Forest Road Construction and Maintenance

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Forest Roads 1

Forest Road
Construction and Maintenance


The Benefits of Guidelines...5
Design Outcomes To Maintain Soil Productivity...10


Design of Upland Forest Roads...12

Design Considerations...12
Alignment and Location...13
Water Crossings...17
Work Activities That Do Not Require a DNR Protected
Waters Permit...18
Winter Roads...19

Construction of Upland Forest Roads...24

Reducing Noise and Visual Impacts of Gravel Pits
and Borrow Areas...27
Protecting Resources...31
2 Forest Roads


Design of Wetland Forest Roads...32

Construction of Wetland Forest Roads..34

General Construction Considerations...34
Crossing Mineral Soil Wetlands...36
Crossing Shallow Peat Wetlands...37
Crossing Deep Peat Wetlands...39
Crossing Wetlands in Winter...42


Maintenance Measures for All Roads...44
Maintaining Active Roads...44
Closing Inactive Roads...45
Forest Roads 3

Fig. ROAD-1: Temporary Road...6
Fig. ROAD-2: Crowned Road Cross-Section...8
Fig. ROAD-3: High Water Mark...14
Fig. ROAD-4: Representations of Typical Slope and Grade...16
Fig. ROAD-5: Ice Bridge...19
Fig. ROAD-6: Typical Road Profiles for Drainage and Stability...20
Fig. ROAD-7: Broad-Based Dip Installation...21
Fig. ROAD-8: Water Bar Installation...22
Fig. ROAD-9: Lead-Off Ditch...23
Fig. ROAD-10: Developing Gravel Pits from Back to Front...28
Fig. ROAD-11: Typical Upland Cross-Drainage Culvert...29
Fig. ROAD-12: Typical Culvert Installation for Uplands and Mineral
Soil Wetlands...30
Fig. ROAD-13: Installation of Straw Bales...31
Fig. ROAD-14: Road Design for Peat Wetlands with Continuous
Fig. ROAD-15: Deep Peat Wetlands Culvert and Ditch Spacing...36
Fig. ROAD-16: Wetland Culvert Installation...38
Fig. ROAD-17: Peat Wetland Surface in Relation to Water Table...43
Fig. ROAD-18: Barriers to Traffic...47

Table ROAD-1: Cross-Drain Spacing for Broad-Based Dips
and Upland Culverts...21
Table ROAD-2: Water Bar Spacing...22
4 Forest Roads

Guidelines help with how to manage,
not whether to manage.
These guidelines focus on how to protect the functions and
values of forest resources during forest management activities.
They do not provide advice on whether to manage or which
management activities are needed.

Guidelines provide a menu, not a mandate.

Site-level resource management decisions are based on many
different factors, including resource needs, landowner objec-
tives, site capabilities, existing regulations, economics and the
best information available at any given time. No one will apply
all of the guidelines related to a particular activity. Instead,
the landowner, resource manager or logger will consider many
different factors in determining which combination of guide-
lines provides the best “fit” for a particular site at a particular
time. The intent of having multiple guidelines is to provide
decision-makers with as much flexibility— and as much
choice— as possible in taking steps to effectively balance
forest management needs and resource sustainability.

General guidelines and activity-specific guidelines

are closely related.
Frequent references from activity-specific guidelines back
to the general guidelines will make it easy for landowners,
resource managers, loggers and others to consider all of the
related guidelines— both general and specific— that apply
to a particular management activity.

Guidelines are supplemented from time to time

by “Additional Considerations.”
The guidelines are supplemented from time to time by
“Additional Considerations,” which provide additional guid-
ance to further promote the sustainability of forest resources.
Forest Roads 5

Forest roads connect the most remote parts of the forest
to existing township, county and state roads and highways,
providing access to forest lands for timber management, fish
and wildlife habitat improvement, fire control, hunting and
a variety of recreational activities. For the purpose of these
guidelines, road construction includes excavation of gravel
quarries and borrow pits.
Permanent roads are intended for long-term use. They include
all-season roads and seasonal roads.
• All-season roads are designed for use all year long, though
there may be some restrictions on vehicle weight at times
during spring breakup or wet periods. There is a great range
in design standards and road surfacing in this type of road,
depending on the traffic load anticipated.
• Seasonal roads are designed for long-term periodic use,
such as during dry and frozen periods. These roads are built
to lower engineering standards and have minimal material
Temporary roads are generally minimum-standard roads designed
for short-term use during a specific project, such as a timber
harvest. Many of these temporary roads are little more than
a bladed lane pushed into the harvest site. Use of these roads is
typically limited to dry or frozen conditions to minimize rutting
and compaction. See Figure ROAD-1.

The Benefits of Guidelines

Benefits to cultural resources: Forest road construction guidelines
can minimize the potential effects of road building and mainte-
nance activities on cultural resources that can result from
removing or altering natural soils that contain cultural deposits,
damaging features of archaeological sites or cemeteries, and
destabilizing historic buildings and structures.
6 Forest Roads

Temporary Road

Figure ROAD-1

Guidelines for earth-moving activities, excavation of borrow

areas, and practices that cause soil disturbance or erosion can
help protect cultural resources, and guidelines for controlling
accesses into formerly remote areas can reduce the potential
for deliberate vandalism of sensitive sites.
Benefits to forest soils: Forest road construction guidelines
support the development of a safe and efficient access system
that services many acres with as few roads as possible while
impacting the smallest percentage of the site necessary.
Guidelines address compaction, erosion and indirect impacts
to surrounding soils caused by disruption to water flows and

Benefits to riparian areas: Forest road construction guidelines

can minimize alterations of vegetation within the riparian area.
That vegetation is important for providing inputs of coarse
woody debris and fine litter to water bodies; retaining nutrients,
sediment and energy; bank and shoreline stabilization; mainte-
nance of moderate water temperatures through shading; and
wildlife habitat. Guidelines for retaining vegetation can also have
a positive impact on aesthetics, wood products and recreation.
Forest Roads 7

Benefits to visual quality: Forest road construction guidelines can

reduce the visual impacts associated with poor design, construc-
tion and maintenance of forest roads. Guidelines can also reduce
noise and unsightliness related to gravel pits.

