Capacitors Workbook Solutions PDF
Capacitors Workbook Solutions PDF
Capacitors Workbook Solutions PDF
Level - 0 CBSE Pattern
1. The bigger sphere has greater capacitance since capacitance of a spherical conductor C r.
2. The energy of a charged capacitor resides in the medium between the plates.
3. The radii of both the sphere are equal, therefore their capacitances will be the same and hence their
charges Q = CV will be same.
4. Energy stored U where Q is charge on capacitor.
Q 2 2CU Charge Q 2CU z 5. No, for any material K > 1.
0 A
6. Let A area of each plate. ; Let initially C1 C C2
After inserting respective dielectric slabs:
A / 2 K 2 0 A / 2 0 A C
C1 = KC …(i) & C2 K1 0 K1 K 2 ; C2 K1 K 2 …(ii)
d d 2d 2
C 1
From (i) and (ii) C1 C2 ; KC K1 K 2 ; K K1 K 2
2 2
0 A K1ε0 A / 2 K 2ε0 A /2 ε0 A K K2
C2 C1 1
7. C1 ; C2 K1 K 2 ;
d d d 2d 2
8. For a metal K and so when t <<d, the capacitance
ε0 A ε0 A A ε A
C 0 ; As t d, C 0
1 1 d t d
d t 1 d t 1
i.e., capacitance will remain unchanged.
9. Capacitance C , when plates of a capacitor are moved farther, the capacitance decreases. After
disconnecting the battery, the charge on capacitor remains constant, therefore the energy stored by
capacitor U increases.
10. Capacitance of parallel plate air capacitor C 0 8 pF …(i)
When separation between the plates becomes and the space between the plates is filled with dielectric
(K = 6), then new capacitance
K 0 A 2K 0 A
C …(ii)
d /2 d
2K or C 2KC 2 6 8 pF 96 pF
CsV 2
Us 2 C 1μ F 1
Ratio of energy stored, s Us : U p 1 : 9
Up 1 2 C p 9μ F 9
C pV
13. (i) The graph of variation of potential and electric field due to a point charge Q with distance R from
the point charge is shown in figure.
(ii) Let C be capacitance of each capacitor.
In series arrangement net capacitance Cs .
In parallel arrangement, net capacitance, C p 2C
Energy stored U CV 2
If Vs and V p are potential differences applied across series and parallel arrangements, then
1 1 Vp Cs C /2 1
Us U p CsVs2 C pV p2
2 2 Vs Cp 2C 2
14. (a) Initial capacitance C0 , potential difference = V
(i) Initial charge, q0 C 0V 0 V
When battery is disconnected the charge on the capacitor remains unchanged and equal
to q q 0 0 V .
q/ A q
(ii) Initial electric field between the plates, E 0
0 0 A 0
After introduction of dielectric; the permittivity of medium become K 0 ;
q E
So final electric field between the plates, E 0
AK 0 K
i.e., electric field reduces to
(iii) After introduction of dielectric, the capacitance becomes KC0 .
15. Capacitance C ; Potential of shells A and B
kQ kQ kQ kQ 1 1 1 Q r1 r2
VA 0 ; VB .Q
r1 r1 r2 r1 4 0 r1 r2 4 0 r1r2
Q 4 0 r1r2
Capacitance C C .
Q r1 r2 r1 r2
4 0 r1`r2
16. Principle of a Capacitor: A capacitor works on the principle that the
capacitance of a conductor increases appreciable when an earthed conductor is
brought near it. Thus, a capacitor has two plates separated by a distance
having equal and opposite charges.
Parallel Plate Capacitor: Consider a parallel plate capacitor having two plane
metallic plates A and B, placed parallel to each other as shown in the figure.
The plates carry equal and opposite charges + Q and – Q respectively.
In general, the electric field between the plates due to charges +Q and –Q remains uniform, but at the
edges, the electric field lines deviate outward. If the separation between the plates is much smaller than
the size of plates, the electric field strength between the plates may be assumed uniform.
Suppose A be the area of each plate, ‘d’ the separation between the plates, K the dielectric constant of
medium between the plates. If is the magnitude of charge density of plates, then
The electric field strength between the plates
E , where ε0 permittivity of free space. …(i)
The potential difference between the plates, V AB Ed …(ii)
K 0
Q / A d Qd
Putting the value of , we get V AB
K0 K0 A
Q Q K0 A
Capacitance of capacitor, C or C …(iii)
V AB Qd / K 0 A d
This is a general expression for capacitance of parallel plate capacitor. Obviously, the capacitance is
directly proportional to the dielectric constant of medium between the plates.
0 A
For air capacitor (K = 1); capacitance C . This is expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate
air capacitor. Obviously, the capacitance of parallel plate (air) capacitor is:
(i) directly proportional to the area of each plate.
(ii) inversely proportional to the distance between the places. (iii) independent of metal plates.
17. Let the distance between the plates be increased by a very small distance x . The force on each plate is
F. The amount of work done in increasing the separation by x Force × increased distance = F .x …(i)
Increase in volume of capacitor = Area of plates × Increased distance = A. x
u = energy density =
Increase in energy = u volume u .A.x …(ii)
As, Energy = Work done
F .x u .A.x [ From eqs. (i) and (ii)]
F u .A
1 1 2 V
0 E 2 .A u 2 0 E and E d
1 V2 A V 1 A 1 1
0 . 2 .A 0 .V
C 0 , CV Q ; .E.C.V QE
2 d d d 2 d 2 2
18. Suppose two charged capacitors C1 and C2 charged to potentials V1 and V2 are connected in parallel,
with their positive terminals connected together and negative terminals connected together as shown in
the figure. After connection, the charge redistributes in such a way that the potential differences across
C1 and C 2 become equal. Charges on capacitors before connection, Q1 C1V1, Q2 C 2V2
Q1 Q2
Common potential after connection, V
C1 C 2
C1V1 C2V2
V …(i)
C1 C2
If Q1 and Q2 are charges after sharing, then Q1 C1V , Q2 C2V
Q1 C1
Q 2 C2
This means that after connection, the charges on capacitors are shared in ratio of their capacitances.
Electrostatic energy stored in the system: When charges are shared between two capacitors, then
some energy is dissipated as heat and hence, definitely there is a loss of energy.
1 1
The energy loss = Initial energy U i Final Energy U f ; Initial energy : U i C1V12 C2V22
2 2
After connecting two capacitors, their combined capacitance is C1 C2 and common potential is V;
therefore, final electrostatic energy Uf C1 C2 V 2
2 2
1 C V C V 1 C1V1 C2V2
C1 C 2 1 1 2 2 {using (i)} ;
2 C1 C2 2 C1 C 2
Loss in energy during sharing of charges, U U i U f
1 C1V1 C2V2 2 C1 C 2 C1V12 C2V22 C1V1 C2V2 2
2 1
C1V1 C2V2 2
2 2 C1 C2 2 C 1 C2
2 C1 C 2
C12V12 C1C2V22 C1C2V12 C22V22 C12V12 C 22V22 2C1C 2V1V2
2 C1 C 2
C1C2V22 C1C2V12 2C1C2V1V2
C1C2 C1C2
V12 V22 2V1V2 V1 V2 2
2 C1 C 2 2 C1 C2
C1C 2
i.e., Energy loss, U V1 V2 2 .
