Indirect Tax 2013
Indirect Tax 2013
Indirect Tax 2013
in 2013
Philip Robinson
Global Director — Indirect Tax
Tel: +41 58 289 3197
Email: [email protected]
Five key trends in indirect tax 8
VAT/GST rate changes map 20
Other VAT/GST changes map 22
Countries 24
3Customs duty
and international
trade 94
Free trade agreements
Significant country
developments 2012–13
Customs duty
and international trade map —
Free trade agreement
We believe that the importance of indirect imply government will continue the shift
taxes will continue to grow. The economic from direct to indirect taxes, which are
crisis has caused many governments to less harmful for growth, look to improve
find sustainable ways to rebalance their the efficiency of indirect taxes and take
budgets and stimulate growth. This would action to combat tax fraud and avoidance.
Average standard VAT rate (%)
Rising excise duties
The percentage of government revenues Americas, Aruba, Canada, Costa Rica and
received from excise duties has seen Mexico have also raised taxes on alcohol
a constant decline over recent years or tobacco, as have Fiji, New Zealand and
(Figure 1). However, this development the Philippines in Asia-Pacific.
has now slowed down and we might see
a turn in the opposite direction as excise Influencing consumers
rates are rising and new duties are being While the main purpose for excise duty
introduced. rate increases — and the original reason
In Europe, in particular, all three for the introduction of excise duties — is
important groups of “classic” excise to raise revenue, these taxes are also
duties (alcohol, tobacco and mineral increasingly being used to discourage
oils) have seen significant increases, consumption of certain products
with the only decrease in fuel excise considered to be harmful, thus influencing
duties implemented in Slovenia in 2012. consumer behavior in a number of areas.
This year, excise duties on tobacco and/ A relatively new trend is the introduction
or alcohol have increased or will soon of excise taxes on health-related products
increase in most EU countries, Guernsey, (other than alcoholic beverages and
Moldova, Norway and Switzerland. This tobacco products) such as snack taxes
trend can also be seen in other parts of on “unhealthy” food. For example, Benin,
the world; in Africa higher excise duties Costa Rica, Norway and the Philippines
are being imposed on these items, e.g., have all increased excise duties on soft
in Benin, Gambia and Zimbabwe. In the drinks, Finland has introduced an excise
Free trade increases but is meeting protectionist challenges
Customs duties were once a primary The WTO currently has 158 members
source of revenue for most countries. But (the most recent, Laos joined at the
continuously growing global trade and start of February 2013) and it reports
the efforts of organizations such as the 546 active and pending reciprocal
World Trade Organization (WTO) have led regional trade agreements among its
to a constant reduction in customs duties members. This number does not include
around the world. This trend continues unilateral preference programs, that is,
around the world as countries continue trade preferences granted to products
to conclude a growing network of various imported from identified countries
kinds of trade agreements. without reciprocal benefit, such as the
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
in the EU and the US, which provide duty-
free treatment to many products from
developing nations.
A number of new free trade agreements businesses are not actually obtaining the
(FTAs) are expected to enter into force in potential benefits offered because they
2013, thus further reducing the amount cannot or do not meet the qualifying
of customs duties imposed on global conditions.
trade; examples include the agreement
involving the EU and Peru and Colombia, Protectionism
Montenegro and the European Free More generally, global trade may be
Trade Association, and Hong Kong with hampered by the current economic
the European Free Trade Association, climate, which is encouraging
and Indonesia and Pakistan. Nearing protectionist tendencies, as evidenced
completion are, among others, the trade by the current difficulties encountered
agreements between Costa Rica and in the Doha Rounds. Non-tariff barriers
Peru and between Canada and India, have grown substantially in recent years,
and negotiations are in various stages of many in the form of health, safety or
completion for a range of others. environmental requirements. The WTO
reported 184 new trade-restrictive
Duties still a significant source
measures enacted between October 2010
of revenue and cost and April 2011 and 182 between October
However, the situation is not always 2011 and May 2012.
that straightforward. Although customs In addition, where countries are not
duty rates are generally reducing for bound by FTAs, import duties are still a
international trade, these taxes still play a common and often-used means to steer
very significant role in meeting countries’ trade and production. For example, to
budgetary needs. In many cases, duty boost the development of sugar cane
rates on many goods and materials production toward meeting the raw
remain high. sugar needs of domestic sugar refining
Unlike VAT/GST, duties charged at one companies, effective 1 January 2013
stage in the supply chain are not offset Nigeria now applies a 0% import duty on
against taxes due at later stages, so machinery for local sugar manufacturing
duties form part of the cost base of industries, but it has increased the total
affected goods. In addition, customs tariff on imported refined sugar to 80%
clearance procedures can add to the time from 35%, and raw sugar tariffs increased
and related costs of moving goods cross- from 5% to 60%.
border. And even where FTAs exist, many
Making indirect tax systems more efficient
Applying higher rates is just one way to standing VAT systems need to adapt to
increase indirect tax revenues; others the demands of a 21st century digital
include broadening the tax base of an economy. In emerging markets, which
existing VAT/GST system, increasing the are experiencing economic developments
efficiency of the tax system or improving at a fast pace, indirect tax systems
compliance and enforcement. need to adapt to keep pace. In India,
for example, a new nationwide GST is
Changing law and practice ready to be implemented and only awaits
Many countries are currently in the agreement between the central and state
process of refining their indirect tax governments. The new Indian system is
systems. In developed markets, long- intended to replace almost all existing
indirect taxes levied at the state and a framework. This initiative gained
national levels, minimize exemptions and momentum following the OECD’s Global
do away with the current multiplicity of Forum on VAT, held in November 2012.
taxes. Similarly, China is in the process The forum brought together more
of replacing its current business tax than 85 country delegations from all
on services with a broader-based VAT continents together with international
through a series of VAT pilots. In the end, organizations, academics and businesses
it is intended to amalgamate all forms of to explore key policy trends and their
China’s turnover taxes into the VAT. impact for tax administrations and
In the EU, the European Commission has
launched a comprehensive reform of the Improving tax administration
existing VAT system. The Commission has
identified no fewer than 26 priority areas Finally, governments have discovered
for further action in the coming years. that also on the administrative side, the
The aim is to move to a more modern VAT efficiency of VAT/GST systems can be
system, which should be simpler, more drastically improved — which increases
efficient and more robust. Significant tax revenues. There are many approaches
changes can be expected in the near taken by governments, but an important
future, such as the adoption of a one- one is to create common interfaces
stop-shop registration for all taxpayers’ and reduce gaps in the system. This is
duties or a standardized EU VAT return. (among others) one reason why many
governments are enforcing the use of
The United States (US) is still far from electronic data transmission and filing.
implementing a federal VAT. Currently,
states apply their own consumption taxes, Figure 3. Electronic filing of VAT/GST returns
most of which are single-stage taxes on
the sale of goods. But, even in the US, a
trend can be seen toward states extending
the scope of their current sales taxes.
While sales taxes, by definition, only apply 8%
to purchases of physical goods, it is the
market in electronically supplied services
(such as digital music distribution, Optional
3 . The survey included the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Malta,
Moldova, Morocco, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia,
Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine.
Increased focus on enforcement
Figure 5. M
ost frequent reasons for tax issues. Tax administrations increasingly
adjustments apply a strictly formal approach not
considering specific economic and
business issues. This is bad news for all
“honest” businesses, which want to be
compliant, even more so as our survey
16% shows that formal mistakes (e.g., missing
information on invoices) are still by far
41% the most frequent reason for indirect
tax adjustments, be it an additional tax
charge or the denial of input tax recovery
(Figure 5). In addition, we observe a
tendency for tax administrations to pay
out input tax surpluses with increasing
Formal mistakes (e.g., missing or incomplete invoices, receipts) delay — if at all — or to reject an input tax
Incorrect qualification of turnover (e.g., incorrect tax rate, � claim based on bad faith, stating that
exempt instead of taxable)
the claimant should have known that his
Incorrect calculation of input VAT pro-rata supplier did not correctly handle the tax.
Inconsistencies between declared VAT and annual
financial statements Figure 6. R
isk of penalties
of information on all compulsory
payments to the general government
except for customs duties.4 In the last two 20%
years, more than 50 countries have either
become signatories to the convention or
have stated their intention to do so. This 8% Increased
will lead, without doubt, to increased Decreased
international cooperation. But, even if 72%
countries do not (yet) share information, Stayed the same
they increasingly exchange information
internally, between different authorities
and departments (e.g., with customs or
social security authorities). Only four out
of the 39 countries we surveyed do not
share any information at all.
At the same time, many countries are
Targeting fraud but hitting applying stricter penalty regimes in the
“honest” taxpayers too? case of non-compliance and mistakes.
In our survey, 27 of the 39 countries
There is nothing to be said against
reported that penalties are increasing,
stricter compliance enforcement if it
and only three saw a decrease (Figure 6).
actually helps to fight fraud. Fraudulent
Fines are generally imposed faster and
behavior damages the overall economy
sooner and the fines are higher than in
and tax compliant businesses, which
the past. Increasingly, fines are enforced
suffer competitive disadvantages. The
for timing issues, such as late payment,
other side of the coin, however, is that
where in the past tax administrations
tax administrations have generally
were more lenient on these issues (for
become more wary toward all taxpayers;
example, Austria, Germany, Pakistan and
they are less open to entering into
New Zealand).
discussion, and it is more difficult to
reach mutual agreement on specific
1 January 2013: VAT on hotels
and accommodations increased to
25.5% from the reduced rate of 7%.
1 July 2013: standard VAT rate will
Canada increase from 21% to 22%.
1 January 2013: Quebec — QST
applies at the rate of 9.975% to Netherlands
taxable supplies. 1 October 2012: standard rate VAT
increased to 21% (from 19%).
1 April 2013: British Colombia
transitions back to a provincial
sales tax (PST). Serbia
1 October 2012: standard VAT rate
increased to 20% (from 18%).
Reduction of the number of
applicable rates from seven (0%,
1.6%, 10%, 16%, 20%, 25% and
35%) to three (0%, 5% and 16%).
Czech Republic
1 January 2013: standard VAT
Jamaica rate increased to 21% (from 20%),
1 June 2012: GCT standard rate reduced VAT rate increased to 15%
reduced to 16.5% (from 17.5%) (from 14%).
14 January 2013: standard rate
of VAT increased to 18% (from
1 January 2013: VAT rates rose by1% —
standard rate is now 24% and the reduced
rates are now 10% and 14%.
1 April 2014: consumption tax rate will
increase to 8% (from 5%).
1 September 2012: standard VAT rate
increased to 17% (from 16%).
1 September 2012: standard VAT rate increased
to 21% (from 18%), reduced VAT rate increased
to 10% (from 8%).
1 January 2014: France plans to increase its
standard rate of VAT from 19.6% to 20%.
1 January 2013: VAT
introduced to replace
the former sales tax. The
standard VAT rate is 15%.
Cape Verde
1 January 2013: VAT
rate applicable to
Saint Lucia restaurant services and
1 October 2012: VAT introduced. to accommodations has
increased to 15% (from 6%).
1 October 2012: VAT implemented (replacing GST).
VAT applies at a rate of 15% for taxpayers whose
annual turnover is SRC5 million or more.
