Ministry of Environment and Ndu Environmental Guideline No. 31 Asphalt Plant Set Up Temporarily For The Purposes of A Project by A Public Department

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Asphalt Plant
Set Up Temporarily For The Purposes Of A
  Project By A Public Department

1.0 Purpose of guideline

This environmental guideline for asphalt plant set up temporarily for the purposes of a
project by a Public Department has been prepared by the Ministry of Environment &
NDU to ensure that all environmental issues are duly taken into consideration by

2.0 Nature of development

A temporary asphalt plant usually comprises the following main units: Aggregate Bins,
Feeders, Weighting Systems, Cylindrical Rotating Drying & Mixing Drum,
Heater,Bitumen Storage, Pollution Control Unit,Hot Mix Asphalt Storage and Truck
Load-Out Facility.

The production of hot mix asphalt involves the following stages: drying and heating of
the fine and course aggregates, injection of molten bitumen into rotating drumsfollowed
by mixing and coating with asphalt cement.

3.0 Potential impacts

The major environmental issues associated with a temporary asphalt plant are noise, air
pollution in the form of dust, gaseous emissionand odour, disposal of effluents and
traffic implications. The different aspects, impacts and nuisances associated with
asphalt production are listed below:-

Activity Aspects Impacts/ Nuisances

Construction phase
- Site preparation - Generation of excavated - Dumping into barelands
soil, debris and and entrainment in water
construction wastes courses and drains
- Noise, dust, mud and traffic

- Installation of - Use of heavy machinery - Noise and visual impacts

machine units

Operation phase
Production of asphalt -Fine and coarse - Dust emissions
aggregate storage

-Use of heavy machinery - Noise and vibration

including loaders for the
loading and unloading of
aggregates and hot mix

-Combustion of diesel or -Mainly emission of SOx, CO,

gasoil for drying of CO2 and PM.
aggregates and for
maintaining bitumen at the - Odour
required temperature

-Spills of hydrocarbons, -Risk of underground and

namely, HFO, Diesel, surface water pollution
Bitumen, Lubricants and
oil from lorries or
mechanical part of plant
and storage tanks.

-Any spills or waste arising -Dumping into barelands.

from the process and
waste or left over from

-used oil from -Risk of underground and

maintenance and repairs surface water pollution
of vehicles and machinery.
Delivery activities - Movement of vehicles - Traffic impacts
- Loading and unloading - Noise
- Dust emissions
- Exhaust fumes
4.0 Siting of activity

In accordance with the Planning Policy Guidance 2004 of the Ministry of Housing and
Lands, the selected site shall satisfy a distance of:-
up to 1 km from the settlement boundaries and sensitive land uses
at least 50 m from the coastline
at least 35 m from the river
up to 1 km from a lake/reservoir.

5.0 Environmental Conditions

The major environmental issues are noise, air, dust,odour and effluentsand the
following conditions shall be observed:

(i) All electric motors shall be housed in soundproof enclosures to keep noise level
within permissible limits as per the Environment Protection (Environmental
Standards for Noise) Regulations 1997. The noise exposure limits as per the
above regulation are as follows:

Industrial noise Neighbourhood noise

7:00 – 21:00 60*dB(A) Leq 7:00 – 18:00 60 dB(A) Leq

21:00 – 7:00 55*dB(A) Leq 18:00 - 21:00 55 dB(A) Leq

21:00 – 7:00 50 dB(A) Leq

* A tonal character adjustment of +5 dB(A) should be applied to the measured value

where the noise has a definite continuous note such as a whine or hiss.

(ii) All emissions from the hot-mix asphalt plant and burners shall comply with the
Environment Protection (Standards for Air) Regulations 1998.The stack
emissions standards applicable to this undertaking are:

Pollutant Standard
(i) Smoke Ringelmann No. 2 or equivalent
opacity (not to exceed more
that 5 minutes in any period of
one hour)
(ii) Solid particles 200 mg/ m
(iii) Sulphuric acid mist or sulphur trioxide 120 mg/ m as sulphur trioxide
(iv) Nitric acid or oxides of nitrogen 3
1000 mg/ m as nitrogen
(v) Carbon monoxide 1000 mg/ m as carbon

(iii)The asphalt plant shall be equipped with a scrubber or an odour control device
and regularly maintained so as not to cause odour nuisances.
(iv) The pollution control equipment shall be equipped with bag filters in order to trap
the PM emissions.

(v) Necessary measures such as the installation of water sprinklers within the
premisesshall be taken to suppress dust emissions.

(vi) The working platform including the loading area shall be concreted and kept
clean at all times.

(vii) All wastewater shall be disposed to the satisfaction of the Wastewater

Management Authority.
(viii) Necessary bunded walls shall be provided around fuel and bitumen storage
tanks to cater for any accidental spillage/leakage. A contingency plan as
provided for under section 30 (3)(a) of the Environment Protection Act 2002
shall be prepared and implemented to combat any case of accidental spillage
of fuels.

(ix) All hazardous wastes shall be collected and disposed of as per Environment
Protection (Standards for Hazardous Wastes) Regulations 2001.

(x) Necessary measures shall be taken to prevent any hydrocarbon spills from
lorries and storage tanks to infiltrate and contaminate the underground and
surface waters during construction and operation phase.
(xi) Solid wastes including any sludge shall be collected and disposed of to the
satisfaction of the Ministry of Local Government.

(xii) Any spills or left over of asphalt shall be recycled in the process or
alternatively used in the maintenance of damaged roads/tracks and pot holes.

(xiii) Necessary measures shall be taken during the site preparation, infrastructural
works and operation phase so as not to cause any nuisance by way of noise,
dust and odour.

(xiv) The axle load of trucks entering and leaving the plant compound shall be in
conformity with the Road Traffic Regulations.

(xv) The site shall be reinstated at the end of the operation phase.

(xvi) The Local Authority shall be informed in writing of the dates of

commencement of works on site and operation of the activity for monitoring

6.0 Enforcement
Under Section 13 of the Environment Protection Act 2002, the enforcing agencies for
the different environmental medium or pollutants are as follows:

S. No Environmental media/ Enforcing Agency

1 Noise and odour Ministry of Health and Quality of Life
2 Effluents Ministry of Renewable Energy
&Public Utilities
3 Solid wastes Ministry of Local Government
4 Air pollution Ministry of Environment

The above-mentioned enforcing agencies shall monitor compliance with the conditions
falling under their purview.

7.0 Offences
Any person who fails to comply with any regulations/standards referred to in this
guideline shall commit an offence and shall:
(i) on a first conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 50, 000 rupees and to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 100,000
rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 8 years.

For further information, please contact

Information Counter,
Department of Environment,
Ground Floor Ken Lee Tower,
1, St Georges Street
Tel: 203 6200- 203 6210
Website :
Email : [email protected]

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