P2 Training For Hyva - PPT - Modo de Compatibilidad

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P2 Familiarisation

P2 Familiarisation

Contents: Schematic drawings:

2. Maintenance
IN 3340 Electrical schematic
9. Hydraulics
1007621 Run/Tip switch
31. Air system
1007262 Body box
34. Load density
1007263 Hopper control box
36. Hydraulic pressure checks
38. Operations
41. Proximity switches
45. Hopper control box
49. Body junction box
50. Stop circuit layout
51. Assembly drawing wire reference numbers
53. Wire numbers and their functions

P2 Familiarisation
Lubrication points (only 2 on the main pack/sweep pivot).
Lubricate every six weeks

An access cover is removed

here, the pack/sweep pivot
pin is lined up and greased
through the access hole.



Grease lubricates
the main
pack/sweep pivot
P2 Familiarisation
Hydraulic oil filtration.

The Phoenix 2 uses

return line filtration.
The return line filter and
air filter should be
changed on a yearly

1. Return line filter

2. Air filter
3. Level gauge
Return line pipe
work from body
and bin lift

Remote fill pipe

P2 Familiarisation

Hydraulic oil fill


Make sure all the

cylinders are in the
position shown, Un
swept, Un packed, fully
If instructions are not
followed you will overfill
the oil, it will overflow out
of the breather filter
when the body is full.

P2 Familiarisation
Packer slide blocks (check every six weeks for security and wear). Permissible wear:
6mm on either dimension
1. The pack plate runs on eight nylon
slide blocks, the permissible wear is
6 mm. No lubrication should be
required, if there is squealing heard
then lubricate the blocks with
2. Pack plate
3. Sweep plate
4. Retaining cap


1 5
P2 Familiarisation

Modification to slide blocks to

prevent squealing.
In certain cases when collecting a lot
of dry waste (recyclables), grease will
not be enough to combat the
squealing noise coming from the slide
1 blocks.

The blocks can be modified as shown:

1. Mark up the blocks as shown, parallel

lines at a distance of approx 55 mm.
2. Cut the blocks with an angle grinder
to a depth of approx 5mm.

When re fitted this should now
combat any squealing noise.

P2 Familiarisation
Barrier slide blocks (check
every six weeks for security and wear) 1. Ejection barrier
2. A total of 8 slide blocks
are fitted to the barrier,
these are retained with an
1 end cap and one single
bolt. 3
3. Retaining cap and bolt

Permissible wear:
6mm on either dimension

P2 Familiarisation
Recommended lubricants

P2 Familiarisation
No hydraulic valves energised

Gravity fed oil

Oil under pressure
4 Return line oil

1. Hydraulic tank
9 10 2. Hydraulic pump
3. Dual flow/pressure valve
4. Front two spool valve
5. Pressure carry over pipe
6. Rear two spool valve
7. Sweep cylinder

6 8. Pack cylinder
9. Tailgate cylinder
10. Eject cylinder
11. Return line filter
A. Hoist flow/pressure valve
8 B. Oil feed and return lines for the hoist
P2 Familiarisation
Bin lift flow valve, Front two spool block for Hopper raise and
lower, and eject and retract, and Dual flow valve

Bin lift flow valve.

When the solenoid
is powered oil is
delivered to the bin
Front two spool block
used for:
Hopper raise/ lower
Barrier eject/retract

Low pressure
solenoid (wire Dual pressure flow valve,
9) delivers oil to the body
when the low pressure
solenoid is energised.
High pressure
solenoid (wire 10)
P2 Familiarisation
Bin lift flow regulator valve (631076)
1. Pressure test point
2. Flow adjuster
3. Supply to bin lift
4. Pressure adjuster
1 2
5. Flow regulator
6. Oil supply from the pump
7. Solenoid, Part number 631076-2
8. Return to tank

5 6 Valve not energised:
Oil is supplied into the valve through port 6, oil
returns to tank through port 8.

7 Solenoid (7) energised:

Oil is supplied into the valve through port 6, oil is
then delivered to the bin lift through port 3 at a
8 regulated flow and pressure, any excess oil from
flow or pressure relief will return to tank through
port 8.

