Draft QCO On EG
Draft QCO On EG
Draft QCO On EG
To be published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii)]
Government of India
Ministry of Steel
S.O. ……….. (E). - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Bureau of
Indian Standards Act, 2016 (11 of 2016), the Central Government being of the opinion
that it is necessary or expedient so to do in the public interest and after consulting the
Bureau, hereby makes the following order, namely:-
(i) This order may be called the Steel and Steel Products (Quality Control) third
Order, 2020.
(ii) It shall come into force on the date as decided by Ministry of Steel.
(iii) It shall apply to steel and steel products specified in column (3) of Table 1
except steel and steel products for export which conform to any other
specification required by a foreign buyer.
3. Compulsory use of Standard Mark:- Every packet of the steel and steel products
(in sheet or coil form) specified in column (3) of Table 1 shall bear the Standard
Mark under a license from the Bureau as per Scheme–I of Schedule–II of the
Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018.
4. Certification and enforcement authority:- The Bureau shall be the certifying and
enforcing authority in respect of the steel and steel products, goods and articles
specified in this order.
5. Penalty for contravention:- Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of
this order shall be punishable under the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, 2016.
6. Date of effect of amendment or revision in Indian Standards:- This order shall
apply to any amendment or revision made by the Bureau to any of the Indian
Standards specified in Table 1 with effect from the date notified by the Bureau in
this behalf.
Table 1