Phase B-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F93EH-F93FH 63807-63808 3 sec MEAN Phase C-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F940H-F941H 63809-63810 3 sec MEAN Phase X-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F942H-F943H 63811-63812 3 sec MEAN Phase N-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F944H-F945H 63813-63814 3 sec MEAN Phase A Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F946H-F947H 63815-63816 3 sec MEAN Phase B Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F948H-F949H 63817-63818 3 sec MEAN Phase C Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F94AH-F94BH 63819-63820 3 sec MEAN Phase X Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F94CH 63821 1st frequency reference channel, 3s completed point timeframe 0/+65535 F51 R
F94DH 63822 2nd frequency reference channel, 3s completed point timeframe 0/+65535 F51 R
F94EH 63823 3rd frequency reference channel, 3s completed point timeframe 0/+65535 F51 R
F94FH 63824 4th frequency reference channel, 3s completed point timeframe 0/+65535 F51 R
F950H 63825 5th frequency reference channel, 3s completed point timeframe 0/+65535 F51 R
F951H 63826 1st frequency reference channel, 3s completed point index number 0/+65535 F51 R
F952H 63827 2nd frequency reference channel, 3s completed point index number 0/+65535 F51 R
F953H 63828 3rd frequency reference channel, 3s completed point index number 0/+65535 F51 R
F954H 63829 4th frequency reference channel, 3s completed point index number 0/+65535 F51 R

F955H 63830 5th frequency reference channel, 3s completed point index number 0/+65535 F51 R
F956H-F959H 63831-63834 10 min Update RTC Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
F95AH-F95BH 63835-63836 10 min RMS Phase A-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F95CH-F95DH 63837-63838 10 min RMS Phase B-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F95EH-F95FH 63839-63840 10 min RMS Phase C-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F960H-F961H 63841-63842 10 min RMS Phase A-B Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-219
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
F962H-F963H 63843-63844 10 min RMS Phase B-C Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F964H-F965H 63845-63846 10 min RMS Phase C-A Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F966H-F967H 63847-63848 10 min RMS Phase X-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F968H-F969H 63849-63850 10 min RMS Vres Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F96AH-F96BH 63851-63852 10 min RMS Ires Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F96CH-F96DH 63853-63854 10 min RMS Phase A-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F96EH-F96FH 63855-63856 10 min RMS Phase B-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F970H-F971H 63857-63858 10 min RMS Phase C-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F972H-F973H 63859-63860 10 min RMS Phase X-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F974H-F975H 63861-63862 10 min RMS Phase N-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F976H-F977H 63863-63864 10 min RMS Phase A Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F978H-F979H 63865-63866 10 min RMS Phase B Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F97AH-F97BH 63867-63868 10 min RMS Phase C Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F97CH-F97DH 63869-63870 10 min RMS Phase X Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
1st frequency reference channel, 10min completed point timeframe
F97EH 63871 number 0/+65535 F51 R
2nd frequency reference channel, 10min completed point timeframe
F97FH 63872 number 0/+65535 F51 R
3rd frequency reference channel, 10min completed point timeframe
F980H 63873 number 0/+65535 F51 R
4th frequency reference channel, 10min completed point timeframe
F981H 63874 number 0/+65535 F51 R
5th frequency reference channel, 10min completed point timeframe
F982H 63875 number 0/+65535 F51 R
1st frequency reference channel, 10min completed point index
F983H 63876 number 0/+65535 F51 R
2nd frequency reference channel, 10min completed point index
F984H 63877 number 0/+65535 F51 R
3rd frequency reference channel, 10min completed point index
F985H 63878 number 0/+65535 F51 R
4th frequency reference channel, 10min completed point index
F986H 63879 number 0/+65535 F51 R
5th frequency reference channel, 10min completed point index
F987H 63880 number 0/+65535 F51 R
F988H-F98BH 63881-63884 2 hour Update RTC Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
F98CH-F98DH 63885-63886 2 hour RMS Phase A-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
F98EH-F98FH 63887-63888 2 hour RMS Phase B-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F990H-F991H 63889-63890 2 hour RMS Phase C-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F992H-F993H 63891-63892 2 hour RMS Phase A-B Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F994H-F995H 63893-63894 2 hour RMS Phase B-C Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F996H-F997H 63895-63896 2 hour RMS Phase C-A Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F998H-F999H 63897-63898 2 hour RMS Phase X-N Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F99AH-F99BH 63899-63900 2 hour RMS Vres Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F99CH-F99DH 63901-63902 2 hour RMS Ires Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F99EH-F99FH 63903-63904 2 hour RMS Phase A-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F9A0H-F9A1H 63905-63906 2 hour RMS Phase B-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F9A2H-F9A3H 63907-63908 2 hour RMS Phase C-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F9A4H-F9A5H 63909-63910 2 hour RMS Phase X-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F9A6H-F9A7H 63911-63912 2 hour RMS Phase N-E Voltage -32767.999/+32767.999 Volts F73 R
F9A8H-F9A9H 63913-63914 2 hour RMS Phase A Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F9AAH-F9ABH 63915-63916 2 hour RMS Phase B Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F9ACH-F9ADH 63917-63918 2 hour RMS Phase C Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
F9AEH-F9AFH 63919-63920 2 hour RMS Phase X Current -32767.999/+32767.999 Amps F73 R
1st frequency reference channel, 2hour completed point timeframe
F9B0H 63921 number 0/+65535 F51 R
2nd frequency reference channel, 2hour completed point timeframe
F9B1H 63922 number 0/+65535 F51 R
3rd frequency reference channel, 2hour completed point timeframe
F9B2H 63923 number 0/+65535 F51 R
4th frequency reference channel, 2hour completed point timeframe
F9B3H 63924 number 0/+65535 F51 R
5th frequency reference channel, 2hour completed point timeframe
F9B4H 63925 number 0/+65535 F51 R
1st frequency reference channel, 2hour completed point index
F9B5H 63926 number 0/+65535 F51 R
2nd frequency reference channel, 2hour completed point index
F9B6H 63927 number 0/+65535 F51 R
3rd frequency reference channel, 2hour completed point index
F9B7H 63928 number 0/+65535 F51 R
4th frequency reference channel, 2hour completed point index
F9B8H 63929 number 0/+65535 F51 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-221
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
5th frequency reference channel, 2hour completed point index
F9B9H 63930 number 0/+65535 F51 R
F9BAH-F9BBH 63931-63932 3sec update timestamp 0/4294967295 F115 R
F9BCH-F9BDH 63933-63934 10min update timestamp 0/4294967295 F115 R
F9BEH-F9BFH 63935-63936 2hour update timestamp 0/4294967295 F115 R
F9C0H 63937 Flagging 3sec RMS Phase A-N Voltage F75 R
F9C1H 63938 Flagging 3sec RMS Phase B-N Voltage F75 R
F9C2H 63939 Flagging 3sec RMS Phase C-N Voltage F75 R
F9C3H 63940 Flagging 3sec RMS Phase A-B Voltage F75 R
F9C4H 63941 Flagging 3sec RMS Phase B-C Voltage F75 R
F9C5H 63942 Flagging 3sec RMS Phase C-A Voltage F75 R
F9C6H 63943 Flagging 10min RMS Phase A-N Voltage F75 R
F9C7H 63944 Flagging 10min RMS Phase B-N Voltage F75 R
F9C8H 63945 Flagging 10min RMS Phase C-N Voltage F75 R
F9C9H 63946 Flagging 10min RMS Phase A-B Voltage F75 R
F9CAH 63947 Flagging 10min RMS Phase B-C Voltage F75 R
F9CBH 63948 Flagging 10min RMS Phase C-A Voltage F75 R
F9CCH 63949 Flagging 2hour RMS Phase A-N Voltage F75 R
F9CDH 63950 Flagging 2hour RMS Phase B-N Voltage F75 R
F9CEH 63951 Flagging 2hour RMS Phase C-N Voltage F75 R
F9CFH 63952 Flagging 2hour RMS Phase A-B Voltage F75 R
F9D0H 63953 Flagging 2hour RMS Phase B-C Voltage F75 R
F9D1H 63954 Flagging 2hour RMS Phase C-A Voltage F75 R
F9D2H-F9DDH 63955-63966 Reserved
F9DEH 63967 Underdeviation 10min RMS Phase A-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9DFH 63968 Underdeviation 10min RMS Phase B-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9E0H 63969 Underdeviation 10min RMS Phase C-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9E1H 63970 Underdeviation 10min RMS Phase A-B Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9E0H 63971 Underdeviation 10min RMS Phase B-C Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9E3H 63972 Underdeviation 10min RMS Phase C-A Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9E4H 63973 Overdeviation 10min RMS Phase A-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9E5H 63974 Overdeviation 10min RMS Phase B-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9E6H 63975 Overdeviation 10min RMS Phase C-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9E7H 63976 Overdeviation 10min RMS Phase A-B Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9E8H 63977 Overdeviation 10min RMS Phase B-C Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9E9H 63978 Overdeviation 10min RMS Phase C-A Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
F9EAH 63979 Underdeviation 2hour RMS Phase A-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9EBH 63980 Underdeviation 2hour RMS Phase B-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9ECH 63981 Underdeviation 2hour RMS Phase C-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9EDH 63982 Underdeviation 2hour RMS Phase A-B Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9EEH 63983 Underdeviation 2hour RMS Phase B-C Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9EFH 63984 Underdeviation 2hour RMS Phase C-A Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9F0H 63985 Overdeviation 2hour RMS Phase A-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9F1H 63986 Overdeviation 2hour RMS Phase B-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9F2H 63987 Overdeviation 2hour RMS Phase C-N Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9F3H 63988 Overdeviation 2hour RMS Phase A-B Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9F4H 63989 Overdeviation 2hour RMS Phase B-C Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9F5H 63990 Overdeviation 2hour RMS Phase C-A Voltage -327.67/+327.67% 0.01% F10 R
F9F6H 63991 10min RMS Counter 0/65535 F51 R
F9F7H 63992 10min Unbalance Counter 0/65536 F51 R
F9F8H 63993 10min Deviation Counter 0/65537 F51 R
F9F9H 63994 2hour RMS Counter 0/65538 F51 R
F9FAH 63995 2hour Unbalance Counter 0/65539 F51 R
F9FBH 63996 2hour Deviation Counter 0/65540 F51 R
F9FCH-F9FFH 63997-64000 2 hour Update RTC Timestamp 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99 10 msec F3 R
FA00H-FAFFH 64001-64256 waveform RMS, DSP2 channel 137
FB20H-FBFFH 64289-64312 waveform capture diagnostic info
FC00H-FC33H 64513-64564 waveform calibration
General Meter Information Block
information COMM runtime firmware build (Minor). See also
FD00H-FD01H 64769-64770 register 0x0048-0x0049 for Major "9999 "/" 0" 1 version F2 R
FD02H-FD06H 64771-64775 information DSP
information COMM BOOT firmware build (Minor). See also
FD07H-FD08H 64776-64777 register 0x004A-0x004B for Major "9999 "/" 0" 1 version F2 R
FD40H 64833 FPGA sport status
FD41H-FD42H 64834-64835 COMM runtime total number of start R
FD43H-FD44H 64836-64837 COMM runtime watchdog count R
FD45H 64838 Reserved
FD46H 64839 COMM-FPGA load counter R
FD47H 64840 Reserved

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Modbus TCP (1st Ethernet Board) connection status:
FD48H 64841 lsb bit-0 is for 1st connection, 0=connection used or N/A, F112 R
1=connection is free.
Modbus TCP (2nd Ethernet Board) connection status:
FD49H 64842 lsb bit-0 is for 1st connection, 0=connection used or N/A, F112 R
1=connection is free.

Indicates if the logs are paused/running. 0 means log are running

otherwise logs are paused.
Bit 0[LSB]0 = Historical 1
Bit 1 = Historical 2
Bit 2 = Sequence of Event (Limit)
Bit 3 = Digital Input
Bit 4 = Digital Output
Bit 5 = Flicker
Bit 6 = Waveform
Bit 7 = System Events
Bit 8 = Transients
FD4AH-FD4BH 64843-64844 F113 R
Bit 9 = PQ
Bit 10 = Interval Log 3
Bit 11 = Interval Log 4
Bit 12 = Interval Log 5
Bit 13 = Interval Log 6
Bit 14 = Interval Log 7
Bit 15 = Interval Log 8
Bit 16 = Event Triggered
Bit 17 = EN50160
Bit 18 = TOU action
Bit 19 = TOU month/season

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-224
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

Modbus TCP (1st Ethernet Board) connection status:

FD4CH 64845 lsb bit-0 is for 16th connection, 0=connection used or N/A, F112 R
1=connection is free.
Modbus TCP (2nd Ethernet Board) connection status:
FD4DH 64846 lsb bit-0 is for 16th connection, 0=connection used or N/A, F112 R
1=connection is free.
FD50H-FD51H 64849-64850 EN50160 Invalid Setting Code, bits. F113 R
FD80H-FDFFH 64897-65024 Processor Identifications
Diagnostic Block
FE10H-FE12H 65041-65043 Data Valid Bits R
Compact Flash Block
FE13H-FE16H 65044-65047 Size (MSB) F55
FE17H-FE20H 65048-65057 Serial Number: ASCII, right justified, with no null string F2

FE21H-FE24H 65058-65061 FAT Type: ASCII, right justified, with no null string terminator F2

FE25H-FE38H 65062-65081 Model Number: ASCII, left justified, with no null string terminator F2
FE39H-FE3EH 65082-65087 Reserved
Device Identification Block 2
FE3FH 65088 FPGA Version F112 R
FE40H-FE47H 65089-65096 Nexus Comm Boot Firmware Variation String 1 F1 R
FE48H-FE4FH 65097-65104 Nexus Comm Boot Firmware Variation String 2 F1 R
FE50H-FE57H 65105-65112 Nexus Comm Boot Firmware Variation String 3 F1 R
FE58H-FE5FH 65113-65120 Nexus Comm Boot Firmware Variation String 4 F1 R
FE60H-FE67H 65121-65128 Nexus Comm Boot Firmware Variation String 5 F1 R
FE68H-FE6FH 65129-65136 Nexus Comm Boot Firmware Variation String 6 F1 R
FE70H-FE77H 65137-65144 Nexus Comm Boot Firmware Variation String 7 F1 R
FE78H-FE7FH 65145-65152 Nexus Comm Boot Firmware Variation String 8 F1 R
FE80H-FEFFH 65153-65280 Reserved

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Password Block
FF23H-FF27H 65316-65320 Level 1/Level 2 User Password Fixed Length String W Ch.8.106
Level 1/Level 2 Password State
FF28H 65321 Enumeration R Ch.8.106
FF29H 65322 Sealing Switch State Enumeration R Ch.8.106
FF2A-FF2C 65323-65325 Reserved Enumeration R
FF2DH 65326 Level 1/Level 2 Password Lock Enumeration R/W Ch.8.106
FF2EH 65327 Password Sequence/Status Enumeration R Ch.8.106
FF2FH 65328 Password Command Enumeration R/W Ch.8.106
FF30H-FF32H 65329-65331 Reserved
FF33H-FF37H 65332-65336 New Password A Fixed Length String W Ch.8.106
FF38H-FF3AH 65337-65339 Reserved
FF3BH-FF3FH 65340-65344 New Password B Fixed Length String W Ch.8.106

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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Dynamic Configuration Block
FF40H 65345 NVRAM Configuration R

Current Time Stamp Status:

MSB first, Bit[15-12] = Current Weekday, 0=Sunday,
6= Saturday
Bit[11] = Not Defined, reserved for
debugging (with FW B.0053,
1 = PPC pass a timestamp to
synch, no difference between
PTP, SNTP and PPC Comm)
Bit[10] = Not Defined, reserved for debugging
(with FW B.0053, 1 = Line Synch
Frequency Valid)
Bit[09] = IRIG-B Year Valid
Bit[08] = Not Defined, reserved for debugging
(with FW B.0053, 1= IRIG-B Time
FF41H 65346 Continue Forwarding) R
Bit[07] = Active IRIG-B
Bit[06] = Active DST
Bit[05] = Active Line Synch
Bit[04] = Active Cold Load
Bit[03] = DST Spring Date, it means current
date/time is before DST period
starting moment of current calender year
Bit[02] = DST Fall Date, it means current date/time
is after DST period ending moment of
current calender year
Bit[01] = Active SNTP (This is the only bit
provied by PPC)
Bit[00] = Not defined, reserved for debugging
(with FW B.0053, 1 = Battery low flag)

FF42H 65347 Network Card R

FF43H 65348 Reserved
FF44H 65349 Sealing Switch Installed Enumeration R

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
FF45H 65350 Vswitch state R
Reserved Status Block
FF60H-FF63H 65377 Reserved R
Tiny Encryption Input Block
FF68H-FF6FH 65385-65392 Tiny Encryption Input Registers R/W
Flash Control Block

Nexus Comm Operation Indicator:

MSB fisrt,
Bit[00] = 1: Comm Run error (checksum/not found/read).(N/A to
Bit[01] = 1: Programmable Setting error (checksum/not
Bit[02] = 1: CF not found/discovered
Bit[03] = 1: Force in boot using default comm. setting.(N/A to
Bit[04] = 1: Meter in BOOT, 0: Meter in RUNTIME
Bit[05] = 1: FPGA firmware error (checksum/loading/not
FF80H 65409 F112 R
Bit[06] = 1: DSP2 firmware error (checksum/not found/read).
Bit[07] = 1: Generic memory test failed.(N/A to RUN).
Bit[08] = 1: COMM internal memory test failed. (N/A to RUN).
Bit[09] = 1: File system failed. (N/A to RUN).
Bit[10] = 1: Logging stopped due to invalid log folder/files.
Bit[11] = 1: Running/Pause folder error.(N/A to BOOT)
Bit[12] = 1: Scan board failure.(N/A to RUN)
Bit[13] = 1: V-switch invalid settings. (N/A to RUN)
Bit[14] = 1: IEC 61850 server not running. (N/A to BOOT)
Bit[15] = 1: Additional error status are available.(N/A to BOOT)

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-228
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

Comm Boot only, MSB first

Bit[2] = write 1, enable compact flash diagnostic
Bit[1] = write 1, disable compact flash diagnostic
FF81H 65410 Bit[0] = write 1, force into comm runtime W
when it is in boot with a system
failure, except when comm runime,
file system and compact flash failure
FF82H 65411 FLASH Locked Port R/W Ch.5
FF83H-FF87H 65412-65416 Reserved
FF88H 65417 Port To Port Communications, RS-485 Port 2 R/W
FF89H 65418 Port To Port Communications, RS-485 Port 1 R/W
FF8AH 65419 Port To Port Communications, USB serial R/W
FF8BH 65420 Port To Port Communications, Optical R/W
FF8CH 65421 Port To Port Communications, Reserved R/W

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-229
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Additional meter status bits (Available when Bit 15 on 0xFF80
register is set).
1st 4-bytes group, MSB first,
Bit[31] = 1 (Invalid waveform calibration)
Bit[30] = 1 (Invalid profile settings for PQ/Waveform)
Possible error conditions
1) Waveform capture sample per cycle rate is invalid
2) Sample reduction factor does not match sample per cycle
3) Mismatch between transfer channels and transient setting
Bit[29] = 1 (Invalid NV Memory)
Bit[28] = 1 (Invalid Real Time Data)
Bit[27] = 1 (Invalid RAM size in hardware)
Bit[26] = 1 (RAM test failed)
FF90H-FF91H 65425-65426
Bit[25] = 1 (CTPT Calibration Table Selected)
Bit[24] = 1 (TOU not running)
Bit[23-17] = Undefined
Bit[16] = 1 (IEC 61850 Goose Not Running)
Bit[15] = 1 (IEC 61850 Goose Disabled)
Bit[14] = 1 (IEC 61850 Goose Initializing)
Bit[13] = 1 (IEC 61850 server Disabled)
Bit[12] = 1 (IEC 61850 server Initializing)
Bit[11] = 1 (IEC 61850 server Not Valid CID File)
Bit[10] = 1 (IEC 61850 server Fail to Allocate Memory)
Bit[09] = 1 (IEC 61850 server Using Default CID File)
Bit[08] = 1 (IEC 61850 server using CID File Mismatch IP)
Bit[07-00] = Undefined
FF92H-FFAFH 65427-65456 Additional meter status bits: 2nd/16th 4-bytes group.
FFB0H-FFBFH 65457-65472 Meter Reserved
FFDCH-FFDFH 65501 - 65504 Reserved

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-230
2: Modbus Map - Holding Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(4X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Update Information Block
FFE0H 65505 Update status
FFE1H 65506 Update error code
FFE2H-FFE5H 65507-65510 file data time
FFE6H 65511 file checksum
Meter Restart
FFFAH 65531 Complete Meter Restart Command - write 0x0001
FFFBH 65532 Reserved
Meter Serial Number
FFFCH-FFFFH 65533-65536 Meter Serial Number 9,999,999,999,999,999 / 0 1 R Packed

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-231
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

2.3: Modbus Map Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-232
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-233
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+$)+  5HVHUYHG
%$+%$)+  5HVHUYHG
&%+&%))+  5HVHUYHG
'&+'&)+  5HVHUYHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-234
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
('+(')+  5HVHUYHG
((+)+    VHF,$0DJQLWXGH   5
)+)(+    VHF,$3KDVH GHJUHH GHJUHH ) 5 5()>@
)(+)()+  5HVHUYHG
))++    VHF,%0DJQLWXGH   5
+)+    VHF,%3KDVH GHJUHH GHJUHH ) 5 5()>@
)+))+  5HVHUYHG
++    VHF,&0DJQLWXGH   5
++    VHF,&3KDVH GHJUHH GHJUHH ) 5 5()>@
++    VHF,;0DJQLWXGH   5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-235
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
++    VHF,;3KDVH GHJUHH GHJUHH ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-236
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+$)+  5HVHUYHG
%+%)+  5HVHUYHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-237
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
%$+&+    PVHF,UHV0DJQLWXGH   5
&+&$+    PVHF,UHV3KDVH GHJUHH GHJUHH ) 5 5()>@
&$+&$)+  5HVHUYHG
'%+'%)+  5HVHUYHG
(&+(&)+  5HVHUYHG
)'+)')+  5HVHUYHG
(+()+  5HVHUYHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-238
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
)+))+  5HVHUYHG
++    PVHF,$0DJQLWXGH   5
++    PVHF,$3KDVH GHJUHH GHJUHH ) 5 5()>@
++    PVHF,%0DJQLWXGH   5
++    PVHF,%3KDVH GHJUHH GHJUHH ) 5 5()>@
+$+    PVHF,&0DJQLWXGH   5
$++    PVHF,&3KDVH GHJUHH GHJUHH ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-239
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
+%+    PVHF,;0DJQLWXGH   5
%++    PVHF,;3KDVH GHJUHH GHJUHH ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-240
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-241
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-242
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

%+(+&+    ,(&PVHF+DUPRQLF*URXS0DJ2UGHU   5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-243
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-244
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-245
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-246
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-247
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(++(+    ,(&PVHF8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5 5()>@

+)++  5HVHUYHG



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-248
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-249
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-250
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-251
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'+$+$(+    ,(&VHF+DUPRQLF*URXS0DJ2UGHU   5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-252
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-253
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-254
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-255
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

$(+$+%(+    ,(&VHF8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5 5()>@


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-256
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+$)+%+  5HVHUYHG


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-257
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes




Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-258
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
&+'+  5HVHUYHG

&+&%%+'+    ,(&PLQ+DUPRQLF6XE*URXS0DJ2UGHU   5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-259
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
&%&+&()+'&&+    ,(&PLQ,QWHUKDUPRQLF6XE*URXS2UGHU0DJ   5

&)+'+(+    ,(&PLQ+DUPRQLF*URXS0DJ2UGHU   5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-260
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-261
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-262
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-263
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-264
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'(+'+((+    ,(&PLQ8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5 5()>@

'+')+(+  5HVHUYHG



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-265
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

)$+)$+%+  ,(&KRXU7UDQVIHU'DWH7LPH )


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-266
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

)$+%+  5HVHUYHG


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-267
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
)$+)'%+%+    ,(&KRXU+DUPRQLF6XE*URXS0DJ2UGHU   5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-268
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-269
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-270
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-271
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-272
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

(++(+    ,(&KRXU8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5 5()>@


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-273
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
+$)+$+  5HVHUYHG

 PVHF ) 5
&(+  6DPSOH6WDUW,QGH[>@  ) 5
&)+  6DPSOH6WDUW,QGH[>@  ) 5
'+  6DPSOH6WDUW,QGH[>@  ) 5
'+  6DPSOH6WDUW,QGH[>@  ) 5
'+  6DPSOH6WDUW,QGH[>@  ) 5
'+  6DPSOH(QG,QGH[>@  ) 5
'+  6DPSOH(QG,QGH[>@  ) 5
'+  6DPSOH(QG,QGH[>@  ) 5
'+  6DPSOH(QG,QGH[>@  ) 5
'+  6DPSOH(QG,QGH[>@  ) 5
'+    7+'B(BVHFB9DQ   5
'+    7+'B2BVHFB9DQ   5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-274
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'$+    7+'B727$//BVHFB9DQ   5
'%+    7+'B.BVHFB9DQ   5
'&+    7''B727$//BVHFB9DQ   5
''+  5HVHUYHG[$$
'(+    7+'B(BVHFB9EQ   5
')+    7+'B2BVHFB9EQ   5
()    7+'B727$//BVHFB9EQ   5
(+    7+'B.BVHFB9EQ   5
(+    7''B727$//BVHFB9EQ   5
(+  5HVHUYHG[$$
(+    7+'B(BVHFB9FQ   5
(+    7+'B2BVHFB9FQ   5
(+    7+'B727$//BVHFB9FQ   5
(+    7+'B.BVHFB9FQ   5
(+    7''B727$//BVHFB9FQ   5
(+  5HVHUYHG[$$
($+    7+'B(BVHFB9DE   5
(%+    7+'B2BVHFB9DE   5
(&+    7+'B727$//BVHFB9DE   5
('+    7+'B.BVHFB9DE   5
((+    7''B727$//BVHFB9DE   5
()+  5HVHUYHG[$$
)+    7+'B(BVHFB9EF   5
)+    7+'B2BVHFB9EF   5
)+    7+'B727$//BVHFB9EF   5
)+    7+'B.BVHFB9EF   5
)+    7''B727$//BVHFB9EF   5
)+  5HVHUYHG[$$
)+    7+'B(BVHFB9FD   5
)+    7+'B2BVHFB9FD   5
)+    7+'B727$//BVHFB9FD   5
)+    7+'B.BVHFB9FD   5
)$+    7''B727$//BVHFB9FD   5
)%+  5HVHUYHG[$$
)&+    7+'B(BVHFB9[Q   5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-275
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
)'+    7+'B2BVHFB9[Q   5
)(+    7+'B727$//BVHFB9[Q   5
))+    7+'B.BVHFB9[Q   5
+    7''B727$//BVHFB9[Q   5
++  5HVHUYHG[$$
+    7+'B(BVHFB9QH   5
+    7+'B2BVHFB9QH   5
+    7+'B727$//BVHFB9QH   5
+    7+'B.BVHFB9QH   5
$+    7''B727$//BVHFB9QH   5
%+  5HVHUYHG[$$
&+    7+'B(BVHFB,D   5
'+    7+'B2BVHFB,D   5
(+    7+'B727$//BVHFB,D   5
)+    7+'B.BVHFB,D   5
+    7''B727$//BVHFB,D   5
+  5HVHUYHG[$$
+    7+'B(BVHFB,E   5
+    7+'B2BVHFB,E   5
+    7+'B727$//BVHFB,E   5
+    7+'B.BVHFB,E   5
+    7''B727$//BVHFB,E   5
+  5HVHUYHG[$$
+    7+'B(BVHFB,F   5
+    7+'B2BVHFB,F   5
$+    7+'B727$//BVHFB,F   5
%+    7+'B.BVHFB,F   5
&+    7''B727$//BVHFB,F   5
'+  5HVHUYHG[$$
(+    7+'B(BVHFB,[   5
)+    7+'B2BVHFB,[   5
+    7+'B727$//BVHFB,[   5
+    7+'B.BVHFB,[   5
+    7''B727$//BVHFB,[   5
+  5HVHUYHG[$$

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-276
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
+  VHF+DUPRQLF6L]H   ) 5
 PVHF ) 5
&+    7+'B(BDYJB9DQ   5
'+    7+'B2BDYJB9DQ   5
(+    7+'B727$//BDYJB9DQ   5
)+    7+'B.BDYJB9DQ   5
+    7''B727$//BDYJB9DQ   5
+  5HVHUYHG[$$
+    7+'B(BDYJB9EQ   5
+    7+'B2BDYJB9EQ   5
+    7+'B727$//BDYJB9EQ   5
+    7+'B.BDYJB9EQ   5
+    7''B727$//BDYJB9EQ   5
+  5HVHUYHG[$$
+    7+'B(BDYJB9FQ   5
+    7+'B2BDYJB9FQ   5
$+    7+'B727$//BDYJB9FQ   5
%+    7+'B.BDYJB9FQ   5
&+    7''B727$//BDYJB9FQ   5
'+  5HVHUYHG[$$
(+    7+'B(BDYJB9DE   5
)+    7+'B2BDYJB9DE   5
+    7+'B727$//BDYJB9DE   5
+    7+'B.BDYJB9DE   5
+    7''B727$//BDYJB9DE   5
+  5HVHUYHG[$$
+    7+'B(BDYJB9EF   5
+    7+'B2BDYJB9EF   5
+    7+'B727$//BDYJB9EF   5
+    7+'B.BDYJB9EF   5
+    7''B727$//BDYJB9EF   5
+  5HVHUYHG[$$

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-277
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+    7+'B(BDYJB9FD   5
%+    7+'B2BDYJB9FD   5
&+    7+'B727$//BDYJB9FD   5
'+    7+'B.BDYJB9FD   5
(+    7''B727$//BDYJB9FD   5
)+  5HVHUYHG[$$
+    7+'B(BDYJB9[Q   5
+    7+'B2BDYJB9[Q   5
+    7+'B727$//BDYJB9[Q   5
+    7+'B.BDYJB9[Q   5
+    7''B727$//BDYJB9[Q   5
++  5HVHUYHG[$$
$+    7+'B(BDYJB9QH   5
%+    7+'B2BDYJB9QH   5
&+    7+'B727$//BDYJB9QH   5
'+    7+'B.BDYJB9QH   5
(+    7''B727$//BDYJB9QH   5
)+  5HVHUYHG[$$
$+    7+'B(BDYJB,D   5
$+    7+'B2BDYJB,D   5
$+    7+'B727$//BDYJB,D   5
$+    7+'B.BDYJB,D   5
$+    7''B727$//BDYJB,D   5
$+  5HVHUYHG[$$
$+    7+'B(BDYJB,E   5
$+    7+'B2BDYJB,E   5
$+    7+'B727$//BDYJB,E   5
$+    7+'B.BDYJB,E   5
$$+    7''B727$//BDYJB,E   5
$%+  5HVHUYHG[$$
$&+    7+'B(BDYJB,F   5
$'+    7+'B2BDYJB,F   5
$(+    7+'B727$//BDYJB,F   5
$)+    7+'B.BDYJB,F   5
%+    7''B727$//BDYJB,F   5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-278
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
%+  5HVHUYHG[$$
%+    7+'B(BDYJB,[   5
%+    7+'B2BDYJB,[   5
%+    7+'B727$//BDYJB,[   5
%+    7+'B.BDYJB,[   5
%+    7''B727$//BDYJB,[   5
%+  3KDVH6HTXHQFH ) 5 5()>@
%%+&)+  5HVHUYHG[$$
'+'+  7LPH&RXQWHU   ) 5 5()>@
'+'+    367>@  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
'+'+    VHF506B0($1>@  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
'++  3,167>@>@3,167>@>@
++    367>@  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
++    VHF506B0($1>@  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
++  3,167>@>@3,167>@>@
++    367>@  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
++    VHF506B0($1>@  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
$++  3,167>@>@3,167>@>@
++  1XPEHU2I3,167)RU6KRUW7HUP   ) 5 5()>@
$+%+    3/7>@  ) 5 5()>@
&+'+    3/7>@  ) 5 5()>@
(+)+    3/7>@  ) 5 5()>@
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++    3,167>@  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
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&+'+    3,167>@  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-279
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(+)+    3,167B0$;>@  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
++    3,167B0$;>@  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
++    3,167B0$;>@  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
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 PVHF ) 5
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((+    7+'B(B0LQB9DQ   5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-280
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
()+    7+'B2B0LQB9DQ   5
)+    7+'B727$/ WK2UGHU /B0LQB9DQ   5
)+    7+'B.B0LQB9DQ   5
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)+    7+'B.B0LQB9FD   5
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+  5HVHUYHG[$$

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-281
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
+    7+'B(B0LQB9[Q   5
+    7+'B2B0LQB9[Q   5
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+%+  5HVHUYHG[$$
&+    7+'B(B0LQB9QH   5
'+    7+'B2B0LQB9QH   5
(+    7+'B727$/ WK2UGHU /B0LQB9QH   5
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+  5HVHUYHG[$$
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%+    7+'B.B0LQB,E   5
&+    7''B727$/ WK2UGHU /B0LQB,E   5
'+  5HVHUYHG[$$
(+    7+'B(B0LQB,F   5
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+    7''B727$/ WK2UGHU /B0LQB,[   5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-282
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
+  5HVHUYHG[$$
%+(+  5HVHUYHG[$$
(+()+  5HVHUYHG
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-283
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-284
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
+(%+  5HVHUYHG
)+))+  5HVHUYHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-285
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+%+   0XOWLF\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH$% 9ROWV ) 5
&+'+   0XOWLF\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH%& 9ROWV ) 5
(+)+   0XOWLF\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH&$ 9ROWV ) 5
$+%+   0XOWLF\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH&( 9ROWV ) 5
&+'+   0XOWLF\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH;( 9ROWV ) 5
(+)+   0XOWLF\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH1( 9ROWV ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-286
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+%+   0XOWLF\FOH0($19ROWDJH3KDVH%1 9ROWV ) 5
&+'+   0XOWLF\FOH0($19ROWDJH3KDVH&1 9ROWV ) 5
(+)+   0XOWLF\FOH0($19ROWDJH3KDVH$% 9ROWV ) 5
$+%+   0XOWLF\FOH0($19ROWDJH3KDVH$( 9ROWV ) 5
&+'+   0XOWLF\FOH0($19ROWDJH3KDVH%( 9ROWV ) 5
(+)+   0XOWLF\FOH0($19ROWDJH3KDVH&( 9ROWV ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-287
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+%+   0XOWLF\FOH0($1&XUUHQW3KDVH; $PSV ) 5
+  QXPEHU   ) 5
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$+  QXPEHU   ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-288
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-289
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@
 GHJUHH 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-290
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(+    )ODJJLQJ0XOWLF\FOH5063KDVH$19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJ0XOWLF\FOH5063KDVH%19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJ0XOWLF\FOH5063KDVH&19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJ0XOWLF\FOH5063KDVH$%9ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
($+    )ODJJLQJ0XOWLF\FOH5063KDVH%&9ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(%+    )ODJJLQJ0XOWLF\FOH5063KDVH&$9ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(&+)+  5HVHUYHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-291
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+%+  5HVHUYHG

++   VHF5063KDVH$19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-292
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
++   VHF5063KDVH%19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF5063KDVH&19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
$+%+   VHF5063KDVH$%9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
&+'+   VHF5063KDVH%&9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
(+)+   VHF5063KDVH&$9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF5063KDVH;19ROWDJH  $PSV ) 5
++   VHF5069UHV9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF506,UHV&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
++   VHF5063KDVH$(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF5063KDVH%(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
$+%+   VHF5063KDVH&(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
&+'+   VHF5063KDVH;(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
(+)+   VHF5063KDVH1(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF5063KDVH$&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
++   VHF5063KDVH%&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
++   VHF5063KDVH&&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
++   VHF5063KDVH;&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
++   VHF0($13KDVH$19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
$+%+   VHF0($13KDVH%19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
&+'+   VHF0($13KDVH&19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-293
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(+)+   VHF0($13KDVH$%9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF0($13KDVH%&9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF0($13KDVH&$9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF0($13KDVH;19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF0($19UHV9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF0($1,UHV&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
$+%+   VHF0($13KDVH$(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
&+'+   VHF0($13KDVH%(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
(+)+   VHF0($13KDVH&(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF0($13KDVH;(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF0($13KDVH1(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   VHF0($13KDVH$&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
++   VHF0($13KDVH%&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
++   VHF0($13KDVH&&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
$+%+   VHF0($13KDVH;&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5






Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-294
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes






$+%+   PLQ5063KDVH$19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
&+'+   PLQ5063KDVH%19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
(+)+   PLQ5063KDVH&19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
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++   PLQ5063KDVH%&9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   PLQ5063KDVH&$9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   PLQ5063KDVH;19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   PLQ5069UHV9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
$+%+   PLQ506,UHV&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
&+'+   PLQ5063KDVH$(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
(+)+   PLQ5063KDVH%(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   PLQ5063KDVH&(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   PLQ5063KDVH;(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
++   PLQ5063KDVH1(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-295
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
++   PLQ5063KDVH$&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
++   PLQ5063KDVH%&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
$+%+   PLQ5063KDVH&&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
&+'+   PLQ5063KDVH;&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
$&+$'+   KRXU5063KDVH$19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
$(+$)+   KRXU5063KDVH%19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
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%$+%%+   KRXU5069UHV9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
%&+%'+   KRXU506,UHV&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-296
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
%(+%)+   KRXU5063KDVH$(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
&+&+   KRXU5063KDVH%(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
&+&+   KRXU5063KDVH&(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
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&+&+   KRXU5063KDVH1(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
&+&+   KRXU5063KDVH$&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
&$+&%+   KRXU5063KDVH%&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
&&+&'+   KRXU5063KDVH&&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5
&(+&)+   KRXU5063KDVH;&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5






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'(+')+  KRXUXSGDWHWLPHVWDPS   ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJVHF5063KDVH$19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJVHF5063KDVH%19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJVHF5063KDVH&19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-297
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(+    )ODJJLQJVHF5063KDVH$%9ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJVHF5063KDVH%&9ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJVHF5063KDVH&$9ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJPLQ5063KDVH$19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJPLQ5063KDVH%19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJPLQ5063KDVH&19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(+    )ODJJLQJPLQ5063KDVH$%9ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
($+    )ODJJLQJPLQ5063KDVH%&9ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(%+    )ODJJLQJPLQ5063KDVH&$9ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
(&+    )ODJJLQJKRXU5063KDVH$19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
('+    )ODJJLQJKRXU5063KDVH%19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
((+    )ODJJLQJKRXU5063KDVH&19ROWDJH ) 5 5()>@
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)+)'+  5HVHUYHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-298
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+  PLQ506&RXQWHU   ) 5
$+  KRXU506&RXQWHU   ) 5

$+$+  PLQ8SGDWH7LPHVWDPS   ) 5 5()>@
$(+    PLQ$YH9DQDE7+'   5
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$+$+  PVHF8SGDWH7LPHVWDPS   ) 5 5()>@
$'+    PVHF$YH9DQDE7+'   5
$'+    PVHF$YH9EQEF7+'   5
$'+    PVHF$YH9FQFD7+'   5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-299
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$'+%)+  5HVHUYHG
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0D[LPXP5063KDVH$19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0D[LPXP5063KDVH%19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0D[LPXP5063KDVH&19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%$+%%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0D[LPXP5063KDVH$%9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%&+%'+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0D[LPXP5063KDVH%&9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
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%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0D[LPXP5063KDVH%(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
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%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0D[LPXP5063KDVH;(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%$+%%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0D[LPXP5063KDVH1(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%&+%'+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH$19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%(+%)+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH%19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH&19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH$%9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH%&9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH&$9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH;19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%$+%%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH$(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%&+%'+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH%(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%(+%)+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH&(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH;(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO0LQLPXP5063KDVH1(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH$19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH%19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH&19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%$+%%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH$%9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%&+%'+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH%&9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%(+%)+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH&$9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH;19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-300
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH$(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH%(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH&(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%+%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH;(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
%$+%%+    PLQ,QWHUYDO$YHUDJH5063KDVH1(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@

%&+%&%+  (YHQW8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
%&'+%&)+  5HVHUYHG

%'+%'+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
%'+%'+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@

%'+%'%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
%'(+%')+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@

%(+%(+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
%(+%(+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@

%(+%(%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
%((+%()+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@

%)+%)+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-301
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
%)+%)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@

%)+%)%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
%)(+%))+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@


&+&%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&(+&)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@


&+&%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&(+&)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@


&+&%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&(+&)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-302
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

&+&%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&(+&)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@


&+&%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&(+&)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@


&+&%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&(+&)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@


&(+&)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-303
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes


&+&%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&(+&)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@


&+&%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&(+&)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@


&+&%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&(+&)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@

&$+&$+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&$+&$+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@

&$+&$%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-304
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
&$(+&$)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@

&%+&%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&%+&%+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@

&%+&%%+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&%(+&%)+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@

&&+&&+  (YHQW>@8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  PVHF ) 5
&&+&&+  (YHQW>@'XUDWLRQ7LPHVWDPS3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5 5()>@
&'+''+  5HVHUYHG
'(+((+  5HVHUYHG
()+))+  5HVHUYHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-305
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$$+%$+  5HVHUYHG
%%+&%+  5HVHUYHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-306
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
&(&+'&+  5HVHUYHG
''+''+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH$19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
''+''+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH%19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
''+''+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH&19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
''+''+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH$%9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
''+''+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH%&9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
''$+''%+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH&$9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
''&+'''+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH;19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
''(+'')+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO9UHV9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
'(+'(+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO,UHV&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
'(+'(+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH$(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
'(+'(+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH%(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
'(+'(+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH&(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
'(+'(+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH;(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
'($+'(%+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH1(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
'(&+'('+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH$&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
'((+'()+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH%&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
')+')+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH&&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
')+')+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH;&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
')+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH$19ROWDJH   ) 5
')+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH%19ROWDJH   ) 5
')+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH&19ROWDJH   ) 5
')+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH$%9ROWDJH   ) 5
')+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH%&9ROWDJH   ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-307
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
')+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH&$9ROWDJH   ) 5
')$+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH;19ROWDJH   ) 5
')%+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO9UHV9ROWDJH   ) 5
')&+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO,UHV&XUUHQW   ) 5
')'+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH$(9ROWDJH   ) 5
')(+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH%(9ROWDJH   ) 5
'))+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH&(9ROWDJH   ) 5
(+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH;(9ROWDJH   ) 5
(+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH1(9ROWDJH   ) 5
(+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH$&XUUHQW   ) 5
(+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH%&XUUHQW   ) 5
(+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH&&XUUHQW   ) 5
(+  2QH&\FOH0($13K\VLFDO3KDVH;&XUUHQW   ) 5
(+  5HVHUYHG[$$
(%+  +LJK6SHHG,QSXW'HOWD ) 5 5()>@
(+(+  '635XQWLPH,'   ) 5
(+  :DYHIRUP9ROWDJH5066DJ)ODJV ) 5 5()>@
(+  :DYHIRUP9ROWDJH5066ZHOO)ODJV ) 5 5()>@





Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-308
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



(+  %  QVHF ) 5
(+  &  QVHF ) 5
(+  $  QVHF ) 5
(+  1$%  QVHF ) 5
(+  1%&  QVHF ) 5
(+  1&$  QVHF ) 5
(+  :DYHIRUP&XUUHQW5066DJ)ODJV ) 5 5()>@
($+  :DYHIRUP&XUUHQW5066ZHOO)ODJV ) 5 5()>@
(+(+  )UDPH8SGDWH7LPHVWDPS   ) 5 5()>@
(+(+  5HIHUHQFH)UHTXHQF\  +] ) 5 5()>@
(+  7UDQVLHQW7\SH ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-309
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(+  )UHTXHQF\7\SH ) 5 5()>@
(+  5HVHUYHG[$$
(+  5HVHUYHG[$$
($+(%+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH%19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
(&+('+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH&19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
((+()+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH$%9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
($+(%+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH%(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-310
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(&+('+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH&(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
((+()+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH;(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@













Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-311
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes












($+($+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\)RU3KDVH$&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@

($+($+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\)RU3KDVH%&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
($+($+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\)RU3KDVH&&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
($+($+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\)RU3KDVH;&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
($+($+  :DYHIRUP5066ZHOO%RXQGDU\)RU3KDVH$&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
($$+($%+  :DYHIRUP5066ZHOO%RXQGDU\)RU3KDVH%&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
($&+($'+  :DYHIRUP5066ZHOO%RXQGDU\)RU3KDVH&&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
($(+($)+  :DYHIRUP5066ZHOO%RXQGDU\)RU3KDVH;&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@




Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-312
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

(%+  5HVHUYHG[$$
(&$+  :DYHIRUP6DPSOH5DWH ) 5 5()>@
(&%+  +LJK5VROXWLRQ57&7LPHVWDPS ) 5 5()>@
(&&+(&)+   PVHF ) 5
(('+  $1$%9ROWDJH   ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-313
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(((+  %1%&9ROWDJH   ) 5
(()+  &1&$9ROWDJH   ) 5
()+  3KDVH$1$%9ROWDJH   ) 5
()+  3KDVH%1%&9ROWDJH   ) 5
()+  3KDVH&1&$9ROWDJH   ) 5
()+  3KDVH$1$%9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
()+  3KDVH%1%&9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
()+  &1&$9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
()+  3KDVH$1$%9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
()+  3KDVH%1%&9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
()+  3KDVH&1&$9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5
()+  3KDVH$1$%9ROWDJH  QVHF ) 5
()$+  3KDVH%1%&9ROWDJH  QVHF ) 5
()%+  3KDVH&1&$9ROWDJH  QVHF ) 5
()&+  3KDVH$1$%9ROWDJH  QVHF ) 5
()'+  3KDVH%1%&9ROWDJH  QVHF ) 5
()(+  3KDVH&1&$9ROWDJH  QVHF ) 5
)))+  )UDPH8SGDWH57&7LPHVWDPS  XVHF ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH$19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH%19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH&19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH$%9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-314
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
)+)+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH%&9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)$+)%+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH&$9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)&+)'+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO3KDVH;19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)(+))+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO9UHV9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  2QH&\FOH506/RJLFDO,UHV&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH$(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH%(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH&(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH;(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)$+)%+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH1(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
)&+)'+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH$&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
)(+))+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH%&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH&&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  2QH&\FOH5063K\VLFDO3KDVH;&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
)+  3RLQW8SGDWH)ODJ ) 5 5()>@
)$+)%+  6HF)UHTXHQF\QG5HIHUHQFH&KDQQHO9EQ9EF  +] ) 5 5()>@
)&+)'+  6HF)UHTXHQF\UG5HIHUHQFH&KDQQHO9FQ9FD  +] ) 5 5()>@
)(+))+  6HF)UHTXHQF\WK5HIHUHQFH&KDQQHO9QH  +] ) 5 5()>@
)+)+  6HF)UHTXHQF\WK5HIHUHQFH&KDQQHO9[H  +] ) 5 5()>@
)&+  :DYHIRUP9ROWDJH5066DJ)ODJV ) 5 5()>@
)'+  :DYHIRUP9ROWDJH5066ZHOO)ODJV ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-315
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
)(+  :DYHIRUP&XUUHQW5066DJ)ODJV ) 5 5()>@
))+  :DYHIRUP&XUUHQW5066ZHOO)ODJV ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-316
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
)$+)'+  5HVHUYHG[$$ 5()>@

)+)+  )UDPH8SGDWH7LPHVWDPS   ) 5 5()>@
)+  2QH&\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH$1)ODJJLQJ ) 5 5()>@
)+  2QH&\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH%1)ODJJLQJ ) 5 5()>@
)+  2QH&\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH&1)ODJJLQJ ) 5 5()>@
)+  2QH&\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH$%)ODJJLQJ ) 5 5()>@
)$+  2QH&\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH%&)ODJJLQJ ) 5 5()>@
)%+  2QH&\FOH5069ROWDJH3KDVH&$)ODJJLQJ ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-317
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
)$+  3RO\SKDVH6DJ)ODJ ) 5 5()>@
)$+  3RO\SKDVH6ZHOO)ODJ ) 5 5()>@
)$+  3RO\SKDVH6DJ7UDQVLWLRQ ) 5 5()>@
  ) 5
  ) 5
  ) 5
  ) 5
  ) 5
  ) 5
  ) 5
  ) 5
  ) 5
)%+  7LPH&ORFN6WDWXV ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-318
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
)%(+)&+  5HVHUYHG[$$
)&+)(+  'HEXJ 5()>@
)(+)(+  57&7LPHVWDPS0LFURVHFRQGV  XVHF ) 5()>@
)(+  57&7LPHVWDPS6HFRQGV  VHF ) 5()>@
)(+)(+  5HIHUHQFH)UHTXHQF\  +] ) 5 5()>@
)($+  0HWHU,QSXW7\SH ) 5 5()>@
)(%+  7UDQVLHQW7\SH ) 5 5()>@
)(&+  )UHTXHQF\7\SH ) 5 5()>@
)('+  5HVHUYHG[$$
$+  5HVHUYHG[$$
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$&+  :DYHIRUP&XUUHQW5066DJ6ZHOO9DOLG ) 5 5()>@
$(+$)+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH$19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-319
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$$+$%+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH;19ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
$&+$'+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH1(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
$(+$)+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH$(9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@








Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-320
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes


















$$+$%+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH&&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@
$&+$'+  :DYHIRUP5066DJ%RXQGDU\IRU3KDVH;&XUUHQW  $PSV ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-321
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes




$(+$)+  5HVHUYHG[$$
$+  :DYHIRUP6DPSOH5DWH ) 5 5()>@
$+  5HVHUYHG[$$
$+$+   9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
$+$+   9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
$+$+   9ROWV ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-322
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+$+   9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
$$+$%+   9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
$&+$'+   9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
$(+$)+   9ROWV ) 5 5()>@



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$+$+   9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
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$$+$%+   9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
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$$+  5HVHUYHG[$$
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$$%+  /RQJ7HUP&RXQWHU   ) 5
$$&+$$(+  5HVHUYHG[$$
$)+$()+  5HVHUYHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-323
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$)+$)+  5HVHUYHG[$$
$)+ 5HVHUYHG )5 5()>@
$)&+$+  5HVHUYHG











Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-324
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes





















Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-325
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes















Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-326
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$$+$%+  :DYHIRUP5061RPLQDOIRU3KDVH$%9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
$&+$'+  :DYHIRUP5061RPLQDOIRU3KDVH%&9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@
$(+$)+  :DYHIRUP5061RPLQDOIRU3KDVH&$9ROWDJH  9ROWV ) 5 5()>@




$+  /LQH6\QFK ) 5 5()>@
$$+  'D\OLJKW6DYLQJ7LPH0RGH ) 5 5()>@
$+$+  5HVHUYHG
$$+$$+  5HVHUYHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-327
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$&+$&+  5HVHUYHG


$&+$()+  5HVHUYHG
$&%+$)+  5HVHUYHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-328
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+  5HYLVLRQ&RGH 5()>@
$+$+  1RWGHILQHG 5()>@
$+  5()>@
$$+  5()>@
$%+$%+  1RWGHILQHG 5()>@
$%+  5()>@

$%+  5()>@

$%+  5()>@
$%+  60$57&DSDELOLW\ /6% 5()>@
$%+  5()>@

$%$+  5()>@



$%&+$&+  1RWGHILQHG 5()>@
$&+  1XPEHURI5XQ7LPH%DG%ORFN 06% 5()>@


$&$+  ,0 5()>@
$&%+  5()>@
$&&+  5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-329
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$&'+  5()>@
$&(+$)(+  1RWGHILQHG 5()>@

$))+  5()>@


$+  %LW>@ 60$57GDWDLQYDOLG 60$57GDWDYDOLG 5()>@

$+ &RXQW
$+$+ $OLJQPHQW>@
$+$)+ .<=DFFXPXODWRU>@  8QLW ) 5
$+$+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$+$+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$+$+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$+$+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$+$+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$$+$%+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-330
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$&+$'+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$(+$)+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$+$+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$+$+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$+$+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$+$+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$+$+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$$+$%+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$&+$'+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$(+$)+ 3XOVH$FF+63,1 

 8QLW ) 5
$+$+ 8VHUPDUN>@
$+$%+ 8QFRPS7RWDO9$K  
 9$K ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ 8QFRPS9$5K 4  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-331
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+$+ 8QFRPS9$5K 4  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 8QFRPS:K 4  
 :K ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 8QFRPS:K 4  
 :K ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ 3KDVH&,7  
 ,7 ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH%,7  
 ,7 ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH$,7  
 ,7 ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 3KDVH&97  
 ,7 ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ 3KDVH%97  
 ,7 ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH$97  
 ,7 ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH&$K  
 $K ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 3KDVH%$K  
 $K ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ 3KDVH$$K  
 $K ) 5 5()>@

$$+$$+ 3KDVH&9K  
 9K ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-332
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$$+$$+ 3KDVH%9K  
 9K ) 5 5()>@

$$+$$%+ 3KDVH$9K  
 9K ) 5 5()>@

$$&+$$)+ 7RWDO4K  
 4K ) 5 5()>@

$%+$%+ 3KDVH&4K  
 4K ) 5 5()>@

$%+$%+ 3KDVH%4K  
 4K ) 5 5()>@

$%+$%%+ 3KDVH$4K  
 4K ) 5 5()>@

$%&+$%)+ 7RWDO4K  
 4K ) 5 5()>@

$&+$&+ 3KDVH&4K  
 4K ) 5 5()>@

$&+$&+ 3KDVH%4K  
 4K ) 5 5()>@

$&+$&%+ 3KDVH$4K  
 4K ) 5 5()>@

$&&+$&)+ 9$K 4   
 9$K ) 5 5()>@

$'+$'+ 9$K 4   
 9$K ) 5 5()>@

$'+$'+ 9$K 4   
 9$K ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-333
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$'+$'%+ 9$K 4   
 9$K ) 5 5()>@

$'&+$')+ 9$5K 4   
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$(+$(+ 9$5K 4   
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$(+$(+ 9$5K 4   
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$(+$(%+ 9$5K 4   
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$(&+$()+ :K 4   
 :K ) 5 5()>@

$)+$)+ :K 4  
 :K ) 5 5()>@

$)+$)+ :K 4   
 :K ) 5 5()>@

$)+$)%+ :K 4   
 :K ) 5 5()>@

$)&+$))+ 7RWDO9$K 4  
 9$K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH&9$K  
 9$K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH%9$K  
 9$K ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 3KDVH$9$K  
 9$K ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-334
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$&+$)+ 7RWDO9$5K GHOUHF *URVV  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH&9$5K GHOUHF *URVV  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH%9$5K GHOUHF *URVV  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 3KDVH$9$5K GHOUHF *URVV  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ 7RWDO9$5K GHOUHF 1HW  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH&9$5K GHOUHF 1HW  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH%9$5K GHOUHF 1HW  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 3KDVH$9$5K GHOUHF 1HW  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ 7RWDO9$5KUHFHLYHG 4  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH&9$5KUHFHLYHG 4  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH%9$5KUHFHLYHG 4  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 3KDVH$9$5KUHFHLYHG 4  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ 7RWDO9$5KGHOLYHUHG 4  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-335
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+$+ 3KDVH&9$5KGHOLYHUHG 4  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH%9$5KGHOLYHUHG 4  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 3KDVH$9$5KGHOLYHUHG 4  
 9$5K ) 5 5()>@