P2 Familiarisation
1. Low pressure solenoid, wire 9, part No
Dual Pressure/flow Control Valve (1001873)

2. Solenoid coil, part No DEP102278

3. Flow regulator, O ring part No DEP101458
4. Pressure outlet to front two spool valve, port ‘R’ 4
2 3
5. Oil return to tank when the valve isn’t
energised or the if valve is in relief, port ‘T’
6. Low pressure adjuster
7. High pressure adjuster
8. High pressure solenoid, wire 10, part No 5 7 10
9. Hershman plug, LED illuminated when
energised. 6

10. Flow adjuster 8

When the valve isn’t energised oil circulates from
the pump, through the valve and back to tank.
Replacing the valve:
When the low pressure solenoid (1) is energised the
Dual pressure control valve delivers oil at low If the complete valve (1001873) is replaced the flow adjustment (10) will
pressure to the front two spool valve, from here need to be set up. Un screw the adjuster all the way out, cycle the
there is a carry over pipe to the rear two spool packer and time it, make note of this time. Screw the adjuster in and
valve. time again, repeat the procedure until the cycle time increases, screw the
adjuster out by quarter of a turn and tighten the lock nut up.
When both solenoids are energised (1&8) the valve 12
delivers oil at high pressure. The pressures are pre set, but it is good practice to check.
P2 Familiarisation
Flow control, valve both coils de-energised engine not
running. E. Oil from the hydraulic pump
E T. Return line oil
R Regulated flow to the front two spool valve
1. Flow control valve
1 2. High pressure relief valve
3. Low pressure relief valve
4. High pressure solenoid
5. Low pressure solenoid

Oil under pressure

3 Oil at low pressure 150 Bars
Oil back to tank
Oil at high pressure 170 bars
Fixed restrictor

5 Adjustable restrictor

R 13
P2 Familiarisation
Flow control, valve both coils de-energised
engine running. E. Oil from the hydraulic pump
E T. Return line oil
R Regulated flow to the front two spool valve
1. Flow control valve
1 2. High pressure relief valve
3. Low pressure relief valve
4. High pressure solenoid
5. Low pressure solenoid

Oil under pressure

3 Oil at low pressure 150 Bars
Oil back to tank
Oil at high pressure 170 bars
Fixed restrictor

5 Adjustable restrictor

Oil enters the valve at port ‘E’ from the pump.

Oil pressure will rise on top of the flow control valve ‘1’
due to oil backing up from the adjustable restrictor.
The flow control valve opens allowing oil back to tank
through port ‘T’.
R Minimal oil is delivered ‘R’ 14
P2 Familiarisation
Flow control, valve low pressure solenoid
energised. E. Oil from the hydraulic pump
E T. Return line oil
R Regulated flow to the front two spool valve
1. Flow control valve
1 2. High pressure relief valve
3. Low pressure relief valve
4. High pressure solenoid
5. Low pressure solenoid

Oil under pressure

3 Oil at low pressure 150 Bars
Oil back to tank
Oil at high pressure 170 bars
Fixed restrictor

5 Adjustable restrictor

Oil enters the valve at port ‘E’ from the pump

The low pressure solenoid ‘5’ is now energised
closing the valve, oil pressure builds up behind
the flow control valve closing it, oil pressure is
felt on both pressure relief valves ‘2 & 3’.
All oil is now sent to the front spool valve through
R 15
port ‘R’
P2 Familiarisation
Flow control valve, low pressure solenoid
energised, low pressure relief valve in relief. E. Oil from the hydraulic pump
E T. Return line oil
R Regulated flow to the front two spool valve
1. Flow control valve
1 2. High pressure relief valve
3. Low pressure relief valve
4. High pressure solenoid
5. Low pressure solenoid

