User's Manual of RDC6445G V1.0
User's Manual of RDC6445G V1.0
User's Manual of RDC6445G V1.0
Control System
RD Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
Copyright Declaration
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “RD Co., Ltd.”)
holds the patent right, copyright and other intellectual property rights for this
product and its related software. Without authorization, no one is allowed to copy,
manufacture, process and use this product and its relative parts directly or
RD Co., Ltd. is entitled to increase or reduce and modify the shape and functions of this
product stated herein as well as amend any documents attached to this product, without
prior notification.
The users should peruse this Manual prior to using the product stated herein. RD Co., Ltd.
shall not be responsible for the direct, indirect, special, incidental or corresponding losses
or damages arising out of improper use hereof or of this product.
The machine in operation is dangerous, so the users are obliged to design and institute
the effective mechanism for error handling and safety protection. RD Co., Ltd. shall not
undertake any duties or responsibilities for the incidental or corresponding losses arising
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1. OVERVIEW..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 BRIEFING.......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLLER MODEL........................................................................................... 1
1.3 COMPARISON OF CONTROLLER PERFORMANCE............................................................................... 1
2 INSTALLATION SIZE......................................................................................................................... 4
5.1 BRIEF..............................................................................................................................................15
5.2 EXAMPLES OF GLASS TUBE LASER POWER....................................................................................16
5.3 EXAMPLES OF RF-LASER............................................................................................................... 17
6.1 BRIEF..............................................................................................................................................18
6.2 EXAMPLES OF MOTOR DRIVER CONNECTION.................................................................................19
7.1 INPUT..............................................................................................................................................20
7.2 OUTPUT.......................................................................................................................................... 21
8.1 BRIEF..............................................................................................................................................22
8.1.1 Overview................................................................................................................................ 22
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8.1.2 Introduction to the Keys......................................................................................................... 23
8.2 THE MAIN INTERFACE.....................................................................................................................24
8.2 SPEED SETTING.............................................................................................................................. 25
8.3 MAX/MIN POWER SETTING............................................................................................................ 26
8.4 SET THE LAYER PARAMETERS......................................................................................................... 26
8.5 MENU FUNCTION............................................................................................................................27
8.5.1 User parameters...................................................................................................................... 28
8.5.2 Vender parameters.................................................................................................................. 31
8.5.3 Origin Setting......................................................................................................................... 32
8.5.4 Backup parameters................................................................................................................. 33
8.5.5 Restore parameters................................................................................................................. 34
8.6 CONTROLLER SETTING....................................................................................................................34
8.6.1 Language................................................................................................................................ 34
8.6.2 Screen origin...........................................................................................................................35
8.6.3 Wireless panel.........................................................................................................................36
8.6.4 IP Setting................................................................................................................................ 36
8.6.5 System Info.............................................................................................................................37
8.7 FUNTIONS....................................................................................................................................... 37
8.7.1 Axis reset................................................................................................................................ 38
8.7.2 Keyboard lock........................................................................................................................ 38
8.7.3 Manual setting........................................................................................................................ 39
8.7.4 Laser Setting...........................................................................................................................40
8.7.5 Diagnose................................................................................................................................. 40
8.7.6 Laser power infomation..........................................................................................................41
8.8 FILE MANAGEMENT....................................................................................................................... 42
8.8.1 Memory File........................................................................................................................... 42
8.8.2 Memory operation.................................................................................................................. 43
8.8.3 Format memery...................................................................................................................... 43
8.8.4 U disk file............................................................................................................................... 44
8.9 PASSWORD INPUT AND SETTINGS................................................................................................... 45
8.9.1 Password Input....................................................................................................................... 45
8.9.2 Password Setting.................................................................................................................... 45
8.10 PROMPT AND ALARM INFORMATION............................................................................................ 46
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1. Overview
1.1 Briefing
RDC6445G system is a new generation system for control of laser engraving and
cutting, which is developed by RD Co., Ltd. In addition to high hardware stability, high
voltage or static electricity rejection, and friendly 5’’ TFT man-machine display. This
system is provided with stronger software function including perfect 4-axle motion control
function, large-capacity file storage, two-channel adjustable digits laser power control
interface, USB driver of stronger compatibility, multi-channel general/special IO control,
and, this system can communicate with PC by USB2.0 or Ethernet, and the
communication mode is automatically checked by the system.