 :K ) 5 5()>@

 :K ) 5 5()>@

 :K ) 5 5()>@

 :K ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ 7RWDO:K GHOUHF 1HW  
 :K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH&:K GHOUHF 1HW  
 :K ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 3KDVH%:K GHOUHF 1HW  
 :K ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 3KDVH$:K GHOUHF 1HW  
 :K ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ 7RWDO:KUHFHLYHG 4  
 :K ) 5 5()>@

 :K ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-336
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
 :K ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 3KDVH$:KUHFHLYHG 4  
 :K ) 5 5()>@

 :K ) 5 5()>@

 :K ) 5 5()>@

 :K ) 5 5()>@

 :K ) 5 5()>@

 PVHF ) 5
$$+$$+ 8VHUPDUN>@
$$+$$+ 2QHVHF7RWDO0HDQ5069SS 9
 VHF ) 5
$$+$$+ 2QHVHF7RWDO0HDQ5069SH 9
 VHF ) 5
$$$+$$%+ 2QHVHF7RWDO0HDQ506$PS 9
 VHF ) 5
$$&+$$'+ 2QHVHF7RWDO0HDQ5069SQ 9
 VHF ) 5
$$(+$$)+ 2QHVHF3KDVH1(9ROWDJH 9
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-337
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$%+$%+ 2QHVHF$X[9ROWDJH 9
 VHF ) 5
$%+$%%+ 2QHVHF7RWDO4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

$%&+$%)+ 2QHVHF3KDVH&4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

$&+$&+ 2QHVHF3KDVH%4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

$&+$&+ 2QHVHF3KDVH$4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
$'+$'+ 2QHVHF7RWDO9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$'+$'+ 2QHVHF3KDVH&9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$'+$'%+ 2QHVHF3KDVH%9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$'&+$')+ 2QHVHF3KDVH$9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

 : ) 5 5()>@

$(+$(+ 2QHVHF3KDVH&:DWWV  
 : ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-338
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$(+$(%+ 2QHVHF3KDVH%:DWWV  
 : ) 5 5()>@

$(&+$()+ 2QHVHF3KDVH$:DWWV  
 : ) 5 5()>@

$)+$)+ 2QHVHF7RWDO9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$)+$)+ 2QHVHF3KDVH&9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$)+$)%+ 2QHVHF3KDVH%9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$)&+$))+ 2QHVHF3KDVH$9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-339
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
 VHF ) 5
   +] ) 5
 +] ) 5
 PVHF ) 5
$+$$)+ 0DUN>@
$%+$%+ 8VHUPDUN>@
$%+$%+ +LJK6SHHG7RWDO0HDQ5069SS 9
 VHF ) 5
$%+$%+ +LJK6SHHG7RWDO0HDQ5069SH 9
 VHF ) 5
$%$+$%%+ +LJK6SHHG7RWDO0HDQ506$PS 9
 VHF ) 5
$%&+$%'+ +LJK6SHHG7RWDO0HDQ5069SQ 9
 VHF ) 5
$%(+$%)+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH1(9ROWDJH 9
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
$&+$&+ +LJK6SHHG$X[9ROWDJH 9
 VHF ) 5
$&+$&%+ +LJK6SHHGVHF4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

$&&+$&)+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH&4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

$'+$'+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH%4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-340
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$'+$'+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH$4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
$(+$(+ +LJK6SHHG7RWDO9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$(+$(+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH&9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$(+$(%+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH%9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$(&+$()+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH$9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

 : ) 5 5()>@

 : ) 5 5()>@

$)+$)%+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH%:DWWV  
 : ) 5 5()>@

$)&+$))+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH$:DWWV  
 : ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ +LJK6SHHG7RWDO9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-341
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+$+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH&9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH%9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ +LJK6SHHG3KDVH$9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
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 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
   +] ) 5
 +] ) 5
 PVHF ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-342
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$+$)+ 0DUN>@
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 2QHVHF3KDVH&8QFRPS9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 2QHVHF3KDVH%8QFRPS9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ 2QHVHF3KDVH$8QFRPS9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

 : ) 5 5()>@

$$+$$+ 2QHVHF3KDVH&8QFRPS:  
 : ) 5 5()>@

$$+$$%+ 2QHVHF3KDVH%8QFRPS:  
 : ) 5 5()>@

$$&+$$)+ 2QHVHF3KDVH$8QFRPS:  
 : ) 5 5()>@

$%+$%+ 2QHVHF7RWDO8QFRPS9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$%+$%+ 2QHVHF3KDVH&8QFRPS9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$%+$%%+ 2QHVHF3KDVH%8QFRPS9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$%&+$%)+ 2QHVHF3KDVH$8QFRPS9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$&+$&+ 8VHUPDUN>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-343
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$&+$&+ 7KHUPDO7RWDO0HDQ5069SS 9
 VHF ) 5
$&+$&+ 7KHUPDO7RWDO0HDQ5069SH 9
 VHF ) 5
$&$+$&%+ 7KHUPDO7RWDO0HDQ506$PS 9
 VHF ) 5
$&&+$&'+ 7KHUPDO7RWDO0HDQ5069SQ 9
 VHF ) 5
$&(+$&)+ 7KHUPDO3KDVH1(9ROWDJH 9
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
$'+$'+ 7KHUPDO$X[9ROWDJH 9
 VHF ) 5
$'+$'%+ 7KHUPDO4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

$'&+$')+ 7KHUPDO3KDVH&4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

$(+$(+ 7KHUPDO3KDVH%4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

$(+$(+ 7KHUPDO3KDVH$4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@

) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-344
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$)+$)+ 7KHUPDO7RWDO9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$)+$)+ 7KHUPDO3KDVH&9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$)+$)%+ 7KHUPDO3KDVH%9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

$)&+$))+ 7KHUPDO3KDVH$9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

 : ) 5 5()>@

 : ) 5 5()>@

 : ) 5 5()>@

 : ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 7KHUPDO7RWDO9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$+$+ 7KHUPDO3KDVH&9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$+$%+ 7KHUPDO3KDVH%9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

$&+$)+ 7KHUPDO3KDVH$9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@

 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-345
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
 VHF ) 5
   +] ) 5
 +] ) 5
 PVHF ) 5
$+$+  8VHUPDUN>@
$+$+ )DVW7RWDO0HDQ5069SS 9
  VHF ) 5
$+$+ )DVW7RWDO0HDQ5069SH 9
  VHF ) 5
$$+$%+ )DVW7RWDO0HDQ506$PS 9
  VHF ) 5
$&+$'+ )DVW7RWDO0HDQ5069SQ 9
  VHF ) 5
$(+$)+ )DVW3KDVH1(9ROWDJH 9
  VHF ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-346
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
$+$+ )DVW$X[9ROWDJH 9
  VHF ) 5
$+$%+ )DVW4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@
$&+$)+ )DVW3KDVH&4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@
$+$+ )DVW3KDVH%4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@
$+$+ )DVW3KDVH$4  
 4 ) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
$+$+ )DVW7RWDO9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@
$+$+ )DVW3KDVH&9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@
$+$%+ )DVW3KDVH%9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@
$&+$)+ )DVW3KDVH$9$5  
 9$5 ) 5 5()>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-347
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
 : ) 5 5()>@
$+$+ )DVW3KDVH&:DWWV  
 : ) 5 5()>@
 : ) 5 5()>@
$&+$)+ )DVW3KDVH$:DWWV  
 : ) 5 5()>@
$$+$$+ )DVW7RWDO9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@
$$+$$+ )DVW3KDVH&9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@
$$+$$%+ )DVW3KDVH%9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@
$$&+$$)+ )DVW3KDVH$9$  
 9$ ) 5 5()>@
$%+$%+ )DVW3KDVH1&XUUHQW $
  VHF ) 5
$%+$%+ )DVW3KDVH&&XUUHQW $
  VHF ) 5
$%+$%+ )DVW3KDVH%&XUUHQW $
  VHF ) 5
$%+$%+ )DVW3KDVH$&XUUHQW $
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
$%&+$%'+ )DVW3KDVH&$9ROWDJH 9
  VHF ) 5
$%(+$%)+ )DVW3KDVH%&9ROWDJH 9
  VHF ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-348
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$&+$&+ )DVW3KDVH$%9ROWDJH 9
  VHF ) 5
$&+$&+ )DVW3KDVH&19ROWDJH 9
  VHF ) 5
$&+$&+ )DVW3KDVH%19ROWDJH 9
  VHF ) 5
$&+$&+ )DVW3KDVH$19ROWDJH 9
  VHF ) 5
$&+$&+ )DVW$X[)UHTXHQF\
    +] ) 5
$&$+$&%+ )DVW)UHTXHQF\
  +] ) 5
$&&+$&)+ )DVW57&WLPHVWDPS 
  PVHF ) 5
$'+$'+  8VHUPDUN>@
$'+$'+ 2QHF\FOH7RWDO0HDQ5069SS 9
    VHF ) 5
$'+$'+ 2QHF\FOH7RWDO0HDQ5069SH 9
    VHF ) 5
$'$+$'%+ 2QHF\FOH7RWDO0HDQ506$PS 9
    VHF ) 5
$'&+$''+ 2QHF\FOH7RWDO0HDQ5069SQ 9
    VHF ) 5
$'(+$')+ 2QHF\FOH3KDVH1(9ROWDJH 9
    VHF ) 5
    VHF ) 5
    VHF ) 5
    VHF ) 5
$(+$(+ 2QHF\FOH$X[9ROWDJH 9
  VHF ) 5
$(+$($+ 2QHF\FOH4 4
   44 VHF )

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-349
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$('+$((+ 2QHF\FOH3KDVH&4 4
   44 VHF )
$)+$)+ 2QHF\FOH3KDVH%4 4
   44 VHF )
$)+$)+ 2QHF\FOH3KDVH$4 4
   44 VHF )
) 5 5()>@
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) 5 5()>@
) 5 5()>@
$+$+ 2QHF\FOH7RWDO9$5 
   9$59$5 9$5VHF )
$+$+ 2QHF\FOH3KDVH&9$5 9$5 
   9$5 9$5VHF )
$+$$+ 2QHF\FOH3KDVH%9$5 9$5 
   9$5 9$5VHF )
$'+$(+ 2QHF\FOH3KDVH$9$5 9$5 
   9$5 9$5VHF )

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-350
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
   9$5: VHF )
   :: VHF )
   :: VHF )
$&'+$(+ 2QHF\FOH3KDVH$:DWWV :
   :: VHF )
$+$+ 2QHF\FOH7RWDO9$ 9$
   9$9$ VHF )
$+$+ 2QHF\FOH3KDVH&9$ 9$ 9$
   9$ VHF )
$+$$+ 2QHF\FOH3KDVH%9$ 9$ 9$
   9$ VHF )
$'+$(+ 2QHF\FOH3KDVH$9$ 9$ 9$
   9$ VHF )
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-351
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
  VHF ) 5
    +] ) 5
    +] ) 5
  PVHF ) 5
$+$+ 5DZ*DLQ>@
$+$+ 5DZ3KDVH*DLQ>@
$+$$+ 5HVHUYHG>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-352
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$$&+$$'+ $'&506)DFWRU&XUUHQW
$$(+$$)+ $'&506)DFWRU9ROWDJH
$&+$&+ ,5,*VHF3XOVH&RXQWHU
$&+$&+ 57&6HF3XOVH&RXQWHU
$&+$(+ 5065HI*DLQ>@
$($+$(%+ *DLQ3KDVH1(9ROWDJH
$(&+$('+ *DLQ3KDVH&&XUUHQW
$((+$()+ *DLQ3KDVH&(9ROWDJH
$)+$$+ $'&5HI*DLQ>@
$$+$$+ $'&&RXQW3KDVH1&XUUHQW
$$$+$$%+ $'&&RXQW3KDVH1(9ROWDJH
$$&+$$'+ $'&&RXQW3KDVH&&XUUHQW
$$(+$$)+ $'&&RXQW3KDVH&(9ROWDJH
$$+$$+ $'&&RXQW3KDVH%&XUUHQW
$$+$$+ $'&&RXQW3KDVH%(9ROWDJH
$$+$$+ $'&&RXQW3KDVH$&XUUHQW
$$+$$+ $'&&RXQW3KDVH$(9ROWDJH
$$+$$+ $'&5DZ>@
$$+$$+ $'&5HI>@

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-353
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
$$+$$+ $'&/RZ>@
$$+$$+ $'&+LJK>@
$$+$$%+ 5HI&DO7LPHVWDPS/7&
$$&+$$)+ .<=6WDUWXS7LPHVWDPS/7&
%+%+ 8QXVHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-354
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
%+%+ 8QXVHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-355
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
%&$+ 8QXVHG

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-356
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
%(+ 8QXVHG
%$+ ,5,*%VHF 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%%+ ,5,*%PLQ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%&+ ,5,*%KRXU 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%'+ ,5,*%\HDU 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-357
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
%&+%)+ .<=&RXQWHU>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%+%%+ .<=6RXUFH>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%&+%)+ 0DVN>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%&+%$+ %XIIHU>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%$+%%+ 7/&:DWWV)H>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%%+%%)+ 7/&:DWWV&X>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%&+%&%+ 7/&:DWWV>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%&&+%'+ 7/&9$5V)H>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%'+%(+ 7/&9$5V&X>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%(+%()+ 7/&9$5V>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%)+%)'+ 8VHU0DUN>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
%+%'+ 7HPS>@ 1$ZKHQZULWHWR'63
'+    &XUUHQW0RQWK,' ) 5
 -DQ 'HF
'+    3ULRU0RQWK,' ) 5
 -DQ 'HF

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-358
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'+    3ULRU6HDVRQZHHNGD\,' ) 5
Current Month
EDVH  Rate 0 is for total
JURXSFRXQW  Current Month Rate 0: Whole month data
JURXSV  Current Month Rate 1: Whole month data
Current Month Rate 2: Whole month data
Current Month Rate 3: Whole month data
Current Month Rate 4: Whole month data
Current Month Rate 0: Initial season data
Current Month Rate 1: Initial season data
Current Month Rate 2: Initial season data
Current Month Rate 3: Initial season data
Current Month Rate 4: Initial season data
Current Month Rate 0: Final season data
Current Month Rate 1: Final season data
Current Month Rate 2: Final season data
Current Month Rate 3: Final season data
Current Month Rate 4: Final season data



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-359
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-360
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'+'+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-361
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-362
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-363
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'&+'&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-364
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-365
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-366
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'+'+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-367
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-368
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-369
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'+'+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-370
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-371
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-372
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'+'+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-373
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-374
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-375
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'&+'&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-376
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-377
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-378
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'+'+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-379
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-380
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-381
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'+'+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-382
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-383
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-384
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'$+'$+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-385
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-386
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-387
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'$&+'$&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-388
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-389
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-390
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'%+'%+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-391
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-392
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-393
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'&+'&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-394
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-395
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-396
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

''+''+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-397
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-398
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-399
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

''&+''&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-400
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-401
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-402
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'(+'(+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-403
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-404
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-405
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

')+')+    5HVHUYHG ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-406
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

EDVH  Rate 0 is for total

JURXSFRXQW  Prior Month Rate 0: Whole month data
JURXSV  Prior Month Rate 1: Whole month data
Prior Month Rate 2: Whole month data
Prior Month Rate 3: Whole month data
Prior Month Rate 4: Whole month data
Prior Month Rate 0: Initial season data
Prior Month Rate 1: Initial season data
Prior Month Rate 2: Initial season data
Prior Month Rate 3: Initial season data
Prior Month Rate 4: Initial season data
Prior Month Rate 0: Final season data
Prior Month Rate 1: Final season data
Prior Month Rate 2: Final season data
Prior Month Rate 3: Final season data
Prior Month Rate 4: Final season data

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-407
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-408
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-409
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'%+'%+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-410
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-411
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-412
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'%&+'%&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-413
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-414
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-415
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'%+'%+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-416
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-417
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-418
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'%$+'%$+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-419
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-420
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-421
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'%%+'%%+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-422
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-423
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-424
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'%%&+'%%&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-425
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-426
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-427
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'%&+'%&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-428
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'%&'+'%&(+     3HDN'HPDQGIRU0RQLWRUHG'DWD6HW ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-429
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-430
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'%'+'%'+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-431
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-432
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-433
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'%(+'%(+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-434
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-435
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-436
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'%(&+'%(&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-437
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-438
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-439
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'%)+'%)+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-440
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

'%)'+'%)(+     3HDN'HPDQGIRU0RQLWRUHG'DWD6HW ) 5


Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-441
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-442
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'&+'&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-443
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-444
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-445
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'&+'&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-446
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-447
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-448
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'&&+'&&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



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2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes



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2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

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2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'&+'&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



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2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

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2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
'&+'&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5



Current Season/week/day ID
EDVH  Current Season/week/day Rate 0 (total)
JURXS Current Season/week/day Rate 1
FRXQW    Current Season/week/day Rate 2
 Current Season/week/day Rate 3
JURXSV  Current Season/week/day Rate 4

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-455
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
($+($+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-456
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
($&+($&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-457
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(%+(%+    5HVHUYHG ) 5
(&+(&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-458
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
('+('+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-459
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
('&+('&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-460
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
((+((+    5HVHUYHG ) 5
()+()+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-461
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(+(+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-462
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(&+(&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-463
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(+(+    5HVHUYHG ) 5
(+(+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-464
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(+(+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-465
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(&+(&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-466
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(+(+    5HVHUYHG ) 5
(+(+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

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2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
Prior Season/week/day
EDVH  Prior Season/week/day Rate 0 (total)
JURXS Prior Season/week/day Rate 1
FRXQW    Prior Season/week/day Rate 2
 Prior Season/week/day Rate 3
JURXSV  Prior Season/week/day Rate 4
(%+(%+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-468
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(%&+(%&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-469
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(%+(%+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-470
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(%+(%+    5HVHUYHG ) 5
(%+(%+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-471
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(%&+(%&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-472
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(%$+(%$+    5HVHUYHG ) 5
(%$'+(%$(+     3HDN'HPDQGIRU0RQLWRUHG'DWD6HW ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-473
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(%%+(%%+    5HVHUYHG ) 5
(%&+(%&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-474
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(%&&+(%&&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-475
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(%'+(%'+    5HVHUYHG ) 5
(%''+(%'(+     3HDN'HPDQGIRU0RQLWRUHG'DWD6HW ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-476
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(%(+(%(+    5HVHUYHG ) 5
(%)+(%)+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-477
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(%)&+(%)&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-478
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(&+(&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-479
2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes
(&+(&+    5HVHUYHG ) 5

()+    2QHF\FOH7RWDO3RZHU)DFWRU  3) ) 5
()+    2QHF\FOH3KDVH&3RZHU)DFWRU  3) ) 5
()+    2QHF\FOH3KDVH%3RZHU)DFWRU  3) ) 5
()$+    2QHF\FOH3KDVH$3RZHU)DFWRU  3) ) 5


()+()(+  UHJLVWHU ) 5

()+()(+  DUH )) 5



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2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

Addr. (hex) Address(3X) Line Pt Description Range Units Type R/W Notes

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2: Modbus Map - Input Registers

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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Doc# E154715 MM-482
3: Communication Data Formats

3: Communication Data Formats

3.1: Introduction
This chapter expands upon information listed in the Nexus® 1500+ meter's Modbus
register map, shown in Chapter 2. Section Headings (F1, F2, etc.) refer to the value in
the register map's "Type" column.

3.2: Type F1 - Null Terminated ASCII String

Length: Depends on the reading.

Each register contains two bytes. Each byte stands for an ASCII character. The print-
able portion of the string is terminated with a Null character (ASCII 00H). Any charac-
ters after the terminating Null character are ignored.

Registers 00001 - 00008, the Device Name, might contain the following data:

Address 00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008

Value 3031H 3037H 2043H 6578H 7573H 2031H 3530H 3200H

Bytes 30H 31H 30H 37H 20H 43H 65H 78H 75H 73H 20H 31H 35H 30H 30H 00H
ASCII ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘7’ ‘’ ‘N’ ‘e’ ‘x’ ‘u’ ‘s’ ‘’ ‘1’ ‘5’ ‘0’ ‘0’ Null
Register "01” "07” "N” "ex” "us” "1” "50” "0"

String "0107 Nexus 1500"

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3: Communication Data Formats

3.3: Type F2 - Fixed Length ASCII String

Length: Depends on the reading.

Each register contains two bytes. Each byte stands for an ASCII character. All bytes
are significant. There is no terminating character.

Registers 00073 - 00074, the Nexus® Comm Boot version number, which might
contain the following data:

Address 00073 00074

Value 3030H 3134H

Bytes 30H 30H 31H 31H

ASCII ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘1’

Register “00” “14”

String “0014”

3.4: Type F3 - Time Stamp

Length: 4 Registers (8 bytes)
Order: Least significant byte first
Range: 2/31/9999 23:59:59.99
Unit: 10 ms

Each register contains two bytes. Each byte contains a binary number representing up
to two digits in a part of date and time. The units for each byte are century, year,
month, date, hour, minute, second and 10 millisecond. Hour is in 24-hour form,
00H = 0 = 12 AM, 01H = 1 = 1 AM, …, 0BH = 11 = 11 AM, 0CH = 12 = 12 PM, 0DH
= 13 = 1 PM, …, 17H = 23 = 11 PM.

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3: Communication Data Formats

Registers 00081 - 00084, On Time, might contain the following data:

Address 00081 00082 00083 00084

Value 140EH 0619H 0913H 3056H

Bytes 14H 0EH 06H 19H 09H 13H 30H 56H

Decimal 20 14 6 25 9 19 48 86

Unit Century Year Month Date Hour Minute Second 10 Millisec-


Date June 25, 2014 9:19:48:86 AM

3.5: Type F4 - Day of Week

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register contains a 16-bit number, associated with the days of the week as

Value Day of the Week Value Day of the Week

0001H Sunday 0005H Thursday

0002H Monday 0006H Friday

0003H Tuesday 0007H Saturday

0004H Wednesday

3.6: Type F6 - High Speed Inputs, Delta and Current State

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register has two bytes. Each byte has eight bits. The bits in each byte are associ-
ated with the meter’s 8 high speed inputs - the least significant bit with input 1,
through to the most significant bit with input 8.

The most significant byte contains Delta information about the high speed inputs; the
least significant byte contains the current state of the high speed inputs. For Delta
bits, a bit value of 1 means one or more were noticed on this input during the last
cycle; a bit value of 0 means no changes were noticed on this input during the last
cycle. For current state bits, a bit value of 1 means the input is open; a bit value of 0
means the input is closed.

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3: Communication Data Formats


Address 00118

Value 0461H

Bytes 04H 61H

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

High Speed Input Delta High Speed Input Current State

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Meaning _ _ _ _ _ Change _ _ Clsd Opn Opn Clsd Clsd Clsd Clsd Opn

Interpretation Inputs 7, 6, and ,and 1 are now open and Input 3 changed state at least once during the last cycle.

3.7: Type F7- Secondary Voltage, Current, VA, VAR, Watts, Hz or

Length: 2 Registers (4 bytes)
Range: +32767 / -32768
Unit: 1/65536 V, A, VA, VAR, W or Hz

The registers together contain a four-byte signed (2's compliment) integer. Positive
values have the most significant bit clear, and have the same magnitude as an
unsigned integer. Negative values have the most significant bit set. The magnitude of
a negative value is found by complementing (inverting) all of the bits and adding 1.


Registers 00153 - 00154, Tenth second Phase A VAR might contain the following data:

Address 00153 00154

Value 0001H 4000H

4-byte signed integer (Hex) 00014000H

Most significant bit 0

4-byte integer (Decimal) +81920

1/65536 VAR Secondary +1.25 VAR secondary

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3: Communication Data Formats

Registers 00153 - 00154, Tenth second Phase A VAR, might contain the following

Address 00153 00154

Value FFFEH C000H

4-byte signed integer (Hex) FFFEC000H

Most significant bit 1

Compliment 00013FFFH

Increment 00014000H

4-byte integer (Decimal) -81920

1/65536 VAR Secondary -1.25 VAR secondary

3.8: Type F8 - Power Factor

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)
Range: 3.999 / 0.000
Unit: 0.001 PF

This register contains a 16 bit unsigned number. This number varies from 0000H -
0F9FH, or 0 to 3999 in decimal. This representation allows for expressing power
factor from 0 to 1 in the four quadrants, as shown in the following table (which is
oriented clockwise, starting from 90 degrees):

Quadrant Value PF Value PF PF

Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec

1 0000H 0 0.0000 01F4H 500 0.500 03E7H 999 0.999

4 03E8H 1000 1.000 05DCH 1500 0.500 07CFH 1999 0.001

3 07D0H 2000 0.0000 09c4h 2500 0.500 0bb7h 2999 0.999

2 0bb8h 3000 1.000 0dach 3500 0.500 0f9fh 3999 0.001

Application of sign and lead/lag labels (is 9CFH -0.500 Lead or +0.500 Lag) depends
on the programmable setting called Power Factor Labeling, located in register 46019,
described in Section 7.19.

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3: Communication Data Formats


Register 00171, Tenth second Phase A Power Factor, might contain the following data:

Address 00171

Value 0C10H

Decimal 3088

PF Q2, 0.912

Register 00171, Tenth second Phase A Power Factor, might contain the following data:

Address 00171

Value 0390H

Decimal 912

PF Q1, 0.912

3.9: Type F9 - Angle

Length: 1 Register (2 byte)
Range: +180 / -180
Unit: 0.01 degree

This register contains a 16-bit signed (2's complement) number. Positive values have
the most significant bit clear, and have the same magnitude as an unsigned integer.
Negative values have the most significant bit set. The magnitude of a negative value
is found by complimenting (inverting) all of the bits and adding 1.


Register 00175, Tenth second Phase A-N Voltage to Auxiliary Voltage Phase Angle,
might contain the following data:

Address 00175

Value 08BBH

Most significant bit 0

Decimal +2235

Angle +22.35 Degrees

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3: Communication Data Formats

Register 00175, Tenth second Phase A-N Voltage to Auxiliary Voltage Phase Angle,
might contain the following data.

Address 00175

Value F745H

Most significant bit 1

Compliment 08BAH

Increment 08BBH

Decimal -2235

Angle -22.35 Degrees

3.10: Type F10 - Percentage

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)
Range: +327.67% / - 327.68%
Unit: 0.01%

This register contains a 16-bit signed (2's compliment) number. Positive values have
the most significant bit clear, and have the same magnitude as an unsigned integer.
Negative values have the most significant bit set. The magnitude of a negative value
is found by complimenting (inverting) all of the bits and adding 1.


Register 00234, One second Voltage Imbalance, might contain the following data:

Address 00234

Value 08BBH

Most significant bit 0

Decimal +2235

Percent +22.35%

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3: Communication Data Formats

Register 00234, One second Voltage Imbalance, might contain the following data:

Address 00234

Value F745H

Most significant bit 1

Compliment 08BAH

Increment 08BBH

Decimal -2235

Percent -22.35%

3.11: Type F11 - Energy Counter (Packed BCD / Secondary)

Length: 4 Registers (8 bytes)
Range: 9,999,999,999,999,999 / 0 VAh, VARh or Wh secondary
Unit: 1 VAh, VARh or Wh secondary

These registers contain 8 bytes of Packed BCD. Each register contains 2 bytes. Each
byte contains 2 nibbles. Each nibble represents a decimal digit from 0-9. All together,
there are 16 nibbles, and therefore a 16-digit decimal number can be represented.


Registers 00982 - 00985, VAhour, might contain the following data:

Address 00982 00983 00984 00985

Value 000H 0001H 0534H 1284H

Bytes 00H 00H 00H 01H 05H 34H 12H 84H

Nibbles 0H 0H 0H 0H 0H 0H 0H 1H 0H 5H 3H 4H 1H 2H 8H 4H

Digit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 3 4 1 2 8 4

Unit P T G M k

VAh 105,341,284 VAh secondary

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3: Communication Data Formats

3.12: Type F12 - Energy Counter (Binary / Secondary)

Length: 4 Registers (8 bytes)
Range: 9,999,999,999,999,999 / 0 VAh, VARh or Wh secondary
Unit: 1 VAh, VARh or Wh secondary

These registers contain an 8-byte unsigned integer.


Registers 01002-01005, VAhour, might contain the following data:

Address 01002 01003 01004 01005

Value 0000H 0000H 0647H 6164H

8-byte unsigned integer (Hex) 0000000006476164H

Decimal 105341284

VAh 105,341,284 VAh secondary

3.13: Type F13 - Phase Sequence

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register contains a 16-bit unsigned integer, most-significant byte first, associated
with the Phase Sequence as follows:

Value (Hex)

0000H A-B-C

0001H C-B-A

3.14: Type F14 - Block/Rolling Window Average Status

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register contains a 16-bit unsigned integer, associated with the Average Status
as follows:

Value (Hex) Average Status

0000H Not yet available

0001H Available

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3: Communication Data Formats

This is the Status Register for Block Window Average (02605-02683) and Rolling
Window Average (02684-02768).

If a value is not yet computed by the Nexus® device, the Status value will be zero.

• When the value is zero, Communicator EXTTM software displays asterisks for values.

• In Modbus, a value will be returned based on the type of reading.

• Negative Maximums and Positive Minimums return: 7FFFFFFFH or


• Positive Maximums and Negative Minimums return: 80000000H or +/-


• No Timestamp will be assigned to the reading.

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3: Communication Data Formats

3.15: Type F15 - Limit States

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register has two bytes. Each byte has eight bits. The bits in these bytes are asso-
ciated with the 16 Limits, the most significant bit of the most significant byte with
Limit 1 (or 17), through to the least significant bit of the least significant byte with
Limit 16 (or 32).

A bit value of 1 means that the particular limit has been passed, while a bit value of 0
means that the particular limit has not been passed.


Register 02769, Limit States, Value 1 Comparison, 1-16, might contain the following

Address 02769

Value 0461H

Bytes 04H 61H

Bits 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

Points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Limit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Passed No No No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes

Interpretation Limits 6, 10, 11, and 16 are currently passed; all others are not passed.

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3: Communication Data Formats

3.16: Type F17 - Digital Input States in Digital Input Option Board
Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register has two bytes. Each byte has eight bits. The bits in the most significant
byte are associated with the eight Digital Inputs in a Digital Input Option board, the
most significant bit with input 8, through to the least significant bit with Input 1. The
least significant byte is undefined.

A bit value of 1 means the input is open; a bit value of 0 means the input is closed.


Register 0AD5H, Digital Input States, Digital Input Option board in Slot 3, might
contain the following data:

Address 0AD5H

Value 5100H

Bytes 51H 00H

Bits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

Point 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Digital Input States Undefined

Input 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Meaning Clsd Opn Clsd Opn Clsd Clsd Clsd Opn

Interpre- Inputs 7, 5 and 1 are open; all other inputs are closed.

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3: Communication Data Formats

3.17: Type F18 - Digital Input Option Board Input Accumulation /

Cumulative Demand
Length: 2 Registers (4 bytes)
Range: 4,294,967,295/0
Unit: Accumulated Transitions, Accumulated Primary Watts

These registers contain a 4 byte unsigned integer.


Registers 0AD6H-0AD7H, Input Accumulation 1, Digital Input Option Board in slot 3,

might contain the following data:

Addr (Hex) 0AD6H 0AD7H

Value 0647H 6164H

4 byte unsigned integer 06476164H

Decimal 105341284

Accumulated Transitions 105,341,284 Accumulated Transitions

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3: Communication Data Formats

3.18: Type F33 - Temperature

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)
Range: +3276.7 C / - 3276.8 C
Unit: 0.1 degree C

This register contains a 16-bit signed (2's compliment) number. Positive values have
the most significant bit clear and have the same magnitude as an unsigned integer.
Negative values have the most significant bit set. The magnitude of a negative value
is found by complimenting (inverting) all of the bits and adding 1.


Register 05946, meter's Internal Temperature, might contain the following data:

Address 05946

Value 08BBH

Most significant bit 0

Decimal +223

Celsius +22.3 degree C

Register 05946, meter's Internal Temperature, might contain the following data:

Address 05946

Value F745H

Most significant bit 1

Compliment 08BAH

Increment 08BBH

Decimal -223

Celsius -22.3 degree C

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3: Communication Data Formats

3.19: Type F34 - Limit and Relay Logic States

Length 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register has two bytes. Each byte has eight bits. The bits in these bytes are asso-
ciated with the 16 Limits or Relays, the most significant bit of the most significant
byte with Limit 1 (or 17, or Relay 1), through to the least significant bit of the least
significant byte with Limit 16 (or 32, or Relay 16).

A bit value of 1 means TRUE, while a bit value of 0 means FALSE. TRUE and FALSE
result from the AND, OR XOR, Hysteresis and NOT of two input values of 1 or 0.


Register 175AH, Limit States, Combinations, 1-16, might contain the following data:

Addr (Hex) 175AH

Value 0461H

Bytes 04H 61H

Bits 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

Point 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Limit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Logic (T/F) F F F F F T F F F T T F F F F T

Interpretation Limit Combinations 6, 10, 11 and 16 are currently TRUE, all others are FALSE.

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3: Communication Data Formats

3.21: Type F35 - Relay Delays

Length: 1/2 Register (1 byte) (2 per Register)

This register has two bytes. Each byte contains an unsigned integer which is a count-
down delay. A relay logic tree must be stable for the duration of the delay before trig-
gering a relay. Delays are preloaded when the Gate G value changes. They are decre-
mented every pass thereafter, until they reach zero.


Register 06000, Delay Timer, Relay 1 / Relay 2, might contain the following data:

Address 04H 00H

Value 0400H

Bytes 06000

Interpretation Relay 1 has 4 seconds of delay remaining, Relay 2 has no delay remaining.

3.22: Type F36 - Desired Relay States

Length: 1 Register (1 bytes)

This register has two bytes. Each byte has eight bits. The bits in these bytes are asso-
ciated with the 16 Relays, the most significant bit of the most significant byte with
Relay 1, through the least significant bit of the least significant byte with Relay 16.

A bit value of 1 means the relay should be energized (connected to Normal Open); a
bit value of 0 means the relay should be de-energized (connected to Normal Close).
These are states pending transmission to the relays.

Register 06008, Desired Relay States, Relays 1-16, might contain the following data:

Address 06008

Value 0461H

Bytes 04H 61H

Bits 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

Limit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Interpretation Relays 6, 10, 11 and 16 should be energized; all others de-energized.

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3.23: Type F37 - Relays Pending Update

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register has two bytes. Each byte has eight bits. The bits in these bytes are asso-
ciated with the 16 Relays, the most significant byte with Relay 1 through to the least
significant bit of the least significant byte with Relay 16.

A bit value of 1 means the physical relay needs to be updated, a bit value of 0 means
the physical relay does not need to be updated.


Register 06009, Relays Pending Updates 1-16, might contain the following data:

Address 06009

Value 0461H

Bytes 04H 61H

Bits 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

Point 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Relay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Update? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Interpretation Relays 6, 10, 11 and 16 need to be updated, all others are in their correct states.

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3.24: Type F38 Shadowed Relay States

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register has two bytes. Each byte has eight bits. The bits in these bytes are asso-
ciated with the 16 Relays, the most significant byte with Relay 1 through to the least
significant bit of the least significant byte with Relay 16.

A bit value of 1 means the relay is supposed to be energized (connected to Normal

Open), a bit value of 0 means the relay is supposed to be de-energized (connected to
Normal Close). These states have not necessarily been confirmed by polling the relay


Register 06010, Shadowed Relay States 1-16, might contain the following data:

Address 060010

Value 0461H

Bytes 04H 61H

Bits 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Point 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Relay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Interpretation Relays 6 and 10 are supposed to be energized, all others de-energized,

not necessarily confirmed.

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3.25: Type F39 - Confirmed Polled Relay States

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register has two bytes. Each byte has eight bits. The bits in these bytes are asso-
ciated with the 16 Relays, the most significant byte with Relay 1 through to the least
significant bit of the least significant byte with Relay 16.

A bit value of 1 means the relay was energized (connected to Normal Open) when last
polled, a bit value of 0 means the relay was de-energized (connected to Normal
Close) when last polled. These states may not be current on the relays, since opera-
tions may have occurred since the last poll.


Register 06011, Confirmed Polled Relay States 1-16, might contain the following

Address 060011

Value 0461H

Bytes 04H 61H

Bits 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

Point 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Relay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Interpretation Relays 6 ,10, 11, and 16 were energized when last polled, all others
were de-energized.

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3.26: Type F40 - Valid Flags for Confirmed Relay States

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register has two bytes. Each byte has eight bits. The bits in these bytes are asso-
ciated with the 16 Relays, the most significant byte with Relay 1 through to the least
significant bit of the least significant byte with Relay 16.

A bit value of 1 means the confirmed states in Confirmed Polled Relay States register
(06011) are valid, a bit value of 0 means the confirmed states have not yet been


Register 06012, Valid Flags for Confirmed Relay States, might contain the following

Address 060012

Value FFF0H

Bytes FFH F0H

Bits 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Point 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Relay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Valid? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Interpretation Confirmed states for Relays 13-16 have not yet been polled and are not yet valid.

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3.27: Type F41 - Locked Relays, Relays 1-16

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register has two bytes. Each byte has eight bits. The bits in these bytes are asso-
ciated with the 16 Relays, the most significant byte with Relay 1 through to the least
significant bit of the least significant byte with Relay 16.

A bit value of 1 means the relay has been locked, overriding the Relay Logic Tree for
this relay. A bit value of 0 means the relay is operating normally according to the
Relay Logic Tree.


Register 06013, Locked Relays, Relays 1-16, might contain the following data:

Address 060013

Value 0461H

Bytes 04H 61H

Bits 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

Point 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Relay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Locked? Lock Lock Lock Lock

Interpretation Relays 6, 10, 11, and 16 are locked; all other relays are under control
of the RelayLogic tree.

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3.28: Type F44 - Digital Input Option Board Data States

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)

This register has two bytes. Each byte has eight bits. The bits in these bytes are asso-
ciated with the status of the data received from Digital Input Option Board as follows:

Bit Point Meaning

15 (MSB) 0 Status of Data from Digital Input Option Board in slot 3 (Modbus
Register 0AD5H)

14 1 Status of Data from Digital Input Option Board in slot 4 (Modbus

Register 0AE6H)

13-0 (LSB) Undefined

Digital Input Option Board Data Status -A bit value of 0 means that the data from this
Digital Input option board is not yet valid; either the board is not present or has not
yet been polled. A bit value of 1 means that the data from this Digital Input option
board has been polled at least once and is valid.


Register 17DEH, Digital Input Option Board Data States, might contain the following

Addr (Hex) 17DEH

Value 8000H

Bytes 80H 00H

Bits 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Point 0 1

Digital Input 1 2
Option Boards

Status OK - - -

Interpretation Data from Digital Input Option Board in slot 3 (Register 0AD5H) are valid,
data from Digital Input Option Board in slot 4 are not valid.

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3.29: Type F46 - High Byte of Modbus Register (Signed)

Length: 1 byte
High Byte of Modbus Register, Signed
Range: +127 / -128
Unit: 1

3.30: Type F47 - High Byte of Modbus Register (Unsigned)

Length: 1 byte
High Byte of Modbus Register, Unsigned
Range: 255 / 0
Unit: 1

3.31: Type F49 - Low Byte of Modbus Register (Unsigned)

Length: 1 byte
Low Byte of Modbus Register, Unsigned
Range: 255 / 0
Unit: 1

3.32: Type F51 - Two-Byte (Unsigned)

Length: 2 bytes
Two-Byte, Unsigned
Range: 65,535 / 0
Unit: 1

3.33: Type F52 - Four-Byte (Signed)

Length: 4 bytes
Four-Byte, Signed
Range: +2,147,483,647 / -2,147,483,648
Unit: 1

3.34: Type F53 - Four-Byte (Unsigned)

Length: 4 bytes
Four-Byte, Unsigned
Range: 4,294,967,295 / 0
Unit: 1

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3.35: Type F55 - Eight-Byte (Unsigned)

Length: 8 bytes
Eight-Byte, Unsigned
Range: 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 / 0
Unit: 1

3.36: Type F56 - Flicker Countdown

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)
Range: 65,535 / 0 seconds
Unit: 1 second

This register contains an unsigned integer which is a countdown in seconds until the
end of a Flicker interval, Short Term or Long Term.


Register 06489, Short Term Flicker Countdown, might contain the following data:

Address 06489

Value 0400H

Decimal 1024

Interpretation 1024 seconds remain until the next

Short Term Flicker is computed.

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3.37: Type F57 - Accumulation in the Interval

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)
Range: 465,535 / 0
Unit: VAh, VARh, Wh secondary or pulses

These registers contain a 2-byte unsigned integer.


Register 06397, Total VA hour (Quadrants 1+2+3+4) in the Interval, Secondary,

might contain the following data:

Address 06937

Value 0647H

Decimal 1607

VAh Secondary 1607 VAh Secondary

3.38: Type F58 - 12-bit RTU Sanity Register

Length: 1 Register

This register indicates the status of the meter. A normally functioning meter reports a
value of 0x00000 or 0. Any non-zero value indicates that the unit is operating improp-

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3.39: Type F59 - 12-bit RTU Current, Voltage, W, VAR

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)
Range: +5A / 0 A, + 150V / 0 V, +1500 W, VAR / -1500 W, VAR
Unit: 5 / 2048 A, 150/2048 V, 1500 / 2048 W, VAR

Each register contains a 16-bit integer. Positive values have the most significant bit
clear and have the same magnitude as an unsigned integer. Negative values have the
most significant bit set. The magnitude of a negative value is found by complementing
(inverting) all of the bits and adding 1. The 16-bit integers have been constrained to
the bounds of a signed 12-bit integer, +2047 through -2048.


Register 53250, Phase A Current, might contain the following data:

Address 53250

Value (Hex) 0400H

12-bit Signed Integer (Hex) 400H

Most Significant Bit 0

12-bit Signed Integer (Decimal) +1024

5/2048 A sec 2.500 A sec

Register 53256, Total Watt, might contain the following data:

Address 53256

Value (Hex) FC00H

12-bit Signed Integer (Hex) C00H

Most Significant Bit 1

12-bit Signed Integer (Decimal) -1024

150-0/2048 W sec -750 W sec

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3.40: Type F60 - Energy Counter

Length: 2 Registers (4 bytes)
Range: +99,999,999 / 0 or 0 / -99,999,999 kWh, kVARh
Unit: 1 kWh, kVARh

Each pair of registers represents an Energy Counter in primary. Each register contains
a value from 0 to 9,999 (0x00000 - 0x0270F), representing 4 digits of an Energy
Counter. The first register is in units of 10's of MegaWatthour or Mega VARhour. The
second register is in units of kilo Watthour or kilo VARhour. Combined, the pair of
registers report up to 100 GWh primary of energy.


Registers 53267-53268, Positive Watthour, might contain the following data:

Address 53267 53268

Value (Hex) 04D2H 162EH

Value (Decimal) 1234 5678

Digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Unit G M k

kWH Primary 12,345,678 kWh primary

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3.41: Type F61 - 12-bit RTU Frequency

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)
Range: 75 Hz / 45 Hz
Unit: 30 / 4096 Hz

This register contains a 16-bit unsigned integer. The 16-bit integer has been con-
strained to the bounds of an unsigned 12-bit integer, 4095 to 0. The Frequency repre-
sented by this register is offset by 45 Hz.


Register 53250, Phase A Current, might contain the following data:

Address 53250

Value (Hex) 0810H

12-bit Unsigned Integer (Hex) 810H

12-bit Unsigned Integer (Decimal) +2058

30/4096 A sec 15.073 Hz

+45 Hz Offset 60.073 Hz

3.42: Type F62 - Scaled Pulse Accumulation, Aggregation or Average

Length: 4 Registers (8 bytes)
Range: +9,223,372,036,854,776,807 / -9,223,372,036,854,776,808
Unit: 1 Unit

This register contains an 8-byte signed (2's complement) number. Positive values
have the most significant bit clear and have the same magnitude as an unsigned inte-
ger. Negative values have the most significant bit set. The magnitude of a negative
value is found by complementing (inverting) all of the bits and adding 1.

Type F62 does not use the multiplier from the Energy Scale Settings from the Nexus®
meter's Device Profile. It uses the multiplier from the Nexus® meter's Internal Input
Pulse Accumulations Setup screen (Device Profile > Revenue & Energy Settings >
Pulse Accumulations).

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Registers 05834 - 05837, Block Window Average Aggregation 1, might contain the
following data:

Address 05834 05835 05836 05837

Value (Hex) 0000H 0000H 0001H 2345H

8 byte Signed Integer (Hex) 000000000001245H

Most Significant Bit 0

Decimal +74565

Accumulated Transitions +74,565 Units

Registers 05834-05837, Block Window Average Aggregation 1, might contain the

following data:

Address 05834 05835 05836 05837


8 byte Signed Integer (Hex) FFFFFFFFFFFEDCBBH

Most Significant Bit 1

Complement 0000000000012345H

Increment 0000000000012345H

Decimal -74565

Accumulated Transitions -74,565 Units

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3.43: Type F64 - Scaled Energy

Length: 2 Registers (4 bytes)
Range: 99 / 0 through 999,999,999 / 0 (variable, 2-9 digits)
Unit: 10-7 through 106 units (variable)

This register contains an 4-byte signed integer. The range and resolution of a given
reading is controlled by programmable Energy Scale Settings, which govern both the
range of the reading (from 2 to 9 digits) and the units of the reading (from 7 decimal
places of Wh (10-7) to no decimal places of MWh (106). Refer to Type F65 for a
description of the Scaled Energy Programmable Setting (Device Profile > Revenue &
Energy Settings > Energy Scaling).


Registers 06912-06913, Total VAh (Quadrant 1+2+3+4) Scaled Primary, might

contain the following data:

Address 06912 06913

Value 075BH CD15H

4-byte Hex 075HCD15H

Decimal 123,456,789

• If the Programmable Settings indicated 5 decimal places of WH, then the inter-
preted value would be 1,234.56789 Wh.

• If the Programmable Settings indicated 0 decimal places of MWh, then the inter-
preted value would be 123,456,789 MWh.

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3.44: Type F65 - Scaled Energy Setting

Length: 1/2 a Register (1 byte)

Each register contains 2 bytes. Each byte contains settings for a base quantity. The
format of a byte is as follows:

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Meaning Digits Unit Decimal Places

• Digits is a 3-bit field, which is offset by 2 to represent from 2 to 9 displayable digits.

• Unit is a 2-bit field, where the values from 0 to 2 represent units of Wh (100), k
(103) and M (106). The value 3 is undefined and is treated the same as 2, signify-
ing M (106).

• Decimal Places is a 3-bit field, where the bits represent from 0 to 7 decimal places.


For the following, the Q1234 VAh has a current value internally of 123,456,789.0123

Reading in Register
D.P Display
Register CA00H Digits Unit Pattern 1AFFH-1B00H

Hex Binary Hex Decimal

20xxH 001 00 000 3 VAh, 100 0 xxxVAh 000003 789 789VAh

8BxxH 100 01 011 6 kVAh, 103 3 kVAh 0006F855H 456789 456.789 kVAh

88xxH 100 01 000 6 kVAh, 103 0 Xxxxxx kVAh 0001E240H 123456 123,456 kVAh

93xxH 100 10 011 6 MVAh, 106 3 MVAh 0001E240H 123456 123,456 MVAh

72xxH 011 10 010 5 MVAh, 106 2 xxx.xx MVAh 00003039H 12345 123.45 MVAh

C2xxH 110 00 010 8 VAh, 100 2 xxxxxx.xx VAh 02B90135H 45678901 456,789.01 VAh

The Scaled Energy Programmable Setting can be accessed by clicking: Device Profile
> Revenue & Energy Settings > Energy Scaling.

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3.45: Type F67 - K-Factor

Length: 1 Register (2 bytes)
Range: +327.67 / - 327.68
Unit: 0.01

This register contains a 16-bit signed (2's complement) number. Positive values have
the most significant bit clear and have the same magnitude as an unsigned integer.
Negative values have the most significant bit set. The magnitude of a negative value
is found by complementing (inverting) all of the bits and adding 1.


Register 00390, Maximum K-Factor Phase A Current, might contain the following

Address 00390

Value (Hex) 08BBH

Most significant bit 0

Decimal +2235

K-Factor +22.35

Register 0185H, Maximum K-Factor Phase A Current, might contain the following

Address 00390

Value (Hex) F745H

Most significant bit 1

Complement 08BAH

Increment 08BBH

Decimal -2235

K-Factor -22.35

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3.46: Type F68 - Secondary 1 Cycle RMS Voltage and Current

Length: 2 Registers (4 bytes)
Range: 4,294,967,295 V, A / 0 V, A
Unit: 1/65536 V, A

These registers form a 4-byte unsigned integer in which the first register contains the
LSB word.


Address 0x005D 0x005E

Value 0xE6D7 0x0077

4-byte unsigned integer(Hex) 0x0077E6D7

4-byte unsigned integer (Decimal) 7,857,879

1/65536 V secondary 119.902

3.47: Type F69 - Angle

Length: 1 Register (2 Bytes) - signed integer
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: -327.68 / +327.67
Unit: 0.01 degree

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3.48: Type F70 - Harmonic Over Threshold Flag

Length: 4 Register (8 Bytes)
Order: Least significant word first (inside word, most significant bit first)
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

A bit value of 1 means harmonic over threshold event.

Word Word 0 Word 1 Word 2 Word 3

Bit 0 = Order 0 Bit 0 = Order 16 Bit 0 = Order 32

Bit 1 = Order 1 Bit 1 = Order 17 Bit 1 = Order 33

Bit 2 = Order 2 Bit 2 = Order 18 Bit 2 = Order 34

Bit 3 = Order 3 Bit 3 = Order 19 Bit 3 = Order 35 Bit 0 = Order 48

Bit 4 = Order 4 Bit 4 = Order 20 Bit 4 = Order 36 Bit 1 = Order 49

Bit 5 = Order 5 Bit 5 = Order 21 Bit 5 = Order 37 Bit 2 = Order 50

Harmonic Order Bit 6 = Order 6 Bit 6 = Order 22 Bit 6 = Order 38 Bit 3 = Order 51

Bit 7 = Order 7 Bit 7 = Order 23 Bit 7 = Order 39 Bit 4-15 = N/A

Bit 8 = Order 8 Bit 8 = Order 24 Bit 8 = Order 40

Bit 9 = Order 9 Bit 9 = Order 25 Bit 9 = Order 41

Bit 10 = Order 10 Bit 10 = Order 26 Bit 10 = Order 42

Bit 11 = Order 11 Bit 11 = Order 27 Bit 11 = Order 43

Bit 12 = Order 12 Bit 12 = Order 28 Bit 12 = Order 44

Bit 13 = Order 13 Bit 13 = Order 29 Bit 13 = Order 45

Bit 14 = Order 14 Bit 14 = Order 30 Bit 14 = Order 46

Bit 15 = Order 15 Bit 15 = Order 31 Bit 15 = Order 47

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3.49: Type F71 - Out of Range Status

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Value Description

0 Normal

1 Out

3.50: Type F72 - Time Stamp (Packed BCD)

Length: 4 Register (8 Byte)
Order: Least significant byte first
Range: 12/31/9999 23:59:59.99
Unit: 10 ms

Each register contains 2 bytes. Each byte contains 2 nibbles. Each nibble represents a
decimal digit from 0-9.

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Nibble 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Year Month Day Hour Minute Seconds Centiseconds

3.51: Type F73 - Magnitude

Length: 2 Register (4 Byte)
Order: Least significant word first
Range: -32768/+32767.9999
Unit: 1/65536 Volts/Degree/Hz

0 1
Fraction Integer

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3.52: Type F74 - Number 4 Bytes - Unsigned Integer

Length: 2 Register (4 Byte) - unsigned integer
Order: Least significant word first
Range: 0/+4294967295
Unit: 1

3.53: F75 - Flagging

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Value Description

0 Normal

1 Flagging

3.54: Type F76 - Valid Status

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Value Description

0x55AA Valid

Others Invalid

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3.55: Type F77 - Voltage Flag

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

• A bit value of 1 means one of the following situations occurred; a bit value of 0
means one of the following situations did not occur:

• Waveform Voltage RMS Sag event

• Waveform Voltage RMS Swell event

• Voltage Waveshape Pre-Trigger event

• Transient Positive Side Over-Range Pre-Trigger event

• Transient Negative Side Over-Range Pre-Trigger event

• Interruption event

• Waveform Voltage RMS Sag State Transition

• Waveform Voltage RMS Swell State Transition

• Interruption transition

• Waveform Voltage RMS Sag Valid

• Waveform Voltage RMS Swell Valid

• Voltage Waveshape Pre-Trigger Valid

• Transient Map waveform mask (transient trigger set will lead waveform/PQ trig-
ger set)

• Sliding reference Usr sag/swell enable for voltage

Byte Byte 1 Byte 0

Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Channels N/A Vne Vce Vbe Vae Vne Vxn Vca Vbc Vab Vcn Vbn Van

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3.56: Type F78 - Current Flag

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

• A bit value of 1 means one of the following situations occurred; a bit value of 0
means one of the following situations did not occur:

• Waveform Current RMS Sag event

• Waveform Current RMS Swell event

• Waveform Current RMS Sag State Transition

• Waveform Current RMS Swell State Transition

• Current RMS Change of Rate Over-Range Valid

• Sliding reference Usr sag/swell enabled for current

Byte Byte 1 Byte 0

Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Channels N/A Ix Ic Ib Ia

3.57: Type F79 - General Readings (RMS, Ratio…)

Length: 2 Register (4 Byte)
Order: Least significant word first
Range: 0/+65535.9999
Unit: 1/65536 Volts/Amps

0 1
Fraction Integer

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3.58: Type F80 - High Speed Inputs, Delta Change

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

The bits in least significant byte are associated with 8 High Speed Inputs. The least
significant byte contains delta information about High Speed Input. A bit value of 1
means one more delta were noticed in this input. A bit value of 0 no changes were
noticed on this input.

Byte Byte 1 Byte 0

Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

High Speed Input N/A 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

3.59: Type F81 - High Speed Inputs, States

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

The bits in least significant byte are associated with 8 High Speed Inputs. The least
significant byte contains states about High Speed Input. A bit value of 1 means the
input is open, a bit value of 0 means the input is closed.

Byte Byte 1 Byte 0

Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

High Speed Input N/A 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

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3.59: Type F82 - Point Update Flag

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

A bit value of 1 means that an event occurred.

