Reporting Authorizations in SAP BW
Reporting Authorizations in SAP BW
Reporting Authorizations in SAP BW
2. Create roles.
Go to RSA1 select info object target and go to business Explorer and check the box
for authorization relevant
Use transaction RSECADMIN
1. 0TCAACTVT: This characteristic handles the general activity like create, change, display etc.
2. 0TCAVALID: This characteristic handles the authorization for Info Provider by default it gives
access to all the Info Providers i.e. full access. We can restrict authorizations for particular Info
Providers using this characteristic.
3. 0TCAVALID: This characteristic handles the validity of an authorization. Always valid (*) is
set as the default for validity. You can restrict this validity. You can also specify a single value or
an interval.
Insert new row and add the dimension and give a value
Select user tab
Select Role maintenance
Give the role name and select either single role or composite role (in my case I selected
single role)
Select Authorization Tab
Add the authorization created to S_RS_AUTH
Generate then Save
Go to the analysis tab -> select execute as -> give the user (EX – RETUSER1) -> select with
Select start transaction -> select the authorization query -> execute
Then run as the user to which role was assign then run the query