Laser Port One-way digit Two-way digits and Two-way digits and Two-way digits port,
and one-way two-way analog port, two-way analog port,
Feature settable independently
analog settable settable
independently and independently and and non-interacted
non-interacted non-interacted
USB Copying Common Quick Quick Very Quick
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Feature Speed
Compatibility Support USB Support all USB Support all USB Support all USB disks
disks with disks with different disks with different
with different capacities
small capacity capacities capacities
Memory Capacity 64M 256M 256M 128M
Feature Fault Common Capable of checking Capable of checking Capable of checking
Tolerance defective track and defective track and defective track and
formatting and good formatting and good formatting and good in
in fault tolerance in fault tolerance fault tolerance
General IO Input Port Two ways 4 ways (two for 4 ways (two for 4 ways (two for general,
general, two for general, two for
Feature two for specialties)
specialties) specialties)
Output Port 1-way (low 4-ways (500mA high 4-ways (500mA high 4-ways (500mA high
current, so current for each, OC current for each, OC
current for each, OC
additional drive output, no reverse output, no reverse
is needed) current protection) current protection) output, reverse current
protection included)
restart for
Multi-origin NO YES YES YES
Software Logics
Feature Parameter NO YES YES YES
Work time NO YES (the work time YES (the work time YES (the work time
Preview accurate to 1ms) accurate to 1ms)
accurate to 1ms)
Online Update NO YES YES YES
Display Modification
Online Update NO YES YES NO
Run progress NO NO NO YES
bar display
Modification NO YES YES NO
para on
Display type 128*64, dot 320*240 TFT display 320*240 TFT display 320*480 TFT display
Soft Spacing YES YES YES YES
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Motion-axl Hard Spacing NO YES YES YES
e Feature Z-axle NO YES YES YES
Feeding Single Single/double Single/double Single/double direction
Feature direction direction for option direction for option
for option
Power-on Fixed Configurable for Configurable for each Configurable for each
Resetting each axes axes
Key Speed Fixed Configurable Configurable Configurable
Axles 4 3 (Z axes is 3 (Z axes is 4
configurable to flat or configurable to flat or
feedin axes) feedin axes)
Encryption Encryption Realtime clock and Realtime clock and No realtime clock, but
based on the battery integrated for battery integrated for
Feature encryption included
PC time hardware encryption hardware encryption
Communic USB2.0 10/100MHZ Ethernet 10/100MHZ Ethernet 10/100MHZ Ethernet or
ate or USB2.0 or USB2.0
USB2.0, communication
mode is automatically
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2 Installation Size
The unit of all sizes is millimeter (mm) and the size accurate to 0.1mm (the four holes
are symmetrical)
Figure 2.1-1
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The unit of all sizes is millimeter (mm) and the size accurate to 0.1mm.
Figure 2.2-1
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For more detailed pin description, see the Chapter 4: Description of Interface Signal
for MainBoard.
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LED7 LmtU- U negative limit
LED8 LmtU+ U positive limit
LED9 Wp1 Indication for water protect 1
LED10 Wp2 Indication for water protect 2
LED11 Act Ethernet communication
LED12 Link Ethernet connection
LED13 Err error in controller hardware
LED14 Run the normal running status
LED15 +5V +5V power supply
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The panel signal-cable is a pin-to-pin cable, which is included in the factory shipper
Udisk is a USB-AM interface. The controller may visit the u-disk by this interface.
PC-USB is a USB-BM interface. The controller may communicate with PC by this port.
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Pin to Pin Ethernet parallel line is recommended.
All outputs are isolated through the optocoupler, and 500mA current for each,
OC gate output, each can directly drive the 6V/24V relay.
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be restarted, that is to say, the function of the pedal switch is
the same as that of the “Start/Pause” key. If the interval time to
the first stepping-down of the pedal should be less than
100ms when the pedal is stepped down once again, the
second stepping-down of the pedal will be considered invalid
by the mainboard.
3 DrProc Input from protective port. If the machine needs to be
protected in the special state (such as door open protection),
the protective signal can be inputted from this pin. This pin can
be enabled and prohibited. This signal is not inquired by the
mainboard if this pin is prohibited; if this pin is enabled, when
the input is high-leveled or this input port is suspended, the
machine will be protected, the work suspended and the laser
4 Shot Input for manual laser on/off. Low level is to open laser
and high level or no-connection is to close laser.
