DG Brochure February 2015 Web PDF
DG Brochure February 2015 Web PDF
DG Brochure February 2015 Web PDF
Since the early nineteenth century, livelihoods in
modern societies have been built on the economic
foundations created by the industrial revolution.
Industrialization helped lift hundreds of millions of
people around the globe out of poverty over the last
200 years.
Yet, this prosperity has not been evenly spread throughout the world. There
remain considerable differences between and within regions, countries and
societies. Too often, growth has left significant segments of the population
behind. This is particularly the case for women and young people.
LI Yong
Director General
Today, poverty remains the central challenge for our world, but we have
effective means to eradicate it within the next generation.
Manufacturing industries and their related services sectors can absorb large
numbers of workers, provide them with stable jobs and increase the prosperity
of their families and communities. An efficient agro-industry enhances
economic stability for rural households, increases food security and helps
achieve economic transformation.
At all levels of development, industry can be the primary driver in fighting
poverty, ensuring food security and preventing social polarization.
Inclusive and sustainable industrial development will be a key driver for the
successful integration of the economic, social and environmental dimensions
of sustainable development.
call for integrating the economic dimension, and the role of industry in
particular, into the global post-2015 development priorities.
In order to implement inclusive and sustainable
industrial development, we must make sure that:
Sustainable development
Inclusive and sustainable industrial development addresses all three dimensions
of sustainable development: social equity, economic growth, and environmental
UNIDO therefore meets the industrial development needs of its Member States through
a variety of highly specialized and differentiated services that promote social inclusion,
economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability, as well as cross-cutting
activities in the fields of industrial statistics, research and policy, and the promotion of
knowledge networks and institutional partnerships.
Strengthening agro-industries
UNIDO’s agribusiness activities focus on strengthening the food processing sector
in developing countries in order to increase the availability of wholesome and
nutritious food both for the local market, contributing to national food security, and
for international markets, in order to generate income and create wealth. With its
proven expertise and experience in designing and implementing programmes for the
development of the agro-industries sector, UNIDO is ideally placed to lead partnerships
at the national level and engage with value chain actors and development partners.
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
This has a negative impact on those less developed businesses and their workers
who strive to access formal and profitable markets with their products in order to grow
and generate income and job opportunities. UNIDO recognizes that aligning business
strategies, operations and supply chains with sustainable development outcomes is
not only a social responsibility, but also increasingly a business imperative. Adopting
more socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable business operations will help to
mitigate risk, develop new markets and cultivate sustainable relationships with suppliers,
customers and investors.
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
> The facility will train 25-30 high school students per year.
The four-year training course will include, inter alia,
modules in English and Information Technology
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
> Over
700 master trainers
were instructed
Investment and technology
The private sector is the primary driver of economic growth and job creation. UNIDO
supports capacity-building initiatives and partnerships as well as the sharing of knowledge
and best practices to promote private sector development in manufacturing industries.
This is done through the formulation and implementation of technical cooperation and
institutional capacity-building initiatives to improve the competitiveness of enterprises,
mobilize investments, and facilitate access to suitable technologies for markets in
developing countries.
Worldwide network
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Competitiveness, upgrading
and modernization
UNIDO supports the development of local productive capacities and responsible investments
in a private sector-led process, and promotes the upgrading of industrial enterprises and
technical support institutions that drive the economic growth process. These support services
are aimed at stimulating technological dynamism for the creation of skilled jobs, enhancing
the developmental impact of private sector activities, and supporting the integration of SMEs
into national and global value chains through the establishment of pro-poor and market-driven
business linkages.
