Best Bread Production Handbook EN
Best Bread Production Handbook EN
Best Bread Production Handbook EN
2.2. Yeast and leaving procedures – how to obtain the best flavors 10
6. Bread cooling 31
7. Packaging and shelf life 36
References 55
Chapter 1
The history of the bakery is parallel to the history of human civilization - the
bread could have been one of the first foods processed by man and was
certainly is the first to be produced on a large scale. Even there are no records
of when the bread was originated, but the bread has been around for
thousands of years. Rustic breads consisted of crushed grain, soaked in water,
kneaded and letting it fermenting with natural yeasts to be baked. Loaves of
bread were buried as funerary offerings, and have been found, dated at 5,000
years old in predynastic Egyptian tombs. Archaeological evidence shows that a
quite evolved baking production existed in Egyptian civilization, about 5,000
years ago, possibly being the staple food of the laborers working in pyramids
construction (the process of making bread in the bakery of Pharaoh is
described on the walls of the tomb of Ramses III – fig.1).
In ancient Rome, grain milling and baking the dough into loaves was a well-
established practice. Before appearing compressed yeast, the seeding system
of dough was made with natural yeast. Natural yeast was the fermentation
base until the seventeenth century when begins the addition of brewer’s yeast.
But it was not until the mid-nineteenth century when bread began to be
manufactured exclusively with brewer’s yeast. The bread obtained had a bitter
taste and the baker had big problems to keep that yeast. The problem was
solved later with first compressed yeasts, which possessed better preservative
qualities and greater fermentative power.
Before the use of brewer’s yeast for fermentation stage, a dough formed as a
mix of water, wheat or rye and raisins, prunes and bran, had been left soaking
as a first fermentation. Then, an initial alcoholic fermentation started and after
a few days of cultivation an acidic fermentation triggered. After several
refreshes, this sourdough was added to the dough. From the latest batch a
piece of dough was put away, and after two or three refreshments, spaced
each 4 or 5 hours the natural yeast was obtained. "Dough" ready to use, in a
proportion of 30 to 40 kilos dough per 100 kg. flour. The baker had to pay
special attention in the development of this ferment/sourdough, because it
depended on getting good quality bread. At present time, therefore, the
fermented dough has lost its basic function of serving as "yeast seeding ", as
this objective is achieved conveniently with the addition of yeast, focusing on
other objectives. In a few words we could resume that as biotechnology has
progressed it is possible to bake without the use of sourdoughs, but this is a
relatively recent development. The important issue is that it has been found
that when you stop using sourdough, bread is not the same. Therefore it is
clear that the sourdough has a positive influence on the quality of bread, and
because it improves the final product, different technologies were developed
to find various types of sourdough suitable for the industrial and large scale
production. Commercial products are available, both in liquid and powder
forms, ready-to-use in the modern baking to improve the taste and flavor of
bread, despite the decreasing of processing time.
Besides this, there is a trend in present time to come back to the raw materials
used in traditional bakery, which could bring new nutritional and healthy
properties to some products - old varieties of grains, various types of flour and
so on.
For the personnel involved in the bakery industry there are permanently some
questions to solve regarding the balance between the old versus new
technologies with the aim to better answer to the increasing demands of more
conscientious consumers. Thus consumers prefer bread with the taste,
appearance and flavor specific to traditional products, but obtained in the safer
conditions and with the long shelf-life provided by the new technologies. All
the staff involved in bakeries have to be well-trained and prepared to deal with
such problems; the right knowledge of the chemical, physical and biochemical
processes involved in bakery technological flow, the influence of new
operations and devices on the whole production , play a crucial role in the
management of the main problems.
Chapter 2
Milk and dairy products category includes: whole milk or skimmed milk,
skimmed-milk powder, condensed milk, butter, sweet condensed whey and
whey mixes. Milk products contribute to the aroma, nutritional qualities,
prolongation of fermentation, improvement of crust color (due to lactose),
water absorption (due to proteins) and texture of bakery products.