Oil under pressure

3 Oil at low pressure 150 Bars
Oil back to tank
Oil at high pressure 170 bars
Fixed restrictor

5 Adjustable restrictor

Oil enters the valve at port ‘E’ from the pump

The low pressure relief valve is now opened, this
reduces pressure on the flow control valve opening
it partially allowing some of the oil back to tank
while maintaining low pressure delivery to the
front two spool valve.
R 16
Oil is delivered to the two spool valve through ‘R’.
P2 Familiarisation
Flow control valve, low pressure and high pressure
solenoids energised. E. Oil from the hydraulic pump
E T. Return line oil
R Regulated flow to the front two spool valve
1. Flow control valve
1 2. High pressure relief valve
3. Low pressure relief valve
4. High pressure solenoid
5. Low pressure solenoid

Oil under pressure

3 Oil at low pressure 150 Bars
Oil back to tank
Oil at high pressure 170 bars
Fixed restrictor

5 Adjustable restrictor

Oil enters the valve at port ‘E’ from the pump

The high pressure solenoid ‘4’ is now energised,
this blocks the line to the low pressure relief valve
‘3’. Relief now comes from the high pressure relief
valve ‘2’.
R Oil is delivered to the two spool valve through ‘R’ 17
P2 Familiarisation
Flow control valve low pressure and high pressure
E. Oil from the hydraulic pump
solenoids energised, high pressure relief valve in
relief. E T. Return line oil
R Regulated flow to the front two spool valve
1. Flow control valve
1 2. High pressure relief valve
3. Low pressure relief valve
4. High pressure solenoid
5. Low pressure solenoid

Oil under pressure

3 Oil at low pressure 150 Bars
Oil back to tank
Oil at high pressure 170 bars
Fixed restrictor

5 Adjustable restrictor

Oil enters the valve at port ‘E’ from the pump

The high pressure relief valve is now opened, this
reduces pressure on the flow control valve opening
it partially allowing some of the oil back to tank
while maintaining high pressure delivery to the
front two spool valve.
R 18
Oil is delivered to the two spool valve through ‘R’.
P2 Familiarisation
Close up of front two spool valve.

1. Hopper raise/lower spool.

Spool in for lower (wire 7)
Spool out for raise (wire 8) 2

2. 80 bar hopper lower

3. Barrier set back valve & 1
Eject/retract spool. The
barrier set back valve is
used to alter the compaction
Spool in for eject (wire 6)
Spool out for retract (wire 5)
4. 160 bar eject cartridge.

P2 Familiarisation
Two spool valve mounted in the hopper roof for pack and
sweep functions.

1. Un pack hose
2. Un sweep hose
3. Sweep hose 4

4. Pack hose 3
1 2
5. Un sweep solenoid (wire 1)

Front of hopper
6. Sweep solenoid (wire 3)
7. Un pack solenoid (wire 2)
8. Pack solenoid (wire 4)
A. Pressure supply
B. Return B

The spool block holds the 6

cylinders in position when the
spools are centralised, this is 8 A
achieved using the spools and 7
the cartridges

P2 Familiarisation
Return line filtration is used for all body related systems.

Return line

Return line
pipes from
body and bin

Oil inlet hose

P2 Familiarisation
Hoist flow/pressure valve energised.
A Oil delivered to the hoist

Gravity fed oil

Oil under pressure
4 Return line oil

1. Hydraulic tank
9 10 2. Hydraulic pump
3. Dual flow/pressure valve
4. Front two spool valve
5. Pressure carry over pipe
6. Rear two spool valve
7. Sweep cylinder

6 8. Pack cylinder
9. Tailgate cylinder
10. Eject cylinder
11. Return line filter
A. Hoist flow/pressure valve
8 B. Oil feed and return lines for the hoist
P2 Familiarisation
Vehicle in Tip, dual flow/pressure valve
A energised (wire 9) Oil delivered to the
2 front and rear spool valves

Gravity fed oil

Oil under pressure
4 Return line oil

1. Hydraulic tank
9 10 2. Hydraulic pump
3. Dual flow/pressure valve
4. Front two spool valve
5. Pressure carry over pipe
6. Rear two spool valve
7. Sweep cylinder