Benefits to water quality and wetlands: Forest road construction

guidelines can protect water quality and wetlands, particularly in
areas having steep slopes with erodible soils, and in areas where
forest roads are located near water or wetlands. Guidelines can
also help to maintain natural flow patterns across the landscape,
avoid concentration of water flows, and minimize sedimentation
to water bodies and wetlands. Guidelines for the use of fuels and
lubricants can protect water quality and wetlands from the toxic
effects of potential spills. Guidelines that address equipment
operations and maintenance can help protect water quality.
Benefits to wildlife habitat: Forest road construction guidelines
suggest management approaches that help protect sensitive sites,
rare species, water features and unique habitats in forests.
Guidelines for controlling access into remote areas can minimize
human activity that may be detrimental to some forest wildlife

A well-planned access system is a sound method of reducing
erosion and sedimentation in areas requiring frequent or tempo-
rary access. Proper location and construction of roads will
provide for safety, longer operating periods, lower maintenance
and operating costs, and minimal impacts to forest resources.
Servicing as many acres of forest with as few roads as possible
is a sound method of reducing impacts to forest resources from
road construction.

Factors in decision-making
r The number, size and design of forest access roads will be influ-
enced by the frequency of access, amount of anticipated traffic,
seasons during which access is required, and safety concerns.
r Distribution of necessary management activities will affect the
number and location of access roads.
8 Forest Roads

Crowned Road Cross-Section

Figure ROAD-2

r Choices regarding road construction standards and maintenance

activities will be influenced by site characteristics and the value
of the resources served. Culverts and ditches may be necessary
with any road construction technique. See Figure ROAD-2.
r Surfacing can be the major cost of low-volume road construction.
Alternatives should be evaluated according to expected use
and potential impact on sediment load. Where grades make
the potential for surface erosion significant, the road should be
surfaced with materials that will minimize potential water quality
and soil productivity impacts (such as crushed rock, compacted
gravel, sod or asphalt).
r Visual impacts and the concentration of forest management activities
can result from poor design, construction and maintenance of
forest access roads. Take into account the following considerations
when planning to reduce noise and visual impacts associated
with the design and use of forest access roads:

• Noise from traffic, especially large trucks, buses and heavy

equipment operating on access roads

• Potential increased costs of building forest access roads

to accommodate visual quality concerns, and potential
increased costs of using existing roads that require traveling
greater distances
Forest Roads 9

•The limited road construction season that generally coincides

with the tourist season
• Traffic during wet periods that can increase maintenance
needs and create unsightly ruts and mudholes

r Visual impacts and noise impacts created by gravel pits are not
compatible with recreational user sensitivities. Take into account
the following considerations when planning to reduce noise and
unsightliness related to gravel pits:
• Local sources of gravel are necessary for efficient, cost-
effective road building and maintenance.
• Recreational use of gravel pits may cause conflicts.
r Site-specific soil, topographic and forest inventory information
will assist resource managers or landowners in planning road
location and layout. For information and assistance, see Resource

Minimizing impacts from roads

r Because roads take soils out of production, effort should be made
to keep the length and width of roads to a minimum without
sacrificing safety.
r To minimize road mileage and reduce costs, coordination with
adjacent landowners may be desirable.

r The greatest potential for soil erosion occurs immediately after

construction. Disturbed areas should be shaped and stabilized
as soon as possible to minimize erosion potential.

Maintenance needs
r The purpose of maintenance procedures is to ensure that measures
taken to minimize impacts on forest resources are working and
will continue to work for the life of the road. Surfacing materials
and the amount of use will determine the level of maintenance
10 Forest Roads

r Roads that are open for use require more maintenance than roads
that are closed to vehicular traffic. Inactive roads (roads cur-
rently not in use), whether closed temporarily or permanently,
require occasional work to reduce potential impacts on streams,
lakes, wetlands and seasonal ponds.

r Road layout, construction methods and erosion and access control

all contribute to the longevity, utility, safety and maintenance
costs of road systems.

Protecting water quality and water flow

r Incorporating guidelines to protect water quality into overall road
project design can minimize the potential impact of wetland
roads on water quality, as well as alterations to normal water
flow patterns.

r Effective road construction techniques minimize the disturbance

to the natural flow of water over the landscape and ensure the
structural integrity of the road embankment.

The goal is to provide a simple road structure of adequate

strength to support heavy vehicle traffic and provide drainage
structures to pass water at its normal level through the road

Design Outcomes To Maintain Soil Productivity

To protect soil productivity, the design, construction and
maintenance of forest roads should achieve the following
beneficial outcomes:
• A well-planned road system that efficiently accesses
as many acres as possible with the least amount of site
occupied over the long term, with no more than 1-2%
of the management area occupied by roads
Forest Roads 11

•A road system built to adequate specifications for the

season, duration and level of use
• Proper location and construction of roads that provide
for safety, longer operating periods, and lower mainte-
nance and operating costs
• Road surfaces, ditches and bare soil areas stabilized
from future erosion, with soil erosion control structures
properly installed, functional and in good condition


, Have you identified

your goals and objectives?
See Identifying Goals and Objectives
in General Guidelines.

, Have you conducted a site inventory?