An innovative and user-friendly National UNIDO assisted the introduction of the Businesses, the public and authorities
Business Registration System (NBRS) business registration reforms at the can now discover legally valid
made its full nationwide debut in policy formulation to implementation information online about any of
April 2013 after four years of UNIDO- levels, helping to revise legal the 850,000 registered firms (as of
supported development and the frameworks and regulations and build December 2013) and download the
introduction of e-signatures, e-payment, institutional and human capacities financial statements of shareholding
online registration and online to offer more client-friendly services. companies to accurately assess
information service facilities to reduce The new streamlined system (www. potential business partners. While
the costs and risks of doing business in businessregistration.gov.vn) is the access to firm information reduces the
Viet Nam. product of the first-ever collaboration risks of doing business, the National
between the ministries of Planning Business Registration System also
Before the USD 12.6 million project and Investment, Finance and Public has policy-making benefits, as the
co-funded by the State Secretariat for Security and closely engaged business Government regularly receives real-time
Economic Affairs of Switzerland (SECO), registration offices (BROs) and tax data on sector-specific market entry and
the Norwegian Agency for Development offices in each of Viet Nam’s 63 exit of enterprises.
Cooperation (Norad), UNIDO and One provinces.
UN gained traction at the end of 2008, In 2014, UNIDO’s continued support
business registration red tape held The reforms had an immediate with additional SECO funding started
back businesses, especially small impact, with the elimination of the expansion of the NBRS to other
and medium-sized enterprise in the seal engraving permits. From 2010 types of business entities: foreign
Vietnamese economy. Cumbersome onwards, all provincial BROs use the invested enterprises, financial
procedures – such as the need to visit same computerized workflows when institutions, scientific, educational, and
multiple offices for receiving business registering a new business or amending technological institutions and others
and tax codes, obtaining permission existing enterprise records, with cost doing business in Viet Nam. This will
for registering and actually registering effective online services reducing the improve the NBRS’ database, services
company seals – cost firms much time time it takes to register a firm from and visibility in line with the upcoming
and money. These burdens on firms also 15 days in 2008 to just 3 days. Since amendment to the Enterprise Law.
eroded State tax revenues and pushed 2010, over 80,000 newly registering
some firms into the informal sector. enterprises every year save more than For more information,
USD 4 million annually. contact: [email protected]
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
CHINA: Food quality, safety and testing capacity-building
Fujian Province is a critical food- senior staff in 225 food enterprises, the awareness of the 200 Chinese
exporting province in China. thus contributing to the development industries on the Traceability in the
Strengthening Fujian Province’s food of a food quality culture within Fujian Feed and Food Chain (ISO 22005) in
export capabilities by building up Province. Fujian Province. As food safety is a key
the institutional capacities of the priority of the Government of China,
Department of Foreign Trade and As a demonstration of the strengthened the Provincial Government for Dali and
Economic Cooperation in Food Safety capacity of the Fujian Province, the UNIDO jointly established the UNIDO-
Management Systems (ISO 2000) and auditors and consultants trained within China Food Quality, Safety and Testing
Traceability in the Feed and Food Chain the programme audited and prepared Training Facility in Dali for training on
(ISO 22005) for small and medium-sized ten enterprises looking to get the ISO food safety. This training facility has
enterprises to comply with international 22000 certification. All ten of them trained 41 international participants
quality and food safety standards was were certified for ISO 22000, enabling from 14 nations across Asia and Africa
of paramount importance to increasing them to gain a better image both in the and 50 national participants from 9
food exports in the province. With that domestic and export markets. Since provinces in China.
