Your Travel Protect360 Policy
Your Travel Protect360 Policy
Your Travel Protect360 Policy
Here is Your Travel Protect360 Policy. Please examine this insurance (d) at the time You submitted Your application for this insurance,
Policy, to ensure that You understand the terms and conditions and none of You have already left Singapore on any Trip meant to be
that the cover You require is being provided. It is important that the
documents and any amendments are read together to avoid (e) covered by this insurance; and
(f) any Child(ren) must be accompanied by a parent, who is an
We recommend that You bring the Certificate of Insurance during Your Insured Person during the Trip; and
travel. It has the contact number of Our appointed assistance company `
when You require assistance during Your Trip. (g) if any of You had ever been refused cover or imposed special terms
by any insurer for travel insurance, You must declare at the point
If You have any questions after reading these documents, please of application and be accepted by Us, otherwise the cover
contact Your insurance adviser or Us. hereunder will be void.
HOW YOUR INSURANCE POLICY OPERATES “Accident” means a specific event, which is sudden, unforeseen and
unexpected and gives rise to a result, which is not intended or
This policy, the Certificate of Insurance and any Endorsement or anticipated.
Memoranda thereon shall be considered one document (all of which
are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Policy”) and any word or “Adult” means a person aged (at last birthday) eighteen (18) years
expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any of and above at the date of commencement of this insurance.
them shall bear such meaning throughout.
“Annual Multi-Trip Policy” means a Policy issued for the selected
Whereas: Travel Insurance Plan where You can make an unlimited number of
Trips to the selected Area of Travel during the Period of Insurance but
1) Insured Person(s) by an application form or statements made to each Trip not exceeding ninety (90) consecutive days.
Us, including a declaration made to Us, which shall be the basis of
and shall form part of this Policy, has applied for insurance; and “Benefit Limit” means the Maximum Benefit Payable as stated in the
Coverage Outline of the Certificate of Insurance.
2) HL Assurance Pte. Ltd. (“the Company”) has agreed to provide
such insurance. “Bodily Injury” means physical bodily injury to You occurring during
the Trip caused solely and directly by an Accident and not by sickness,
We agree only on the basis of the Terms and Conditions contained in disease or gradual physical or mental wear and tear.
this Policy to provide insurance cover to You for those risks insured
against to the extent and in the manner stated in this Policy and subject “Child(ren)” means Your unemployed and unmarried dependent
to payment of the relevant premium. child(ren), including step or legally adopted child(ren), above three (3)
months old but below eighteen (18) years or up to twenty-five (25)
years of age, if studying full time in a recognized institution of higher
IMPORTANT NOTICE learning at the commencement of this insurance. Age is calculated as
at last birthday.
The insurance cover provided under this Policy is based on the
information You have provided to Us. Please be reminded that You “Common Carrier” means any bus, taxi, ferry, ship, train or tram
must fully and faithfully declare to Us the facts that You know or ought provided and operated by a carrier duly licensed for the regular
to know, otherwise no benefit may be received from the Policy. transportation of fare-paying passengers and any aircraft provided
and operated by an airline or an air charter company which is duly
licensed for the regular transportation of fare-paying passengers, and
IMPORTANT CONDITIONS any regularly scheduled airport limousine, airport transit system
(Conditions to be satisfied for this insurance to operate) operating on fixed routes and schedules.
The insurance operates only if all of the following conditions are “Curtailment” means abandonment by You of a Trip by returning to
satisfied: Singapore after arrival at the booked destination before the scheduled
return date set out in the Policy Schedule.
(a) the Trip is a round Trip commencing from and returning to
Singapore, each Trip not exceeding one hundred and eighty-two “Home” means Your permanent place of residence in Singapore.
(182) consecutive days except where an Annual Multi-Trip Policy
has been taken out in which case each Trip shall not exceed “Home Contents” means any household effects, appliances,
ninety (90) consecutive days; decorations, furniture, fixtures and fittings and any personal
belongings including jewelry and money owned by You and
(b) You are in good health and are not travelling contrary to the contained in the premises of Your Home in Singapore.
advice of any Registered Medical Practitioner or for the purpose
of obtaining medical treatment; “Hospital” means an institution lawfully operated for the care and
treatment of injured or sick persons with organized facilities for
(c) at the time of arranging the Trip and/or effecting this insurance diagnosis and surgery, having twenty-four (24) hours per day nursing
You are not aware of any circumstance which are likely to lead to services by legally qualified registered nurses and medical
cancellation or Curtailment of the Trip; supervision under Registered Medical Practitioners, but not including
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any institution used primarily as a clinic, a nursing or convalescent diagnosis, consultation or prescribed drugs within twelve (12) months
home, a place of rest, a geriatric care facility, a mental institution, a preceding the date of commencement of this Policy.
