Project 1: Solution: What Is An Ecommerce Platform?
Project 1: Solution: What Is An Ecommerce Platform?
Project 1: Solution: What Is An Ecommerce Platform?
Choose two e-commerce software packages and prepare an evaluation chart that rates
the packages on the key factors discussed in the section “Choosing an E-commerce
Software Platform.” Which package would you choose if you were developing a website
of the type described in this chapter, and why? Choose one of the open source web
content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal or another of your
own choosing and prepare an evaluation chart similar to that required by Project 4.
Which system would you choose and why?
Building one from scratch, which is out of the question for most businesses — and
only justifiable for multimillion (or multi billion) dollar companies.
Using a plugin, which isn’t an option if you’re looking to build and grow a legitimate
business – even a small one.
In addition to scalability and protection of your data, ecommerce platforms, whether hosted
on-premise or in the cloud, offer a handful of operational benefits and business tools.
These include:
Advantages Disadvantages
Number one for sales features Poor for international scalability –
relies on third party apps for
multi-currency support.
Advantages Disadvantages
Has the most built-in features of Complex terminology makes it
any ecommerce platform. unsuitable for beginners.
Themes 5,000 2,500
Plugins 53,112 39,000
Ease to use Technical knowledge not Simple user interface, more
necessary, UI minimal technical language.
Upgrades/Customization Update alerts, updates Updates manuals,
installed with one click, customizing only through
customization of files in new plugins or offline
WordPress Advantages
Ease of getting help – WordPress’ massive global community means that it’s easy to
find support for any issues that you run into.
Lower development costs – WordPress offers more “out of the box” solutions and
WordPress developers are usually more affordable than Drupal developers.
Drupal Advantages
Custom content types and views – while WordPress does offer custom
post types, most people consider Drupal’s custom content types to be a bit more
Access controls/user permissions – whereas WordPress single-site ships
with 5 basic user roles, Drupal has a built-in access control system where you
can create new roles with individual permissions.
In addition, when it comes to upgrading your website, WordPress works out much
cheaper. As a rule, rebuilding on WordPress costs around half the amount as on
However, if you are working for a client with specific design requests and complex
technical requirements then Drupal is the better option