2 C 1 C 2
As C1,C2 and V1 V2 are all positive, therefore, U is always positive. Thus, in the process of
redistribution of charges, there is always a loss of energy. This energy is lost in the form of heat in
connecting wire.
19. The potential difference can only be increased by connecting capacitors in series, while capacitance can
only be increased by connecting capacitance in parallel.
To acquire the required arrangement let there be m rows, connected in parallel, each row containing n
capacitors in series. Then total number of capacitors N = mn.
If V is the net potential difference and V0 , the potential difference across each capacitor, then
V 1kV 1000V
V nV0 ,i .e., n 2.5
V0 400V 400V
An n cannot be a fraction, we must taken n 3. If C0 is capacitance of each capacitor, the capacitance
of a row =
As m rows are connected in parallel, net capacitance C
m 1μ F 23
Given, C 2µF and C0 1μ F ,n 3 2μ F or m 6
3 1
Minimum number of capacitors, N mn 3 6 18
21. The maximum electric field applied = 10% of dielectric strength = 107 Vm 1 10 6 Vm 1
Potential difference across capacitor = 1kV 1000V
Capacitance C 50 pF 50 10 12 F
The maximum charge on the plates Q CV 50 10 12 1000 5 10 8 C
If is the surface charge density of plates E K 0E Q A
K 0
Q Q 5 10 8
Required area = 18.8 10 4 m 2 18.8cm 2
K 0 E 3 8.85 10 12 10 6
22. Given C1 6μ F , C 2 12μ F ,V1 2V ;
Charge on capacitor C1 is q1 C1V1 6 F 2 V 12μ C
In series arrangement charge on each capacitor remains the
same; so charge on C2 is also q2 q1 12μ C.
q 2 12 C
Potential difference across C2 is V2 1V
C2 12 F
Total battery voltage V V1 V2 2 1 3V
23. The equivalent capacitance of C1 and C2 in series
C1C2 22
C 1 F
C1 C 2 2 2
C is in parallel with C3 , so equivalent capacitance of
C1,C2 and C3 is
C 1 1 2 F
C is in series with C4 ; their equivalent capacitance
C 4C 22
C 1μ F
C4 C 2 2
This is in parallel with C5; So equivalent capacitance across AB is C AB 1 1 2 F
1 1 2
Energy stored U C ABV 2 2 10 6 6 36 10 6 J
2 2
24. Energy stored in a capacitor for a fixed voltage, U CV 2 . Capacitor of parallel plate capacitor
A 10
C 0 . If the separation between the plates is decreased by 10%, new separation, d d 0.9d.
d 100
0 A C 10
New capacitance C C
0.9d 0.9 9
C C C 10 100
% change in energy is U 100% 1 100% 1 100% 11.1%
C C 9 9
i.e., energy stored increases by 11.1%.
25. Consider a parallel plate capacitor, area of each plate being A, the separation between the plates being d.
Let a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K and thickness t d be placed between the plates. The
thickness of air between the plates is (d – t). If charges on plates are +Q and – Q, then surface charge
density . The electric field between the plates in air, E1
A 0 0 A
The electric field between the plates in slab, E 2
K0 K 0A
The potential difference between the plates VAB work done in
carrying unit positive charge from one plate to another = Ex (as field
between the plates is not constant).
Q Q Q t
E1 d t E 2t d t t V AB d t
0 A K0A 0 A K
Q Q 0A 0A
Capacitance of capacitor, C Or, C
V AB Q t t 1
d t d t d t 1
0A K k K
d 0 A 0A
Here, t C
2 d 1 d 1
d 1 1
2 K 2 K
26. When a capacitor is charged by a battery, work is done by the charging battery at the expense of its
chemical energy. This work is stored in the capacitor in the form of electrostatic potential energy.
Consider a capacitor of capacitance C. Initial charge on capacitor is zero. Initial potential difference
between capacitor plates = zero. Let a charge Q be given to it in small steps. When charge is given to
capacitor, the potential difference between its plates increases. Let at any instant when charge on
capacitor be q, the potential difference between its plates V .
Now work done in giving an additional infinitesimal charge dq to capacitor
dW V dq dq
The total work done in giving charge from 0 to Q will be equal to
the sum of all such infinitesimal works, which may be obtained
by integration. Therefore total work
q 1 q2 1 Q2 0 Q 2
W V dq C dq = C 2 C 2 2 2C
0 0 0
If V is the final potential difference between capacitor plates, then Q CV
CV 2 1 1
2C 2 2
This work is stored as electrostatic potential energy of capacitor i.e.,
Q2 1 1
Electrostatic potential energy, U CV 2 QV
2C 2 2
Energy density: Consider a parallel plate capacitor consisting of plates, each of area A, separated by a
distance d. If space between the plates is filled with a medium of dielectric constant K, then capacitance
K0 A
of capacitor, C
If is the surface charge density of plates, then electric field strength between the plates
E K 0E
K 0
Charge on each plate of capacitor Q A K 0 EA
Q2 K 0 EA 1 K E 2 Ad
Energy stored by capacitor, U 0
2C 2 K 0 A / d 2
But Ad = volume of space between capacitor plates
Energy stored, U K 0 E 2 Ad
U 1
Electrostatic Energy stored per unit volume, u e K 0E 2
Ad 2
This is expression for electrostatic energy density in medium of dielectric constant K.
In air or free space (K = 1), therefore energy density, u e 0 E 2
27. In figure (a) three capacitors of capacitances C1,C2 ,C3 are connected in series between point A and D.
In series first plate of each capacitor has charge + Q and second plate of each capacitor has change –Q
i.e,, charge on each capacitor is Q .
Let the potential differences across the capacitors C1,C2 ,C 3 be V1,V2,V3 respectively. As the second plate
of first capacitors C1 and first plate of second capacitor C2 are connected together, their potentials are
equal. Let this common potential be VB . Similarly the common potential of second plate of C2 and first
plate of C3 is VC . The second plate of capacitor C3 is connected to earth, therefore its potential VD 0.
As charge flows from higher potential to lower potential, therefore, V A VB VC VD
For first capacitor, V1 V A V B …(i)
For second capacitor, V2 VB VC …(ii)
For third capacitor, V3 VC VD …(iii)
1 1 1
Adding equations (i), (ii), and (iii), we get V1 V2 V3 V A VD Q …(iv)
C1 C2 C3
If V be the potential difference between A and D, then V A VD V
1 1 1
From (iv), we get V V1 V2 V3 Q …(v)
1 C 2 C 3
If in place of all the three capacitors, only one capacitor is placed between A and D such that on giving it
charge Q, the potential difference between its plates become V, then it will be called equivalent capacitor.
If its capacitance is C, then
V …(vi)
Physics | Capacitors 106 Workbook -4 | Solutions
Vidyamandir Classes
Q 1 1 1
Comparing (v) and (vi), we get Q
C C1 C2 C3
1 1 1 1
or …(vii)
C C1 C2 C 3
Thus in series arrangement, “The reciprocal of equivalent capacitance is equal to the sum of the
reciprocals of the individual capacitors.”
