Report of Two Cases Using Vital Tooth Bleaching On Fluorosed Teeth
Report of Two Cases Using Vital Tooth Bleaching On Fluorosed Teeth
Report of Two Cases Using Vital Tooth Bleaching On Fluorosed Teeth
Case Report
Report of Two Cases using Vital Tooth Bleaching on Fluorosed Teeth
Saha P, Sawhny A, Paul S, Raina A
Abstract: Discoloration of tooth is a common esthetic problem caused by either intrinsic or
extrinsic factor. The normal color of such a tooth can be restored by decolorizing the stain with a
powerful oxidizing agent such as 35% hydrogen peroxide which is directly placed on the labial
surfaces of the tooth to be treated. The bleaching agent is commercially available in the form of a
gel. This process involves the application of light to activate the bleaching agent. Effective results
were obtained when the process of bleaching was correctively performed on the patient. In
today’s world of immediate gratification, in-office bleaching is one of the most requested
procedures in many dental offices, a great way to get a fast and immediate change in the color of
their teeth. This article throws a light on how we have achieved normal tooth colour by using 35%
Hydrogen peroxide in the following case series.
Key words: Bleaching agents; Dental; Dentin desensitizing agents; Fluorosis; Hydrogen peroxide.
ISSN no:2394-417X Saha et al,(2017)
Rama Univ J Dent Sci 2017 Mar;4(1):47-50. Fluorosis and vital tooth bleaching
ISSN no:2394-417X Saha et al,(2017)
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How to cite this article: Saha P, Sawhny A, Paul S, Raina A. Report of Two Cases using Vital Tooth Bleaching on
Fluorosed Teeth. Rama Univ J Dent Sci 2017 Mar;4(1):47-50.