1 June 2012: certain items that were previously
exempt became taxable at the standard rate.
South Korea
1 January 2013: debt collection
services are no longer exempt
from VAT.
China (mainland)
1 August — 31 December 2012: VAT
Proposed introduction of a new GST to pilot arrangements expanded to cover
replace most of the state and central 10 additional locations.
indirect taxes currently in force, date of
implementation not yet agreed.
A pilot VAT refund scheme began in
July 2012 and is expected to run until
30 June 2014.
1 January 2013: the annual turnover
threshold for VAT registration increased
from ZMK200 million to ZMK800 million.
Effective 1 January 2013, a number of • Depending on the business carried out
changes were made to the Law on VAT by the taxpayer, tax invoices may be
including the following: issued in advance provided that the
goods are supplied or the services are
• Taxpayers, whose turnover does not
rendered on the supply date mentioned
exceed AMD58,350 for the calendar
in the tax invoice.
year, will be considered to be turnover
tax payers for that year, unless they
apply to become VAT taxpayers.
Effective 28 December 2012, the amount In 2010, amendments were made
of a “penalty unit” (which is used to to the law to reduce GST compliance
determine various penalties for tax and costs for businesses involved in
duties non-compliance) increased from the domestic transport of exported
AU$110 to AU$170. and imported goods. However, the
Australian Treasury has identified that
Legislative amendments are also
the 2010 amendments may not be
proposed that have an impact on the
achieving their intended outcome in all
scope for claiming refunds of overpaid
instances and it has recently released
GST. These changes were announced
a consultation paper which proposes
on 17 August 2012, which is also the
some further amendments to the GST
proposed date of effect. During the
Act. The consultation period closed on
consultation process for the proposed
23 November 2012 and the Treasury
change, significant concern was expressed
is yet to respond to the submissions
regarding their scope. At the time of
received. Therefore, at the time of writing,
writing, the Australian Government has
it is not certain what further changes will
not yet responded to the submissions
be made to the GST treatment of cross-
received during the consultation.
border transport services.
Effective 1 January 2013, the VAT 12 consecutive months (previously, the
registration threshold has increased. registration threshold was AZN90,000
Taxable persons are obliged to register for individuals and AZN150,000 for
for VAT if their taxable income companies).
exceeds AZN120,000 for the previous
Effective 1 January 2013, the previous • The date of supply for goods, works,
opportunity to choose the method of services and property rights performed
revenue recognition (i.e., to choose the by foreign legal entities not registered
accrual or cash methods of revenue with the Belarusian tax authorities is
recognition) was abolished. The unified the date of payment, including the date
approach has been introduced for all of any advance payments (or other
taxpayers. As a result of the change, form of obligation).
the date of supply for goods, works,
• The date of supply for goods, works,
services and property rights is determined
services and property rights performed
as the date of dispatch of the goods,
by foreign legal entities not registered
performance of the works or rendering of
with the Belarusian tax authorities
the services or transfer of the property
under commission, trust and other
rights (i.e., using the accrual method).
similar agreements concluded with legal
The payment date is disregarded.
entities and individual entrepreneurs
The following main exemptions to this rule registered with the Belarusian tax
have been introduced: authorities is the date of dispatch of
the goods, performance of the works or
rendering of the services or transfer of
the property rights disregarding the day
of payment.
In accordance with EU Directive 2008/8/ The provisions of Directive 2010/45/EU
EC, effective 1 January 2013, the place relating to electronic invoicing came into
of supply for the long-term hiring of effect on 1 January 2013. The new rules
means of transport to a non-taxable apply to the contents of VAT invoicing,
person is the place where the customer the obligation to issue an invoice, and the
has its place of establishment. However, storage of invoices. For intra-Community
the place of hiring a pleasure boat to a supplies of goods, invoices must be
non-taxable person is the place where issued no later than on the 15th day of
the pleasure boat is actually put at the the month following the month when the
disposal of the customer, where this chargeable event occurs. Under the new
service is actually provided by the supplier law, the storage period for invoices is
from his place of business or a fixed seven years.
establishment situated in that place.
Effective 1 January 2013, the rental of and breeding activities. However, these
unfurnished residential properties and the items are still subject to Prélèvement
domestic supply of gas are exempt from communautaire de solidarité (PCS) tax,
VAT. Prélèvement communautaire (PC) tax,
Taxe statistique (STAT) and Taxe de
The following transactions are exempt
voierie (TV) tax.
from VAT and customs duties:
• The importation, production and sale
• The importation, production and sale of
of machinery and material used for
agricultural inputs, as well as phyto-
packaging and manufacturing activities.
sanitary instruments. This exemption
However, these items are still subject to
also extends to the 1% Redevance
PCS tax, PC tax, STAT tax and TV tax.
statistique (RS) tax.
• The importation, acquisition of bicycles,
• The importation, production and sale
bicycle helmets and motorcycles
of accessories and machine spare
helmets. However, these items are still
parts or equipment to be used by
subject to PCS tax, PC tax, STAT tax
small businesses for the purpose of
and TV tax.
processing and storage of agricultural
products. The exemption applies also
to small businesses carrying on fishing
Effective 1 January 2013, the following • The deadline for submitting a request
VAT law changes apply: for a refund of VAT incurred before VAT
registration has been extended from
• The limitation for the deduction of
seven to 45 days, upon the completion
input VAT relating to hire cars, fuel for
of the VAT registration procedure.
these vehicles and related maintenance
services has been abolished. • Taxable persons are permitted to issue
summary invoices covering several
• The place of supply for long–term rental
separate supplies of goods and services,
or provision of vehicles to non–taxable
provided that the VAT on the supplies
persons is where the customer is
mentioned in the summary invoice
becomes chargeable in the same
• The time of supply for continuous intra- calendar month. A summary invoice
Community supplies of goods, where should be issued no later than the last
the supply lasts for longer than one day of the month to which it refers.
month, is at the end of each calendar
Burkina Faso
Effective 1 January 2013, imports of sales of such equipment are exempt from
solar energy equipment are exempt from VAT.
VAT and customs duties and domestic
Effective 1 January 2013, the following • A zero VAT rate applies to international
changes apply: transport.
• Agricultural assets are generally exempt • VAT identification numbers have been
from VAT. introduced for taxable persons.
• VAT paid on investment instruments is • Non-taxable persons may opt to be
fully deductible. subject to VAT.
Prince Edward Island has announced that Nova Scotia has announced that it will
it will adopt the federally administered lower the provincial component of its
Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) effective HST rate from 10% to 9% effective
1 April 2013, with a 9% provincial 1 July 2014, and to 8% effective 1 July
component, for a combined GST/HST rate 2015.
of 14%. The Comprehensive Integrated
Quebec has passed legislation which
Tax Coordination Agreement between
essentially implements measures
the Government of Canada and the
announced on 31 May 2012 in
Government (CITCA) of Prince Edward
Information Bulletin 2012–4 on the
Island was signed on 23 November
further harmonization of the QST with the
2012. The CITCA provides the framework
GST/HST. The QST is a tax levied on goods
necessary for the implementation of the
and services in the province of Quebec,
HST in Prince Edward Island and confirms
and is similar to the GST in Canada.
the province’s decision to eliminate the
Effective 1 January 2013, GST was
Provincial Sales Tax (PST).
removed from the QST base. However,
Cape Verde
The VAT rate applicable to restaurant
services and to accommodations has
increased to 15% (from 6%).
A VAT pilot has been implemented in Location VAT Pilot start date
Shanghai and Beijing since 1 January
Jiangsu Province and 1 October 2012
2012 and 1 September 2012, Anhui Province
respectively. According to Caishui [2011]
Fujian Province and 1 November 2012
No.71, the VAT Pilot has been expanded
Guangdong Province
to the following locations progressively as
set out in the table at right: Tianjin, Zhejiang 1 December 2012
Province and Hubei
Effective 1 January 2013, the number of at a rate of 8%. The consumption tax also
VAT rates has been reduced from seven applies to mobile phone services (at a rate
to three. The current rates are 0%, 5% and of 4%) and to the sale of certain goods
16%; previously the rates were 0%, 1.6%, such as yachts, boats and motorcycles
10%, 16%, 20%, 25% and 35%. Items that (generally at an 8% rate). The new tax is
were subject to the 20%, 25% and 35% not creditable against the VAT.
rates are now subject to the 16% VAT rate
Effective 6 December 2012, a full refund
plus excise tax.
is available for VAT paid by non-resident
Effective 1 January 2013, restaurant foreign tourists on the purchase of
services (which were previously subject specific goods such as shoes, perfumes,
to the 10% VAT rate) have been removed emeralds and handicrafts.
from the scope of VAT. They are now
subject to a new national consumption tax
Amendments to the turnover tax (TOT) to the “primary necessities of life” (e.g.,
legislation will likely become effective in potatoes, vegetables, fruit) and impose
the course of 2013. These amendments a higher rate of 9% TOT on goods or
are likely to provide for an exemption services considered to be either luxurious
from TOT for the supply of goods related or unhealthy.
Effective 1 January 2013, the each month that the failure to register
INTRASTAT reporting thresholds have continues. Interest is also charged at the
increased as follows: rate of 4.75% annually on the amount of
outstanding VAT.
• Intra-Community acquisitions
€100,000 (Arrivals) In accordance with EU Directive 2008/8/
EU, effective 1 January 2013, the place
• Intra-Community supplies €55,000
of supply for the long-term hiring of
means of transport to a non-taxable
In addition, special thresholds have been person is the place where the customer
set at €1,850,000 annually for arrivals has its place of establishment. However,
and €5,800,000 for departures the place of hiring a pleasure boat to a
non-taxable person is the place where
Effective 14 January 2013, the the pleasure boat is actually put at the
standard rate of VAT increased to disposal of the customer, where this
18% (it was previously 17%). Effective service is actually provided by the
13 January 2014, the standard rate will supplier from his place of business
increase to 19% and the 8% reduced rate or a fixed establishment situated in
will increase to 9%. that place. In addition to the above,
Interest is charged at a rate of 4.75% effective 1 January 2013, the use and
annually on outstanding VAT amounts. enjoyment rules apply to the long-term
This 4.75% interest rate applies to late hiring of means of transport. The use
payments of VAT. A penalty applies to and enjoyment rules do not apply if the
late VAT registration, assessed at €85 for recipient is an EU taxable person.
As a result of changes to the EU VAT Effective 1 July 2012, any business
invoicing rules effective 1 January 2013, registered for VAT that receives goods
the Danish invoicing rules have been or services from a Danish supplier for an
amended specifically with respect to the amount exceeding DKK10,000 (inclusive
following: of VAT), where the payment for the
supply is not made via a bank or payment
• Any invoice issued by the purchaser
provider that secures the identification
under a self-billing arrangement must
of the payer and the recipient of the
mention the word “self-billing” or
amount, is jointly liable for the VAT on the
supply if the supplier has not correctly
• VAT payers who apply a profit margin settled the VAT. If the payment cannot
scheme for second-hand goods, be made through such institutions the
artwork, collectibles and antiques or buyer may release himself of the liability
the margin scheme for travel agents by reporting the transaction to the Danish
and travel agencies must state this on tax authorities within 14 days of payment
the invoice and expressly mention that and within one month of receipt of an
any VAT included is not deductible. invoice.