5 IN1 General Input, with the function reserved.
6 +24V 24V Power positive output (If the interface of main power
source is powered with 24V power supply, this pin should be
24V; if it is powered with 36 V power supply, this pin should be
The spacing polarity is optional, that is to say, when the motion axle reaches the
spacing position, it will trigger a low-level signal so as to make the corresponding LED
(under the cover) light; when the motion axle leaves the spacing position, it will trigger a
high-level signal or disconnect the spacing signal so as to make the spacing indicator go
out, but when it leaves the spacing, the corresponding indicator will light and the spacing
polarity become positive. The mistaken setting of spacing polarity will result that the
spacing can’t be detected when the system is reset so as to lead to the collision of axles.
The pin definitions of Z/U axle spacing input CN3 are the same as CN4.
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All XYZU axle spacing inputs are compatible to 5V/12V/24V logic level inputs。
The interfaces of the above four motion axles are the same. The AXIS-X interface is
Pin Symbols Definitions
1 DIR Directional signal (OC output)
2 PUL Pulse signal (OC output)
3 +5V 5V Power positive (output)
The polarity of directional signal for driver pulse signal can be set. Where a certain
axle is reset, it will move to the opposite direction of machine origin, which means the
polarity of directional signal for this axle is not correct. In such a case, the connection
between this axle and the motor driver can be broken first (otherwise the mainboard can
not be detected to the spacing so as to lead to the collision of this axle), and then such a
polarity can be corrected after this axle is reset completely. Upon the correction, the reset
key can be pressed against to reset the mainboard.
And, the Pulse signal can be falling edge valid or rising edge valid. The default setting
is falling edge valid.
The Pulse signal and the directional signal are all OC outputs. The
Controller must be common anode with the motor driver
This control system has two independent and adjustable digital laser power control
interfaces. Signals of the two interfaces are similar and the first digital interface (CN5) is
hereby exampled:
Pin Symbols Definitions
1 GND Power ground (output)
2 L-ON1 Laser-enabled control interface
1. When the laser is the RF laser, this pin will not be used;
2. When the laser is a glass tube, if the used laser is outputted in
the low-level form, this pin will be connected with the laser power
enable end and used to control the ON/Off of laser.
3 LPWM1 Power control interface of laser/laser tube
1. When the laser is the RF laser, this pin will be connected with
the laser RF-PWM end;
2. When the laser is a glass tube, this pin will be connected with
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the laser power PWM end and used to control the power of the
4 WP1 The input port of water protector for the first laser power source.
When the water protector 1 is enabled, the mainboard will detect
the input port of water protector 1. If this port is of low level, it will
be deemed normal; if this port is of high level, the mainboard will
forcibly close the laser to suspend the work in progress and the
system will warn. If the water protector 1 is not enabled, the
mainboard will not detect the input port of water protector 1 and so
the water protector 1 can be unconnected.
Water protection input must be 24V logic level.
5 L-AN1 The analog signals for Laser Power. If Glass Tube is used, this pin
is recommended to control the power of the Laser.
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5.1 Brief
This control system has two independent and adjustable digital laser power control
interfaces, which can be used to control glass tube laser power and RF-laser.
Please correctly select the laser type in the factory parameters, or, the laser control is
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Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
6.1 Brief
The input signal end of step-servo motor driver employs the light-coupled isolation
technology. For the step-by-step impulse signal, some isolate the side OC diode from
cutoff to conduction (e.g. the valid falling edge of pulse signal inputted from the diode
minus end) and some do so from conduction to cutoff (e.g. the valid rising edge of pulse
signal inputted from the diode minus end).
When it is indicated whether the pulse signal of motor driver is the valid rising
edge or the valid falling edge, it will be subject to the pulse signal inputted from the
minus end of side OC diode.
Some input signals of motor driver are independent and some are internally of
common anode, so some have 4 external leading-out wires and some 3 wires (only the
pulse and directional signals are counted) as shown in Figure 6.1-1 and 6.1-2.
RDC644XG Controller has four groups of 3-wires motion driver interface, each
interface has one direction signal, one pulse signal, and one 5V positive output, the
direction signal and the pulse signal are all OC output.
RDC644XG controller must be common anode with the motor driver. The
polarity of the direction signal can be changed in the factory parameters, and the
valid edge of the pulse signal can also be changed.
Figure: 6.1-1 Four Inputs, Independent Figure: 6.1-2 Three Inputs, Common-anode
Input Signal of Driver Input Signal of Driver
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7.1 Input
The two water protection inputs are 24V logic level; all other inputs are compatible
with 5V/12V/24V logic level.
Input connection shown as below
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7.2 Output
All outputs are isolated through the optocoupler, and 500mA current for each, OC gate output,
each can directly drive the 6V/24V relay, led lamp, buzzer etc.