See Conducting a Site Inventory
in General Guidelines.
12 Forest Roads

Design of Upland Forest Roads

IMPORTANT! Review General Guidelines:
, Incorporating Sustainability into Forest
Management Plans
, Maintaining Filter Strips
, Managing Riparian Areas

Landowners may need the services of a forester, engineer or other

qualified individual to provide complete design and construction
specifications. This professional assistance is particularly
important when constructing permanent all-season roads. For
sources of professional assistance, see Resource Directory.

Design Considerations
U Examine existing access routes to determine whether they are
the best routes to improve. Consider whether relocation would
provide a better long-term access route.
U Consider future management activities that may utilize
common roads for adjacent stands or ownerships.
U Minimize total road mileage and ground disturbance required
to meet landowner objectives.
U Plan to limit the area disturbed by roads to less than 1-2% of
the management area (defined as the specific site where activities
are taking place). Slightly different percentage goals may be
appropriate when considering a larger land area, such as a

U Establish appropriate stabilization, drainage and erosion

control measures, to be applied on a daily basis during all phases
of an operation.

U Minimize road width consistent with road safety and design

Forest Roads 13

Additional Consideration
K If road closure is anticipated, consider designing road
approaches to facilitate effective closure after completion
of management activities.

Alignment and Location

STOP! U Contact Gopher State One Call at (800) 252-1166 or
(612) 454-0002 at least one week prior to the start of excavation
activities when crossing pipelines or other underground utilities.

U Prior to construction, identify locations of new roads, borrow

areas and gravel pits to avoid cultural resources and other
sensitive areas.

U Locate roads to minimize the amount of cut-and-fill and the

number of water crossings.

U Locate roads away from streams, lakes, open water wetlands,

wetland inclusions, seasonal ponds, seeps and springs whenever
possible, to provide adequate filter strips.

U Wherever practical, locate roads (those that do not cross a stream,

lake or open water wetland) outside of filter strips or the riparian
management zone (RMZ), whichever is wider. See General
Guidelines: Maintaining Filter Strips and General Guidelines:
Managing Riparian Areas.

U Locate roads to avoid concentrating runoff and reduce the

potential for nonpoint source pollution.
14 Forest Roads

High Water Mark (HWM)

Figure ROAD-3

U Avoid locating roads below the high water mark of streams,

lakes, wetlands and seasonal ponds whenever possible. See
Figure ROAD-3.

UAvoid locating roads on unstable slopes subject to slumping

or creep whenever practical.

U Avoid constructing roads with grades in excess of 10%. On

highly erodible soils, maximum grades of 5% are recommended.
See Figure ROAD-4.

U Minimize down-road flow and ponding by constructing roads

with a slight grade of 1% or 2% and with appropriate ditches where
Forest Roads 15

Reducing Visual Impacts

Due to Alignment and Location of Roads

In areas classified as most sensitive:*

U Minimize the number of roads approaching travel routes
or recreation areas.

In areas classified as most sensitive

or moderately sensitive:*
U Locate roads and trails to minimize visibility from nearby
vantage points, such as scenic overlooks, streams and lakes.
U Reduce visual penetration with appropriate curves in the
road alignment.
U Minimize total road mileage and ground disturbance
required to meet landowner objectives and anticipated traffic
UAvoid tracking mud onto highways by using appropriate
road surface material.

In areas classified as less sensitive:*

U Consider visual quality to the extent possible.
U Minimize total road mileage and ground disturbance
required to meet landowner objectives and anticipated traffic
*See Part 2, Visual Quality: Visual Sensitivity Classifications
for information related to how classifications are determined
and which Minnesota counties have developed visual sensitivity
classification maps.
16 Forest Roads

of Typical Slope and Grade

Figure ROAD-4

Reduce visual pen-

etration into clearcuts
or landing areas by de-
signing curves in the
road alignment. Photo
courtesy of Minnesota
Forest Roads 17

Water Crossings
Water crossings present a high risk to water quality and should
be avoided when practical. Bridges or culverts are preferred for
road crossings that are used frequently or for extended periods.
Low-water fords should be used for infrequent crossings and
short-term operations. Fords should have a firm base installed
to minimize potential impacts to water quality or wetlands.

U Contact an SWCD office or DNR hydrologist to determine

whether the proposed road will cross a water or wetland desig-
nated on the Protected Waters Inventory maps. If so, secure
the required permit from the DNR Division of Waters to work
in public waters (Minn. Statute 103G.245). For a listing of DNR
regional offices, see Resource Directory. See also Appendix H:
Work Activities That Do Not Require a DNR Protected Waters
U Minimize the number of water crossings.
U Give preference to crossing locations where:
• Streambed and banks are composed of firm, cohesive soils
or rock
•Approaches to streambanks have low-percent slopes and
short slope lengths
• Construction will disrupt a minimum amount of natural
stream channel
U Maintain crossings as close to a 90-degree angle as possible
to the streambed.
U Construct crossings so as not to change the cross-sectional
area of the stream channel or impede fish migration.

U Construct low-water ford crossings with materials that will not

degrade water quality. These materials include (but are not
limited to) concrete, coarse rock, riprap and gabions.
U Minimize construction disturbance to the natural flow of

URestrict activity in the water to periods of low flow.

18 Forest Roads

U Design culverts and bridges for minimal impact on water

quality. Permanently installed culverts should be at least 12
inches in diameter for ease of maintenance. Putting in culverts
and drainage structures that are too small could result in the road
washing out. Lay culvert on the same slope (gradient) as the
stream, but bury culvert about 17% (one-sixth of diameter). For
sources of information on sizing culverts, contact local SWCD
offices, local NRCS offices or county highway departments.
U When installing culverts and bridges, make sure that materials
used within the stream are clean, non-erodible and non-toxic
to aquatic life. Such materials include compacted fill, riprap,
concrete and treated timbers. When using chemically treated
timber below or near the water level, it should be reasonably
dry and free of excessive surface oils when installed.
U Anchor temporary structures at one end to allow the structure
to move aside during high water flows.
U Remove temporary fills and structures to the extent practical
when use is complete.