• The threshold for issuing a simplified
invoice is raised from DKK750 to
Dominican Republic
In October 2012, the Dominican • The tax base is due to be broadened by
Government’s economic commission including goods and services that were
formally presented a Proposal for the previously exempted, such as coffee,
Reinforcement of the Government Tax sugar and cooking oils.
Collection Capability for Sustainable
• New products that are not currently
Development, which includes a number
taxable are subject to rates that will
of amendments to the Impuesto a las
increase year to year as follows: 10% for
transferencias de bienes industriales
financial year 2013, 12% for financial
(ITBIS) rules, including:
year 2014, 14% for financial year 2015
• A reduction in the tax rate on transfers and 16% for financial year 2016.
of immovable property to 3%.
• The tax rate is due to be increase from
16% to 18% for financial years 2013
and 2014 but it will then decrease to
16% for financial year 2015.
In 2013, certain financial services the general VAT rate of 12% instead of at
provided by private financial entities and the zero rate (0%).
credit card administrators are subject to
European Union
The European Commission sought Under Directive 2010/45/EU, individual
the views of EU businesses about VAT member states are no longer permitted
invoicing in 2008.1 It found that the to dictate the technology to be used
uptake of electronic invoicing and to guarantee the authenticity of the
archiving by EU businesses was far origin and the integrity of the content
lower that it had expected, with complex of electronic invoices. Instead, the focus
legislation and the many options has shifted to businesses to guarantee
available to the individual member states the authenticity and integrity of invoices
identified as the main stumbling blocks. through internal business controls and
The second directive on VAT invoicing technology.
(Directive 2010/45/EU)2 was adopted
However, the new directive does not
on 13 July 2010, which aims to address
harmonize the rules for the electronic
these issues with a new set of harmonized
archiving of invoices (see Figure 2 on
rules (see Figure 1 on next page). The
next page). The location of the archive,
provisions of the directive must be applied
the format in which the invoices must be
by all 27 EU member states3 with effect
archived and the archiving period are,
from 1 January 2013.
therefore, still left to the discretion of the
individual member states.
3. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
With effect from 1 January 2013, zero- • Any payment made by the Government
rated supplies include the following: from monies received in accordance
with the above paragraph, paid directly
• Any payment made by a donor agency
to any contractor with the approval of
in the form of a grant or donation
the Minister of Finance in consultation
received by the Government with the
with the Chief Executive Office of
approval of the Minister of Finance in
the Fiji Islands Revenue and Customs
consultation with the Chief Executive
Office of the Fiji Islands Revenue and
Customs Authority, if it is deemed to be
consideration for a supply of goods and
Effective 1 January 2013, the following • VAT on imports is levied only if the
changes apply; VAT amount is €5 or higher (previously
• All VAT rates rose by 1%. As a result,
the standard rate is now 24% and the • The long-term renting of means of
reduced rates are now 10% and 14%. transports to consumers (for vehicles
lettings over 30 days, for boat lettings
• The annual late filing interest penalty is
over 90 days) is taxed in the country of
reduced from 20% to 15%.
residence of the consumer.
Effective 1 October 2012, the répondant Effective 1 January 2014, France plans
fiscal mechanism was abolished. It to increase its standard rate of VAT from
allowed non-established businesses to 19.6% to 20%. On the same date, the 7%
register for VAT in France and account for reduced rate (which currently applies to
French VAT on supplies made and recover restaurants and digital books) will rise to
VAT on purchases. This change, therefore, 10%, and the 5.5% reduced rate (which
affects non-established businesses that applies to food) will be reduced to 5%. The
are registered for VAT in France and their middle rate will be increased from 7% to
VAT-registered customers. 10%. It is also possible that a 5% VAT rate
will apply to supplies of digital books.
Effective 1 January 2013, the VAT rate
applied to books and live performances
(theater, circus and concerts) is reduced
from 7% to 5.5%.
Effective 1 January 2013, as part of a A zero rate applies to domestic sales of
comprehensive tax reform, Gambia has certain essential foodstuffs including rice,
introduced a VAT to replace the former cooking oil, sugar and flour.
sales tax. The standard VAT rate is 15%.
Effective 29 October 2012, Decree • 10 years for taxpayers or responsible
139–2012 amended Section 136 of the parties that are obliged to be registered
Honduran Tax Code, which establishes the as taxpayers but are not registered as
statute of limitations as follows: such
• Four years for taxpayers or responsible • 10 years if the taxpayer’s returns hide
parties that have imported, exported or data, facts or information to avoid the
carried out any other operation under total or partial payment of a tax or the
customs regimes omission amounts to tax fraud
• Five years for taxpayers or responsible
parties who are registered as taxpayers
or who are not legally obliged to be
A domestic VAT summary report has been to minimize the additional administration
introduced effective 1 January 2013. created by the measure while ensuring
Mindful of the administrative burden that an appropriate level of efficiency for
this report will create for VAT taxpayers, tax audits (e.g., by setting a threshold
the Ministry for National Economy and the value for invoices or by selecting certain
tax authorities are considering options industries).
VAT on hotels and accommodations
increased to 25.5% from the reduced
rate of 7%.
The Central Government of India has was later deferred. Given the political
proposed the introduction of a new stalemate on the necessary amendments
GST to replace most of the state and to the Constitution, it seems that the
central indirect taxes currently in introduction of the new tax will be further
force. Given that the GST is likely to delayed. Currently, no definite date has
have an impact on virtually every facet been announced for its implementation.
of business, companies operating in In the past, there has been considerable
India should continue to monitor these disagreement between the Central
developments carefully to prepare for the Government and the states about various
implementation of the new tax. design issues, including the GST rates,
the list of non-taxable items and the
The new tax is planned to be a “dual”
small-trader threshold. However, some
GST, consisting of Central GST (CGST)
progress has been made in recent months
and State GST (SGST), and it will have
on a range of issues, including the tax
a far-reaching impact on all sectors of
rates, which are expected to be 12% and
the economy. Originally, the tax was to
20% for goods and 16% for services.
be introduced on 1 April 2010, which
With effect from the VAT return period • Supplies of services received into
for January and February 2013, Irish VAT Ireland from other EU member states
registered traders are required to include (contained in a new box ES2)
values pertaining to the following on their
These values were not previously required
VAT returns:
on Irish VAT returns.
• Supplies of services supplied from
Ireland to other EU member states
(contained in a new box ES1)
Effective 1 September 2012, the standard The Palestinian Authority and the
VAT rate increased from 16% to 17%. The Government of Israel have concluded
VAT registration threshold is reduced negotiations for arrangements regarding
to annual turnover of LIS76,884 (from the transfer of goods between their
LIS100,000). territories and the related tax clearance
mechanism procedures. Effective
Effective 1 January 2014, an online
1 January 2013, the new indirect taxes
detailed digital report is required for
clearance mechanism (which applies to
all taxable persons, regardless of their
VAT, purchase taxes and import taxes)
level of annual turnover (previously
is based on the actual transfer of goods
this requirement related to taxpayers
between Israel and the Palestinian
with an annual turnover in excess of
Autonomous Areas; previously such tax
LIS2.5 million or that used the double-
clearances were based on the reported
entry bookkeeping system).
transfer of goods. The new measures will
The fine for late submission of a be monitored by a joint team from Israel
mandatory report is increased to LIS212 and the Palestinian Autonomous Areas.
for every two weeks of tardiness (from
Effective 1 January 2013, the changes invoices. The major change concerns
introduced by the Council Directive electronic invoices. Under the new rules
2010/45/EU, amending Directive electronic invoices and paper invoices will
2006/112/EC with regard to the be placed on an equal footing, and the
rules on invoicing and on cross-border authenticity of the origin, the integrity
transactions, have been implemented in of data content and legibility should be
the Italian VAT law. The most significant preserved from the date of issuance
changes will affect the rules pertaining to the end of the mandatory archiving
to invoicing and the time of issuance of period.
The consumption tax (CT) rate will Under the current CT regime, a newly
increase from the current 5% (made up established company is generally exempt
of national tax 4% and local tax 1%) to 8% from CT for the first two fiscal years if the
(made up of national tax 6.3% and local company’s registered capital is less than
tax 1.7%) effective 1 April 2014, and to JPY10 million. Under the CT Reform,
10% (made up of national tax 7.8% and a newly established company will be
local tax 2.2%) effective 1 October 2015. subject to CT for the first two fiscal years,
The CT Reform includes a flexible clause regardless of its registered capital to the
that states that the expected consumption extent that a controlling person (e.g.,
tax rate increase may be suspended if the a company holding more than 50% of
increase is not appropriate, given Japan’s equity interest of the newly established
overall economic condition. company) or a related company has
taxable sales in Japan exceeding
The 5% tax rate will continue to apply to
JPY500 million This treatment applies
the transfer of assets on or after 1 April
to companies established on or after
2014 if the transfer is pursuant to a
1 April 2014.
construction contract that was concluded
before 1 October 2013.
During the June 2012 Budget there • Zero rating will apply to the transfer of
were no major amendments in the VAT a business as a going concern.
Act. Instead, the Minister of Finance
• Non-resident suppliers who expect
introduced the VAT Bill 2012, which, at
to make taxable supplies without
the time of writing, is yet to be enacted.
a fixed place of business in Kenya
Since the country is in an election period,
will be required to appoint a tax
any legislative changes are likely to be
enacted after 1 January 2013. The
proposed key changes in the VAT Bill • The reduced VAT rate of 12% will no
2012 are as follows: longer apply to supplies of electricity
and heavy diesel fuel.
• Registered persons will not be required
to account for reverse charge VAT for • The Cabinet Secretary is empowered to
exempt supplies. vary the tax rate by a maximum of 25%
of the current rate.
• Deduction of input tax previously
restricted (such as on furniture, taxable • Debit and credit notes will be
supplies for use in staff housing, required to be issued within a period
entertainment expenses incurred away of six months (previously this was
from home for business purpose) is now 12 months).
• Provisions for VAT remission have been
• Registered persons supplying both abolished.
taxable and exempt supplies will be
• The period for claiming input tax will be
permitted to claim input tax in full if
reduced from 12 to three months.
their exempt supplies constitute less
than 10% of their total turnover. The • Taxpayers will be required to pay 30%
current threshold is 5%. of the amount of tax in dispute before
lodging an appeal to the VAT Tribunal.
• Tax payers may apply to the
Commissioner for extension for a period • Most of the goods that are liable at
of filing their VAT returns. the zero VAT rate will be taxable at the
standard rate. The remaining zero rated
• An appeal will be deemed to be
goods will be moved to the standard
accepted if the Commissioner does not
rate over a transition period of three
respond within 60 days.
• Advance private and public rulings for
• Several organizations will be stripped of
taxpayers were introduced.
their zero-rated status.
• The withholding VAT system will be
• Some exempt goods and services will
be taxable at the standard rate. Some
• A certified copy of an original tax of the remaining exempt goods will
invoice will be recognized as valid. become taxable during a transition
period of three years, commencing
• Zero rating will apply to all supplies to
from the date of enactment.
oil and gas exploration companies and
those with a prospecting license.