rehabilitation or extended care facility, or a place for the care or
treatments of alcoholics or drug addicts. “Registered Medical Practitioner” means a person qualified by
degree in western medicine and duly licensed or registered with the
“Immediate Family Member” means Your legal spouse, biological relevant medical board or council to practice medicine and surgery in
Child, legally adopted Child, parent, parent-in-law or sibling. the geographical area of his practice, and who in rendering such
services is practicing within the scope of his licensing and training. The
“Insured Person, You, Your” means the person or persons attending Registered Medical Practitioner shall not be an Insured
described as such including Child(ren) in the Certificate of Insurance, Person, an employee of the Insured Person, the spouse or relative of
ordinarily residing in Singapore for whom the insurance is arranged. the Insured Person.
“Insolvency” means the inability of an individual or entity to pay its “Serious Bodily Injury or Serious Sickness” when applied to You,
debts when they are due and is deemed to occur, in the case of an means Bodily Injury or Sickness as a result of which You require
individual, upon bankruptcy petition being presented against him and treatment by a Registered Medical Practitioner and that results in You
in the case of an entity, upon resolution for winding up being passed or being certified by the Registered Medical Practitioner as being unfit to
a winding up petition being presented against it. continue with the Trip. When applied to Your Travel Companion or
Immediate Family Member, it means Injury or Sickness that is certified
“Loss of one Eye” means the complete and irrecoverable and as being life threatening by a Registered Medical Practitioner and
irremediable loss of sight in one eye. which results in cancellation of the scheduled Trip.
“Loss of one Limb” means loss by physical severance of a hand at “Sickness” means any sudden and unexpected deterioration of Your
or above the wrist or of a foot at or above the ankle, or permanent and physical health due to a medical condition contracted, commencing or
total loss of use of a hand or foot. manifesting during the Trip outside Singapore, which requires the
treatment by a Registered Medical Practitioner provided the Sickness
“Major Burns” means Third Degree Burns (destruction of the skin to is not a Pre-Existing Medical Condition and the nature of the Sickness
its full depth and damage to the tissues beneath) with burnt areas is not excluded from this Policy.
equal to or greater than twenty percent (20%) of Your total body
surface area or five percent (5%) of the surface area of Your head, “Single Return Trip” means a Policy issued for the selected Travel
provided that the assessment of the burns is certified by a Registered Insurance Plan where You can make a single Trip to the selected Area
Medical Practitioner with medical reports and full diagnosis. of Travel during the Period of Insurance but each Trip not exceeding
one hundred and eighty-two (182) consecutive days.
“Medical Expenses” means the charges for diagnostic test or
procedure, medical treatment, surgical operation, nursing care, “Theft, Burglary or Robbery” means dishonestly and illegally taken
medical supplies, dental treatment (as a result of Bodily Injury only), from You against Your Will, whether by stealth, by force or threat of
medicine, physiotherapy or ambulance services received in a Hospital force or by coercion.
or rendered or recommended or prescribed by a Registered Medical
Practitioner. All treatment including specialist treatment must be “Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioner” means a person
prescribed or referred by a Medical Practitioner in order for expenses qualified by a medical degree/certification (including herbalist,
to be reimbursed under this Policy, which reimbursement will not acupuncturist or bonesetter) and duly licensed or registered with the
exceed the usual level of charges for similar treatment, medical relevant medical board or council to practice Traditional Chinese
services or supplies in the location where the expenses were incurred Medicine in the geographical area of his practice, and who in rendering
had this insurance not existed. such services is practicing within the scope of his licensing and training.
The attending Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioner shall not be an
“Money” means cash, bank notes and coins, cheques, traveler’s Insured Person, an employee of the Insured Person, the spouse or
cheques or money orders. relative of the Insured Person.
“Period of Insurance” means the period during which the coverage “Travel Alert” means the communication, announcement and/or
under the Policy is effective, as stated in the Certificate of Insurance. advisory issued by any authority recommending postponement of all
non-essential travel such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
Under Section 18 and Section 21, it means the period commencing and/or Ministry of Health (MOH).
on the Issue Date of the Certificate of Insurance or thirty (30) days
before the date of commencement of the scheduled Trip, whichever is “Travel Companion” means an accompanying person without whom
later. the Trip cannot commence or continue but excluding a tour leader or
group leader who is receiving remuneration in monetary form or in kind.