Parallel Arrangement : In fig. (c) three capacitors of capacitance C1, C2 , C3 are connected in parallel.
In parallel the potential difference across each capacitor is same V (say). Clearly the potential difference
between plates of each capacitor V A VB V say
The charge Q given to capacitors is divided on capacitors C1,C2 ,C 3.
Let q1, q2 , q3 be the charges on capacitors C1,C2 ,C3 respectively.
Then Q q1 q2 q 3 …(i) and q1 C1V , q2 C 2V , q 3 C 3V
Substituting these values in (ii), we get Q C1V C 2V C 3V or Q C1 C2 C3 V
If, in place of all the three capacitors, only one capacitor of capacitance C be connected between A and B;
such that on giving it charge Q, the potential difference between its plates be V, then it will be called
equivalent capacitor. If C be the capacitance of equivalent capacitor, then Q CV …(iii)
Comparing equations (ii) and (iii), we get CV C1 C2 C3 V
or C C1 C 2 C3 …(iv)
10 12 (10 3 )
A A 9
1.(B) C 0 d 0 4.4 mm
d C 12
2 10
Q V Q 15 10 6
2.(C) V E 5000 N/C
C d Cd
3 10 10
6 3
Q 3F 12V 36 C
Q 12
Q1 C1
Now Q1 2Q 2 4F 2F
Q2 C2 Q1
Q Q1 Q 2
6F Q Q2
Solve for Q1 and Q2
2 A
4.(C) Force = (Charge on one plate) × (Electric field due to the other plate) ; ( A )
2 2
0 0
Ceff 1F
10 10 5 15 75
6.(B) CBC 10 15 F ; C AC F
10 10 5 15 20
Charge on capacitor of 5F 2000 = 7500 C
7500 C
V A VB 1500 volt ; V A 2000 volt ; VB 2000 1500 500 volt
q q 4F A 2F
7.(A) 4 10 6 and 2 10 6
Vx V A V A Vy
x y
Here Vx = 6V and Vy = 0. ; We get VA = 4V 2F 4F
Similarly for lower side branch
We get VB = 2V V A V B 4 2 2V .
8.(C) Net emf in circuit E 16 6 10V 6V
23 6
23 5
6 12
Charge on each capacitor q 10 12 C ; Potential difference across 2F capacitor = 6V .
5 2
9.(C) Cseries F ; C parallel 7 F
10.(B) 6 F and 3 F in series 2 F ; 2 F and 1F in parallel 3 F
3 F and 6 F in series 2 F ; 2 F and 2 F in parallel 4 F
4 F and 2 F in series F
Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 C
11.(D) Resultant field = ;V d 12.(C) 3 5 C 48 F
2 0 A 2 A 2C 16
0 C
13.(A) Two capacitor in parallel so Ceq = 2C.
15.(D) 1F 1F 1F A B
16.(C) Current in the circuit, i e RC ; Therefore, current is at t 2RC loge 2
R 4R
17.(A) q q0e t RC 10 e 12 12 C
18.(A) Heat generated = Work done by battery – Potential energy stored in the capacitor
1 1 1 2
= (CV )V CV 2
; CV 2
2 2
2 106 100 10 mJ
19.(B) If the charge on the plates of a capacitor is Q1 and Q 2 , the charge on the inner surface of the plates
Q1 Q 2 Q 2 Q1
becomes and . ; So, potential difference between the plates,
2 2
1 Q1 Q 2 Q 2 Q1 Q Q2
V 1 ; Therefore, V = 15 V
C 2 2 C
20.(C) Since the positive plate of one capacitor is connected to the negative plate of the other capacitor, initial
current in the circuit,
V V2 100 50 50
i0 1 R 1000
R R 0.05
q 2q
21.(A) 6 or q 6µC
2 4
2 3 4 14
22.(B) Capacitors B and C are in parallel, then A is in series, Ceq µF
2 3 4 9
14 14
Q CeqV 7 6 C
9 9
3 14 / 9 2
Q will be divided between B and C. So charge on B is q C
34 3
23.(D) In series, the charge on both capacitors is equal. Let the steady state charge on each capacitor be Q
Then, Q CeqV 1 2 V
1 2
So, potential difference across the capacitor of capacitance C1 , V1 2 V
C1 C1 C2
27.(D) At steady state, there is no current through the capacitor and hence it can be removed from the circuit
while analysing it. So, current through the circuit,
50 50
i A
10 1 11
The potential difference across the capacitor is equal to the potential difference across the 10
50 500
Therefore, V iR
11 11
q q 1 1 40
28.(C) VA E VB or V A V B E q or q C
C1 C2 C
1 C 2 3
29.(B) 2000 0.04 40 10 6 V 2 Or V 2 4 106 or V 2000V
30.(C) Since the capacitor is disconnected from the power supply, the charge on its plates cannot change.
Charge on the capacitor, Q (5)(100) 500C
If the separation between the plates is doubled, the capacitance becomes half. The minimum work done
in the process is the difference between initial and final potential energy.
1 (500)2 (500)2
W Uf Ui 25 mJ
2 2.5 5
31.(B) The inner surfaces of the two plates will carry charge density 3 mC / m 2 and 3 mC / m 2 respectively.
Therefore, field between the plates,
E 3.38 1011 N / C
0 80 12
A 0
32.(B) Initially, 2F
Now, the two dielectric slabs are in series, so the equivalent capacitance is given by:
d d
1 2 2 15 0 A
Ceq 7.5 F
Ceq 30 A 50 A 4 d
C1 0 C2 V
33.(A) Common potential = V1
C1 C2
K 0 A 0 A
K 0 A A 0 V
d d
C1 , C2 0 ; V1
d d K 0 A 0 A
d d
V V V V1
V1 K 1 K
K 1 V1 V1
34.(B) Initially, the charge on the capacitor, Q1 (2) (20) 40C
When the slab is removed, the capacitance reduces by 8 times. Because the battery is still connected, the
potential difference across the capacitor remains the same. So, the charge on the capacitor now becomes
Q f (20) 5C
This means that 35 C charge has flown into the positive terminal of the battery. So, work done by the
W (35) (20) 700J
3 0 A 0 AK
35.(A) Cnet
4d 4d
36.(A) Let the capacitance of the capacitors be 3C and C
Then, the potential difference across them at steady state must be V and 3V.
Since the electric field inside a capacitor is given by E , the ratio of electric field between the plates of
these two capacitors is .
0 A k 0 A Cm k 0 A d 6 k
37.(D) Ca ; Cm ; . ;
d 2d Ca 2d 0 A 2 2
k 6
0 A 0 A
38.(C) Use 39.(C) Done similar type of Question
d t
d 't
1 Q2 1 C0 1 E1 4
40.(A) E1 C0V02 ; E2 · V02 C0V02 ;
2 C0 /2 2 2 4 E2 1
2 2 2
1 1 C1V0 1 C1V0 1 C1V0
41.(B) U initial C1V02 ; U final C1 C2 = C1 C2
2 2 C1 C2 2 C1 C2 2 C1 C2
U initial C1 C2 C C U initial U
2 U final
U final C1 C 2 2
42.(A) Let us assume that V H V L . This assumption will not affect our answer, and you can test this yourself
by taking the opposite assumption and solving.
