GP1022L14 Datasheet
GP1022L14 Datasheet
GP1022L14 Datasheet
Cylindrical Cell
Model No.: GP1022L14
Nominal Dimension : Φ = 10.5 mm *
(with Sleeve) H = 22.0 mm
Applications : Recommended discharge current
14 to 280 mA
Nominal Voltage : 3.7V
Capacity : Typical: 140 mAh
Minimum: 135 mAh
When discharged at 28 mA to
2.8 V at 23 oC
Charge Condition : 112 mA to 4.2 V for 2.5 hrs at 23 oC
Recommended : 112 mA to 140 mA (0.8 to 1C)
Charging Condition in Charge termination control
Applications recommend control parameters:
Taper current 0.05C at 4.2 V Unit: mm
Clamped Charging : 4.2 V +/- 0.05 V
Service Life : >500 cycles (70% of typical
Weight : Approx. 4.2 g
Internal Resistance : 180 mΩ max. at 1000Hz Discharging Characteristics
Ambient Temperature : Charging : 0 to 45 oC 4.4
Range Discharging : -30 to 60 oC **
2.0C 1.0C 0.5C 0.2C
Storage (1 month) : -20 to 45 oC 4.0
Storage (6 months) : -20 to 40 oC
Storage (1 year) : -20 to 35 oC
Voltage (V)
Charge: 0.8C to 4.2 V for 150 min at 23 °C
Discharge: to 2.8 V at 23 °C at various C-rate
Charging Characteristics 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
% of Typical Capacity
4.4 160
140 Discharge Temperature Characteristics
120 4.4
Capacity (mAh)
Current (mA) &
Voltage (V)
3.6 100
80 4.0
3.2 60
Voltage (V)
40 0oC
2.8 60 C
20 -20oC
2.4 0 -30oC
0 30 60 90 120 150 2.8
Charge: 0.8C to 4.2 V for 150 min at 23 °C
Time (min)
Discharge: 0.2C to 2.8 V at various temperatures
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
% of Typical Capacity
The information (subject to change without prior notice) contained in this document is
for reference only and should not be used as a basis for product guarantee or
warranty. For applications other than those described here, please consult your
nearest GP Sales and Marketing Office or Distributors.