“Permanent Total Disablement” means disablement that solely
directly and totally renders You unable to engage in any occupation “Trip” means a Trip undertaken by You during the Period of Insurance
for the remainder of Your life as determined in writing by way of a beginning at the time You leave Singapore for the purpose of
medical report issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner, such commencing the travel abroad and after Your return to Singapore or
medical report to be issued only after You were unfit to work for a on the expiry date of the Period of Insurance shown in the Certificate
period of twelve (12) continuous months from the date of the Bodily of Insurance, whichever is the earlier, under a Single Return Trip Policy
Injury as proven by medical certificates to that effect. or an Annual Multi-Trip Policy.
“Personal Documents” means passport, visa, identity card, driving “We, Our, Us or Company” refers to HL Assurance Pte. Ltd.
license or like documents of identity, credit card, travelling pass or
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We will pay You up to the Benefit Limit, for the necessary Medical
Area 1: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, East & West Malaysia, Expenses for medical treatment received when You return to
Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam (ASEAN) Singapore for:
Area 2: Australia, China (Excluding Inner Mongolia and Tibet), Hong a) follow-up treatment within thirty (30) days after Your return from
Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Macau, New Zealand, Sri Lanka,
the Trip, and such expenses that are incurred for the treatment
Taiwan and including countries in Area 1
of Bodily Injury or Sickness which occurred outside Singapore
Area 3: Worldwide including countries in Area 1 and 2 during the Trip within the Period of Insurance;
(excluding Afghanistan, Cuba, Democratic Republic of
Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Sudan and Syria) b) treatment within three (3) days after Your return from the Trip
where initial treatment for Bodily Injury or Sickness was not
sought overseas, up to a maximum of thirty (30) days from the
POLICY COVERAGE date of first treatment in Singapore, subject to a limit of up to
$100 per visit.
MEDICAL AND OTHER EXPENSES If Traditional Chinese Medical treatment is sought by You, We will pay
for treatment by the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner of up
to $100 per visit up to a maximum of $500 per Trip.
We will pay You up to the Benefit Limit, for the: For treatment incurred for physiotherapy, We will pay up to a
maximum of $500 per Trip.
a) necessary Medical Expenses EXCLUSIONS APPLICABLE TO SECTION 2
b) additional accommodation expenses, if it is necessary for You to No benefit will be payable under Section 2 for:
stay beyond the intended return date as certified in writing by a
1. Cosmetic or plastic surgery other than that necessitated to
Registered Medical Practitioner correct a condition resulting solely from Bodily Injury occurring
during the Trip and within the Period of Insurance.
c) additional travelling expenses incurred in returning Home if the
return ticket cannot be used 2. The additional cost of single or private room accommodation at
a Hospital.
incurred whilst You are outside of Singapore, from the date of the
incident giving rise to the claim, as a direct result of Bodily Injury or 3. Dental care other than that necessitated by accidental injuries to
Sickness sustained by You during the Period of Insurance. sound natural teeth occurring during the Trip and within the
Period of Insurance.
If Traditional Chinese Medical treatment is sought by You, We will pay
for treatment by the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner of up 4. Any elective treatment, aromatherapy, tonic medication,
to $100 per visit up to a maximum of $500 per Trip. services provided by a health spa, massage parlour,
convalescent or nursing home or any rehabilitation centre.
No benefit will be payable under Section 1 for: 5. The cost of prosthetic devices or visual or hearing aids.
5. Dental care other than that necessitated by accidental injuries to SECTION 4- REPATRIATION OF MORTAL REMAINS
sound natural teeth occurring during the Trip and within the Period
of Insurance. In the event of Your death due to Bodily Injury or Sickness sustained
whilst travelling out of Singapore, Our appointed assistance company
6. Any elective treatment, aromatherapy, tonic medication, services will arrange for the transportation of the return of Your mortal remains
provided by a health spa, massage parlor, convalescent or nursing to Singapore, and We shall pay such expenses incurred up to the
home or any rehabilitation centre. Benefit Limit.
7. The cost of prosthetic devices or visual or hearing aids. This Section is not applicable to Insured Person(s) who are above the
age of eighty-four (84) years old.
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No benefit will be payable under Section 4 for: In the event that You sustain Bodily Injury or Sickness whilst travelling
out of Singapore and is considered medically necessary by a
1. Expenses for a service not approved and arranged by Us or Our Registered Medical Practitioner that You be hospitalized in an
appointed assistance company except in the event that You or overseas Hospital to receive in-patient treatment, We will pay You
Your Travel Companions cannot notify Us or Our appointed $200 for each continuous 24 hour period, up to the Benefit Limit.
assistance company during an emergency medical situation for
reasons beyond Your control.
