PSJ - Volume 8 - Issue 1 - Pages 13-23
PSJ - Volume 8 - Issue 1 - Pages 13-23
PSJ - Volume 8 - Issue 1 - Pages 13-23
Article type: Nurses play a vital role in the maintenance and promotion of patient safety, as well as
Original article medication administration in hospitals. In one small state government-owned hospital
in South Jakarta, medication errors were the most reported type of patient safety
incidents accounting for 52.5% of incidents which occurred within 2016 to September
Article History:
2018. Nonetheless, only a small percentage (9.25%) of those reports was presented by
Received: 29-Sep-2019
nurses. The present study aimed to determine the factors associated with medication
Accepted: 17-Feb-2020
administration error (MAE) reporting among nurses.
Materials and Methods:
Key words: A cross-sectional study, followed by qualitative research, was conducted at a state
Incident reporting, government-owned hospital in Jakarta Indonesia within November 2018-April 2019.
Medication administration Total sampling was used to obtain the 44 clinical nurses included in the quantitative
error, Nurse. study. The qualitative study used focus group discussion and in-depth interviews of
selected informants.
Consequences of reporting was found to be correlated with MAE reporting among
nurses (P=0.013). There was no statistically significant organizational factor or socio-
demographic characteristic associated with medication administration error reporting.
Through qualitative measures, the factors that most influenced and inhibited error
reporting included administrative response and the consequences of reporting.
Moreover, managers’ support, understanding and self- awareness of the importance of
reporting, and a non-blaming culture were recognized as the factors which support
error reporting.
As evidenced by the obtained results, medication administration error reporting is still
low. Reporting incidents can be improved by fostering a non-blaming safety culture.
Further studies are recommended to investigate the occurrence of medication errors,
as well as reported errors.
*Ccorresponding author:
Prihartono IP, et al MAE Reporting among Hospital Nurses
medication errors are responsible for at least unstructured interview with one of the
1 death per day and injure 1.3 million people nursing unit coordinators, many medication
each year in the United States (1,2). errors occurred; nonetheless, they remained
The Third WHO Global Patient Safety unreported. Many factors can contribute to
Challenge: Medication without Harm in 2017 low reporting of medication administration
aims to reduce medication-related harm by errors among nurses. According to Wakefield
50% in the next 5 years (2). As a member of et al., in order to report errors in drug
the WHO, Indonesia has sought to implement administration, nurses need to understand
and heightened the quality of patient safety in the definition of medication errors (6). The
healthcare centers. The patient safety contradictory available definitions often lead
movement in Indonesia led to the national to a difference of opinion resulting in
regulations and the development of National unreported incidents. Secondly, the
Hospital Accreditation Standards (Standar fear of being labeled as incompetent by peers
Nasional Akreditasi Rumah Sakit / SNARS). and legal actions taken by patients’ families
They indicated that all hospitals must make may discourage nurses from reporting errors.
efforts to prevent and reduce medication Thirdly, administrative responses can also
errors, and an effective measure which cause nurses to become reluctant to report
should be implemented in this regard is errors since the administration is more likely
reporting medication errors (3). to blame the individual than the system, apart
In the attempt to provide Universal Health from the absence of positive response to good
Coverage through launching the National work. Finally, the strenuous and time-
Healthcare Insurance (Jaminan Kesehatan consuming efforts of reporting tend to hinder
Nasional / JKN) in January 2014, there has reporting among nurses (6).
been an accelerated development of new Other studies suggested other factors related
hospitals, particularly in the capital city of to error reporting, including consequences of
Jakarta. A total of 25 small, sub-district based reporting, fear, practical barriers, lack of
state government-owned hospitals were set feedback, lack of knowledge, teamwork, open
up within 2015-2018, including the sub- communication, administrative response
district general hospital included in the without punishment, and perception in the
present study. importance of reporting (7-13).
