Acf 0 2 Tiie: Arrnex FR:R
Acf 0 2 Tiie: Arrnex FR:R
Acf 0 2 Tiie: Arrnex FR:R
Decentber 1-€,,2Cl-9
SUBJECT Anrendirrg Arrnex A cf FlNl 0 No. 5 2 2019 re lat ive tr-r tiie Agency
Performafice I ndicators anC Targets fr:r CYs 2019-2023
Ihis (lr-cler- is issued to antend "AnnexA" olRevenue iy'lemorandunr Orderr (RMO) l.Jo.52-
20i9 relative to the Agency'Performance lndicators and Targets for CYs 2019-202-?.
Arne,rdtng the forniula of the Perfornrance Measure on Ileduction of Tax Arrear^s uncler
tIre Strategic Objective - lmprr:ve Assistance, Compliarrce and tnforcement Process to aiigir
rvith the Operational l(Pl per RMO No. 50-20L9, rryherein the KPlforniuia is rervisecl as foliov,,s:
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i-he poriions of RMO No. 39-2019 ancl RMO No. 52--2019 which are iriconsistent herewitll
are hereby repealecl, amended or modifiecl accorclrngly.
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