13 - Chapter 4
13 - Chapter 4
13 - Chapter 4
IS code procedures.
decision process, such as the reservoir storage, inflow, and release are
Let Qt represent the inflow into the reservoir during any time
class intervals. Any value within the range of a class interval can be
class interval for inflow during the time period t . Thus Qit is the
" j" be the index for representing the class interval in the time period
the time period t is S t can be descritised. Let the indices "k " and "l"
represent the class intervals for the storage at the beginning of time
Rkilt S kt Qit S lt 1 Et
squared deviations from the target storage and target release. The
Chandra mouli & Umamahesh (2003) proposed and used the following
objective function.
Minimize E W1 Rt TRt W2 S t TS t
2 2
i.e., to minimize the expected sum of the weighted squared
deficit and excess deviations from a target release and target storages
in each time period t . Where TR t and TS t are the target release and
t . The weight factor for release ( W1 ) equal to 0.7 and the weight factor
for storage ( W 2 ) equal to 0.3 are fixed by IWS (1994), after considering
the reservoir as a multi purpose reservoir. Since this is the rule for
period t , given that in period t the initial storage volume and inflow
Ft n (k , i ) Min W1 Rt TRT W2 S t TS T Pijt * Ft n11 l , j
2 2
Above equation is solved recursively, until a steady state
Perform recursion
2 2
Ft n (k , i ) Min W1 Rt TRT W2 S t TS 2 Pijt * Ft n11 l , j
No j
next cycle
Optimize benefit for remaining stages
No Converge
Fig. 4.1 Flowchart for SDP model Formatted: Font: Bookman Old Style,
11 pt
For the given initial storage and inflow, the optimal final storage
from the operating policy has been developed. In the present study,
equation as below.
Rkilt S kt Qit S lt 1 Et
For the next time period, the final storage in this time period will be
the initial storage and the rest of the procedure will be repeated for all
policy itself does not indicate how the system would actually perform.
Define years
Fig. 4.2. Flowchart for simulation Formatted: Font: Bookman Old Style,
11 pt
calculated as
R is satisfactory
a P t 1
Rt is unsatisfactory
Water Development Division has played an active role during the past
requirements (IWR) from climatic and crop data. The programme also
crop & cropping pattern of SLBC command area and flow chart is
ETc K c * ET0
K c is crop coefficient
characteristics and increases over the growing season with the growth
values show wide variations as the wet soils after rain or irrigation will
show high evaporation rates, decreasing rapidly with the drying of the
soil surface. Average values for the crop coefficients is enough for
consists of:
No 56
revise the procedures introduced in ID paper no. 24. The need for
Penman equation.
demand, results in reduced water content in the soil. When full crop
water requirement is not met, water deficit in the plant can develop to
loss and water stress and if soil and plant water content is not
therefore develop into reduced crop growth, and crop development and
yields may be affected depending on the extent of the water deficit and
deficit affects development, growth and yield varies with crop and crop
crop yield when crop stress was caused by a shortage of soil water
1 K y 1 a
Ym ETc
value depends on the crop and vary over the growing season according
to growth stage.
Input irrigation
Management basic data
Cropping Pattern
Input each crop’s planted area, date of planting
C and harvest date within an irrigation scheme
Irrigation Schedule
Five options to choice:
B 1. Defined times, date, depth by users
2. Irrigation at percentage of soil moisture depletion (% RAM)
3. Irrigation at fixed intervals per stage
4. Irrigation at given ET or yield reduction
5. No irrigation, only rainfall
No irrigation
results or not
Yes cropping
pattern or not?
Printout irrigation
Fig. 4.3 Flowchart for CROPWAT model Formatted: Font: Bookman Old Style,
11 pt
the details for the layout and design of these structures and important
hills, and others. In that case, the head regulator may have to be
located upstream near the periphery of the pond, but not very far from
the barrage axis, so as to reduce the quantity of silt entering the canal
and also to avoid back flow and formation of stagnant zones in the
of the undersluice gates and the canal regulator gates. A typical layout
Hydraulic design
Pond level
The pond level in the under sluice pocket upstream of the canal
the canal design discharge through the regulator with the water level
in the canal at full supply level, and the head losses in the regulator.
full supply level should be fixed by subtracting the working head from
The sill, crest level and waterway are interrelated. The sill level
should be fixed by subtracting from the pond level the head over the
sill that is required to pass the full supply discharge into the canal at
a specified pond level. To obtain control on the entry of silt into the
canal it is desirable that the sill of the head regulator be kept higher
crest level of the sill should be kept at about 0.5 m higher than the
formula, which is meant for flow that is uncontrolled (with out any
gate control).
Q Cd Le H e 2
discharge Q, in meters
(refer Figure 4.8) such as head above sill, shape and width of sill (W),
upstream slope (Zu) and downstream slope (ZD) of the sill, height
but for Z1=0 and Z2=2 is shown in Figure 4.8. Different sets of curves
are available for Z1=0 and Z2=3, the details of which may be found in
Lt = Le + 2(N Kp + Ka) He +W
be provided with the splays ranging from 3:1 to 5:1 (Figure 4.10). All
the impervious floor beyond which they should be flared from vertical
dissipation arrangements
sheet pile) has to be provided and taken to the same depth as the
level on the upstream (in the pool), the discharges through the head
regulator have to be worked out. From these values, the cistern levels
chute blocks, friction blocks, end sill or dentated sill, and others could
gradient line. This will be taken as the unbalanced head for which
Where d1 and d2 are the conjugate depths at the beginning and end of
The exit gradient for the upward rising seepage flow just
economic studies.
worked out for the floor length decided to ensure safe exit gradient. If
Also, the uplift pressures at the key points on the floor have to
condition of a high flood level in the river at the upstream of the head
regulator and with the gates of the regulator all closed and no water in
depth of scour below bed level determined from Lacey‘s formula. This
material like stone chips. The graded inverted filter may range in
design criteria:
that x % soil grains are smaller than that particle size where x may be
15% or 85%. Downstream of the inverted filter, loose apron 1.5D long
4.4.2 Tunnel
various situations.
high internal pressure, but does not have good quality of rock and/or
most suitable.
base for constructional ease and change over to circular section with
be expressed in terms of the ratio; k , where k = non dimensional
conduit. The position of the free surface indicating the depth of flow is
' Pk ' is non dimensionalized with reference to ' H ' , where as the area of
Pk A a A /H2 R
pk , ak k2 , rk k k k
H H pk Pk / H H
1 2 1
Discharge through the tunnel Q AR 3 S 2
are unlined canals flowing through other types of natural material like
silty clay, but formal guidelines are yet to be brought out on their
for other types as well after analyzing prototype data from few such
canals is more complex since here the bed slope cannot be determined
slope, more than which the velocity of the flowing water would start
eroding the particles of the canal bed as well as banks. The problem
becomes further complicated if the water entering the canal from the
would start depositing on the bed and banks of the canal. Maximum
When compared with the design process typically used for lined
channel design process results from the fact that in such channels
the properties of the material which composes the bed and sides of the
design velocity does not exceed Vmax for that soil and the channel side
Step 6: Add a proper free board. Modify the section for practicality.
1 2 1
Q AR 3 S 2
Q f n, D, S , B, m
Where m is the side slope
for design of lined canals and guidelines for selection of type of lining‖
Hydraulic Radius R
1 2 1
Discharge Q AR 3 S 2