aim, UNIDO trained 40 lead auditors then, many Chinese companies have
on ISO 22000 from Fuzhou and come forward to obtain certification For more information,
Quanzhou and promoted the food safety on ISO 22000 and increase their contact: [email protected]
management system among over 400 competitiveness. UNIDO has also raised
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
> Strengthening
Zambia’s national
legislative framework
standards, technical
testing and quality
> Development,
adoption and
dissemination of
quality and SPS
standards for the
targeted export
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Global flagship initiative
> For Africa, the way forward is to improve the capacity of national
metrology institutes to provide traceability and to support
accredited testing facilities
Quality and compliance infrastructure
A key reason why developing countries have been unable to benefit from the global trading system
is their lack of productive industrial capacities. Every country needs to be able to produce tradable
goods that are competitive in design, quality and price. Developing such capacities and linking them
to global production or supply chains is, however, an ambitious endeavour. The ability of developing
countries to exploit trade opportunities and to access markets is often challenged by inadequate
capacities to comply with market requirements and the lack of internationally accepted local proof. In
order to overcome these challenges, UNIDO builds capacity to ensure informed and timely trade-related
policy making and focuses on strengthening the regional and national quality infrastructure. UNIDO’s
programmes for economic competitiveness help countries enhance their capacity in the productive
sectors and ensure that suppliers produce goods that meet requirements set by foreign buyers and
markets, through raising awareness and promoting food safety as well as consumer, environmental,
social and health protection.
UNIDO helps developing countries and economies in transition to overcome trade-related challenges
and to comply with international standards. Product traceability to ensure food safety through
information on the source of produce is just one example of the global standards with which exporters
need to comply in order to enter foreign markets. UNIDO supports developing countries in building up
their compliance infrastructure and enhancing standardization, quality, accreditation, metrology and
conformity assessment services. Through assistance in related capacity-building, awareness raising
and the dissemination of the necessary know-how and information UNIDO facilitates the participation
of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in global value chains.
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
In the globalized supply chain, fishery through a complex set of intermediaries. community: while consumers from
products are often sourced in one Establishing effective traceability developed and developing countries can
country, processed in another and poses a significant challenge for the be assured of safe shrimp exports from
marketed in a third. Fish exports, second largest industry in the country Bangladesh, the fish farmers improved
however, go to demanding high- that supports the livelihoods of of over their living conditions and reduced
value markets where they are strictly 600,000 people. inefficiencies in the supply chain. The
scrutinized. Considering the ever- programme clearly followed a North-
increasing global “food scares”, food UNIDO, in cooperation with the EU, are South and South-South cooperation
safety is critical. In exporting to the developing Bangladesh’s capacity to logic, with different public and private
EU, an efficient traceability system set up a traceability system that will institutional partnerships.
that will pinpoint exactly where any reassure buyers and ensure the industry’s
food contamination may have arisen is continuing access to key export markets. A follow-up programme is planned
essential. In cooperation with the International Trade to further support the creation of an
Centre, the project has introduced its environmentally sustainable and
The EU “farm to fork” legislation has ‘Better Work and Standards Programme economically sound shrimp fishing
become a market access requirement, (BEST) – Better Fisheries Quality (BFQ)’ sector in Bangladesh. The EUR 13.5
particularly in the fish and shrimp initiative. The introduction of the reliable million project has introduced a complete
industries. Traceability consists of tracking product traceability certification “farm traceability system, initially with a
and tracing: tracking monitors a product to fork”, coupled with improvements in pilot scheme that will be followed by
and all its inputs along the entire supply testing, inspection and hygienic practices, industry-wide implementation, that will
chain, while tracing means a product can ensures continued international market also enhance the country’s fisheries
be traced from any point in the supply access for the Bangladesh seafood inspection capacity (a prerequisite to
chain back to its origin. industry. It also assures food quality access the EU market).
and safety for both export and local
Shrimp exporters in Bangladesh are consumers. For more information,
particularly challenged in setting up such contact: [email protected]
a system: they buy raw shrimp from a The improvements created shared
large number of very small suppliers and prosperity within the participating
Field offices
Industrial Subcontracting
& Partnership eXchange Centres
International Technology Centres
Investment and Technology
Promotion Offices/Centres for
International Cooperation
UNIDO-affiliated Resource Efficient
and Cleaner Production Service Providers
South-South Cooperation Centres
Building and training human resources to cope
with the growing need for product compliance
As producers further integrate into global markets, they must laboratories. The programme was designed to upgrade
comply with an ever-expanding range of standards. To help theoretical knowledge and technical capacities in laboratory
them, UNIDO has built up its Standards, Metrology, Testing accreditation and laboratory management knowledge.
