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Management and Administrative Sciences Review www.absronline.

ISSN: 2308-1368
Volume: 2, Issue: 4, Pages: 353-359 (2013)
© 2013 Academy of Business & Scientific Research

 Research Paper
International Marketing Strategy: Standardization versus Adaptation
Akmal Hussain1* and Shahbaz Khan2

1. Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan.

2. Department of Management Sciences, The Islamic University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

The debate on the standardization and adaptation of marketing strategy is not new, but
the researchers not yet came to an agreement that which strategy is better to serve the
international market. The aim of this research paper is to evaluate the previous researches
and evaluate that which international marketing strategy is better. After the extensive
research on the topic authors find out that standardization strategy is used to achieve the
economies of scale and it is used when the target market has the similar needs and wants.
While on the other hand adaptation strategy is appropriate when the consumers have a
different needs, wants and preferences and when there is a significant difference in the
socio economic conditions of the target market. The key to succeed in the international
market is to use the mix of standardization and adaptation strategy and try to create the
balance between the two.

Keywords: International marketing; Globalization; Standardization; Adaptation;

Marketing Strategy; Marketing mix;

In last few decades competition has been increased marketing strategy at the international level is a
at the international level due to the liberalization vital area of research for both the academicians
of the trade policy, ease in monetary exchange and for the practitioners. According to the
process and rise in the regional economic (Wierenga, Pruyn and Waarts, (1996) in the field of
cooperation and advancement in the means of marketing the concept of standardization and
transportation and communication (Czinkota & adaptation or customization is intensively debated
Ronkainen 2001; Keegan 1999). In such highly usually in the American context. In the past
dynamic and vibrant business environment it is researches in the field of international marketing
very difficult for the businesses to operate extensively research the issue of standardization
internationally. According to Kotler (2009), and adaptation. In the view of Vignali and Vrontis
nowadays, global corporations face difficult (1999) the discussion on the topic starts in early
decisions regarding what marketing strategy to 1960, when Elinder (1961) write an article on global
adopt. A basic question arises what should be the advertising. In the earlier the standardized
marketing strategy of the company when they go advertising was at the heart of the issue (Kanso
global, whether they standardized their processes and Kitchen, 2004). In the view of the earlier
or adapt their marketing strategy according to the researchers there should be a single or
environment. Standardization versus adaptation of standardized advertising campaign for the entire

*Corresponding author: Akmal Hussainl,

Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University Islamabad,
Islamabad, Pakistan.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Standardization versus Adaptation Research Paper

world. Then this debate move forward from a international marketing and find out that what
standardized advertising campaign to the approach is best and why. The aim of this paper is
standardized promotional mix and now the debate also to investigate that what marketing strategy
encompasses the entire marketing mix (Schultz has positive relationship with the firm‟s
and Kitchen, 2000; Kanso and Kitchen, 2004; performance at the international level. This
Kitchen and de Pelsmacker, 2004). theoretical research paper is divided into the 3
section; first section is consisting of the
There is a difference of opinion among the
introduction of the study. Second section of the
researchers on employing the standardization or
study will involves the literature review and the
adaptation strategy at the international level. The
formation of conceptual framework, whilst the last
advocates of standardization strategy at the global
and third section of the study will involves the
level propose that, markets in the international
discussion and conclusion.
level are homogenous and global in nature and
they believe that it is necessary for the continued
existence and growth at the global level, depends LITERATURE REVIEW
on firm‟s ability to standardize their goods and According to Bennet (2008) strategy can be defined
services (Fatt, 1967; Buzzell, 1968; Levitt, 1983; Yip, as “the actions managers take to attain the goals of
1996). The bases of the arguments of the the firm”. Selection of the appropriate marketing
supporters of standardization are that needs and strategy at the national level as well as at the
wants of the consumer do not vary significantly at international level is key to success. Hill (2002)
the international level. In their view the world is further argues that, Firms which compete at the
becoming progressively more homogenous in global stage usually face two kinds of competitive
relation to the requirements of the customers and pressures. 1) Pressure for cost reduction and 2)
environmental factors despite of their regional and pressure to be locally responsiveness. In this
geographic location. section the authors will review the standardization
While on the other end supporters of adaption and adaptation of marketing strategy and their
says that it is very difficult to use the advantages and disadvantages and what are the
standardization approach across the globe and factors that motivate firms to standardize or adapt
thus they support the adaptation approach to their marketing strategy.
efficiently and effectively fulfill the requirements
of the international markets (Kashani (1989; Standardization
Thrassou and Vrontis, 2006). The foundation Standardization can be defined in different ways
behind the advocates of the adapatition is that but Medina and Duffy (1998), define it as, “the
there are significant differences in the countries process of extending and effectively applying
and even between the different regions of the same domestic target-market-dictated product standards
country (Papavassiliou and Stathakopoulos, 1997). tangible and/or intangible attributes – to markets
Solberg (2002) suggests that the standardization in foreign environments”(p,229). While the
and adaptation is one of the key issues for the globalization is defined by Cherunilam (2009) as
international brand management is to create the “the process of integration of economics across the
balance (trade-off) between the benefits achieved world through cross border flow of factors,
by the standardization through economies of scale products and information”.
and the cultural prerequisite of adaptation.
According to Cavusgil et al., 1993, the global
Although the issue of standardization and market is becoming homogeneous in nature and
adaptation is extensively researched but the the homogenization of the international markets
researchers are not yet came into the conclusion allows the firms to adapt the standardization
that what approach is best to serve the global strategy across the globe. There are number of
marketplace. The aim of this research paper is to advocates of the standardization but among them
investigate through the review of the prior Levitt is one of the most strong advocates of
researches to evaluate the both approaches of standardization. According to Levitt (1983) the