Fats and oils are essential raw materials for the bakery industry - commercial
oils and fats are mainly coming from plants (fruits and seeds) and animals (milk
fat, tissues) and can be divided in five categories depending on their origin:
- vegetable oils are liquid and are specific to tempered areas: soya oil -
is the principal oil in terms of volume produced globally, rapeseed,
sunflower and corn are also oils of great economic interest
- tropical oils are mostly coming from Malaysia and Indonesia - palm
and palm kernel oils are solid fats coming from the flesh and the
kernel the same fruit, and coconut oil
- exotic oils are also grown in tropical areas of Africa and Indonesia,
with typical representatives Illipe butter and Shea butter
- animal fats are mainly coming from mammals (milk fat, lard and
tallow). Fish oil is also important in some areas. Fish oils are very
prone to oxidation
- other oils are locally produced and in smaller volumes but are
important mainly for a nutritional point of view. Olive oil is widely
known; also flaxseed oil has turn to be of great nutritional interest as
a source of ω-3 fatty acids.
The following effects have been witnessed by increased fat incorporation in
bread: different crumb structure, softer bite, shelf life extension by slowing
the staling process, softer crust - when more than 3 % flour weight fat is used,
improving slicing of finished product -a minimum of 1 % is recommended for
sliceable bread, gases expansion and improved handling of dough, improved
requires focusing on eco-friendly crops, reducing the water usage in the cereal
processing, the use of various cereals and their varieties.
An important fact for bakers to be aware is that of the gluten intolerance and
celiac disease; currently, the only treatment for is lifelong adherence to a strict
gluten-free diet, people must avoid foods with wheat, rye and barley, such as
bread and beer. For them the wheat flour had to be replace by rice, oat flour,
or other flours that do not develop gluten.
2.2. Yeast and leaving procedures – how to obtain the best flavors
Figure 5.Compressed and dry yeast (source: internet)
Sourdoughs with baking yeast – some examples are poolish, biga and sponge
The poolish is made with water, flour and pressed yeast which, except for
minor variations, is achieved with the proportion of 1 liter of water per
kilogram of flour; the result is a composition quite liquid.
Biga is a solid ferment, originary from Italy - the water level will be 45%-50%,
therefore a lower hydratation than poolish, which also contains yeast (0,5-1%);
the fermentation time is between 12 and 18 hours.
If we consider the definition of sourdough in the strictest sense, should be
defined as the mass of flour made from wheat or rye fundamentally, water (50-
55%) and a small amount of salt (0.5-1%). This mass is maintained at room
temperature (25 ° C) in such a way that promotes the growth of microbial flora
and thus favoring the various fermentations that occur in the mass. If the
temperature is greater would be enhanced lactic and butyric fermentations.
Another sourdough definition according to Katina (2005) - a process in which
flour and water (and other ingredients) are fermented with microbes
originating from preceding sourdough, commercial starter culture, bakery
equipment or from flour.
Chapter 3
Consumers often don’t trust what they see on the food packages- recent
studies reveal a consumer need to build trust and to have ingredients
information on the naturalness of products, and a global demand for natural,
healthy food with a clear, clean front-of-pack claim. But what exactly do
consumers understand by ‘naturalness’ in relation to packaged/convenience
food products? Here’s what most of them said:
Any ingredient which we add to improve the baking potential of flour may be
called an 'improver'. Different processes have different flours and varying
optimum improver formulations. Improvers of one form or another have been
used by bakers for over a hundred years so it is wrong to think of them as only
applied to modern bread making processes. Today the products we call
improvers are a mixture of a number of different materials that are also
considered under the general heading of 'functional ingredients'. Modern
improvers formulations are matched to different ingredients, products and
processes so that substituting one improver for another can have seriously
adverse effects on final product quality. Improvers dosage levels are also
tailored to specific ingredients and process combinations and in addition to the
quality complications in some cases there may be legal implications involved in
switching improvers with the possibility for non-permitted ingredients making
their way into some breads or maximum levels of addition being exceeded.
There are two main aspects regarding the use of improvers in bread making,
due to type of the bakery. For the big companies, with large automatic
production lines, it is possible to add in a controlled way all the ingredients and
additives, adequately weight and dosed by specialized devices. Therefore in
such facilities the bakers could realize by themselves the mixture they need,
starting from singular additives, making their own recipes of improvers,
tailored for different type of products. In small bakeries it is quite difficult for
the bakers to manage the mixture of such small quantities of additives for each
batch, then it is more convenient for them to purchase from the suppliers flour
which is already corrected (with ascorbic acid, some enzymes, emulsifiers, etc.)
or more, the final products they need – fig. 8.
Many mills are selling flours for different purposes – on the technological flow
of the flour milling all the special additives tailored for a special product are
added carefully weight and the final product is designated to a certain type of
bakery product: bread, cake, croissant, cookies and so on.
