Proviso PPP Database
Proviso PPP Database
Proviso PPP Database
d $350,000-AMERICAN LIGHTING BRANDS, INC. 941 Cernan Drive BELLWOOD IL 60104 335121 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-BELLWOOD NURSING CENTER, LLC 105 Eastern Ave BELLWOOD IL 60104 623110 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BERGHAUS PIPE ORGAN BUILDERS, INC. 2151 Madison Street BELLWOOD IL 60104 339992 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill COZZY RECYCLING, LLC 2501 GRANT AVE BELLWOOD IL 60104 423930 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-D A MATOT INC. 2501 Van Buren BELLWOOD IL 60104 333921 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-DOUGLAS PRESS, INC. 2810 MADISON STREET BELLWOOD IL 60104 323111 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-E G GROUP INC 2600 WASHINGTON BLVD BELLWOOD IL 60104 332919 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000FORT DEARBORN ENTERPRISES, INC. 4115 SAINT CHARLES RD BELLWOOD IL 60104 423840 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000G. J. NIKOLAS & CO., INC. 2800 WASHINGTON BLVD BELLWOOD IL 60104 325510 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000GEMCO ROOFING & BUILDING SUPPLY 2601 VAN BUREN ST BELLWOOD IL 60104 423330 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000JOHNSON STEEL RULE DIE CO 2600 WASHINGTON BLVD UNIT BELLWOOD IL 60104 331491 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-KSU NA LLC 3000 Mdison St BELLWOOD IL 60104 336360 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill LAKEVIEW BUS LINES, INC. MAYWOOD DR BELLWOOD IL 60104 485210 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000LEZZA SPUMONI & DESSERTS, INC. 4009 St. Charles Rd BELLWOOD IL 60104 311812 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MARO CARTON, INC. 333 31ST AVENUE BELLWOOD IL 60104 323111 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
b $2-5 mill MILBURN, L.L.C. 620 28TH AVE BELLWOOD IL 60104 238190 Partnership Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-NUBANI DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 2850 Oak Street BELLWOOD IL 60104 424490 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000OAKLEY STEEL PRODUCTS 650 S. 28th Avenue BELLWOOD IL 60104 339999 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000PEOPLE CAB CO INC 200 30TH AVE BELLWOOD IL 60104 485999 Corporation Black or African American Male Owned
e $150,000PRECISION PAINTING AND DECORATING CORP 2600 VAN BUREN ST BELLWOOD IL 60104 238320 Corporation White Male Owned
e $150,000RICHARDS GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 2700 VAN BUREN STREET BELLWOOD IL 60104 323113 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-SHAMROCK SCIENTIFIC SPECIALTY SYSTEMS, LLC 34 DAVIS DR BELLWOOD IL 60104 561910 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000STRATTON HATS, INC. 3200 Randolph Street BELLWOOD IL 60104 448110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000TOTAL TRANSMISSIONS CHICAGO, LLC 2401 Grant Avenue BELLWOOD IL 60104 541330 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000TRU-COAT PLATING & FINISHING CO INC 130 MANNHEIM RD BELLWOOD IL 60104 332813 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000TURI'S AUTO BODY, INC 4012 St Paul Ave BELLWOOD IL 60104 811121 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill VADER ELECTRIC CHICAGO, LL 145 Eastern Ave BELLWOOD IL 60104 238210 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BERKELEY'S FINER FOODS 5447 ST CHARLES RD BERKELEY IL 60163 445110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-DIVERSIFIED ENTITIES, LLC 5000 PROVISO DR UNIT # 2 MELROSE PARK IL 60163 493110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-EAGLE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 1111 N. Taft Ave. BERKELEY IL 60163 424490 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
c $1-2 mill HONEY CAN DO 5300 ST. CHARLES ROAD BERKELY IL 60163 423220 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-JOHNSON BROS METAL FORMING CO 5744 MCDERMOTT DR BERKELEY IL 60163 333517 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill JOSEPH'S FOOD PRODUCTS COMPANY INC. 5418 McDermott Dr BERKELEY IL 60163 311422 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000KENNETT HOLDINGS, INC. 5380 MCDERMOTT DR BERKELEY IL 60163 561790 Corporation White Female Owned
d $350,000-KI INDUSTRIES, INC. 5540 McDermott Drive 0.0 BERKELEY IL 60163 335220 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000L. NEILL CARTAGE CO., INC. 5400 Proviso Drive BERKELEY IL 60163 493110 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ROBERT E LEE & SONS COMPANY 5721 BOHLANDER AVE BERKELEY IL 60163 238110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-UNITED INSULATED STRUCTURES CORPORATION 5430 ST CHARLES RD BERKELEY IL 60163 524210 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill VANEE FOODS COMPANY 5418 McDermott Drive BERKELEY IL 60163 311422 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000A & T TRUCKING CO. 2129 W 21ST ST UNIT A BROADVIEW IL 60155 484110 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000AAM-RO CORPORATION 3110 S 26TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 423510 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000ACME WIRE PRODUCTS, LLC 2915 18TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 332618 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ADVANCED PARTS & SERVICE, INC. 1800 PARKES DR BROADVIEW IL 60155 811219 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
b $2-5 mill AIR COMFORT CORP 2550 BRAGA DR BROADVIEW IL 60155 238220 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ARROW PNEUMATICS INC 2111 W 21st St BROADVIEW IL 60155 333999 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill B.L. DOWNEY COMPANY LLC 2125 Gardner Road BROADVIEW IL 60155 332812 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-BMC 1092, INC. 2200 PARKES DR BROADVIEW IL 60155 325620 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BROADLEAF INC. 1920 BEACH ST BROADVIEW IL 60155 238110 Subchapter S Corporation White Male Owned
e $150,000BROADVIEW MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 2100 S 25TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 813110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BUILDERS SURPLUS, LLC 2171 W CERMAK RD BROADVIEW IL 60155 444190 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-CENTRAL STEEL FABRICATORS INC 2100 Parkes Dr BROADVIEW IL 60155 332312 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-CHAS. F. BRUCKNER & SON, INC. 2535 S. 25th Ave. BROADVIEW IL 60155 238220 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill CLASSIC COLOR, INC. 2424 S. 25th Avenue BROADVIEW IL 60155 323111 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-CLIMATEMP SERVICE GROUP LLC 2315 Gardner Road 0.0 BROADVIEW IL 60155 238220 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000COLLINS PLUMBING & JETTING, INC. 3050 S 25TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 238220 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS SALES 1814 Beach Street BROADVIEW IL 60155 444190 Corporation White Male Owned
