What It Is?: Derick A. Balbarosa Maed - Social Science
What It Is?: Derick A. Balbarosa Maed - Social Science
What It Is?: Derick A. Balbarosa Maed - Social Science
How it is written?
It is written depends on the research statistical treatment, below is the different ways of
writing it on the actual research paper.
Frequency and Percentage Distribution
Weighted Arithmetic Mean
Conclusion: Statistical treatment is very essential in order to make use of the data in the right
form. Statistical Treatment is important so that appropriate conclusions can be drawn. The results
and inferences are precise only if proper statistical tests are used.
How it is written?
It is essential that researchers provide appropriate ethical consideration in conducting a
clear and comprehensive research in all aspect to avoid conflict. The following should be address;
Use plain language and clearly explain the research at the level of understanding of
prospective participants.
Introduce the research team.
Briefly outline and explain:
- The aims and objectives of the project.
- What authorization/approval exists for the research.
- The methods, techniques and procedures to be used.
- The demands on participants (e.g. time and travel requirements,
monetary costs, number of interviews, meetings, test sessions, etc.,
duration of the research project, etc.).
- The risks to participants, including potential harms, discomforts and/or
- How prospective participants have been identified and selected for
contact regarding potential recruitment.
- That participation in the research project is entirely voluntary.
- That, if the person consents to participate in the research project, they
have the right to withdraw at any time without a need to explain why
and without prejudice.
- That, if a participant withdraws, their information/data will also be
withdrawn from the project, unless they consent to your retention of
their data/information or unless (after explaining the circumstances to
them) their data cannot be withdrawn because, for example, it cannot be
identified or extracted from the wider body of research data/information
that has been collected.
- Identify and explain the potential benefits of the research for the
individual and/or for society in general (if there are none, then indicate
- Identify and explain data and information issues.
- What data are being collected.
- The confidentiality with which data will be stored.
- Purpose for collecting the data.
- Uses of data, including levels of aggregation being used.
- Intentions, or potential, for the publication of data.
- How, where and for how long will data be stored.
- Who will have access to research data.
Conclusion: Ethical considerations adheres to promote authentic knowledge, truth and prevention
of error. This requires values like accountability, trust, mutual respect and fairness among all the
parties involved in a study.
ALRC, (2001) Australian Law Reform Commission and Australian Health Ethics
Committee, Protection of Human Genetic Information IP 26 Sydney, 106.
ALRC, (2002) Australian Law Reform Commission and Australian Health Ethics
Committee, Protection of Human Genetic Information, DP 66, Sedney, 291.
Bryman, A. & Bell, E.,“Business Research Methods”, 2nd edition. Oxford University Press
(2007) https://www.worldcat.org/title/business-research-methods/oclc/450341570
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A., “Research Methods for Business Students” 6th
edition, Pearson Education Limited. (2012)
The Norwegian National Committees for Research Ethics https://www.etikkom.no/en/ethical-guidelines-