The Four Pillars of Zoweh
The Four Pillars of Zoweh
The Four Pillars of Zoweh
1. Intimacy, Oneness, and 2. Who You Are, Where You Are, and
Connectedness with God the Good God is Up To In Your Life
We believe this is the foundation of the Kingdom and The Christian life is a journey of the heart to becoming
therefore the fundamental pursuit of every image Oriented to the Kingdom way. An oriented person
bearer. Intimacy, oneness, and connectedness are is one who holds fast to his or her identity as a son or
what we are made for, and therefore they are what daughter of God (Galatians 4:7), who understands the
we most desperately long for. Where we take this gravity of the spiritual battle between the Kingdom of
longing and core desire matters. Other image-bearers God and the kingdom of darkness, and who is aware
cannot handle our need for love, though they are that God is always up to something good in our lives,
great secondary sources. God is the only one who can no matter the external circumstances. Not everything
repair what was severed in the Fall and fulfill that hope that happens to us is God’s will ... people sin every day,
we carry within us to be seen and known. The entire and sin isn’t God’s will. But where His will isn’t being
story of Christianity, the work of redemption, salvation, done, His way is. Romans 8:28 says ...
justification, and sanctification serve to restore us to
a place of intimacy, oneness, and connectedness And we know [with great confidence] that God [who
with God (John 17 and John 13:34). This intimacy is is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to
violently opposed by the one who would rather we not work together [as a plan] for good for those who love
experience it, much less live to tell about it. God, to those who are called according to His plan
and purpose. (AMP)
3. Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Prove, 4. More Love, More Life,
and Nothing to Fear and More Freedom
The fruit, the result of an oriented life, is a man or We were made for more than just trying not to sin.
woman who lives with nothing to hide, prove, or fear. The Larger Gospel (the full work of God to restore
That is a man or woman who lives like Jesus. One of and rescue humanity) is just that ... larger. The
the greatest promises to a Kingdom Life as a Christ- smaller gospel is one that never goes further than
apprentice is that God is restoring us into who we the cross, sin and forgiveness. Certainly the cross, sin
truly are. As image-bearers, we are made for Him to and forgiveness are a critically important part of the
inhabit our hearts. Once there through our invitation, gospel, thank goodness for the cross! But staying there
God sets to work, redeeming, restoring, and setting leads to a smaller kingdom life, usually just trying not to
us free. “The Good God is up to” is re-making us into sin and somehow giving more, doing more and serving
who we are, how each of us uniquely bears His image. more. This is not the Life we were promised and it is not
The more we are transformed, the more we can the Life God is offering (John 10:10). There is more. The
release our need to (1) hide who we “think” we are; Larger Gospel invites us to experience the love of God
(2) prove we have what it takes or that we can control that transforms us, elements of the full work of Christ -
people and circumstances; and (3) fear that someone the cross, yes, but also the resurrection and ascension.
will ultimately see through our façade and deliver When we become believers, we are given Christ’s
packages of judgment, condescension, or love that power and authority, and we are going to need it. We
based on conditions. Jesus lived with such freedom. He are the beloved sons and daughters, and are invited
knew who he was, where he was, and the good that to live as such in freedom, deployed into the Larger
the Father was up to in His life, and walked with the Story to invite others to experience the same! More
Father having nothing to hide, nothing to prove, and Love, Life, and Freedom are the delightful results of an
nothing to fear. Oriented Life: an increasing awareness and enjoyment
of God’s love, God’s constant goodness and generous
grace, and the incredible freedom that comes to a
life lived in intimacy with Jesus – freedom from fear,
shame, insecurity, and isolation; and freedom to live
and love wholeheartedly, to be courageous, and
to remove the masks and fig leaves we’ve hidden