and Quality (SMTQ) training services to support national
quality infrastructure institutions and provide continuous Another example is the UNIDO-China Food Quality, Safety, and
training and human resources upgrading. Testing Training Facility in Dali, which focuses on improving
food safety and quality for China and ASEAN countries,
One such institution is the UNIDO-VIMTA South-South Training with a focus on milk and milk product quality. The facility is
Facility for Testing Laboratories (UVSSTF) in Hyderabad, India. recognized as a regional knowledge centre and a key milk-
VIMTA Labs Limited is India’s leading contract research and testing centre.
testing organization. It organizes training courses for young
professionals from testing laboratories on a wide range of With technological advances in manufacturing and in food
essential skills, including analysis of contaminants, residues processing announced almost daily, international product
and adulteration, quality assurance, control measures, standards , including private standards, need constant
standards compliance, accreditation and laboratory revision and expansion. This means that national quality
management. infrastructure institutions in developing countries must
strive to constantly upgrade their human resource skills,
In the Republic of Korea, UNIDO has partnered with the which points to a growing need for UNIDO’s SMTQ training
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) partnerships.
to organize training programmes for the technical staff
of national metrology institutions and their calibration For more information, contact: [email protected]
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Renewable and rural energy
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Global Energy
Assessment (GEA) reports, the industrial sector is responsible for one-third of global
primary energy use and two-fifths of global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions. There is significant potential for reducing industrial energy intensity, which
ranges from about 10 per cent to 40 per cent for several energy-intensive industrial
subsectors. The economic and environmental gains of using energy efficient and
renewable energy technologies in industry are also significant. Introducing energy
efficiency improvements and scaling up the use of renewable energy for productive
uses and industrial applications is essential if the world is to move towards inclusive
and sustainable development.
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
projects raised
USD 52.2
million in grant
funding and an
USD 574 million
in co-financing
Energy efficiency
Improving industrial energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective ways for
developing countries to meet their increasing energy needs with the least impact
on the environment. Industrial energy efficiency addresses challenges as diverse
as climate change, energy security, industrial competitiveness, human welfare and
economic growth. It is projected that developing countries will account for over
90 per cent of the growth in global industrial energy demand from 2010 to 2035.
Industry in developing countries shows the greatest potential for economic efficiency
improvements and cost savings, both within the traditional energy-intensive sectors
and in light industry, in particular, SMEs. Increased energy efficiency in SMEs would
have a positive impact in terms of lower final production costs, increased resources
for investing in business development, including job creation and, ultimately, greater
competitiveness. Improved energy-efficiency thus reduces greenhouse gas emissions
from energy generation and use, materials extraction and processing, transportation
and waste disposal. Sustainable industrial energy strategies that include the
adoption of renewable energy sources, as well as energy efficiency, are therefore
essential to address climate change and move economies onto a lower-carbon path.
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Worldwide network
> Thousands of
enterprises have
benefitted from
NCPC services
Water management
UNIDO assists developing countries and countries with economies in transition with the transfer
of best available environmentally sound technologies and environmental practices to improve
water productivity in industry and prevent the discharge of industrial effluents into international
waters (rivers, lakes, wetlands and coastal areas), thereby protecting water resources for future
generations. UNIDO activities include: the Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies
(TEST), that support the sound management of resources at priority industrial hot spots, minimize
use, maximize productivity, and promote zero discharge; the Mercury Programme, to minimize
the use and discharges of mercury by promoting Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Best
Environmental Practices (BEP); and the Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) programme, which
supports the ecosystem approach through the demonstration of best practices, capacity-building,
and strategic partnerships to reduce the degradation of transboundary river basins and marine
and coastal environments.
