Side-Channel Attacks: Ten Years After Its Publication and The Impacts On Cryptographic Module Security Testing
Side-Channel Attacks: Ten Years After Its Publication and The Impacts On Cryptographic Module Security Testing
Side-Channel Attacks: Ten Years After Its Publication and The Impacts On Cryptographic Module Security Testing
1. Introduction
Security has long been a major concern in computing and communications systems, and
substantial research effort has been devoted to addressing it. Cryptographic algorithms, including
symmetric ciphers, public-key ciphers, and hash functions, form a set of primitives that can be
used as building blocks to construct security mechanisms that target specific objectives [115]. For
example, network security protocols, such as SSH and TLS, combine these primitives to provide
authentication between communicating entities, and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of
communicated data. In practice, these security mechanisms only specify what functions are to be
performed, irrespective of how these functions are implemented. For example, the specification of
a security protocol is usually independent of whether the encryption algorithms are implemented
in software running on an general processor, or using custom hardware units, and whether the
memory used to store intermediate data during these computations is on the same chip as the
computing unit or on a separate chip.
This kind of “separation of concerns” between security mechanisms and their implementation
has enabled (and is, arguably, necessary for) rigorous theoretical analysis and design of
cryptosystems and security protocols. However, in the process, various assumptions are made
about the implementation of security mechanisms. For example, it is typically assumed that the
implementations of cryptographic computations are ideal “black-boxes” whose internals can
neither be observed nor interfered with by any malicious entity. Aided by these assumptions, the
level of security is widely quantified in terms of the mathematical properties of the cryptographic
The work of this paper is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of P.R. China under the Grant No. 60503014 & No. 60273027 & No.
algorithms and their key sizes.
In practice, however, these security mechanisms alone are far from being complete security
solutions [42]. It is unrealistic to assume that attackers will attempt to directly take on the
computational complexity of breaking the cryptographic primitives employed in security
mechanisms. An interesting analogy can be drawn in this regard between strong cryptographic
algorithms and a highly secure lock on the front door of a house [114]. Burglars attempting to break
into a house will rarely try all combinations necessary to pick such a lock; they may break in
through windows, break a door at its hinges, or rob owners of a key as they are trying to enter the
house. Similarly, almost all known security attacks on cryptographic systems target weaknesses in
the implementation and deployment of mechanisms and their cryptographic algorithms. These
weaknesses can allow attackers to completely bypass, or significantly weaken, the theoretical
strength of security solutions.
For a cryptographic system to remain secure it is imperative that the secret keys, that it uses
to perform the required security services, are not revealed in any way. Since cryptographic
algorithms themselves have been studied for a long time by a large number of experts, hackers are
more likely to try to attack the hardware and system within which the cryptographic unit is housed.
A new class of attacks has been developed in the last few years by Kocher [49,59]. These attacks
work because there is a correlation between the physical measurements taken at different points
during the computation and the internal state of the processing device, which is itself related to the
secret key.
Actually, in reality, cryptographic algorithms are always implemented in software or
hardware on physical devices which interact with and are influenced by their environments. These
physical interactions can be instigated and monitored by adversaries, like Eve, and may result in
information useful in cryptanalysis. This type of information is called side-channel information,
and the attacks exploiting side-channel information are called side-channel attacks (SCA in the
sequel). The underlying idea of SCA attacks is to look at the way cryptographic algorithms are
implemented, rather than at the algorithm itself.
It is not difficult to see that conventional cryptanalysis treats cryptographic algorithms as
purely mathematical objects, whilst side-channel cryptanalysis also takes the implementations of
the algorithms into account. Hence, SCA attacks are also called implementation attacks. Even any
cryptographic algorithm must be encoded in order to function properly, such encoded algorithms
must not reveal the private key information used, despite the adversary’s ability to observe and
manipulate the running algorithm.
The first official information related to SCA attack dates back to the year 1965. P. Wright (a
scientist with GCHQ at that time) reported in [113] that MI5, the British intelligence agency, was
trying to break a cipher used by the Egyptian Embassy in London, but their efforts were stymied
by the limits of their computational power. Wright suggested placing a microphone near the
rotor-cipher machine used by the Egyptian to spy the click-sound the machine produced. By
listening to the clicks of the rotors as cipher clerks reset them each morning, MI5 successfully
deduced the core position of 2 or 3 of the machine’s rotors. This additional information reduced
the computation effort needed to break the cipher, and MI5 could spy on the embassy’s
communication for years.
On the other hand, the original seminal works, as well as many subsequent pioneering ideas,
on SCA attacks in public cryptography research community are all due to Paul Kocher [49,59,64].
The main principles of SCA attacks are very easy to catch by. SCA attacks work because there is a
correlation between the physical measurements taken during computations (e.g., power
consumption, computing time, EMF radiation, etc.) and the internal state of the processing device,
which is itself related to the secret key. It is the correlation between the side channel information
and the operation related to the secret key that the SCA attack tries to find.
SCA attacks have been proven to be several orders of magnitude more effective than the
conventional mathematical analysis based attacks and are much more practical to mount. In the
area of protocol design or even software construction, one can apply a range of formal techniques
to model the device in question, to model the range of adversarial actions, and then to reason
about the correctness properties the device is supposed to provide nonetheless. One can thus
obtain at least some assurance that, within the abstraction of the model, the device may resist
adversarial attacks.
However, when we move from an abstraction notion of security to its instantiation as a real
process in the physical world, things become harder. All the real-world nuances that the
abstraction hid become significant. What is the boundary of this cryptographic device, in the real
world? What are the outputs that an adversary may observe, and the inputs an adversary may
manipulate in order to act on the device? These answers are hard to articulate, but designing an
architecture to defend against arbitrary attacks requires necessarily an attempt to articulate them.