6 8. Pack cylinder
9. Tailgate cylinder
10. Eject cylinder
11. Return line filter
A. Hoist flow/pressure valve
8 B. Oil feed and return lines for the hoist
P2 Familiarisation
Vehicle in Tip, dual flow/pressure valve
A energised (wire 9) Oil delivered to the
2 front and rear spool valves, tailgate raise
spool energised (wire 8), tailgate raises
Gravity fed oil
Oil under pressure
4 Return line oil

1. Hydraulic tank
9 10 2. Hydraulic pump
3. Dual flow/pressure valve
4. Front two spool valve
5. Pressure carry over pipe
6. Rear two spool valve
7. Sweep cylinder

6 8. Pack cylinder
9. Tailgate cylinder
10. Eject cylinder
11. Return line filter
A. Hoist flow/pressure valve
8 B. Oil feed and return lines for the hoist
P2 Familiarisation
Vehicle in Tip, dual flow/pressure valve
A energised (wire 9) Oil delivered to the
2 front and rear spool valves, tailgate lower
spool energised (wire 7), tailgate lowers
Gravity fed oil
Oil under pressure
4 Return line oil

1. Hydraulic tank
9 10 2. Hydraulic pump
3. Dual flow/pressure valve
4. Front two spool valve
5. Pressure carry over pipe
6. Rear two spool valve
7. Sweep cylinder

6 8. Pack cylinder
9. Tailgate cylinder
10. Eject cylinder
11. Return line filter
A. Hoist flow/pressure valve
8 B. Oil feed and return lines for the hoist
P2 Familiarisation
Dual flow/pressure valve energised
A (wire 9) Oil delivered to the front and
2 rear spool valves, un sweep spool
energised (wire 1), un sweep operates
Gravity fed oil
Oil under pressure
4 Return line oil

1. Hydraulic tank
9 10 2. Hydraulic pump
3. Dual flow/pressure valve
4. Front two spool valve
5. Pressure carry over pipe
6. Rear two spool valve
7. Sweep cylinder

6 8. Pack cylinder
9. Tailgate cylinder
10. Eject cylinder
11. Return line filter
A. Hoist flow/pressure valve
8 B. Oil feed and return lines for the hoist
P2 Familiarisation
Dual flow/pressure valve energised
A (wire 9) Oil delivered to the front and
2 rear spool valves, sweep spool energised
(wire 3), sweep operates
Gravity fed oil
Oil under pressure
4 Return line oil

1. Hydraulic tank
9 10 2. Hydraulic pump
3. Dual flow/pressure valve
4. Front two spool valve
5. Pressure carry over pipe
6. Rear two spool valve
7. Sweep cylinder

6 8. Pack cylinder
9. Tailgate cylinder
10. Eject cylinder
11. Return line filter
A. Hoist flow/pressure valve
8 B. Oil feed and return lines for the hoist
P2 Familiarisation
Over centre valve operation.
Cylinder retract (tailgate raise).

1. 1.5 mm restrictor
2. 1.5 mm restrictor

Oil enters V1 from the four spool block, 2
through the none return valve to C1 and
enters annulus end of the cylinder
Oil leaves the cylinder from full bore end to
the over centre valve through C2 and exits
from V2 back to the four spool valve.

From four spool block

P2 Familiarisation
Over centre valve operation.
Cylinder extend (tailgate lower).

1. 1.5 mm restrictor
2. 1.5 mm restrictor

Oil enters V2 from the four spool block and
leaves C2 into full bore end of the cylinder.
Oil leaves the cylinder annulus end into C1
through pilot operated check valve to V1 back
to the four spool valve. The check valve is
opened by the 80 bar piloting pressure seen
within the valve coming from V2.
V2 V1

From four spool valve

P2 Familiarisation
Over centre valves fitted on the
hopper lift rams.

If you lose all hydraulics while you have

the hopper in the air, it is possible to
lower the hopper using the manual
adjustment screws.

To lower:

Two operatives will be required to

simultaneously unscrew the adjusters, as
this is done the hopper will lower under
its own steam. When you have completed
the task screw the adjusters back to their
original position.

P2 Familiarisation
Layout of pneumatics.

The spool valves are

operated by electric over
air solenoids.