Work Activities That Do Not Require

A DNR Protected Waters Permit
As long as specific detailed conditions are met (see Appendix H),
the following work activities do not require a DNR Protected
Waters Permit:
r Low-water ford crossings (on streams only)
r Temporary bridges (on streams only)
r Water level control structures (on streams only)
r Constructing a bridge or culvert, of filling or excavating
the bed of a protected watercourse (for streams with a
watershed less than 5 square miles only)
r Removal of existing structures
r Removal of debris (as long as original alignment, slope
or cross-section of lake, marsh or streambed is not altered)
Refer to Appendix H for conditions that must be met to conduct
these activities without a permit.
Forest Roads 19

Winter Roads
Winter roads provide access under frozen ground conditions for
timber harvesting and other timber management activities. Like
all other roads, winter roads need to have provisions for adequate
drainage to prevent or minimize erosion and sedimentation into
wetlands and open water. With much of the timber harvesting
in Minnesota occurring during January, February and March,
properly constructed winter roads are an important component
of timber management.
U Construct temporary crossings for winter roads where practi-
cal. Examples of preferred temporary crossings include ice
bridges, temporarily installed culverts and bridges (including use
of native log materials). Soil fill should not be used on these
temporary structures. See Figure ROAD-5.
U Construct crossings to prevent water from backing up.
U Consider using culverts or bridges to cross defined drainages
where winter roads are to be used for five years or longer.
For information on sizing culverts, contact local SWCD offices,
local NRCS offices or county highway departments.
U Anchor temporary structures at one end to allow the structure
to move aside during high water flows.
U Install all temporary structures that could potentially block
water flow in such a manner that they can be easily removed
prior to breakup.

Figure ROAD-5
Ice bridges are made entirely
of packed snow, which melts
away in the spring.
20 Forest Roads

Water entering onto or adjacent to the road must be diverted
away from the road before gaining sufficient flow and velocity
to cause significant erosion of the road and ditch.

U Control down-road flow of surface water by using a combina-

tion of the appropriate road cross-section (see Figure ROAD-6)
and appropriate water diversion structures within the roadbed
itself, such as broad-based dips (see Figure ROAD-7 and
Table ROAD-1) or grade rolls, open-top culverts and water bars
(see Figure ROAD-8 and Table ROAD-2).

Figure ROAD-6

Typical Road Profiles for Drainage and Stability

Forest Roads 21

Broad-Based Dip Installation

Figure ROAD-7

Table ROAD-1
Cross-Drain Spacing
for Broad-Based Dips and Upland Culverts
Grade Spacing between dips
or upland culverts

0-2% 500 ft
3-4% 300 ft
5-7% 180 ft
8-10% 150 ft
11-15% 130 ft
16%+ 110 ft
22 Forest Roads

Water Bar Installation

Figure ROAD-8

Table ROAD-2

Water Bar Spacing

Grade Spacing between dips
or upland culverts

2% 250 ft
5% 130 ft
10% 80 ft
15% 50 ft
25%+ 40 ft
Forest Roads 23

Lead-Off Ditch

Figure ROAD-9

U Drain surface water that is diverted from roads into the filter
strip or vegetative area, rather than directly into streams, lakes,
open water wetlands, wetland inclusions or seasonal ponds.

U Use diversion structures on approaches to water crossings

or on roads and trails found within the riparian management
zone to divert water off of the right-of-way before it reaches
the water body.

U Install cross drains and lead-off ditches to avoid carrying

water long distances in roadside ditches. (See Figure ROAD-9.)
Cross drains may include open-top culverts, pipe culverts and
24 Forest Roads

Construction of Upland Forest Roads

IMPORTANT! Review General Guidelines:
, Protecting Cultural Resources
, Managing Equipment, Fuel and Lubricants
, Protecting the Normal Flow of Streams
and Wetlands
, Protecting Wetland Inclusions and Seasonal Ponds
, Retaining Leave Trees
, Providing Coarse Woody Debris

U Conduct on-site meetings with the logger, landowner and

resource manager prior to moving equipment onto a site. Such
meetings can help assure common understanding of landowner
objectives, road construction standards or specifications, and site

Clearing widths will vary depending on the needs of both the
owner and the user of the road. Consideration should be given
to the necessity for roadway drying, as well as to the safety,
cost and aesthetics of narrow rights-of-way.

U Place clearing debris in a manner that will not impede water

flow or potentially increase sedimentation of waters.

U Provide periodic breaks in the windrows of clearing debris

to allow for free movement of water.

UAvoid placing clearing debris in filter strips.

Forest Roads 25

Reducing Visual Impacts of Road Clearings

In areas classified as most sensitive:*

U Utilize merchantable timber within road clearings.
U Burn, screen or bury road-clearing debris, such as
stumps, rocks and boulders, so that it is not visible from
travel routes or recreation areas.

In areas classified as moderately sensitive:*

U Utilize merchantable timber within road clearings.
U Move cleared debris outside of the travel route right-
of-way so that it is minimally apparent.

In areas classified as less sensitive:*

U Encourage utilization of all merchantable right-of-way
U Avoid creating a corridor of debris.
U Do not leave jackstrawed or overturned stumps in
immediate foreground.
U Reduce height of dozed clearing debris during road

*See Part 2, Visual Quality: Visual Sensitivity Classifications

for information related to how classifications are determined
and which Minnesota counties have developed visual sensitivity
classification maps.
26 Forest Roads

In most cases, material must be brought in to provide an adequate
road for even a minimal amount of hauling. Such material should
be obtained from the closest available source, which is often
the ditch.

During work on new projects, loose exposed mineral soil is the

most critical factor affecting siltation of waters.

