How To Remember Any English Word - List 1 of 10

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The document provides tips for using a 1001 word list to improve your vocabulary in a memorable way by learning words and their categories.

You can use the list to learn new words and their categories. Studying the categories will help you understand how words are used and think like a native speaker.

Some tips for remembering the words are to review words often, make connections between words and their categories, and give yourself time for the new way of thinking to become a habit.


How to Remember Any English Word - List 1 of 10
Welcome to your list of 1,001 example words and categories! These will be split between PDFs 2-11, each
containing 100 words and their categories, and I’ve done this because you will feel a greater sense of
excitement and accomplishment by completing 10 guides rather than one really long one. This will
also encourage you to complete the entire list! (Another interesting fact about your brain is that it recognizes
completed events as essentially equal, regardless of how long they are. And this is why you should pay off
the credit card with the lowest amount owed first – if you must pay off a few – to give yourself a sense of
accomplishment to continue paying off the others. If you try to pay off the largest amount owed first, you’ll
likely frustrate yourself because the task will seem much longer, and your brain will see this as only paying
off one card.)

Here are a few notes as you use this list…

1. These are some of the most commonly used words for everyday conversational and professional
communication. They will help you express yourself more like a native, especially if you use the categories in
your sentences. This list excludes obvious things like “the,” “with” and other very common words, although
you will see these in some of the categories. The list is also alphabetized, rather than by frequency, to make
words easier to find. But they are all frequently used in today’s conversations.

2. Finding and understanding the word categories is the hard part – which is why I did it for you. :) But if you
also would like to hear the words and categories, or see examples of them in sentences, just search for the
word or category in quotes (ex: “backstage access”) in Google.

3. You will see words as they are frequently used, meaning some words are plural instead of singular, and
many verbs are not in their dictionary forms (ex: “goes” rather than “to go”). This how natives learn new
words, and studied together, this format will give you a strong understanding of how grammar works.
Remember that if you can think of a better category for a word, use that instead. The best categories are the
ones most interesting or memorable for you!

4. You’ve likely noticed that many words have multiple meanings. For the 1,001 Word List, I’ve simply chosen
one of the most frequently used meanings to create that word’s category. But you can also create a new
category for EACH of the multiple meanings of a word to make ALL of them memorable. The word “trust,”
for example, could have the category “trust fund,” to describe money held for a person over time, as well as
“trust fall,” an activity where you fall backwards trusting the person behind you to catch you before you hit
the ground.

5. You will likely not instantly remember all of the words because what you’re REALLY doing is training your
brain to think like a native, rather than like a language student. So give yourself time to develop the
HABIT of thinking in this new way, and very quickly you will notice yourself creating new categories for
words – and remembering them more easily – automatically.

6. Even if you only have a few minutes each day to learn with this list, you can very quickly build a large,
memorable vocabulary. But the goal is to remember these when you speak, so be sure to go back and
review words again and again until you master them.

Have fun making connections and you will learn and improve faster!
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How to Remember Any English Word - List 1 of 10

Word Word's Definition Category Phrase Category's Definition

1 able possible to do willing and able eager and prepared to do
2 abroad in a foreign country study abroad to live and learn in a
foreign country
3 absolute total, certain, 100% absolute certainty to have be 100% sure or
certain about something
4 abstract theoretical; not concrete an abstract idea an idea about something
or physical you can't hold or touch,
like "happiness," "love"
and "justice"
5 abuse a corrupt practice or abuse of power when someone misuses
custom; excessive use their position of authority
to get others to do things
they wouldn't normally do
6 accept to receive or agree to to accept your fate to accept the negative
result of some action
7 access able to use or operate backstage access the ability to enter
restricted areas at shows
or events
8 accessories complements something accessories to a crime a person who participates
main, like earrings to a knowingly in a crime
dress but does not actually
participate in it, like
the driver of a car that
transports thieves
9 accommodating willing to fit in with accommodating a cheerful, helpful and
someone's wishes or personality willing personality
10 accommodation place where you live or a modest a humble or small but
stay accommodation suitable place to stay
11 according as said by according to police phrase used in the news
to describe an official
story told by police
12 accuracy the quality or state of pinpoint accuracy perfectly accurate; very
being correct or precise precise
13 act take action; do something an act of kindness an act of goodwill towards
someone or something
14 active physically moving an active imagination describes someone who
dreams, thinks a lot and is
very creative

