List of Readings - For UD1

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Books Name Author

Urban space and public space Carmona

A pattern language Alexander C
A conscience townscape Cullen Gordon
Graphics for urban Design Meeda &
Responsive environment Bently

Urban Design reader Mc Donald

City Assembled: The elements of urban form through History Spiro Kostof
The City shaped Spiro Kostof
Human Aspects of Urban form Amos Rapoport

An introdcution to urban design Jonnathan

Urban Design : composition for complexities Kasplisin
Great Street Jacob Allan
What time is this place? Kevin Lynch
Delirious New York Rem Khoolhaas
Learning from Las Vegas Rem Khoolhaas
Complexity and contradicion in architecture Robert Venturi
Elusive City: 5 century Jonnathan
Urban Design and Public Policy Jonnathan
Good City Form Kevin Lynch
Collage City Collin Rowe
and Fred
Architecture of the City Aldo Rossi
Spitial Typologies Robert Krier
and Leon Krier
Archigram Peter Cook
A new theory of Urban Design Alexander C
SMLXL Rem Khoolhaas
The New Urban Crisis: How Our Cities Are Increasing Inequality, Deepening Richard Florida
Segregation, and Failing the Middle Class—and What We Can Do About It
New Essay on inclusive housing Subrata

Idea of India Sunil Khilani

India After Gandhi Ramchandra
Shape of the beast Arundhati roy
An Integral urbanism Elin Nan
Argumentative Indian Amarth Sen
Representing Calcutta: Modernity, Nationalism, and the Colonial Uncanny Swati
Making Lahore Modern: Constructing and Imagining a Colonial City William Glover
Indian Elites and the Making of British Bombay Preeti Chopra
City Requiem, Calcutta: Gender and the Politics of Poverty Ananya Roy
Indigenous Modernities: Negotiating Architecture and Urbanism Jyoti
Colonial urban development Anthony King
The promise of the metropolis : Banglore's Twentieth Century Janki Nair
India's Middle Class Brosius
Entangled Urbanism Shrivastava

Design with Nature Ian Mcharg

Site Planning Kevin Lynch
Indian Cities Ecological perspective Tiwari

Unlearning the city Swati

Transportation engineering L.R. Kadiyali
Transportation planning and engineering CS Papacostas

7 lamps of architecture John Ruskin

Image of a City Kevin Lynch
Death & Life of American Cities Jane Jacob
Urban design as public policy Jonnathan

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