आलु बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि हाते पुस्तिका-66464
आलु बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि हाते पुस्तिका-66464
आलु बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि हाते पुस्तिका-66464
March, 2016
Hikmat Kumar Shrestha
Senior Agriculture Development Officer
Table of Contents
1. Background ............................................................................................................................ 1
4.1 General schedule for potato cultivation and technical works .......................................... 3
6. Planting ................................................................................................................................ 15
15. Skilled Human Resource Development under Seed Production Group and
Cooperatives for the Quality Seed Production......................................................................... 37
Compost ................................................................................................................................... 38
PART 1: Farm Yard Manure (FYM) ....................................................................................... 39
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 39
8. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 46
References ................................................................................................................................ 53
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 1
1. Background
Potato is one of the major food crops of Nepal. The average productivity of potato tuber in
Nepal is 13.13 metric ton/hectors in 2071/72 B.S. (Agriculture diary, 2073 B.S.), which is far
behind from the productivity of other developed countries. For increasing the productivity,
the quality seed tuber production and improved cultivation technique is the main factor.
Quality seed tuber means the tuber free from seed borne diseases. Generally, suitable area for
the production of high quality seed tuber in Nepal is high hill region i.e. 2000 meter above
from mean sea level (MoAD, Nepal).
The seed borne diseases spread quickly, and cannot be controlled using chemicals as well.
Use of healthy and disease free seed tuber following crop rotation with proper field
inspection can help to minimize the seed borne disease. Hence, this manual tries to provide
some idea for the production of quality seed tuber via improved techniques and cooperative
seed production group management.
A seed tuber weight should be 30-50 gm. for minimizing the infection by the use of
cut potato.
In visual, the seed tuber should be healthy, free of wrinkle and no disease symptoms.
High quality tuber seed is considered as important tool for increasing productivity. There are
several advantages of use of quality seeds and they are given below:
Quality seed tuber production can contribute to food security via increasing
There are many pocket areas for quality seed tuber production in high-hill region,
which is easily accessible to remote area farmers.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 3
TECHNICAL ASPECT- where various techniques are adopted to obtain disease free
potato seed tuber.
The general schedule for potato cultivation and technical works are indicated in the
following table.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 4
2nd Week Seed tuber First field Potato tuber moth Irrigation if possible
of Apr - formation stage inspection
Aphid Uproot and remove the diseased plants
from field
Week of Viral disease(seed
Apr. borne) Control aphid by the pesticides
Early blight
disease(seed borne) Irrigation management (More potato
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 6
Before seed production, cooperative should consider how much seeds that could be sold
in the market, and how much quantity of seed can be stored in their storage. By
considering this, they should make the plan of selecting the land and cultivation for seed
production. Likewise, while cultivating the potato seed tuber, whether the seed storage
has been constructed or how to construct, should also be considered.
It is important work to select appropriate plot in the potato seed tuber production method.
The following things need to be considered while selecting plot for seed production:
The site for producing seed potato should be in sunny area with fertile soil,
The spacing distance between the plots of potato seed tuber farming and other solanum
crop farming should be of minimum 30 meters,
We should select the plot where the aphid and other insect cannot easily come out from
other solanum field for controlling disease.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 9
For controlling disease and pest, same solanum related crops should not be planted
continuously in the same plot. Crop rotation should be adopted in every 3/3 years for seed
tuber production.
If farmers cultivate potato every year in the same field, virus and other soil borne diseases
will be increased. Thus, potato of those areas cannot be used as seed tuber.
First of all farmers should divide their seed tuber production field into 3 plots.
In the first year, cultivate the potato in 1st plot and cultivate Maize in 2nd plot and if
possible cultivate legume or cabbage cauliflower or remain fallow in 3rd plot.
In2nd year continue the same procedure following same time and season but rotate
the crops i.e. Potato will be in 2nd plot, Maize in 3rd plot and legume or vegetable will
be in 1st plot
This way every three years there will be changing the crops in farmers' field, which
will help to eradicate the disease and pest in the seed tuber production field.
The figure below indicates the crop rotation for 3 different plots for the period of 3 years.
1st Plot
2nd Plot
Potato Maize
3rd Plo t
Le gume
The variety of seed potato should be selected according to the climate and the demand of
the accessible market.
