Thoughts of M N Roy On Radical Humanism and Democracy
Thoughts of M N Roy On Radical Humanism and Democracy
Thoughts of M N Roy On Radical Humanism and Democracy
Volume 4 Issue 4, June 2020 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31128 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 640
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
that these urges for freedom are the most basic human urge. essentially rational. The reason in man is a reflection of the
Communism crushes the basic urge of the human being. harmony of the universe. Man is moral because he is
rational. When rationality is developing, morality grows in
Owing to this reason, M N Roy had started to re-examine the man. According to Roy, "The social struggle for human
communist theories even though he had earlier accepted progress, the entire process of human evolution is nothing
communism as his philosophy. He witnessed that the way but the continuation of the struggle for existence on a higher
communism had established in Russia, he could not agree level, where that struggle is no longer guided by instinct and
with them. He found that it was a regime of tyranny and natural selection but by intelligence, choice, and reasoning."
slavery. Stalin had entirely discarded the moral leadership of (M N Roy, Science and Philosophy, p.23) In the past, it was
the progressive forces in Russia. He did not blame any leader impossible to understand the relationship between nature
for the misdirection of the communism. He tried to find out and man but now modern science resolved this difficulty.
the root cause of the communist philosophy from which Therefore, understanding radical humanism can go to the
Stalin and his fellow leaders operate their actions. Lastly, he root cause of every problem and resolve them scientifically.
found communism's negligence of man as an individual.
"Man had been reduced to the position of a helpless pawn in Therefore, M N Roy has formulated a new scientific
the hands of blind economic forces and an insignificant unit humanism in his last stage of life after scientific analysis of
in the broad collectivity of a class. He was denied human nature. Man is selfish and self-centered as well as
independence as well as sovereignty." (V B Karnik, M N Roy, social and cooperative at the same time. M N Roy had
85) He understood that neither capitalism nor communism considered the dual nature of man very seriously. All social
could find any solution to settle the problems of the man. and economic problems can solve through mutual co-
operation. The recognition of this mutual sustenance and
M N Roy had long experience in Europe and witnessed cooperation is the core point of Roy's philosophy. Mutual
defects of parliamentary democracy in the political and sustenance and cooperation is the basic characteristic of
economic fields. Communism advocated a dictatorship of the modern civilization. For building modern civilized India,
proletariat and centralized planning as a remedy to solve the India needs to spread the humanistic ideology of M N Roy.
defects of parliamentary democracy in Europe. Communism His political philosophy has a humanistic approach to solve
made man as a slave to the state under the dictatorship of the problems of human beings. Indian Constitution assures
the party leader. Instead of the dictatorship of the the sovereign right to the citizens of our country, but our
proletariat, Russia had undergone through the dictatorship democracy has somewhere failed to keep a humanistic
of Stalin. Therefore, he contemplated to look beyond approach in its practical sense. India can do miraculous
communism and formulated a school of thought, which results through a better understanding of the Radical
would guarantee the freedom and complete development of Humanism. The public can access Social Justice and
man under political and economic institutions. M N Roy Economic Justice through the humanistic approach without
proposed the organized democracy and co-operative violence. The radical humanism and democracy should
economy as a solution to the crisis. For this purpose, there integrate into the mainstream of our national life.
should be a philosophical foundation for both organized
democracy and co-operative economy. His newly formed Radical humanism is the connecting thread to resolve the
philosophy, Radical humanism can lay a foundation for problems amicably. M N Roy's philosophy stands on the
organizing democracy and co-operative economy. concept of dignity, freedom, and human values. The
individual development is preferred to society and
The freedom of man has the most important value in radical individuals can enjoy the freedom in society. Therefore,
humanism. All human values are derived from this radical humanism can save our radical democracy and basic
fundamental value. M N Roy defined the concept of freedom: principles of liberty, fraternity, equality, and justice in our
The function of life is to live. The basic incentive of organic constitution. The future of democracy is depending upon the
becoming is the struggle for survival. It goes on throughout qualitative and quantitative human development and its
the long process of biological evolution until in man it management. There is a need to expand and spread the
becomes the conscious urge for freedom-the supreme political philosophy, radical Humanism.
human value. The beginning of man's endless struggle for
freedom lies in the animal struggle for survival. Everything In the final stage of M N Roy's life, he was against the
that man has done every one of his acts, cultural progress, partycracy and the hollowness of our democratic practice
scientific achievements, artistic creation-everything has been without providing social and economic justice to all. M N
motivated by that one urge. Man is finite, while the universe Roy's contribution to the Indian political scene has been
is infinite, and his environment, in the last analysis, is the either underscored or neglected. In reality, his ideas and vast
whole universe. Consequently, his struggle for freedom is experience all over the world as a political thinker and
eternal; he can never conquer the universe. Therefore, the revolutionary and successful participation in many
urge for freedom is the only eternal thing in the human revolutions of the world but he failed in his motherland. His
world. This urge enables man to acquire knowledge; he dreams of developing a strong, prosperous, civilized,
conquers his environment by knowing. (M N Roy, New rational, secular, and humanistic democracy remained an
Orientation, p.23) unfulfilled dream.
As a philosophy, radical humanism covers the complete His writings in English have immense relevance and value
activity and existence of man from his abstract thought to today in the present national scenario. Through his
social and political reconstruction. According to this intellectual analysis, he discovered the deficiencies and
philosophy, the universe is a law-governed system and man inadequacies in the system and predicted the dangers of
is an integral part of the physical universe. Therefore, man is practicing party-based politics. The present scenario of
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31128 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 641
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
socio-economic life in India is underlined the fears of M N the fraternity and liberty of others. Equality has no value
Roy. Therefore, the thought of M N Roy can save our country without fraternity or liberty. Radical Humanism can enable
from the problems of the whirlpool. Radical Humanism must the citizens of our country to access the three without
spread into the vein of every nook and corner of the country hurting each other. No system of the world has until this date
and every political worker, and then only the disillusioned brought all the three. However, in M N Roy's political
conditions of dirty party politics in India shall be purified. philosophy, Radical humanism can solve this conundrum
Radical Humanism can lead the nation towards the path of and achieve all three-Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.
truth and sustenance of development.
CONCLUSION [1] Roy, M N. New Orientation, Calcutta: Renaissance
For the disease in each place in the nation, remedy suitable Publishers, 1946. Print.
to that place must be sought. Many remedies have found, but
[2] Roy, M N. Science and Philosophy, Calcutta: Renaissance
they are not functioning because the remedies are not from
Publishers, 1947. Print.
within. Democracy grants individual liberty, but that
democracy is used by the capitalist system for the [3] Roy, Samaren. The Restless Brahmin, Bombay: Allied
exploitation of the masses and monopoly on people. Publishers, 1970. Print.
Socialism was brought in to end exploitation, but it
[4] Karnik, V B. M N Roy, New Delhi: National Book Trust,
destroyed the freedom, dignity, and individuality. We have
2005. Print.
adopted the slogans of Fraternity, Liberty, and Equality in
our Constitution. For producing equality, we cannot sacrifice
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31128 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 642