CAPDEV STA. MARIA 2019-2021 (Form 5a) - P
CAPDEV STA. MARIA 2019-2021 (Form 5a) - P
CAPDEV STA. MARIA 2019-2021 (Form 5a) - P
STA. MARIA VISION: By 2024, the Municipality of Sta. Maria will be the leading agri-tourism in the province with God-fearing, peace-loving, empowered, self-reliant, environment-
friendly and highly competent individuals, within an ecologically-balanced natural environment and climate-resilient society, served with integrity and
excellence by the civil servants.
1. Provide accessibility of basic needs and services to residents of far-flung barangays.
2. Provide employment opportunities by strengthening people’s organizations, non-government organizations and cooperatives through livelihood projects.
3. Increase economic activities through construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance of road networks and business centers.
4. Increase agricultural productivity;
5. Promote gender-responsiveness and mainstreaming in all PAPs;
6. Enhance health care services.
7. Promotes waste management program; and Provide a sound business environment by engaging more on peace and order activities.
Capacity Development Objective Cap-Dev Programs Service Provider Time Frame Funding
Priorities Office Concerned Requirement
Sources of Fund
Issuance of Executive Order, re: a.) Mayor’s Office 3rd Qtr 2019 No Fund required
1. Financial Enhance LGU capacity on Designation of personnel to perform internal
Accountability internal control control functions
b.)Regular conduct of Audit of accountable MTO, MASSO, COA CY 2019-2021 No Fund required
Capacity building for staff
c.)Monitoring of daily cash flow:
-As to percentage of the collection against MTO CY 2019-2021 No Fund required
Strengthen efficiency of estimated collections
internal audit MTO CY 2019-2021 No Fund required
Revitalize the knowledge of Seminar workshop on retooling on the DILG, MPDO, Office 1st Quarter Barangay LGUs
the barangay officials and basics of barangay governance. of the Mayor, and 2020
functionaries on the basics Liga ng Mga
of barangay governance Barangay
with emphasis on barangay
fiscal management
2. Local Legislation
Complement Executive and Seminar-workshop on the formulation of ELA DILG, MPDO, Office 3rd Quarter Mayor’s Office
Legislative Agenda of the Mayor and SB 2019
Workshop on the Codification of General
Ensure easy tracking of LGU Ordinances DSWD, DTI, MPDO,
Codes Codification of Environment, Health and MTO, DOH, DILG, CY 2019 SB Funds
Sanitation, and Gender and Development OCEEM, MO
Institutionalize community Implementation of the Revised Code of SB, Mayor’s Office CY 2019-2021 No funds needed
and citizen’s participation Economic Enterprise
for innovative and
responsive education, Institutionalization of citizen participation in SB, Secretary to the 3RD Quarter No funds needed
planning, programming, governance, through people’s membership in Sanggunian, CSC, 2019
budgeting and local special bodies Ombudsman, DILG 3rd Quarter
implementation 2019
Installation of feedback mechanism in the SB, Secretary to the CY 2019-2021 SB Funds
Install a mechanism that will sanggunian and in other offices as prescribed Sanggunian
enhance people’s access to in the Citizens’ Charter
the sanggunian in presenting
Putting up of suggestion box for ordinances or Mayor’s Office, CY 2019-2021 No funds needed
issues/ concerns
resolution that people wants to be enacted / DILG, Admin 22
passed Barangays, Heads of
Introduce innovation in local Lakbay Aral to LGUs with best practices on
local legislation and local governance MO, 22 brgys, DILG CY 2019-2021 Counterparting
including component Punong Barangays and
SK Officials
Make development planning Reconstitution of the Local Development MPDO / Mayor’s June 2019, No Funds needed
1. Development Planning more participative and Council to include members composing more Office July 2021
transparent than 25% from NGOs to institutionalize
sectoral participation in development
Ensure functionality of planning Mayor’s Office July 2019, July No Funds needed
Special Bodies and councils Reconstitution of the City’s LHB, PLEB, LDC, 2021
Promotion of periodic MPDO, Mayor’s Jan to Dec P1,000,000.00
research and studies Continuing studies, researches and capability- Office 2019
building plans and programs formulation
MPDO, Mayor’s 3RD Qtr 2019 P1,000,000.00
Installation of GIS / GPS system Office
Human resource and MPDO, Mayor’s Jan to Dec P1,500,000.00
community build-up and IEC on development planning, voters’ Office 2019
education, Barangay Excellence Award, KP, COMELEC, DEPED,
GIS/GPS application
Peace and Order and Anti-drug campaign DILG, MPOC, PDEA
Site identification and
Feasibility Study on Memorial Park, MPDO, Mayor’s Jan to Dec P3,850,000.00
provision of memorial design waterworks and sanitation, sports Office 2019
for the proposed LGU development, housing, tourism, livelihood and
health programs
memorial park
MPDO, Mayor’s Jan to Dec P780,000.00
Office 2019
Updating of the 10-year CDP
Update development plans MPDO, Mayor’s 3rd qtr 2019 P3000,000.00
Attendance to/Conduct of training on Gender Office
and Development (GAD), RAs 9262, 9344, Jan to Dec Office capability bldg
9208 and 7610 (Laws on women and MPDO, Mayor’s 2019 funds/MO
Human Resource capacity children) Office
development MSWDO, DILG
Seminar – workshop on GAD & VAWC for 4L Jan to Dec Office capability bldg
members 2019 funds/MO
SB, 4L, DILG, 22