c $1-2 mill CURRENT COMMUNICATIONS & ELECTRIC CORP. 2600 23RD ST BROADVIEW IL 60155 238210 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000DURABILT DYVEX, INC. 2545 S 25TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 337125 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ECS CORPORATION 2807 S 25TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 333921 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-EJR LOGISTICS, INC 2600 S 25th Ave BROADVIEW IL 60155 484121 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill ENVIRONMENT MECHANICAL SERVICES INC 2500 S 27TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 238220 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000FFG RESTORATION INC. 2737 S. 12th Ave. BROADVIEW IL 60155 236118 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-FINANCIAL GRAPHIC SERVICES, INC. 2910 SOUTH 18TH AVENUE BROADVIEW IL 60155 323111 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000GRANT IMPORTING & DISTRIBUTING CO., INC. 2701 23RD ST BROADVIEW IL 60155 424810 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-GRAYMILLS CORPORATION 2601 S 25TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 333914 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill HEADCO INDUSTRIES, INC. 2601 PARKES DRIVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 423840 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill HEADLY MANUFACTURING CO 2700 23rd street BROADVIEW IL 60155 332999 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-HUDSON TECHNOLOGY, INC. 2305 Gardner Road BROADVIEW IL 60155 332710 Corporation White Female Owned
c $1-2 mill JKS LIMOUSINES, LLC 2801 S 25th Avenue BROADVIEW IL 60155 485320 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Female Owned
d $350,000-JLJ CONTRACTING INC 2748 S 21ST AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 238190 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
c $1-2 mill JM POLCURR, INC. 3024 S 25TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 238210 Subchapter S Corporation Hispanic Male Owned
d $350,000-JOHNSON POWER LTD 2530 Braga Drive BROADVIEW IL 60155 336350 Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill JPL TRANSPORT INC 2600 S 25TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 484110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-KELVYN PRESS, INC. 2910 SOUTH 18TH AVENUE BROADVIEW IL 60155 323111 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000L. A. CHEMICALS, LTD. 2415 GARDNER RD BROADVIEW IL 60155 424690 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000LITHOGRAPHIC INDUSTRIES, INC. 2445 GARDNER RD BROADVIEW IL 60155 323111 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MERIT SCREW MACHINE PRODUCTS COMPANY 2910 S 17TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 332996 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-MERTES CONTRACTING CORPORATION 2665 S 25th Ave BROADVIEW IL 60155 236220 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MIDWEST INK CO. 2701 S. 12th Ave 0.0 BROADVIEW IL 60155 325910 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-MOBILE AUTO SOLUTIONS LLC 2600 S 25TH AVE SUITE T BROADVIEW IL 60155 811111 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill MOREY INDUSTRIES, INC. 2000 BEACH ST BROADVIEW IL 60155 331221 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MUELLERMIST IRRIGATION CO. 2612 S 9TH AVENUE BROADVIEW IL 60155 221310 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MUELLERMIST SERVICE CORPORATION 2612 S 9TH AVENUE BROADVIEW IL 60155 221310 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MULTI SWATCH CORPORATION 2600 S 25TH AVE Suite Y BROADVIEW IL 60155 424990 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill NATIONAL HOLDING COMPANY, INC 2800 Roosevelt Road BROADVIEW IL 60155 484110 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000NCR ROOFING & MAINTENANCE INC 1808 BEACH ST BROADVIEW IL 60155 238160 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill NESKO ELECTRIC COMPANY 3111 S 26TH Avenue BROADVIEW IL 60155 238210 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill PRINCIPAL MANUFACTURING CORP. 2800 S 19th Ave BROADVIEW IL 60155 332111 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000R A KERLEY INK ENGINEERS INC 2700 S 12TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 325910 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000R. L. PERLOW CORPORATION 2900 SOUTH 25TH AVE. BROADVIEW IL 60155 423510 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000RAINCOAT ROOF MAINTENANCE 2875 S 25TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 238160 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-RAINCOAT ROOFING SYSTEMS, INC 1750 W PARKES DR BROADVIEW IL 60155 238160 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-REAL TRUCKING, INC. 2100 W 21ST ST BROADVIEW IL 60155 484121 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
c $1-2 mill RIPA LLC 2001 West 21st Street BROADVIEW IL 60155 323111 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000SCHECK LUMBER COMPANY, INC. 920 W. 18th Street BROADVIEW IL 60155 423310 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC 1850 S. 25th Ave. BROADVIEW IL 60155 561621 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill SOUTH WEST INDUSTRIES INC. 2801 S. 19th Ave. BROADVIEW IL 60155 238290 Corporation White Female Owned
d $350,000-STANDARD CARTAGE COMPANY, INC. 2400 S 27TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 238290 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-STAR THERMOPLASTIC ALLOYS AND RUBBERS INC. 2121 West 21st Street BROADVIEW IL 60155 325211 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000SUNROCK CERAMICS COMPANY, LLC 2625 S 21ST AVENUE BROADVIEW IL 60155 333994 Limited Liability Company(LLC) White Male Owned
e $150,000VIBRODYNAMICS LLC 2443 BRAGA DR BROADVIEW IL 60155 336330 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000WESTMONT METAL MANUFACTURING, LLC 2350 S 27th Avenue BROADVIEW IL 60155 334419 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill WINDY CITY LIMOUSINE COMPANY LLC 2801 S 25TH AVE BROADVIEW IL 60155 485320 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ADVANCED CRITICAL TRANSPORT LLC 8940 Ogden Ave BROOKFIELD IL 60513 621910 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ALPHABET LEARNING CENTER INC. 9220 Broadway Avenue BROOKFIELD IL 60513 624410 Corporation White Female Owned
c $1-2 mill BRITISH HOME FOR RETIRED MEN AND WOMEN 8700 31st St BROOKFIELD IL 60513 623110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BROOKFIELD COLLISION SHOP INC. 9110 Ogden Ave BROOKFIELD IL 60513 811121 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