Reducing agents. Reducing agents make dough more extensible. They are
deliberately added to 'weaken' structure in specific products. The major
material used in bread dough is an amino acid known as L-cysteine. It can only
be used at low levels in improvers but by reducing dough resistance to
deformation it helps in molding and shape forming, such as rolls and baps,
without structural damage. L-cysteine can also be used in pan breads at low
levels where its ability to reduce resistance can help reduce streaking caused
by molding faults. Other ingredients such as deactivated yeast and proteases
have a similar effect. Reducing agents soften dough by breaking the cross-links
between amino acid chains in the gluten network rather than by breaking the
chains themselves. This reaction is finite and so the process is inherently more
controllable than that using enzymes. A wide range of recipes use this
technology and reducing agents are sometimes used in conjunction with
Starch complexing agents, emulsifiers, have been used as anti-staling agents for
many years (DATEM, SSL/CSL, GMS) to reduce the apparent staling of the
bread. Emulsifiers complex with the amylose and inhibit the rate of starch
Stage of processing
Improved machinability Better gas retention Better gas retention Improve softness
Hydrophilic – Lipophilic Balance , HLB is a system of classifying
surfactants/emulsifiers by how much water-loving or fat-loving character the
molecules possess, on a scale of 0 – 20; some examples: oleic acid 1.0, mono-
and diglycerides 2.8, DATEM 7 – 8, SSL 10.0. In addition to single emulsifier
systems, the use of multi-emulsifier gels in cake making is quite widespread,
because mixtures of emulsifiers tend to produce better results than individual
materials, and a wider range of HLB can be covered. Using polyglycerol esters,
sorbitan esters or propylene glycol esters in conjunction with GMS can give
further improvements.
Enzymes. Enzymes are biological catalysts – all known enzymes are proteins.
They are large molecules made up of chains of amino acids linked together by
peptide bonds. Enzymes active materials have assumed a greater importance in
improver formulations over recent years. Factors affecting enzyme activity are:
- temperature
- pH
- concentration of substrate
- inhibitors.
Malted barley and wheat flours, often called diastatic malt flour, have been and
are still used as an improver by bakers to give better gas retention and other
benefits in doughs. The traditional role for malted barley flour was to improve
gas production in long fermented doughs but today with our more rapidly
processed doughs this function is largely irrelevant. Soya flour has been used as
a bread improver for many years. It contains lipoxygenase which ‘bleaches’ the
natural pigments in flour to create whiter bread. Other enzyme active materials
have assumed a greater importance in improver formulations. In 1996 the use
of enzymes in bread was 'de-regulated' - this means that we can use a much
wider range of enzymes than before, provided they have been shown to be
safe for use and human consumption. This will allow the baking industry to
make even greater use of the special properties of enzymes for improving
dough performance and bread quality. The main enzymes in bread are
presented in fig.10.
Figure 10. Enzymes in bread
Cereal α-amylase is naturally present in flour. It breaks the starch into simple
sugars to feed the young plant. Levels will vary depending on the quality of the
wheat and the weather conditions during harvest. Cereal α -amylase can be a
beneficial bread improver, but at high levels can cause stickiness, most
noticeably in sandwich breads; the levels are measured in seconds using
Hagberg Falling Number (HFN), where 60s is a very high level and 450s is a very
low level. Flour millers control the level in flour by blending the wheats. The
term alpha-amylase is used to describe a range of enzymes, which are capable
of breaking down damaged starch granules into materials known as dextrins
and in combination with beta-amylase they will produce maltose. Alpha and
beta-amylase work in combination. Beta-amylase attacks the ends of the
amylose and amylopectin chains breaking off individual maltose sugar
molecules. Most wheat flours contain adequate levels of beta-amylase so it is
the alpha-amylase that controls the reaction. Additions of alpha-amylase to
doughs via improvers and even in flour mills are preferred in the fungal rather
that the cereal form. This is because the fungal form is inactivated at lower
temperatures in the baking process and reduces the risk of the formation of
high levels of sticky dextrins. Excess cereal α- amylase reduces bread quality.
Cereal alpha-amylase is produced during the growing cycle and can achieve
quite high levels if the period around harvesting is wet. The dextrins which are
produced by the action of alpha-amylase on damaged starch are sticky and if
their level is high enough in the finished bread they build up on the slicer
blades and can reduce their efficiency to such an extent that loaves will
The other widely used enzyme is hemicellulase, also known as pentosanase and
xylanase. This was added to the list of permitted enzymes in 1996 and has
already achieved widespread use. They react with a complex group of flour
components we call pentosanes which are present in white flour at levels of
around 2% of the total flour weight. The significance of the pentosanes in
dough structure becomes apparent if one examines the distribution of water in
bread dough. Although pentosanes represent only about 2% of the total flour
by weight, they bind roughly ten times their own weight in water.