barangays, DSWD
2. Revenue Generation Update City Revenue Code Issuance of E.O enforcing existing ordinances Office of the mayor CY 2019 3rd qtr 2016
re: collection of fees using the new rates and Treasurer office
enforcement of penalties for delinquent
Introduce best SB, Assessor’s CY 2019-2021 No fund required
practice/innovation on Enact ordinance prescribing new real Office, Treasurer’s
revenue generation property assessment schedule, increasing fees Office, MO, OCEEM,
in commercial areas, terminal and stall rentals SB No fund required
Revision of Municipal Revenue Code
3. Resource Allocation Improve resource Attendance to BOLDS, NGAs, COA, BLGF, DILG COA, BLGF, DILG, CY 2019-2021 Office operational
and Utilization appropriation and utilization CSC, COA and other agencies’ workshops CSC, COA, DBM Funds
4. Human Resource Fast track HRMD delivery of Personnel reorganization to properly No funds needed
Management and services compliment every office's needs Executive and CY 2019
Development Legislative offices
Strict observance of the provisions of the No funds needed
citizen's charter Executive and Line CY 2019–
offices 2021
Encourage participation of rank and file
To identify training needs of employees in CSB and observation of the Executive office No funds needed
provisions of the agencies merit selection plan CY 2019
Formulate HRMD Plan
To capacitate HRMD CSC, DILG, HRMO MO funds
personnel Conduct HRMD personnel Training Needs HRMO
Operational Fund
CSC, DILG, HRMO, CY 2019-2021
Training & Seminars for HRMD and other
To capacitate human Personnel MO HRMO/MO
resource Operational Fund
SOCIAL SERVICE Reorganization of Local health Board Office of the Mayor August 2019, No fund required
1. Health and Nutrition Ensure delivery of health MHO, July 2019
services to achieve a healthy 22 barangays
community Attendance to national health conventions CY 2019-2021 40,000.00
Periodic Skills Trainings for BHWs, midwives, Office of the Mayor CY 2019-2021 P60,000.00
Nurses, Doctors MHO,
22 barangays
Provide medical support Procurement of Weighing Scale, Dental and MO CY 2019-2021 P4,00,000.00
services to indigents Laboratory Equipments
Sta. Maria Assistance to Indigents and Women MO, MHO, CY 2019
Capacitate health responders in Difficult Circumstance Office of the Mayor June 2019 P 200,000.00
Sta. Maria Health Medical First Responders DepEd
2. Education Ensure functionality of Local MO, LSB CY 2019 and No funds required
School Board Reorganization of the Local School Board CY 2020
3. Housing and Basic Functionality of Housing Organization of the Municipal Housing Board Office of the Mayor CY 2019-2021 No fund needed
Utilities Board and SB Committee in and SB Committee on Housing and Settlement , Admin, MEO
Disaster Preparedness Personnel Complement Reorganization to facilitate creation of MPOC, DILG, PNP, CY 2019-2021
appropriate positions and staff complement BJMP, BFP, MACEF,
AFP, Mayor’s Office,
Operation to monitor and Round up Operation and other seminars 22 Barangays CY2019 MPOC fund
supervision of minors in (AFP)
cafes, video machines and MPOC 22Barangays CY 2019-2021 MPOC Fund
other establishment during Establishment of Barangays Intelligence Net
curfew and school hours (PNP)
MPOC, MO, CY 2019 MPOC fund
Strengthening and capability building 22 Barangays
Maintenance and activities for BPATs members
strengthening of networking MDRRMC, CY 2019-2021 Counterparting
among stakeholders Seminar on disaster preparedness plan for the 22barangays
LGU and barangays
Regular Assessment, MPOC, MO, 22 CY 2019-2021 MPOC funds
Evaluation, Planning and Seminar-workshop on public safety for barangays
Redirection barangay officials and barangay tanods /
POPS Planning
Livelihood Program
ENVIRONMENTAL Institutionalize participatory DILG, DENR, CSO’s, MID 2019– No fund needed.
MANAGEMENT governance Establishment and creation of a community- Private Sector, 2021
based participatory development council and Other LGU’s,
Monitoring and Evaluation Group MENRO
1. Natural Resource To provide massive CY 2019-2021 MO/MENRO Funds
Management Information, Education Seminar on forest land use planning and Study MENRO, MO
Campaign on the City’s tour on LGU’s with best practices on forest
Natural Resources
land use management
Management CY 2019-2021 MO/MENRO
Massive Tree planting and growing program Mun Agriculture Operational Funds
Office, MENRO
Mangrove Rehabilitation Program/Coastal Re- Mun. Agriculture CY 2019-2021 MAO Funds
greening Program
Enforcement of Ecological Formulation of a community-based watershed DILG, DENR, CSO’s, MID 2019- CENRO Operational
Waste Management Program management, Waste Management and Private Sector, 2021 Funds
3. Waste Management Pollution Control Program Other LGU’s, CENRO
and Pollution Control
Establishment of a separate MENR Office and DILG, DENR, CSO’s, MO Funds
Build Capacities of LGU designation of a permanent MENR Officer Private Sector, MID 2019-
personnel on waste mgt and MENRO 2021
pollution control Lakbay-Aral to ESWM Awardee LGUs with
best practices on SWM & Pollution Control
Institutionalization of ESWM Action Planning on improving Mun’s ESWM DILG, DENR, CSO’s, No funds required
Program Implementation Private Sector,
Seminar-workshop on preparation of Mun. Other LGU’s, MID 2019- MENRO Operational
ESWM MENRO, 22 brgys 2021 Funds
Workshop on formulation of ESWM
DILG, DENR, CSO’s, Counterparting
Approved by:
Municipal Mayor