1. Multi circuit protection valve.

Air is drawn from port 24 to
feed the solenoid valves, etc.
2. Front spool block.
3. Air pressure switch, wire 32
to 33.
4. Rear spool block.

P2 Familiarisation
Air pack operation.

1 Centralising spring
2 Air cavity to move the
spool to the right, when
the spool is energised
3 Piston
4 Hydraulic spool 5

5 Air capacity to move the

solenoid to the left, when
the solenoid is energised
6 Solenoid

P2 Familiarisation
Electric over air solenoids used to operate

0 Negative 8

5 Retract solenoid 0
6 Eject solenoid
7 Hopper lower
8 Hopper raise

All solenoid plugs 0
are fitted with
LED illuminated
P2 Familiarisation
How the Phoenix 2 Eject barrier works creating load Density.

When the Phoenix 2 commences loading, refuse is pushed against the ejection barrier. The pressure created inside the
ejection cylinder coming from the ejection barrier pushes the 160 bar eject cartridge (fitted in the two spool block at the
front of the body) off its seat allowing oil back to tank, this allows the barrier to move forward. The ejection cylinder closes
at the smaller end to begin with, the barrier moves forward easily preventing an overload situation on the rear axle. As the
ejection barrier moves forward the diameter of the ejection cylinder increases, this coupled with the friction of the refuse
makes it more difficult to push the 160 bar eject cartridge off its seat, and at approx 70% of eject barrier movement the
pressure created by the cylinder is no longer able to push the cartridge off its seat.

When the body is at 70% of load, the barrier is now released by the
Barrier Set Back Valve (inner part of the eject spool fitted in the two spool
block at the front of the body). System pressure created by operation of
the packer acts on the barrier set back valve, as pressure reaches the
setting of the barrier set back valve, oil from the eject cylinder now returns
to tank through this valve.

This valve is adjustable, it has a 10 mm lock nut and a three mm Allen grub
screw which is covered with a plastic cone shaped cap. Screwing the valve
in increases the setting and screwing the valve out decreases the setting.

If the valve has been adjusted up to the same, or a higher pressure than the
system pressure created on a pack stroke, then loading will only get to 70%
and the ejection barrier will no longer move forward.

set back 160 bar
valve cartridge
P2 Familiarisation

Operation of the barrier set back valve

1. The spool is centred, oil in service port A

(eject line) is backed onto the reduced
diameter of poppet spool via bleed No 2.
2. The spring chamber is open to the tank
gallery via bleed No 4.
3. As pressure increases in the pack line, the
pressure is transmitted through the pressure
gallery B and acts as a pilot against the
poppet spool via bleed No1.
4. As pilot pressure reaches the bias spring
value and the poppet moves across to
service port A (eject line). Bleed No 2 is now
connected to bleed No 3 the tank return

Hydraulic pressure checks (all pressures to be set in accordance with EI106)
Attach gauges to both test points (min 200 bar).

Low pressure check.

To carry out the low pressure check you need to bottom out the
eject ram, to do this you will need to partially raise the hopper to
enable the eject facility. When the hopper is partially raised, push
the eject button and hold, this will give a reading on the system
pressure gauge. The reading given on the system gauge (2) is the
low pressure setting.

To adjust, screw the low pressure adjuster (4) clockwise for more
pressure, and anti clockwise for less pressure.

High pressure check.

To do this you will need to bottom out the hopper lift rams, push the
hopper raise until the rams bottom out, read the pressure on the
system gauge (2). This will be the high pressure setting.

To adjust, screw the high pressure adjuster (3) clockwise for more
pressure, and anti clockwise for less pressure.