The potato varieties and their recommended areas are given in the table below:
kg / Ropani
1. Kufrijyoti 900 - 1100 100 - 120 High hill and mid hill
2. Janakdev 1250 - 1500 100 - 120 High hill and mid hill
3. Khumal seto 1250 100 - 120 High hill and mid hill
4. Khumal Laxmi 1200 - 1400 100 - 120 High hill and mid hill
9. Mid hill
Rosita - - (Mahabharata hill
While procuring the seed tuber from DADO or other seed tuber production company, it
should be inspected and confirmed that it is foundation.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 11
The newly harvested seed tuber will not sprout up-to certain period of time, which is
known as dormancy period.
It is better to select medium sized single potatoes for seeds than the chopped ones.
Single whole tuber or cut tuber should be 40 – 50 gm.
Single potato tuber should be used as seed, which can avoid spread of diseases from
the tools used for cutting the seed tubers.
Each selected seed tuber should have about 4-8 sprouts so that, we can harvest more
tubers as well as more medium sized tubers.
To control the fungal diseases on seed tuber, the tuber should be treated in the following
Seed tuber should be dipped in the solution of 2 -3 gram fungicides in one liter of
water before sun-light treatment.
If cut tubers have to be used, they should follow the given treatment methods:
When cutting, knife or sickle should be sterilized every time with hard alcohol or
solution of fungicide.
Otherwise, the cut seed tuber has wound, through which disease can easily spread
to other tubers by knife.
After cutting, seed tuber should be treated with ashes or Bordeaux mixture and
placed in the shade for 2-3 days.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 12
In case of using such light treated seed tuber, the plants will grow strongly and easily
during the initial stage for good seed tuber production.
Potato plants grow fast and give stronger tubers from such sun treated seed tuber
Table No. 5.3.1: Differences between the whole potatoes and the cut ones
Less chance of attack from disease High chance of attack from diseases
No need to treat the seeds with ashes or Seeds need to be treated with ashes or
Bordeaux mixture Bordeaux mixture
No extra budget for purchasing tool and Extra expenses on tools and time for
time for chopping chopping
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 13
Fig. No. 5.3.2: Single potato tuber seed Fig. No. 5.3.3 Cut potato tuber seed
In case residues of earlier crops remain in the field, the larva of the pest and disease of
the previous crops stay alive in soil, and attack the new crops as well. Therefore, field
should be cleaned after harvesting of any crop.
Around 50-60 bamboo baskets of well fermented FYM for per Ropani should be
applied during the land preparation or first plowing.
Application of unfermented FYM (farm yard manure) can increase pest such as white
grubs, cut worms and other worms.
In case, heaps of FYM put in the field for long time, the nutrients in the FYM will be
lost and insect may lay eggs in the heaps also. So, it should be better spread the
manure and plough the field immediately after applying the FYM.
1-2 month before planting, during Dec-Jan first plowing should be done.
Plowing should be done after applying the well fermented FYM (50-60 Doko/ Ropani)
as organic fertilizer on the field.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 14
Plough the field two times, which will make the soil loose and make easy for aeration
and root growth. In the first time, it should be 5-8 cm deep plowing, and second time
10-15 cm deep plowing.
In case, there is big size of soil clods present in the field after first plowing, the
breaking of those clods should be done manually with the help of spade before those
clods become hard.
During second plowing time, dig the field manually by spade about 8-10 cm. making
the line.
Then apply 2.8 kg Urea, 1.4 kg DAP and1.4 kg Potash for a Ropani in lines, and
mixed well with soil and made ridge.
The ridge should be 25-30 cm. in height and 30-35 cm. in width in each row.
The detail amount, type and time of fertilizer application is mentioned on the table below:
6. Planting
After making ridge in second plowing, on the same day or next day the potatoes are planted on
middle of each ridge with 7-8 cm deep. The distance of row to row and tuber to tuber is
mentioned below:
Planting density varies with planting distance. The planting space varied 22-26cm from
tuber to tuber and 70-84 cm from line to line depending upon variety.
The different range of spacing and tuber number per Ropani is mentioned in the table
Table No. 6.1.1: Tuber to tuber and row to row distance and number of tubers per Ropani
Row to Row\ 22 cm 24 cm 26 cm
Tuber to Tuber
The ridge should be 25-30 cm. in height and 30-35 cm. in width in each row.
We should apply one quarter tea spoon (0.5 gm.)of urea for each plant on the
shoulder of ridge and cover by soil simultaneously.1st top dressing should be done 1
month after plantation (10-20 days after sprouts emerge from soil).