As one of the first sub-district general Since nurses play a key role in the medication
hospitals launched in 2015, this hospital has administration process, there is great
implemented the patient safety reporting potential regarding medication error
system since 2016. Within 2016-September reporting among nurses. Therefore, it is
2018, only 35 patient-safety incidents were necessary to understand the factors that
reported the majority of which were influence medication administration error
medication errors (52.55%). Most of the (MAE) reporting among nurses in an effort to
reported medication errors were dispensing foster patient safety culture and reduce the
errors (57.14%) and prescribing errors risk of patient injury due to medication
(23.8%). Transcribing errors and errors.
administration errors were the fewest to be
Materials and Methods
reported, each accounting for approximately
9.53% of total medication errors. We conducted a cross-sectional study in a
In addition, the least of medication errors small 38-bed, state government-owned
were reported by nurses (9.52%), in hospital in South Jakarta within November
comparison to pharmacy staff (42.86%), 2018-April 2019. The study population was
doctors (28.57%), and midwives (14.29%). selected by total sampling. The inclusion
The small number of medication errors criteria entailed clinical nurses working in
reported by nurses, especially medication the inpatient units, high care unit (HCU),
administration errors, cast doubt on the emergency department, and operating
existence of such events. According to room, nurses with medication
previous studies, the drug administration is a administration duties. On the other hand, the
very vulnerable stage where many errors can exclusion criteria included clinical nurses
be observed (4,5). According to an working in those units that were on leave.
Since no clinical nurses met the exclusion 80% MAE reported and good: 80% or greater
criteria, the sample reached a total number MAE reported).
of 44 nurses that were obtained for the We examined the relationship of MAE
quantitative study. In the present study, the reporting with organization factors and
dependent variable was MAE reporting respondents’ characteristics.The qualitative
defined as an estimate of the percentage of study was conducted following the data
medication administration errors reported collection of the quantitative study. The
by nurses while working in the hospital methods used in the qualitative study
where the study was conducted. It could be in included document review, focus group
the form of near-miss, non-injury events, or discussion, and in-depth interview.
adverse events. The independent variables Document review was carried out for the
included 11 organizational factors, including optionally answered question posed at the
knowledge (regarding patient safety and end of the questionnaire asking respondents
incident classification), hospital policy, to make comments or recommendations for
reporting process, managers’ support, the improvement of MAE reporting in the
organizational learning, teamwork, open hospital. Focus group discussion (FGD) was
communication, error feedback, conducted with nine clinical nurses selected
administrative responses, the consequence of by random sampling to discuss and clarify the
reporting, and incident characteristics. The results obtained by the questionnaire. At the
respondents’ characteristics which were same time, in-depth interviews were
collected included age, gender, education, conducted to further clarify and obtain the
years of work, employment status, training, perspectives of the managerial team by
and experience with medication errors as interviewing five informants selected by
factors that might be associated with MAE. purposive sampling. They included the head
The research instrument in the quantitative of the inpatient unit, chair of the nursing
study included a questionnaire adapted from committee, chair of the quality, and patient
the Medication Administration Error safety committee, head of nursing and
Reporting Survey developed by Wakefield, a medical support, and hospital director.
questionnaire by Jember et al., and AHRQ Validation of qualitative data was conducted
(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) by triangulating sources and methods. Ethical
ospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture review was carried out at the Faculty of Public
(6,14,15). The questionnaire consisted of 35 Health University of Indonesia, and the
questions divided into 13 variable-based research permit was acquired from Jakarta
sections: characteristics of respondents, Provincial Government Health Office.