Byte Byte 1 Byte 0

Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reference N/A 5th 4th 3rd 2nd 1st


3.60: Type F83 - Phase Sequence

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Value Description

0xABC0 ABC sequence

0xCBA1 ACB sequence

3.61: Type F84 - Positive Transient Peak

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte) - unsigned integer
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: +65535/0
Unit: 1800/128

3.62: Type F85 - Negative Transient Peak

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte) - unsigned integer
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: +65535/0
Unit: -1800/128

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3.63: Type F86 - 20.09 nsec Counter (Used to measure transient

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte) - unsigned integer
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: +65535/0
Unit: 20.09 nsec

3.64: Type F90 - 16.7 usec Counter (Used for duration timestamp-
Length: 2 Register (4 Byte) - unsigned integer
Order: Least significant word first
Range: + 4294967295/0
Unit: 16.7 usec

3.65: Type F93 - Over Voltage Between P-E Flags

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

A bit value of 1 means either an event or state transition occurred.

Byte Byte 1 Byte 0

Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Channels N/A Vce Vbe Vae Vne

3.66: Type F94 - Real Time Clock (RTC) Timestamp, Microseconds

Length: 2 Register (4 Byte) - unsigned integer
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: + 4294967295/0
Unit: 1 usec

3.67: Type F95 - RTC Timestamp, Seconds Counter

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte) - unsigned integer
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: + 65535/0
Unit: 1 sec

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3.68: Type F96 - RTC Timestamp, in Hundreds of Microseconds

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte) - unsigned integer
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: + 65535/0
Unit: 0.1 msec

3.69: Type F97 - Hookup Configuration

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Value Description

0 4-Wire Wye

1 3-Wire Delta 3 CT

2 3-Wire Delta 2 CT

3 4-Wire Wye 2.5 Element

4 4-Wire Delta Ground

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3.70: Type F98 - Transient Type

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Bits Description

0 0 = enable

1 = disable

1 0 = VPN

1 = VPP

2~7 Not defined

8 Va

9 Vb

10 Vc

11~15 Not defined

3.71: Type F99 - Frequency Type

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Value Description

0 50 Hz

1 60 Hz

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3.72: Type F100 - Waveform Sample Rate

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Value Description

0 Full sample rate

2 1/2 of full sample rate

4 1/4 of full sample rate

… …

64 1/64 of full sample rate

3.73: Type F101 - High Resolution RTC Timestamp

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Bits Description

0~14 1 count = 100us = 0.1ms, range up to 9999 = 0.9999second

15 1 means IRIG_B synchronized, 0 means IRIG_B lost

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3.75: Type F102 - Calibration Gain

Length: 2 Register (4 Byte)
Order: Least significant word first
Range: +16.999999996/0
Unit: N/A

The calibration gain number is a 32 bit number where 4 most significant bits are
unsigned integer and the others 28 bits are fractional of this number.


0x10539783 = 1.020408164
0x10000000 = 1.000000000
0x0FD7720F = 0.990099009

3.76: Type F103 - Alternate Format Power Factor

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: -1.0 / 1.0
Unit: 1/1000

3.77: Type F104 - Transient Gain

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

The transient gain number is a 16 bit number where 9 most significant bits integer
and the others fraction.

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3.78: Type F105 - RTC Status

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Bits Description

0~1 Not defined

2 DST fails

3 DST spring date

4 Active cold load

5 Active line sync

6 Active DST

7 Active GPS

8~15 Not defined

3.79: Type F106 - Line Synch Mode

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Bits Description

0 0=disable


1 0=50Hz


2~15 Not defined

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3.80: Type F107 - Daylight Savings Time Mode

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Value Description

0 Disable

1 Use onboard chip

2 User programmable:
16 bytes, Most significant byte first.
Settings #1
Byte 15-14: Reserved
Byte 13: Month
Byte 12: Date
Byte 11: Hour
Byte 10: Minute
Byte 9: Seconds
Byte 8: Reserved
Settings #2
Byte 7-6: Reserved
Byte 5: Month
Byte 4: Date
Byte 3: Hour
Byte 2: Minute
Byte 1: Seconds
Byte 0: Reserved

3 Use new standard (US, 2005)

4 Use Shark Format:

8 bytes, Most significant byte first.
Settings #1
Byte 7: Month
Byte 6: Week
Byte 5: Day
Byte 4: Hour
Settings #2
Byte 3: Month
Byte 2: Week
Byte 1: Day
Byte 0: Hour

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Value Description

5 Use new user programmable:

10 bytes, Most significant byte first.
Settings #1
Byte 9: Month
Byte 8: Week
Byte 7: Day
Byte 6: Hour
Settings #2
Byte 5: Month
Byte 4: Week
Byte 3: Day
Byte 2: Hour
Settings #3
Byte 5: Shift hour for settings #1
Byte 4: Shift hour for settings #2

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3.81: Type F108 - Threshold Enable Channel

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Value Description

0 Enable Threshold for Phase A-N voltage channel

1 Enable Threshold for Phase B-N voltage channel

2 Enable Threshold for Phase C-N voltage channel

3 Enable Threshold for Phase A-B voltage channel

4 Enable Threshold for Phase B-C voltage channel

5 Enable Threshold for Phase C-A voltage channel

6 Enable Threshold for Phase X-N voltage channel

7~12 Not defined

13 Enable Threshold for Phase N-E voltage channel

14 Enable Threshold for Phase A current channel

15 Enable Threshold for Phase B current channel

16 Enable Threshold for Phase C current channel

17 Enable Threshold for Phase X current channel

18~255 Not defined

256 Cover all voltages

257 Cover all currents

258 Cover all voltages and currents

259~65535 Not defined

3.82: Type F112 - 16 Bits, General Purpose (Used for status informa-
tion, including statuses of EN 50160 and TOU.)
Length: 2 Bytes
Order: N/A
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

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3.83: Type F113 - 32 Bits, General Purpose (Used for status informa-
tion, including status of EN 50160.)
Length: 4 Bytes
Order: N/A
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

3.84: Type F115 - 4 Byte Counter

Length: 2 Register (4 Byte)
Order: Least significant word first
Range: +4294967295/0
Unit: 1

0 1

Value = MSW * 65536 + LSW

3.85: Type F116 - Milliseconds

Length: 1 Register (2 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: +999ms/0
Unit: 1ms

3.86: Type F117 - Energy Counter

Length: 4 Register (8 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: -65535.9999/+65535.9999
Unit: 1/4294967296 VAh, VARh, Wh, Qh, I2T, V2T secondary

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3.87: Type F118 - Power Factor

Length: 2 Register (4 Byte)
Order: Most significant byte first
Range: 0/+3.9999999
Unit: 1/16777216 PF

This register express power factor from 0 to 1 in the four quadrants, as follows:

Quadrant Value PF Value PF Value PF

4 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.9999999 0.9999999

1 1 1 1.5 0.5 1.9999999 0.0000001

2 2 0 2.5 0.5 2.9999999 0.9999999

3 3 1 3.5 0.5 3.9999999 0.0000001

3.88: Type F119 - Byte Array

Length: n bytes
Order: Array starts at high byte of starting Modbus register. Each Modbus register has
two bytes.
Range: 255 / 0, unsigned
Unit: 1

3.89: Type F120 - IEEE 32 bit Single Precision Floating Point

Length: 4 bytes
Order: Most significant byte first, bit 31 is in MSB.
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A
Bits, Sign: 1[31], Exponent: 8[30-23], Fraction: 23[22-0]

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3.90: Type F122 - Timestamp (packed S-Format)

Length: 6 bytes
Order: see table
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Stores a date from 2000 to 2099. Timestamp has a Minimum resolution of 1 second.
The high bits of each timestamp byte are used as flags to record meter state informa-
tion at the time of the timestamp. These bits should be masked out, unless needed.

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5

Value Year Month Day Hour Minute Second

Range 0-99 (+2000) 1-12 1-31 0-23 0-59 0-59

Mask 0x7F 0x0F 0x1F 0x1F 0x3F 0x3F

3.91: Type F123 - Time-of-Use (TOU) Calendar Entry

Length: 6 bytes
Order: see table
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Dates are specified using one of 5 possible formats per the type bits in each calendar

• type 0 = Fixed; exact date of the form month/day/year

• type 1 = Recurring; dates of the form month/day, applied every year.

Example: Independence Day is July 4th

• type 2 = Floating; dates of the form "nth occurrence in month M of D day of the
week," applied every year.
Example: Thanksgiving is 4th Thursday in November

• type 3 = Built-in; dates that cannot use the other formats, e.g. Easter and Good

• type 4 = Repeating; dates every N days from a reference date. Reference date is in
month/day/year format.

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Example: Every 60 days beginning on Jan 1, 2013. Y=13, M=1, D=1, N=60; dates
are Jan 1, Mar 2, May 1, June 30, etc.

• types 5-7 are not used

Year, month, week, day and qualifier fields depend on the format. Not all fields are
used in each format.

• year = actual year minus 2000, range 2001 - 2063. 0 indicates every year.

• month = 0 to 12. 0 indicates every month. Set to 0 for built-in dates.

• week = specifies nth occurrence of a day of the week for floating format. Set to 0
for all other formats. See following TOU Calendar Note 4.

• day = 1-31 for fixed, recurring, and repeating, 1-7 (Sun - Sat) for floating, or 1-2
(1-Easter, 2-Good Friday) for built-in.

• Qualifier is an enumeration: 1-this day, 2-next day, 3-next also, 4 weekday, 5- Sat
to Fri (if the holiday falls on a Saturday, make Friday the holiday), 6-Sun to Mon (if
the holiday falls on a Sunday, make Monday the holiday).

• Action field does not depend on the type. Actions are specified by setting individual
bits and multiple bits may be set. See TOU Calendar Note 11, on the next page.

1st Register

47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32

Fixed Type 0

Recurring Type 1

Floating Type 2 -- action11 qualifier 1-6

Built-in Type 3

Repeating Type 4

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2nd Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Fixed year2 0-63 month 1-12 day of month6 1-31

Recurring month3 0-12 day of month6, 7, 12 0-31

-- --
Floating month3,13 0-12 day of week8, 13 1-7

Built-in -- name9 1-2

Repeating ref year2, 5 0-63 ref month5 1-12 ref day5 1-31

3rd Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

-- --
Floating week4,13 0-5

Built-in --

Repeating repeats days 1-255

TOU Calendar Notes:

1 Unused fields (--) should be set to 0

2 Actual year = specified year + 2000

3 Month = 0 specifies every month

4 Week = 0 (every week), 1 - 4 (1st - 4th week), or 5 (last week)

5 Reference is the fixed date on which the first repeat period begins

6 Day of month is 1 through number of days in that month

7 If month = 0, day of month can be 1 through 28, only

8 Day of week is 1 (Sunday) through 7 (Saturday)

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9 Name is 1 (Easter) or 2 (Good Friday)

10 Qualifier enumeration:

• this day - use only the exact date specified

• next day - use the day following the date specified

• next day - use both the date specified and the next day

• weekday - combination of Sat to Fri and Sun to Mon

• Sat to Fri - if the date specified falls on Sat, use the day before (Fri), instead

• Sun to Mon - if the date specified falls on Sun, use the day after (Mon), instead

11 Action is bit-mapped (SMHHHHH) and supports multiple actions:

• S - season self read; change to next season

• M - month self read; change to next month

• HHHHH - make this day a holiday HHHHH (up to 31 holidays possible, numbered

12 When customizing the season block for daily use, entry should be set to:
Action=Season; Type=Recurring; Qualifier=this day; Month=0; DOM=0

13 When customizing the season block for weekly use, entry should be set to:
Action=Season; Type=Floating; Qualifier=this day; Month=0; Week=0;
DOW=1- 7

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3.92: Type F124 - Time-of-Use (TOU) Rate Change

Length: 2 bytes
Order: see table
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Bits hhhhhmmm mmm--ttt

Description Each entry specifies the time of a tier change and which rate to adopt at that time.
- unused bit, always 0
hhhhh = hour, 0 to 23
mmmmmm = minute; must be aligned with demand intervals (or sub-intervals)
ttt - new rate number, 1 to 4.
Note: all unused entries must be at the end of the list and should be set to all

3.93: Type F125 - Time-of-Use (TOU) Monitored Data Set Options

Length: 2 bytes
Order: see table
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Bits 00000000 hgfedcba

a =1 to enable accumulator register monitoring
Description b = accumulator register sign (0-positive, 1-negative)
c = 1 to enable peak demand monitoring
de = demand register type (00-positive power, 10-negative power, 01-positive PF,
11-negative PF)
f = 1 to enable cumulative demand
g* = 1 to enable coincident demand association
h= coincident demand entity (1-VAR, 0-PF)
all unused bits are zeroes
* meaningful only if accumulator register is +/- Whr & d=1

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3.94: Type F126 - Time-of-Use (TOU) Monitor Time Timestamp

Length: 16 bytes
Order: see table
Range: N/A
Unit: N/A

Byte 0,1 2,3 4,5 6,7 8,9 10,11 12,13 14,15

Value Year Month Day DOW Hour Minute Second Flag Bits

Range 1-65535 1-12 1-31 1-7 0-23 0-59 0-59 -------- -----cba

Detail 0=Year2000, 1 =Jan., Day of Day of Hour of Number Number c=long

1=Year 2001, 2 = Feb., the the the day: of of b=short
2= Year 2002, 3=March, month week: 0=12am, minutes seconds a=DST
etc. etc. 1=Sun, 23 =11pm

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4: Modbus Register Map Notes

4: Modbus Register Map Notes

The information in this chapter refers to the Modbus Register Map's "Notes" column.
Chapter 2 contains the Modbus Map.

1. Time information can be supplied from one of two different sources, an internal
Real Time Clock or an external GPS Clock. The internal Real Time Clock has a
backup battery, which is used to maintain the passage of time when the Nexus®
unit is without operational power. It is similar to those used in PCs and it reports
time accurate to the second. The external GPS clock is supported through an IRIG-
B connection, allowing synchronization and accuracy to the hundredth of a second
(10 milliseconds).

2. These registers, when read, always report the time as reported by the Nexus®
unit, either from the internal Real Time Clock or the external GPS Clock. Values
written here for the purpose of updating the internal Real Time Clock are not read

3. These values are calculated by the Nexus® 1500+ meter's DSP Processor, as part
of the Waveform Capture function.

4. To convert Phase voltages in secondary volts into primary volts, multiply by the
Phase voltage PT Ratio, composed of the Phase Voltage PT Ratio Numerator and
Denominator (Registers 45917 - 45918 and 45919 - 45920).

5. Auxiliary voltage is in secondary volts. To convert this value into primary volts,
multiply by the Auxiliary Voltage PT Ratio, composed of the Auxiliary Voltage PT
Ratio Numerator and Denominator (Registers 45921 - 45922 and 45923 - 45924).

6. Phase and Calculated Neutral Currents are in secondary amps. To convert this
value into primary amps, multiply by the Phase Current CT Ratio, composed of the
Phase Current CT Ratio Numerator and Denominator (Registers 45909 - 45910 and
45911 - 45912).

7. Not used.

8. Measured Neutral is the true RMS measurement of current passing through the
meter. Calculated Neutral is the RMS produced by adding the three Phase Current
samples together and treating the result as a sample of the neutral line.

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4: Modbus Register Map Notes

9. VA, VAR and Watts are in secondary. To convert this value into primary VA, VAR or
Watts, multiply by the Phase Voltage PT Ratio, composed of the Phase Voltage PT
Ratio Numerator and Denominator (Registers 45917 - 45918 and 45919 - 45919)
and by the Phase Current CT Ratio, composed of the Phase Current CT Ratio
Numerator and Denominator (Registers 45909- 45910 and 45911 - 45912).

10. Not used.

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5: Information for Downloading Logs

5: Information for Downloading Logs

5.1: Downloading Logs - Overview

• There are three methods for downloading logs from the Nexus®1500+ meter: non-
increment index, auto-increment index and file system access. This last method is
explained in Chapter 6: Large Data Access (LDA) and Downloading Logs on page 6-

• Each of the Nexus® meter's ports act independently, allowing multiple Modbus
masters access to all the retrievable data in a Nexus® meter slave.

• Log Memory Allocation (Quotas): Logs are made up of files that are each 1 MB in
size. The user is able to assign how many files each log will get; however, the
System Events log, and historical logs 1 and 2 have a maximum size of 1 and 8 MB,
respectively, in order to maintain backwards compatibility. A log with no file
assigned to it is disabled and will not run.

• Memory Gap Engine: To avoid the oldest record being overwritten during the down-
load log process when the log is in pause mode, 5% of the memory allocated for
the log will be empty (unused) during the normal operation. When the download
process starts in a paused log, that reserved memory is used to save new records.
If the process is fast enough, the download process can finish without dropping any
records. On the other hand, if the download process is slow, the gap can be
completely filled and then new records will be dropped (not saved).

• Log Reset: This register (located at 57345), when written to, causes all logs to be
cleared. This action should be performed only under the following circumstances:

• When the programmable settings are modified such that data already in the logs
is invalidated; for example, any modifications involving the record size or orga-
nization of the contents of a snapshot, will require the logs to be cleared of any
previous data. When settings changes like this are made, the Communicator
EXTTM software displays a message telling you that the logs will be reset and
asking if you want to download them first.

• When the Run-Time code is upgraded, resulting in one of the following: a redefi-
nition of the layout or meaning of the programmable settings or in altered

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5: Information for Downloading Logs

behavior or capabilities of the logs. In this case, the software will prompt you to
reset the logs by clicking on a button on the screen.

• Note that logs can also be reset via the Reset screen on the display, or the Reset
Device Parameters screen from Communicator EXTTM software. If Password
Protection has been enabled, a second level password is required for performing
the reset.

• Downloading any log involves the Log Snapshot header: Header blocks for the
different logs begin at register 36865. This block of registers holds the following
information about the log:

• Memory Size: 4-byte unsigned integers representing the amount of memory, in

bytes, allocated to the log.

• Record Size: an unsigned integer representing the size, in bytes, of a record in

the log.

• First Index: an unsigned integer representing the index of the first

(oldest) record in the log.

• Last Index: an unsigned integer representing the index of the last (newest)
record in the log. The value FFFFH indicates that the log is empty.

• First Time Stamp: These registers hold the time stamp from the first (oldest)
record in:

Byte Range Description

0 0 - 255 century

1 0 - 99 year

2 1 - 12 month

3 1 - 31 day

4 0 - 23 hour

5 0 - 59 minute

6 0 - 59 second

7 0 - 99 centisecond

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5: Information for Downloading Logs

• Last Time Stamp: These registers hold the time stamp from the last (newest)
record in the Log. The byte order and description are the same as for the first
time stamp.

• Valid Bitmap: These registers hold the bit flags indicating whether the Nexus®
slave recognizes the lines in the Historical Log Settings block (the block begin-
ning at register 45205). The first bit represents the validity of the last data
pointer in the historical log settings. A value of 1 means the data pointer is
acceptable and can be stored. A value of 0 means that the data pointer is invalid
or unrecognized and cannot be stored.

• Max Records: an unsigned integer representing the total number of records the
log is capable of holding. In order to maintain a one-for-one relationship in par-
allel logs (Sequence of Events State and Sequence of Events Snapshot logs, for
example), the maximum number of records that a log can store is defined by the
log that holds the fewest records. Logs capable of holding more records are

• Reset Status: When the value of this register is “1,” the log is currently being
reset, i.e., the log files are being cleared.

5.1.1 Log Download Using Non-increment Index Method


• This method is offered for backward compatibility and can be applied only to the
System Events log and historical logs 1 and 2.

• In the following sections, the designation "first 128 bytes of the log" is a physical
description based on the absolute address of the memory allocated to the log. The
first (oldest) record in the log may not be located at the beginning of the log.

A Modbus master uses a log window consisting of 64 registers to retrieve logs from a
Nexus® 1500+ meter slave. A log is divided into numbered sections called “indexes,”
which are transferred through the log window in sequence.

• Window index tells the Modbus master which 128-byte section of the log the
window is using to retrieve the log. The block of window index registers for the
different logs begin at 38145.

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5: Information for Downloading Logs

• When the Modbus master writes a new value to the window index, a new section
of the log will fill the window. For example, when the Index is 0000H, the first
128 bytes of the log are available in the window; when the Index is 0001H, the
second 128 bytes of the log are available in the window, and so on.

• When a value other than FFFFH is written to the window index, the index is
updated and the log is paused. A 30-second timer is initiated on the log write
action. If the timer expires (a new index is not written within 30 seconds), the
log will continue logging.
• Should multiple ports access the same log simultaneously, the log will
pause while any 30-second timer is running. The log will continue logging
only when all ports time out.

• When read, the window index returns the number of the index currently in use
by the window. When written to, the window index sets a new index for the
window to retrieve the log.

• Window mode defines the two available modes the window may use to retrieve a
log: Download mode and Time Stamp mode. The window mode block begins at
register 38209.

• Download Mode: In Download mode, the log window accesses consecutive, 128-
byte blocks of the log. For example, when the Window Index is 0000H, the first
128 bytes of the log are available in the Window; when the Index is 0001H, the
second 128 bytes of the log are available in the Window.

• Time Stamp Mode: In Time Stamp mode, the log window accesses the time
stamp of the records, in blocks of 16 time stamps at a time. When the window
index is 0000H, the time stamp of the first 16 records (records 0-15) in the log
are available in the window; when the window index is 0001H, the time stamp of
the second 16 records (records 16-31) in the log are available in the window,
and so on.

• Log Window: The log window is a 64-register, 128-byte view of a log. The window
index defines which part of a log is currently available in the window. Log windows
begin at register 38273.

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5: Information for Downloading Logs Steps for Downloading a Log

The following steps outline the process for downloading a log. Details and examples
for downloading time stamps and records follow in Sections and

1. Read the Nexus® meter's Programmable Settings block (registers 45057-53248).

This information will be used to interpret the data retrieved from the log.

2. Pause the log by writing an initial, non-FFFFH value to the log window index

3. Read and store the log header information.

4. Determine the starting window index and window offset. Within the meter’s physi-
cal memory, the log is divided into blocks of 128 bytes sequentially numbered.
Window index gives the number of a block, and window offset gives the position
inside that block.

5. Determine the largest window index and window offset.

6. Determine the ending window index and window offset.

7. Set the window mode to download mode.

8. Set the log window index to the starting window index.

9. Read the window from starting offset to the end of the window.

10. Increment the window index.

11. Read the window from beginning to end.

12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 until the largest or ending window index is reached.

• If the largest window index is reached, go to step 13.

• If the ending window index is reached, go to step 15.

13. Read window from beginning, up to (but not including) the largest offset.

14. Set window index to 0. Go to step 12.

15. Read window from the beginning, up to (but not including) the ending offset.

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5: Information for Downloading Logs Downloading Time Stamps with Examples

The following steps detail the process for downloading time stamps from a log, using
values from Historical Log 1 as an example.

1. Read the Nexus® meter's programmable settings block (registers 45057-53248).

2. Pause the log by writing an initial, non-FFFFH value to the Historical Log 1 window
index register.
Example: Write 0000H to the window index for Historical Log 1, register 38145.

3. Read and store the Historical Log 1 header information.

Example: Historical Log 1 Snapshot header

Address Description Example Value

36865-36866 Historical Log 1 Snapshot Memory Size 1851392

36867 Historical Log 1 Snapshot Record Size 64

36868 Historical Log 1 Snapshot First Index 501

36869 Historical Log 1 Snapshot Last Index 500

36870-36873 Historical Log 1 Snapshot First Time Stamp 7/10/14


36874-36877 Historical Log 1 Snapshot Last Time Stamp 7/30/14


35878-36881 Historical Log 1 Snapshot Valid Bitmap FFFC 0000

36882 Historical Log 1 Snapshot Max Records 28928

4. Determine the starting window index and starting window offset using these
Starting Window Index = Int([8 x First Index]/128).
Starting Window Offset = (8 x First Index) % 128.
Starting Window Index: Int (8 x 501/128) = Int (31.3125) = 31.
Starting Window Offset: (8 x 501) % 128 = 40.

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5. Determine the largest window index and the largest window offset using these
Largest Window Index = Int ([8 x Max Records]/128).
Largest Window Offset = (8 x Max Records) % 128.
Largest Window Index = Int([8 x 28928]/128) = Int(1808) = 1808
Largest Window Offset = (8 x 28928) % 128 = 0

6. Determine the ending window Index and the ending window offset using these
Ending Window Index = Int([8 x {Last Index + 1}]/128)
Ending Window Offset = (8 x [Last Index +1]) % 128
Ending Window Index = Int([8 x {500 + 1}]/128 = Int(31.3125) = 31
Ending Window Offset = (8 x [500 + 1]) % 128 = 40

7. Set the window mode to download mode by writing the Timestamp Mode code
(0001H) to the Log Window Mode register.
Write the value 0001H to the window mode for Historical Log 1, register 38209.

8. Set the window index to the starting window index.

Write the value 31 (001FH) to the Interval 1 log window index, register 38145.

9. Read window from starting offset to end of window:

Starting offset = First Register of Window + (starting Window offset/2).
38273 + (40/2) = 38293
Read from 38293 - 38336.

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10. Increment the window index.

Write the value 32 (0020H) to the Historical Log 1 window index, register 38145.

11. Read the Window from beginning to end.

Read the Historical Log 1 window from register 38273 to 38336.

12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 until the largest or ending window index is reached.

• If the Largest Window Index is reached, go to step 13.

• If the Ending Window Index is reached, go to step 15.

If Window Index = 1808, go to step 13. If Window Index = 31, go to step 15.

13. Read Window from beginning, up to (but not including) the largest offset:
Largest Offset = First Register of Window + (largest Window offset/2).
(Index = 1808).
38273 + (0/2) = 38273.
Read from 38273 up to 38273; therefore, read nothing.

14. Set Window Index to 0. Go to step 12.

Write the value 0 (0000H) to the window index Historical Log 1, register 38145.

15. Read Window from the beginning, up to (but not including) the ending offset:
Ending Offset = First Register of Window + (Ending Window Offset/2).
Example: (Index = 31).
38273 +40/2 = 38293.
Read from 38273 up to (but not including) 38293; therefore, read 38273 - 38292.

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5: Information for Downloading Logs Downloading Records with Examples

The following steps detail the process for downloading records from a log, using
values from an Historical Log 1 as an example.

1. Read the Nexus® meter's programmable settings block (registers 45057-53248).

2. Pause the log by writing an initial, non-FFFFH value to the log window index regis-
Example: Write 0000H to the window index for Historical Log 1, register 38145.

3. Read and store the log header information.

Example: Historical Log 1 Log Snapshot Header

Address Example Value

36865-36866 Historical Log 1 Snapshot 1851392

Memory Size

36867 Historical Log 1 Snapshot 64

Record Size

36868 Historical Log 1 Snapshot 501

First Index

36869 Historical Log 1 Snapshot 500

Last Index

36870-36873 Historical Log 1 Snapshot 7/10/99

First Timestamp 12:32:00.000

36874-36877 Historical Log 1 Snapshot 7/30/99

Last Timestamp 14:40:00.000

36878-36881 Historical Log 1 Snapshot FFFC 0000

Valid Bitmap

36882 Historical Log 1 Snapshot 28928

Max Records

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4. Determine the starting window index and starting window offset using these
Starting Window Index = Int([Record Size x First Index]/128).
Starting Window Offset = (Record Size x First Index) % 128.
Starting Window Index: Int(64 x 501/128) = Int (250.5) = 250.
Starting Window offset: (64 x 501) % 128 = 64.

5. Determine the largest window index and the largest window offset using these
Largest Window Index = Int([Record Size x Max Records]/128).
Largest Window Offset = (Record Size x Max Records) % 128.
Largest Window Index = Int([64 x 28928]/128) = Int(14464) = 14464.
Largest Window Offset = (64 x 28928) % 128 = 0.

6. Determine the ending window index and the ending window offset using these
Ending Window Index = Int([Record Size x {Last Index + 1}]/128).
Ending Window Offset = (Record Size x [Last Index +1]) % 128.
Ending Window Index = Int([64 x {500 + 1}]/128 = Int(250.5) = 250.
Ending Window Offset = (64 x [500 + 1]) % 128 = 64.

7. Set the window mode to download mode by writing the Download Mode code
(0000H) to the log window mode register.
Write the value 0000H to the window mode for Historical Log 1, register 38209.

8. Set the window index to the starting window index.

Write the value 250 (00FAH) to the Historical Log 1 window index, register 38145.

9. Read window from starting offset to end of window:

Starting offset = First Register of Window + (starting Window offset/2).
38273 + (64/2) = 38305.
Read from 38305 - 38356.

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10. Increment the window index.

Write the value 251 (00FBH) to the Historical Log 1 window index, register 38145.

11. Read the window from beginning to end.

Read the Historical Log 1 window from register 38273 to 38336.

12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 until the largest or ending window index is reached.

• If the largest window Index is reached, go to step 13.

• If the ending window Index is reached, go to step 15.

If Window Index = 14464, go to step 13.
If Window Index = 250, go to step 15.

13. Read window from beginning, up to (but not including) the largest offset.
Largest Offset = First Register of Window + (Largest Window Offset/2).
Example: (Index = 14464).
38273 + (0/2) = 38273.
Read from 38273 up to 38273; therefore, read nothing.

14. Set Window Index to 0. Go to step 12.

Write the value 0 (0000H) to the window index Historical Log 1, register 38145.

15. Read window from the beginning, up to (but not including) the ending offset.
Ending offset = First Register of Window + (ending Window offset/2).
Example: (Index = 250).
38273 + 64/2 = 38305.
Read from 38272 up to (but not including) 38304; therefore, read 38273 - 38304.

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5.1.2: Log Download Using Auto-Increment Index Method

Note that this method is offered for backward compatibility and can only be applied to
the System Events log and Historical logs 1 and 2.

• Auto Incrementing Interface

• Auto Increment Configuration (register 39423, 0x099FE):

• When read, this register returns the configuration in use (shown on the next
page) by the auto increment log window to access logs on this port.

• When written, this register sets the configuration used by the auto increment log
window to access logs on this port. Each port accesses a separate, independent
configuration through this register, allowing all four ports to access logs with
different configurations.

• The least significant byte indicates which log is being accessed, as shown below:

0x000 Historical Log 1

0x001 Historical Log 2

0x00A System Event Log

0x00E-0x0FF Undefined

• The most significant byte defines the following modes, Paused Download mode
(0x000), and Running Download mode (0x001).
• In Paused Download mode (0x000), the log being accessed is paused -
new records are not added to the log while it is paused.

• In Running Download mode (0x001), the log being accessed is not

paused - new records may be added to the log. When downloading in this
mode, it is possible that records may be overwritten before, or even
during, access to that record.

• Auto Increment Window Index (0x099FF)

• When read, this register returns the index used by the auto increment log
window to access logs on this port.

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• When written, this register sets the index used by the auto increment log window
to access logs on this port. Each port accesses a separate, independent index
through this register, allowing all four ports to access different areas of logs at
the same time.

• When read, the index is incremented before being returned in the Modbus
response. If the Auto Increment mode is Paused Download mode (0x001xx in
register 0x099FE), the appropriate log is paused, preventing the addition of new
records while the log is being accessed. A 30-second timer is initiated on these
reads. Should the timer run out (the index is not incremented/read in 30
seconds), the appropriate log will be allowed to continue logging.

• Should multiple ports access the same log simultaneously, the log will be paused
while the 30-second timer is running; the log will be allowed to continue
logging only when all ports time out.

• Auto Increment Log Window (0x09A3F)

• These registers are a 128-byte window into a log, as specified in the auto incre-
ment configuration (register 0x099FE). Depending on the auto increment
window index, a different 128-byte area of a log can be accessed. Download using Auto Increment Window Sequence

1. Software should select the appropriate download mode and log through the auto
increment configuration register (0x000xx or 0x001xx to register 0x099FE).

2. Software should read the appropriate header information.

3. Software should initialize the window index by writing a value 1 less than the
desired starting index to the auto increment window index register.
Example: To start at window 0, write:
0x0FFFF to register 0x099FF.

4. Software should store the log header information.

5. Software should read the auto increment window index and auto increment log
window (registers 0x099FF-0x09A3F).

6. Software should verify the expected value for the auto increment window index.

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7. Software should store the first 128 bytes of the log from the auto increment log

8. Repeat steps 5-7 until the desired amount of the log has been read and stored. The
number of reads of the window can be determined by dividing the total memory in
the log by the window size. Download Using Auto Increment Window Sequence and

Function Code 35
1. Software should select the appropriate download mode and log through the auto
increment configuration register (0x000xx or 0x001xx to register 0x099FE).

2. Software should read the appropriate header information.

3. Software should initialize the window index by writing a value 1 less then the
desired starting index to the auto increment window index register.
Example: To start at window 0, write:
0x0FFFF to register 0x099FF.

4. Software should store the log header information.

5. Software should read the auto increment window index and auto increment log
window (registers 0x099FF-0x09A3F) n times using the non-standard Modbus
Function Code 67 Read Holding Registers Multiple Times.

6. Software should verify the expected values for the auto increment window index.

7. Software should store each of the 128 byte segments of the log from the auto
increment log window.

8. Repeat steps 5-7 until the desired amount of the log has been read and stored.
The number of reads of the window can be determined by dividing the total
memory in the log by the window size, and again by dividing by the number of
repeats being used with Function Code 67.

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5: Information for Downloading Logs

5.1.3: Log Download Using File System Access

This method applies to all logs. It uses the Modbus Customized Function Code 0x45,
in which a series of defined commands can be sent to retrieve the log. During the
download log process, the log is paused when a paused dummy file is read. Each log
has its own paused dummy file.

To set the log back to running, a running dummy file should be read. Each log has its
own running dummy file. See Chapter 6 for additional details on downloading logs
using this method.

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

6: Large Data Access (LDA) and Downloading

6.1: Overview
This chapter explains how to access large amounts of data from the Nexus® 1500+
meter. Such large amounts of data can consist of a file or files from a file system, file
or files stored in RAM or any kind of flash memory device, or dynamic data generated
by the Modbus device. A set of specific commands must be used to download large
amounts of data. These commands are referred to as Large Data Access, or LDA.

In addition to explaining LDA, this chapter explains how to download Nexus® 1500+
meter logs using LDA.

NOTE: This is the recommended procedure for downloading logs from the Nexus®
1500+ meter. All of the logs except for the System Event log and Historical logs 1 and
2 must be downloaded using this procedure. For backward compatibility, you can still
download the System Event log and Historical logs 1 and 2 with the serial method
(see Chapter 9). We recommend you use the LDA procedure, though, as it is faster
and able to handle larger amounts of data than the serial method.

6.1.1. Reference Documents

You may find it useful to refer to the following documents:

• Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide: PI-MBUS-300 Rev. J

• Modbus-IDA MODBUS Application Protocol Specification V1.1b

• Nexus® 1500+ Meter Modbus Register Map (Chapter 2)

• Communicator EXT 4.0 and MeterManager EXT Software User Manual

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6.2: LDA Overview

The Modbus protocol was designed for use with discrete values, not files. The Modbus
protocols supported by LDA are:

• Modbus ASCII

• Modbus RTU

• Modbus TCP

6.2.1: Modbus Interface for LDA

Standard Modbus Exception Response is supported by LDA. For example, if a device
has an exception response, such as the device does not support this LDA request at
function code 0x45, the response message will be:

Device Address Custom Function Code with msb bit set Exception Code Checksum

The base Modbus message format for Large Data Access via Modbus Protocols is:

Frame Header

Device Custom Frame User User User Sub- Status User User Checksum
Address Function Length Flags Com- Command Code Data Data (optional)
Code mand Code Length

1 Byte 1 Byte, 0x45 2 Bytes 4 Bytes 4 Bytes 4 Bytes 4 Bytes 4 Bytes X 1 Byte for
(MSB (MSB (MSB (MSB for- (MSB (MSB Bytes LRC in
format) format) format) mat) format) format) Modbus
2 Bytes for
CRC in
RTU, none
for Modbus

Since the user data section is optional, the minimum frame length is
1+1+2+4+4+4+4+4=24 bytes.

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The request and response message format are the same for the first 24 bytes. The
user data section is optional and only used for certain commands. For example, the
user data section could contain readable text messages, a firmware file for firmware
updates, or a file from the file system. Field Descriptions

• Device Address: Standard Modbus device address

• Custom Function Code: A designated Modbus Function Code to identify this

message; contains custom data and format. Use 0x45 in hex, 69 in decimal.

• Frame Length: Length of this Modbus message - it's the sum of

1+1+2+4+4+4+4+4+[user data length in this frame]. The maximum user data
length in a frame is 1408 bytes.

• User Flag Details: Bits 31 to 0, where bit 31 is the most significant bit.

Flag Bits Description

31 ACK flag. Used when user data needs to be transferred in multiple frames. For
sender, the first frame with user data transferred does not set the ACK flag, but
additional frames transferred with user data will need the ACK flag set. For the
receiving party, the request command with this ACK flag set must be sent to the

30 Last user data transfer. Set by sender in the last user data transfer frame.

29 Indicates file or directory for command code 34, 35, 36. 0=file, 1=directory.

28 File read cache status. When set, file read is cached by the device which can
improve performance. Current implementation has only one cached channel on
Modbus TCP connection on a first come, first served basis.

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• User Command Code Details: Primary user defined command code. An enumeration
of user defined features and functions.


1 Device ID Device returned ID string in user data field.

2 Device Reset, meter User must log on first.

hardware reset.

4 Firmware Update For request message, user sends firmware file in the user
data field for up to 1408 bytes; user sets the firmware file
total length in the user data length field. For response mes-
sage, ACK flag will be set. For additional requests, user sets
the ACK flag; user set additional user data in user data field
(up to 1408 bytes).

5 Abort transmission Terminate multi-framed data transfer.

6 Get current data output Data output transfer window size is configurable by user. The
transfer window size default value is 1408.

7 Set current data out- User configurable. Valid value ranges from 64 to 1408, in
put transfer window increments of 64.

10 User Security Status User log on sequence is Username first, followed by Pass-
word. Wrong sequence will terminate the logon process.

11 Send Username XOR masked username with 0x45, 'E', in user data field.

12 Send Password XOR mask for password with 0x49, 'I', in user data field.

13 Log off Device will clear security privileges for the current connection.

20 Firmware update status With current status code and text message.

21 Firmware info Firmware information in text.

30 Change Directory Allows the changing of the current directory to a different


31 Get Current Directory Returns the complete path and the current directory.

32 List Directory Contents Returns the contents of the current directory.

33 Create Directory Creates a directory in the file system in a writeable directory.

34 Delete File/Directory Deletes a file or an empty directory from the file system.

35 Rename File/Directory Renames a file or a directory from.


36 Rename File/Directory Renames a file or a directory to.


37 Read File Reads bytes from a file.

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38 Write File Writes bytes to a file.

39 Get File Details Returns the file details (Size, Date & Time, and file attri-

40 Close File Closes the file.

41 Get a file's CRC32 Gets a file's CRC32 checksum.


65536 Reserved

65537 Reserved

65538... Reserved

• User Sub-Command Code: When sending data in a multi-framed process, sequence

number will be used and placed in the user sub-command code field. The sequence
number for the first frame in a multi-framed transfer will be 0 and additional frame
sequence numbers will be 1 and so on.

User Sub-Command Code

Sequence Number, 4 Bytes, MSB.

• Status Code: Set by the receiving end of data transfer. User should always check
the status code when processing a response message.


0 Device did not respond, this is an error condition.

0x00AA Completed Successfully.

0x00BB Busy or in process.

0x00FA Failed.

0x00FF Not Authorized.

0x0100 Data Not found.

0x0101 Command Code not supported.

0x0102 Invalid frame length.

0x0103 Invalid user data length.

0x0104 User data length larger than set.

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0x0105 User data receive buffer not ready.

0x0106 User data receive error.

0x0107 Firmware update data transfer done.

0x0108 Firmware update data transfer failed.

0x0109 User logged on.

0x010A User logged off.

0x010B Firmware update in process.

0x010C Firmware update failed.

0x010D Firmware update done.

0x010E Firmware update idle.

0x010F User security privilege restricted.

0x0110 User security setting was changed, need to log on again.

0x0111 File or Directory does not exist.

0x0112 Already in the root.

0x0113 Directory already exists.

0x0114 Permission denied.

0x0115 Name is invalid.

0x0116 File in use by another process.

0x0117 Directory is not empty.

0x0118 Handle does not exist.

0x0119 Invalid Handle.

0x011A File Seek invalid.

0x011B Byte count invalid.

0x011C Handle in use.

0x011D Disk full.

0x011E File Open Error.

0x011F File size is 0.

0x0120 Missed write frame with sequence number 1.

0x0121 Invalid write sequence number.

0x0122 Invalid command between read write file operation.

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0x0123 File access error while processing file checksum command.

0x0124 File read error while processing file read command.

0x0125 File write error while processing file write command.

• User Data Length: Exact size of user data in number of bytes. If there is no user
data in the message, this number is 0.

• User Data: Contains user specific data. If User Data Length field value is 0, then
user data section does not exist. For multi-framed data transfers, the user must
send the data in the fixed length window except for the last frame. For example, if
the user data is 4096 bytes and the transfer window size is 1408 byte, the user
could send it in 3 frames, in the sizes of 1408+1408+1280, respectively.

• Checksum: Contains the checksum for this Modbus message: 1 Byte for LRC in
Modbus ASCII, 2 Bytes for CRC in Modbus RTU, none for Modbus TCP.

6.3: LDA Programming Examples

Refer to the following examples for programming LDA communication.

6.3.1: Example 1 - Update Firmware

1. Software sends request device ID command

01 45 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

2. Device should return

01 45 00 2E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA [xx.xx.xx.xx, 4
bytes, Device ID string length] [n bytes, actual Device ID string]

3. Software should verify the returned message for correct device ID.

4. Software sends username command with XOR encoded username to device.

5. Software sends password command with XOR encoded password to device.

6. Software sends user security status command to device. In addition, software

should verify the returned message for “user logged on” status code.

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7. Software sends the first frame with user data in the user data field. Software
should determine what the user data transfer window size is and then fill the user
data field up to that number. For example, if the firmware data is 4096 bytes and
the transfer window size is 1408 byte, software could send it in 3 frames, in the
sizes of 1408+1408+1280, respectively.

Software should set the following:

- Clear bit 31 in the user flags field.

- Clear bit 30 in the user flags field.

- Set user command code 4, for firmware update.

- Set user sub-command field to 0.

- Set the total firmware length in the user data length field.

Device will return the following, with a success status code:

01 45 00 18 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA 00 00 00 00

8. Software then sends the additional frames with additional user data in the user
data field.

Software should set the following:

- Set bit 31 in the user flags field, ACK bit.

- Set bit 30 in the user flags field only if the frame is the last frame.

- Set user command code 4, for firmware update.

- Set a sequence number in the user sub-command field, starting with 1, then
incrementing for each additional frame sent.

- Set the user data size in the user data length field. Using above example with
firmware data of 4096 and transfer window size of 1408, the value in user
data length field will be 1408 and 1280 for transfer frames with sequence
numbers 1 and 2.

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Device will return the following, with a success status code and user send
sequence number:

01 45 00 18 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 AA 00 00 00 00 for
frame with sequence 1.

01 45 00 18 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 AA 00 00 00 00 for
frame with sequence 2.

9. When the user has sent all the firmware data to the device and the device has
correctly received all the data, usually on the last frame the device returns with the
"Firmware update data transfer done" status code. Then the device starts parsing,
checking and updating the firmware process.

10.Software should send the Firmware update status command to the device and
check the returned firmware update status code.

11.After the firmware status code is changed to Firmware update done, software
should send the Firmware info command to the device and show the returned firm-
ware information to the user for confirmation.

12.If everything is OK, the software should give the user the option to reset the
device by sending the Device Reset command.

6.3.2: Example 2 - Read a Log File from the Nexus® 1500+ Meter's
File System
1. Software sends username command with XOR encoded username to the device,
assuming a user name of 9 characters:

01 45 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09
[xx..(total 9 bytes)]

Device Response if the request is valid:

01 45 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA 00 00 00 00

2. Software sends password command with XOR encoded password to device, assum-
ing a password of 9 characters:

01 45 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09
[xx..(total 9 bytes)]

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Device Response if the request is valid:

01 45 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA 00 00 00 00

3. Software sends user security status command to the device. In addition, software
should verify the returned message for "user logged on" status code.

User Request:

01 45 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Device Response: User logged On:

01 45 00 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 09 00 00 00 0F 55
73 65 72 20 6C 6F 67 67 65 64 20 4F 6E 2E

4. Software sends Read File command with '\C\LOGS\00000000.BIN' in the user data

01 45 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 5C
43 5C 4C 4F 47 53 5C 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 2E 42 49 4E 20

5. Assuming use of default transfer size of 1408 bytes, the device responds with the

- Set the first 1408 bytes of the file in the user data field.

- Set sequence 0 in the user sub-command field.

- Set 1024*1024 in the user data length field.

- Set 0xAA in the status code field.

- Clear bit 30 in the user flags field, last frame bit.

01 45 05 98 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA 00 10 00 00
[xx.. (total 1408 bytes of data)]

6. Software sends additional Read File commands with the following:

- Set bit 31 in the user flags field, ACK bit.

- Set sequence 1 in the user sub-command field.

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01 45 00 18 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

7. The device responds with the following:

- Set the additional 1408 bytes of the file in the user data field.

- Set user requested sequence number in the user sub-command field.

- Set 1408 in the user data length field.

- Set 0xAA in the status code field.

- Clear bit 30 in the user flags field, last frame bit.

01 45 05 98 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 AA 00 00 05 80
[xx.. (total 1408 bytes of data)]

8. Repeating the process in step (f) and step (g), software increments the sequence
number by 1. When the device responds for the last frame, the device returns the

- Set the last 1024 byte of the file in the user data field.

- Set user requested sequence number in the user sub-command field, which
should be 744.

- Set 1024 in the user data length field.

- Set 0xAA in the status code field.

- Set bit 30 in the user flags field, last frame bit.

Last Device Response:

01 45 04 18 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 02 E8 00 00 00 AA 00 00 04 00
[xx.. (total 1024 bytes of data)]

9. Software should receive a total of 1024*1024 bytes file.

10.Software should send close file command to device.

User Request:

01 45 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

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Device Response:

01 45 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA 00 00 00 00

6.4: Notes on User Security Implementation

The Nexus® 1500+ meter has its own security features, in particular the multi-level
access code, which can be accessed via Modbus function codes 0x03, 0x06 and
0x010. It also has the extended password features with 8 additional user accounts
with configurable access privileges. The user security features addressed in this docu-
ment are only for accessing the areas set by the user access privileges. For more
information on meter security features, see the Nexus® 1500+ Installation and Oper-
ation Manual and the Communicator EXTTM and MeterManager EXT Software User

6.5: File Access Command Details

• Change Directory:

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Set user command code 30.

- Set the desired directory name in user data field, such as LOGS for changing
one directory level up.

- Set the directory name length in user data length field.

Software receives a status code in the returned frame. If the command was pro-
cessed successfully by the device, the current directory and path in the device
for this connection is changed accordingly.

• Get Current Directory:

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Set user command code 31.

- Clear the user data field and user data length field.

Software receives a status code in the returned frame. If the command was pro-
cessed successfully by the device, the current directory name is in the user data
field with the directory name length set in the user data length field.

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• List Directory Contents:

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Set user command code 32.

- Clear the user data field and user data length field.

Software receives a status code in the returned frame. If the command was
processed successfully by the device, the directory contents are in the user data
field with the content length set in the user data length field. If the directory
content's size is larger than the data output transfer window size, then the data
needs to be transferred in multiple frames.

To request additional frames, software should set the following in the frame sent
to the device:

- Set bit 31 in the user flags field.

- Set user command code 32.

- Clear the user data field and user data length field.

In response to software's additional request, the device will set and send the

- Set bit 31 in the user flags field.

- Set bit 30 only if the frame is the last frame to hold user data.

- Set user command code 32.

- A sequence number starting at 1 and incremented by 1 for each additional

frame in user sub-command code field.

- A status code.

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The format for directory contents is as follows:



[Acc RWX] [Fileln] YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss [Fname 8.3]{CR}{LF}

[Acc RWX]File Permissions:

The permissions have 4 flags:

d: The entry is a directory.

r: The entry has read permissions.

w: The entry has write permissions.

x: The entry has executed permissions.

As a reference, the rwx's are clustered into 3 groups:

-rwx------ :The permissions for the owner of this file.

----rwx--- :The permissions for the group of the owner of this file. (Nexus
1500+ will display ----r-----).

-------rwx : The permissions for everyone else. (Nexus 1500+ will only display -

[Fileln]File length: Fixed number of characters, 8 digits, space padded, right


[Fname 8.3]Filename conforming to the 8.3 file naming convention

{CR}{LF}Line terminator

• Create Directory:

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Set user command code 33.

- Set the desired new directory name in the user data field, such as UserData.

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- Set the directory name length in the user data length field.

Software receives a status code in the returned frame.

• Delete File/Directory:

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Set user command code 34.

- Set the desired file name or directory name to delete in the user data field,
such as UserData.

- Set the file name or directory name length in the user data length field.

Software receives a status code in the returned frame.

• Rename File/Directory:

Rename From:

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Set user command code 35.

- Set the desired file name or directory name to rename in the user data field,
such as UserData.

- Set the file name or directory name length in the user data length field.

Software receives a status code in the returned frame.

Rename To:

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Set user command code 36.

- Set the desired new file name or directory name in the user data field, such as

- Set the file name or directory name length in the user data length field.

Software receives a status code in the returned frame.

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• Read File:

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Set user command code 37.

- Set the desired file name in the user data field, such as UserFile.txt.

- Set the file name length in the user data length field.

Software receives a status code in the returned frame. If the command was pro-
cessed successfully by the device, the file contents will be in the user data field
with the total file length set in the user data length field. If the file content's size
is larger than the data output transfer window size, then the data needs to be
transferred in multiple frames. A sequence number starting at 0 in the user sub-
command code field for the first frame.

To request additional frames, software should set the following in the frame sent
to the device:

- Set bit 31 in the user flags field.

- Set user command code 37.

- Clear the user data field and the user data length field.

- A sequence number starting at 1 and incremented by 1 for each additional

frame in user sub-command code field.

In response to software's additional request, the device will set and send the

- Set bit 31 in the user flags field.

- Set bit 30 only if the frame is the last frame to hold user data.

- Set user command code 37.

- A sequence number set in the user sub-command code field, which should
match the sequence number in the request frame.

- A status code.

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To perform the equivalent of a File Seek operation, the user should use the
sequence number in the read request for additional frames. By setting a differ-
ent sequence number in the read request, the user could randomly access any
part of the file after the first read request, in chunks the size of the Data Output
Transfer Window.

• Write File:

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Clear bit 31 in the user flags field.

- Set user command code 38.

- Set the desired file name in the user data field, such as UserFile.txt.

- Set the file name length in the user data length field.

- A sequence number 0 in the user sub-command code field.

Software will receive a status code in the returned frame. If the command was
processed successfully by the device, then the software should set the following
in the frame sent to the device:

- Set bit 31 in the user flags field.

- Set bit 30 only if the frame is the last frame to hold user data.

- Set user command code 38.

- A sequence number starting at 1 and incremented by 1 for each additional

frame in the user sub-command code field.

- Set the desired file data in the user data field, for up to the 1408 bytes.

For recovery during a write operation, if the returned status code is 0x121
(Invalid write sequence number), the user can resend the command. For all
other status code with errors, the user should attempt to send the close file
command, pause, and then send the write file command again as a whole new

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• File Details:

A comma separated text block holds the file detail information; the format is:

[Size], [Modified Time Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS], [Attributes]

For example:

3743, 2008-05-04 15:12:27, False

Property Description

Size Actual size of the file in bytes

Modified Time Stamp Time file was last modified

Attributes Read only

• File Close:

Software should send this file close command at the beginning of a new read/
write and at the end of the current read/write. For write, we only support
sequential write, which means no jumping between each write. For read, non-
sequential read is also supported, which means after the first request, the soft-
ware could ask for any part of the file. Because of this, firmware needs the file
close command to signal a termination of the read/write process.

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Set user command code 40.

Software receives a status code in the returned frame:

Get a File's CRC32 checksum

This command causes the device to compute a given file's CRC32 checksum and
return the result to the user. Software should send this command with the spec-
ified file name in the user data field and set the file name length in the user data
length field. The file name can contain the full path, or just the file name if the
Change Directory command is sent separately, before this command is sent. On
successful completion of the task, the computed CRC32 checksum is returned in
the return message's user data section with the user data length field set to 4,

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for a 4 bytes unsigned long value in MSB format. The returned status code could
be 0x00AA, 0x010F, 0x011E, 0x011F.

In addition, when the user send this command, the user could also set a working
buffer size value in User Sub-Command Code field for the meter to use. The
valid value range for the Nexus® 1500+ meter is from 128 (if the setting is
below 128) to 1048576 (if the setting is above 1048576). The recommended
value is 4096.

6.6: Data Input and Output Transfer Window Size

This window's default size is 1408 bytes, which allows the user to set a window for
receiving larger data from the device. For example, if the data size if 4k(4-1024)
bytes, with a default transfer window size of 1408 bytes, the data needs to be trans-
ferred out in 3 frames in the size of 1408, 1408, and 1280 bytes, respectively. If the
transfer window size is set at 64, then the data needs to be transferred out in 64
frames in the size of 64 bytes each.

• Get current data output transfer window size:

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Set user command code 6.

- Clear user sub-command code field.

Software receives a status code in the returned frame and the current data
output transfer window size will be in the user sub-command code field.

• Set current data output transfer window size:

Software should set the following in the frame sent to the device:

- Set user command code 7.

- Set the current data output transfer window size in the user sub-command
code field. Valid values for Nexus® 1500+ are 64 to 1408 bytes, in increments
of 64 bytes.

Software receives a status code in the returned frame and the current data
output transfer window size will be in the user sub-command code field.

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• Limitation with Modbus ASCII Protocol:

Because the communication buffer size in the Nexus® 1500+ meter used with
Modbus ASCII protocol is about 1500 ASCII characters, the maximum size of the
data in the user data field should be limited to 704 bytes, or 1408 ASCII charac-

• Input Transfer Window Size:

Input Transfer Window Size is dictated in the first sent frame's data size, and the
maximum data size for each additional frame cannot be larger than the data size
in the first frame. The maximum data size is 1408 bytes. EIG recommends using
the data size window in increments of 64 bytes.

For example, the sender has the option to send the data using the following

Send Data Size in the

Total Size Send Data Size in the 1st Total
Additional Frames
(Bytes) Frame (Bytes) Transfers

2816 1408 1408 2

2816 704 704, 704, 704 4

2816 640 640, 640, 640, 256 5

2816 64 64, 64, …., 64 44

1024 1024 Not Applicable 1

12 12 Not Applicable 1

NOTE: Because the communication buffer size in a Nexus® 1500+ meter with
Modbus ASCII protocol is about 1500 ASCII characters, the maximum size for user
data to be put in to the user data field is 704 bytes, or 1408 ASCII characters.

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6.7: Access Timeout

A general access timeout is applied to commands that require log on. The timeout
value is fixed at 5 minutes. The timeout value is initiated at the time a user logs on
via Modbus LDA and refreshed each time a valid Modbus LDA request is received while
the user is logged on.