Let the electric field inside the upper slab be E H and the electric inside the lower slab be E L .
EH K 2
Then, we know that 2
Let the potential at the interface be V
d d
Then, VH V E H and V VL E L
2 2
Solving, we get V (V H 2V L )
K10 A K 20 A
1 1 1 C1C2 d1 d2 K1K 20 A
43.(C) or C
C1 C2 K10 A K 20 A K
C C1 C2 1d2 K 2d1
d1 d2
K 0 A K1K 2 d1 d2
d1 d 2 K1d 2 K 2d1
44.(A) E1 C1V12 450 10 6 J
q1 q2 1
Common Potential V 10 Volt ; E2 C1 C2 V 2 150 10 6 J
c1 c2 2
Loss (450 150 ) J 300 J
(4) 10 12 (50 10 4 )
K 0 A 16
45.(C) Capacitance, C 9 1010 F
d 3 9
Work done by the battery, W CV 2 10 10 (50)2 0.44 J
46.(5) Energy stored in a capacitor, CV 2
Therefore, potential difference across the capacitor,
2 10 103 100 V
C 2 106
V 100
So, electric field inside the capacitor, E 105 N / C
10 3 d
47.(15) Let the plate separation be d, the plate area be A, and the initial capacitance be C 0 .
Then, C0 0
After the dielectric slab is introduced, let the capacitance be C.
d d
1 2 2 3C 0
So, C
C 0 A 3 0 A 2
Since C0 2F , C 3F
1 1
So, energy stored in the capacitor, U CV 2 (3 10 6 ) (100)2 15mJ
2 2
48.(2.33) Let the potential at O be V0 ; Then, 1(V0 1) 2(V0 2) 3(V0 3) 0 ; V volt 2.33 V
6 3
Q2 Q2 U 0.01
49.(5) Force between the plates, F 5N
2 0 A 2Cd d (0.002)
Therefore, Q1 Q 2 60 ( 40)
Solving, we get Q1 8C and Q 2 12C
So, potential difference across the 2F capacitor 4V
53.(0.5) Let the capacitance of each capacitor be C ; Let the initial charge on the charged capacitor be Q
So, U
When the final steady state is achieved, both capacitors have charge Q/2. So, potential energy stored in
2 Q2 Q2
any one capacitor, U' ; So, heat wasted in the resistance, H U 2U '
2C 8C 4C
54.(24) Equivalent capacitance between A and B 2.4 F
Hence charge across 4F (Since in series combination charge remains constant)
or Q 2.4 10 24 C
55.(6) Let the electric field in dielectrics be E1 and E2
E1 K2
Then, 12
E2 K1
Let the potential difference across the two dielectric layers be V1 and V2
V1 E1d 12
Then, 6
V2 E 2 2d 2
61.(B) In the given system of sheets electric field only exist between the plates which is given as
E Constant
Due to opposite polarity of charges on sheets in outside region at all points electric field will get cancelled
62.(B) In circuit (a) one plate of one capacitor is connect directly to another capacitor so these are in series. In
circuit(b) and (c) both the two plates of each capacitor is connected across the battery so both the
capacitors are connected in parallel across the battery in both circuits. Thus option (B) is correct.
64.(D) We can number all the plate surfaces, except the ones on the
outside, starting from the top. Then, we can draw a circuit
diagram, such that each pair of facing surfaces becomes a
capacitor and a zero-resistance wire can be shown between the two
faces of the same plate. This will result in the following diagram:
There are four capacitors, and the capacitance of each one of them,
A 3 3 0 A
C 0 ; So, the capacitance between M and N, C MN C
d 5 5d
65.(B) Considering branch ac,
Vab 4V (Given)
Qab CabVab 12 F 4V 48 C
As, 12F and 6 F capacitors are in series
Charge on both must be same Qbc 48C
As, Cbc 6F ; Vbc V 8V Hence, Vac Va Vc Va Vb Vb Vc 4 8 12 V
66.(C) In given circuit, there are two portions marked I and II as shown.
Clearly I and II parts are in series, so charge on both portions must be same.
As, Vac 12V
12 Vd Va 120 Cad 12 F Vd Va 10 V
68.(D) Equivalent circuit is of wheat stone bridge. Remove capacitor C5 and solve.
27 27
Charge flown 27 C
2 2
2Q Q Q
70.(ABC) (B) E0
20 A 20 A 20 A
2Q Q 3Q
Ein Ein
2 A 0 2 A 0 2 A 0
3 Q 3Q
Ein Ein d V
2 Cd 2C
1 1 3Q 9 Q2
(C) Energy = 0 E 2 Ad 0 Ad
2 2 2Cd 8 C
2Q Q2
(D) F EQ F Q
2 A 0 A 0
F D is wrong
A 0
75.(D) After long time no current passes through capacitor, voltmeter and resistors.
Let charge q flow anticlockwise in the circuit before it achieves steady state as shown in figure-2.
Applying KVL in figure 2.
360 q q (300 q )
0 or q 180µC
3 1.5 2
Final charge on 1.5µF capacitor is q 180µC and final charge on 2F capacitor is
300 q 120 C.
For 78.(D) 79.(C)
For t 0 to t 0 RC seconds, the circuit is of charging type. The charging equation for this time is
q CE 1 e t / RC
Therefore the charge on capacitor at time t 0 RC is q0 CE 1
For t RC to t 2RC seconds, the circuit is of discharging type.
The charge and current equation for this time is
(t t 0 ) (t t 0 )
RC q0 RC
q q0 e and i
Hence charge at t 2 RC and current at t 1.5 RC
(.5RC RC )
(2RC RC ) q0 1 1 q q0 E 1
Is q q 0 RC CE 1 and i 0 e RC 1
e e e RC eRC eR e
Since the capacitor gets more charged up from t 2RC to t 3RC than in the interval t = 0 to t RC,
the graph representing the charge variation is as shown in figure.
80. (A) P,Q,S; (B) P,R,S; (C) P,Q (D) P, R
(A) For potential difference across each cell to be same
E1 E 2 E1 E 2
E1 ir E 2 ir or i
2r 2r R
Hence potential difference across both cells cannot be same. Cell of lower emf charges up. For
potential difference across cell of lower emf to be zero E 2 ir 0 which is not possible. Current
in the circuit cannot be zero
E1 E 2 .
(B) For potential difference across each cell to be same
E1 ir E 2 ir
Which is not possible
No cell charge up. For potential difference across cell of lower emf to be zero
E1 E
E 2 ir 0 and E1 i r R 0 or 2
r R r
Which is possible E1 E 2 .
Current in the circuit cannot be zero.
E1 E 2
(C) Situation is same is in (a) except current decreases from to zero.