In the event that You sustain Bodily Injury or Sickness whilst travelling
SECTION 5- OVERSEAS FUNERAL EXPENSES out of Singapore and is considered medically necessary by a
In the event of Your death due to Bodily Injury or Sickness sustained Registered Medical Practitioner that You be hospitalized in Singapore
whilst travelling out of Singapore, We will pay the reasonable charges, immediately upon return to receive in-patient treatment, We will pay
up to the Benefit Limit, for the funeral ceremony held in the locality out You $200 for each continuous twenty-four (24) hour period, up to the
of Singapore where Your death occurred. Benefit Limit.
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EXCLUSIONS APPLICABLE TO SECTION 11 of loss and a local police report is obtained.
No benefit will be payable under Section 11:
10. Unattended properties unless kept inside a locked hotel room, or
1. If You are entitled to indemnity under any other insurance policy. in the care and custody of an airline, carrier or hotelier.
2. For persons under the age of eighteen (18) years. 11. Loss or damage to portable/laptop computers, portable personal
data processing/storage equipment, tablets, portable mobile
3. For interest accrued or financial charges or similar charges/fees. phones and communication equipment, and their accessories.
We shall pay up to the Benefit Limit for accidental loss or damage to No benefit will be payable under Section 14 for:
Your baggage or Personal Effects which You took along during the Trip
or purchased during the Trip, occurring during the Period of Insurance, 1. Loss or damage arising from delay, confiscation, detention,
provided that We shall not be liable for more than $500 in respect of requisition or destruction by Customs or other officials.
any one article or pair or set of articles.
2. Loss or damage to stamps, bonds, coupons, negotiable
We shall have the right to opt to make payment, reinstate or repair any instruments, title deeds, manuscripts, securities or documents of
damaged article subject to due allowance for wear and tear and any kind.
3. Losses unless reported to the local police, where the loss occurs,
PAIR AND SETS CLAUSE within twenty-four (24) hours of loss and a local police report is
Where any insured item consists of articles in a pair or set, this Section
will not pay more than the value of any particular part or parts which 4. Shortage due to error, omission, exchange or depreciation in
may be lost or damaged without reference to any special value which value; and
such article or articles may have as part of such pair or set, nor more
than a proportionate part of the value of the pair or set. 5. Travelers’ cheques.
6. Sports equipment, musical instruments, dentures or bridges for b) additional travelling and accommodation expenses necessarily
teeth. incurred by You outside Singapore for replacement of passport or
procurement of requisite documents of identity to continue the Trip
7. Normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration, or mechanical or or return to Singapore following accidental loss of passport or like
electrical breakdown or derangement. documents of identity during the Period of Insurance.
8. Loss or damage while in the custody of an airline or other carrier, EXCLUSIONS APPLICABLE TO SECTION 15
unless reported immediately on discovery and in the case of an No benefit will be payable under Section 15 for:
airline, a Property Irregularity Report obtained upon its discovery.
1. Loss or damage arising from delay, confiscation, detention,
9. Losses due to Theft, Burglary or Robbery unless reported to the requisition or destruction by Customs or other officials.
local police, where the loss occurs, within twenty-four (24) hours
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2. Loss or damage to stamps, bonds, coupons, negotiable (c) delay in departure of the Common Carrier in which You have
instruments, title deeds, manuscripts, securities or documents of arranged to travel on to commence the Trip for at least twenty-four
any kind. (24) hours from the time specified in the travel itinerary, due to
3. Normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration, or mechanical or strike or other industrial action, riot or civil commotion not
electrical breakdown or derangement. assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or
usurped power, hijack, adverse weather conditions, mechanical
4. Loss or damage while in the custody of an airline or other carrier, breakdown or derangement or structural defect of that Common
unless reported immediately on discovery and, in the case of an Carrier; or
airline, a Property Irregularity Report obtained upon its discovery.
(d) the issuance of Travel Alert for the planned destination.
5. Losses unless reported to the local police, where the loss occurs,
within twenty-four (24) hours of loss and a local police report is The effective date of the above cover shall commence after this Policy
obtained. has been purchased or within thirty (30) days before the date of
commencement of the scheduled Trip.
6. Unattended properties unless kept inside a locked hotel room, or
in the care and custody of an airline, carrier or hotelier. Once You cancel the Trip and a claim is made under Section 18, the
Policy will terminate immediately.