In Modbus LDA, a timeout expires when either of the following occurs:

• The meter security setting is changed.

• The user logs off.

6.8: Downloading Logs using LDA

The following sections explain and give specific instructions on to use LDA to down-
load logs from a Nexus® 1500+ meter.

6.8.1: Log Interface Files

All settings, states, and data records related to logging are accessible as files through
the Modbus LDA interface. The files which are important to log retrieval and interpre-
tation are as follows:

• Programmable Settings:


The programmable settings file contains most of the configurable settings used for
retrieving the logs and interpreting them. The important ones for retrieval are
listed here, as well as a quick overview of the settings useful for log interpretation.
See Chapter 7 for more details.

• Log Block Assignments:

The amount of memory assigned to any particular log is configurable by the
user, and affects where in the file system the log retrieval looks for the log's
records. See Chapter 7 for details of using these settings with the logs. Each log
is assigned a number of 'blocks', which controls the number of files used to
store the records, and which exact files are used for each log.

• Log Item Assignments:

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• Each of the Interval logs, as well as the Digital Input, Digital Output, and
Limit logs, store a configurable set of log items with their records. Each
item has the following sub-items, used to determine its format:

- Line, Point: Combined, line and point describe which of the meter's
items is being stored in the log.
- Size: The number of bytes used by this item. This will be used later to
determine where in the log record each item is.
- FType: The data type of the item. See Chapter 3 for a description of

• Each log has its own log item configuration list, with the exception of the
Digital Input and Output logs. The Digital Input log uses Interval 1's
items, and the Digital Output log uses the Limit log's items.

• Waveform Settings:
See Chapter 7 for details of these settings.

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• Meter ID File:


The Meter ID file contains information about the meter, including current state info,
and configurations.

Field Size Description Setting

Header 16 ASCII, padding with space "METER ID FILE "

Version 2 The version number. Major - Minor (1.7)

Log status 4 Indicates if the logs are paused/ 0 means log are running otherwise
running. logs are paused.
Bit 0[LSB]= Historical 1
Bit 1 = Historical 2
Bit 2 = Sequence of Event (Limit)
Bit 3 = Digital Input
Bit 4 = Digital Output
Bit 5 = Flicker
Bit 6 = Waveform
Bit 7 = System Events
Bit 8 = Transients
Bit 9 = PQ
Bit 10 = Interval Log 3
Bit 11 = Interval Log 4
Bit 12 = Interval Log 5
Bit 13 = Interval Log 6
Bit 14 = Interval Log 7
Bit 15 = Interval Log 8
Bit 16 = Event Triggered
Bit = TOU Action Log
Bit = TOU Month & Season Log

Log drop record 4 Indicates if the logs stop logging 0 means does not drop record
allowing dropping records because otherwise drop records.The
the download process is slow than sequence is the same as Log
saving record process. Status.

Dummy 1 This enumeration indicates the 0 = \C\SYSTEM\LOGS\RUNNING\

path in our system where the \C\SYSTEM\LOGS\PAUSED\
pause/running dummy files, which 1 = \I\RUNNING\
are used during the log download \I\PAUSED\
process, are saved. 2 = \vf\RUNNING\

Reserved 5

Meter ID 16 ASCII

Meter Serial 8

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Field Size Description Setting

Comm Boot Ver- 4 ASCII


CF size 8 Compact size in byte, the MSB

byte first

CF serial Number 20 serial number in ASCCI, right jus-

tified, with no null string termina-

CF FAT type 8 the file system type, with no null

string terminator

Comm Run Version 4 ASCII

Comm Run Build 4 ASCII

Comm state 2

Reserved 4 ASCII

Reserved 4 ASCII

Reserved 2

DSP2 Run type 2

DSP2 Run 4

DSP2 Run ID 4

FPGA Version 2

Time 8 Nexus 12xx time stamp definition.

The time that the file was gener-

Log Reset Status 4 Informs if a specific log will be The sequence is the same as Log
reset. Status.

Reserved 6

Current Range 1 0x000 - Standard Nexus 1500+

(Class 20, Nominal 20Amp)
0x001 - Class 2 Nexus 1500+
(Nominal 1Amp)
0x002-0x0FF Undefined, treated as
Standard Nexus 1500+

Reserved 1

Sealing Switch 1 0x000 No Sealing Switch

0x001 Sealing Switch installed
0x002-0x0FF Undefined, treated as
No Sealing Switch

Reserved 1

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Field Size Description Setting

OEM Model 1 0x000 Standard Nexus identifica-

0x001 OEM Model String
0x002-0x0FF Undefined, treated as
Standard Nexus identification.

Reserved 1

Temperature 1 0x000 Resolution at 0.5 °C.

sensor type 0x001 Resolution at 0.0625 °C.
0x002-0x0FF Undefined treated as
Resolution at 0.5 °C.

Reserved 19

OEM Model String 16 ASCII

Reserved 80

V-switch 2

Option board: 4 Indicates if the slot has some Bit 00-07[LSB] = slot 1
State board installed. If the installed Bit 08-15 = slot 2
board has good bio-byte check- Bit 16-23 = slot 3
sum and it is in proper slot, the Bit 24-31 = slot 4
board is recognized otherwise it is = 0x00 - No Board installed
not recognized. = 0x01 - Board Installed and
= 0x02 - Board Installed and Not

Option board: Type 16 Indicates the board type if it is Bit 00-31[LSB] = slot 1
installed and recognized Bit 32-63 = slot 2
Bit 64-95 = slot 3
Bit 96-127 = slot 4
= 00 - 2 - N/A
= 03 - RS485-2/Pulso Out-4
= 04 - Ether2/TP
= 05 - Ether2/Fiber
= 06 - Ether2/Wi-Fi
= 07 - N/A
= 08 - Relay Out
= 09 - N/A
= 10 - Ether2/Combo
= 11 - Digital Input Option board
= 12 - Analog Input Option Board

Reserved 16090

Footer ASCII "**ID"

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• Log Headers:


















The Log Header files contain statistics on each of the individual logs, including
oldest and newest records, number of records, record sizes, and memory allo-
cated. It's primary use is for determining the validity of the data being retrieved,
and for finding the position of each record in the log files.

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Field Size Description

Record Size 4 [uint] The size of a record in bytes. All records must have the
same size.

Oldest Timestamp 8 [nexus- The timestamp of the oldest record.


Reserved 4

Oldest External Index 4 [uint] The external index of the oldest record.

Oldest Internal Index 4 [uint] The internal index of the oldest record.

Newest Timestamp 8 [nexus- The timestamp of the newest record.


Reserved 4

Newest External Index 4 [uint] The external index of the newest record.

Newest Internal Index 4 [uint] The internal index of the newest record.

Record Count 4 [uint] The number of records stored in this log.

Memory Allocated 4 [uint] The amount of memory allocated to this log, in bytes.

Valid Bitmap 8 Bitmap indicating the validity of each item in the log. Only
useful for logs which contain a configurable number of
items, such as Interval 1.

• Paused/Running Files:
• The log paused files are command files which signal to the device that the
user is beginning a log retrieval session, and that the log indexes should
be frozen for the specified log. This does not prevent the recording of new
records, which continues until the physical maximum number of records
is reached. At this point logging for that log is stopped, until the log
retrieval session is concluded. This is done to prevent records from being
overwritten while they are being retrieved, which results in log corrup-

• Likewise, the log running files are command files which signal to the
device that the user is ending a log retrieval session, and that the log
indexes should be unfrozen for the specified log. If the running file is
never triggered for a paused log, after a period of inactivity the device will
automatically un-pause the log.

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• Paused/Running commands are triggered by just reading the respective

file for that log. They have no actual content.

• The location of the paused and running files is dependent on the firm-
ware, but can be determined from the 'Dummy' field of the MeterID file.
The root locations will be one of the following:




The file locations would then be:
















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• Log Data Files:

The files allocated for the logs are located in the \C\Logs directory, and are
named XXXXXXXX.bin, where x is the file index, and is (left) zero padded. So,
for example, file 172 would be \C\Logs\00000172.BIN.

• File Format:
• Each log record is formatted specifically to that log, however the overall
format of each file is generic across all logs. Each record is fixed at the
same size, for that log. Each log contains R records, of which each file
contains N log records, each of size M. Each record in the file is packed
towards the start of the file, such that the Ith record in the file is M*I
bytes from the beginning of the file. If N*M < 1MB, such that the remain-
ing space is < M, that space is ignored, and the next sequential record is
placed at the beginning of the next sequential file.

• In other words, when a record is written to the file, it is placed directly

after the previous record. If writing the entire record would push the
record off the end of the file, then the record is started at the beginning
of the next file: This assures that no records cross file boundaries.

• When all records allocated for this log have been written to, the number
of records equals the max number of records and the log is considered
full. At this point, the log "rolls over," and the next record is written at the
beginning of the log. Logging then continues from that point in the files,
overwriting old records.

• The records of each log are identified by two indexes: The external index,
and the internal index.
- The external index is the record's physical location in the files. The first
record of the first file is always external index 0, the next record is 1,
and so on. This is significant because the external indexes are used to
locate the first and last records to retrieve in the files.
- The internal index is the unique id for each record. This index always
increments when a record is stored, even if the log has rolled over, or

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been reset. This allows each record to be identified sequentially

relative to each other. However, since this value is stored in the record
itself, it is only useful once you've actually retrieved the record.

• Record Format
• Each record is composed of two parts - a record header, and a record
data part. The record header is 8 bytes, and has the following format:

Field Size Description

Internal 4 [int] The internal index of the record. Note this value rolls over at
Index 231.

Time Delta 2 [short] Delta in centiseconds of the given timestamp from when the
record was actually recorded.

Reserved 2

• Records can sometimes be recorded up to a second after they were trig-

gered for recording. This can result in a record time stamp which is not
exactly when it is expected to be. For interval logs, the time stamp of
each record is adjusted to the proper interval: this is done to support
record parsing which requires that the record time stamps be when they
are expected to be. However, to maintain the accuracy of the time stamp,
the time delta provides the number of centiseconds the time stamp was

• The record data part is unique to each log. Below is a list of rules that are
unique to each log. Details for the logs are given later in the chapter.

- System Event: The System Event log is fixed at 1 log file, to be back-
ward compatible with Modbus log retrieval (see Chapter 9). The System
Event is always the first log file, as it should never be reset, and must
always be available to diagnose issues with the system.

- Interval 1,2: The first two interval logs are constrained to be backward
compatible with Modbus log retrieval (see Chapter 9). These logs are
capped at 8 log files or 8MB. Additionally, to maintain backward
compatibility, the number of records is capped at 32767 - note that
this affects how record indexes and the max number of records is

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computed. The size of the record is the configured size for that log, in
the programmable settings.

- Interval 3-8, Event Triggered: The size of the record is the configured
size for that log, in the programmable settings.

- Limit: The Limit record contains the limit details, followed by N log
items, taken from the Limit profile. The size of the record is the sum of
the details size and the size of each of the log items.

- Digital Input: The Digital Input record contains the Digital Input details,
followed by N log items, taken from Interval 1's profile. The size of the
record is the sum of the details and all the log items.

- Digital Output: The Digital Output record contains the Digital Output
details, followed by N log items, taken from the Limit profile. The size
of the record is the sum of the details and all the log items.

- Waveform: The Waveform record contains a record header, followed by

the samples, and RMS details. Because the number of sample blocks is
dynamic, the record size is fixed at the max size, determined from the
log header. The actual size of the data in the record is determined by
the record's header. Additionally, note that due to the 1MB size limita-
tion on records, sampling rates greater than 128 have a reduced maxi-
mum number of records.

- PQ: No special details.

- Transient: The Transient record contains a record header, followed by

samples, and RMS details. This works the same as the Waveform

- TOU Action Log:

- TOU Season & Month Log:

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• Record Location

To determine the location of a record given its external index, you must deter-
mine the arrangement of records in the files. To do this, you need to determine
the first file for that log, then the record in the file, and the offset from that.
Below is the basic algorithm:

file_size = 1MB;

//the number of records which fit into a single file. Since records must

// evenly fit into a file, any extra space is discarded

records_per_file = file_size / header.record_size;

//get the file number which contains the first record. This is a sum of the

// previous log sizes.

first_file_num = sum_log_blocks(log);

//the number of files in use by this log. This should agree with the block

// allocation.

num_files = header.memory_allocated / file_size;

//maximum number of records we can record given our allocation.

max_records = records_per_file * num_files;

//special case for the Interval 1 and 2 logs, which are capped at 32k, and

// thus don't follow the above rule.

if(log == INT1 || log == INT2)

if(max_records > 32767)

max_records = 32767;

//The results. file_num is the file which contains the record,

// and file_offset is the byte offset in that file.

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file_num = (external_index / records_per_file) + first_file_num;

file_offset = (external_index % records_per_file) * record_size;

To determine the first file, you sum the blocks allocated to each of the logs prior
to it:

//determine which file contains the first record of a specified log

int sum_log_blocks(log)

//sum each of the log sizes. The sizes come from the block allocation in

// the programmable settings

sum[0] = 0; //system event

sum[1] = system_events + sum[0]; //hist 1

sum[2] = hist_1 + sum[1]; //hist 2

sum[3] = hist_2 + sum[2]; //hist 3

sum[4] = hist_3 + sum[3]; //hist 4

sum[5] = hist_4 + sum[4]; //hist 5

sum[6] = hist_5 + sum[5]; //hist 6

sum[7] = hist_6 + sum[6]; //hist 7

sum[8] = hist_7 + sum[7]; //hist 8

sum[9] = hist_8 + sum[8]; //event

sum[10] = evt_triggered + sum[9]; //limit

sum[11] = limit_log + sum[10]; //di

sum[12] = di_log + sum[11]; //do

sum[13] = do_log + sum[12]; //flicker

sum[14] = flicker_log + sum[13]; //waveform

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sum[15] = waveform_log + sum[14]; //pq

sum[16] = pq_log + sum[15]; //transient

return sum[log];

6.8.2: Additional Data Types

• Fraction Integer

A 4 byte value used to represent a fractional number. To compute the value, take
the integer portion as a signed 2 byte integer (short), and the fractional part as
an unsigned integer (ushort). Divide the fractional part by 65536, and add it to
the integer part. For example:

Fractional: 0x0326 = 806
Integer: 0x0078 = 120
Result: 120 + (806/65536) = 120.012298

• Nexus µs Time

• A 10 byte timestamp, where the first 8 bytes are the standard Nexus® meter 8
time tamp.

• The centisecond field is ignored, and bytes 8 and 9 are a ushort that describes
the milliseconds, where 9999 = 999.9ms. For example:

2012/01/01 10:33:00.4951

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6.8.3: Log Retrieval Procedure

This section gives instructions to use LDA to download logs from a Nexus® 1500+
meter. Overview
Log Retrieval is done in three steps:

1. The status of the logs is retrieved to determine what records can be, and need to
be, retrieved. This information will also help in determining how to retrieve the
logs, later.

2. The logs are downloaded, using the information gathered in step 1. This involves
logging on to the meter, pausing each log you want to download, retrieving the files
for those logs, un- pausing the logs, and logging out.

3. The logs which have been retrieved are interpreted. This can be done at the same
time as retrieval, but many logs require multiple records to understand what is
going on (e.g., PQ). Additionally, since the entire file needs to be downloaded via
Modbus LDA, waiting to interpret the logs until the end is more convenient. See
Section 6.8.5 for details on log interpretation. Procedure
The following procedure assumes that the specific logs, and the range of records in
them, has already been determined.

1. Connect:

• A single connection should be maintained for the entire length of a single log
retrieval session. This is because the meter maintains state information tied to
the connection, and when the connection is dropped, so is the state information.
This primarily applies to log retrieval via network (TCP).

• Because of this, if the connection is dropped during a log retrieval session, the
entire retrieval procedure must be restarted, including logging on and status
retrieval. Records which have already been retrieved successfully do not need to
be retrieved again however.

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• Because serial (RS485) connections are connectionless, they are a special case.
On serial connections, you must always un-pause and logout when done with log
2. Log on:

Before any Modbus LDA commands will allow retrieving files, you must log on to
the meter. You must use one of the 8 usernames and passwords configured
through the meter's Extended Security if security is enabled.

• If security is disabled, you must still logon, using the username 'anony-
mous' and the password 'anonymous'. Note that the username and pass-
word are case sensitive.

3. Retrieve Status Files:

a. Programmable Settings: The first file to retrieve is the programmable settings.

You will use this later to determine what files to retrieve, and how to interpret
the records. If the blocks assigned to the log in question is zero, then it cannot
be retrieved.

b. Meter ID: Next retrieve the meter ID file. You will use this to determine how to
retrieve the files.

4. Retrieve Each Log:

The procedure for retrieving the records for a log is the same for most logs (with
the exception of EN50160 - see Section 6.8.4). The only difference is in the
interpretation of the records.

a. Retrieve Log Header: For each log, the log header file is retrieved first, to
determine the layout of the records in the files, and the size of the records
for interpretation.

b. After retrieving the file, the following values should be checked for error
conditions. If any error condition is found, then log retrieval for that log
should be stopped, and continued with the next log:

•-Number of Records: If the number of records is zero, then there is noth-

ing to retrieve, and any files retrieved will only contain garbage.

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• Time Range: If retrieving for a range of time, and the oldest and newest
time stamps do not contain the range of time requested, then there is no
reason to retrieve the files.

• Internal Index Range: If retrieving for a fixed range of internal indexes,

and the internal index range does not contain the range of indexes
requested, then there is no reason to retrieve the files.

• Record Size: If the record size does not match the expected size, this
indicates that there may be a problem with the programmable settings
for the log. This can be confirmed for the Interval, Limit, and Digital
Input/Output logs by comparing the valid bitmap to the list of log items
from the programmable settings.

• Memory Allocated: If the memory allocated is zero, then there is nothing

to retrieve. If the memory allocated does not agree with the blocks allo-
cated (adjusted for scale), then there may be a problem with the config-
uration. Log retrieval should be aborted, and the programmable settings
verified: if the blocks allocated do not agree with the actual allocation,
you will be unable to successfully determine which files contain which

5. Pause Log:

Once you determine that you want to retrieve the log, pause log recording by
reading the pause file. This prevents log recording from changing the indexes
during retrieval, and prevent records from being overwritten while you retrieve


• The meter employs an extra log buffering space, used when the log is
paused. This allows log recording to actually continue while the log is
paused: only the indexes are kept static. Once this buffer space is used
up however, no more records are logged until the log is un-paused. For
this reason, it is important to keep log retrieval sessions as short as pos-
sible, and to always un-pause the log when done.

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• It is possible, especially for fast recording logs, that between retrieving

the log header and pausing the log, the header has changed. In these
cases it helps to retrieve the header a second time after you pause the
log to have the most up to date values.

6. Retrieve each log file:

• The first step in retrieving the log files is determining what files to actu-
ally retrieve. The simplest way to do this is just to retrieve every file for
that log. This however, is inefficient when you don't want every record, or
the log is not yet full.

• By External Record Index: To retrieve logs by external record index, first

determine what file contains that index, using the method given for
record location (p. 6-33). Retrieve that file, and copy out the record. To
optimize this, you can keep track of what files you've retrieved during
this retrieval session. If the record you want is contained in one of the
files you've already retrieved, use that file. Repeat this for each record
you want to retrieve. Following is the basic algorithm for retrieving by
record index:

for(i=first_index; i<last_index; i++)

get file_num and file_offset, where i is the external index

//if we already have the file local, just get the record from there


record = get_record(retrieved_files[file_num], file_offset);


//otherwise, we need to retrieve the specified log file

file = retrieve_file(file_num);

//store it for later

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retrieved_files[file_num] = file;

record = get_record(retrieved_files[file_num], file_offset);

do something with the record

7. Un-pause Log:

As soon as you are done retrieving the log files, the log must be un-paused by
reading the running file. This allows log recording to continue normally, prevent-
ing any gaps in the data.

NOTE: Pausing and un-pausing logs adds log retrieval entries to the System
Event log. For this reason, logs should not be paused if no records are to be
retrieved; this is the reason you check the log header before pausing the log).

8. Log Out:

When you are done retrieving all the logs, you need to log out from the meter.
This cleans up any resources associated with log retrieval.

6.8.4: EN 50160 Information

The EN 50160 weekly and yearly data is stored in a different format than the other
log's data. Each week and year is stored in its own XML file, named after the week
and the year it describes. Retrieval of this log is as simple as just downloading the file
in question.

NOTE: The week and year files are only generated once the meter's current time has
passed the end of that period. All of the currently collected information is kept in the
“current” files. Once the end of the period has passed, the current data is stored, and
a new set of current data is begun. The side effect of this is that changing the meter's
time can result in a week or year file containing less or more intervals than expected.
The total counts and date ranges should always be checked when interpreting the EN
50160 data files.

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs EN 50160 Week Filename

Each EN 50160 week file is named by the year and the week of the year, of the data it
contains. The format of the filename is 'YYYY_W##.XML', where 'YYYY' is the year (for
example '2015'), and '##' is the week of that year. So for example, the 3rd week of
2015 would be '2015_W03.XML'.

NOTE: The 1st week of the year is defined as the first week with at least 4 days in it,
where either the first day of the week (FDOW) is Sunday or Monday. For example: if
FDOW=Mon, then Jan 5, 2015 is the beginning of Week 1 of 2015; if the FDOW=Sun,
then Jan 3, 2015 is in Week 53 of 2014.

To compute the week and year number for any given day, month, and year, use the
following algorithm:

//Obtain Julian day number: with year, month and day values

Const_a = (14 - month)/12

Const_y = year + 4800 - Const_a

Const_m = month + 12 * Const_a - 3

julian_day = day + (153 * Const_m + 2) / 5 + Const_y * 365 +

Const_y / 4 - Const_y / 100 + Const_y / 400 - 32045

//Obtain week number

Obtain julian_day with year, month and day values

Const_1 = (((julian_day + 31741 -

(julian_day mod 7)) mod 146097) mod 36524) mod 1461

Const_2 = Const_1 / 1460

Const_3 = ((Const_1 - Const_2) mod 365 ) + Const_2

week_num = Const_3 / 7 + 1

set initial year adjust flag=0

if week_num >=2 AND month=1 AND (week_num=52 OR week_num=53) then

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set year adjust flag = -1

if week_num <2 AND month=12 then

set year adjust flag to = +1

//Adjustment for First Day of Week (FDOW) is Sunday, WN=week number

if FDOW is Sunday

if CDOW is Sun

if year adjust flag = -1 (in previous year)

if month=Jan and day is 1, 2, or 3

then WN=1, year adjust flag = 0 (in current year)

if year adjust flag = 0 (in current year)

if month=Dec and day is 29, 30, or 31,

then WN=1, year adjust flag = 1 (in next year)


then increment WN by 1 (still in current year)

else (CDOW is not Sunday)

if month=Dec

if day=31 and CDOW is Mon or Tue

OR day=30 and CDOW is Mon

then WN=1, year adjust flag=1 (in next year)

else if day=29 and CDOW is Mon

OR day=30 and CDOW is Tue

OR day=31 and CDOW is Wed

then WN=53, year adjust flag = 0 (in current year)

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else if month=Jan

if day=2 and CDOW is Sat

OR day=1 and CDOW is Fri or Sat

then year adjust flag = -1 (in previous year)

else if day=1 and CDOW is Thurs

OR day=2 and CDOW is Fri

OR day=3 and CDOW is Sat

then WN=53, year adjust flag = -1 (in previous year)

//Final adjustment for FDOW=Sun*

if year adjust flag=0

if current year Jan 1 day of the week is Thursday (based on FDOW=Mon)

and current year Jan 1 is in week 1 (based on FDOW=Mon)

and WN>1

then decrement WN by 1

* Explanation for this adjustment: as the FDOW changes from Mon to Sun, the
original WN 1 becomes the last week of the previous year, so the WN 1 of the
year needs to be adjusted (subtracted) by 1.

Final year value = year + (year adjust flag) EN 50160 Year Filename

Each EN 50160 year file is named by the year of the data it contains. The format of
the filename is 'YYYY.XML', where 'YYYY' is the year. So, for example, 2015 would be

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All of the EN 50160 files are stored in the '\\C\EN50160' directory. To retrieve all of
the weeks and years generated, simply list all of the files contained within the direc-
tory, and retrieve each one.

6.8.5: Log Interpretation

This section explains how to interpret the logs you retrieve. System Events Log

The System Events Log stores events which affect the operation of the meter, includ-
ing power events, time changes, log retrieval, settings changes, and firmware

Record Format:

Field Size Description

Record 4 (uint) The internal index of the record.


Reserved 4

Time stamp 8 [nexus8_time] The time of the event.

Record 1 The type of the event.


Record 7 Data about the event. Note that

Details some records require more than
one record, and data may be
split across multiple records.

• When an event is paired with a second record (such as the log retrieval event, via
Ethernet), the sequence of the records will be indicated by a record sequence field.
For example, in the Log Retrieval record, byte 12 (byte 3 of the record details) will
be set to 0 for the first half of the record, and 1 for the second. The second record
should always be the record sequentially after the first record; however, always
check that the event type and record sequence numbers concur.

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs Interval Logs 1-8, Event Triggered

• Record Format:

Field Size Description

Record 4 (uint) The internal index of the record.


Reserved 4

Time stamp 8 [nexus8_time] The time of the event.

Record N A list of the log items configured

Data in the programmable settings.

• The exact size of the record is determined by the configuration of the log in the
programmable settings. The size includes the 8 bytes for the time stamp.

NOTE: The size follows the size configuration for the log, not the sum of the items
configured. Any space which is not filled by log items will be garbage, and should
be ignored. For Interval logs 1 and 2, this size is an enumerator, so the records will
always be a power of two in size (see Chapter 9). For Interval logs 3-8 and the
Event Triggered logs, the size can be specified as any size greater than 8 (to
account for the time stamp), up to a maximum size of 512 bytes.

• Item Interpretation:

• To interpret the contents of the record data, first determine the list of items
configured in the programmable settings. While the location of the settings is
different for each log, they all use the same settings types.

• Each log item is composed of 4 values: Line (Pointer), Point (Index), Size, and
FType. Size and FType can be determined from Line and Point, but are included
in the programmable settings for convenience during log interpretation.

• The list of log items is determined by looking at each item in the programmable
settings. Any 'invalid' items are set with a Line value of 0 or 0xFFFF.

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For example, if there are the following items:

Name (Not part of

Line Point Size FType

34 0 4 7 One Sec Volts A-N

34 1 4 7 One Sec Volts B-N

34 2 4 7 One Sec Volts C-N

0xFFFF 0 0xFF 0xFF Invalid Item

36 0 4 7 One Sec Current A

The record will contain 4 log items: Volts A, B, C, and One Sec Current A. The
invalid item is ignored.

• Next, determine what record items are valid, by comparing each item against the
matching position in the valid bit flags from the log header. If the valid flags say
that it is not valid, then the item cannot be parsed, and should be ignored.

• The size and offset in the record data is determined by summing the previous
items. So for example, Volts A-N will be at offset 0, Volts B-N will be at offset 4,
Volts C-N will be at offset 8, and One Sec Current A will be offset at 12.

• See Chapter 3 for details on converting FType items.

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs Limit Log

The Limit Log records an entry every time limit values monitored by the meter change
their state. The log records information about the limits, such as the specific limit
which was triggered, and a snapshot of the items configured in the programmable
settings for the Limit Log.

• Record Format:

• The Limit Log is composed of two parts - a details header, followed by the snap-
shot of log items. The details header is fixed in size (40 bytes), and has the
following values:

Field Size Description

Record 4 (uint) The internal index of the record.


Reserved 4

Time stamp 8 (nexus8_time) The time of the limit event. Note that the MSB bit (bit 7) is
used to indicate that this record is not continuous with the pre-
vious record, and state changes may be missing. This will pri-
marily happen during a reset or power loss.

Current 4 (bitmap) The current states of each of the 32 limits for Value 1. Limits
States for are left to right, so the 31st bit is limit 1, and the 0th bit is limit
Value 1 32. If the bit is set to 1, then the limit is exceeded.

Current 4 (bitmap) The current states of each of the 32 limits for Value 2. Bit order
States for is the same as current states for value 1. If the bit is set to 1,
Value 2 then the limit is exceeded.

Delta 4 (bitmap) The change of the states for each of the 32 limits for Value 1,
States for since the last limit event. Bit order is the same as current
Value 1 states for value 1. If the bit is set to 1, then the limit has

Delta 4 (bitmap) The change of the states for each of the 32 limits for Value 2,
States for since the last limit event. Bit order is the same as current
Value 2 states for value 1. If the bit is set to 1, then the limit has

Current 4 (bitmap) The combination of the current states of Value 1 and 2, for each
States for of the 32 limits. Bit order is the same as current states for
Comparison value 1. If the bit is set to 1, then the combination is true.

Delta 4 (bitmap) The change of the states for each of the comparison states, for
States for each of the 32 limits. Bit order is the same as current states for
Comparison value 1. If the bit is set to 1, then the state has changed.

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• The remaining data in the record is the snapshots for the limits. These follow the
same format and rules as the Interval records, using the Limit Items from the
programmable settings as its item list.

• Item Interpretation:

• The item descriptions are from the meter's programmable settings, Limit Items.

• Limit Event Analysis:

• The Limit Records only indicate a change in state of the limits. To deter-
mine information about the overall limit events, you have to analyze the
sequence of the limit records.

• To determine the pair of records which match for an event, defined as the
limit going out, then coming back in, start with a record that indicates
that the limit in question is going out. This is a record in which the delta
state for the limit is 1, and the current state is 1.

• To find the matching event end record, search forward in time in the
records until a record is found where the delta state for the limit is 1, and
the current state is 0. Note that you need to check the continuous bit in
the time stamp of each record; if any record is found to be non-continu-
ous, then the state changes may be lost, and any end record found may
not match with the original record.

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs Digital Input Log

The Digital Input log records an entry every time the digital inputs change state. The
log records the states of each input at the time of the record, along with a snapshot of
the items configured in the programmable settings for the limit log.The digital inputs
monitored by this log include the built-in inputs, as well as the two optional digital
input cards.

• Record Format:

• The Digital Input log is composed of two parts: A details header, followed by the
snapshot of the log items. The details header is fixed in size (16 bytes), and has
the following values:

Field Size Description

Record Index 4 (uint) The internal index of the record.

Reserved 4

Time stamp 8 (nexus8_time) The time of the event. Note that the MSB bit (bit 7) is used to
indicate that this record is not continuous with the previous
record, and state changes may be missing. This will primarily
happen during a reset or power loss.

Built-in Input 1 (bitmap) The states of the built-in digital inputs. Inputs are mapped MSB,
States so bit 7 is input 8, and bit 0 is input 1.

Option Board 1 1 (bitmap) The states of option board 1's digital inputs 1-8. Inputs are
input states 1-8 mapped MSB, so bit 7 is input 8, and bit 0 is input 1.

Option Board 1 1 (bitmap) The states of option board 1's digital inputs 9-16. Inputs are
input states 9-16 mapped MSB, so bit 7 is input 16, and bit 0 is input 9.

Option Board 2 1 (bitmap) The states of option board 2's digital inputs 1-8. Inputs are
input states 1-8 mapped MSB, so bit 7 is input 8, and bit 0 is input 1.

Option Board 2 1 (bitmap) The states of option board 2's digital inputs 9-16. Inputs are
input states 9-16 mapped MSB, so bit 7 is input 16, and bit 0 is input 9.

Valid Flags 1 (bitmap) Bit 7 - Option Board 1

Bit 6 - Option Board 2
If the bit is not set, ignore the states.

• The remaining data in the record is the snapshots for the digital inputs. These
follow the same format and rules as the Interval records, using the Limit log
items from the programmable settings as its item list.

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• Item Interpretation:

• Parsing the snapshot items is the same as the Interval log items. See the Item
Interpretation section for the Interval logs.

• Digital Input Event Analysis:

• The Digital Input records only store the current states of the inputs. To determine
information about overall input events, you have to analyze the sequence of the
digital input records. This may not be necessary, as the inputs can be used just
for state changes, rather than 'in' and 'out' conditions.

• As the Digital Input record does not indicate state change information (deltas),
sequential records must be compared to determine when the state changed.
Note that you need to check the continuous bit in the time stamp of each
record; if any record is found to be non-continuous, then the exact time of the
state change may be lost.
• To determine the pair of records which match for an event, defined as the
digital input entering a state, then transitioning back to the original state,
start with a record that has just entered the desired state. This is a
record for which the input state is in the desired 'out' state, and the pre-
vious record has the input in the opposite state.

•To find the matching event return record, search forward in time in the
records until a record is found where the input state is the opposite of the
start record. Remember to check the continuous bit in the time stamp.

• The Option Board states should be ignored if the valid flags indicate they are

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs Digital Output Log

• The meter's Digital outputs (Relays) can be made up of options boards and external
module relays. The meter can accept up to 2 relay option boards. There are 6
relays on each relay board, for a total of 12 relays if both boards are installed.
Relay indexes 1 to 6 are for the relays in the first relay board. Relay indexes 7 to 12
are for the relays in the seconds relay board. The meter can accept just one exter-
nal module which has 4 relays. The meter can be configured to handle up to 16
relays total, between relay option boards and the external module. The table below
shows the possible arrangements.

Arrangements Options boards External Module

1 No option board Relays 13 to 16 (Module 4)

2 1st Option Board (Slot 3): Relays 1 to 6 Relays 13 to 16 (Module 4)

3 2nd Option Board (Slot 4): Relays 7 to 12 Relays 13 to 16 (Module 4)

4 1st and 2nd Option Boards: Relays 1 to 12 Relays 13 to 16 (Module 4)

5 1st and 2nd Option Boards: Relays 1 to 12 No external relay module

• The Digital Output State Log stores records in order to document the stages used
when changing states of Digital outputs (Relays). Records are recorded for four
reasons - 1. when the delay at the end of a Relay Logic Tree is finished, indicating
that a relay needs to change state; 2. when a communication port requests a relay
lock or unlock; 3. when the command is transmitted to the external device; and 4.
when the response is returned from the external device.

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• Record Format:

Field Size Description

Record 4 (uint) The internal index of the record.


Reserved 4

Time stamp 8 (nexus8_time) The time of the event.

Stage 1 Indicates the stage, or reason, for the record. The stages are as fol-
Stage 1, ElectroLogic or communication command now desires to
change the state of one or more relays.
Stage 2, Command is being transmitted to one or multiple relay.
Stage 3, Confirmation has been received from a command that was

Relay Valid 2 Indicates whether information about a relay is valid or not. Option
boards or module, which are unused, or which are not responding to
communication, are not valid. A bit value of 0 indicates that informa-
tion for this relay is not yet valid; a bit value of 1 Indicates that infor-
mation for this relay is valid.
Bit 15 is the most significant bit.
The bits are formatted as following bits:
15 to 10: 1st Option Card, relay index 1 to 6
9 to 4: 2nd Option Card, relay index 7 to 12
3 to 0: External Relay Module, relay index 13 to 16

Relay Logic 16 Each byte represents the inputs in a Relay Logic Tree for one relay.
Trees Byte 1 to 16 represent for relay 1 to 16.
Inputs Each bit represents the state of an input into a Relay Logic Tree. The
States bits 7 to 0, represent the input 1 to 8 for each relay.
Bit 7 is the most significant bit.
A bit value of 0 indicates a false input value; a bit value of 1 indicates
a true input value. These values are retrieved before the possible NOT
on inputs that are a possible programmable setting.

Relay Logic 16 Each byte represents the gate outputs in a Relay Logic Tree for one
Trees Gates relay. Byte 1 to 16 represent for relay 1 to 16.
Output Each bit represents the state of a gate output in a Relay Logic Tree.
The bits 7 to 0, represent the Gate A to Gate G.
A bit value of 0 indicates a false output value; a bit value of 1 indicates
a true output value.

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Field Size Description

Current 2 Each bit indicates whether a relay is locked or unlocked. A bit value of
Relays 0 indicates the relay is not locked; a bit value of 1 indicates the relay
Locked is locked.
Bit 15 is the most significant bit.
The bits are:
15 to 10: 1st Option Card, relay index 1 to 6
9 to 4: 2nd Option Card, relay index 7 to 12
3 to 0: External Relay Module, relay index 13 to 16

Previous 2 Each bit indicates whether a relay was previously locked or unlocked.
Relays A bit value of 0 indicates the relay was not locked; a bit value of 1
Locked indicates the relay was locked.
Bit 15 is the most significant bit.
The bits are:
15 to 10: 1st Option Card, relay index 1 to 6
9 to 4: 2nd Option Card, relay index 7 to 12
3 to 0: External Relay Module, relay index 13 to 16

Desired 2 Each bit indicates the desired state of the relay. If the relay is locked,
Relay as indicated in the previous 2 bytes, then this is the state the relay
States should be locked to. If the relay is unlocked, then this is the state that
the relay should be in as indicated by the Relay Logic Tree for this
relay. A bit value of 0 indicates de-energized, or connected to Normal
Close; a bit value of 1 indicates energized, or connected to Normal
Bit 15 is the most significant bit.
The bits are:
15 to 10: 1st Option Card, relay index 1 to 6
9 to 4: 2nd Option Card, relay index 7 to 12
3 to 0: External Relay Module, relay index 13 to 16

Command 2 Indicates that a command has begun to be sent to an option board/

Sent external module to change the state of a relay
The first byte indicates which relay the command is being sent to:
1st Option Board, Relay 1-6
2nd Option Board, Relay 7-12
External Module, Relay 13-16
No command sent

The second byte indicates whether the command being sent was to
energize or de-energize the relay. A value of 0x000 indicates the relay
command was to de-energize the relay; any other value indicates the
command was to energize the relay.

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Field Size Description

Change 2 Each bit indicates successfully changed relay states, as recorded by

Success the reception of the response from the relay option board or external
module, in the same order as above. A bit value of 0 indicates the
relay is de-energized, or connected to Normal Close; a bit value of 1
indicates the relay is energized, or connected to Normal Open.
Bit 15 is the most significant bit.
The bits are:
15 to 10: 1st Option Card, relay index 1 to 6
9 to 4: 2nd Option Card, relay index 7 to 12
3 to 0: External Relay Module, relay index 13 to 16

Reserved 13

Snapshot n bytes The remaining data in the record is the snapshots for the digital out-
put. These follow the same format and rules as the Limit log record,
using the Limit Items from the programmable settings as its item list.

• Item Interpretation:

• Parsing the snapshot items is the same as the Limit log items. See the Item
Interpretation section for the Limit log.

• Digital Output Event Analysis

• Each Digital Output record only stores one type of event/command for one or
multiple digital outputs (relays) at one of the 3 possible stages. To determine
information about overall digital output events, you have to analyze the
sequence of the digital output records.

• A relay channel should be ignored if the valid flag indicates it's invalid.

• A complete cycle of a relay change event should include records for all 3 stages.
The duration of such event can be computed from the time difference between
stage 1 and stage 3 records.

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs Waveform Log

The Waveform Log records the RMS details of the input channels when a configured
waveform limit is exceeded, if an input state changes, or if a capture was manually
triggered. The details include the analysis of the RMS data, the states during that
cycle, and the samples on the input channels.

NOTE:Different versions of the waveform record have different formats. The version
field of the header should always be checked before parsing the rest of the record.

• Record Format:

• The Waveform record is composed of 4 parts: 1. a details header; 2. the samples

block; 3. the RMS info block; and 4. the footer. Every capture can be a different
size record, so the details header is used to determine how to parse the rest of
the record. The footer is used to confirm that the record has been properly
• The details header is fixed in size (1024 bytes), and v8 has the following

Fields Size Description

Record Index 4 (uint) The internal index of the record.

Record Format 2 (uint) The record format version. The format documented here is v8.

Header Size 4 (uint) The size of the header.

Record Total Size 4 (uint) The total size of the record. Note that this is the used size, not
the reserved size, so may be smaller than the record size speci-
fied in the header. This value - 16 should be the beginning of the

Sample Section 4 (uint) Offset from the beginning of the record to the samples block.

RMS Section 4 (uint) Offset from the beginning of the record to the RMS block.

Digital Input Mask 2 (bitmap) The digital inputs which have been configured in the program-
mable settings to trigger waveform captures.

Capture Number 4 (uint) The index of the record in the capture when waveform is config-
ured to record multiple records per capture. This number will be
recorded sequentially decreasing, so for 5 records per capture,
the first will be 5, the second 4, down to 1.

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Fields Size Description

First RMS block 8 (nexus- The time stamp of the first RMS block in the capture.
Time stamp 8_time)

Reserved 12

Usr Voltage Flags 2 (bitmap) The list of voltage channels which have been configured in the
programmable settings to trigger waveform captures according
to the Usr rules.

Usr Current Flags 2 (bitmap) The list of current channels which have been configured in the
programmable settings to trigger waveform captures according
to the Usr rules.

Sample Reduction 2 (ushort) At sample rates lower than 1024 samples per cycle, samples are
Factor interlaced together. This factor indicates how to de-interlace

Sample Block Size 4 (uint) The size of a sample block for a single channel. This is used to
per Channel parse the sample data.

RMS Block Size 4 (uint) The size of the RMS block.

Number of Sample 2 (ushort) The number of sample blocks. This is used to compute the over-
Blocks per Chan- all number of samples.

Number of RMS 2 (ushort) The number of RMS blocks.


Contiguous 1 (byte) A value of 1 indicates that this waveform is contiguous with the
previous record. This will often happen when a waveform trigger
occurs while a previous waveform is still being recorded. When
this happens, the trigger will be in the previous record.

Reserved 3

Manual Triggered 2 (ushort) A value of 1 indicates this capture was manually triggered, and
not because of a waveform limit or input event.

Reserved 4

Trigger Sample 4 (uint) The time counter of the RMS Block which contains the trigger for
Block Time this waveform. Used to determine which samples and RMS block
Counter contains the trigger.

Trigger block Time 10 (nexus- The time stamp of the end of the RMS block that contains the
stamp _µs_time) trigger.

Reserved 2

Trigger RMS Block 196 (RMS Contains information on the waveform states at the time of the
Data Block) trigger. See below for details on the block.

Waveform Setup 316 (Wave- Describes how the waveform triggers and captures were config-
Info form Setup ured, as well as providing information about the meter. See
Block) below for details on the block.

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Fields Size Description

Firmware Ids 148 (Firm- Contains identification information from the firmware that
ware Info describes what features are supports. See below for details on
Block) the block.

• RMS Data Block:

Fields Byte Size Description

1cycle Logical Van 0 4 (fraction Van RMS computed from the physical RMS.
RMS integer)

1cycle Logical Vbn 4 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Logical Vcn 8 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Logical Vab 12 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Logical Vbc 16 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Logical Vca 20 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Logical Vxn 24 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Logical Vres 28 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Logical Ires 32 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Physical Vae 36 4 (fraction Raw Vae RMS computed directly from the inputs.
RMS integer)

1cycle Physical Vbe 40 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Physical Vce 44 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Physical Vxe 48 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Physical Vne 52 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Physical Ia 56 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Physical Ib 60 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

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Fields Byte Size Description

1cycle Physical Ic 64 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Physical Ix 68 4 (fraction

RMS integer)

1cycle Physical Van 72 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vbn 74 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vcn 76 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vab 78 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vbc 80 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vca 82 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vxn 84 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vres 86 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Ires 88 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vae 90 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vbe 92 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vce 94 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vxe 96 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Vne 98 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Ia 100 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Ib 102 2 (ushort)


1cycle Physical Ic 104 2 (ushort)


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Fields Byte Size Description

1cycle Physical Ix 106 2 (ushort)


Period Count 108 2 (ushort) (60.000*1024)/ref_frequency. This is the number of

samples used to compute the cycle data.

Cycle Count 110 2 (ushort) Incrementing number of cycles, used for cycle identi-

reserved 112 2

Reference Sample 114 2 (ushort) Index of the specific sample in the matching sample
Index block which is the last sample this RMS block
describes. This sample is always assuming a 1024
sampling rate, and needs to be scaled appropriately
when being applied to a sample block at a lower
sampling rate.

Absolute Sample 116 2 (ushort) Absolute index for the sample which marks the end
Index of the RMS block. Rolls over at 65536.

High Speed Input 118 2 (bitmap) Bit flag which indicate if the state of the high speed
Transitions inputs have changed since the last RMS block, where
a bit of 1 indicates a transition occurred. Bit 0 is
channel 0, bit 1 is channel 1, and so on.

High Speed Input 120 2 (bitmap) Bit flag which indicate the current state of the high
States speed inputs, where a bit of 1 indicates open, and 0
indicates closed. Bit 0 is channel 0, bit 1 is channel 1,
and so on.

DSP2 Firmware 122 2 (String) 'DE' for debug, 'RE' for release

DSP2 Firmware Ver- 124 4 (String) Byte 0 is version letter, bytes 1-3 are the version
sion number.

DSP2 Firmware ID 128 4 (uint) Debug id for the dsp2 firmware.

Waveform voltage 132 2 (bitmap) Bit flags which indicate if the Voltage RMS was below
RMS sag flags the waveform sag threshold during the period of the
RMS Block. See Table 1 (Waveform Voltage Bit Flags)
for bits.

Waveform voltage 134 2 (bitmap) Bit flags which indicate if the Voltage RMS was above
RMS swell flags the waveform swell threshold during the period of the
RMS Block. See Table 1 (Waveform Voltage Bit Flags)
for bits.

reserved 136 2

Transient pos over- 138 2 (bitmap) Indicates a positive transient which exceeded the
range flags configured threshold occurred. See Table 2 (Transient
Bit Flags) for bits.

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Fields Byte Size Description

Transient neg over- 140 2 (bitmap) Indicates a negative transient which exceeded the
range flags configured threshold occurred. See Table 2 (Transient
Bit Flags) for bits.

Transient pos peak 142 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak positive transient to
sample index ch1 occur on channel 1 (Van or Vab).

Transient pos peak 144 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak positive transient to
sample index ch2 occur on channel 2 (Vbn or Vbc).

Transient pos peak 146 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak positive transient to
sample index ch3 occur on channel 3 (Vcn or Vca).

Transient neg peak 148 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak negative transient to
sample index ch1 occur on channel 1 (Van or Vab).

Transient neg peak 150 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak negative transient to
sample index ch2 occur on channel 2 (Vbn or Vbc).

Transient neg peak 152 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak negative transient to
sample index ch3 occur on channel 3 (Vcn or Vca).

Transient pos peak 154 2 (ushort) The peak positive transient value to occur on channel
sample value ch1 1 (Van or Vab). Multiply by (1800/255) to get Sec-
ondary value.

Transient pos peak 156 2 (ushort) The peak positive transient value to occur on channel
sample value ch2 2 (Vbn or Vbc). Multiply by (1800/255) to get Sec-
ondary value.

Transient pos peak 158 2 (ushort) The peak positive transient value to occur on channel
sample value ch3 3 (Vcn or Vca). Multiply by (1800/255) to get Sec-
ondary value.

Transient neg peak 160 2 (ushort) The peak negative transient value to occur on chan-
sample value ch1 nel 1 (Van or Vab). Multiply by (1800/255) to get
Secondary value.

Transient neg peak 162 2 (ushort) The peak negative transient value to occur on chan-
sample value ch2 nel 2 (Vbn or Vbc). Multiply by (1800/255) to get
Secondary value.

Transient neg peak 164 2 (ushort) The peak negative transient value to occur on chan-
sample value ch3 nel 3 (Vcn or Vca). Multiply by (1800/255) to get
Secondary value.

Transient pos peak 166 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak positive transient to occur on
sample duration ch1 channel 1 (Van or Vab). Multiply by 18.18 nanosec-
onds to get time.

Transient pos peak 168 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak positive transient to occur on
sample duration ch2 channel 2 (Vbn or Vbc). Multiply by 18.18 nanosec-
onds to get time.

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Fields Byte Size Description

Transient pos peak 170 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak positive transient to occur on
sample duration ch3 channel 3 (Vcn or Vca). Multiply by 18.18 nanosec-
onds to get time.

Transient neg peak 172 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak negative transient to occur on
sample duration ch1 channel 1 (Van or Vab). Multiply by 18.18 nanosec-
onds to get time.

Transient neg peak 174 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak negative transient to occur on
sample duration ch2 channel 2 (Vbn or Vbc). Multiply by 18.18 nanosec-
onds to get time.

Transient neg peak 176 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak negative transient to occur on
sample duration ch3 channel 3 (Vcn or Vca). Multiply by 18.18 nanosec-
onds to get time.

Waveform current 178 2 (bitmap) Bit flags which indicate if the Current RMS was below
RMS sag flags the waveform sag threshold during the period of the
RMS Block. See Table 3 (Waveform Current Bit Flags)
for bits.

Waveform current 180 2 (bitmap) Bit flags which indicate if the Current RMS was above
RMS swell flags the waveform swell threshold during the period of the
RMS Block. See Table 3 (Waveform Current Bit Flags)
for bits.

reserved 182 2

Waveform voltage 184 2 (bitmap) Bit flag which indicates if the state of the waveform
RMS sag transitions voltage sags have changed since the last RMS block,
where a bit of 1 indicates a transition has occurred.
See Table 1 (Waveform Voltage Bit Flags) for bits.

Waveform voltage 186 2 (bitmap) Bit flag which indicates if the state of the waveform
RMS swell transi- voltage swells have changed since the last RMS
tions block, where a bit of 1 indicates a transition has
occurred. See Table 1 (Waveform Voltage Bit Flags)
for bits.

Waveform current 188 2 (bitmap) Bit flag which indicates if the state of the waveform
RMS sag transitions current sags have changed since the last RMS block,
where a bit of 1 indicates a transition has occurred.
See Table 3 (Waveform Current Bit Flags) for bits.

Waveform current 190 2 (bitmap) Bit flag which indicates if the state of the waveform
RMS swell transi- current swells have changed since the last RMS
tions block, where a bit of 1 indicates a transition has
occurred. See Table 3 (Waveform Current Bit Flags)
for bits.

reserved 192 4

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• Waveform Setup Block:

Name Byte Size Description

Reference Frequency 0 4 (fraction 0.2 second updated frequency at the time of cap-
integer) ture, used as a reference for other calculations.

Meter Hookup 4 2 (ushort) Hookup Configuration, from Programmable Set-

tings. See Table 4 (Meter Hookup) for details.

Transient Type 6 2 (ushort) Transient Configuration.

bit 0: 0=enable, 1=disable
bit 1: 0=VPN, 1=VPP

Frequency Type 8 2 (ushort) The frequency mode the meter is configured for.
1: 60Hz
0: 50Hz

reserved 10 2

Physical Vae Cal Gain 12 2 (ushort) The gain value for Vae. Calibration value.

Physical Vbe Cal Gain 16 2 (ushort)


Physical Vce Cal Gain 20 2 (ushort)


Physical Vxe Cal Gain 24 2 (ushort)


Physical Vne Cal Gain 28 2 (ushort)


Physical Ia Cal Gain 32 2 (ushort)


Physical Ib Cal Gain 36 2 (ushort)


Physical Ic Cal Gain 40 2 (ushort)


Physical Ix Cal Gain 44 2 (ushort)


Physical Vae Cal Offset 48 2 (ushort) The offset value for Vae. Calibration Value.

Physical Vbe Cal Off- 50 2 (ushort)

set value

Physical Vce Cal Offset 52 2 (ushort)


Physical Vxe Cal Off- 54 2 (ushort)

set value

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Name Byte Size Description

Physical Vne Cal Off- 56 2 (ushort)

set value

Physical Ia Cal Offset 58 2 (ushort)


Physical Ib Cal Offset 60 2 (ushort)


Physical Ic Cal Offset 62 2 (ushort)


Physical Ix Cal Offset 64 2 (ushort)


reserved 66 2

Waveform Voltage 68 2 (bitmap) Indicates which for which voltage channels wave-
Enabled form sag/swell comparison is enabled on. See
Table 1 (Waveform Voltage Bit Flags) for details.

reserved 70 2

Waveform Current 72 2 (bitmap) Indicates which for which current channels wave-
Enabled form sag/swell comparison is enabled on. See
Table 3 (Waveform Current Bit Flags) for details.

reserved 74 2

Waveform Van RMS 76 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vbn RMS 80 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vcn RMS 84 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vab RMS 88 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vbc RMS 92 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vca RMS 96 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vxn RMS 100 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vne RMS 104 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vae RMS 108 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

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Name Byte Size Description

Waveform Vbe RMS 112 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vce RMS 116 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vxe RMS 120 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the sag thresh-
sag threshold integer) old.

Waveform Van RMS 124 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vbn RMS 128 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vcn RMS 132 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vab RMS 136 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vbc RMS 140 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vca RMS 144 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vxn RMS 148 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vne RMS 152 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vae RMS 156 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vbe RMS 160 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vce RMS 164 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Vxe RMS 168 4 (fraction Secondary voltage value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

reserved 172 48

Waveform Ia RMS sag 220 4 (fraction Secondary current value used as the sag thresh-
threshold integer) old.

Waveform Ib RMS sag 224 4 (fraction Secondary current value used as the sag thresh-
threshold integer) old.

Waveform Ic RMS sag 228 4 (fraction Secondary current value used as the sag thresh-
threshold integer) old.

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Name Byte Size Description

Waveform Ix RMS sag 232 4 (fraction Secondary current value used as the sag thresh-
threshold integer) old.

Waveform Ia RMS 236 4 (fraction Secondary current value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Ib RMS 240 4 (fraction Secondary current value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

Waveform Ic RMS swell 244 4 (fraction Secondary current value used as the swell thresh-
threshold integer) old.

Waveform Ix RMS 248 4 (fraction Secondary current value used as the swell thresh-
swell threshold integer) old.

reserved 252 16

Transient Channel 268 2 (bitmap) Bit flags which indicate which waveform channels
Enables are configured for transient capture. See Table 5
(Transient Channels).

reserved 270 2

Number of waveform 272 2 (ushort) Number of waveform channels configured for cap-
channels ture. Max 15. See Table 1 (Waveform Voltage Bit
Flags) and Waveform channels table for details.

Channel 1 ID 274 2 (ushort) The waveform channel being stored.

Channel 2 ID 276 2 (ushort)

Channel 3 ID 278 2 (ushort)

Channel 4 ID 280 2 (ushort)

Channel 5 ID 282 2 (ushort)

Channel 6 ID 284 2 (ushort)

Channel 7 ID 286 2 (ushort)

Channel 8 ID 288 2 (ushort)

Channel 9 ID 290 2 (ushort)

Channel 10 ID 292 2 (ushort)

Channel 11 ID 294 2 (ushort)

Channel 12 ID 296 2 (ushort)

Channel 13 ID 298 2 (ushort)

Channel 14 ID 300 2 (ushort)

Channel 15 ID 302 2 (ushort)

Waveform Sample 304 2 (ushort) The sample rate divider.


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Name Byte Size Description

0: full sample rate


2: 1/2 of full sample

rate (512)

4: (256)

8: (128)

16: (64)

32: (32)

64: 1/64 of full sam-

ple rate (16)

reserved 306 10

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• Firmware Info Block:

Fields Size Description

Reserved 20

Variation 0 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 1 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 2 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 3 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 4 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 5 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 6 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 7 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 8 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 9 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 10 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 11 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 12 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 13 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 14 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

Variation 15 16 (string) Variation string, using to identify features of the

current firmware.