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Implementation of Multilateral
Environmental Agreements
UNIDO assists countries in capacity-building for the implementation of relevant multilateral
environmental agreements, such as the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone
Layer and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). There is a need to
phase out the production and consumption of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS), which lead
to the continuing degradation of human health and the environment. The Montreal Protocol
provides a response to that need. UNIDO assists the governments of signatory countries to the
Montreal Protocol in complying with its requirements. In this context, UNIDO supports both
the mitigation and adaptation approaches. Furthermore, there is a commitment on the part of
governments that are parties to the Stockholm Convention to implement legal, organizational and
environmental-management measures, including substantive technological changes to comply with
the requirements of the Convention. The production and use of POPs, as well as their presence in
the biosphere, are causing serious damage to human health and the environment. UNIDO helps
developing countries and countries with economies in transition to achieve compliance with the
Stockholm Convention and aims to strengthen the capacities of developing countries to protect their
populations and their environmental resources from POPs-related pollution.
In line with the obligations of the new technologies that also contribute to propane refrigerant - a benign, ozone
Montreal Protocol, in 2013 China had towards global efforts to combat climate and climate friendly natural gas. The
to freeze its hydrochlorofluorocarbon change by reducing the emission of second project helped convert a large
(HCFC) production and consumption greenhouse gases compared to the compressor line of the Meizhi company
at the baseline level of 2009-2010 technologies currently in use in China. to propane technology.
and reduce it by 10 per cent by 2015. Two UNIDO projects demonstrate
Being the largest consumer of HCFCs a globally novel technology in the The projects, costing over USD 6 million,
with increasing usage in recent years, refrigeration and air conditioning sector. faced several challenges, as the two
China reached a historic landmark The first project helped the Midea demonstration projects had to be
agreement in 2011. It committed itself group to convert one production line executed in a synchronized manner,
to cutting down significantly on its HCFC that manufactures 200,000 split air with very little global experience of the
consumption and to implementing conditioners every year from HCFC-22 application of HC-290-based technology
> 240 metric tons of HCFC-22 were phased out for Midea,
which equals 13.2 ozone-depleting potential (ODP) tons,
leading to an estimated 967,490 metric tons of CO2
equivalent annual greenhouse gas emission reductions.
For Meizhi, the project resulted in 8,852,533 metric tons
of CO2 equivalent GHG emission reductions
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
REsearch and publications
For more information, contact: [email protected] For more information, contact: [email protected]
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Making It Magazine
A quarterly magazine that stimulates debate about
global industrial development issues,
published by UNIDO.
Technical cooperation
Through a broad range of technical cooperation activities, UNIDO designs
and implements projects that build the capacity of Member States to
initiate and carry out their own programmes in the field of industrial
development. Tailored assistance is provided to developing countries,
with special attention being paid to least developed countries.
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
The UNIDO Institute for Capacity Development is The Green Industry Platform is a global high-
dedicated to enhancing the quality of industrial policy level, multi-stakeholder partnership intended
by generating, disseminating and sharing world-class to act as a forum to catalyse, mobilize and
knowledge resources, and building capacities for mainstream action on Green Industry around the
sustainable industrial development, poverty reduction world. It provides a framework to bring together
and accelerated economic growth. governmental, business and civil society leaders
to secure concrete commitments and mobilize
action in support of the Green Industry agenda.
UNIDO promotes wealth creation and global prosperity partner to achieving global development goals.
through inclusive and sustainable industrial In recent years we have stepped up our dialogue
development. We want every country to have the and collaboration with the private sector, financial
opportunity to grow a flourishing productive sector, institutions and civil society in order to multiply the
to increase its participation in international trade, impact of our technical assistance by combining our
to improve its access to modern energy services and efforts, know-how, and resources. We are building a
to safeguard the environment. As our objectives strong alliance with all relevant actors to reach the
increasingly align with those of the business world, critical mass for transformative change.