2r R
E E2
(D) Situation is same as in (b) except current decreases from 1 to zero
2r R
88.(C) Work done by battery, W V q 12 1200 10 6 14.4mJ
K 0 A
89. (C) dC
1 1 dx
C dC K 0 A
1 1 d dx 1
ln K 0 d ln K 0
C 0 A 0 K 0 x 0 A
0 A d
C ; C C0
d d
ln 1 ln 1
K0 K0
1 d 1 1
90. (A) Potential V d 2 2 2
K 0 0 K 2
1 K 0 A / 2 0 A /2 30 A
E1 E2 2 ; C C1 C2
K 0 0 d d 2d
91.(ABCD) Applying KVL in the loop at t 0 , V i0R 0 i0
After time t, let the charge on the two capacitors be q1 and q 2 respectively and let the current in the
q1 q
circuit be i. Then, applying KVL in the loop, 2 iR 0
C1 C2
The current will flow out of the positively charged plate of C1 and into the positively charged plate of C 2
dq dq
Therefore, i 1 and i 2
dt dt
Taking time derivative on both sides in the KVL equation, we get
1 dq1 1 dq 2 di i i di
R 0 R 0
C1 dt C2 dt dt C1 C2 dt
1 C1 C2 t i di V CC
where τ R 1 2
R C1C2 0
i0 i
i (t )
e τ
1 2
dq1 dq1 V
Now since i , e τ
dt dt R
t t
q1 V t V
C V dq1 R 0 e τdt q1 C1V
τ e 1
t t
q1 C1V 1 2 V e q1 1
τ 1 C C 2e τ
C C C C 1
1 2 1 2
After a long time, i.e. as t , q1 1 V
1 2
After a long time, when the current through the circuit has become zero, the potential difference across
the two capacitors is equal (since KVL must be satisfied).
q1 q2
So, Also, conserving charge q1 q 2 C1V
C1 C2
Solving, we get q1 1 V
1 2
92.(ABC) Due to the symmetrical situation of C2 and C3,
current into them is always equal.
At t 0, C2 and C3 are uncharged
So, applying KVL,
V iR 2iR 0 At t 0, i
2V 2V 2
Current out of C1 2i Rate of heat dissipation i 2R i 2R (2i )2 R 6i 2R
3R 3R
At steady state, each capacitor curries charge with all left plates carrying positive charge.
Physics | Capacitors 122 Workbook -4 | Solutions
Vidyamandir Classes
1 1 V 1
Total heat dissipation U i U f CV 2 3 C CV 2
2 3 3
93.(A) Between t = 0 and the steady state,
CV charge flowed into upper plate of C1
CV charge flowed into upper plate of C 2
So, CV charge flowed out of positive terminal of battery
Heat Dissipation = Ui + Wbattery – Uf
1 V 1 5 1 1 7
C (2C )V 2 CV V CV 2 (2C )V 2 CV 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 4
94.(ACD)Let the left and right junctions be called P and Q respectively.
Case I: S1 is closed.
At steady state, current through the capacitor has become zero and therefore, V P VQ 20 V . When
S 2 is closed, the potential difference across the capacitor cannot change immediately. So, initially,
V P VQ remains 20 V.
(A) Therefore, using this we can deduce that initially, current through S1 is zero and current through
S 2 is 1 A from right towards left.
(B) If S 2 is kept closed for a long time interval, the current through the capacitor again becomes zero
and current only flows through the lower loop. This current can be easily evaluated using KVL to
be 0.5 A
Case II: S1 and S 2 are closed simultaneously.
(C) Initially, the potential difference across the capacitor must be zero since it has no charge on it.
Hence initially, VP VQ 0 . Using this, we can find that initially, current through S1 is 2 A from
left towards right and current through S 2 is 1 A from left towards right. Therefore, by using KCL,
we can find that current through the branch containing the capacitor is 3 A from right towards
(D) If S1 and S 2 are kept closed for a long time interval, a steady state is achieved that is
indistinguishable from the steady state in option (B). Hence, current through the capacitor is
zero and current only flows in the lower loop. This current is again found using KVL to be 0.5 A.
95.(ABCD)(A) At steady state, potential difference across C1 (30) 18 V
(B) Charge on C2 (30 18)(3) 36C
(C) Heat = Work done by battery – Potential energy stored in capacitors
(36)(30) (30)2 540 J
2 5
(D) Now, when the switch is shifted to position 2, current flows only in the right loop
i 3A
96.(26) Let the capacitances be C1 and C2 & let the initial potential difference be V1 and V2 . Note that here,
V V1
V2 V1 and C2V2 C1V1 . Let the resistance be R. ; Then, I0 2
Now, since the potential difference across the capacitor C2 is initially higher than the potential difference
across the capacitor C1 ( i.e. V2 V1 ) , charge will flow out of the positive plate of C2 and into the positive
plate of C1 . Hence, at a general instant of time, we can take the charge on the capacitors as (C2V2 x )
and (C1V1 x ) , where x 0 . So, current in the circuit at this instant of time,
C2V2 x C1V1 x
C2 C1 I V2 V1
I ; Putting I 0 and solving, we get ; x
R 2 1 1
1 C2
Replacing the given values, x 12C
So, at this instant, potential difference across the 2F capacitor,
CV x
V1 1 1
2 20 12
26 V
C1 2
97.(64) At steady state, current through any branch that contains a capacitor becomes zero.
So, these branches can be removed while analyzing the circuit.
1 1
P.D. across 2F is 8 V U CV 2 (2)(8)2 J ; 64 10 6 J
2 2
98.(36) I 12 A , V AB 120 12 1 108V , V AD 6 12 72V
3 6 1
C1C2 1 2 2 2 2
Ceff F 10 6 F , ; Q V AB Ceff 108 10 6 72 10 6C
C1 C2 1 2 3 3 3
Q 72 10 6
V AC 36V , VCD V AD V AC 72 36 36V
C2 2 10 6
99.(1) Consider an element of the slab that lies between a distance x and distance x+dx from its first face. The
capacitance of this element will be
K 0 1 ε0 A
Since all such elements are effectively in series with each other, the total capacitance is given by:
1 1 L dx L L dx L L L K 00 A
loge L x
K 0 0 A 0 K 00 A 0 L x K 0 0 A
loge 2 C
C x 0 L loge 2
K 00 A
100.(2) When a capacitor is uncharged, the potential difference across it must be zero. So, no current can flow
initially through the resistance connected in parallel with the capacitor.
i .002 A 2mA
1.(A) Capacitance of spherical conductor 4 0 a ; Therefore, C 1 1.1 10 10 F
9 109
2.(B) Aluminium is a metal, so when we insert an aluminium foil, equal and opposite charges appear on its
two surfaces. Since, it is of negligible thickness, it will not affect the capacitance.
Alternate Method :
0 A
From the formula, C
d t
0 A 0 A
Here, K and t 0 So, C C0
d 0 d
1 q2 1 (8 10 18 )2
3.(D) W 32 10 32 J
2 C 2 100 10 6
4.(A) Each plate is taking part in the formation of two capacitors except the plates at the ends.
1 t1 1
q0 q 0e t /2 ; t 2 ln 4 2 ln 2
4 t2 4
10.(D) If Ce is the effective capacitance, then Vc V0
q q0
Ce 2Ce
RCe q0
As q q0 1 e q0 1 C t / RCe t RCe ln 2
For parallel grouping
Ce 2C t 2 2 RC ln 2
For series groping.