The amount of urea during second top dressing should be as same amount as
mentioned in the table number 5.4.1 on the shoulder of ridge, and it should be
covered by soil simultaneously as first top dressing.
Covering is the process of putting soil around each plant during the growth stage of
Potato. Covering should be done for:
It provides enough space inside soil and easy growth for tuber.
Each seed tuber should get more than 15 cm soil from ridge surface of soil by
1st Covering should be done 10-20 days after sprouts emerge from the soil.
Second covering should be done putting more than 15 cm soil from tuber on the
surface of ridge during 2nd top dressing.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 17
7.3 Irrigation
Especially the potatoes require more water when the plants bear tubers (after 50 -60
days of plantation), 2nd irrigation should be given if possible at this period of time.
7.4 Drainage
The field should have the drainage at end which will drain the water from the furrows
during 1stand 2nd irrigation and also it helps to drain rain water.
White fly
Potato wart
Major activities
Disease infected plants should be removed from the seed production field for
controlling spreading of seed borne disease to other farmers field.
After uprooting and removing the diseased plants, we should decompose these
away from the potato field by making hole.
It can be controlled the aphid from the plants by spraying 1 ml Diamethoet (30
E C) mixing in one liter water when aphid appeared in the field.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 19
1st Field inspection: Tuber formation stage (45-50 days after planting)
Uprooting and removing those plants with viral and bacterial disease.
Control Aphid
Uprooting and removing those plants with viral and bacterial disease.
Control Aphid
Uprooting and removing those plants with viral and bacterial disease.
Haulm cutting (for the detail see below in title no. 7.6)
The tuber after haulm cutting start to thicken its skin and possible skin damage will be
The viral infection by aphid will be minimized in the tuber due to controlling re-growth
of stems and mobilization of virus from stem to tuber.
The symptoms such as mosaic leaves, folded leaves, wrinkled and yellowish leaves are
caused by the virus infection, which can be observed on the plants in the field.
If the infected virus potatoes are mixed with the non-infected seed potato, the virus
spreads to others easily.
Diseases can also spread through the seed tubers and once they appear in the crop, it is
very difficult to control for long time.
Fig. No. 8.1.1: Diseased potato tuber seed Fig. No. 8.1.2:Healthy potato tuber seed
Source: JICA Project Team Source: JICA Project Team
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 21
(B) Pests
In leaves: Mosaic patterning, curling, yellowish, rolling, turning, causing deep spots on
the edge of leaf, browning, wilting, withering etc.
In potatoes tuber: rotting, spots on the skin of tuber, brown dots at ring edge, surface
become rough (not smooth) etc.
2. Blight (Seed borne disease) Small brown lesion Cultivate the disease
develops at the tip or resistant variety of
edge of leaf. potatoes such as
Khumal Rato, Khumal
White fungi appear like
Seto, Janak dev, etc.
cotton underside of the
lesion. In earlier stage of
disease symptoms, use
Later on the lesion
2-3 gram Dithene M 45
increases and reaches to
in per liter of water for
stem and tubers.
3-4 times at the interval
Finally whole plant will
Fig. No. 8.2.1: Leaf affected by of 7-10 days.
be dried and died.
Uproot, remove the
Source: Crop Protection diseased plant from
Directorate, Hariharbhawan, field and buried it.
3. Brown rot of Potato (Seed Potato plants wither and Use the tuber seed only
borne disease) die suddenly like in dry from the field which is
land. free from the diseases
5.Wart or Black wart(Soil borne This disease appears in Use the tuber seed only
disease) all parts of potato plants from the field which is
except in the roots and it free from the diseases
mostly affects the Not cultivate the seed
tubers. tuber in the disease
The galls will be infected field
appeared in the tuber Remove the diseased
and sometime tuber may and buried inside hole
be become large and away from the field.
finally, potatoes turn
black and rot.
1. Potato tuber moth The larvae make tunnel Put a trap in the tuber
like folding and eat on storage room.
the leaves When potato tuber moth
The larvae also feed to found in field, spread 2
the tuber making hole ml Dorsban pesticide
during storage period. with per liter of water.