Barrier set back valve, checks and adjustment. Raise the

hopper until fully raised, keep the raise button pushed, reduce the
pressure on the high pressure adjuster (3) to 100 Bars. Now push
the eject button, you will see pressure readings on both gauges, let
1. Eject line pressure go of the eject button and you should see the pressure reading stay
on the eject line gauge (1). Now press and hold the hopper raise
2. System pressure test point button, slowly increase the high pressure setting until you see the
3. High pressure adjuster pressure on the eject line gauge begin to drop, at this point take
note of the reading on the system gauge (2). The reading given on
4. Low pressure adjuster the system gauge (2) is the setting of the barrier set back valve. To
5. Barrier set back valve increase the setting of the barrier set back valve (5) screw the
adjuster clockwise, and to reduce the setting screw the valve anti 36
P2 Familiarisation
EI 106 pressure settings (Bars)

Main relief
(Dual flow
valve) Hopper Hopper Barrier Barrier Barrier
size Low High raise lower eject retract set back Pack Un pack Sweep Un sweep

23 105-110

All As high As low As high As high As low

other 145-150 165-170 pressure (80) pressure pressure 150-155 pressure (100) pressure (100)

sizes relief relief relief relief relief

(160) (175) (300)

Figures in brackets relate to fixed pressure cartridges (20 litres per minute)
Cycle time 20-22 seconds at a flow of 88 litres per minute.
P2 Familiarisation

Packing cycle sequences and their terminology


Packed, Un packed,
un swept un swept

1. Un sweep, the sweep 2. Un pack, the packer plate moves

plate opens. down over the refuse.


Un packed, Packed,
swept swept

3. Sweep, the sweep plate 4. Pack, the packer plate moves up, this
closes. compacts refuse against the barrier.
P2 Familiarisation

Hopper raise Hopper lower

Barrier eject Barrier retract

(only available with hopper out of locks) 39
P2 Familiarisation
Body/Hopper control stations

1 2 3 4 5

Body box:
1. Barrier retract
2. Eject, only available when hopper out of locks C

3. Clear cycle, only available when hopper out of locks (finger must be held on button throughout
the operation).
4. Hopper raise
5. Hopper lower
Hopper Control station:
A. Start button, button pressed and released, operates one complete cycle
B. Short cycle button, if pressed while un packing, un pack will stop and sweep will commence
C. Reverse rescue, operates un sweep and pack at the same time
D. Emergency stop, stops all functions 40
P2 Familiarisation
Hopper out of locks proximity switch

The hopper out of locks proximity

switch uses a N/O type switch,
part number 1000534. The switch
sends power to the H.O.L relay
when the hopper is un locked on
wire 31A.

P2 Familiarisation
Packed and unpacked proxy

1. N/C packed proxy switch

(wire 44). The proxy sends
power to the holding relay,
part number of the switch is

2. N/O unpacked proxy (wire

43). The proxy sends power
to RL2, part number of the
switch is 1004414
3. Unpacked proxy flag


P2 Familiarisation

Proxy switches for un swept and swept (sweep blade in swept position)

1. Un swept proxy N/O (wire 41).

2. Swept proxy N/C (wire 42).
Switches are mounted in
bottom L/H corner of the
packer plate.
Both switches send power to
RL 1 in the hopper roof control
box, when the sweep blade is
swept (closed) power drops off
RL 1.
3. Operating cam.
4. Pivot bush, this is wider than
the operating cam which
allows the cam to rotate freely.

P2 Familiarisation
N/O proximity switch
Switch in open position Switch in closed position
(metal in front of the switch)

A. Proximity switch
B. Inductive load
C. Power into switch, Brown wire
D. Power out of N/O switch to
inductive load, Black wire
E. Negative, Blue wire
F. Power out of N/C switch to
inductive load White wire

P2 Familiarisation
Hopper control box (junction box on hopper roof)

HOLDING RELAY, keeps the circuit

running after the start button has
been pressed. Switched off when
the packed proxy is flagged, wire
44 drops out.

RL 2, controls feed for relay

1 contacts. Switched by un
packed proxy, wire 43.

RL 1, controls output to
packer solenoids. Switched
by un swept proxy, and
swept proxy wire 42.

