Shortcut Keys

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Windows Shortcut Keys

 Windows Key + R: Opens the Run menu.

 Windows Key + E: Opens Explorer.

 Alt + Tab: Switch between open programs.

 Alt + Esc: Switch between programs in order they were opened.

 Windows Key + Up Arrow: Maximize current window.

 Windows Key + M: Minimize all windows.

 Shift + Windows Key + M: Restore windows that were minimized with previous keystroke.

 Windows Key + D: Hide/display the desktop.

 Alt + F4: Quit active application or close current window.

 Alt + Spacebar: Open menu for active program.

 Ctrl + Left or Right Arrow: Move cursor forward or back one word.

 Ctrl + Up or Down Arrow: Move cursor forward or back one paragraph.

 F1: Open Help menu for active application.

 Windows + F1: Open Windows Help and Support.

 Windows + Tab: Open Task view.

Microsoft Word
 Shift and F1 Key: Review text formatting.

 Ctrl and N: Create a new document.

 Ctrl and O: Opens a new document.

 Ctrl and P: Prints a document.

 Ctrl and S: Saves a document.

 Ctrl and Y: Redo the last action.

 Ctrl and Z: Undo the last action.

 F7 Key: Launch the Spell Checker.

 Shift + F7 Key: Launch the Thesaurus.

 F9 Key: Refresh.

 Ctrl and A: Selects all in the current document.

 Ctrl and B: Bold text.

 Ctrl and I: Italicize text.

 Ctrl and U: Underlines text.

 Ctrl and C: Copies the item or text.

 Ctrl and V: Pastes the copied item or text.

 Ctrl and X: Cuts the selected item or text.

 Ctrl and D: Displays the Font dialogue box.

 Ctrl and L: Left align a paragraph.

 Ctrl and E: Center align a paragraph.

 Ctrl and R: Right align a paragraph.

 Ctrl and J: Justify align a paragraph.

 Ctrl and F: Displays the Find dialog box to search the current document.

 Ctrl and G: Displays the Go To dialog box to search for a specific location in the current

 Ctrl and H: Displays the Replace dialogue box.

 Ctrl and K: Create a hyperlink.

 Ctrl and Enter: Insert a page break.

 Ctrl and F2: Select Print Preview command.

 Ctrl and F4: Closes the active window.

 Ctrl and F6: Opens the next window if multiple are open.

Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

 F2: Edit the active cell.

 F5: Displays the Go To box.

 F7: Open the Spelling dialogue box to check a selected range.

 F11: Create a chart of data in the current range in a separate sheet.

 Alt + Shift + F1: Insert a new worksheet.

 Shift + F3: Opens Insert Function dialogue box.

 Shift + F5: Opens the Find and Replace dialogue box.

 Ctrl + Shift + Colon (:) : Enter the current time.

 Ctrl + Semicolon (;) : Enter the current date.

 Ctrl + A: Select all content in the worksheet.

 Ctrl + B: Bold highlighted selection.

 Ctrl + I: Italicize highlighted selection.

 Ctrl + K: Open the Insert hyperlink dialogue box.

 Ctrl + U: Underline highlighted selection.

 Ctrl + 5: Apply strikethrough formatting.

 Ctrl + P: Brings up the print dialog box.

 Ctrl + F9: Minimize a workbook window to an icon.

 Ctrl + F10: Maximize a selected workbook window.

 Ctrl + F6: Switch to the next workbook window when multiple are open.

 Ctrl + Page Up: Move to previous sheet in a workbook.

 Ctrl + Page Down: Move to next sheet in a workbook.

 Ctrl + Tab: Switch to next tab in dialogue box.

 Ctrl + Shift + ! : Apply the Number format.

 Ctrl + Shift + $ : Apply the Currency format.

 Ctrl + Shift + #: Apply the Date format.

 Ctrl + Shift + %: Apply the Percentage format.

 Ctrl + Shift + ^: Apply the Exponential format.

 Ctrl + Shift + @: Apply the Time format.

 Ctrl + Arrow Key: Move to the edge of the current data region in a worksheet.

 Ctrl + Space: Select an entire column in a worksheet.

 Shift + Space: Select an entire row in a worksheet.

Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts

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