we are collaborating with a growing number of private
sector partners and other key stakeholders. At this critical juncture we want to deepen our
partnerships with strategic actors from multilateral
Addressing these complex development challenges agencies, financial institutions and the private sector.
collectively has resulted in innovative and practical Companies aiming at long-term success must ensure
new approaches that combine both development gains that their operations are sustainable and responsible,
and business benefits to accelerate the achievement of creating lasting value – not just financially, but also
these shared goals. Indeed, there is a growing awareness socially, environmentally and ethically.
among business leaders of the necessity of breaking
with old practices and embarking on a new path of more There is growing evidence that principles and profits
sustainable and more socially inclusive business. We are not mutually exclusive. They can go hand in hand
are witnessing a strong commitment to action and a and create competitive value additions. All UNIDO
willingness to make the necessary adjustments even in partnerships illustrate how social, environmental
the face of economic constraints. and economic progress can foster competitiveness,
business value and the long-term sustainability of
UNIDO stands ready as a partner to accompany business operations. They can help meet the growing
businesses on this new path towards healthier consumer demand for green products, make employees
societies, flourishing markets and sound economic take pride in their work and build markets of the future.
progress for the future well-being of the generations to
come. We understand that business is an instrumental For more information, contact: [email protected]
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Africa Industrialization Day promoted the central theme “Job creation and entrepreneurship
development: a means to accelerate industrialization in Africa”.
Events were organized in Vienna, as well as in New York and in a number of UNIDO field offices.
The Conference of Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) Ministers of Industry took place in
Lima and brought together over 30 ministers and vice-ministers of industry from the region.
Participants highlighted the importance of industrial production and trade for the inclusive and
sustainable economic growth of the LAC region, with special reference to the contribution of
innovation and technology transfer to sustainable industrial development, and the role of UNIDO
in this context.
UNIDO organized the LDC Ministerial Conference in Lima under the theme “From the
Istanbul Plan of Action to the world we want in 2015 and beyond: Implementing the
UNIDO operational strategy”. The event brought together more than 250 participants,
including LDC ministers in charge of industry, relevant UN agencies, regional economic
commissions, institutions from numerous emerging countries, donors and private
sector entities, and promoted the formation of partnerships that will bring sustainable
livelihoods and inclusive welfare for citizens of LDCs. Participants also discussed the
implementation of the UNIDO LDC Operational Strategy 2012-2020.
UNIDO Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
On 17 November, 1966 the United Nations General
Assembly passes resolution 2152 (XXI) establishing
the United Nations Industrial Organization (UNIDO)
1975 as an autonomous body within the United Nations.
The General Assembly, in resolution 3362 (S-VII), Its mission is to promote and accelerate the
endorses the recommendation that UNIDO be industrialization of developing countries
converted into a specialized agency.
1985 The UN conference on the “Establishment of UNIDO
Following a series of consultations between Member as a specialized agency,” at its second session in
States that have ratified, accepted or approved the Vienna, Austria, adopts the new Constitution.
Constitution of UNIDO, the Constitution enters into
force on 21 June.
Member States approve a restructuring of UNIDO,
1997 with an emphasis on services geared to private
Member States adopt a Business Plan for the sector development.
Future Role and Functions of UNIDO to enable the
organization to better respond to the changing
global economic environment.
UNIDO’s reform is hailed as a resounding success by
Member States attending the Millennium Conference
at the UN Headquarters in New York. UNIDO’s efforts
2001 to increase the industrial competitiveness of its
UNIDO adjusts its programmes in light of the beneficiary countries are also applauded.
United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
UNIDO adopts a new corporate strategy based
on the premise that productivity enhancement,
2013 driven by improved skills, increased knowledge
The General Conference, at its second special and upgraded technology, plays a crucial role in
session in June, elects LI Yong (People’s Republic of promoting faster growth.
China) as UNIDO’s Director General.