5. White fly These flies suck sap Use yellow sticky trap at
through leaves and the least 5 traps per Ropani
leaves go dry and die. above 30 cm from top of
plant in the field
Heavily white fly
infected leaves can wilt Sprays 1 ml Diamethoet
or turn yellow. 30 E C mixing in one
liter water when white
Fig. No. 8.3.5: White fly in White fly can carry virus
fly appear.
potato to the plant.
Use pesticide or soap
Source: Crop Protection
solution to control white
Directorate, Hariharbhawan,
9. Harvesting of Potato
After haulm cutting, the harvesting of tubers should be finished within 10-15 days. After
than 15 days, there will be increased the chance of disease infection and tuber goes
In case of Potato tuber harvesting in rainy days, tuber can be rotten easily. Therefore, a
sunny day should be selected for harvesting.
Dig up the potatoes around the each remaining cut stem on the field. In case of damaged
seed tuber potato while harvesting, those tubers should be used for food.
After harvesting, the damaged, diseased, green skinned and small potato tuber as well as
plant residues should not be remained in the field for sanitation of field.
the bag.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 29
Seed tuber should be dipped in the solution of 2 – 3 ml. Malathien and Captan or Thiram
or Mancozeb 2 – 3 grams (half spoon) in a liter of water for 5 minutes
Treated seed tubers should be dried for 2-3 hours under shade.
Freshly harvested potatoes hold plenty of water, and in case the water level in tubers is
not reduced the potatoes can rot during storage.
After grading, seed potatoes should be placed in shade for 7 – 10 days with well
ventilation because the high moisture level in the fresh potato can cause the rot.
10.4 Storing
The store room should be cleaned before the storage for the prevention of pest and
disease infestation.
Seed tuber should be stored inside dark room with cool condition (0-10 0C) in room for
preventing tubers from sprouting and greening.
In case potatoes bag piled up during the storage in room, the tubers will rot easily due
to touching, pressing and no air circulation.
Main reason of using rack of multilayered shelves frame is for space advantage, easy
care and inspection of tubers preventing from rotten.
Breadth : 1 meter
11. Packaging
Production of seeds for commercial sales needs to be done in a certain scale in order to meet
the demands of the buyers and to be able to provide stable supply. When a part of the
production is affected by diseases or pests, this must be substituted by seeds produced in
other plots; otherwise, the buyers will not be able to rely on the producers for stable supply.
This may be quite difficult for a single farmer to manage. Therefore, it is encouraged to
produce seed through Seed Production Cooperatives. In this way, cooperative should produce
the seed regularly in certain amount.
The prime objective of the seed production cooperatives shall be marketing and sales of the
produced seeds, as well as its overall quality control. That’s why, the cooperative should also
function as a liaison body with external organizations such as DADO and Regional Seed
Production Laboratory in order to request for technical support or official seed laboratory
testing. Furthermore, the cooperative can also work on developing the capacity of its member
farmers in order to further enhance the production and quality of seeds.
The major responsibilities of the cooperative in seed production are expected as follows:
To bear the risk and accountability of produced seed and seed production work.
To formulate rules and regulations, approve and implement them for quality seed
To keep records of seed production works, and inform the group / members as per the
To expand seed production selecting possible area for quality seed production.
To supervise the routine works such as use of manure and pesticides, weeding and
irrigation management, harvest time, drying out, cleaning, storing and treatment for seeds
according to the advice from Technical/ District Agriculture Development Office.
To observe crop, hold meetings and exchange information and initiate process to address
the problems.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 32
To work as a mediator among the District Agriculture Development Office/ Seed trader
and seed production sub-group.
To extend the seed production extending the potential seed production area.
Furthermore, seed production groups shall be formulated by dividing the member farmers by
the location of their farmlands, in order to effectively manage the seed quality. Each group
shall also select one coordinator to link the group members with the cooperative. The major
roles and responsibilities of the group coordinator shall be as follows:
To report problems seen in seed production to the cooperative, and take necessary
initiative for solution.
To inform all members about any information received from the cooperative or any other
bodies or organizations.
To utilize received support or materials for the benefits of all, manage them properly or
get them managed.
Seed production Seed production Seed production Seed production Seed production
sub-group/ sub-group/ sub-group/ sub-group/ sub-group/
Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5
* coordinator, * coordinator, * coordinator, * coordinator, * coordinator,
members members members members members
The followings indicate the major actions to be taken by the seed production cooperative.
The variety and amount of seed have to be planed and produced in consultation with DADO,
in consideration of market demand.
