Government of Jammu and Kashmir: Labour & Employment Department Civil Secretariat Srinagar/ Jammu

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Government of Jammu and Kashmir

Labour & Employment Department

Civil Secretariat
Srinagar/ Jammu



Youth Startup Loan Scheme


Sher-i-Kashmir Employment & Welfare Programme for Youth


S.No Chapter Page No.

1. Introduction 3-4

2. Objectives 4-5

3. Implementing Agency(s) 5

5. Eligibility 5-6

6. Strategy 6-8

7. Sanctioning of Loan 9

8. Mode of Repayment 9-10

9. Security 10

10. Other Terms & Conditions 10-11

11. Monitoring, Evaluation 11-12

and Appraisal


1. Introduction:

1.1 As a response to the bourgeoning problem of unemployment

in Jammu and Kashmir, the State Government launched the
Seed Capital Fund Scheme on December 5, 2009 as a
component of Sher-i-Kashmir Employment & Welfare
Programme for Youth (SKEWPY). The guidelines for the
Scheme were issued on February 24, 2010. Being
implemented through Jammu & Kashmir Entrepreneurship
Development Institute (JKEDI), the Jammu & Kashmir Bank
Limited (JKBL) has been nominated as the sole Debt
Syndicator which provides credit facility to the entrepreneurs
motivated, promoted and trained by JKEDI. The Department
of Labour & Employment Department, Government of
Jammu and Kashmir has been designated as the
Administrative Department. Accordingly, a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) was signed between Labour &
Employment Department, J&K Government and JKEDI with
the Jammu and Kashmir Bank Limited on September 17,
2010, which underlines the roles of various stakeholders in
the implementation of the Scheme.

1.2 A quick midterm evaluation of the Scheme was conducted by

Mercy Corps, a US-based international development agency
that supports community-led and market-driven
development across the globe and works for the cause of
entrepreneurship development in difficult areas. The Mercy
Corps study of the Scheme revealed that in-spite of the best
intentions of all the stakeholders, the young entrepreneurs
covered under the Scheme face a long and complicated
process at the operative levels. The study found that the
Scheme faces a number of bottlenecks in implementation
and that there was ample room to improve the
implementation of the scheme and to expand its outreach.
Therefore, the financial support in the shape of Seed Capital,
which is expected to go a long way in helping the young
entrepreneurs, is in actual terms, not being accessed by
them. Such a situation, apart from creating a negative
feeling amongst the young prospective entrepreneurs; has
diluted the noble purpose of the Seed Capital Fund Scheme.

While the Government has decided on a number of
procedural improvements to the Seed Capital Fund Scheme
to improve implementation and achieve its intended impact,
it has also been recognized that there is need for an
additional financial support mechanism to young startup
entrepreneurs. Therefore, in furtherance of its commitments
made under Sher-e-Kashmir Employment & Welfare
Programme for the Youth (SKEWPY) to promote
entrepreneurship development and employment generation,
the Government proposes to launch a new Scheme within
the ambit of SKEWPY under the name and style of a Youth
Startup Loan Scheme. This is being done in view of the
specific needs and circumstances of potential youth startup
entrepreneurs and is modeled after the encouraging
performance demonstrated in the implementation of Term
Loan Scheme of National Minorities Development &
Finance Corporation (NMDFC) by Jammu and Kashmir
Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI) since April

1.3 Under the scheme, the projects with an investment upto Rs.
12.00 lac for 10+2, Rs. 15.00 lacs for graduates, Rs. 18.00
lacs for post graduates and Rs. 20.00 lacs for
Professional/Technical Graduates will be considered for
financing with 90% project cost as loan component and 10%
as beneficiary contribution.

However, in case of Professional/Technical Degree holders,

the loan component shall be available, only if, their proposed
enterprise(s) is/are related to their qualifications. Otherwise,
they shall be treated at par with other graduates or post
graduates, as the case may be.

Provided that the Professional /Technical Qualifications

shall include the following categories of degrees:

i) All Five & Four – Years Bachelors Degree Courses viz.

BSc (Agriculture), B.Sc (Forestry), LLB (including LLB
done at University level after graduation) etc. approved
by concerned regulatory Body(s).

ii) Computer Science & Technology graduates, MBA, etc.
from a recognized University / Institute.

iii) All two year Masters Degree Courses that are declared
as professional degrees by Kashmir/Jammu

iv) For all such degrees that are awarded by other

Universities and the holders whereof claim to possess
professional degrees, shall be referred to respective
Universities for clarification.

1.4 3% of budget allocation shall be reserved for Differently /

Specially abled persons. In case the required number of
candidates do not come forward under this category to avail
the benefits of the Scheme, then the funds can be utilized for
General Category Candidates.

Provided that the “person with disability”, shall mean a

person suffering from not less than forty percent of any
disability as certified by a competent medical authority.