The Lithuanian Law on VAT has been approved by the Ministry of transport
amended with respect to invoicing, in or other competent authority. A 5%
line with the provisions of EU Directive reduced VAT rate applies to technical
2010/45/EC. These changes entered into support for disabled people.
effect on 1 January 2013. The Lithuanian
• Taxable persons who are not registered
law does not differ substantially from the
for VAT purposes can recover input VAT
directive, and there are no major local
incurred on the acquisitions of goods
and services prior VAT registration if
Effective 1 January 2013, the following the goods and services are used for
changes apply: taxable activities.
• A 9% reduced VAT rate applies to • Input VAT may be recovered on services
supplies of newspapers, magazines and goods acquired before an entity
and other periodicals, as well as to was registered as a VAT payer. Special
passenger transport on regular routes rules and procedures apply.
Effective 1 January 2013, in line with VAT payers, including non-resident
article 4 of Directive 2008/8/EC and VAT payers, who are required to file
Directive 2010/45/EU, new rules on Luxembourg VAT returns on a monthly or
invoicing apply. At the time of writing, quarterly basis, must submit all their VAT
the law implementing the invoicing returns and EC sales listings for goods
directive has not yet been voted on by the and services using the Luxembourg VAT
Luxembourg Parliament; therefore, the authorities’ electronic portal (known as
new rules are not yet implemented into “eTVA”). Therefore, these VAT payers
the Luxembourg VAT law. However, we are no longer permitted to file reports
anticipate that once the vote has taken in hard copy. This obligation applies to
place, the law will apply the new rules returns and EC sales listings relating
retroactively. to periods after 31 December 2012.
However, electronic filing is not obligatory
for taxpayers who file VAT returns on an
annual basis.
VAT return forms and the tax balance Small shipments sent from abroad by
sheet must be submitted electronically. individuals, as well as shipments of
For taxpayers who file VAT returns small value delivered from abroad, are
monthly, this change applies with effect exempt from VAT if the total value of the
from 1 January 2013; for taxpayers who shipment is €22 or less. This exemption
file VAT returns monthly, this change will does not apply to tobacco and tobacco
apply with effect from 1 July 2013. products, alcohol and alcoholic beverages,
or perfumes and related products.
Effective 1 January 2013, in line with The VAT exemption for diesel purchased
article 4 of Directive 2008/8/EC and by fishermen for fishing purposes will be
Directive 2010/45/EU, new rules on extended to 2013.
the place of supply of hiring of means of
transport and pleasure boats and new
rules on invoicing have been implemented
in the Maltese VAT legislation.
Effective 1 January 2013, the following • The VAT rate for natural gas and
changes apply to the VAT law: liquefied gas has increased from
6% to 8%.
• The VAT exemption granted for fixed
assets contributed into the share capital • Specific mechanisms related to VAT
of a company no longer applies. refunds have been approved for
supplies of crops, horticulture and
• The VAT rate for supplies of sugar
animal production, as well as for capital
beet, natural crop and horticulture and
investments related to motor vehicles
animal production has increased from
for the transportation of people.
8% to 20%.
Effective 1 October 2012, the Dutch VAT In accordance with EU Directive 2008/8/
rate increased from 19% to 21%. The VAT EC, effective 1 January 2013, the place
rate for theatre and concert tickets has of supply for the long-term hiring of
been reduced to 6%. means of transport to a non-taxable
person is the place where the customer
Effective 1 January 2013, changes apply
has its establishment. However, the place
to the rules for invoicing requirements.
of hiring a pleasure boat to a non-taxable
For example, it is now compulsory to
person is the place where the pleasure
include the standard term “btw verlegd”
boat is actually put at the disposal of the
on invoices if the reverse charge applies
customer, where this service is actually
(i.e., in cases where the customer is liable
provided by the supplier from his place
for the payment of the VAT).
of business or fixed establishment in that
Effective 1 January 2013, a zero-rate used in the solid minerals sector. This will
VAT applies to imports of commercial take effect subject to the administrative
aircrafts and aircraft spare parts and to and legislative processes required to pass
imports of machinery and equipment the amendment into law.
Effective 1 January 2013, the following • The VAT zero-rating for the supply of
changes apply: services relating to public roads and
railways has been abolished.
• Foreign entrepreneurs providing
transport services directly to and from
Norway are not obliged to register for
VAT, but they are entitled to receive
a refund of VAT paid on purchases of
goods and services in Norway.
The Palestinian Authority increased the the standard VAT rate decreased from
standard VAT rate from 14.5% to 15.5% 15.5% to 15% effective 1 October 2012.
effective 1 September 2012. However,
Effective 1 November 2012, companies • File a monthly tax return, including
have been designated as withholding information related to purchases, sales
agents for VAT purposes. These taxpayers and taxes withheld
must do all of the following:
• Report the information electronically
• Withhold and pay VAT
• Issue vouchers for the tax withheld
Effective 1 August 2013, the transfer amendment, price adjustments due to the
pricing rules will no longer apply for application of transfer pricing methods do
VAT purposes. For unclear or doubtful not determine the fair market value for
transactions between related parties, VAT purposes. This is a major change as
the tax administration may adjust the the transfer pricing rules were applicable
amounts of the transactions considering for income tax and VAT purposes since
the fair market value. However, under the they were introduced in 2001.
On 31 October 2012, the Bureau • In applying the threshold, a husband
of Internal Revenue issued Revenue and wife are considered to be separate
Memorandum Circulars (RMC) No. 64– taxpayers; however, each taxpayer’s
2012. The main provisions of RMC No. income is aggregated.
64–2012 include the following measures:
• A professional who is not registered for
• In addition to income and withholding VAT is liable to the percentage tax at a
taxes, a professional person is liable rate of 3% if his gross receipts for the
to VAT of 12% if his gross receipts past 12 months were equal to or below
or professional fees for the previous the threshold. If the professional is VAT-
12 months exceed PHP1,919,500 or if registered, then he is liable to VAT upon
gross receipts for the next 12 months VAT registration and the percentage
will exceed this threshold. tax does not apply, regardless of the
amount of gross receipts.
Saudi Arabia
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry certificates. Violators will be subject to
has emphasized the need for all fines up to SR100,000, which may be
businesses and stores to use Arabic on doubled in the case of repeated violations.
all invoices, in contracts and on warranty
Effective 1 October 2012, the standard The Serbian government has announced
VAT rate increased to 20% (from a reduction in the period that taxpayers
18%). The VAT registration threshold must wait for a refund of a VAT credit.
is increased to RSD8 million (from The waiting period is decreased to
RSD4 million). 30 days from 45 days for general
companies and to 10 days from 15 days
Effective 1 January 2013, small
for frequent exporters. Effective
and medium-sized enterprises (i.e.,
5 January 2013, all companies that
enterprises with an annual turnover of
export more than 50% of their production
less than RSD50 million) have the option
are classified as “frequent exporters”
to pay VAT after they have received
(previously, the threshold was 70%). The
tax administration will be liable to pay
interest on delayed tax reimbursements
at the same rate of penalty interest
that applies to taxpayers for late
payments VAT.
Effective 1 October 2012, the importation • The “series of gifts” condition has been
and supply of investment precious metals removed. A GST-registered business no
(IPM) in Singapore are exempt from GST, longer has to track the number of gifts
while the supply of IPM that is exported given to a single person. It now only
continues to be zero rated. Only precious needs to account for output tax on a
metals in the form of a bar, ingot, wafer deemed supply if the cost of each gift
and coin that meet certain prescribed exceeds SGD200.
conditions can qualify as IPM. The supply
• A GST-registered business is required
of precious metals that do not meet the
to account for output tax on a deemed
qualifying conditions (such as jewelry,
supply if the business has been allowed
scrap precious metals, numismatic coins)
to claim the input tax for the goods in
continues to be taxable.
question. Hence, if a GST-registered
Effective 1 October 2012, the Singapore business chooses not to claim the GST
tax authority has eased the requirements incurred on the goods, it is not required
for deemed supplies and for the output to account for the deemed supply
tax payable by GST-registered businesses and the output tax payable when it
in relation to goods given away free (gifts) subsequently gives the goods away or
or put to private use as follows: makes them available for private use
for free.
Slovak Republic
Effective 1 October 2012, considerable Stricter rules apply when the
changes were introduced to the transportation of the goods is arranged
documentary proof required for VAT by the supplier or customer directly.
zero rating for intra-Community supplies The supplier has to have a document
of goods. These changes affect all confirming the acquisition of the goods
businesses that make cross-border sales by the customer. The confirmation must
of goods from the Slovak Republic to include the customer’s details (name,
another EU member state. According to seat and place of business), a description
the new rules, if the transportation of of the goods supplied and their amount,
the goods is arranged by a third party, the place and date when the goods
the supplier has to have a CMR (or other were delivered to the customer (if the
document) confirmed by the customer or transportation is performed by the
its representatives. supplier), the place and date when the
The standard VAT rate will be increased in which the increase applies and will
up to 3% if the budget deficit for 2013 be rounded to 0.5%. The VAT rate will
and 2014 exceeds 3% of the Slovenian be published by the latest on 15 March
GDP. The possible increase will be in force in the Official Gazette for the relevant
from 1 April to 31 December of the year calendar year.
South Africa
The VAT Act provides that a vendor If a non-resident regularly or continuously
should issue a debit or credit note if a supplies goods that enter South African
supply has been canceled, a supply has territorial land and waters, it may be
been changed, the agreed consideration required to register for VAT, irrespective
has been adjusted or the goods have of whether it has a permanent
been returned. It is proposed that the establishment in South Africa. The VAT
conditions under which a debit or credit Act currently provides for the supply of
note may be issued be extended to allow goods by a non-resident to be exempt
for the correction of incorrect invoices from VAT if the goods are imported and
and also other circumstances such as the entered for storage in a licensed bonded
correction of invoices where particulars warehouse. It is proposed that the VAT
on the tax invoice are missing. exemption for in-bond sales should be
extended to supplies made by a non-
resident if the goods are supplied before
their entry for home consumption.
Effective 1 September 2012, the standard • Omissions or mistakes in the VAT
VAT rate increased to 21% from 18% and return declaring the self-assessed VAT
the reduced VAT rate increased to 10% arising from the withdrawal of goods
from 8% . However, the 4% super-reduced from a VAT warehouse may be subject
VAT rate has remained unaltered. In of a penalty of 10% of the VAT amount
addition, some goods and services that for missing, incomplete or inaccurate
were formerly taxed at the reduced rates declarations, provided that the declared
are now taxed at the standard rate. VAT is lower than the amount actually
Effective 31 October 2012, the following
changes apply: Effective 1 January 2013, in according
with EU Directive 2010/45/EU, the tax
• Following several judgments made by
point for an intra-Community supply
the Supreme Court, the Spanish VAT
and acquisition of goods is the earlier of
Law has been amended so that, in the
the 15th day of the month following the
case of bankruptcy, a clear distinction
month when the goods were removed
is made on the VAT returns between
from the supplier or the date when
VAT amounts relating to operations
the invoice is issued. The tax point for
with tax point dates prior to the
continuous intra-Community supplies of
bankruptcy (which are subject to the
goods looking for a period of more than
legal bankruptcy payment rules) from
one calendar month, where payments
VAT amounts relating to operations
have been agreed for a period longer
made subsequent to the bankruptcy
than the month, is the last day of each
(which must be declared and paid in the
calendar month.
normal way, through the periodic VAT
return process). A new invoicing regulation (based on
EU Directive 2010/45/EU) entered
• The reverse charge procedure has
into force effective 1 January 2013.
been extended for certain supplies to
The new regulation clarifies when
immovable property, The VAT reverse
non-resident entities must comply with
charge procedure now applies to most
Spanish invoicing regulations. The new
sales of buildings (except for sales
rules also require that tax receipts be
of new or substantially renovated
replaced by simplified VAT invoices, they
buildings). In addition, the VAT reverse
also provide for electronic invoicing. For
charge procedure applies to certain
intra-Community supplies and, in all cases
services related to the construction or
where the recipient is an entrepreneur,
substantial renovation of immovable
invoices must be issued by the 15th day
of the month following the month when
the goods were supplied or the services
were performed.