Output connection shown as below
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
8.1 Brief
8.1.1 Overview
RDC6445G-HMI control panel (hereinafter referred to as "panel") is a 5.0 inch TFT LCD
screen based human-machine interface, with beautiful interface, man-machine friendly,
smooth control, cost-effective features. The panel can depict the motion track of the
controller in real time, which makes the user understand the current processing graphics
at a glance, supports file management, file preview, user and manufacturer parameter
modification, and supports multi-language interface switching and other functions.
Panel Features:
854×480 resolution
64K color
RS232 standard serial communication
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Set the laser power of the current running layer, or set the power of
“Laser” Key.
Set the speed of the current running layer, or set the direction keys’
move speed.
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To move the X axes and Y axes or Up, down, left and right functions
Moving Z axis.
Moving U axis.
Decimal point.
When the system is powered on, the screen will show as below:
Figure 8.2
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Graph Display Area: To display the whole file’s track, and display the running
Running parameters: To display the running file’s file number, speed, max power
Coordinate: To display the current coordinate of X,Y and Z axes.
Graph layer parameters: To display the layers’ information of the current file,
such as max or min power, speed etc.. When system is idle, dblclick the layer,
then users can change the layer’s parameters and the changing would be
Running Status: To display the current status of the machine, such as Idle, Run,
Pause, Finish, etc..
Running Progress Bar: To display the progress bar of the current running file.
Working Number: To accumulate the work number of the current file.
File Dimension: To display the dimension of the current file.
Net status: To display the connecting status of the Ethernet. When the network
Key lock status:When the keyboard lock function is enabled, the icon is
displayed,any key press does not respond and prompt for the unlock password,
enter the correct unlock password before unlocking.
When work is Idle or finished, all keys can be pushed, users can select a file to run,
set some parameters, preview to a select file etc. But, when work is running or
paused, some keys don’t respond when they are pushed.
Push the< Speed>key when the screen is on the main interface, it will show as below:
Figure 8.2
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Press the number key and backspace key to set and modify the parameters. After
modifying, press the <Enter> key to save the parameters. Press the <Esc> key to
cancel the modification parameters. The interface disappears and returns to the main
Push the < Power> key when the screen is on the main interface, it will show as
Figure 8.3
At this point, the "blue selection block" stays on the first parameter to indicate that the
parameter is selected, press the number key and the backspace key to set and
modify the parameter. Press the arrow button to move the "select block" to select
other parameters for modification. When the parameters are modified, press the
<Enter> key to save the parameters, press the <Esc> key to cancel the parameters,
the interface disappears and returns to the main interface.
After selecting a file to preview on the main interface, If there is layer information in
the layer parameter area, show as below:
Figure 8.4-1
User can push <Enter> key to let the cursor move to the first layer show as below:
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
Figure 8.4-2
And then “Up and down” Keys can be pushed to select the intent layer, on that time,
user can push <Enter> key to check the selected layer’s parameters, show as below:
Figure 8.4-3
At this point, the "blue selection block" stays on the layer number entry, and then
press the <Enter> key to enter the selection layer mode, while the "blue selection
block" becomes , press the "up/down" key to select other layers, and then press
the <Enter> key to exit the layer selection mode. Then press the "up/down" key to
move the "selection block" to the layer parameter entry to be modified. Press the
number key and the backspace key to set and modify the parameters. After setting
the parameters, move the "selection block" to the "write parameters" entry. Press the
<Enter> key to save the current layer parameters, otherwise the parameters will not
be saved. Press the <Esc> key interface to disappear and return to the main
Push the < Menu> key when the screen is on the main interface, it will show as
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
Figure 8.5
In the menu interface, select "User parameters" entry and press the <Enter> key ,it
will show as below:
Figure 8.5.1-1
At this point, the panel automatically reads the motherboard parameters and displays
them, while displaying the progress of the read parameters in the "Read Parameters"
entry. When all the parameters are read out, the user can press the "up/down" key to
move the "blue selection block" to select a parameter category such as "carving",
"feeding" and so on. The right parameter area displays the corresponding parameters.
If the user does not need to modify the parameters, press the <Esc> key to return to
the menu interface.