a $5-10 milCHICAGO ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY 3300 Golf Road BROOKFIELD IL 60513 712130 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES 9021 Ogden Ave BROOKFIELD IL 60513 624190 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-CONNOR'S TRANSPORTATION, INC. 9100 W. Plainfield Rd. BROOKFIELD IL 60513 484110 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000ELLIS DYNASTY INC. 8800 47TH ST BROOKFIELD IL 60513 238220 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-HIGGINS & WHITE, INCORPORATED 8400 BROOKFIELD AVE BROOKFIELD IL 60513 424450 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-HOUSE OF DOORS INC 9038 W OGDEN BROOKFIELD IL 60513 442299 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-IDEAL HEATING COMPANY 9515 SOUTHVIEW AVE BROOKFIELD IL 60513 238220 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000LUIGI'S PAISANS PIZZA II INC 3720 GRAND BLVD BROOKFIELD IL 60513 722513 Corporation White Male Owned
e $150,000NICKS METAL FABRICATING AND SONS INC 9132 47th St BROOKFIELD IL 60513 423110 Subchapter S Corporation White Male Owned
e $150,000ROBERT G. SANSONE, INC. 9118 WEST 47TH STREET BROOKFIELD IL 60513 236220 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill SWEETENER SUPPLY CORPORATION 9501 W. Southview Ave. BROOKFIELD IL 60513 424990 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000TISCHLER FINER FOODS 9118 Broadway BROOKFIELD IL 60513 445110 Subchapter S Corporation White Male Owned
d $350,000-UNIQUE PLUMBING CO 9408 47 suite1 BROOKFIELD IL 60513 238220 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000UNITED ENTERPRISE LLC 9220 OGDEN AVE BROOKFIELD IL 60513 236220 Corporation Hispanic Female Owned
e $150,000ZMX TRANSPORTATION SERVICES INC 9140 West Plainfield Road BROOKFIELD IL 60513 484110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,0002XL CORPORATION 7550 INDUSTRIAL DR FOREST PARK IL 60130 424690 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill AMERICAN SECURITY SERVICES, IN 1515 S HARLEM AVE FOREST PARK IL 60130 561612 Subchapter S Corporation Hispanic Female Owned
c $1-2 mill BERKSHIRE NURSING & REHAB CENTER, LLC 8200 Roosevelt Rd FOREST PARK IL 60130 623110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BILL WINSTON MINISTRIES 7306 W. Madison Street FOREST PARK IL 60130 813110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BLUE ROSE SHOE CORP 7415 Madison St 1st Floor East FOREST PARK IL 60130 448210 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000BODY BUILDERS DISCOUNT OUTLET INC 1900 DES PLAINES AVE FOREST PARK IL 60130 451110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-BODY-SOLID, INC. 1900 DES PLAINES AVE FOREST PARK IL 60130 451110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill BROOKWOOD BUILDERS, INC. 7332 Harrison St. FOREST PARK IL 60130 236220 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000CHICAGO INNER-CITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 819 Marengo Avenue FOREST PARK IL 60130 813219 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000CLASSIC SCREEN PRINTING, INC. DBA ENERGY-TEES 1401 CIRCLE AVE FOREST PARK IL 60130 323113 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-CURFIN OLDSMOBILE , INC. 8401 W. Roosevelt Road 0.0 FOREST PARK IL 60130 441110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill CURRIE MOTORS CHEVROLET, INC. 8401 W. Roosevelt Road 0.0 FOREST PARK IL 60130 441110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000DARTMOUTH BUSINESS SERVICES 7243 Madison Street 318 FOREST PARK IL 60130 541618 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000DAVIS TREE CARE AND LANDSCAPE, INCORPORATED 7459 FRANKLIN ST FOREST PARK IL 60130 561730 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill FARMINGTON FOODS, INC. 7419 FRANKLIN ST FOREST PARK IL 60130 311612 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000FOREST AGENCY, INC. 7310 MADISON FOREST PARK IL 60130 524210 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000FOREST PRINTING CO. 7214 W. Madison St. FOREST PARK IL 60130 323111 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000GCC COMPANY, LLC 7520 Roosevelt Rd FOREST PARK IL 60130 445110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ICOMM, INC. 7321 MADISON ST STE 200 FOREST PARK IL 60130 517919 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill IDEAL FACILITIES SERVICES, LLC 7239 W ROOSEVELT RD FOREST PARK IL 60130 561320 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ILLINOIS DENTAL PROVIDERS (HARLEM & NORTH), LTD. 7235 Madison Street FOREST PARK IL 60130 621210 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill LAKEWOOD CARPENTRY SERVICES, INC. 1540 HANNAH AVE FOREST PARK IL 60130 236220 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000LITTLE TEETH BIG SMILES 1129 S. Harlem Ave. FOREST PARK IL 60130 621210 Corporation White Male Owned
c $1-2 mill LIVING WORD CHRISTIAN CENTER 7306 W. MADISON ST FOREST PARK IL 60130 813110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-MCADAM LANDSCAPING, INC. 2001 Des Plaines Ave FOREST PARK IL 60130 111421 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MOHR OIL COMPANY 7340 Harrison St. FOREST PARK IL 60130 454310 Corporation White Male Owned
d $350,000-NATIONAL ROOFING CORPORATION 1237 Circle Ave FOREST PARK IL 60130 238190 Subchapter S Corporation Hispanic Female Owned
e $150,000NEW FOREST HOME CEMETARY, LLC 863 DES PLAINES AVE FOREST PARK IL 60130 812220 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-PATRICK DEVELOPMENT GROUP LLC 7311 Roosevelt Rd Unit 3 FOREST PARK IL 60130 236220 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill REMEDIAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANPOWER, INC. 7239 W ROOSEVELT RD FOREST PARK IL 60130 561320 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000SARAH'S INN 1547 Circle Avenue FOREST PARK IL 60130 624190 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill SIEVERT ELECTRIC SERVICE & SALES CO INC 1230 Hannah Ave 0.0 FOREST PARK IL 60130 333923 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill SPONTE SALES, INC. 7911 W. Roosevelt Rd. FOREST PARK IL 60130 441110 Corporation White Male Owned
e $150,000TECH ONE BIOMEDICAL LLC 10115 Franklin Avenue FOREST PARK IL 60130 339112 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000THE JOSEPH CENTER 7306 W. MADISON ST FOREST PARK IL 60130 813110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000TIM STEFL INC. 1015 Troost Ave. FOREST PARK IL 60130 238220 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-WEINSTEIN WHOLESALE MEATS, INC. 7501 INDUSTRIAL DR FOREST PARK IL 60130 424470 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000WUENSCHE USA INC 801 CIRCLE AVE FOREST PARK IL 60130 425120 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ABR COMMUNICATIONS INC 4146 WARREN AVE HILLSIDE IL 60162 238210 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ACE ANODIZING & IMPREGNATING, INC. 4161 BUTTERFIELD RD HILLSIDE IL 60162 332813 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill ADMIRAL HEATING & VENTILATING, INC. 4150 LITT DR HILLSIDE IL 60162 238220 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-AGNIZE INCORPORATED 4009 Warren Avenue HILLSIDE IL 60162 541810 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill ALLIANCE COMPANIES, INC. 225 FENCL LN HILLSIDE IL 60162 238310 Corporation Hispanic Male Owned