U Place excavated material in a manner that will not impede

water flow or potentially increase sedimentation of waters.

U Avoid placing excavated material in filter strips.

U Shape inslopes and backslopes to promote revegetation and

soil stabilization. Slopes of 1.5:1 or flatter are preferred if terrain

UCompact fill material to reduce entry of water, increase load-

carrying capacity and minimize settling.

U Deposit excess material in stable locations away from

streams, lakes, wetlands and seasonal ponds.

U Shape and stabilize borrow pits and excess material.

U Limit the area excavated to that which can be properly shaped

and compacted within a day, with provisions for storm drainage
and sedimentation control.
Forest Roads 27

Reducing Noise and Visual Impacts

of Gravel Pits and Borrow Areas
In areas classified as most sensitive
or moderately sensitive:*
U Locate borrow pits and crushing operations out of the
visible corridor as much as possible.
U Screen pits from travel routes or recreation areas using
existing vegetation or landscape berms.
U Reduce noise in early morning, late evening and other
appropriate times whenever possible.
U Develop gravel or borrow pits from the back to the front
of pits (moving toward the predominant view or vantage
point). See Figure ROAD-10.
U Rehabilitate pits upon completion of use as per guide-
lines In the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Handbook for Reclaiming Sand and Gravel Pits in Minne-
sota (C.G. Buttleman, 1992). Available by calling the
Minnesota DNR Division of Minerals at (651) 296-4807 or
the DNR toll-free hotline at (800) 766-6000 (Greater Minne-
sota only).

In areas classified as less sensitive:*

U Use methods and applications consistent with integrated
resource management principles.

U Rehabilitate pits upon completion of use as per guide-

lines in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Handbook for Reclaiming Sand and Gravel Pits in Minne-
sota (C.G. Buttleman, 1992). (See ordering information

*See Part 2, Visual Quality: Visual Sensitivity Classifications

for information related to how classifications are determined
and which Minnesota counties have developed visual sensitivity
classification maps.
28 Forest Roads

Rehabilitate gravel pits upon completion of use. Photo courtesy of Superior

National Forest

Figure ROAD-10: Develop

gravel pits from back to front, mov-
ing toward predominant viewer or
vantage point. In this illustration,
Stage 1 has been completed, Stage
2 is in process, and Stages 3 and 4
will follow. Leaving the area adja-
cent to the road beyond Stage 4 un-
Developing Gravel Pits touched could result in no negative
from Back to Front visual impact on the travel route.

Site drainage and cross-drainage are important for controlling
sedimentation. Proper handling of water during construction
will minimize potential impacts on water quality.
U Install drainage structures as construction proceeds.
U Install culverts at grades 2% more than the ditch grade
and angled at least 30 degrees from perpendicular to the flow
of water to improve inlet efficiency. See Figure ROAD-11.
Forest Roads 29

Typical Upland Cross-Drainage Culvert

Figure ROAD-11
U Size culverts and other drainage structures large enough to
minimize impacts on water quality. Putting in culverts and
drainage structures that are too small could result in washing out
of the road. For sources of technical assistance, contact local
SWCD offices, local NRCS offices or county highway depart-

U Compact fill firmly around culverts, paying special attention

to the sides and lower portion. Cover the top of culverts with fill
to a depth of one-half the pipe diameter or 12 inches, whichever
is greater. Culvert lengths should reach to the toe of the fill
without changing the sideslopes of the fill. See Figure ROAD-12.
30 Forest Roads

Typical Culvert Installation

for Uplands and Mineral Soil Wetlands

Figure ROAD-12

U Armor culvert inlets and outlets to reduce bank and channel

erosion and sedimentation where appropriate.
U Provide adequate drainage for road grades during construction
to minimize erosion of unconsolidated materials.

U Retain outslope drainage and minimize berms on the outside

edge during construction operations, except those intentionally
constructed for protection of road grade fills.

U Provide temporary cross-drainage structures (such as water

bars) during construction where needed. See Drainage, pages
U Install siltation barriers, such as silt fences and straw bales,
during construction in sites where roads and water have close
contact for long periods.
Forest Roads 31

Protecting Resources
U Stabilize bare soil areas to reduce erosion. A vegetative cover
is recommended along all roadsides. Where necessary, mulch
and seed disturbed soil as soon as practical after construction.
For sources of recommendations for seed mixes and fertilizer
use, see Resource Directory.

UInstall temporary erosion control devices, such as straw bales,

mulch or woody debris, to help stabilize soils prior to establish-
ment of vegetative cover. See Figure ROAD-13.

U Inspect and repair erosion control measures on a regular basis

to ensure that they remain functional.

U If road construction will take place in the area of a cultural

resource, consider construction when the ground is sufficiently
frozen or snow depth is sufficient so that soil disturbance is

Figure ROAD-13

Installation of Straw Bales

32 Forest Roads


Have you identified

your goals and objectives?
See Identifying Goals and Objectives
in General Guidelines.

Have you conducted a site inventory?

See Conducting a Site Inventory
in General Guidelines.

Design of Wetland Forest Roads

IMPORTANT! Review General Guidelines:
, Incorporating Sustainability into Forest
Management Plans
, Maintaining Filter Strips
, Managing Riparian Areas

Landowners may need the services of a forester, engineer or other

qualified individual to provide complete design and construction
specifications. This professional assistance is particularly
important when constructing permanent all-season roads.
For sources of professional assistance, see Resource Directory.
Forest Roads 33

U Contact an SWCD office or DNR hydrologist to determine

whether the proposed road will cross a water or wetland desig-
nated on the Protected Waters Inventory maps. If so, secure
the required permit from the DNR Division of Waters to work
in public waters (Minn. Statute 103G.245). For a listing of DNR
regional offices, see Resource Directory. See also Appendix H:
Work Activities That Do Not Require a DNR Protected Waters

U Contact a county planning and zoning office or local SWCD

office to determine whether the local government unit requires a
certificate of exemption for forest management activities related
to forest road construction. See Resource Directory.