If the user needs to modify the parameters, press the <Enter> button, and the "blue
selection block" switches to the first parameter in the parameter area, as shown in the
following interface:
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Figure 8.5.1-2
At this point, the user can press the "up/down" key to select a parameter, press the
number key to modify the numerical parameters (such as "Idle speed"), for
non-numerical parameters (such as "Scan mode"), when the "blue selection block"
stops on the parameter, press the <Enter> key to enter the modification mode (the
"blue selection block" right side becomes ), press the "up/down" key. Modify the
parameters. After the modification, press the <Enter> key to exit the modification
mode. When the current page parameters have been modified, move the "blue
selection block" to the "Write" entry and press the <Enter> key. The panel saves all
the parameters on the motherboard and takes effect, and displays the save progress
on the "Write" entry. If the user wants to verify that the parameters are saved
successfully, he can move the "blue selection block" to the "Read" entry and press
the <Enter> key, then the panel reads the motherboard parameters again and
displays them. When pressing the "left/right" key, the Blue Select Block switches back
to the parameter category, as shown in Figure 8.5.1-1, where the user can select
another parameter category to modify or press <Esc> to return to the menu interface.
Other interface operations are similar, and the interface is displayed as follows:
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Figure 8.5.1-11
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In the menu interface, select "Vender parameters" entry and press the <Enter> key ,it
will show as below:
Figure 8.5.2-1
The interface parameters of Y, Z and U axes are the same as those of X axis
Figure 8.5.2-4
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The operation and settings of the factory parameters are the same as the user
In the menu interface, select "Origin setting" entry and press the <Enter> key ,it will
show as below:
Figure 8.5.3-1
At this point, the "blue selection block" defaults to select the "Mult origin enable" entry,
press the <Enter> key to enable or disable(the right small square shows red when
enabled), when enabled, the little finger to "Origin 1 enable" entry means to start
setting the origin point 1, first move the "blue selection block" to this entry and press
the <Enter> key to enable the location point 1 entry, then press <Shift> key, then
press the direction key to change the X/Y axis coordinate value, then press <Origin>
key to set the current coordinate value to the location point 1, and finally press
<Shift> key to return to the current interface operation. The operation process
interface is as follows:
Figure 8.5.3-2
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Other origins are set in the same way.
When the "Select Block" stops on the "Start origin" entry, press the <Enter> key to
enter the modification, press the "Up/Down" key to modify, after the modification,
press the <Enter> key, the parameters automatically take effect, and press the
<Esc> key to return to the menu interface.
In the menu interface, select the "Backup Factory Parameters" entry, press the
<Enter> button and then pop up the password input interface. The password input
operation refers to Section 8.9. If the password is input correctly, the system will
backup all the current user parameters and factory parameters. Interface prompt
"Backup parameter is successful".
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
manufacturer parameters and user parameters) through selecting
“Recover Para” when they regulate parameters improperly.
In the menu interface, select the "Restore Factory Parameters" entry, press the
<Enter> button and then pop up the password input interface. The password input
operation refers to Section 8.9. If the password is input correctly, the system will
restore all the current user parameters and factory parameters with the factory
parameters set before. Interface prompt "recovery parameter is successful".
Select the "Controller Settings" entry under the menu interface, press the <Enter> button,
and then pop up the controller settings interface as follows:
Figure 8.6
8.6.1 Language
Select the "Language" entry under the controller setting interface, press the <Enter>
button, and then pop up the language settings interface as follows:
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Figure 8.6.1
Press the direction key to select a language and press the <Enter> key to set up the
function and automatically return to the menu interface.
Select the "Screen origin" entry under the controller setting interface, press the
<Enter> button, and then pop up the interface as follows:
Figure 8.6.2
The display screen's origin position is set here, and different screen origin positions
are selected to adjust the display graphics position in different X or Y directions.
Press the direction key to select a item and press the <Enter> key to set up the
position and press the <Esc> key return to the main interface.
This item is only used to preview the file on the screen, and it is no
meaning to the machine’s movement.
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Select the "Wireless panel" entry under the controller setting interface, press the
<Enter> button, and then pop up the interface as follows:
Figure 8.6.3
When modifying the first parameter, press the <Enter> key to enter the modification
mode ("blue selection block" right side becomes ), press the "Up/Down" key to
modify, and then press the <Enter> key to exit the modification mode. Press the
direction key to select other parameters and press the number key to modify the
parameters. After the modification, move the "selection block" to the "Write " entry
and press the <Enter> key. The parameter setting takes effect. Press the <Esc> key
to return to the previous menu.
8.6.4 IP Setting
Select the "IP setting" entry under the controller setting interface, press the <Enter>
button, and then pop up the interface as follows:
Figure 8.6.4
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Press the direction key to select a parameter, then press the number key to modify
the parameter. After the modification, move the "selection block" to the "Write" entry
and press the <Enter> key. The parameter setting takes effect. Press the <Esc> key
to return to the menu at the previous menu.