Hemicellulases help to increase volume, improve dough handling but little or
no anti-ferming effect – the overall mechanism is probably similar to that for
the amylases, enhancing gas retention and delaying the setting point of the
bread in the oven.
Gums. Xanthan gum, Guar Gum are water binding agents. Bread softness can
be influenced by increasing the water content of the crumb, therefore moisture
in dough can be increased (2-3%). For the same purpose it could be used also
stronger flours which have higher water absorption and hydrocolloids. But
there are some problems regarding the use of gums:
Main chemical preservatives used in bread making - weak organic acids such as
propionic, benzoic, and sorbic are used to suppress the growth of
microorganisms and to lengthen usable life of bakery products.
Propionic acid and derivates have action against molds, yeasts and some
bacteria (inhibits Bacillus Mesentericus – the bacterium that causes rope in
bread); propionic acid and calcium propionate are usually employed at
concentrations of 0.1 and 0.2 per cent respectively. At these levels, molds can
be inhibited for 2 days or more and the formation of rope can be prevented.
Higher amounts of propionates are necessary to achieve a sufficient preserving
action, but these concentrations give the bread a distinct odor.
Sorbic acid has activity mainly against yeast and molds, is effective to control
mold growth in bakery products at level of 0.125% to 0.3% and is sometimes
used in combination with propionates to suppress their bad sensory properties
and to gain a broader spectrum and more effectiveness against bread
deteriorating micro-organisms. The residual taste is less than other
preservatives, but it has an adverse effect on yeast activity and thus on dough
rheology, producing a serious reduction in loaf volume and making dough
sticky and difficult to process.
In order to avoid the use of these chemical preservation substances, lactic acid
bacteria (LAB) are recommended as bio-preservation organisms - inhibit mold
growth in bakery. Bio-preservative means the use of microorganisms and their
metabolites to prevent spoilage and to extend the shelf life of foods (fig.11).
Another example for replacing chemical additives is the use the effect of fungal
alpha-amylase FAA on loaf height during baking. The mechanism by which
these improvements are obtained: increased oven spring is due to the action of
fungal alpha-amylase on starch in the loaf (the temperature being 55 to 60°C
which lowers dough viscosity). Observations on doughs during baking show
that this allows them to continue to expand later on into the baking process –
fig. 12.
Figure 12. Effect of FAA during baking (Campden BRI)
Chapter 4
Flour, water and yeast or others ingredients (as presented in chapter 2.3) are
mixed, to obtain the dough; after the bulk dough fermentation is following: the
operation of dividing in smaller pieces, the shaping of dough pieces in the
desired final product form, and the final proof step. For traditional bread
making, after mixing, the dough must be fermented for a period of time (could
be 2/3/4 hours – depends on the technology type) before final processing.
During this period of time occurs a significant contribution towards gluten
development. If an oxidizing agent is used, the gluten is developed in the mixer,
saving a considerable amount of time. The use of ascorbic acid in bread making
is not as straightforward as other former permitted oxidants. Ascorbic acid can
only function as an oxidizing agent in dough after it has been itself oxidized to
another form known as dehydro-ascorbic acid and to achieve this conversion
oxygen is required.
Figure 14. The emulsifier’s actions
Biochemical processes occur also in this phase of dough formation: lipids,
carbohydrates and proteins transformations, facilitated by the enzymes (from
flour and yeast) presence. Various bonds formed between the gluten proteins
and others components, as soluble proteins, mineral salts, starch, lipids, lead to
the formation of a homogeneous and uniform mass – the dough.
After mixing and bulk fermentation, the dough pass through other operations
as dividing, rounding (fig.16), resting, conveying, sheeting, curling, elongating,
cutting, folding and panning – depending on the shape of the final product -
that could damage the gluten formed. If the dough is squeezed, sheared or
screwed the structure breaks down - the result in the loaf is streaks of coarse,
firm texture with poor color. If dough structure is weak from the use of low
protein flour, high starch damage and high water addition, it needs to be
handled very gently to get the best performance. If the structure is strong from
the use of a combination of good quality high protein flour, moderate starch
damage and water addition, properly formulated and fully developed, there is a
high built-in resistance to changing shape - particularly from a ball to sheeting
and more relaxation time is required between these molding operations.
