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Epidermis: Sebaceous/oil Glands

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1. Study of skin is called as dermatology and the physician is called as dermatologist

2. The integumentary system is also called as covering system
3. Accessary organs of skin are hair, nails and sweat glands
4. Describe three layers of skin.
Epidermis is the outermost layer which we normally see. It has two layers 1. Stratum
corneum 2. Stratum germinativum (produces new cells, also called as basilar layer).
Epidermis is composed of squamous epithelial cells, which are scalelike and donot have
blood vessels or nerve cells.
Dermis (corium) is the scond layer after dermis, madeup of dense connective tissue. It also
has two layers 1. Papillary dermis (contiguous to epidermis) and 2. Reticular dermis (present
b/w papillary dermis and subcutaneous). This dermis layers has a number of blood and
lymph vessels and also contain nerve endings.
Subcutaneous is the deepest layer of the skin, which creates fat or adipose tissue. It also has
blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerve endings.
5. Write about the glands.
In the skin two types of glands present namely sebaceous/oil glands, which secerets oily
substance called sebum. This type of glands mainly present near hai follicles and secretes
sebum into the follicle, which helps to make hair soft and flexible. Second type glands
present in the skin are sudoreferous/ sweat glands, which secretes the sweat. Sweat glands
are of two types 1. Eccrine glands which secrets the watery substance all over the body to
maintin the body temparature 2. Apocrine glands which normally formed after puberty and
secrtes milky white thick sweat. This type of glands mainly present under arms and groin
6. Write about the nails and hairs.
Keratin is present both in nails and hairs. Hair normally see allover the body except palms
and soles, hair follicle is a group of cells where hair growth takes place. Hair protrudes from
the skin is called hair shaft. Hair growth takes place in two stages 1. Anagen= growth phase
and 2. Telogen= resting phase. Nails are made up of hardened keratin and protects the ends
of toes and fingers from injuries. Lunula is the place where nail growth takes place.
7. Write the rule of nine.
Rule of nines is used to calculate the percentage of burns in adults. Here in this rule all parts
are assigned with some values which is equivalent to 99%. And the rest 1% is assigned to
groin are. the follow are the values of each body part.
Head – 9% Chest – 9% Abdomen – 9% Upper back – 9% Lower back – 9%
Hands – right: 9% left: 9% Legs – front right: 9% left: 9% back right: 9% left: 9% groin – 1%
8. Write about neoplasm.
Neoplasm is referred to as abnormal growth. Neo means new and plasm means cell
incluslion. Neoplasm is of two types. Type one is malignant where growth spreds to other
regions and the second one is benign where tumors not spred to other regions and are of
soft mass. Skin cancer is the common type of cancer in humans and these are termed as
carcinomas. In this basal cell carcinoma is the common one, where abnormal growth takes
place in epithelial cells.
9. Describe the following conditions
a. Vitiligo is irregularly shaped patches of milky-white nonpigmoented skin surrounded by
skin with normal pigmentation.

Albinism is a genetic disorder where body is unable to produce melanin, which results in skin
and hair to be white.

b. Folliculitis inflammation of the hair follicles

Alopecia loss of hair
c. Urticaria A skin rash triggered by a reaction to food, medicine or other irritants
Scabies skin disease caused by parasites which is tranmissable.
d. Callus thickening of the skin when pressure applied over a period of time.
SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) chronic systemic inflammatory disease afecting the
connective tissue and joints
e. Hirsutism excessive facial and body hair mainly in females
Hyperhydrosis excessive sweating
10. Write about the viral diseases of skin.
Rubella is viral disease accompanied by fever and red rash. It causes birth defects in
pregnant women.
Herpes simplex (HSV-1, HSV-2). HSV-1 causes the eruptions of vesicles on the lips. HSV-2
causes gential lesions.
Herpes zoster is also a viral skin disease charactarized by blisters which causes pain and
inflammation of the nerves.
Chickenpox is a contagious disease occure mainly in childrens.
11. Write about the fungal diseases of skin.
Althetes foot also known as ringworm of the foot. It causes peeling, redness, itching,
burning, and sometimes blisters and sores
12. Write about the bacterial diseases of skin.
Folliculitis, cellulitis are the diseases caused Staphylococcus species
13. Describe any five skin lesions.
Bullae – a large blister cotaining clear fluid. A vesicle greater than or equal to 5mm.
Vesicle – a small elevation of the skin containing clear fliud, vesicle less than 5mm.
Nodule – a solid elevation of the skin that is more than 10mm
Papule – a small solid elevation of the skin that is less than 10mm
Ulcer – a deep open sore on the
14. Describe, Allografting and autografting
Allografting is a proceudure where transpanting a tissue/ organ obtained from one person to
another of the same species.
Autografting is the techinque of transplanting a graft obtained from one area of the body to
another area of the same person.
15. Chemotherapy & Cryosurgery.
Chemotherapy is treatment of tumors using chemicals
Cryosurgery is a procedure used to destroy tissue by using liquid nitrogen or CO2 to freezing
16. Curettage & Debridement
Curettage is scraping an area to remove abnormal new growth
Debridement is excising dead tissue from a wound or removing forigen matter
17. Excision & Fulguration
Excision is surgically cutting out the part or whole structure,
Fulguration is destroying tissue by using high-frequency electric sparks
18. I&D and Xenografting
Incision and drainage is a technique of cutting and open a lesion

Xenografting is a tranpaltting technique where agraft obtained from an animal of one

species to animal of other species.
19. ABBREVATE- Bx & SLE biopsy, systemic lupus erythematosus
20. I&D and FS incision and drainage
21. Write CF with example - Adipo & Albino adipo = white (adipose)
Albino = white(albinisam)
22. Angio & Hemangio
Angio = blood (angioma)
Hemangio = blood vessel (hemangioma)
23. Kerato & Onycho
Kerato = hard (keratin)
Onycho = toe/fingernail (onychoclasis)
24. Squamo & sudo
Squamo = scalelike (sqamous)
Sudo = sweat (sudoriferous)
25. Xero & Sclero.
Xero = dry (xeroderma)
Sclero =hardening (scleroderma)

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