(A) Cooperative needs to select appropriate seed variety based on the climatic and
geographical conditions in coordination with the respective District Agriculture
Development Office.
(B) The cooperative shall not change the seed variety every year in the production area to
avoid contamination with other previous variety.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 34
(C) land plot has to be selected through discussion with member farmers and respective
DADO in consideration of the following points;
(a) If seeds of different variety have to be produced under a single cooperative, the
production area should be divided into separate plots to minimize chances of getting
mixed different seed varieties, while producing quality seeds.
(b) Trustworthy farmers and separate fields with isolation distance should be selected by
coordinating with the concerned farmers to produce quality seed by cooperative.
(c) Separation of plots for food crop and seed crop can be done on the basis of trail/
roads, water cannel or forest, etc.
(d) In case, seed crop and food crop are to be grown at the same area at the same period,
the crop variety should be same.
To ensure the seed quality, it is very important to record the process of seed
production management (field inspection form) of production area, every stage of
crop development, and keep all records of produced seeds including laboratory
Also, keep complete records of seed produced by all farmer members after the
Preserve seed from getting adulterated with other variety while harvesting and
storing. Even for cultivating food crop around seed production area, same variety of
crop can be cultivated. However, such crops would be better to cultivate at the
difference of 1 month.
(C) Prediction of disease and pest attack
Predicting the possible attack from disease and pest at the early stage of crops, in
consultation with the District Agriculture Development office or related
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 35
governmental offices, the outbreak of disease and pest attack can be easily and
effectively controlled using necessary pesticide at the right time.
It is very important for the farmers, seed production group and cooperative to pay
attention and keep records of genetic quality of crop, condition of weeds, and
infection from disease and pests, etc., during regular field inspection and management
of crop. The frequency and contents of regular inspection are indicated in the
following table.
Table No. 14.2.1: Frequency and contents of field inspection by cooperative and group
Seed production sub- At least fourth a Weeds, equal height, outbreak of disease
group month and pest, necessary treatment advices to
farmers, cooperative/ groups, and
keeping records of it.
(E) Coordination with DADO/ Regional seed laboratory or other related governmental
authorities for field inspection
Coordination shall be made with DADO/ Regional seed laboratory or other related
governmental authorities to conduct official field inspections as indicated in the
Control aphid
Discard diseased
and pest infected
tuber from seed
Source: Seed production and management training booklet, 2069 B.S., www.sqcc.gov.np
Table No. 14.2.3: Minimum standard of certified seed crop to be checked during official field
Source: Seed production & management training booklet, 2069 B.S., www.sqcc.gov.np
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 37
14.3 Packaging
After receiving certificate, seeds should be kept in clean and attractive bags.
According to consumers' choice, seeds can be packed in plastic bags or sacks of
different sizes and sent to the market.
Promotion can be done disseminating information about quality seeds through the
local medias such as local newspapers, Radio, etc. which help in the sale of seeds in
the local market itself.
After Marketing of seeds, the benefit shall be distributed to the individual farmers
after retaining a certain amount for logistic costs for the seed production group /
cooperative. The amount to be retained shall be decided and agreed by the members
prior to the handing over to the seed production group / cooperative.
15. Skilled Human Resource Development under Seed Production Group and Cooperatives
for the Quality Seed Production
In order to further enhance the amount and quality of seeds produced by its members, the
cooperative shall further coordinate with DADO and its Service Centers to receive technical
information and trainings for its core members including the coordinators of each group. The
knowledge gained shall be further disseminated to all members through the coordinators.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 38
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 39
1. Introduction
Generally Nepalese farmers have the practice of collecting FYM from their livestock shed as
an organic fertilizer for their crop fields.
Farm Yard Manure is the manure prepared in decomposed from by collecting dung and urine
of farm animals along with wastes feeds, fodder, and the bedding materials. FYM is the main
organic manure used in Nepal.
However, Nepalese farmers have the practice of applying immature (un-decomposed) FYM
in their field. Immature manure FYM can cause the generation of harmful gas ammonia and
wilting, and disturb for well germination of seeds. And, also the immature (un-decomposed)
manure does not improve soil conditioning capacity of increasing water holding and fertilizer
holding ability. Weed seeds can also survive inside manure and as a result, weeds problems
occur in the field.
Well decomposed FYM can solve many crop growth problems in the fields.