Effective 1 January 2013, in accordance at the latest by the 15th day of the
with EU law, a number of changes apply month following the supply of goods or
to the to VAT invoicing, including the services.
following measures:
• The authenticity of the origin, the
• The relevant law or other information integrity of the content and the legibility
must be expressly mentioned on an of an invoice must be ensured by the
invoice that relates to a VAT-exempt issuer and the recipient until the end for
supply. the storage period of the invoice (seven
• Any invoice issued by the purchaser
under a self-billing arrangement must Effective 1 January 2013, a number of
expressly mention on the invoice that other changes apply to the Swedish VAT
self-billing applies. law, including the following measures:
• The words “reverse charge” must be • To prevent fraud, the reverse charge
mentioned on any invoice subject to applies to supplies of waste and scrap
the reverse charge. If the invoice is for certain metals.
issued in Swedish, the words “Omvänd
• A penalty of SEK500 is imposed for
betalningsskyldighet” must be included.
all VAT returns that are filed late.
• Taxable persons who apply a profit Previously, the penalty amount was
margin scheme for second-hand goods, raised to SEK1000 if one of the three
artwork, collectibles and antiques or the preceding returns was filed late.
margin scheme for travel agents and
• Interest on all late payments of VAT is
travel agencies may simply express the
now calculated using the previous “high
fact on their invoices (e.g., by including
interest rate” calculated as the base
“the margin scheme for second-hand
rate plus 15%. Furthermore, the base
goods”). This is a simplification of the
rate for these purposes can only be as
previous Swedish rule.
low as 1.25%, previously the lowest rate
• The VAT and value amounts on invoices was 1%.
issued in a foreign currency must be
• The place of supply for the long-
converted to Swedish kronor (SEK) or
term hire of means of transport, to
euros. However, the exchange rate used
a non-taxable person is deemed to
for this conversion no longer needs to
be the place where there the non-
be shown on the invoice.
taxable person is established, where
• For intra-Community supplies of goods his permanent address is or where
carried out in accordance with the his usually residents is. Special rules
conditions specified in Article 138 or apply to the hiring of boats, for which
for supplies of services for which VAT the place of supply could be the place
is payable by the customer pursuant to where delivery takes place.
Article 196, an invoice must be issued
The 7% VAT rate will revert to 10% on
1 October 2014, unless the 7% rate is
extended in the meantime.
Effective 1 January 2013, local From the same date, VAT is suspended
authorities and state-owned entities are on training services for pilots who are not
required to withhold 50% of the VAT working for airlines.
due on their acquisitions of immovable
properties and businesses transferred
as going concerns if the value of the
transaction exceeds TND1,000.
Effective 1 January 2013, VAT taxpayers • Encryption devices for data protection
may obtain VAT refunds by accepting purposes.
Treasury promissory notes from the
The exemption is expected to remain in
government. A Treasury promissory note
force until 2023.
may be used upon maturity to offset any
of the taxpayer’s tax liabilities. Also the Effective 1 January 2013, money transfer
recipient of a Treasury promissory note services are included in the list of VAT-
can sell it to another taxpayer. At the exempted activities.
time of writing, the procedure for issuing
Effective 4 November 2012, favourable
Treasury promissory notes is still to be
changes related to the VAT regime for
product sharing agreements (PSAs) were
Effective 1 January 2013, a VAT introduced. Among other things, PSAs
exemption applies to supply of: are entitled to an automatic refund of VAT
• Software, including operational systems
and other computer programs (or their
parts) including programs represented
as Internet web sites or online services
4. Under the scope of the Metropolitan Municipality Law — except for areas determined as reserve construction areas and risky areas
under the Law no. 6306 on the Transformation of Areas Under Disaster Risk and areas where risky construction has been built.
5. Congress has authority under the US Constitution to regulate interstate commerce, including taxation.
A pilot VAT refund scheme began in • Enterprises with losses for two
July 2012 and is expected to run until consecutive years or more or that have
30 June 2014. It applies to foreigners losses that exceed their chartered
and overseas Vietnamese visitors capital
passing through the country’s two largest
• Enterprises with a VAT refund arising
airports. Under the project, foreigners
from business activities of real estate
and overseas Vietnamese who buy goods
trading and services
in Vietnam and leave through Noi Bai
Airport or Tan Son Nhat Airport may be • Enterprises with a change in business
reimbursed 85% of the VAT paid. The location within the 12 months prior to
remaining 15% of the refund value is the date of the tax refund decision
used as a service fee to pay the banks
• Enterprises that have had an unusual
that handle tax repayments. To obtain a
change between taxable revenue and
refund, foreigners are required to have
refunded tax within the 12-month
a valid invoice with a value of at least
VND2 million (US$95) and a tax claim
form. For other enterprises, the tax authorities
must conduct a tax audit based on the
Effective 10 November 2012, a VAT
risk level of the refund (priority for
refund may be made on the basis of
audit is given to cases with a significant
“refund first, tax audit later.” Accordingly,
refund amount, etc.) within a period not
the tax authorities must perform a tax
exceeding 10 years from the date of the
audit within one year from the date that
tax refund decision.
the decision on the VAT refund is granted
in the following cases:
Effective 1 January 2013, the following The procurement of servers required
changes apply: to receive data from electronic fiscal
devices is in progress.
• Soya meal and live birds are exempt
from VAT. • Penalties for failure to record
transactions on time using on electronic
• A penalty is imposed for a failure to
fiscal devices may be reviewed on
pay deferred VAT within the prescribed
appeal to the Commissioner of
90-day period from date of importation
Domestic Taxes.
or for selling, re-exporting or otherwise
disposing of such goods without having
used them in the manner that qualified
them for deferment of payment of tax.
• The tax authorities are to step up
enforcement of electronic fiscal
recording of taxable transactions.
Romania Netherlands
The temporary reduction in the property
1 January 2013: excise duty rate for diesel oil is increased to
transfer tax from 6% to 2% which was to last
€391 per ton (from €374 per ton).
until 31 June 2012 has been continued on a
1 February 2013: 60% tax will be charged on the permanent basis.
supplementary revenues (earned until 31 December 2014)
1 January 2013: insurance premium tax (IPT)
derived by certain natural gas producers.
rate in the Netherlands has increased from
To 31 December 2014: special tax of 0.5% of revenues will be 9.7% to 21%.
payable by companies exploiting natural resources (with the
exception of natural gas).
1 January 2013: new excise tax applies on
fuels sold or imported into Nicaragua, including
the import and nationalization of goods derived
from petroleum.
Mexico Jamaica
1 January 2013: beer with a 14% alcohol 15 July 2012: tax applies on
content is subject to a 26.5% excise tax telephone calls originating or
rate (instead of the 26% tax rate previously terminating in Jamaica.
approved for 2013).
August 2012: tourist tax of US $20
1 January 2013: alcoholic beverages and beer is payable by each foreign-arriving
with a 20% alcohol content or more are subject passenger.
to a 53% excise tax rate (instead of the 52%
1 September 2012: a per-night
excise tax rate previously approved).
accommodation tax is levied on each
occupied hotel room.
Uzbekistan 22 September 2012: special consumption tax on
alcoholic beverages and on vehicles with an engine
1 January 2013: excise duty increased on wine capacity less than 1600 cm3 has been increased.
by 5%, on ethyl alcohol by 15% and on other
types of alcoholic beverages by 20%. 22 September 2012: land registry title fees were
increased to 0.02% from 0.0165%.
1 January 2013: excise duty rate for tobacco
products increased by 25%. Zimbabwe Saint Lucia
Zambia 1 December 2012: excise duty increases apply to:
1 May 2012—30 April 2016:
locally produced clear beer (40% to 45%), cigarettes
13 October 2012: import duty suspended on import duties will not be levied
(from ZWL10 per 1,000 to ZWL15 per 1,000).
tourism-related equipment as an incentive to on medicines (previously 10%
develop the tourism industry. Until June 2013: suspension of customs duty on rate applied).
vehicles used in tourism.
1 March 2013:
financial services tax
(6.5%) will apply to
a range of financial
Italy Philippines
1 January 2013: 1 January 2013: a
excise duty rates on uniform ad valorem
fuel and diesel are tax rate is imposed on
€0.7284 per liter and distilled spirits.
€0.6174 per liter,
1 January 2013,
specific taxes on
1 March 2013: new wines per liter of
Isle of Man tax will apply to volume capacity
Nigeria 1 February 2013: machine games financial transactions. apply.
duty (MGD) payable at a single 1 January 2013,
1 January 2013:
rate of 15% on the net takings of specific taxes for
levy of 50%
qualifying machines. cigarettes packed by
and 60% apply
machine apply.
to imported
raw sugar and
refined sugar, 1 January 2013: 15%
respectively, concessionary excise duty
and a levy of rate is restricted to the first
100% applies to MUR1.5 million import value
imported brown on a motor vehicle of a
and polished rice. returning resident.
6 December 2012: excise duty on a standard 75cl bottle of wine
increased by €1 (including VAT) per bottle, and the rate of excise duty on Spain Sri Lanka New Zealand
a pint of beer or cider and on a standard measure of spirits increased by
1 January 2013: 1 January 2013: 1 January 2013:
€0.10 (including VAT).
tax on retail sales of telecommunication excise and excise-
6 December 2012: excise duty on tobacco products increased by €0.10 some fuels (IVMDH or levy applicable equivalent duty
(including VAT) per packet of 20 cigarettes and on a pro-rata basis for Céntimo Sanitario), to internet tariffs rates on tobacco and
other tobacco products. introduced in 2002, reduced from 20% tobacco products
has been abolished. to 10%. have undergone the
1 May 2013: carbon tax will be extended to apply to solid fuels at an annual indexation
initial rate of €10 per ton. The rate will increase to €20 per ton effective as well as a separate
1 May 2014. 10% increase.
Effective 1 January 2013, the excise
duties on tobacco and on wine have been
The following changes apply effective • The excise duty rates have increased
1 January 2013: to 7% on soft drinks, 20% on beer and
cider, 40% on wine and 45% on liqueurs
• For the year 2013, a 1% tax applies to
and champagne.
the re-exported petroleum products.
• The excise duty on perfume and
• The passenger tax has increased from
cosmetic products has increased to 7%.