U Wherever practical, place fueling and maintenance areas,

landings and roads (those that do not cross a stream, lake or open
water wetland) outside of filter strips or the riparian management
zone, whichever is wider. See General Guidelines: Maintaining
Filter Strips and General Guidelines: Managing Riparian Areas.

U Avoid crossing wetlands wherever possible.

U Minimize total wetland road mileage when wetlands must be

crossed, while still meeting landowner objectives.

UDetermine the type and depth of wetland subsoils to ensure

proper design and construction.

U Minimize width of roads consistent with maintaining safety

and road design considerations. Provide turnouts, as appropriate,
placed at intervals to accommodate two-way traffic. On deep
peat wetlands, road fill slopes should be 3:1 or flatter to spread
out road loading and minimize failure. (See Figure ROAD-4,
page 16.)

U Design upland road approaches to wetlands so that surface

runoff is diverted before entering the wetland.
34 Forest Roads

Construction of Wetland Forest Roads

IMPORTANT! Review General Guidelines:

, Protecting Cultural Resources
, Managing Equipment, Fuel and Lubricants
, Protecting the Normal Flow of Streams
and Wetlands
, Protecting Wetland Inclusions and Seasonal Ponds
, Retaining Leave Trees
, Providing Coarse Woody Debris

UConduct on-site meetings with the logger, landowner and

resource manager prior to moving equipment onto a site. Such
meetings can help assure common understanding of landowner
objectives, timber harvesting regulations and site conditions.
Choosing the appropriate road construction technique will
depend on a knowledge of water table position, zone of water
flow, type of wetland soils, and the strength of wetland soils.
With any road construction technique, culverts or ditches (or
both) may be necessary.

General Construction Considerations

UPrior to construction, identify locations of new roads, borrow
areas and gravel pits to avoid cultural resource areas.
UConstruct all road embankment fills with clean fill or other
suitable native materials.
U Anchor temporary structures at one end to allow the structure
to move aside during high water flows.
U Employ sediment control techniques (such as silt curtains)
to prevent movement to open water when placing fill during
Forest Roads 35

U Provide adequate cross-drainage by employing one or both

of the following techniques:

• Use construction methods that allow free water flow

throughout the entire roadbed. See Figure ROAD-14.

• Place culverts or other cross-drain structures at each end

of each wetland crossing and at intermediate low points.
Space culverts or other cross-drain structures at maximum
300-foot intervals to ensure adequate cross-drainage through
the roadbed. See Figure ROAD-15.
U Shape and stabilize borrow pits and excess material.
U Construct ditches in wetland crossings, where necessary, to
intercept and carry surface and subsurface water (the top 12
inches) to, through and away from the culverts. Unditched breaks
should be left midway between culverts. Additional ditching
practices are listed under specific guidelines for various wetland
U Avoid having ditches create additional outlets that will result
in drainage of the wetland or seasonal pond. Additional ditching
practices are listed under specific guidelines for various
wetland types.
Figure ROAD-14
Road Design for Peat Wetlands with Continuous Cross-Drainage

Drainage layers may be used as an alternative to culverts, or in

combination with culverts, to provide adequate cross-drainage.
36 Forest Roads

Deep Peat Wetlands Culvert and Ditch Spacing

Culverts may be used as an alternative to drainage layers, or in

combination with drainage layers, to provide adequate cross-drainage.
When needed, parallel ditches should be spaced as shown.

Figure ROAD-15

The following guidelines address four kinds of wetland road construction


r Crossing mineral soil wetlands

r Crossing shallow peat wetlands
r Crossing deep peat wetlands
r Crossing wetlands in winter

Crossing Mineral Soil Wetlands

Wetlands with mineral soils include those wetlands having
fine-textured (clay or silt), slowly permeable soils to sandy soils
overlaying impervious subsoils or hardpans. Road building
across these wetland types employs conventional road construc-
tion techniques for road fill and drainage structures.
Weak mineral soils can be excavated and backfilled with clean
granular soils, or they can be filled over with clean granular fill
and allowed to compress and displace. Additional fill is added
to keep the road bed at the desired grade.
Forest Roads 37

Culverts and ditches are installed to minimize disruption of

normal water flow across the landscape and transport it through
and away from the roadbed.

Fill areas in floodplains should be designed to allow high flows

to pass unimpeded.

U Install culverts of sufficient size to handle hydrologic flows

for the site and for long-term maintenance needs. If ditches are
needed, construct them immediately adjacent to the toe of the
fill slope. For sources of technical assistance, contact local
SWCD offices, local NRCS offices or county highway depart-

Crossing Shallow Peat Wetlands

Wetland crossings of shallow peat less than 4 feet deep may be
constructed using conventional road construction methods:

•The conventional road construction method consists of excavat-

ing the shallow peat and then backfilling with clean granular
backfill material. The excavated peat can be used to flatten
the roadbed fill slope. Excess peat should be hauled away
and disposed of at an approved upland disposal site.

•Another accepted road construction method involves placing

granular fill material directly onto the peat surface. The
weight of the fill material displaces (or pushes aside) the
weaker peat until the strength of the subsoils is sufficient
to bear the weight of the fill material and vehicle loadings.
As final settling occurs, additional fill may be needed to
maintain the desired road grade.

With both methods, the installation of culverts and ditches inter-

cepts surface and subsurface water flow, transporting it through
and away from the roadbed. (Most subsurface flow occurs in the
top 12 inches of the peat).
38 Forest Roads

Wetland Culvert Installation

Figure ROAD-16

Follow these guidelines when placing culverts:

U Install culverts that are a minimum of 24 inches in diameter
buried halfway below the soil surface. The upper half will handle
surface storm flows and the lower half will handle normal
subsurface flows. Failure to bury the lower half of the culvert
will cause subsurface water to pond on the upstream side of the
road and kill trees. See Figure ROAD-16.