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• Waveform Reference Tables:

Table 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Waveform Vxe Vce Vbe Vae Vne Vxn Vca Vbc Vab Vcn Vbn Van
Voltage Bit

Table 2 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Transient Vcn Vbn Van

Bit Flags

NOTE: When Transient is configured for Phase to Phase, Van becomes Vab, Vbn
becomes Vbc, and Vcn becomes Vca.

Table 3 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Waveform Ix Ic Ib Ia
Current Bit

Table 4 - Meter Hookup

Value Hookup

0 4 Wire WYE

1 3 Wire Delta 3 CT

2 3 Wire Delta 2 CT

3 4 Wire WYE 2.5 element

4 4 Wire Delta Ground

Table 5 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Transient Vca Vbc Vab Vcn Vbn Van


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• Samples Section:

Fields Byte Size Description

Section ID 0 16 (string) Tag id for the block, to ensure you've

parsed the record correctly. Must be

Sample 16 The sample blocks, rotating through the

Blocks channel list for each sample block time

• Sample Block:

Fields Byte Size Description

Sample 0 4 (uint) The time counter of this sample block.

Block Time Each sample block gets a sequentially
Counter increasing index, used to cross refer-
ence with the RMS Data Blocks that
describe it.

Reserved 4 12

Sample 0 16 2 (short) Each waveform sample is a signed 16bit

raw value. See p. 6-69 for information
on how to scale this value to secondary
and primary.

Sample 1 18 2 (short)

Sample N 16 + (N*2) 2 (short) The number of samples in a sample

block is determined from the waveform
details header.

• Waveform RMS Data Block Section:

Fields Byte Size Description

Section ID 0 16 (string) Tag id for the block, to ensure you've

parsed the record correctly. Must be

Waveform 16 The RMS blocks.

RMS Data

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• Waveform RMS Data Block:

Fields Byte Size Description

Sample 0 4 (uint) The time counter of this RMS block.

Block Time This is used to determine which sam-
Counter ple block this RMS block describes.
Note that this time counter is for the
LAST sample block: It may also
describe sample blocks before that (up
to the previous RMS block).

Block Time 4 10 (nexus_µs_time) The time of the end of this RMS block.
tamp See earlier instructions for determining
the exact time of the RMS block.

Reserved 14 2

RMS Data 16 196 (RMS data Contains information on the waveform

Block block) states and RMS values during this

• Waveform Channels:

The following channels can be used for waveform capture:

Channel Name ID Scale Factor

Volts AN 0 Logical Voltage

Volts BN 1 Logical Voltage

Volts CN 2 Logical Voltage

Volts AB 3 Logical Voltage

Volts BC 4 Logical Voltage

Volts CA 5 Logical Voltage

Volts XN 6 Logical Voltage

Volts Residual 7 Logical Voltage Residual

Current Residual 8 Logical Current Residual

Volts AE 32 Physical Voltage

Volts BE 33 Physical Voltage

Volts CE 34 Physical Voltage

Volts XE 35 Physical Voltage

Volts NE 36 Physical Voltage

Current A 37 Physical Current

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Channel Name ID Scale Factor

Current B 38 Physical Current

Current C 39 Physical Current

Current X 40 Physical Current

Waveform Transient 0 77 Waveform Combine

Waveform Transient 1 78 Waveform Combine

Waveform Transient 2 79 Waveform Combine

High Speed Inputs 80 N/A

• Samples:

To parse the waveform samples:

a. You must first extract the samples section of the record. The size of the
section can be determined by:

Bytes_per_block = (512 / sample_reduction_factor) + 16

Num_blocks = Num_channels * num_blocks_per_channel

Size = (num_blocks * (bytes_per_block)) + 16

b. Next, break up each of the sample blocks using the bytes per block.

c. Finally, assign the blocks to each channel sequentially, rotating through the
channels, as shown below.

WaveformSampleBlock sample_block;

//channel samples is a sequential list of samples for a channel

ChannelSamples[] channels;

int channel_index = 0;

//iterate over all the sample blocks

for(int i=0; i<num_blocks; i++)

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copy bytes_per_block to sample_block

//add the samples to the channel


//rotate the channel index

channel_index = (channel_index + 1) % num_channels;

• For example, if there are 3 channels, the sample blocks would be

arranged in the record as:








• If two captures are contiguous, the samples can be combined to form a

single waveform. This will occur when “multiple records per capture” is
selected in the programmable settings, or if a trigger occurs while a
waveform is already being captured. The time counters for the last
sample block of the first capture, and the first sample block of the sec-
ond, should be sequential. If they are not, then the captures are not con-
tinuous, and the samples lists cannot be combined.

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d. Now, you have all the sequential samples for each channel. However, these
samples are raw counts. They still need to be converted to secondary. For
the voltage and current channels, this is done by multiplying the raw value
by the associated scale factors for that channel. The scale factors are:

Factor Name Scalar

Logical Voltage 0.098401062

Logical Voltage 0.196802124


Physical Voltage 0.049200531

Logical Current 0.012363048

Residual 20A

Logical Current 0.001960812

Residual 2A

Physical Current 20A 0.003090762

Physical Current 2A 0.000495203

Peak Transient 14.0625

Waveform Combine 0.098401062

e. Finally, you multiply by the CT/PT ratio to get primary. So, for example, if
you are dealing with the Volts AN channel (which uses the Logical Voltage
scalar), and have a PT ratio of 1440/120, you get the following results:

Raw Secondary Primary

407 40.04923 4805.908

1018 100.1723 12020.67

1487 146.3224 17558.69

1749 172.1035 20652.41

1693 166.593 19991.16

1361 133.9238 16070.86

851 83.7393 10048.72

215 21.15623 2538.747

-453 -44.57568 -5349.082

-1052 -103.5179 -12422.15

-1468 -144.4528 -17334.33

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Raw Secondary Primary

-1654 -162.7554 -19530.64

-1623 -159.7049 -19164.59

-1382 -135.9903 -16318.83

-888 -87.38014 -10485.62

-253 -24.89547 -2987.456

NOTE: The above information only applies to voltage and current. The high
speed inputs (channel 80) are stored as a bitmap of the 8 inputs, where a bit
value of 1 indicates open, and a bit value of 0 indicates closed. Bit 0 is input
1, bit 1 is input 2, and so on. So, for example:

Raw Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Input 5 Input 6 Input 7 Input 8

0x7F Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed

0xBF Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed Open

0xDF Open Open Open Open Open Closed Open Open

0xEF Open Open Open Open Closed Open Open Open

0xF7 Open Open Open Closed Open Open Open Open

0xFB Open Open Closed Open Open Open Open Open

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• Understanding the Data:

• Computing RMS Block Time stamps:

a. The time stamp of the RMS blocks is the end of the sample block during
which it occurs. Since the RMS block may be completed during the middle
of a sample block, this time may not be the exact time of the RMS block.
To compute the block's actual time, adjust the times tamp by the sample
offset from the end of the block * the time per sample. Time per sample is
always (1000ms / (60 * 1024)). For example:

Block Time stamp: 2012/04/13 17:42:16.3044

Ref Sample Index: 218

Time Per Sample: (1000ms / (60*1024)) = apx 0.016276ms

True End of Block Time: Block Time - ((256-218) * 0.016276)


2012/04/13 17:42:16.30378

b. You can then use the same method to determine the start time of the RMS
block. This is how the time of the first sample in the capture is determined.
All you do is subtract the time for 256 samples from the time of the RMS
block. Using the above block as an example:

Beginning of Block Time: Block Time - (256 * 0.016276)


2012/04/13 17:42:16.30023

• Trigger Causes

• Waveform captures can be triggered off of multiple causes. When these causes
happen in the same RMS block time, only one capture will be taken, but the RMS
trigger block details indicate all of the causes.

• When a trigger happens while another capture is currently being performed, (but
after the initial triggering cycle), a second capture will be initiated after the first

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capture has finished. This capture will be considered 'contiguous', and the
samples and RMS blocks between the two captures should be continuous. Addi-
tionally, the trigger in the second capture will refer to the first capture. This is
done to ensure that the configured post-cycle's (in the programmable settings)
are always captured.

• Sag/Swell

• Sags and swells can be determined by comparing the current states and transi-
tions in the triggering RMS block. If the transitions flags indicate that a change
has occurred (set to 1), then the current state will tell you what kind of transi-
tion occurred. For example (assuming looking at the voltage swells):

Current Transition
States s

0x0005 0x0001 Volts AN Swell

0xFFFE 0x0005 Volts CN Swell, Volts AN

Return to Normal

• While multiple captures, or just the states in the RMS blocks, could be analyzed
for information about overall events, this information is duplicated in the PQ
logs, and will be described there.

• High Speed Input Trigger

• Similar to the sags/swells, input triggers can be determined by comparing the

High Speed Input current states and transitions in the triggering RMS block. If
the transitions flags indicate that a change has occurred (set to 1), then the
current state will tell you what kind of transition occurred.

• Manual Trigger: Waveform captures which have been manually triggered can be
detected by looking at the Manual Triggered flag in the record header. If this is
set, then the capture was due to a manual trigger, and the other causes can be

• Trigger Time: Waveform captures are triggered by the RMS block which detects a
change in condition. As such, the time of the trigger is considered to be the
time of the triggering RMS block.

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• Waveform Start Time

Most of the time stamps in the waveform capture are based on the RMS block
times. However, a capture may have multiple sample blocks before the first RMS
block. To determine the exact time of the first sample (the start of the waveform),
determine the number of samples before the first RMS block, and multiply that by
the time per sample. For example:

First Sample Block TTC: 5105

First RMS Block TTC: 5106

First RMS Block Time: 2012/04/13 17:42:16.3044

Time Per Sample: (1000ms / (60*1024)) = apx 0.016276ms

Samples to Offset: 256 * (First_RMS_Block - First_Sample_Block) + 1

256 * (5106 - 5105 + 1) = 512

Time of first sample:First RMS Block Time - (Samples to offset * time per sample)

2012/04/13 17:42:16.3044 - (512 * 0.016276)

2012/04/13 17:42:16.29607

NOTE: We offset by two sample blocks, because the first sample block was not the
same as the first RMS block. Also, as the TTC (Time Counter) can roll over, keep
that in mind when computing the samples to offset - the first sample block time
counter may be greater than the RMS block time counter in this case.

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
6: LDA and Downloading Logs PQ Log
The PQ Log records in response to surges and sags of configured waveform channels,
transient events, and digital input events. The information it provides allows the
calculation of duration and magnitude of the surges and sags, as well as information
for locating the start and end of the event in waveform and transient captures.

NOTE: Different versions of the waveform record have different formats. The version
field of the header should always be checked before parsing the rest of the record.

• Record Format:

The PQ record is composed of two sections: 1. a details header, and 2. the RMS
block from the cycle of the PQ event. The details header contains a version field, to
determine the format of the header. Version 4 of the PQ record is documented here,
and is 572 bytes in size.

• Details Header

Fields Size Description

Record Index 4 (uint) The internal index of the record.

Contiguous 1 (Boolean) Indicates if the record is possible to be contigu-

ous with the previous record. Non-contiguous
records indicate that some state changes may
have been missed. The primary reason non-
contiguous records is a meter restart.

0 Contiguous

1 Not Contiguous

Reserved 5

Record Format 2 (ushort) The record format version. The format docu-
Version mented here is v4.

Sample Block 4 (ushort) The time counter of the RMS Block in which this
Time Counter PQ event occurred. Used to synchronize
between waveform captures and the PQ event.

Event Time 10 (nexus_µs_time) The time stamp of the end of the RMS block
stamp which contained this PQ event.

Reserved 2

RMS Data Block 196 (RMS data block) Contains information on the waveform states at
the time of the PQ event.

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Fields Size Description

Digital Input 2 (bitmap) The digital inputs which have been configured in
Mask the programmable settings to trigger PQ events.

Usr Voltage Flags 2 (bitmap) The list of voltage channels which have been
configured in the programmable settings to trig-
ger PQ events according to the Usr rules.

Usr Current Flags 2 (bitmap) The list of current channels which have been
configured in the programmable settings to trig-
ger waveform captures according to the Usr

Waveform Setup 316 (Waveform Setup Describes how the waveform triggers and
Info Block) captures were configured, as well as providing
information about the meter.

• Understanding the Data

• PQ Event Time Stamp

•Trigger Cause: all triggers which occur during a single RMS block (apx. 4.1
ms) will be combined into a single PQ record. To determine which events
triggered the record, each of the conditions should be tested.

• Waveform Sag/Swell Event: waveform sag/swell events can be deter-

mined by comparing the current state and transitions for the sags and
swells, across multiple PQ events. To determine information about the
overall Sag/Swell event, you have to analyze the sequence of PQ records.

- To determine the pair of records which match for an event, defined as

the sag/swell condition going out of limit, then coming back in, start
with a record that indicates that the condition in question is going out.
This is a record in which the sag or swell transition state is 1, and the
current state is 1 for that channel.

- To find the matching event end record, search forward in time in the
records until a record is found where the delta state for the condition
is 1, and the current state is 0.
NOTE: You need to check the contiguous flag in the header: if any
record is found to be non-contiguous, then the state changes may be
logged, and any end record found may not match the original record.

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• High Speed Input Event: input triggered events can be determined by

comparing the high speed input current states and the transitions for the
PQ event. If the transitions flags indicate that a change has occurred (set
to 1), then the current state will tell you what kind of transition occurred.
If the duration that a high speed input is in a specific state is required,
follow the instructions for sag/swell events.

• Transient Event: transient triggered events can be determined by check-

ing the transient positive and negative over-range flags. If the flag indi-
cates that a transient has occurred on that channel (set to 1), then a
transient event occurred during the RMS block this PQ record covers.

• Event Duration

The duration for an event requires first determining the start and end record for
that event. Then, simply subtract the time stamp of the start record from the
end record’s time stamp. For example:

Start Record Time: 2012/04/13 17:42:16.3044

End Record Time: 2012/04/13 17:42:17.8242

Duration: 1.5198 seconds

NOTE: This only applies to sag/swell events, and paired high speed input
events. As transients never span more than one RMS block, duration of tran-
sient events is determined by the recorded duration value (see Transient Log
section on the next page).

• Linking to a Waveform

To link a PQ event to the waveform capture of the same event, compare the
sample block time counter for the PQ event to trigger sample block time count-
ers of the waveform captures. The matching time counter is the matching

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
6: LDA and Downloading Logs Transient Log

• The Transient log takes a record when the raw voltage inputs exceed the configured
transient limits. The record combines a PQ record of the transient event, and the
waveform samples around the event.

• Because the duration of a transient may be shorter than the sampling interval on
the input (and thus not influence the actual value), the samples stored in the wave-
form data are replaced with the peak transient values.

• While multiple transients may be detected during an RMS block, only the informa-
tion about the peak positive and peak negative transients are stored.


• Different versions of the waveform record have different formats. The version field
of the header should always be checked before parsing the rest of the record.

• When transients are enabled, the channels assigned to the waveform must be the
transient equivalent channels. These channels replace the samples with the peak
transient exception values (when they occur). The important thing to note about
this is that both waveform captures and transient captures use the same channels,
so all waveform captures with transients enabled will contain these sample replace-

• Transients are triggered by comparing each value in the input against the config-
ured threshold. This value should be configured high enough so as not to clip the
top of the standard waveform samples.

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• Record Format:

The Transient Record is composed of three sections: 1. the details header, 2. the
waveform samples around the event, and 3. the details of the transient event.

Fields Byte Size Description

Record Index 0 4 (uint) The internal index of the record.

Reserved 4 6

Record Format Version 10 2 (ushort) The record format version.

Sample Block Time 12 4 (uint) The time counter of the RMS Block in
Counter which this Transient event occurred.
Used to synchronize between the
samples and the RMS block.

Event Time stamp 16 10 (nexus_µs_time) The time stamp of the end of the
RMS block which contains this Tran-
sient Event.

Reserved 26 2

Event RMS Block 28 196 (RMS data block) Contains information on the wave-
form and transient states at the time
of the event.

Digital Input Mask 224 2 (bitmap) The digital inputs which have been
configured in programmable settings
to trigger waveform events.

Reserved 226 30

Waveform Sample 256 516 (waveform The waveform samples around the
Block 0 sample block) time of the transient event. 6 sample
blocks are always captured, at a
sampling rate of 1024 samples per
cycle, which means each sample
block has 256 samples. This is
approximately 1.5 cycles at a nomi-
nal 60hz.
NOTE: The samples for the transient
events will be replaced with the peak
exception value.

Waveform Sample 772 516 (waveform

Block 1 sample block)

Waveform Sample 1288 516 (waveform

Block 2 sample block)

Waveform Sample 1804 516 (waveform

Block 3 sample block)

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Fields Byte Size Description

Waveform Sample 2320 516 (waveform

Block 4 sample block)

Waveform Sample 2836 516 (waveform

Block 5 sample block)

Transient Details Block 3352 64 (transient details The transient details for each of the
0 block) sample blocks captured. By compar-
ing the time counter of these blocks
against the event's time counter, you
can determine which block triggered
the event.

Transient Details Block 3416 64 (transient details

1 block)

Transient Details Block 3480 64 (transient details

2 block)

Transient Details Block 3544 64 (transient details

3 block)

Transient Details Block 3608 64 (transient details

4 block)

Transient Details Block 3672 64 (transient details

5 block)

Sample Block Time 0 4 (uint) The time counter of this transient

Counter block. This is used to determine
which sample block this transient
block describes.

Block Timestamp 4 10 (nexus_µs_time) The tie of the end of this transient


Reserved 14 2

Reserved 16 6

Transient pos over- 22 2 (bitmap) Indicates a positive transient which

range flags exceeded the configured threshold
occurred. See Table 2 (Transient Bit
Flags) for bits.

Transient neg over- 24 2 (bitmap) Indicates a negative transient which

range flags exceeded the configured threshold
occurred. See Table 2 (Transient Bit
Flags) for bits.

Transient pos peak 26 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak posi-
sample index ch1 tive transient to occur on channel 1
(Van or Vab).

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Fields Byte Size Description

Transient pos peak 28 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak posi-
sample index ch2 tive transient to occur on channel 2
(Vbn or Vbc).

Transient pos peak 30 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak posi-
sample index ch3 tive transient to occur on channel 3
(Vcn or Vca).

Transient neg peak 32 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak nega-
sample index ch1 tive transient to occur on channel 1
(Van or Vab).

Transient neg peak 34 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak nega-
sample index ch2 tive transient to occur on channel 2
(Vbn or Vbc).

Transient neg peak 36 2 (ushort) The sample index of the peak nega-
sample index ch3 tive transient to occur on channel 3
(Vcn or Vca).

Transient pos peak 38 2 (ushort) The peak positive transient value to

sample value ch1 occur on channel 1 (Van or Vab).
Multiply by (1800/255) to get Sec-
ondary value.

Transient pos peak 40 2 (ushort) The peak positive transient value to

sample value ch2 occur on channel 2 (Vbn or Vbc).
Multiply by (1800/255) to get Sec-
ondary value.

Transient pos peak 42 2 (ushort) The peak positive transient value to

sample value ch3 occur on channel 3 (Vcn or Vca).
Multiply by (1800/255) to get Sec-
ondary value.

Transient neg peak 44 2 (ushort) The peak negative transient value to

sample value ch1 occur on channel 1 (Van or Vab).
Multiply by (1800/255) to get Sec-
ondary value.

Transient neg peak 46 2 (ushort) The peak negative transient value to

sample value ch2 occur on channel 2 (Vbn or Vbc).
Multiply by (1800/255) to get Sec-
ondary value.

Transient neg peak 48 2 (ushort) The peak negative transient value to

sample value ch3 occur on channel 3 (Vcn or Vca).
Multiply by (1800/255) to get Sec-
ondary value.

Transient pos peak 50 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak positive tran-

sample duration ch1 sient to occur on channel 1 (Van or
Vab). Multiply by 20.09 nanoseconds
to get time.

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Fields Byte Size Description

Transient pos peak 52 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak positive tran-

sample duration ch2 sient to occur on channel 2 (Vbn or
Vbc). Multiply by 20.09 nanoseconds
to get time.

Transient pos peak 54 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak positive tran-

sample duration ch3 sient to occur on channel 3 (Vcn or
Vca). Multiply by 20.09 nanoseconds
to get time.

Transient neg peak 56 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak negative tran-

sample duration ch1 sient to occur on channel 1 (Van or
Vab). Multiply by 20.09 nanoseconds
to get time.

Transient neg peak 58 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak negative tran-

sample duration ch2 sient to occur on channel 2 (Vbn or
Vbc). Multiply by 20.09 nanoseconds
to get time.

Transient neg peak 60 2 (ushort) Duration of the peak negative tran-

sample duration ch3 sient to occur on channel 3 (Vcn or
Vca). Multiply by 20.09 nanoseconds
to get time.

Reserved 62 2

• Samples:

Sample parsing is done the same as waveform record sample parsing. The major
differences are that there are no contiguous captures, the sample rate is fixed at
1024 samples per cycle, and there are always 6 blocks.

NOTE: To see the transients in the waveform samples, the waveform channel ids
need to be set to the transient channel id's. These samples have a much larger
range than the standard waveform samples, which results in lower resolution in the
waveform. However, each sample in which a transient occurred will be replaced with
the peak (abs max of the positive and negative values) transient value.

• Understanding the Data:

• Trigger Cause:
• Multiple transients that exceed the transient threshold for that channel
may be detected during a single RMS block, but only the peak positive
and peak negative sample are recorded. Peak positive is defined as the

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max value; peak negative is defined as the min value.

NOTE: That means that this does not necessarily follow the wave-shape
of the input. A positive peak may occur during the waveform trough, and
a negative peak may occur during the waveform crest.

• The cause of the transient event can be determined by looking at the

over-range flags for the triggering RMS block. There may be multiple

NOTE: Only one transient capture may occur every 200ms, so it is worth look-
ing at the 6 transient details blocks to detect rapidly occurring transient events
(apx 25 ms).

• Peak Transient Time:

The time of each specific transient can be determined by modifying the RMS
block time stamp (the event time stamp for the trigger) by the sample index of
the transient. For example:

Event Time: 2012/04/13 17:42:16.3044

Transient Event: Volts AN Positive Peak

Sample Index: 73

Transient Time: time - (256-73)* 0.016276ms

2012/04/13 17:42:16.30142

• Transient Duration:

The duration of a specific transient can be determined by multiplying the dura-

tion value of the transient by the transient tick time (18.18 nanoseconds). For

Transient Tick Time: 18.18 nanoseconds

Transient Duration Value: 5

Transient Duration: 90.9 nanoseconds

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NOTE: A transient's duration is limited to one sample's time (apx 16 µs). Any
transient which exceeds this is considered to be “multiple transients.”

• Transient Value:

The secondary value of a specific transient can be determined by multiplying the

peak value of the transient by the Peak Transient scalar factor (See page 6-69
for a Table of scaling factors).

Transient Scalar Factor: 14.0625

Transient Peak Value: 53

Transient Secondary Value: 745.3125 volts EN 50160

• The Nexus® 1500+ meter's EN50160 implementation is based on the official EN

50160-2010 specification, with exceptions where the following items are not

• Transient over-voltages between live conductors and earth

• Interharmonic voltage

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• EN50160 Reporting Items: Summary of EN50160-2010:

EN50160 Spec Ref

Item # Name

1 Power Frequency, sync x.1

1 Power Frequency, no sync x.1

2 Magnitude of supply voltage x.2

3 Supply Voltage Variations x.3.x

4 Single rapid voltage change(Low Voltage supply)/Magnitude x.4.1

of rapid voltage Changes (Medium Voltage supply)

5 Flicker x.4.2

6 Supply Voltage Dips x.5

7 Short Interruption of Supply Voltage x.6

8 Long Interruption of Supply Voltage x.7

9 Temporary power frequency over-voltages between live con- x.8

ductors and earth

10* Transient over-voltages between live conductors and earth x.9

11 Supply voltage unbalance x.10

12 Harmonic voltage x.11

13* Interharmonic voltage x.12

14 Mains signaling voltage on the supply voltage x.13

* Not supported by the Nexus® 1500+ meter

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• Archived Week/Year Data in XML Format:

Each XML contains the report data for current week, past weekly and yearly:

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

EN50160_REPORT XML file start and <EN50160_ REPORT >, </

end tags EN50160_ REPORT >

Dev_Info Name User assigned <Dev_Info Name="Meter_1"

meter name Type="Nexus 1500" Serial_Num-
ber="1234567890 Run-
time=0001.0002" />

Type Factory defined

device names:
Nexus 1500+
or user defined
device names

Serial_Number Device serial


Runtime Device runtime

firmware version, 4
digit version
(major) and 4 digit
build (minor)

HookUp Wye,
Delta 3 CTs,
Delta 2 CTs,
2.5 Element
4 Wire Delta
45S: Wye, 2 CTs

Frequency 50Hz or 60Hz

Supply_Type Low Voltage or

Medium Voltage

Profile_Date- Last modified date/ YYYY-MM-SS HH:MM:SS

Time time in device pro-

Profile_Key Device profile

check sum

Voltage_- Phase to neutral

Full_Scale_PN full scale, shown in

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Voltage_- Phase to phase full

Full_Scale_PP scale, shown in pri-

Nominal_Volt- User set value,

age shown in secondary

Mains_Signal- User set threshold


Over_Volt- User set threshold


Over_Volt- User set threshold


Over_Volt- User set threshold


Allowed_Long_ User set value


Rapid_Volt- 1 cycle updated

age_Change_- RMS
Data_Source 10/12 cycles
updated RMS

Unbalance_Up- 2%
per_Limit 3%

Volt- User set threshold


Volt- User set threshold


Volt- User set threshold


Synchronous_- Yes or No

Allowed_Rapid User set allowed

_Volt- Rapid Voltage
age_Chang- Changes per day in
es_In_Day device profile

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Allowed_Rapid User set allowed

_Volt- Rapid Voltage
age_Chang- Changes per day in
es_In_Week device profile * 7

Allowed_Rapid User set allowed

_Volt- Rapid Voltage
age_Chang- Changes per day in
es_In_Year device profile *
[number of days in
the year of the
report start date/

Data_Info Version File format ver-

sion, single number

Type Available types

Current Week
Current Year

Start Report start date/ "Thu, 27 May 2010 12:00:39 -

time, local time, 24 0400
hour, time zone.
Day of week,
"Sun", "Mon",
"Tue", "Wed",
"Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
Month, "Jan",
"Feb", "Mar", "Apr",
"May", "Jun", "Jul",
"Aug", "Sep",
"Oct", "Nov", "Dec

End Report end date/ "Thu, 27 May 2010 12:00:39 -

time, local time, 24 0400
hour, time zone.
Day of week,
"Sun", "Mon",
"Tue", "Wed",
"Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
Month, "Jan",
"Feb", "Mar", "Apr",
"May", "Jun", "Jul",
"Aug", "Sep",
"Oct", "Nov", "Dec

FDOW First day of week.

"Sun" or "Mon".

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Start_V1 Report start date/ YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

time, short format

End_V1 Report end date/ YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

time, short format

Report_Message Code Operation status in 0x80000000

HEX format.

Settings Valid or Invalid.

Based on opera-
tion status bit 12.

Messages Any messages the

meter provides
regarding this
report, such as
warning messages.

Invalid_Set- Invalid setting code

ting_Code in HEX format.

Report_Status Sec_x1 NA, Pass or Fail,

Power Frequency

Sec_x2 NA, Magnitude of

supply voltage

Sec_x3 NA, Pass or Fail,

Supply Voltage

Sec_x4_1 NA, Pass, Fail, or

Concern, rapid
voltage changes

Sec_x4_2 NA, Pass or Fail,


Sec_x5 NA, Pass or Fail,

Supply Voltage

Sec_x6 NA, Pass or Fail,

Short Interruption
of Supply Voltage

Sec_x7 NA, Pass or Fail,

Long Interruption
of Supply Voltage

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Sec_x8 NA, Pass or Fail,

Temporary power
frequency over-
voltages between
live conductors and

Sec_x9 NA, Transient over-

voltages between
live conductors and

Sec_x10 NA, Pass or Fail,

Supply voltage

Sec_x11 NA, Pass or Fail,

Harmonic Voltage

Sec_x12 NA, Interharmonic


Sec_x13 NA, Pass or Fail,

Mains signaling
voltage on the
supply voltage

Total_Count Rapid_Voltage Rapid Voltage 4

Change Count

Mains_Fre- Mains Frequency 1

quency Count

Ten_min_Mean 10 Minute Mean 3

RMS Count

Flicker_PLTs Flicker PLT Count 5

Unbalance Voltage unbalance 11


THDs THD/Harmonic 12

Mains_Signal- Mains signaling 14

ing voltage count

Ten_sec_Mean_- Bin0 10Sec mean Freq 1 <10sec_Mean_Freq Bin0="0"

Freq Bin 0, Bin1="1" Bin2="2" Bin3="3"
f<42.5(51.0), 15% Bin4="4" Bin5="5" Bin6="6"
Bin7="7" Bin8="8" Bin9="9"
Bin10="10" />

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin1 10Sec mean Freq 1

Bin 1,
(56.4), 15%-6%

Bin2 10Sec mean Freq 1

Bin 2,
8.8), 6%-2%

Bin3 10Sec mean Freq 1

Bin 3,
(59.4), 2%-1%

Bin4 10Sec mean Freq 1

Bin 4,
(60), 1%-0%

Bin5 10Sec mean Freq 1

Bin 5,
0.6), 0%-1%

Bin6 10Sec mean Freq 1

Bin 6,
(61.2), 1%-2%

Bin7 10Sec mean Freq 1

Bin 7,
2.4), 2%-6%

Bin8 10Sec mean Freq 1

Bin 8,
5(69), 6%-15%

Bin9 10Sec mean Freq 1

Bin 9, 57.5(69)<f,

Ten_min_Mean_V Bin0 10min mean Van/ 3

a_RMS ab RMS Bin 0,

Bin1 10min mean Van/ 3

ab RMS Bin 1,

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin2 10min mean Van/ 3

ab RMS Bin 2,

Bin3 10min mean Van/ 3

ab RMS Bin 3,

Bin4 10min mean Van/ 3

ab RMS Bin 4,

Ten_min_Mean_V Bin0 10min mean Vbn/ 3

b_RMS bc RMS Bin 0,

Bin1 10min mean Vbn/ 3

bc RMS Bin 1,

Bin2 10min mean Vbn/ 3

bc RMS Bin 2,

Bin3 10min mean Vbn/ 3

bc RMS Bin 3,

Bin4 10min mean Vbn/ 3

bc RMS Bin 4,

Ten_min_Mean_V Bin0 10min mean Vcn/ 3

c_RMS ca RMS Bin 0,

Bin1 10min mean Vcn/ 3

ca RMS Bin 1,

Bin2 10min mean Vcn/ 3

ca RMS Bin 2,

Bin3 10min mean Vcn/ 3

ca RMS Bin 3,

Bin4 10min mean Vcn/ 3

ca RMS Bin 4,

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Rapid_Voltage_Va Bin0 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Van/ab Bin
0, V<-10%

Bin1 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Van/ab Bin
1, -10%<=V<-5%

Bin2 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Van/ab Bin
2, -5%<=V<0%

Bin3 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Van/ab Bin
3, 0%<=V<+5%

Bin4 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Van/ab Bin

Bin5 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Van/ab Bin
5, +10%<V

Rapid_Voltage_Vb Bin0 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vbn/bc Bin
0, V<-10%

Bin1 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vbn/bc Bin
1, -10%<=V<-5%

Bin2 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vbn/bc Bin
2, -5%<=V<0%

Bin3 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vbn/bc Bin
3, 0%<=V<+5%

Bin4 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vbn/bc Bin

Bin5 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vbn/bc Bin
5, +10%<V

Rapid_Voltage_Vc Bin0 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vcn/ca Bin
0, V<-10%

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin1 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vcn/ca Bin
1, -10%<=V<-5%

Bin2 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vcn/ca Bin
2, -5%<=V<0%

Bin3 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vcn/ca Bin
3, 0%<=V<+5%

Bin4 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vcn/ca Bin

Bin5 Rapid Voltage 4

Change Vcn/ca Bin
5, +10%<V

PLT_Va Bin0 PLT Van/ab Bin 0, 5


Bin1 PLT Van/ab Bin 1, 5


PLT_Vb Bin0 PLT Vbn/bc Bin 0, 5


Bin1 PLT Vbn/bc Bin 1, 5


PLT_Vc Bin0 PLT Vcn/ca Bin 0, 5


Bin1 PLT Vcn/ca Bin 1, 5


Ten_min_Avg_Va_ H2 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

Harm 2nd Harm bin,

H3 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

3nd Harm bin,

H4 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

4th Harm bin,

H5 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

5th Harm bin,

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

H6 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

6th Harm bin,

H7 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

7th Harm bin,

H8 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

8th Harm bin,

H9 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

9th Harm bin,

H10 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

10th Harm bin,

H11 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

11th Harm bin,

H12 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

12th Harm bin,

H13 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

13th Harm bin,

H14 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

14th Harm bin,

H15 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

15th Harm bin,

H16 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

16th Harm bin,

H17 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

17th Harm bin,

H18 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

18th Harm bin,

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

H19 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

19th Harm bin,

H20 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

20th Harm bin,

H21 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

21st Harm bin,

H22 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

22nd Harm bin,

H23 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

23rd Harm bin,

H24 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

24th Harm bin,

H25 10 min Ave Van/ab 12

25th Harm bin,

Ten_min_Avg_Vb_ H2 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

Harm 2nd Harm bin,

H3 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

3nd Harm bin,

H4 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

4th Harm bin,

H5 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

5th Harm bin,

H6 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

6th Harm bin,

H7 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

7th Harm bin,

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

H8 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

8th Harm bin,

H9 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

9th Harm bin,

H10 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

10th Harm bin,

H11 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

11th Harm bin,

H12 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

12th Harm bin,

H13 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

13th Harm bin,

H14 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

14th Harm bin,

H15 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

15th Harm bin,

H16 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

16th Harm bin,

H17 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

17th Harm bin,

H18 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

18th Harm bin,

H19 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

19th Harm bin,

H20 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

20th Harm bin,

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

H21 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

21st Harm bin,

H22 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

22nd Harm bin,

H23 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

23rd Harm bin,

H24 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

24th Harm bin,

H25 10 min Ave Vbn/bc 12

25th Harm bin,

Ten_min_Avg_Vc_ H2 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

Harm 2nd Harm bin,

H3 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

3nd Harm bin,

H4 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

4th Harm bin,

H5 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

5th Harm bin,

H6 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

6th Harm bin,

H7 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

7th Harm bin,

H8 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

8th Harm bin,

H9 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

9th Harm bin,

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

H10 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

10th Harm bin,

H11 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

11th Harm bin,

H12 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

12th Harm bin,

H13 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

13th Harm bin,

H14 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

14th Harm bin,

H15 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

15th Harm bin,

H16 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

16th Harm bin,

H17 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

17th Harm bin,

H18 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

18th Harm bin,

H19 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

19th Harm bin,

H20 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

20th Harm bin,

H21 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

21st Harm bin,

H22 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

22nd Harm bin,

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

H23 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

23rd Harm bin,

H24 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

24th Harm bin,

H25 10 min Ave Vcn/ca 12

25th Harm bin,

Ten_min_Mean_T Va 10min mean Van/ 12

HDs_Above ab THD > 8%

Vb 10min mean Vbn/ 12

bc THD > 8%

Vc 10min mean Vcn/ 12

ca THD > 8%

Freq_Sync Bin0 Freq Bin 0, sync, - 1


Bin1 Freq Bin 1, sync, - 1


Bin0_pct Bin 0, % of total 1


Bin1_pct Bin 1, % of total 1


Freq_NoSync Bin0 Freq Bin 2, no 1

sync, -

Bin1 Freq Bin 3, no 1

sync, -

Bin0_pct Bin 0, % of total 1


Bin1_pct Bin 1, % of total 1


Rapid_Volt- Va Rapid Voltage 4

age_5pct Change +/-5%
Van/ab Bin 0

Vb Rapid Voltage 4
Change +/-5%
Vbn/bc Bin 1

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Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Vc Rapid Voltage 4
Change +/-5%
Vcn/ca Bin 2

Rapid_Volt- Va Rapid Voltage 4

age_10pct Change between
+/-5% and +/-
10% Van/ab Bin 0

Vb Rapid Voltage 4
Change between
+/-5% and +/-
10% Vbn/bc Bin 1

Vc Rapid Voltage 4
Change between
+/-5% and +/-
10% Vcn/ca Bin 2

Voltage_Varia- Va Supply Voltage 3

tions_10pct Variations (10min
mean) +/-10%
Van/ab Bin 0

Vb Supply Voltage 3
Variations (10min
mean) +/-10%
Vbn/bc Bin 1

Vc Supply Voltage 3
Variations (10min
mean) +/-10%
Vcn/ca Bin 2

Va_pct % of total count 3

Vb_pct % of total count 3

Vc_pct % of total count 3

Voltage_Varia- Va Supply Voltage 3

tions_15_10pct Variations (10min
mean) -15%/+10/
% Van/ab Bin 0

Vb Supply Voltage 3
Variations (10min
mean) -15%/+10/
% Vbn/bc Bin 1

Vc Supply Voltage 3
Variations (10min
mean) -15%/+10/
% Vcn/ca Bin 2

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Va_pct % of total count 3

Vb_pct % of total count 3

Vc_pct % of total count 3

Rapid_Volt- Va Rapid Voltage 4

age_4pct Change +/-4%
Van/ab Bin 0

Vb Rapid Voltage 4
Change +/-4%
Vbn/bc Bin 1

Vc Rapid Voltage 4
Change +/-4%
Vcn/ca Bin 2

Rapid_Volt- Va Rapid Voltage 4

age_6pct Change between
+/-4% and +/-6%
Van/ab Bin 0

Vb Rapid Voltage 4
Change between
+/-4% and +/-6%
Vbn/bc Bin 1

Vc Rapid Voltage 4
Change between
+/-4% and +/-6%
Vcn/ca Bin 2

Supply_Volt- Bin0 Supply voltage 11

age_Unbalance unbalance, bin 0,

Bin1 Supply voltage 11

unbalance, bin 1,

Bin2 Supply voltage 11

unbalance, bin 2,

Mains_Signaling Va_Below 3sec mains signal- 14

ing voltage, Van/
Vab, bin 0,

Va_Above 3sec mains signal- 14

ing voltage, Van/
Vab, bin 1,

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Vb_Below 3sec mains signal- 14

ing voltage, Vbn/
Vbc, bin 0,

Vb_Above 3sec mains signal- 14

ing voltage, Vbn/
Vbc, bin 1,

Vc_Below 3sec mains signal- 14

ing voltage, Vcn/
Vca, bin 0,

Vc_Above 3sec mains signal- 14

ing voltage, Vcn/
Vca, bin 1,

Dips_Va_1sec Bin0 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
0, >=85% and
<90%, <=1sec

Bin1 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
1, >=70% and
<85%, <=1sec

Bin2 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
2, >=60% and
<70%, <=1sec

Bin3 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
3, >=50% and
<60%, <=1sec

Bin4 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
4, >=40% and
<50%, <=1sec

Bin5 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
5, >=30% and
<40%, <=1sec

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin6 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
6, >=20% and
<30%, <=1sec

Bin7 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
7, >=15% and
<20%, <=1sec

Bin8 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
8, >=10% and
<15%, <=1sec

Bin9 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
9, >=1% and
<10%, <=1sec

Bin10 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
10, <1%,

Dips_Va_180sec Bin0 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
0, >=85% and

Bin1 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
1, >=70% and

Bin2 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
2, >=60% and

Bin3 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
3, >=50% and

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin4 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
4, >=40% and

Bin5 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
5, >=30% and

Bin6 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
6, >=20% and

Bin7 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
7, >=15% and

Bin8 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
8, >=10% and

Bin9 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
9, >=1% and

Bin10 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
10, <1%,

Dips_Va_Above_1 Bin0 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

80sec tions, Van/Vab, bin
0, >=85% and
<=90%, >180sec

Bin1 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
1, >=70% and
<85%, >180sec

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin2 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
2, >=60% and
<70%, >180sec

Bin3 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
3, >=50% and
<60%, >180sec

Bin4 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
4, >=40% and
<50%, >180sec

Bin5 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
5, >=30% and
<40%, >180sec

Bin6 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
6, >=20% and
<30%, >180sec

Bin7 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
7, >=15% and
<20%, >180sec

Bin8 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
8, >=10% and
<15%, >180sec

Bin9 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
9, >=1% and
<10%, >180sec

Bin10 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Van/Vab, bin
10, <1%, >180sec

Dips_Vb_1sec Bin0 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
0, >=85% and
<90%, <=1sec

Bin1 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
1, >=70% and
<85%, <=1sec

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin2 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
2, >=60% and
<70%, <=1sec

Bin3 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
3, >=50% and
<60%, <=1sec

Bin4 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
4, >=40% and
<50%, <=1sec

Bin5 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
5, >=30% and
<40%, <=1sec

Bin6 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
6, >=20% and
<30%, <=1sec

Bin7 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
7, >=15% and
<20%, <=1sec

Bin8 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
8, >=10% and
<15%, <=1sec

Bin9 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
9, >=1% and
<10%, <=1sec

Bin10 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
10, <1%,

Dips_Vb_180sec Bin0 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
0, >=85% and

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin1 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
1, >=70% and

Bin2 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
2, >=60% and

Bin3 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
3, >=50% and

Bin4 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
4, >=40% and

Bin5 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
5, >=30% and

Bin6 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
6, >=20% and

Bin7 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
7, >=15% and

Bin8 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
8, >=10% and

Bin9 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
9, >=1% and

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin10 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
10, <1%,

Dips_Vb_Above_1 Bin0 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

80sec tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
0, >=85% and
<90%, >180sec

Bin1 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
1, >=70% and
<85%, >180sec

Bin2 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
2, >=60% and
<70%, >180sec

Bin3 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
3, >=50% and
<60%, >180sec

Bin4 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
4, >=40% and
<50%, >180sec

Bin5 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
5, >=30% and
<40%, >180sec

Bin6 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
6, >=20% and
<30%, >180sec

Bin7 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
7, >=15% and
<20%, >180sec

Bin8 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
8, >=10% and
<15%, >180sec

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin9 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
9, >=1% and
<10%, >180sec

Bin10 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vbn/Vbc, bin
10, <1%, >180sec

Dips_Vc_1sec Bin0 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
0, >=85% and
<90%, <=1sec

Bin1 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
1, >=70% and
<85%, <=1sec

Bin2 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
2, >=60% and
<70%, <=1sec

Bin3 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
3, >=50% and
<60%, <=1sec

Bin4 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
4, >=40% and
<50%, <=1sec

Bin5 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
5, >=30% and
<40%, <=1sec

Bin6 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
6, >=20% and
<30%, <=1sec

Bin7 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
7, >=15% and
<20%, <=1sec

Bin8 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
8, >=10% and
<15%, <=1sec

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin9 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
9, >=1% and
<10%, <=1sec

Bin10 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
10, <1%,

Dips_Vc_180sec Bin0 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
0, >=85% and

Bin1 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
1, >=70% and

Bin2 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
2, >=60% and

Bin3 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
3, >=50% and

Bin4 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
4, >=40% and

Bin5 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
5, >=30% and

Bin6 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
6, >=20% and

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin7 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
7, >=15% and

Bin8 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
8, >=10% and

Bin9 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
9, >=1% and

Bin10 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
10, <1%,

Dips_Vc_Above_1 Bin0 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

80sec tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
0, >=85% and
<90%, >180sec

Bin1 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
1, >=70% and
<85%, >180sec

Bin2 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
2, >=60% and
<70%, >180sec

Bin3 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
3, >=50% and
<60%, >180sec

Bin4 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
4, >=40% and
<50%, >180sec

Bin5 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
5, >=30% and
<40%, >180sec

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin6 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
6, >=20% and
<30%, >180sec

Bin7 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
7, >=15% and
<20%, >180sec

Bin8 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
8, >=10% and
<15%, >180sec

Bin9 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
9, >=1% and
<10%, >180sec

Bin10 Dips and interrup- 6, 7, 8

tions, Vcn/Vca, bin
10, <1%, >180sec

Overvolt- Bin0 Overvoltage Vne, 9

age_Vne_Above bin 0, >set%,

Bin1 Overvoltage Vne, 9

bin 1, >set%,

Bin2 Overvoltage Vne, 9

bin 2, >set%,

Overvoltage_- Bin0 Overvoltage Vae, 9

Vae_Above bin 0, >set%,

Bin1 Overvoltage Vae, 9

bin 1, >set%,

Bin2 Overvoltage Vae, 9

bin 2, >set%,

Overvolt- Bin0 Overvoltage Vbe, 9

age_Vbe_Above bin 0, >set%,

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Bin1 Overvoltage Vbe, 9

bin 1, >set%,

Bin2 Overvoltage Vbe, 9

bin 2, >set%,

Overvolt- Bin0 Overvoltage Vce, 9

age_Vce_Above bin 0, >set%,

Bin1 Overvoltage Vce, 9

bin 1, >set%,

Bin2 Overvoltage Vce, 9

bin 2, >set%,

Rapid_Volt- Va Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the total rapid voltage

age_Above_10pct change beyond +/- change count
10% Van/ab Bin 0

Vb Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the total rapid voltage

change beyond +/- change count
10% Vbn/bc Bin 1

Vc Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the total rapid voltage

change beyond +/- change count
10% Vcn/ca Bin 2

Rapid_Volt- Va Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the total rapid voltage

age_Above_6pct change beyond +/- change count
6% Van/ab Bin 0

Vb Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the total rapid voltage

change beyond +/- change count
6% Vbn/bc Bin 1

Vc Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the total rapid voltage

change beyond +/- change count
6% Vcn/ca Bin 2

Rapid_Volt- Va_pct Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the spec

age_Range_5pct change +/-5%
Van/ab Bin 0, % of
total count

Vb_pct Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the spec

change +/-5%
Vbn/bc Bin 1, % of
total count

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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
6: LDA and Downloading Logs

Tags Attributes Descriptions Examples
Item #

Vc_pct Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the spec

change +/-5%
Vcn/ca Bin 2, % of
total count

Rapid_Volt- Va_pct Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the spec

age_Range_10pct change +/-10%
Van/ab Bin 0, % of
total count

Vb_pct Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the spec

change +/-10%
Vbn/bc Bin 1, % of
total count

Vc_pct Rapid Voltage 4 Not part of the spec

change +/-10%
Vcn/ca Bin 2, % of
total count

• Invalid Report Due to Conflicting Settings and Standards:

• When conflicting settings were present in meter's device profile, that may cause
the EN 50160 report file to be invalid. You should be aware of such settings and
the result caused by them. A warning message is provided in the report file and
a status bit is provided in the Operation Status bits. The following settings in the
meter device profile could cause the report to be invalid. An invalid setting code
is available in the report file, with the corresponding bit set to indicate a prob-
• Fixed RMS was not enabled for voltage channels in the meter's waveform
capture setup - code bit 0x00000001.

• IEC 61000-4-30 Hysteresis set points were not 0, code bit 0x00000002.
When the user pressed the Auto Configure button in device profile setup
for EN50160/IEC 61000-4-30, software may have overwritten the setting
to 0s in device profile. If the user needs to re-do the Auto Configuration,
first they have to enable log 7 & 8 in EN 50160/IEC 61000-4-30 setup,
then press the Auto Configure button again. Any changes to the hystere-
sis settings after pressing Auto Configure button may cause these
settings to be none (0s), e.g., visiting the PQ/waveform setup screen
where software may overwrite any settings with a minimum of 2%.

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

• Below (sag) settings for voltage channels RMS in the meter's Waveform
capture were not at 90% - code bit 0x00000004.

• Flicker long term PLT interval not be set at 2 hours/120 minutes - code
bit 0x00000008. The meter may overwrite the PLT interval to 2 hours/120
minutes if the setting in the device profile was not at 10/20/60/120 min-
utes, so you may not see meter reporting this as a problem.

• Mains Signaling Threshold is below or equal to 1% - code bit

0x00000010. Any small percentage setting may cause the meter to
compute a false value. Also, this small a setting is invalid in this meter,
based on the frequency and threshold values in the EN 50160-2007
specification document, Section 4.13, Figure 1 and Section 5.13 Figure 2.

• Data Maximum Value:

• The maximum value for data type F51(unsigned integer, 2 bytes) is 65535.

• The maximum value for data type F53(unsigned integer, 4 bytes) is 4294967295.

• The Meter will not roll over the value when the maximum count is reached.

• Criteria for Report Status: Pass, Fail, Concern, N/A:

• Power Frequency:
• Status: N/A (if Total Mains Frequency Count is 0), Pass or Fail.

• The percentage value was computed internally when meter received new
frequency value from DSP2.

Type Values from XML File for Pass Status

Synchronous All of the following:

(Freq_Sync, Bin0_pct) >= 99.5% (based on Freq_Sync, Bin0/
Total_Count, Mains_Frequency)
(Freq_Sync, Bin1_pct) = 100% (based on Freq_Sync, Bin1/
Total_Count, Mains_Frequency)

None Synchronous All of the following:

(Freq_NoSync, Bin0_pct) >= 99.5% (based on Freq_NoSync,
Bin0 / Total_Count, Mains_Frequency)
(Freq_NoSync, Bin1_pct) = 100% (based on Freq_NoSync,
Bin1 / Total_Count, Mains_Frequency)

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

• Magnitude of supply voltage:

• Status: N/A

• Software sets up the meter to log the 10 minutes mean RMS values, later
software downloads the trend data and displays the data in report.

• Supply Voltage Variations:

• Status: N/A (if Total 10 Minute Mean RMS Count is 0), Pass or Fail.

Values from XML File for Pass Status

Low Voltage, <=1kV All of the following:(Voltage_Variations_10pct, Va) / (Total_Count,

Ten_min_Mean) >= 0.95
(Voltage_Variations_10pct, Vb) / (Total_Count, Ten_min_Mean) >= 0.95
(Voltage_Variations_10pct, Vc) / (Total_Count, Ten_min_Mean) >= 0.95
(Voltage_Variations_15_10pct, Va) = (Total_Count, Ten_min_Mean)
(Voltage_Variations_15_10pct, Vb) = (Total_Count, Ten_min_Mean)
(Voltage_Variations_15_10pct, Vc) = (Total_Count, Ten_min_Mean)

Low Voltage, <=1kV Low Voltage, <=1kV

All of the following:(Voltage_Variations_10pct, Va) / (Total_Count,
Ten_min_Mean) >= 0.95
(Voltage_Variations_10pct, Vb) / (Total_Count, Ten_min_Mean) >= 0.95
(Voltage_Variations_10pct, Vc) / (Total_Count, Ten_min_Mean) >= 0.95

• Rapid Voltage Change:

• Status: N/A (if Total Rapid Voltage Count is 0), Concern, Pass or Fail.

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6: LDA and Downloading Logs

• A user added threshold value was used in addition to the EN50160-2007


Values from XML File

Low Voltage, <=1kV Fail: any of the following

(Rapid_Voltage_Above_10pct, Va) > 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_10pct, Vb) > 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_10pct, Vc) > 0
Week Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_10pct, Va, Vb, Vc) >
Year Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_10pct, Va, Vb, Vc) >
Concern: all of the following
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_10pct, Va) = 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_10pct, Vb) = 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_10pct, Vc) = 0
Week Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_10pct, Va, Vb, Vc) >
0 and <= Allowed_Rapid_Voltage_Changes_In_Week
Year Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_10pct, Va, Vb, Vc) > 0
and <= Allowed_Rapid_Voltage_Changes_In_Year
Pass: all of the following
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_10pct, Va) = 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_10pct, Vb) = 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_10pct, Vc) = 0
Week Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_10pct, Va, Vb, Vc) =
Year Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_10pct, Va, Vb, Vc) = 0

Medium Voltage, 1kV<MV<35kV Fail: any of the following

(Rapid_Voltage_Above_6pct, Va) > 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_6pct, Vb) > 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_6pct, Vc) > 0
Week Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_6pct, Va, Vb, Vc) >
Year Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_6pct, Va, Vb, Vc) >
Concern: all of the following
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_6pct, Va) = 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_6pct, Vb) = 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_6pct, Vc) = 0
Week Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_6pct, Va, Vb, Vc) > 0
and <= Allowed_Rapid_Voltage_Changes_In_Week
Year Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_6pct, Va, Vb, Vc) > 0
and <= Allowed_Rapid_Voltage_Changes_In_Year
Pass: all of the following
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_6pct, Va) = 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_6pct, Vb) = 0
(Rapid_Voltage_Above_6pct, Vc) = 0
Week Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_6pct, Va, Vb, Vc) = 0
Year Report: (Sum of Rapid_Voltage_6pct, Va, Vb, Vc) = 0

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• Flicker:
• Status: N/A (if Total Flicker PLTs Count is 0), Pass or Fail.

Values from XML File for Pass Status

All of the following:

(PLT_Va, Bin0) / (Total_Count, Flicker_PLTs) >= 0.95
(PLT_Vb, Bin0) / (Total_Count, Flicker_PLTs) >= 0.95
(PLT_Vc, Bin0) / (Total_Count, Flicker_PLTs) >= 0.95

• Supply Voltage Dips:

• Status: Pass or Fail.

• A user added threshold value was used in addition to the EN50160-2007


Values from XML File for Pass Status

All of the following: X=0 to 9, depends on the dip con-

cern setting. For example, if dip concern is set to 90%,
X would be 0, for range of >=1% and <90%. If dip con-
cern is set to 15%, X would be 8, for range of >=1%
and <15%.
(Dips_Va_1sec, BinX to Bin9) = 0
(Dips_Va_180sec, BinX to Bin9) = 0
(Dips_Va_Above_180sec, BinX to Bin9) = 0
(Dips_Vb_1sec, BinX to Bin9) = 0
(Dips_Vb_180sec, BinX to Bin9) = 0
(Dips_Vb_Above_180sec, BinX to Bin9) = 0
(Dips_Vc_1sec, BinX to Bin9) = 0
(Dips_Vc_180sec, BinX to Bin9) = 0
(Dips_Vc_Above_180sec, BinX to Bin9) = 0

• Short Interruption of Supply Voltage:

• Status: Pass or Fail.

Values from XML File for Pass Status

All of the following:

(Dips_Va_1sec, Bin10) = 0
(Dips_Va_180sec, Bin10) = 0
(Dips_Vb_1sec, Bin10) = 0
(Dips_Vb_180sec, Bin10) = 0
(Dips_Vc_1sec, Bin10) = 0
(Dips_Vc_180sec, Bin10) = 0

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• Long Interruption of Supply Voltage:

• Status: Pass or Fail.