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Continuing the positive trend of recent
years, the volume of net funds made
USD 187.4 million >>> +18%
available for UNIDO technical cooperation
programmes reached USD 187.4 million
in 2013, an increase of more than 18 per
cent over 2012.
UNIDO Secretariat
Director General (DG) Programme Development and Technical
The UNIDO Constitution stipulates that the Director Cooperation Division (PTC)
General is the chief administrative officer of UNIDO and The Division is primarily responsible for providing
is accountable to its policymaking organs – the General capacity-development support and technical
Conference, the Industrial Development Board and cooperation services to enhance the capabilities of
the Programme and Budget Committee. Subject to the developing countries and countries with economies
directives of these policymaking organs, the Director in transition to process their agriculture-based raw
General has the overall responsibility and authority materials, participate in international trade flows
to direct the work of the Organization. The Director for manufactured goods, increase investment and
General is appointed by the General Conference upon technology flows, and develop entrepreneurship, while
the recommendation of the Industrial Development also promoting environmentally sustainable production
Board for a period of four years. The current UNIDO techniques, developing renewable and rural energy
Director General is LI Yong (People’s Republic of China), for productive use, increasing energy efficiency, and
who was elected in June 2013. supporting the implementation of major multilateral
environmental agreements. In doing so, the Division
Deputy to the Director General develops, implements and monitors sectoral, cross-
The Deputy to the Director General is responsible for sectoral and thematic programmes and projects, and
providing substantive support to the Director General provides technical advisory and institutional and human
in both his strategic and day-to-day management capacity-building services.
of UNIDO. For the effective discharge of these
responsibilities, the Deputy to the Director General Programme Support and General
gives guidance to the various organizational entities Management Division (PSM)
comprising his Office, and coordinates and consolidates The Division formulates policies and procedures, and
their inputs into the formulation of actionable policy provides strategic guidance, direction and support
recommendations for the Director General. In addition, to all entities of the Secretariat, including the offices
the Deputy to the Director General manages and away from Headquarters, in the five broad areas of
coordinates the Organization’s external relations with human resources, finance and budgets, information
its Member States and other stakeholders and partners and communication management, business and
in the United Nations system, the broader development systems support management, operational support
community, civil society and academia. Concurrently, (procurement of goods, works and services, assets
the Deputy to the Director General supervises management and related IPSAS standards, travel,
the Industrial Policy, External Relations and Field transportation, shipments, etc.), and management of
Representation Division and its various the common services entrusted to UNIDO (buildings
organizational entities. management services and catering operations) on
behalf of the Vienna-based Organizations (VBOs).
Through these services, the Division provides
efficient and effective support for the Organization’s
UNIDO employs around 700 staff operational and programmatic activities within an
members at Headquarters and other appropriate framework of decentralization of authority,
established offices around the world, accountability and oversight.
and annually draws on the services of
some 2,500 international and national
experts who work on projects worldwide.
Approximately 60 per cent of the
international and national experts are
from developing countries.
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
Policymaking Organs
UNIDO has two policymaking organs: the General The Industrial Development Board (IDB) has 53
Conference and the Industrial Development Board. The members, elected for a four-year term on a rotational
Programme and Budget Committee is a subsidiary organ basis. It reviews the implementation of the work
of the Industrial Development Board. programme, and the regular and operational budgets,
and makes recommendations to the Conference on
The General Conference (GC) determines the guiding policy matters, including the appointment of the
principles and policies of the Organization and Director-General. The Board meets once a year.
approves the budget and work programme. Every four
years, the Conference appoints the Director General. It The Programme and Budget Committee (PBC) consists
also elects the members of the Industrial Development of 27 members, elected for a two-year term. It is a
Board and of the Programme and Budget Committee. subsidiary organ of the Board and provides assistance
The Conference meets every two years. in the preparation and examination of the work
programme, the budget and other financial matters.
The Committee meets once a year.
