Persuasion Masterclass: How To Powerfully Influence Anyone

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Persuasion Masterclass: How To Powerfully Influence Anyone

Here's a sample of what you'll learn inside:

1.  Why Logic Is Your BIGGEST Enemy When It Comes To Persuading Someone
2. Why Trying To Convince Someone of Anything Makes Them LESS Likely To Want To Do It
3. How A Simple Listening “Switch” Makes It Infinitely Easier To Persuade
4. What Exactly People Look For BEFORE They Listen To Anything You Say
5. What To Do Every Day To Build Your “Effortless Persuasion Muscle”
6. Why Needing Anything Sinks You Deep In The Water In ANY Persuasion
7. How To Make Sure Your Message “Cuts Through Like A Knife”
8. The Most Important “Persuasion Trigger” I Learned From Walt Disney
9. What Tony Robbins Jumping Off A Bridge In Bali Has To Do With Persuasion and Influence
10. Your 3 Persuasion Tools That Are Infinitely More Powerful Than Telling People What To Do
11. The 10 Step Persuasion Checklist To Go Through Before Any Important Conversation or
12. The 12 “Points To Hit” To Craft An Irresistibly Persuasive Message

And much, much more...

You'll also get access to three cheat sheets to be able to remember, and use everything we
cover on persuasion. 

The Art of Communications - Become A Master Communicator

12 Strategies for Dealing With Difficult People

Learn how to confidently implement different strategies for dealing with difficult people.

Certified Happiness Practitioner: Level 1 [Accredited]

At the end of this course, you will:

 Become Authentically Happier while not "Changing Yourself"

 Improve Relationships with everyone you choose to do so

 Become even More Confident

 Increase Your Credibility

 Get the Tools to Increase Your Resilience Level

 Stop chasing happiness

 Focus on what you really want in life 

 Understand and know your strengths 

 Learn what positive psychology is all about 

 Learn and apply many tools from the Science of Positive Psychology toolbox 

 Understand and learn basic mindfulness techniques 

 Set Your Goals with happiness in mind

 Get the tools to set the goals right and achieve them easily 

 Learn and apply self confidence tools set 

 Become even more optimistic

 Improve many areas of your life including physical, financial, career, etc.  

 Understand Basic of Habits

 Choose One or More Habits You Want To Change

 Become even more Spiritual (if you decide so)

 Make Necessary Steps to Change Your Habits

 Increase Will Power and Self Confidence

 Release Your Own Happy Chemical

 Learn 7 Secrets to Habits and Happiness

 Become Happier

 Succeed in Any Habit Formation

 Introduce New Routines

 And much more...

The course will cover the scientifically proven methods to understand and practice...

 Happiness with all the Research Based Tools Provided Here

 Psychology – Science of Happiness – and Results Oriented Interventions / Tools

 Model and Specific Recommendations How to Apply it in Your Life

 Determines Happiness and How to Increase Your Happiness and the People Around You

 How to Focus on what you really want

 Understanding the Aim of Positive Psychology and How this Knowledge Can Help

 Strengths and how to define what you really good at

 Introduction to Habits, Connection with Positive Psychology and Seven Secrets of Habits and

 Type of Habits (including one claimed by the Author of this course)

 Seven Secrets to Habits and Happiness 

 How to Be in "The Zone" - Engagement / Flow

 Mindfulness - What is and what is not

 How to Become even more Optimistic and how that knowledge and application can help you
live a longer, happier and healthier life

 Goal settings with a Different twist

 Improving Your Relationships with everyone you meet and in turn Become Happier

 Different Mindfulness and Mindlessness techniques to Improve Your Life

 Resilience - Learn and Apply Top 10 Characteristics of Resilience People

 Happy People and Success.  Is there a connection here?

 And much more


Premarital Counseling - Create a Marriage That Lasts

 Expectations and Agreements

Set aside time to watch this video together.  I encourage you to approach this as if you
had an appointment for a face to face meeting - turn off your phones, avoid any
distractions and focus your attention.  