• A user added threshold value was used in addition to the EN50160-2007


Values from XML File for Pass Status

All of the following:

(Dips_Va_Above_180sec, Bin10) <= Allowed_Long_Interruptions_In_Year (max at 100)
(Dips_Vb_Above_180sec, Bin10) <= Allowed_Long_Interruptions_In_Year (max at 100)
(Dips_Vc_Above_180sec, Bin10) <= Allowed_Long_Interruptions_In_Year (max at 100)

• Temporary power frequency over-voltages between live conductors and earth:

• Status: Pass or Fail.

Values from XML File for Pass Status

All of the following:

(Overvoltage_Vae_Above, Bin0) = 0
(Overvoltage_Vae_Above, Bin1) = 0
(Overvoltage_Vae_Above, Bin2) = 0
(Overvoltage_Vbe_Above, Bin0) = 0
(Overvoltage_Vbe_Above, Bin1) = 0
(Overvoltage_Vbe_Above, Bin2) = 0
(Overvoltage_Vce_Above, Bin0) = 0
(Overvoltage_Vce_Above, Bin1) = 0
(Overvoltage_Vce_Above, Bin2) = 0

• Transient over-voltages between live conductors and earth:

• Status: N/A, not supported in meter.

• Supply voltage unbalance:

• Status: N/A (if Total Unbalance Count is 0), Pass or Fail.

• A user added threshold value was used in addition to the EN50160-2007


Values from XML File for Pass Status

Unbalance Upper Limit = 2%:

(Supply_Voltage_Unbalance, Bin0) / (Total_Count, Unbalance) >= 0.95

Unbalance Upper Limit = 3%:

(Sum of Supply_Voltage_Unbalance, Bin0 and Bin1) / (Total_Count, Unbalance) >= 0.95

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• Harmonic Voltage:
• Status: N/A (if Total THDs Count is 0), Pass or Fail.

Values from XML File for Pass Status

All of the following:

(Ten_min_Mean_THDs_Above, Va) = 0
(Ten_min_Mean_THDs_Above, Vb) = 0
(Ten_min_Mean_THDs_Above, Vc) = 0
(Ten_min_Avg_Va_Harm, H2 to H25) / (Total_Count, THDs) <= 0.05
(Ten_min_Avg_Vb_Harm, H2 to H25) / (Total_Count, THDs) <= 0.05
(Ten_min_Avg_Vc_Harm, H2 to H25) / (Total_Count, THDs) <= 0.05

• Interharmonic Voltage:
• Status: N/A, not supported in meter.

• Mains signaling voltage on the supply voltage:

• Status: N/A (if Total Mains Signaling Count is 0), Pass or Fail.

Values from XML File for Pass Status

All of the following:

(Mains_Signaling, Va_Below) / (Total_Count, Mains_Signaling) >= 0.99
(Mains_Signaling, Vb_Below) / (Total_Count, Mains_Signaling) >= 0.99
(Mains_Signaling, Vc_Below) / (Total_Count, Mains_Signaling) >= 0.99

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

Chapter 2 contains the Nexus® 1500+ meter's Modbus Register Map. This chapter
gives a detailed description of each of the Programmable Settings blocks.

7.1: Communication Settings Block (45057-45074)

• Device Address - 2 bytes, unsigned integer, ranging from 0000H to FFFFH

• Protocol - 1 byte, unsigned integer

• Baud Rate - 1 byte, unsigned integer

• Parity - 1 byte, unsigned integer

• Stop Bits - 1 byte, unsigned integer

• Data Bits - 1 byte, unsigned integer

• Response Delay - 1 byte, unsigned integer.

• Port Mode - 1 byte, unsigned integer; The value 1 means Master; value 0 means
Slave. Port 1 is always a Slave.

Communication Settings Block Specifications

Value Protocol Baud Rate Parity Stop Bits Data Bits
Delay (ms)

0 Modbus ASCII 4800 None 5 0.00

1 Modbus RTU 9600 Even 6 0.25

2 DNP 3.0 19200 Odd 7 0.50

3 38400 Mark 8 0.75

4 57600 Space 1.00

5 115200 1.25

6 1.50

7 1 stop 1.75

8 1.5 stop 2.00

9-14 2.25-3.50

15 2 stop 3.75

16-255 4.00-63.75

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

7.2: Limit Settings Block (45077-45204)

• Limit Comparisons - Internal Representations

• A Nexus® meter has 32 Limits Objects.

• Each Limit Object performs two independent comparisons with a selected

computed value and combines them into a combined output. Information needed to
perform these actions: channel identification, comparison values, comparison
directions and combination type.

• Channel identification is performed by referencing the internal data table of the

meter, by specifying the Line Number and Point Number for a particular value. For
example: to monitor 1 second VAN values, use Line 34, Point 0; 1 second VBN, use
Line 34, Point 1; 1 second IA, use Line 36, Point 0; Thermal Average VAN, use Line
51, Point 0. To leave a Limit unassigned, use Line 65535, any point.

• Comparison values are entered using percentages relative to the programmed full
scales of the system. For VAN, the phase-to-neutral Voltage Full Scale would be
referenced. If it is programmed to 120.0 V secondary with a phase voltage PT of
120:1, then a comparison of 13.2 kV primary would be a limit of 108 V secondary
or 90.00% of the Full Scale. A 90.00% comparison for IA with a phase Current Full
Scale of 5.0 A secondary and a phase current CT of 2000:5 would be a comparison
of 4.5 A secondary or 1800 A primary. Negative percentages would be used where
appropriate (Watts, VAR, etc.). Special cases like PF and KF would depend on fixed
internal Full Scales. Human interfaces could represent this in terms of quadrature
and angle, instead of the internal percentage representation.

• Each comparison has a direction associated with it - Above or Below. A 90.00%

comparison could be for above 90.00% or below 90.00%.

• Finally, each limit object is able to produce a third output which is a combination of
the two comparisons. This combination could be an AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR or
Hysteresis. So, a user can produce a band of between 40.00% and 80.00% by
combining above 40.00% AND below 80.00%; over 110.00%/under 90.00%
alarms by combining above 110.00% OR below 90.00%, on after over 110.00%,
off after below 90.00% by combining above 110.00% and below 90.00% with

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

• The structure for a combination is:

2 byte Line Number

1 byte Point Number

1 byte Direction and Combination (SAB)

2 byte Comparison 1 Percentage (Value 1)

2 byte Comparison 2 Percentage (Value 2)

Total of 8 bytes per Limit Object, total of 256 bytes for 32 Limit Objects.

• The structure for the Direction and Combination byte is:

Bits 7-5 Unused, set to 0

Bit 4 Negate combination (AND -> NAND, etc.)

Bits 3-2 00 = AND combination

01 = OR combination

10 = XOR combination

11 = Hysteresis combination

Bit 1 0 = Comparison 2 is below

1 = Comparison 2 is above

Bit 0 0 = Comparison 1 is below

1 = Comparison 1 is above

• Hysteresis combination uses comparison 1 to set the combination, and comparison

2 to clear the combination. If both inputs are asserted, comparison 1 has priority.
The usual arrangement would be to program comparison 1 to above a large value
and comparison 2 to below a small value. When the monitored value goes above
comparison 1, the combination will be set to a 1, until the monitored value goes
below comparison 2, when the combination will be cleared to a 0.

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

• Poll-able information would consist of:

32 bits Comparison 1 states for 32 limits

32 bits Comparison 2 states for 32 limits

32 bits Combination states for 32 limits

Total of 96 bits (12 bytes)

7.3 Historical Log Settings Block (45205-45464)

• Historical Log 1 Data Pointers (45205 - 45332), Historical Log 2 Data Pointers
(45333 - 45460).

• These registers indicate which information to include in a record in the Historical

Log. Each Data Pointer has the following 4 (four) byte structure:

Data Pointer 4-Byte Structure

Size Format Description

2 byte Unsigned integer Line number

1 byte Unsigned character Point number

1 byte unsigned character Reserved

• A Line Number is an index into the Communication Table. Example: Line Number
11 is for the 12th line in the Communication Table, 0.1 second Phase-to-Neutral
Voltages. Data Pointers with Line Numbers greater than the number of lines in
the table are ignored.

• A Point Number is an index into a Line in the Communication Table. Example:

Point Number 1 is for the second entry in a Line. Line Number 11, Point Number
1 is the 2nd in the 12th line, 0.1 second VBN. Data Pointers with Point Numbers
greater than the number of points for the line are ignored.

• Snapshot Interval for Historical Log 1 (45361), for Historical Log 2 (45462).

• One register, 2 byte unsigned integers ranged from 0 to 3600.

• The unit is 1 second.

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

• Historical Log 1 Record Size (45463), Historical Log 2 Record Size (45464).

• This register is an enumeration for the size of a record in the Historical Log. The
valid values are:

0x00004 = 16 byte records

0x00000 = 32 byte records

0x00001 = 64 byte records

0x00002 = 128 byte records

0x00003 = 256 byte records

7.4: High Speed Inputs Settings Block (45501-45723)

• Input Name - 8 registers, 16 bytes, 16 characters for the name.

• Input Open Label - 8 registers, 16 bytes, 16 characters for label, Not Shorted, State

• Input Closed Label - 8 registers, 16 bytes, 16 characters for label, Shorted, State 0.

• Input Value - 2 registers, currently not used.

• Input Mode - Bit 0 will define the normal condition of the input.

High Speed Input Settings

Bit 0 Normal Condition Binary State

0 Open State 1 (not shorted)

1 Closed State 0 (shorted)

7.5: External Digital Output Module Settings Block (45729-45808)

• Up to 4 External Digital Output Modules can be addressed in this block.

• Address is 2 bytes, unsigned integers.

• A value of 0x0FFFF for an address indicates that this device is unused.

• Line Number is 2 bytes, unsigned integers.

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

• Point Number is 1 byte, unsigned integers.

• Line Number and Point Number will point which limit is going to be used for the
relay of the External Digital Output Module.7.6: External Analog Output Module
Settings Block (45813-45892)

• Up to 4 External Analog Output Modules can be addressed in this block.

• Address is 2 bytes, unsigned integers.

• A value of 0x0FFFF for an address indicates that this device is unused.

• Line Number is 2 bytes, unsigned integers.

• Point Number is 1 byte, unsigned integers.

• Line Number and Point Number will point which limit is going to be used for each
output of the External Analog Output Module.

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

7.7: External KYZ Output Module Settings Block (45893-45907)

• Up to 4 External KYZ Output Modules can be addressed in this block.

• Address - 2 bytes, unsigned integers.

• A value of 0x0FFFF for an address indicates that this device is unused.

• The energy assignments are as follows:

KYZ Output Relay Byte Energy Assignments

Value Energy Assignment

0 Disabled

1 Q (1+4)Wh

2 Q1 VAh

3 Q1 VARh

4 Q4 VAh

5 Q4 VARh

6 Q (2+3)Wh

7 Q2 VAh

8 Q2 VARh

9 Q3 VAh

10 Q3 VARh

11-18 Internal Inputs Accumulations 1-8

19-22 Internal Input Aggregator 1-4

23-30 External Digital Input Module 1 in Accumulator 1-8

31-38 External Digital Input Module 2 in Accumulator 1-8

39-46 External Digital Input Module 3 in Accumulator 1-8

47-54 External Digital Input Module 4 in Accumulator 1-8

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

7.8: CT & PT Ratio Settings Block (45909-45924)

• Address is 2 registers, 4 bytes, unsigned integers.

• Primary numbers and secondary numbers are in these blocks for the proper ratios.

7.9: Hookup and Time Settings Block (45925-45944)

• Hookup is 1 register, 2 bytes.

• High byte is Configuration Bits; Voltage selection.

• When bit 0 is cleared, 150V.

• When bit 0 is set, 300V.

• Low byte is Wye/Delta selection.

Wye/Delta Byte Energy Assignments

Value Assignment

0 Wye

1 Delta, 3 CTs

2 Delta, 2 CTs

3 2.5 Element

4 4 Wire Delta

• Frequency is currently not used.

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

• Time Zone is 1 register, 2 bytes, signed integer. The zone descriptor value varies
from -13 to +13. The zone descriptor value 0 represents Greenwich Mean Time.

Time Zone Descriptor

Value Zone Descriptor

0 ZD0

50 ZD + 0.5

100 ZD + 1

150 ZD + 1.5

-100 ZD - 1

-150 ZD - 1.5

• Daylight Savings Time Enable is 1 byte, unsigned integer.

Daylight Savings Time Enable

Value Zone Descriptor

0 Disabled

1 Use Clock chip

2 Use programming block

• Transformer Loss Compensation (TLC) Enable is1 byte, unsigned integer.

Transformer Loss Compensation (TLC) Enable

Value Bits 0 & 1 Bit 2

0 Disabled Add

1 Iron only Subtract

2 Copper only

3 Both

• Internal KYZ Form is 1 byte bit map. Refer to the Internal KYZ Settings Block
(46330) for more detail.

• A bit value of 0 = Form C = Pulse of the relay.

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• A bit value of 1 = Form A = Transition of the relay.

Internal KYZ Form Relay Assignments

Bit Number 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Relay Assignments 1 2 3 4 LED

• Daylight Savings Time Start/End.

• Address - 4 registers, 8 bytes. Each byte has unsigned integer values (example

Daylight Savings Time Start/End Byte Assignments

Register 45929 45930 45931 45932

Byte High Low High Low High Low High Low

Assignments Reserved Reserved Month Day Hour Minute Second Reserved

• % Loss of Watt or VAR

• Address - 2 registers, 4 bytes, 2 bytes for integers and 2 bytes for fractions.

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

7.10: Average Settings Block (45949-45952)

• Thermal and Block Averaging Time Interval is 1 register, 2 bytes unsigned integer.
The unit is in 1 second.

• Rolling Average Sub-Interval is 1 register, 2 bytes unsigned integer.

• Number of Sliding Windows is 1 byte, unsigned integer.

• Time of Use Log Enable is as follows:.

Time of Use Enable
Value Description
0 disabled
1 - 255 enabled

7.11: Exception Profile Block (45953-45968)

This block is not yet defined.

7.12: Device Label Settings Block (45969-45992)

• Meter Designation is 8 registers, 16 bytes Hex ASCII.

• Auxiliary Voltage Label is 8 registers, 16 bytes Hex ASCII.

• Measured Neutral Current Label is 8 registers, 16 bytes Hex ASCII.

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

7.13: Network Card Settings Blocks

(30153-30208, 51197-51198 - Network Cards 1 and 2;
30209-30720 - Network Card 2;
45993-46016, 50785-51154, 52297-52300 - Network Card 1)
The Modbus registers for the Network Card 1 and 2 settings are distributed in differ-
ent parts of the Programmable Settings block and the Enhanced Programmable
Settings block. Since the settings themselves have the same characteristics irrespec-
tive of the card, they are all explained in this section.

• IEC 61850 GOOSE Message Configuration is MSB first; Bits 31-16 reserved; Bits
15-00: when set, enables 16th - 1st position of the memory for received GOOSE
message for Boolean data type input to trigger waveform capture.

• Port Use is MSB first; Byte 7-4: reserved; Byte 3: GE EGD (Data Producer); Byte 2:
Modbus TCP Client; Byte 1: Alarm/Email; Byte 0: SNTP.

• IP Address is 2 registers, 4 bytes. Each byte has unsigned integer value.

• Subnet Mask is 2 registers, 4 bytes. Each byte has unsigned integer value.

• Default Gateway is 2 registers, 4 bytes. Each byte has unsigned integer value.

• Port 2 Baud Rate is 1 byte, unsigned integer.

Port 2 Baud Rate Values

Value Baud Rate

0 4800

1 9600

2 19200

3 38400

4 57600

5 115200

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

• Gateway Delay - 1 byte, unsigned integers.

Gateway Delay in Milliseconds

Value Delay in ms

0 0

1 15

2-255 30-3825

• Mode 1 is Network Mode 1. 1 register, only High Byte is used.

• Bit 7 is IP Address Resolution.

• A bit value of 1 means use DHCP server.

• A bit value of 0 means use IP address of NEXUS/EEPROM.

• Bits 0-6 are Reserved.

• Computer Name is 8 registers, 16 bytes Hex ASCII.

• Server IP Address is 2 registers, 4 bytes. Each byte has unsigned integer values.

• Mode 2 is Network Mode 2; 1 byte.

• Bit 7 is IP Address Resolution

• A bit value of 0 means use IP address of NEXUS/EEPROM.

• Bits 0-6 are Reserved

• Computer Name

• DNS Server 1 IP Address is 2 registers, 4 bytes. Each byte has unsigned integer

• DNS Server 2 IP Address is 2 registers, 4 bytes. Each byte has unsigned integer

• Server / Service Enable Bits - 32 Bits - Reserved for future use.

• The next 4 bytes are undefined.

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

• Email Client Settings

Email Mode
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit 15: Require Authorization

1=No, 0=Yes

• MSB first, send email on:

• Bits 31-10: undefined

• Bit 9: Transient capture

• Bits 8-6: reserved

• Bit 5: not used

• Bit 4: Relay output change

• Bit 3: PQ (CBEMA) event

• Bit 2: Waveform capture

• Bit 1: Digital input status change

• Bit 0: Limit status change



7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

• Mode is a 1 byte unsigned integer.

• Bitmap Set is an 8-bit bitmap.

• Bit 7 is TCP Enable.

• A value of 0 means DNP over TCP listening point disabled.

• A value of 1 means DNP over TCP listening point enabled.

• Bit 6 is UDP Enable.

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

• A value of 0 means DNP over UDP end point disabled.

• A value of 1 means DNP over UDP end point enabled.

• Bit 5 is Validate Client Point.

• A value of 0 means no validation and any port is accepted.

• A value of 1 means validate connections against the first 1-4 entries.

• Bit 4 is UDP Response Behavior.

• A value of 0 means respond to Client port.

• A value of 1 means respond to programmed UDP respond port.

• Bit 3 to Bit 0 are reserved.

• UDP Addressing is an 1 byte unsigned integer.

• Validate Connection Count is an 1 byte unsigned integer.

• TCP Listen Port is a two byte unsigned integer - TCP listening port.

• UDP Listen Port is a two byte unsigned integer - UDP listening port.

• Valid IP Address 1,2,3,4 are four, 4 byte IP addresses. Each byte is 1 unsigned
integer. These are IP addresses for validating TCP connections and UDP data-

• Valid IP Subnet Mask 1,2,3,4 are four 4 byte IP addresses. Each byte is an
unsigned integer. These are IP subnet masks for validating TCP connections and
UDP datagrams.

• TCP Starting Valid Client Ports are four 2 byte unsigned integers. These are start-
ing Client ports for validating TCP connections.

• TCP Ending Valid Client Ports are four 2 byte unsigned integers. These are ending
Client ports for validating TCP connections.

• UDP Starting Valid Client Ports are four 2 byte unsigned integers. These are
starting Client ports for validating UDP datagrams.

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

• UDP Ending Valid Client Ports are four 2 byte unsigned integers. These are end-
ing Client ports for validating UDP datagrams

• Multicast Group Address is reserved for future use.

• UDP Respond Port is a 2 byte unsigned integer.

• A value of 0 means respond to the Client port.

• A value of 1 means respond to the programmed UDP response port.

• SNTP: Sync source, MSB first;

• Byte 1: Sync source (0=IRIG-B, 1=SNTP, 2=Line sync, 3=PTP (IEEE 1588),
255=No sync.

• Byte 0: Mode (0=Unicast, 1=Broadcast - not implemented currently)

• Port defaults to 123 if equal to 0x000 or 0xFFFF

• Sync Rate in minutes

• Timeout in seconds

• Server 1 Name or IP address in ASCII

• Server 2 Name or IP address in ASCII

• Port Numbers

• Web server listen port number (valid numbers greater than 0 and less than

• FTP server control port number (valid numbers greater than 0 and less than

• FTP server data port number (valid numbers greater than 0 and less than

• GE EGD data port number (valid numbers greater than 0 and less than 65536).

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

7.14: Block Window Average External Synchronization Block (46017)

• BWA Synch Enable is 1 byte.

• Instead of using the time interval, the Nexus® meter can calculate the Thermal
and Block average when the pulse is detected on one of the High Speed Inputs.

Block Window Average Synchronization Assignments

Value Assignments

0 Disabled

1-255 Enabled

• BWA Synch Mask is 1 byte. Only one input can be selected at a time. That means
only one of the 8 bits can be set at a time.

Block Window Average Synchronization Mask Input Assignments

Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Input Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

• Proper Value for each Assigned Input:

Proper Value for Block Window Average Synchronization Mask Assigned Inputs

Assigned Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Proper Value 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128

7.15: Display Configuration Block (46018)

• Display Configuration Block is 1 register, 2 bytes.

• Bit 15: Only applies to the voltage reading.

• A bit value of 1 = Primary voltage displayed.

• A bit value of 0 = Secondary voltage displayed.

• Bit 0-14 is Reserved.

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7.16: Energy Direction Block (46019)

• Received Energy Direction is 1 register, High byte only.

Energy Direction Block Values

Value Description

0 (Q1+4)W = Received and (Q2+3)W = Delivered

1 (Q1+4)W = Delivered and (Q2+3)W = Received

• Power Factor Labeling - 1 register, Low Byte only.

Power Factor Label Values

Value Description

0 Method 1 = Q1+ lag, Q2- lag, Q3- lead, Q4+ lead

1 Method 2 =Q1+ lag, Q2- lead, Q3+ lag, Q4- lead

2-255 Method 3 =Q1+ lag, Q2- lag, Q3- lead, Q4+ lead

7.17: Test Mode Configuration Block (46020)

• Test Mode Exit Delay Time

• MSB First:

• MSB: 0 - 60 = 0 - 60 minutes

• 61 - 255 = undefined

• LSB: undefined

7.18: Full Scale Block (46021-46036)

• Full Scale Block is 2 registers, 4 bytes - 2 bytes integers and 2 bytes fraction

7.19: External Module Software Interface Block (46053-46196)

• External Module Types is a 1 byte value, unsigned integer.

• External Module Slots is a 1 byte value, unsigned integer.

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• External Module Label is 8 registers, 16 bytes; Hex ASCII.

External Module Types and Slots

Value Type Slot

0 Not assigned 1

1 KYZ 2

3 Analog Output 4-20 mA, 4 channel 4

4 Analog Output 4-20 mA, 8 channel

6 Analog Output 0-1 mA, 4 channel

6 Analog Output 0-1 mA, 8 channel

7 Digital Output

7.20: External Module Port Assignment Block (46197-46206)

• Port Assignment bytes are enumerated as in the following table:

External Module Port Assignments

Value Assignment

0x000 Port 4

0x001 Port 3

0x002 Port 2

0x003 Port 1 (232/485)

0x004 Diagnostic Port (not

currently in use)

7.21: Manual Control Relay Block (46207-46208)

• Manual Control Relay Settings are 1 register, 2 bytes.

• Up to four Relay Output Modules can be attached to a Nexus® meter. A total of 16

relays can be controlled. The table below indicates which bit controls which relay.

Relay Control

Modules Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Relays 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

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• A bit value of 1 means Manual Relay Control Only.

• A bit value of 0 means ElectroLogicTM and Manual relay control.

7.22: Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Scale Factor Block


• Scale Factors Block is 2 registers, 4 bytes unsigned integers.

• Aggregator Assignments is 1 byte unsigned integers.

• Pulse Accumulation Labels is 8 registers, 16 bytes; Hex ASCII.

Internal Input Pulse Accumulator Assignments

Value Energy Assigned Aggregator

0 Q1 and Q4 Whr None

1 Q2 and Q3 Whr Add to Aggregator 1

Add to Aggregator 2

Add to Aggregator 3

Add to Aggregator 4

Subtract from Aggregator 1

Subtract from Aggregator 2

Subtract from Aggregator 3

Subtract from Aggregator 4

• Nexus® Meter Watt hour Selection is a 1 byte unsigned integer.

• Aggregation Assignment is a 1 byte unsigned integer.

7.23: I2t and V2t Threshold Block (46326-46329)

• I squared T is 2 registers, 4 bytes. 2-byte integers, 2-byte fractions; Secondary

Current Value.

• V squared T is 2 registers, 4 bytes. 2-byte integers, 2-byte fractions; Secondary

Volt Value.

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7.24: Internal KYZ Settings Block (46330-46372)

• Internal KYZ Enable is 1 byte.

• A bit value of 1 = KYZ is enabled.

• A bit value of 0 = KYZ is disabled.

Internal KYZ Enable Assignment

Bit Assignment

Bit 7 Relay 1/Pulse 1 LED

Bit 6 Relay 2/Pulse 2 LED

Bit 5 Relay 3

Bit 4 Relay 4

• Internal KYZ Pulse Width is a 1 byte, unsigned integer.

Internal KYZ Pulse Width

Value 0 1 2 3 4 5-127

Pulse width in ms Disable 5 10 15 20 25-635

• Internal KYZ Channel Assignment is a 1 byte, unsigned integer.

Internal KYZ Channel Assignment

Value Channel Assignment

0 Quad (1+4)Whr

1 Quad 1 VAhr

2 Quad 1 VARhr

3 Quad 4 VAhr

4 Quad 4 VARhr

5 Quad (2+3)Whr

6 Quad 2 VAhr

7 Quad 2 VARhr

8 Quad 3 VAhr

9 Quad 3 VARhr

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• Internal KYZ Watt Hour per pulse is 2 registers, 4 bytes, 2 byte integer, 2 byte

• End of Interval Pulse - the meter can generate a pulse upon completion of a block
window interva1. This pulse is generated on one of the relays and the pulse width is

End of Interval Pulse


Value Enable Relay

0 Disable Pulse Internal Relay 1/Pulse 1 LED 5 ms

1 Enable Pulse Internal Relay 2/Pulse 2 LED 10 ms

2 Internal Relay 3 15 ms

3 Internal Relay 4 20 ms

4-126 (25-635)ms

7.25: Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Unit Label Block


• Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Unit Label is 4 registers, 8 bytes. These labels
are used to describe the units a pulse represents. Units are usually one word and
are 8 characters or less.

• Examples of Units: Gallons, BTUs, Liters, Wh, kWh, VAh, etc.

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7:26: ElectroLogic Block (46421-46804)

• The relay logic settings are as follows:

Bits 2-4 Combo Logic

000 AND

001 OR

010 XOR

011 Hysteresis

100 NAND

101 NOR

110 NXOR

111 NHysteresis

7.27: Limit Profile Label Block (46805-47060)

• Limit Profile Label block is 8 registers, 16 bytes; 16 characters.

7.28: External Analog Output Module Channel Update Block


• This block is added to improve the update speed of what is sent to the External
Analog Output Modules from the meter. It may be that not all channels of the
External Analog Output Module are in use. The value indicates the number of Exter-
nal Analog Output Module channels that are refreshed per Modbus message. In the
older versions of External Analog Output Modules, only one channel update was
possible at a time.

External Analog Output Module Update Speed

Value Update

0 1 channel at a time

1 2 channels at a time

2 4 channels at a time

3 4 channels at a time

4-255 8 channels at a time

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7.29: Miscellaneous DNP Settings Block (47063-47104)

• Scale for Analog Output of Average Pulse Accumulation is 1 byte unsigned integer.

• Pulse accumulation values are 8-byte. But the Analog Output Module can accept 4-
byte quantity. Therefore, only 4 bytes out of 8 bytes will be sent to the Analog Out-
put Module. This register decides which 4 bytes will be sent out.

Values Bytes to be Sent Out

0 Bytes 7,6,5,4

1 Bytes 6,5,4,3

2 Bytes 5,4,3,2

3 Bytes 4,3,2,1

4 Bytes 3,2,1,0

• Energy in the Interval is a 1 byte unsigned Integer. This is the Interval Time for
Energy in the Interval. The unit is in minutes; the range is from 60 to 0.

• DNP Time Synchronization Enable is 1 byte. The register address is 47064 (Lower

• A value of 1 means that DNP Time Synchronization is enabled.

• A value of 0 means that DNP Time Synchronization is disabled.

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• DNP Time Synchronization Time Interval is 1 register, 2 bytes. The register address

Value Time (1 minute interval)

0 No time synchronization

1 1 minute

2 2 minutes

... ...

60 1 hour

61 1 hour, 1 minute

... ...

1439 23 hours, 59 minutes

1440 1 day

1441-65535 1 day (default)

• Bitmap

• Bit 13: Choice of Class 0 poll between Object 20 and Object 21.

Register Value Description

1 Object 21
40766 (Bit 13)
0 Object 20

• Bit 12: Enable DNP Freeze Schedule.

Register Value Description

1 Enabled
40766 (Bit 12)
0 Disabled

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• DNP Freeze Date & Time is 4 registers, 8 bytes.

Register Byte Name Range

47067 - High 7 Century 0-99

47067 - Low 6 Year 0-99

47068 - High 5 Month 1-12

47068 - Low 4 Day 1-31

47069 - High 3 Hour 0-23

47069 - Low 2 Minute 0-59

476070 - High 1 Second 0-50

476070 - Low 0 Centisecond 0 (always 0)

• DNP Freeze Interval is 1 register, 2 bytes.

Register Byte Name Range

47071-High 1 Hour 0-48

47071-Low 0 Minute 0-59

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7.30: Custom DNP Definition Block for Analog Input (Object 30)

• Line number is a 2-byte unsigned integer.

• Point number is a 1-byte unsigned integer.

• Line number and Point number will indicate the Analog Input value to be used for
one of the points in Object 30.

• Reserved: 1 byte is reserved for future use.

• DeadBand is a 2-byte signed number (Percentage).

• Range is -328%/+327.8% -

• Unit is 0.01%

• If the Current Analog Value is different from the Previous value by more than the
Deadband percentage, the meter will generate an Analog Change Event value if
it is assigned to any Class.

• Class assignments (Currently only bits 5,4 and 3 are used) are 8-bit bitmap.
• When bit 5 is set, the Analog Change Event value will not be generated.

• When bit 5 is clear, bit 4 and bit 3 will assign the Analog Change Event
value to a Class.

Class Assignments for Analog Change Event

Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3

0 0 0 No class

0 0 1 Class 1

0 1 0 Class 2

0 1 1 Class 3

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

• Reserved: 1 byte is reserved for future use.

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7.31: Custom DNP Definition Block for Binary Counter (Object 20)

• Line number is a 2-byte unsigned integer.

• Point number is a 1-byte unsigned integer.

• Line number and Point number will indicate the Binary Counter value to be used
for one of the point in Object 20.

• Scaling is a 1-byte unsigned integer.

• Range is 0-15.

• The meter has an 8-byte Binary Counter Value, while DNP can only give a 4-byte
value. By using this scaling, the user can get the proper range of data. The scal-
ing value represents the power of 10.

• Delta Values is 4-byte unsigned integer

• If the Current Binary Counter value is different from the Previous value more
than Delta values, the Counter Change Event value will be generated if it is
assigned to a Class.

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• Class assignments (Currently bits 5,4,3,2,1 and 0 are used) is 8-bit bitmap.
• When bit 5 is set, the Counter Change Event value will not be generated.

• When bit 5 is clear, bit 4 and bit 3 will assign the Counter Change Event
value to a Class.

Class Assignments for Counter Change Event

Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3

0 0 0 No class

0 0 1 Class 1

0 1 0 Class 2

0 1 1 Class 3

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

• When bit 2 is set, the Frozen Counter Event value will not be generated.

• When bit 2 is clear, bit 1 and bit 0 will assign the Frozen Counter Event
value to a Class.

Class Assignments for Frozen Counter Event

Bit 2 Bit 2 Bit 0

0 0 0 No class

0 0 1 Class 1

0 1 0 Class 2

0 1 1 Class 3

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

• Reserved: 7 bytes are reserved for future use.

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7.32: Custom DNP Definition Block for Binary Input (Object 1)


• Line number is a 2-byte unsigned integer

• Point number is a 1-byte unsigned integer

• Line number and Point number indicate the Binary Input value used for 8 points
in Object 1.

• Class Assignments is 8-bit bitmap (1 byte).

• Bits 7, 6 and 5 will assign the Binary Input Change value to a Class.

• Bits 4 to bit 0 are not used.

Class Assignments for Binary Input Change

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5

0 0 0 No class

0 0 1 Class 1

0 1 0 Class 2

0 1 1 Class 3

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

1 X X No class

• Reserved: 4 bytes are reserved for future use.

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7.33: Custom DNP Definition Block for Binary Output (Object 10)

• Enable / Disable Relays (1-16) (2 bytes):

• 0: Relay disabled

• 1: Relay enabled

Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Relays 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

• Enable / Disable Resets (17-24) (1 byte):

• 0: Reset disabled

• 1: Reset enabled

Bits Resets

15 Log Reset

14 Maximum Reset

13 Minimum Reset

12 Energy Reset

11 Reset TOU Current Season and Current Month

10 Manual Waveform Capture

9 Reset KYZ Output Accumulations

8 Reset Unit to Boot Mode - Default Communication Settings

7-0 Reserved

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7.34: Custom DNP Definition Block for Global Values (47459-47463)

• When the master requests data from the object, it can specify the variation in the
request so the master can get the data formatted for its use. When the master asks
for Variation 0, the slave meter can respond with any variation(s). This program-
mable setting holds the variations available for a Variation 0 request.

Variations Available
Address Object for a Variation 0

47459-High Binary Input 1 1,2

47459-Low Binary Input Change 2 1,2

47460-High Binary Counter 20 1,2,5,6

47460-Low Frozen Counter 21 1,2,5,6,9,10

47461-High Counter Change Event 22 1,2,5,6

47461-Low Frozen Counter Event 23 1,2,5,6

47462-High Analog Input 30 1,2,3,4

47463-High Analog Change Event 32 1,2,3,4

7.35: External Digital Output Module Labels Block (49793-50176)

• The External Digital Output Module Labels block is 8 registers, 16 bytes.

• Each relay, normally open, and normally closed can be named with 16 characters

• There are 4 of each label, for up to 4 modules.

7.36: Customizable Modbus Map Settings Block (50273-50784)

• Using this block, you can customize up to 256 readings. All the readings that are
customized in this block can be seen in the Customized Modbus Map Window Block

• Line Number is 2 bytes.

• Point Number is 1 byte.

• Reserved is 1 byte that is currently not used.

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• You can select any Register or Group of Registers that has a Line Number and a
Point Number from the Modbus Register Map. Those selections are used to create a
customized grid of up to 256 readings in the Communicator EXTTM software’s Device

• For example:
In order to read 1 Cycle Phase A-N Voltage as Item Number 1 on your custom-
ized Modbus map, you would enter for Item 1: Line Number 10 and Point
Number 0. Refer to the Communicator EXTTM and Meter Manager EXT Software
User Manual for details on the creation of your customized Modbus map.

7.37: Auto TFTP Download Settings (50785-50860)

• The settings are as follows:

Auto TFTP Download Settings
Enable / Disable
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit 15: 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable

Auto TFTP Download

7.38: Customizable Modbus Map Format Block (51201-51712)

• Using this block, you can customize up to 256 readings. All the readings that are
customized in this block can be seen in the Customized Modbus Map Window Block

• Line Number is 2 bytes.

• Point Number is 1 byte.

• Reserved is 1 byte that is currently not used.

• You can select any Register or Group of Registers that has a Line Number and a
Point Number from the Nexus® Modbus Register Map. Those selections are used to
create a customized grid of up to 256 readings in the meter's Communicator EXTTM
software’s Device Profile.

• For example: In order to read 1 Cycle Phase A-N Voltage as Item Number 1 on
your customized Modbus map, you would enter for Item 1: Line Number 10 and

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Point Number 0. Refer to the Communicator EXTTM and Meter Manager EXT Soft-
ware User Manual for details on creating a customized Modbus map.

7.39: Energy Scale Settings (51713-51746)

• This block contains the registers shown in the table, below.

Energy Scale Settings
Q1234 VAh Q12 VARh Q34 VARh Q14 Wh Q1 VAh Q1 VARh Q4 VAh Q4 VARh
Q23 Wh Q2 VAh Q2 VARh Q3 VAh Q3 VARh 2
I T Phase A 2 2
I T Phase B I T Phase C
V2T Phase A V2T Phase B 2
V T Phase C Q1 Wh Q4 Wh Q2 Wh Q3 Wh Q1234 VAh U
Q12 VARh U Q34 VARh U Q14 Wh U Q23 Wh U +Qh -Qh Q14 Wh TM Q1 VAh TM
Pulse Acc 1 Pulse Acc 2 Pulse Acc 3 Pulse Acc 4 Pulse Acc 5 Pulse Acc 6 Pulse Acc 7 Pulse Acc 8
Pulse Agg 1 Pulse Agg 2 Pulse Agg 3 Pulse Agg 4 Sync FVF Op stat ot en Op stat ot sel

• Each register contains 2 bytes. Each byte contains settings for a base quantity. The
format of a byte is as follows:

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Meaning Digits Unit Decimal Places

• Digits is a 3 bit field, which is offset by 2 to represent from 2 to 9 displayable digits.

• Unit is a 2-bit field, where the values from 0 to 2 represent units of Wh (100), k
(103) and M (106).

• The value 3 is undefined and is treated the same as 2, signifying M (106).

• Decimal Places is a 3-bit field, which represent from 0 to 7 decimal places.

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• Examples: For the following, the Q1234 VAh has a current value of
123,456,789.0123 VAh.

Register CA00H Reading

Digits Unit D.P. Pattern Display
Hex Binary Hex Decimal
20xxH 001 00 000 3 VAh, 100 0 xxx VAh 00000315H 789 789 VAh

8BxxH 100 01 011 6 kVAh, 103 3 0006F855H 456789 456.789

kVAh kVAh

88xxH 100 01 000 6 kVAh, 103 0 xxxxxx 0001E240H 123456 123456

kVAh kVAh

93xxH 100 10 011 6 MVAh, 108 3 0001E240H 123456 123.456


72xxH 011 10 010 5 MVAh, 108 2 xxx.xx 00003039H 12345 123.45


C2xxH 110 00 010 8 VAh, 100 2 xxxxxxxx 02B90135H 45678901 456,789.01


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7.40: Master RTU Block (51862-52245)

• This block contains the registers shown in the tables, below.

Item Details Bitfield
Byte Bit Reserved Data Type
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit 7: Byte Order

0: MSB
1: LSB

Bit 6: Bit Order

Not Used

Bits 4 to 5:

Bits 0 to 3:
Data Type

Data Type
Value Type
0 Integer
1 Unsigned Integer
2 Float
3 Packed BCD
5 String
6 Numeric String
7 User Defined
8-15 Integer

7.41: Accumulators/Aggregators Average Full Scale (52249-52296)

• 4 registers, 8 bytes integer number

• Range: 999999999999999/0

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7.25: Update Settings Block (52977-53248)

This block consists of the following registers:

• User Memo Field (256 bytes)- 128 registers, 256 bytes. User can write any notes
up to 255 characters in this memo field.

• Name of User Who Last Updated the Profile (256 bytes) - These registers are used
internally with the software. No interactions are required by the user.

• Device Profile Version (Year, Month/Day, Build) - These registers have the updated
date for Device Profile. These registers are used internally with the software. No
interactions are required by the user.

• Program Software ID - These registers have software ID. These registers are used
internally with the software. No interactions are required by the user.

• Electro Industries Device Type (Base Unit, Option 1/Option 2, Option 3/Option 4) -
These registers have information on what type of EIG meters that the software is
communicating to. These registers are used internally with the software. No inter-
actions are required by the user.

• Update Programming Software Version Number (Major, Minor, Revision) - These

registers have software version number. These registers are used internally with
the software. No interactions are required by the user.

• Update Time - This register contains the time the profile was updated. No interac-
tions are required by the user.

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7.43: 12-Bit RTU Block (53249-53348)

Description: Some older versions of RTU can only read 12-bit data. The Nexus®
meter prepares some readings in 12-bit format in this block so that the reading can
be processed.

• Sanity Register - 1 register. This register indicates that status of the meter. A
normally functioning meter reports that value 0x00000, or 0. Any non-zero value
indicates that the unit is operating improperly.

• Current, Voltage, W, VAR - 1 register, 2 bytes.

• Range + 5 A / 0 A, + 150 V / 0 V, + 1500 W, VAR / - 1500 W, VAR

• Unit 5/2048 A, 150/2048 V, 1500/2048 W, VAR

• Each register contains a 16-bit integer. Positive values have the most significant
bit clear, and have the same magnitude as an unsigned integer. Negative values
have the most significant bit set. The magnitude of a negative value is found by
complimenting (inverting) all of the bits and adding 1.

• The 16-bit integers have been constrained to the bounds of a signed 12-bit inte-
ger, +2047 through -2048.

• Energy - 2 registers, 4 bytes.

• Range +99,999,999 / 0 or 0 / -99,999,999 kWh, kVARh

• Unit 1 kWh, kVARh

• Each pair of registers represents an Energy counter in primary. Each register

contains a value from 0 to 9,999 (0x00000 - 0x0270F), representing 4 digits of
an Energy counter. The first register is in units of 10's of MegaWatthour or Mega-
VARhour. The second register is in units of kiloWatthour or kiloVARhour.
Combined, the pair of registers report up to 100 GWh primary of energy.

• Frequency - 1 register, 2 bytes.

• Range 75 Hz / 45 Hz

• Unit 30 / 4096 Hz

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• This register contains a 16-bit unsigned integer. The 16-bit integer has been con-
strained to the bounds of an unsigned 12-bit integer, 4095 to 0. The Frequency
represented by this register is offset by 45 Hz.

• Energy Reset - This register, when written with any value, causes all Energy Values
to be cleared.

7.44: NVRAM Block (55296-57344)

• This block is used for diagnostic purposes, only.

7.45: Waveform, Transient, and PQ Settings

• RMS Set Points:

• The Set Points control at what RMS voltage or current above or below the Full
Scale value a waveform capture or PQ event occurs. The values are given in
percentage of Full Scale, where each count is equal to 0.01%. For example:

Voltage P-N Full Scale 120 V

Set Point Value 11070

Set Point Percentage 110.70%

RMS Set Point 132.84 V

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• Each Set Point value is a 2 byte signed integer. The Below Set Point is used to
configure sag detection, and the Above Set Point is used to configure swell
detection. Below is the table of Set Points:

Set Point

Volts AN Below 0xB198

Volts BN Below 0xB199

Volts CN Below 0xB19A

Volts AB Below 0xB19B

Volts BC Below 0xB19C

Volts CA Below 0xB19D

Volts XN Below 0xB19E

Volts AN Above 0xB1A4

Volts BN Above 0xB1A5

Volts CN Above 0xB1A6

Volts AB Above 0xB1A7

Volts BC Above 0xB1A8

Volts CA Above 0xB1A9

Volts XN Above 0xB1AA

IA Below 0xB1B0

IB Below 0xB1B1

IC Below 0xB1B2

IN Below 0xB1B3

IA Above 0xB1B4

IB Above 0xB1B5

IC Above 0xB1B6

IN Above 0xB1B7

NOTE: Registers 0x7928 - 0x7929 must be set to zero for the Set Points to work.

• RMS Waveform Sag and Swell Limit Enables:

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

• Enables or disables waveform capture on the specified channel for sags and
swells. A value of 1 enables capture for sags and swells; a value of 0 disables
capture. Both sags and swells must be enabled together.
• Voltage Enables (register 0xB1B8):

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit #

• Current Enables (register 0xB1BA):

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit #

• Waveform Capture Count (register 0x7570-0x7571):

• Controls the number of records captured when a waveform event occurs. Since
the maximum size of a single waveform record is 180 cycles (approximately 3
seconds at a nominal 60 Hz), to perform a larger capture you need to capture
multiple records. The value is + 1, so a value of 0 results in 1 record, a value of
10 results in 11 records, and so on. The maximum number of captures is 65525.

• Waveform Capture Sample Rate (register 0x7574):

• Controls the number of samples per nominal 60 Hz cycle stored in the waveform
capture. Decreasing this can decrease the size of the record, allowing more
captures. Additionally, the maximum number of Cycles per Capture is affected
by the sample rate, as shown below:

Samples per 1/ Maximum Cycles

60th of a second per capture

0 16 180

1 32 180

2 64 180

3 128 180

4 256 120

5 512 60

6 1024 40

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• Compression Factor (0x758C) must be set to match.

• Pre-Trigger Cycles (register 0x7575 - High Byte):

• The number of cycles to be included in the waveform capture from prior to the
triggering cycle. Must be between 1 and 179, and the sum of pre- and post-trig-
gers must be <= the Max Cycles controlled by Sample Rate.

• Post-Trigger Cycles (register 0x7575 - Low Byte):

• The number of cycles to be included in the waveform capture after the triggering
cycle. Must be between 1 and the Max Cycles - Pre-Trigger.

• Internal Input Trigger Enables (register 0x7576):

• Enables or disables waveform and PQ capture on internal input triggers. A value

of 1 enables triggers on that input, a value of 0 disables triggers on that input.

Waveform Trigger Enable Power Quality Trigger Enable

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

• Transient Set Points (register 0x7578 - 0x757A):

• The Transient Set Points control at what voltage magnitude a Transient capture
will be triggered. Note that Transients are triggered by the sample value, not the
cycle RMS. As such, the minimum allowed value for WYE hookup is 250%, and
for DELTA hookup is 144.2%. The values are given in percentage of Full Scale,
where each count is equal to 0.1%. For example:

Voltage P-N Full Scale 120v

Set Point Value 3100

Set Point Percentage 310.0%

Voltage Set Point 372v

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• Each Set Point value is a 2 byte signed integer. Set Points are applied to both
Positive and Negative Triggers. Below is the table of Set Points:

Set Point

Volts A 0x7578

Volts B 0x7579

Volts C 0x757A

• Transient Enable Settings (register 0x757B):

• The Transient Enable setting controls which channels Transients are triggered on.

• Channel Enables controls which channels Transients are triggered on.

• Transient Mode controls if the Phase to Neutral Voltages are used, or if the Phase
to Phase voltages are used. Only one may be selected.

• Transient Enable controls if Transient Capture is enabled at all. Note that if tran-
sients are enabled, the waveform channels selected (Waveform Channel List)
must use the Transient Voltage channels (77-79)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit #
Channel Enables Modes


M1 Transient Mode M0 Transient Enable

0 Phase to Neutral 0 Disabled

1 Phase to Phase 1 Enabled

• Waveform Channel Selection Count (register 0x757C):

• The number of channels to be included in a waveform capture. This doesn't have

to be the same number of trigger channels.

• Waveform Channel Selection List (register 0x757D - 0x758B):

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7: Meter Programmable Settings Block

• The list of channels to be included in a waveform capture. Up to 15 channels may

be selected, though the first channel must always be Channel 80 (High Speed
Inputs). The list of channels do not have to be the same as the trigger channels.
Each channel is a 2 byte ID, shown below:

Channel Name

High Speed Inputs 80

Volts AN 0

Volts BN 1

Volts CN 2

Volts AB 3

Volts BC 4

Volts CA 5

Volts XN 6

Volts NE 36

Volts AE 32

Volts BE 33

Volts CE 34

IA 37

IB 38

IC 39

IN 40

Volts Residual 7

I Residual 8

Transient Volts AN/AB 77

Transient Volts BN/BC 78

Transient Volts CN/CA 79

NOTE: If Transients are enabled, the Transient Voltage channels (77-79) must be
selected over the regular Waveform Voltage channels (0-5).

• Waveform Compression Factor (register 0x758C):

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• The Waveform Compression Factor must be set to match the Waveform Sample

Compression Samples per 1/

Factor Value 60th of a second

0 16

1 32

2 64

3 128

4 256

5 512

6 1024

• PQ Trigger Enables (register 0x758D - 0x758E):

• Enables or disables PQ Event triggering on individual channels. A value of 1

enables triggering, a value of 0 disables triggering.

• Voltage PQ Enables (register 0x758D):

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit #

• Current PQ Enables (register 0x758D):

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit #

• Transient Waveform Trigger Enables (register 0x758F):

• The Transient Waveform Trigger Enable settings must match Transient Enable

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit #
Vca Vbc Vab Vcn Vbn Van

• Return Hysteresis Set Points (register 0x7800 - 0x781F):

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• The Return Hysteresis Set Point configures when a sag or swell event is consid-
ered to have returned to normal. For PQ Events, this triggers the return to nor-
mal event, signifying the end of a PQ Event.

• Hysteresis values are given as a percentage adjustment to the Set Point, where
each count is equal to 0.01% of Full Scale, offset towards nominal from the Set
Point. This Hysteresis value will always be closer to the full scale value then the
Set Point. Negative values are not allowed.
• For example, with swells:

Swell Set Point 110.0%

Swell Hysteresis 2.0%

Return Point 108.0%

• For example, with sags:

Sag Set Point 90.0%

Sag Hysteresis 2.0%

Return Point 92.0%

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• Each Set Point value is a 2 byte signed integer. A value of 0% disables Hystere-

Set Point

Volts AN Below 0x7800

Volts BN Below 0x7801

Volts CN Below 0x7802

Volts AB Below 0x7803

Volts BC Below 0x7804

Volts CA Below 0x7805

Volts XN Below 0x7806

Volts AN Above 0x780C

Volts BN Above 0x780D

Volts CN Above 0x780E

Volts AB Above 0x780F

Volts BC Above 0x7810

Volts CA Above 0x7811

Volts XN Above 0x7812

IA Below 0x7818

IB Below 0x7819

IC Below 0x781A

IN Below 0x781B

IA Above 0x781C

IB Above 0x781D

IC Above 0x781E

IN Above 0x781F

• USR Enables (register 0x7928 - 0x7929):

• Both registers must be set to zero for Waveform Set Points to operate.

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8: Register Block Titles

8: Register Block Titles

This chapter expands upon information listed in the Nexus® 1500+ meter’s Modbus
Register Map (Chapter 2). “Register Block Titles” refers to a Register or Group of
Registers in the Register map that serve a particular purpose or function.

8.1: Device Identification Block (00001-00080)

Description: Registers included in this block: Device Name, Firmware Variation Strings
0-7, Comm Firmware Boot version number, Comm Firmware Runtime version number.

Note that the DSP Firmware information is located as follows:

• Run-Time Version Number is located in Modbus Holding registers FD03H-FD04H.

• ID is located in Modbus Holding registers FD05H-FD06H.

• Type is located in Modbus Holding register FD02H.

• State is located in Modbus Holding register FD40H. DSP is in Healthy state if the
value is 0.

• Variation String is located in Modbus Holding registers starting at EF80H, for 64

registers. It is a string type data with ASCII characters, 128 characters long. It
contains factory set firmware information for identification and informational

All of the Device Identification and DSP Firmware data is in ASCII format. See Section
3.2: Type F1 - Null Terminated ASCII String on page 3-1 for information.

8.2: Real Time Block (00081-00089)

• Description: Registers included in this block: On Time, Current Time, Current Day
of the Week (see 3.3, 3.4).

• On Time (00081-00084):
• These Registers keep the Time of the meter when it is turned on. The
format of the Registers follows the table below. Byte 0 indicates the high
byte of the Register 00081 and the byte 7 indicates the low byte of Regis-
ter 00084. These Registers are Read Only.

Byte Range Description

0 0-255 Century

1 0-99 Year

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Byte Range Description

2 1-12 Month

3 1-31 Day

4 0-23 Hour

5 0-59 Minute

6 0-59 Second

7 0-99 Centisecond

• Current Time (00085-00088):

• These Registers keep the Current Time of the meter. These values are
kept by an internal battery even when the meter is off. The format of the
Registers follows the table on the previous page.

• Current Day of the Week (00089):

• This Register keeps the Current Day of the Week. The format follows the
table below.

Day of

0001H Sunday

0002H Monday

0003H Tuesday

0004H Wednesday

0005H Thursday

0006H Friday

0007H Saturday

• Example of resetting the time on a meter:

• To set time as Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 3:45:00:00 P.M.: Century is 20
(14H); Year is 15 (0FH); Month is 05 (05H); Day is 20 (14H); Hour is 15
(0FH); Minute is 45 (2DH); Second is 00 (00H); Centisecond is 00 (00H);
Day of the Week is 0004H.

• The following data is sent to the Nexus® meter address 1. Registers

00085 through 00089 are written sequentially in one request. Register
00089, Current Day of the Week, must be included in the request. (Refer
to Chapter 1 for Function Code 1.)

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8: Register Block Titles

01 - Meter Address
10 - Function Code
0054 - Starting Address
0005 - Number of Registers
0A - Number of Bytes
140F05140F2D00000004 - Actual data for Time and Date
B44A - Two-byte CRC Checksum

8.3: 1 Cycle Block (00090-00118)

• Description: 1 Cycle Registers included in this block: Block Time Stamp, Phase A-N,
B-N, C-N, Aux Voltage, Phase A, B, C Current, Measured Neutral Current, Calcu-
lated Neutral Current, Phase A-B, B-C, C-A Voltage, High Speed Input Delta and
Current State (see 3.3, 3.5, 3.6).

• Type F68 Secondary 1 Cycle RMS Voltage and Current

• Length: 2 Register (4 bytes)

• Range: 4,294,967,295 V,A / 0 V,A

• Unit: 1/65536 V, A

• These registers together are a four-byte unsigned integer where the first register
contains the LSB word.

• Example:
Address: 0x005D – 0x005E
Value: 0xE6D7 – 0x0077
4-byte unsigned integer (Hex): 0x0077E6D7
4-byte integer (decimal):7,857,879
1/65536 V secondary: 119.902 V

8.4: Tenth Second Block (00119-00175)

• Description: Tenth Second Registers included in this block: Block Time Stamp,
Phase A-N, B-N, C-N, Aux Voltage, Phase A, B, C Current, Measured Neutral Cur-
rent, Phase A-B, B-C, C-A Voltage, Phase A, B, C VA, Three Phase VA, Phase A, B, C
VAR, Three Phase VAR, Phase A, B, C Watts, Three Phase Watts, Frequency, Phase
A, B, C Power Factor, Three Phase Power Factor, Phase A-N Voltage to Aux Voltage
Phase Angle (see 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9).

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8.5: One Second Block (00176-00235)

• Description: One Second Registers included in this block: Block Time Stamp, Phase
A-N, B-N, C-N, Aux Voltage, Phase A, B, C Current, Measured Neutral Current, Cal-
culated Neutral Current, Phase A-B, B-C, C-A Voltage, Phase A, B, C VA, VA, Phase
A, B, C VAR, Three Phase VAR, Phase A, B, C Watts, Three Phase Watts, Frequency,
Phase A, B, C Power Factor, Three Phase Power Factor, Voltage Imbalance, Current
Imbalance (see 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.10).

8.6: Thermal Average Block (00236-00295)

• Description: Thermal Average Registers included in this block: Block Time Stamp,
Phase A-N, B-N, C-N, Aux Voltage, Phase A, B, C Current, Measured Neutral Cur-
rent, Calculated Neutral Current, Phase A-B, B-C, C-A Voltage, Phase A, B, C VA,
VA, Phase A, B, C VAR, VAR, Phase A, B, C Watts, Watts, Freq, Phase A, B, C PF, PF,
Voltage, Current Imbalance (see 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.10).