e $150,000ALLIANCE DOOR AND HARDWARE, LLC 225 FENCL LN HILLSIDE IL 60162 423310 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Hispanic Male Owned
d $350,000-AMERICAN WILBERT VAULT 4415 W. Harrison Street Suite 2HILLSIDE IL 60162 327331 Corporation Unanswered Female Owned
c $1-2 mill ASPIRE OF ILLINOIS 1815 S WOLF RD HILLSIDE IL 60162 624190 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BEG 200 S MANNHEIM HILLSIDE IL 60162 721110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Asian Male Owned
d $350,000-BELDEN TOOLS, INC. 4100 Madison St HILLSIDE IL 60162 333613 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BELLA MONTE RECOVERY II LLC 240 FENCL LN HILLSIDE IL 60162 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BETTER CONTAINERS MFG. CO., INC. 530 HYDE PARK AVE HILLSIDE IL 60162 326111 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill BUILDERS ASPHALT, LLC ROOSEVELT RD Suite 108 HILLSIDE IL 60162 237310 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill BUILDERS CONCRETE SERVICES LLC 321 Center St HILLSIDE IL 60162 238110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill BUILDERS PAVING, LLC 4413 ROOSEVELT RD STE 108 HILLSIDE IL 60162 237310 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-C&N CONSTRUCTION INC. 4413 ROOSEVELT RD STE 110 HILLSIDE IL 60162 423330 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-CORTAN, INC. 2215 WOLF RD HILLSIDE IL 60162 561330 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
a $5-10 milDYNAMIC MANUFACTURING, INC. 4201 Raymond Drive HILLSIDE IL 60162 336330 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000EASTLAND INDUSTRIES, INC. 4115 WASHINGTON BLVD HILLSIDE IL 60162 332999 Corporation Hispanic Male Owned
d $350,000-ELARA ENERGY SERVICES, INC. 30 WOLF RD N HILLSIDE IL 60162 541611 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000EMILIOS TAPAS BAR RESTAURANT 4100 Roosevelt Rd HILLSIDE IL 60162 722511 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill EXECUTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC. 235 FENCL LN HILLSIDE IL 60162 236210 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000FIRST FENCE, INC. 10 N ELM ST HILLSIDE IL 60162 238990 Corporation White Male Owned
d $350,000-GLASS CONCEPTS LLC 100 FENCL LN HILLSIDE IL 60162 238150 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-HBM ENGINEERING GROUP LLC 4415 HARRISON ST HILLSIDE IL 60162 541330 Partnership Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-HILLSIDE HOSPITALITY INC 4400 FRONTAGE RD HILLSIDE IL 60162 721110 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000HILLSIDE LUMBER, INC. 4234 WARREN AVE HILLSIDE IL 60162 423310 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000HILLSIDE MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC 4600 Frontage Rd HILLSIDE IL 60162 611699 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000J.J. SUPERIOR METAL, INC. 4302 WARREN AVE HILLSIDE IL 60162 238990 Subchapter S Corporation White Male Owned
e $150,000JENN SALES CORPORATION 4835 W BUTTERFIELD ROAD HILLSIDE IL 60162 423990 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-KH SECURITY INC 4415 HARRISON ST HILLSIDE IL 60162 561612 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill L & J HOLDING COMPANIES, LTD. 5911 Butterfield Road HILLSIDE IL 60162 541330 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MEDICAL BUSINESS OFFICES SERVICES, INC 4415 Harrison St Ste 300 HILLSIDE IL 60162 561440 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill MEDSTAR LABORATORY, INC. 4531 W HARRISON ST HILLSIDE IL 60162 621511 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-MIDWEST APPLIED SOLUTIONS, INC. 30 NORTH WOLF ROAD HILLSIDE IL 60162 423730 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MIDWEST GROUP OF ILLINOIS, LLC 4414 Roosevelt Rd HILLSIDE IL 60162 812220 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MIDWEWST IMPORTS LTD 205 FENCL LN HILLSIDE IL 60162 424410 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-MINIMOVES INC 4413 ROOSEVELT RD STE 103 HILLSIDE IL 60162 488510 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000NORTHERN ILLINOIS DISTRICT OF THE LUTHERAN CHUR 2301 S. Wolf Road HILLSIDE IL 60162 813110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-OAKRIDGE HEALTHCARE CENTER LLC 323 OAK RIDGE AVE HILLSIDE IL 60162 523110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) White Male Owned
b $2-5 mill ORANGE CRUSH, LLC 321 Center Street HILLSIDE IL 60162 237310 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-P & C AUTO GROUP LLC 4009 Warren Ave HILLSIDE IL 60162 441120 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-PTMC MONUMENT 4300 Roosevelt Road HILLSIDE IL 60162 339999 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
a $5-10 milR&D REALTY AND MANAGEMENT, LTD. 4830 Butterfield Rd HILLSIDE IL 60162 531110 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000RE TEAM 2215 S Wolf Rd 168 HILLSIDE IL 60162 531190 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000REPLOGLE GLOBES PARTNERS LLC 125 Fencl Ln HILLSIDE IL 60162 339999 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000RESOURCE UTILIZATION XPERTS,INC. 4415 HARRISON ST STE 444 HILLSIDE IL 60162 541211 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill STONE MOUNTAIN ACCESS GROUP, INC. - PPP - 180 4053 May Street HILLSIDE IL 60162 532490 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-SWEET HOME KITCHEN & BATH INC DBA PROCRAF4620 ROOSEVELT RD HILLSIDE IL 60162 337110 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill SYMPHONY ARIA, LLC 4600 FRONTAGE RD HILLSIDE IL 60162 623110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-SYNERGY MECHANICAL, INC. 4202 Warren Avenue HILLSIDE IL 60162 238220 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000TRI-GEMINI, LLC 4129 MAY ST HILLSIDE IL 60162 423840 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill UNITED RX, LLC 150 FENCL LN HILLSIDE IL 60162 446110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000WEST-HILL AUTO BODY, INC. 4907 BUTTERFIELD RD HILLSIDE IL 60162 811121 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000WIPECO INC 250 N MANNHEIM RD HILLSIDE IL 60162 423840 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY INCORPORATED 555 N Kensington Ave 0.0 LAGRANGE PARK IL 60526 813920 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-AVON GEAR & ENGINEERING CO. DBA AVON AU TOMOT18 NEWBERRY AVE LA GRANGE PARK IL 60526 333517 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-BILLET SPECIALTIES INC 500 Shawmut Ave LAGRANGE IL 60526 336390 Corporation White Male Owned