Moreover, the physical action of computation can often result in physical effects an adversary
can observe; these observations can sometimes betray sensitive internal data the cryptographic
module architecture was supposed to protect. This style attack of is also called side-channel
analysis, since the module or device leaks information via channels other than its main intended
By physically attacking a cryptographic device, the adversary hopes to subvert its security
correctness properties somehow, usually by extracting some secret the device was not supposed to
reveal. At first glance, the natural way to achieve this goal is the direct approach: somehow bypass
the cryptographic modules’ protections and read the data. To be fortunate, in design practice, this
direct attack can be easily thwarted by so called tamper-resistant techniques. Even though this
direct approach can often prove rather successful, a rather sophisticated family of indirect
approaches has emerged, where the adversary instead tries to induce an error into the modules’
operation via some physical failure; if the module continues to operate despite the error, it may
end up revealing enough information for the adversary to reconstruct the secret. Researchers at
Bellcore originally described this attack, in a theoretical context of inducing errors in
cryptographic hardware that carried out the CRT implementation of RSA [90]. This result generated
a flurry of follow-on results, some of which became known as differential fault analysis. These
theoretical attacks eventually became practical and demonstrable, and eventually earned the name
Bellcore attacks after the authors of their original paper [90].
One of the most popular jargons of system security today may be the Trusted Platform
Module (TPM in the sequel). TPM usually takes the form of a cryptographically secure module
and is the core of the trusted computing platform [131,169]. A key component of such cryptographic
modules is that they keep and use secrets, despites attempts by an adversary — perhaps with direct
physical access — to extract them.
Single-chip devices — particularly smart cards — have received much attention in the
attacker community, perhaps due to the ubiquity of smart cards in low-end commerce applications
(providing motivation), and the low cost (making experiment and destructive analysis feasible for
a larger population). Anderson and Kuhn’s work [2,3,7] provides an enlightening (and entertaining)
survey of the various techniques they found effective in practice.
Recently, two advents related to SCA research in Europe should better catch the eyes of the
cryptography community worldwide, especially those who are interested in the research of SCA
attacks: SCARD (Side Channel Analysis Resistant Design Flow) project [120] and ECRYPT
(European Network of Excellence for Cryptology) project [121]. Both of these two projects are
international joint project plans among European research members from both cryptography
research institutes and relevant industries.
In SCARD, it is proposed to enhance the typical micro-chip design flow — from high level
system description over register transfer layer description down to gate level net lists, and finally
placement and routing of the micro-chip — in order to provide means for designing side-channel
analysis resistant circuits and systems. Moreover, it is intended to study the whole phenomenon of
side-channel analysis in a consistent manner, and also to provide appropriate analysis tools and to
design tools for the designer of secure systems. In fact, these additional ingredients of the
traditional design flow of microchips are considered to be necessary in order to enable the design
of the next generation of secure and dependable devices. ECRYPT is a 4-year network of
excellence funded within the Information Societies Technology Programme of the European
Commission. It falls under the action line towards a global dependability and security framework
and its objective is to intensify the collaboration of European researchers in information security,
and more in particular in cryptology and digital watermarking. In order to reach this goal, 32
leading players integrate their research capabilities within five virtual labs focused on different
core research areas, with one being secure and efficient implementations (VAMPIRE). One of the
four Working Groups of VAMPIRE is the research group on SCA analysis.
From these two advents alone, it is roughly estimated that the Europe, in our own opinion, is
likely one step further over the other continents in the internationally collaborative research on
SCA attacks.
It is an interesting story that SCA attacks evaluation was already explicitly suggested many
years ago to be encompassed in cryptographic algorithm evaluation in many international
standards bodies, such as 3GPP security architecture [8]. However, due to lack of testable methods
and practical tools, this insightful suggestion virtually is like vacant shapes in sight. So it is very
easy to understand that the final evaluation report of these standard bodies draw the conclusion at
that time that “in the design process it was concluded not to be feasible to design a general
algorithm framework that by itself would not be vulnerable to side channel attacks” [119].
Recently, Tiri and Verbauwhede presented a digital VLSI design flow to create secure,
side-channel attack resistant integrated circuits (IC in the sequel) [66]. Even though this is the first
significant attempt in the secure design of IC, they only considered the power analysis attack in
the comprehensive top-down automated synchronous VLSI design flow that pursues a constant
power dissipation. Kocher et al. [64] proposed the point of view that security should be treated as a
intrinsic dimension in embedded system design. Ravi et al. [63] discussed the general tamper
resistant mechanisms for secure embedded systems. They developed a preliminary systematic
security embedded system design approach. In their case study, the concept of trusted code base
was introduced, which resembles the trusted computing base in the context of secure operating
The threat of SCA attacks also caught the attention from NoC research community [11].
Gebotys et al. presented a framework for security of NoCs by providing network level symmetric
key cryptography for key distribution and at the core level by illustrating modification of software
with extremely low overheads for added security against power attacks [11].
Clearly, a cryptographic algorithm which is strong with respect to conventional cryptanalytic
attacks is useless if it cannot be implemented securely on a broad range of platforms. Already
during the AES and NESSIE processes, the cryptographic community has come to this conclusion.
Some motivations of this paper are as follows: to understand the history of SCA attacks; to
recognize the serious threats of SCA attacks; to acknowledge the various countermeasures against
SCA attacks; to evaluate the impacts of SCA attacks on the security testing of cryptographic
modules; to identify the possible research trends in this area and so on.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we present the models for
side channel attacks. FIPS 140 standard is briefly recalled in section 3, and then some problems
about the current version of this standard are identified. In Section 4, classification of SCA attacks
is discussed. In section 5, we present concrete side-channels discovered so far and the relevant
countermeasures. In section 6, we give out some thoughts about the possible impacts of SCA
attacks on cryptographic module security testing. Concluding remarks are given in Section 7.
(feasible) attacks that try to tamper with the secret key.
Ka Kb
Alice Bob
The attacks considered in this traditional security model exploit the mathematical
specification of the protocol. In recent years, researchers have become increasingly aware of the
possibility of attacks that exploit specific properties of the implementation and operating
environment. Such SCA attacks utilize information leaked during the protocol’s execution and are
not considered in traditional security models. For example, the adversary may be able to monitor
the power consumed or the electromagnetic radiation emitted by a smart card while it performs
private-key operations such as decryption and signature generation. The adversary may also be
able to measure the time it takes to perform a cryptographic operation, or analyze how a
cryptographic device behaves when certain errors are encountered. Side-channel information may
be easy to gather in practice, and therefore it is essential that the threat of SCA attacks be
quantified when assessing the overall security of a system, see the scenario illustrated in Figure 2.