Manag. Adm. Sci. Rev.
ISSN: 2308-1368
Volume: 2, Issue: 4, Pages: 353-359

standardization strategy emerges due to the (1987), adaptation and customization are two
advancement in technology and communication opposite terms. Medina and Duffy (1998) define
and due to changes in consumer taste and adaptation as “the mandatory modification of
preference and they became homogeneous domestic target market- dictated product
increased global competition is another reason for standards – tangible and/or intangible attributes –
standardization. According to Levitt (1983), “a as to make the product suitable to foreign
successful global marketing strategy consists of environmental conditions”. On the contrary
having a common brand name, packaging, and customization is defined by Medina and Duffy
communication”. For example, Levitt (1983) in his (1998) as “the discretionary modification of
landmark paper suggests that standardization of domestic target-market-dictated product standards
the marketing mix and the design of a single – tangible and intangible attributes – as to make it
strategy for the whole global marketplace help in economically and culturally suitable to foreign
achieving economies of scale in the production customers”. The basic difference between the two
process. terms is that one is mandatory while the other is
discretionary. According to Kotler and Armstrong
Moreover, standardization has number of positive
(2008) “An international marketing strategy for
effects on the performance of the firms as it helps
adjusting the marketing mix elements to each
the firms in the achievement of the economies of
international target market, bearing more cost but
scales. It helps them to faster learning experience
hoping for large market share and return”. Kotler
which helps them to reduce the inventory cost, this
and Armstrong (2008) write in their book most
not only save cost but also helps firms to get
marketer suggests that companies should adapt
competitive advantage over the competitors.
the following policy, “Think globally but act
Furthermore, standardization of the products will
locally”. Companies must have to seek a tradeoff
enhance the chances for product innovation as
between the standardization and adaptation.
firm can apportion more of its resources to build
and develop the product portfolio rather than Although both influence, either directly or
allocating resources to adapting it to different indirectly, a firm‟s international business
marketplace (Kotabe, 1990). Whitelock (1987) operations, the adaptation affects mostly the
suggests that standardization will leads to the tangible (or physical) attributes of a strategy
attentiveness of the technical research work, as the because it focuses on environmental conditions of
process is standardized so less staff training is various markets. Customization on the other hand
required. According to Bennet (2008), firm which is mostly affected by such factors as cultures and
employ standardization strategy will develop a therefore has a deeper impact than adaptation, on
single product for all the markets in all the regions the intangible (or non-physical) attributes of
and this kind of universal product will be suitable products (Medina and Duffy, 1998).
According to Bennet (2008), firms which operates
1) As the basic need is same so the product will internationally have to made a basic/key decision
better satisfy the needs in international market whether to go in the foreign markets with the
firm‟s current product or made necessary changes
2) After sale services can be standardized
in the products according to the requirements of
3)Ther e are large markets which exist across the the foreign market, product adaptation will be
world so cultural adaptation is not required suitable in the case where,
4) Universal product has a strong international 1) There is a significant differences in consumer
brand image needs and wants
2) Competition is intense, which force them to
Adaptation differentiate their products