knowledge, hospital regulations, reporting
process, manager’s support, organizational
learning, teamwork, open communication, Out of 44 respondents, more than half of
error feedback, administrative response, cases (59.09%) were male with an average
consequences of reporting, incident age of 27 years. The majority had a vocational
characteristics, and MAE reporting. Each education (83.36%) with a mean work year of
independent variable was represented by 2- 6 years or a median of 5 years. Most of the
4 multiple choice Likert scale questions or respondents (61.36%) had patient safety
yes-no questions. training, and the majority (77.27%) never
The dependent variable (MAE reporting) experienced medication errors. Respondents
was represented by an open-ended question were mostly from the inpatient units
where the answer was given in a number accounting for 40.91% of cases (22.73%
percentage form. The questionnaire had pediatric inpatient unit and 18.18% adult
been validated by 30 study participants in a inpatient unit), followed by the emergency
similar hospital setting. The proportions and department: 22.73%, operating room:
mean values of the factors were used to 15.91%, perinatology unit: 11.36%,
describe the characteristics of the study and High Care Unit(HCU): 9.09%.
participants. The median value of MAE was
used to determine the cut-off point categories
of MAE for poor and good (poor: less than
Table 2 demonstrates that MAE reporting 0.01-90.22), poor regulation (OR 1.40; 95%
were higher in men (OR 1.70; 95% CI 0.43- CI 0.30-6.83), good reporting process (OR
6.80), age > 27 years (OR 1.43; 95% CI 0.37- 0.67; 95% CI 0.12-3.44), good organizational
5.52), vocational education (OR 0.40; 95% CI learning (OR 1.18; 95% CI 0.31-4.55), good
0.03-3.29), work experience > 5 years (OR teamwork (OR 1.43; 95% CI 0.37-5.52), good
1.74; 95% CI 0.40-7.71), non-civil servant open communication (OR 0.85; 95% CI 0.14-
employee status (OR 1,10; 95% CI 0.01- 4.71), good error feedback (OR 2.32; 95% CI
90.22), no training on patient safety (OR 0.96; 0 11-142.71), and good administrative
95% CI 0.24-3.81), and with medication error response (OR 1.57; 95% CI 0.23-12.12)
experience (OR 1.5; 95% CI 0.29-8.53). MEA (Table 2). The percentage of MAE reporting
reporting was reported as > 80% in HCU was also higher in the groups with good
(75%), followed by operating room managers’ support, good consequences of
(71.43%), perinatology and emergency reporting, and good incident characteristics.
department (each 60%), and unit in-house However, the odds ratio was not able to be
patient unit (33.33%). Nevertheless, no calculated due to a limited number of
variables were found to be significant respondents. The consequence of reporting
(P<0.05) in relation to MAE reporting. The was only statistically significant (P=0.013);
percentage of reported MAE was higher in the nonetheless, the degree of association could
group with good knowledge (OR 1.10; 95% CI not be determined.
Bachelor and
4 19.05 2 8.70
Education 0.40 0.318 0.03-3.29
Vocational 17 80.95 21 91.30
20 95.24 22 95.65
Employee Servant
1.1 0.947 0.01-90.22
Civil Servant 1 4.75 1 4.55
High care
1 25.00 3 75.00
Work Unit - 0.428 -
Perinatology 2 40.00 3 60.00
4 40.00 6 60.00
2 28.57 5 71.43
In the qualitative study, the influential that nurse was not a punitive act, rather they
variables included administrative response, asserted that the nurse was a new employee
consequences of reporting, error feedback, whose job unit was yet to be determined.
and managers’ support. Regarding The perception of administrative response
administrative response, nurse practitioners was linked to the consequences of reporting
claimed that “there is still blaming culture in which was obtained from both open-ended
the hospital”. In this regard, in focus-group question of the questionnaire and FGD. The
discussions, the informants pointed to informants expressed that they did not
punitive responses and mentioned the case report incidents for fear of being blamed,
of a nurse who was relocated to another unit judged poorly, transferred/ relocated to
since she had reported the administration of another work unit, considered tattletale by
wrong medicines. Nevertheless, through in- coworkers, and the effect of errors on their
depth interviews with managers, the work salary. Both administrative responses
informants rejected the presence of blaming and consequences of reporting were
culture. They added that the relocation of assessed as inhibiting factors. In FGD, the