Sound Consumption
Eve Execution
Visible Light
Ka Kb Outputs
Alice Bob
Frequency Error Message
Side Channels are defined to be unintended output channels from a system. Paul Kocher in
1996 published the seminal paper “Timing Attacks on Implementations of Diffie-Hellman, RSA,
DSS, and Other Systems” showing that non-constant running time of ciphers can leak information
about the key. When implementations take advantage of optimizations, the problem may become
more pronounced.
It should be emphasized that a particular side-channel attack may not be a realistic threat in
some environments. For example, attacks that measure power consumption of a cryptographic
device can be considered very plausible if the device is a smart card that draws power from an
external, untrusted source. On the other hand, if the device is a workstation located in a secure
office, then power consumption attacks are not a significant threat.
security of cryptographic modules against side channel attacks, while FIPS 140-2 only deal briefly
with the specification of mitigation of attacks for which no testable requirements are currently
Side channel attacks are usually classified in literatures along the following three orthogonal
● Classifications depending the control over the computation process;
● Classifications depending on the way of accessing the module;
● Classifications depending on the method used in the analysis process.
Depending on the control over the computation process by attackers, SCA attacks can be
broadly divided into two main categories: passive attacks and active attacks. We refer passive
attacks to those that do not noticeably interfere with the operation of the target system; the attacker
gains some information about the target system’s operation, but the target system behaves exactly
as if no attack occurs. In active attack, on the other hand, the adversary exerts some influence on
the behavior of the target system. While the actively attacked system may or may not be able to
detect such influence, an outsider observer would notice a difference in the operation of the
system. It is important to note that the distinction between active attacks and passive attacks has
more to do with the intrinsic nature of the attack than the intrusiveness of ant physical
implementation of the attack.
When analyzing the security of a cryptographic hardware module, it can useful to perform a
systematic review of the attack surface — the set of physical, electrical and logical interfaces that
are exposed to a potential opponent. According to this observation, Anderson et al. [111] divided
the attacks into the following classes: invasive attacks, semi-invasive attacks and non-invasive
making electrical contact other than with the authorized surface. For example, in a fault-induced
attack, the attacker may use a laser beam to ionize a device to change some of its memories and
thus change the output of this device.
Depending on the methods used in the process of analyzing the sampled data, SCA attacks
can be divided simple side channel attack (SSCA in the sequel) and differential side channel attack
(DSCA in the sequel).
In a SSCA, the attack exploits the side-channel output mainly depending on the performed
operations. Typically, a single trace is used in an SSCA analysis, and therefore the secret key can
be directly read from the side-channel trace. Obviously, the side-channel information related to the
attacked instructions (the signal) needs to be larger than the side-channel information related to the
unrelated instructions (the noise) [154]. What SSCA exploits is the relationship between the
executed instructions and the side-channel output.
On the other hand, when SSCA is not feasible due too much noise in the measurements,
DSCA using statistical methods is tried. What DSCA exploits is the correlation between the
processed data and the side-channel output.In DSCA, the attack exploits the side-channel output
mainly depending on the performed data. Typically, many traces are used in a DSCA analysis, and
then statistical methods are used to deduce the possible secret keys. With regard to this, one can
claim that DSCA is more powerful than SSCA.
Differential side-channel attacks exploit the correlation between the data and the
instantaneous side-channel leakage of the cryptographic device. As this correlation is usually very
small, statistical methods must be used to exploit it efficiently. In a differential side-channel attack,
an attacker uses a hypothetical model of the device under attack. The quality of this model
depends on the capabilities of the attacker.
The hypothetical model is used to predict the side-channel output of the device; it may output
several values. These could be either values describing one type of information leakage for several
time slots, or it could be values predicting the leakage of different side-channels. In case only one
single output-value is used for an attack, then the attack is called first-order attack. If two or more
output values for the same side-channel are used in an attack, then the attack is called
second-order attack and higher-order attack, respectively.
Figure 3: The general idea behind DSCA [132]
Remarks The above three axes sometimes are well orthogonal: an invasive attack may
completely avoid disturbing the device’s behavior, and a passive attack may require a
preliminary depackaging for the required information to be observable, an active and invasive
attack may also belong to the DSCA.
SCA attacks against cryptographic modules exploit characteristic information extracted from
the implementation of the cryptographic primitives and protocols. This characteristic information
can be extracted from timing, power consumption or electromagnetic radiation features. Other
forms of side-channel information can be a result of hardware or software faults, computational
errors, and changes in frequency or temperature. SCA attacks make use of the characteristics of
the hardware and software elements as well as the implementation structure of the cryptographic
primitive. Therefore, in contrast to analyzing the mathematical structure and properties of the
cryptographic primitives only, side-channel analysis also includes the implementation.
All these facts sum up to one fact that the concrete implementation is very critical to security
and a tiny difference in implementations could make a big difference in security. Hence engineers
who implement the security schemes should be very carefully in following every step of the
schemes. Moreover, attackers will more likely choose the weakest link in the security chain. When
peer reviewed cryptographic algorithms and protocols are used, cryptanalysis will almost certainly
not be the weakest link. Systems designers must strive to be aware of unintentional “back doors”
which are not secure against attacks.
Until today, at least more than ten kinds of important side channels have been explored. We
will discuss them one by one in this section.
present hardware this is likely to be the case, but note that there are various efficient hardware
based proposals to make the timing attack less feasible through ‘noise injection’. Software
approaches to make the timing attack infeasible are based on the idea that the computations in two
branches of a conditional should take the same amount of time (‘branch equalisation’).
○2 . A sufficiently large number of encryptions can be carried out, during which time the key
does not change. A challenge response protocol is ideal for timing attacks.