You will want to grab a piece of paper and pen to take notes and complete the

In this video we will:

o Discuss the Benefits of Premarital Education

o Review Common Marriage Myths
o Identify Your Expectations for Marriage
o  Identify the Silent Rules in Your Life
o Create the Agreements that Shape Your Marriage

Exercise One: Complete the Roles & Responsibilities Worksheet

Household chores need to be managed and yet they don't have to be a source of on-
going stress. Decide your Roles & Responsibilities in advance to set and manage

o Complete the worksheet separately by completing the first two columns:

look at each task and identify who was responsible for this task in the family that
you grew up in.  
o Next, identify who you anticipate will be responsible for this task in your
o Finally, come together to discuss your answers.  Discuss openly and
compromise to agree on responsibility for all tasks.

Understand that as life changes you may need to revisit this list and establish new Roles &

Exercise Two: Complete the Our Agreements Worksheet

Openly discuss your expectations for various aspects of your relationship. Do NOT
assume that you are on the same page about these topics.  Where you don't see eye to
eye, be sure to discuss and compromise to create Agreements.  

These Agreements are part of the commitment that you are making to each other. The
benefit of establishing these Agreements is a foundation of trust and safety that you
both know what to expect from the other.

 Complete the Roles & Responsibilities Worksheet

1 question
Household chores need to be managed and yet they don't have to be a source of on-
going stress. Decide your Roles & Responsibilities in advance to set and manage
 Our Agreements Worksheet
1 question
Openly discuss your expectations for various aspects of your relationship. Do NOT
assume that you are on the same page about these topics. Where you don't see eye to
eye, be sure to discuss and compromise to create Agreements.

 The More You Know, The Better You Understand

In this video we will take time to explore the families that you each grew up in.  We will
go through the questions briefly in the video and explain the purpose for these
questions.  After watching the video please download the questions and take turns
answering the questions. 

It is recommended to have partner 1 answer all the questions and then switch roles
rather than go back and forth with each question.

This week we will:

o Explore Influences from Childhood and Family

o Identify Your Personality Styles
o Understand how Personality Styles Drive Your Relationship Dynamics

 Understanding Family Influences

1 question
Answer these questions about the family in which you grew up - also known as our
Family of Origin.
 Understanding Personality Styles
1 question
Understanding how your personality styles interact can be extremely helpful to
understand how you react and respond to each other. This bonus video was created to
further expand your understanding of yourself, your partner and your relationship

 Communication Skills
This week we will be covering Communication skills. If there is one area of your
relationship to focus on, it is communication as it permeates every facet of your

Our Goal is to improve communication by using skills proven to reduce conflict and
improve emotional intimacy. 

We will:

o Understand how Communication Impacts Conflict and Intimacy

o Learn Specific Skills to Improve Communication
 Assertive Communication
1 question
Review the Assertive Communication Worksheet
 The Power of Vulnerability
1 question
Take some time to watch this amazing TED Talk by Brene Brown about vulnerability.
 Key Communication Skills
1 question
A review of the key skills you can use to communicate effectively each and every day.

Managing Conflict in Your Marriage

In the next three videos we focus on Conflict Management. All marriages will experience times of
Conflict.  You will learn what the research shows about Conflict as well as understand what drives
We will cover specific skills that you can use to manage through times of disagreement to keep
conflict from damaging your emotional connection.

 Identify the Conflict Patterns in Your Relationship

 Learn Specific Skills to Effectively Manage Conflict
 Learn How to Apologize in Love
 Understand the Role Forgiveness Plays in Conflict Resolution

 Conflict Management Skills

To effectively manage Conflict, you first need to understand what is happening for
yourself and your partner emotionally.  

In this section we'll discuss the Fight or Flight instinct and give you the tools you need
to respond rather than react to each other.