H.O.L RELAY, prevents packer

running with hopper out of locks,
and back packing. Switched by 45
H.O.L proxy, wire 31A.
P2 Familiarisation

Hopper control box legend. A2 24 21 22

38 38 38 38
RL2 TB 11
A1 14 11 12

41 41 41 41
43 43 43 43 A2 24 21 22 TB 12
A1 14 11 12 43 43 43 43
TB 13
A2 24 21 22
44 44 44 44
H.O.L TB 14
A1 14 11 12

1 38
All wires are joined 1 2 3 4
0 0 0 0
together in this TB 1 41 38
terminal block 0 0 0 0

TB 2 44 38
0 0 0 0
TB 3 9 37
1 1 1 1
TB 4 3 41
31 32 32 31 D7
3 3 3 3
TB 5
4 4 4 4
TB 6

11 11 11 11
Inner two wires TB 7
31 32 32 31
joined together
36 36 36 36
TB 8

37 37 37 37
TB 9

Outer two wires 37 37 37 37

TB 10
joined together
P2 Familiarisation

Revised Hopper Junction Box Legend

P2 Familiarisation
Din rail connectors.
Two different types are used, these are
identified by having a small hole on the top, or
a triangle. If you have the hole type the outer
two connectors are connected together, and the
inner two are connected together. If you have All four are
the triangle then all four are connected connected
together. It is also possible to fit bridging together
pieces in, this connects separate connectors

Outer two Inner two

connected Bridging piece
together together


P2 Familiarisation
Body junction box and Legend.

A body junction box is fitted at the front of

the body on the L/H side. Wires from the
cab and hopper meet here, all outputs to
the front two spool valve come from here.

P2 Familiarisation

Stop circuit lay out


30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

P2 Familiarisation

Explanation of the numbering system used in the assembly drawings.

With the type of software used for the design and assembly drawings, each individual wire has its own reference number.
The number we use for fault finding is the circuit number (option).

Example from page 4 of

Unique reference number Circuit number

P2 Familiarisation

Hopper box to body box loom, 1007263 page 1

This is the wire This is the circuit

number printed on number.
the multi core cable

P2 Familiarisation

Wire numbers and their functions

0 Negative/Earth
1 Un sweep solenoid
1A Output from relay one to diode 15
2 Un pack solenoid
3 Sweep solenoid
4 Pack solenoid
5 Retract solenoid
6 Eject solenoid
7 Hopper lower solenoid
8 Hopper raise solenoid
9 Auto throttle, and body hydraulic solenoid 1 (fitted on dual valve)
10 Body hydraulic solenoid 2 (fitted on dual valve)
11 Power from N/O side of rescue switch, goes to diode 8,9,10
30 Power from ignition switch to 7.5 amp fuse
31 Power from 7.5 amp fuse, to run/tip switch, and the H.O.L N/O proxy switch
31A Power from the N/O H.O.L proxy switch, goes to the H.O.L relay coil
32 Power out of run switch to N/O air pressure switch 53
P2 Familiarisation

Wire numbers and their functions

33 Power out of N/O air pressure switch to N/C contacts of H.O.L relay

34 Power out of N/C contacts of H.O.L relay to N/C of rescue switch

35 Power out of N/C contacts of rescue switch to stop switch

36 Power out of emergency stop switch, sits on start switch, and N/O contact (30) of the holding relay

37 Power out from start switch, goes to the N/O contacts (87) of the holding relay, packed proxy, unpacked
proxy, un swept proxy, powers auto throttle through diode 4

37A Power out of clear cycle switch, through diode 4, carries out the same function as 37, you must keep your
finger on the clear button to do a clear cycle

38 Power from diode 1,2,3, this goes to the coil side (86) of the holding relay.

41 Power from the N/O un swept proxy to the N/C swept proxy, and powering up diode 2.
42 Power from the N/C swept proxy, to the short cycle switch, and to the coil of RL 1
43 Power from the N/O un packed proxy, and the short cycle switch to the coil of RL 2
44 Power from the N/C packed proxy to diode 3, this supplies the coil side of the holding relay, and also supplies
power to the N/O contacts of RL2
50 Power from the tip switch, goes to H.O.L N/O relay contacts, hopper lower, raise, and barrier retract, buttons
51 Power from the N/O contacts of the H.O.L relay, goes to barrier eject, and clear cycle buttons 54

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