7. Unexplained and mysterious disappearance of Your Personal
Documents. N.B. This Policy will only pay for a claim made under either Sections
18, 21 or 25 for the same event but not for more than one of the
8. Loss or damage due to Your omission, negligence or carelessness. Sections.
(e) the issuance of Travel Alert for the planned destination. EXCLUSIONS APPLICABLE TO SECTION 20
No benefit will be payable under Section 20 for loss arising from:
Provided that if the original return ticket is not valid for the return, You
shall surrender any unused portion of the return ticket to Us. 1. Failure to check-in according to itinerary
EXCLUSIONS APPLICABLE TO SECTION 19 2. Failure to obtain written confirmation from the Common Carrier or
No benefit will be payable under Section 19 for loss arising from: the handling agents of the number of hours of delay and the
reason for such delay.
1. Government regulations or act, delay or amendment of the
booked itinerary, or failure in provision of any part of the booked 3. Strike or other industrial action, riot or civil commotion not
holiday (including error, omission or default) by the provider of any assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or
service forming part of the booked holiday as well as of the agent usurped power, hijack or adverse weather condition existing at the
or tour operator through whom the holiday was booked. time of application for this insurance.
2. Your disinclination to travel or Your financial circumstances. 4. Your late arrival at the airport or port after check-in or booking-in
time (except for late arrival due to strike or other industrial action).
3. Any unlawful act or criminal proceedings of any person on whom
the holiday plan depends, other than witness summons, jury N.B. This Policy will only pay for a claim made under either Section 20,
service or compulsory quarantine of You. 22 or 24 for the same event but not for more than one of the Sections.
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Once You postpone the Trip and a claim is made under Section 21 for SECTION 24- FLIGHT DIVERSION
Travel Postponement, the Policy will terminate immediately. In the event of travelling on a scheduled flight whereby Your flight is
diverted due to:
No benefit will be payable under Section 21 for loss arising from: (a) adverse weather
(b) emergency medical treatment for a fellow passenger
1. Government regulations or act, delay or amendment of the
booked itinerary, or failure in provision of any part of the booked which prevents You from continuing Your Trip and is delayed from
holiday (including error, omission or default) by the provider of any arriving at the planned destination, We shall pay You $100 for each
service forming part of the booked holiday as well as of the agent continuous six (6) hour period, up to the Benefit Limit.
or tour operator through whom the holiday was booked. You must obtain a written verification from the operator(s) of the
Common Carrier or their handling agent(s), stating the reason for the
2. Your disinclination to travel or Your financial circumstances. flight diversion, the scheduled time and actual time of arrival and the
scheduled time and actual time for departure of the next available
3. Any unlawful act or criminal proceedings of You or any person on Common Carrier.
whom the holiday plan depends, other than witness summons,
jury service or compulsory quarantine of You. N.B. This Policy will only pay for a claim made under either Section 20,
22 or 24 for the same event but not for more than of the Sections.
4. Any illness or disease, Pre-Existing Medical Condition,
compulsory quarantine, strike or other industrial action, riot or civil
commotion not assuming the proportions of or amounting to an SECTION 25- INSOLVENCY OF TRAVEL AGENCY
uprising, military or usurped power, hijack, adverse weather We shall pay up to the Benefit Limit for loss of any irrecoverable travel
condition or Travel Alert existing at the time of application for this deposits for transport and/or accommodation costs paid in advance by
insurance. You in the event of necessary and unavoidable cancellation of the
whole Trip by You arising from the Insolvency of a registered NATAS
5. Failure to notify the travel agent, tour operator or provider of Travel Agent.
transport or accommodation immediately after it is found
necessary to cancel or curtail the travel arrangement. EXCLUSIONS APPLICABLE TO SECTION 25
6. The covered events if this Policy is purchased less than three (3) No benefit will be payable under Section 25 for loss arising from:
days prior to the commencement of the scheduled Trip.
1. Loss that is covered by any other existing insurance scheme,
7. Loss that is covered by any other existing insurance scheme, government program or that it will be paid or refunded by a hotel,
government program or that it will be paid or refunded by a hotel, Common Carrier, travel agent or any other provider of travel
Common Carrier, travel agent or any other provider of travel and/or and/or accommodation.
2. Insolvency that occurred before the purchase of Your Policy.
N.B. This Policy will only pay for a claim made under either Sections
18, 21 or 25 for the same event but not for more than one of the 3. Government regulations or control whether it’s caused directly or
Sections. indirectly.
4. If this Policy is purchased less than three (3) days prior to the
SECTION 22- TRAVEL MISCONNECTIONS commencement of the scheduled Trip.