RC t2
t1 ln 2
2 t1 4
t 2 2.5 s
11.(B) Neon bulb is filled with gas, so its resistance is infinite, hence no current flows through it.
Now, V E (1 e t / RC )
120 200 (1 e t / RC ) e t / RC
t RC ln 2.5 R
C ln 2.5
2.7 106 Ω
2.303 C log 2.5
12.(B) For potential to be made zero after
connection, the charge of both
capacitors are equal
q1 q2
C1V1 C2V2
120C1 200C 2 3C1 5C2
13.(A) Electric field inside dielectric E = 3 10 4
K 0
Charge on 3 F 3 F 2V 6 C ; Charge on 9 F 9 F 2V 18 C
Charge on 4F charge on 9F (24 18)C 42C
9 103 42 10 6
Electric field at a point distant 30 m 420 N/C
30 30
16.(C) As each capacitors cannot withstand more than 300 V, so there should be four capacitors in each row
became in this condition 1 kV i.e., 1000 V will be divided by 4 (i.e., 250 not more than 300 V).
Now, equivalent capacitance of one row 1 F 0.25 F [ in series combination, Ceq c / n ]
Now, we need equivalent of 2 F, so let we need n such rows
n 0.25 2 F [ in series combination, Ceq nc ] 8 ; n
Total number of capacitors = number of rows × number of capacitors in each row
8 4 32
17.(B) In steady state, no current flows through the capacitor. So, resistance rp becomes ineffective. So, the
current in circuit,
E E2
I Potential drop across capacitor = Potential drop across r2 Ir2
r r2 (Total Resistance ) r r2
Stored charge of capacitor, Q CV CE
r r2
18.(A) Magnitude of induced charge is given by
Q ' ( K 1)CV0 1 90 10 12 20 1.2 10 9C Q ' 1.2 nC
K1 0 L .L / 2
19. (None) C1 K1 0 L2 ; C2 K 2 0 L2 ; C3 K 3 0 L2 C 4 K 4 0 L2
d /2
C1C2 are in series ; C3C 4 are in series
For vacuum, k1 1
For dielectric, k 2 k
Consider two elemental slabs (one in vacuum and other in dielectric) having capacitances dC1 & dC2 .dC1
1 1 1 y dy
; dC Capacitance of composite elemental slabs.
dC dC1 dC2 0 k1adx 0 k 2adx
1 k 2 y (d y )k1 ky d y
dC 0 k1k 2adx 0 kadx
All such dC’s are in parallel.
Total capacitance, C dC 0 ka
ky d y … (i)
dy d a
x dy d … (ii) ; From equation (i) & (ii)
a dy ka2 ln[( k 1) y d]d ka 2 ln k
0 0
C 0
C 0 ka
d ( k 1) y d d ( k 1)
d ( k 1)
i.e. option (C)
1 1 5.5 c 2E 2
21.(C) U Q 2 508 10 12 J ; W U 508 10 12 J 508 pJ
2kc 2c 6.5 2c
0 A 0 A 0 A 0 12 A 0
22.(C) C 10 3 12 14 36
d 3 d 3 d 3 d d
1 1 1 1 1 5
23.(C) (A) or Ceq F
Ceq 2222 2 2 2 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4
(B) or Ceq F
Ceq 22 2 2 2 2 2 11
1 1 4 6
(C) or Ceq F (correct answer)
Ceq 222 2 13
1 1 1 1 10
(D) or Ceq F .
Ceq 22222 2 2 11
q 18C
25.(A) d 0.1M ; A 1M 2
E ; Q EA 0 100 1m 2 8.85 10 12 8.85 10 10C
A 0
3 1, C
7 2 11
Slope 0
I 0 at t = 4 sec
28.(D) q1 q2 CE q1 q2
4 4
q1 q2
C 3C
CE 2
Initial energy
q2 C 2E 2 9C 2E 2 4CE 2 CE 2 CE 2 3CE 2
Final energy 1 2 ; H U
2C 2 3C 32 32 3 32 2 8 8
500 k 0 A Cd 15 10 12 5 10 4
29.(C) E max d V max ; d 5 10 4 m ; C k 8.5
106 d 0 A 8.86 10 12 10 4
Q 1C
Pot. Diff 1V
C 1F
12 4 72
31.(A) Req 6 9 i main 8 amp.
12 4 9
i10 8 2 amp. Q CV 10 10 6 (10 2) 200 C
12 4
Q2 Q2
32.(B) W | U | 3.75 10 6 J
2C1 2C2
Q ( n 1)CV
KC nC ; Ceq
C(n K )
n 1)CV n 1
Conservation of charge V V
n ( n K )C n K
34.(B) For series combination
C1C2 80
Ceq 8 ... (1)
C1 C2 10
For parallel combination
C1 C2 Ceq 50 ... (2)
Solving (1) & (2)
C1 40F ; C2 10F
35.(D) V A V B 10V
In series, potential difference across C1 is
C1 C2
Potential difference across 4F 10 6V
Charge 4 6 24 C
1 1
36.(C) E1 C1V 2, E 2 C2V 2
2 2
1 d/3 d/3 d/3 3 0 A k1k 2k 3
; C1
C1 K1 0 A K 2Co A K 3 0 A d k k k k k k
1 2 2 3 3 4
A E1 C1 9k1 k 2k 3
3 0 d
k1 k 2 k 3
(k1 k 2 k 3 ) (k1k 2 k 3 k 2 k 3k1 )
1.(A) In series, C
C1 C2
(10)(1) 10
Cnet F
10 1 11
3.(C) The magnitude of electric field at a distance r from the axis is given as:
E i .e . E
2 0r r
5.(D) When S3 is closed, due to attraction with opposite charge, no flow of charge takes place through S3.
therefore, potential difference across capacitor plates remains unchanged or V1 30 V and V2 20V.
Alternate Solution
Charges on the capacitors are
q1 (30)(2) 60 pC
and q2 (20)(3) 60 pC
or q1 q2 q (say)
The situation is similar as the two capacitors in series are first charged with a battery of emf 50 V and
then disconnected.
when S3 is closed, V1 30 V and V2 20 V.
Q1 Q2
6.(D) Electric field within the plates E EQ EQ ; E E1 E2
1 2 2 A 0 2 A 0
Q1 Q2
E Potential difference between the plates
2 A 0
Q Q2 Q Q 2 Q1 Q2
V A VB Ed 1 d 1
2 A Q 0 2C
0 2
0 A
7.(D) Applying C , we have
t t
d t1 t 2 1 2
K1 K 2
0 ( A / 2) 0 ( A / 2) K 0 A
d /2 d /2 d /2 d /2 d
d d /2 d /2 d d /2 d /2
K1 K3 K2 K3
K1K 3 K 2K 3
Solving this equation, we get ; K
K1 K 3 K 2 K 3
8.(A) Due to attraction with positive charge, the negative charge on capacitor A will not flow through the
switch S.
