Beechcraft KING AIR 200 SYSTEMS

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The systems information within this document is primarily focused on the King Air B200 model
aircraft with serial numbers BB-1967, BY-185, and BB-1726. The information originates from the
Beechcraft King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual Revised May 1, 2014 (P/N 101-590010-19C15) ,
2011 CAE Pilot Training Manual and the 2002 Flight Safety International Super King Air 200/ B200
Pilot Training Manual.
Table of Contents
ATA 6 – Dimensions and Areas .................................................................................................................... 2
ATA 21 – Environmental Systems ................................................................................................................ 4
ATA 24 - Electrical ....................................................................................................................................... 19
ATA 26 - Fire Protection/Detection ........................................................................................................... 29
ATA 27 - Flight Controls.............................................................................................................................. 32
ATA 28 - Fuel ............................................................................................................................................... 38
ATA 30 - Ice and Rain Protection ............................................................................................................... 47
ATA 32 - Landing Gear ................................................................................................................................ 58
ATA 35 - Oxygen ......................................................................................................................................... 73
ATA 36 - Pneumatic .................................................................................................................................... 78
ATA 37 - Vacuum ........................................................................................................................................ 80
ATA 52 – Doors ........................................................................................................................................... 81
ATA 53 – Fuselage ...................................................................................................................................... 82
ATA 56 – Windows ..................................................................................................................................... 83
ATA 61 – Propeller ...................................................................................................................................... 84
ATA 71 – Powerplant.................................................................................................................................. 97
System Info Summaries............................................................................................................................ 116

ATA 6 – Dimensions and Areas

Length: 43’ 10” from nose to most aft point of the horizontal stabilizer.

Height: 15’ from ground to top of vertical stabilizer.

Width: 54’ 6” wingtip to wingtip.

Maximum Weights

Max Ramp: 12,590 lbs.

Max Takeoff: 12,500 lbs.
Max Landing: 12,500 lbs.
Zero Fuel: 11,000 lbs. (B200, B200C, A200C) 10,400 lbs. (200, 200C)

Danger Areas


When the weather radar is operating, emissions are hazardous up to a 30 feet radius of the radome.

Engine Exhaust Plume:

The engine exhaust danger area extends to approximately:

- 18 feet aft of the exhaust stacks with the engine at idles.

- 40 feet aft of the exhaust stacks with the engine at maximum power.

ATA 21 – Environmental Systems

Compression (Bleed Air)

Bleed air is routed from the compressor section of each engine to the flow control valves mounted on
the firewall.

The flow control unit controls the flow of ambient and bleed air.

Each flow control unit consists of:

 An ambient air temperature sensor

 An electronic controller
 A flow control valve

The flow control valve consists of:

 An air ejector
 Bleed air flow modulating valve with bypass
 Bleed air valve switch
 Ambient air flow modulating valve
 Firewall shutoff valve
 A check valve that prevents the bleed air from escaping through the ambient air intake
 Solenoid valve
 Bleed air flow transducer

Three position, toggle switches on the right hand subpanel control the individual modes of the flow
control valves.

When these switches are in the up position (BLEED AIR VALVES OPEN), the flow control valves provide
the required bleed air for cabin heat and pressurization.
- Bleed air is also supplied for pneumatic system operations.

With the switches in the center or neutral position (ENVIR OFF), the flow controls shutoff all
environmental bleed air.
- In this position the pneumatic bleed air is still in operation.

When the switches are moved to the down or keying position (INST & ENVIR OFF), all bleed air to the
cabin is shutoff at the firewall.

Bleed Air Warning System

The bleed air warning system is installed to alert the pilot when a pressurization line or pneumatic line
ruptures, exhausting hot engine bleed air into the airframe.

Whenever the temperature from this rupture reaches approximately 204OF the plastic tubing melts,
which results in the illumination of the “L BL AIR FAIL” or the “R BL AIR FAIL” warning lights.

A severe bleed air leak could result in a decrease in engine torque and an increase in ITT.

- Therefore, whenever the applicable “BLEED AIR VALVE” switch is placed into “INST & ENVIR
OFF” position, the pilot should monitor the engine instruments for an increase in torque and
a decrease in ITT.

Ambient Air

When weight is on the landing gear, the ambient air valve is closed off, preventing entry of
contaminations into the environmental system during ground operations.

After the engine is started and the flow control unit energized, the bleed air modulating valve will close
and actuate the bleed air shaft microswitch.

When the microswitch is actuated, the electronic controller signals the solenoid to open; this enables
the pneumatic line to the firewall shutoff valve to be pressurized and to open the valve.

The bleed air shaft continues to open until the desired bleed air flow rate to the cabin is attained.

On takeoff (weight off wheels) the safety switch immediately reopens the left hand ambient air valve.

A time relay module delays opening of the right hand valve for approximately seven (7) seconds after
the left hand valve.

- This time delay prevents cabin pressurization surges.

As the airplane climbs to higher altitudes or enters a cooler environment, the ambient air flow is
gradually reduced and the bleed air flow is increased to maintain cabin heat.

At approximately 0⁰F ambient temperature, the ambient air flow valve is completely closed and the
bleed air valve bypass section is opened to allow more bleed air flow around the air ejectors.

Radiator – Type Heat Exchanger

The bleed air mixture passes from the flow control valves to heat exchangers located in the center
section of each wing.

The heat exchangers remove any excess heat from the bleed air mixture by passing it through an air
cooled core.

The cooling air for the heat exchanger core is ducted from the leading edge of the wing, through the
heat exchanger core and exhausted through louver plates on the lower side of the wing.

Should full utilization of the bleed air temperature be required for the cabin environment, bypass valves
provide an alternate path around the heat exchangers.

Environmental Air Distribution

At the junction of the left hand and right hand bleed air ducts is a check valve that assures continued
cabin pressurization and heat, even though one engine is shutdown.

Forward of the check valve is the muffler which quiets the movement of the air in the system.

From the muffler the bleed air mixture moves to the mixing plenum where it is mixed with recirculated
cabin air.

The air from the mixing plenum is routed through ducts behind the instrument panel to the outlets on
each side of the crew compartment and to the defroster outlets for the windshield.

A valve at each outlet and in the defroster duct controls the volume of the heated air to the crew

- These valves are regulated with push-pull controls on the subpanel.

Lower pressure ducts extend from the aft end of the mixing plenum and distribute conditioned air
through the floor and overhead outlets on each side of the cabin.

The two ducts carry cooled air to various outlets.

The heated air is distributed through the heated air duct.

The heated duct has an over temperature switch and a butterfly valve in it.

All the air entering the ceiling outlet duct is cooler than the air entering through the floor outlets if
either “BLEED AIR VALVE” switch is in the “OPEN” position.

Cool air also enters the floor outlet duct, but in order to provide cabin pressurization, warm bleed air
also enters this duct, any time either “BLEED AIR VALVE” switch is in the “OPEN” position.

- Therefore, pressurized air discharged from the floor outlet is always warmer then the air
discharge from the ceiling outlets, no matter what temperature mode is used.

Pressurization Control

The normal working pressure differential is 6.5 +/- 0.1 psi. (for B200 with PT6-42 engines) which
provides cabin pressure altitudes of approximately 2,800 feet at 20,000 feet, 8,600 feet at 31,000 feet,
and 10,400 feet at 35,000 feet.

The outflow of pressurized cabin air is controlled by:

- The outflow and safety valves

- A cabin pressure controller
- Preset and safety solenoids

The cabin pressure control switch, the climb rate indicator, the cabin differential pressure indicator, and
the pressure controller selectors are located on the pedestal.

The outflow and safety valves are installed in a recessed area on the aft pressure bulkhead.

When the cabin pressure control switch is set to “PRESS” (pressurized) prior to takeoff, the energized
preset solenoid shuts off the regulating vacuum to the pressurization controller.

The energized pressure safety solenoid opens, making vacuum control available to the safety valve.

The vacuum control allows the diaphragm in the safety valve to open so that the cabin pressure altitude
and the rate of change of the cabin pressure can be set on the pressure controller.

In flight (weight off wheels), the preset solenoid (normally open) is de-energized and allows vacuum to
be applied to the controller.

The safety solenoid (normally closed) de-energizes and shuts off direct vacuum to the safety valve.

The controller then allows the outflow valve to relieve excess cabin pressure according to the attitude
and rate of change set on the controller.

A door seal solenoid is de-energized when the preset and safety solenoids are de-energized and the
door seal valve (normally open) allows pneumatic bleed air to pressurize the door seal.

If atmospheric pressure exceeds cabin pressure, a negative pressure relief diaphragm in the outflow and
safety valve prevents outside atmospheric pressure from exceeding cabin pressure by more than 0.1 psi.
during rapid descents with or without bleed air.

When the cabin pressure control switch is set to the “PRESS” position, the solenoid latch is energized to
the closed position and magnetically holds the ram air door closed.

When landing (weight on wheels), the preset solenoid and the dump solenoid are energized and the
cabin is allowed to depressurize through the safety valve.

When the airplane is on the ground with weight on wheels, the cabin pressure control switch can be set
to the “TEST” position to de-energize the preset and safety solenoids and allow the pressure control
system to function as though the airplanes were in flight.

Unpressurized Ventilation

Fresh air is available during unpressurized flight with the “CABIN PRESS” switch in the “DUMP” position.

Ambient (ram) air is obtained via the fresh air door and the ram air scoop on the right side of the nose

This door will open only during unpressurized flight when the cabin pressure switch is in the “DUMP”
position and there is close to a 0 psi. differential.

This allows the forward blower to draw ram air into the cabin.

The ambient air mixes with recirculated cabin air, flows through the vent blower, then through the
forward evaporator, which, if operating, cools the air.

The air then travels into the mixing plenum for delivery to the ceiling and the floor outlet ducts.

If cabin pressure altitude exceeds 12,000 feet +0, - 500 feet, the cabin altitude warning pressure switch
closes and the annunciator light labeled “ALT WARN” will illuminate.

When the cabin pressure altitude decreases to a minimum of 10,000 feet the pressure switch will open
and the warning annunciator light will extinguish.


Cabin heating can be accomplished by extracting bleed air from the compression stage (P3) of each
engine and combining it with ambient air through the pressurization and heating flow control valve in
each nacelle.

If air temperatures inside the duct reaches 149O C (300O F) the “DUCT OVERTEMP” annunciator will

Select a lower temperature on the “CABIN TENO” knob and adjust the vent blower to “HI”.

At cruise power, the heating capacity of the system is sufficient to maintain cabin temperatures in
excess of 65OF at ambient temperatures of -65OF.


The air-conditioner system consists of five major components:

- The evaporator(s)
- The condenser
- The expansion valve
- The compressor
- The receiver/dryer

During operation, the belt-driven compressor, located on the right engine, compresses the refrigerant
gas to a high pressure, high temperature vaporized gas.

The gas is routed through a condenser coil, located in the nose of the fuselage, where cooling air drawn
through the condenser by a blower removes heat from the gas, thereby condensing it to a liquid.

The liquid then passes through the receiver/dryer, located to the left of the condenser, where any
moisture or foreign material is removed from the Freon.

From here the liquid refrigerant flows to the expansion valve where it is metered into the evaporator at
a rate that will allow all of the liquid to evaporate and return to the compressor at a reduced pressure.

The heat required for this evaporation is absorbed from the air which is drawn over the evaporator
cooling fins by the ventilation blower which also distributes heated or cooled air to the cabin.

The forward evaporator and forward went blower are located in the right nose keel section.