d $350,000-CHEMGROUT INC 805 E 31ST ST LA GRANGE PARK IL 60526 333249 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000CHICAGO SECURITY PROFESSIONALS 1003 E 31st Street LA GRANGE PARK IL 60526 561612 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill DUBAK ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CO. 10 Beach Ave LA GRANGE PARK IL 60526 238210 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
b $2-5 mill EARLY AUTISM SERVICES LLC 306 N Kensington Ave LA GRANGE PARK IL 60526 624110 Subchapter S Corporation White Male Owned
e $150,000F & J RESTAURANT GROUP INC 9 E 31ST ST LA GRANGE PARK IL 60526 722511 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill NAZARETH ACADEMY 900 Jorie Blvd LA GRANGE PARK IL 60526 611110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ONE WAY SAFETY, LLC 418 SHAWMUT AVE LA GRANGE IL 60526 541690 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill PILLARS COMMUNITY HEALTH 333 N La Grange Rd Ste 1 LA GRANGE PARK IL 60526 621112 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill PLYMOUTH PLACE, INC 315 N. LA GRANGE ROAD LA GRANGE PARK IL 60526 623312 Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000SOLE ST LOUISE DE MARILLAC 1144 HARRISON AVE LA GRANGE PARK IL 60526 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000SUBURBAN GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1019 E 31st Street LA GRANGE PARK IL 60526 237110 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000YPV DISTRIBUTION 825 East 26th Street LAGRANGE PARK IL 60526 424130 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-BOST CORPORATION 601 SAINT CHARLES ROAD MAYWOOD IL 60153 333413 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill CLARK ROOFING COMPANY 2700 W. CERMAK ROAD BROADMAYWOOD IL 60153 238160 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000DULANEYLAND INC 813 South 3rd Avenue MAYWOOD IL 60153 711190 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-HOUSING FORWARD 1851 S. 9th Avenue MAYWOOD IL 60153 624221 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000JSN, INC. 611 W ST Charles Rd MAYWOOD IL 60153 332618 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000KAZMER FOOT AND ANKLE CENTERS, LTD. 1701 S. 1ST AVE SUITE 2503 MAYWOOD IL 60153 621999 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill L & D DRIVERS SERVICE, INC. 111 S. 7TH AVE MAYWOOD IL 60153 484220 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MORRIS MEAT PACKING COMPANY, INC. 1406 S. 5TH AVE MAYWOOD IL 60153 311612 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill NATIONAL CYCLE INC 2200 S Maywood Dr MAYWOOD IL 60153 336991 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-PROVISO LEYDEN COUNCIL FOR COMMUNITY ACTION, I411 W Madison Street MAYWOOD IL 60153 624190 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ROCK OF AGES BAPTIST CHURCH 1309 Madison Street MAYWOOD IL 60153 813110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill ROY STROM REFUSE REMOVAL SERVICE INC 1201 GREENWOOD AVENUE MAYWOOD IL 60153 562111 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-T. H. RYAN CARTAGE COMPANY 111 S 7th Street MAYWOOD IL 60153 484110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000THE WAY BANK INN, INC. 104 Oak St. MAYWOOD IL 60153 623220 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000TRY OUR PALLETS INC 37 9TH AVE S MAYWOOD IL 60153 321920 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill 3MD RELOCATION SERVICES, LLC 1915 Janice Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 484210 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Female Owned
c $1-2 mill A-1 TOOL CORPORATION 1425 ARMITAGE AVE. MELROSE PARK IL 60160 333514 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000AAA MAXIMUM TOWING AND RECOVERY INC. DBA 5300 W LAKE ST MELROSE PARK IL 60160 488410 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill AL PIEMONTE FORD SALES, INC. 2500 W NORTH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 441110 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill AL PIEMONTE NISSAN, INC. 1600 NORTH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 441110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill ALIN MACHINING CO., INC 3131 W. Soffel Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 333611 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ALL AMERICAN CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC. 1701 N. 33RD AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 424690 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ALM DISTRIBUTORS LLC 2060 N. Janice Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 311991 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill ANDREW DISTRIBUTION INC 2000 Anson Dr MELROSE PARK IL 60160 484110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF MELROSE PARK 1815 W North Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 541940 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-AT MECHANICAL, LLC 2000 N. HAWTHORNE AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 238210 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ATHENIAN FOODS INC 1814 N 15TH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 424410 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000AUTOMART NATIONWIDE, INC. 160 N 25TH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 423840 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
c $1-2 mill AVLON INDUSTRIES, INC. 1999 N 15TH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 325620 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-B & G SALES, INC. 1750 N 25TH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 423990 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BELCORE ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO. 1600 MAIN ST MELROSE PARK IL 60160 236115 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000CARNITAS DON ALFREDO INC 2501 W. Lake Street MELROSE PARK IL 60160 722513 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000CERNIGLIA CO 3421 W LAKE ST MELROSE PARK IL 60160 237110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000CHASE FASTENERS, INC. 1539 N 25TH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 332722 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000CHICAGO GRINDING & MACHINE COMPANY, INC. 1950 N. 15TH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 332710 Corporation White Male Owned