E RC E t
9.(B) Charging current, I e ; Taking log both sides, log I log
Then R is doubled, slope of curve decreases. Also at t 0 , the current will be less. Graph Q represents
the best. Hence, the correct option is (B).
10.(C) In steady state condition, no current will flow through the capacitor C. current in the outer circuit,
2V V V
2R R 3R
Potential difference between A and B
3R 3
Note : In this problem charge stored in the capacitor can also be asked, which is equal to q c with
positive charge on B sides and negative on A side because VB V A .
1 1 V V2 1
11.(C) U decrease in potential energy ; U i U f ;
2 2
C V12 V22 (2C ) 1
C(V1 V2 )2
Here, c CR 10s
C C R R 8 2 8 R R 2
2 1 2 1 2 s ; 3 C1 C2 1 2 6 4 s
C C R R 6 3 9 R R 3
1 2 1 2 1 2
14.(C) 27 C
15.(A) After time t, thickness of liquid will remain vt
0 (1) R 0 A
Now, time constant as function of time: c CR applying C
d d /3 vt t
d vt d t
3 2 K
6 0 R
5d 3vt
16.(D) q i C i V 2V q (say)
This charge will remain constant after switch is shifted from position 1 to position 2.
1 q2 q2 q2
2 Ci 22 4
2 2
1 q q q2 q2
Uf Energy dissipated U i U f
2 Cf 2 10 20 5
q2 q2
This energy dissipated is 80% of the initial stored energy .
5 4
80 q q
17.(C) Let q be the final charge on 3F capacitor then
2 3
q 48F
0s 2 0
18.(D) C1 ,C 2 20s
d d d
4 0
C' 2 4 0s
d d
2 0
and C '' 2 0s
d d
CC ' 4 0s 0s 7 0s C2 7
C2 C ''
C C' 3 d d 3 d C1 3
19.(AD) When dielectric slab is introduced capacity gets increased while potential difference remains unchanged.
V V0 , C C0 ; Q CV Q Q0
1 V
CV 2
U u U0 ; E but V and d both are unchanged.
2 d
Therefore, E E 0 ; Therefore, correct options are (A) and (D).
or C1 losses its 50% of initial charge sooner than C2 . Option (D) is also correct.
22.(ACD) Battery is removed. Therefore, charge stored in the plates will remain constant.
Q CV 0 V or Q constant
Now, dielectric slab is inserted. Therefore, C will increase. New capacity will be,
C ' KC 0 V' and new electric field E
d C' K d K d
Potential energy stored in the capacitor,
1 AV 2 1 1 K A V AV 2
Initially, U i CV 2 0 ; Finally, U f C ' V '2 0 0
2 2d 2 2 d K 2Kd
2 1
Work done on the system will be | U | 0 AV 1 Correct options are (A), (C) and (D).
2d K
23.(BC) The magnitude and direction of electric field at different points are shown in figure. The direction of the
electric field remains the same. Hence, option (B) is correct. Similarly, electric lines always flow from
higher to lower potential, therefore, electric potential increases continuously as we move from x 0 to
x 3d .
Therefore, option (c) is also correct. The variation of electric field (E) and potential (V) with x will be as
24.(BD) After pressing S1 charge on upper plate of C1 is 2CV0. After pressing S2 this charge equally distributes
in two capacitors. Therefore charge on upper plates of both capacitor will be CV0 . When S2 is released
and S3 is pressed, charge on upper plate of C1 remains unchanged CV0 but charge on upper plate
25.(AD) C C1 C2
K 0 A /3 0 2 A /3 K 2 0 A C K 2
C1 and C2 C
d d 3d C1 K
Also, E1 E 2 . Where V is potential difference between the plates.
26.(ABCD) Just after pressing key, 5 25000i1 0 ; 5 50000 i 2 0
(As charge in both cap = 0)
i1 0.2 mA i 2 0.1 mA
And VB 25000 i1 V A VB V A 5V
After a long time, i1 & i 2 0 (steady state)
5 0 q1 200C
And 5 0 q2 100C
VB VA VB V A 5V (A) is correct.
For capacitor 1, q1 200 1 e t 1 C ; i1 e t 1 mA
For capacitor 2, q2 100 1 e t 1 C ; i2 e t 1 mA
VB i1 25 V A VB V A 5 1 e t 5e t 5 1 2e t
At t n 2, VB V A 5 1 1 0 (B) is correct.
1 1 3 1
At t = 1, i i1 i 2 e 1 e 1
5 10 10 e
1 1 3
At t = 0, i i1 i2 (C) is correct.
5 10 10
After a long time, i1 i 2 0 (D) is correct.
27.(CD) Just after S1 is closed, capacitors behave as zero resistance wires (as they are initially uncharged)
I A 25mA (C) is correct
100 30 70
After S1 is closed for a long time current will be zero. Assuming total charge circulation to be q in
anticlockwise direction, and applying KVL,
q q q
5 0 q 40C
10 80 80
Voltage across C1 4 volts (D) is correct
Also V P VQ VC 4 volts (1) is wrong
40 40 40
VC 4V ; VC 0 ; VC 0.5 V ; VC 0.5 V
1 10 2 3 80 4 80
Applying KVL in two loops
4 30 x 10 70( x y ) 0 100 x 70 y 6 . . . . (i)
4 0.5 5 30 y 0.5 100 y 70( x y ) 0
200 y 70 x 0 . . . . . (ii) ; Solving (i) and (ii), x 0.0769 A
V0 CV0
28.(D) When voltage is set to , charge supplied by battery
3 3
2V0 2CV0 CV0 CV0
When voltage is raised to , additional charge supplied .
3 3 3 3
2CV0 CV0
When voltage is raised to V0 , additional charge supplied CV0
3 3
V0 CV0 2V0 CV0 CV0 2 2
Total energy supplied by cell V0 CV0
3 3 3 3 3 3
Final charge on capacitor CV0 ; Energy stored in capacitor CV02
2 1 1
Energy dissipated across resistor E D CV02 CV02 CV02
3 2 6
29.(C) Energy supplied by cell V0 CV0 CV02 ; Energy stored in capacitor EC CV02
1 1
Energy dissipated across resistor ( E D ) CV02 CV02 EC E DCV02
2 2
30.(0.9) In steady state situation no current will flow through the capacitor. 2 and 3 are in parallel.
Therefore, their combined resistance will be
23 6
R 1.2 ; Net current through the battery i 1.5A
23 1.2 2.8
This current will distribute in inverse ratio of their resistance in 2 and 3 .
i2 3 3
or i 2 1.5 0.9 A
i3 2 3 2
31.(0.6) Before opening the switch potential difference across both the capacitors is V, as they are in parallel.
Hence, energy stored in them is,
UA UB CV 2 U Total VC 2 U1 … (i)
After opening the switch, potential difference across it is V and its capacity is 3C
1 3
U A 3C V 2 CV 2
2 2
In case of capacitor B, charges stored in it is q CV and its capacity is also 3C.
q2 CV 2 3CV 2 CV 2 10 5CV 2
Therefore, U B U Total CV 2 Uf … (ii)
2 3C 6 2 6 6 3
Uf 3
From Eqs. (i) and (ii) , we get
Uf 5
32.(288) Using Kirchhoff’s first law at junctions a and b, we have found the current in other wires of the circuit
on which currents where not shown.