○3 . Time can be measured with known error. The smaller the error, the fewer time
running OpenSSL. By making ~1/3 million queries (~2 hours), factors of a 1024 bit modulus can
be found. Canvel et al. [157] devised timing attacks on the CBC-mode encryption schemes used in
SSL and TLS; their attacks can decrypt commonly used ciphertext such as the encryption of a
At the 10th Usenix Security Symposium, Song et al. [50] presented timing analysis of
keystrokes and timing Attacks on SSH protocol. They applied traffic-analysis techniques to
interactive SSH connections in order to infer information about the encrypted connection contents.
They concluded that the keystroke timing data observable from SSH implementations reveals a
dangerously significant amount of information about user terminal sessions — enough to locate
typed passwords in the session data stream and reduce the computational work involved in
guessing those passwords by a factor of 50.
Cathalo et al. [51] proposed a timing attack on the GPS identification scheme of NESSIE
project in Europe [158]. They showed that only 800 timing measurements allow the attacker to find
the private key in a few seconds on a PC with a success probability of 80%. Interestingly, their
attacking methods resist some classical countermeasures and work whether the Chinese
Remainder technique is used or not.
By observing the timing of the reject signs from the decryption oracle, Sakurai et al. [52]
presented a timing attack against the EPOC-2 public-key cryptosystem that was proved to be
IND-CCA2 secure under the factoring assumption in the random oracle model. More interestingly,
EPOC-2 was already written into a standard specification P1363 of IEEE, and has been a
candidate of the public-key cryptosystem in several international standards (or portfolio) on
cryptography, e.g. NESSIE, CRYPTREC, ISO, etc.
Recently, Levine et al. [53] presented a timing attack against low latency MIX-based systems
that are communication proxies that attempt to hide the correspondence between its incoming and
outgoing messages. A novel technique, defensive dropping, was also proposed by them to thwart
timing attacks. Some one argues that mounting this attack over the network is unlikely to be
successful because time measurement is too inaccurate. However, we believe that in a distributed
system with real-time properties, timing attacks on the security protocols of such system may
become a real threat.
One simple defense approach is to make the operational parameters independent of the input
data. The feasibility of this approach depends on the operation. For example, in RSA, one can use
random data to conduct a blinding transformation (a.k.a. noise injection) on the parameters before
the operation, and then a reverse unblinding transformation afterwards. However, carrying out this
approach on a trusted computing platform that does not have a good source of randomness — or a
good way to obtain a seed and store a context of pseudorandomness — can be tricky. Actually,
since Kocher's original paper (1996) users of RSA have been strongly recommended to use
blinding. Some software implementations (such as Netscape's cryptography code) did blind,
however many implementations (OpenSSL, GnuTLS, GPG, and more) did not (this has been
fixed). By the way, blinding adds about 2%-10% overhead. And another countermeasure to attacks
of this type is to eliminate branch processing in the implementing algorithm so that encryption
times are equivalent (a.k.a. branch equalisation).
Actually, countermeasures for timing attacks must be modelled more rigorously so that we
can study how effective the proposed measures are. Two common countermeasures that are
currently in use (i.e. noise injection and branch equalization) appear to be fundamentally different
in the sense that noise injection weakens the power of the timing attack but it does not defeat it,
whereas branch equalisation does defeat the attack but at significant cost.
Another easier defense approach — and one that newer-generation modular exponentiation
and RSA engines started to incorporate — is to design the hardware to take constant time for each
operation, no matter what the data was. When Paul Kocher first published his timing attacks in
1995, at least one old-timer claimed that a few older commercial accelerators also took constant
time, indicating that some people in the commercial world must have already known about the
It it worth noting that even the timing attack exploits the timing variation in each operation of
the algorithm, the individual timing of each operation can not be measured in practice. Only the
total executing time of all the operations of the algorithm can be measured, and then statistical
methods are being applied to deduce (part of ) the secret key.
ordinary user or an attacker) that the computation has been stopped due to some reasons.
Generally speaking, a successful fault attack on cryptographic modules or devices requires
two steps: the fault injection and the fault exploitation steps. These two steps are illustrated in
Figure 4. The first step consists in injecting a fault at the appropriate time during the process. Fault
injection is very dependent on the devices’ hardware. Faults can be induced in a smart card by
acting on its environment and putting it in abnormal conditions. Some of them are abnormally and
abruptly low or high voltage, clock, temperature, radiations, light, and so on. The issue of fault
induction techniques was addressed in many literatures, and we refer you to [2,3]. The second step
consists in exploiting the erroneous result or unexpected behavior. Fault exploitation depends on
the software design and implementation. In case of an algorithm it will also depends on its
specification since the fault exploitation will be combined with cryptanalysis most of the time.
Depending on the type of analysis performed, the fault injection will have to be done at a precise
instant or roughly in a given period of time.
1 s t s te p : P hys ica l
F a u lt In je ctio n
P e rturb a tio n
E ron o u s re su lt
2n d s tep :
F a u lt ex p lo itatio n
u n e xp e cte d be h a vio r
If we suppose that an attacker cannot induce the same fault twice, one of the best
countermeasures to protect the symmetric algorithms such DES and AES is to compute the whole
or a part of the rounds twice (including key scheduling). Certainly, this will degrade the whole
performance. In case of the public key algorithms, one defense approach is to verify the signature
(the output of private key operations) by using the public key before sending the signature out.
More interstingly, Yen et al. [96] showed that checking the correctness of the computed result
before giving it to others may not be enough to prevent a hardware fault-based cryptanalysis.
Another countermeasure suggested to protect public key algorithms from some specific fault
attacks is to check the integrity of the secret key at the end of signature computation. Other
general tricks irrespective of concrete algorithms were also proposed, including checksums,
execution randomization, ratification counters and baits, repeated refreshments [102].
To summarize, fault attacks are real and big threats for any secure token (whatever the form
factor) and must be taken into consideration at all steps of the product design and specification.
Countermeasure and protection against fault attacks can be designed in both hardware and
software. Devising and analyzing fault attacks are necessary as they permit us to estimate the
strength of the countermeasures to be deployed.
of the key and outputs one bit. The idea is that if the guess is right, this bit reflects something that
actually shows up in the computation, but if the guess is wrong, then D will be random across
the ciphertexts.