The high and low pressure limit switches and the N1 speed (engine speed) switch prevent compressor
operation outside of established limitation parameters.

The N1 speed switch disengages the compressor clutch when the engine speed is below 62% N1 and air
conditioning is requested.

When the N1 speed switch opens, and if air conditioning is being requested, the green “AIR CND N1
LOW” advisory annunciator will illuminate.

Protection from refrigerant overpressure or under pressure is provided by a circuit which incorporate
high and low pressure switches.

If a switch is actuated, the compressor and condenser blower will stop.

The vent blower will remain in operation to provide cabin air circulation.

An additional limiter is the 47 psi (50O F) switch downstream of the condenser in the nose.

Condenser pressure below 47 psi remove power from the compressor clutch and condenser blower.

Pressures above 52 psi (55O F) reactivate the clutch and blower.

An automatic hot-gas-bypass valve, located in the refrigerant plumbing in the nose gear wheel well,
prevents freeze-up of the evaporator by routing the refrigerant around the expansion valve.

A 33O thermal switch installed between the expansion valve and the evaporator coil actuates the heat-
gas-bypass when the temperature drops below 33O.

A backup for the over pressure switch is a pressure relief valve plumbed into the condenser outlet tube
in the nose gear wheel well.

In the event of an overpressure switch malfunction the relief valve will dump excess pressure when the
system reaches 450+/- 20 psi.

ATA 24 - Electrical
Two 30 volts, regulated to 28.25 +/- 0.25 volts, 250 ampere starter-generators connected in parallel
provide normal DC power.

Individual voltage regulars control the generators to provide a constant voltage to the buses during
variation in engine speed and electrical load requirements.

If the output voltage reaches 32-volt DC, the overvoltage protection opens the coil circuit of the bus
contactor and isolates the overvoltage generator from the aircraft bus.

Either one of the generators can supply the entire electric load.

When the engines are operating, generator power flows through the reverse-current protection circuitry
to the right and left generator buses, which are interconnected by two 325A current limiters.

A series starter winding is used for starter operation and a shunt field winding is used during generator

Battery voltage of 23 volts or greater is required for a battery engine start.

Each inverter provides both 115 volts and 26 volts, 400 hertz power to be used for avionics and engine

Either one of the two inverters can provide the AC power.

The inverters are installed in the wing center section outboard of each engine nacelle.

The battery is a single, 24-volt, 42 ampere hour lead acid gel cell battery located in the right wing center
section forward of the main spar.

Following a battery powered engine start, the battery recharge current is very high and causes
illumination of the “BATTERY CHARGE” annunciator, thus providing an automatic self-test of the
detector and the battery.

As the battery approaches a full charge and the charge current decreases to satisfactory level, the
annunciator will extinguish.
External Power

The external power receptacle is located under the right wing outboard of the engine nacelle.

An external power sensor illuminates the yellow caution light “EXT PWR” when the power plug is
connected to the aircraft.

An overvoltage sensor assembly has been installed to provide for overvoltage protection in the event
the external power supply goes into an overvoltage condition.

The overvoltage sensor will lock out the external power relay if the external power is 32.6 +/- 1 volt DC.

The battery switch must be “ON” before the external power relay can close and allow external power to
enter the aircraft electrical system.

The external power circuit is capable of accepting 300A continuously and 1000A for 5 seconds.

When using external power observe the following precautions:

- Use only a negatively grounded auxiliary power source. If the polarity of the power source is
unknown, use a voltmeter to determine the polarity before connecting to the aircraft.
- Turn off all radio equipment and generator switches.
- Battery voltage must be greater than 20 volts. If no replace of charge the battery.

DC Distribution:

The DC distribution system receives power from the battery and both generators.

Each of four dual-fed buses receives power from at least two sources.

IF one generator, the dual-fed buses and the systems they supply continue to receive power.

Eleven buses (12 buses if the optional avionics bus No. 3 is installed) comprise the DC distribution

1. Hot battery bus

2. Main battery bus
3. Isolation bus
4. Left generator bus
5. Right generator bus
6. No. 1 dual-fed bus
7. No. 2 dual-fed bus
8. No. 3 dual-fed bus
9. No. 4 dual-fed bus
10. No. 1 avionics bus
11. No. 2 avionics bus
12. No. 3 avionics bus

AC Electrical System

The inverters are controlled by a three position toggle switch labeled “INVERTER” with positions “NO 1”,
“OFF” and “NO 2”.

The left and right generator buses supply 28 volts DC power to their respective inverters through the
inverter control relay.

Two static 400 Hertz, single phase 750 Ampere inverters supply AC electrical power for the AC avionics
equipment and AC powered engine instruments.

Each inverter provides two levels of power: 115-volt AC, 400 hertz, and 36-volt AC, 400 hertz.

Either inverter can be selected to power the 115-volt AC systems, which include the:

- AC avionics
- Weather radar
- Inverter warning relay
- AC volts/frequency meter

Also, either inverter can power the 26-volt AC systems, which include the:

- Yaw rate
- Left engine torquemeter
- Right engine torquemeter

The 26-volt AC is tapped from a stepdown transformer within the inverter.

Electrical Load Distribution

The battery is connected to the “hot battery bus”.

With the battery switch on, power is fed to the main battery bus, which is connected through the start
relay to both starter – generators.

The main battery bus feeds the isolation bus.

Through two 325 ampere current limiters the isolation bus connects the left and right generator buses

When the battery, generators, or GPU are providing power, the isolation bus, L generator, and R
generator bus function as one unit, as long as both 325A current limiters are not open.

There are four subbuses fed by both the left and right generator buses.

They are labeled No. 1 through No. 4 DUAL FED BUS.

Each subbus is fed from either side through a 60A current limiter, 70A reverse current diode, and a 50A
circuit breaker.

The left generator bus provides power for avionics and inverter number 1.

The right generator bus provides power for avionics and inverter number 2.

Electrical System Limitations

Maximum sustained generator load is limited as followed:

- Sea level to 31,000 feet: 100% - 1.00

- Above 31,000 feet: 88% - 0.88
- Ground operation: 85% - 0.85

Use of the starter is limited to:

- 40 seconds ON, 60 seconds OFF

- 40 seconds ON, 60 seconds OFF
- 40 seconds ON, 30 minutes OFF

ATA 26 - Fire Protection/Detection

The fire detection system (systron donner) has sensor elements which are hermetically sealed, corrosion
– resistant stainless-steel outer tube filled with an inert gas and an inner core filled with an active gas.

As the temperature around the sensor elements increases, the gases within the tube begin to expand.

When the pressure from the expanding gases reaches a preset point, the contacts of the responder
alarm switch closes, illuminating the respective red “L ENG FIRE” or “R ENG FIRE” warning annunciator
and flashing the “MASTER WARNING” lights.

Critical fire protection/detection areas around the engine have been divided into three zones:

- Zone 1 – The accessory compartment

- Zone 2 – The plenum chamber area
- Zone 3 – The engine exhaust area (hot section)

The detection system is designed to actuate an alarm when:

- Any one-foot section of the sensor element is heated to 900OF.

- The average temperature of the entire sensor element reaches 450OF.

Fire Detection System Test Switch

Testing system integrity, availability of power and the alarm annunciators is accomplished with a single
rotary switch located on the co-pilots left subpanel.

The rotary switch is labeled “TEST SWITCH ENG FIRE SYS” with positions labeled “OFF”, “EXT L – R” and
“DET L - R”.

Fire Extinguishing System (Optional)

The optional engine fire extinguishing system consists of a supply cylinder, mounted on brackets behind
the main spar in each main wheel well, and plumbing that carries the extinguishing agent to spray
nozzles located in each of the engine compartments.

Each supply cylinder in charged with 2-1/2 lbs. of bromotrifluoromethane (CBrF3) and pressurized with
dry nitrogen to 450 psi. at 72OF.

Four spray nozzles are positioned under the engine exhaust area, with another pair mounted in the
accessory area.

These strategically positioned nozzles discharge the entire supply of the fire extinguishing agent into the
engine compartment within approximately half a second.

Each fire extinguisher is actuated by it respective control switch.

- Located on the glare shield left and right of the warning annunciator panel

When the switch is actuated, a squib in the cartridge fires, releasing the extinguishing agent into the
plumbing and out the nozzles.

These switches incorporate three indicator lights:

- 1- red light, placarded “EXTINGUSHER PUSH”

o This warns of the presence of the fire in the engine compartment
- 1-amber light, placarded “DISCH”
o Indicates that the system has been discharged and the cartridge is empty.
- 1-green light, placarded “OK”
o Provided only for preflight test function.

To actuate the system, raise the safety-wired clear plastic switch cover and press the face on the lens.

When the system is depleted, the amber “DISCH” light will illuminate and remain illuminated, regardless
of the battery switch position, until the depleted extinguisher cartridge has been replaced.

The pressure gage mounted on each extinguisher supple cylinder should be checked during preflight

The extinguishing system cannot be cross feed to the opposite engine.

- i.e. The left fire bottle can only discharge to the number 1 (left) engine.

Portable Fire Extinguisher

There are two standard and one optional portable fire extinguishers in the plane.

- One standard extinguisher is located in the cockpit on the bottom of the co-pilots seat.
- Another standard extinguisher is located in the aft cabin on the lower side of the doorframe.
- The optional fire extinguisher is located under the pilot’s seat.
- The extinguishers are mounted on red quick release brackets.

The portable extinguishers contain 2 pounds of Halon 1211 extinguishing agent and 100 psi of nitrogen.

ATA 27 - Flight Controls

The primary flight controls are cable - bell crank operated conventional surfaces which require no power
assistance for normal control by the pilot or copilot.

Aileron travel is approximately 25O up and 15 O down.

Rudder travel is approximately 25 O either side of neutral.

Elevator travel is approximately 20 O up and 14O down.

The ailerons and elevators are operated by conventional push-pull wheels interconnected by a “T”

The flaps and optional electric trim are electrically driven.

A rudder boosting system designed to aid the pilot during an engine-out condition or power variation
between the engines.

The aileron, elevators and rudder may be secured with control locks in the cockpit.

Two flaps are installed on each wing and are operated by an electric motor-driven gearbox.

A safety mechanism is provided to disconnect power to the electric motor should any failure occur
which would cause any flap to be out of phase (3-6O difference) with the other three flaps.

Trim tabs are installed on the left aileron, the rudder, and each elevator.

The right aileron has a ground adjustable trim tab installed.

The trim tabs are manually controlled by the pilot through drum-cable system using jackscrew actuators.

Rudder Boost System

The system consists of:

- Two pneumatic rudder servo

- Two pressure regulators
- Two vented solenoid valves
- A yaw control valve
- An inline air filter
- A differential pressure switch

When an autopilot is not installed, the standard rudder installation provides for rudder boosting and
yaw dampening functions.

A pneumatic rudder boost system assists in directional control in the event of engine failure or a large
variation of power between the engines.

The rudder boost system is controlled by a two position switch labeled “RUDDER BOOST” with the
positions “RUDDER BOOST” and “OFF”

The rudder boost system is armed by placing the “RUDDER BOOST” switch to the on position and both
the left and right “BLEED AIR VALVE” switches in either the “OPEN” or “ENVIR OFF” position.

A differential pressure switch is in the system (commonly referred to as a Delta “∆“ P switch) senses
bleed air pressure from each engine.

If a substantial pressure differential exists (60 +/- 5 psi), a circuit is completed, on the low pressure side,
to open a solenoid operated valve that directs regulated bleed air pressure to the applicable rudder
boost servo, boosting the rudder to compensate for asymmetrical thrust.