Figure 16. Different shaping operations performed on divided pieces of dough
after bulk fermentation (source: internet)
Levels of added fat used in bread dough is little but highly functional and the
effects of fat are also combined with the functionality of native wheat lipids
and added surfactants. Liquid oils are known to have a negative effect in
volume of bread especially under no time dough method. They are
destabilizing the air cells so loaf volume is reduced and crumb structure is
damaged. The solid fat has proved to assist gas retention - these solid platelets
tend to orient themselves around the air cells and stabilize the foam, providing
a solid wall around the air cell.
During the shaping operations the dough is formed according to the final
product specifications; then a fermentation phase – the final proving, is
developed to assure an optimum volume to the product (fig. 17).
4.2. Specific parameters – definitions and importance
Chapter 5
Dough pieces during baking receive heat from the furnace surfaces (in different
ways: conduction, convection and radiation, depending on the type of oven),
which are already at about 100 ° C, and the temperature is constantly
increasing. The heated superficial layer extends the warmth to the inner layers
that in the end of the process reach 100°C also.
Furnace humidity is also very important for heat exchange, not only for the
bread's properties (volume, shape, appearance, color and crust thickness), but
also the speed of baking. More moisture in the oven, more condensed water
on the bread surface and, at the same time, increases the heat so that the
temperature of the product grows fast. The water condensation process
follows until the surface temperature reaches 100° C (water evaporation) and
the opposite process begins, the water evaporation from the superficial layer
and then from the inner ones. It is important to stop the baking at the
optimum moment, therefore a certain amount of humidity has to remain inside
the bread loaf; this internal moisture will migrate to the upper layers during the
cooling process.
The baking time is directly proportional to the weight of the dough, so the
higher the weight of the dough pieces is, a longer baking time is needed. The
same relation is seen in the case of the height of the products, at a certain
baking temperature a longer time is involved for bread with larger dimensions.
5.1. Transformations during baking
Figure 18. Sugars are consumed by the yeast that produces CO2 and ethyl
alcohol (
- lactic, acetic and butyric acid production under lactic bacteria action;
- gelatinizing of starch, first in bread crust and then crumb, at 56 -
60°C; starch is easily attacked by amylase, and as long as they are
active, it is converted to dextrins, maltose and glucose;
- the pentosanes reduction into soluble forms
- at 60-70°C the gluten proteins denaturation begins, through their
coagulation the bread structure is stabilized
- proteolytic enzymes are resistant to temperature, so active up to 80-
85°C, and convert proteins into peptides, and these in amino acids
- in the initial stage of baking some of the starch formed sugars are
consumed by the yeast; the remainder (2-3% on the dry substance of
the product) is caramelized on the crust of the product, a part is
bound to the previously formed amino acids, forming the
melanoidins. In this stage the acrylamide is also formed (fig. 19).
These products resulting from the transformation of sugars give the
product the crust brown color, taste and smell so specific to bread.
Colloidal processes.
- gluten transformation - at 30°C gluten shows the highest water
absorption capacity; this capacity decreases with increasing
temperature, therefore at 60-70 °C the proteins are denatured,
releasing the previously absorbed water.
- starch modification; the starch, unlike gluten, increases the water's
ability to absorb water at increasing temperature , reaching a
maximum of 50-60°C, when the starch gelizes, and its grains are
broken. Absorbing a lot of water, the granules inflate progressively,
creating an internal pressure that destroys the protective coatings.
Therefore, in the temperature range 50-70°C, there are simultaneous processes
of protein denaturation and starch gelatinization, which explains how the
dough is transformed into the crumb of bread.
During baking, air cells are inflated even more by the increase in the pressure
of gases, vapor pressure of water and additional CO2 leaving water phase due
to decreased solubility. This is the oven spring. At some point during baking air
cells rupture as elastic properties of cell walls cannot cope with the inflation.
This gives the fine interconnected cell structure of bread. Many variations in
baking performance and volume that have been noticed in aged flours have
been assigned to alteration in the nature of native lipids due to oxidation and
action of lipases. Two well-known problems in bread making have been linked
to variations in native lipid nature: lack of oven spring while proofer volume is
fine and appearance of blisters in the surface of baked bread.
The correct choice of oven type is not only to ensure the consistency of the
technological flow, to ensure the preloading capacity of the pieces of dough for
baking, to obtain an adequate productivity of the work. According to the
quantities we are talking about there is difference between industrial and
Figure 20. Types of bakery ovens (static and continuous)
Besides, the appearance of the product as a result of the baking process may
be very different if steam is used or not, or on the succession of zones with
different temperatures.