8.7: Maximum Block (00296-00396)

• Description: Maximum (Thermal Average) Registers included in this block: Block

Time Stamp, Phase A-N, B-N, C-N, Aux Voltage, Phase A, B, C Current, Measured
Neutral Current, Calculated Neutral Current, Phase A-B, B-C, C-A Voltage, Phase A,
B, C VA, VA, Phase A, B, C Positive VAR, Positive VAR, Phase A, B, C Negative VAR,
Negative VAR, Phase A, B, C Positive Watts, Positive Watts, Phase A, B, C Negative
Watts, Negative Watts, Freq, Phase A, B, C PF Quadrants 1, 2, 3, 4, PF Quadrants
1, 2, 3, 4, Voltage Imbalance, Current Imbalance, THD Phase A-N /A-B, B-N /B-C,
C-N/C-A Voltage, THD Phase A, B, C Current, K-Factor Phase A, B, C Current, Coin-
cident Thermal Average VAR for Max Pos Watt, Max Neg Watt (see 3.3, 3.7, 3.8,

8.8: Minimum Block (00397-00497)

• Description: Minimum (Thermal Average) Registers included in this block: All of the
Registers for Maximum Block but for Minimum Block (see 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.10).

8.9: Maximum Time Stamp Block (00498-00737)

• Description: Maximum (Thermal Average) Time Stamp Registers included in this

block: Phase A-N, B-N, C-N, Aux Voltage, Phase A, B, C Current, Measured Neutral
Current, Calculated Neutral Current, Phase A-B, B-C, C-A Voltage, Phase A, B, C
VA, VA, Phase A, B, C Positive VAR, Positive VAR, Phase A, B, C Negative VAR, Neg-

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8: Register Block Titles

ative VAR, Phase A, B, C Positive Watts, Positive Watts, Phase A, B, C Negative

Watts, Negative Watts, Freq, Phase A, B, C PF Quadrants 1, 2, 3, 4, PF Quadrants
1, 2, 3, 4, Voltage Imbalance, Current Imbalance, THD Phase A-N/A-B, B-N/B-C, C-
N/C-A Voltage, THD Phase A, B, C Current, K-Factor Phase A, B, C Current (see

8.10: Minimum Time Stamp Block (00738-00977)

• Description: Minimum (Thermal Average) Time Stamp Registers included in this

block: All of the Registers for Maximum Time Stamp Block but for Minimum Block
(see 3.3).

8.11: Energy Block (Secondary) (00978-01021)

• Description: Energy Registers included in this block: Time Stamp, VAhour, Positive,
Negative VARhour, Positive, Negative Watthour (see 3.3, 3.11, 3.12).

8.12: Harmonic Magnitude Block (01022-01789)

• Description: Harmonic Magnitude Registers included in this block: Phase A-N/A-B,

B-N/B-C, C-N/C-A Voltage for 0th through 127th Harmonic Magnitude, Phase A, B,
C Current for 0th through 127th Harmonic Magnitude (see 3.10).

8.13: Harmonic Phase Block (01790-02557)

• Description: Harmonic Phase Registers included in this block: Phase A-N/A-B, B-N/
B-C, C-N/C-A Voltage for 0th through 127th Harmonic Phase, Phase A, B, C Current
for 0th through 127th Harmonic Phase (see 3.9).

8.14: THD/K-Factor Block (02558-02566)

• Description: THD/K-Factor Registers included in this block: Phase A-N/A-B, B-N/B-

C, C-N/C-A Voltage THD, Phase A, B, C Current THD, Phase A, B, C Current K-Factor
(see 3.10).

8.15: Harmonic Time Stamp Block (02567-02590)

• Description: Harmonic Time Stamp Registers included in this block: Phase A-N/A-B,
B-N/B-C, C-N/C-A Voltage, Phase A, B, C Current (see 3.3).

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8: Register Block Titles

8.16: Phase Angle Block (02591-02604)

• Description: Phase Angle Registers included in this block: Time Stamp, Phase A-N,
B-N, C-N Voltage, Phase A, B, C Current, Phase A-B, B-C, C-A Voltage, Volt Phase
Seq. (see 3.3, 3.9, 3.13).

8.17: Block Window Average Block (02605-02683)

• Description: Block Window Average Registers included in this block: Time Stamp,
Status, VA, VAR, Watt, Maximum VA, Positive VAR, Negative VAR, Positive Watt,
Negative Watt, Minimum VA, Positive VAR, Negative VAR, Positive Watt, Negative
Watt, Coincident VAR for Max Positive Watt, Neg Watt, Coincident VAR for Min Posi-
tive Watt, Neg Watt, VA Time Stamp, Time Stamp for Pos VAR, Neg VAR, Pos Watt,
Neg Watt, Minimum VA Time Stamp, Time Stamp for Minimum Pos VAR, Neg VAR,
Pos Watt, Neg Watt (see 3.3, 3.7, 3.14).

8.18: Rolling Window/Predictive Rolling Window Block


• Description: Rolling Window/Predictive Rolling Average Registers included in this

block: Time Stamp, Status, Predictive VA, VAR, Watt, VA, VAR, Watt, Maximum VA,
Positive VAR, Negative VAR, Positive Watt, Negative Watt, Min VA, Positive VAR,
Negative VAR, Positive Watt, Negative Watt, Coincident VAR for Max Positive Watt,
Neg Watt, Coincident VAR for Min Positive Watt, Neg Watt, VA Time Stamp, Time
Stamp for Pos VAR, Neg VAR, Pos Watt, Neg Watt, Min VA Time Stamp, Time Stamp
for Min Pos VAR, Neg VAR, Pos Watt, Neg Watt (see 3.3, 3.7, 3.14).

8.19: Limit Block (02769-02773)

• Description: Limit Registers included in this block: Limit States, Value 1 Compari-
sons, 1-16, 17-32, Limits States, Value 2 Comparisons, 1-16, 17-32, Low Speed
Inputs (see 3.15, 3.16).

8.20: Digital Input Option Board Block (02774-02841)

• Description: Digital Input Option Board Registers included in this block: Accumula-
tor channels for optional Digital Input board.

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8.21: Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Block (05745-05796)

• Description: Internal Input Pulse Accumulation Registers included in this block:

Time Stamp, Scaled Pulse Accumulations Internal Inputs 1-8, Scaled Pulse Accu-
mulations 1-4 (see 3.3, 3.40).

8.22: Pulse Accumulation Block Window Average / Maximum Block


• Description: Pulse Accumulation Block Window Average / Maximum Registers

included in this block: Time Stamp, Status, Average Internal Inputs 1-8, Average
Aggregation 1-4, Maximum Average Internal Inputs 1-8, Maximum Average Aggre-
gation 1-4, Maximum Internal Input Time Stamp 1-8, Maximum Average Aggrega-
tion Time Stamp 1-4 (see 3.3, 3.14, 3.40).

8.23: Temperature (05946)

• Description: Nexus® meter’s Internal Temperature Register is in this block (see


8.24: Analog Input Block (05947-05978)

• Description: This block contains registers for the optional Analog Inputs.

8.25: Limit Combination Block (05979-05980)

• Description: Limit Combination Registers included in this block: Limit States,

Combinations 1-16,17-32 (see Section 3.15).
8.26: Relay Logic Block (05981-06014)

• Description: Relay Logic Registers included in this block: Time Stamp, States,
Inputs 1-8, Relays 1-16, States, Gates A-G, Relays 1-16, Delay Timer, Relay 1/2 -
15/16, Relays 1-16 for Desired Relay States, Shadowed Relay States, Confirmed
Relay States, Valid Flags for Confirmed Relay States, Locked Relays, Locked Relay
States (see 3.20).

8.27: Reset Time Block (06015-06038)

• Description: Reset Time Registers included in this block: Time Stamp, Max Time
Stamp, Min Time Stamp, Energy Time Stamp, Current Season / Month TOU Time
Stamp (see 3.3).

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8: Register Block Titles

8.28: Miscellaneous Flags Block (06039)

• Description: The Miscellaneous Flags Register has 2 bytes. Each byte has eight bits.
The bits in these bytes are associated with various miscellaneous functions as

Bit Point Meaning

15 (MSB) 0 NVRAM Battery Status 1

4-1 1-14 Undefined

0 (LSB) 15 Undefined

• NVRAM Battery Status:

• A value of ‘0’indicates that the battery is OK; a value of ‘1’indicates that
the battery is not OK.

• Battery Status is reevaluated on power up and approximately every 24

hours after power up.

• For example: Register 06039, Miscellaneous Flags, might contain the

data in the table below:

Address 06039

Value 8000H

Bytes 80H 00H

Bits 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Point 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Interpretation NVRAM Battery is Low

8.29: Test Mode Block (06040-06076)

• Description: Test Mode registers contain Test Mode Time Stamp, Start time, Current
Test Start time, Demand status and Energy readings.
8.30: KYZ Output Accumulation Block (06097-06110)

• Description: KYZ Output Accumulation Registers included in this block: KYZ Output
Accumulation Block Time Stamp, KYZ Output Accumulation Relay 1/Pulse 1 LED,
KYZ Output Accumulation Relay 2/Pulse 2 LED, KYZ Output Accumulation Relay 3,
KYZ Output Accumulation Relay 4 (see 3.3, 3.18).

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8.31: Input Option Board Data Status Block (06111-06112)

• Description: These registers contain statuses for the first and second optional Input

8.32: Flicker Status Block (06114-06126)

• Description: Flicker Status Registers included in this block: Flicker Status Block
Time Stamp, Flicker Start Time, Flicker End Time, Flicker Status (see 3.3, 3.14).

8.33: Instantaneous Flicker Block (06127-06136)

• Description: Instantaneous Flicker Registers included in this block: Instantaneous

Flicker Block Time, Instantaneous Flicker VAN, VBN, VCN (see 3.3, 3.7).

8.34: Short Term Flicker Block (06137-06186)

• Description: Short Term Flicker Registers included in this block: Short Term Flicker
Block Time, Short Term Flicker VAN, VBN, VCN, Maximum Short Term Flicker VAN,
VBN, VCN, Minimum Short Term Flicker VAN, VBN, VCN, Short Term Interval End
Time Stamp, Max Short Term Flicker VAN, VBN, VCN Time Stamps, Min Short Term
Flicker VAN, VBN, VCN Time Stamps (see 3.3, 3.7).
8.35: Long Term Flicker Block (06187-06236)

• Description: Long Term Flicker Registers included in this block: Long Term Flicker
Block Time, Long Term Flicker VAN, VBN, VCN, Maximum Long Term Flicker VAN,
VBN, VCN, Minimum Long Term Flicker VAN, VBN, VCN, Long Term Interval End
Time Stamp, Maximum Long Term Flicker VAN, VBN, VCN Time Stamps, Minimum
Long Term Flicker VAN, VBN, VCN Time Stamps (see 3.3, 3.7).

8.36: Additional Energy Block (06237-06392)

• Description: Additional Energy Registers included in this block: Additional Energy

Block Time, Quadrants 1, 4, 2, 3 Watthour Secondary, Quadrant 1 VAhour, VARhour
Secondary, Quadrant 4 VAhour, VARhour Secondary, Quadrant 2 VAhour, VARhour
Secondary, Quadrant 3 VAhour, VARhour Secondary, Quadrants 1, 4, 2, 3 Watthour
Primary, Total VAhour Primary (Quadrants 1+2+3+4), Positive VARhour (Quadrants
1+2) Primary, Negative VARhour (Quadrants 3+4) Primary, Negative VARhour Pri-
mary, Quadrant 1, 4, 2, 3 Watthour Secondary, Quadrant 1 VAhour, VARhour
Secondary, Quadrant 4 VAhour, VARhour Secondary, Quadrant 2 VAhour, VARhour
Secondary, Quadrant 3 VAhour, VARhour Secondary, Quadrants 1, 4, 2, 3 Watthour

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Primary, Total VAhour (Quadrants 1+2+3+4) Primary, Positive VARhour (Quadrants

1+2) Primary, Negative VARhour (Quadrants 3+4) Primary (see 3.3, 3.11, 3.12).

8.37: Energy and Pulses in the Interval Block (06393-006488)

• Description: Energy and Pulses in the Interval Registers included in this block:
Energy and Pulses in the Interval Block Time Stamp, Total VAhour (Quadrants
1+2+3+4) in the Interval Secondary, Positive VARhour (Quadrants 1+2) in the
Interval Secondary, Negative VARhour (Quadrants 3+4) in the Interval Secondary,
Positive Watthour (Quadrants 1+4) in the Interval Secondary, Negative Watthour
(Quadrants 2+3) in the Interval Secondary, Positive Watthour (Quadrants 1+4) in
the Interval Secondary, Negative Watthour (Quadrants 2+3) in the Interval
Secondary, Positive Watthour (Quadrants 1+4) in the Interval Primary, Quadrant 1
VAhour, VARhour in the Interval Primary, Quadrant 4 VAhour, VARhour in the Inter-
val Primary, Negative Watthour (Quadrants 2+3) in the Interval Primary, Quadrant
2 VAhour, VARhour in the Interval Primary, Quadrant 3 VAhour, VARhour in the
Interval Primary, I2t Phase A, B, C in the Interval Primary, V2t Phases A, B, C in the
Interval Primary, Pulse Accumulation Internal Inputs 1-8 in the Interval Scaled,
Pulse Accumulation 1-4 in the Interval Scaled, Quadrants 1, 4, 2, 3 Watthour in the
Interval Secondary, Quadrant 1 VAhour, VARhour in the Interval Secondary, Quad-
rant 4 VAhour, VARhour in the Interval Secondary, Quadrant 2 VAhour, VARhour in
the Interval Secondary, Quadrant 3 VAhour, VARhour in the Interval Secondary,
Quadrants 1, 4, 2, 3 Watthour in the Interval Primary, Total VAhour (Quadrants
1+2+3+4) in the Interval Primary, Positive VARhour (Quadrants 1+2) in the Inter-
val Primary, Negative VARhour (Quadrants 3+4) in the Interval Primary, KYZ Pulse
Output in the Interval Relays 1-4, Pulse 1 and 2 LEDs (see 3.3, 3.18, 3.37).

8.38: Flicker Countdown Block (06489-006490)

• Description: Flicker Countdown Registers included in this block: Short Term Flicker
Countdown, Long Term Flicker Countdown (see 3.36).

8.39: Cumulative Demand Block (06491-006502)

• Description: Cumulative Demand Registers included in this block: Cumulative

Demand Block Time Stamp, Positive Watt (Quadrants 1+4) Cumulative Demand,
Negative Watt (Quadrants 2+3) Cumulative Demand, Positive Watt (Quadrants
1+4) Continuous Cumulative Demand, Negative Watt(Quadrants 2+3) Continuous
Cumulative Demand (see 3.3, 3.18).

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8.40: Uncompensated and Q Block (06665-06907)

• Description: Uncompensated register readings are the readings to which Trans-

former Loss Compensation is not applied. Q Hour readings are 60 degree-shifted
hour readings from Watt hour readings. VAR hour readings are 90 degree-shifted
hour readings from Watt hour readings.

8.41: Scaled Energy Block (06908-07829)

• Description: Energy readings in Nexus® meters have Watt-hour, VAR-hour and VA-
hour as base units. In the real world, kilo-, mega- and giga-units are used more
frequently. Therefore, Nexus® meters have scaled energy readings. This scale can
be modified using Communicator EXTTM software.

Length 2 Registers (4 bytes)

Range 99 / 0 through 999,999,999 / 0 (variable, 2-9 digits)

Unit 107 through 106 units (variable)

• This register contains a 4-byte MSB signed integer. The range and resolution of a
given reading is controlled by programmable Scaled Energy Settings, which govern
both the range of the reading (from 2 to 9 digits) and the units of the reading (from
7 decimal places of Wh (10-7) to no decimal places of MWh (106) (see 3.64 and

8.42: Total Average Power Factor Block (07830-07859)

• Description: This block keeps the Total Average Power Factor Values. Power Factor
Values can be calculated using Watt, VAR and VA. Total Average Power Factor val-
ues will be calculated by Wh, VAR and VAh.
8.43: Negative Maximum Pulse Aggregation Average Block

• Description: Negative Maximum Average Aggregation 1-4 and Negative Maximum

Average Aggregation Time Stamp 1-4 registers are included in this block. Maximum
Average Aggregation 1-4 registers in Pulse Accumulation Block Window Average/
Maximum Block (05797-05945) will hold only positive values.

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8.44: Additional Total Average Power Factor Block (07896-07910)

• Description: This block keeps additional Total Average Power Factor Values. Total
Average Power Factor values will be calculated by Wh and VAh.

8.45: New Demand Block (Either Block Window Average or

Sliding Window Average (07928-08039)

• Description: This block keeps Average Demand values including, watts, VAR, VA,

I2T, V2T, Uncompensated Energy, internal inputs and aggregators, and power
factor readings.

8.46: Scratchpad Block (08193 - 08320)

• Description: Scratchpad Registers 08193 - 08320 included in this block. The 128
registers in the Scratchpad Block are for temporary storage of information. At the
user’s discretion, data may be written to the registers and then read back.

• Example: Using one port, write energy readings from other devices. Those
energy readings can be read through another port.

8.47: Master Device Data Block (08449-08704)

• Description: These registers are used as a Scratch Pad between the Software and
the Network Card or Modem Card. These registers are not for polling by the users.

8.48: EN 50160/IEC 61000-4-30 Power Quality Test (08705-11054)

• Description: These registers keep the EN 50160/IEC 61000-4-30 Power Quality

Report data, including Symmetrical Components, Harmonics and total harmonic
distortion (THD), short term and long term Flicker readings, total demand distor-
tion (TDD), rapid voltage changes, supply voltage unbalance, Mains signaling val-
ues, dips and interruptions data, overvoltage, and supply voltage variation.

8.49: Frozen Energy Blocks (11265-11650)

• Description: These registers keep the Frozen blocks readings, including the time

stamp, Whr, VAhr, VARhr, I2T, V2T, Qhr, internal input pulse accumulations, KYZ
output accumulation readings, scaled energy readings, and scaled internal input
pulse accumulation readings.

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8.50: Previous Block Window Average Block (11651-11742)

• Description: These registers keep the readings for the previous Block Demand
averaging, including VA, VAR, watts, and Q.

8.51: Previous Rolling Window Average Block (11743-11834)

• Description: These registers contain the readings for the previous Rolling Demand
averaging, including VA, VAR, watts, and Q.

8.52: Previous Scaled Energy Block (11835-11894)

• Description: These registers contain the previous readings for the scaled Energy

channels, including Whr, VAhr, VARhr, I2T, V2T, Qhr.

8.53: One Second Three Phase Mean RMS Block (11895-11900)

• Description: these registers keep the One Second Three Phase Mean RMS readings,
including Vpn, amp, and Vpp.

8.54: Block Window Max/Min and 10 Minute Mean THD Block


• Description: these registers keep the One Second Three Phase Mean RMS readings,
including Vpn, amp, and Vpp, THD, and Max and Min interval readings.

8.55: Coincident Power Factor (12141-12156)

• Description: these registers keep the coincident power factor readings.

8.56: Customized Modbus Block (12289-14336)

• Description: All the readings in the Customizable Modbus Map Settings Block
(50273) can be read in this block. The format of the readings follows each individu-
ally assigned reading.

8.57: Nexus Master Polling Data Block (14337-14604)

• Description: The database polling information is kept in these registers.

8.58: Additional and Vpe Block (14849-14942)

• Description: This block contains registers that keep the high-speed readings, 1
second readings, Thermal average readings, and Vaux frequency.

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8.59: Block Window, Max/Min Block, P-E

• Description: These registers keep Max and Min interval data for Phase to Earth

8.60: Enhanced Factory Settings Block (16385-24576)

• Description: These registers keep information on the meter’s hardware options,

serial numbers, and OEM information. Some of these registers are reserved for
future use.

8.61: Enhanced Programmable Settings Block (24577-32768)

• Description: These registers keep information on the meter’s Master RTU function-
ality, Digital Input option board rollover settings, Interval Log settings, Waveform
capture rules, Waveform transient readings, Waveform transient settings, Log con-
figuration settings, Network card settings, Email client settings, FTP client settings,
GE EGD protocol settings, DNP LAN/WAN settings, SNTP settings, IEC 61000-4-30
settings (Hysteresis settings, Interruptions settings, nominal voltage, harmonic
magnitude thresholds, mains signaling thresholds, overvoltage thresholds, supply
voltage variation settings, and max/min interval settings. Some of these registers
are reserved for future use.

8.62: TOU Status Section Block (34817-34826)

• Description: These registers keep TOU profile status information, including number
of updates and current status of TOU function.

8.63: TOU Profile Section Block (34833-36608)

• Description: These registers keep TOU profile settings, including TOU profile
version, length, date/time modified, TOU Demand type and interval, and details of
the profile settings.

8.64: Dual Port Reading Block (36737-36800)

• Description: These registers can keep up to 128 bytes of dual port readings.

8.65: Historical Log 1 Snapshot Header (36865-36883)

• Description: Historical Log 1 Snapshot Registers included in this block:

• Memory Size: 4-byte unsigned integers representing the amount of memory, in

bytes, allocated to the log.

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• Record Size: 2-byte integers representing the size, in bytes, of a record in the

• First Index: 2-byte unsigned integers representing the index of the first (oldest)
record in the log.

• Last Index: 2-byte unsigned integers representing the index of the last (newest)
record in the log. The value 0x0FFFF indicates that the log is empty.

• First Time Stamp: these registers (8 bytes) hold the time stamp from the first
(oldest) record in the log.

Time Stamp Bytes

Byte Range Description

0 0-255 Century

1 0-99 Year

2 1-12 Month

3 1-31 Day

4 0-23 Hour

5 0-59 Minute

6 0-59 Second

7 0-99 Centisecond

• Last Time Stamp: these registers hold the Time Stamp from the last (newest)
record in the log. The byte order and description are the same as for the First
Time Stamp.

• Valid Bitmap: these registers hold the bit flags indicating whether the meter
recognizes the lines in the Historical Log Settings Block (the block at Register
45205). The first bit represents the validity of the Data Pointer in the Historical
Log Settings.
• A value of 1 means the Data Pointer is acceptable and can be stored. A
value of 0 means that the Data Pointer is invalid or unrecognized and not
able to be stored.

• Max Records: 2-byte unsigned integer representing the total number of records
the log is capable of holding. In order to maintain a one-for-one relationship in

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parallel logs, the maximum number of records that a log can store is defined by
the log that holds the fewest records. Logs capable of holding more records are

• Reset Status

8.66: Historical Log 2 Snapshot Header (36929-36947)

• Description: Historical Log 2 Snapshot Registers included in this block: The same as
for Log 1.
8.67: Limit Trigger Log Header (36993-37016)

• Description: Limit Trigger Log Registers included in this block:

• Valid Bitmap: these registers hold the bit flags indicating whether the meter
recognizes the lines in the Limit Settings Block (the block at Register 45077).
The first bit represents the validity of the Data Pointer in the Limit Settings.
• A value of 1 means the Data Pointer is acceptable and can be stored. A
value of 0 means that the Data Pointer is invalid or unrecognized and not
able to be stored. Only 32 bits are used. See registers 36865 to 36883 for
other registers.

8.68: Limit Snapshot Log Header (37057-37079)

• Description: Limit Snapshot Log Registers included in this block: see registers
36865-36883 and 36993-37016.

8.69: Digital Input Log Header (37121-37144)

• Description: Digital Input Log Registers included in this block: see registers 36865-

8.70: Digital Input Snapshot Log Header (37185-37207)

• Description: Digital Input Snapshot Log Registers included in this block: see regis-
ters 36865-36883.

8.71: Digital Output Log Header (37249-37272)

• Description: Digital Output Log Registers included in this block: see registers

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8.72: Digital Output Snapshot Log Header (37313-37335)

• Description: Digital Output Snapshot Log Registers included in this block: see regis-
ters 36865-36883.

8.73: Flicker Log Header (37377-37400)

• Description: Flicker Log Header registers included in this block: see registers

8.74: Waveform Trigger Log Header (37441-37465)

• Description: Waveform Trigger Log Registers included in this block: see registers

8.75: System Event Log Header (37505-37526)

• Memory Size: 4-byte unsigned integers representing the amount of memory, in

bytes, allocated to the log.

• Record Size: 2-byte unsigned integers representing the size, in bytes, of a record in
the log.

• First Index: 2-byte unsigned integers representing the Index of the First (Oldest)
record in the log.

• Last Index: 2-byte unsigned integers representing the Index of the Last (Newest)
record in the log.

• The value 0x0FFFF indicates that the log is empty.

• First Time Stamp: These registers (8 bytes) hold the Time Stamp from the First
(Oldest) record in the log.

Time Stamp Bytes

Byte Range Description

0 0-255 Century

1 0-99 Year

2 1-12 Month

3 1-31 Day

4 0-23 Hour

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Time Stamp Bytes

Byte Range Description

5 0-59 Minute

6 0-59 Second

7 0-99 Centisecond

• Last Time Stamp: These registers hold the Time Stamp from the Last (Newest)
Record in the log. The byte order and description are the same as for the First
Time Stamp.

• Valid Bitmap: Undefined.

• Max Records: A 2-byte unsigned integer represents the total number of records
the log is capable of holding. In order to maintain a one-for-one relationship in
parallel logs, the maximum number of records that a log can hold is defined by
the log that holds the fewest records. Logs capable of holding more records are

• Records in Log

• Reset Status

8.76: Transient Log Header (37569-37593)

• Description: Transient Log Registers included in this block: see registers 36865-

8.77: PQ (CBEMA) Log Header (37633-37656)

• Description: PQ (CBEMA) Log Registers included in this block: see registers 36865-

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8.78: External Device Information Block Header (37761-37778)

• Description: External Device Information Registers included in this block:

• Memory Size: 4-byte unsigned integer representing the amount of memory, in

bytes, allocated to External Device Information Blocks. This memory is allocated
from RAM, not NVRAM.

• Record Size: unsigned integer representing the size, in bytes, of an External

Device Info Block.

• First Index: An unsigned integer representing the Index of the First External
Device Info Block.

• Last Index: An unsigned integer representing the Index of the Last External
Device Info Block.

• First Time Stamp: Since External Device Info Blocks are not recorded sequen-
tially, these registers have no meaning.

• Last Time Stamp: Since External Device Info Blocks are not recorded sequen-
tially, these registers have no meaning.

• Valid Bitmap: These registers hold the bit flags to indicate the validity of individ-
ual External Device Info Blocks. The first bit (high order bit in Register 37774)
represents the validity of the First External Device Info Block. The last bit (low-
est order bit in Register 37777) represents the validity of the Last External
Device Info Block.
• A value of 1 means that the External Device was found and the meter
successfully received all of the Info Block for the External Device. A value
of 0 means that the External Device was not found, or errors have
occurred while trying to retrieve the Info Block or that no device is pro-
grammed for this slot.

• Max Records: This register holds an unsigned integer representing the total num-
ber of records the log can hold.

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8.79: External Device Programming Block Header (37825-37842)

• Description: External Device Programming Registers included in this block:

• Memory Size: These registers are a 4-byte unsigned integer representing the
amount of memory, in bytes, allocated to External Device Programming Blocks.
This memory is allocated from RAM, not NVRAM.

• Record Size: This register is an unsigned integer representing the size, in bytes,
of an External Device Programming Block.

• First Index: An unsigned integer representing the Index of the First External
Device Programming Block.

• Last Index: An unsigned integer representing the Index of the Last External
Device Programming Block.

• First Time Stamp: Since External Device Programming Blocks are not recorded
sequentially, these registers have no meaning.

• Last Time Stamp: Since External Device Programming Blocks are not recorded
sequentially, these registers have no meaning.

• Valid Bitmap: These registers hold the bit flags to indicate the validity of individ-
ual External Device Programming Blocks. The first bit (high order bit in Register
37838) represents the validity of the First External Device Programming Block.
The last bit (lowest order bit in Register 37841) represents the validity of the
Last External Device Programming Block.
• A value of 1 means that the External Device was found and the meter
successfully received all of the Programming Block for the External
Device. A value of 0 means that the External Device was not found, or
errors have occurred while trying to retrieve the Programming Block or
that no device is programmed for this slot.

• Max Records: This Register holds an unsigned integer representing the total
number of records the log is capable of holding.

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8.80: Device History Block Header (37889-37906)

• Description: This Register holds an unsigned integer representing the total number
of records the log is capable of holding.

8.81: Direct Memory Access Header (37953-37970)

• Description: Direct Memory Access currently not used.

8.82: Window Index Block (38145-38162)

• Description: Window Index Registers included in this block:

• Historical Log 1 (38145):

•When read, this register returns the Window Index for Historical Log 1 to
access Historical Log 1 on this port. When written, this register sets the
Index used by the Historical Log 1 Window to access Historical Log 1 on
this port. Each port accesses a separate, independent index through this
register, allowing all four ports to access different areas of Historical Log 1
at the same time.

• When a value other than 0x0FFFF is written to this register, the index is

• If the Window Mode for this log indicates a Paused Mode (0x00000 or
0x00001 in Register 38209), Historical Log 1 is paused, preventing the
addition of new records while the log is being accessed. A 30-second
timer is initiated on these writes. Should the timer run out (a new index is
not written within 30 seconds), Historical Log 1 will be allowed to con-
tinue logging.

• When a value of 0x0FFFF is written to this register, it signifies that the

port is finished accessing Historical Log 1, the 30-second timer is
canceled and Historical Log 1 will be allowed to continue logging.

• Should multiple ports access the same log simultaneously, the log will be
paused while either 30-second timer is running. The log will be allowed to
continue logging only when both ports time-out or write 0x0FFFF to their
Index Register.

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• Historical Log 2 (38146): When read, this register returns the Window Index for
Historical Log 2 to access Historical Log 2 on this port. Functionality follows the
Historical Log 1 Window Index (38145).

• Limit Trigger Log (38147): When read, this register returns the Index used by
the Limit Trigger Log Window to access Limit Trigger Log on this port. Function-
ality follows the Historical Log 1 Window Index (38145).

• Limit Snapshot Log (38148): When read, this register returns the Index used by
the Limit Snapshot Log Window to access Limit Snapshot Log on this port. Func-
tionality follows the Historical Log 1 Window Index (38145).

• Digital Input Log (38149): When read, this register returns the Index used by
the Digital Input Log Window to access Digital Input Log on this port. Functional-
ity follows the Historical Log 1 Window Index (38145).

• Digital Input Snapshot Log (38150): When read, this register returns the Index
used by the Digital Input Snapshot Log Window to access Digital Input Snapshot
Log on this port. Functionality follows the Historical Log 1 Window Index

• Digital Output Log (38151): When read, this register returns the Index used by
the Digital Output Log Window to access Digital Output Log on this port. Func-
tionality follows the Historical Log 1 Window Index (38145).

• Digital Output Snapshot Log (38152): When read, this register returns the Index
used by the Digital Output Snapshot Log Window to access Digital Output Snap-
shot Log on this port. Functionality follows the Historical Log 1 Window Index

• Flicker Log (38153): When read, this register returns the Index used by the
Flicker Log Window to access Flicker Log on this port. Functionality follows the
Historical Log 1 Window Index (38145).

• Waveform Trigger Log (38154): When read, this register returns the Index used
by the Waveform Trigger Log Window to access Waveform Trigger Log on this
port. Functionality follows the Historical Log 1 Window Index (38145).

• Register 38155 is not currently used.

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• Waveform Samples Log (38156): When read, this register returns the Index
used by the Waveform Samples Log Window to access Waveform Samples Log
on this port. Functionality follows the Historical Log 1 Window Index (38145).

• PQ Log (38157): When read, this register returns the Index used by the PQ Log
Window to access PQ Log on this port. Functionality follows the Historical Log 1
Window Index (38145).

• External Device Info Block (38159): When read, this register returns the Index
used by the External Device Info Block Window to access External Device Info
Blocks on this port. When written, this register sets the Index used by the Exter-
nal Device Info Block Window to access External Device Info Blocks on this port.
Each port accesses a separate, independent index through this register, allowing
all four ports to access different External Device Info Blocks at the same time.

• External Device Programming Block (38160): When read, this register returns
the Index used by the External Device Programming Block Window to access
External Device Programming Blocks on this port. When written, this register
sets the Index used by the External Device Programming Block Window to
access External Device Programming Blocks on this port. Each port accesses a
separate, independent index through this Register, allowing all four ports to
access different External Device Programming Blocks at the same time.

• Device History Block (38160) - Currently not used.

• Direct Memory Access (38161) - Currently not used.

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8.83: Window Mode Block (38209-38226)

• Description: Window Mode Registers included in this block:

• Historical Log 1 (38209): When read, this register returns the Mode used by the
Historical Log 1 Window to access Historical Log 1 on this port. When written,
this register sets the Mode used by the Historical Log 1 Window to access Histor-
ical Log 1 on this port. Each port accesses a separate, independent Mode
through this Register, allowing all four ports to access Historical Log 1 in differ-
ent modes.

• Currently, the Mode Register defines the following Modes: Paused Download
Mode (0x00000), Paused Time Stamp Mode (0x00001), Running Download
Mode (0x00002) and Running Time Stamp Mode (0x00003).
• In Download Modes (0x00000 and 0x00002), the Historical Log 1 Window
accesses consecutive 128-byte blocks of the Historical Log 1. When the
Index = 0x00000, the first 128 bytes of the log are readable in the win-
dow; when the Index = 0x00001, the second 128 bytes of the log are
readable in the window, and so on. The designation “first 128 bytes of the
log” is a physical description based on the absolute addresses of the
memory allocated to the log. The first (oldest) record in the log may not
be located at the beginning of the log.

• In Time Stamp Modes (0x00001 and 0x00003), the Historical Log 1 Win-
dow accesses the Time Stamps of the records in the Historical Log 1 in
blocks of 16 Time Stamps at a time. When the Index = 0x00000, the
Time Stamps of the first 16 records (records 0-15) in the log are readable
in the window; when the Index = 0x00001, the Time Stamps of the sec-
ond 16 records (records 16-31) in the log are readable in the window, and
so on. The designation “first 16 records of the log” is a physical descrip-
tion based on the absolute addresses of the memory allocated to the log.
The first (oldest) record in the log may not be located at the beginning of
the log.

• In Paused Modes (0x00000 and 0x00001), the log being accessed is

paused and new records are not added to the log while it is paused.

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• In Running Modes (0x00002 and 0x00003), the log being accessed is not
paused and new records may be added to the log. When downloading in
these modes, it is possible the records may be overwritten before or
during the downloading of records.

• Historical Log 2 (38210): When read, this register returns the Mode in use by the
Historical Log 2 Window to access Historical Log 2 on this port. Functionality fol-
lows the Historical Log 1 Window Mode (38209).

• Limit Trigger Log (38211): When read, this register returns the Mode in use by
the Limit Trigger Log Window to access Limit Trigger Log on this port. Function-
ality follows the Historical Log 1 Window Mode (38209).

• Limit Snapshot Log (38212): When read, this register returns the Mode in use by
the Limit Snapshot Log Window to access Limit Snapshot Log on this port. Func-
tionality follows the Historical Log 1 Window Mode (38209).

• Digital Input Log (38213): When read, this register returns the Mode in use by
the Digital Input Log Window to access Digital Input Log on this port. Functional-
ity follows the Historical Log 1 Window Mode (38209).

• Digital Input Snapshot Log (38214): When read, this register returns the Mode in
use by the Digital Input Snapshot Log Window to access Digital Input Snapshot
Log on this port.Functionality follows the Historical Log 1 Window Mode (38209).

• Digital Output Log (38215): When read, this register returns the Mode in use by
the Digital Output Log Window to access Digital Output Log on this port. Func-
tionality follows the Historical Log 1 Window Mode (38209).

• Digital Output Snapshot Log (38216): When read, this register returns the Mode
used by the Digital Output Snapshot Log Window to access Digital Output Snap-
shot Log on this port. Functionality follows Historical Log 1 Window Mode

• Flicker Log (38217): When read, this register returns the Mode in use by the
Flicker Log Window to access Flicker Log on this port. Functionality follows the
Historical Log 1 Window Mode (38209).

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• Waveform Trigger Log (38218): When read, this register returns the Mode in use
by the Waveform Trigger Log Window to access Waveform Trigger Log on this
port. Functionality follows Historical Log 1 Window Mode (38209).

• Register 38219 is currently not used.

• Waveform Samples Log (38220): When read, this register returns the Mode in
use by the Waveform Samples Log Window to access Waveform Samples Log on
this port. Functionality follows Historical Log 1 Window Mode (38209).

• PQ Log (38221): When read, this register returns the Mode in use by the PQ Log
Window to access PQ Log on this port. Functionality follows the Historical Log 1
Window Mode (38209).

• Register 38209 is currently not used.

• External Device Info Block (38223) - Currently not used.

• External Device Programming Block (38224) - Currently not used.

• Device History Block (38225) - Currently not used.

• Direct Memory Access (38226) - Currently not used.

8.84: Window Block (38273-39424)

• Description: Window Registers included in this block:

• Historical Log 1 (38273-38336): These registers are a 128-byte window into the
Historical Log 1. The particular 128-bytes that are accessed are dependent on
the Historical Log 1 window index.

• Historical Log 2 (38337-38400): These registers are a 128-byte window into the
Historical Log 2. The particular 128-bytes that are accessed are dependent on
the Historical Log 2 window index.

• Limit Trigger Log (38401-38464): These registers are a 128-byte window into
the Limit Trigger Log. The particular 128-bytes that are accessed are dependent
on the Limit Trigger Log window index.

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• Limit Snapshot Log (38465-38528): These registers are a 128-byte window into
the Limit Snapshot Log. The particular 128-bytes that are accessed are depen-
dent on the Limit Snapshot Log window index.

• Digital Input Log (38529-38592): These registers are a 128-byte window into
the Digital Input Log. The particular 128-bytes that are accessed are dependent
on the Digital Input Log window index.

• Digital Input Snapshot Log (38593-38656): These registers are a 128-byte win-
dow into the Digital Input Snapshot Log. The particular 128-bytes that are
accessed are dependent on the Digital Input Snapshot Log window index.

• Digital Output Log (38657-38720): These registers are a 128-byte window into
the Digital Output Log. The particular 128-bytes that are accessed are depen-
dent on the Digital Output Log window index.

• Digital Output Snapshot Log (38721-38784): These registers are a 128-byte

window into the Digital Output Snapshot Log. The particular 128-bytes that are
accessed are dependent on the Digital Output Snapshot Log window index.

• Flicker Log (38785-38848): These registers are a 128-byte window into the
Flicker Log. The particular 128-bytes that are accessed are dependent on the
Flicker Log window index.

• Waveform Trigger Log (38849-38912): These registers are a 128-byte window

into the Waveform Trigger Log. The particular 128-bytes that are accessed are
dependent on the Waveform Trigger Log window index.

• System Event Log Window (38913-38976):These registers are a 128-byte win-

dow into the System Events Log. The particular 128-bytes that are accessed are
dependent on the System Events Log window index.

• Waveform Samples Log (38977-39040): These registers are a 128-byte window

into the Waveform Samples Log. The particular 128-bytes that are accessed are
dependent on the Waveform Samples Log window index.

• PQ Log (39041-39104): These registers are a 128-byte window into the PQ Log.
The particular 128-bytes that are accessed are dependent on the PQ Log window

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• External Device Info Block Window (39169-39232): These registers are a 128-
byte window into the External Device Info Blocks. The particular 128-bytes that
are accessed are dependent on the External Device Info Blocks window index.
(See Chapter 5.)

• External Device Info Block Window (39233-39296): These registers are a 128-
byte window into the External Device Programming Blocks. The particular 128-
bytes that are accessed are dependent on the External Device Programming
Blocks window index. (See Chapter 5.)

• Device History Block (39297-39360) - Currently not used.

• Direct Memory Access (39361-39424) - Currently not used.

8.85: Auto Increment Window Block (39423-39488)

• Auto Increment Configuration is 1 Register, 2 bytes. When read, this register

returns the configuration in use by the Auto Increment Log Window, to access logs
on this port. When written, this register sets the configuration used by the Auto
Increment Log Window, to access logs on this port. Each port accesses a separate,
independent configuration through this register allowing all four ports to access
logs with different configurations.

• The least significant byte indicates which log is being accessed. The appropriate
values are:

0x000 Historical Log 1

0x001 Historical Log 2

0x002 Sequence of Events State Log

0x003 Sequence of Events Snapshot Log

0x004 Digital Input State Log

0x005 Digital Input Snapshot Log

0x006 Digital Output State Log

0x007 Digital Output Snapshot Log

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0x008 Flicker Log

0x009 Waveform Trigger Log

0x00A System Event Log

0x00B Waveform Sample Log

0x00C PQ Log

0x00D-0x0FF Undefined

• The most significant byte defines the following modes: Paused Download Mode
(0x000) and Running Download Mode (0x001).
• In Paused Download mode (0x000), the log being accessed is paused -
new records are not added to the log while it is paused.

• In Running Download mode (0x001), the log being accessed is not

paused - new records may be added to the log. When downloading in this
mode, it is possible that records may be overwritten before, or even
during, access to that record.

• Auto Increment Window Index is 1 register, 2 bytes. When read, this register
returns the index used by the Auto Increment Log Window, to access logs on this
port. When written, this register sets the index used by the Auto Increment Log
Window, to access logs on this port. Each port accesses a separate, independent
index through this register, allowing all four ports to access different areas of logs
at the same time.

• When read, the index is incremented before being returned in the Modbus
response. If the Auto Increment Mode is Paused Download mode (0x001xx in
register 39423, 0x099FE), the appropriate log is paused, preventing the addition
of new records while the log is being accessed. A 30-second timer is initiated on
these reads. Should the timer run out (the index is not incremented/read in 30
seconds), the appropriate log will be allowed to continue logging.

• When a value of 0x0FFFF is written to this register, this signifies that the port is
finished accessing the appropriate log, and the 30-second timer is canceled and
the appropriate log will be allowed to continue logging.

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• Should multiple ports access the same log simultaneously, the log will be paused
while either 30-second timer is running; the log will be allowed to continue log-
ging only when both ports time-out or write 0x0FFFF to their index register.

• Auto Increment Log Window is 64 registers, 128 bytes. These registers are a
128-byte window into a log, as specified in the Auto Increment Configuration
(register 39423, 0x099FE). Depending on the Auto Increment Window Index, a
different 128-byte area of a log can be accessed. See Section 5.1.4: Download-
ing Logs with Auto Index and Modbus Extensions for the usage of these regis-

8.86: Alarm Block (40961-41105)

• Description: Window Registers included in this block:

• Last Alarm (40961-40976): These Registers keep the latest Limit Trigger Log,
which records information about the limits. The log records which limits are cur-
rently exceeded and which limits have just changed. The 16 Registers contain 32
bytes. The record format is the same as the Limit Trigger Log Format.
• The first eight bytes are the Time Stamp. The format of the Time Stamp

Time Stamp Bytes

Byte Format Range Description

0 Binary 0-99 Century

1 Binary 0-99 Year

2 Binary 1-12 Month

3 Binary 1-31 Day

4 Binary 0-23 Hour

5 Binary 0-59 Minute

6 Binary 0-59 Second

7 Binary 0-99 +MSB Centisecond

• An additional piece of information is contained in the centisecond byte.

The most significant bit indicates whether Limit Trigger monitoring was
continuous between the last record and this record. If the bit is 1, then
this is the first record recorded after a power-down, reset or download

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and all unfinished durations prior to this record are lost. If the bit is 0,
then recording was continuous between the last record and this one.

• The next four bytes are a bitmap for the Current State of the Value 1
Comparisons of the Limits.
- The first bit (the most significant bit of the first byte) is the Current
State of the 1st Limit’s Value 1 Comparison. The last bit (the least
significant bit of the fourth byte) is the Current State of the 32nd Limit’s
Value 1 Comparison.
- A bit value of 1 means that the Comparison is exceeded (less than or
equal to Value 1 for a below limit; greater than Value 1 for an above
limit), a bit value of 0 means the Comparison is not exceeded (greater
than Value 1 for a below limit; less than or equal to Value 1 for an
above limit).

• The next four bytes are the same bitmap as above, but for the Current
State of the Value 2 Comparisons of the Limits.

• The next four bytes are a bitmap for the Delta of the Value 1 Compari-
sons of the Limits. The order of the bits is the same as above. A bit value
of 1 means that the State of the Value 1 Comparison changed since the
last alarm occurred; a bit value of 0 means that the State of the Value 1
Comparison did not change since the last alarm.

• The next four bytes are the same bitmap as above, but for the Delta of
the Value 2 Comparisons of the Limits.

• The next four bytes are a bitmap for the Current State of the Combina-
tions of the Limits.
- The first bit (the most significant bit of the first byte) is the Current
State of the 1st Limit’s Combination of the Value 1 Comparison and the
Value 2 Comparison. The last bit (the least significant bit of the fourth
byte) is the Current State of the 32nd Limit’s Combination of the Value
1 Comparison and the Value 2 Comparison.
- A bit value of 1 means that the Combination is true; a bit value of 0
means that the Combination is false.

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• The last four bytes are the same bitmap as above, but for the Delta of the
Combination of the Limits.

• Last Alarm Snapshot (40977-41104): the registers store the latest Limit Snap-
shot Log. The record formats are also explained in Chapter 6.
• Record Format: A record contains 32, 64, 128 or 256 bytes, depending
on how many channels have limits assigned to them. The first eight bytes
in each Record are the Time Stamp. The format of the Time Stamp is
shown on page 8-34.

• The remaining bytes are the values monitored by Limits (45077-45204).

If the first Data Pointer is requesting VBN, a 4-byte value, then the next 4
bytes in the Record is VBN. This continues, Data Pointer for Data Pointer,
until all Data Pointers have been satisfied, or the number of bytes is equal
to the Historical Log 1 Record Size.

• Limit Data Pointers (45077-45204): These registers indicate which values are
being monitored by Limits. Each Data Pointer has the following 8-byte structure:

Size Format Description

2-byte Unsigned Integer Line Number

1-byte Unsigned Char Point Number

1-byte Unsigned Char Limit Mode

2-byte Unsigned Integer Comparison 1 Value

2-byte Unsigned Integer Comparison 2 Value

• A Line Number is an index into the Communication Table. For example:

Line Number 11 is for the 12th Line in the Communication Table, 0.1 Sec-
ond Phase-to-Neutral Voltages. Data Pointers with Line Numbers greater
than the number of lines in the table are ignored.

• A Point Number is an index into a Line in the Communication Table. For

example: Point Number 1 is for the second entry in a Line. Line Number
11, Point Number 1 is the 2nd in the 12th line, 0.1 Second VBN. Data
Pointers with Point Numbers greater than the number of points for the
line are ignored.

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• Latched Exception Flag (41105): This register tells you how many Limit Triggers
have occurred since the last time the registers were checked. This register is
Read Only.
• For example: Two Limit Exceptions occurred. Read the register from Port
1; you will notice 2 Limit Exceptions returned. Later, two more Limit
Exceptions occurred. Read the register again. From Port 1, you will notice
2 Limit Exceptions returned. From Port 2, you will notice 4 Limit Excep-
tions returned. Limit Exceptions are incremented so that you have a
history of Limit Exceptions in the Ports.

8.87: TOU Action Log Header (41217-41240)

• Description: TOU Action Log Header Registers included in this block: see registers
8.88: TOU Month/Season Log Header (41281-41304)

• Description: TOU Month/Season Log Header Registers included in this block: see
registers 36865-36883.
8.89: Port Control Block (41729-42496)

• Description: Port Control Registers included in this block (see Chapter 5):

• Port Control Command (41729): When written, this register receives commands
meant to control the ports. Valid commands are:

0x00100 = Lock Port 4 (I/O) for my use

0x00101 = Lock Port 3 for my use

0x00102 = Lock Port 2 for my use

0x00103 = Lock Port 1 (232/485) for my use

0x00104 = Lock the Diagnostic Port for my use (currently not use)

0x00200 = Unlock Port 4

0x00201 = Unlock Port 3

0x00202 = Unlock Port 2

0x00203 = Unlock Port 1

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0x00204 = Unlock the Diagnostic Port (currently not used)

• You cannot lock your own port.

• You cannot lock a port that is already locked.

• A port can only be unlocked by the port that locked it originally.

• Lock States (41730-41732): These registers contain 6 bytes. The first five bytes
contain codes indicating whether a port is locked by another port or not.

Port Control Lock States

Register High Byte Low Byte

41731 Port 4 (I/O) Port 3

41732 Port 2 Port 1 (232/485)

41733 Diagnostic Port Unused

• Initially, these bytes read as 0x0FF. When a port requests that another
port be locked to its use (0x00100 - 0x00104 to Register 41731), these
bytes will read with one of the following codes, indicating which port is
the locked owner of which port:

0x000 = Locked by Port 4 (I/O)

0x001 = Locked by Port 3

0x002 = Locked by Port 2

0x003 = Locked by Port 1 (232/485)

0x004 = Locked by the Diagnostic Port (currently not used)

0x0FF = Unlocked

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• Pointers (41733-41752): These registers, when read, return the values of the
pointers controlling the Communication Buffers in the Nexus® device. They are
unsigned integers and represent the indexes of the series of bytes that are the
Receive and Transmit Circular Buffers. Since the buffers are 512 bytes long,
valid values should range from 0x00000 to 0x001FF.
• The order of the registers is:

Port Control Pointers

Port ReceiveIn ReceiveOut TransmitIn TransmitOut

Port 4 (I/O) 41733 41734 41735 41736

Port 3 41737 41738 41739 41740

Port 2 41741 41742 41743 41744

Port 1 (232/485) 41745 41746 41747 41748

Diagnostic Port 41749 41750 41751 41752

- ReceiveIn indexes the location where the next received character will be
placed in the Receive Buffer by the interrupt routine.

- ReceiveOut indexes the location where the next character should be

removed from the Receive Buffer by the parsing routine.

- TransmitIn indexes the location where the next character to be trans-

mitted should be placed by the communication generation routine.

- TransmitOut indexes the location of the next character to be transmitted

by the interrupt routine.

- The Receive Buffer is empty if RecIn = (RecOut+1) Mod 512. The

Receive Buffer is full if RecIn = RecOut.

- The Transmit Buffer is empty if TrmIn = TrmOut. The Transmit Buffer is

full if TrmOut = TrmIn+1) Mod 512.

• When a port is locked, its pointers may be modified by the locking port.

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• When a TransmitIn Register is written, that causes the interrupt routines

to transmit characters in the Transmit Buffer from TransmitIn to Transmi-

• Receive and Transmit Buffers (41985-44544): These registers, when read, return
the contents of the appropriate Receive and Transmit Buffers. Each buffer is 256
Registers (512 bytes) long. The order of the buffers is:

Receive and Transmit Buffers

Port Receive Transmit

Port 4 (I/O) 41985-42240 43265-43520

Port 3 42241-42496 43521-43776

Port 2 42497-42752 43777-44032

Port 1 (232/485) 42753-43008 44033-44288

Diagnostic Port 43009-43264 44289-44544

8.90: Test Mode: Preset Energy Update Block (44545-44578)

• Description: Energy readings can be preset by Communicator EXTTM software.

• Preset Energy File Block Index

• Preset Energy File Block: 4 Registers, 8 bytes. These registers hold the energy
readings that will be used by the software for certain Energy applications.

• Preset Energy Selection / Status: 1 Register, 2 bytes. This register indicates

which energy is to be preset by the software.

8.91: Programmable Settings Block 1 (45057-57344)

• See Chapter 7 for details.

8.92: Action Block - Resetting Meter Registers (57345-57517)

• Most of the registers in the Action Block are used to perform an action or reset a
meter register. Unless otherwise stated, the action is performed when a value, any
value, is written to that register.

• For example: In order to Reset Maximum Value in Meter Address 1, any value,
such as ‘1’ (0x00001) should be written to Register 57346 (0x0E001). The

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appropriate Modbus RTU command for this example would be: 01 06 E001 0001
2E0A (See Chapter 1 for Modbus protocol overview.)

• Description: Action Registers included in this block:

• Log Reset (57345): This register, when written with any value, causes all logs to
be cleared. This action should be performed only under the following two
1. When the Programmable Settings are modified, such that data already in the
logs is invalidated. For example, any modifications involving the record size or
organization of the contents of a snapshot would require the logs to be cleared
of any previous data.

2. When the Run-Time Code is upgraded, resulting in one of the following:

- Redefinition of the layout or meaning of the Programmable Settings.
- Altered behavior or capabilities of the logs.

NOTE: Log Reset should be performed automatically by the software in either

case and should not be an action directly available to the user. (See Chapter 5.)

• Maximum Reset (57346): This register, when written with any value, causes all
Maximum Values to be cleared.

• Minimum Reset (57347): This register, when written with any value, causes all
Minimum Values to be cleared.

• Energy Reset (57348): This register, when written with any value, causes all
Energy Values to be cleared.

• Registers for the Meter Calibration (57349-57377): Meter calibrations are done
through these registers. These registers are for factory use only.

• Registers 57380-57382: Internal KYZ Enable, Internal KYZ Minimum Pulse

Width, Internal KYZ Pulses/Whr sec are obsolete. These registers are no longer

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• Waveform Calibration (57383-57384): Waveform Calibration should be

performed when waveform sampling is running at rates of 16, 32, 64 or 128
samples per cycle. Waveform Calibration should not be performed when wave-
form sampling is running at 256 or 512 samples per cycle. If the unit needs
waveform recalibration and is running at 256 or 512 samples per cycle, repro-
gram the meter to one of the other sampling rates, recalibrate, then return the
unit to its original sampling rate.

• Voltage Calibration (57383): When written, the register initiates a calibration of

the Voltage Channels of the Waveform Capture section of the meter’s Main Unit.
An accurate and stable 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage input should be applied to all
voltage channels of the unit prior to the writing of this register. Phase relation-
ships between the voltage channels are immaterial. The magnitude of the signal
should be as follows:

Voltage Calibration Inputs

Meter Model Input RMS

1500+ Meter Standard (5Amp) Current Input 5A RMS

• When read, this register returns the state of the Voltage Calibration. A
value of 0x00000 means that Voltage Calibration is not taking place. Any
other value indicates that Voltage Calibration is taking place. The 120 V
Input should be maintained until this Register reads 0x00000, which
should take up to 20 seconds, depending on the programmable settings.

• Current Calibration (57384): When written, this register initiates a calibration of

the Current Channels of the Waveform Capture section of the meter’s Main Unit.
An accurate and stable 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage input should be applied to all
current channels of the unit prior to the writing of this register. Phase relation-
ships between the current channels are immaterial. The magnitude of the signal
should be as follows:

Current Calibration Inputs

Meter Model Input RMS

1500 Meter+ Standard (120 V) Voltage Input 120 V RMS

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• When read, this register returns the State of the Current Calibration. A
value of 0x00000 means that Current Calibration is not taking place. Any
other value indicates that Voltage Calibration is taking place. The 120 V
Input should be maintained until this register reads 0x00000, which
should take up to 20 seconds, depending on the programmable settings.

• Calibration Waveform - DC Offset (57385): This register is currently not used.

• Reset Time of Use Current Season and Current Month (57386): When written,
Time of Use Current Season and Current Month will reset.

• Manual Waveform Capture (57387): When written, the unit captures a wave-

• Reset Internal Input Accumulations and Aggregations (57388): When written,

Internal Input Accumulations and Aggregations will reset.