Placing either of the “BLEED AIR VALVE” switches to the “INSTR & ENVIR OFF” position will cause the
rudder boost system to disengage.

The system is tested during engine run up by retarding one engine to idle and advancing power on the
other engine until the rudder pedal on the same side as the high rom engine moves forward.

Yaw Damper System

The independent yaw damper system (no autopilot) consists of:

- A yaw sensor
- An amplifier
- A control valve

The yaw damper provides automatic stabilization about the yaw axis by controlling transient yaw

Use of the yaw damper system is required at altitudes above 17,000 feet.

Deactivate the yaw damper for takeoff and landings.

The yaw damper system is controlled by a switch adjacent to the rudder boost switch labeled “YAW

Regulated air pressure from the control valve utilizes the same pneumatic servos used for the rudder
boost system when no autopilot is installed.

During takeoff and landing with the “YAW DAMP” switch “ON”, a safety switch on the left landing gear
interrupts power to the system to prevent operation of the yaw damper system.

The yaw damper system drives the right and left rudder boost servos to deflect the rudder and stabilize
the yaw axis of the aircraft.

On autopilot equipped aircrafts, the yaw damper system is a part of the autopilot operation.

The autopilot compensates for yaw characteristics through the pilots turn and bank instrument or a rate
gyro and signals the autopilot servos adjusting the rudder.

Stall Warning/Safe Flight System

The stall warning senses angle of attack through a lift transducer actuated by a vane mounted on the
leading edge of the left wing.

Angle of attack from the lift transducer and flap position signals are processed by the lift computer to
sound the stall warning horn mounted on the copilot’s side of the cockpit.

The horn sounds when any of the following conditions are present:

- Airspeed is 5 to 13 knots above stall, flaps are fully retracted.

- Airspeed is 5 to 12 knots above stall, flaps are in the “APPROACH” position.
- Airspeed is 8 to 14 knots above stall, flaps are fully extended.

The system can be tested prior to flight by placing the “STALL WARN TEST” switch in the “TEST” position.

- This simulates a stall condition and sounds the warning horn

The stall warning system consists of:

- Lift computer
- Stall warning horn or aural amplifier
- Squat switch (Left only)
- Stall warning self-test switch
- 5-amp circuit breaker (power for system)
- Lift transducer
- Heat panel for the transducer
- Stall warning heat-sensor control relay
- 15-amp circuit breaker (power for heat panel)


Two flaps are installed on each wing and are operated by an electric motor-driven gearbox on the
forward side of the rear spar at the centerline of the airplane.

The gearbox drives four flexible drive shafts, each connected to an acme threaded jackscrew at each

Three flap positions:

- UP (0%) - 0O
- APPROACH (40%) - 14 O +/- 1O
- DOWN (100%) - 34 O +1O / -2O

The landing gear warning system is effected by the position of the flaps.

Anytime the flaps are set in the approach position and the landing gear is not extended or the power
levers are not advanced, a warning horn will sound until the gear is extended or the power levers are
advanced or the flaps are retracted.

Flap position is indicated in percent “%” not degrees “O “ on the flap position indicator.

ATA 28 - Fuel

The fuel system consists of a series of rubber-bladder type cells and an integral (wet wing) tank in each
wing connected by a crossfeed line controlled by a valve.

The separate fuel system for each engine is further divided into a main and auxiliary fuel system with a
total usable fuel capacity of 544 gallons.

The main and auxiliary fuel systems are vented through a recessed vent coupled to a static vent on the
underside of the wing adjacent to the engine nacelle.

One vent is recessed to prevent icing. The second vent, which is heated to prevent icing, also serves as a
backup should the other vent become blocked.

Fuel is pumped to the engine by an engine-driven boost pump mounted on a drive pad at the aft
accessory section of the engine.

The fuel pressure required to operate the engine is provided by an engine-driven fuel pump mounted in
conjunction with the fuel-control unit on the accessory case.

The main and aux. fuel system are equipped with five fuel sump drains, drain manifold, and a firewall
filter drain in each wing

Main Fuel System

The main fuel system in each wing consists of:

- A nacelle tank
- Two wing leading edge bladder type tanks
- Two box section bladder type tanks
- An integral (wet wing) tank

All interconnected to flow into the nacelle tank by gravity.

A flapper check valve in the end of the gravity feed line prevents any backflow of fuel into the wing

Total usable fuel in the main tanks is 386 gallons.

When the fuel crossfeed valve is open, the green “FUEL CROSSFEED” light on the annunciator panel will

Crossfeeding will not transfer fuel from one cell to another.

- Its primary function is to supply fuel from one side to the opposite engine during engine-out

Fuel transfer is not possible due to the flapper type check valve located in the nacelle tanks. The valve
allows fuel to gravity feed from the wing tanks into the nacelle and not vice versa.

Auxiliary Fuel System

The auxiliary fuel system consists of a fuel tank on each side of the center section.

Each aux. tank has its own filler opening and each tank has a total usable fuel amount of 79 gallons.

The aux fuel system transfers fuel into the main fuel system by jet pumps.

The auxiliary tanks will not feed into the main fuel system if there is a failure of both boost pumps
(engine-driven and standby) or a failure of the motive flow valve.

This condition will be noted on the auxiliary fuel gage and by the illumination of the “NO TRANSFER”
light on the fuel-constant panel.

The light is actuated if there is less than 5-7 psi. of pressure on the pressure switch adjacent to the
motive flow valve and if the float switch in the sump of the auxiliary tank is not in the empty position.

Fuel Heater

The fuel heater is thermostatically controlled to maintain a fuel temperature of 70O to 90O under normal

If the temperature of the fuel rises above 90O, the fuel will automatically bypass the fuel heater.

The fuel heater is automatic and requires no pilot action.

Fuel Flow from Tank to Engine

1. Fuel from wing tanks flow to the nacelle tank by gravity.

2. Fuel is taken from the nacelle via the engine-driven boost pump.
3. From the nacelle tank, fuel flows through the firewall shutoff valve.
4. From the firewall shutoff valve, fuel is routed to the engine-driven boost pump.
5. From the engine-driven boost pump, fuel is routed to the main fuel filter. (firewall fuel
a. A pressure switch mounted directly above the filter senses boost pump fuel
pressure at the filter.
b. At 9 – 11 psig of decreasing pressure, the pressure switch closes and actuates
the red “FUEL PRESSURE” light in the annunciator panel.
i. At this time the backup fuel pump should be turned “ON”
6. From the main filter, fuel is routed through the filter flow transmitter.
7. Fuel from the fuel flow transmitter is routed through the fuel heater that utilizes heat
from the engine oil to warm the fuel.
8. From the fuel heater, fuel is routed to the engine fuel pump.
9. From the engine fuel pump, fuel is routed to the fuel control unit, which monitors the
flow to the engine fuel nozzles.

How Fuel is Transferred from the Auxiliary Tank to the Nacelle Tank

Fuel pressure from the engine-driven boost pump provides the motive flow by which the jet transfer
pump functions.

A check valve is installed in the motive flow line immediately aft of the motive flow control valve to
prevent the engine from sucking air when the boost pump is not operating.

The transfer jet pumps are actuated by lever lock, toggle switches on the fuel-control panel.

- The switch may be placed in the following positions:

o Automatic (AUTO)

When the switch is in “AUTO”, power is applied to the motive flow valve by the automatic fuel transfer

The motive flow valve should open approximately 30 to 50 seconds after it has been actuated by the
fuel transfer module.

- This time delay prevents the depletion of fuel pressure during engine start.

A pressure switch set to actuate at 5 to 7 psi. is installed in the fuel line between the motive flow valve
and check valve.

- Should the pressure switch not be actuated, the “NO TRANSFER” light on the fuel-control
panel will remain illuminated to indicate that the motive fuel valve is still closed.

When the auxiliary fuel is depleted, the low-level float switch de-energizes the motive flow valve after a
30 to 60 second time delay.

- Time delay is provided to prevent cycling the motive flow valve due to sloshing fuel.

Fuel Purge System

The fuel purge system is designed to make sure that any residual fuel in the fuel manifolds is consumed
during engine shutdown.

During engine operation compressor discharge air (P3 air) is routed through a filter and check valve,
pressurizing a small air tank mounted on the engine truss mount.

On engine shutdown the pressure differential between the air tank and fuel manifold causes air to be
discharged from the air tank, through a check valve and into the fuel manifold system.

The air forces all residual fuel, remaining in the fuel manifold, out through the nozzles and into the
combustion chamber is consumed which in turn causes a momentary rise in engine speed.

Fuel Indicating

The fuel quantity indicating system is a capacitance type that is compensated for specific gravity and
reads in pounds on a linear scale.

Fuel gauges normally show main system quantity; a momentary toggle switch allows selection of
auxiliary quantity.

Fuel System Limitations

Avgas may be used but only in emergency situations.

- When Avgas is used, operation is limited to 150 hours between engine overhauls.

Operation of either engine with its corresponding fuel pressure warning annunciator (L FUEL PRESS or R
FUEL PRESS) illuminated is limited to 10 hours between overhaul or replacement of the high pressure
main engine fuel pump.

ATA 30 - Ice and Rain Protection

Surfaces kept ice free by bleed air:

- Wing and horizontal stabilizer leading edge surfaces (inflatable boots)

- Brakes

Surfaces kept ice and/or water free by electrical energy:

- Propellers
- Both pitot tubes
- The stall warning vane
- Both windshield panes
- Fuel vents

Surfaces kept ice free by engine exhaust gases:

- The air inlets for both engines

Wing and Horizontal Stabilizer Deice System

Pneumatic deicer boots on the wings and horizontal stabilizer prevent the formation of ice during flight.

Regulated bleed air and vacuum are cycled to the pneumatic boot for the inflation – deflation cycle.

To assure operation of the system should one engine fail, a check valve is incorporated in the bleed line
from each engine to prevent the escape of air pressure into the chamber of the inoperative compressor.

The bleed air from the engine is also routed through ejector that employ the venturi effect to produce
vacuum for deflation of the deicer boots and operation of the instruments.

The deicer system is actuated by a three-way toggle switch on the left side subpanel.

This switch is spring loaded to return to the “OFF” position from either the “MANUAL” or “SINGLE”

When the switch is pushed to the “SINGLE” position, one complete cycle of the deicer operation
automatically follows as the distributor valves open to inflate the deicer boots.

After an inflation period of approximately 6 seconds for the wings and 4 seconds for the horizontal
stabilizers, a timer relay switches the distributor valves to the “OFF” or “VACUUM”, position for
deflation of the deicer boots.

When the switch is pushed to “MANUAL” position, all the boots will inflate simultaneously and will
continue to hold in the inflated positions as long as the switch is held in position.

Upon release of the switch, the distributor valves return to the “OFF” position and the deicer boots
remain deflated until the switch is actuated again.

Brake Deice System

The heated air for brake deicing is supplied by bleed air from the compressor of each engine.

The bleed air is routed by a line on the left side of each nacelle to a solenoid operated shutoff valve on
the left side of each main gear wheel well.

From the shutoff valve bleed air is routed through a hose secured to the aft side of the landing gear strut
and down to a distributor manifold attached to the two bottom bolts in the piston and axle assembly.

The bleed air is directed to the brake for each wheel through orifices around the circumference of each
ring of the distributor manifold.

The brake deice system is controlled by an “ON-OFF” toggle switch mounted on the pedestal
immediately aft of the pressurization controller.

When this switch is in the “ON” position, power from the airplane electrical system is provided to a
control module.