Chapter 6
Bread cooling
6.1. Importance and parameters
Bread has to cool before packaging, and when it is the case, before slicing too ;
otherwise, the crumb will be warm and gummy. First, it leaves an undesirable
moisture condensation inside the package and could cause problems at the
slicer, with the blades gumming up, and downtime cleaning the blades. Bread
cooling is an integral part of industrial high-speed bread production (cooling
spirals). During the cooling process, the baked bread loses moisture, dries out
and intensifies in flavor. Depending on the size and shape of the loaf, it may
take up to 2 hours for the bread to completely cool. This is critical, as most
bakers tend to prolong this process with excessive moisture loss. The internal
temperature of the bread out of the oven is around 95° C , and the crust is
somewhere around between 150° C to 180°C.
The processes of cooling and setting, can take place in the dispatch area or
during transport. For cooling in the dispatch area, adequate fresh air is
essential, preferably making use of forced-air turbulence, such that the loaves
can cool down gradually to about 35°C. Actual transportation is not
recommended until loaves of bread of 1 kg and over have attained this
temperature, assuming they are not for slicing, and packaging. During the
cooling of bread there is always a potential hazard of microbial infection,
whether in the small craft bakery with a short distribution chain to the point of
sale, or in the large industrial bakery where distribution chains are always much
longer. The main cause of microbial infections is the inevitable high humidity
and incidence of condensation.
All storage and dispatch areas must be kept clean, well-aerated and free from
any contaminating foreign smells. Where forced convection is used, the air
intake should ideally be filtered before entering the cooling area. Other aids to
general hygiene in these areas are: the presence of UV-based radiation, units
for the control of insects, climatic control (temperature/humidity) and
ozonization devices.
Fresh bread is a product with a short shelf-life and during its storage, chemical
and physical alterations occur, known as staling. As a result of these changes,
bread quality deteriorates gradually as it loses its freshness and crispiness while
crumb firmness and rigidity increase. The molecular basis of staling is examined
by reviewing what is known about the components of wheat flour, factors that
affect staling rate, and the various mechanisms that have been proposed. The
bread staling is a complex phenomenon in which multiple mechanisms operate
– fig. 22 (Katina et all., 2006). Polymer crystallizations with the formation of
super molecular structures are certainly involved. The most plausible
hypothesis is that retro gradation of amylopectin occurs, and because water
molecules are incorporated into the crystallites, the distribution of water is
shifted from gluten to starch/amylopectin, there by changing the nature of the
gluten network. The role of additives may be to change the nature of starch
protein molecules, to function as plasticizers, and/or to retard the
redistribution of water between components.
The storage temperature has a great influence on the rate of bread staling.
For storage temperatures of −18°C water activity decreases and it is
maintained at an almost constant level for 23 days. During storage, the
starch molecules are associated and generate a new crystalline order. As
observed with the recrystallization kinetics, at −18°C only crystal growth
may occur, whereas at 25 °C and 4°C there would be not only growth but
also formation of new crystals. At 4°C the rate of starch retro gradation is
the highest for the studied conditions (Russel, 1983).
Figure 22. Micrographs of fresh bread crumb stained with Acid Fuchsin and Calcofluor to visualize
protein and cell walls, respectively: (a) white wheat bread, fresh and (b) 6 days old; (c) reference
bran bread, fresh and (d) 6 days old; (e) bran bread with enzyme mixture, fresh and (f) 6 days old;
(g) bran sourdough bread, fresh and (h) 6 days old; (i) bran sourdough bread with enzyme mixture,
fresh and (j) 6 days old. White arrows indicate fragmented cell wall components (stained blue).
Some solutions to prevent the ageing of bread:
Chapter 7
In contrast to fresh bread, which stales in less than a week, frozen bread stales
very slowly (bread has been held fresh for many months by storage at -22°C).
Therefore, the lower the temperature, the more slowly it stales. It was
reported (by Desrosier, 2006) that bread frozen quickly after baking and held
for one year at -18°C, was equivalent in softness to fresh bread held for two
days at 20°C. Microbiologically stable foods, such as biscuits, will have their
shelf-life defined by the changes in their sensory properties. Many fresh foods
after relatively prolonged storage may be microbiologically safe to eat but
rejected due to changes in their sensory properties. Therefore, regarding the
shelf-life we could talk about two points of view:
- Sensorial – the characteristics related to the taste, smell, color and
their modifications during the shelf life - eating quality
- Microbiological - mold developing – safety quality
During shelf life water activity takes an active part in the exchange with the
ambient humidity and can possibly form the ideal medium for microbiological
growth on the surface which influences the microbiological stability.
