Ajay's English Work For The Crabby

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Answer the questions below. Remember to answer in full sentences and use quotations to support your understanding.

1. Look at the first sentence.

Using your own words, write down three details about Crabby’s appearance. (3)

Crabby has a little body.

She has dry skin.
She also has messy and tangled hair.

2. (a) Look at lines 3–12.

Write down two short quotations which show why the class dislikes Crabby. (2)

‘she spied, she pried, she crouched’ and,’Each morning was war without declaration.’

(b) Look at lines 15–16.

What do you learn about Crabby from what she says? (3)

She is strict and a person who likes keeping and following rules. We can deduce this from the statements made by her in the text like when a
student shuffles their legs she says,' I will not have it!’ The teacher is also not approved by the students which shows how strict she is because
students usually like to approve of teachers who are lenient.

3. Look at lines 20–25.

What sort of boy is Spadge Hopkins? Describe him in your own words. (4)

He is a big and strong grown up boy. HE is rebellious and doesn’t like being treated badly. He has bad temperament and doesn’t care if
anyone tries to stop him from what he is doing. He will go to any measures to stop injustice towards him.

4. (a) Look at lines 23–26.

Explain why Spadge Hopkins rebels. (3)

He rebels because Crabby forces him to read out loud and answer questions which makes him awkward or flush and stumble. He gets angry
and has enough of the injustice and that is why he rebels.

(b) Look at lines 28–29.

What does Spadge Hopkins do next? (1)

He gets up from his seat without fear and walks towards the door to real and report Crabby.

5. Write down three things which make lines 30–48 funny. Use your own words. (3)

Hopkins says ‘Ta-ta’ to Crabby while she asks him to come back and sit down. Crabby also then launches at Hopkins and falls on him while
Hopkins grabs Crabby. Then Hopkins places Crabby on top of a cupboard while Crabby cries.

6. Look at the whole passage. Do you feel sorry for Crabby?

Give three reasons, using short quotations from the passage to explain each. (6)

No, I do not because Crabby is a very unpleasant and unkind teacher who deserves her punishment. She scolds her students like this,
‘Shuffling your feet! Playing with the desk! A-smirking at that miserable Betty! I will not have it. I’ll not, I say. I repeat – I will not have it.’
She causes displease to her students.

She also likes to make her students feel awkward like she does this,’forcing him to read out loud; or asking him sudden unintelligible
questions which made him flush and stumble,’ which is stated in the text as awkward and flush and stumble.

She also has bad temperament and does anything to stop someone from complaining about her like stated in the text she, ‘Sprang like a
yellow cat, spitting and clawing with rage. She caught Spadge in the doorway and fell upon him,’ which shows how desperate she is to make
sure her career isn’t spoilt or destroyed. After all the explanations and evidence I have stated above, I am proving that Crabby shouldn’t
have pity.

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