• Override Data not yet Valid Block (57389): This register is for diagnostics of
communication between two microprocessors in the meter.

• Refresh External I/O Header Information (57390): This register, when written,
causes all External Devices to be polled for their Information Blocks.

• Refresh External I/O Programming Information (57391): This register, when

written, causes all External Devices to be polled for their Programming Blocks.

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• Relay Locking Relay Selection (57392): This register and register 57393 will
manually change the External Digital Output Modules’ Relays. Using register
57392, the user can select relays to be locked by register 57393.
- A bit value of 1 means that the relay will be affected by the value on the Action
Selection Register (57393).
- A bit value of 0 means that the relay will not be affected by the value on the
Action Selection Register (57393).

Relay Locking Relay Selection Register (57392)

Byte High Byte Low Byte

Module Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

Relay 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

• Relay Locking Action Selection (57393): This register will lock or unlock the
relays of the External Digital Output Modules in Relay Selection Register 57392.
Relays in the Selection Register (57392) with a bit value of 1 can be locked or
unlocked by this Register. The Register is a 2-byte unsigned integer.

Relay Locking Action Selection Values

Value Description

0 Lock common to N.C. (normally closed)

1 Lock common to N.O. (normally open)

2 Unlock

3-65535 Not used

8.93: Factory Calibration Block (60929-61026)

• Description: Refer to section 5.5 for details.

8.94: CTPT Compensation Calibration Block (61027-61122)

• Description: Refer to section 5.5 for details.

8.95: Calibration Modification Block (61171-63488)

• Description: Refer to section 5.5 for details.

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8.96: Device Identification Block 2 (65088-65280)

• Description: Device Identification Registers included in this block:

• 196 Xilinx Version / 320 Xilinx Version (65088):

• Each number is represented by a 1-byte integer.

• Firmware Variation Strings (65089-65280):

• Eight Registers each and Null Terminated ASCII Strings (Terminating Null
(ASCII 00H) at the end of the string) (see 3.1.).

Operational Communication Settings

Baud Response
Value Protocol Parity Stop Bits Data Bits
Rate Delay (ms)

0 Modbus ASCII 4800 None 5 0.00

1 Modbus RTU 9600 Even 6 0.25

2 DNP 3.0 19200 Odd 7 0.50

3 38400 Mark 8 0.75

4 57600 Space 1.00

5 115200 1.25

6 1.50

7 1 1.75

8 1.5 2.00

9-14 2.25-3.50

15 2 3.75

16-255 4.00-63.75

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8.97: Password Block (65316-65344)

• Description: this register contains and enumeration that tells the device what action
to take. The enumeration is as follows:

0x00000 - Set Level 1 Password

0x00001 - Set Level 2 Password

0x00002 - Enable Password Protection

0x00003 - Disable Password Protection

0x00004 - Enable Sealing Switch Protection

0x00005 - Disable Sealing Switch Protection

0x00006 - Set Network User 1 User Name and Password

0x00007 - Set Network User 2 User Name and Password

0x00008 - Set Network User 3 User Name and Password

0x00009 - Set Network User 4 User Name and Password

0x0000A - Set Network User 5 User Name and Password

0x0000B - Set Network User 6 User Name and Password

0x0000C - Set Network User 7 User Name and Password

0x0000D - Set Network User 8 User Name and Password

0x0000E - Set Network User 1 Privileges

0x0000F - Set Network User 2 Privileges

0x00010 - Set Network User 3 Privileges

0x00011 - Set Network User 4 Privileges

0x00012 - Set Network User 5 Privileges

0x00013 - Set Network User 6 Privileges

0x00014 - Set Network User 7 Privileges

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0x00015 - Set Network User 8 Privileges

0x00016 - Read Network User 1 user Name and Privileges

0x00017 - Read Network User 2 user Name and Privileges

0x00018 - Read Network User 3 user Name and Privileges

0x00019 - Read Network User 4 user Name and Privileges All successful com-
mands set access back to Level 0, revoking the 2-minute timer of any active pass-

• New Password A (65332-65336)

• New Password B (65340-65344)

• For setting Level 1 & Level 2 passwords: these registers are written to in
order to set the Level 1 or Level 2 Password. The same password should
be written to both sets of registers; a new password will be accepted only
if the values written to both sets of registers agree.

• After filling in both sets of registers, the Password Command register

should be written with the command indicating which password is being

• Passwords must be 10 bytes long - consistent padding with extra charac-

ters must be performed.If a password is shorter than 10 bytes should be
padded with SPACE (0x020) characters at the end.

• Acceptable Passwords should consist of the ASCII characters ‘ ‘ (0x020),

‘0’-‘9’ (0x030-0x039), ‘A’-‘Z’ (0x041-0x05A). Attempts to set a password
with illegal characters will fail.

• For setting network user name, password and privileges:

- For setting network user name and password, software should send
user name to New Password A field, and password to New Password B
field. Software should always set none-zero length to user name and
password fields. If username or password is shorter than 10 bytes, then
software should pad it with NULL (0x0) characters at the end.

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8: Register Block Titles

• For setting network user privileges, software should send it to New Pass-
word A field, with undefined bit fields set to 0s.

• For reading network user name and privileges, the user must gain Level 2
password access to the meter and then issue the read network username
& privileges command. The meter will place the user name in New Pass-
word A field and user privileges in New Password B field for software to
read. The user cannot read the network password: the byte values in New
Password A and New Password B fields are encoded. If the user does not
have sufficient access rights or if the password command sequence
entered is not correct, the user will read 0's for New Password A and New
Password B fields.

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

9:Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

9.1: Overview
The preferred and recommended method for downloading logs from the Nexus®
1500+ meter is using LDA, as explained in Chapter 6. For backward compatibility, the
System Events Log and historical logs 1 and 2 can be downloaded using the serial
method (see Chapter 5). This chapter contains information on these logs.

9.2: Historical Log 1 Format

• Profile information is in the Programmable Settings Block (see Chapter 7 for


• Historical Log 1 will fill to its total allocated memory. The number of records possi-
ble in the log is the total memory allocated divided by the record size (size of an
Historical Log snapshot) and the 8 bytes record header. For example:
Record size = 64
File allocated = 1MB = 1048576
Number of records = 1048576 /(64+72)=14563

• Historical Log 1 Record Size: (45463):

• This Register is an enumeration for the size of a record in the Historical
log. The valid values are:

0x00000 = 32 byte records

0x00001 = 64 byte records

0x00002 = 128 byte records

0x00003 = 256 byte records

0x00004 = 16 byte records

• Historical Log 1 Data Pointers: (45205-45332):

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• These Registers indicate which information to include in a record in the Historical

log. Each Data Pointer has the following four byte structure:

Size Format Description

2 byte unsigned integer Line Number

1 byte unsigned character Point number

1 byte unsigned character Reserved

• A Line Number is an index into the Communication Table. For example, Line
Number 11 is for the 12th line in the Communication Table, 0.1 second Phase-
to-Neutral Voltages. Data Pointers with Line Numbers greater than the number
of lines in the table are ignored.

• A Point Number is an index into the Communication Table. For example, Point
Number 1 is for the second entry in a Line. Line Number 11, Point Number 1 is
the second in the twelfth line, 0.1 second VBN. Data Pointers with Point Numbers
greater than the number of points for the line are ignored.

• Record Format: A record contains as many bytes as specified by the Historical Log
1 Record Size Field in the Programmable Settings Block (45463). The first eight
bytes in each record is the Time Stamp. The format of the Time Stamp is:

Byte Format Range Description

0 binary 0 - 99 century

1 binary 0 - 99 year

2 binary 1 - 12 month

3 binary 1 - 31 day

4 binary 0 - 23 hour

5 binary 0 - 59 minute

6 binary 0 - 59 second

7 binary 0 - 100 centisecond

• If the Historical record was recorded after powering up or the log was reset, the
record does not contain information covering a full interval and the most signifi-
cant bit of the second's byte will be set.

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• If the Historical record was recorded after time was adjusted, the record might
contain more or less than a full interval's worth of data.
• If time is advanced within the current interval, or advanced or rolled back
to outside the current interval, the record contains less than a full inter-
val's worth of data and the most significant bit of the minute byte will be

• If time is rolled back within the same interval, the record contains more
than a full interval's worth of data and the bit before the most significant
bit (bit 6) of the minute byte will be set.

• The remaining bytes are the values requested by the Historical Log 1 Data Pointers
(45205-45332). If the first Data Pointer is requesting VBN a 4 byte value, then the
next 4 bytes in the Record are VBN. This continues, Data Pointer for Data Pointer,
until all Data Pointers have been satisfied, or the number of bytes is equal to the
Historical Log 1 Record Size.

9.3: Historical Log 2 Format

• Profile information is in the Programmable Settings Block (see Chapter 7 for


• Historical Log 2 will fill to its total allocated memory. The number of records possi-
ble in the log is the total memory allocated divided by the record size (size of an
Historical Log snapshot) and the eight bytes record header.

• Historical Log 2 Record Size: (45464):

• This Register is an enumeration for the size of a record in the Historical
log. The valid values are:

0x00000 = 32 byte records

0x00001 = 64 byte records

0x00002 = 128 byte records

0x00003 = 256 byte records

0x00004 = 16 byte records

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• Historical Log 1 Data Pointers: (45333-45332):

• These Registers indicate which information to include in a record in the Historical

log. Each Data Pointer has the following four byte structure:

Size Format Description

2 byte unsigned integer Line Number

1 byte unsigned character Point number

1 byte unsigned character Reserved

• A Line Number is an index into the Communication Table. For example, Line
Number 11 is for the 12th line in the Communication Table, 0.1 second Phase-
to-Neutral Voltages. Data Pointers with Line Numbers greater than the number
of lines in the table are ignored.

• A Point Number is an index into the Communication Table. For example, Point
Number 1 is for the second entry in a Line. Line Number 11, Point Number 1 is
the second in the twelfth line, 0.1 second VBN. Data Pointers with Point Numbers
greater than the number of points for the line are ignored.

• Record Format: A record contains as many bytes as specified by the Historical Log
1 Record Size Field in the Programmable Settings Block (45463). The first eight
bytes in each record is the Time Stamp. The format of the Time Stamp is:

Byte Format Range Description

0 binary 0 - 99 century

1 binary 0 - 99 year

2 binary 1 - 12 month

3 binary 1 - 31 day

4 binary 0 - 23 hour

5 binary 0 - 59 minute

6 binary 0 - 59 second

7 binary 0 - 100 centisecond

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• If the Historical record was recorded after powering up or the log was reset, the
record does not contain information covering a full interval and the most signifi-
cant bit of the second's byte will be set.

• If the Historical record was recorded after time was adjusted, the record might
contain more or less than a full interval's worth of data.
• If time is advanced within the current interval, or advanced or rolled back
to outside the current interval, the record contains less than a full inter-
val's worth of data and the most significant bit of the minute byte will be

• If time is rolled back within the same interval, the record contains more
than a full interval's worth of data and the bit before the most significant
bit (bit 6) of the minute byte will be set.

• If the Historical Log 2 Time of Use Enable byte (45952) is disabled, the remaining
bytes are the values requested by the Historical Log 2 Data Pointers (45333-
45460). If the first Data Pointer is requesting VBN a 4 byte value, then the next 4
bytes in the Record are VBN. This continues, Data Pointer for Data Pointer, until all
Data Pointers have been satisfied, or the number of bytes is equal to the Historical
Log 2 Record Size.

9.4: System Event Log Format

• The System Event Log stores events which affect the operation of the meter, includ-
ing power events, time changes, log retrieval, and firmware changes. The full list is
given on the next page.

• Record Format: The System Event record is 16 bytes.

[Timestamp] 8 bytes, Nexus Time stamp

[Record Type] 1 byte

[Record Details] 7 bytes

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• Event Table:

Event System Record Bytes 0 Byte Byte Byte

Byte 8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12
Type ID Event Type Sequence to 7 13 14 15

0x000 Run Time First Time Event Details Undefined

Status Stamp Type ID

0x001 Password First Time Event Action Port ID Undefined

Stamp Type ID

0x002 Change Pro- First Time Event Undefined

grammable Stamp Type ID

0x003 Change First Time Event Firmware Current Major Version Rec Unde-
Firmware Stamp Type ID ID Sequ fined

Second Time Event Firmware Current Minor Version Rec Unde-

Stamp Type ID ID Sequ fined

0x004 Change First Time Event Part Port ID Undefined

Time Stamp Type ID changed

0x005 Test Mode First Time Event Action Port ID Undefined

Stamp Type ID

0x006 Log First Time Event Action Log ID Port ID Rec Pro- IP IP
Retrieval Stamp Type ID Sequence tocol Byte Byte 2

Second Time Event Action Log ID Port ID Rec IP IP Unde-

Stamp Type ID Sequence Byte Byte fined
3 4

0x007 Feature First Time Event Item ID Port ID Undefined

Reset Stamp Type ID

0x008 System Ini- First Time Event Problem Prob Undefined

tialization Stamp Type ID Type Detail

0x009 Change First Time Event Rec Port ID Old Serial Number MSB Part
meter serial Stamp Type ID Sequence
Second Time Event Rec Old Serial Number LSB Part Undefined
Stamp Type ID Sequence

0x00A Bio-Block First Time Event Rec Block ID Update Port ID Rea- Not Used
Stamp Type ID Sequence Order son =

0x00A Bio-Block First Time Event Rec Block ID Update Port ID Rea- MAC MAC
(Ethernet Stamp Type ID Sequence =2 Order son = Byte Byte 2
Board 1) 2 1

Second Time Event Rec Block ID Update MAC B3 MAC MAC MAC
Stamp Type ID Sequence =2 Order Byte Byte Byte 6
4 5

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

Event System Record Bytes 0 Byte Byte Byte

Byte 8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12
Type ID Event Type Sequence to 7 13 14 15

0x00A Bio-Block First Time Event Rec Block ID Update Port ID Rea- Con- Vol-
(Front Panel Stamp Type ID Sequence =3 Order son trast ume
Board) >= 2

Second Time Event Rec LCD Turnoff Timeout X Left Coordinate X Right Coordi-
Stamp Type ID Sequence nate

Third Time Event Rec Y Top Coordinate Y Bottom Coordi- Undefined

Stamp Type ID Sequence nate

0x00A Bio-Block First Time Event Rec Block ID Upd Port ID Rea- Cal Cal
(Digital Stamp Type ID Sequence =8 Order son = Sta- Error
Board) 2 tus

Second Time Event Rec F Tst Fin Tst Undefined

Stamp Type ID Sequence Status Error

0x00B VSwitch First Time Event V-Switch Port ID Undefined

Stamp Type ID Value

0x00C Security First Time Event Action Port ID User Acc Undefined
Stamp Type ID Idx

0x00D Clock Com- First Time Event Enabled/ Port ID Undefined

pensation Stamp Type ID Disabled

• Run Time Status - Power Record:

• The first byte of the sub-fields indicates whether power was lost or
regained at the recorded time:

0x000 Run Time was stopped (power loss, boot mode, etc.). The timestamp
record is that recorded before the meter be turned off.

0x001 Run Time has started.

0x002 Run Time is active (all readings have initialized, polling, logging limits,
etc. are enabled)

0x003- Undefined

• The remaining 6 bytes of the sub-fields are undefined.

• Password Record:
• The Password System Event record is stored when the administrative
password is used or changed. See Security Record for changes in the indi-
vidual user accounts.

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• The first byte of the sub-fields indicates what action occurred at the
recorded time:

0x000 Password Protection was Enabled.

0x001 Password Protection was Disabled.

0x002 The Level 1 Password was changed.

0x003 The Level 2 Password was changed.

0x004 Level 1 access was granted.

0x005 Level 2 access was granted.

0x006 An invalid password was supplied.

0x007-0x0FF Undefined

• The second byte of the sub-fields indicates what port was used for the

0x000 internal use


0x002 LCD touch screen

0x003 ETHERNET 1

0x004 ETHERNET 2

0x005 PORT 3- RS485 - master or slave

0x006 reserved, N/A

0x007 USB only, N/A for UART

0x008 PORT 4 - RS485, master or slave

0x009 PORT 2 - UART, USB serial

0x00A-0x0FF Undefined

• The remaining 5 bytes of the sub-fields are undefined.

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• Change Programmable Settings:

• The 7 bytes of the sub-fields are undefined.

• The first byte of the sub-fields indicates which copy was successfully
created and saved. If all bits are zero, no copy was successfully created/

Bit 0 (Less significant bit) = 1 (First copy OK)

Bit 1 (Less significant bit) = 1 (Second copy OK)

Bit 2 (Less significant bit) = 1 (Third copy OK)

Bits 3-7 = Not defined

• The 6 bytes of the sub-fields are undefined.

• Change Firmware:
• This event type can generate up two consecutive records.

• The first byte of the sub-fields indicates which firmware has been

0x000 Comm Run Time

0x001 Undefined

0x002 Comm Boot

0x003 FPGA

0x004 DSP2 Run Time

0x005-0x0FF Undefined

• The next 4 bytes of the sub-fields indicates the current major/minor

version number of the changed firmware. They major/minor version is
left leading with space/zeros. (For FPGA the minor firmware version will
be just into the second and third byte.)

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• The sixth byte of the sub-fields indicates the record sequence.

0x000 no extra record (for firmware that does not have minor
version number)

0x001 the first record of the sequence, it contains the major

version number

0x002 the second record of the sequence, it contains the minor

version number

• The seventh byte of the sub-fields is undefined

• Change Time:
• This record is used to indicate manual changes of the time of the meter,
as performed via communication commands. Automatic functions, such
as IRIG-B or Daylight Savings, are not indicated by this record.

• The first byte of the sub-fields indicates which part of the time change
this record shows:

0x000 Old Time - The time stamp is the old time

of the meter.

0x001 New Time - The time stamp is the new

time of the meter.

0x002 Old Time - Auto correction, time stamp

before correction was made. Internally
used, so next byte should be 0.

0x003 New Time - Auto correction, corrected

time stamp.

0x004-0x0FF Undefined

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• The second byte of the sub-fields indicates what port was used to change
the time:

0x000 internal use


0x002 LCD touch screen

0x003 ETHERNET 1

0x004 ETHERNET 2

0x005 PORT 3- RS485 - master or slave

0x006 reserved, N/A

0x007 USB only, N/A for UART

0x008 PORT 4 - RS485, master or slave

0x009 PORT 2 - UART, USB serial

0x00A-0x0FF Undefined

• The remaining 5 bytes of the sub-fields are undefined.

• Log Download:
• When logs are retrieved, the action is recorded in the system event log.
When retrieving logs over Ethernet, two records are generated to record
the IP address of the software doing the retrieval. When retrieving logs
otherwise, only one record is recorded.

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

- The first byte indicates the log download action:

0x000 Download Started, Log records while downloading

0x001 Download Started, Log Paused while downloading

0x002 Download Ended.

0x003 Download Ended, dropped records. (Log download

using file system access)

- The second byte of the sub-fields indicates which log was being

0x000 Interval 1 Log

0x001 Interval 2 Log

0x002 Limit Log

0x003 n/a

0x004 Digital Input Log

0x005 n/a

0x006 Digital Output Log

0x007 n/a

0x008 Flicker Log

0x009 Waveform Log

0x00A System Event Log

0x00B Transient Log

0x00C PQ Log

0x00D Reset Log - NOT SUPPORTED

0x00E Interval Log 3 Log

0x00F Interval Log 4 Log

0x010 Interval Log 5 Log

0x011 Interval Log 6 Log

0x012 Interval Log 7 Log

0x013 Interval Log 8 Log

0x014 Event triggered Log

0x015-0x0FF Undefined

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

- The third byte of the sub-fields indicates what port was used to down-
load the log:

0x000 internal use


0x002 LCD touch screen

0x003 ETHERNET 1

0x004 ETHERNET 2

0x005 PORT 3- RS485 - master or slave

0x006 reserved, N/A

0x007 USB only, N/A for UART

0x008 PORT 4 - RS485, master or slave

0x009 PORT 2 - UART, USB serial

0x00A-0x0FF Undefined

- The fourth byte of the sub-fields indicates the sequence number:

(Ethernet only).

0x000 first record

0x001 second record

- The fifth byte of the sub-fields indicates the protocol: (Ethernet only).


0x001 FTP

- The remaining 2 bytes of the sub-fields are the first two bytes of the
client IP address.

- The first fourth bytes of the sub-fields are defined as into the first
- The fifth and sixth bytes of the sub-fields are the last bytes of the client
IP address.
- The remaining 1 byte of the sub-fields is undefined.

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• Feature Reset:
• A Feature Reset System Event record occurs when a log or accumulator is
reset by an external request.

• The first byte indicates what feature was being reset:

0x000 All Logs Reset

0x001 Maximum Reset

0x002 Minimum Reset

0x003 Energy Reset

0x004 Time of Use Current Month

0x005 Internal Input Accumulations and


0x006 KYZ Output Accumulations

0x007 Cumulative Demand

0x008 Interval 1 Log Reset

0x009 Interval 2 Log Reset

0x00A Limit Log Reset

0x00B Digital Input Log Reset

0x00C Digital Output Log Reset

0x00D Flicker Log Reset

0x00E Waveform Log Reset

0x00F PQ Log Reset

0x010 System Event Log Reset

0x011 Total Average Power Factor Reset

0x012 Time of Use Active registers

0x013 Test Mode - NOT SUPPORTED

0x014 Interval 3 Log Reset

0x015 Interval 4 Log Reset

0x016 Interval 5 Log Reset

0x017 Interval 6 Log Reset

0x018 Interval 7 Log Reset

0x019 Interval 8 Log Reset

0x01A Event triggered Log Reset

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

0x01B Transient Log Reset

0x01C EN50160 data reset

0x01D EN50160 report reset

0x01E EN50160 log reset

0x01F EN50160 data preset

• The second byte of the sub-fields indicates what port was used to request
the reset.

0x000 internal use


0x002 LCD touch screen

0x003 ETHERNET 1

0x004 ETHERNET 2

0x005 PORT 3- RS485 - master or slave

0x006 reserved, N/A

0x007 USB only, N/A for UART

0x008 PORT 4 - RS485, master or slave

0x009 PORT 2 - UART, USB serial

0x00A-0x0FF Undefined

• The remaining 5 bytes of the sub-fields are undefined.

• System Initialization Problem:

• The System Initialization System Event records when the meter detected
a problem during boot up.

• The first byte indicates the problem type:

0x000 Log Initialization

0x001-0x0FF Undefined

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• The second byte of the sub-fields indicates the reason of the problem.

Bit (0x01) The log folder into the compact flash has a bad lay-
out: files are out of order, files are missed, file have
wrong size, directories exist into that folder

Bit 2 (0x02) The memory allocated is bigger than the memory


Bit 3 (0x04) The log folder and the system event log file was

Bit 4 (0x08) Some log files are missed then they are created
(This bit should not be set, excepted for special
runtime version that allows creating log files)

Bit 5 (0x10) The log files are out of order (This bit should not be
set, excepted for special runtime version that
allows creating log files)

Bit 6 (0x20) There were extra log files in the end of the log
folder and they were deleted (This bit should not be
set, excepted for special runtime version that
allows creating log files)

Bit 7 (0x40) There were extra files into the log folder (This bit
should not be set, excepted for special runtime ver-
sion that allows creating log files)

• The remaining 5 bytes of the sub-fields are undefined.

• Change Meter Serial Number:

• This event generates two consecutive records.

- The first byte of the sub-fields indicates the sequence number.

0x000 first record

0x001 second record

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- The second byte of the sub-fields indicates what port was used to
change the serial number:

0x000 internal use


0x002 LCD touch screen

0x003 ETHERNET 1

0x004 ETHERNET 2

0x005 PORT 3- RS485 - master or slave

0x006 reserved, N/A

0x007 USB only, N/A for UART

0x008 PORT 4 - RS485, master or slave

0x009 PORT 2 - UART, USB serial

0x00A-0x0FF Undefined

- The remaining 5 bytes of the sub-fields are used to save the 5 most
significant bytes of the old meter serial number.

- The first byte of the sub-fields indicates the sequence number.

0x001 second record

- The second, third and fourth bytes of the sub-fields are used to save the
3 less significant bytes of the old meter’s serial number.
- The remaining 3 bytes of the sub-fields are undefined.

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9: Alternative Method for Downloading Logs

• V-switch:
• A V-Switch system event record indicates the changing of the V-switch of
the meter.

• The first byte indicates the value of the v-switch to be updated to.

• The second byte of the sub-fields indicates what port was used for the

0x000 internal use


0x002 LCD touch screen

0x003 ETHERNET 1

0x004 ETHERNET 2

0x005 PORT 3- RS485 - master or slave

0x006 reserved, N/A

0x007 USB only, N/A for UART

0x008 PORT 4 - RS485, master or slave

0x009 PORT 2 - UART, USB serial

0x00A-0x0FF Undefined

• The remaining 5 bytes of the sub-fields are undefined.

• Security:
• A Security System Event record occurs when a security change occurs,
such as changing a username or password used to log on to the meter.
See Password Record for changes in the administrative password.

• The first byte of the sub-fields indicates what action occurred at the
recorded time:

0x000 Sealing switch enabled

0x001 Sealing switch disabled

0x002 Network username/password


0x003 Network privileges changed

0x004-0x0FF Undefined

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• The second byte of the sub-fields indicates what port was used for the

0x000 internal use


0x002 LCD touch screen

0x003 ETHERNET 1

0x004 ETHERNET 2

0x005 PORT 3- RS485 - master or slave

0x006 reserved, N/A

0x007 USB only, N/A for UART

0x008 PORT 4 - RS485, master or slave

0x009 PORT 2 - UART, USB serial

0x00A-0x0FF Undefined

• The third byte of the sub-fields is only valid for actions 0x002-0x003 and
indicates the user account number:

0x000 n/a

0x001 user account 1

0x002 user account 2

0x003 user account 3

0x004 user account 4

0x005 user account 5

0x006 user account 6

0x007 user account 7

0x008 user account 8

• The remaining 4 bytes of the sub-fields are undefined.

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• Clock Compensation:
• The first byte indicate if the clock compensation was enabled or disabled:

0x000 Disabled

0x001 Enabled

• The second byte of the sub-fields indicates what port was used for the

0x000 internal use


0x002 LCD touch screen

0x003 ETHERNET 1

0x004 ETHERNET 2

0x005 PORT 3- RS485 - master or slave

0x006 reserved, N/A

0x007 USB only, N/A for UART

0x008 PORT 4 - RS485, master or slave

0x009 PORT 2 - UART, USB serial

0x00A-0x0FF Undefined

• The remaining 5 bytes of the sub-fields are undefined.

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10: Additional Procedures

10: Additional Procedures

10.1: Overview
This chapter contains additional procedures related to the Modbus map.

10.2: Port Locking - Overview

At times it may be necessary for a Modbus master connected to one port of a Nexus®
meter to communicate directly to a slave device connected to a different port of the
same meter. For example, software on a computer connected to one port of a Nexus®
meter might need to change settings on an external device connected to another port
of the meter. To accommodate this need, the following steps allow a Master to control
the transmit and receive buffers of another port.

To prevent contention, only one master at a time may control a given port. This is
referred to as "Locking a Port". If Port 1 is controlling Port 4, no other ports may
control Port 4 until Port 1 is finished.

10.2.1: Sequence for Port Locking

To lock a port, follow the steps below:

1. Determine the port to which the Modbus master is currently attached (read register

2. Determine that the desired port is currently unlocked: (read registers 41730 -

3. Write to lock the desired port: write 0100H - 0104H to register 41729.

4. Verify that the port is successfully locked (read registers 41730 - 41732).

5. Read the current states of the pointers: registers 41733 - 41752.

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10.2.2: Transmission
1. Decide which transmit buffer to use, from 4 to 7, and write it to register 41753.

2. Find the current position of the TrmIn pointer: registers 41735, 41739, 41743,
41747, 41751.

3. Add bytes to the transmit buffer starting at the position indexed by the TrmIn
pointer, up to the position before that indexed by the TrmOut pointer.

4. Write the new value for the TrmIn pointer (the position after the last byte added) to
the TrmIn pointer.

10.2.3: Reception
1. Decide which receive buffer to use, from 0 to 3, and write it to register 41753.

2. Find the current position of the RecOut pointer: registers 41734, 41738, 41742,
41746, 41750.

3. Read bytes starting at the position after that indexed by the RecOut pointer, up to
the position before the position indexed by the RecIn pointer.

4. Write the new value for the RecOut pointer (the position of the last byte read) to
the RecOut pointer.

10.2.4: Port Unlocking Sequence

To unlock a port, follow the steps below:

1. Empty the receive buffer (RecOut written so it is the position before RecIn).

2. Write to unlock the desired port: write 0200H - 0204H to register 41729.

3. Verify that the port is successfully unlocked: registers 41730 - 41732.

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10.3: Updating Programmable Settings

Note that this procedure is included for completeness, but is not recommended for
regular customer use. The Communicator EXTTM software creates the programmable
settings file automatically when it is used to update programmable settings. That is
the recommended procedure.

1. Build the binary programmable settings block to update to the meter. All 32k of
programmable settings must be updated.

a. The programmable settings are broken into two blocks, Block 1 and Block 2,
each 16384 bytes in size.

b. Compute the CRC16 on the first 16382 bytes of Block 1. We do not include the
last two bytes, as this is where the checksum is stored.

c. Continue computing the checksum (using the previously computed checksum as

the seed), on all 16384 bytes of Block 2.

d. Place the computed checksum into the last two bytes of Block 1.

2. If Level 2 Password Protection is enabled, send the Level 2 password to allow

updating of the programmable settings. If Sealing switch is enabled, press the
Sealing switch.

3. If any changes were made to the programmable settings which affect the logs, the
logs should be cleared:

a. Lock the logs to prevent them from being updated until the meter is reset. Write
0xABCD to register 0xE052.

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b. Write 0xFFFF to the register listed below to reset that log.

All Logs 0xE000

Historical 1 0xE035

Historical 2 0xE036

Sequence of Events 0xE037

Digital Input 0xE038

Digital Output 0xE039

Flicker 0xE03A

Waveform 0xE03B

PQ 0xE03C

Historical 3 0xE04A

Historical 4 0xE04B

Historical 5 0xE04C

Historical 6 0xE04D

Historical 7 0xE04E

Historical 8 0xE04F

Event Triggered 0xE050

Transient 0xE051

TOU Action Log 0xE0A5

TOU Month and Season Log 0xE0A7

4. Write the programmable settings data:

NOTE: All 32k of data must be written for the programmable settings to be

a. Write Block 1 for 16384 bytes starting at register 0xB000.

b. Write Block 2 for 16384 bytes starting at register 0x6000.

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5. Wait for the meter to finish storing the programmable settings.

a. Read the Programmable Settings Update Status registers: 7 registers starting at


offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0x00 Match (MSB) Mode (LSB) Error Code Time Stamp

0x08 Time Stamp Checksum

• Match: Indicates if the RAM and stored programmable settings match. 0

indicates a match, 1 indicates no match.

• Mode: Indicates if the meter is in the process of updating the program-

mable settings. 0 indicates the process is idle, otherwise an update is in

• Error Code:
0 No Error
1 Internal Global Flag not set
2 Buffer not ready
3 Bad Checksum
4 Internal Checks Failed
5 Could not write file header
6 Data Write Error

• Time Stamp: Nexus 8 byte time stamp

• Checksum: Checksum of the stored programmable settings.

b. If the Status mode indicates that the update is idle, check that Match indicates
that the RAM and file copies match, and that Error Code indicates No Error.

• If so, programmable settings have successfully been updated, and you

may continue.

• If not, check the Status Error Code:

- If an error is indicated, exit the update.
- If no error is indicated, continue waiting.

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6. If logs were reset at the beginning of the process, wait for all logs to finish reset-
ting before continuing:

a. Query the log status register for each of the logs.

Historical 1 0x9012

Historical 2 0x9052

Historical 3 0x9E17

Historical 4 0x9E57

Historical 5 0x9E97

Historical 6 0x9ED7

Historical 7 0x9F17

Historical 8 0x9F57

Event Triggered 0x9F97

Sequence of Events (aka, 0x9097

Limits, Alarms)

Digital Inputs 0x9117

Digital Outputs 0x9197

Flicker 0x9217

Waveform 0x9242

PQ 0x9317

System Events 0x9295

Transient 0x92C2

TOU Action Log 0xA117

TOU Month and Season Log 0xA157

b.Wait until all status registers read 0.

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7. Send the command to reset the meter. Programmable settings do not take effect
until the meter has been reset. The Reset command is protected by the Level 2
password and the Sealing switch, if those are enabled. The meter will not process
the Reset command if it's in the middle of processing a programmable settings

a. Send 0x0001 to register 0xFFFA.

b. Wait at least 30 seconds for the device to restart.

NOTE: See the Programming flowchart beginning on the next page.

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34 [(&


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)URP Programmable Settings Update Status Registers (0xFFE0 to 0xFFE6)


[))( 5DPDQG)LOH0DWFK 06% 0RGH /6%

[))( (UURU&RGH

[))( [))( 7LPH6WDPS







34 [

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10.4: Time of Use Information

This section provides detailed information concerning the Modbus registers holding
the meter’s TOU data.

TOU Detail Status

• Current TOU detail status is in Modbus Holding register 8807H.

• Prior TOU detail status is in Modbus Input registers EF6FH and EF70H.

• The status provides detailed information, for example, whether or not TOU is
running, if there are errors, if TOU is in Self Read mode or Manual Read mode, if
the TOU season is configured as week or day. The user needs to read and process
these registers before processing TOU data.

Customized Season

• The Current Season/Prior Season registers can be customized in the meter’s TOU
configuration to provide either Weekly or Daily behavior. In this case, the registers
will no longer be called Current Season or Prior Season. Depending on the TOU
configuration, the "Current Season" may be referred to as the "Current Week" or
"Current Day," and the "Prior Season" may be referred to as the "Prior Week" or
"Prior Day." Note that this will not change the operation of the "Current Month" or
"Prior Month" registers, which will continue to operate according to the billing
month dates set up in the TOU profile.

TOU Data Values

• The TOU data values are in the Modbus Input registers, starting at D037H. They are
arranged as follows:

• Current Billing Month, whole month - rate 0 to rate 4, each rate having data sets
from 1 to 16.

• Current Billing Month, initial season - rate 0 to rate 4, each rate having data sets
from 1 to 16.

• Current Billing Month, final season - rate 0 to rate 4, each rate having data sets
from 1 to 16.

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• Prior Billing Month, whole month - rate 0 to rate 4, each rate having data sets
from 1 to 16.

• Prior Billing Month, initial season - rate 0 to rate 4, each rate having data sets
from 1 to 16.

• Prior Billing Month, final season - rate 0 to rate 4, each rate having data sets
from 1 to 16.

• Current Season/Week/Day - rate 0 to rate 4, each rate having data sets from 1
to 16.

• Prior Season/Week/Day - rate 0 to rate 4, each rate having data sets from 1 to

TOU Data Set Values

• Accumulators: these are in primary, with scaled energy format.

• Identifiers:

• For Current Month/Season/Week/Day:

• The identifiers are in the TOU profile's Header section, Modbus Holding
registers 882EH-8835H - 2 IDs in each register, with a total of 16 IDs for
16 datasets.

• Available valid ID values are 1-30 and 40-48. These IDs are used to
identify what each accumulator is and its detailed format in the meter
profile, starting at Modbus Holding register CA00H.

• For example, Positive Wh (Quadrant 1+4) would have an ID of 4, which is

the 4th setting in the scaled energy format list, and its scaled energy
format settings are located in meter profile CA01H's low byte.

• For Prior Month/Season/Week/Day:

• The identifiers are in the TOU's Prior Scaled Energy IDs, Modbus Input
registers EF4FH-EF5EH - 2 IDs in each register, with a total of 16 IDs for
16 datasets.

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• There are two sections - one for Prior Billing Month and one for Prior

• Available valid ID values are 1-30 and 40-48. These IDs are used to iden-
tify what each accumulator is and its detailed format in the meter profile,
starting at Modbus Input register EF1BH.

• For example, Previous Season +Wh Q1+4 would have an ID of 4, which is

the 4th setting in the scaled energy format list and its scaled energy
format settings are located in Modbus Input register EF36H's low byte.

• Peak Demand:

• Data is in IEEE 32-bit floating point, primary format. The demand values corre-
spond to the accumulator value settings.

• For example, if the accumulator has a scaled energy ID setting of 4 (for +Wh
Q1+4), then the demand would the identified as +W Q1+4.

• Cumulative Demand:

• Data is in 32-bit unsigned integer, primary format. The demand values corre-
spond to the accumulator value settings.

• For example, if the accumulator has a scaled energy ID setting of 4 (for +Wh
Q1+4), then the demand would the identified as +W Q1+4.

• Coincident Demand:

• Data is in IEEE 32-bit floating point, primary format.

• Identifiers:
• For Current Month/Season/Week/Day:

• The identifiers are in the TOU profile's Header section, Modbus Holding
registers 8836H-883DH - 2 IDs in each register, with a total of 16 IDs
for 16 datasets.

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• Available valid ID values are 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 25 and 26 for VAR type
data, and ID=0 for PF type data. These IDs are used to identify what
each coincident demand is, starting at Modbus Holding register CA00H.

• For example, VAR Q1+2 would have an ID of 2, which is the 2nd item
in the scaled energy format list.

• For Prior Month/Season/Week/Day:

• The identifiers are in the TOU's Prior Scaled Energy IDs, Modbus input
registers EF5FH-EF6EH - 2 IDs in each register, with a total of 16 IDs
for 16 datasets.

• There are two sections, one for Prior Billing Month and one for Prior

• Available valid ID values are 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 25 and 26 for VAR type
data, and ID=0 for PF type data. These IDs are used to identify what
each coincident demand is.

• For example, VAR Q1+2 would have an ID of 2, which is the 2nd item
in the scaled energy format list.

• Peak Demand Time Stamp:

• The Time Stamp is in 6 bytes packed S-Format.

• Each byte holds a value in the time stamp, i.e., year, month, day, hour, minute
and second.

• The Year value is offset from year 2000. For example, if Year=10, then Year
value in the time stamp is 2010.

Additional TOU Support Information

• Additional TOU information is in Modbus Input registers D027H-D036H and EF71H-

EF7CH:TOU Current/Prior Start times, Next Self Read time, Billing Month ID, and
Season ID.

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10.5: Calibration Interface: Direct Adjustment Interface

Factory Read CT/PT Read Modification

Block Time Stamp 60929-60932 61027-61030

Calibration Modification Selection 61185

Calibration Time Stamp 60933-60936 61030-61034 61186-61189

Gain Factor for VAE, VBE, VCE, VNE 60937-60944 61035-61042 61190-61197

Gain Factor for IA, 25 mA, 150 mA, 250 60945-60956 61043-61054 61198-61209
mA, 500 mA, 1 A, 2.5 A, 5 A

Gain Factor for IB, IC, INM 60957-60992 61055-61090 61210-61245

Unused 60993 61091 61246

Phase Comp. IA, 150 mA, 250 mA, 500 60994-60998 61092-61096 61247-61251
mA, 1 A, 2.5 A, 5 A, 10 A

Phase Comp. IB, IC 60999-61025 61097-61106 61252-61278

Current Threshold 61023-61024 61121-61122 61276-61277

Table Version 61025 61123 61278

Calibration checksum 61026 61124 61279

Block checksum 61280

Calibration data can be read and modified using the registers shown in the table,

The Block Time Stamp indicates when the data you are reading was last refreshed for
viewing. The Calibration Time Stamp indicates when calibration information was last
modified. This is provided as part of the block when direct adjustments are

The Calibration Checksum is a CRC16 checksum computed over all calibration infor-
mation from the Calibration Time Stamp through to the last unused byte before the
Calibration Checksum. It is provided as part of the block when direct adjustments are

When performing a direct adjustment, in addition to providing a properly check-

summed table of calibration data, a selection indicating whether the table should
update the Factory Calibration or the CT/PT calibration needs to be provided. This
selection should be 0x00000 for Factory Calibration and 0x00100 for CT/PT Compen-

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sation. To verify the selection, a Block Checksum must be computed from the Calibra-
tion Modification Selection through to the Calibration Checksum.

• Voltage Gain Factor: 4 byte signed LSB first values with 20 bits of fraction that
are used as a multiplicative factor.

LSB First MSB First Decimal Scaled Meaning

0x00000010 0x00100000 1048576 1.00000 x*1.00 (unity)

0x99990011 0x00119999 1153433 1.0999994 x*1.10 (magnification 10%)

0x6666000E 0x000E6666 943718 0.8999996 x*0.90 (diminution 10%)

• To increase/decrease a voltage reading by y percent, multiply the gain factor by


Change by y Multiply by

Increase 2% +2 102/100 = 1.02

Decrease 5% -5 95/100 = 0.95

• Current Gain Factor: 4 byte signed LSB first values with 20 bits of fraction that are
used as a divisive factor.

LSB First MSB First Decimal Scaled Meaning

0x00000010 0x00100000 1048576 1.00000 x/1.00 (unity)

0x99990011 0x00119999 1153433 1.0999994 x/1.10 (diminution 10%)

0x6666000E 0x000E6666 943718 0.8999996 x/0.90 (magnification 10%)

• To increase/decrease a current reading by y percent, multiply the gain factor by

100/(100 + y).

Change by y Multiply by

Increase 2% +2 100/102 = 0.98039

Decrease 5% -5 100/95 = 1.05263

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• PT Gain Factor: The CT/PT compensation table has 6 additional gain factors: PT
gain for Van, Vbn, Vcn, Vab, Vbc, and Vca. They are 4 byte unsigned LSB first
values in units of 1/268435456. They form a 32 bit unsigned fixed point number, 4
MSB bits for integer and 28 LSB bits for fraction.

LSB First MSB First Decimal Scaled

0x00001000 0x10000000 268435456 1.00000

0x99990011 0x00119999 1153433 0.004297

0x66661100 0x11006666 285238886 1.06259

• Phase Compensation Factors: 4 byte signed LSB first values in units of 0.001 of
additive Phase angle shift.

LSB First MSB First Decimal Scaled Meaning

0x0000 0x0000 0 0.000 No Phase Shift

0x0200 0x0002 2 0.002 +0.0020 PF Shift

0xFEFF 0xFFFE -2 -0.002 -0.0020 PF Shift

• The Transformer manufacturer specifies the Phase shift in minutes/second.

Convert minutes to degree with the equation: 1 minute = 3 degrees, and 1
minute = 60 seconds, so 1 second = 0.05 degrees.

• Current Threshold: The current threshold is an optional component of the

calibration table. It occupies two words, both of which are LSB first. If
programmed, the second word is a one's compliment of the first words. If
unprogrammed, the default operation of the meter is to zero out individual phase 1
second readings if less than 5 mA; if programmed, the first word indicates the
fractional value of the current readings below which it will zero out.

LSB MSB Decimal Scaled Meaning

0xEE5E0148 0x0148EE5E 328 0.005 Zero out current < 5 mA

0xEE5FEB7 0xFEB7EEE5F Programmed

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0.2 Second Values: These values are the RMS values of the indicated
quantity as calculated after approximately 200
milliseconds (3 cycles) of sampling.

1 Second Values: These values are the RMS values of the indicated
quantity as calculated after one second (60
cycles) of sampling.

Alarm: An event or condition in a meter that can cause a

trigger or call-back to occur.

Annunciator: A short label that identifies particular quantities or

values displayed, for example kWh.

Average (Current): When applied to current values (amps) the

average is a calculated value that corresponds to
the thermal average over a specified time
The interval is specified by the user in the meter
profile. The interval is typically 15 minutes.
So, average amps is the thermal average of amps
over the previous 15-minute interval. The thermal
average rises to 90% of the actual value in each
time interval. For example, if a constant 100 amp
load is applied, the thermal average will indicate
90 amps after one time interval, 99 amps after
two time intervals and 99.9 amps after three time

Average (Input Pulse When applied to Input Pulse Accumulations, the

Accumulations: “Average” refers to the block (fixed) window
average value of the input pulses.

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Average (Power): When applied to power values (Watts, VARs, VA),

the average is a calculated value that corresponds
to the thermal average over a specified time
The interval is specified by the user in the meter
profile. The interval is typically 15 minutes.
So, the Average Watts is the thermal average of
Watts over the previous 15-minute interval. The
thermal average rises to 90% of the actual value
in each time interval. For example, if a constant
100kW load is applied, the thermal average will
indicate 90kW after one time interval, 99kW after
two time intervals and 99.9kW after three time

Bit: A unit of computer information equivalent to the

result of a choice between two alternatives (Yes/
No, On/Off, for example).
Or, the physical representation of a bit by an
electrical pulse whose presence or absence
indicates data.

Binary: Relating to a system of numbers having 2 as its

base (digits 0 and 1).

Block Window Avg

(Power): The Block (Fixed) Window Average is the average
power calculated over a user-set time interval,
typically 15 minutes. This calculated average
corresponds to the demand calculations
performed by most electric utilities in monitoring
user power demand. (See Rolling Window

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Byte: A group of 8 binary digits processed as a unit by a

computer (or device) and used especially to
represent an alphanumeric character.

CBEMA Curve: A voltage quality curve established originally by

the Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers
Association. The CBEMA Curve defines voltage
disturbances that could cause malfunction or
damage in microprocessor devices.
The curve is characterized by voltage magnitude
and the duration which the voltage is outside of
tolerance. (See ITIC Curve.)

Channel: The storage of a single value in each interval in a

load profile.

Cold Load Pickup This value is the delay from the time control
power is restored to the time when the user wants
to resume demand accumulation.

CRC Field: Cyclic Redundancy Check Field (Modbus

communication) is an error checksum
calculation that enables a Slave device to
determine if a request packet from a Master
device has been corrupted during transmission. If
the calculated value does not match the value in
the request packet, the Slave ignores the request.

CT (Current) Ratio: A Current Transformer Ratio is used to scale the

value of the current from a secondary value up to
the primary side of an instrument transformer.

Cumulative Demand: The sum of the previous billing period maximum

demand readings at the time of billing period
reset. The maximum demand for the most recent
billing period is added to the previously

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accumulated total of the maximum demands.

Demand: The average value of power or a similar quantity

over a specified period of time.

Demand Interval: A specified time over which demand is calculated.

Display: User-configurable visual indication of data in a


DNP 3.0: A robust, non-proprietary protocol based on

existing open standards. DNP 3.0 is used to
operate between various systems in electric and
other utility industries and SCADA networks.

EEPROM: Nonvolatile memory; Electrically Erasable

Programmable Read Only Memory that retains its
data during a power outage without need for a
battery. Also refers to meter’s FLASH memory.

Energy Register: Programmable record that monitors any energy

quantity. Example: Watt-hours, VAR-hours,

Ethernet: A type of LAN network connection that connects

two or more devices on a common communi-
cations backbone. An Ethernet LAN consists of at
least one hub device (the network backbone) with
multiple devices connected to it in a star configu-
ration. The most common versions of Ethernet in
use are 10BaseT and 100BaseT as defined in
IEEE 802.3 standards. However, several other
versions of Ethernet are also available.

Flicker: Flicker is the sensation that is experienced by the

human visual system when it is subjected to

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changes occurring in the illumination intensity of

light sources. IEC 61000-4-15 and former IEC
868 describe the methods used to determine
Flicker severity.

Harmonics: Measuring values of the fundamental current and

voltage and percent of the fundamental.

I2T Threshold: Data will not accumulate until current reaches

programmed level.

Integer: Any of the natural numbers, the negatives of

those numbers, or zero.

Invalid Register: In the Nexus® meter’s Modbus Map there are

gaps between Registers. For example, the next
Register after 08320 is 34817. Any unmapped
Register stores no information and is said to be

ITIC Curve: An updated version of the CBEMA Curve that

reflects further study into the performance of
microprocessor devices. The curve consists of a
series of steps but still defines combinations of
voltage magnitude and duration that will cause
malfunction or damage.

Ke: kWh per pulse; i.e. the energy.

kWh: Kilowatt hours; kW x demand interval in hours.

KYZ Output: Output where the rate of changes between 1 and

0 reflects the magnitude of a metered quantity.

LCD: Liquid Crystal Display.

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LED: Light Emitting Diode.

Maximum Demand: The largest demand calculated during any interval

over a billing period.

Modbus ASCII: Alternate version of the Modbus protocol that

utilizes a different data transfer format. This
version is not dependent upon strict timing, as is
the RTU version. This is the best choice for
telecommunications applications (via modems).

Modbus RTU: The most common form of Modbus protocol.

Modbus RTU is an open protocol spoken by many
field devices to enable devices from multiple
vendors to communicate in a common language.
Data is transmitted in a timed binary format,
providing increased throughput and therefore,
increased performance.

Network: A communications connection between two or

more devices to enable those devices to send to
and receive data from one another. In most
applications, the network is either a serial type or
a LAN type.

NVRAM: Nonvolatile Random Access Memory: able to

keep the stored values in memory even during
the loss of circuit or control power. High speed
NVRAM is used in the Nexus® meter to gather
measured information and to insure that no
information is lost.

Optical Port: A port that facilitates infrared communication with

a meter. Using an ANSI C12.13 Type II magnetic
optical communications coupler and an RS232
cable from the coupler to a PC, the meter can be

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programmed with Communicator EXTTM software.

Packet: A short fixed-length section of data that is

transmitted as a unit. Example: a serial string of
8-bit bytes.

Percent (%) THD: Percent Total Harmonic Distortion. (See THD.)

Protocol: A language that is spoken between two or more

devices connected on a network.

PT Ratio: Potential Transformer Ratio used to scale the

value of the voltage to the primary side of an
instrument transformer. Also referred to as VT

Pulse: The closing and opening of the circuit of a two-

wire pulse system or the alternate closing and
opening of one side and then the other of a three-
wire system (which is equal to two pulses).

Q Readings: Q is the quantity obtained by lagging the applied

voltage to a wattmeter by 60 degrees. Values are
displayed on the Uncompensated Power and Q
Readings screen.

Electro Industries/GaugeTech Doc# E154713 GL-7

The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

(Programmable Values and
Factors on the Nexus®
meter:) Watt and VAR flow is typically represented using
an X-Y coordinate system. The four corners of the
X-Y plane are referred to as quadrants. Most
power applications label the right hand corner as
the first quadrant and number the remaining
quadrants in a counter-clockwise rotation. Follow-
ing are the positions of the quadrants:
1st - upper right, 2nd - upper left, 3rd - lower left
and 4th - lower right.
Power flow is generally positive in quadrants 1
and 4.
VAR flow is positive in quadrants 1 and 2.
The most common load conditions are:
Quadrant 1 - power flow positive, VAR flow
positive, inductive load, lagging or positive
power factor;
Quadrant 2 - power flow negative, VAR flow
positive, capacitive load, leading or negative
power factor.

Register: An entry or record that stores a small amount of


Register Rollover: A point at which a Register reaches its maximum

value and rolls over to zero.

Reset: Logs are cleared or new (or default) values are

sent to counters or timers.

Rolling Window The Rolling (Sliding) Window Average is the

Average (Power): average power calculated over a user-set time
interval that is derived from a specified number of
sub-intervals, each of a specified time. For

Electro Industries/GaugeTech Doc# E154713 GL-8

The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

example, the average is calculated over a

15-minute interval by calculating the sum of the
average of three consecutive 5-minute intervals.
This demand calculation methodology has been
adopted by several utilities to prevent customer
manipulation of kW demand by simply spreading
peak demand across two intervals.

RS232: A type of serial network connection that connects

two devices to enable communication between
the devices. An RS232 connection connects only
two points. Distance between devices is typically
limited to fairly short runs.
Current standards recommend a maximum of 50
feet but some users have had success with runs
up to 100 feet.
Communications speed is typically in the range of
1200 bits per second to 57,600 bits per second.
RS232 connection can be accomplished using Port
1 of the Nexus® 1250/1252 meter.

RS485: A type of serial network connection that connects

two or more devices to enable communication
between the devices. An RS485 connection allows
multi-drop communication from one to many
Distance between devices is typically limited to
around 2,000 to 3,000 wire feet.
Communications speed is typically in the range of
120 bits per second to 115,000 bits per second.

Sag: A voltage quality event during which the RMS

voltage is lower than normal for a period of time,
typically from 1/2 cycle to 1 minute.

Electro Industries/GaugeTech Doc# E154713 GL-9

The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

Secondary Rated: Any Register or pulse output that does not use
any CT or PT(VT) Ratio.

Serial Port: The type of port used to directly interface with a

device using the RS232 standard.

Swell: A voltage quality event during which the RMS

voltage is higher than normal for a period of time,
typically from 1/2 cycle to 1 minute.

TDD: The Total Demand Distortion of the current

waveform. The ratio of the root-sum-square value
of the harmonic current to the maximum demand
load current. (See equation below.)
NOTE: The TDD displayed in the Harmonics
screen is calculated by the meter, using the Max
Average Demand.

I 22 + I 32 + I 42 + I 52 + 
TDD I = ------------------------------------------------------  100%

THD: Total Harmonic Distortion is the combined effect

of all harmonics measured in a voltage or current.
The THD number is expressed as a percent of the
fundamental. For example, a 3% THD indicates
that the magnitude of all harmonic distortion
measured equals 3% of the magnitude of the
fundamental 60Hz quantity. The %THD displayed
is calculated by your Nexus® meter.

I 22 + I 32 + I 42 + I 52 + 
THD I = ------------------------------------------------------  100%

Time Stamp: A stored representation of the time of an event.

Time Stamp can include year, month, day, hour,
minute, second and Daylight Savings Time

Electro Industries/GaugeTech Doc# E154713 GL-10

The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

TOU: Time of Use.

Power: VA, Watt and VAR readings not adjusted by
Transformer Loss Compensation.

V2T Threshold: Data will stop accumulating when voltage falls

below programmed level.

Voltage Imbalance: The ratio of the voltage on a phase to the average

voltage on all phases.

Voltage Quality Event: An instance of abnormal voltage on a phase. The

events the meter tracks include sags, swells,
interruptions and imbalances.

VT Ratio: The voltage transformer Ratio is used to scale the

value of the voltage to the primary side of an
instrument transformer. Also referred to as PT

Voltage, Vab: Vab, Vbc, Vca are all Phase-to-Phase voltage

measurements. These voltages are measured
between the three phase voltage inputs to the

Voltage, Van: Van, Vbn, Vcn are all Phase-to-Neutral voltages

applied to the monitor. These voltages are
measured between the phase voltage inputs and
Vn input to the meter. Technologically, these
voltages can be “measured” even when the meter
is in a Delta configuration and there is no connec-
tion to the Vn input. However, in this configu-
ration, these voltages have limited meaning and
are typically not reported.

Electro Industries/GaugeTech Doc# E154713 GL-11

The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

Voltage, Vaux This is the fourth voltage input measured from

between the Vaux and Vref inputs. This input can
be scaled to any value. However, the actual input
voltage to the meter should be of the same
magnitude as the voltages applied to the Va, Vb
and Vc terminals.

Electro Industries/GaugeTech Doc# E154713 GL-12

The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

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