This module supplies current to open the solenoid valves in each wheel well, allowing the hot bleed air
to enter the distribution manifold for diffusion through the orifices to deice the brakes.

The control module simultaneously provides a signal to illuminate the “BRAKE DEICE ON” green light in
the annunciator panel on the pedestal.

If the airplane takes off without the control switch for the brake deice system having been switched
“OFF”, a circuit is completed through the uplock switch to a timing circuit in the control module when
the main landing gears reach the up and lock position.

This timing circuit will cycle the deice system off after 10 minutes of operation, thereby closing the
solenoid valve in the wheel well to shut off the flow of bleed air to the brakes so that adjacent
components in the wheel well will incur no damage through overheating.

Both engine bleed air sources must be in operation to use the brake deice system on both sides.

Propeller Electric Deicers

The propeller electric deicer system includes:

- An electrically heated boot for each propeller blade

- Slip rings
- Brush assemblies
- Timer
- On – Off switch
- Ammeter

When the switch is turned on, the ammeter registers the amount of current (14 to 18 amps for 3
propeller blades) (18 to 24 amps for 4 propeller blades) passing through the system.

If the current rises beyond the switch limitations, an integral circuit breaker will shut off power to the
deicer timer.

Power to the deicer boot heating elements is cycled in a continuous programmed sequence.

Power to the deicer boots is cycled in 90 second phases.

The first 90 second phase heats all the deicer boots on the right side propeller blades.

The second 90 second phase heats all the deicer boots on the left side propeller blades.


The deicer timer does not return to any given point when the power is turned off, therefore, it may
restart at any sequence point.

As the deicer timer moves from one phase to the next, a momentary deflection of the propeller
ammeter needle may be noted.

The deicer boots are normally controlled by a two – position toggle switch labeled “PROP AUTO – OFF”.

A manual propeller deicer system is provided as a backup to the automatic system.

The switch is placarded “PROP MAN-OFF”. When the switch is in the “MAN” position, power is supplied
to the entire deice surface of both propellers.

The manual switch is of the momentary type and must be held in place until the ice has been dislodged
from the propeller surface (approximately 45 seconds).

The load meters will indicate approximately a 0.5 increase of load when the manual propeller deicer
system is in operation.

The propeller ammeter will not indicate any load in the manual mode of operation.

Windows and Windshield

The windshields are protected against icing by electrical heating elements.

The windshield anti-ice system is controlled by a three position switch.

The switch is labeled “WSHLD ANTI-ICE” with positions “NORMAL”, “OFF”, and “HI”.

Selecting the PILOT and COPILOT switches to the NORMAL (up) position, heats the inboard and outboard
areas of the windshields.

The HI and NORMAL position operate within the same temperature range of 90OF to 100OF, however, HI
heats a more concentrated essential viewing while NORMAL heats a wider viewing area.

Selecting the switches to the HI (down) position, heats only the outboard areas.

The windshield wipers are controlled by a rotary switch labeled “WINDSHIELD WIPERS” with the
positions “SLOW”, “OFF”, “FAST”, and “PARK”.

The windshield wipers consist of the following components which are located forward of the instrument

- The motor
- Arm assemblies
- Drive shafts
- Converters

The wiper system is actuated by a switch in the overhead panel.

Stall Warning Vane

The stall warning vane heat is controlled by a two – position switch with positions labeled “ON” and

Turn the stall warning vane heat on for all flights.

A safety switch on the left landing gear limits the current flow to approximately 12 volts to prevent
overheating while the airplane is on the ground.

In flight, after the left strut extends, the stall warning vane and mounting plate receives 28 volts current.

Air Intake Anti Ice Lip

The lip around each air intake is heated by hot exhaust gases to prevent the formation of ice during
inclement weather.

The system is in operation any time the engines are running.

A scoop in the left exhaust stack on each engine diverts some of the hot exhaust gases downward
through a duct into the hollow lip tube that encircles the engine air intake.

The exhaust is ducted into the right exhaust stack where it is expelled into the atmosphere.

The anti-ice lip system is automatic and requires no pilot action.

Inertial Ice Separation System

An inertial ice separation system is installed in each air inlet to prevent moisture particles from entering
the engine inlet plenum during icing conditions.

When icing conditions are encountered, a movable inertial ice vane is lowered into the inlet air stream
to introduce an abrupt turn in the airflow before entering the engine plenum.

The heavy ice-laden air is then discharged overboard through a bypass door in lower cowling at the aft
end of the air duct.

The inertial ice vane and bypass door are extended and retracted simultaneously through a linkage
system connected to an electric dual-motor actuator.

The dual-motor actuator is controlled with two switches for each of the left and right engine systems.

The “ACTUATOR” switch is in the “MAIN” position except when the “ACTUATOR STANDBY” position is
used to actuate the backup motor because the main motor is inoperable.

Power is applied to the motor by placing the “ENGINE ANTI-ICE LEFT and RIGHT” switches in the “ON”
position to extend or “OFF” position to retract.

When the bypass doors are fully extended, microswitches on the inertial ice vane linkage on the left side
of the engine mount truss will illuminate the green “L ENG ANTI-ICE or R ENG ANTI-TCE” annunciators in
the caution/advisory annunciators panel.

If full extension of the ice vanes is not attained in the 33 +/- 4 seconds after the control switches have
been actuated the yellow “L ENG ICE FAIL or R ENG ICE FAIL” annunciator in the caution/advisory
annunciator panel will illuminate to signal a malfunction of the main actuator motor.

Full extension must then be accomplished with the standby actuator motor.

ATA 32 - Landing Gear

Motive power for retraction and extension of the landing gear is provided by a power pack.

The power pack consists of:

- A motor-driven pump
- An up – down selector valve
- A pressure switch

Hydraulic fluid (MIL-H-5606) is pumped by the power pack to an actuator located at each of the three
landing gears.

A separate hydraulic fluid reservoir, incorporating a dipstick, is plumbed into the system to simplify the
addition of fluid.

An accumulator acts as a cushion against pressure surges in the system.

When the landing gears are in the extended position, the main gears are solidly locked in position by a
pair of notched hooks on the drag brace assembly.

The nose gear is locked in place by an internal locking mechanism in the nose gear actuator and by the
slightly over center action of the nose gear drag brace.

The landing gear is held in the retracted position by hydraulic pressure applied to the actuator. (2,775
+/-55 psi)

When the pressure begins to fall, the pressure switch will restore power to the motor-driven pump, thus
maintaining an adequate uplock pressure. (below 300-400 psi)

The hydraulic landing gear power pack is equipped with a low fluid sensor.

- When the sensor detects a low fluid level, it activates a warning light in the annunciator

The shock struts are of the air-oil verity.

- Filled with a combination of nitrogen and MIL-H-5606.

The landing gears are controlled by a wheel shaped switch labeled “LDG GEAR CONTROL” with two
positions “UP” and “DOWN”

The gear selector valve is spring-loaded to the down position for fail-safe operation in the event of
electrical power loss.

A yellow “HYD FLUID LOW” annunciator located in the Caution/Advisory panel will illuminate in the
event the hydraulic fluid level in the landing gear power pack becomes critically low.

When low fluid is indicated, the landing gear should not be extended or retracted using the hydraulic
power pack; however, the landing gear can be extended using the alternate extension hand pump.

The hydraulic pack is located in the left hand side of the center section forward of the main spar.

Installed on the pump housing are the pressure switch and the low fluid filter.

To prevent pump cavitation, an engine bleed air pressure of 18 to 20 psi. is plumbed to the power pack
and fill reservoir (head pressure).

The system plumbing is coded with colored tape as follows:

- Regulated Engine Bleed Air – Orange

- Normal Extend – White
- Normal Retraction – Blue
- Hand Pump Suction – Yellow
- Hand Pump Pressure – Brown/White
- Alternate Extend – Brown
- Hydraulic Fluid Fill – Purple

Hydraulic Components

An electro-hydraulic powerpack system produces sufficient pressure to extend and retract the landing

The system operates on approximately seven to eight U.S. quarts of hydraulic fluid.

The hydraulic system consists of the following components:

- A fill reservoir
- A primary reservoir
- A landing gear powerpack
- Filters
- Check valves
- An accumulator
- An emergency hand pump

Fill Reservoir:

The fill reservoir, located inboard of the left nacelle and forward off the front spar, contains a cap and
dipstick assembly to simplify system maintenance.

Hydraulic fluid from the fill reservoir supplies the primary reservoir.

The dip stick marked “HOT/FILL, COLD/FILL allows for convenient fluid level checking and servicing.

Regulated bleed air enters the fill reservoir through a check valve at approximately 18 psi.

This pressure provides a positive fluid flow to the primary reservoir and powerpack to prevent pump
cavitation and fluid foaming.

A line plumed to the upper portion of the fill reservoir vents excessive bleed air overboard.

The check valve prevents return air flow, maintaining a head pressure on the reservoir.

Primary Reservoir:

The three-quart primary reservoir inboard of the left engine nacelle and forward of the main spar
employs a standpipe to maintain reserve fluid for emergency use.

The primary reservoir supplies fluid to the landing gear powerpack.

Fluid returns to the reservoir during the cycling of the landing gear.

Landing Gear Powerpack:

The landing gear powerpack consists of a combined electric motor and hydraulic pump.

It draws fluid from the primary hydraulic reservoir and delivers the fluid under pressure through three
separate lines to the individual landing gear actuators at 2,775 +/- 55 psi.

The pump housing supports a pressure switch, low fluid level sensor, four-way solenoid selector valve,
and the return fluid filter.

A check valve downstream of the powerpack prevents fluid from entering the powerpack during
emergency hand pump operation.

The pressure switch in the hydraulic return fluid line interrupts power to the power relay if the switch
senses 2,775 +/- 55 psi.

A system drop of 300 psi closes the switch allowing electrical power to flow to the powerpack.

HYD Fluid Low Annunciator:

The amber “HYD FLUID LOW” annunciator illuminates anytime the fluid level sensor in the powerpack
senses a low fluid condition.

A four second delay in the system minimizes false indication caused by sloshing of fluid.

To test the annunciator, press the “HYD FLUID SENSOR TEST” button on the pilot’s panel.

When low fluid level is indicated, the landing gear should not be extended or retracted using the
hydraulic power pack, however, the landing gear can be extended using the alternate extension hand

System Filters:

A hydraulic filter in the pressure line along with two filters in the return lines prevent foreign matter
from circulating in the system and damaging components.

Only one filter in the return line incorporates a bypass valve, which allows fluid to return to the reservoir
if a filter becomes blocked.

Thermal Expansion Valve:

With the landing gear down and locked, a thermal expansion valve set at 80 psi in the retract side
relieves pressure of hydraulic fluid expansion.

The expanding fluid returns to the primary reservoir.

Hydraulic Accumulator:

The cylindrical hydraulic accumulator absorbs and dampens sudden hydraulic surges and helps maintain
system pressure.

An air charging valve and direct-reading pressure gauge on the air side of the accumulator allow
servicing of the unit.

The accumulator contains an 800 +/- 55 psi charge of dry nitrogen or air.

Service Valve:

A service valve in the left wing root allows ground maintenance personnel to retract the landing gear

The valve is not accessible in flight.

The service valve, in conjunction with the hand pump, may be used to raise and lower the landing gears
for maintenance purposes.

With the airplane on jacks and an external power source attached, unlatch the hinged retainer and pull
up on the red knob located on top of the service valve.

Then hand pump can then be pumped to raise the gear to the desired position.