Theoretically the water activity is defined as the availability of “free” water in a
sample and should not be directly compared with the water content (g water/
g substance) and its value ranges between 0 (absolute dryness) and 1
(condensed humidity). Migration from regions of high water activity to regions
of lower water activity in combined food, bakery products filled with various
ingredients as cream, nut, nougat, fruits, jam, must be considered.
The water activity also has an important effect on the chemical reactions in
food. It has been known for many years that foods may pick up or loose
moisture from the air during storage and that these changes can affect the
Classification of baked products according to water activity value:
1 – 0.85: moist bakery products (bread)
0.85 – 0.6: intermediate foods (cake)
0.6 – 0: dry bakery products (biscuits)
7.1. Keep the product integrity – packaging materials and techniques
One alternative method used to extend the mold-free shelf life of bakery
products is MAP - modified atmosphere packaging which are using nitrogen
(N2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), in an optimal ratio: CO2: N2 = 60 : 40 (fig. 24). N2
is an inert, tasteless gas that displays little or no antimicrobial activity on its
own and CO2 is the most important gas in the gas mixture, it is both
bacteriostatic and fungi static. MAP introduction in the market caused an
important impact in the packaging of processed and fresh food industries; this
technology has largely improved the shelf life by controlling the permeability of
air and moisture. The high barrier properties of flexible plastic packages also
have reduced the influx of microorganisms into the food packages, thus
enhancing the shelf life of the food products. Bakery companies in Europe
commonly use gas packaging for shelf-life extension of bread and cakes. In
addition to extending the mold-free shelf life of products, CO2-enriched
atmospheres have also been reported to prevent staling in many bakery
The main benefits associated with food products MAP are better quality
retention, extended product shelf life and associated increase in market area,
improved product presentation and consumer appeal, and a reduction in
energy costs associated with freezing and freezer storage costs.
Bakery products shelf life - from the consumer’s point of view the most bakery
products could be divided in:
A. Fresh products – usually, have 24 h shelf life
B. Long shelf life products – from a few days, to several months and even
- shelf Life extenders - emulsifiers and enzymes which are used also as
anti-staling agents in bakery products, provide increased shelf life
- technological possibilities – prolonged duration for the technological
phases in order to achieve suitable parameters
- low temperature exposure – as explained at chapter 7.1
- humectants; research indicates some of the difficulty in achieving low
aw in foods through the addition of humectants. The humectant
propylene glycol has intrinsic antimicrobial properties; however, its
use in food was limited (no more for bread making); according some
studies the potential of polyglycerols and polyglycerol esters as
humectants in food found them to be objectionable due to taste and
odor characteristics. Water activity affects food chemistry and can be
controlled by removal (dehydration or drying) or by chemically
binding the water, reducing its activity.
Chapter 8
Going over and summarizing the operations and phases on the bread
technological flow, a useful scheme for some industrial bread making methods
is presented in fig. 26.
8.2. Romanian bread - typical product technological scheme – a white
bread obtained from wheat flour – fig. 28.
materials mixing
bulk fermentation
dough mixing
shape form
pre proofing
intermediate proof
intermediate moulding
make up
Ramadan Pide
Chapter 9
The activities of control and quality assurance plays a key role in bread making
technology, being part of the general quality system (fig.30) - it starts with all
ingredients control, the monitoring of the technological flow parameters and
sequence, and the correct evaluation of the final product.
Figure 30. Relationship between the quality system, quality assurance and
quality control
Small and medium sized bakery all over the world increasingly has to consider
the production of good quality products as essential to their survival.
Consumers and buyers are becoming more aware of the importance of safe,
high quality products. Large companies that can afford advertising space on the
radio, television or in the press emphasize the quality of their goods, often in a
very subtle way. This quality image is given by stating for example "our foods
are made only from high quality ingredients." The quality image could be
promoted through packaging etc. In the case of exporters, the standards are
becoming more and stricter.
In order to improve and control product quality it is essential to fully
understand the meaning of the term quality. A common definition is "achieving
agreed customer expectations or specifications". In other words, the customer
defines the quality criteria needed in a product. To meet this standard the
manufacturer puts in a Quality Control System to ensure that the product
meets these criteria on a routine basis.
