What Is Arduino? and Its Type

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■ What are Arduino boards?

■ Types of Arduino boards
■ Arduino Software (IDE)
■ Advantages of Arduino
What are Arduino boards?

■ Arduino is an open-source electronics platform, which is based on easy use of

hardware and software.
■ It consists of a microcontroller which is controlled by the software.
■ You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the
microcontroller on the board.
■ To do so you have to use the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring),
and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing.
Types of Arduino boards

1. Arduino Uno (R3)

2. LilyPad Arduino
3. Red Board
4. Arduino Mega (R3)
5. Arduino Leonardo
1. Arduino Uno

 The Uno is a huge option for your initial Arduino.

 It consists of 14-digital I/O pins, where 6-pins can
be used as PWM(pulse width
modulation outputs), 6-analog inputs, a reset
button, a power jack, a USB connection and
 It includes everything required to hold up the
microcontroller; simply attach it to a PC with the
help of a USB cable and give the supply to get
started with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery.
2. Lily Pad Arduino Board

 The Lily Pad Arduino board is a wearable e-

textile technology expanded by Leah
“Buechley” and considerately designed by
“Leah and Spark Fun”.
 Each board was imaginatively designed with
huge connecting pads & a smooth back to let
them to be sewn into clothing using conductive
 This Arduino also comprises of I/O, power, and
also sensor boards which are built especially
for e-textiles.
 These are even washable!
3. RedBoard Arduino Board
■ The RedBoard Arduino board can be programmed
using a Mini-B USB cable using the Arduino IDE.
■ It will work on Windows 8 without having to modify
your security settings.
■ It is more constant due to the USB or FTDI chip we
used and also it is entirely flat on the back.
■ Creating it is very simple to utilize in the project
■ Just plug the board, select the menu option to choose
an Arduino UNO and you are ready to upload the
■ You can control the RedBoard over USB cable using
the barrel jack.
4. Arduino Mega

■ The Arduino Mega is similar to the UNO’s big brother.

■ It includes lots of digital I/O pins (from that, 14-pins can be
used as PWM o/ps), 6-analog inputs, a reset button, a
power jack, a USB connection and a reset button.
■ It includes everything required to hold up the
microcontroller; simply attach it to a PC with the help of a
USB cable and give the supply to get started with a AC-to-
DC adapter or battery.
■ The huge number of pins make this Arduino board very
helpful for designing the projects that need a bunch of
digital i/ps or o/ps like lots buttons.
5. Arduino Leonardo Board

■ The first development board of an Arduino is the

Leonardo board.
■ This board uses one microcontroller along with the
■ That means, it can be very simple and cheap also.
■ Because this board handles USB directly, program
libraries are obtainable which let the Arduino board
to follow a keyboard of the computer, mouse, etc.
Arduino Software (IDE)

■ The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and upload it to
the board.
■ It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
■ The Arduino IDE supports the languages C and C++ using special rules of code
■ The Arduino IDE supplies a software library from the Wiring project, which provides
many common input and output procedures.
Advantages of Arduino

■ Arduino has a simple and accessible user experience. that’s why, Arduino has been
used in thousands of different projects and applications.
■ Inexpensive - Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive compared to other
microcontroller platforms.
■ Cross-platform - The Arduino Software (IDE) runs on Windows, Macintosh OSX, and
Linux operating systems.
■ Simple, clear programming environment - The Arduino Software (IDE) is easy-to-use
for beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users

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