d $350,000-COMMERCIAL TIRE SERVICES INC. 30TH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 441320 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000COMPONENT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL INC 1329 N 31ST AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 332722 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-CONCARE, INC. 2081 N 15TH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 238110 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-CONSUMERS PACKING COMPANY INC 1301 Carson Drive MELROSE PARK IL 60160 311612 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-CURTO-LIGONIER FOUNDRIES CO. 1215 N. 31st Avenue MELROSE PARK IL 60160 331523 Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-D.A.M. PLUMBING, INC. 1315 N 25TH AVENUE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 238220 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-D.T. CHICAGOLAND EXPRESS, INC 2225 W North Ave Suite G MELROSE PARK IL 60160 484230 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000DBG LLC 3400 BLOOMINGDALE AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-DCG ROOFING SOLUTIONS, INC. 2045 JANICE AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 238160 Corporation White Male Owned
e $150,000DEMCO INC 2975 W SOFFEL AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 332322 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill DIESEL RADIATOR COMPANY 1990 JANICE AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 336390 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000DRIVEN FENCE INC 2000 RUBY ST MELROSE PARK IL 60160 484110 Subchapter S Corporation White Female Owned
d $350,000-DYNAMIC POWERTRAIN REMAN, INC 3003 W HIRSCH STREET MELROSE PARK IL 60160 423110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ECONOMY IRON, INC. 3132 W HIRSCH ST MELROSE PARK IL 60160 331110 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill ELITE ELECTRIC CO., INC. 1645 N 25th Avenue MELROSE PARK IL 60160 238210 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ELITE PRO AUTOMOTIVE INC 3113 West Lake Street MELROSE PARK IL 60160 441110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000EN-CHRO PLATING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 2755 W. Lake St MELROSE PARK IL 60160 332813 Partnership Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ENVIRO TECH INTERNATIONAL, INC 1800 N. 25TH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 325998 Corporation White Male Owned
c $1-2 mill EVAN'S ELECTRIC LLC 2424 25th Avenue 200 MELROSE PARK IL 60160 238210 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000E-Z SPUDS, INC. 2020 JANICE AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 311991 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-FHC NEWCO LLC 2800 W Lake Street MELROSE PARK IL 60160 337215 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000FINE VINES L.L.C. 2725 Thomas Street MELROSE PARK IL 60160 424810 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Male Owned
c $1-2 mill GATEWAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. 3150 W Hirsch Street MELROSE PARK IL 60160 237990 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000GENE GOODWILLIE INC. 1820 N. 30th Ave. MELROSE PARK IL 60160 322211 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill GENERAL MANUFACTURING LLC 3131 W Soffel Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 332710 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-GERTSEN INTERSTATE SYSTEMS INC 3000 W HIRSCH ST MELROSE PARK IL 60160 484110 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-GRAPHIC ARTS FINISHING COMPANY 1990 n MANNHEIM RD MELROSE PARK IL 60160 339999 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-GREAT LAKES MILK PRODUCTS, INC. 3000 W. NORTH AVENUE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 424430 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-HARRIS EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 2040 HAWTHORNE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 333912 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000HOY LANDSCAPING, INC. 3025 WEST LAKE ST MELROSE PARK IL 60160 561730 Corporation White Male Owned
d $350,000-IMG TRUCKING INC 2001 CORNELL AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 484121 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-INTERNATIONAL CUTTING DIE, INC. 2030 JANICE AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 333514 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ISSAM1289, INC. 1040 W NORTH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 722513 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000J & M SOLUTIONS, INC. 1308 W LAKE ST MELROSE PARK IL 60160 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-KRAFT CHEMICAL COMPANY 1975 N Hawthorne MELROSE PARK IL 60160 424690 Subchapter S Corporation White Male Owned
e $150,000KREG MEDICAL, INC. 1940 Janice Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 423450 Corporation White Male Owned
c $1-2 mill KREG THERAPEUTICS, INC. 1940 JANICE AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 446199 Subchapter S Corporation White Male Owned
b $2-5 mill LAKE BOOK MANUFACTURING, INC. 2085 Cornell Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 323117 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill MAYFIELD TRANSFER CO INC 3200 W Lake Street 0.0 MELROSE PARK IL 60160 484220 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill MECH-TRONICS LP Atten ER Demuro MELROSE PARK IL 60160 332322 Partnership Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MELROSE OFFICE SERVICES, INC. 2050 HAWTHORNE AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 484110 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
675 W NORTH AVE STE 402 MELROSE PARK IL 60160 621111 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000MOORE DERMATOLOGY 501 W NORTH AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 621111 Corporation Unanswered Female Owned
d $350,000-OLYMPIA MAINTENANCE, INC. 3025 West SOFFEL AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 561790 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ORD LIFT & GSE INC 4430 ARMITAGE AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 812990 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-PARAGON MANUFACTURING INC 2001 N 15th Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 311999 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000PEARLE VISION 904 West North Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 621320 Corporation White Male Owned
e $150,000POWER PLANT FIELD SERVICES LLC 3131 West Soffel Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 333611 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill POWER PLANT REPAIR SERVICES LLC 3131 W Soffel Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 333611 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000PRECISE LAPPING AND GRINDING CORP 2041 Janice Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 327910 Subchapter S Corporation Asian Male Owned
e $150,000ROMERO STEEL COMPANY, INC. 1300 W MAIN ST MELROSE PARK IL 60160 331110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000SCHILKE MUSIC PRODUCTS, INC. 4520 James Place MELROSE PARK IL 60160 339992 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000SCHRAM ENTERPRISES, INC. 5017 w LAKE ST MELROSE PARK IL 60160 332812 Corporation White Unanswered