Customization is also interchangeably referred as

adaptation. According to Douglus and Wind

Akmal Hussain & Shahbaz Khan

Standardization versus Adaptation Research Paper

3) To fulfill some necessary host country a) Additional cost required for the promotional
requirements such as packaging, technical and activities
legal issues
b) Duplication of the activities within the firm
4) These are also important reasons for product
c) Inexperience and limited knowledge about the
modification/adaptation , climate, living
technical aspects of the different products and
conditions, customer lifestyle, literacy and income
know how regarding the marketing of the product
level of the consumer.
d) Extra resources will be required for the research
The basic argument in the support of adaptation is
and development (Bennet, 2008)
that it involves the individual approach as it
allows the firm to understand the needs wants and In the following table the factors are highlighted
preferences of the each consumer. Supporters of which encourage firms to use standardization
adaptation approach convincingly advocate that strategy or adaptation strategy at the international
there is a significant difference in culture, level.
economic situation, rules and regulation, political Standardization versus Adaptation
system and the lifestyle of consumer and their
values and belief system across the world these Factors encouraging Factors encouraging
things must be considered for the success Cavusgil Standardization Adaptation
et al., 1993). The use of Adaptation of marketing Economies in product R Differing use conditions
strategy helps the firms to achieve the competitive &D
advantage. (Cavusgil et al., 1993). Moreover, in the
view of some researchers, the eventual goal of a Economies of scale in Government and
company should not be cost reduction through production regulatory influences
standardization, but long-term profitability Economies in marketing Differing buyer
through higher sales accrued from a better behavior patterns
utilization of the different consumer needs across
countries (Onkvist and Shaw, 1990; Rosen, 1990; Control of marketing Local initiative and
Whitelock and Pimblett, 1997; cited by Theodosiou program motivation in
and Leonidou, 2003). Lemak and Arunthanes implementation
(1997), opines that the advocates of “shrinking” of the Adherence to the
standardization does not have the conventional world marketplace marketing concept
wisdom of modern marketing. Despite many
Source: Czinkota, Ronkainen, Moffett (2005)
arguments of increased consumer homogeneity, it
has been suggested that consumers are becoming
gradually more diverse and complex and do not
necessarily want to replace quality with price
(Douglas and Wind, 1987). The aim of this paper was to determine that which
international marketing strategy (standardization
Product adaptation or modification strategy will
v/s adaptation) is appropriate for the firms which
leads to increase in the sales volume of the firm in operate internationally. The topic of
foreign marketplace, by better satisfying the needs standardization and adaptation of international
and wants of the customers, by retaining the marketing strategy is heavily/ extensively debated
existing customers by making the products up-to- in the past. Researchers are divided into two
date and also by taking into consideration the schools of thoughts in the view of first school of
offerings of the competing firms.
thought; standardization is the best solution to
There are also some negative impacts of product serve the global marketplace, as the world
modification or adaptation of marketing strategy increasingly becoming more homogenous due to
which are as follows; the globalization. According to Levitt (1983),
standardization of international marketing
strategy means that performing the same

Manag. Adm. Sci. Rev.
ISSN: 2308-1368
Volume: 2, Issue: 4, Pages: 353-359

marketing activities across the globe. Globalization e) Adherence to the marketing concept
turned the world into a global village, one of the
Both standardization and adaptation strategy have
main advocate/ supporter of standardization
their own advantages and disadvantages. Some of
Levitt (1983) argues that, advancement and
the element of the marketing mix can be more
progress in the means of communication and
standardized as compared to others. As in the
transportation “the world preference structure gets
view of one of the researcher product should be
pressed into homogenized commonality”. In their
standardized in order to achieve economies of
view these are the bases for the standardization,
scale, brand name and brand message should also
a) Changing world structure ( as due to globalization be the same while these element of marketing mix
world becoming more homogenous in terms of their can be adapted such as packaging, pricing of the
needs and wants) product, sales promotion and distribution channel.
b) Standardization helps in work specialization In short we can say that as it is also suggested by
Solberg (2002), that firms in order to get success in
c) Helps in ride down the experience curve the global market place create the balance between
d) Standardization leads to the economies of scale the standardization and adaptation.

e) Economies in research and development ( Czinkota,

Ronkainen, Moffett, 2005) REFERENCES

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Akmal Hussain & Shahbaz Khan

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