 Taking Time Outs

1 question
Taking a Time Out can be an effective way to prevent difficult conversations from
escalating. It is important that you take a Time Out in a way that is productive, not
avoiding a tough topic.

 Apologies and Forgiveness

There are 4 interactions that can kill your marriage.  In this section you'll learn about the
"Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" and how to avoid them in your marriage.

While Conflict is unavoidable knowing how to Apologize and how to Forgive are skills
that happily married couples have mastered.  You'll learn how to do both!

 The Four Interactions That Will Kill Your Marriage

1 question
Don't let these types of interactions destroy your marriage relationship.

 Discussing Finances
Buckle your seat belts, we have a lot to cover in these next few lectures.  These are the
topics that are the most difficult for some couples to discuss: Money, Parenting and Sex.
We will explore key aspects of each topic and prepare you to communicate openly
about these sensitive areas of your life together.
We will:

o Discuss Finances and Your Beliefs and Goals Related to Money

o Understand Your Goals and Expectations for Children & Parenting
o Learn how to Communicate Your Needs for Affection & Physical Intimacy

 Identifying Your Financial Goals
1 question
Reaching financial goals takes planning. Discuss your financial goals as a couple and
prioritize important milestones.
 Understanding Your Beliefs About Money
1 question
Money is not just currency, it involves emotion. Take time to complete the worksheet to
better understand your beliefs about money and the emotions involved for you and
your partner.

 Spirituality in Marriage
Spirituality is an important part of the human experience. While I would not suppose to
tell anyone what they should believe, I do encourage everyone to explore their spiritual
beliefs with their partner.
 Children & Parenting
The decision to start a family is life-altering. In this video we will cover important
conversations to have as you prepare for the journey to parenthood.

 Physical Intimacy in Marriage

For many people, talking about sex is difficult. This lesson is designed to get you talking
and help you build the foundation to discuss intimacy in a healthy, open way.

We will cover things like:

o How Often Should a Married Couple Have Sex?

o Who Should Initiate Sex, and How?
o What Should We Do If One of Us Doesn't Enjoy Sex?
 The Principles of a Healthy Sexual Relationship
1 question
Review this worksheet to better understand the key elements of a healthy sexual
relationship. Use these principles to guide your decisions and your discussions about

 Creating a Shared Vision

This is it, the homestretch! This module will bring together everything we have discussed
and guide you through created the Shared Vision Statement for your marriage.  Don't
put your marriage on auto-pilot and hope for the best, create a shared vision that will
guide your life together.
o Review the Sound Marital House – the Elements of a Strong Marriage
o Identify Your Core Values
o Develop Your Shared Vision
 Identifying Your Core Values
1 question
What matters to you most? Our Value System is a key driver in what we think, do and
say. What are your Core Values?
 Love Map Questions
1 question
How well do you know each other? Take at least ten minutes each day to ask and
answer questions.
 The Sound Marital House
1 question
What makes a great marriage? According to the research of Dr. John Gottman, these
elements create a Sound Marital House.
 Our Shared Vision
1 question
Think of this exercise like creating a Mission Statement for an organization. SSet aside
time to discuss this at length.
 Our Vision Statement
1 question
Use this Word document to capture your Shared Vision Statement!

Neuroscience for parents: How to raise amazing kids

 The Reptilian Brain

Discover how our survival instinct works
 The reptilian baby
Stress is not reserved to adults only. It's a defense mechanism that is embedded in each
of us, regardless of our age. So how can we deal with the stress of our babies, toddlers,
children, youngsters,...?
 On Movement
 On climbing trees
Why climbing trees is good for them
 Food
 Sleep
 On Co-sleeping
Why sleeping with your kids isn't bad for them, and how to keep it under control so you
get some sleep too...

Love & Connection: The Science of Successful Relationships

Everything you need to know about navigating your way through the most common
complexities of love based relationships.

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