Select the "System Info" entry under the controller setting interface, press the
<Enter> button, and then pop up the interface as follows:
Figure 8.6.5
Press the <Enter> key to read motherboard information.Press the <Esc> key to
return to the previous menu.
8.7 Funtions
In the menu interface, select "Function" entry and press the <Enter> key ,it will show
as below:
Figure 8.7
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Select the "Axis reset" entry under the controller setting interface, press the <Enter>
button, and then pop up the interface as follows:
Figure 8.7.1
Press the direction key to select an entry and press the <Enter> key, the system
performs the axis reset, and prompts "Resetting...".
Select the "Keyboard lock" entry under the controller setting interface, press the
<Enter> button, and then pop up the interface as follows:
Figure 8.7.2
Password setting
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This entry allows you to set the default password for keyboard locking and use the
new password for keyboard locking after setting up successfully.
Key lock
This item can lock the keys. After entering the correct password, the keys
automatically lock and return to the main interface. When any key is pressed, the
interface prompts the input password to unlock the keys.
Please refer to section 8.9 for password input and password settings.Press the
<Esc> key to return to the previous menu.
Select the "Manual setting" entry under the funtions interface, press the <Enter>
button, and then pop up the interface as follows:
Figure 8.7.3
Manual mode has “Continue” and “Manual”, press the <Enter> key to enter the
modification mode ("blue selection block" right side becomes ), press the
"up/down" key to modify, after the modification, press the <Enter> key to exit the
modification mode. After all modifications, move the “Select block” to the Write
Parameters entry and press the <Enter> key. The parameter settings take effect.
Press <Esc> key to return to the previous menu.
When “Continue” item is selected, then the “Manual” item is not valid, on that time,
push the direction keys to move the corresponding axes, and when the pushed key is
loosed, then the corresponding axes will finish moving. When the Mode item is
“manual”, then pushing the direction key one time, the corresponding axes will move
a fixed length, unless the scope is overstepped.
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Select the "Laser setting" entry under the funtions interface, press the <Enter> button,
and then pop up the interface as follows:
Figure 8.7.4
When “Continue” item is selected, then the “Laser time” item is not valid, on that time,
push the Laser key to splash the enabled lasers, and when Laser key is loosed, then
the lasers will finish splashing. When the Laser mode item is “Manual”, then pushing
the Laser key one time, the enabled lasers will splash a fixed time.
8.7.5 Diagnose
Select the "Diagnose" entry under the funtions interface, press the <Enter> button,
and then pop up the interface as follows:
Figure 8.7.5
The interface displays the hardware IO information of the system, and reads the
hardware information of the system by pressing the <Enter> key. When the hardware
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signal is triggered, the small box on the left side of the corresponding entry will show
red. Otherwise, it will show gray. Press the <Esc> key to return to the previous menu.
Select the "Laser power info" entry under the funtions interface, press the <Enter>
button, and then pop up the interface as follows:
Figure 8.7.6-1
When the "blue selection block" stops at the items 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the laser power
supply, press the <Enter> key to view the information of each power supply. The
interface is as follows:
Figure 8.7.6-2
When the "blue selection block" stops at the "diagnostic TL" and "diagnostic TH"
entries, press the <Enter> key to check whether the IO of the laser power supply is
abnormal, and if so, an alarm will be generated.
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
Press the <Esc> key to return to the previous menu.
Push the <Menu> key when the screen is on the main interface, it will show as below:
Figure 8.8.1
When showing this menu, the system would read the memory file firstly, the file name
and the work times would be listed in the area, and the selected file is previewed in
the bottom right area. <Up >/<Down> keys could be used to move the cursor on the
file name list. When the cursor is on a target file name, presses the <Enter> key,
the selected file will be previewed on the main interface, and then if <Esc> key is
pushed, the preview will disappear.
<Left>/<Right> keys could be used to move the cursor left and right.
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Memery operation: the other operation of the memory files;
Read mem file: read the memory file list;
Select the "Memory Operation" entry in the above interface and press the <Enter>
button, then the pop-up menu appears as follows:
Figure 8.8.2
Clear all count: To clear the running times of every file in the memory
Delete all file: To delete all memory files
Format memery: To format memory speedily, and then all the files in memory
will be deleted.
Total: the total running times of all the files.
Methods of operation are the same as above.Press the <Esc> key to return to the
previous menu.