The adversary then makes a guess K g and uses this guess and the selection function D to
partition the set of traces into two sets: the one for which D(Ci , K g ) = 0 and the other one for which
D(Ci , K g ) = 1 . He averages the traces in each set, and then looks at the difference between these
average traces. If K g was wrong, these two sets are uncorrelated, and the differential trace
becomes flat as the sample size increases. However, if K g was right, the differential approaches
the correlation of D and power consumption, which will be spiky.
SPA and DPA attacks were introduced in 1999 by Kocher et al. [59]. They carried out a
practical power analysis attack against an DES implementation in hardware. Coron [13] was the
first to apply these attacks to elliptic curve cryptographic schemes, and proposed the SPA-resistant
method for point multiplication, and the DPA-resistant method of randomizing projective
coordinates. Oswald [159] showed how a multiplier k can be determined using the partial
information gained about NAF(k) from a power trace of an execution of the binary NAF point
multiplication method. Experimental results with power analysis attacks on smart cards were
reported by Akkar et al. [160] and Messerges et al. [31], while those on a DSP processor core are
reported by Gebotys et al. [161].
Chari et al. [75] presented some general SPA and DPA countermeasures, and a formal
methodology for evaluating their effectiveness. Proposals for hardware-based defenses against
power analysis attacks include using an internal power source, randomizing the order in which
instructions are executed (May et al. [162]), randomized register renaming (May et al. [83]), and
using two capacitors, one of which is charged by an external power supply and the other supplies
power to the device (Shamir [163]).
One effective method for guarding against SPA attacks on point multiplication is to employ
elliptic curve addition formulas that can also be used for doubling. This approach was studied by
Liardet et al. [15] for curves in Jacobi form, by Joye er al. [17] for curves in Hessian form, and by
Brier and Joye [16] for curves in general Weierstrass form. Izu et al. [164] devised an active attack
(not using power analysis) on the Brier-Joye formula that can reveal a few bits of the private key
in elliptic curve schemes that use point multiplication with a fixed multiplier. Hasan [168] studied
power analysis attacks on point multiplication for Koblitz curves and proposed some
countermeasures which do not significantly degrade performance.
Another strategy for SPA resistance is to use point multiplication algorithms such as Coron's
method [13] where the pattern of addition and double operations is independent of the multiplier.
Other examples are Montgomery point multiplication (see Okeya et al.’s methods [18]), and the
methods presented by Möller [22,24], Hitchcock et al. [165], and Izu and Takagi [21]. The security and
efficiency of (improved versions) of the Möller [22] and Izu-Takagi [21] methods were carefully
analyzed by Izu et al. [166]. Another approach taken by Trichina et al. [167] and Gebotys et al. [161] is
to devise formulas for the addition and double operations that have the same pattern of field
operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and squaring).
Joye et al. [14] proposed using a randomly chosen elliptic curve isomorphic to the given one,
and a randomly chosen representation for the underlying fields, as countermeasures to DPA
attacks. Goubin [25] showed that even if point multiplication is protected with an SPA-resistant
method (such as Coron’s method [13]) and a DPA-resistant method (such as randomized projective
coordinates, randomized elliptic curve, or randomized field representation), the point
multiplication may still be vulnerable to a DPA attack in situations where an attacker can select the
base point (as is the case, for example, with ECIES). Goubin's observations highlight the difficulty
in securing point multiplication against power analysis attacks.
The SPA simply observes several power consumptions of the device, and the DPA is
additionally allowed to use a statistical tool in order to guess the secret information. An
SPA-resistant scheme can be converted to be a DPA-resistant one by randomizing the parameters
of the underlying system (See [13,14],for example).
There are three different types of SPA-resistant schemes, available at present , for ECC scalar
multiplication: (1) indistinguishable addition formula that uses one formula for both of elliptic
addition and doubling [15,16,17]; (2) addition chain that always computes elliptic addition and
doubling for each bit [13,16,18,20,21]; (3) window based addition chain with fixed pattern [19,22,23,24].
Defenses against differential power analysis are difficult, since they essentially only reduce
the signal the adversary is reading, rather than eliminate it. Interestingly, an efficient
randomization technique, using some random variables within the point addition operation, has
also been proposed as a possible countermeasure against a DPA-style attack on the window-family
algorithm in [29].
5.1.4 EM Attack
As electrical devices, the components of a computer often generate electromagnetic radiation
as part of their operation. An adversary that can observe these emanations and can understand their
causal relationship to the underlying computation and data may be able to infer a surprising
amount of information about this computation and data. This ability can be devastating, should the
computer be a trusted computing platform intended to keep this information from the adversary.
Similar to the power analysis attacks, ElectroMagnetic Analysis ( EMA) attacks can also be
divided into two main categories: Simple ElectroMagnetic Analysis (SEMA) and Differential
ElectroMagnetic Analysis (DEMA).
The potential of exploiting electromagnetic emanations has been known in military circles for
a long time. For example, see the recently declassified TEMPEST document written by the
National Security Agency [136] that investigates different compromising emanations including
electromagnetic radiation, line conduction, and acoustic emissions. The unclassified literature on
attack techniques and countermeasures is also extensive. For example, Kuhn et al. [138] discuss
software-based techniques for launching and preventing attacks based on deducing the
information on video screens from the electromagnetic radiations emitted. Experimental results on
electromagnetic analysis attacks on cryptographic devices such as smart cards and comparisons to
power analysis attacks were first presented by Quisquater et al. [137] and Gandolfi et al. [135]. The
most comprehensive unclassified study on EMA attacks to date is the work of Agrawal et al. [133].