d $350,000-SILVICOM, INC. 1301 Armitage Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 484121 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000SPILL-STOP MFG LLC 1509 W Le Moyne St MELROSE PARK IL 60160 326199 Limited Liability Company(LLC) White Unanswered
d $350,000-STRIKEFORCE BOWLING, LLC 2020 INDIAN BOUNDRY DR MELROSE PARK IL 60160 423910 Limited Liability Company(LLC) White Male Owned
e $150,000SUPER MERCADO TORRES NO 4, INC. 124 N Broadway 0.0 MELROSE PARK IL 60160 445110 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000SUZ ENTERPRISES, LLC 1551 Lee Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 812990 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000TENNENBAUM AND ANSTADT, LTD 675 West North Ave Ste 107 MELROSE PARK IL 60160 621320 Corporation White Male Owned
e $150,000TERRA SERVICES, INC. 2055 JANICE AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 999990 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000THE FASTRON CO. 2040 JANICE AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60160 339993 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-TONE PRODUCTS INC 2129 N 15th Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 311930 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-WALTHER LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, INC.900 Chicago Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 611710 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill WISCON CORP 2050 N 15th Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60160 424430 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000AUTOMATION SYSTEMS, L.L.C. 2001 N. 17th Ave MELROSE PARK IL 60161 332710 Limited Liability Company(LLC) White Male Owned
d $350,000-ELITE CABLE COMMUNICATIONS LLC 1120 N. 27th Ave. MELROSE PARK IL 60161 517919 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-AMIGO INSURANCE AGENCY INC 7907 W Cermak Rd RIVERSIDE IL 60546 524210 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000BEACON SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION INC 2413 S 7TH AVE NORTH RIVERSIDE IL 60546 811219 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-CASTLE BUICK-GMC, INC. 7400 W. Cermak Rd. RIVERSIDE IL 60546 441110 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill GKA GROUP, LLC 45 E. Burlington #293 RIVERSIDE IL 60546 722320 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000GREENWOOD MANAGEMENT GROUP 9155 W CERMAK RD RIVERSIDE IL 60546 236116 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000JLO SERVICES, INC. 7301 W 25th St NORTH RIVERSIDE IL 60546 811191 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill MIRAMAR INTERNATIONAL GROUP, INC 345 E. BURLINGTON ST RIVERSIDE IL 60546 561210 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATES OF RIVERSIDE LLC 353 E BURLINGTON ST RIVERSIDE IL 60546 621111 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-PINNACLE DECORATING INC 8404 W 26TH ST NORTH RIVERSIDE IL 60546 238320 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000SMART MOVES PEDIATRICS PC 7929 Cermak Road Unit C NORTH RIVERSIDE IL 60546 621111 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000SOLUTIONS FOR CARE 7222 W. Cermak Rd Ste 200 NORTH RIVERSIDE IL 60546 813319 Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ST MARY CHURCH 126 Herrick Rd. RIVERSIDE IL 60546 813110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-THE ILLINOIS ST. ANDREW SOCIETY 2800 Desplaines Ave. RIVERSIDE IL 60546 623110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000V & G SUPER FOODS INC 48 BURLINGTON ST RIVERSIDE IL 60546 424410 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ZEIGLER NORTH RIVERSIDE LLC 2100 Harlem Avenue RIVERSIDE IL 60546 441110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ALL-BRITE ANODIZING CO. INC. 100 Lake Street NORTHLAKE IL 60164 332811 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ARROW FACILITIES MANAGEMENT, LLC 11697 WEST GRAND AVE. NORTHLAKE IL 60164 492210 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-AVENUE LOGISTICS, INC. 135 N RAILROAD AVE NORTHLAKE IL 60164 485999 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-BRISTOL HOSE & FITTING, INC. 1 West Lake St NORTHLAKE IL 60164 484110 Subchapter S Corporation Black or African American Unanswered
e $150,000BRISTOL TRANSPORT, INC. 1 West Lake Street NORTHLAKE IL 60164 484110 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill CDN LOGISTICS, INC. 135 N RAILROAD AVE MELROSE PARK IL 60164 488999 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-CERANI CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. 140 W LAKE ST NORTHLAKE IL 60164 238110 Cooperative Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill CHAMPION TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, INC. 200 CHAMPION WAY NORTHLAKE IL 60164 481111 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000CONTINENTAL COURIER SOLUTIONS, INC. 11697 W GRAND AVE NORTHLAKE IL 60164 492110 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill CTL GLOBAL, INC. 11697 GRAND AVE NORTHLAKE IL 60164 492210 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MARSHALL INTERNATIONAL 3815 LAKE ST STONE PARK IL 60165 722410 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
a $5-10 milMULTI-TEMPS SERVICES, INC 1821 N Mannheim Rd STONE PARK IL 60165 561311 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill MULTI-TEMPS STAFFING, INC 1821 N Mannheim Rd STONE PARK IL 60165 561311 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000PA'DELANTE GROUP LLC 3600 West North Avenue STONE PARK IL 60165 722511 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000ROSS & JACK LANDSCAPING INC 1530 MANNHEIM RD N STONE PARK IL 60165 541320 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-STONE PARK ENTERTAINMENT INC. 4003 W Lake St STONE PARK IL 60165 713990 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-TEMPS PDQ 1559 N Mannheim Rd STONE PARK IL 60165 561320 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000THE SHEPHERD'S LEARNING ACADEMY INC. 1818 N 32ND AVE STONE PARK IL 60165 611699 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Female Owned
d $350,000-VISION CONSTRUCTION AND CONSULTING INC. 1733 N 33RD AVE STONE PARK IL 60165 541310 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill A&R JANITORIAL SERVICE, INC. 10127 W. Roosevelt 0.0 WESTCHESTER IL 60154 561720 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
a $5-10 milBRAINLAB INC. 5 WESTBROOK CORPORATE CTRWESTCHESTER IL 60154 334510 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-BRITTEN SCHOOL 10110 Gladstone Street WESTCHESTER IL 60154 611110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-C&W BUILDING SERVICES, INC. 10550 W. Cermak Rd. WESTCHESTER IL 60154 238320 Corporation White Male Owned