Extension Operation

When the landing gear control handle is moved to the “DN” position, the power pack down solenoid is
actuated, routing fluid to the extend portion of the system.

As the actuator piston moves to extend the landing gear, the fluid in the actuators exits through the
normal retract port of the actuators and is carried back to the power pack through the normal retract

Fluid from the pump opens a pressure check valve in the power pack to allow the return fluid to flow
into the primary reservoir.

When the actuator pistons are positioned to fully extend the landing gear, an internal mechanical lock in
the nose gear actuator will lock the actuator piston to hold the nose gear in the down position; the main
gears are held by a mechanical locking system.

The internal locking mechanism in the nose gear actuator will actuate the actuator downlock switch to
interrupt current to the pump motor. The motor will continue to run until all three gears are down and

Alternate Extension

In the event of electrical power loss or hydraulic power pack malfunction, manual landing gear
extension is provided through a manually powered hydraulic system.

A hand pump, placarded “LANDING GEAR ALTERNATE EXTENSION” is located on the floor between the
pilot’s seat and the pedestal.

To extend the gear, pull the “Landing Gear Relay” circuit breaker and place the landing gear selector
handle in the “DN” position.

Remove the pump handle from the securing clip and pump the handle up and down to extend the gear.

As the handle is pumped, hydraulic fluid is drawn from the hand pump suction port of the power pack
and pumped through the power pack hand pump pressure port to the actuators.

The pressure exerted on the secondary extend port of the actuators shifts the shuttle valve, allowing the
fluid to enter the extend side of the actuator cylinders.

As the actuator piston moves to extend the landing gear, the fluid in the actuators exit through the
normal retract port of the actuators and is carried back to the power pack through the normal retract

The fluid routed to the power pack hand pump pressure port from the hand pump unseats the internal
dump valve of the pump to allow the return fluid to flow into the primary reservoir.

Continue to pump the handle (may take as many as 80 pumps) until the green “GEAR DOWN” indicator
lights on the pilot’s inboard subpanel illuminate.


If the green gear position lights do not illuminate, continue pumping until heavy resistance is felt to
ensure the gear is down and locked. Leave the handle at the top of the stroke.

The landing gear cannot be retracted with the alternate extension system.

Retraction Operation

With the safety switches (squat switches) sensing an airborne condition, moving the “LDG GEAR CONT”
switch handle “UP” completes circuits to the up solenoid of the gear selector valve.

Power to the pump motor relay pulls in 28 volts DC to the hydraulic pump motor in the power pack.

The gear selector valve is energized to the gear up position, directing fluid pressure to the retract side of
all three gear actuators.

When retraction is complete (approximately 6 seconds), the gear actuators bottom out, and pressure
increases rapidly.

At 2,775 +/- 55 psi, the uplock pressure switch opens, breaking the circuit to the pump motor relay, and
the pump motor de-energizes.

Since there are no gear uplock mechanisms, pressure in the retract side holds the gear retracted.

When system drops the pressure to 2,475 psi (approximately 300 – 400 psi differential), the uplock
pressure switch closes to reestablish the power circuit to the pump.

Automatic cycling of the pump maintains pressure to keep the gear up and locked.

Hydraulic Brake System

The dual hydraulic brakes are operated by depressing the pilot’s or copilot’s rudder pedals.

The depression of either set of pedals compresses the piston rod in the master cylinder attached to each

The hydraulic pressure resulting from the movement of the pistons in the master cylinders is
transmitted through flexible hoses and fixed aluminum tubing to the disc brake assemblies on the main
landing gears.

This pressure forces the brake pistons to press against the linings and discs of the brake assembly.

The brake reservoir is mounted in the upper left hand corner of the aft bulkhead of the nose baggage

A dipstick is provided to measure fluid level.

No emergency braking system is provided.

Parking Brakes

Dual parking valves are installed adjacent to the rudder pedals between the master cylinders of the
pilot’s rudder pedals and the wheel brakes.

After the pilot’s brake pedals have been depressed to build up pressure in the brake lines, both valves
can be closed simultaneously by pulling out the parking brake handle on the left subpanel.

This closes the valves to retain the pressure that was previously pumped into the brake.

The parking brake is released when the brake pedals are depressed and the parking brake control is
pushed in.

The parking brake system does not compensate for thermal expansion/contraction and should only be
used for short periods of time until the wheels can be properly chocked.

Automatic Brake Adjusters (Anti-Skid)

The standard brakes are equipped with automatic brake adjusters.

The brake adjusters reduce brake drag, thereby allowing unhampered roll.

Airplanes with the high flotation landing gears and brakes are not equipped with the automatic brake
adjusters and cannot be reworked to accept them.

Position and Warning

Three green lights mounted in the left subpanel adjacent to the pedestal indicate when the landing gear
is down and locked.

- Each bulb is of the press-to-test type.

A red light in the landing gear handle indicates when the landing gears are in transit.

The red landing gear light will come on with the warning horn anytime all gears are not down and locked
when the power levers are retracted to less than approximately 79% gas generator (N1) speed.

The landing gear-in-transit light will indicate one or all of the following conditions:

- Landing gear handle is in the “UP” position and the airplane is on the ground with weight on
the landing gears.
- One or both power levers retarded below approximately 79% N1 and one or more landing
gears are not and locked.
o Warning horn will be operating.
- Any one or all landing gears not fully retracted or in the down and locked position.
- Warning horn has been silenced and will not operate; the light remains illuminated when
the horn is silenced.
- One or more of the landing gear is not down and locked and the flaps are selected past
o In this condition the warning horn can only be silenced by retracting the flaps or
extending the landing gears.

Nose Wheel Steering

Direct linkage from the rudder pedals to an arm near the top of the shock strut mechanically actuates
nose wheel steering.

The steering angle is from 14O left of center to 12O right of center, but can be considerably increased
when augmented by differential braking and/or differential thrust (approximately 48O left and right of

With the nose wheel stationary on the ground or with the self-centering nose gear retracted, rudder
pedal movement compresses a spring-loaded link in the system but it is not sufficient to steer the nose

If the nose wheel is on the ground and rolling, less force is required for steering.

Main Gear Safety Switches

Left Gear Safety Switch Control:

- Safety Valve
- Preset Solenoid
- Dump Solenoid
- Door Seal Solenoid
- Ambient Air Modulated Valve
- Lift Computer (Stall Warning)
- Stall Warning Heat Control
- Landing Gear Solenoid (Hydraulic Gear System)

Right Gear Safety Switch Control:

- Landing Gear Handle Lock Solenoid

- Landing Gear Motor
- Landing Gear Emergency Control
- Flight hourmeter

Landing Gear Rotation

The nose gear retracts rearward and extends forward.

The main gears retract forward and extend rearward.

ATA 35 - Oxygen

The oxygen cylinder and regulator, located behind the aft pressure bulkhead, provide oxygen for the
crew and passengers and for the first aid oxygen outlet on airplanes with the auto-deployment
passenger oxygen system.

The cylinder is serviced, to a pressure of 1,800 to 1,850 psi @ 70OF, through a fill valve located in the
oxygen service panel on the right side of the aft fuselage.

The cylinder valve has fittings for high pressure and low pressure lines for oxygen service and delivery.

The high pressure lines include:

- the cylinder recharge line

- the pressure gage line
- the overpressure relief dump

Two pressure gages are installed in the airplane, one in the cockpits lower instrument panel for in-flight
use and one in the oxygen service panel for checking oxygen pressure during the filling procedure.

The regulator on the cylinder is a constant-flow type that supplies low pressure oxygen at 70 +/- 10 psi
through tubing to the crew and passenger oxygen outlets.

Passenger Oxygen Mask Auto-deployment

The auto-deployment passenger oxygen system is operated by two push-pull control cables and a
barometric pressure switch.

The left control cable operates the oxygen system shutoff valve and places the system in the ready
mode when the knob is pulled.

The right cable is the passenger manual-override control to the shutoff valve that manually turns the
passenger oxygen “on” or “off”.

The valve is normally in the “OFF” position and will not be used unless the barometric pressure switch
fails to operate when the cabin depressurizes.

The barometric pressure switch automatically releases passenger oxygen and deploys the passenger
oxygen masks when the cabin altitude reaches 12,500 feet.

The released oxygen pressure actuates a plunger in each of the oxygen auto-deployment boxes which
causes the dispenser door to open and drop the oxygen masks.

- The door requires a pressure of 30 to 55 psi to operate.

Oxygen flowing into the passenger supply line activates a pressure switch that illuminates the green
“PASS OXYGEN ON” annunciator and illuminates the cabin lights at full brightness.

After the masks have deployed, the oxygen lanyard pin must be pulled for oxygen to flow to each mask.

When the masks are no longer required, the lanyard pin is reinstalled to stop the flow of oxygen.

After operation by the barometric pressure switch, the passenger oxygen can be shutoff by pulling the
oxygen control circuit breaker.

- This will limit the remaining oxygen to the crew and first aid outlets.

Oxygen Pressure-Sense Switch

The oxygen pressure-sense switch is located in the passenger oxygen line in the aft cabin ceiling.

When the passenger manual-override shutoff valve is opened, oxygen pressure is released to the oxygen
mask overhead containers and to the pressure-sensing switch.

The actuated pressure-sense switch will illuminate the “PASS OXY ON” annunciator in the instrument
panel advising the crew that the masks are deployed and oxygen is available to the passengers.

Oxygen Cylinders

Composite oxygen cylinders are available in the standard 22 cubic foot size, filled to 1,800 psi @ 70O-F,
or four optional sizes:

- 49 cubic foot cylinder – filled to 1,850 psi @ 70OF

- 66 cubic foot cylinder – filled to 1,850 psi @ 70OF
- 76 cubic foot cylinder – filled to 1,850 psi @ 70OF
- 115 cubic foot cylinder – filled to 1,850 psi @ 70OF

The regulator on the cylinder provides a constant flow of 200 liters per minute (LPM) normal
temperature and pressure differential (NTPD) at 70 +/- 10 psi.

Crew Oxygen Mask

The crew oxygen mask is a quick-donning/demand type with a pneumatic harness.

The quick-donning mask has a miniature mask-mounted diluter/demand type of regulator providing:

- Automatic air dilution (normal)

- 100% manual control (100% oxygen)
- Emergency position
- Press to test capability

The masks are equipped with a dynamic microphone.

The mask and pneumatic harness can be donned with one hand and functioning within 5 seconds.

A flow indicator on the mask hose will turn white and then red within a few seconds to indicate that the
harness is leak tight in the deflated condition.

Passenger Oxygen Mask

The passenger oxygen mask is an airline conical, constant flow type.

The mask will provide 3.7 liter per minute (LPM) normal temperature and pressure differential (NTPD) at
33,000 feet altitude with a system pressure of 70 +/- 10 psig.

When the passenger oxygen system is actuated, the initial high pressure surge operates an actuator that
opens the door.

After the mask is removed from the container, a lanyard pin must be pulled from the mask valve.

- The force required to pull the lanyard pin shall not exceed a maximum of 4 pounds with the
system pressurized.

With the oxygen turned on, the mask supply tube contains a positive flow indicator that is readily visible
to the user when the mask is worn.

To shut off the flow of oxygen to the mask, install the lanyard pin in the mask valve.

ATA 36 - Pneumatic

Engine bleed air is drawn from the fourth stage compressor of each engine, referred to as P3 air, at a
flow rate sufficient to produce the 18 psi of pressure required to operate the:

- Bleed Air Warning System

- Rudder Boost System
- Door Seal
- Surface Deicer System
- Brake Deice System
- Pressurize the Hydraulic Reservoir
- Flight Hourmeter

P3 air temperature and pressure varies depending on operating altitude and engine rpm.