They showed that not only can EM emanations be used to attack cryptographic devices where the
power side-channel is unavailable, they can even be used to break power analysis
Countermeasures against EM attacks on specific implementations fall into two broad
categories: signal strength reduction and signal information reduction. Techniques for signal
strength reduction include circuit redesign to reduce egregious unintentional emanations and the
use of shielding and physically secured zones to reduce the strength of compromising signals
available to an adversary relative to ambient thermal noise. Techniques for signal information
reduction rely on the use of randomization and/or frequent key refreshing within the computation
so as to substantially reduce the effectiveness of statistical attacks using the available signals.
case of CBC in symmetric schemes, the length of a message must be a multiple of the block length.
When this is not the case, padding must be used. What the receiver should do after decryption if
he discovers that the padding is not valid depends on the protocol used. If such a padding after
decryption is invalid, SSL/TLS [87] specify that the session be torn down, ESP in IPSec [89] just
logs the error and WTLS [88] returns an error message. If adversary can ascertain the padding error
status, it can use it as a side channel to mount a CCA (chosen cipher attack) attack.
Clearly, several popular padding schemes, which are used today in order to transform block
ciphers into variable-input-length encryption schemes, can introduce an important security flaw.
Correctness of the plaintext format is indeed a hard-core bit which easily leaks out from the
communication protocol. One can really have some insecure standards which use unbroken
cryptographic primitives. This was already well known in the public key cryptography world.
Vaudenay’s results have demonstrated that the situation of symmetric cryptography is virtually the
same [144].
Paterson and Yau [151] employed the padding oracle attacking method similar to Vaudenay's to
analyse the padding methods of the ISO CBC-mode encryption standard. More recently, Yau et al.
at FSE 2005 [152] generalized the padding oracle attack against block ciphers using CBC mode.
They considered the security of CBC-mode encryption against padding oracle attacks in secret,
random IV setting.
Error message based side channel attacks are not only typical of symmetric systems but of
public key systems as well. Assume the attacker has access to an oracle that returns a bit telling
whether the ciphertext corresponds to data encrypted according to RSA standard PKCS #1 (v1.5).
On the receiving end, receiver parses block from left to right to see if it is PKCS #1 conforming.
Using an oracle that tells whether a ciphertext is PKCS#1 conforming, one can break this RSA
encryption scheme using about 1 million queries [142,143].
The most prominent and convincing example of side-channel attacks exploiting error
messages may be Bleichenbacher's attack [142] on the RSA encryption scheme as specified in the
PKCS#1 v1.5 standard. This version of RSA encryption, which specifies a method for formatting
the plaintext message prior to application of the RSA function, is widely deployed in practice
including in the SSL protocol for secure web communications. For 1024-bit RSA moduli,
Bleichenbacher's attack enables an adversary to obtain the decryption of a target ciphertext c by
submitting about one million carefullychosen ciphertexts related to c to the victim and learning
whether the ciphertexts were rejected or not. The attack necessitated a patch to numerous SSL
implementations. The RSA-OAEP encryption scheme was proposed by Bellare and Rogaway [145]
and proved secure in the random oracle model by Shoup [146] and Fujisaki et al. [147]. It has been
included in many standards including the v2.2 update of PKCS#1. Manger [143] presented his
attack on RSA-OAEP in 2001.
After the publication of the results of Bleichenbacher and Manger [142,143], it is widely
believed to be important to include a strong integrity check into RSA encryption. The phase
between decryption and integrity verification is critical as any leak of information may present a
security risk. Version 2 of PKCS #1 introduced a new algorithm RSA-OAEP that uses Optimal
Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) to counteract the previous attack.
Klíma et al. [148] introduced a new side channel attack on a plaintext encrypted by
EME-OAEP PKCS#1 v.2.1. What they attacked is the part of the plaintext which is shielded by
the OAEP method. They also showed that Bleichenbacher’s and Manger’s attack on the RSA
encryption scheme PKCS#1 v.1.5 and EME-OAEP PKCS#1 v.2.1 can be converted to an attack on
the RSA signature scheme with any message encoding (not only PKCS). A general idea of
fault-based attacks on the RSA-KEM scheme was also presented. These attacks would highlight
the fact that the RSA-KEM scheme is not an entirely universal solution to problems of
RSAES-OAEP implementation and that even here the manner of implementation is significant.
Further more, Klíma et al. [149] pointed out that incorporating a version number check over
PKCS#1 plaintext used in the SSL/TLS also creates a side channel that allows an attacker to invert
the RSA encryption. Using this attack, one can either recover the premaster-secret or sign a
message on behalf of the server in an SSL/TLS session.
Even so, one can also propose adding a cryptographic checkable redundancy code
(crypto-CRC) of the whole padded message (like a hashed value) in the plaintext and encrypt
message | padding | H ( message | padding) , where H is a secure hash function.
In this way, any forged ciphertext will have a negligible probability to be accepted as a valid
ciphertext. Basically, attackers are no longer able to forge valid ciphertexts, so the scheme is
virtually resistant against chosen ciphertext attacks.
Obviously it is important to pad before hashing: padding after hashing would lead to the a
similar attack. The right enciphering sequence is thus ( pad , hash, encrypt ) . Conversely, the right
deciphering sequence consists of decrypting, checking the hashed value, then checking the
padding value. Invalid hashed value must abort the decipherment.
name a few, to remove cache or cached S-box access, to disable cache flushing, to perform time
and miss skewings, to use application-specific algorithmic masking, to depend on operating
system support, to adopt partitioned cache hardware architecture, and so on [45,46,47].
It is claimed that primitives that are normally implemented without lookup tables, such as the
SHA family and bitsliced Serpent, are impervious to the attacks described here [47]. Meanwhile,
finding an efficient solution that is application- and architecture-independent still remains an open
differential fault analysis that uses deliberate injection of faults requires between 50 to 200 cipher
text blocks to recover a key of symmetric block cipher DES, while the best traditional attack
requires approximately 64 terabytes of plain text and cipher text encrypted under a single key.
There are few fruits in the combination of side channel attacks and traditional mathematical
attacks for the moment. Yet, we would like to estimate with a bold hand that this combination
might become one of the most devastating attacks against a cryptosystem.