In the event that You miss Your confirmed onward travel connection at 5. Cancellation by the Common Carrier or any other provider of the
the transfer point due to the late arrival of Your incoming connecting travel and/or accommodation.
scheduled Common Carrier and no onward transportation is available
for You within six (6) consecutive hours of Your arrival time, We shall 6. The use for any air miles, holiday points, membership or credit
pay You $100 for each continuous six (6) hour period, up to the card redemption You use to pay for all or part of Your Trip.
Benefit Limit.
7. Prepaid or non-refundable expenses for unused local excursions,
You must obtain a written verification from the operator(s) of the tours, seminars, courses, theatre shows, theme parks, sporting
Common Carrier or their handling agent(s), stating the reason for the events, concerts and any other charges not relating to transport
travel misconnection, the scheduled time and actual time of arrival and and accommodation.
the scheduled time and actual time for departure of the next available
Common Carrier. N.B. This Policy will only pay for a claim made under either Section 18,
21 or 25 for the same event but not for more than one of the Sections.
N.B. This Policy will only pay for a claim made under either Section 20,
22 or 24 for the same event but not for more than one of the Sections.
In the event that You are denied from boarding a confirmed scheduled SECTION 26- PERSONAL LIABILITY
flight as indicated on the travel ticket due to over-booking whilst We will indemnify You against legal liability to a third party, up to the
travelling out of Singapore and no alternative transportation is made Benefit Limit, arising outside Singapore and during the Period of
available to You within six (6) consecutive hours of the boarding time Insurance as a result of:
indicated on the travel ticket, We shall pay You $100 for each
continuous six (6) hour period, up to the Benefit Limit. (a) accidental Bodily Injury to a third party; or
You must obtain a written verification from the operator(s) of the (b) accidental loss of or damage to property belonging to a third
Common Carrier or their handling agent(s), stating that You were party.
denied from boarding a confirmed scheduled flight due to over-booking.
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We will also indemnify You for the third party's costs and expenses We shall have the right to opt to make payment, reinstate or repair any
recoverable against You and Your costs and expenses incurred with damaged article subject to due allowance of wear and tear and
Our prior consent. depreciation.
1. Property belonging to You or in Your care, custody or control. 2. Loss due to use of any key or duplicate thereof irrespective of
whether such key belongs to You or not.
2. Employers' liability, contractual liability or liability to a member of
Your family. 3. Loss caused or facilitated by the reckless or willful act of You or
Your family members.
3. Any willful, malicious or unlawful act.
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Period of Coverage (Not Premium Refund (% of 12. Data Privacy
Exceeding) Annual Premium) It is hereby declared that as a condition precedent to Our liability,
2 months 60% You have agreed that any personal information in relation to You
provided by or on behalf of You to Us may be held, used and
3 months 50%
disclosed to enable Us or individuals / organisations associated
4 months 40% with Us or any independent third party (within or outside of
5 months 30% Singapore) to:
6 months 20%
(a) process and assess the Insured’s application or any matter
Exceeding 6 months 0% arising from the Certificate of Insurance and any other
application for insurance cover and/or
4. Addition of Insured Person (Applicable to Annual Multi-Trip
Policy Only) (b) provide all services related to this Policy.
No person added to any group in the Certificate of Insurance shall
be covered under this Policy unless such person is specifically 13. Subrogation
named as Insured Person and evidenced by a written endorsement You shall at Our expense do and concur in doing and permit to be
to this Policy. Additional premium will be charged for each done all such acts and things as may be necessary or reasonably
additional Insured Person included under this Policy after the required by Us for the purpose of enforcing any rights and remedies
commencement of the Period of Insurance or at the time of renewal or of obtaining relief or indemnity from other parties to which We
of the Policy. shall be or would become entitled to or subrogated upon its paying
for or making good any loss destruction or damage under this
5. Duty of Care Policy whether such acts and things shall be or become necessary
You must exercise reasonable care to prevent Accidents, Bodily or required before or after their indemnification by Us.
Injury, Sickness, loss or damage.
14. Payment Before Cover Warranty
6. Other Insurance (a) Notwithstanding anything herein contained but subject to
If at the time any claim arises under this Policy there is any other clause (b) hereof, it is hereby agreed and declared that the
insurance policy effected by or on behalf of You with other total premium due must be paid and actually received in full
insurance company covering the same loss, damage, expenses by Us (or the intermediary through whom this Policy was
or liability, We shall not be liable to pay or contribute more than its effected) on or before of the inception date (“the inception
ratable proportion of any claim for such loss, damage, expense or date”) of the coverage under the Policy, Renewal Certificate
liability. This condition is not applicable to Section 10. or Cover Note.
