MGT603 - Solved - MID Term Paper - 02
MGT603 - Solved - MID Term Paper - 02
MGT603 - Solved - MID Term Paper - 02
► Controlling
When an organization has neither the capital nor human talent needed to
successfully manage an expanded organization
► When competitors are succeeding due to managerial expertise or having
particular resources
Research and Development
The fifth major area of internal operations that should be examined for
specific strengths and weaknesses is research and development (R&D). Many
firms today conduct no R&D, and yet many other companies depend on
successful R&D activities for survival. Firms pursuing a product development
strategy especially need to have a strong R&D orientation.
The purpose of research and development are as follows:
Development of new products before competition
Improving product quality
Improving manufacturing processes to reduce costs
A successful cost leadership strategy usually permeates the entire firm, as
evidenced by high efficiency, low overhead, limited perks, intolerance of
waste, intensive screening of budget requests, wide spans of control, rewards
linked to cost containment, and broad employee participation in cost control
Some risks of pursuing cost leadership are that competitors may imitate the
strategy, thus driving overall industry profits down; technological
breakthroughs in the industry may make the strategy ineffective; or buyer
interest may swing to other differentiating features besides price. Several
example firms that are well known for their low-cost leadership strategies are
Wal-Mart, BIC, McDonald's, Black and Decker, Lincoln Electric, and Briggs and