So far, there are many strategies (both in hardware and software) being proposed to combat
side-channel attacks, among which some general strategies are [76]:
● de-correlate the output traces on individual runs (e.g., by introducing random timing
shifts and wait states, inserting dummy instructions, randomization of the execution of operations,
● replace critical assembler instructions with ones whose “consumption signature” is hard
to analyze, or re-engineer the critical circuitry which performs arithmetic operations or memory
● make algorithmic changes to the cryptographic primitives so that attacks are provably
inefficient on the obtained implementation, e.g., masking data and key with random mask
generated at each run.
It had been shown [75,76] that among all these kinds of countermeasures, algorithmic
techniques are the most versatile, all-pervasive, and may be the most powerful. Also, in many
contexts they are the cheapest to put in place. Software-based countermeasures include
introducing dummy instructions, randomization of the instruction execution sequence, balancing
Hamming weights of the internal data, and bit splitting. On the hardware level, the
countermeasures usually include clock randomization [80,91], power consumption randomization or
compensation [82], randomization of instruction set execution and/or register usage [83]. However,
the effect of these countermeasures can be reduced by various signal processing techniques [84].
Software countermeasures against SCA attacks considerably hinder performance of cryptographic
algorithms in terms of memory or execution time or both. One of the challenges is to achieve
secure implementation with as little extra cost as possible.
Choosing an appropriate resistance level of the countermeasures may depend on the value of
your data and the power of adversaries (for example, his knowledge and resources et al.).
Evaluating the resistance level should be done at least from the following three angles: adversary’s
power (including his knowledge, resources and skills et al.), the attack’s power (which is closely
related to the state-of-the-art) and the countermeasures’ effectiveness. It appears that a
combination of hardware and software countermeasures yields a very good security/cost ratio.
We can find the following issues and related discussions in the open literatures: attacks,
countermeasures (both software and hardware) and theoretical models. Actually these literatures
are far from enough for providing us with means of evaluating attacks and designing sound
countermeasures. To name a few, as a first approximation, we ignore coupling effects and create a
linear model in power analysis attacks, i.e., we assume that the power consumption function of the
chip is simply the sum of the power consumption functions of all the events that take place [37].
Actually even very small couplings can provide a rich source of compromising emanations.
Exploiting these emanations can be much more effective than trying to work with direct
emanations [133]. Actually, a lot of intensive and consistent work should be required in these
fundamental research areas.
5.2.1 Randomization
The most general method to counter SCA attacks is to randomize data that may leak through
various side channels, such as power consumption, electromagnetic radiation, or execution time.
The problem is to guarantee that an attacker may obtain only random information, and thus cannot
gain any useful knowledge about the actual initial and/or intermediate data involved in
In case of elliptic curve cryptosystem, randomized projective coordinates method is a
practical countermeasure against SCA attacks in which an attacker cannot predict the appearance
of a specific value because the coordinates have been randomized. For example, Okeeya et al.
proposed an SCA-resistant scalar multiplication method that is allowed to take any number of
pre-computed points [12]. The proposed scheme essentially intends to resist the simple power
analysis, not the differential power analysis.
The standard DPA utilizes the correlation function that can distinguish whether a specific bit
is related to the observed calculation. In order to resist DPA, we need to randomize the parameters
of elliptic curves. There are three standard randomizations [13,14] commonly available today: (1) the
base point is masked by a random point; (2) the secret scalar is randomized with multiplier of the
order of the curve; and (3) the base point is randomized in the projective coordinate (or Jacobian
coordinate). Some attacks or weak classes against each countermeasure have been proposed [25,18].
However, if these randomization methods are simultaneously used, no attack is known to break
the combined scheme. In other words, SPA-resistant schemes can be easily converted to be
DPA-resistant ones using these randomizations.
On the contrary, there still appear some schemes which try to achieve the SPA- and
DPA-resistance simultaneously without using the combinations, e.g. randomized window methods
, etc.
5.2.2 Blinding
Blinding is originally a concept in cryptography that allows a client to have a provider
compute a mathematical function y = f(x), where the client provides an input x and retrieves the
corresponding output y, but the provider would neither learn x nor y. This concept is useful if the
client cannot compute the mathematical function f all by himself, for example, because the
provider uses an additional private input in order to compute f efficiently.
The first blinding technique was proposed by Chaum as part of the Chaum blind signature
. It is based on a homomorphic property of the RSA signing function. Blinding techniques are
also the most effective countermeasure against remote timing analysis of web servers [39] and
against power analysis and/or timing analysis of hardware security modules.
5.2.3 Masking
The data masking technique is the most widely used countermeasure against power analysis
and timing attacks at a software level. Masking an algorithm means masking the intermediate
values which are processed in the computation of the algorithm operation.
Data masking is also one of the most powerful software countermeasures against side
channel attacks [75,85]. The idea is very simple: the message and the key are masked with some
random masks at the beginning of computations, and thereafter everything is almost as usual. Of
course, the value of the mask at the end of some fixed step (e.g., at the end of the round or at the
end of a linear part of computations) must be known in order to re-establish the expected data
value at the end of the execution; we call this mask correction.
In case of AES, this countermeasure means making the intermediate bytes processed in an
AES computation. Masking a byte value x mean to choose a random m (the mask) and to define a
function f (the masking) which takes both values as input to calculate the masked output:
f(x,m)=x*m. The operator * is either defined as bit-wise XOR operation , denoted by + , (additive
masking), or as multiplication, denoted by × , over a finite field (multiplicative masking).
In [72], Trichina et al. proposed an optimized countermeasure for the AES block cipher
consisting in transforming a boolean mask to a multiplicative mask prior to a non-linear Byte
Substitution operation (thus, avoiding S-box re-computations for every run or storing multiple
S-box tables in RAM), while preserving a boolean mask everywhere else (adaptive masking
of SCAs on the cryptographic module security testing.
The traditional black-box method widely used in the design and analysis in the cryptosystem
has server limitations, therefore, will not be fitted with the current advancements and
developments of the information security engineering. More other aspects should be included in
the evaluation of a system in order to justify the overall security more accurately and objectively.
It is required that at least the secure implementation of cryptographic modules (protocols / systems)
be seriously taken into consideration when designing a functional cryptographic component.