- Sea level @ 100% rpm = P3 of 650O F and 130 psi.

- 31,000 feet @ 100%rpm = P3 of 100 – 200 OF and 36 psi.
- Sea level @ 52 – 56%rpm (Idle) = P3 of 20 psi.

The bleed air is routed aft from each engine to a firewall shutoff valve, through a check valve, and on to
a pressure regulator valve.

The loss of heat in the pneumatic plumbing will reduce the temperature of the bleed air to
approximately 70OF above ambient air temperature by the time it reaches the pressure regulator valve.

The regulator valve is set to approximately 18 +/- 1 psi. of pressure and incorporates a safety valve that
will limit pressure to 21 psi as a safety feature in the event of a regulator valve failure.

The pneumatic system limitations are as follow:

- The normal operating range of 12 to 20 psig and maximum operating limit (red line) of 20

ATA 37 - Vacuum

The vacuum is produced by an ejector that is operated by the pneumatic system using bleed air from the

The vacuum system furnishes vacuum to operate the:

- Surface deice system

- Copilot’s gyro instruments
- Air-operated turn and slip indicator
- Vacuum gage
- Cabin pressurization control system.

To produce vacuum, pneumatic air is passed through the ejector venturi which draws air from the
vacuum system regulator valve, the instrument air filter, the cabin pressure controller and the cabin
safety outflow valve.

The vacuum is regulated by a vacuum regulator valve that admits into the system the amount of air
required to maintain sufficient vacuum (5.9 in. hg.) for proper operation of the vacuum operated
systems and components.

Vacuum gage indicates the normal suction:

- Above 15,000 feet MSL of 2.8 to 4.3 in. hg.

- Below 15,000 feet MSL of 4.3 to 5.9 in. hg.

ATA 52 – Doors

Cabin Door:

The cabin door is located on the left side of the fuselage, in the foyer area.

The cabin door is hinged at the bottom and swings out and down when opened.

- A hydraulic damper ensures a slow opening.

A stairway is built into the inboard side for entry and egress.

Two of the steps fold flat against the door when it is closed.

When the door is fully extended, it is supported by a handrail.

- A second handrail may be installed along the other side of the steps.

Only one person at a time should be on the door stairway.

An inflatable rubber door seal around the cabin door expands to positively seal the pressure vessel while
the aircraft is in flight.

Bleed air at 4 psi inflates the door seal.

The cabin door seal bleed air is tapped downstream of the 18 psi regulator and passes through a 4 psi

From the 4 psi regulator, the air passes through a normally open door valve controlled by the left
landing gear squat switch and pressure switch.

As the aircraft lifts off, the squat switch opens to remove power from the normally open door seal valve;
the door seal then inflates.

ATA 53 – Fuselage

The fuselage is composed of the:

- Nose section
- Cockpit
- Cabin
- Foyer and Aft cabin
- Aft Fuselage

The nose section is an unpressurized equipment storage area separated from the cockpit area by the
forward pressure bulkhead.

The cockpit is separated from the cabin by a sliding door for privacy and to prevent light spilling
between compartments.

The cabin is separated from the foyer by another sliding door to provide privacy for the toilet.

The toilet is located in the foyer. When not in use, it can be converted to another passenger seat by use
of seat cushions.

The aft cabin area may have one or two optional folding seats installed.

When these seats are not needed, the may be folded against the cabin sidewall, and the entire aft cabin
area may be utilized for baggage storage.

ATA 56 – Windows
Cabin Windows:

Each cabin window is composed of a sheet of polyvinyl butyral between two transparent sheets of
acrylic plastic.

Emergency Exit Window:

The emergency exit window, placarded “EXIT PULL” is located on the forward right side of the passenger
compartment, just aft of the copilot’s seat.

It is a plug type exit, which is removed completely from the frame and taken into the cabin.

ATA 61 – Propeller

The PT6A turboprop engine can drive a three or four blade, oil operated propeller.

King Air B200 with serial numbers BB – 1509 and subsequent have a four bladed Hartzell propeller with
a bladed angle range of +87.9O to -11O.

The propeller control system provides for constant speed operation, full feathering, reversing, and Beta
mode control.

Feathering is induced by counterweights and springs.

If an engine flames out in flight or if the pilot selects the condition lever to “CUTOFF”, the propeller will
not feather because of the windmilling effect and governor action.

Feathering in flight should be manually selected by using the propeller control lever.

A conventional oil operated propeller governor achieves normal propeller operation in the constant
speed range.

A preset oil operated overspeed governor is provided in case of failure of the normal propeller governor.

In addition to the normal and overspeed propeller governors, a fuel topping function, integral with the
primary governor, provides protection against propeller overspeed, as well as limiting rpm in the reverse

A calibrated leak in the transfer gland on the propeller shaft allows a small quantity of governing oil to
flow back into the engine oil system.

- This provides a continuous circulation of warm oil within the propeller dome.

Propeller Control

Speed (rpm) control is a function of the propeller governor.

This unit is engine-driven and operates on the principle of balancing two opposing forces, both of which
are variable.

These forces are speeder spring force and flyweight force.

Speeder spring force is a function of, and varied by, the position of the propeller control lever.

Flyweight force is a function of, and varied by, propeller rpm through a reduction gear.

If the speeder spring force is greater than flyweight force, the propeller would be operating in an
underspeed condition.

If the flyweight force is greater than speeder spring force, the propeller would be operating in an
overspeed condition.

When the speeder spring force and flyweight force are equal, the propeller is onspeed.

Unbalance of speeder spring and flyweight forces is used to position a pilot valve to accomplish the

- Direct governor boosted high oil pressure to the propeller servo piston to reduce blade
- Shutoff governor boosted high oil pressure to the propeller servo piston and connect the
piston chamber to the oil sump allowing the counterweights and propeller spring forces to
increase the blade angle, to include feather if desired.

Overspeed Control

The normal rpm control range of the primary governor is from 1,600 to 2,000 rpm.

- 2,000 rpm is 100% rpm

If the primary governor fails to limit rpm by 2,000, a second governor, driven by the reduction gearbox,
operates in parallel with the primary governor.

- The second governor is called the overspeed governor.

The overspeed governor has a preset speeder spring tension which limits propeller rpm to the preset
limit of 2,120 rpm, which is 106% of the primary governor maximum setting.

If the propeller blades stick or move too slowly failing to limit rpm, a fuel topping section of the primary
governor will limit rpm to 106% of the propeller rpm selected by the propeller control lever (2,120 rpm
being the highest, propeller levers full forward).

Propeller Overspeed Test System

The overspeed governor incorporates a test system controlled by a two-position switch for both

The switch is marked “PROP GOV TEST”

With the engine running and the propeller control lever full forward, moving the governor tests switch
to “TEST” will open a solenoid valve and admit primary governor pump pressure to a hydraulic rest valve
on the overspeed governor.

Movement of the reset valve will raise the pilot valve, simulating an overspeed, and allow governor
pump pressure to drain to the reduction gearcase through the pilot valve of the overspeed governor.

If the power lever is advanced, the rpm should stabilize at the “TEST” reset value of the overspeed
governor, which is between 1,830 and 1,910 rpm.

Fuel Topping (Power Turbine) Governor

If a mechanical failure causes the propeller to lock or stick, it will not respond to oil pressure changes.

The primary and overspeed governors although still operating normally, will be unable to control
propeller rpm with oil pressure.

The fuel topping governor (FTG), an integral part of the primary governor, acts to reduce fuel flow,
which in turn reduces propeller rpm.

With a locked propeller (fixed pitch propeller), a power reduction will control rpm as long as airspeed is
not increased excessively.

The fuel topping governor is designed to vent air pressure from the fuel control unit, which results in a
fuel flow reduction.

The propeller rpm at which the fuel topping governor activates is determined by propeller control lever

With the propeller locked, the fuel topping governor will reduce fuel flow when the overspeed reaches
approximately 106% of the selected propeller rpm.

The fuel topping governor (FTG), utilizes the same flyweights and pilot valve mechanism of the primary

If the primary governor fails, the fuel topping governor will not be operational.

The resultant overspeed will, however, be controlled by the backup overspeed governor.

Reverse Operation

When full reverse is selected, the power levers send three commands:

1. Spool the compressor to 83% +/- 5% N1 with a fuel flow increase.

2. Decrease the propeller blade angle to -9O or -10O.
3. Reset the fuel topping governor to 95% of the rpm selected by the propeller lever.

The maximum allowable propeller speed in reverse is 1,900 rpm; however, this is not an overspeed
limitation for the propeller or power turbine.

The 1,900 rpm limit, which is controlled by the FTG, assures that the propeller does not attain 2,000
rpm, which brings the propeller onspeed and begins to interfere with the reverse operation.

Beta Mode Control

Beta control defines a range of operation in which the pilot can reduce the residual idle thrust of the
propeller by reducing blade angle.

This reduction in blade angle and, therefore, propeller thrust, is accomplished by lifting the power levers
aft into the ground fin range.

Propeller Operation


When the upward force of the governor flyweights is equal to the downward force of the speeder
spring, the governor pilot valve is positioned to shutoff the governor pump pressure from the propeller
piston and isolate the propeller cylinder from the gearcase drain.

This, in effect, hydraulically locks the blades at a specific angle.

This condition does not prevail for long as changes in altitude, temperature, airspeed, and inherent
leakage at the pump transfer sleeve require blade angle changes.

In effect, in any constant speed condition, the governor is hunting through a very narrow range to
maintain the selected rpm.


When an overspeed occurs, the governor flyweight force exceeds the speeder spring force.

This occurs when the propeller has accelerated above the selected rpm.

The increased flyweight force will raise the governor pilot valve and reduce oil pressure at the propeller
piston, allowing the counterweights and spring to increase blade angle and decelerate the propeller
until an onspeed condition occurs.


When an underspeed condition occurs, the propeller decelerates below the selected rpm and the
speeder spring force overcomes the force of the flyweights.

As a result, the pilot valve moves down and allows the governor pump to apply oil pressure to the
propeller servo piston, resulting in a decrease in blade angle.

This allows the propeller to accelerate until the flyweight force equals the speeder spring force and
pressure is again restricted from the propeller servo piston.

Torque Limiter

Engine torque is automatically limited to a preset value by a torque limiter that is supplied with a torque
pressure signal from the torquemeter.

At a predetermined torque pressure of 2,368 to 2,447 foot pounds, the torques limiter will bleed off and
change the pneumatic servo pressures in the fuel control unit.

This action reduces metered fuel flow and consequently gas generator power to the preset limit of the
torque limiter.

The system is designed only to protect the nose gearbox and reduction gearing from excessive torque.

It will not prevent a pilot from exceeding the certified maximum torque of 2,230 foot pounds.

Propeller Synchrophasing

Type II system

The type II synchrophaser system is an electronic system, certified for takeoff and landing.

It functions to match the rpm of both propeller and establish a blade phase relationship between the
right and left propeller to reduce cabin noise.

The system cannot reduce rpm of either propeller below the datum selected by the propeller control

There is no indicating light associated with the type II system.

The system is controlled by a two – position switch located on the lower right side of the pilot’s
instrument panel.

System Operation

Turning the control switch on will supply DC power to the electronic control box.

Input signals representing propeller rpm are received from magnetic pickups on each propeller.

The computed input signals are corrected to a command signal and sent to an rpm trimming coil located
on the propeller governor of the slow engine and its (propeller) rpm is adjusted to that of the other

The system has limited control over the propellers (approximately 25 +/- 2 rpm).