2. Objectives:

2.1 While the objectives of the Youth Startup Loan Scheme are
in tandem with that of Seed Capital Fund Scheme, yet the
Scheme focuses more on the availability of credit facility to
the young startup entrepreneurs in an easy and expeditious
manner at lesser interest rates in the shape of soft loans
rather than promising them free money which is, in practice,
less accessible to them through the commercial banking
system. Therefore, the Scheme emphasizes that while
accessing credit for the establishment of enterprises, the
entrepreneurs covered under the Scheme are not put to any
inconveniences, thereby enabling them to start their
enterprises in a hassle free manner. The Scheme will help
young startup entrepreneurs initiate and sustain their
business activities so that they can develop an initial
experience set and business track record that will help them
later access the financial capital needed to grow their
businesses through the commercial banking sector.

3. Implementing Agency(s):

3.1 In the primary paradigm, the Scheme is being launched on a

6-month pilot basis with coverage of 200 candidates with
100 candidates each from Kashmir & Jammu Divisions. The
implementing agency for this purpose will be Jammu &
Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI)
under the overall supervision of Labour & Employment
Department, Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

4. Eligibility:

4.1 The eligibility criteria under the Scheme will be the same as
applicable under Seed Capital Fund Scheme which includes:

i. A State Subject in the age group of 18-40 years having a

qualification of 10+2 or above who is unemployed.

Provided that for the differently / specially abled persons,

the age group of 18-42 years shall be applicable.

ii. The beneficiary must be unemployed and registered with

the concerned District Employment and Counseling

iii. There shall be no income ceiling for coverage under the


iv. Only new entrants to the field of entrepreneurship will be

covered under the Scheme. Any person or any unit
existing and the units which have already availed of any
incentive or subsidy under any Scheme of the
Government of India or the State Government shall not
be eligible for assistance under the Scheme.

v. No Institution, Corporate Body, Society or NGO shall be

eligible under the Scheme.

vi. The Steering Committee shall sanction joint ventures for

03 people. However, in exceptional cases, a joint venture
of 05 persons may be considered.

5. Strategy:

5.1 JKEDI will popularize the scheme through the medium of

Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes (EAPs), besides
taking recourse to electronic and print media. This will be
followed by the registration of the candidates as per
procedure adopted for the registration of candidates
under Seed Capital Fund Scheme.

5.2 Only those candidates shall be entertained who are

already registered with the concerned DECCs. Each
candidate selected for coverage under the Scheme shall
have to prove his credentials of being a new entrant to the
field of entrepreneurship.

5.3 A Screening Committee comprising of Director, JKEDI as

the Chairman with representatives from J&K BANK
LIMITED will make the selection of the candidates. The
Screening Committee may choose to associate any other
person(s) having proven credentials of being an Expert in
the relevant area as a Member of the Committee.

5.4 The selected candidates shall have to undergo mandatory

EDP at JKEDI for a minimum period of two weeks,
wherein endeavor will be made to build the capacities of
the selected candidates both in managerial as well as
technical fields. For this purpose, JKEDI shall update the
curriculum already in vogue strictly in tune with the
requirements of the relevant sectors on the basis of the
latest developments that are taking place in the subject

5.5 The candidates to be covered under the Scheme can take

up any activity, which has the potential of employment
generation. However, the endeavor of the institute will be
to promote environment friendly ventures relating to the
core areas of State economy which inter-alia include:

a) Agriculture and its allied sectors viz; horticulture,

floriculture, poultry rearing, sheep/ dairy farming,

pisciculture, bee keeping, cultivation of medicinal and
aromatic plants, etc;

b) IT related ventures.

c) Tourism

d) Food Technology;

e) Establishment of facilities for storage of food

products/horticulture products: particularly cold

f) Handloom, Handicrafts and other artisan products:

particularly design improvement, technology-transfer
and marketing;

5.6 During the currency of EDP, JKEDI shall arrange to

prepare a Business Plan in respect of each venture which
will break the project into various benchmarks indicating
the stages at which the finance has to be provided.
JKEDI will develop a standard set of parameters for the
Business Plan format. In respect of projects with higher
costs, the business plan will indicate the benchmarks
where the loan amount has to be released. However, the
release for the next stage shall always be subject to the
successful completion of the activities in the previous

5.7 An amount of 6% of the amount actually disbursed

under the Scheme will be payable to the Institute to cover
expenses on account of IEC component, printing and
Stationary, remuneration for the additional manpower to
be engaged under the Scheme, training cost, preparation
of the Business Profile for each Project, Pre-sanction
surveys and transportation charges for increasing the
frequency of visits by the staff of the Institute to the site
of the venture so as t ensure effective monitoring.

5.8 The beneficiaries covered under Youth Startup Loan
Scheme shall be entitled to the benefits under Seed
Capital Fund Scheme as phase II of the financial
mechanism for interested High Impact Youth
Entrepreneurs to upscale their business enterprises.
However, such entitlement shall be subject to the
satisfaction of the Implementing Agency with regard to
progress achieved and the recovery patterns.