FCFA10,000 to FCFA20,000 per
passenger. • The excise duty on tourism vehicles
with an engine capacity of 13
• The night tax paid by hotels has been
horsepower or greater has increased
fixed at FCFA1,000 per bed per night.
to 10%.
• The communication fee applied to
• A new tax applies on the import and
international calls received in Benin has
sale of plastic bags. It applies at a
increased from FCFA15 to FCFA23 per
rate of 5% based on the value of bags
at importation or at the time of local
• A new 10% tax applies to energy drinks. production.
The law containing the tax incentives hiring individuals (with or without an
relating to the 2016 Olympic and employment relationship) for the purpose
Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro was of the events. Even though the tax
published in the Official Gazette dated incentives have been published and are
9 January 2013 and entered into force already in force, additional administrative
on that date. Tax benefits are available procedures must be defined by the
for the entities listed in the legislation tax authorities and published through
that are involved with these sporting legislation.
events, on the condition that they are
incorporated in Brazil and that they
engage in selling goods and services or
Effective 1 January 2013, excise rates on in line with Bulgaria’s EU accession
certain categories of goods are increased agreement.
Effective 1 July 2012, all cigarettes, The new federal excise stamp indicates
tobacco sticks and fine-cut tobacco that federal excise duty has been paid
products for sale in Canada must on the tobacco product and that it has
carry the new federal excise stamp in been manufactured legally. The stamp
accordance with the Excise Act, 2001. has state-of-the-art visible and hidden
Contravention may result in a fine, identifiers and security features similar
imprisonment or both. to those used in Canadian banknotes, as
well as hidden security features that only
federal and provincial law enforcement
agencies can detect.
Costa Rica
Effective 29 November 2012, the excise • An excise tax collected for the benefit
tax applied to national or foreign soft of IFAM (Institute for Municipal
drinks is 5.725 colones per consumer Development) applies at a rate of
unit of 250ml. For small factories whose 0.22332 colones per ml of alcohol in
annual production does not exceed national or foreign beer.
16 million consumer units, the tax per
• An excise tax collected for the benefit
consumer unit of 250ml is 2.35 colones.
of INDER applies at a rate of 0.2
A consumer unit is defined as follows: colones per ml of alcohol in national or
foreign wine.
• The consumer unit for all liquid drinks
subject to tax is 250ml. • An excise tax of 0.1 colones per ml of
alcohol applies to national or foreign
• The consumer unit for soda syrups
wine prepared with fermented fruits
(post mixes) is the equivalent ml of
(other than grapes) if sales do not
syrup used to make 250ml of the
exceed 15 million ml. If sales exceed
finished beverage.
this amount, the tax is 0.2 colones per
• For packages containing different items, ml of alcohol.
the tax is applied proportionally.
The taxable event for these excise
In addition, from the same date, the taxes occurs at the factory level when
excise tax levied on national or foreign the invoice is issued or the product is
beer and wine has also been modified as delivered (whichever occurs first) and at
follows: importation when the customs return is
accepted. These tariffs will be updated
• An excise tax collected for the benefit
quarterly by INDER and the increase may
of the Institute of Rural Development,
not exceed 3%.
formerly known as IDA (INDER), applies
at a rate of 0.4 colones per ml of
alcohol in national or foreign beer.
Czech Republic
As part of the gradual implementation place in two stages; the first stage took
of European directives, there will be an effect on 1 January 2013 and the second
overall increase in excise duty rates on stage will take effect on 1 January 2014.
tobacco products. This increase will take
The Danish Parliament has adopted a Until now, Denmark has charged tax
bill regarding excise duty on printed on insurance as a stamp duty on the
advertising material distributed to policies issued by insurance companies.
households in connection with a The amount could be paid up-front when
company’s commercial activity and entering into an insurance agreement
without payment. The excise duty is or as a current stamp duty. Effective
collected by the distributor at a rate of 1 January 2013, this duty has been
either DKK2 or DKK3 per kilo of printed changed to an insurance premium
advertising material (increasing to DKK4 tax of 1.1%.
per kilo from 2014). The application of
The existing premium tax on insurance for
the new excise duty currently awaits
pleasure crafts has been increased from
approval from the EU Commission.
1% to 1.34%.
Effective 1 January 2013, an indexation
Effective 1 January 2013, a new excise
rate of 1.8% applies to the green car
duty applies to work-related injuries. The
owner tax, the excise duty on water,
duty is calculated on the basis of a very
various consumption taxes (coffee, tea,
complex formula based on the amount
cigarette paper and smokeless tobacco,
of damages paid for work-related injuries
incandescent lamps) and health-
and occupational diseases the previous
promoting excise duties (on items such as
year. It is charged by a public institution to
beer, wine, saturated fat, chocolate, ice
and mineral water). Indexation rises are
also planned for 2015 and in 2018.
A green tax has been introduced as • The fiscal duty on cigarettes, tobacco
follows (in Fiji dollars): and alcohol will increase by 10%.
• The fiscal duty on motor spirits is • The fiscal duty applied to cool room
increased from 44 cents to 46 cents freezer panels, boxes, cases, etc., made
per liter. of Styrofoam is increased to 32%.
• The fiscal duty on industrial diesel oil • The duty rate is also increased to 32%
is increased from 18 cents to 20 cents for imported milk and milk products.
per liter.
The following changes apply to import
• The green tax will not apply to white excise duty:
benzene, kerosene and premix.
• The duty on vegetables is to be reduced
• A duty rebate will apply of 2 cents per from 10% to 0% to bring the rate into
liter for inter-island vessels, bus and line with the 0% duty applied to fruits.
fishing industries.
• A duty of 15% will be imposed on
The following changes also apply to articles made of plastic.
fiscal duty:
The Government has announced it will of cigarettes (due to increase to 7 dalasi
introduce a new tobacco taxation policy in per pack in 2015) and an excise tax of
2013, which will result in a 25% increase 37.50 dalasi per kilogram applies to other
in duty. Effective January 2013, an tobacco products not in packs.
excise tax of 5 dalasi applies per pack
A transaction tax applies to payment providers that are subject to the financial
service providers that have a registered transaction tax must report and pay
seat or branch in Hungary, credit their tax liabilities on a monthly basis by
institutions entitled to provide currency the 20th day of the month following the
exchange services, and “special service month when the transfer took place.
intermediaries” of currency exchange
Minor amendments have been made
services. The Hungarian National Bank is
to the insurance tax act, primarily to
not subject to this tax. Payment services
address settlement and procedural
cover, among other things, postal orders,
matters concerning the fire protection
the issuance of bank cards and checks,
contribution (which is to be phased out).
services relating to cash payments made
At the same time, the definition of a
to and from payment accounts and
taxable premium has been extended
all other activities relating to account
to cover amounts that have not been
management. The financial transaction
booked as gross premiums under the
tax must be paid by the service provider.
accounting rules but nonetheless qualify
As a general rule, the financial transaction
as consideration for an insurance service.
tax rate is 0.2% of the tax base, capped
at HUF6,000 (approximately €20) per Effective 1 January 2013, the excise duty
payment transaction. Cash payments on alcoholic products is raised by 10% and
are, however, taxed at a higher rate of the tax on cigarettes and smoking tobacco
0.3% (also capped at HUF6,000 per is increased by 5% to 10%.
transaction) irrespective of whether the
The excise duty on liquefied petroleum
payment is made from a payment account
gas fuel is increased in two increments
or using a bank/credit card. Service
from 1 January 2013 and 1 May 2013.
Isle of Man
Effective 1 February 2013, machine VAT. The current regime, according to
games duty (MGD) will be payable at a which an interim duty on machines used
single rate of 15% on the net takings of for gambling purposes is levied and the
qualifying machines, i.e., machines where takings of these gambling machines are
an individual plays for a cash prize greater subject to the standard VAT rate of 20%,
than the smallest stake the machine will continue to apply to not qualifying
accepts. The takings will be exempt from machines.
Excise duty rates have been increased €5 per ton and on cigarettes and tobacco
on fuel by €0.02 per liter, on cement by by 6% and 8%, respectively.
Effective 1 January 2013, the 15% import value on a motor vehicle of a
concessionary excise duty rate is returning resident.
restricted to the first MUR1.5 million
Effective 1 January 2013, beer with a beverages and beer with a 20% alcohol
14% alcohol content is subject to a 26.5% content or more are subject to a 53%
excise tax rate (instead of the 26% tax rate excise tax rate (instead of the 52% excise
previously approved for 2013). Alcoholic tax rate previously approved).
New Zealand
Effective 1 January 2013, excise and the annual indexation increase (based on
excise-equivalent duty rates on tobacco movement in the Consumers Price Index),
and tobacco products have undergone as well as a separate 10% increase.
Effective 1 January 2013, a levies of 50% and polished rice. This measure will take
and 60% apply to imported raw sugar effect, subject to the administrative
and refined sugar, respectively; and a and legislative processes required being
levy of 100% applies to imported brown enacted.
Effective 1 January 2013, the motor Effective 1 January 2013, the excise
vehicle re-registration tax is reduced by liability for mineral oil and gasoline is now
40% for commercial vehicles and by 12% tied to the boiling point of the oil.
for other motor vehicles. At the same
The Customs Credit account system has
time, the environmental components of
been changed. Instead of the current
the motor vehicle registration tax have
system whereby a credit fee is charged
been strengthened by placing more
for each entry declaration in a Customs
emphasis on the CO2 and NOX emissions
Credit account, customers will be charged
of the vehicle and less emphasis on its
a fee of NOK100 per month for each
engine size. The CO2 tax on petroleum
month when the Customs Credit account
activities has also been increased by
has been used, regardless of the number
NOK200 per ton.
of declarations. The use of electronic
The excise duty on non-alcoholic bank statements in “Altinn” will become
beverages has been increased to the same obligatory in 2013.
level as the excise duty on light beer.
The temporary reduction in the property The green tax on polluting energy has
transfer tax from 6% to 2% that was to last increased.
until 31 June 2012 has been continued
Effective 1 January 2013, the Insurance
on a permanent basis.
Premium Tax (IPT) rate in the Netherlands
The bank levy is doubled from 0.022% to has increased from 9.7% to 21%. The new
0.044% for short-term liabilities and from rate applies to insurance premiums that
0.011% to 0.022% for long-term liabilities. mature after 31 December 2012.
Product Customs tariff
Pacific/Center Atlantic
The taxable base for calculating custom duties and taxes on imports may be summarized
as follows:
Customs CIF
duties value
CIF Customs Storage Other
tax (ISC) or = + + TSIM + +
value duties expenses expense
tax on fuels
services fee = US$0.50 rate per each ton or fraction imported
Effective 1 January 2013, the following • Products (in principle, additives)
provisions apply: falling under codes NC 38111110,
38111190, 38119000 are subject
• The restriction concerning the
to the provisions on the control and
exclusive storage of excise goods in tax
movement of excise goods.
warehouses, which applied to certain
manufacturers of energy products or • The excise duty rate for diesel oil is
cigarettes and related parties, has been €391 per ton (up to 31 December 2012
eliminated. the rate was of €374 per ton).
• The possibility for the exclusive
storage of alcoholic beverages under
a duty suspension procedure has been
Gaming operators are now required to casino activities. In addition, winnings
pay a gaming tax at a rate of 13% on all at any gaming center are subject to a
gaming activities, including betting and withholding tax of 15%.