7. Recovery From Other Sources (b) In the event that the total premium due is not paid and actually
If at the time any claim arises under this Policy, You are able to received in full by Us (or the intermediary through whom this
seek recovery to be paid or refunded by other sources, including Policy was effected) on or before the inception date referred
but not limited to government program, a hotel, Common Carrier, to above, then the Policy, Renewal Certificate, Cover Note
travel agent or any other provider of travel and/or accommodation, and Endorsement shall not attach and no benefits whatsoever
for the same loss, damage, expenses or liability covered under shall be payable by Us. Any payment received thereafter shall
this Policy, We shall not be liable to pay or contribute more than be of no effect whatsoever as cover never attached on the
its ratable proportion of any claim for such loss, damage, expense Policy, Renewal Certificate or Cover Note.
or liability.
15. Payments of Benefits
8. Fraud, Misstatement or Concealment All benefits payable under this Policy shall be paid to You or Your
Any fraud, misstatement or concealment in respect of this legal representative or Your beneficiary (if any), or otherwise to
insurance or of any claim hereunder shall render this Policy null Your estate in the event of death. Any payment made by Us in
and void and any benefit due hereunder shall be or become accordance with this condition shall in all cases be deemed final
forfeited. and a complete discharge of all Our liability.
9. Arbitration 16. Renewal of Your Policy
If there is any dispute as to the amount to be paid under this Policy (Applicable to Annual Multi-Trip Policy Only)
(liability being otherwise admitted) such dispute shall be This Policy will be automatically renewed by Us on the expiry date
determined by arbitration in accordance with the statutory of the Period of Insurance shown in the Certificate of Insurance
provisions on arbitration for the time being in force. It is hereby with no renewal notice given to You that the Policy is due for
expressly stipulated that it shall be a condition precedent to any renewal upon satisfaction of the following:
right of action or suit upon this Policy that an arbitration award shall
be first obtained. a) Payment of the premium under General Condition 14;
Unless any such action or suit be commenced within six (6) months b) There is no prior written notice of cancellation given in
of the making of an award We shall not be liable to make any accordance with General Condition 3 before the expiry date
payment in excess of the amount of the award. of the Period of Insurance shown in the Certificate of
Insurance; and
10. Governing Law
Any interpretation of this Policy relating to its construction, validity c) The Policy has not been otherwise terminated
or operation shall be made in accordance with the Laws of
Singapore. No renewal policy will be issued and the current Policy that You
hold is the evidence of valid cover, unless otherwise notified.
11. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act
A person who is not a party to this Policy contract shall have no Before renewal of this Policy, You must notify Us of any Sickness,
right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act to enforce or physical impairment or infirmity of which You have become
any of its terms. aware of during the preceding Period of Insurance.
TR101607 Page 10 of 12
CLAIMS CONDITIONS 8. Flying or other aerial activities except travelling as a fare paying
(Applicable to the whole Policy) passenger in a properly licensed, regular scheduled commercial
airline operating between established and licensed commercial
1. Written notice of Accidents, or any other events which may give airports.
rise to a claim under this Policy shall be given to Us within thirty
(30) days of the Accident and/or event. You shall at Your own 9. Rafting or canoeing involving white water rapids, bungee jumping,
expense supply Us with full particulars in writing of the loss or jet skiing, underwater activities involving artificial breathing
damage and give all necessary information, documents, evidence apparatus, ski racing, backcountry skiing or off-piste skiing, ski
and assistance as We may reasonably require for investigating or jumping, hang gliding, parasailing, the use of bobsleigh or skeleton,
verifying a claim. hunting, pot-holing, mountaineering or rock climbing that ordinarily
requires the use of ropes or guides.
2. Except with Our written consent, You shall not make any promise,
offer, payment or admission of liability to a third party in respect 10. Underwater activities involving artificial breathing apparatus. This
of any third party claim. We shall be entitled to conduct all exclusion does not apply to leisure scuba diving under the
proceedings arising out of or in connection with claims in Your supervision of a qualified diving instructor or if You hold a PADI
name and to instruct solicitors of Our own choice for this purpose. certification and diving no exceeding thirty (30) metres,
You shall give such information and assistance as We may
require from time to time. 11. Manual work of any kind unless You have informed Us when
applying for the insurance and it is accepted by Us in writing.
3. We shall have full discretion in the conduct, of any proceedings or
the settlement of any claim. 12. Taking part in expeditions or the crewing of a vessel from one
country to another or engaging in active service in the armed forces
4. In the event of Your death, We shall have the right, at Our own of any nation.
expense, to conduct a post mortem.
