What Is OGtt PDF
What Is OGtt PDF
What Is OGtt PDF
What Is Gtt?
GTT short for Glucose Tolerance Test is a test designed to
assess the body response to glucose. In GTT, the patient
is given a glucose solution and blood samples are drawn
afterword at intervals to measure how well the body cells
are able to absorb glucose. There are several variations to
the glucose tolerance test used in different conditions but,
the most common one of them is the Oral glucose
tolerance test or OGTT.
The OGTT is mainly used in the diagnosis of gestational diabetes. For OGTT the patient is
required to fast for 8 hours and then a fasting plasma glucose is tested, after that oral
glucose solution is given. After that blood samples can be drawn up to 4 times at different
intervals to measure the blood glucose. A OGTT is usually performed in the morning as
glucose levels usually fall by afternoon.
OGTT used to be the gold standard in the diagnosis of diabetes type 2 but, is now being
replaced with other GTT methodology. The GTT is primarily used for the diagnosis of
diabetes, insulin resistance, impaired beta cell function, carbohydrate metabolism disorder
and also reactive hypoglycaemia and acromegaly.
Besides that the GTT is also given to other patients who are experiencing symptoms of
varied diseases that can cause high glucose levels in the blood stream or restrict the proper
absorption of glucose by the body cells.
People with high levels of sugar have the following side effect in response to drinking the
glucose solution, like;
• Nausea
• Stomach discomfort
• Diarrhoea
• Constipation
Risks attached to drawing out blood samples include the following;
The OGTT normal range for fasting results is between 100 – 125 mg/dL for prediabetes,
126 mg/dL or greater for diabetes and greater than 92 mg/dL for gestational diabetes.
The OGTT normal range for after 2 hour test results is between 140 – 199 mg/dL for pre
diabetes, 200 mg/dL or greater for diabetes and greater than 153 mg/dL for gestational
So if you need GTT or OGTT don’t stress yourself out at dull clinics and hospitals rather
take the test at the comfort of your home with our highly trusted at home healthcare
1. https://labtestsonline.org/tests/glucose-tests
2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/glucose-tolerance-test/about/pac-
3. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003466.htm