Saint Lucia
Effective 1 October 2012, the new for a four-year period from 1 May 2012
VAT regime entered into force. In (retroactively) to 30 April 2016.
order to cushion the VAT’s impact, the Previously, import duty was levied on
Government announced that import medicines at a rate of 10%.
duties will not be levied on medicines
South Africa
The final design of the carbon tax is the Government’s carbon tax policy paper.
expected to be announced in 2013, Legislation on the new tax is expected to
following a consultation period based on follow during the latter half of 2013.
Effective 1 January 2013, the tax on (€12.00 per ton) used for the production
retail sales of some fuels (IVMDH or of electricity in electricity power stations
Céntimo Sanitario), introduced in 2002 or for the production of electricity or the
has been abolished. The tax was levied cogeneration of electricity and of heat in
on motor fuels sold at petrol stations and combined power stations.
the tax income was devoted to financing
No transfer tax will apply to certain
the health care systems administered by
transfers of shares in entities that mainly
regional governments.
own real state used for business purposes.
A number of changes relate to the energy Transfer tax applies to VAT-exempt
sector (e.g., a 7% tax on electricity supplies of real state.
production). Natural gas for purposes
Effective 1 July 2013, transport within
other than fuel and natural gas intended
Spain of goods subject to excise duties
for use as fuel in certain engines is
(i.e., under a suspension regime or where
taxed at €0.65 per gigajoule. A reduced
reduced or flat rates have been applied)
rate (€0.15 per gigajoule) applies to
must be accompanied by electronic
natural gas intended for professional
use, provided it is not used to produce
electricity. New tax rates apply to gas
oil (€29.15 per 1,000 liters) and fuel oil
Sri Lanka
Effective 1 January 2013, the Solar power systems and other renewable
telecommunication levy applicable to energy equipment are exempt from
internet tariffs reduced from 20% to 10%. import duties. Go-carts and other
specially designed vehicles are also
exempted from excise duty.
Effective 1 April 2013, excise duty on results in an increase of CHF0.10 to
cigarettes will increase from CHF395 CHF8 per pack of 20.
to CHF400 per 1,000 cigarettes, which
Effective 1 January 2013, minimum fixed 15%, including proportional tax rates and
tax amounts and proportional tax rates revaluation rates applied in 2012 for the
for the products listed in Table (B) of List papers listed in Table (1) attached to the
(III) attached to the Special Consumption Stamp Duty Law.
Tax Law (tobacco and tobacco products)
In addition, effective from
have been rearranged and the fixed tax
22 September 2012, the Special
amounts have been announced.
Consumption Tax on alcoholic beverages
Stamp Duty Law General Communiqué and on vehicles with an engine capacity
series no. 56 was published in the Official less than 1,600 cm3 has been increased.
Gazette dated 1 January 2013, and Land registry title fees were increased to
according to the general communiqué, 0.02% from 0.0165%.
fixed tax amounts have been increased by
Effective 3 January 2013, Ukraine The obligation to administer the tax lies
introduced an excise tax on the disposal of with the tax agent, which, in the majority
Ukrainian securities and on transactions of cases, is the securities trader. For
involving derivatives. The tax applies derivatives transactions, the excise tax is
to sellers of securities, or persons payable by both parties to the contract.
performing transactions in derivatives, Tax rates range from 0% to 1.5% of the
regardless of whether they are resident or contract value and a number of tax
non-resident. It applies to individuals and exemptions apply.
legal entities (except state authorities).
Indirect Tax in 2013 91
United Kingdom
Effective 1 April 2013, air passenger price floor. Supplies of fossil fuels used
duty (APD) rates will increase in line with in most forms of electricity generation
inflation. From the same date, APD will will become liable either to the climate
be extended to business jets and smaller change levy or fuel duty from that
aircraft. Luxury business jets will be date. Such supplies will be charged at
subject to new premium rates of APD — the relevant carbon price support rate,
set at double the prevailing standard depending on the type of fossil fuel
business/first class rates of APD. used, which will be based on the average
carbon content of each fossil fuel and will
Effective 1 February 2013, amusement
reflect the difference between the future
machine license duty (AMLD) is replaced
market price of carbon and the floor price
by a new machine games duty (MGD).
determined by the UK VAT administration.
Games played on machines which are
liable to MGD are exempt from VAT. Only Also effective 1 April 2013, climate
gaming machines with cash prizes are change levy (CCL) rates will increase in
within the scope of MGD. There are two line with inflation. From the same date,
rates of MGD: the standard rate of 20% the reduced rate of CCL on electricity will
and the lower rate of 5%, calculated on be amended from 35% to 10% of the main
machines’ net takings. The lower rate of CCL rate.
MGD applies to machines with maximum
The £0.302 per liter fuel duty
stakes of £0.10 and maximum cash prizes
increase that was due to take effect on
of £8, while the standard rate applies to
1 January 2013 has been canceled. In
all other dutiable machines.
addition, the fuel duty increase that was
Effective 1 April 2013, the standard planned for 1 April 2013 will now be
rate of landfill tax (LFT) will increase by deferred until 1 September 2013.
£8 per ton to £72 per ton. However, the
Effective 1 January 2014, tobacco-free
lower rate of LFT will remain frozen at
(herbal) smoking products will become
£2.50 per ton.
liable to tobacco duty at the same rate as
Effective 1 April 2013, the rate of their tobacco counterparts. However, a
aggregates levy will increase from £2 to limited exemption will be maintained for
£2.10 per ton. herbal smoking products that are used
exclusively for medicinal purposes.
Effective 1 April 2013, the UK VAT
administration will introduce a carbon
US Virgin Islands
The fuel tax rate has increased from 7 sold or consumed in the US Virgin Islands.
cents per gallon to 14 cents per gallon. The tax is imposed on the manufacturer
The fuel tax is imposed upon the sale of or importer of the fuel.
gasoline and diesel fuel manufactured,
Before 15 November 2012, the regulation 15 November 2012, the Government
provided that the foreign traders without issued a regulation providing guidance for
a presence in Vietnam may register implementation of these positions.
to import goods into Vietnam without
Effective 15 November 2012,
setting up a legal entity. However, there
imported nylon (plastic) bags used
have been no detailed guidance on this
for manufacturing of exported goods
registration was issued and, in practice,
are exempted from Environment
we are not aware of any cases where
Protection Tax.
the registration was approved. From
Effective 13 October 2012, the Zambian that offer services, as well as for new
government has suspended import duty articles and equipment used to furnish or
on tourism-related equipment as an refurbish accommodation and catering
incentive to develop the tourism industry. facilities by businesses licensed as tourism
The duty is also suspended on new motor enterprises.
vehicles purchased by tourism enterprises
Effective 1 December 2012, the following • A suspension of customs duty on
excise duty changes apply: vehicles used in tourism applies until
June 2013.
• Excise duty on locally produced clear
beer increased from 40% to 45%. • A rebate of duty applies on selected
building material donated to religious
• Excise duty is imposed on imported
clear beer at the greater of
ZWL0.45 per liter and 45%. • A rebate of customs duty applies to
fiscal devices.
• Excise duty on cigarettes increased
from ZWL10 per 1,000 to • A 25% surtax applies on selected
ZWL15 per 1,000. groceries and consumer goods, to
protect domestic producers.
• Used motor vehicles donated to
the government by international • The customs duty on chickens is
organizations on completion of now 40% or ZWL1.50 per kilogram,
projects under Technical Cooperation whichever is greater.
Agreements are exempt from 5%
excise duty.
Algeria and the EU have signed a new agreement delays the lifting of tariffs
trade agreement modifying a previous from 2017 to 2020.
2005 trade agreement; the new
Argentina requires significant new Argentina no longer qualifies for
import documentation effective benefits under the Generalized System
1 February 2012. Argentina’s Federal of Preferences (GSP) of the United
Administration of Public Revenue States (US). Goods of Argentine origin
(Administración Federal de Ingresos entered or withdrawn from warehouse for
Públicos: AFIP) issued Resolution consumption on or after 28 May 2012
3252/2012, which requires all importers are ineligible for preferential duty rates
to submit to the tax agency additional under the US GSP.
documentation in advance of importing
Argentina and Mexico each suspended
goods into Argentina. The information
preferential duties for each other’s
provided on the Advance Import
automobiles. Argentina initially
Information Affidavit (Declaración Jurada
suspended for three years an automobile
Anticipada de Información; DJAI) will be
free trade agreement with Mexico
shared with other agencies according to
following an agreement signed between
the nature of the goods and importation
Mexico and Brazil, which Argentina
cannot take place without prior approval.
claims violates the Mercado Común del
The resolution went into effect as of
Sur (MERCOSUR)1 — Mexico Pact. Mexico
1 February 2012.
subsequently withdrew preferences for
Argentinean vehicles and parts.
Effective 1 January 2013, the import solar-powered water heaters and other
duties were reduced to 2% for the similar appliances, washing machines,
following goods provided that specific compact fluorescent lamps and LED-
statutory requirements are met: air lamps.
conditioners, refrigerators and freezers,
1. Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. Bolivia became an accessing member on 7 December 2012, but this is to
be ratified by the member states.
Azerbaijan’s Cabinet of Ministers adopted of Ministers’ Decision signed on
a decree implementing a simplified 19 July 2012 went into effect 30
customs procedure for the importation days after signing and it is valid until
of goods for natural disasters and other 1 January 2014.
emergencies, live animals, radioactive
Azerbaijan’s Cabinet of Ministers
materials, perishable goods and others.
issued Decision No. 228 dated
Azerbaijan and Macedonia signed a 12 October 2012, “Rules for issuing
customs cooperation agreement. permits by customs authorities for
different customs operations or
Azerbaijan adopted a new procedure
for calculating customs debt for value-
added tax. Azerbaijan’s Cabinet of Ministers
issued Decision No. 353 dated
Azerbaijan exempted from VAT and
31 October 2012, “Rules for placing
customs duties goods, materials and
re-export goods undergoing customs
equipment for the construction of
an oil well cement plant. The Cabinet
Brazil and the US signed a customs protect local industry. Items considered
cooperation agreement. for duty increase include tires, motors,
freight cars and consumer products.
Brazil announced plans to implement an
up to 25% duty increase on 100 items to
The Canada Border Services Agency CBSA issued Notice 12–012, effective
(CBSA) issued Customs Notice 12–001 12 April 2012, which explains new
dated 18 January 2012, which requirements for importers of certain
announced the agency’s new Mandatory regulated energy-using products.
Electronic Export Reporting Policy for
CBSA amended the Departmental
Consolidation of the Customs Tariff
Steel and steel products imported into effective 28 September 2012
Canada are now eligible for Customs to implement certain legislative
Self Assessment (CSA) clearance and amendments, under Customs Notice
are exempt from General Import Permit 12–028.
(GIP) requirements if using CSA under
Canada and Israel signed a customs
Customs Notice 12–011. If using other
mutual assistance agreement.
customs release processes, applicable GIP
requirements must be met.
Costa Rica
On 28 September 2012, Law 9069, The main modifications are focused on
which modified certain articles of the the administrative procedures relating to
General Customs Law, entered into force. appeals and dispute resolution.