5.9 Each selected beneficiary shall be required to open an

account in any of the branches of the Jammu and
Kashmir Bank Limited where Electronic Transfer Facility
is available.

5.10 The selected beneficiaries shall furnish an indemnity

bond duly attested by a First Class Judicial Magistrate to
the effect:

i. That he/she shall establish the venture within the

period specified for the purpose.

ii. That he/she shall incur the amount of Loan

sanctioned to him/her only for the defined

iii. That he/she is not doing or was not doing and

shall not take up any job in Government, Public /
Private Sector in Central or State Government.

6. Sanctioning of Loan:

6.1 The loan amount will be sanctioned in favour of the

beneficiaries by the competent authority as per the
benchmarks detailed out in the Business Plan. However, in
case of projects with an investment of more than Rs. 8.00
lacs, the concerned beneficiaries shall have the obligation of
investing their own contribution in the first phase.
Thereafter the loan amount will be released in favour of the
concerned beneficiaries.

6.2 The loans under the Scheme will be sanctioned by a
committee with the following composition:

a) Commissioner/Secretary, Chairman
Labour & Employment Department,
J&K Government

b) President, Member
Government Business, Law &
Corporate Communications
J&K Bank Limited.

c) Director, Member/Secretary
J&K Entrepreneurship
Development Institute.

7. Mode of Repayment:

7.1 The total loan amount along with the interest @ 6% per
annum (Simple Rate of Interest) shall be repayable within a
period of 5 years in 20 equal quarterly installments. The
repayment of loan shall have moratorium period of 6
months. During the moratorium period only interest charged
shall be recovered on quarterly basis and the repayment of
the principal with interest shall be taken up thereafter. The
repayment received will be appropriated first towards
interest and thereafter toward the principal. For this
purpose, the beneficiary will be required to submit 20 post
dated Account Payees Cheques from Jammu & Kashmir
Bank Limited in his service area along with the Bank
verification letter and attestation of signatures as per the
prescribed format. The beneficiary shall have to produce
original documents along with the attested photocopies of all
the relevant documents required for record and verification.

7.2 The Director, JKEDI shall maintain an account of repayment

of loan and seek prior approval of Labour & Employment
Department for further utilization of the same.

8. Security:

8.1 Since the scheme is being implemented on pilot basis,

implementing agency shall seek a security from the

beneficiaries against the Loan to be disbursed. The norms of
security shall be such that the beneficiaries are able to meet
them and the recoveries are ensured. In general, following
security provisions shall be followed:

a) For Loans upto : Guarantee of a State

Rs. 4.00 lacs Government Employee or
Bank Employee with a
service of at least 6 years at
his/her disposal.

b) For Loans above : Guarantee of two State

Rs. 4.00 lacs Government employees or
Bank with a service of at
least 6 years at his/her

After its evaluation, if the Scheme is allowed to continue, the

matter with regard to its inclusion under Credit Guarantee
Fund Trust of Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) cover
will be taken up with Small Industries Development Bank of
India (SIDBI) to do away with the security clause as detailed

9. Other Terms and Conditions:

9.1 The beneficiary shall submit the following documents on the

prescribed format duly notarized:

a) D.P Note
b) Deed of Irrevocable Power of Attorney
c) Deed of Guarantee (the guarantor/s should be a
Government Servant/Bank Employee) with at least 6
years of service to superannuate.
d) Deed of Hypothecation of assets created in the joint
names of Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship
Development Institute and the State Government.
e) Deed of Agreement
f) Affidavit
g) Letter of Undertaking.

9.2 The amount of loan shall be released in favour of the
beneficiary only after the beneficiary contribution is
deposited in the Institute’s Chest.

9.3 Any excess amount on account of cost escalation between

the date of sanction and the date of actual procurement of
assets will be arranged by the beneficiary of his own.

9.4 The unit so established under the Scheme shall have to be

insured by the beneficiary.

9.5 In case, it is found that the unit for which the loan was
sanctioned in favour of the beneficiary; has not been
established, the Institute shall be at liberty to recover the
entire loan amount along with the interest @ 12% (simple) in
one installment within a period of 30 days of such funding.
In case of default on this account, the Institute shall be at
liberty to initiate legal proceedings against the beneficiary in
the appropriate Court of Law.

10. Monitoring, Evaluation and Appraisal:

10.1 The JKEDI will establish a comprehensive monitoring and

evaluation system for the Scheme that will collect real-time
data and measure implementation progress and performance
against pre-defined indicators of success. A detailed progress
report on the pilot implementation of the Scheme will be
presented to the State Government by JKEDI.

10.2 The State Government will review progress on the pilot

implementation of the Scheme and shall also get a detailed
evaluation of the Scheme conducted through an independent
professional organization (including lessons learned and
recommendations) and only then take a final view with
regard to the continuation / extension of the scheme.



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