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How to Remember Any English Word - List 1 of 10

15 addiction when you do something gambling addiction inability to stop gambling

without being able to
stop or control yourself
16 additional added, extra or additional expenses additional costs in excess
supplementary of normal or expected
expenses; something out
of the budget
17 addressed think about and begin addressed concerns responses given to
to deal with an issue or someone's issue,
problem complaint or worry
18 adequate satisfactory or acceptable adequate compensation a fair payment
in quality or quantity
19 adjacent next to, very near or adjacent building a close by or adjoining
adjoining something else building; usually sharing
the same boundary
20 adopt to raise something to adopt a pet to raise a pet owned by
created by someone or someone previously
something else as your
21 adult a person who is fully adult supervision the monitoring of a child
grown or developed by adults
22 adverse preventing success or adverse circumstances negative or unfortunate
development; harmful; circumstances preventing
unfavorable some goal
23 aerial existing, happening, or an aerial maneuver the art of maneuvering a
operating in the air combat aircraft, usually
for an attack on another
24 against in opposition to against all odds despite success being very
unlikely, like succeeding
against all odds
25 aged having lived or matured aged cheese cheese that has been
for a specified length of matured over 10 months
time to 1 year
26 agenda the intentions or motives a hidden agenda a secret or reason for
of a particular person or doing something
27 ago before the present; earlier ages ago long ago
28 agreement harmony or accordance in complete agreement full agreement; agreement
opinion or feeling on every point or issue

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How to Remember Any English Word - List 1 of 10

29 ahead in the lead; in front; first full steam ahead movement or progress
with as much speed or
energy as possible
30 alarm an alert for some danger a fire alarm a device making a loud
noise to alert people of a
31 album a collection of audio platinum album an album that has sold
recordings or songs on 1,000,000 copies in the
vinyl, audio tape or other United States
32 alert a notification or warning intruder alert notice that someone
has entered a building,
grounds, etc., without
33 alive (of a person, animal, or to feel alive to feel fully present or in
plant) living; not dead love with the moment; to
feel highly stimulated, like
when in a very dangerous
34 alliance a union or association a political alliance cooperation among
formed for mutual benefit different political parties
for a common agenda
35 allow to give permission to do to allow access to grant the ability,
something right, or permission to
approach, enter, speak
with, use, etc.
36 almost not quite; very nearly almost perfect very good, but not great
37 along moving in a constant to read along to read together with
direction another reader
38 alpha refers to a dominant the alpha of the group the dominant person or
person or their behavior leader
39 already before or by now or the already gone no longer present or
time in question existing
40 alternate different an alternate universe a universe different from
ours, like in science fiction
41 alternative another possibility alternative medicine medical products and
practices that are not part
of standard hospital care

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How to Remember Any English Word - List 1 of 10

42 alumni a graduate or former alumni association an association of

student graduates and former
43 amount a quantity or number of the amount due the total sum of money
something that must be paid by the
set due date
44 analysis detailed examination of chemical analysis the study of the chemical
the elements, measures or composition and structure
structure of something of substances
45 analyst a person who counts, analyst report a document with research
studies or measures conclusions
46 ancient belonging to the very ancient history a long time ago; the
distant past and no distant past in human
longer in existence time or one person's life
47 angle the measure between two angle of attack the angle at which
lines meeting at a point something is attacked, like
from above
48 announce to formally and publicly to announce findings to share results or
state discoveries, like of an
official examination of a
problem or situation
49 annual occurring once a year annual vacation yearly travel
50 anonymous someone or something an anonymous hacker an unknown person who
not identified by name; uses computers to gain
unknown unauthorized access to
51 antique an old, collectible object an antique vase an old vase, possibly of
high value
52 anxiety a feeling of worry, social anxiety nervousness around other
nervousness, or unease, people
typically about an event
or uncertain outcome
53 anytime at whatever time I'm free anytime. the person is available at
whatever time
54 appeal be attractive or curb appeal the attractiveness of a
interesting property for sale and
its surroundings when
viewed from the street
55 apply to use to apply yourself to commit to something
with a good effort

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How to Remember Any English Word - List 1 of 10