13. (a) war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike
GENERAL EXCLUSIONS operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, mutiny,
(Applicable to the whole Policy) rebellion, revolution, insurrection, conspiracy, civil commotion
assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising,
Unless otherwise expressly stated or extended in the Policy, this Policy military or usurped power; or
does not insure any destruction of or damage to any property or any
consequential loss or any legal liability or any Bodily Injury, illness or (b) any act of terrorism.
disease and death to any person directly or indirectly caused by, or
contributed to, or arising from: For the purpose of this exclusion an act of terrorism means an act,
including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the
1. Any kind of race or sport where You are being engaged in a threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting
professional capacity or where You would or could earn any alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or
remuneration, donation, sponsorship, award or certificate of any government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or
kind from engaging in such kind of sport, racing other than on foot, similar purposes including the intention to influence any
motor rallies and competitions, aviation other than as a fare- government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in
paying passenger in a licensed aircraft operated by a recognized fear.
This endorsement also excludes loss, damage, cost or expense of
2. Suicide or attempted suicide, willful self-inflicted injury, pregnancy, whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from
miscarriage, childbirth or abortion and their complications or or in connection with any action taken in controlling, preventing,
fertility, sub-fertility or assisted conception operation, under the suppressing or in any way relating to (a) and/or (b) above.
influence of intoxicating liquor or the use of drugs or medications If We allege that by reason of this exclusion, any loss, damage,
(other than taken under a prescription by a Registered Medical cost or expense is not covered by this insurance the burden of
Practitioner and not for the treatment of drug addiction), proving the contrary shall be upon You.
volunteered exposure to needless peril (except in an attempt to
save human life), infectious disease, venereal disease, HIV 14. Nuclear weapons material or ionizing radiation or contamination by
(Human Immuno Deficiency Virus) and/or any HIV related illness radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from
including AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and/or the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this Exception,
any mutant derivatives or variations of this however caused. combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear
3. You proceeding with the Trip against the advice of a Registered
Medical Practitioner. 15. (a) permanent or temporary dispossession resulting from
confiscation nationalisation commandeering or requisition by
4. You engaging in naval, military, air force, civil defence or Police any lawfully constituted authority and/or
services or operations, testing of any kind of conveyance, being
employed as a manual worker, whilst engaged in off-shore or in (b) permanent or temporary dispossession of any property
mining, aerial photography or handling of explosives, ammunitions resulting from the unlawful occupation or possession of such
or firearms. property by any person
5. Any Pre-Existing Medical Condition of Yours. provided that We are not relieved of any liability to You in
respect of physical damage to the property insured occurring
6. Mental and nervous or sleep disorders, including but not limited to before dispossession or during temporary dispossession which
insanity or any diagnosed psychological or psychiatric disorder, is otherwise covered by this Policy
anxiety or depression.
(c) the destruction of property by order of any public authority
7. Any willful, malicious, criminal or unlawful acts committed by You
and/or any person acting on Your behalf. In any action suit or other proceeding where We allege that by
reason of the provisions above any loss destruction or damage is
TR101607 Page 11 of 12
not covered by this insurance the burden of proving that such loss Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd
destruction or damage is covered shall be upon You. 112 Robinson Road #13-03
HB Robinson Singapore 068902
16. Property damage covered under this Policy shall mean physical
damage to the substance of property. Telephone : (65) 6327 8878
Fax : (65) 6327 8488
Physical damage to the substance of property shall not include Email : [email protected]
damage to data or software, in particular any detrimental change Website :
in data, software or computer programs that is caused by a
deletion, a corruption or a deformation of the original structure. Important – Please remember to quote Your Policy number / reference
in Your Communication.
Consequently the following are excluded from this Policy:
IMPORTANT – You are requested to read this Policy. If any error or
(a) Loss of or damage to data or software, in particular any misdescription be found, the Policy should be returned to the issuing
detrimental change in data, software or computer programs office for correction
that is caused by a deletion, a corruption or a deformation of
the original structure, and any business interruption losses
resulting from such loss or damage. Notwithstanding this
exclusion, loss of or damage to data or software which is the
direct consequence of insured physical damage to the
substance of property shall be covered.
The Policy does not insure loss or damage to property, which is already
specifically insured under other policies of insurance
HL Assurance Pte. Ltd. will make every effort to provide a high level of
service expected by all Our policyholders. If on any occasion Our
service falls below the standard of Your expectation, the procedure
below explains what You can do:
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