Funding from governmental sources, be it in the context The largest contributor in 2013 was Japan, with net
of North-South or South-South cooperation, remained at approvals (excluding support costs) in project budgets
the high level of recent years with USD 98 million. of USD 16.7 million, followed by the European Union
with USD 13.9 million. Additional net contributions
above USD 1 million were received from Switzerland
(USD 11.5 million), Egypt (USD 7.5 million), Nigeria (USD
6.8 million), Sweden (USD 4.7 million), Norway (USD
4.3 million), Italy (USD 3.4 million), Canada (USD 2.5
million), China (USD 2.2 million) Germany (USD 2.2
million), Austria (USD 2 million), the Russian Federation
(USD 1.8 million), France (USD 1.5 million), Republic of
Korea (USD 1.1 million) and Zambia (USD 1.1 million).
.4 m
.2 m
.8 m
.1 m
y US
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ic o
Organizational structure
Office of the Special Adviser - ODG/OSA Office of Internal Oversight Services - ODG/IOS
Office of Legal Affairs - ODG/LEG Focal Point for Ethics and Accountability - ODG/FEA
June 2014
169 Member States of UNIDO1
Afghanistan Denmark Libya Serbia
Albania Djibouti Luxembourg Seychelles
Algeria Dominica Madagascar Sierra Leone
Angola Dominican Republic Malawi Slovakia
Argentina Ecuador Malaysia Slovenia
Armenia Egypt Maldives Somalia
Austria El Salvador Mali South Africa
Azerbaijan Equatorial Guinea Malta Spain
Bahamas Eritrea Mauritania Sri Lanka
Bahrain Ethiopia Mauritius Sudan
Bangladesh Fiji Mexico Suriname
Barbados Finland Monaco Swaziland
Belarus Gabon Mongolia Sweden
Belgium Gambia Montenegro Switzerland
Belize Georgia Morocco Syrian Arab Republic
Benin Germany Mozambique Tajikistan
Bhutan Ghana Myanmar Thailand
Bolivia (Plurinational Greece Namibia The former Yugoslav
State of) Grenada Nepal Republic of
Bosnia and Guatemala Netherlands Macedonia
Herzegovina Guinea Nicaragua Timor-Leste
Botswana Guinea-Bissau Niger Togo
Brazil Guyana Nigeria Tonga
Bulgaria Haiti Norway Trinidad and Tobago
Burkina Faso Honduras Oman Tunisia
Burundi Hungary Pakistan Turkey
Cambodia India Panama Turkmenistan
Cameroon Indonesia Papua New Guinea Tuvalu
Cabo Verde Iran (Islamic Paraguay Uganda
Central African Republic of) Peru Ukraine
Republic Iraq Philippines United Arab Emirates
Chad Ireland Poland United Republic
Chile Israel Qatar of Tanzania
China Italy Republic of Korea Uruguay
Colombia Jamaica Republic of Moldova Uzbekistan
Comoros Japan Romania Vanuatu
Congo Jordan Russian Federation Venezuela (Bolivarian
Costa Rica Kazakhstan Rwanda Republic of)
Côte d’Ivoire Kenya Saint Kitts and Nevis Viet Nam
Croatia Kuwait Saint Lucia Yemen
Cuba Kyrgyzstan Saint Vincent and Zambia
Cyprus Lao People’s the Grenadines Zimbabwe
Czech Republic Democratic Samoa
Democratic People’s Republic Sao Tome and
Republic of Korea Lebanon Principe
Democratic Republic Lesotho Saudi Arabia
of the Congo Liberia Senegal
1 As at 1 January 2015
This document has been produced without formal United Nations
editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the
material in this document do not imply the expression of any
opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United
Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning
the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its
authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or
boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development.
Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and
“developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do
not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a
particular country or area in the development process. Mention
of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an
endorsement by UNIDO. The selection of projects to illustrate
UNIDO’s engagement aims at demonstrating their geographic and
thematic variety and scope and is not endorsed by UNIDO.