Medical Engineering & Physics
Medical Engineering & Physics
Medical Engineering & Physics
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The influence of angled abutments on stress is a matter of debate. It is widely accepted that increased
Received 27 April 2012 stress on implants and bone has been associated with the use of angled abutments.
Received in revised form However, comparisons of clinical success rates of implants restored with angled and straight abut-
26 September 2012
ments indicate no significant differences. The aim of the present study was to determine whether angled
Accepted 4 October 2012
abutments could result in decreased stress on surrounding bone of single-unit dental implants. By means
of finite element analysis (FEA), four simplified models were designed to simulate clinical scenarios in
which that implants were placed in an ideal axial position or at an angled position. Each implant was
Finite element analysis
Angled abutment
paired with a straight or angled abutment. A simulated occlusal load of 100 N was applied along the ver-
Dental implant tical axis of the jawbone. The von Mises stress and strain were recorded for each model. The numerical
Biomechanics results showed that angled abutments resulted in decreased stresses when implants were not placed in
ideal axial position. The present study identified by means of FEA that angled abutments could result in
decreased stress on the supporting bone of implant system and may provide some clues to resolve the
debate regarding the influence of angled abutments.
© 2012 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1350-4533/$ – see front matter © 2012 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Tian et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 34 (2012) 1526–1531 1527
Table 1
Analysis conditions and dental of four dental implant models.
2. Methods relatively low stress values were identified cancellous bone regions
in all models due to the lower elastic property of this type of
For the present study, four three-dimensional finite element bone compared to cortical bone. The maximum values of stress
models were created and analyzed using ANSYS 9.0 software and strain in each model are shown in Table 3. Among the four
(ANSYS, Canonsburg, PA). Each model was composed of a simplified models evaluated in this study, the maximum stress value (55 MPa)
jawbone, an implant and an abutment (Fig. 1). The simplified jaw- was observed in Model 2 and the maximum strain value (1504 )
bone was [13–15] approximately 9 mm in width bucco-lingually was observed in Model 3. The values of maximum von Mises stress
and 20 mm in height corono-apically and 20 mm in length mesio- and strain in Model 1 were smaller than those in Model 2, sug-
distally. The simplified jawbone consisted of two layers: a cortical gesting that when single-unit implants were placed in the ideal
layer and a cancellous layer. The cortical bone was modeled as axial position, angled abutments resulted in increased stress on
a 1.5 mm layer on the facial, lingual, and occlusal aspects of the surrounding bone. The values of the maximum von Mises stress
bone wedge. The implant, 10 mm long a diameter of 4.1 mm was and strain in Model 3 were greater than those in Model 4, indi-
embedded in the jawbone model at a 90◦ or a 70◦ angle to the hori- cating that when single-unit implants were not placed in the ideal
zontal plane of the jawbone to simulate common clinical scenarios axial position, angled abutments could result in decreased stresses
in which implants were placed in the ideal axial position or at an on surrounding bone.
angle. The implant was then fitted with a straight abutment or a Moreover, the application of angled abutments had a significant
20◦ angled abutment [9,13] with a modification in the orientation effect on the stress and strain distribution pattern of the implant
of the implant. Details of the studied models are summarized in system. The stress and strain fields (Fig. 3) were distributed sym-
Table 1. All of the materials in the current study were assumed to be metrically in Model 1, whereas the stress and strain distributions
homogenous, linearly elastic and isotropic to simplify computation were asymmetric in Models 2, 3 and 4. The stress and strain distri-
processes. butions were more asymmetric in Model 3 than in Model 4. This
The mechanical properties (Table 2), boundary conditions and may be due to the angled abutment correcting the direction of
the nature of loading were obtained from relevant studies [5,13]. implant in Model 4, resulting in better stress and strain distribution.
The interface between the cortical and cancellous bone layers and
between the implant and each of the bone layers was assumed to
4. Discussion
be properly bonded to corresponds with good osseointegration.
The lower surface of the model and the medial and distal planes
There was a controversy between clinical results and biome-
of bone were completely constrained [16]. The numerical models
chanical analysis in previous studies regarding the influence of
were meshed with 1.0 mm of element sizing (Fig. 1H). For angled
angled abutments [6–8]. A limited number of studies [2–4,1]
abutments, dental implants, cortical bone and trabecular bone, a
demonstrated that angled abutments did not detrimentally affect
10-node solid element of SOLID 187 was used. Meshed models con-
the survival of dental implants. However, increased stress on
tained 116,428 nodes and 75,182 elements with a small difference
implants and bone associated with the use of angled abutments had
in various models (Table 1). Forces of 100 N were applied along the
been widely confirmed [7,9,10]. The stress and strain distributions
vertical axis of the jawbone.
around osseointegrated dental implants were affected by a num-
Occlusal forces are typically 100 N under normal biting, with
ber of biomechanical factors, including the type of loading, material
higher forces occurring in patients suffering from bruxism or para-
properties of the implant and the prosthesis, implant geometry,
function [12]. This single loading condition was selected because
quality and quantity of the surrounding bone, and the nature of
the angle of force application affected the stress and strain magni-
the bone-implant interface. Many assumptions concerning biome-
tude and distribution pattern in the bone [9,16] and the intention
chanical factors were somewhat different in previous studies
of this paper was to provide only a relative qualitative evaluation.