If the synchrophaser is on and fails to synchronize the propellers, turn it off, then manually synchronize
the propellers and then turn it back on.


A Synchroscope with black and white cross patterns is located on the lower right corner of the pilot’s
instrument panel to aid in manual propeller synchronizing.

The disc will rotate in the direction of the higher rpm engine.

- I.e. – The disc will be rotating clockwise, to the right, to signify the right engine is operating
at a higher rpm.

The disc will stop rotating when the engines are synchronized.

Input signals to the synchroscope are from the propeller tachgenerators.

Propeller Feathering

The propeller servo piston is spring – loaded to “FEATHER”.

The counterweights attached to each blade near the root are supplemented by feathering springs.

The centrifugal forces exerted by the counterweights and spring forces tend to induce high blade angles
or toward feather.

Feathering is normally accomplished with the propeller control lever.

Moving the propeller control lever aft to the “FEATHER” position will mechanically raise the governor
pilot valve and dump oil from the propeller cylinder.

Also, if the engine is shut down on the ground using the condition lever, the oil pressure decreases and
the centrifugal force of the counterweights plus the springs will eventually feather the propeller.


An autofeather system is available in the event of engine failure.

This system will rapidly feather the affected propeller by opening a solenoid valve on the overspeed
governor and will dump propeller control oil.

The counterweights and springs will rapidly feather the propeller.

Autofeather is controlled by a single switch for both propellers.

The switch is marked “ARM”, “OFF”, and “TEST”.

Placing the switch to the “ARM” position applies power to a microswitch in each power lever quadrant.

The switches will close when the power levers are advanced to a position that should produce
approximately 90% N1 rpm.

When this occurs, electrical power is finally transmitted to torque switches.

Once engine torque is over 400 foot pounds, the opposite engine’s autofeather annunciator will

Two green lights on the caution/advisory panel marked “L AUTO FEATHER” and “R AUTO FEATHER” will
illuminate if the autofeather system is armed, the power levers are advanced to approximately 90% N1
rpm or greater, and the engines are developing power in excess of 400 foot pounds of torque.

The “TEST” position of the autofeather system is used to bypass the power lever microswitches and
induce arming at a much lower power setting to test the integrity of:

- The torque switches

- The arming relays
- The dump solenoid valve
- The high arming lights

The autofeather system is designed for use only during critical power periods such as takeoff, approach,
and landing and it should be turned off under all other operating conditions.

Autofeathering Arming Operation

Assume that the autofeather system is armed for takeoff.

As the power levers are advance, the microswitches will close at a position in the quadrant representing
approximately 90% N1 rpm.

Electrical power will now be applied to engine torque sensitive switches (two for each engine).

One switch on each engine is set to open at approximately 200-foot pound of torque and the second
switch on each engine is set to open at 400-foot pound of torque.

When passing through 90% N1 rpm, a green “L AUTO FEATHER” and “R AUTO FEATHER” light should be
on, indicating a fully armed condition for both engines.

Autofeathering Operation

If an engine fails, a torque switch will close when torque decreases to 400 – foot pound of torque and
the “AUTO FEATHER” light of the operating engine will extinguish, indicating that its autofeather circuit
is disarmed.

Then as torque on the failing engine decreases to 200 – foot pound of torque, a second torques switch

The arming relay will be energized, and the dump valve located on the overspeed governor will open to
dump propeller servo oil and produce rapid feathering.

In addition, the “AUTO FEATHER” light for the failed engine will extinguish.

Autofeather Test

The “TEST” position of the “AUTOFEATHER” switch bypasses the power lever 90% N1 switches.

With both engines set to approximately 500 – foot pound of torque, moving the switch to the “TEST”
position and reducing power slowly on one engine, the opposite engines autofeather light should
extinguish at approximately 400 – foot pound of torque.

Continued power reduction should cause the other autofeather light to extinguish at 200 – foot pound
of torque, then begin flashing as the feather/unfeather cycle begins.

The propeller will not completely feather during the testing procedure, since the engine is still producing


Is the condition levers are not set at “LOW IDLE”, it may not be possible to reduce torque below 200 –
foot pound, which would result in the propeller not cycling during test.

When the autofeather system is activated, a dump valve on the overspeed governor is energized open,
connecting the propeller servo piston chamber directly to the drain line, dumping propeller oil into the
reduction gearcase.

The counterweights and springs will move the blades to the full feathered position.


With the propeller levers set full forward, propeller unfeathering occurs automatically with oil pressure
as the engine is started and the blade angle will decrease to the datum set by the Beta/reverse
mechanism (approximately 18O).

As there are no unfeathering pumps installed in the King Air 200, the engine must be operating to
unfeather the propeller.

ATA 71 – Powerplant

The King Air B200 is powered by two Pratt & Whitney PT6A-42 turboprop engines.

The PT6A is a light weight, free turbine, reverse flow, turboprop engine capable of developing 850 shaft
horse power with two independent turbine sections.

- One (a single stage) driving the compressor in the gas generator section.
- The second (a two stage) driving the propeller shaft through a reduction gearbox.

The accessory gearbox is driven by the accessory drive shaft at the aft end of the compressor.

The engine and propeller functions are controlled by conventional levers and push-pull cables.

The engines are controlled by three levers:

1. The power lever that controls engine power and the propeller reversing mechanism.
2. The propeller control lever
3. The fuel condition lever

For the purpose of explanation, the pilot training manual has divided the engine into seven major

1. Air Intake Section

2. Compressor Section
3. Combustion Section
4. Turbine Section
5. Exhaust Section
6. Reduction Gear Section
7. Accessory Drive Section

Air Intake Section

The compressor air intake consists of a circular screen-covered, aluminum casting.

Air is directed to the air intake by the nacelle air scoop on the lower side of the nacelle.

The function of the air intake section is to direct airflow to the gas generator compressor.

Compressor Section

This section consists of a four stage compressor assembly, made up of three axial stages and one
centrifugal stage.

The function of the compressor is to compress and supply air for:

- Combustion
- Combustion cooling
- Pressurization and pneumatic services
- Compressor bleed valve operation
- Bearing seal and cooling

Compressor Bleed Valves

At low N1 rpm, the compressor axial stages produce more compressed air than the centrifugal stage can

Compressor bleed valves compensate for this excess airflow at low rpm by over-boarding or bleed axial
stage air to reduce back pressure on the centrifugal stage.

This pressure relief helps prevent compressor stall on the centrifugal stage.

The compressor bleed valves, one on each side of the compressor, are pneumatic pistons, which
reference the pressure differential between the axial and centrifugal stages.

Looking forward, the low pressure valve is located at the 9 o’clock position and the high pressure valve is
located at the 3 o’clock position.

The function of these valves is to prevent compressor stalls and surges in low N1 rpm range.

At low N1 rpm, both valves are in the open position.

At takeoff and cruise N1 rpm, above approximately 90%, both bleed valves will be closed.

If both compressor bleed valves were to stick closed below approximately 90% N1, a compressor stall
would occur.

If one or both valves were to stick open, the ITT would increase and torque would decrease while N1
rpm would remain constant.

Combustion Section

The PT6A engine utilizes an annular stainless steel combustion chamber.

Two, high-energy ignitor plugs are installed in the combustion chamber ad well as 14 equally spaced
simplex fuel nozzles.

Turbine Section

The PT6A uses three reaction turbines:

- A free, two stage axial propeller (power) turbine

- A single stage compressor turbine

The two stage power turbine extracts energy from the combustion gases to drive the propeller and its
accessories through the planetary reduction gears

- This combination is defined as NP.

The single stage compressor turbine extracts energy from the combustion gases to drive the gas
generator compressor and the accessory gear section.

- This combination is defined as N1.

Exhaust Section

This section is located immediately aft of the reduction gear section and it consists of annular exit
plenum, a heat resistant cone, and two exhaust outlets at the 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock positions.

Reduction Gear Section

The reduction gear section at the front of the engine is a two-stage planetary type.

The primary function of the reduction gear section is to reduce the high rpm of the free turbine to the
value required for propeller operation (approximately 33,000 rpm to 2,000 rpm).

The reduction gear section is also for torquemeter operation and includes drive sections for the:

- Propeller governor (fuel topping governor sensing)

- Propeller over speed governor
- Propeller tach generator

Accessory Section

The accessory drive section forms the aft portion of the engine.

The accessory section is driven by the compressor turbine through a shaft that extends aft through the
oil tank to the accessory gearbox.

The function of the accessory section is to drive the engine and airplane accessories which include the:

- Fuel Control Unit (FCU) and high pressure fuel pump

- Lubricating pump/ scavenge pump
- N1 tach generator
- DC starter – generator
- Refrigerant compressor (right engine only)
- Low pressure fuel boost pump

Other drive pads are provided for optional operator equipment.

Engine Operation

When the engine is rotating, air is introduced through the nacelle air scoop to the engine air intake.

Airflow is turned 180o in a forward direction and is then progressively increased in pressure by a three
stage axial flow and single stage centrifugal flow compressor.

It is then directed forward through diffuser ducts towards the forward side of the combustion chamber.

The airflow is again turned 180o and enters the combustion chamber, where metered fuel is added to
the air by 14 fuel spray nozzles.

Two high energy ignitor plugs ignite the gas mixture.

The expanding gases move rearward through the combustion chamber and turn 180o forward to enter
the turbine section.

The compressor turbine extracts sufficient energy from the expanding gases to drive the four stage
compressor and the accessory gear section.

The remaining two stages of the free power turbine extracts the maximum amount of the remaining
energy from the compressor gases to drive the propeller and the propeller accessories through the
reduction gearbox.

The two stage power turbine is a free turbine and is only aerodynamically (not mechanically) connected
to the gas generator.

The gases from the turbine continue forward into an exhaust plenum where they are directed to the
atmosphere by exhaust nozzles at the 9 o’ clock and 3 o’clock positions on the exhaust section of the

Engine Lubrication System

The engine lubrication system is a completely self-contained and fully automatic system.

It provides for cooling and lubrication of the engine bearings and the reduction and accessory drive
gears, and for operation of the propeller control system, the torquemeter system, the torque limiter,
and the fuel heater system.

The engine oil system is a dry-sump system consisting of pressure, scavenge, and centrifugal air breather

Oil Tank

The oil tank forms an integral part of the engine, located between the aft end of the compressor air inlet
and the forward end of the accessory gearbox.

Total capacity of the tank is 2.3 U.S. gallons (total oil system capacity is 3.5 U.S. gallons).

A filler and dipstick are located at the 11 o’clock position on the accessory case.

The oil tank is vented to a centrifugal breather to provide for air – oil separation.

Oil Pump

The oil pumps consist of one pressure element and four scavenge element.

The pressure pump supplies lubrication pressure to the bearings and the accessory system drive gear.

In addition, the pressure pump supplies oil to the propeller control system, the torquemeter system,
reduction gears, and the torque limiters.

The four scavenge pumps draw oil from the engine bearings and gearbox sumps into the oil tank.

Two scavenge pumps are inside the accessory gearbox and two are on the outside of the accessory

Oil Cooler

An oil radiator is located inside the lower nacelle for oil cooling.

The oil cooler has a thermostat controlled bypass valve that routes oil around the cooler until the oil
reaches a preset temperature.

The cooler also contains a pressure relief valve that allows oil to bypass the cooler if it clogs.

TO provide additional oil cooling, the system uses a thermostat controlled bypass louver.

As oil temperature reaches 160OF, the louver begins opening to increase airflow; at 180OF the louver
opens fully.