Choosing an appropriate cryptographic module or device still comes down to the level of
security you need. Namely, classified testing and evaluation is not only practical but also
necessary. During this complex and independent testing process, new security modeling theory
and security testing method are required.
Not all parts of a system are susceptible for SCA attacks, but it is not a trivial task to specify
which parts have to be secured and which are not. To reduce the risk of unprotected susceptible
parts, expensive countermeasures are often applied for parts that are actually not susceptible;
therefore, all countermeasures should be designed and implemented with a proper and quantitative
evaluation of their effects on the overall effectiveness. Following this observation, a natural
problem comes out that whether it is possible to develop some methodologies to allow SCA
simulations in early design stages of the system or not.
Besides the current security testing requirements, the requirements of standard FIPS 140
should be extended to a larger scale and to cover the following aspects: analysis of cryptographic
protocols; analysis of effectiveness of key management; analysis of side channels or similar
vulnerabilities; analysis of correct use of the cryptographic module in a larger product; any
statements about non-FIPS approved or FIPS allowed algorithms; and so on.
To solely enlarge the key size, in some cases, will not necessarily or apparently increase the
security level. In [70,71], the authors argued that “the longer the key length, the easier the attacks
becomes”. Even what was being attacked in [70] is actually an RSA implementation using sliding
window method, the success of the attack still reveals some meaningful things. Increasing key
length is a standard countermeasure to cryptanalysis. However, longer key length generally means
greater side channel leakage. For embedded RSA crypto-systems the increase in leaked data
outstrips the increase in secret data so that, in contrast to the improved mathematical strength,
longer keys may, in fact, lead to lower security [71].
Attacking and designing for security is on the whole not balanced to each other with regards
to real-world application scenario. In term of this, in our own opinion, there is probably a gap
between the evaluation (or testing) and the attacks. Attacks sometimes can be ad-hoc in nature;
they seize on a particular aspect of the target system and exploit it. It can be helpful to have
generalized attacks, but it is not really necessary. Attacks also do not require rigorous analysis; a
simple demonstration of the efficacy of an attack is sufficient to cast doubt on the security of a
system, even in the absence of an explanation of the very details of the attack’s mechanism.
Designing for security, on the other hand, requires both generality and rigor.
Other than proposing the concrete metrics for evaluation, we would just suggest some
security requirements that a cryptographic module security testing standard should specify as
● Any criteria must be testable;
● The criteria should be able to evaluate the performance of different implementations so
as to seek out the most efficient one;
● The criteria should be able to evaluate the cost of the implementations, such as memory
cost and manufacture cost.
● Any criteria must be easy to deploy;
As a simple fact, most side-channel attacks are not covered currently by almost all security
models of the theoretical cryptography. Hence, even the (implementations of) provable secure
cryptographic algorithms may be attacked due to some possible information leakages. Actually,
there are already some published provable secure cryptographic schemes broken under the SCA
attacks. It is worth noting that the fact SCA attacks have been successfully mounted against
semantically secure cryptosystems does not undermine the mathematical base of these
cryptosystems, nor reflect the inherent mathematical weaknesses in these cryptosystems.
7. Conclusion
Cryptology may be seen as a continuous struggle between cryptographers and cryptanalysts.
Attacks on cryptography have an equally long history. The security of cryptographic modules for
providing a practical degree of protection against white-box (total access) attacks should be
examined in a totally un-trusted execution environment.
As Dr. Bruce Schneier already pointed out in 1998 that [48], “Strong cryptography is very
powerful when it is done right, but it is not a panacea. Focusing on cryptographic algorithms while
ignoring other aspects of security is like defending your house not by building a fence around it,
but by putting an immense stake in the ground and hoping that your adversary runs right into it”.
Nowadays, this argument should be further revised. Building a fence around the house is already
far from enough, who can guarantee that the attacker will not dig a tunnel under the fence to
bypass the defense (for example, imagine the famous tunnel warfare during the anti-Japanese war
in China)? One may attempt to make the ground as hard as possible, yet who can guarantee that
your opponent will fall abruptly from the sky someday? Bear in mind that your opponent is no less
clever than you at all. Probably, you can never ascertain what your opponent will do next.
We have surveyed side-channel attacks and the relevant countermeasures. A wide array of
countermeasures against side channel attacks have been developed by researchers to provide the
protections. We believe that a clear understanding of attacks as well as the trade-offs associated
with deploying countermeasures will enable a system architect to develop a truly secure system.
Prof. Bart Preneel once stated that “the ‘crypto problem’ is not solved; many challenging
problems are ahead of both research community and industry, with the secure and efficient
implementation of cryptographic schemes being included”. The broadness of the range of possible
attack avenues complicates the task of addressing them. Up till now, at least ten kinds of side
channels have been completely or partially lifted their veils. One is justified in estimating that
more and more side channels will be discovered and then will likely be exploited by the adversary
to mount an attack. What will be the next side channel and what will be the last one? Therefore,
the design of implementations of a cryptographic module or system requires a strong awareness of
the potential implementation weaknesses that would become security flaws, and careful
consideration of security during all aspects of the architecture, hardware, and software design
processes. It is the very time that the resistivity of cryptographic modules against side-channel
attacks be correctly evaluated in the security testing procedure of such modules. What we are
waiting for?
There are also many interesting topics for the academic researcher. In particular, the rigorous
security models of side-channel attacks are still poorly understood, and there may be considerable
scope for applying formal techniques and computational complexity methods to their analysis. It
must not be forgotten that there are still some side channels waiting to be discovered.
Most of the problems that we have discussed relating to SCA and the countermeasures will
appear also in relation to the other systemic parameters, thus requiring the study of interaction
between a multitude of systemic parameters. One might hope that eventually a general theory and
associated methods and tools might emerge that will support the security engineer. All in all, it is
important to do both theoretical and practical work in order to get new ideas for these attacks.
Finally, the most important conclusion from this paper is that it is not only a necessity but
also a must, in the coming version of FIPS 140-3 standard, to evaluate cryptographic modules for
their resistivity against SCA attacks.
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