Soal PTS KLS X B. Inggris Maritim 2020
Soal PTS KLS X B. Inggris Maritim 2020
Soal PTS KLS X B. Inggris Maritim 2020
It is a lovely autumn day, sunny with a fresh northerly wind. A car arrives at Number 2 berth Gabriel Huidobro
Quay at the Raos Dock complex in the Port of Santander. The door of the car opens and a man gets out. Captain Andrew
James is back onduty after his annual leave. He says goodbye to the company agent in the car and starts to walk up the
gangway to the MS Marina, a multi-purpose dry cargo vessel of 12,000 DWT. She lies moored to the quay at berth No. 3
in the Inner Harbour. All around him is the life and bustle of the port. Trucks and lorries are rushing back and forth,
delivering goods in containers, crates and bales. Stevedores are moving cargo in and out of the warehouses. Crane drivers
are operating the quayside cranes and ship’s derricks, which are lifting the heavy cargo, loading and unloading the ships.
On board the deckhands are attaching slings, hooks and other lifting devices to lift the cargo and store it into the holds and
on deck. The deckhands must also lash the cargo so that it will not shift during the voyage.
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