[7,9,10]. For this study, a number of variables that may influence
The von Mises values were used to display the stress and strain in
study results were controlled, such as bone construction and com-
the bone and implant-abutment unit in all four models, maximum
position (simplified jawbone with 1.5-mm-thick cortical layer),
von Mises stress and strain were recorded for each model.
implant position (at a 90◦ or 70◦ angle to the horizontal plane of
jawbone), abutment angle (20◦ ), and type of loading (100 N applied
3. Results along the vertical axis of jawbone). Under such circumstances, data
obtained from this study may represent an approximate simula-
The analysis of the von Mises stress values revealed that maxi- tion of clinical situations during which implants were placed in
mum stress concentrations were located at loading areas of implant an ideal axial position or at an angle. However, there were inher-
abutments for all models (Fig. 2). Additionally, high stress values ent limitations in this FEA that limit the ability to make definitive
were located at cervical cortical bone regions adjacent to implants, assumptions regarding clinical performance. The structures in the
Table 2
Mechanical properties of materials. Table 3
Maximum values of von Mises stress and strain of models.
Young’s modulus (MPa) Poisson’s ratio
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Cortical bone [5] 13,700 0.30
Cancellous bone [5] 1370 0.30 Stress (MPa) 13 55 33 17
Titanium alloy [12] 110,000 0.30 Strain () 1112 1140 1504 1210
1528 K. Tian et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 34 (2012) 1526–1531
Fig. 1. Three-dimensional finite element models of an implant-abutment system used in the study. Dimensions of the implant connected to a straight abutment (A), the
implant connected to a 20◦ abutment (B), and a cross-section of jawbone (C) in millimeters. All models were combined by Boolean operations. Model 1 (D): the implant
embedded in the bone model at a 90◦ angle to the horizontal plane, connected to a straight abutment. Model 2 (E): the implant embedded in the bone model at a 90◦ angle to
the horizontal plane, connected to an angled abutment. Model 3 (F): the implant embedded in the bone model at a 70◦ angle to the horizontal plane, connected to a straight
abutment. Model 4 (G): the implant embedded in the bone model at a 70◦ angle to the horizontal plane, connected to an angled abutment. (H) Meshed implants and bone.
model were all assumed to be homogenous and isotropic. All inter- FEA was used to assess stress on angled abutments in previous
faces between the materials were assumed to be osseointegrated. studies [5–7,10]. Kao et al. [10] noted that abutment angulation up
Stress was generated through vertical force only. In reality, occlusal to 25◦ can increase the stress in the peri-implant bone by 18% and
force has a transverse component in addition to a vertical compo- the micromotion level by 30%. Lin et al. [8] also found that implant
nent. and cortical bone strain were higher for an angled abutment of 20◦
Quantitative stress analysis was less reliable in simplified than that for straight abutments. Saab et al. [6] stated that using an
models because it did not represent the complex anatomical config- angled abutment may decrease the strain on bone when restoring
uration of dental structures. But simplified models were acceptable implants in anterior maxilla. In the present study, it was recognized
when investigating the biomechanical behavior of dental structures by means of FEA that angled abutments could result in decreased
qualitatively. Therefore, the results provide only general insight stresses on the surrounding bone of dental implants when implants
into the biomechanics of angled abutments under average condi- are not placed in an ideal axial position. The reduction of stress
tions. and strain in the implant system may be the result of combination
K. Tian et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 34 (2012) 1526–1531 1529
Fig. 2. Distribution of von Mises stress (MPa) in model (right), in implant (center), and the cross sectional view of the model (left). (A) Model 1, (B) Model 2, (C) Model 3, (D)
Model 4. Blue to red color represents stress values from lower to higher, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of the article.)
of angled abutments with a modification in the orientation of the were in agreement with previous clinical [3] and experimental [17]
implant. When the implant was not placed in the ideal axial posi- findings that have indicated that angled abutments may be a suit-
tion in Models 3 and 4, it resulted in an unfavorable distribution able restorative option when implants have not been placed in the
of stress. An angled abutment was used to correct the direction of ideal axial position. The findings of this analysis may be translated
implant in Model 4; however, a straight abutment could not correct and used by the clinician in the decision-making process regarding
the direction of the implant in Model 3. That difference resulted in the positioning of implants and the selection of angled abutments.
better stress distribution in Model 4 than in Model 3. These results Further research should be conducted to analyze principal stress
1530 K. Tian et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 34 (2012) 1526–1531
5. Conclusions
Ethical approval
Not required.
Conflict of interest
None declared.
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