Application of well decomposed FYM in soil act as a soil conditioner which is capable of
improving moisture holding, fertilizers holding and air passing capacity; as well as it
helps the capacity of drainage to soil in good balance. This type of soil is very useful for
good growth and development of plants.
By the application of well decomposed FYM, some portions of nutrients are available
directly to the plants and remaining nutrients in soil is released to plants for long time.
The materials that soak urine should be used as bedding materials in animal shed which
can help to minimize the loss of urine. Otherwise, we can also make the urine collecting
place separately with plastic or cemented structure, and use urine as fertilizers.
By using well decomposed FYM in field, fewer amounts of chemical fertilizers are also
enough for crop, which can also save the money.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 40
Well decomposed FYM is free from weed seeds; plant pathogenic Fungi, bacteria &
It is recommended two places for the preparation of well decomposed FYM manure.
Therefore total two place should be selected as mentioned below:
After putting the manure (Dung together with bedding materials) from animals shed
in first place up to 2 months, let it remain further up to 2 months without putting other
manures over it. And at that time of collecting the manure to be done in the second
storage place.
The size of second storage place can be varied according to the land availability
If possible, storage place for collecting manure should be walled and roofed with
stone, wood, or hay, which protects manure from direct sunlight and rain. It is
important to protect manure from sunlight and rain to protect micronutrients;
otherwise the micronutrients in the manure will be lost.
The fresh dung together with bedding materials should be collected daily from animal
sheds to the first storage place up to 2 months properly, and let it remains for next 2
month by covering it with dry leaves, straw or plastic sheet.
After fulfilling the manure in first storage place, the manures should be collected
daily to the next storage place.
Put the manure in next storage up to 2 months and cover it like as in first place, and
let it remains for next two months.
The manure already becomes fermented in first place up to two months, when we are
collecting dung in second place. So, we can apply the manure from first place to the
field, and the first place will become empty and we can collect the dung again on first
place. This cycle continue on every two month period on first and second places. This
way, we can get well fermented FYM.
Well decomposition of manure is required for making good FYM. For making well
decomposed manure, the following things should be considered well during its preparation:
After piled up the flesh FYM, moisture content of the FYM should be managed 50-65%.
It can be known by squeezing the manure in palm of hand, if itis wet. If moisture is less,
water should be sprayed, and if moisture is high, the manures should be dried in shadow
by removing cover for 1-2 days.
The flesh FYM temperature rises up to 70 degrees Celsius within 2 to 3 weeks (1 week in
summer) after deposition, which is not good for well decomposition of FYM. Therefore,
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 43
We should be careful for turning over at every 60 ºC for two to three times. It can be
known by putting hand inside the manure and feel hot.
The manure has to be covered with a plastic sheet or straw or dried leaves or mud to
protect rain and direct sunlight.
FYM will be ready to use from first place after 2 months of filling it.
Urine can also be collected and preserved for separate use or for mixing in manure by
following method:
To collect the urine, cemented tank should be constructed at first; and then urine
could be collected in plastic tank.
Fig. No. 6.1.1 Cattle urine collection through Fig. No. 6.1.2 Cattle urine collection through
pipe from shed drain
The urine can be collected separately, and used as fertilizer since it has three times
more nitrogen than in dung.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 44
Urine also can be used to control the disease and pests in crops. This can be sprayed
in 5 to 7 days gap by mixing 1 part of urine with 4-5 parts of water.
It also helps to reduce the application of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, which leads
to reducing production cost.
Separate collection of urine will help to sanitize and dry animal shed.
The FYM should not be dried under the sun to decrease its weight, which will cause
the loss of nutrients.
The FYM should not be left on field in small heaps for long time as the nutrients will
be lost.
Fig. No. 7.1 Manure dried in the sun Fig. No. 7.2 Small heap of manure in the field
Fig. No. 7.3 Collection of 4-5 bamboo baskets of FYM in one place, and covered by dried leaves
(Good practice)
8. Introduction
Compost making is the best option for the farmers who don’t rear the animals or cattle's
with them.
Compost manure is decomposed mixture of straws, grasses, fodder, ash, leaves and other
parts of trees, farm waste, kitchen waste and similar material, together with dung if
Compost manure is generally prepared in pit or heap by making different layers of raw
materials covering with mud or plastic. One wooden stake or bamboo is put in the middle
for well development of bacteria and to be decomposed.
The temperature inside the manure should be felt hot. While we put our hand inside the
manures, the temperature is up to 50-60 ºC at that time.
