Title: DC Machines: Host: Hytec Power Inc Speaker: Engr. Joyce Allan A. Guingab, REE
Title: DC Machines: Host: Hytec Power Inc Speaker: Engr. Joyce Allan A. Guingab, REE
Title: DC Machines: Host: Hytec Power Inc Speaker: Engr. Joyce Allan A. Guingab, REE
Commutator acts a lubrication between the carbon brush and the commutator
which is commutator film. Commutator film size I about an inch of a thick thats
how a commutator film as thin as it is.
And we also have Normal commutator film and have 3 types of film:
We also talk about Carbon brush dimenstion how to measure a carbon brush
is to consider the width,length and thickness. There are things that should be
considered when dealing with carbon brush we have a standard that needs to
Brush neutral - there no induced voltage within the armature film, for ideal
commutation , the brush should short the armature leads at lowest
possible induced voltage.
We also talk about the importand thing to consider when doing brush neutral:
Brush neutral should be checked or adjusted any time the commutator
end bracket is removed from DC machine
Fully seat the brushes before attempting to set neutral. Failure to do so
will result in an incorrect neutral position with increased arcing as the load
We also talk about how to set neutral when causes of increase in arcing we
means that it did not set in nuetral correctly.
Important notice at brush neutral - for machines equipped with a series
winding (compound machines), it has to be in series and the armature leads
are not connected together when setting neutral. Feedback from the series to
the interpoles will otherwise result in an incorrect neutral position.
We also talk about the procedure how to set a brush neutral.
Using kick DC inductive method connects a DC voltage source to shunt
fields leads using an analog voltmeter to measure DC voltage
momentarily applied. Observed the needle deflection both when the voltage
is applied and when it is removed. The needle deflection should be the
same in each case
AC Inductive Method same thing procedure as Dc inductive method but
this time it should be digital
We also talk about the factors affecting brush neutral:
Unequal brush spacing around commutator -taught us how to check
brush spacing around commutator that it must be 1,2mm average it
should not be more than 1,2mm spacing
But not all motor designs have equally space brush
Brush not fully seated- carbon brush should be fully seated before fully
neutral during the course of time the carbon brush becomes weary.
-Spacing problem of field poles or interpoles-it one that must be consider in
doing servicing of a DC motor.
Brush Neutral verification- how to verify that neutral is correct. In DC we
can counter the speed when we change the rotation of the DC motor.