Oil Pressure and Temperature

Engine oil pressure is sensed by transmitter in the pressure pump outlet line and supplied to a
combination pressure-temperature gage on the engine instrument panel.

Chip Detector

The caution annunciator panel contains two amber lights marked, “L CHIP DETECT” and “R CHIP

The magnetic chip detector is located at the bottom of each reduction gearbox.

When either light illuminates it indicates that ferrous metal particles in the oil have been attracted to
the chip detector magnet.

Oil Distribution

Under pressure, oil flows from the oil pump to the oil filter.

From the filter outlet, the oil flow separates into several paths.

Transfer tubes and cored passages then carry oil to the reduction gearbox, front accessories, the
No.1,2,3 and4 bearings, and the propeller.

Strategically located strainers remove particles from the oil before the flow reaches nozzles that provide
a fine spray of lubricating oil to the front and rear faces of the bearings.

After lubricating the various components of the engine and propellers, the oil gravity drains from the
bearings and gearboxes where collection tubes carry the oil under suction from the scavenge pumps to
the oil tank.

Engine Fuel System

The engine fuel system consists of:

- An oil – to – fuel heater

- An engine driven high pressure fuel pump
- An engine driven low pressure boost pump
- A fuel control unit (FCU)
- A flow divider
- Two fuel manifolds
o Each manifold has seven simplex fuel nozzles on it

Fuel Heater

From the aircraft fuel system, fuel flows through the oil-to-fuel heater where hot engine oil heats the
cold fuel.

The oil-to –fuel heater, below the fuel pump, consists of a two-pass oil circuit and a two-pass fuel circuit.

It heats fuel before it reaches the fuel pump.

Fuel Heater Operation

The heater has a temperature sensing oil bypass valve that senses the temperature of fuel flowing from
the unit.

As fuel leaving the heater reaches 70OF, the valve begins closing; less oil travels through the heater.

Once the fuel temperature reaches 90OF, the valve closes completely to bypass oil back to the oil tank.

Fuel Flow Indication

Fuel flow information is sensed by a transmitter in the engine fuel supply line and supplied to the fuel
flow gages on the center instrument panel.

Fuel Pressure Indication

The warning annunciator panel red lights marked “L FUEL PRESS” and “R FUEL PRESS” are operated by
pressure switches that sense outlet pressure at the engine driven low pressure fuel pump.

The lights will illuminate to indicate abnormally low (10 +/- 1 psi) fuel pressure to the high pressure
engine pump.

Fuel Pump

The PT6A uses a gear type, engine driven positive displacement high pressure fuel pump.

Fuel from the oil-to-fuel heater enters the pump through a 74-micron strainer,

If the strainer blocks, fuel pressure overcomes a spring to allow the passage of fuel past the strainer.

From the strainer, the pump gears pressurize the fuel before it reaches a second filter in the pump

The filter has a bypass valve that bypasses fuel around a clogged filter.

After passing through the filter, the fuel flows to the fuel control unit at approximately 800 psi.

Fuel System Operation

The fuel control system for PT6A engines is essentially a fuel governor that increases or decreases fuel
flow to the engine to maintain selected engine operating speeds.

The engine fuel control system main components are:

- The primary low pressure boost pump

- Oil – to – fuel heat exchanger
- High pressure fuel pump
- Fuel control unit (FCU)
- Fuel cutoff valve
- Fuel flow transmitter
- Flow divider
- Dual fuel manifold with 14 simplex nozzles

The low pressure boost pump is engine driven and operates when the gas generator shaft (N1) is turning,
to provide sufficient fuel head pressure to the high pressure pump to maintain proper cooling and

The oil – to – fuel heat exchanger uses warn engine oil to maintain a desired fuel temperature at the fuel
pump inlet to prevent icing at the pump filter.

This is done with automatic temperature sensors and require no action from the pilot.

Fuel enters the engine fuel system through the oil – to – fuel heat exchanger, and then flows into the
high pressure engine driven fuel pump, and on into the fuel control unit.

The high pressure fuel pump is an engine driven gear type pump with an inlet and outlet filter.

Its primary purpose is to provide sufficient pressure at the fuel nozzles for a good spray pattern at all
modes of engine operation.

The high pressure pump supplies fuel at approximately 800 psi to the fuel side of the fuel control unit

Between the FCU fuel valve and the engine combustion chamber, and part of the FCU, a minimum
pressurization valve cuts off fuel flow during starts until fuel pressure builds sufficiently to maintain a
proper spray pattern in the combustion chamber.

About 70 psi is required to open the minimum pressurizing valve.

The engine driven high pressure fuel pump maintains this required pressure.

If the pump should fail, the valve would close and the engine would flame out.

Downstream from the minimum pressurizing valve in the FCU is the fuel cutoff valve.

- The condition lever controls this valve, either open or closed. No intermediate positions.

For starting, fuel flows initially through the flow divider valve to the primary fuel spray nozzles in the
combustion chamber.

As the engine accelerates through approximately 40% N1, fuel pressure is sufficient to open the transfer
valve to the secondary fuel nozzles.

At this time all 14 nozzles are delivering atomized fuel to the combustion chamber.

During engine shutdown any fuel left in the manifold is forced out through the nozzles and into the
combustion chamber by purge tank pressure.

- The entire purge process is automatic and requires no pilot action.

Fuel Control Unit

The fuel control unit, which is normally referred to as the FCU, has multiple functions, but its main
purpose is to meter the proper fuel amount to the nozzles in all modes of engine operation.

It is calibrated for starting flow rates, acceleration, and maximum power.

The FCU compares gas generator speed (N1) with the power lever setting and regulates fuel to the
engine nozzles.

The FCU also senses compressor section discharge pressure, compares it to rpm, and establishes
acceleration and deceleration fuel flow limits.

Fuel flow to the engine is dependent on the position of the fuel cutoff valve, which is manually operated
by the condition lever in the cockpit.

Aside from opening and closing the fuel cutoff valve, the condition lever adjusts N1 speed from “LOW

The power lever, by adjusting the governor position in the FCU, adjusts the fuel metering valve to allow
more or less fuel to the spray nozzles.

In summary, the power lever controls fuel to the engine by adjusting the governor position, which in
turn repositions the fuel-metering valve in the FCU.

FCU Operation

For explanation purposes, consider the N1 governor bellows as a diaphragm.

P3 air is introduced into the bellow in a manner that sets up a differential pressure on each side of the

Therefore, any change in P3 pressure will move the diaphragm.

When pressure is increased, the fuel metering valve attached to the bellows will move in an opening
direction to increase fuel flow and increase N1 rpm.

As P3 pressure decreases, fuel flow also decreases which reduces the N1 rpm.

The N1 governor increases or decreases P3 pressure in the bellows by varying the opening of relief
orifices in the bellows.

The FCU controls engine power by maintaining the required N1 rpm through the N1 governor.

If actual N1 rpm is lower than desired setting the N1 governor closes the P3 orifice, allowing pressure to

As the pressure increases, the diaphragm moves to open the metering valve, increasing fuel flow, which
in turn increases N1 rpm to the speed requested by the governor.

When N1 rpm reaches the desired speed, the governor adjusts the P3 orifice to reduce pneumatic
pressure to match the fuel pressure required to maintain the desired the desired N1 rpm.

The fuel topping (power turbine) governor protects against power turbine over-speed.

If an over-speed occurs, and the propeller goes beyond 106% of the requested propeller rpm, the fuel
topping governor vents air to reduce fuel flow.

Reducing fuel flow decreases N1 speed and accordingly power turbine speed.

With propellers in reverse, the fuel topping governor restricts fuel flow to approximately 95% of the
requested propeller rpm.

Powerplant Power Controls

The powerplant (engine-propeller combination) is controlled by the interaction of three levers:

1. A condition lever
2. A power lever
3. A propeller control lever

Condition Lever:

The condition lever is mechanically connected to the FCU to operate a fuel cutoff valve that shuts off
metered fuel to the fuel manifold.

The condition levers have three positions:

1. FUEL CUTOFF – Will shut off fuel to the engine.

2. LOW IDLE – Will establish fuel flow for 61% N1 rpm.
3. HIGH IDLE – Will establish fuel flow for 70% N1 rpm.

Power Levers:

The power levers are mechanically interconnected through a cam box to the FCU, the Beta valve and
follow – up – mechanism, and the fuel topping (Np) governor.

The power lever quadrant permits movement of the power lever in the forward thrust (Alpha) range
from idle to maximum thrust and in the ground fine range or reverse range from idle to maximum

A detent in the power lever quadrant at the “IDLE” position prevents inadvertent movement of the lever
into the ground fine or reverse range.

The pilot must lift the power lever up and over this detent to select ground fine/Beta or reverse.

The function of the power levers in the forward thrust (Alpha) range is to establish a gas generator (N1)
and a fuel flow that will produce and maintain the selected N1 rpm.

In the ground fine (Beta) range, the power levers are used to reduce the propeller blade angle, thus
reducing residual propeller thrust.

In the reverse range, the power lever functions to:

1. Select a blade angle proportionate to the aft travel of the lever.

2. Select a fuel flow that will sustain the selected reverse power.
3. Reset the fuel topping governor (NP) from its normal 106% to a range of approximately

Ground Fine (Beta) and Reverse Control:

The geometry of the power lever linkage through the cam box is such that power lever increments from
idle to full forward thrust have no effect on the position of the Beta valve.

When the power lever is moved from idle into the reverse range, which requires the power lever to be
lifted over a second gate, it positions the Beta valve to direct governor pressure to the propeller piston,
decreasing blade angle through zero into a negative range.

The travel of the propeller servo piston is fed back to the Beta valve to null its position and, in effect,
provide many negative blade angles all the way to full reverse.

Propeller Control Lever:

The propeller control lever is mechanically connected to the primary propeller governor.

In the forward thrust, or constant speed range, the propeller control lever selects rpm from low rpm to
high rpm (1,600 to 2,000 rpm) by enhancing the setting of the primary propeller governor.

The propeller control lever is also used to feather the propeller by moving the lever aft into the feather
detent position.

Friction Control

Four friction locks are located on the center pedestal.

Turning the knobs counterclockwise will reduce friction on the powerplant control levers.

Turning the knobs clockwise will increase friction or lock the levers in any desired position.

Ignition System

The engine ignition system is a high energy capacitance type consisting of a dual circuit igniter box and
two igniter plugs in the combustion chamber.

The PT6A ignition system for the B200 consists of:

- Ignition exciter
- Ignition leads
- Two igniters
- Ignition Switch
- Auto – ignition system

The ignition system is divided into starting ignition and auto-ignition.

Starting Ignition

A three – position lever lock switch for each engine controls this system.

The switch has three marked positions:

- ON – lever locked and provides for engine cracking and ignition operation
- STARTER ONLY – position is a momentary (spring loaded to center) position and it only
provides for engine motoring.
o In this position, the igniters do not function


The auto ignition system is controlled by a two-position switch for each engine marked “ARM” and

Turning on an “AUTOIGNITION” switch arms the ignitor circuit to an engine torque switch that is
normally open when the engine is developing more than 400 foot pounds of torque.

The system must be armed prior to takeoff and for all phases of flight, and it should be turned off only
after landing.

If engine torque drops to 400 foot pounds or less when the auto-ignition is armed, the ignition system
will energize to prevent engine flameout if the less of power was caused by a momentary fuel or air

Green annunciator lights marked “L IGNITION ON” and “R IGNITION ON” tells the pilot that the ignitors
are receiving power.

System Info Summaries


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