56 appointed (of a time or place) the appointed time at the expected or

decided on beforehand; assigned time
57 approach to come near or nearer to a cold approach to approach and start
someone or something in a conversation with a
distance or time total stranger, like with
someone you're interested
in romantically
58 appropriate suitable or proper appropriate clothing clothing suitable for the
particular conditions or
59 architect a person who designs chief architect the main designer or
buildings creator of some plan
60 archive a collection of historical data archive stored information
documents or records
61 area a region or part of a town, Area 51 a top secret U.S. military
a country, or the world base near Las Vegas,
Nevada where an alien
spacecraft is said to have
been recovered
62 arena area surrounded by seats arena battle a fight in an arena
for spectators for sports
and other events
63 armed equipped with or carrying armed to the teeth having many weapons
64 array an wide display or range satellite array many satellites in a group
of a particular type of working together
65 arrival to reach late arrival arriving after the correct
or expected time
66 article a piece of writing, like in a magazine article a piece of writing
newspaper, magazine, or published in a magazine
other publication
67 artificial made or produced by artificial intelligence intelligent computer
human beings rather than system that can learn and
occurring naturally think
68 arts things like painting, arts and crafts decorative design and
dance and sculpture that handicraft, like making
require training things out of paper
69 ask to request or question to ask politely to ask someone to do
something for you politely

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How to Remember Any English Word - List 1 of 10

70 aspect a particular part or feature an aspect of culture something like language,

of something customs, values, norms,
mores, rules, tools, etc.
71 assault make a physical attack on frontal assault a direct attack at the front
someone or something of an enemy force
72 assembly the action of fitting assembly line a series of workers and
together the component machines in a factory
parts of an object by which a succession
of identical items is
progressively assembled
73 assess to evaluate or check assess the situation to consider a situation
in order to make a
judgement about it
74 asset a useful or valuable thing, asset management the management of
person, or quality money and resources
75 assignment a task or piece of work dangerous assignment a task that is likely to hurt
assigned to someone as cause harm
part of a job or course of
76 assume to suppose to be the case, to assume the worst to think the worst
without proof outcome has happened,
like that someone died
77 assumption a claim or belief that may false assumption an incorrect belief
not be true or correct
78 assurance a positive declaration I need your assurance. a request for a guarantee
intended to give
confidence; a promise
79 athletic physically strong, fit, and athletic competition a contest between
active athletes or teams
80 atmosphere the feeling or mood party atmosphere characteristic of a
of a particular place or pleasurable, fun social
situation gathering
81 attempt to make an effort to first attempt the first time you try to
achieve or complete accomplish something
some task
82 attend be present at an event, attend a ball to be present at a large
meeting or function formal gathering for
socializing and dancing

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How to Remember Any English Word - List 1 of 10

83 attitude a way of thinking or bad attitude a negative, unhelpful,

feeling about someone or harmful or limited attitude
something that's reflected
in a person's behavior
84 attractive when a thing is pleasing attractive personality a pleasing character
or appealing to the senses
85 attribute a quality or feature positive attribute a good feature
86 auction a public sale in which online auction where participants sell
goods or property are or bid for products or
sold to the highest bidder services via the Internet
87 authentic of undisputed origin; authentic signature someone's written name
genuine that is not counterfeit or
88 authentication the process or action two-step authentication a method of confirming
of proving or showing a user's claimed identity
something to be true, with password and an
genuine, or valid additional factor for
greater security
89 auto self automobile a car (which is powered by
its own engine rather than
something like a horse or
90 automated operated by largely automated teller a machine that dispenses
automatic equipment; machine cash from a bank account
without help
91 availability the quality of being able limited availability limited supply of some
to be obtained product
92 average common; occurring most average looks neutral territory between
frequently ugly and beautiful
93 aware having knowledge or self-aware to be recognize one's own
perception of some character, thoughts and
situation or fact feelings
94 away at a distance from a away on business to be on a trip related to
particular place, person, your job
or thing
95 ban to officially or legally smoking ban a prohibition on smoking
96 bandwidth the transmission capacity low bandwidth slow network
of a computer network or performance
other telecommunication

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How to Remember Any English Word - List 1 of 10

97 bank a financial establishment bank account money held at a bank

that invests money
deposited by customers
98 bankruptcy having lost all money bankruptcy court courtroom that handles
personal and corporate
bankruptcy cases
99 bar a counter across which open bar a bar at which the drinks
alcoholic drinks or have been prepaid so
refreshments are served people can order drinks
without paying
100 base a place used as a center of moon base a fictional base on the
operations by a business moon where people live
or group like the army and study

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