c $1-2 mill CHEMICAL PERSONNEL SEARCH, INCORPORATED 1 Westbrook Corporate Center WESTCHESTER IL 60154 561311 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-CHFS HOLDINGS INC 1 Westbrook Corporate CTR STEWESTCHESTER IL 60154 522320 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000CLEANERS DEPOT FRANCHISE, LLC 2205 ENTERPRISE DR STE 502 WESTCHESTER IL 60154 812310 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Asian Unanswered
d $350,000-CLORICA MANAGEMENT CORP. 1 WESTBROOK CORPORATE CTRWESTCHESTER IL 60154 561720 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL STAFFING, LLC 1 WESTBROOL CORPORATE CENWESTCHESTER IL 60154 561311 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-CVM SOLUTIONS, LLC 5 Westbrook Corporate Ctr Ste WESTCHESTER IL 60154 423830 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000DDDD, INC. 10410 W CERMAK ROAD WESTCHESTER IL 60154 722513 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000DESTINY HEALTHCARE SERVICES, INC. 10031 W ROOSEVELT RD WESTCHESTER IL 60154 621610 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000DIG RIGHT IN LANDSCAPING INC 9900 DERBY LN WESTCHESTER IL 60154 541320 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
e $150,000DIVINE PROVIDENCE PARISH 2550 MAYFAIR AVE WESTCHESTER IL 60154 813110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-EDWIN HANCOCK ENGINEERING CO. 9933 W Roosevelt Rd WESTCHESTER IL 60154 541330 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000GALMONT LEGAL LLC ONE WESTBROOK CORPORATE CE WESTCHESTER IL 60154 541110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) White Female Owned
e $150,000HANRAHAN INVESTIGATORS, INC. 9914 Derby Lane Suite 201 WESTCHESTER IL 60154 561611 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ILLINI PRECAST LLC 2255 ENTERPRISE DR suite 5501WESTCHESTER IL 60154 327390 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ILLINI PRECAST-ROMEOVILLE LLC 2255 ENTERPRISE DR SUITE 550WESTCHESTER IL 60154 327390 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ILLINI PRECAST-SPEED LLC 2255 ENTERPRISE DR SUITE 550WESTCHESTER IL 60154 327390 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill KW PRECAST LLC 2255 ENTERPRISE DR SUITE 550WESTCHESTER IL 60154 327390 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill LEGACY PROFESSIONALS LLP 4 Westbrook Corporate Center, WESTCHESTER IL 60154 541211 Partnership Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000MEDHQ, LLC 4 WESTBROOK CORPORATE CTRWESTCHESTER IL 60154 541612 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Female Owned
e $150,000NOVACARE SERVICES, INC. 10001 DERBY LN STE 201 WESTCHESTER IL 60154 621610 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000PRECISION PLUMBERS, LLC 10119 ROOSEVELT RD WESTCHESTER IL 60154 238220 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Female Owned
e $150,000PRO TEMP OF ILLINOIS INC 9835 DERBY LN WESTCHESTER IL 60154 238220 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-PROTERA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1 WESTBROOK CORPORATE CTRWESTCHESTER IL 60154 541512 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
c $1-2 mill REGENT SURGICAL HEALTH HOLDINGS, INC 4 Westbrook Corporate Ctr Ste WESTCHESTER IL 60154 621111 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000REHAB ASSIST INC. 2205 ENTERPRISE DR WESTCHESTER IL 60154 561320 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-SILVEREDGE BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LTD. DBA SILVEREDGE Four Westbrook Center Suite 1 WESTCHESTER IL 60154 541512 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-ST. JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL 10900 W Cermak Rd WESTCHESTER IL 60154 611110 Non-Profit Organization Unanswered Unanswered
C IL 60154 541330 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill STERLING STAFFING, INC 2 WESTBROOK CORPORATE CTRWESTCHESTER IL 60154 561320 Subchapter S Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-SUPERIOR ONE ELECTRIC INC. 1212 GARDNER RD WESTCHESTER IL 60154 238210 Corporation Unanswered Female Owned
c $1-2 mill TANDEM MANAGEMENT, INC. 2400 Wolf Road WESTCHESTER IL 60154 524210 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-THE CHICAGO HIGHLANDS CLUB LLC 2 Bluebird Trail WESTCHESTER IL 60154 713910 Limited Liability Company(LLC) White Male Owned
b $2-5 mill THE GROVE, INC. WESTBROOK CORPORATE CTR Su WESTCHESTER IL 60154 722513 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000TOMY FREIGHT INC. 1 WESTBROOK CORPORATE CTRWESTCHESTER IL 60154 488510 Corporation Unanswered Male Owned
d $350,000-TWIN CLEANING PROFESSIONALS, INC. 9919 W ROOSEVELT RD SUITE 2WESCHESTER IL 60154 561311 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000TY MILES INC 9855 Derby Ln WESTCHESTER IL 60154 333517 Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-UNITED HOME LOANS, INC. 4 WESTBROOK CORPORATE CENT WESTCHESTER IL 60154 522310 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
a $5-10 milUROPARTNERS LLC 2245 Enterprise Dr Ste 4506 WESTCHESTER IL 60154 621111 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
d $350,000-UROPARTNERS SURGERY CENTER, LLC 2245 Enterprise Dr Ste 4506 WESTCHESTER IL 60154 621111 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000VINAYAKA HOSPITALITY WESTCHESTER LLC 2222 ENTERPRISE DR WESTCHESTER IL 60154 721110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS LLC 2400 Wolf Road WESTCHESTER IL 60154 561330 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Male Owned
c $1-2 mill YORK ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS, INC. 1 WESTBROOK CORPORATE CTRWESTCHESTER IL 60154 541511 Corporation Unanswered Unanswered
b $2-5 mill YORK SOLUTIONS, LLC 1 WESTBROOK CORPORATE CTRWESTCHESTER IL 60154 541512 Limited Liability Company(LLC) Unanswered Unanswered
e $150,000e $150,000e $150,000e $150,000e $150,000e $150,000-350,015
Unanswered ### BMO HarrisIL - 07
Unanswered 103 ### Cross RiverIL - 07
Unanswered 15 ### CustomersIL - 07
Unanswered 70 4/6/2020 CIBC Bank IL - 07
Unanswered 29 4/8/2020 Wintrust BaIL - 07
Unanswered 68 5/3/2020 Fifth Third IL - 07
Unanswered 57 ### PNC Bank, IL - 07
Unanswered 36 4/5/2020 BarringtonIL - 07
Unanswered 20 ### BMO HarrisIL - 07
Unanswered 34 ### Fifth Third IL - 07
Unanswered 15 ### JPMorgan CIL - 07
Unanswered 88 ### Old NationIL - 07
Unanswered 358 4/6/2020 Village BanIL - 07
Unanswered 25 4/9/2020 West SubuIL - 07
Veteran 20 5/3/2020 Fifth Third IL - 07
Unanswered 189 4/6/2020 Belmont BaIL - 07
Unanswered 39 4/6/2020 The HuntinIL - 07
Non-Veteran ### Celtic BankIL - 07
Non-Veteran 60 ### The HuntinIL - 07
Non-Veteran 23 4/9/2020 BlackhawkIL - 07
Non-Veteran 20 ### JPMorgan CIL - 07
Unanswered ### AssociatedIL - 07
Unanswered 58 ### Evergreen IL - 07
Unanswered 4/8/2020 Five Star B IL - 07
Unanswered 16 ### Republic BIL - 07
Unanswered 22 4/8/2020 St. Charles IL - 07
Unanswered 50 4/8/2020 CIBC Bank IL - 07