The quality control begins with the raw materials – it is important to remove
any problem that could rise from the unsatisfactory characteristics of flour,
yeast, fats, sugars, and so on.
Some of the main parameters to be followed also all the flow along are:
- humidity is an important feature to be tracked for any technological
stage for raw materials, intermediate products (dough in bulk or
pieces if dough) , semi-finished products, finished products, having an
important role in conservation, maintaining products characteristics
during the shelf life; there are direct (determine the water content of
the product) and indirect methods (determine the dry substance);
- acidity is due to acidic organic compounds present in the tested
product and could be water-soluble and fat-soluble compounds;
acidity is determined by titration;
For flour supplementary determinations could be: the ash content, the
granulosity degree, the color, the temperature, etc. For the flour behavior
during mixing, fermentation, the determination of enzyme activity is important:
α - amylase (falling number index) β - amylase, lipase, phospholipase, maltose
index, proteolytic activity, as well as oxidoreducting enzymes (lipoxygenase,
ascorbatoxidase, peroxidase, tyrosinase, catalase). In order to have a better
control on the ingredients, it is better to determine the presence of some
additives in flour, such as bleaching agents: chlorine, bromate, peroxides, and
nitrogen oxide.
For compressed yeast besides sensory analysis, physical and chemical analysis
is performed: moisture, acidity, identification of flour, starch and foreign
materials; the growth power of yeast – is the main feature that shows the
capacity of leavening in dough.
Water - the hardness of the water used is very important. Therefore medium
hard water - is considered optimal because the mineral salts contained have an
effect of strengthening the gluten and also serve as a yeast feed; very hard
water is undesirable because it has the effect of slowing fermentation,
meanwhile soft water tends to exert a softening effect on gluten and results in
a sticky dough.
For every step of the technological flow, there are specific parameters to be
- mixing – temperature of ingredients, time and speed of mixer, final
- bulk fermentation: time, temperature, acidity
- dough mixing: time and speed, temperature
- resting: time, ambient temperature and humidity
- final mixing: time and speed, final temperature
- dividing: pieces weight, time
- dough piece proving: time, temperature and humidity of chamber
(fig. 31)
- baking: time, temperature
- cooling: time, temperature
Figure 31. Monitoring parameter temperature – for dough piece and bread
Figure 33. Loaf volume determination (source:
Chapter 10
Nowadays there is a valuable role for research to push back the frontiers of
science and this is a task for the academic community. These will lead to the
development of future materials and processes and some will result in new
technologies. Other forms of R&D help to better understand, often well known,
observations from our daily life, for example, why do our processes work better
on some occasions than others? The development of new materials, products,
processes and equipment is the lifeblood of many industries; without this we
will stagnate. More R&D can be undertaken to protect the health of the
consumer and this is often the area of concern of national governments. So
R&D represents a diverse range of activities from gene mapping and
nanotechnology to process changes and product development. Within this the
academic community, research organizations and industry all have valuable
roles to play.
During the past years, a large number of scientific studies had been published
outlining a direct association between unbalanced diets and rising incidences of
chronic health-related issues, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and
obesity. This international debate has launched a rapidly rising, increasing
investment in industry for research in products with nutritionally value-added
ingredients that promote health and wellness. Mostly, the innovations in
bread, bakery and pastry, were designed aiming at for more healthful products
by including more whole grains, fiber, prebiotics and probiotics, or antioxidant
ingredients. Consumers now, have an increasing interest in food that promotes
and maintains energy, enhance satiety, or make consumers feel full after
eating. This demand gives bakery industry added opportunities to develop
products containing new functional ingredients compliant with these
Figure 37. Gluten-free breads with different recipes studied by X-ray micro
tomography. (source:
Figure 38.The role of cereal based products in various alimentation patterns
The bread market is changing, and we have seen a major shift in what
consumers want - the demands of traditional breads that once drove growth in
the industry have been replaced by new products such as cleaner-label,
organic, gluten-free and artisanal bread solutions. Indeed, clean-label and
nutritional trends may take the shape of high protein, fiber and nutrient
content on the shelf. Breads aren’t just bookends for sandwiches, and now it is
clear that the bread can deliver as much to a meal as the other foods on the
The most significant trends today have to do with organic, non-GMO and all-
natural lines of baked goods. Some consumers are turning toward artisan
breads, which are usually made with fewer additives and more natural
ingredients, while others are looking to reduce certain aspects, such as gluten,
salt, sugar, fat and artificial additives.
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