Croatia and Kosovo signed an economic
cooperation agreement.
2. Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
Cyprus and Russia signed a memorandum
of understanding on customs
Effective 1 September 2012, the import 50% and on tobacco from 45% to 75%.
duty on firearms increased from 45% to
European Union
Council Regulation (EU) No. 1232/2011 were adopted in Council Regulation (EU)
amended the dual use export control No. 168/2012 of 27 February 2012 in
regime promulgated under Council the form of travel bans and asset freezes
Regulation (EC) No. 428/2009. The on seven Syrian cabinet ministers in
changes included provisions and addition to freezing the assets of the
requirements for a number of new EU Syrian Central Bank and banning direct
General Export Authorizations. and indirect trade in gold, precious
metals and diamonds with Syrian state
The EU adopted Council Regulation
institutions. Further amendments to
(EU) No. 36/2012 of 18 January 2012
economic sanctions on Syria were
concerning restrictive measures in view
issued by Council Implementing
of the situation in Syria and repealing
Regulation (EU) No. 410/2012 of
Regulation (EU) No. 442/2011. The
14 May 2012, Council Regulation (EU)
regulation imposed new restrictions
No. 509/2012 of 15 June 2012, and
on the Syrian oil and gas industry and
Council Regulation (EU) No. 867/2012
those participating in certain electricity
of 24 September 2012.
generating projects. Additional measures
Georgia and the European Free Trade and Liechtenstein) signed a Declaration
Association (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland on Cooperation in Trade and Investment.
In Circular No. 19/2012, India’s Central countries (items on the sensitive list are
Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) subject to duty, while items on general
has ruled that because mouse pads lists are duty free).
are not essential for the functioning of
Effective 17 September 2012, India’s
the computer, they may be classified
Central Board of Excise and Customs
as neither parts nor accessories of
began requiring e-payments from
a computer, but according to their
certain importers, in Notification No.
constituent material.
India has reduced the number of items on
the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA)
Sensitive List for non-least-developed
Japan and South Africa signed a bilateral relevant laws. The rules require a vessel
customs cooperation agreement effective operator or a non-vessel operating
3 July 2012. common carrier to electronically submit
customs information no later than
Japan customs published extensive
24 hours before departure of the vessel
information with regard to the advance
from a port of loading. Failure to comply
filing rules to be implemented by
may subject the vessel operator or carrier
March 2014 under a recent amendment
to criminal and civil penalties.
of the Customs Tariff Law and other
Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emirates
signed a customs cooperation agreement.
Kenya and Ethiopia signed a special economic ties and developing trade and
status agreement aimed at promoting investment between the two countries.
Laos joined the WTO on 2 February 2013.
Mexico joined the Wassenaar definition of “direct transport” of
Arrangement effective 25 January 2012. originating products and providing
This makes it the 41st nation to adopt explanatory notes and examples on
Wassenaar-based export controls. the topic.
Mexico amended the list of goods for Mexico increased duties (from 0% to up to
which the importation, exportation, entry 20%) on cars, auto parts and machinery
or exit is subject to health regulations, imported from Argentina after Argentina
amending the preceding accord, suspended the ACE-55 (ACE: Acuerdo de
which establishes the classification Complementación Económica — Economic
and codification of merchandise and Complementation Agreement) trade
products subject to health regulations agreement. The duty increase is effective
administered by the Secretariat of Health retroactively from 26 June 2012.
(23 March 2012).
The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)
Mexico and Brazil signed an agreement, admitted Mexico as an Observer State
effective 19 March 2012, to limit trade in at the NSG Plenary held in Seattle in
vehicles between the two countries over June 2012. The Mexican government
the next three years to make up for the already has amended certain export
current trade deficit favoring Mexico. control requirements in line with the
standards established by the NSG.
Mexico signed customs cooperation
agreements with China, the Philippines, Mexico’s President has issued a decree
Italy and South Korea. amending duty rates under the General
Tax on Imports and Exports Law. The
Mexico and Norway issued a Protocol
amendment affects certain subheadings
effective 1 August 2012 to their
from Chapters 61 to 64 of Mexico’s tariff
agriculture agreement amending the
Schedule, effective 1 January 2013.
Moldova’s Parliament ratified 27 September 2012. The Parliament
the country’s membership in the rejected a proposal to join the Russia–
Commonwealth of Independent Belarus–Kazakhstan customs union.
States (CIS) free trade agreement on
Pakistan and India signed three trade agreement and a redress of trade
agreements: a customs cooperation grievances agreement.
agreement, a mutual recognition
Peru promulgated a decree indicating procurement projects without the
which foreign companies from countries need for a local subsidiary. Peru is not
that have a free trade agreement with a signatory of the WTO Government
Peru may participate in Government Procurement Agreement.
Russia joined the WTO on devices” under heading 8526 subject to
22 August 2012, becoming its 5% duty rate. The Federal Antimonopoly
156th member. Service claims the classification should
not be different depending solely on
Russia adopted a new customs tariff
the brand of the merchandise and has
policy for 2013–15 taking into account
initiated action against the Customs
Russia’s obligations under the protocol of
its accession to the WTO.
The Council of the EU has
Russia’s Federal Customs Service was
approved the Agreement signed on
accused of giving unfair preferential
16 December 2011 between the EU
treatment to Apple iPads with GPS (global
and the Government of the Russian
positioning system) by classifying them
Federation on trade in parts and
as “automatic data processing machines”
components of motor vehicles between
under heading 8471, which is duty free,
the EU and the Russian Federation.
and classifying similar products from
other manufacturers as “navigation
South Korea
South Korea lifted a ban on imports from South Korea and the United Arab
Canada of beef products from cattle more Emirates signed a customs technical and
than 30 months old. The ban was imposed administrative cooperation agreement.
in 2003 following a report of a case of
“mad cow disease” (bovine spongiform
encephalopathy) in Canada.
In line with the e-government strategy Switzerland is a member of European
of the Swiss customs authority, new Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) that has
regulations related to the customs entered into a free trade agreement with
clearance declaration came into Hong Kong as of 1 October 2012. The
force on 1 January 2013. Customs free trade agreement is concluded on a
clearance declarations must now be filed multilateral basis between the contracting
electronically via the customs declaration parties and makes tariff preferences
system “E-dec” both for imports and for goods in Chapters 25 to 97 of the
exports of goods. With a few exceptions, customs tariff, for processed goods, and
documents in paper form are no longer for fish and seafood. Furthermore, the
accepted. agreement contains a bilateral clause
between Hong Kong and Switzerland for
tariff preferences for certain agricultural
product in Chapters 1 to 24.
Taiwan and Germany signed a customs
cooperation agreement.
Turkey and the Netherlands signed a
memorandum of understanding for
cooperation in customs matters.
Ukraine and Argentina signed a customs Ukraine and the Eurasian Economic
cooperation agreement aiming to Commission of the Union of Russia,
prevent, investigate and end customs Belarus and Kazakhstan signed a
violations. memorandum on trade and economic
cooperation, and cooperation in the field
Ukraine’s new Customs Code went into
of technical regulation.
effect on 1 June 2012.
The President of Ukraine has approved
The Ukraine-EU Strategic Framework for
an action plan for 2012–21 in line
Customs Cooperation went into effect on
with Ukraine’s commitments under
25 June 2012.
the Prohibition of the Development,
Ukraine’s President ratified a free trade Production, Stockpiling and Use
zone agreement with the Commonwealth of Chemical Weapons and on their
of Independent States (CIS).3 Destruction.
3. The CIS currently includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan;
Turkmenistan and Ukraine are unofficial members; Georgia withdrew in 2009.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom (UK) revised its English Campaign to make licenses
policies to indicate that no export licenses more user-friendly. Additionally, the new
for military or dual-use goods and version, which became effective on
technology intended to be supplied to 31 July 2012, no longer permits
Argentina’s armed forces will be granted the export or transfer of technology
in the future. controlled under category ML22 of the
UK Military List.
The United Kingdom’s HM Revenue
and Customs (HMRC) has issued a new The ECO published a directive, effective
beginners Guide for Importing and 10 August 2012, which implements
Exporting. the EU’s Directive 2009/43/EC (Intra-
Community Transfer or “ICT” Directive),
The Export Control Organisation (ECO) in
related to intra-EU transfers of defense-
the Department of Business, Innvoation
related products.
and Skills (BIS) has updated the UK
Strategic Export Control Lists: The The United Kingdom’s rules of origin for
Consolidated List of Strategic Military various countries are provided in HMRC
and Dual-Use Items That Require Export Notice 828 Tariff Preferences: Rules of
Authorization (effective 15 June 2012) Origin for Various Countries.
to reflect EU updates to the Dual Use List.
The ECO published information regarding
The ECO also amended 12 open general
a number of revised sanctions measures
export licenses (OGELs) to reflect the
that the EU has issued recently against
Belarus, Eritrea, Iran, Somalia and Syria.
The ECO has published a revised version
of the OGEL (Military Components) in
plain English in line with the UK’s Plain
Vietnam and Argentina signed a Customs without setting up a legal entity there;
Cooperation Agreement. however, there has been no detailed
guidance on this registration and,
Vietnam ratified the ASEAN Agreement
in practice, we are not aware of any
of Customs on 30 March 2012.
cases where the registration has been
Prior to 15 November 2012, the approved. Effective 15 November 2012,
regulation provided that foreign traders the Government issued a regulation
without a presence in Vietnam could providing guidance for implementation of
register to import goods into Vietnam this provision.
With Mexico and other Central American
Countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala
and Honduras) to be ratified.
With Mexico and other Central American
countries (Costa Rica,El Salvador, Honduras and
Nicaragua) to be ratified.
Honduras Mexico
January 2013 with Mexico and other Central January 2012 with Central
American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, American countries (Costa Rica,
and Guatemala and Nicaragua). El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras
and Nicaragua).
February 2012 with Peru.
El Salvador
With Mexico and other Central American
countries (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras
and Nicaragua) to be ratified.
Costa Rica
December 2012 with Mexico and other Central
American countries (El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras and Nicaragua).
May 2012 with the United States.
Expected first-quarter 2013 with the European
Union and Peru.
May 2012 with Peru.
October 2012 with the United States.
February 2012 with Mexico.
March 2012 with Japan.
May 2012 with Panama.
Expected first-quarter 2013 with the European
Union and Colombia. April 2012 with Malaysia.
Expected January 2013
with Indonesia.
South Korea
March 2012 with the United States.
March 2012 with Peru.
Hong Kong
October–November 2012 with the
European Free Trade Association.
Expected January 2013 with
October 2012 with Canada.
April 2012 with Chile.
September 2012 with the
Commonwealth of
Independent States.
Montenegro Ukraine
September–November May 2012 with the European Free Trade
2012 with the European Association.
Free Trade Association.
September 2012 with Belarus, Russia and
the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Jeffrey N. Saviano
New York +1 212 773 0780
Boston +1 617 375 3702
[email protected]
Robert Smith
+8621 2228 2328 Asia-Pacific
[email protected]
William M. Methenitis
+1 214 969 8585
[email protected]
Customs and
International Trade
Neil Byrne
+353 1 221 2370
[email protected]
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