Select the "Format Memory" entry in the above interface and press the <Enter>
button, then the pop-up menu appears as follows:
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
Figure 8.8.3
Format speedily: To format memory speedily, and then all the files in memory
will be deleted.
Format drastically: To format memory drastically, and then all the files in
memory will be deleted.
Methods of operation are the same as above.Press the <Esc> key to return to the
previous menu.
If the “U disk” entry in figure 8.8-1 is pressed, the system will show as figure 8.8-4,
and the operation method is all the same as figure 8.8-1.
Figure 8.8.4
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
This system supports such file formats of Udisk as FAT32 and FAT16,
but it can identify them when the files are put under the root directory of
Prompt Udisk. The file name of more than 8 characters will automatically be cut
out by the system. The file name that has only English letters and digits
will not show when they are copied to the mainboard. The files copied
from the mainboard to Udisk will be placed under the root directory of
When you enter certain interfaces or perform certain operations, you need to enter
the password. The interface is as follows:
Figure 8.9.1
You can enter the password directly by pressing the number key, or you can select a
number or letter by pressing the direction key, select by pressing the <Enter> key,
and press the <Enter> key when you enter six passwords. If the password is correct,
you can go to the next interface or perform the operation, otherwise you can display a
"password error" and re-enter.
Press the <Esc> key to return to the previous menu.
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
Figure 8.9.2
At this point, you can enter the password directly by pressing the number key, or you
can press the <Shift> key to use the keypad, press the direction key to select a
number or letter, press the <Enter> key to select, and then press the <Shift> key to
return to the password selection. If the password is entered correctly, the new
password will become effective, otherwise the "password error" will be displayed.
Press the <Esc> key to return to the previous menu.
In the process of user operation or system operation will pop up some hints and
alarm information, such as reset, water protection failure, hard limit protection, border
crossing and so on.
The system pop-up “The system is resetting.”. show as below:
Figure 8.10-1
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Figure 8.10-2
At this point, the system performs related operations according to the <Enter> or
<Esc> keys.
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(1)Motor parameters
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For example, the typical value is 5~30mm/s.
Maximum Speed: it means the maximum limit of motion speed that this axle
can bear. This parameter has something to do with the driving force of motor, the
inertia of motion axle and its drive ratio. For example, the typical value is
Maximum Acceleration: it means the maximum acceleration of the motion axle
in accelerated or decelerated motion. If the acceleration is set too large, it will
make the motor lose steps, jar and even squeak; if too small, it will cause the
reduction of acceleration so as to reduce the running speed of the whole figure.
For the axles with larger inertia, such as Y axle corresponding to the beam, its
typical setting range is 800~3000mm/s2; for the axles with smaller inertia, such
as X axle corresponding to the car, its typical setting range is
Scram Acceleration: if this axle enables the hard-spacing protection, when this
axle moves to the spacing position, it will scram operation at the scram
acceleration. This value can be 2~3 times of the maximum acceleration for this
Key parameters
Key Move Takeoff Speed: it means the starting speed to move this axle by way
of the keys on the keyboard, which can’t be higher than the takeoff speed.
Key Move Acceleration: it means the acceleration to move this axle by way of
the keys on the keyboard, which can’t be higher than the maximum acceleration
of this axle.
Key Polarity: it is used to control the movement direction of the axle that is
moved through manual operation of the keys. After the direction polarity is
correctly set, if you press the directional keys on the operating panel, this axle
will move to the opposite direction. In such a case the polarity of keys should be
(2)Laser parameters
Laser Configuration: single laser and double lasers are available for option and
set in accordance with the laser-tube quantity provided by the manufacturer.
Laser Type: glass tube, RF laser (not need pre-ignition pulse) and RF laser
(needing pre-ignition pulse) available for option.
Laser Attenuation Quotiety
Laser Enable: When double lasers are used, then each laser can be
respectively enabled or disabled.
Minimum Power
Maximum Power
Laser PWM Frequency
Pre-generation Frequency
Pre-generation pulse scale: When the laser is RF-laser and it’s need to
Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
pre-generate PWM, then set the Pre-generation Frequency and the
Pre-generation pulse scale.
Water Protector Enabled: When the water protector is enabled, the mainboard will
detect the input port of water protector. If this port is of low level, it will be deemed normal;
if this port is of high level, the mainboard will forcibly close the laser to suspend the work
in progress and the system will warn. If the water protector is not enabled, the mainboard
will not detect the input port of water protector and so the water protector can be
Laser PWM Frequency is used to set the pulse frequency of control signal used
by this laser, in general, glass tube is about 20KHZ, RF laser is about 5KHZ; the
maximum/minimum power (%) is used to set the limit power of this laser, that is to say,
during the operation, the maximum power set by the user can’t be higher than that set
here and the minimum power set by the user can’t be less than that set here, either.