U Place culverts at the low points of the wetland to pass surface

water flows though the road embankments. If ditches are needed,
construct them immediately adjacent to the toe of the fill slope.
For sources of technical assistance, contact local SWCD offices,
local NRCS offices or county highway departments.
Forest Roads 39

Crossing Deep Peat Wetlands

Crossing wetlands with peat soils greater than 4 feet deep can
be done using special road construction methods that do not
require excavation and backfill. These methods make use of
geotextile fabrics, special embankment structures (such as
lightweight road fills, extra-wide road bases or log corduroy
layers), and the inherent strength of the underlying peat layers
to resist slip failure and resultant road failure. (See Figure
ROAD-14, page 35.)

Such failures can range from the gradual sinking to the sudden loss
of the road into the wetland. When such failures occur, the peat
water flow through the wetland is greatly disturbed, which can
result in large areas of flooding.

These methods generally specify that a layer of geotextile be

placed on the peat surface. Road fill is then placed over the
geotextile. To provide additional strength and adequate cross-
drainage, special materials such as log corduroy, wood chips
or drainage rock may be added in the lower portion of the fill.
(See Figure ROAD-14, page 35.)

The specific road structure needed depends on the strength of the

peat layers below the road. The determination of shear strength
is critical in designing a sound, safe and economical road cross-
ing. The landowner or resource manager is strongly advised to
consult a registered civil engineer to accurately determine shear
strengths, conduct field testing and provide design specifications.

Some deep peat wetlands with peat layers that are too weak
to support a roadbed will require traditional excavation and
backfill methods. Because of the high cost of traditional con-
struction methods, as well as environmental effects, it is best
to avoid building on these weak peat wetlands.

Cross-drainage through the roadbed in a deep peat wetland is

normally slowed or halted as a result of the compression of the
peat layers by the road embankment, equipment rutting of the
peat surface, or road failure. This can cause flooding on the
upslope side of the wetland and drying on the downslope side.
40 Forest Roads

Cross-drainage can be maintained by the proper installation

of culvert and drainage layers. In all cases, the construction
objective is to provide a stable road surface while maintaining free
flow of water though the roadbed.

The following techniques can prevent or minimize impacts to deep

peat wetlands:

U Construct road embankments across wetlands with deep peat

subsoils when the peat is frozen. Construction on frozen peat
avoids rutting and other damage of the topmost root mat layer,
which normally contains considerable shear strength. Such
damage can greatly reduce the strength of the upper peat layers
and reduce the ability of the wetland subsoils to hold up the
weight of the roadbed and vehicle loads.

U Install culverts that are a minimum of 24 inches in diameter

buried halfway below the soil surface. The upper half will handle
surface storm flows, and the lower half will handle everyday
subsurface flows. Failure to bury the lower half of the culvert
will cause subsurface water to pond on the upstream side of the
road and kill trees. See Figure ROAD-16, page 38.

U Maintain a separation between the toe of the embankment fill

slope and the ditch when constructing ditches parallel to the
roadway. The separation distance should be at least three times
the depth of the peat, which will prevent or minimize disturbance
of the inherent strength of the top layer of peat containing the
root mat. See Figure ROAD-15, page 36.

U Provide ditches to facilitate flow into and out of culverts.

U Construct ditches using flotation devices (such as timber
mats)or schedule construction to occur during frozen conditions,
to prevent or minimize impacts on wetlands and minimize
damage to construction equipment.

U Obtain professional engineering advice on design of cross-

drainage ditches for permanent roads across deep peat wetlands.
Forest Roads 41

Specific design techniques

for crossing deep peat wetlands
Roadbeds that use geotextile fabrics should be prepared to
protect the woody root mat by flush-cutting trees and brush and
leaving non-merchantable material in place. The first geotextile
fabric should be laid loosely over the cut material. Then proceed
with one of the following three wetland road construction

Technique #1: Corduroy

• Place trees parallel to each other, side by side and perpen-
dicular to the roadbed direction
• Cover as needed with clean road fill or gravel.
• If log corduroy is to be used for cross-drainage, apply
geotextile both above and below the corduroy. If log
corduroy is not to be used for cross-drainage, other cross-
drainage structures should be considered. See Figure
ROAD-14, page 35.

Technique #2: Rock drainage layer

• Place 12 inches of rock (4 inches or less in diameter)

over the geotextile, followed by another layer of geotextile.
The rock layer will settle into the top 12 inches of the
wetland, providing the pore space for water passage through
the roadbed.
• Place clean road fill or gravel on top (typically 18 inches

Technique #3: Lightweight road fills

Lightweight materials may be incorporated into the core
of the road embankment fill to lessen the total weight of the
road embankment when constructing on weak peat wetlands.
42 Forest Roads

Lightweight materials include wood chips and sawmill

residues, among other materials. Materials with known
potential to leach toxic substances (such as construction
debris, treated wood, tires, asphalt or other petroleum-laden
materials) are not suitable for use.

• Place the lightweight materials over the fabric to form

the core of the road embankment fill, followed by another
layer of geotextile fabric over the lightweight materials.
• Cover the core with at least 18 inches of granular sand
or gravel road fill.
• Install culverts and ditches, if necessary, to pass surface
and subsurface waters through the road embankment.
See Figure ROAD-15, page 36.