Now, to calculate the energy stored in the capacitor we will
have to first the potential difference Vab across it.
Va 3 5 3 1 3 2 Vb
Va Vb Vab 12V
Current through it will be 1.5A from right to left. Because left hand side of this resistance is at
higher potential. Now, suppose this 1.5A distributes in i1 and i 2 as shown. Applying Kirchhoff’s second
law in loop dghfed
3 3i1 4 1.5 2i1 2 0 i1 A 0.2A
To find energy stored in capacitor we will have to find
potential difference across it. or Vad .
or Vd Va 2.4V Vda
Charge stored in the capacitor ; q A C AV 2.0 10 9 110 q A 2.2 10 7 C
Now, this charge remains constant even after battery is disconnected. But when the slab is
removed, capacitance of A will get reduced. Let it be C ' A
C 'A
0 2 A 8.85 10 0.04 C '
F ; Energy stored in this case would be
A 0.4 10
d 8.85 10 4
U 'A
1 q A
2.2 10 7 U ' A 6.05 10 5 J U A
2 C 'A
2 0.4 10 9
Therefore, work done to remove the slab would be
W U ' A U A 6.05 1.21 10 5 J or W 4.84 105 J
C B 1.8 10 9 F ; These two capacitors are in parallel, therefore, net capacitance of the system is
C C ' A C B 0.4 1.8 109 F C 2.2 10 9 F ; Change stored in the system is q q A 2.2 10 7 C
a a x K 0ax aV
C 0 q CV 0 a x Kx
d d d
As plates are lowered in the oil, C increases of charge stored will increase.
dq 0aV
Therefore, i
K 1 . dx
We get current i
8.85 10 1500 11 10.001
; i 4.43 109 A
36.(0.198) The problem is basically of discharging of CR circuit, because the plates of the capacitor, there is
capacitor as well as resistance.
d 1 K 0 A
R R and C
A A d
K 0
Time constant, c CR Substituting the values, we have
5 8.86 10 12
c 5.98s
7.4 10 12
Charge at any time decrease exponentially as
t /
q q0e e ; Here, q0 8.85 10 6 C (charge at time t 0 )
Therefore, discharging (leakage) current at time t will be given by
dq q0 t / c
i e
dt c
Current at t 12s is i
8.85 10 e
0.198 10 6 A 0.198 A ; i 0.198 A
37. (i) 2 (ii) 2
Let at any time t charge on capacitor C be Q and currents are if as shown. Since, charge Q will increase
with time t.
(i) Applying Kirchhoff’s second law in loop MNABM
V i i1 R iR or V 2iR i1R …(i)
Similarly, applying Kirshhoff’s second law in loop MNSTM, we have
V i1R iR …(ii)
Eliminating i from Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
2Q 2Q
V 3i1R or 3i1R V
1 2Q dQ 1 2Q
or i1 V or V
3R C dt 3R C
dQ dt Q dQ t dt
0 V 2Q 0 3R
This equation given Q
1 e 2t /3
dQ V 2t /3 RC
(ii) i1 e
dt 3R
V i1R V e 2t /3 RC
From Eq.(i) i 3 current through AB
2R 2R
V e 2t /3 RC
3 V 2t /3 RC V V 2t /3 RC V
i 2 i i1 e ; i2 e ; i2 as t
2R 3R 2R 6R 2R
38.(2) 4 10 (1 e t / 4 )
t 2 sec
Here, q 0
39.(1.5 or 1.50)
Initial circuit:
Initial charge on C3 CVo 8C
Final circuit:
By conservation of charge:
Physics | Capacitors 139 Workbook -4 | Solutions
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43. V Total charge will remain unchanged. ence, Q Q ' or 3CV ( KC 2C )V '
K 2
V' V
K 2
44.( ln 2 , ) Let length of breadth of the capacitor be l and b respectively and d be the distance
K2 K1 K1
between the plates as shown in figure then, consider a strip at a distance x if width dx .
Now, QR x tan and PQ d x tan
Where tan d / l ; Capacitance of PQ
K 20 A dx d
C1 tan
xd l
1 1 1
Now, C1 and C2 are in series. Therefore, their resultant capacity C0 will be given by
C0 C1 C2
d l x
x .d 1
d 1 x
d K 2 l x K1x
C0 C1 C2 K10 A dx K 20 A dx C0 0 A dx K1 K2 0 AK1K 2 dx
0 AK1K 2 0 AK1K 2
C0 dx ; C0 dx
D K 2 l x K1x
d K 2l K1 K 2 x
Now, the net capacitance of the given parallel plate capacitor is obtained by adding such infinitesimal
capacitors placed parallel from x 0 to x l
x l l AK K
i.e. CR
x 0 C0 0 d K2l 0 K11 2K 2 x dx
K1K 20 A K2 CK1K 2 K2 A
Finally we get Cn ln ln , where C 0
K 2 K1 d K1 K 2 K1 K1 d
45. (i) q A 90 C , q B 150 C , qC 210 C (ii) 47.4, 18
(i) Charge on capacitor A, before joining with an uncharged capacitor
q A CV (100)(3) C 300 C
Similarly, charge on capacitor B
q B (180)(20 C 360 C
Let q1,q 2 and q3 be the charge on the three capacitors after joining them as shown in figure.
( q1,q 2 and q3 are in microcoulombs)
From conservation of charge
Net charge on plates 2 and 3 before joining = net charge after joining
300 q1 q 2 ...(i)
Similarly, net charge on plates 4 and 5 before joining
= net charge after joining 360 q2 q3
or 360 q2 q3 ...(ii)
Applying Kirchhoff’s second law in closed loop ABCDA
q1 q2 q 3
0 or 2q1 3q 2 3q3 0 ...(iii)
3 2 2
Solving Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
q1 90 C, q2 210 C and q3 150 C
(ii) (a) Electrostatic energy stored before, completing the circuit
1 1 1
Ui (3 10 6 )(1000)2 (2 10 6 )(180)2 U CV 2 4.74 10 2 J or U i 47.4 mJ
2 2 2
(b) Electrostatic energy stored after, completing the circuit
1 (90 10 6 )2 1 (210 10 6 ) 1 (150 10 6 )2 1 q2
Uf U 1.8 102 J or U f 18 mJ
2 (3 10 6 ) 2 (2 10 6 ) 2 (2 10 6 ) 2 C
CVR 2 R R2
46.( Q0 ; 1 )
R1 R2 CR1R2
Q0 is the steady charge stored in the capacitor
Q0 C [PD across capacitor in steady state]
C [steady state current through R 2 ] R2
C .R2 Q0
R R R1 R2
1 2
is 1 / 0 or
C R net
Here, R net is equivalent resistance across capacitor after short circuiting the battery. This,
R net (as R1 and R2 are in parallel)
R1 R2
1 R R2
R1R2 C R1R2
1 2
47.(T) Electric field between the plates of capacitor is almost uniform. Therefore, force on both the protons will
be identical. It hardly matters whether they are placed near positive plate or negative plate.