When a laser’s power is attenuated, then the laser attenuation quotiety may be set
If it is only provided with the single laser, it can show the one-path
Machine configuration
Machine Type: In most cases, the general engraving machine should be
selected and other types used for specific purposes.
Transmission Mode: generally the “Belt Stepping Type” should be made choice
of. The control algorithm will be changed a little when other types are selected.
Feeding Mode: it has single-way mode and two-way mode for option. If it is of
single-way feeding, it is unnecessary to check the coordinates. Feeding can be
conducted in the single-way mode; if it is of two-way feeding, the system will
check the maximum and minimum coordinates. The odd sequence means
feeding should be done to one direction and the even sequence means feeding
done to the other direction. The initial direction for the first time can be changed
through setting the directional polarity or modifying the plus and minus values of
the feeding length.
Power-Off-Restart Delay: it can be set to be 0~3000ms. After the power-off of
the electricity grid, the power supply of the system will not drop to 0 at once.
There is a delay during this time. The delay value set here should basically
consistent with the actual off-delay value. If the deviation of set value is larger,
on the de-energizing for continuous engraving, either the figure processed for
the second time is not closed with that before the cutoff, or it is coincided with
that too much.
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After the configuration parameters in the manufacturer parameters, such
as directional polarity, control mode, laser type and laser PWM
Prompt frequency, are modified, the system should be reset. Such a modification
can function upon the resetting of the system.
Enable parameters
Door Opening Protection: If this item is enabled, then the door opening
protection must be connected to the controller, or, the machine will not run.
Whether to enable the blower: If using wind out port to control the blower by
the graph layer parameter, this item must be enabled, or, the wind output is a
signal for other using.
● Key Setting: This is a button but not a parameter, this button is used to
recommend some experiential cutting parameters.
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X-axle Starting Speed
Y-axle Starting Speed
X-axle Acceleration
Y-axle Acceleration
The above four parameters are used to set the starting speed and acceleration
of two axles on the scanning. The higher the two speeds are, the quicker the
scanning is.
Scanning Line-feed Speed: this parameter is specially used to control the
highest speed at which that the previous line vertically moves to the next line in
the scanning mode. If the space between lines is larger during the scanning or if
the distance of each block is larger during the scanning and deblocking of figure,
it is necessary to position each line or block accurately. In such a case the speed
of scanning line-feed can be set as a lower value.
Scanning Mode: it is divided into general mode and special mode for option. If
special mode is used, the laser power should be increased. The smaller the
speckle percentage is, the more the laser power reduces. The laser power to set
should be larger in order to reach the same scanning depth. The purpose to
select the special mode is to make the laser light at high power and short time.
On the depth scanning the effect that the bottom is flatter is obtained, but it
should be noticeable that if the speckle adjustment is not appropriate, it can
achieve this goal. If the high power remains short, the lighting mode will
influence the life of the laser. The system will default the selection of general
Speckle Size: When the general mode is selected as the scanning mode, this
parameter will become ineffective; when the special mode is selected, this
parameter will become effective. The controller will control this parameter
among 50%~99%.
The cutting and scanning parameters can’t exceed the limited ones in the
axle parameters. If so, the setting will become ineffective and the system
Prompt will automatically cover the parameters with the axle parameters.
(3)Feeding parameters
Before-feeding Time Lag: settable at 0~300s. The lagged time can facilitate
user’s feeding and picking on the feeding device.
After-feeding Time Lag: settable at 0~9.9s. It can facilitate the feeding device’s
delaying in jarring after moving to the correct position and waiting for the 2nd
work after the feeding axle stands still completely.
Progressive feeding: If this item is enabled, then the dummy array graph on Y
direction will run in the same position, running one line graph, the U axes moving
one time to feed, the moving length of U axes is the interval of the two lines
graph on Y direction.
Progressive feeding repay: Because of the imprecision of U axes’ moving,
there can set a value to repay the interval of the two lines graph on Y direction.
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(4)Reset parameters
Reset Speed: it means the speed of X/Y-axle linkage reset to the origin.
X axle start-up reset(Auto home)
Y axle start-up reset(Auto home)
Z axle start-up reset(Auto home)
U axle start-up reset(Auto home)
You can select “Yes” or “No” in the field of the above four parameters, which is used
to confirm whether each axle can be reset on the startup.