Crossing Wetlands in Winter

Roads across wetlands or seasonal ponds are often designed
to take advantage of frozen ground conditions. The following
guidelines apply to design of roads across all wetland types.
U Plan the layout to maximize operating efficiency and minimize
site disturbance.
U Select the shortest routes practical that minimize potential
problems with drifting snow and the crossing of open water.
U Tramp and pack the wetland area wider than needed for the
driving and working area if sufficient frost is not present. This
additional space will allow for turnouts, snow removal and
U Avoid crossing open water or active springs. If unavoidable,
temporary crossings are preferred. These can be ice bridges,
temporarily installed bridges or culverts, or timber mats.

U Avoid using soil fill.

U Install all structures that block water flow so that they can be
easily removed prior to breakup. If the streams are navigable
or require a DNR permit to cross, removal may be necessary
at the end of each winter of operation, not just at the end of the
timber contract.
Forest Roads 43

U Use planking, timber mats or other support alternatives to

improve the ability to support heavy traffic where conditions are
inadequate to stay within the stated guidelines. If removal would
cause more damage than leaving them in place, these areas may
be left as permanent sections on frozen roads.

U Anchor temporary structures at one end to allow the structure

to move aside during high water flows.
U Avoid clearing practices that result in berms of soil or organic
debris building up on either side of the road clearing. Such
berms can disrupt normal water flow.
UProvide adequate filter strips near open water. (See General
Guidelines: Maintaining Filter Strips and General Guidelines:
Managing Riparian Areas.
U When rutting exceeds 6 inches in depth for continuous
distances greater than 300 feet on any portion of the road, cease
equipment operations on that portion of road. Resume operations
only when conditions are adequate to support equipment. This
practice will minimize blockage of cross-drainage and prevent or
minimize down-road channelization. See Figure ROAD-17.

Figure ROAD-17
Peat Wetland Surface in Relation to Water Table

The water table (solid line) is near the bottom of the hollows (upper dotted
line). Operations should stop when ruts reach 6 inches below the water
table or 6 inches below the bottom of the hollows, whichever is lower. Peat
is usually still porous 9 inches below the hollows, and ruts will heal in
2 to 3 years. Deep ruts (more than 12 inches below the hollows) will bring
up well-decomposed, mucky peat and may take more than 20 years to heal.
44 Forest Roads


IMPORTANT! Review General Guidelines:
, Post-Operational Activities and Followup Visits

Maintenance Measures for All Roads

U Clean debris from culverts, ditches, dips and other structures
as needed to diminish the danger of clogging and the possibility
of washouts. Any debris should be placed away from the water-
course and stabilized, if necessary.
U Restrict use of roads during times when the road is especially
susceptible to damage, including wet periods and spring breakup.

Maintaining Active Roads

U Fill in ruts and holes that develop during road use. Use a
suitable material (such as gravel or compacted fill), and fill as
soon as possible to reduce the potential for erosion.
U Grade road surface periodically to maintain proper surface
drainage and eliminate small wheel ruts.
U Minimize berms along the edge of the road that will trap water
on the road surface. Feather material out on the road surface.

U Minimize entry of dust control agents into water. For ex-

do not apply an excess of chemicals to the road that could
potentially be transported to surface water through erosion and
surface runoff.

U Do not treat roads with calcium chloride as this chemical

causes physiological distress for amphibians crossing them.
Forest Roads 45

U Implement stabilization methods so that the shape, slope,

elevation and contours of archaeological sites and other cultural
features are preserved. Stabilization should not alter the historic
character of the cultural resource.

U Avoid impacting cultural resources within existing road

corridors when reconstructing or maintaining forest roads.
Management options include the following:
• Limit or eliminate maintenance (including regrading
or widening) in or near cultural resource areas.
• Use “fill only” techniques to improve roads that cross
subsurface cultural resources.
• Reroute roads that cross cultural resource areas.

Closing Inactive Roads

U Remove flagging, signs or other markings in cultural resource
areas after road closure, except in those cases where signs are
appropriate long-term protection or interpretation tools.
U Remove temporary fill and structures to the extent practical
when use is completed.
UClose or obliterate temporary forest access roads after man-
agement activities are complete if continued access might result
in damage to endangered, threatened and special concern species
(ETS species), sensitive communities, cultural resources or
water features. If temporary roads will be obliterated, earthwork
should be confined to the road corridor.
U Provide appropriate access control to minimize unauthorized
traffic during use and especially after completion of activity.

U Ensure that the road surface is in stable condition when the

road is closed. Seed and fertilize disturbed surfaces as necessary.
To facilitate regeneration, back blade or otherwise scarify road
beds where appropriate. Use native grass or forb mixes if available.
For sources of recommendations for seeding and fertilization,
see Resource Directory.
46 Forest Roads

Seeding forest access roads after completion of use provides multiple benefits,
including stabilizing the road and protecting it from erosion, and providing food
and cover for wildlife. Seeding also eliminates negative visual impacts. Photo
courtesy of Minnesota DNR

For temporary closure:

U Control access to minimize maintenance requirements.
U Install appropriate drainage structures as necessary and
maintain in working order.

U Place a barrier to traffic, and post “Road Closed” signs at the

beginning of the road when closing roads.
U Provide periodic inspection and maintenance of road surfaces
as necessary.
Forest Roads 47

For permanent closure:

U Place a barrier to traffic, such as a berm, and post “Road
Closed” signs at the beginning of the road when closing roads.
See Figure ROAD-18.
U Place water bars where necessary. See Figure ROAD-8, page 22.
U Remove structures that would require continuing maintenance
(such as culverts and bridges) even after a road is abandoned.
U Reshape stream crossings to approximate original channel
contour when removing water crossing structures, and stabilize
the structure site.
U Provide breaks in extended fills in flood-prone areas at
intervals no greater than 300 feet to accommodate high flows
and debris.

Providing appropriate access

control eliminates motorized
vehicle use (which can lead to
erosion) while also encourag-
ing hunters and hikers. Photo
courtesy of Itasca County Land

Figure ROAD-18

Barriers to Traffic

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