Emulsifying concentrate (E. M.) should be sprayed in each layer of the grasses or straw
or other raw materials during the preparation of manure for quick decomposition of the
Increases the microbial activity in the soil; due to which soil become soft, and increase
fertility status in the soil.
Compost manure can be prepared in own accessible places, so that it will be easy for
carrying manure in the field.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 47
It is better to dig a pit on winter season than in summer season due to which the
chance of drying out of material is less.
The length of the pit should be as per need, but depth should not be more than one
The collected raw materials for making compost manure should be kept arranging in
layers inside the pit.
Wooden stick or a bamboo should be put in the middle of the pit during filling
materials inside the pit.
Spraying water in each layer of compost during its preparation will help for making
good compost manure.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 48
We can also use dried leaves, green fodder, dung, water (2-3 liter of water in each
layer), lime powder (100-200 gm. in each layer), E. M. liquid (Mixture of 1 liter E.M.
and 10-15 liter water, and spray nearly 1 liter in each layer) and forest soil (2-3 kg. in
each layer) between each layer which help to decompose the manure well.
E.M. liquid, Dung, Urine, lime powder is not mandatory, but it is better to apply for
producing well decomposed FYM.
Lime powder preserves the manure from its acidity and increases the bacterial
activities. Likewise, forest soil increases the bacterial numbers.
The use of dung and urine between the raw materials will increase the quality of the
The raw materials should be forcefully pressed inside the pit so that it decays soon.
During the winter and dry summer, the compost should be prepared by pit method
due to which the moisture can be preserved inside the pit.
In case the temperature inside the compost become so much hot (over than 70 ºC),
bacteria cannot be survived and that will damage the compost, which will give the
less quality of compost. Therefore, to maintain the temperature only up to 60 ºC,
bamboo or wooden stake should be put during the time of compost preparation.
The bamboo or wooden stake should be swing or stirred round by hand in every week
for maintaining the temperature and passing air inside the manure, which will give
well decomposed compost manure after 3-4 month.
After filling up the materials the pit should be covered with mud.
Covering the pit with mud stops the spread of bad smell and preserves manure from
rain, direct sun-light and from nutrient loss.
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 49
Fig. No. 12.1.1 Digging a pit for preparing Fig. No. 12.1.2 Taking out soil from pit
Compost Manure
Fig. No. 12.1.3 Pit ready for putting Fig. No. 12.1.4 Putting raw materials for
compost making materials compost making
Potato Seed Tuber Production Technique Manual 50
Fig. No. 12.1.5 Pressing the raw materials Fig. No. 12.1.6 Spraying the water for
with staking in the middle part to prepare compost making
Fig. No 12.1.7 Covering with plastic to Fig. No. 12.1.8 Observing well
decompose the materials for compost decomposed compost manure
Fig. No. 12.1.9 Observing the condition of Fig. No 12.1.10 Farmer applying well
manure while turn-over of compost decomposed compost manure in rows
Compost manure also can be produced by making heap on earth surface without
digging a pit. The heap method of compost making is done in rainy season due to
which the manure cannot be damaged by excessive moisture.
This method of making compost is better in the area where shortage of labor and
The following methods should be applied for making the compost by heap method:
Put fodder, weeds, grasses, straws, hey and leaves on earth surface in different layer
by making heap.
Make the different layers of straw, leaves, branches, fodders or grasses by putting
dung or lime or soil in between each layer, and spray water together with E.M. liquid.
The materials in heap should be tightly pressed so that it gets decomposed earlier.
Generally, the turn-over of compost should be done when the temperature inside the
compost is 60-65 ºC, which is identified by feeling very hot while we put hand up to
20 cm inside the compost.
In case the temperature inside the compost become so much hot (over than 70 ºC),
bacteria cannot be survived, and that will damage the compost, which will give the
less quality compost. Therefore turn-over should be done on-time.
Making another frame near the main frame will help to exchange the manure for
controlling the excessive heat inside the compost, and for turnover of compost for
obtaining well decomposed manure.
Compost manure should be turned over when its temperature becomes near 60 ºC,
which can be identified by putting your hand inside, and feels very hot. Thus,
temperature should be checked every week.
The used materials loses its original form, and cannot be distinguished
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Manandhar, Poudyal, Dangal, Upadhyay; Maize seed production technology; Nepal Agriculture
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